Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

yeah what's going on guys this is a quick discomfort video starts I'm so

sorry that I could get a video at the Monday always thinking about bringing

this out Monday which I had the time for but I was like you know what I'm gonna

get it special cuz I don't really feel like uploading

my I don't really feel like uploading this Monday so I'm gonna give it what

you once date I'm gonna get a better even better video out for you guys

Monday peace alright hello YouTube - you here back at it again with another uncut

video cuz I'm lazy I want the only thing I want to do is make money but I'm a

making another Rainbow six siege video for you guys if you guys enjoy this

video all they care about is the money and yeah

I will be randomly sprayed through a window

still checks the carters even though the round is over what is this what is this

random doing

wash your trash don't taoist don't guys don't rewind the video look at that out

oh I have a great boom there's no hitbox on the drone now what we want situation

no I don't wanna get one situation statics haven't one eating pizza six

seven one does it know where the enemy

how dare you begone fuck

whoa instant blitz p.m. EDT my three kids

well then gadgets and six everyone in a 2v3 situation we can do this I wish to

keep it loose here hey Lucas I think they're dead I don't quite know with all

but I think you're doing Lucas you there

we just saw please stop honestly please

Lucas please stop it sounded like Adan Lucas can you please stop

like honestly

no I'm fucking meeting you I told you please stop like seven times maybe

upstairs he's in the little corridor

he's still in the little corner got it he's going around now no matter he is

gonna he's gonna come out of control room he's north side

four has deployed a diffuser you need to destroy it

what before I'll go around yeah wait too much noise

why'd you hide you yeah I'm good

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Siege - Thats Not A Fucking Window - Duration: 8:05.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 3:37.


"The Star" Guides The Way to the Christmas Season, Fathom Events, and more! - Duration: 4:48.

How does "The Star" retell the Nativity story?

Well, I sit down with the director to find out. Plus some unfathomable and

eventful fathom events? Yep, hokey wordplay and of course the

Pic of the Week, right here on Christian Cinema Weekly. Kenya slums are

home to over 100,000 orphans and one in five won't live to see their fifth

birthday now those figures may be a little shocking to you and if so good

they should shock you that's exactly how I felt when I learned this and other

jarring facts from the film "Mully" which is an eye-opening documentary about

Charles Mully now you may not know who that is

but if you see this movie you're never gonna forget Charles Mully was born in

1949 in Kenya he was abandoned by his family at the age of six he went from

begging on the streets to millionaire... What? That may seem like a bit of a jump

and it is. You're gonna have to watch the movie to fill in those gaps but the cool

thing is his story doesn't even stop there he's gone on to use his millions

to save thousands of abandoned kids off the streets of Africa it's really an

inspiring story teaming up with Focus on the Family and Fathom Events the movie

played in several hundred theaters in October and then a special encore

presentation this past week but if you want to see it and you really should

check it out it's available at to rent or buy and if you

want to find out more about Charles Mully charity the Mully Children's

Family and see how you can get involved well you can check it out

at If you missed that Fathom Event there's actually another

faith-based Fathom Event coming up and this time it's in 3d

Genesis Paradise Lost is in theaters only on November 16th. Genesis is a

brand-new documentary that covers the first few chapters of the Bible he talks

about the much heated discussed and controversial debate over the legitimacy

of the book. Now you may be asking Kevin why would I go see a documentary in 3d?

