Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Health Tips in Kannada

Mane Maddu

Medicinal Benefits of Curry Leaves

For more infomation >> Health Tips in Kannada,ಕರಿಬೇವಿನ ಓಷಧೀಯ ಗುಣ, Medicinal Benefits of Curry Leaves,Mane Maddu - Duration: 2:47.


GUY EATS OCTOPUS ALIVE! | Reacting to Japanese Youtube | 日本のユーチューバー大好き! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:49.

No no no no no no no no no no no no..

Why would you do this?

Hello Internet, it's your best friend Rasmus and today -

- I'm reacting to YouTube videos from Japan..

In very short time, I will fly to Shanghai -

- and I'm super super excited..

After Shanghai, I'm going to Seoul in Korea, and then I'm going to Tokyo in Japan..

I'm going on like a tour of Asia, and I am.. I can't wait!

I really really can't wait..

I'm so excited..

The reason why I'm going is well, I just love Asian culture..

I love meeting new people, the history, the language, the..

Yeah, I just really really like asian food..

Oh, dumplings..

So I'm going to Asia, and in Asia I'm hopefully gonna -

- meet a bunch of cool youtubers and influencers from Japan, Korea and China..

- and uum..

- hopefully make some cool videos for you guys..

So if you like that kind of stuff.. well you should subscribe to this channel..

It's right down there and make sure to hit the bell..

The bell, cause that does something -

- I've heard in another YouTube video, so do that!

Okey dokey, so before leaving the kingdom of cheese, and hairy men aka Europe -

- I thought it would be a great idea to check out -

- what's poppin on the interwebs of Asia..

I mean, what's not and what's hot pot?

So I'm gonna react to some YouTube videos -

- and let's get this video sushi rolling..

My very good friend Anton he speaks fluent Japanese..

I know it's crazy, and it's very very cool!

So he found.. or he made a list of videos that I should watch..

Japanese YouTube videos and uhh..

- I've never seen them before..

I guess they're in Japanese -

- so I have no idea if they have like subtitles..

The first one is called "Babymetal"..

Good theme tune..


Okay, this is..

This is teenage girls playing a heavy metal..

It's like uuh..

These are like schoolgirls from hell..

Okay, this part is kind of catchy!

Okay, this is.. I like this..

I like the dance!

It's kind of working on me right now, but it's still super weird and it's super creepy..

It's like if the girl from Grudge had a band..

I really want to meet the fans of this..

I mean, how can you be so cute and so.. -

- deadly at the same time..

Okay, now it's creepy now..

Now..oh this is creeping me out..

This is creeping me out..

This video has 20 million views..

20 million views!

Wow they're really famous!

I want a CD with Babymetal..

I can't play it anywhere, but I mean I..

I want it!


Okay, this guy is called umm.. Megwin Tv..

- and the video is called "It is bitten by the crocodile of sharp fangs"

Waoh.. no no!

Wait, is this an alarm clock?

If this is an alarm clock, this is this is way too crazy..


It's the only word I know..

Don't put your finger in there!




Don't forget put your..

no no no no no don't!

Don't don't don't put your..

Wait okay, so this is a game?!

This is a game you play with yourself -

- which means that you're the only one who can lose..

This is not a good idea.

Aah, no!



Why would you do this?

I mean are you complete insane?

I don't know what to say..

I think this guy really really likes.. -

- bleeding from his fingers.

Let's move on to something else -

- that's not deadly scary..

Oi okay..

Is that an octopus?

No, whoa, okay Okay..

That's a real life octopus..

Is this.. is this his pet?

Oh my god, it looks disgusting..

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..

Is this guy gonna eat it?

Is this guy gonna eat it for real?

Wait, okay there's more..there like many..

I think he's gonna eat them..

I really think he's gonna eat them..

Okay, okay? He's cooking..

It's like a chicken. They still move after you cut off the head..

Oh, they're moving!

This.. I love octopus when it's cooked -

- but this looks.. kind of disgusting..

I'm sorry..

It's like worms..

No no no no no no..

Okay, you're gonna eat..

You're gonna eat the living octopus moving around, cause that is this just delicious..

Why would you do that?


Comment below, if you think I should try find this dish -

- while I'm in Japan and eat it..

Don't want to watch any more of this..

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no..

No, no!

Moving on..

Okay, what's this?

I feel like this is a song..

No, get away!

What the.. what is this for real?

Is.. is this some kind of aerobic?

What is this?

Do you watch this, to like practice the dance?

Is that it?

I have no idea why you would make this but I.. -

- I kind of love it. I kinda love it..

Okay, moving on, moving on..

This is called, "Machine which tits. Breasts grows as I walk,"..


Machine that makes your breasts bigger when you walk?


I know what is gonna go on now..

Why would you pick crocs of all shoes?

Why would you pick the most horrible shoe in the world?

I mean pick a sneaker.. some Nike..

Some good stuff..

What the fuck is going on?

Can I make..

I make my own tits..

This.. this is like her tits..

This is the weirdest thing I have seen so far..

Also the most awesome thing..

I am gonna lose the fish.. titties..

Say hello to your little friend..

Okay, bye!

Moving on, moving on -

- from fake tits to uuh..

I don't know what this is, so..

Go away ad!

I hate ads! I hate ads! I hate ads -

- but I mean please watch the ads on my video -

- 'cause that..

I make money from those so..

Okay, this guy's green..

He's an alien.. he's little alien da da da daa..

Why are they standing so awkward like -

- something is going on.

We are like robots. I don't know what to do..

*Robot sounds*

Okay, so they're in a green screen room..

Did they just kiss?

