Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Most Satisfying Cakes Decorating Videos 2017

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE CHOCOLATE CAKE VIDEOS - Most Satisfying Cakes Decorating Videos 2017 - Duration: 10:37.


Dica Hostel Bonita Ipanema Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> Dica Hostel Bonita Ipanema Rio de Janeiro - Duration: 6:46.


ATENÇÃO / TORNE SE MAIS CONSCIENTE - (Sabedoria dos Anjos) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> ATENÇÃO / TORNE SE MAIS CONSCIENTE - (Sabedoria dos Anjos) - Duration: 2:19.


Je vis au CANADA - Yacob - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Je vis au CANADA - Yacob - Duration: 2:01.


GREAT PERFORMANCES | Official Trailer: Indecent | PBS - Duration: 0:30.

We have a story we want to tell you about a play.

The God of Vengeance.

NARRATOR: Behold the true story of how a little Jewish play journeyed around the world

only to be shut down on Broadway in 1923.

For obscenity.

NARRATOR: Now a powerful new play shows us what happened.

[Singing] Please let me explain. Please let me explain.

Look for the Tony Award-winning production of Indecent

Isn't it good, Rifkele? Isn't it good?

on Great Performances.

For more infomation >> GREAT PERFORMANCES | Official Trailer: Indecent | PBS - Duration: 0:30.


DawidDJ & ElectroS ft. Akuma - I'm With You - Duration: 2:58.

Let's go watch a million stars

let's go fly in perfect night

maybe now you can see how

we will win the world tonight

please, just be, beside me

give a hand and hold on tight

you are special, do you know?

we're together superstars

now just jump to reach the moon

and I hope you will see soon

we are just the same, I know

stay with me all of my life

I will go to fire with you

and into the dark forest too

so let me, let me to love you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

do you want to fly with me?

when i close my eyes i just see

the flying, flying with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

flying, flying with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with

flying, flying with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

You're the light in my black day

you're the white cloud on my way

you're the color pink and blue

so i must say "i love you!"

like Yin Yang or half heart too

flowing river just like you

always change yourself for world

you will still inspire me

be the one, that I want

we are just like the perfect sound

so let me, let me to love you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

when i close my eyes, i just see

something really hopeful

perfect life with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

flying, flying with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with

Be the one, that I want

we are just like the perfect sound

so let me, let me to love you

i'm with you, i'm with, i'm with you

For more infomation >> DawidDJ & ElectroS ft. Akuma - I'm With You - Duration: 2:58.


Is there anyone telling you what to do? - Duration: 1:30.

We don't need anybody to say to us what is doing good, what is doing bad.

So at that moment, when you did that action, you act as your free will.

We do have the free will

but this free will is limited according to our knowledge,

according to our conscious.

It's hard when someone comes to you, tries to explain something, and you don't understand.

Perhaps it's because you have no...

not enough experience to understand that.

So you need to live a little bit more.

And we need to stop to judge everyone

because everyone is in a level of evolution.

We need to be more tolerant to everyone.

We need to extend the hand,

even though at that moment that person is not ready to receive all knowledge.

And your own pace... you'll build up with your actions, with your conscious,

with your way to decide to live.

For more infomation >> Is there anyone telling you what to do? - Duration: 1:30.


Designated Survivor 2x08 Promo "Home" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Designated Survivor 2x08 Promo "Home" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


Infinity War Trailer NEW Images LEAKED? Infinity War Trailer To DROP Tomorrow With Justice League? - Duration: 3:31.

what is good youtube Warstu here with a Marvel Avengers infinity war video so

we are all looking for this movie coming out next year in April is highly

anticipated phalluses massive journey to the big screen will be coming out next

year and we've all been waiting for the new trailer to drop everyone thought it

was gonna drop at the end of October but now it appears it's going to be dropping

tomorrow night along with the Justice League obviously we've done it Justice

League review already it's something on the channel if you want to check it out

but what better way then drop the Avengers infinity war trailer on the

same day that Justice League comes out officially worldwide I will put a link

in the description box down below so you can check these new images out and let

me know when you see it on how you interpret rating them there is multiple

images and they look so so good so we've got an image of vision image of some

type of explosion then we see Scarlet Witch will see Drax for garden galaxies

we see Falcon kicking someone blue hair down and then we see what looks like

Black Widow at least I think is Black Widow let me know if I'm actually wrong

Falcon and Captain America looking up at someone and it's most likely going to be