Is this just gonna be some scientist sitting there talking about the Bible

and 3d? "Whoa Ken Ham it's like I could I could reach out and touch him"

while there are interviews in this this is actually an attempt to bring the

Bible to life according to the website this is cutting-edge cinematography and

special effects some amazing water splashing going everywhere what I'm

saying is it seems to justify the use of 3d. You're going to get to see some

amazing visual effects of Genesis that have never been shown on the big screen

before you might even see some dinosaurs If that sounds like something you'd be

interested in then you might want to go check it out

also in theaters you might be looking for something a little more fun a little

more kid-friendly a little more talking animals! What better way to get yourself

in the Christmas mood than to check out the greatest story ever retold? "The Star"

is out and yeah sure you may be seeing yourself hey I've seen this story before

I know how it goes maybe when you went to see your nephew in the Christmas

pageant at church sporting a bedsheet and a hanger staff one Christmas

Shepherd is going to keep it crusty blanket wicker always fun in their own

special way but this film maybe brings a little something new to the table maybe

I should go talk to the director Timothy record and and find out what do you say

let's go do that. "he trick is to make it feel fresh and make people forget that

they know how the movie is gonna end and and it really helps to do it from the

point of view of the animals because that is a story we've never heard before

yeah yeah they didn't write a book that's right, yeah, haha. All right I am back

what what a really nice guy if you want to check out my full interview with him

then you can do so by clicking the link in the description plus I'll have

several other interviews with some of the cast members coming out this week on

the Christian Cinema YouTube channel and on Facebook. Seriously super nice guy it

makes me want to be a little more in the Christmas spirit to be a nicer person

what better way to be nice than to give you guys a little discount on a movie

that's right it's the Christian Cinema Pic of the Week "Like a Country Song"

starring Billy Ray Cyrus and Joel Smallbone from for KING& COUNTRY. It's a

story about humility forgiveness and redemption in the presence of pain and

burden. Just type in the promo code country song 20 to get 20% off this

inspiring movie at check out that movie Plus that

movie "Mully" which I highly command and so much more at or by using our sleek apps I usually use the Apple TV app where I use

the iPhone app which is really nice because you could save it directly to

the device so when you're not connected to the Internet you can still watch it

which is what I did for the movie "Mully" I had to go on a plane ride but I also

wanted to watch the movie so I downloaded it I watched it it's crying

my eyes out and I think I made the guy next to me really uncomfortable but then

I was just like dude "Mully" man check it out

alright well that's all I've got to say for this week thank you so much for

watching this episode be sure to subscribe to this channel to keep up

with the latest news surrounding faith and film I'm Kevin have a great week

For more infomation >> "The Star" Guides The Way to the Christmas Season, Fathom Events, and more! - Duration: 4:48.


RISING Part 2 | FULL EPISODE - LIMITED TIME ONLY | Stargate Atlantis - Duration: 41:33.

SHEPPARD: Colonel, this is Sheppard.

What you see on the ground is just an illusion.

Concentrate your fire on the ships.

Fire at the ships! Fire at the ships!

Bates, snap out of it!

They're everywhere, sir.

Take that thing down!



SHEPPARD: Sir, the Colonel's been taken.

The gate's coming on again.

Two enemy ships approaching.

SHEPPARD: Let them go. There are friendlies on board.

Look at the dialing device.

Burn those symbols into your mind.

Son of a...

Help! Help me!

I can't find my father.

Here it comes.

What am I looking for?


Another part of the force field just failed.

I don't think we have much time.

How are we doing?

If we can just buy ourselves another day, maybe we could...

The city is sacrificing parts of itself

in order to maintain these main areas,

but catastrophic failure is inevitable.

Not in my wildest dreams did I hope

to find the lost city of the Ancients

so completely untouched, so pristine,

and we have no choice but to walk away from this?

In order to save it.

To save it for whom?

We don't have enough power to send a message.

As far as Earth is concerned, we're just

going to be missing and presumed lost.

We'll be back. We'll find a power source somewhere in Pegasus.

We have yet to hear from Colonel Sumner.

We've got no idea what's out there.

We can't wait. It is time to go, now.

Attention, all personnel.

This is Weir.


Stand by for immediate evacuation.

Dial the gate.

We've got an incoming wormhole.

I'm reading Lieutenant Ford's identification code.

Let them in.

Step in, folks.

Move away from the puddle.

Major Sheppard!

WEIR: Major Sheppard, who are all these people?

