Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Let's go.

(Episode 9) What do you think?

I think the other one looked better.

Really? I like this one better.

That's weird. I thought we had similar taste

in clothes, and in men.

That idiot would look ridiculous in this, right?

- What do you think? / - Pardon?

Wouldn't this suit Kim Jihyeok?

- I'm not sure. / - Is it too loud?

Once I go to the U.S. tomorrow, I'm not coming back.

I'm going to live with him.

Aren't we a good match?

Idiot and Psycho.

- Auntie! / - Hey.

I'll take that.

Did Jihyeok call or anything?

No, why? Did he disappear again?

I haven't heard from him in days.

He left without telling you either?

Not telling me is one thing,

but why didn't he call you either?

He took things with him,

so it doesn't look like he is on a short trip.

Did he say he was going somewhere?

No, but it kind of seemed like it.

I guess he wanted to take a break from everything.

I'm sure he'll be back when he's ready.

What do you mean? He definitely boarded.

He ran away because he didn't want to see me.

He's probably lost somewhere in New York.

Check every alley and find him, okay?

No way.


Yes, speaking.


You call that petty cash a settlement?

The market construction was suddenly stopped...

That's not what President Jihyeok said!

I told you not to trust him!

You need to compensate us! This is fraud!

It's not even half of the negotiated amount!

We're all going to be bankrupt!

We closed shop and prepared only for the market!

This won't even pay for interest on my loan!

You signed the contract with the previous president...

- Seriously! / - Let us see the new president!

- Let us see him! / - If he has a conscience,

he can't throw us under the bus like this!

- Yes! / - Let us see him right now!

Yes, well...

Yes, but the president is abroad on business.

- What? / - What are you talking about?



What happened?

What happened to your face?


It's me, Daeseop.

What's wrong? Why are you so out of it?

Did they do something to you?

Let's go. Let's go home, okay?


The doctor said that you can go home. Let's go.

No, I won't.

Have some of this.

You haven't eaten in days.

You need to eat. You'll die like this.


Tell everyone

that I'm dead.


I need to die and disappear

so that they won't look for me anymore.

Have you lost your mind? Why would I say you're dead?

No one knows that I'm alive.

So please

tell them I'm dead.

Tell whom?

The jerks who did this to you?

Are you that scared of them?

Jihyeok. Do you remember a long time ago?

You once took on 10 guys at the market!

You were like...

You took them down with one blow each. Remember?

And in the national semi-finals,

you fought against the favorite. The big guy.

You took him down with one blow!


That's who you are. Hedgey!

Hedgey, who isn't afraid of anything!


Just tell them I'm dead.

Why are you doing this?

Why did you become such an idiot?

Snap out of it. Please.

Wake up and

get revenge on the jerks who did this to you.

I'll help, okay? Let's get revenge together!

I told you.

I don't have the money to pay you back.

Gosh, I don't have any!

I don't have the money to pay you back!

Fine! Come and take these nasty clothes!

Just take them!

This is ridiculous! This is all I have.

These nasty clothes!

Stop! Enough already!

Let go!

Refrain yourself!

Cheol, why must we always refrain ourselves?

Mr. Park.

What did Jihyeok say?

Will he get us our money?

I haven't seen him yet,

but I'm sure he's trying all he could.


That's all useless.

I can't trust him anymore.

I've had enough.

Stop drinking already! Please!



Do you want to eat something? What do you need?

Tell me. Anything.

I want to see Mom.


Auntie Dalsuk?

She went to her parents' to take care of something.

I didn't tell her about you in case she'll worry.

If you want to see Mom, you need to eat.

Should I reheat the soup for you?

Wait right here, okay?

Yes, Auntie.



W-What are you talking about?


M-Mr. Park?

What do you mean, Mr. Park is dead?

Who's dead?

Why did you do this?

You fool.


You try locking him up.

We will protest in front of the Blue House!

Forget the stores.

Let's close up and march to the Blue House!