someone of the Black Order I don't think it's all false but the image of

something that's flying above them could very well be the blue image the person

with blue hair the Falcon takes down maybe it appears like it can fly I mean

it's got pretty long wings so it looks like it could fly but what better way

than to kick Justice League where it hurts then drop a trailer on this very

same day that Justice League actually comes out everyone's talking online that

the Justice League is gonna be harnessed by the infinity war trailer coming out

we're not highs but it will kick them in the teeth a little bit which would be

quite interesting in quite funny from a person that's a fan of both Marvel and

DC it will be brief for them to drop a trailer the same day

that the flagship show comes out we already know that punishes dropping this

week so it would be pretty funny for the trailer for infinity walk to come out

tomorrow and if it does come out tomorrow I will be doing a full-on

trailer breakdown for it alongside my Justice League spoiling one coming out

tomorrow that will be pretty cool look at that guy's so let me know the clocks

down below are you - us coming are you hype for these new images like I said I

will link it down below I'm not gonna risk put up on the channel as it might

get community strike or something like that but I may put an image in of the

thumbnail anyway guys and let me know exactly what you're thinking are you

hyped what do you want from the trailer do you think we're going to see fan offs

do you think it's gonna be anything like a d3 d23 50:23

expo trailer that never got online officially anyway guys would love to

know what you hear down below let me know if you've seen Justice League

comment box down below what would be awesome I will see another video guys

very soon please like swipe and comment first and we will catch you in another

video guys very soon hit that Bell button down below - never miss a Marvel

DC DC TV MTU DC EU video and we will catch you in another video guys very

soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Infinity War Trailer NEW Images LEAKED? Infinity War Trailer To DROP Tomorrow With Justice League? - Duration: 3:31.


¡DIOS! Porque Alguien No Me Dijo Esto Antes. El Pelo de MAÍZ CURA de un Solo Golpe 11 ENFERMEDADES - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> ¡DIOS! Porque Alguien No Me Dijo Esto Antes. El Pelo de MAÍZ CURA de un Solo Golpe 11 ENFERMEDADES - Duration: 3:29.


Top 10 Huge Crimes That Were Covered Up - Duration: 8:18.

Hi everybody, welcome back to another most amazing top 10 video.

I'm your host Landon Dolatsingh.

Crimes are committed everyday and a lot of the time, people try to conceal any evidence

of their wrongdoing.

Well, today we will be looking at the top 10 huge crimes that were covered up.

Starting us off in at number 10 we have, The tobacco industry.

Lung cancer used to be a very rare disease, so rare that doctor's thought it was a once

in a lifetime disease.

However, after the mass production and marketing of cigarettes in the 19th century, it lead

to a lung cancer epidemic.

Many studies were conducted and they all found a correlation between smoking cigarettes and

lung cancer but the tobacco industry disputed this evidence because they obviously don't

want their sales to decline.

Even during production, they knew that cigarettes could be very bad for your health but they

continued to make them because it came with a nice paycheck.

Up next in at number 9 is The JFK assassination.

This is probably one of the biggest government cover-ups ever.

It is not confirmed however, but there are numerous conspiracy theories surrounding his


Initial reports said that the shooter was Lee Harvey Oswald but then within a couple

of days he was shot and killed in from of hundreds of people on his way into the police

station so a lot of people believe that he was shot by the CIA in order to shut him up.

Other theories claim that there were multiple gunmen or that a rogue secret service agent

accidentally shot the President.

I guess it's safe to say that we may never know the full story.

CIA torture techniques comes in at number 8.

Back in 2014, the Senate Report on CIA detention interrogation program was released and the

public saw that the CIA had been not only using illegal interrogation techniques, but

that those horrifying torture techniques didn't even work that well.

We're not sure what the government wanted to cover up more, the fact that they had been

using awful torture techniques or that they were so bad at it.

CIA mind control program makes it into number 7.

Project MK-Ultra was a program that illegally experimented on humans.

The CIA wanted to develop drugs and procedures that could be used in interrogations and torture

in order to weaken the individual into confessing.

They would administer LSD and other chemicals, use hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation

and verbal abuse in order to psychologically torture them.

Needless to say, their experiments didn't work quite as planned so the project was scrapped

but the CIA director also ordered the workers to destroy all of the evidence and documents

from this program.

The Watergate scandal is in at number 6.

This is probably one of the most well-known government scandals.

Basically, under President Nixon's orders, a group of men broke into the DNC headquarters

at the Watergate complex in order to dig up dirt on the Democratic party that could be

used in upcoming elections.

