Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Dating way back to 2002 now, the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game is still very much alive

and strong and many new cards and booster packs are released every year in a game that

is always changing and evolving.

However, something that hasn't changed is Konami's decisions to tone certain cards down

outside of Japan and remove content that could be seen as not family friendly enough.

Censored Gaming has covered numerous times now the vast censorship made to the trading

card game outside of Japan, as well as other Yu-Gi-Oh media such as the anime.

Hundreds of cards have had provocative elements such as suggestive or violent designs toned

down in the west and made more child friendly.

But, what isn't brought up as much is the ways that the cards are still getting changes

made to them in the present day and that's what Censored Gaming will be taking a look

at today, and a change that was made very recently to a brand new card.

The card in question was released in the booster pack Circuit Break in late October.

The set contains 100 cards and one of these is the new quick-play spell card Arrivalrivals,

which allows you to normal summon one monster during the battle phase.

Now, as you can see, the Western artwork shows the character on the right grabbing the wrist

of the character to the left.

Over in Japan, however, it is her cheek being grabbed and stretched way out, something that

seems to have been seen as too violent in nature by Konami.

Also, if you pay attention to her outfit at the bottom left - you'll see that they removed

some of the fancy white fur from her outfit.

The character to the left is Slacker Magician and this isn't the first time that her cards

have faced changes over in the West.

Back in 2013, Slacker Magician's debut appearance was also altered overseas to make her outfit

less revealing.

As you can see, the top that she is wearing was given much more material outside of Japan.

It's also important to point out how these changes that are made to the trading card

game then have the knock-on effect of being carried over to other Yu-Gi-Oh media such

as the Western video games and, as mentioned, 100s of cards have faced changes like this

now and changes are still being made in 2017.

Censored Gaming is going to continue trying to keep you up to date on any new changes

made to Yu-Gi-Oh outside of Japan, so if this is something that you're interested in learning

more about, please make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a comment below and, until

next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Yu-Gi-Oh Cards Are Still Being Censored In 2017 - Duration: 2:20.


7 Signs That Your Vibration Is On The Rise - Duration: 2:59.

7 Signs That Your Vibration Is On The Rise

by Conscious Reminder

The change in consciousness from a low vibration to a high vibration is called �Vibrational


It is usually seen when a person goes through spiritual awakening.

This shift in the vibration energy allows the person to explore their central purpose

in life.

The signs of this vibrational shift may vary from person to person, but there are some

common signs that can be seen in anyone experiencing spiritual awakening.

These signs are:


More controlled emotions

You experience more positive emotions and less negative emotions.

Due to your increased control on emotions, you are able to let the negative thoughts

pass without letting them affect you at all.



You are now looking to adopt new and better ways of living in your life.

You are curious and open to change them before.



You feel that you have all the things in the world and you are thankful for them.

Your wants and desires are reduced.


Increased empathy

You are able to put yourself in the shoes of others and thus are more caring and loving

to everyone.


Creativity conquers

You do not want to stick to the old methods; instead you want to explore new and better

ways of doing things.


Rise of Self-awareness

Self awareness here is related to your behavior with others.

You do not want to hurt anyone.


You become hard to manipulate

Rules of other people do not govern you as you follow the rules of the Divine.

Thus, you cannot be

There are some other simple things that you can follow if you find out that you are entering

a state of higher vibration.

These include:

Practicing forgiveness Being kind everyday

Not expecting others to give you back what you give them

Meditating every day Staying away from negativity

Feeling unconditional love So, these were the signs of high vibration.

Are you showing any of these?

We would love to hear about your experiences, so feel free to share them with us in the

comments section below.

For more infomation >> 7 Signs That Your Vibration Is On The Rise - Duration: 2:59.


Kazz & Bailey Browne - REMEDY (Prod. Scott Whitman) AUDIO - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Kazz & Bailey Browne - REMEDY (Prod. Scott Whitman) AUDIO - Duration: 3:56.


Reykjavík 101 & Northern Lights - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Reykjavík 101 & Northern Lights - Duration: 4:21.


Naughty Nautilus | League of Legends | The Family Bovine - Duration: 8:51.


you know why is rifle stock in runescape

okay so you took quite a bit of time so did your boy Kelly Oh Oh can't sir

building what's the Kent's nervous I think Kelly

Oh throws out in business tornado whatever and I'm standing in it

like a cook yeah I did just in case

Oh Fox Hill did I detect them in in any way so fuck my life Oh

SiC why cook why am i lagging like a cook what

show yourself okay so it was like 20 minions attack

oh okay the teleporting has begun I repeat the teleporting is

sick one let me see you guys are doing fine fucking when they kill himself

and again afk

I'm really low you get Galia

key so there's a native case she hasn't been here oh there she is she's been

going ages post is a lot of runescape memes when you're ready

yeah I see them we didn't fucking comment on them did you

oh he's little for

that's on this way down worse maybe not actually seeing something 3 2 1 47 did

you spot oh yes

oh my god Yolo arrow oh it's a magic resist

she says swish


oh yes

yeah where's Kelly's old global recession Oh me

this is that 1hp Pressy

he'll do that'll do donkey

really dad she said that hey guys it's a boy

people have been telling a bit of Internet welcome how many minutes into

the game with yourself oh no I'm dead my friends

yeah I don't know you should try that

no love

good Levine she said one HP

oh my god you took that long tail

we're gonna keep Charlie getting this

For more infomation >> Naughty Nautilus | League of Legends | The Family Bovine - Duration: 8:51.


Why Is Yawning Contagious? - Duration: 4:41.


Let's say it's getting late, you're studying with a group of friends around a

table, and you see one of them stretch and yawn.

You don't feel especially tired, but soon enough — without even realizing it — you

yawn too.

Then, the yawn spreads around the table, with more and more of your friends picking it up


This sort of contagion can happen with other things, like sniffing or laughter, and it

has baffled psychologists for a while.

Most scientists agree that these so-called echophenomena exist, but there are a couple

different hypotheses about why they happen.

Several clues come from studies looking at what kinds of animals and people actually

catch **** yawns.

We've only seen contagious yawning in certain species, like humans, chimpanzees, baboons,

and, in response to us, dogs.

These are all very social animals — creatures whose survival depends on working together

and being sensitive to each other's needs.

And that might not be a coincidence.

One idea is that contagious yawning is related to empathy, or the ability to put yourself

into someone else's shoes.

Various studies have repeatedly shown that people who have impaired social skills, including

those with autism and schizophrenia, are less likely to yawn sympathetically than their


***And kids below the age of four are also much less susceptible to contagious yawning

than older children or adults.

Psychologists also point to experiments that find yawning is more contagious if the original

yawner is someone close to you.

Both chimpanzees and humans are more likely to yawn if they see someone familiar yawn,

versus a stranger.

Since we tend to be more empathetic to members of our own group, this bias suggests that

contagious yawning could be rooted in empathy.

That being said, a more recent study in autistic children found that their inability to catch

a yawn might be because they're not looking at people's faces, rather than a lack of


In two sets of experiments with about two dozen children with autism, about 30% yawned

contagiously — the same rate as developmentally normal children — if they were told to count

the beards or glasses of the people yawning.

In other words, if the kids were directed to look at the faces, they became just as

likely to yawn.

