Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Motu Patlu vs Lion King - Motu Patlu in Hindi - 3D Animation Cartoon

For more infomation >> Motu Patlu vs Lion King - Motu Patlu in Hindi - 3D Animation Cartoon - Duration: 10:09.


Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song | Todays Kids TV - Duration: 2:11.

Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song

For more infomation >> Funny learn colors | Wrong Eyes Vampirina Sofia Masha | Finger family song | Todays Kids TV - Duration: 2:11.


Às vezes não choro por fraqueza, mas por estar cansada de ser forte - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> Às vezes não choro por fraqueza, mas por estar cansada de ser forte - Duration: 9:44.


All You Need To Ascend – Part 6 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.

All You Need To Ascend � Part 6 From A 5D Perspective

by Fred Greaves,

All you need to ascend Part 6 From a 5d Perspective

Hi all,

I will continue with my series today on breaking down my checklist on raising your vibration.

I will combine two on the list today though, because I can see that time is speeding up,

and more and more of our realities splitting and merging again. So I see the need for another

�pause� coming up. If you haven�t read this, please do so, �Our Realities are Splitting�

as I will be doing a follow up on it very soon.

Seems as if the moment is here, and I want to make sure all are on board to ascend. For

those of you who do not understand or comprehend just what we are (light beings) please see

the following clip. When Gregg Prescott put it in an article recently and even though

I have seen it before, I really began to identify with it. So much so I have watched it over

and over. I feel at home when I see it.

Clip from Star Trek:

This why I �eat� sunlight now. I mentioned this in another article. There is a song on

the �Project� website that she (Lucina) insisted I include when it was launched back

in November of 2015. Now while each and every one of the lyrics pertain to us, there is

one that always had a familiar ring to it, I just never understood why�until now. It

says �we can live off the stars, it would be so easy�. What she was saying and what

I was remembering, is the fact we are light beings, and indeed can live off light.

Back to the Star Trek clip; can you imagine, blood from a big juicy hamburger dripping

down this guy�s face? No wonder why they thought Earth was barbaric, and said we would

fail! Let�s prove them all wrong, and go back to where we belong�.the higher realms.

With that said, let�s do it.

Where did you go?

Number 3 on my checklist talks about the coffee phenomenon. Drinking it seriously disconnects

you from the higher realms, and I�m sure the reason it has been pushed �as the #1�

drink all these years. Remember �Good to the last drop�?

The more you drink it, the less connection you have. Even one cup, will cut you off from

them, immediately.

Even though I am with Lucina 24/7 now, coffee disrupts our �flow�. She cannot be cut

off from me totally because we are one, see she left where she was and literally joined

with me back in March of 2015.

Yet it is as if instead of being inside me though, she is on the other side of the room.

I�m like where did you go? Suddenly she is so far away.

Nobody is home

I have many individuals I speak to as well as other mentors, yet the instant I drink

it, they are not around. It is like making a phone call, yet no one answers�nobody

home. It isn�t until my body fully assimilates it, can I reach them. That time depends on

your vibrational level.

Yet the best thing to do, is flood your body with pure alkaline water. This I will discuss

next, as it is also on my list.

Alcohol does the same thing, as it changes your brain chemistry. As a matter of fact

I was on a show recently being interviewed, when the host had mentioned a conversation

that he had with his grandfather, who had �passed� away years earlier.

He had asked his grandfather if he should go out and buy cough syrup and drink it all

down (basically changing his brain chemistry), this way their conversation would be enhanced.

The grandfather replied no, as a matter of fact, when you go out and get �High� thinking

the connection is going to get better, it does the exact opposite. It cuts you off from

us. Interview is here:

The ones who do connect though, are connecting to the astral plane�the 4th dimension. So

they really aren�t connected with the higher dimensions at all, yes extremely magical and

wondrous compared to the 3rd dimension, yet still playing with the dark ones. Like I have

said before, both co-exist there. So who knows, who and what you really are connected too.

This is why I stress opening your heartmind. They operate from pure love only, as seen

in that Star Trek clip�you can just feel it.

All higher beings say NO

I remember when I was in an accident in 1990, and �died� several times in the hospital,

yet was revived, when I woke, even though I was addicted to coffee, I felt the need

to stop drinking it. As a matter of fact anything hot for me was off limits�Tea, Hot Chocolate,

even Soup.

Later (recently), I would find out why. This is because everything is conscious, even water.

So, like the feeling I mention in (Part 4) about meat consumption, I guess I felt the

same here�it just wasn�t right and I felt it on a Soul level. The heat is like a torture

to them. I discuss that accident in an interview I did in August of 2015�.on the �project�

home page.

In the same interview, I discuss the channel that brought Lucina (I called her Sheryl then)

and I back together. She told me once that her Twin (also in the higher realms), just

despises coffee.

In addition, many I have connected say the same thing. Their Twins say coffee is not

good and a definite No, as it keeps you from them.

