Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> Bangla News Today 17 November 2017 Jamuna Tv News Bangladesh Latest News Today Tv News - Duration: 11:23.


👑👑 [Afro-House] - Dotorado Pro - GUITAR - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Afro-House] - Dotorado Pro - GUITAR - Duration: 3:16.


Jared/Jensen- Si no fueran actores (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Jared/Jensen- Si no fueran actores (Subtitulado español) - Duration: 2:50.


Increase Your Video Views on YouTube feat. Transcriptive (Part 3) - Duration: 4:14.

Hey everybody it's Premiere Gal here.

And welcome to the final video of

the three-part Digital Anarchy

Transcriptive video series.

In this series you've learned how to use

Transcriptive to auto-transcribe

video interviews and videos

inside of your timeline.

And in the second part of the

series you will learned how you can

use transcriptive to ultimately

edit faster and improve and

optimize your workflow.

And in this video you're going to

learn how you can use transcriptive

to actually get your video of

more views by enhancing the SEO

through captions.

So before we dive in I just want

to remind you if you want to get

a two week free trial just e-mail

All right so let's go ahead and

dive in.

I'm going to show you how you can up

your SEO game.

In my timeline here, I have a video I already posted

on social media and YouTube about

me going freelance and I want to

add captions to them.

So rather than transcribe the

full video by hand I use

transcriptive in Premiere Pro

to automatically create a


Now all I have to do is click on

export as a .SRT file and

save it to my local drive.

Now on the YouTube video settings

I would click on subtitles CC menu

and select Add new

subtitles or close captions.

Here I can select the language

and choose "upload a file"

From here I'll select subtitles file

and choose the srt file from my

local hard drive.

So once the .srt file is

uploaded to your YouTube video

that becomes part of the metadata

at the video that's included in

Google's search engine.

So all the words are part of

Google's search.

In addition to all the keywords

that you add manually to your

videos metadata all of the text

from the transcript is now


What this does is improve your

search engine optimization.

Meaning that if people are

searching for particular types of

things online and it's related to

your content your video will

appear in that search when they

search for those key words.

You can also do the same for

Facebook as well.

Simply click on edit video then

under captions choose upload

SRT file and hit save.

Not only will this make your

video accessible, adding captions

to your video can also improve

your viewership.

Most of the time people watch

Facebook videos with the sound

turned off so including captions

benefits your viewership.

Lastly let's say you want to burn

the captions into the video


Back in Premiere Pro simply

import the closed captioning and

filed the .SRT into your

project panel. Then drag and drop

the file

on top of your video in the

sequence then you can reposition

the captions using the effects

controls and if you want.

You can also change some

stylization such as the color in

the font using the captioning


Then when you go up to file to

export your video from the export

settings window just select the

captions tab and make sure that

the burn captions into your video is selected.

This is a very popular way to do

captions for Facebook video as

the user does not have the choice

to turn them on or off.

They're always there.

So that concludes our three part

video series

on Transcriptive. I hope that it

shed light on some of the useful

tools that it can give you to

ultimately improve your workflow

and improve the way that your

video is viewed and shared online.

If you have any further questions

about Transcriptive please don't

hesitate to leave a comment below.

Also if you guys want to

subscribe to my channel just go

ahead and hit that button right

over there and it will notify you

when I make new video productions

every week and down there

you can click on that button to head over to to leave me a

monthly tip to help me make more videos

like this on my channel. And down

there you can click on the next click on a button to head over a

button to learn something new.

Thanks again, bye!

For more infomation >> Increase Your Video Views on YouTube feat. Transcriptive (Part 3) - Duration: 4:14.





It Takes 2 To Tango - Fight of the Living Dead: Paradise Calls (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:10.

Announcer: Previously on

"Fight Of The Living Dead: Paradise Calls"...

( screaming )

Oh, my God, I got destroyed.

Subjects risked death

to begin the SkyPole repair process.

This is it.

Power has been restored.


The team suffered its first casualty.