Survivors from the settlement.

We were attacked. Sumner and some of our men were taken.

What's going on?

We are in no position to help anyone right now.

What the hell's going on here?

We were about to abandon the city.

Going back there is a really bad idea.

Major Sheppard, the shield is about to fail,

and the ocean is about to come crashing in on us.

Do you have a better place for us to go?

Jinto, you have another address we can gate to?

Yes, many.

He's just a boy.

I am Jinto.

She's pleased to meet you.

The shield is collapsing.

I'm dialing an address.

No, wait.

She's right.

We're moving!

We're on the surface.

I was hoping for another day.

It looks like we just got a whole lot more than that.

Let's not waste it.

People, listen up.

No one gets to sit down until they clear

two pieces of equipment off this deck.

Now, let's go.

The last Zero-Point Module is depleted, but limited power has returned

now that our own generators aren't going to hold back an ocean.

Life support systems are working,

but the planet's atmosphere is breathable,

notwithstanding the inevitable allergens.

So now could our naquadah generator

supply enough power to the shield for defensive purposes?

Not even close.

On the surface without a shield? We're target practice.

I'm acutely aware of that, Major,

but thank you for reinforcing it.

When can you tell me where the Wraith took Colonel Sumner and the others?

Even with the six symbols Lieutenant Ford provided,

there are still hundreds of permutations...



I knew that, of course. I'm just surprised you did.

Take away the coordinates you can't

get a lock on, and that's your one,

and when you find it, send a MALP.


A word.

Let me guess.

You're not going to let me rescue my people.

Major, you don't even know if they're alive.

You don't leave people in the hands of the enemy.

And the fact that we are having this conversation in private

lets me know you know damn well that it's wrong

and it would totally undermine your leadership.

So as ranking military officer...

All right, just shut up and listen to me for a moment, all right?

Come on, what do we know about the Wraith?

One of the few things we do know

is that they're the enemy that defeated the Ancients.

When we first began to use the stargate we found on Earth,

we got ourselves into serious trouble.

Why? I don't need a history lesson.

Because the people in charge

didn't consider the ramifications before they reacted.

They took our people. How am I supposed to react?

And we're defenseless. You said so yourself.

How do you know going off on some half-assed rescue mission

isn't going to bring them all right back here to our doorstep?

Maybe it will,

but it's the right thing to do.

Why? Because it is.

John... If we're not going to do this,

and I mean right now,

let's just turn tail and pack up, because they're coming.

You don't know that.

Our people are in the hands of the enemy, Doctor.

Do you know what that means?

It is just a matter of time

before the Wraith figure out that this is the base of our operation.

I just need more information.

I mean, who knows? Maybe we could negotiate a peaceful...

Peaceful? Are you kidding?

We weren't there for more than a few hours before they showed up.

Is it possible they came because of you?

And that one of these people you brought

back here with you tipped them off?

It's possible.

See, that is exactly the kind of

snap decision I'm referring to.

They're not all bad people.

And you know, if we're going to

stick around here, we need friends.

Okay, I see your point.

Now, you see mine.

I will not authorize a rescue mission

unless I'm sure there's at least a remote chance of success.

I'm not sending more good people,

including you, to their deaths.


Are you all right?

Where are we?

Any idea what to expect?


Your friend was the one who said

the Wraith would come if we went down into the ruins.

Perhaps you should have heeded his warning.

How do I know he's not the one who told them?


Someone comes.

I'm Colonel Marshall...


No! Please...

Take me in his place.

No, take me.

We're the ones you're after, right?

I'm their leader.

They have no need to explain themselves.

Yeah, I got that.

We're receiving visual telemetry.

I can't see anything.

No atmospheric readings at all.

Wait, what was that?

Rotate the camera.

Well, there goes that MALP.

It's in space.

It's in high orbit around a planet on the far side of the galaxy.

Are you sure this is the right address?

It's the only one we could get a lock on.