Okay, they're kissing..


That guy who's not green..

His hair is like a porcupine..

He's like..

What..what is this?

This is just so weird.. this is so weird..

I have no idea what this is about..

Okay so... We only have a few left..

Let's see.. come on give it to me.

Give it to me..

Check out his hair guys..

So since everything is in Japanese -

- I have no idea what's going on -

- so I'm just gonna move on a bit..

Let's see..

Oh, there's another guy!

So they're dying his hair..

Don't get in your eyes dude.


Why do you wash hair like that?

Why'd you get it all over your face?

That's not how you wash your hair!

You put it in.. you... you whip it around -

- and then you like get it away from your eyes -

- and you close your eyes the entire time -

- because you don't want to like burn out your eyes..

Whoa whoa whoa what's happening?

Why is there blood everywhere?

It's a prank!

He has no clue what's going on..

Oh, you thought..

Yeah, I think he thinks it's nosebleed..


I might copy that prank..

Comment below who you think I should prank next..

I've never pranked anyone, but I could do a prank..

We have two more videos guys, so let's see this video..


That's a lot of hot wings, guys..

I mean that's more hot wings that I'm ever even in my entire life..

Wait I know, I know what this video is..

She's gonna eat all of those hot wings..

Look how tiny she..

She can't eat all those chicken wings..

That's not a thing..

4 buckets of KFC..

48 pieces of chicken!

You can't put that inside the body that is so small -

-that's just simply impossible -

- and I'm pretty sure she will get sick and maybe die..


Is she cheating? Is she like pretending to eat it -

- and then stuffing it somewhere else?

Okay, she's getting a cramp in her..

Yeah, I know.. I.. of course you're getting a cramp!

You're eating 48 pieces of chicken, you silly human being!

Why would you do this?

She's eating ice cream and all of a sudden!

Last piece.. oh!

She did it!

She did it and she's eating ice cream!

What is wrong with you lady?

Yuka Kinoshita..

How can you contain so much food?

Yuka..I feel for you..

You are an amazing human being and you..

I think you should eat a salad once in a while..

She's a super eater.

I made a slime bath..

I understand that

Okay, you're making...

You're making a very big bath..


This looks so cool!

Oh my god, this is so satisfying..


What, show me more!

I want to see more of the slime..

God dammit.. god dammit!

Ah here it is..

That looks so weird..

That was pretty cool. That was pretty cool..


That was all the videos I had..

No more videos from Anton..

Youtubers in Japan are crazy!

I mean do you remember the guy with the finger and the blood and the..

I really, hope this video made you smile..

If it didn't.. well maybe you should check -

- if you're a grumpy cat..

Anyways, please make sure to subscribe to this channel -

- because there's gonna be a lot of fun videos from Japan, Korea and China!

So make sure to watch all of those..

Also comment below if you have any idea what to do in Tokyo, Seoul or Shanghai..

I would really love to know your ideas as well..

Also like this video and follow me on other social media..

HelloRasmus on snapchat or Instagram or YouTube or MixChannel, if you're from Japan..

I'm also on Weibo, actually..

I'm called HelloRasmus..

So if you're watching from China..

Well, you can watch some of my videos on Weibo..

Anyways, thank you so much for watching!

I'll see you in my next video..


I'm so proud that you made it -

- all the way to the end of my video!

You must really really love me -

- or maybe you just fell asleep at the computer -

-and it just kept going...

Anyways I love you, so bye and please subscribe!

For more infomation >> GUY EATS OCTOPUS ALIVE! | Reacting to Japanese Youtube | 日本のユーチューバー大好き! | HelloRasmus - Duration: 13:49.


Horror Movies That Audiences Couldn't Sit Through - Duration: 4:50.

Nowadays, it's easy to grow desensitized to all the blood and guts of the horror movie


But even the biggest cinematic thrillseekers have to draw the line every now and again

on what they can stomach seeing on-screen.

Here are some horror movies that had audiences reaching for the barf bags — or racing for

the exit sign.

The Hills Have Eyes

Alexandre Aja's remake of The Hills Have Eyes, about a group of desert-dwelling mutants,

was unsettling enough just based on the characters' physical deformities alone.

So when a whole gang of the crazed cretins started attacking one family in gratuitously

terrible ways, it was simply too much, sending some theater patrons sprinting away.

What made the film especially difficult to endure was how no one was safe from the clutches

of these creatures — not even the dog or the baby.

Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

This 1975 Pier Paolo Pasolini pic still finds its way on almost every best/worst list of

the genre, even decades after its release.

It was an exceptionally graphic depiction of the nightmarish scenario that might unfold

for a group of children who'd been abducted by fascists in war-torn Europe.

From mutilation to the forced consumption of excrement, the most unimaginable horrors

were realized in this commonly walked-out-of film.

The film was inspired by some of the darkest literary works of all time, including Dante's

Divine Comedy, and seems to explore the depths of inhumanity presented in the existentialist

take on the nature of human evil presented in the Marquis de Sade's Justine.

Despite earning critical favor and timeless relevance, it's still incredibly hard to sit


Trouble Every Day

Not everyone has a taste for cannibalism, and the massive walkouts and festival booing

that the unrated 2001 horror-drama Trouble Every Day by Claire Denis earned is proof.

The movie introduces an American couple honeymooning in Paris.

But the husband is really on a mission to track down the wife of a fellow doctor he'd

been obsessed with.

What he finds when he locates the couple is that the woman who's the object of his obsession

has a nasty habit of seducing men...and eating them, living out her darkest desires in explicit

visual detail.