( screaming )

( zombie munching )

Later, subjects defied ConOp directive,

discovering Branch 4 sympathizers

in the badlands.

( music playing )

( zombies groaning )

Miles: We had a very early--

or late/early morning,

last-- yesterday-- today.

And now we are up and back at it again.

I don't know if y'all can tell.

They don't give us no razors, you know,

so if someone, like me,

has a beard...

P.A.: While ConOp is aware

that SkyPole restoration is priority,

satellite communication issues

have prevented relay

of next steps from ConOp Central.

Thank you for your cooperation.

And please continue to hold.

ConOp is just playing games right now.

They're not being responsive.

We're trying to go on to the next mission,

but they're, like, busy doing something else.

I have no idea.

This is fun.

I am so high energy,

and I just wanna go, go, go, go, go.

And we're sitting there,

and, like, you know someone's about to die,

so you're basically just, like, waiting to die.

What happen to Goldilocks, guys?

Man: She left.

That's what I'm saying. I don't trust that bitch.

Wengie: So we wake up, Goldilocks is gone.

I kind of felt safe around her,

so I'm kind of worried.

Hopefully she comes back.

( alarm blaring )

P.A.: Attention. Attention.

Howler on the loose on the premises.

- Howler on the loose. - Repeat.

Howler on the loose on the premises.

Oh, gang, gang, I'm ready. Let's go.

Man: Oh, shit.

( growling )

( growling )

Guard: I need backup!

Karina: That howler looks

exactly like the one that took down De'arra.

There is no way I'm going out there.

- ( man screaming ) - ( zombie munching )

( man screams )

We are in ( bleep ) danger, girl.

Ken: The guard got killed,

and we did not know what to do.

- No. - Yeah.


Hannah: I feel like the zombies

are out to get everybody.

They're making me so nervous.

( over radio ) Hey, humans, it's DJ.

Man: Listen. DJ.

That guard was killed by a howler,

ConOps most dangerous and violent necrotic bioform.

You guys have to get the guard's air horn

because it's a great tool to use against them.

- Jake: Um... - Juanpa: Should be on his waist.

- The howler is there still. - That's what I'm saying.

Somebody's gonna need to distract him.

( zombie grunting )

This is called a sketchy mission.

I think we need the horn.

Someone needs to go like, "Hey! Hey! Hey!

No, I'll distract him. I got a feel for this.

Yeah, someone needs to go out there and make noise

so that way the zombie gets away from him.

- Is it me and you, bro? - I guess.

- ( voice distorted on radio ) - I'm ready.

- I've been ready. - Always ready.

Jake and I were just ready to go.

We were, like, fired up for every mission.

It's game time.

Good energy.

I'll get his attention.

And I'll just shield him.

I trust Jake

more than anyone in the house that I'm with here now,

so anything him and I are thinking of,

we always bring to each other.

Do you want me to go on the stage?

- And then I'm gonna go on the... - Should I go first?

And we tend to get the job done.

Who's getting the horn?

I'll get the horn.

-This is so sketch. -It is sketch, bro.

( knocking reverberates )

( growls )

- Yeah, look, he's getting up. - Howler is moving.

Come on, you wanna.

I got some food, bro.

( growling )

You hungry?

Wanna eat?

Miles: You can just go in there and grab it.

You gotta be careful for that guard, though.


Come on, come on, come on. He's coming back.

- Yeah, he's coming round the side. - Come back. You're good.

You're good.

Come on, come on. Come on.

He's coming.

Get the door ready. Get the door ready.

Woman: They're right here. They're right here.

Come, come, coming. Open it, open it.


Nice job, guys.

We weren't scared of no zombie up in our face.

- We just shoot zombies all day. - That's right.

Woman: Come back here, guys?

Just have to bug back, man.

( air horn blows )

- ( zombies growling ) - Goddamn, that's ( bleep ) loud.

So DJ told us the horn

is supposed to, like, knock the howler on its ass.

And it did.

I feel like Branch 4 has our back

way more than ConOp.