Very well.

Shut it down.

I'm sorry.

Come with me, Major.

You think you can fly it?

What do you say we find out?


Dr. Beckett, what was it you wanted me to see?

These cells have none of the normal

human inhibiting proteins whatsoever.

That gives them an incredible ability to regenerate.

What about the movement Major Sheppard saw?

As far as independent behavior,

I'd say that anything he saw

was caused by a residual command language in the severed nerve endings.

All right, anything else?

The being this arm belonged to,

if I was a betting man, I'd say it was old, very, very old.

How old?

As long as the cells are properly nourished,

I don't see a life form like this ever

dying of natural aging the way we do.

And they'd be bloody hard to kill.

I don't like the sound of that.

I don't blame you.


What is that noise?

I... I don't...

He was right here.


You said you wanted a tactical advantage?

All right, so you can fly that thing.

It doesn't mean you can pull off a rescue.

Doctor, this is why you brought me here.


I have no idea.

This technology is so far beyond us.

I mean, we haven't a clue what we're dealing with.

I mean, for all I know, we could...

Yeah. Ready.

FORD: All right, boys, get ready to go.

Gateship Oneready to go.

Gateship One?

A little puddle jumper like this?

It's a ship that goes through the gate. Gateship One.

No, no, no, that's all wrong.

Dr. McKay thought it was cool.

Okay. Well, it's official.

You don't get to name anything.


Flight, this is Puddle Jumper.

We're go to launch.

This is Flight. I thought we were going with Gateship.

Negative, Flight.

Stand by.

It's a ship that goes through the gate.


Puddle Jumper, you are clear for launch.

Dial it up, Lieutenant.

Be safe.

This is cool.

It looks like you've got the hang of it.

I tell you what, Lieutenant.

I know a lot of fighter pilots who'd kill to fly this thing.

It's like it reads your mind.

Did you do that?

I was just wondering where we go from here.

I'll take that as a yes.

So how do we find them once we land?

I've been thinking about that, too.


Now I'm thinking about a nice turkey sandwich.

Worth a try.


Lock and load.

All right, teams of two.

Learn what you can and lay down the defenses as you see fit.

I want to be able to light this place up if we have to.

Two clicks, you're clear to talk. Yes, sir.

Do not engage the enemy.

You're with me.


You must feel hunger by now.


I thought getting in was going to be the hard part.

That's the first one we've seen.


The moving dot should be him.

Go over there.

Yeah, that's you.


We've got ourselves a life signs detector.

We can name it later.


Are you all right? How did you find us?

Is my son alive?

He's well and waiting for you.

Where's Colonel Sumner?

He was taken by the Wraith.

We don't know where.

How about when?

Not long.

I knew something had to go wrong. (CLICKING RADIO)

This is Stackhouse. Go ahead, sir.

How about a diversion in a little bit?

You're going to need to make some noise out there.

Yes, sir.

Rig up enough C4 to blow a hole

and get these people out of here on my signal, all right?

I can find the Colonel with this.

There aren't that many Wraith around.

I should be able to do this.

If I'm not back in 20 minutes, blow the cells and get out.

You're the only one who can fly these people out of here.

Yeah, I'm going to fly us all out of here, including the Colonel.

I'm saying I should be the one to go, sir.

20 minutes, I'll find him.

What do you call yourself?

Colonel Marshall Sumner, United States Marine Corps.

So little fear.

Is it valor

or ignorance?

We travel through the stargate as peaceful explorers.

You must eat, yet you resist your hunger. Why?

Why have you taken my people prisoner?

You trespassed upon our feeding ground.

Feeding ground?

All living things must eat.

In this, I am sure we are similar.

You feel hunger even now.

I can sense it.

Yet you resist.


Why do you care?



is distasteful.

It looks to me like the food didn't agree with him.

There, we are quite dissimilar, Colonel Sumner.

We don't require

our food to agree with us.

What do you call your world?