The movie wasn't meant to be such a seat-emptier, as Denis herself once said, "I don't set out

to shock.

That's not my way of doing things.

I don't think it's explicit.

And the cannibalism?

It is how a kiss becomes a bite."

If you say so, lady.

And while we're on that subject...


This gory flick is about the effect of a bug bite gone very, very wrong.

But it was the audience that really got infected when Bite premiered at the Fantasia International

Film Festival.

The pic's producers were reportedly prepared in advance for the rampant upset stomachs

that would follow the screening and even passed out barf bags to attendees — but that didn't

stop people from exiting the flick early.

For those who haven't braved the vom-inducing experience, it's about a bachelorette whose

celebratory trip to Costa Rica goes way off course when she's bitten by a bug that she

thinks is harmless.

But the infection turns her into a murderous loon whose body slowly morphs into an insect


Reviewers who panned the film chided its illogical homage to David Cronenberg's The Fly, but

some still found favor in director Chad Archibald's use of gruesome screen tactics.

And almost everyone had to skip a meal or two after viewing it, whether they liked the

movie or not.


This 1979 take on the Roman emperor, whose notorious sexual appetite and penchant for

cruelty marked his tyrannical reign and prompted his eventual assassination, was so exceedingly

violent that even famed reviewer Roger Ebert took leave of it early.

His scathing review was so harsh that he actually feared it might entice audiences to check

it out simply because they, quote, "simply cannot believe any film could be this vile."

He went on, writing, "Some of those people were walking out of the [theater] before I

did … others were sitting, depressed, in the lobby."

Ebert's assessment was echoed by many of his peers, as the film was consistently slammed

by even those who did manage to sit through its full two-and-a-half hour runtime.


Pascal Laugier's 2008 revenge horror flick is widely regarded as one of the most unsparingly

violent movies ever made.

The film, which follows two young women on a maniacal payback mission to hunt down their

former abusers, featured several scenes of extreme depravity and sent many audience members

packing along the way.

The movie was willfully provocative and prompted revulsion even in viewers with a relatively

strong constitution.


This unrated Turkish fantasy-horror movie featured a group of police officers who inadvertently

waltzed through a door to hell…and left many moviegoers heading right out the door

to the theater.

The macabre movie was relatively well-received by critics who savored all its devilish delights,

but during its debut, there were walkouts galore.

Baskin's writer-director Can Evernol admitted, "the last few minutes were a bit much for


Whether it was the nightmarish bloodbaths or the philosophical overtures of the demonic

beings, there were plenty of disgusting moments to be seen — and fled from — in this ghastly


Probably not a great date movie.


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Horror Movies That Audiences Couldn't Sit Through - Duration: 4:50.


YouTube Rewind 2020 - Duration: 1:50.

They're all dead...

They're all fucking dead!

RIP YouTube...

This all started in 2017, dude. No way...

For more infomation >> YouTube Rewind 2020 - Duration: 1:50.


7 Ways the New World Order Deceives - Duration: 9:58.

7 Ways the New World Order Deceives

by Edward Morgan

Christ said to expose the darkness and this is one of the things that I try to do at TradCatKnight.

Make no mistake, there is a conspiracy to deceive not only Catholics but humanity as

a whole.

These agents of Antichrist have long been impregnated into our society and have working

within the ranks of the Church and State to prepare the way for their new false messiah.

It seems as of late they are not even trying to hide their agendas but nevertheless it

is helpful to further unmask certain areas so important to understand in this endtimes


In this article I will cover 7 different ways the New World Order deceives and how we must

continue to resist this revolutionary process and pitfall into the arms of the Antichrist


Government is here to help!

In general, from a Catholic perspective, this could be a good thing, if our leaders were

Catholics and followed the teachings of the Church.

As Catholics we profess the Social Kingship of Christ not Masonic religious liberty in

which this country was founded upon.

They say they are here to help us but those awake know their endgame.

It will be either accept the Socialism/Communism they profess or it is off with your head at

the local FEMA camp.

The Socialists want your kids, they want your homes they literally want your body so that

they can totally control you.

They say it is best for you.

However, resistant minded folk will have nothing to do with this Luciferian regime now coming

into the Light.

More police state, more surveillance state and more personal freedoms taken from the


Globalism is the only solution they will rant as if the Church hasn�t already said what

would work for a properly ordered Christian society.

The problem is, the Masons and Marxists are inside the Church teaching their false doctrines

trying to get others to falsely obey.

Yes, the government is here to help you (cough, cough).

They are here to help you get to your grave earlier.

You can choose!

Imagine a world where the stage is set and the actors are in place yet the viewing audience

actually believe what is taking place is not already rehearsed?

That is the world in which we live.

Elections at the presidential level do not give you any choice.

Trump is apart of the same �club� as Hillary.

He was in the swamp long before talking about it.

He is a 33-degree Scottish Freemason whose dirty money has come from the Jewish mob.

He is an ardent Zionist who is helping to prepare the way for the Antichrist.

He now is preparing the middle east for peace which will not be long lived.

Furthermore, you get to go into your grocery and choose.

Choose as many GMO�s as you want.

Choose what health problems you want by taking a vaccine and so on and so forth.

In the end, several Catholic seers had said that the liberty of conscience granted to

people will be abused and what sound mind can argue against that in our times.

You can now choose to be a girl if you are a boy.

You can choose to be called whatever you like.

It is truly a mad world we live in.

Fake news.

This has been contrived by those behind the New World Order in order to paint clear thinking

people as loon birds.

The same type of thing is going on inside the Church with such phrases as �Pharisee�

or �rigorist� coming for the mouth of the Masonic puppets installed in Rome.

