Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

use your phone to turn on your

digital marketing campaigns

If not you should do so because

and increases the likelihood ratios

conversion in today's video I'll

tell how you can do


Hello my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to a new video if you

first if you want to learn all

tricks on digital marketing and

how to be an entrepreneur success

Started by subscribing my channel

do not miss any of the videos

which he published daily for you is

important phone use in your

business and results of

llamadas que recibe es de posibles

clientes integrados a través de todos

los canales

el teléfono es uno de los canales de

marketing y ventas más potentes que hay

si sabemos cómo usarlo

de hecho según un estudio de google el

61 por ciento de las personas que están

navegando en internet y hacen clic para

llamar a un número de teléfono han

tomado ya la decisión de compra es ser

capaces de integrar una llamada de

teléfono en nuestros distintos canales

online es un paso imprescindible para la

obtención de mejores resultados y te

sorprenderías cómo puedes incrementar

las ventas sólo con añadir esto tiene

en cuenta que cada vez más búsquedas y

en muchos sectores ya por encima del 50

por ciento se realizan desde

dispositivos móviles por lo que tenemos

al usuario en el terminal perfecto para

hacernos una llamada y poder cerrar una


muchos usuarios prefieren cuando están

haciendo una búsqueda en google y

encuentran los resultados que le

interesa llamar directamente a la

empresa en lugar de entrar en la web por

distintas razones una de ellas es por la

necesidad de una información inmediata

es decir en ese mismo momento lo cual

haciendo una llamada sabes que va a ser

más inmediato que entran en la web

buscando el producto o servicio

completando su formulario de contacto

el segundo punto clave es que una

llamada de teléfono es más personal es

decir sobre todo en ciertos negocios el

tener un contacto con otra persona y

generar esa conexión humana es un

factor decisivo a la hora de generar la

venta en base a estos puntos y

analizando cómo usan el canal online el

teléfono los distintos sectores

podemos ver que hay una gran oportunidad

porque realmente es un pequeño

porcentaje sobre el total

los que integran la opción de hacer una

llamada de teléfono para informarse o

comprar un producto pero a pesar de

todas las estadísticas y el valor que

el teléfono ofrece las campañas de

marketing digital

como decíamos son todavía pocas las

empresas que utilizan adecuadamente y

sobre todo

miren con exactitud los distintos

indicadores de sheriff concreto de

dónde viene calidad de la llamada esta

parte de mediciones clave por muchos

aspectos por ejemplo cuando tú recibes

una llamada no sabes absolutamente nada

de quienes de que palabras clave ha

usado para encontrarte que anuncio ha

sido el responsable de la llamada

incluso no puedes ni siquiera distinguir

si es un real potencial cliente es spam

es alguien de la competencia buscando


si no tienes esta información está

claro que vas completamente a ciegas con

ese cliente lo que penaliza a la

información que le puedes ofrecer el

cómo y por lo tanto la experiencia que

es usuario tiene con tu marca lo que sin

lugar a dudas va a influir en la

conversión a la venta

es por eso que el traje o

monitorización en tiempo real de cada

una de las llamadas te dará una

información que necesitas para mejorar

el retorno de la inversión en marketing

generando además lynch más

cualificados e incrementando el

beneficio claro pero llega aquí la

pregunta es cómo puedo hacer eso

básicamente hay dos opciones una es con

un sistema especializado en medición de

llamadas que te provee a una empresa a

la que pagase una suscripción para

acceder a un programa y y ver los datos

no en la descripción del vídeo os dejo

un enlace a una de las empresas que hace

esto y la otra opción y para mí

especialmente más interesante es usar

las apis que te permiten integrar tus

actuales herramientas de marketing con

la medición de las llamadas y tener

todo en un mismo lugar para poder tomar

decisiones más rápidas e inteligentes

en la mayor parte de las empresas se

pierden literalmente clientes por no

atender los con la rapidez oportuna y

los departamentos de ventas se quejan de

que los contactos que les llegan no son

de calidad y la realidad muchas veces no