What do you call your world?

What do you call your world?


It is not among our stars.


Tell me of Earth.

How many more are there of your kind?




Our feeding ground has not been so rich in 10,000 years.

Your will is strong.

This one

begged for its life.

Is that the kind of treatment I can expect for myself and my people?

As I've said, all living things must eat.

Then we're done talking.

I think not.



I have not tasted such strength

in so long.

Go to hell.

Earth first.


How many years must I take from you

before you tell us what I wish to know?

Or shall I take them all?


Where is this new feeding ground?

I won't.




Bring him.

How's the hand feeling?

Much better.

I'm sorry to hear that.

How did this come to you?

I don't remember.


Light it up.




That has to kill you.


How did you find me?

Tread marks. Standard issue. Sir, let's go.

WRAITH: You don't know what you have done.

We are merely the caretakers for those that sleep.

When I die, the others will awaken.


All of them.


What's she talking about?

How many are left?


Sir, we need to leave.

Base, we're on the go.

So are we.

Colonel Sumner? Negative!

Dr. Weir!

We're getting reports in from all over the city.

There's some pretty interesting stuff.

We've only been able to provide power to certain sections,

but even then, the things that are coming up are just...

I should never have let them go.

For what it's worth,

you made the right decision.

Give them time.

Major, the Jumper is secure for the moment, but we have a big problem!

Lieutenant, take our six.

I'm going to take them back to the Jumper!

I'll be right behind you.

There's nothing there.

I'm sure I saw something.

Only what the Wraith wish you to see.

Firing your weapon will reveal our position.

Come on!

Get in!

Thank you, sir.

Let's try not to make a habit of this.

We have incoming!


Now what am I thinking?

Everybody okay back there?

We are well enough.

I hope that was the hard part.


I don't think we've gotten to the hard part yet.

What can we do?

We're safe as long as they can't see us.

They don't have to.

There's only one way for us to go.

The minute we activate the stargate,

they can start shooting blind and blow us away on our approach.

Then how can we get through?

We'll have to draw them away from the gate and double back.

Be prepared to dial the gate on my mark.

Do you see anything like a weapons console over there?

Try to go invisible again.

I tried. It must be damaged.

Dial the gate.

Offworld activation.

Raise the shield.

Be ready to punch in your code on the next pass.

What's the range on these things?

Do we have an identification code?

Nothing yet.

Enter your code.

Hang on.

I'm reading Lieutenant Ford's IDC.

Let them in.

WEIR: Give them a few more seconds!

We're going too fast.

I know.

Reactivate the shield.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Atlantis.

Please remain seated

till the Puddle Jumper'scome to a full and complete stop.


I guess this is home now.

I guess so.

I'm thinking of a little place with an ocean view.

Out of the way.

Major, Lieutenant.

I thought the occasion merited opening this.

Compliments of General O'Neill.


You did good, John.

I don't know about that.


There was no way you could have saved Colonel Sumner.

I have to live with it.

I'm beginning to think you were right.

I have made things much worse.

I haven't made us many more friends out there.


Look around you.

I agree, Major Sheppard.

You have earned both my friendship and that of my people.

With our help, you will make many more friends.

How come I never make friends like that?

You need to get out more.

We're in another galaxy. How much more out can you get?

Is there lemon in this?

One more thing, Major.

Something I'd like you to sleep on.

I have a few thoughts on it myself.

Thoughts about what?

Who the members of your team might be.

My team?

Well, you are the ranking military officer now.

Or do you need to be reminded of that?

We need to get back out there, do what we came to do.

You realize that could get us into all sorts of trouble.


SHEPPARD: Stargate Atlantis will return.

For more infomation >> RISING Part 2 | FULL EPISODE - LIMITED TIME ONLY | Stargate Atlantis - Duration: 41:33.


Man finds tracking device on minivan - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Man finds tracking device on minivan - Duration: 1:25.