But for scientists who think that empathy plays at least some part in contagious yawning,

one hypothesis is that mirror neurons are involved in the brain.

These neurons form networks and are thought to fire if a person is doing a task or watching

someone else do the same task.

This way, the thinking goes, the neurons "mirror" those actions and can help with mimicry, and

maybe empathy.

In support of this, a handful of small fMRI studies have found that mirror neurons light

up when volunteers watch videos or listen to sound recordings of other people yawning.

But as appealing as this idea is, some scientists aren't so sure that mirror neurons are responsible.

Other fMRI studies of contagious yawning haven't seen any mirror neuron activation.

And neuroscientists are still debating the function and location of mirror neurons in

the human brain.

***A different way scientists explain contagious yawning is simply that motor areas of the

brain, like the ones that control your facial movements, are easily excitable.

A study published this past summer measured the excitability of motor neurons in three

dozen people while they watched videos of others yawning.

They used a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, in which a coil

that's generating a magnetic field is passed across the head.

And this magnetic field can be used to stimulate and measure electrical signals in neurons.

The researchers found that people with more natural activity in those neurons were more

likely to yawn.

In fact, differences in neuronal activity explained about half of the variation in whether

a person yawned or not.

And when some other scientists tested for correlations between empathy test scores and

catching yawns, they also found that different people might just have inherently different


In one study of more than 300 adults, researchers showed participants a 3-minute video of other

people yawning.

How likely a person was to yawn in response didn't have anything to do with how empathetic

they were.

Instead, it was more related to age, with younger adults yawning more than middle-aged

or older adults.

Also, the scientists noticed that each person seemed to have a hardwired level of sensitivity

to contagious yawning.

Some people yawned a lot over multiple sessions, and others never opened their mouths at all.

These results jive well with the motor neuron excitability idea, although they still leave

a lot of questions unanswered, like why we've evolved this reaction in the first place.

In any case, for a lot of us, it doesn't take much to yawn if we see someone else do


There's even a good chance a lot of you automatically yawned just while watching this


And if you haven't yet, I'll give you one more reason.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you want to learn more about this kind of stuff, check out our video where Hank talks

about a phenomenon called groupthink, which is basically how your friends can affect your


And don't forget to go to and subscribe!


For more infomation >> Why Is Yawning Contagious? - Duration: 4:41.


Top 10 Scarecrow Shocking Facts - Duration: 6:29.

Hey guys!

Welcome back to Top 10 Nerd, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Scarecrow is a really cool villain; anyone who has the ability to take on the appearance

of a person's greatest fear is destined to be one scary dude.

But there's a lot that some people don't know about the guy, so I'm here to remedy


Now, gas masks on everyone, it's time for the Top 10 Shocking Facts about Scarecrow!

Number 10: As usual, I'll start with a brief summary of Scarecrow's origin so that everyone's

on the same page.

Jonathan Crane was subjected to illegal experiments by his father, who intended to understand

and control fear.

When his father died unexpectedly while Jonathan was inside the test chamber with fear toxins,

the boy was left for days, slowly turning to madness.

However, with this madness came a mastery of fear, which he used, along with the fear

toxin, to aid in his future as a psychologist slash supervillain.

Number 9: Scarecrow is based on The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Both Scarecrow's name and looks are based on those of the main character of Sleepy Hollow,

Ichabod Crane.

Obviously, Jonathan Crane's last name is a reference, but his thin, wiry appearance,

is also based on the book, since Ichabod was described as "A goofy old scarecrow who

has escaped the cornfield".

He kind of seems like what would happen if Ichabod saw the Headless Horseman, went insane,

then wanted everyone else to feel the same fear he did, while taking advantage of his

natural scarecrow look.

Number 8: He was one of Batman's first villains.

When most people think Batman, they usually think of villains like Joker, or Penguin,

or Riddler.

But Scarecrow was actually one of the first of Batman's rogues gallery to be introduced.

Scarecrow was first seen in World's Finest #3: The Riddle of the Human Scarecrow, 3 months

before Penguin and a whopping 7 years before we saw Riddler.

It's pretty crazy that he's been around for so long, although the original version

of the Scarecrow was quite different from the one we know and love today, which brings

me to my next point!

Number 7: When he was first introduced, he didn't have any powers.

Nowadays, we all know that his main weapon is his weaponized fear chemicals.

But when we first saw Scarecrow, he was just a dude dressed as a Scarecrow who shot people.

Which sounds pretty lame, but if you think about it, a lot of scary things sound lame

in the light of day.

If there was a guy going around shooting people, I'd be scared of him even if he had a cute

bunny rabbit mask on.

He didn't actually start using his fear chemicals until 1983, in Brave and the Bold

#197, meaning Scarecrow was around for 40 years before they decided to actually make

him interesting.


Number 6: Fear chemicals were introduced before Scarecrow.

Despite the fear gas basically being synonymous with Scarecrow at this point, he was actually

introduced after we got our first glimpse at the idea of chemical-induced fear.

In Detective Comics #46, Huge Strange used "Fear Dust" to turn the police in to shivering

scaredy-cats, and allow criminals to steal things without punishment.

It didn't work out, because it was the 40's and holy crap were villains ever stupid in

the 40's, but it's pretty cool that this concept has survived so long.

Strangely, this didn't become a weapon of Scarecrow's until 1983, but since then it

has become a staple of the villain.

Number 5: He's had a bunch of different toxins over the years.

Scarecrow tends to depend most on his patented hallucinogenic gas, but that doesn't mean

that's the only weapon in his arsenal!

He helped Bane to create a new Bane Venom that increased strength while making the user


There's the Super Toxin 451-A made by his father that used, wait for it, the sweat of

frightened children, to make it more potent, so it hits harder and can last for months.

There's even the trauma toxin, that replicates the effects of intense traumatic events on


This is probably the worst one, since it scars the brain and tears the mind, turning the

victim into a mindless zombie of a person.

It's so severe that Scarecrow himself doesn't use it, because he can't manipulate people

if they're basically an empty shell.

Number 4: Gas isn't his only weapon.

While most people know Scarecrow as being gassier than my dog after she eats cheese,

he does have one weapon he can use that doesn't require the fear gas.

This High-Frequency Emmitter Fear Device attacked the victim's nervous system, creating a

fear response in them to incapacitate them.

This Is based on a real-world tactic of using these kinds of sounds to scare birds, but

was used instead to bring about intense fear in humans.

If he altered the frequency, he could change the visions they saw.

This will sound messed up, but I think it would be totally fun to have one of those.

I wouldn't become a villain, but it'd be pretty funny to mess with my friends.

Am I a monster?

Number 3: He goes both ways.

It's true that Scarecrow spends most of the time making people scared for profit,

but he's actually pretty versatile with his gas.

For instance, in 1987's Detective Comics #571, he used the gas to actually ELIMINATE

fear, selling it to athletes.

But then the athletes realize that without fear they're way too reckless and get injured

a lot, so he charges them even more to reverse it.

This plan is kind of along the lines of Joker's plan to copyright his Joker fish, or like

Tony Stark's Extremis app but worse.

This was a really neat Scarecrow story since it was a departure from the usual "Hey look

how scared these people are now!"

Number 2: He can turn into the Scarebeast.