- Woman: Me, too. - Everything, everywhere.

Soaking wet. I was like, "What the ( bleep )?"

The desert heat is crazy here.

It's definitely more comfortable at night.

Feels like Ohio, bro,

like a muggy summer day.

Miles: It's ( bleep ) hot.

Hot as shit.

I had to wash my body

with Wet Wipes today.

Karina: So at this point we're following Branch 4's requests.

ConOp is kind of out of the picture right now,

and I'm thinking, ConOp is watching everything we're doing.

They're gonna know what's going down.

So I don't know where this is headed,

but it's not good.

P.A.: Attention, subjects.

ConOp would like to reward your patience

and continued compliance

with a delicious gesture of good will.

Please select a team

to retrieve the blue cooler

from the oasis.

Be advised

that many taskers remain offline.

In case of emergency,

remember the phrase, "It takes two to tango."

From all of us at ConOp, thank you.

- Oasis, snacks. - It's your calling.

The weirdest mission yet.

They end it by saying, "It takes two to tango,

so we have to go get this food,

and there's these two taskers out there,

and they're dancing.

We have to go to the van over there.

- There's food. - It's getting lunch but distracting them.

No, I don't think so. We don't know what it is.

Anwar: Jake, he wanted to go out on every mission.

I'm like, "Yo, we need you.

Calm down. Let's think about it. Let's strategize this."

I feel like he just needed to be our savior all the time.

It just means they want two people out there.

So either go in twos or fours.

You four.

I'll go.

Damn. All right, Ken.

( zombies growling )

Man: Yo, this is so weird.

I don't see anything.

I don't see anything.

Now I'm starting to feel like it's getting a little serious.

We're fighting for food,

so it's getting a little competitive now.

Oh, there's the cooler right there.

Pick this up. Pick this up.

No. They're not following.

P.A.: Tasker order failure.

Compliance status dropping,

now at 75%.

Jake: So what didn't make sense to me

is that we turned on the power to get the taskers online

so they wouldn't attack us,

but then they kept on announcing

that the taskers were less and less online.

( zombies grunting )

I'm just looking at Jake dancing with the zombies.

He's, like, trying to conduct them.

It means two to tango. Two are tangoing.

Two are dancing.

Oh, it takes two to tango, man.

Come on. Just get it.

Just grab these things.

- Yo, yo, guys need some help? - Watch your back, watch your back.

Need some help? Need some help?

I was the one who found out what "two for tango" meant.

We had to dance with them to distract them

to get the food.

This is heavy. I need your help.

( zombies growling )

- We got it, we got it, we got it. - Get it, get it, get it.

- Yo, this is heavy. - Other side.

Come on, get it up.

- Go, go, go, go, go. - Go, go, go.

- Watch it. - Watch out. He's running. He's running.

- ( zombie growling ) - Run! Run!

Run, guys!

( growling )

Ken: Hey, me and you are gonna dance.

Let Tony grab it, all right?

Hey, Tony, there's one right there.

( zombie growling )

Watch out, Juanpa!

Woman: Jake, there's one.

( zombie growls )

Y'all are crazy!

Go! Go, go, go, go...

Go! Go!

Go, go, go, go, go...

Woman: Oh, my God.

We're missing Anthony and Jake and Ken,

and Anwar went out there.

Ken, Ken, Ken. Ken, Ken, Ken.

( woman squeal )

Uh, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake...

Here's Anthony. Anthony.

Here, open it.

Get out, get out, get out of the way, bro.

Get out of the way, bro.

- Jake: Everything was going right.

We were killing it.

And everything happened so fast.

And I'm like, "Oh, snap, where's Anwar?"

Woman: Anwar, Anwar. Anwar.

Open the door! Open the door!

Woman: Anwar, Anwar! Anwar!

( woman screaming )

( screaming )

Juanpa: Oh, my God, that was crazy.

I saw there was, like, the hands of the zombies

going like... ( makes whooshing sounds )

And I was, like, "Yo, Anwar's gonna die."