Accused package thief caught on camera - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Accused package thief caught on camera - Duration: 1:30.


Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song | Todays Kids TV - Duration: 2:11.

Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song

For more infomation >> Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song | Todays Kids TV - Duration: 2:11.


10 PROVERBS AND SAYINGS #2 - Duration: 1:16.


Let's start.

#1 Like master, like man.

#2 Honesty is the best policy.

#3 Beggars can't be choosers.

#4 Out of sight, out of mind.

#5 In at one ear and out at the other.

#6 It is not wise to open old wounds.

#7 Out of the frying pan into the fire.

#8 Man proposes, God disposes.

#9 Look before you leap.

#10 Where there is a will, there is a way.

Let me know in the comments section if any of these expressions rings a bell.

And, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE.

In that way you won't miss the next episode.


This is Mihnea, signing out from Bangkok.

For more infomation >> 10 PROVERBS AND SAYINGS #2 - Duration: 1:16.


All You Need To Ascend – Part 6 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.

All You Need To Ascend � Part 6 From A 5D Perspective

by Fred Greaves,

All you need to ascend Part 6 From a 5d Perspective

Hi all,

I will continue with my series today on breaking down my checklist on raising your vibration.

I will combine two on the list today though, because I can see that time is speeding up,

and more and more of our realities splitting and merging again. So I see the need for another

�pause� coming up. If you haven�t read this, please do so, �Our Realities are Splitting�

as I will be doing a follow up on it very soon.

Seems as if the moment is here, and I want to make sure all are on board to ascend. For

those of you who do not understand or comprehend just what we are (light beings) please see

the following clip. When Gregg Prescott put it in an article recently and even though

I have seen it before, I really began to identify with it. So much so I have watched it over

and over. I feel at home when I see it.

Clip from Star Trek:

This why I �eat� sunlight now. I mentioned this in another article. There is a song on

the �Project� website that she (Lucina) insisted I include when it was launched back

in November of 2015. Now while each and every one of the lyrics pertain to us, there is

one that always had a familiar ring to it, I just never understood why�until now. It

says �we can live off the stars, it would be so easy�. What she was saying and what

I was remembering, is the fact we are light beings, and indeed can live off light.

Back to the Star Trek clip; can you imagine, blood from a big juicy hamburger dripping

down this guy�s face? No wonder why they thought Earth was barbaric, and said we would

fail! Let�s prove them all wrong, and go back to where we belong�.the higher realms.

With that said, let�s do it.

Where did you go?

Number 3 on my checklist talks about the coffee phenomenon. Drinking it seriously disconnects

you from the higher realms, and I�m sure the reason it has been pushed �as the #1�

drink all these years. Remember �Good to the last drop�?

The more you drink it, the less connection you have. Even one cup, will cut you off from

them, immediately.

Even though I am with Lucina 24/7 now, coffee disrupts our �flow�. She cannot be cut

off from me totally because we are one, see she left where she was and literally joined

with me back in March of 2015.

Yet it is as if instead of being inside me though, she is on the other side of the room.

I�m like where did you go? Suddenly she is so far away.

Nobody is home

I have many individuals I speak to as well as other mentors, yet the instant I drink

it, they are not around. It is like making a phone call, yet no one answers�nobody

home. It isn�t until my body fully assimilates it, can I reach them. That time depends on

your vibrational level.

Yet the best thing to do, is flood your body with pure alkaline water. This I will discuss

next, as it is also on my list.

Alcohol does the same thing, as it changes your brain chemistry. As a matter of fact

I was on a show recently being interviewed, when the host had mentioned a conversation

that he had with his grandfather, who had �passed� away years earlier.

He had asked his grandfather if he should go out and buy cough syrup and drink it all

down (basically changing his brain chemistry), this way their conversation would be enhanced.