While usually, Scarecrow looks normal, and depends on his gas to get all scary, when

he becomes particularly angry he's able to change into the Scarebeast, an enormous,

super-strong creature that emits its own fear toxin.

Scarebeast was first seen after Penguin caused Crane to change in order to punish his disloyal


But later in the comics Crane transformed again due to extreme rage, meaning he has

the ability to change without Penguin's aid.

This is certainly an intimidating version of Scarecrow, and it's pretty wicked to

see him looking as scary to us as he would to his victims.

Number 1: Scarecrow was almost played by Coolio.

If you were unfortunate enough to have seen Batman and Robin back in the day (Which I

should say I loved as a kid but later learned to hate) you may have noticed that the rapper

Coolio played Banker, the organizer of motorcycle street races.

It seemed like a weird part, but it turns out he took it because he was offered the

role of Scarecrow in the next planned film.

Thankfully, the film fell through because Batman and Robin did so badly, and we were

saved from seeing that would-be train wreck.

I'm definitely happy to have waited for Cillian Murphy to absolutely nail the part

in Batman Begins (although he was introduced in The Dark Knight).

Also as a side note, Coolio is 53 now!!

When did that happen?

My goodness.

That's it for today!

Hope you guys enjoyed, if you did please smack that thumbs up button and subscribe to Top

10 Nerd for more videos!

Are there any other supervillains you'd like to learn more about?

Let me know in the comments down below and I can try to get them onto future lists!

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Top 10 nerd.

Later nerds!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scarecrow Shocking Facts - Duration: 6:29.


Race to #1 | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | The Family Bovine - Duration: 10:33.

Charlie, have you seen american biscuits?


don't they call like, biscuits, cookies and cookies biscuits?

No, biscuits are bread. Biscuits are weird fuckin, stale bread.

Yeah! The fluffy bread shitty things?

Yeah! It's like err, you

have you have them in the UK but mmm McDonald's I think they're called wait

we do you know that McDonald's Olivia said it's a fruit they're called on the

McDonald's McMuffin no no because it just looks like it looks like a bug yeah

sorry yeah right no offense but you wouldn't just pick up a pair of jeans

and wear it that's so gross speak for yourself well I know you're a

mom charlie so that was me

actually retarded rain like ice cream eggs where are you guys we're in the

play zone alright thanks you fucking get out of that well it's wrong with you

Charlie blind are stupid there's nothing I think char you doing why screaming

who's shooting cuz I'd add six six any good oh I see him

that's a shotgun oh they're on foot yeah oh no God we're going where the G is

he's to the right of the Jeep behind that broken you should turn that on the

same sure take the boat yeah fuck its best

option yeah we're gonna take so much damage

otherwise we did pass the boat but it's in the gas now oh you mean there isn't

another one I thought you were saying there was there was I mean no we're just

gonna get to process speed boys boo I like that I like that

hello hello no no one said oh my god to get the loot

and dodge did you loot the crank no Daniel dinner Oh what in the water are

one in the water I don't know about

they'll probably be a loot no worth

Charlie look at your hell let me silly

if we got it go I might die get killed okay okay can you

please come back to me please I beg realistically Charlie I told you man you

shouldn't have got that fucking I wasn't even anything in there was gonna get

Daniel if you can well I heard gunshot Charlie please get on fast this thing is

doing so much damage Clark you know I'm gonna die

Charlie get on hard it was all my fucking dog so much I'm dead

Oh No yeah what are they shaking from

I can I come back for you I might be able to get ya that oh shit sorry guys

oh fuck I got one of them that flanking you okay

hi I always you know bounce what the fuck

just let might just get out of that I just go in the zone swatch try and get

to that forest you see that forest in this isit yeah I don't think there's

anyone yeah you're gonna have to just run me no just go maybe crossed our road

and I think that would be good

just get in the cover both sides in water

he's retreat in place he doesn't know where you can that Bush rocks

but that roughly alright you better check your check your back oh yeah

there's a guy flanking to your left

Daniel what Duff that was very late

just leave them leave them fucking die anything you know in

where you get that that rock that rock we rock like what about I rock like five

left holy fuck nice three people nervous

should be any more people oh yeah that all on that help no no no

no no this is like really fucking this is the worst position you could be at

that shit cover there we go

I think

there's a couple of bushes over that Ridge yeah maybe this is better

just flank around the side

I think they're gonna come start looking for you down yes yeah they're in the

same team because there's another guy shows right the tree yeah the trees on

your left you got 25 seconds 20 seconds

oh my god you fucking kill them

ten seconds

yeah pretty good match to be fight you were one before

For more infomation >> Race to #1 | PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | The Family Bovine - Duration: 10:33.


HD Footage Футаж Мороз - воевода - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> HD Footage Футаж Мороз - воевода - Duration: 0:38.


Welcome to The Family Bovine! - Duration: 0:41.

Hey guys my name is Charlie, and this is 'The Family Bovine. Our general plan is

upload once every Friday and hope to increase that in the short future. On top

of that we'll also be doing some podcasts at the end of every month, with

a few special guests. We're also looking at starting to stream during the

weekdays! Check in the description as to when we stream and what we'll be

primarily streaming. This is just a little thing where we can have fun

playing games with some friends and upload the stuff we think you'll find funny. So

check us out let us know what you think and see you in the other videos.

For more infomation >> Welcome to The Family Bovine! - Duration: 0:41.


Story Telling Pro Tip: The 80 / 20 Rule (🎤Watch A Live Example) - Duration: 5:08.

Do you consider yourself an incredible storyteller? You know the guy that when

he starts talking people just gather around they got to hear what he's saying

if not you're in the right place because in this video you're gonna learn how to

apply the 80/20 rule which is gonna teach you how to become an amazing

storyteller you're gonna see two versions of the same story and in this

first version I want you to watch it I want you to pick out in your own mind

what you think I'm both doing good and doing bad and we'll talk about it right

after okay so I was in Dallas as my buddy this is like two weeks ago and we

all have been at the bars and it was getting kind of late so we all came back

home and his house is kind of small so people were like all stacked up but it

was like really a packed house and stuff and so if someone had the TV on was

listen to some music and we decided we wanted some food and so we called up a

pizza place or someone who said they know this great pizza place we all kind

of talked about it and decided be good we put our money together already and

when the person came this pizza I guess it's like something specific to Dallas

it was literally so wide we couldn't fit it through the door it's almost like one