How dare you

show your face here?

How dare you?

You killed Mr. Park!

Mr. Park isn't the only one.

So many more will die. What are you going to do?

Do you plan to kill everyone in the market?

After all we have done for you...

We trusted you! How could you do this?


Why did Mr. Park die?

Well, what happened was...

It's because...

It's because I messed up, isn't it?

It is, isn't it?



Yes, consider me your real mom.

Let's be real mom and son from now on, okay?

So for Mom's sake,

let's go back to how we used to be, okay?



How am I supposed to live now?

Mom, how...

How am I supposed to live now?

Finally, our real family has gathered.

Real family?

What's that? How can I trust you?


I'm not being tricked by you, am I?

Jina, stop.

We are sorry, so let's not talk about it anymore.

I'm having a really tough time right now.

You say that again and I'll kick you out.

- Please, do. / - If you hate it here, marry Myeongho.

That'll solve it.

You have to look at the person, not his family.

Remember what that jerk said?

Him again?

Myeongho likes you. He just doesn't show it.

And yet he fools around with other girls?

You fooled around with other guys, too.

Don't play innocent.

We have a lot of business to conduct with his family.

If you marry him, it'll help the group a great deal.

That's not marriage. That's business.

Then you marry someone like that. Problem solved.

Shall I introduce you?

Which group do you want? Yujin? Seongdong?

You won't marry someone like that, so stop forcing me.

Why do you think he wouldn't marry someone like that?

If it works out, he'll do it.

Really? Would you, really?

Answer me.

I'm done.

Answer me! Why can't you answer?



Yes, I had breakfast.

I worked overnight because I had a lot of work.

You're in early.

I won't be late. Bye.

Why are you gathered here?


Renewed personnel appointment? When was this posted?


- You've been promoted. / - Yes.

Well, you've...

You've been working hard lately.

Maybe they're giving you some time to relax.


You're doing it right.

I need to learn to bow now and then.

I didn't know my place. That's why this happened.

I'm fine.

At least I didn't get kicked out of Headquarter

at this age.

Get to work.

Why did they do that? Mr. Gu did nothing wrong.

He was made an example.

It was because he was close to

the former President Kang Jihyeok.

Wow. It's huge.

My wife will be happy.

I won't have to work late anymore.

It's nice and quiet. It's...

Even a chair insults me now.



How can you call her "Mom"? After what you did?

- Uncle. / - You don't know?

You don't know how threw your "Mom" under the bus?

- What? / - Your mom, who doesn't share

a drop of blood with you, took the blame for you.

What do you mean?

The market people demanded that

she bring you and get their money back

and Dalsuk withdrew her store deposit.

Do you know what she said

as she gave what little there was to the market people?

What did she say?

She asked them to forgive you.

She begged them to forgive you

because you are to be pitied.

Get some tteokbokki for the kids!

Have some of this. Try some sundae.

But you pay for our drinks.

Fine, why not? I'll be nice.

But not for the food. Just the drinks.

A round of applause!

Okay! Stop drinking beer, and drink soju!

A round of applause!

Have some salted fish!

Here. It's so good!

We need to prepare for the meeting.

Sorry, I'll have to call you back.

Are you upset about something?

No, I'm not.

Then why...

I'm not feeling well.

What's wrong?

My back...

I've been sitting and working myself to death

and now I can't bend my back.

So I can't bow even if I see higher ups.

I think it's fatal to my career.

What a shame.

Please process it.

I'm curious.

Have you ever thought that your position as president

was for the benefit of someone else?

Of course not.

You probably think it's just for you.

That's the difference between you and Kim Jihyeok.

Anyway, take care of yourself.


You think your death will solve this?

It's me, Mr. Gu.

Kim Jihyeok.

What is it?

It's about Jihyeok.

How dare you come to see Jihyeok?

He's here, right? He's back, right?

What do you want to know? Whether or not he's alive?


They threw him into the ocean and tried to kill him.

They're not human. They're worse than animals.