es ésa sino que es el ipse enfriado por

no atenderlo en el marco de tiempo

adecuado y en muchos casos debido a que

no saben cómo mejorar estos tiempos de

respuesta por lo tanto es importante no

engañarse y ver realmente dónde está

el problema

con todas estas integraciones que te

comento te van a permitir reducir este

tiempo dejan de poner un ejemplo el

portal inmobiliario de estados unidos

llamado trulia se dio cuenta que tenía

un problema con estos tiempos y lo que

hizo fue implementará

ciertas vía sms que se envían

inmediatamente a las personas

correspondientes para establecer una

rápida conexión entre el agente

inmobiliario y un posible comprador de

esa vivienda

los resultados fueron un incremento de

los ratios de cierre que pasó del 20 al

60 por ciento incrementando los ingresos

en más de un 10 por ciento

como puedes ver son muchas las ventajas

de esta integración por lo que debes

trabajar en optimizar todos tus procesos

integrado canales online y offline y

poniendo recuerda el teléfono como un

medio más de respuesta

te ha gustado el video si es así dale

me gusta y quiero hacerte partícipe de

él por lo que dejan los comentarios con

el hashtag marketing digital

si es el teléfono en tus campañas de

marketing y de ser así que tal

resultados te da entre todos los

comentarios de los videos del mes

sortear emi curso online estrategia de

marketing digital valorada en 995 euros

por lo que cuanto más comentes en mis

videos diarios más oportunidades

tendrás de ganarlo así que dejará

mismo tu comentario


por mí


For more infomation >> Cómo integrar el TELÉFONO en tu MARKETING DIGITAL para MEJORAR LAS VENTAS - Duration: 6:05.


Popular Animated Kids Series | BRAVE (ధైర్య) – Big Block – Episode 16 | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 2:18.

A long time ago

In a place not far from here

Boy, I was scared

I was afraid

Tell us more, what for? Why were you afraid

There was a creature with googley eyes


He had to be at least three times my size


With smelly feet and skin that was prickly

What did you do?

I had to think quickly

So I stopped, took a breath

Deep down in my chest and I smiled at him

Then he smiled at me

Ooh ooh ooh. What a surprise

It turned out he was nice


I guess I was brave

You were definitely brave

I suppose I was brave

You were brave until the end


And now you've made a friend

Nice guy

You were brave

He's definitely brave

Definitely brave

At another time in another place

There was a meal that I once had

Everything seemed great

But then on my plate, there was salad

Salad! Terrifying

I know

How did you stay calm

It was hard to stay calm, I have to admit


I was ready to run, I was ready to quit


There were leaves everywhere! So many things could go wrong

What if you didn't like it

I had to stay strong

I stopped took a breath, deep down in my chest and I tried a bit

Then I tried some more

Then a bit more

Ooh OohWhy? What for

It turns out it was delicious


I guess I was brave

You were definitely brave

Salad can be scary sometimes

So brave for you to do


To try something so new

It's pretty good

You were brave

I was definitely brave

Definitely brave

For more infomation >> Popular Animated Kids Series | BRAVE (ధైర్య) – Big Block – Episode 16 | Shemaroo Kids Telugu - Duration: 2:18.


Jeremy Irons Owns a Castle in Ireland - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> Jeremy Irons Owns a Castle in Ireland - Duration: 6:48.


Borderlands 2 Live #2 (Featuring Kane and Donnie) - Duration: 7:45:55.

For more infomation >> Borderlands 2 Live #2 (Featuring Kane and Donnie) - Duration: 7:45:55.


פגישה עם רוני קובן - אורח, איתי אנגל - Duration: 32:53.

For more infomation >> פגישה עם רוני קובן - אורח, איתי אנגל - Duration: 32:53.


Top 10 Amazing Hair Transformations - Beautiful Hairstyles Tutorials Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Amazing Hair Transformations - Beautiful Hairstyles Tutorials Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:28.


Motape ko kam karne ka asan Tarika | 5 Din Mein Motapa Khatam hone lag jayega - Duration: 3:42.

Motape ko kam karne ka asan Tarika | 5 Din Mein Motapa Khatam hone lag jayega

For more infomation >> Motape ko kam karne ka asan Tarika | 5 Din Mein Motapa Khatam hone lag jayega - Duration: 3:42.


2NE1 Missing You Korean Karaoke By Naz - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 2NE1 Missing You Korean Karaoke By Naz - Duration: 2:34.