The reality is mainstream media news doesn�t correspond to reality.

They have agendas and they need to sell them through the puppet newscaster you are watching.

I have recently even been attacked by the heretics following the illicit and heretical

teachings of Vatican II.

They say what you report is �fake news�.

Francis would never support a global one world government as if John Paul II or Benedict

XVI didn�t either.

The ones eating the garbage THE mainstream news are FEEDING ARE the ones en route to

taking the mark.

This world is a lie didn�t Jesus not say His kingdom was not of this world?

And yet you believe the mainstream media?

Talk about delusional.

The other buzz word is �conspiracy�.

As if the enemies of God would never conspire against Him both on the Church and State level?

Ever hear of Lucifer and his fall from heaven?

Nah�that is fake news Eric.

Economy is good.

I am no economist but have had on my show some of the top economic minds the world has

to offer and none of them say this ponzi scheme called �the economy� can make it much


The question is why would the New World Order have you to believe everything is quite alright?

Well, I believe that is open for debate feel free to comment below on the website but perhaps

they want to lull the masses to sleep so they are not so urgent in prepping?

They truly don�t want clear thinking citizens.

Assuredly, they don�t want these same citizens armed and self-sufficient.

In order for the mark of the beast to come about there must first be a collapse on all


They must have cash outlawed so they can get everyone �chipped�.

It is only logical if you are paying attention to the news and seeing the progression from

a paper economy to a digital one.


More wealth the better you are off.

From a catholic perspective this is completely false.

We are having this propaganda shoved down our throats with all of the commercials that

we see on TV.

One of the reasons why, perhaps, we should not have them.

How about the celebrity tools of the elite especially in the rap industry shoving this

down our throats?

You can be cool and have a lot of things but absolutely no morals.

I don�t think this is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It is from the devil who turns men away from Christ and toward the world and all its pleasures.

You are deceived man of ambition.

I have been both rich and poor and never been closer to Christ than when I was �without�.

The New World Order sure does manipulate minds into thinking we can abolish poverty.

Apparently, they never read Scripture where Our Lord said the �poor ye shall always


Protect the earth.

On the surface level this looks noble but their endgame is not.

The early Church Fathers warned that Rome would return to ancient paganism and we are

en-route to that.

Save the seals, unplug your microwave and carpool when you can.

This is all apart of the Agenda 21 deception in which the impotent humanitarianism becomes

all but obvious to clear thinking minds.

Mother Gaia worship and paganism in general is on the rise as many are abandoning Holy

Religion due to their inability to abide by the basic doctrines of Christ and the Church.

It means we have a generation full of themselves.

This is a perfect setup for the Man of Lawlessness and His Religion of Self coming.

This new �religion� is purely crass and void of any Divine origin.

In the end it amounts to �obey your conscience� and you will be okay with God.

�Be a pagan and protect the earth and you will have everlasting life� said no true

believer ever.

We are not offending Mother Earth but God Almighty who created the earth.

Aliens and �ascended masters� are here to help us evolve.

Yea, sure they are.

This is another pysop to get people to believe aliens are not actually demons and the ascended

masters are actually not fallen angels amongst us.

We should all see how society is �progressing�.

To the liberal this is good they argue.

They want a Communist, New Age, lawless Republic.

To the Christian we want a return to Truth.

A truth left behind to Christ and His Catholic Church.

Surprisingly, I still meet resistance from those professed Catholics in this area.

I am afraid a good number will fall for this deception as they think the Vatican is running

a �tight ship� these days (no pun intended).

Through the alien agenda they can build there greater united humanity wherein people of

all religions will seem to be okay but God has other designs which involve a vast elimination

of humanity in the future.

U.N is the model for peace?

How could a Christian ever think this?

The same U.N. forcing Agenda 21 on us?

The same U.N. which will have the Antichrist as its leader?

Our Lady at Fatima came in 1917 to clear the air concerning the role of Communism in these

endtimes and very few listened.

The hijacked Vatican does not want you to know the real third secret of Fatima for good

reason lest you think there was an ongoing apostasy in the Church.

Through the intercession of Our Lady the world be able to transition into the post-apocalyptic

Planet X world.

It is through our Lady, Christ and the Catholic Church that this world can once again have

any semblance of peace.

One Baptism, One Faith and One Heart through Mary and coming from our Source and End Jesus


When they shall say peace and safety �well you know the rest.

Furthermore, the whole social justice movement serves the Antichrist.

Everybody has to have rights and equality while the moral code decays away.

My opinion on �faith� is just as good as yours�.

We all get together and eat jelly donuts together and talk about how war should be outlawed.

A true pacifist dream and yet it is these types who are perfect candidates for the New


For more infomation >> 7 Ways the New World Order Deceives - Duration: 9:58.


Куклы Пупсики Песенка Про Пальчики Маша и Медведь Мультик Зырики ТВ Игрушки Кукла Ляля Finger Family - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Куклы Пупсики Песенка Про Пальчики Маша и Медведь Мультик Зырики ТВ Игрушки Кукла Ляля Finger Family - Duration: 2:41.


Sergey Kovalev's Greatest Hits (HBO Boxing) - Duration: 4:00.

Recently dethroned from the top

of the light heavyweight division

after back-to-back losses to Andre Ward,

Sergey Kovalev is looking to make his way back

and prove he still deserves consideration

among the very best in the sport.

His next opportunity to state that case

comes November 25,

when he takes on the rugged Vyacheslav Shabranskyy

live on World Championship Boxing.

Here now,

Sergey "Krusher" Kovalev's greatest hits.

MAX KELLERMAN: This guy is a mean fighter.