Obviously, the men were caught and Nixon tried his best to cover up the scandal but his entire

plan unraveled when a tape was released that proved Nixon was trying to cover up the scandal.

That is just so embarrassing.

He is actually the only president to ever resign from office and he did this so he could

avoid being prosecuted.

Up next in at number 5 we have The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.

This was a huge ethical scandal that occurred between 1932 and 1973.

This was an infamous clinical study by the US public heath service where the purpose

of the study was to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African American

men in Alabama.

However, the researchers never told the infected men that they had the disease or what the

purpose of the study was.

They told the men that they would be receiving free medical care for their "bad blood."

Even when penicillin was available in 1947, the researchers never offered it to them which

would have effectively treated syphilis.

Keep in mind syphilis is a pretty serious disease that can cause paralysis, blindness,

damage to the heart and brain and even death.

The Ford Pinto crashes into number 4.

This car model was first introduced in 1971 and even though sales were going well, Ford

was hiding a dark secret.

This particular model had a serious design problem.

During low-speed rear end crash testing, the fuel tank's filler neck had a tendency to

tear away and spill gasoline under the car.

It would have cost an additional $11 per car to fix the problems but Ford decided to do

nothing, they thought it would cost less to pay off the owners whose cars caught on fire.

Well, a journalist sifted through the mountain of paperwork and discovered a memo in which

the company calculated that settling burn victim lawsuits would save the company $70

million over installing the parts in the cars.

After Ford was exposed, the company had to shell out a lot of money in damages and their

reputation was ruined for quite some time.

Now in at number 3 we have Pedophile Priests.

A Roman Catholic priest James R. Porter, sent a disturbing letter to the Pope admitting

that he had been sexually abusing children for years and asked if he can be relieved

of his duties before he hurt anyone else.

But then in 1992, his personal file was investigated and it was determined that this priest had

a lot of help covering up his crimes over the course of his 14-year career.

He had been removed from his duties 8 times because he assaulted children and he was then

sent to a mental health facility to get treatment for his pedophilia.

And after that, he would be allowed back to work.

This is just one example, for decades priests have been abusing thousands of children and

their crimes would be covered up in order to preserve the reputation of priests and

the Catholic church.

The My Lai Massacre makes it into number 2.

This occurred during the Vietnam War and it was a mass killing and gang rape of between

347-504 unarmed Vietnamese civilians.

It was committed by the US army and the victims included men, women, children and infants.

Some of these women were gang-raped and their bodies were left mutilated.

Initially the massacre was reported as a routine battle but upon further investigation, they

found out that it was an intentional mass killing of innocent bystanders.

Coming in at number 1 is The Franklin child prostitution ring.

This took place between 1988-1991 and it involved influential members and political figures

such as Lawrence King and President George H.W. Bush.

It is alleged that this group transported children of all ages across the country for

"secret parties" where the children would be molested, beaten and even murdered.

When this scandal was exposed the witnesses were deemed uncreditable so the case was dismissed.

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 Huge Crimes That Were Covered Up - Duration: 8:18.


Things You Didn't Know About Rachael Ray - Duration: 5:02.

Nobody saw Rachael Ray's world domination coming.

The short, bubbly ball of energy has an empire of magazines, TV shows, and websites that

perhaps only the mighty Oprah eclipses.

Given Ray's humble beginnings and seemingly grounded disposition, it's easy to see why

she's become popular.

But don't imagine you know everything about her.

Here are some things you may not have known about Rachael Ray.


Many of Ray's signature character traits developed early in her life.

Ray owes her raspy voice to a childhood illness, and her rebellious attitude was on full display

even as a kid.

She was once kicked out of the Girl Scouts in part because she "made up dirty lyrics

to a Girl Scouts song."

And it will come as no surprise to learn that she used her bubbly, go-getter personality

to become a high school cheerleader, topping the pyramid.

It was in the kitchen, however, that she truly flourished as a youth.

While she was growing up, Ray's parents owned a restaurant.

After they divorced, Ray helped her mother Elsa run a number of eateries in upstate New


She put her knowledge of cuisine to good use, making and selling delicious gift baskets

while still in high school.

Looking to pursue a career in food, she dropped out of college and got a job in Macy's gourmet

food market in Manhattan.

It looked like her career path was set.

But fate had other ideas.

From victim to victory

After being mugged twice, Ray decided to quit New York City entirely.