Phonics Letter P | Learning Street With Bob The Train | ABC Videos For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:09.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes its me bob

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter P | Learning Street With Bob The Train | ABC Videos For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 4:09.


ジョンレノ!!!& 後輩をいじめない方法 Can't Keep Up With All The Drama!!! - Duration: 4:25.

Hey, kids it's me PDRsan

PDRsan is


Recently the space of time in between when YouTubers do something really stupid

has become less and less

I know right

There's too much! I can't keep up with it all!!

What next

Takeyaki admits to being an actual Takoyaki

The Charisma Brothers were pretending that they couldn't speak English this whole time

Seikin has a device around his wrist that disables all humor and personality




John Leno

fucked up


To be honest

if it wasn't for your comments, I would have had no idea about this at all


I don't really look at twitter that much

and all I watch on YouTube is

Scary stories

and KouichiTV


So for those of you that don't know what this is about

There is a YouTube group called the Chocolate Smokers

and one of the members of the group Jeonghan


Oh, right

so there's Johann

and there's the leader of the group John Lenoso

John Leno!

Oh, right

So the leader John Leno

kicked him out of the house that all of the Chocolate Smokers live in

is it called the Chocosmo House?

anyway he kicked Johann out

so Johann (who is only 16...) wonders the streets

and finally finds salvation at

Maho-chan's house

and in one of Maho-chan's videos

he exposes John Leno

saying that he was punched twice in the face and once in the stomach

John Leno is currently being burned at the stake

if this is true

I think you should probably go to the cops

I'm no expert

but I'm pretty sure that's assault...

Also John Leno is accused of

Punching Johann just for talking to his girlfriend (Who does he think he is? Rob Zombie??)

Johann is the only member who sleeps on the floor (everyone else has a bed)

Yohann does all of the editing


Johann gets 3% of what they make on adsense

John Leno gets 80%

That means that if they were making 1000000 yen a month

Yohann only gets 30000yen



Aside from the stuff Yohann said in a video

everything else is just accusations on the internet

so I don't know how much of it is true

and at the point of filming this video

John Leno still hasn't made any official statements about this

I don't really want to jump the gun

but if

I said if

all of this is true

John Leno

is a massive piece of shit

That's it



Also I don't really want to say this

but I think we're going to see more of this kind of stuff on YouTube


The age of YouTubers that are getting popular in YouTube Japan just seems to keep going down


and if you get all of this fame and attention (and money) from a young age

unless you're super chill

you're gonna be a dickhead


I got attention on YouTube in my late 20's

but if I got attention when I was much younger

Hey, kid

Go buy me some Anpan!!!


Yes sir!

is probably what I would've been like

What the hell was that super old reference!?


Why Masuo-san!?!?

To all of the young popular YouTubers who are acting like they're are the shit

You guys

are not rock stars (or rappers)

You're YouTubers

who if you're lucky

will be forgotten in 4-5 years

Got it?

Oh and before we go

Can you see this?

I'm not bullying him

it's so easy

take notes


I'm not bullying him

it's so easy

take notes all of you that are bullying people younger than yourself!


Please give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video(^o^)b

What do you guys think of this...


What are they called again?

What do you think of this whole John Leno fiasco

let me know what you think in the comments


Check out my previous video!


For more infomation >> ジョンレノ!!!& 後輩をいじめない方法 Can't Keep Up With All The Drama!!! - Duration: 4:25.


Mitch McConnell's Neck, Scaramucci's Book Deal - Monologue - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Mitch McConnell's Neck, Scaramucci's Book Deal - Monologue - Duration: 3:13.


(ENG SUB)They win!! Check out their 1st win song! MONSTA X-DRAMARAMA performance MV[GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:53.

Hello. My lovely subscribers

of my channel :)

I went to the Italy shortly

because of my work

So I am late a little bit about this reaction

and also my face has a problem bcz of the time difference

What we will see today is really meaningful MV

MONSTA X's 1st win

2 years after they debuted

Few days ago, In Korean TV program 'THE SHOW'

they won with their new song DRAMARAMA

I saw that video

Just after they listened it

They cried a lot in that place

When I see that video

I also feel so impressive

Personally I knew a lot of their songs

and also they have a big fandom internationally

but especially in Korea,

They are not familiar with the 1st prize

So It was little bit late

It is their 1st win after they debuted

So, How awesome this new song is?