JIM LAMPLEY: Sinister.

The most sinister presence in the ring

of anyone in boxing.

KELLERMAN: Kovalev is always throwing,

and, therefore, usually landing.


LAMPLEY: Down goes Agnew on a Kovalev left hook.

First knockdown of Cedric Agnew's career.

KELLERMAN: Kovalev does a good job

of mixing it up to the body and getting some clean

body shots in along the way.

ROY JONES JR.: Oh, great body shot.

That is the kind of power Kovalev has always displayed.

LAMPLEY: Jab, jab, jab. Short with the right hand

to the body. Jab upstairs again.

ROY JONES JR: Oh, that was a good shot.

LAMPLEY: And he just found the shot.

A right hand down the pipe.

Two left hooks by Kovalev,

knocking Cleverly back.

Hard right hand for Kovalev.

KELLERMAN: This has been one hell of a light heavyweight fight so far.

LAMPLEY: Kovalev wants to knock him out.

He's ambitious, he's taking risks

and giving Bernard a chance.

And now he gets hammered by a left hook by Kovalev

and Pascal's in big trouble.

-Chilemba's hurt again. -JONES: Throwin' that jab again, Jim.

And the body shots.

That jab causes all kinds of chaos.

LAMPLEY: Kovalev, hammering Bernard Hopkins

from pillar to post.

KELLERMAN: In comes Kovalev, looking for openings.

Caparello down again. And waved off.

LAMPLEY: Stiff jab by Kovalev!

Two stiff jabs by Kovalev, knocked Ward back a few feet.

Hard left hook by Kovalev, momentarily stunned Cleverly.

He comes back with another barrage.

Trying to go to the body, to further weaken Cleverly

after that big left hook.

Hard right hand, and down goes Cleverly.

And a left and a right by Kovalev.

Ward comes back with an uppercut inside.

Hard right hand by Kovalev, down goes Sillakh.

That's what makes Sergey Kovalev special,

thunderous, straight on, right hand power.


LAMPLEY: Kovalev comes back and that'll do it.

That's the end of the fight.

Fifty seconds into round number two.

Big right hand! Pascal's over the rope.

KELLERMAN: And there's another knockdown.

LAMPLEY: Down goes Ward, on a perfect right hand stack.

That's only the second time in Andre Ward's career

that he's been knocked down.

Kovalev with one more big rallying,

he lands a right and a left hook.

Down goes Hopkins, on the first solid right hand

that Kovalev threw. He has extraordinary power.

He's done. Kovalev has another knockout.

What a right hand, and Louis Pabon's

gonna stop it right away.

When you land a flush right hand like that,

and it's Sergey Kovalev who's doing the throwing,

that's dangerous.

KELLERMAN: Looks like he just broke Mohammedi's nose.

And it looks like Mohammedi may be done.

LAMPLEY: And that is knockout number 25.

Kovalev is clinically in command here.

And at this point, the outcome of the fight

is just a matter of time.

Too much! This is too much!

And Sergey Kovalev made it look easy.

LAMPLEY: Don't miss Sergey Kovalev

versus Vyacheslav Shabranskyy, Saturday November 25.

Live on HBO's World Championship Boxing.

For more infomation >> Sergey Kovalev's Greatest Hits (HBO Boxing) - Duration: 4:00.


Surah Kausar Wazifa to Be Rich | Ameer Hone Ka Wazifa in Urdu | dolat ka wazifa - Duration: 5:46.

Nazreen ye aj ham aap ko ameer hone ka wazifa batayen gy INSHAA ALLAH puri video dekhein

For more infomation >> Surah Kausar Wazifa to Be Rich | Ameer Hone Ka Wazifa in Urdu | dolat ka wazifa - Duration: 5:46.


5 Checks When Buying Life Insurance Endowment Plan - Duration: 8:48.

In this video, we discuss 5 important things you need to keep in mind before buying life insurance endowment plans

A lot of people end up buying life insurance endowment plans without knowing about their features

When buying a life insurance endowment plan, check whether it provides adequate life insurance coverage

You can find the life insurance amount you need with the help of online calculators

You might just find out the premiums to be too high for the life insurance coverage you need

Remember, you will need to pay the high premium during the long term of the life insurance endowment plan

This is the reason why many experts recommend term plans since they provide life insurance coverage at affordable premiums

Second, is the fact about charges for such plans. Unlike ULIPs, you don't get to know about them

You don't get to know the impact of the charges going out of your premium, on the investment outcome

In an endowment plans, typically a lot of the premium goes initially for paying charges such as commissions for distributors selling the plan

Third, life insurance endowment plans have very high surrender charges

Just to get your premiums back in a life insurance endowment plan, you will need to wait 7-8 years, or more

You can check the surrender amounts at the back of the policy document

The penalty of making a wrong choice in life insurance endowment plan is very high

Number four, the returns are not spectacular

Since the insurance company is taking the investment risk, therefore, it is investing in lower risk investments that provide lower returns

Effectively, the return is 4-5% and 6% at a stretch

Fifth, the bonus, wherever applicable, is also not definite

Typically, money in life insurance endowment plans don't grow faster than inflation in the long term

The question then arises whether you should be part of such a plan

For more infomation >> 5 Checks When Buying Life Insurance Endowment Plan - Duration: 8:48.


Chakkera Pongali || PelleRuchulu || MusicHouse 27 - Duration: 6:55.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting Videos.

For more infomation >> Chakkera Pongali || PelleRuchulu || MusicHouse 27 - Duration: 6:55.


Toblerone chocolate mousse recipe | my virgin kitchen - Duration: 9:43.