There you are. Get in.

Sorry, I want to rest at home today.

Why? Are you in a bad mood?

- No, I just... / - Get in. I'll make you feel better.

And you have to come over later anyway.

Which do you like?

I don't know.

You don't like anything here?

Well, I just don't know.

Is that so? Should I pick out something then?

This one's nice.

Give it to your sister.

I need to make your family members like me

so that they don't oppose our marriage.

- I'll take this. / - Yes, Sir.

And I'll take everything from here to here.

- Dongseok. / - Yes? Do you need something else?

Kim Jihyeok went to the U.S., right?

Why are you asking that again?

Just because. I thought I saw him.


On the street.

I must've been mistaken.


I was told that he went to the U.S.

The day is so long. Too long.

Mr. Gu.

What happened to your face?

Yes, well...

Anyway, I'm sorry.

Why are you apologizing to me?

I think it's my fault you got fired.

No, it isn't.

It was time for me to go.

Hyunsung Distributions won't last long anyway.

I'm glad that I got severance pay

before the company went under.

It's better this way.

But why did you call?

I didn't do it.

I know you didn't.

It may not have been for long, but I've watched you.

I worked for Hyunsung for over 20 years.

I can tell who lied and who conned whom.

To be honest, I wanted to kill them all.

I could've done it, if I jumped in

at the risk of dying myself.


I realized that even if I kill them all,

nothing would be resolved.

You made the right decision.

The problem is,

I don't know what to do next.

I don't know what I need to do

in order to protect the people around me.

I don't know.

You mean the people in the market, right?

That's so...

Mr. Gu, you're the only person I can trust right now.

Please tell me what I should do.

What you should do?

That's tough.

Someone died because of me.

I did that to those people.

Please help me, Mr. Gu.

Mr. Gu!

Mr. Gu!

Why are you doing this to me?

I've been fired. I can't do anything, okay?

Please leave.

- Goodness... / - Mr. Gu.

You're the only person I can rely on.

Really? Then do as I say.

Go and get Hyunsung Distributions back.

That'll solve everything. Become the president

and pay the market people. Okay?

- I'm off now. / - Wait.

What do I need to do in order to do that?

Do what?

If I knew that, I'd be the president by now.

Mr. Gu.

If only I could do that,

I could take out my heart right this instant.

Chairman Moon. Madam. Here.

Our apologies. We should've had you over sooner.

Not at all.

Things have been crazy for you.

Well, a lot has happened.

I was shocked when I read the paper.

The world is truly a scary place.

Yes, it is.

What's taking Jina so long?

She's probably making herself pretty.

- There she is. / - Find him right away.

I've already booked my flight twice, but...


The Kim Jihyeok who arrived

is different from the photo?

Are you sure?

Okay. We'll talk later.

What happened to that idiot?

Kang Jina. Aren't you going to say hello?


What kind of a greeting was that?

Then how am I supposed to say hello?

There was no heart.

Hast thou been well, My Lord, My Lady?

May thou be blest with long lives.


I like how spunky our Jina is.

She'll put our immature Myeongho in his place

once they're married. Don't you agree?

Yes, you're right.

I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman.

I apologize on my sister's behalf.

No, not at all.

I really like her.

I like her very much.

Yes, Monday? Okay, I'll see you then.

Thank you, Sir.

I made the appointment

so go talk to him.


Chairman Cho Hwasu.

Even Hyunsung asked him for money before.

He's the best at gathering large sums of money.

But why would I see him?

He's been eyeing Hyunsung Distributions for a while.


Then he must have the same objective as I do.

That's correct.

Anyway, I'll call you on Monday.

Thank you, Mr. Gu. Thank you so much.

I'll call you on Monday.

Wait a minute.

You should know something.

Chairman Cho Hwasu is...

You know villains in the movie, right?

He is exactly like that.

He's the worst villain I've ever seen.

Are you sure you won't regret this?


I won't regret it.

You piece of trash.