But, thank God, Hannah was there,

I was there,

and we were able to rescue him.

- Ooh-ah. - Anwar: I don't know what happened.

In my mind I'm thinking,

Oh, ( bleep ), we're not eating today,

but teamwork, baby.

We got that fridge in.

We have Red Bull, juice,


Guess what?

It was worth it.


P.A.: Attention, subjects.

ConOp apologizes

for the brief lapse in communication

while adjusting our security protocols

following the guard incident earlier today.

In order to help us get the SkyPole back online,

we need you to retrieve

the all-access bracelet

from the tasker control room.

Thank you.

We were given wrist bands

during the very beginning of this competition.

Turns out that they actually open doors

and unlock things,

and they are useful,

so the only pass we didn't have

was an all-access pass.

So what spot are we going to?

The Airstream.

What do we know about that spot?

We need a certain bracelet?

- Woman: Yeah, crew. - Juanpa: Who has crew?

Anthony, Anwar, and Wengie.

Wengie: So I was really scared.

Hopefully I'm gonna stay close to my team,

and they're gonna protect me.

Juanpa: All right, let's go.

You got this.

Trigger Rick, you got it!

Oh, mighty slick, I'm feelin' good!

Yo, squad. You ready?

( zombies groaning )

All right, yo.

I suggest you move a little bit faster. Over.

He needs to turn that shit back on.

Man: Watch out, Wengie.

Oh, shit, he's coming.

( zombie growling )

Okay, we're good. Relax.

There's someone in here with us.

Oh, shit.

How's he looking?

Here they come.

Anthony: General announcements, very vague.

Doesn't really go into detail what we're supposed to do.

Just gives us, go get the bracelet,

so it's difficult figuring that out.

Man: What are we looking for?

Wengie: Bracelet. All-access bracelet.

There's a zombie coming on the other side, but--

One zombie on the other side.

( growling )

Oh, my gosh, there's, like, nowhere to hide.

Where are we gonna go?

There are so many places

the zombies can just come out of,

so I was, like, literally so freaked out.

( growling )

( blows air horn )

( screams )

( blows air horn )

( screaming )

( zombie munching )

( screaming )

( screams )

- ( zombie growling ) - Go! Go! Go!


( screaming )

Go back, go back.

- ( woman yelps ) - Let's go.

Honestly, the craziest shit I've ever seen

in my entire life, hands down.

This guy just, like, jumped right through the window,

like a frog.

They said something about an access pass.

There was no access-- all-access pass,

and I just know they wanted to kill one of us.

( bleep )

Where's Anthony?

Oh, my ( bleep ) God.

Oh, my God! Anwar!

Woman: Come on, you guys are good?

Come in, come in, come in.

Anwar, where's Anthony?

They got Anthony.

No, no, no, they don't.

- Juanpa: He's dead? - Anthony's dead.

- He's dead? - Yeah.

So someone got inside.

Yeah, through the window.

- There was an-- in the frickin truck. - The back window.

There was a crazy one. I was blowing the horn.

He just went crazy. And we just had to exit.

Ken: It's already gotten real, bro.

My amigo got killed,

and, like, I'ma come back,

and I'ma get those zombies

for my boy Tony.

Whoo! I'ma kill some zombies.

That's my boy!

That was so scary.

I-I don't even know how I'm gonna handle the rest of tonight.

This is only the beginning of the night,

like I don't--

I-I-I don't know.

It's fine. It's fine. We're good. We're good.

Let's-- Let's just stay positive,

stay strong.

So ( bleep ).

Dang. Sucks.

He's been like the best on the defense part.

What are we supposed to do?

Are we gonna survive?

( zombie snorts, growling )

I say our goal for today

is no more deaths.

Yes, second that.

Let's all have each other's back. Take it slow.

Let's come together as a team

and get through this.

We got it, guys!

- Man: Yeah! - ♪ Everywhere we go ♪

♪ People wanna know ♪

♪ Who we are ♪

♪ So we tell them ♪

♪ We are... ♪

♪ YouTubers ♪

Come on, bring it up there.