The grandfather replied no, as a matter of fact, when you go out and get �High� thinking

the connection is going to get better, it does the exact opposite. It cuts you off from

us. Interview is here:

The ones who do connect though, are connecting to the astral plane�the 4th dimension. So

they really aren�t connected with the higher dimensions at all, yes extremely magical and

wondrous compared to the 3rd dimension, yet still playing with the dark ones. Like I have

said before, both co-exist there. So who knows, who and what you really are connected too.

This is why I stress opening your heartmind. They operate from pure love only, as seen

in that Star Trek clip�you can just feel it.

All higher beings say NO

I remember when I was in an accident in 1990, and �died� several times in the hospital,

yet was revived, when I woke, even though I was addicted to coffee, I felt the need

to stop drinking it. As a matter of fact anything hot for me was off limits�Tea, Hot Chocolate,

even Soup.

Later (recently), I would find out why. This is because everything is conscious, even water.

So, like the feeling I mention in (Part 4) about meat consumption, I guess I felt the

same here�it just wasn�t right and I felt it on a Soul level. The heat is like a torture

to them. I discuss that accident in an interview I did in August of 2015�.on the �project�

home page.

In the same interview, I discuss the channel that brought Lucina (I called her Sheryl then)

and I back together. She told me once that her Twin (also in the higher realms), just

despises coffee.

In addition, many I have connected say the same thing. Their Twins say coffee is not

good and a definite No, as it keeps you from them.

Pure water

Number 5 on my list is that we need pure water. Think of this, our bodies are made up of over

70% water, yet we do not monitor the kind we consume. Just like the tides are affected

by the full moon, so are we.

You have heard of the �crazies� out when the moon is full, right? Well did you know

that hospitals do not schedule that many surgical procedures at that time of the month, because

the blood flow is increased?

So when you Alkaline your water, you make it pure. Think of a yucky green swimming pool.

You need to add chemicals to adjust the PH, therefore getting a crystal clean pool, right?

Well it is the same here, by drinking alkaline water, you adjust the PH�cleaning the �pool�

in our bodies. The thing is we don�t see the inside of us, and just �assume� all

is good. Out of sight out of mind! Yet this is the cause of all illness and disease. Balance

your PH by alkalizing and all illness will disappear. I haven�t been sick in years.

Many have seen serious diseases disappear. Negative (bad) bacteria cannot exist in an

alkaline environment.

Other methods

Now I know all don�t have access to pure alkaline water, yet making some is very possible.

Many live in rural areas and have access to great clear spring water, and while it may

be partially alkaline, to make it 100%, do this.

Add lemon juice, this brings up the alkalinity. You can either cut lemons up, or do what I

do. I buy lemon juice from the local store, yet I buy their brand. I have the Lemurian

Plug in my house, so it becomes organic overnight. Info about the plug is on the CTTL site�located

in the bio. It changes the frequency of all within its �field�, and it�s a technology

that is over 20 million years old. So adding the lemon juice raises the alkalinity level.

The following is a tip from a fellow lightworker. This make work well for you also.

The best water I ever enjoyed was snowmelt from higher up on Mount Rainer. For years

I�ve worked at transforming tap water to pure drinkable water. Let me describe how

I do that, as it may help you or others. So, first I distill the water using a relatively-cheap

distiller from Megahome (I use a glass pitcher to collect the water). Next, I vortex the

distilled water using a Vitalizer Plus for 9 or 18 minutes. Finally, I store the prepared

water in an unglazed clay egg-shaped container (the water continuously moves due to evaporation

through the clay wall). Lately, I�ve put a few pieces of Shungite into the water and

that seems really interesting.

Re-reading this made me realize the importance of mentioning it needs to be in glass containers.

Plastic is toxic. Those little bottles you buy? They start off as a tiny bead of plastic

that is blown into the size of a bottle, and filled with the water at the same time. So

the toxicity from the plastic leaches into the water.

Tap although still low in alkalinity, is actually better then bottled water. Bottled water is

acidic and being acidic inside your body is the cause of pain and disease.