- Let go of me! / - Hey! Yellow-head!

Dad, I have to know.

What did you do to him?

Who are you talking about?

Who else? Kim Jihyeok!

I heard that he left for the U.S.

But someone else has arrived.

He wouldn't be that deceitful!

What are you babbling about in front of guests?

Have you lost your mind?

No matter how much you torment him

I will protect him.

What are you saying?

Go find a woman you like.

I will go find a man I like.

You're the girl I like, you brat.

It's too late.

Mr. Chairman.

Thank you for inviting us.

Thank you for the priceless gift.

Let's go.

- You took care of Kim Jihyeok, right? / - Yes, Sir.

Is anything wrong?

No. Nothing's wrong.

But Jina seems to know that he didn't go to the U.S.

Find a way to keep Jina quiet.

Yes, Sir.

What do we do? Jina just released a bomb.

We should delay telling them about us.

That's fine.

- But... / - Did you bring me my medicine?

- Yes. / - Why did Mom make you do that?

How humiliating.

I'm going to live no matter what. For you.

One serving of tteokbokki, please.

Yes, right away.

Mom, congratulations on your new business.

Good. I was out of tissue

and didn't know what to do.

Who am I? I can tell when you need something.

You kept appearing in my dreams every night.

"I need tissue. But what I really need is a man."

"Someone in his mid-50s who looks like Shin Seongil."

"Six-pack abs would be nice."

So I said, "Mom, come to your senses."

Goodness. You're hilarious.

Why would I need a man at my age?

Stop with your nonsense and try this.

I haven't made this in a while.

I don't know how it tastes.

You made it, so I'm sure it's good.

- It's so salty! / - It's salty?

You won't have any customers at this rate!

You should've stuck to sundae soup.

Sorry, Mom.

Once I get my apartment deposit

I'll give it to you.

You'll be able to open a small shop with that.

It's okay.

I like it here.

It was hard cleaning up after drunkards all night.

It's nice and quiet here. What's the problem?

Why did you do it?

I'm not even your blood...

I told you, I want you to be my son.

Sons need to cause trouble

for the moms to act like moms.

If you lead a quiet life, I won't get to be a mom.

I like it.

Fine. I'll cause lots of trouble as you wish.

- Is that okay? / - Fine, do what you want.

Just don't go to jail. I can't handle that.

Don't worry about that.

I won't get myself into that big of a trouble.

Wait. I'll be a good son today.


How can I help you?

It's okay. Just go. You'll only get in the way.

You don't know what you're talking about.

If you have someone like me standing here,

word will spread that you have a good-looking man here.

Right, whatever.

With your busted face, you'll scare people away.

- So just leave already. / - Come on.

Let's remake tteokbokki.

- Shut it. / - What is this?

Why I ought to...

See? You're causing more trouble.

Hey. What are you doing here?

What's wrong?

Why didn't you go?

Why didn't you listen to me?

Okay, I get it, so let go of me first.


Kang Jina. Please stop it!

You and I, no...

Your family and I will never work out.

That has nothing to do with me. What will you do?

What will you do about my life?

- What did I do to you? / - You should feel guilty.

The tragedy began because of you.

So what will you do about me?

Why you psycho...

Yes, I'm a psycho. You made me a psycho!

Whatever. Go home.

I've been kicked out. It's all your fault.

- Just go home. / - I'm hungry!

I'm hungry.

Why haven't you eaten yet?

Did she starve for days? How could she eat so much?

And Jihyeok, why did you bring her here?

She's your enemy, she's Hyunsung's daughter.

You're not still thinking she's your sister, right?

- No way. / - Then should we kidnap her?

Should we threaten those jerks with her?

- Go and put the apartment up for rent. / - What? Why?

I can't afford to live here now.

Mom is out on the streets, too.

Okay, fine.

Mira, don't ever let this guy go, okay?

Even if another guy charms you,

don't let go of this guy.

Jihyeok, So Mira came by earlier.