Hey everyone!

It's Barry here.

Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen.

You're looking well,

it's a wonderful day outside,

but today is all about

this egg-free Toblerone mousse.

The mousse of the airport

because whenever you go to an airport

you see Toblerone.

We were talking about this earlier,

it's just one of those things,

you either love it or you hate it.

I have suddenly got an urge for Toblerone,

hence we're making this amazingly simple mousse.

Hopefully, you're seeing in the background here,

we've got the chalkboard fridge now.

We wrapped it, it was too shiny.

It's got chalkboard,

it's still magnetic,

we can write on it,

haven't done that,

and of course, we've got our food pun.

Thank you to everyone that sent in suggestions

on my Twitter for food puns.

We went for the R and brie one, all good.

The ingredients we're gonna need today are naughty.

It's a naughty mousse.

Like a naughty animal.

It's got a bit ganache vibe going on.

We've go the Toblerone,

which is mainly got almonds in it,

some honey,

and of course, chocolate.

So we're kinda using that concept to help make

the mousse-y mousse here.

We've got a bar of Toblerone,

which I'll show you about in a jiffy.

We've got some cream,

which we're gonna mix with a bowl

of mixed milk and dark chocolate,

to make a kinda ganache-y thing.

And then the double cream will get whipped with honey

so it will resemble the Toblerone aspect.

We've also got some chopped nuts.

Again, going back to the Toblerone vibe,

and just to be a little bit quirky,

a little bit out there,

a bit bearish,

I've got some coconut biscuits.

I'm just gonna bash those up,

just simply because that can just give it

a nice little crumbly topping

and another flavour contrast.

Alright, you might've also noticed

our hob is now slightly less reflective.

We changed that along side the fridge,

although we're not wrapping this in chalkboard.

It looked like there was a light sabre down the fridge,

for goodness sake,

so we've got our chocolate here.

The mix of milk and dark chocolates.

So this is just a pan with a little bit of water in,

it's actually just steaming a little bit,

so we're gonna stick it on top of there,

and that's just to melt it.

In fact, I don't know why I'm going this (laughs).

I should've just used the microwave

but I wanted to use my new hob,

it's quite cool.

What we can also do is add in our cream, as well.

Do do do do.

So this is kinda like the ganache-y vibe.

If you want, you can warm the cream up,

then stick the chocolate on top

and use the heat of the cream to do that.

To be honest, there's so many different ways to do this,

it doesn't matter.

It's just gonna be a naughty puddin',

and I like that a lot.

We're just gonna mix this through.

It won't look like much is happening at first,

but just keep stirring it.

Make sure the water doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl

and we'll get a nice melt-y lake.

While that is melting,

thank you very much for the feedback

on the recipe rewind video.

It's very kind.

Surprised how much some of you guys liked it.

Hello there,

and welcome to melting chocolate with cream.

Alright folks, just finishing that off.

Please, have self-restraint

and don't just be like,

yeah honestly, I'm just gonna eat this

because it is phenomenal.

Really, really good indeed,

in fact, that's how you start to make truffles anyway.

What you wanna do is make sure you don't boil the cream.

Make sure, I've got a couple more lumps left in there,

I'm mixing them out over this heat

and in the minute that's done,

it's coming off.

It's had enough, it's hogging it.

We've got a lovely, smooth chocolate-y lake.

Let's get it off the heat, we don't wanna burn it.

Right there's fine (laughs).

The chocolate cream bowl,

we're just gonna leave right here,

taking it off the heat to cool down

'cause when we whip our cream,

which we're about to do,

you don't wanna dump that straight away,

it'll go ehh!

It'll get freaked out, okay,

so what we'll do,

first step here is take

remaining cream into a new bowl.

Make sure you leave your cream in the fridge

until the last minute, okay?

I always just find it whips better,

don't know if it's just me.

We're just gonna whip this up.

(electronic mixer whirling)

Spin it on a low whisk.

What we'll find it's starting to thicken up.

We don't wanna over whip it.

We wanna get it, sort of like, soft-ish peaks,

but we do wanna add in our honey

to give it that Toblerone vibe.


I do not wanna over whip that.

We're not making cheese or gloss paint.

We've got the honey here,

so this is really gonna give it

that sneaky, hidden, Toblerone vibe,

even though we're shoving actual Toblerone inside it.

Oh yes.

Then we'll continue just to whisk this through.

Don't over whisk, as I said,

maybe like, 30 seconds, max.

(electronic mixer whirling)


We've got out whipped cream with infused honey.

We've got our chocolate ganache sat there,

but to give it a little bit more cooling time,

we'll chop up our Toby-lerone.

Ah, so here we go then folks.

The humble, yet controversial,

Toblerone, at at the moment.

Some of you guys have messaged me about this.

Actually, you've been messaging me about Toblerones

and also, the fact that Nutella changed their recipe

but anyhow, Toblerones!

Notice how there's a wide gap

between the pyramids now.

Apparently, that used to be narrower.

That does, actually, ring to bell to me.

Maybe they're cost cutting,

something like that?

Also, I just realised the other day,

that is how you snap off one of the sides.

I was always going like that

and breaking it on my teeth.

You just push it like that,

and we actually do need,

three blocks like that.

The rest you can eat for another day,

or off-camera, wink, wink.

But maybe just have another extra block,

if you wanna garnish it too.

We'll leave that for the garnish,

which is also gonna count for the nuts

and the coconut biscuits,

but these three?

It's choppin' time.

I'm just chopping up the Toblerone kind of rough.