of those prank pizzas and so yeah I had to actually have someone karate chop the

middle fold the cardboard and bring it in was pretty credible it's good people

okay what did you think if you're saying that was a pretty good story you got a

lot to learn and it makes me sad what a lot of people think they're good

storytellers and they're not and they wonder why people are walking away and

checking their phone and looking at their watch or in the tone stores but

you're in the right place so let's talk about this

I used way way way too many details if you haven't seen the video before this

talking about what the 8020 rule is click up here in the right corner and

you'll go through it but now in this next one I prune out all of the non

emotional details I punch it up and watch how it looks and watch how much

more engaging it is there's never a moment where you're like oh I might want

to leave the story and if you want to go back and watch the first one the first

time or watch it again go back and notice how many times you're thinking oh

god I wish he'd speed it up or oh maybe I should check somebody should pull up

another browser window while I'm watching bears stupid video

right they just gives your mind more time to wander when you're filling up

time and using up space with mindless unemotional detail so what let's watch

the punched up version right now and notice in your own mind what's different

and how it feels different to use we're out in Dallas we were out that night

everyone got back I was like 2 o'clock somebody's like we're gonna get the

giant pizza it was like what what's the giant pizza everyone's like

curious about this thing 15 minutes later to the door

this pizza shows up it's so big it wouldn't fit through the door when our

buddies had to go karate chop the Box bend it like a taco and push it through

Wow it was incredible a lot punchier right you get to the point everything I

added added emotion to it think of yourself as a comic on stage is it funny

is it worth as a story you're telling worth telling on stage and it's not

about the story it's usually not a good or bad story it's about how you tell it

so punch it up cut out if you find yourself wanting to say yeah and it was

Friday around noon it just on to the next on to the next what's the point got

in the car step on the gas pedal felt the rush

right into the feeling where it's very easy to do and an easy way to get

started on this everyone's got a few stories that they find themselves

telling quite often right maybe you got 5 to 10 stories you keeping the hopper

of cool trips you took or experiences you had or crazy stories that went down

think about that and think about you can either tell it out loud or just think

about telling it and notice how many things you say are meaningless

emotionless details and how much is emotion next time you tell that story

cut out all the details only tell the emotion watch how much more engaged

people are it'll absolutely blow your mind now when you're telling a good

story what else is important the way you deliver what if I'm telling a story and

I'm like I'm like yeah and there was a it was a creepy feel in the air that day

versus and there was a creepy feel in the air that day what's different the

tonality the voice stories and engagement are created by your voice

that's why some people go up and talk to people and like hey what's up and it

runs like ok what's going on and some people go up to talk people hey what's

up like who is this guy why is this guy coming

talking to us it's because the tonality it's about what it communicates the boy

the voice that you speak with is gonna communicate so many different things

about your confidence about what you do yourself worth your social status all

these things so you got to leverage that whether you're telling a story or

talking to people in public something you want to improve on I don't have time

to go in this video but you can touch or click up here download the Volkl power

cheat sheet it's gonna go through five things that's gonna help you get your

voice nice and strong like a strong man that people listen to when you talk so

if you want to improve on that I suggest you ground that cheat sheet right there

by the way you see in this video right here do you haven't seen it click on it

and watch it next you're really gonna like it I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Story Telling Pro Tip: The 80 / 20 Rule (🎤Watch A Live Example) - Duration: 5:08.


27 Things Highly Sensitive Person Do that People Never Realize - Duration: 6:32.

27 Things Highly Sensitive Person Do that People Never Realize

Being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is like having your internal dial turned up just a

little more than other people's dials.

You notice subtle details that others don't notice, and certain situations impact you

more than they impact non-HSPs.

Your sensitivity is your greatest strength, it makes you a perceptive, compassionate,

creative person, but it can also be your greatest challenge.

Often, you do things to protect your sensitive system, and other people don't realize the

real root of your actions.

Here are 27 things that people don't realize you're doing because you're an HSP.

These things may not be true of every HSP, but this list is generally true,

it draws on research by Dr. Elaine N. Aron, author of The Highly Sensitive Person.


When you're in a loud and busy place like a bar, restaurant, or party, and you shut

down because you're overwhelmed by so much sensory input.


When a commercial that shows abused animals comes on TV and you have to change the channel,

because seeing such cruelty nearly makes you burst into tears.

Likewise, you cover your eyes during a gory fight scene in a movie because the blood and

violence make you feel sick to your stomach.


When you have a particular bedtime or morning routine because doing things the same way

each day brings you comfort.

Chaos, change, and the unknown can be quite stressful and overwhelming for you.


If your roommate or significant other walks up behind you without making noise, you jump

sky-high like a frightened cat when you do notice them.

Because of your sensitive nervous system, you tend to startle easily.


When a friend, coworker, or partner raises their voice slightly at you and you immediately

become anxious.

Dealing with conflict, even minor disagreements can quickly become overstimulating.

Likewise, when there is ongoing tension in a close relationship, such as with your spouse

or a family member, you might feel physically unwell and have

trouble sleeping.


Even when people who are complete strangers are fighting (like a couple at a nearby table

in a restaurant), you get uncomfortable.


In school, when the teacher scolded another student for something, you became anxious,

even though you had nothing to do with the situatoin.


When you have to finish an assignment or a task by a deadline, and you become increasingly

stressed out, to the point where you can only think about that one task, HSPs tend to be

quite sensitive to time pressure.


When you fall in love, you fall hard.

It feels like your whole world is changing.

This can be exhilarating, but so exhilarating that it's almost overwhelming.

You're happy about this exciting change, but regardless, it's still a change, and

that can make you feel overstimulated.


Being a sponge that constantly absorbs the moods of the people around you.

Sometimes this gets to be so overwhelming that you want to be by yourself, just so you

can feel only your own feelings.


When you feel so exhausted after a busy day at work that you head straight home and lie

down in a darkened, quiet room to calm your overactive senses.


When someone who is wearing very strong perfume walks into a room and you have to move away

from them because the smell is overpowering to your ramped-up senses.


When you refuse to eat certain foods, like seafood or berries that are very tart, because

the smells or tastes cause a very strong reaction in you.


When you get so hungry that you can't concentrate on what you're doing, HSPs tend to be especially

sensitive to dips and spikes in blood sugar.


You don't drink coffee because caffeine has a strong effect on you.

Likewise, alcohol affects you very strongly, more so than most other people.


When you can pinpoint exactly what makes a room physically uncomfortable or unwelcoming,

bright florescent lights, chairs with hard backs, or the way the furniture is arranged.


When you have a very strong reaction to art, music, or other beautiful things.

No one else seems to be as moved as you are; beautiful sounds or sights can put you into

a near trance-like state.


Because you have a vivid inner world, your daydreams and nightmares are intense.

Similarly, you tend to be a creative, artistic, and imaginative person.


When you're in pain, like a headache or an injury, you really feel it.

HSPs tend to have a lower pain tolerance than non-HSPs.


When you tell your friends that you can't hang out tonight because you feel so overstimulated

already, from a busy work day, a busy weekend, or stress in your life.


You avoid going to stores when you know there will be a lot of people there; it's too

much noise and activity for your sensitive system.


When you're sensitive to the volume of music or other things.

You're always trying to move the controls by a millimeter or two to get the level just



When you notice little things in your surroundings, like how your friend's mood subtlety changed

when you brought up a certain topic.

When you point this out, your friend is surprised that you picked up on that detail.


When you don't get enough sleep so everything feels literally awful the next day.


At work, you end up doing a worse-than-normal job when your boss is watching and evaluating


For HSPs, the mere presence of a person who is watching them can be overstimulating.


When you feel things very strongly, sadness, anger, and joy.


You seek meaning in everything you do, from the career you chose to the relationships

you maintain to the conversations you partake in.

As an HSP, you want to engage with the deeper aspects of life.

Well, that's all the things highly sensitive person do that people never realize.

Really cool information isn't it.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 27 Things Highly Sensitive Person Do that People Never Realize - Duration: 6:32.


Metro 1918: Will DICE Bring the Iconic Map to Battlefield 1? - Duration: 4:26.

Battlefield 1 has some iconic maps that will be remembered long after the next game in

the series is released.