- Why? / - I don't know. Probably to snoop.

To see whether or not you were alive.

She asked about you,

so I told her they tried to kill you again.

Why did you do that?

Are you still hung up on her?

I don't have the luxury right now.

There must've been an accident.

Anyway, where's the office?

I'm sorry, Sir. I'm sorry.

But let's forget the whole thing.


What's wrong?

I don't think it's a good idea to meet Chairman Cho.

I'm sorry. I have to go.

- Why? / - Look.

Look, that accident may not have been an accident.

No, I'm positive it wasn't. Do you understand?

What does that have to do with meeting Cho Hwasu?

You could die like a dog. Don't you get it?


I told you that he's a villain, right?

I wasn't kidding.

He's a scary man.

He doesn't abide by the law. He has his own.

If someone hurts him in any way,

he'll just... As you just saw...

- Goodbye. / - Come on.

We came this far. Please, let's go.

- I said no. / - Come on! Let's go.

- No, I can't. / - We're already here.

I wanted you, Mr. Gu, not this thug.

How could you con your parents?

I'm sorry, Sir. I'll come back...

Yes, I am a thug.

I was a bottom dweller.

And yet, I almost ate up Hyunsung Distributions.

But I failed. So, I want to eat it up again.

But it's too big to eat alone,

so I'd like to share it with you.

You really are a thug.

I'll be blunt, one thug to another.

When I hire employees,

I don't bother checking their I.D.

Rather, their body is their collateral.

If they hurt the company in any way,

I claim that collateral.

If you still want to work here, come back.

Hey, Yongman.

Complain to that Chinese restaurant.

I'm right, aren't I? Let's go.

Let's go.

We'll have to sell Hyunsung Distributions.

Its image has been tainted

for having been run by a con artist.

Now there's a rumor that

Hyunsung Energy will go bankrupt as well.

We need to sell the company to save Hyunsung Energy.

You know what I mean, right?

Yes, Sir.

The problem is finding a buyer.

Let me try to find one.

We're considering Daesam, too.

Do you think Chairman Moon is delusional?

After the mess Jina made,

why would he buy our company?

Leave it to me.

I'll sell it for a good price.

Do it right. Our company's future may depend on it.

- Yes, Sir. / - And Mr. Do.

- Yes, Sir? / - Find Jina.

She didn't just run away this time.

I think she's going to cause big trouble this time.

Yes, Sir.

Hello. I'm Kang Dongseok of Hyunsung.

I'd like to discuss something with you in person.

Do you have some time?

Miss, please go home.

You saw what happened.

If I go home, Dad will kill me.

And I have nowhere to go anyway.

I'll just stay there for a while.


Does it bother you that I'm with Kim Jihyeok?

If you stay there, you'll put him in more danger.

- Why? / - They all believe he's in the U.S.

If they find out he's here,

they won't leave him alone.

Don't worry. I'll protect him.

What can they do when their only daughter is with him?

I was going to stick to him like glue anyway.


leave for somewhere else with him.

Go to the U.S. or somewhere where no one will find you.

I'll help in any way that I can.

You're incredible.

You're so thoughtful of Kim Jihyeok.

Just where is this love coming from?

I'll take care of him. You look after my brother.

Kim Jihyeok is mine. Kang Dongseok is yours.


Who is it?

- May I help you? / - I'm the landlord.

I heard he wanted to withdraw his deposit.


Hyunsung's daughter? I haven't seen her in a while.



Did you see him?


- Where is he? / - I don't know.

Let's go home. The chairman is worried.

No, thank you. I like it here.

Why, of all places...

He's dangerous. Who knows what he'll do to you?

I trust him.

I know why you're drawn to him.

It's an illusion. You are just intrigued by him.

He belongs to a different world.

You cannot and do not work well together.

Do you know

how much I hoped he wasn't my brother?

When I found out that he wasn't my brother,

I felt like I owned the world.

That wasn't just a one-time emotion.