You can go as chunky,

and if you really wanna chop it,

chop, chop, chop,

get it real fine,

to me that wouldn't really taste like Toblerone

so I wanna few textured chunks in there.

Maybe get a, like, a mix.

Make sure they're relatively even.

If you're gonna go all chunky, that's fine,

but just make sure you've got no big pyramid left over.

I sphinx that might now be a good idea (chuckles).

So our cream that we whipped before,

with the honey in there,

what we're gonna do is just start to

add those Toblerone pieces into there, oh my gosh.

In it goes.

Another reason that we wanna that ganache to cool down

as well, is because we don't want the chocolate ganache

melting the Toblerone.

That would kinda defeat the whole point of it.

Nice little metal spoon

and all we're gonna do is just work it in,

so we're kinda folding it through.

You don't wanna whip it anymore

'cause we don't want to make it too stiff,

if you know what I mean.

That is lovely.

That is looking like dirty, muddy snow.

Except it's not, it's Toblerone cream.

The chocolate is nice and cooled

and we're just gonna add the first half,

just the first half,

of the Toblerone cream and honey mixture.

Just use your spatula to fold it through

and incorporate it into that chocolate.

Oh my gosh!

Hopefully you'll see it's gotten

a teeny bit more glossy now.

That's exactly what we're after,

getting it that nice, sort of, smoothness.

Just keep working it through

until it's all fully folded through,

of course, you're gonna have

these lumps of Toblerone in there.


But then we'll wanna add in the other half.

If you're enjoying this video,

don't forget to subscribe for regular recipes

and food fun,

and of course, let me know down below

what you'd like to see next.

Alright, that's a nice and mixed in,

so the second amount of cream,

ah, just goes in.

I love just serving that up,

just scrapping in the bowl

and slapping it right in there.

Again, slap

and then fold, baby.

Lift that through.

Don't over mix it

but just make sure all of that cream

is worked into that ganache,

and that is the basis of our very cool Toblerone mousse.

This serving vessel looks a little bit like

one of the nicer options for the Indiana Jones

scene in the Last Crusade when he picks

the rubbish looking thing and it works.

So, I woulda picked this one for reference.

But then Indiana Jones, Indy!

Would not have got Toblerone mousse, would he?

Ah, yeah!

Love the colour,

and you know what,

if you get a little bit of the mousse

still a little bit streaky, that's okay.

I won't be unhappy with you,

but we're really filling this up.

You could've even left a little bit of cream unwhipped.

Layered it, leave it as a topping.

We are making a naughty little pudding.

But in terms of serving and presentation,

that's an absolute stonker!

Just to one side,

I didn't really wanna show you this step

because it can be loud, like that.

(rolling pin hitting counter)

I bashed up my little coconut biscuits into crumbs.

I'm just gonna grab a few of those,

scoop some of those up,

and just let it rain.

Let it rain coconut biscuit crumbs.

I've never actually shown you guys

how to make coconut biscuits,

they're really popular here in the U.K.

Maybe I'll do that.

They're so simple to make

and very delicious.

Then, we've got some chopped nuts.

These are chopped mixed nuts

so I'm sure there's an almond in there somewhere.

Some of these are already roasted,

so that's fine,

but you could roast them, toast them, whatever.

Roast them, toast them, boast them.

And last, but not least, our segment,

which looks a little bit like a shark's fin,

our Toblerone garnish just sit there,

in the top right there.

You could eat it right now

but we're gonna put it in the fridge,

our brie-lliant fridge,

for around about a half and hour

at the absolute minimum, to set.

Ho, ho, ho,

Merry Christmas.

Well, Christmas has come early for me.

Incidentally, if there's any Christmas recipes

you particularly wanna see,

I would be very interested to see what I find out,

but there you go!

Nice and chilled.

I've given that about 40 minutes.

Let's have a little mange.

Ah, firm, holding it's shape well.

The chunks.

That my friends,

haven't said it for awhile,

is ridiculously stonking.

Toby-lerone would be proud.

You got massive Toblerone chunks in there,

the smoothness of the chocolate too,

and the hidden honey is in there doing it's thing.

I'm loving it.

Absolutely stonking,

I really hope you do give it a go.

You probably only need about a third each,

portion wise.

It's quite a lot.

It's very, very filling

and very, very naughty,

so have some, go for a run.

If you do try it, send me a picture, as I say.

Let me know down below what you wanna see next

and I'll see you again next time.

(rhythmic synthesised music)

For more infomation >> Toblerone chocolate mousse recipe | my virgin kitchen - Duration: 9:43.



For more infomation >> LIVE INSTAGRAM-Q&A! ANNA BRIAND OG GEX SPILLER GOLF! - Duration: 5:15.



For more infomation >> JODIE FOSTER BEST MOVIES - Duration: 8:31.


The Future is Now - Duration: 3:18.

The future of video primary is about an immersive experience through VR and AR.

Many of these immersive technology is already available but they are either too expensive

or not mainstream enough for people to be aware of them.

In this video I'll talk about what is available for educators now and how it is used in learning.

Google Cardboard is an affordable VR viewer that is popular in many schools.

Since Google Cardboard is only a viewer you'll need to supply your own VR capable phone in

order to complete the package.

A full VR system like the HTC Vive can cost up to $900 but the experience can be life


VR in education allows student to see in 3D and 360 degree of what they are learning rather

than just reading about it in a textbook.

Google Expedition allows students to go to virtual field trip to anywhere in the world

making it an ideal tool for subjects like History, Geography, Science, and Arts.

An example in this video shows students exploring and seeing Math functions and coordinates

in 3D.

Most commonly use AR application is to superimpose virtual content on top of the real world either

through a smartphone or a wearable device like the Hololens.