Maps like Fort de Vaux, Amiens, and The St. Quentin Scar produced some of the most compelling

combat in Battlefield 1.

They're well-designed, have memorable settings, and we just can't seem to get enough of


With Battlefield 1 now over a year old, developers are looking for ways to keep players engaged

with the game.

To DICE's credit, they're introduced the Premium Trials program that occasionally grants

everyone temporary access to all the DLC maps, added the Frontlines game mode to several

vanilla maps, and created several special challenges and melee weapons for players to


So, where do we go from here?

In the past, occasional free maps were not uncommon for the franchise.

DICE already added one free map in the form of Giant's Shadow and just made Nivelle

Nights playable for everyone.

I think they can do one better, and I'd really like to see developers bring a fan

favorite map to Battlefield 1.

I'm of course talking about Metro.

Although no battles were ever fought in the Paris Metro during the First World War, it's

a compelling location.

The Metro saw a period of significant growth in the early 1910s, which continued during

the war and into the 1920s.

The system was constantly under construction.

These were the golden years of the Metro – many stations were well lit with gorgeous tiled

walls and designed in the vein of Art Nouveau.

They were beautiful, as were many of the metro trains of the time.

So why not bring this unique style to a map loved by many fans of the Battlefield franchise?

There are still servers operating in Battlefield 4 that run Metro Only 24/7.

Certainly its addition to Battlefield 1 would bring back players, and attract new players

who might have passed on Battlefield 1 initially, but would jump at the change to play on a

spotless Metro in its prime.

It'd also be another opportunity to showcase DICE's commitment to community, which has

been under fire over Star Wars Battlefront II.

Seeing the progression of destruction of the Metro over the course of a match would be

a sight to behold.

Watching the surrounding change from immaculate to war torn would be stunning, especially

on the new Frostbite engine.

It'd also be an opportunity to really showcase the work of DICE's visual artists.

They did a fantastic job on the streets of Amiens, and there are plenty of assets that

could be reused to draw attention to how detailed they are.

From the post office boxes to the trolley cars, Battlefield 1 has some gorgeous props

that I really wish saw some more use.

It'd also be an opportunity to have fun with the underground railroad setting.

Trains could continue to run through the level during the fighting, creating a hazard for

players – or if DICE was feeling completely insane, they could introduce the armored train

behemoth to the map.

That might not be the easiest thing to balance, but it would be intense, and that's what

Metro's all about.

Interestingly, the system was also used to transport soldiers, and many of the Metro

stations became war memorials after the fighting in the Great War, so it does have a connection

to World War I, afterall.

What are your thoughts about bringing back Metro to the Battlefield franchise?

Is there another legacy map you'd like to see instead?

Tell me in

the comments.

For more infomation >> Metro 1918: Will DICE Bring the Iconic Map to Battlefield 1? - Duration: 4:26.


What If You Were Born In Space? - Duration: 5:35.

Humans have continuously been living in space for the past 17 years, but as of yet, no human

has been born outside of earth.

What if they were though?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, that channel that looks to shed

light on curious topics.

I am Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking – What would happen if you were born in


Before we get started I just want to let you guys know that we have set up a Patreon, so

if you want to support our content creation and get some cool insights into life at Life's

Biggest Questions HQ then head on over, link is in the description.

Okay, space babies!

Well firstly, no pregnant woman has ever been to space let alone had a child there, so if

you were born in space you would be the first ever space baby.

This would make you and your mother pretty famous, and you would constantly be the answer

to trivia questions for all time.

In short, the first Space baby's name will go down in history, alongside names like Buzz

Aldren and Neil Armstrong.

Among the first few questions would be that of a space babies citizenship?

Children born in aircraft or international waters already have a tough time establishing

citizenship, let alone space babies!

Perhaps the first child born in space will be the First Citizen of Space!

The likelihood is they would be given their parents citizenship, but if they were born

on the International Space Station, they could lay claim to a European, Canadian, American,

Russian or Japanese passport, being as these collection of countries own the station.

So, how would someone even go about having a baby in space?

It would be very difficult to conciebe a child in space – zero gravity effects make sex

pretty difficult… that's right; there's not much hanky panky in space.

Even if by some weightless miracle, a man did manage to ejaculate in space, fertilization

of an egg would be less likely in conditions without gravity.

On top of that, even if an egg was fertilized, fluids in the body to the embryo would be

interrupted, making it likely the mother would miscarry.

Perhaps the easiest way to produce a space baby is to send a pregnant woman into space,

and even then it would be pretty hard on the mother.

Astronauts have to be extremely fit and healthy to be able to travel to space, which would

mean any pregnant woman travelling to space would need to be extremely fit.

Birth is hard enough as it is, but imagine trying to deliver a baby so far away from

a hospital.

Afterbirth floating around at zero gravity would be gross.

While no human babies have ever been born in space, there have been some rat space babies.

Scientists have twice sent pregnant rats into space to try and determine the effects of

a non-earth environment for new-borns.

The most recent study took place in 2001 and was easier on the mother than in a soviet

experiment that took place in 1983.

However in both experiments, mother lost muscle mass and babies suffered from vestibular issues,

which means problems with the inner ear fluids.

This would likely be the same for human babies born in space.

Fluids in the inner ear that control balance and movement would behave differently at zero


If a space born baby came back to earth, this would effect them, especially if they had

grown up this way, they would not be able to balance.

A worrying issue is the levels of radiation in space.

Our Earth atmosphere protects us from these radiation rays, but there is no such luxury

in space.

Astronauts on the space station are subjected to as much radiation per day as a person on

earth gets in the year.

Exposure to this radiation can increase their risk of cancer, eye problems, damage to the

heart and the central nervous system.

This risk could be increased in a newly born baby.

Longer term, if that baby was left to grow up in space, their body ay form differently.

Astronauts lose muscle mass in space, which would be the same for a child.

Their bones would also be at risk of losing mass, too, meaning as they grew, their skeletons

may become deformed.

They may also experience a puffiness to their body.

A space babies heart wouldn't be as strong as an earth babies, as it would not have to

work against gravity, which would make the baby weaker than those on earth.

Can you also imagine trying to change a nappy at zero gravity?


All joking aside, humans as we know them have only ever been born on planet earth.

We are adapted to our environment, and if a child was born outside of that environment,

it is likely it would experience a lot of problems.

If a baby was born in space, in probably wouldn't do too well on earth.

Who knows though, maybe one day this will be a possibility.

Given the right research, care and attention, we have proved time and time again, that pretty

much anything is possible.

So, that is one strange question answered for you.

What do you think would happen if a baby was born in space?

Let me know in the comments section below.

For now, thanks for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch

you in the next video.

But for now, remember to stay curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

Thanks for staying tuned until the end of the video, if you want more answers then why

not watch our Biggest Debated Topics playlist, or our Biggest Science Questions.

For more infomation >> What If You Were Born In Space? - Duration: 5:35.