Hoo, ha, let's go. Hoo!

( radio crackles )

( over radio ): Humans, it's DJ.

ConOp's been trying to track my location.

I'm not sure when I'll be able to contact you again.

Watch your backs. They can't be trusted.

- ( radio crackles ) - Yeah, I don't know how this is gonna play out.

Can't trust ConOp.

And who's DJ?

And why are there two zombies

living on the outskirts of this perimeter?

Why are they so scared of ConOp?

That's actually a good point.

I need, like, answers.

We are trapped

in between two different entities.

ConOp and Branch 4.

We don't really have any way of verifying

which one is for us

and which one is against us.


P.A.: Attention, subjects.

Please prepare for ConOp check-in

regarding today's incident.

Thank you.

Attention, guests.

We apologize for the experience

of the last incident.

Program manager has informed me

that it was a mistake.

It was not to happen.

We'd like three of you to come with us now

so we can download about the experience.



and Martin.

Karina, please follow this gentleman.

Karina: This is so sketchy.

So what do we do?

You wait.

Karina: Why are we all separating?

Why are we separating?

Martin: I don't know.

Karina: Why are my friends going together somewhere else?

I don't know what's going on. I'm split from my team.

I should make a run for it,

but he also has me, like, gripped by the hand,

so I can't do anything at this point.

What the ( bleep )?

- Miles: I'm like... - How are you?

...what's going on? What the hell?

Who is this, though?

Yo, this is why we can't trust ConOp.

What's your name?

Eric, it's nice to meet you.

When did you get here?

Like ten minutes ago.

So I get here. I notice a few zombies.

And then I get locked up into a cage.

Guard: Over here. Thank you.

Oh, what the ( bleep )?

This is not...

- Tasker, stay. - What is going on?


That's Tooz.

ConOp got Tooz, y'all. That's him.

This is getting really sketchy.

Okay, they definitely know what's going on.

Thank you.

Juanpa: Okay, Anwar has the walkie.

Ask him who this guy is.

( radio crackles )

( whispering ) Anwar.


Who is that guy to your left?

Is he a YouTuber?

Anwar: Yes, it's Eric.

Eric: 1.6.

- 1.6 million. - No, 2.6. Sorry.

Anwar: 2.6.

Jake: I was double-checking. Thought it was an imposter.

Why are you in a cage?

I have no idea. We're held prisoners

for some reason. I don't know.

ConOp are supposedly protecting us.

There are no signs that they're trying to help us.

I think they're up to something.

You know what, ConOp? ( bleep ) you.

Where is Karina?

She's not with us.

Do you guys talk at all?

- ( zombie grunts ) - Oh, my God.

What is that on her back? ( bleep )

This is so sketchy.


They just took Miles.

Yeah, they're interrogating Miles.

What's your name?

- Miles. - Miles.

- Mm-Hmm. - Hello, Miles.


I'm just going to ask you a few questions.

- Mm-hmm. - Answer them

as honestly as you can.

For sure.

Karina: Hello?


What do you know about Branch 4?

What's Branch 4?

Why is there a timer?

"Human to tasker."

Tasker-- wait, what?

I think you know where Goldi is.

On the next "Fight Of Living Dead"...

- What did they ask? - Whether or not you wanna join ConOp?

- Do you wanna join? - Thinking about it.

Jake! Get the key! Get the key! Close it!

It's not here.

( zombies groaning )

We need more people. I'm down.

- What happened? - They're running away.

We had to make them chase us.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Keep going. Keep going.

( zombie snarls )

We have to get Jake.

( zombie growls )

For more infomation >> It Takes 2 To Tango - Fight of the Living Dead: Paradise Calls (Ep 3) - Duration: 24:10.


Dirty Bomb: Sniper and Shotgun Changes - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Sniper and Shotgun Changes - Duration: 3:32.


baston - Duration: 0:12.

For more infomation >> baston - Duration: 0:12.