We will see together and find a reason

MV released at 11/07 already

and they released new performance version

personally when I see the MV

I see the choreo and movement

rather than story

So today we will see the performance version

Let's see the MV first

and talk it later

Let's see!!

It's been a long time after released

So I heard the song already

I think rap part is the killing part

Actually, dance is

Every time I gave up at MONSTA X song

That is too hard always...

I think MONSTA X is so familiar

with the title 'BEAST idol'

I think It is.... I can dance with this

(Let's start killing part)

I think it is killing part

NONO maybe next rap part??

(NONO here is right)

Lime of the rap is


Personally I really like choreo with shaking legs

I think this one is so nice

That is so cool

(Why they dancing so well??)

They are so good at dance

My head is full with this motion

that is so nice

Choreo is different with 1st part

Yeah guys we saw

performance MV of the DRAMARAMA

I am wondering what does it mean

'DRAMARAMA'. So I found an album intro

But I can't find it

Among the fan club of the MONSTA X

who see this video, if you know the meaning of it

please leave a comment

then we can share it together

Personally killing part of this song is

JOO HEON's rap part at the 1st chorus


Actually I listened it first before the reaction

when I heard this part, I thought

'wow this rap part is so nice'

As I known he participated

at the lyrics of this song

Because of that reason,

quality of the rap part is pretty high

compare to the other songs

That was so nice

Also music is my style too

a little bit funky and exciting

and also chreo is

normally when I used their songs, I can't imitate it

because that was always so difficult

(My body can't follow it)

but in this time

I think I can imitate this choreo

That is really good news to me

Except other things all

this song is

their 1st win song

Only with this fact, this song is so worthy

When they won the program

if you see that through the TV

in real time , if you see they crying

Most of the fan cried at that moment I think

I don't know why but I listened

their many songs. So I am really familiar with MONSTA X



Actually I really love NEWTON

When I heard that song, that is a recent song right?

I thought this song is perfect

but after I sing this song, it was too high

So I was so depressed

As I told, MOSTA X is so familiar with me

So I thought they won with other songs previous

But this is their 1st win

So I am surprised a lot

But they did it this time!!

So I hope not only this song

but also their next song

I hope their good grade

This is the end of this video

Thank you for watching

and see you later

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)They win!! Check out their 1st win song! MONSTA X-DRAMARAMA performance MV[GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:53.


비투비 정일훈 더쿠션 6.5~9화 모음 | 'The Cushion' BTOB Jung Ilhoon compilation (Ep.6.5~9) - Duration: 7:30.

Seonho: Why does Noona live in this sort of place?

Ilhoon: I'm here too.

Ilhoon is singing/dancing Seo Taeji and Boys' "Come back home"

IH: Alright, sure! There's something you can't see.

Lena: I can't do it anymore. Seonho, you do the rest.

IH: That's as easy as chewing chewed gum

Isn't she [Lena] more of a video game youtuber? [not a make-up youtuber]

Lena: Everyone gather, and sit please.

So that we can test something.

Please sit~. Gather, gather.

Let's do a test.

You're gonna lose it [skin quality] in one go.

How old is it [my skin]?


Singing: 'Super Hot' from Produce 101 Season 2

Seonho: What are you doing? Lena: I danced my best..

Lena: How is it?

IH: Huh? I'll erase it with Seonho's face.

She's the president's...daughter?

Seonho: Ilhoon oppa, be careful. [Seonho is reading the comments]

This much [spicyness] is bearable.

You could work out with these.

IH: Ha-SoIn-nim, "You're good-looking"

DJ: "Wh-who?"

IH: Probably me. Thank you!

DJ: Please be SPECIFIC.


DJ: Thank you so very much!

Is assistant manager Park Eun-Ji not in?

May I have her number?

Employee: Here.

"Hello, Assistant Manager Park."

BTOB's "You're My Angel (Feat. JOO)" - composed by Ilhoon

Isn't my Noona so good at singing? [JOO is his biological sister.]