Best 5 Indie Games on Kickstarter - November 2017 - Duration: 9:44.

hi there everyone and welcome to get indie gaming in today's episode we delve

into five for the best looking indie games vying for funding via the

Kickstarter crowdsourcing community coming up in what's a particularly

strong month for indie RPG games on the platform we have a colorful arcade

shooter something inspired by the likes of Zelda and from the team of X Rockstar

Ubisoft and EA staffers one of the best-looking fighting puzzlers we've

ever seen where is that let's get on with this month's countdown getting into

the swing of things for this November we have arena 3d the team here looking to

raise 20,000 pounds before the funding round ends on November 24th here we have

a fast frantic brightly colored arcade game accompanied by a founding

soundtrack with a play style that features multiple game modes each with

their own goals and challenges at its core arena 3d will ship with a single

player progression based gameplay although we feel the real magic will

come from its competitive and cooperative online multiplayer modes in

this players will be able to earn stars to unlock upgrades and power-ups special

challenges will reward you with achievements and in-game medals there'll

also be a game leaderboards type of thing so you can see and show off how

your skills compared to other players around the world with a single player

demo available to play today arena 3d is expected to come to the PC sometime in

q3 of 2018

expected to arrive on the PC PlayStation 4 and the switch in the summer of 2019

the untold legacy is looking to be a rather charming and engaging

action-adventure RPG that comes with a bright and colorful art style all within

a surreal and often creepy looking setting coming from iconic games the

developers are promising this zelda inspired experience will deliver a rich

an aspirational story within an open-world environment

wrapped up within a compelling and complicated law so far the animation

style is looking accessible the protagonist is said to change

personality as well as cosmetically and audibly as the game progresses such

changes are said not to be scripted and will occur in direct response to your

journey situations that once saw the player cowering behind their shield

melee to see them advancing towards the danger looking to tackle the situation

with determination in their eyes combat seemingly offers a responsive and

dynamic gameplay experience with a fluid control system to aid the players

dynamic movement with a wide open map dungeons cooking puzzle boss battles and

lots lots more the team are looking for $60,000 before their round ends on

November the 30th while clearly an ambitious offering we're excited for the

untold legacy and hope to pick this one up when it arrives the year after next

at this month's number three and the bottom rung of the podium for November

come seed in this 3d action RPG you control an ape-like creature called Seth

within randomly generated worlds with sprinklings of the experiences of Diablo

and Harvest Moon seed comes with an interesting mechanic that the devs are

calling combat farming this involves using your character and their ability

to undertake from a range of punches dodges and rolls to fight against the

hostile hordes you will find upon the planet each enemy you take down gives up

a type of seed which you can plant which in turn for want of a better word grow

into plants and vegetation in doing so you can help transform the desolate

world into a green and vibrant paradise these plants can also be used to aid you

in your quest by either fighting on your side against the enemies or by helping

you up skill your abilities based out of the us the team behind seed are looking

to raise $65,000 this one ends later in the year in December the 17th and as

like the previous title this one also has quite a long lead time with

expectations of it coming to the PC and possibly the switch in the PlayStation 4

in the summer of 2019

in this month's runners-up position and already funded past its original modest

goal of $10,000 we have the delightfully looking deal and an adventure management

and RPG sandbox game from the small team of developers at chill big studio based

out of Valencia in Spain here we have a single player which began life as a

mobile game and is inspired by the likes of Dragon Quest Final Fantasy and

stardew valley on the face of things dear LAN looks very much a game that

combines several genres on one hand we have a management aspect with a

protagonist a ten-year-old boy called Arco must take care of a planet to

manage it resources trade with travelling visitors building of

structures and farming the land to help build your prosperity there's also an

RPG element you'll be able to interact and build relationships with NPCs lastly

of course there's an action and adventure aspect

there'll be monsters local to your planet to contend with and also the

possibility that you'll be required to fight off enemy aliens looking to cause

you a bit of mischief stretch goals include additional 3d animated

characters graphical enhancements to Arco and other locations off the planet

to help extend the overall gaming experience coming first the PlayStation

4 in the summer of next year with possibly a port coming to PC this

fascinating looking and no doubt highly narrative game may turn out to be one of

the treats of the years to come

at the number one position for our November indie game showcase Rajee and

ancient epic is looking to secure a fairly sizable 120,000 pounds to help

bring this game to their PC switch Xbox and Playstation 4 towards the summer the

year after next with a team that includes ex members from EA Ubisoft and

Rockstar this title is one of the best-looking and most interesting games

of its type we've seen in a long time set with in ancient India this

action-adventure game inspired by Hindu and Balinese mythology

we'll see you play as Raji a young girl gifted with godlike powers she can use

to help defend humanity against the demonic invasion while at the same time

rescuing her brother in the process much of the attraction comes from the game's

overall look and feel which features a hand-painted environment that from the

trailers and available screenshots boozes with quality and attention to

detail on the gameplay side of things players will find their character has a

variety of skills and abilities to choose from you'll also be able to

customize Rajee to better reflect your individual play style the same goes for

the demons and other enemies you'll encounter during your travels through

the game each of them having a number of types and subtypes they also bring their

own strategies weapons and abilities to offer a vast variety of fights from

hordes of grunts up to epic boss battles in addition to these fighting mechanics

the game will also feature a mandala shaped puzzle sequences the dev say this

will help aid the environmental storytelling and also provide a break to

the headiness of combat as we alluded to earlier the team are looking to raise a

fairly hefty sum to help bring this game to market as we go to air its received

just over 10% of the funds being asked for although with around 25 days of this

project to go there's still plenty of time for this one to reach its goal we

wish the devs every success in reaching their target with Rajee and an ancient

epic taking this month number one slot were almost finished up for today's

video coming up later this month we'll have an indie game of the Year episode

where we countdown the 10 best games of the year and we're also planning on

rolling out a new series featuring game and commentary on a recent launch this

new hidden gems and introducing section of the channel will showcase new to

market in the titles together with a smattering of games that you might have

missed the first time they came to market while we're here would like to

cheekily announce we've put together a little patreon with the aim to raise a

few dollars to help reinvest in equipment and hosting space for our

upcoming get indie gaming website so if you feel you're able to spare a buck or

so a month we would be forever thankful for such generous support and with that

we're definitely 100% done for today's video many thanks for watching and

please come back soon

For more infomation >> Best 5 Indie Games on Kickstarter - November 2017 - Duration: 9:44.


BMW 6 Series GT 2018 In Depth Review Interior Exterior - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> BMW 6 Series GT 2018 In Depth Review Interior Exterior - Duration: 12:26.


Brutal Punisher Moments They Won't Show On Netflix - Duration: 5:54.

The Netflix roster of Marvel shows has already shown that they're capable of drawing some

great moments from the comics and transferring them to the screen.

And with the Punisher, they're spoiled for choice.

With hundreds of comics and decades of stories to draw from, all built around hard-hitting

ultra-violent action, there are plenty of brutal moments that are begging to be recreated.

There is, however, a problem unique to the Punisher: a lot of his stories might just

be too intense to work on the show.

And more are just intensely weird.

And yes — they're actually weirder than this:

Here are some Punisher comic book moments that'll never make it to Netflix.

Army of One

It goes without saying that any media project involving Frank Castle is going to draw heavily

from Garth Ennis's eight years of writing the character.

The Netflix shows have already started, with an adaptation of the issue where the Punisher

ties Daredevil up to witness a rooftop execution.

But over the course of those eight years, Ennis got into some pretty extreme stories.

In "Army of One," the Punisher took on an entire island full of killer mercenaries,

including his long-time nemesis, the Russian, who we've seen in the 2004 Punisher movie:

So why's the story so problematic?