The most economical way to achieve AR is to download an app like Aurasma that can turn

any static image into an interactive learning experience.

Anatomy 4D provides an interactive augmented reality to learn about the human body.

AR Flashcard brings flashcard to life using 3D rendered object that pops up on your screen.

zSpace is a company that provides the hardware, software and content to create mixed reality

for learning.

Students can interact and manipulate content using a stylus to control the object seen

through a 3D glasses.

The Microsoft Hololens has perhaps garnered a lot of media attention due to the ability

to transform businesses and workplaces.

While the cost of Hololens prohibits most schools from using it, it has been predicted

that it will become the next revolution after the smartphone.

A 360 degree video recording device is not something that is widely talked about but

it is an important tool for educators and learners to create VR content.

A 360 degree camera can be purchased on the Amazon for about $350 and some of the uses

includes recording scientific experiments in full 360 degree view or creating 360 degree

video of field trips.

I hope these introductions will give you more concrete steps to begin incorporating the

future of video primary into your teaching.

Thank you for tuning in with us.

For more infomation >> The Future is Now - Duration: 3:18.


Study Medical Cannabis Significantly Reduces Prescription Drug Use - Duration: 6:14.

Study Medical Cannabis Significantly Reduces Prescription Drug Use

By Marco Torres

From 2000 to 2015, half a million people died from prescription drug overdoses, and stories

continue to roll in daily about the lives claimed by prescription and non-prescription

drug overdoses.

Cannabis, however, is not only excluded from the drug overdose list, it has actually been

shown to reduce the use of dangerous prescription drugs.

Raw cannabis is considered by many experts as a dietary essential.

As a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, some classify it as one of the most important

plants on earth.

The biggest benefits from the plant may come not by smoking it, but rather by consuming

it in its raw and natural form.

�If cannabis were discovered in an Amazon rainforests today, people would be clambering

to make as much use as they could out of the potential benefits of the plant,� said Donald

L. Abrams, MD, Chief of Hematology and Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Professor

of Medicine at the University California.

Dr. Abrams is widely known for his research on medical cannabis applications.

�Unfortunately, it carries with it a long and not so long history of being a persecuted

plant,� he added.

�The potential for addiction and health risks associated with using multiple Scheduled

drugs places additional direct monetary and health costs on patients and healthcare systems

due to an increased number of side effects, risky drug interactions, dependency, and overdose�,

stated University of New Mexico researchers Jacob Miguel Vigil Ph.D and Sarah See Stith

Ph.D, who co-authored a study entitled Effects of Legal Access to Cannabis on Scheduled II-V

Drug Prescriptions, which was released in the July issue of the Journal of American

Medical Directors Association.

The study resulted from insights provided by co-investigator Dr. Anthony Reeve, a pain

specialist from the Industrial Rehabilitation Pain Clinics, Albuquerque, N.M. and also one

of the first physicians to authorize the use of cannabis for patients with chronic pain

in the state of New Mexico.

Reeve observed that a number of his patients were coming back to see him less frequently

after enrolling in the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program (MCP), and who also, anecdotally,

often claimed not only to be reducing their pain medications but also other types of prescription

medications as well.

In the resulting historical cohort study, the researchers compared individuals that

enrolled in the medical cannabis program to individuals with a similar diagnosis that

chose not to enroll in the medical cannabis program but were offered the same authorization,

to measure the effect of enrollment in a state-authorized United States� MCP on Scheduled II-V drug

prescription patterns.

They compared 83 chronic pain patients, who enrolled in the New Mexico Medical Cannabis

Program during a five+ year period from April 2010 to October 2015, to 42 non-enrolled patients

over a 24 month period (starting 6 months prior to enrollment for the MCP patients)

using the Prescription Monitoring Program.

Using outcome variables including baseline levels and pre- and post-enrollment monthly

trends in the numbers of drug prescriptions, distinct drug classes, dates prescription

drugs were filled, and prescribing providers, the researchers found that 28 cannabis program

enrollees (34 percent) and one comparison group patient (2 percent) ceased the use of

all scheduled prescription medications by the last six months of the observation period.

Age and gender-adjusted regressions show that, although no statistically significant differences

existed in pre-enrollment levels and trends, the post-enrollment trend among MCP patients

is statistically significantly negative for all four measures of scheduled drug medication

usage, while the post-enrollment trend is zero among the comparison group.

The cannabis program enrollees showed statistically significantly lower levels across all four

measures in comparison to the non-enrollees by 10 months post-enrollment.

The researchers hypothesize that legal access to cannabis may reduce the use of multiple

classes of dangerous prescription medications in certain patient populations.

Said Vigil, the senior author and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology:

�Our current opioid epidemic is the leading preventable form of death in the United States,

killing more people than car accidents and gun violence.

No one has ever died from smoking too much cannabis.

Therefore, the relative safety and efficacy of using cannabis in comparison to that of

the other scheduled medications should be taken by the health providers and legislators,

and may very well to have been considered by the patients in our study.�

The authors state that increased patient access to MCPs could impact prescription drug activity

in numerous ways.

�Potentially, MCPs might drive increased prescribing of medications as a result of

side effects of cannabis use, including agitation or somnolence.

Alternatively, access to cannabis could lead to a reduction in scheduled prescription drug

use, if it treats patients� underlying condition(s) more effectively than scheduled drugs requiring

a prescription.�

The researchers are currently employing naturalistic studies to identify how older patients use

and are affected by opioids, benzodiazepines and medical cannabis for treating a variety

of significant � and societally-expensive �

health conditions.

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