So good~

I'm tearing.

Cosmetic specialist~

Long johns? I never wore those.

By the way, Noona. You're so good at singing.

I cried listening to you sing. Look, there are tear marks.

No, I really cried!

Director, please tell her! I really did cry!

Don't use it [when you need prove you cried]

(The cushion persists even against tears)

Then, how about Ilhoon cushion?

Cushion that has achieved completion ['Ilhoon' sounds like the Korean translation of "achieved"; wordplay]

Cushion that has achieved perfection

Even put my last name,

With the chinese character for Jung,

Jung Ilhoon Cushion.

You're beautiful without makeup.

You're probably going to regret it [not knowing Ilhoon] when you grow up.

Don't we have to test our makeup ingredients too?

Lena: Exactly, ingredients!

Butylene Glycol Dicaprio [Actual ingredient: Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate]

Is that [Leonardo] Dicaprio's dad?

Hexan Dior, Hexan Chanel, Hexan Gucci [Actual ingredient: Hexanediol]

Lena: Thank you for

All three: making our cushion~

Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide,

Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate,

Nicotinamide, Octocrylene,

and Triethoxycaprylylsilan.

They're all from Europe. [They are chemical compounds found in cosmetics]

I'm going to name my daugher Ilhoon.

Fitting, fitting.

And one is already out of the game~

I've made Powerpoints before. Alright, Assistant manager Park.

Seonho: Hyung~ Ilhoon: What, what, what?

Seonho: Ilhoon hyung is an animal!

IH: Eunkwang hyung!! EK: Yea, Hoon~

What's a cushion?

The cushion I'm talking about is...

Do you get it now? / Yes.

Right now, I'm a cosmetic specialist of 'The Cushion'

Wouldn't it have meaning if you suggest it [the cushion name]?

EK: Then, 3 Cushion! [reference to Billiards]

Thanks for trying!

EK: Huh? That's it-

There are many occasions where

modern society's marketing point

and the consumer niche

become determinants to the brand's name

Man / Su / Ru Cushion! [chinese characters-each has a meaning]

It means 10,000 water drops came together

to create a moisturizing cushion.

I realized again the importance of water.

Belgium Spa water is the best! [Spa is a brand, and location in Belgium]

It's famous for the cleanest water.

Wouldn't it be great for your skin?

Assistant Manager Park: I feel like I heard it [the name: Man/su/ru] before...

IH: That's a very sharp question.

I got it from Mansour! [Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan]

Gone is the era of cheap plastic!

This era's truly luxury cushion!

Man/su/ru [Mansour] cushion!

I have no words~~

We took all of our names out [of the brand name] but she was the only one...[who didn't]

Why did you use Bonobono?

You should've used Pororo!


What is that?

I think they'll give a reward.

To just me.

Is it not Sam Kim?

BTOB's "Movie"- composed by Ilhoon

AMP: Using Ilhoon's idea, we'll use Belgium's Spa Water.

That's why we named it 2D4.

Lena: That sounds nice

Definitely better than, "Apply-lena?" [In Korean, Lena's name can be put into the brand name naturally.]

I saw her change the water cooler jug in the office by herself.

How about Ilhoon, yihoon, samhoon? ["Il"-1, "Yi"-2, "Sam"-3; IH is counting off the cushion codes as wordplay off his name]

Seonho: #23 can be "Elegant and Poised bboom bboom"

What's with "bboom bboom"?

Are you' Bboongbboong-e'? [Korean Cartoon character]

Our Seonho, idea bboom bboom~

You said it was bad.

No, [I'm calling] my mom.

You have to jump with the pumps./ Yea.

Jung Il hoon

Call me director, not hyung, for today.


Lena: What's wrong with him? Seonho: Did he forget his contact?

Of course, the director is ME.


Hold it like this, and more dynamically!

With Vitality!

Please watch the original 'The Cushion' Episode 6.5; you'll regret it if you don't (Dancing Ilhoon is LIFE)

Ilhoon's notable moments increase with the series progression...I'll come back with part 3 T.T

Thank you.

For more infomation >> 비투비 정일훈 더쿠션 6.5~9화 모음 | 'The Cushion' BTOB Jung Ilhoon compilation (Ep.6.5~9) - Duration: 7:30.