Well, it's Frank's solution that causes trouble: going for the nuclear option — literally.

The story ends with a mushroom cloud when the Punisher drops an atomic bomb onto the

island and its mercenary inhabitants, wiping them all from the face of the Earth.


Considering that the shows have already introduced Luke Cage, it's easy to imagine that they

might want to tie the Punisher into the MCU by re-creating one of their classic team-ups.

Unfortunately, their most notable meeting involves Frank Castle changing his skin color

and pretending to be a black man for three issues until he eventually fades back to his

usual Caucasian complexion.

In "Crackdown," Frank is sent to jail and gets his face carved up by the bad guy Jigsaw.

After that, we see Frank's face get repaired by a surgeon, whose experimental technique

involved pumping the Punisher full of the skin pigment melanin.

The result was a dark-skinned, and ridiculously inappropriate Punisher, who teams up with

Luke Cage in Chicago to bring down a ring of crack dealers — and an army of ninjas.

Needless to say, after three issues, this whole thing was never mentioned again.


Believe it or not, the tale of the temporarily black Frank Castle isn't actually the weirdest

Punisher story — and neither is the time he became an angel who killed demons with

magical ghost guns.

No, that honor goes to when he spent a year as a Frankenstein.

In 2009, the notorious supervillain Norman Osborn — better known to Spider-Man fans

as the Green Goblin — was put in charge of national security.

An unrepentant murderer in a position of power made for a tempting target, and Frank set

his sights on taking Osborn down.

The problem?

Frank's just a guy with a lot of guns — and Osborn had his own team of Dark Avengers protecting


Daken, the son of Wolverine, ended up chopping the Punisher to pieces and throwing his body

into a sewer… where it was found and stitched back together by Morbius the Living Vampire,

who resurrected him to protect a secret city of monsters underneath Manhattan.

Chances are good that won't happen on TV anytime soon: even if Jon Bernthal would look pretty

great as a Frankenstein.

Punisher kills Nick Fury

If they really wanted to tie Bernthal's version of the Punisher to the larger Marvel Cinematic

Universe, they could always go with one of Frank's other big encounters with the MCU's

most prominent characters.

Like that time he murdered Nick Fury.

In 1995, the Punisher was captured by renegade S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and brainwashed into believing

that it was actually Fury who killed his family — so he shot and killed him.

After a manhunt involving the Avengers, he was arrested and sentenced to death in the

electric chair.

Because it's comics, neither death really lasted long.

It was later revealed that Tony Stark had invented a special "Life Model Decoy" robot

that managed to fool everyone.

And the Punisher?

He was rescued from the electric chair by a mafioso who wanted him to take over his


He actually agreed, and briefly joined up as the new head of an organized crime family.

Frank's hydrophobia

In the pages of Punisher War Journal, we finally discover the Punisher's a weakness: a crippling

fear of open water, dating back to a childhood trauma — because what the Punisher really

needed was to have a more traumatic past.

When Frank found himself tracking down a gang of drug dealers to Hawaii, his fear almost

got him killed.

Luckily, he was rescued from drowning by a friendly dolphin and then conquered his fear

with the help of a local kahuna who healed his spirit with magic at the request of a

ninja master.

No, really.

Even if it's unlikely we'll ever see this story make it to the screen, let's not kid


It would be amazing.

Who wouldn't want to see Frank Castle wearing a bright Hawaiian shirt over his Punisher

outfit, or watch the Punisher ride a jet-ski?

The cover blurb says it all: "You just rented a jet-ski to the Punisher.


Punisher Meets Archie

If there's a hall of fame for bizarre comic book crossovers, then The Punisher Meets Archie

is a first-round pick.

Originally published in 1994, it stands as one of the weirdest of all time, even after

a decade of Archie meeting everyone from Barack Obama and Sarah Palin, to the Predator, to


Yes, that Sharknado.

But incredibly, this team-up is actually more plausible than ever.

On TV's Riverdale, a show with no shortage of murders, the Archie gang's gone through

a pretty dark re-imagining.

So having Frank Castle roll up to lay down some vigilante justice wouldn't seem strange

at all.

Is it going to happen?


But if we don't at least get a cameo appearance from Archie-actor K.J.

Apa as a redheaded criminal on the run from the Punisher, then what are we even doing


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Brutal Punisher Moments They Won't Show On Netflix - Duration: 5:54.


Top 5 Hottest Gifs On The Internet - Duration: 2:55.

GIFS or is it GIFs no one really knows.

Its like croissant or croissant you say it the way you like to say it and theres no changing

your mind.

I like GIF so that's what were going with today and were going to be talking about some

hot ones so get ready.

Hey youtube im court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know what is your favorite GIF of all time.

I don't know if this one is my favorite but I really enjoy it.

Editors I put the link in the script for you..

ooh and we cant forget about this jem.. ab..0.16.1040...0i67k1j0i8i30k1.0.ll3ArwH_y78#imgrc=gNVOCTKMaHuVKM:

hehe yeah that's great.

let me know down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe if you havnt already and give this video a big thumbs up.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 Hotest Gifs on the internet.

sTARTING OFF ATY NUMBER 5--Popsicles- Kate upton is hot- kate upton licking a popsicle

is hot er-go a hot GIF.

Here we have Kate in a red-white and blue bikini and this is actually a shot from her

GQ red hot American summer special issue shoot.

And a little fun fact for you guys there was a wardrobe malfunction during this shoot.

About it kate says- For the GQ photo shoot we were on that ride where the seat spins

while the actual ride is spinning- and im wearing a one piece.

And all of a sudden my whole entire top falls off.

Im holding myself- laughing- turning bright red- but a lot of people were watching so

they kicked us out of the Santa Monica Pier- it was so embarrassing.

In at number 4- come on- ooh Ryan Gosling shirtless what is better then that?

This is a gift from mew to all of the ryan gosling lovers out there.

This is from the movie Stupid crazy love staring ryan gosling- emma stone- steve carell and

julianne moore.

If you havnt seen it yet im sure this is enough to convince you.

I mean just look at those abs! one of the hottest GIFs on the internet hands down.

--At number 3- Fiyah- I thought you guys would be sick of seeing all the GIFs of hot bodies

so here we have a hot fire…get it..its a hot GIF. want me to go back to what

I was showing you ? ooh ok.

Coming in at our number 2 --Vampire diaries- here we have Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev

shooting an add for the vampire diaries.

I hoped on the bandwagon late and im currently only watching this show now.

But its great.

And Ian and Nina just have so much sex appeal and a lot of sexual chemistry which makes

them a hot GIF if ive ever seen one.

So many teens and adult have crushes on these 2 and its pretty obvious why.

Theyre gorgeous and play amazing characters.

Obviously this Gif was aimed at oozing sex appeal- its black and white- Ninas in lingerie

and then theres all the seductive touching and closeups.

Coming in at our number one spot--Weather girl- of course im talking about the one and

only Yanet Garcia.

After Yanet became the weather girl for a Mexican news channel she became famous.

People fell in love with her hosting skills… ok no lets be honest it was totally because

of her body..i mean the producers put her in all of those tight form fitting sdhort

drersses for a reason . Her Instagram as since blown up and she now has over 5.3 million


She mostly posts bikini and booty shots.