She told Good Housekeeping, "I felt like the whole universe was telling me, 'You're not

supposed to be here right now.'"

Instead, she moved upstate to Albany and got a job as a food buyer at a gourmet food store.

It was there that she had the idea to teach cooking classes.

That led to appearances on local TV, which led to a guest spot on the Today show, which

led to landing her own series on The Food Network.

Funny how things work out.

She isn't a chef

It might be hard to believe, but Rachael Ray is quick to point out that she is not actually

a chef.

She has no formal culinary training, something she stresses so as not to take away from classically

trained chefs.

I can think of no greater motivation in the world to get you guys into your kitchen than

macaroni and cheese."

There are some things she can't cook

Ray might appreciate the simple things in life, but that doesn't mean she knows how

to make them.

The cooking guru has admitted that there are some basic food staples she simply can't prepare.

She told Mediaite that when she brews coffee "it looks like mud or pee" and that she has

been known to set bread on fire when trying to toast it.

Hey, it could be worse.

"Get in there sonny!

Beat that!"

Family matters

Ray talks a lot about her family, particularly her mother, Elsa.

She's also been known to name dishes after her younger brother Manny, while her older

half-sister Maria writes recipes for the Rachael Ray website.

Still, when it comes to family versus career, there's no contest for Ray, who prioritizes

her work.

She told Good Housekeeping that when she was dating, she would dump any guy who wanted

to be put first.

Luckily, she married musician John Cusimano in 2005, who she says is the perfect match

because he doesn't mind playing second fiddle to a stove top.

"I can't give a man an enormous amount of attention, and John is totally down with that."

But Ray's commitment to work over family has caused her some controversy and personal pain

as well...

Magnet for controversy

In 2013, Ray's aunt Geraldine suffered a fatal heart attack while housesitting for Ray's

mother Elsa.

Geraldine's daughter Gina blamed the Ray family for neglect, and the hard feelings were made

worse when Ray elected to film her cooking show rather than attend her aunt's funeral.

That's just one of many occasions Ray has drawn controversy over the course of her career.

On her breakout show $40 a Day, Ray often ruffled feathers with her tiny tips, sometimes

leaving as little as seven percent for the hardworking waitstaff serving her.

In 2003, Ray's decision to do a photoshoot for FHM magazine caused a firestorm among

her fans, while in 2009, Ray somehow generated a national controversy simply by wearing a

headscarf in a Dunkin Donuts commercial.

That one may have been downright silly, but the charges brought against her pet-food company

in 2017 were no laughing matter.

A class action suit alleged that the claims made by her Nutrish label, saying that the

pet-food contains "no artificial flavors or artificial preservatives," are misleading.

That's because the food actually contains, quote, "unnatural" ingredients.

And a separate suit alleged that recovering addicts in the Christian Alcoholics & Addicts

in Recovery program were forced to work without pay for Nutrish among other national brands.

Neither suit has been resolved as of the making of this video.

Made in America

Despite the controversies she's endured, Ray still isn't afraid to mix food with politics.

In 2016, she explained to CNBC her decision to base her furniture line in the United States.

"The American public is fed up with being underemployed.

I think our employment rate keeps rising, but we have skilled people that are doing

jobs that are not skilled.

I think we've been frustrated as a country to bring jobs back, and I think we're on a

good path.

More and more you see 'Made in America.'

We certainly try as a company to do our part to get it made here and bring jobs back here."

She has a budding acting career

If Ray's gig as a celebrity cook ever ends, she has a fallback career — as an actor.

Besides playing herself on shows like Gilmore Girls, 30 Rock, and Young and Hungry, she

also made her film debut in 2017 as the voice of Spam in the animated Emoji Movie.

Now that's Yum-O!

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Things You Didn't Know About Rachael Ray - Duration: 5:02.


عــــــــاجل: الملك يشدد على بلوغ السرعة القصوى لانجاز هذا المشروع الكبير - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: الملك يشدد على بلوغ السرعة القصوى لانجاز هذا المشروع الكبير - Duration: 2:43.


NATURE | Nature's Miniature Miracles: Official Trailer | PBS - Duration: 0:36.

(thrilling music)

[Announcer] Too often in life,

we overlook the little guys...

But now, we're going to get down to their level

and witness the extraordinary strategies

these tiny creatures have for surviving in a big world.

It's time to meet Nature's Miniature Miracles.

For more infomation >> NATURE | Nature's Miniature Miracles: Official Trailer | PBS - Duration: 0:36.