Pure water

Number 5 on my list is that we need pure water. Think of this, our bodies are made up of over

70% water, yet we do not monitor the kind we consume. Just like the tides are affected

by the full moon, so are we.

You have heard of the �crazies� out when the moon is full, right? Well did you know

that hospitals do not schedule that many surgical procedures at that time of the month, because

the blood flow is increased?

So when you Alkaline your water, you make it pure. Think of a yucky green swimming pool.

You need to add chemicals to adjust the PH, therefore getting a crystal clean pool, right?

Well it is the same here, by drinking alkaline water, you adjust the PH�cleaning the �pool�

in our bodies. The thing is we don�t see the inside of us, and just �assume� all

is good. Out of sight out of mind! Yet this is the cause of all illness and disease. Balance

your PH by alkalizing and all illness will disappear. I haven�t been sick in years.

Many have seen serious diseases disappear. Negative (bad) bacteria cannot exist in an

alkaline environment.

Other methods

Now I know all don�t have access to pure alkaline water, yet making some is very possible.

Many live in rural areas and have access to great clear spring water, and while it may

be partially alkaline, to make it 100%, do this.

Add lemon juice, this brings up the alkalinity. You can either cut lemons up, or do what I

do. I buy lemon juice from the local store, yet I buy their brand. I have the Lemurian

Plug in my house, so it becomes organic overnight. Info about the plug is on the CTTL site�located

in the bio. It changes the frequency of all within its �field�, and it�s a technology

that is over 20 million years old. So adding the lemon juice raises the alkalinity level.

The following is a tip from a fellow lightworker. This make work well for you also.

The best water I ever enjoyed was snowmelt from higher up on Mount Rainer. For years

I�ve worked at transforming tap water to pure drinkable water. Let me describe how

I do that, as it may help you or others. So, first I distill the water using a relatively-cheap

distiller from Megahome (I use a glass pitcher to collect the water). Next, I vortex the

distilled water using a Vitalizer Plus for 9 or 18 minutes. Finally, I store the prepared

water in an unglazed clay egg-shaped container (the water continuously moves due to evaporation

through the clay wall). Lately, I�ve put a few pieces of Shungite into the water and

that seems really interesting.

Re-reading this made me realize the importance of mentioning it needs to be in glass containers.

Plastic is toxic. Those little bottles you buy? They start off as a tiny bead of plastic

that is blown into the size of a bottle, and filled with the water at the same time. So

the toxicity from the plastic leaches into the water.

Tap although still low in alkalinity, is actually better then bottled water. Bottled water is

acidic and being acidic inside your body is the cause of pain and disease.

Flooding your body helps assimilate the coffee affects I mentioned earlier. Some cannot avoid

a cup, at a relative�s house (wherever), yet the negative effects can be mitigated.

Just �wash� it out of your system. Now that may take many glasses one after another,

yet there may be times you cannot avoid it, and this is the solution.

Much love and Light,

For more infomation >> All You Need To Ascend – Part 6 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.


[日字幕] EndTimesNewsReport:YouTubeペドファイルリングを暴露しようとするジャーナリストを検閲 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> [日字幕] EndTimesNewsReport:YouTubeペドファイルリングを暴露しようとするジャーナリストを検閲 - Duration: 2:35.


Light Painting: Alaska style - Duration: 5:37.

so everything works out at the end of the day we're gonna have a shot of us

playing hockey under the Northern Lights yeah but as we both know yeah things

don't usually work out which makes for a better content

really excited about this week's adventure going out with Steven Cornfield

he's a musician Alaskan vlogger and all-around adventure guy

I've been watching the weather I've been watching the moon I've been watching the

Aurora forecast and supposedly there's supposed to be an Aurora we should have

clear skies and if the stars align we should get our shot I'm super excited

and I cannot wait to get started so I'm gonna go to sleep right now and tomorrow

we're gonna get this adventure started

as you can tell I haven't gotten any sleep tonight I'm ready to do this

alright we made it out here to Hatcher Pass we had a little bit of technical

difficulties Stevens car died and we don't know if it's actually gonna start

again but we got to go out there and get the shot

Stevens charging up his car and then he's about to turn it off and hopefully

would come back to a car that'll start

are you recording yeah yo so here's where we're at but Dan's got me wearing

hockey gloves cool huh but here's the thing he did not tell me we were coming

to this creepy ass mine pretty sure I saw one of those lights turn on.

oh my god we should go in there

yeah go ahead try that door yeah I'm good dude

this is some stuff from like the Blair Witch Project

all right so we got a building out there you can't really see it and then the big dipper out there you

can't see that either cuz it's pitch black out here but uh Mr. Cornfield and

I are gonna we're gonna pass the puck around

I'm really good without skates.

okay so we got the puck which is kind of cool but I got something else Steven that might kind of blow your mind

so I have these little LEDs and they're kind of the same size as the

puck I've got a little yeah I got a remote control for it I know I know oh

look at that

pass that thing back and forth cool? All right let's take our places.