Безжични слушалки за металотърсач Makro Racer 2 - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Безжични слушалки за металотърсач Makro Racer 2 - Duration: 4:03.


Русская народная сказка для малышей. БЫЧОК - СМОЛЯНОЙ БОЧОК. Слушать аудиосказку с картинками 1080 - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Русская народная сказка для малышей. БЫЧОК - СМОЛЯНОЙ БОЧОК. Слушать аудиосказку с картинками 1080 - Duration: 11:12.


奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 完全犯罪?交通事故死?夫が追突事故を起こし助手席の妻が亡くなってしまった。普通の交通事故で処理してしまった警察官だったが・・・ - Duration: 25:32.

For more infomation >> 奇跡体験!アンビリバボー! 完全犯罪?交通事故死?夫が追突事故を起こし助手席の妻が亡くなってしまった。普通の交通事故で処理してしまった警察官だったが・・・ - Duration: 25:32.


Advanced Music - Sónar Calling GJ273b - Duration: 3:50.

At Sónar, we have been reinventing ourselves during all these years.

It has always been mutating into different spaces, stuff and proposals.

This 25th anniversary celebration, we approach it in the same way,

with the creation of a new project that looks towards the future.

The Sónar Calling GJ273b project

brings together the creativity of the musical world

and the creativity of the scientific world and devises a joint message

to reach intelligent life in outer space.

In this case we have chosen an exoplanet which is 12.5 light years away.

We are the first festival in the world to go beyond the Solar System.

The idea is that after tracking the sounds of the planet for 24 years,

now for the first time in history we send music into outer space.

We have invited around 40 artists,

and the music they have specifically composed,

which are 10 seconds pieces, will be sent into space.

Some of these artists will be part of the festival's line-up this year and some artists won't,

but we couldn't do it without Autechre, Matmos,

Squarepusher and Mr. Jean-Michel Jarre, such key figures in the history of advanced music,

and new artists such as Lorenzo Senni and Holly Herndon.

We have invited these artists to express themselves freely

in a transcendental message which is unique in history.

Some works express highly poetic and aesthetic inspirations

and some others contain different layers of meaning, like some kind of hieroglyph.

I think that imagining collectively is something good.

Any invitation to thinking beyond is a good thing,

free from the yoke of religion, fear, the good and the evil.

When you look up at the sky and you realize how big and immense it is,

it is totally stupid to think that we are the only ones.

The topic of extraterrestrial life is totally cross-cutting,

you encounter all kinds of people.

Then why not at Sónar, after scanning the planet for so long,

why wouldn't we rotate the antenna and send out a transmission?

Finding an antenna for the transmission was complicated.

Some people are against it.

There's people saying "do not send transmissions, because they will come and destroy us".

We finally managed, thanks to the EISCAT team in Tromsø,

to be able to send the transmission from there.

Usually, the image of the festival always works independently,

but in this case, the image is linked to the artists,

and it is thanks to the artists' work that the image can be actually made,

we have worked with scientists.

It has been a very interesting collaboration between different players,

following a work approach which is very characteristic of Sónar.

The relationship between creativity and technology has been present from the first minute,

in order to make the goal feasible and scientifically valid.

It was also important that the project had social and even political interpretations.

It seems interesting to assess the situation of our planet,

and to bring to the fore the need to protect what we have,

because so far, according to science developments,

we are the only ones who have it.

So far we are alone, and this should make us realize

how fragile the Earth and humanity are.

Considering the amount of time humans have been on Earth,

which is very little if you look at the whole history of the Earth,

we have caused such a mess, and it keeps getting worse.

Somehow I think we could fix it, but it seems difficult.

Please come! Let them come down and get this sorted.

It's a framework that allows to imagine many situations.

It will be fun to share and to invite the audience to imagine

how this message will be received and discussed,

what will they think about it,

perhaps they already knew about us and find it amusing,

perhaps they think it was about time someone got in touch,

perhaps we end up seeing them on stage at the festival.

For more infomation >> Advanced Music - Sónar Calling GJ273b - Duration: 3:50.


Cinco Macaquinhos | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:04:35.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,

And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed





Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed




Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed



Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed


One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

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