Photoshoot for Harper's Bazaar Russia with actress Yulia Snigir in Erdem X H&M - Duration: 7:02.

Hi, name is Anton Zemlyanoy

and today we are shooting for Harper's Bazaar Russia.

This time we are in Arkhangelskoe outside of Moscow, this is my first time here

and it is SO beautiful here...

it reminds me of Versailles outside of Paris

very magical...

and it's perfect for us

since we are shooting a somewhat gothic story with actress Yulia Snigir

together with H&M

for the November issue

gothic... park... a princess... came outside

old carpets... she places a chair next to a wall

and... it's overcast.

But when the sun comes out - it's bad for us

since we need this milky feel

to make it all look a bit moody and slightly dark.

But we have our equipment

a diffusion panel that we can hold up

and I just hope that the wind won't blow it away as it is rather strong today.

As usual - we have a plan

and we'll see how we go as we'll have to work with circumstances.

Oh that's great! Yulia - look at me

This is that exact situation when there is too much sun

when you don't need it

and it is planning on staying for a while

so we'll block it now

Rule #10...

when you are claiming that you'll do one thing

that the sun will be bad

actually it works here well!

and hence rule #10 is

'BE OPEN' :)

Hey look - so beautiful!

We're bringing a chair here

why? Cause it's fashion!

Actually this is a spot where

they shoot a lot of weddings

and this spot is somewhat overused

and out task is to make it look

unusual and add another dimension

and hence - a chair

we will also walk around and perhaps run

but the first shot will be in the chair

to match it with the previous shots

in which she ran on the carpets

(from my apartment!)

to make it look like its her own garden

with her furnishings

and it is really her space

We have the WIND... IF we'll catch those leafs

will be great!

The dress is flowing nicely


Thank you everyone!

You may kiss everyone and start running from here

Wow we are done and the rain has started

the wind is getting stronger

but we captured everything we needed

at first this shot wasn't working because

all the shots earlier were a bit cinematic

and here we had a proper set-up

and it WAS beautiful

but then the whole shoot should've been this 'set up'

It's starting to pour!

Let's go under the cover

Everything turned out well - everyone is happy

the captured mood is what we wanted

We are done!

Vitaly, we should also grab that couch

Vitaly - doesn't eat meat, but strong as a tiger!

We used a lot of natural light today

but for this last shot

we had two flashes as it became rather dark and dull

and we had a back/side light

this one

and we used a small source to fill in for the eyes

as there wasn't much light there

We did need a gothic feel, but we didn't need 'panda eyes'

Finally we got to use our flashes

But if it remained lighter - we probably wouldn't have needed them

for this specific shoot

But as usual - we carry gear with us just in case

Diffusion panel to block the sun

Reflectors - black and white.

Black is to add shadows

flashes - to fill other shadows in AND to add a key light

when there isn't much light around

I'm just happy that we finished shooting on time

because Yulia - a champion - got very cold

and promised to kill us if she gets sick

as she has an important shoot tomorrow

And I wish her not to get sick...


(I'm scared)

Thank you and thank you everyone

and see you soon!


Today I had this little friend - Osmo

And I had a go at doing a mini film

a fashion film so to speak

And I'll see if we can put it together

We shot it in slow motion

Usually there isn't much time to experiment

But today I managed to squizz a few in between our shots

Once we put it together

I'll upload it!


(you gotta press three times)

For more infomation >> Photoshoot for Harper's Bazaar Russia with actress Yulia Snigir in Erdem X H&M - Duration: 7:02.


Herramienta para que mexicanos residentes en EEUU podrán abrir cuentas bancarias en su país natal - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Herramienta para que mexicanos residentes en EEUU podrán abrir cuentas bancarias en su país natal - Duration: 2:33.


Como estar alerta para evitar abuso sexual en menores. Children at Risk - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Como estar alerta para evitar abuso sexual en menores. Children at Risk - Duration: 2:24.


DNG BOX #50 (Polish Standup | With Eng subs) - Duration: 8:48.

It's like this.

Now we're going to theCS:GO tournament final.

The music fits like a little glove.

That's more or less it.

It took so long!

Good! Ok, his controller is broken.

It was fast!

Look at the time! Fuck! This is Bruce Lee Style man.

So fast man! Hey.. We lost !

I think..

Anyone wants to compete? No. Nope. No. I'm good!

Look at this man!

Anything to say? I'm the winner!

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