Flooding your body helps assimilate the coffee affects I mentioned earlier. Some cannot avoid

a cup, at a relative�s house (wherever), yet the negative effects can be mitigated.

Just �wash� it out of your system. Now that may take many glasses one after another,

yet there may be times you cannot avoid it, and this is the solution.

Much love and Light,

For more infomation >> All You Need To Ascend – Part 6 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.


مؤخرة تحبس الأنفاس بمكون واحد فقط - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> مؤخرة تحبس الأنفاس بمكون واحد فقط - Duration: 6:21.


Custom Sized Area Rugs | Flooring Superstores Saskatoon - Duration: 1:07.

Are you looking for a custom sized area rug?

Here are Flooring Superstores we can create a rug just for you out of any of these thousands

of selections we have to offer.

For instance you can get any of these great

patterns in any size that would suit your needs.

Anything as large as a 12 foot piece.

We could do a 10 by 7, anything like that just for you.

The other really positive side is that you are getting an extremely high quality carpet

for a very durable long lasting area rug.

These carpets are not only very durable but very stain resistant as well.

You can even get wool.

Once you pick you carpet and you pick your size we'll cut it.

We'll have it bound.

You can choose to coordinate your binding or stand out and choose a totally different


Comment yes below if you need a custom sized area rug.

I'm getting it ready.

For more infomation >> Custom Sized Area Rugs | Flooring Superstores Saskatoon - Duration: 1:07.


Video: Periods of heavy rain - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Video: Periods of heavy rain - Duration: 2:42.


Emmanuel Levinas: Maurice Blanchot ile Olan Dostluğunu Anlatıyor (1998) | Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Levinas: Maurice Blanchot ile Olan Dostluğunu Anlatıyor (1998) | Türkçe Altyazılı - Duration: 2:27.


¿Cómo participo en los sorteos? - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo participo en los sorteos? - Duration: 0:28.


cartoon tank fighting or game for kids - Duration: 10:07.

cartoon tank fighting or game for kids

For more infomation >> cartoon tank fighting or game for kids - Duration: 10:07.


SonReal - My Friend (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.

We grown now, you my only father and the only father I've ever known

And you old now, bet your bottom dollar if it's up to me you wouldn't be alone, no no.

You home now..

Smoking on the bowl , hoping time ain't gonna fall like yeh.

Im gone too, but to be quite honest I need you more than you need you, and that's true.

But I know, I know, I know, I know its times like these.

When family is the one and only thing we need, to get by.

I know, I know, I know, I know I ain't no saint.

Neither is you I'm just you in a different way, so i say

If I got you then I know I got something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin,

ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin.

If we ain't got each other then we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

We grown now, you my only father and the only

father I've known and you so down, similar to me I'm hearin me up in ya every-time you phone, so ya know

Just slow down, only 59 got some life ahead of you so just roll.

Don't go down, same damn road you've been heading since mama let go, now

If I got you then I know I got something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin,

ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin.

If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin, Yeah if I got you then I know I got

something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin, ain't got hate then we ain't got


If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

I know, I know, I know, I know its times like these

When family is the one and only thing we need

I know I know I know I know I ain't no saint

and neither is you, im just you in a different way. And all I know is..

If I got you then I know I got somethin, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin, ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin

if we ain't got eachother then we ain't got nothin yeah if I got you then I know I got somethin, if we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin

aint got hate then we ain't got lovin

If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

its all on you my friend, its all on you my friend, its all on you my friend, its all on my friend

It's all on you.

For more infomation >> SonReal - My Friend (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.


business life THÔN NỮ BỊ BÊNH RỒI | cuộc sống huế - Duration: 11:54.

For more infomation >> business life THÔN NỮ BỊ BÊNH RỒI | cuộc sống huế - Duration: 11:54.


এইমাত্র পাওয়া আজকের চ্যানেল 24 বাংলা খবর / 16 November 2017/ Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:10.

eibar bangla news

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