But when you got it flaunt it.

She looks amazing. and there you have it that's our list of

the top 5 hottest GIFs on the internet thank you so much for watching and ill catch you

in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Hottest Gifs On The Internet - Duration: 2:55.


MISTERY RAFFLE Challenge | #CHALLENGEMANDEL number 1 - Duration: 12:29.

- You are really such a bastards.

- I need an urn to do this shit.

- Oh... I've got it!

- We need an innocent hand in here.

- Mmmm... yeah, better it's you.

- You will see it before I do.

- A big bottle of milk and 1.1 pounds of cookies.

- Well, let's buy some cookies!

You are listening - ROTH MC «Everything is different»

Links in description - ROTH MC «Everything is different»




- What's up, guys? What are you up to?

- I was dying of thirst. You alredy knew that. (I impersonate better by the day)

- Well, 1.1 pounds of cookies. How do I know there's 1.1 pounds?

- Maybe you won't believe this. Here it says 38g. So I added all the packets and there's 1.1 pounds.

- It took me a while.

- I also calculated the calories. Once I started adding...

- Here you can see how many calories in each packet and somewhere around here the total will appear.

- It was not bad.

- As you can see, I bought a little bit of everything.

- Fake Oreos from several brands, real Oreos, I don't know about this shit...

- Similar to «Artinata», yeah. Cookies American style

- Something with white chocolate... black chocolate...

- Oh! And then... My favourite cookies.

- I don't know if I like them more than Oreos. Enough said.

- I was going to buy more of this, but I think they deserve its own special episode only about this cookies.

- I feel embarrased to mix them with some of the cookies here.

- *Kiss* I love you so much!

- Tell me if you want I make an episode only about these cookies. They're fucking awesome.

- I've never tried these ones... these ones either...

- I haven't tried most of these.

- I guess he meant 1/2 gallon when he said «big bottle»

- I don't think he meant 1 gallon, did he? I find it way too much for 1.1 pounds of cookies.

- I don't know why I set a timer up as I will be speaking most of the time and I won't eat as fast as possible.

- I dunno. It looks a little bit more pro.

- 3, 2, 1... BOOM! There you go!

- I will start with these ones which are bothering here. Strawberry jam.

- Skimmed milk of course. Just in case we get fat!

- Holy shit! So good! I don't expect the several layer cookies to be the best ones.

- They're ok but... meh... I've just got them to add variety.

- This is life.

- Fuck!

- Waffle something... This is funny.

- Buttery cookies...

- They have a shinny film. I think it's orange. Very appropriate.

- Woah!

- Very good.

- Certainly.

- So good. What's it made from? «Milk». Phew!

- Bollocks! You put something else in here.

- The only milk is Non Dairy. So it's not real milk. But you drew a cow.

- I'm not the one complaining. Do what you want!

- Let's try some Oreos.

- Flea market Oreos. (imitating gipsy) «Hey, man, buy some Oreos!»

- These packets cost 15 baht and the smaller ones cost 5 baht.

- Fuck, man! So good!

- Fuck!

- Holy shit, dude! Wait! What's it made from? I don't want to forget.

- «Filled with custard»

- These ones are brutal.

- Fuck! Those ones were so good. Holy shit. And they were not real Oreos.

- Some classic Oreos.

- An episode about cookies without Oreos is like a porn movie with no...

...with no passion.

- The Oreos are perfect of course. What can I say?

- It's cool that the Oreos keep their taste in Thailand.

- Some othe things, like Pringles, have nothing to do.

- It's a shame because you can't eat Pringles here. There are Pringles but they taste different.

- They worked hard for this ones. They almost nailed it.

- The taste is more than 90% the same.

- Whoever made this Oreos has tried one or two before.

- I forgot the cokes in the freezer. Someday...

- See? One day we will be blown up.

- Oh, mini-Oreos!

- Some time ago this challenge would have been too easy but now I've been eating too little to lose weight.

- So it's a real challenge today. The hardest part is to open the packets, that's clear.

- These ones are not bad but they're boring.

- Yes, sir, yes!

- «Buttery coconuts orange». This is beasty. It's way better than a real orange.

- Holy shit! They are Pockys. You can dip in chocolate or strawberry.

- I'd rather have them dipped, but it's ok.

- In the beginning it's hard to calculate how much to use so you don't run out or have something left.

- No way I was leaving that! I wouldn't mind to have this continental breakfast everyday.

- Listen, I've tried some packets from this brand before and they're incredible.

- Jam O'Jam. So good, man! I'm spending more time opening packets than eating.

- More fake Oreos.

- These ones were good. I'm very untrained. A lot.


- I left too much chocolate for the end. I like chocolate but...

- This one is a little bit different. It's clear: chocolate... sprinkles...

- Fuck! So many!

- What's this?

- As always I'm licking the lids.

- Cool! It's like white chocolate. But there's too little dip for all these bears. Let's go swimming!

- I'm gonna need a spoon.

- I bought this because I thought it was a cookie.


- I'm so untrained.

- They are my favourite ones but... Shit! The milk. I've just saw it.

- I feel like shit.

- The last one.

For more infomation >> MISTERY RAFFLE Challenge | #CHALLENGEMANDEL number 1 - Duration: 12:29.


Sarah Silverman Comments on Sexual Harassment | I Love You, America - Duration: 2:52.

You've probably heard what's happening in the news

recently in the news regarding sexual assault,

especially in the entertainment industry.

And to be clear, it's not just Hollywood.

It's everywhere. Like,

this stuff happens in bakeries too.

It's just not getting written up in

the New York Times.

This recent calling out of sexual assault has

been a long time coming.

It's good.

It's like cutting out tumors.

It's messy and it's complicated and it is gonna hurt.

But it's necessary and we'll all be healthier for it.

And it sucks. And some of our heroes will be taken down.

And we will discover bad things about people we like.

Or in some cases, people we love.

Let's just say it, I'm talking about Louie.

And I've of course been asked to comment.

And in full honestly I really, I really really don't want to.

I wish I could sit this one out.

But then I remembered something

I said on this very show.

That if it's mentionable it's manageable.

So, I'm gonna address the

elephant masturbating in the room.

And, uh...

And, full disclosure, I'm still processing all this s***e,


here's where I'm at on it as of this moment.

It could change tomorrow,

and if it does I will keep you posted.

One of my best friends of over 25 years, Louie CK,

masturbated in front of women.


wielded his power with women in f****d up ways.

Sometimes to the point where they left comedy entirely.

I could (clears throat)

I could couch this with heartwarming stories of our

friendship and what a great dad he is,

but that's totally irrelevant, isn't it?

Yes. It is.

It's a real mindf***.

You know, because I

I love Louie.

But Louie did these things.

Both of those statements are true,

so I just keep asking myself:

Can you love someone who did bad things?

Can you still love them?

I can mull that over later, certainly because

the only people that matter right now are the victims.

They are victims,

and they're victims because of something he did.

So I hope it's okay if I am at once very angry for the

women he wronged, and the culture that enabled it,

and also sad.

Because he's my friend.


I believe with all my heart that

this moment in time is essential.

It's vital that people are held accountable

for their actions no matter who they are.

We need to be better.

We will be better.

I can't f*****g wait to be better.

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