BMW、ハイブリッド車と同じ名称を採用した電動アシスト自転車の最新モデルを発表! 価格は約45万円 | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> BMW、ハイブリッド車と同じ名称を採用した電動アシスト自転車の最新モデルを発表! 価格は約45万円 | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 3:36.


Какие существуют ниши для канала Youtube. Советы, как правильно выбрать нишу канала новичку. - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Какие существуют ниши для канала Youtube. Советы, как правильно выбрать нишу канала новичку. - Duration: 7:03.


オートバイ業界に参入するチャンス! 歴史ある「エクセルシャー・ヘンダーソン」のブランドと知的所有権がオークションに | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> オートバイ業界に参入するチャンス! 歴史ある「エクセルシャー・ヘンダーソン」のブランドと知的所有権がオークションに | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 4:29.


Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #62 - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #62 - Duration: 10:28.


Immunity Shot Taste Test - Duration: 4:38.

Are you going to tell me what it is or am I just drinking this?

Don't puke!


It smells like markers.

Aloe vera in it maybe?

Apple cider vinegar, which I'm hoping it's not.

Smells like vinegar.


Smells like apple cider vinegar!

Like vinegar and paint thinner.

I would put that into my car, not my body.

It smells like one of those smelly markers.

Is it drinkable?


Oh no...

It's like vinegar!

It kind of tastes like bile.

I have to drink the whole thing, or not?

No, I can't.

Not bad though!

Not bad!

Okay, it's not so bad.

That's fine.


It tastes like a warhead.

A little burny.

To be honest with you, this doesn't really agree with my dosha.

I've taken apple cider vinegar shots before and I feel like this is a way better version.

Alright, what do we have here...

I know what this is and I don't like it.

This smells really bad and I don't want to drink it.

It's a dangerous color.

It smells like lawn clippings.

I think it's kind of pretty, the green.

It's a pretty color but not to drink.

It looks like a wheatgrass shot.

It's wheatgrass and I hate wheatgrass.

Why is this worse than normal green juices?

It's really potent.

It really detoxifies your body.

Wheatgrass makes me want to throw up.

And one time I puked.

It looks like some stuff from the pool.

I don't want to do it!

It's sweet!

It's kind of sweet.

Oh, it's sweet.

Why is it so sweet?

It's sweet.

Yeah, but the after taste.

Literally, you've just bitten into your grass.

It is sweet but it's disgusting at the same time.

It's not bad at all, wheatgrass is not bad!

I taste gasoline.

I just imagine running around through the fields, in the grass!

I taste vomit.

I really just got sweetness.

I feel awake now.

I hate it!

I hate it so much.


I see some stuff inside.

Yeah, me too.

I'm not crazy about stuff inside.


The smell is quite nice actually.

Some type of seasoning, like a mix of Italian seasoning.


Not basil...

This smells like oil of oregano.


Oregano to cook with is so nice, but oil of oregano is spicy fire death.

Let's try it.


Wow, that's a lot going on in there.


I like the lemon taste.

Yeah, me too, but there's a lot of it.

There's a coldness in my mouth.

It tastes like cough syrup.

Almost sweet for a second but then you get this weird menthol kick.

Oh like menthol!

There's something else coming out...


That's what it is.

I'm into it.

I really like this one, but I don't know why.

Oh, this is ginger.





It smells very gingery.

I love ginger.

It's one of my favorite smells.

Hello lover...

I like ginger.

I think juiced ginger can be a little scary.

Oh wow.


This is more spicy.

Very gingery.


Oh my god!

It's really hot.

You can feel the heat traveling down.

That is so gross!

Do you taste bits of ginger?

This is like you grabbed the wrong pot in a Thai restaurant.

This reminds me of tom yum soup.

Why are you drinking that?

That is so gross!

It's really hot.

I feel pretty awake though.

I really am awake now!

What's making it like...

Tongue burning, throat burning.

I kind of like it actually in a sadistic way.

I think I'm into it though!

I don't want to play this game anymore.

I can't believe this made you throw up!

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