Are you ready? Mark get set go!

so our first attempt looks pretty cool the light shifting around while we're

passing it back and forth so I want to get more of those light streaks so right

now we're at a 15 second exposure I open that shutter to 30 seconds will get more

streaking going.

Flip that one up and I'll try and catch it.

Alright we're here a Independence state park with Steven Cornfield dabbing on folks

Welcome back to Alaska Photoventures things didn't go as planned.

They never do. But here's thing get your own vlog here's the thing.

Dan stop here's the thing it was fun.

Thanks for tuning in guys we'll see you guys next week.

The adventure continues right Steven? Yes, it does.

Hey everybody thank you so much for watching make sure to follow the channel

so you don't miss an episode and if you liked the video please leave me a

comment below the adventure continues next time on Alaska Photoventures

For more infomation >> Light Painting: Alaska style - Duration: 5:37.


cartoon tank fighting or game for kids - Duration: 10:07.

cartoon tank fighting or game for kids

For more infomation >> cartoon tank fighting or game for kids - Duration: 10:07.


SonReal - My Friend (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.

We grown now, you my only father and the only father I've ever known

And you old now, bet your bottom dollar if it's up to me you wouldn't be alone, no no.

You home now..

Smoking on the bowl , hoping time ain't gonna fall like yeh.

Im gone too, but to be quite honest I need you more than you need you, and that's true.

But I know, I know, I know, I know its times like these.

When family is the one and only thing we need, to get by.

I know, I know, I know, I know I ain't no saint.

Neither is you I'm just you in a different way, so i say

If I got you then I know I got something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin,

ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin.

If we ain't got each other then we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

We grown now, you my only father and the only

father I've known and you so down, similar to me I'm hearin me up in ya every-time you phone, so ya know

Just slow down, only 59 got some life ahead of you so just roll.

Don't go down, same damn road you've been heading since mama let go, now

If I got you then I know I got something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin,

ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin.

If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin, Yeah if I got you then I know I got

something, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin, ain't got hate then we ain't got


If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

I know, I know, I know, I know its times like these

When family is the one and only thing we need

I know I know I know I know I ain't no saint

and neither is you, im just you in a different way. And all I know is..

If I got you then I know I got somethin, If we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin, ain't got hate then we ain't got lovin

if we ain't got eachother then we ain't got nothin yeah if I got you then I know I got somethin, if we ain't got time then we ain't got nothin

aint got hate then we ain't got lovin

If we ain't got each other than we ain't got nothin.

It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend, It's all on you my friend

its all on you my friend, its all on you my friend, its all on you my friend, its all on my friend

It's all on you.

For more infomation >> SonReal - My Friend (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.


Korea selected as main candidate to chair UNESCO's executive board - Duration: 0:40.

Korea has been selected as one of the candidates... for the post of Chairman... of UNESCO's Executive

Board... to replace Michale Worbs of Germany.

The chairman of the board... wields significant influence in setting the policy direction...

of the UN's heritage body... alongside its Secretary General.

Korea is facing stiff competition from Iran... with the board currently split between the

two countries... ahead of election set to take place on Thursday.

Korea's chairmanship could work to Seoul's advantage... in its effort to submit comfort

women documents to the UNESCO archives... which has been blocked repeatedly by Tokyo.

For more infomation >> Korea selected as main candidate to chair UNESCO's executive board - Duration: 0:40.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:30.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:30.


おさななじみの入院見舞いに!昔プレゼントした指輪を見つけて涙があふれた - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> おさななじみの入院見舞いに!昔プレゼントした指輪を見つけて涙があふれた - Duration: 2:19.


Chitta Kukkad Banare Te | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 3:51.

Chitta kukkad banere te

Chitta kukkad banere te

Kaashni dupatte valiye, munda sadke tere te

Kaashni dupatte valiye, munda sadke tere te

Sari khed lakeeran di

Sari khed lakeeran di

Gaddi aayi teshan(station) te, akh pijh gayi veera di

Gaddi aayi teshan(station) te, akh pijh gayi veera di

Peepali diyan chhava ni

Peepali diyan chhava ni

Aape hathi doli taur ke, ma-pe karan duaavan ni

Aape hathi doli taur ke, ma-pe karan duaavan ni

Kunda lag gaya thaali nu

Kunda lag gaya thaali nu

Hathan utte mehendi lag gayi, ik kismat vali nu

Hathan utte mehendi lag gayi, ik kismat vali nu

Heera lakh savaa lakh da ae

Heera lakh savaa lakh da ae

Dhiyan valeyan diyan, rabb izzatan rakhda ae

Dhiyan valeyan diyan, rabb izzatan rakhda ae

Kotthe te khado mahiya

Kotthe te khado mahiya

Chann bhaanve chade na chade saanu teri low mahiya

Chann bhaanve chade na chade saanu teri low mahiya

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