And I didn't leave home on an impulse either.

For him, I can give everything up.


that I own.

I'll go back for now.

As you know, I would travel to hell

if the chairman orders it.

If he tells me to drag you home, I'll have to.

You're the one who had someone else go to the U.S.

as Kim Jihyeok, isn't it?

Don't touch him.

I'll kill you.

You thought hard about this before deciding, right?

Yes, Sir.

Fine. You start today.

Thank you.

First, make this delivery for me.

It's a bit dangerous.

Can you handle it?

Please leave it to me.

I would go to hell and back for you.

Go to this address and

give this bag to President Ahn.

- Yes, Sir. / - It's very important.

It's worth more than your life.

Do you know why I'm entrusting you with this?

Because you're a true thug, and true thugs know

what happens if they swipe this.

I'll heed your words.

He's alive.

Kim Jihyeok is alive, you morons.

Find him again and kill him.

You make another mistake and I'll kill you.

Excuse me, where's the post office?

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with this area.

Come here!

- Stay still. / - Hey! Who are you?

Chairman Cho sent you, didn't he?

I was suspicious because I hadn't seen you before.

My instincts are so good.

Where are we going? The police station is that way.

There's a better way to handle thugs like you.

You'll sell the company to Chairman Cho?

Yes, Sir.

True, with his wealth, it's possible.

He's always wanted a legitimate company.

But don't underestimate him. He is dangerous.

Don't worry. I'll get him to play how I want.

The banks seem uneasy.

If the sale fails, it'll hurt us badly.

Kiss his feet if you have to. Got it?

Yes, Sir.

Where are we going?

We'll have a big deal coming up.

It'll be good for you to meet him.

I'll be working with him a lot from now on.

I doubt my being there would help much.

Don't worry about that. Just stick with me.

Shall we?

What are you doing? Are you really a cop?

Why did you bring me here?

Would I carry a gun if I weren't a cop?

At times like these, I want to quit being a cop.

This must be more than what a detective makes

in 100 years.

Isn't life so unfair?

Hey, let's split this.

It's only a small sum to Chairman Cho.

It's black money, so he can't report it stolen.


he'll think I took it and ran.

I'll just make one phone call.

I'll say that I caught someone transporting his money.

If I ask if it's his, do you think he'll say yes?

No way. He'll insist it has nothing to do with him.

From that moment on,

this money will have nothing to do with him.

And no backlash either.

What do you think?

Do you want to take half and go home?

Or do you want to go to prison?

If you keep your promise...

Of course.

It'll be over for me too if you rat me out.


Take these off first.

Then I'll take half and go home.


Life is all about tricking others and being tricked.

There's nothing to it.

Where am I?

Chairman Cho!

It's me, Kim Jihyeok.

Something came up, so I need to bring the bag back.

There's no need.

You have a strong punch.

Did you used to be an athlete or something?

I know it's a bit childish,

but it's the only way to find out who I can trust.

And I may like money,

but I hate jerks who are obsessed with it.

We're going to sell Hyunsung Distributions.


- Why? / - I have to return to the headquarter anyway.

I'll build it back up.

I'll make Hyunsung bigger and stronger than the one

my father and grandfather have built.

Then you'll be

the wife of the greatest businessman in Korea.

This sale will be the first step.

It must go smoothly for the rest to go smoothly.

I'm back.

Kang Dongseok.

Get under his skin.

You ruined the company and he built it back up.

Why must I see that jerk Kim Jihyeok again?

Then I need to make excuses again!

You've returned to being a third-rate thug.

I'm fighting for all the people around me.

I can't give up.

Fighting Hyunsung is reckless.

You can never win.

Once I put my seal on it tomorrow...

I heard you sold real estate as well.

It was all in vain.

What do you mean?

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Wazan Kam Krnay ka Triqa | وزن کم کرنے کا طریقہ | Fast weight loss in 10 days - Duration: 6:02.

Wazan Kam Karne ka wazifa

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