Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Won The Crown Of Miss INDIA And Miss World Awards!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Won The Crown Of Miss INDIA And Miss World Awards! - Duration: 6:22.


5 Küçük Ördek - Bebek Şarkıları Türkçe | HeyKids - Duration: 22:01.

For more infomation >> 5 Küçük Ördek - Bebek Şarkıları Türkçe | HeyKids - Duration: 22:01.


Filmora | Sam Kolder Drawing Zoom Transition Tutorial #4 | How to Edit With Filmora - Duration: 5:27.

Hey there everyone i'm Himanshu Mehra and you are watching Techno Mania

In today's tutorial on How to edit with Filmora, I will teach you

The Sam Kolder Zoom Transition Effect.

Now, This particular type requires some steps to follow.

In step One, I suggest you guys to choose the image that you want int he effect to be

zoomed at and edit it in either black & white or pencil shade Effect You can use any photo

editing software, or you can use filmora inbuilt filters

After you have done step 1

It's time for step 2 so in step 2, I will suggest you guys too put together the pencil

sketched image and the original image and use the Color Distance transition

so that it looks like you are putting colors into an unfinished pic.

In the next part You can choose any way you want to animate

the particular.

For this, I am using a book with green screen and make it looks like that the video is playing

inside the book.

In the next part once you put together the animation you will

notice that it is not quite lively so what you can do here is to put the output video

into PIP section and use any motion you want and make it look a little life like

Now in step 3 it's time to finally edit the video and create

that transition In the original footage in which you want

to zoom.

I suggest you to use that particular time from when you took the screenshot

now Use this amazing Warp zoom transition from Filmora to make it look like it's

going inside the next footage.

You can also use crop and zoom but it won't gonna be smooth.

Now if you want to do something more minimal you can just use simple warps b/w clips and

when you adjust them a bit you can get this kind of effect.

So, Guys if you think that this video is worthwhile then let me know in the comment section below,

and if you enjoyed this video then hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe

to my channel.

So, that I can able to bring amazing video like this for you.

Till then see you later.

For more infomation >> Filmora | Sam Kolder Drawing Zoom Transition Tutorial #4 | How to Edit With Filmora - Duration: 5:27.


Еврейские анекдоты со смыслом! Анекдот про женщин и мужчин! - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Еврейские анекдоты со смыслом! Анекдот про женщин и мужчин! - Duration: 0:33.


FRANKIE - Coping (Official Video) - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> FRANKIE - Coping (Official Video) - Duration: 3:46.


散歩好きの猫が、ある日突然、行方不明に!!2年半後、ある保護施設で見覚えのある猫を発見。果たして??【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 散歩好きの猫が、ある日突然、行方不明に!!2年半後、ある保護施設で見覚えのある猫を発見。果たして??【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:36.


LAS CORRIENTES DE AGUA SUBTERRÁNEA, Información Saludable - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> LAS CORRIENTES DE AGUA SUBTERRÁNEA, Información Saludable - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:17.


Kman夾娃娃 小海螺神奇的魔力,出貨的成就感無法形容。K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#170 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 小海螺神奇的魔力,出貨的成就感無法形容。K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#170 - Duration: 5:22.


Heart Touching Shabad - ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 50:01.

ਵਡਹੰਸੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ਘਰੁ ੧ Wadahans, Fourth Mehl, First House: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਸੇਜ ਏਕ ਏਕੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ॥ There is one bed, and One Lord God. ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਵੇ ਸੁਖ ਸਾਗਰੁ ॥੧॥ The Gurmukh enjoys the Lord, the ocean of peace. ||1|| ਮੈ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਮਿਲਣ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਮਨਿ ਆਸਾ ॥ My mind longs to meet my Beloved Lord. ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਹਉ ਵਾਰਿ ਵਾਰਿ ਆਪਣੇ ਗੁਰੂ ਕਉ ਜਾਸਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Perfect Guru leads me to meet my Beloved; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru. ||1||Pause||ਮੈ ਅਵਗਣ ਭਰਪੂਰਿ ਸਰੀਰੇ ॥ My body is over-flowing with corruption; ਹਉ ਕਿਉ ਕਰਿ ਮਿਲਾ ਅਪਣੇ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਪੂਰੇ ॥੨॥ How can I meet my Perfect Beloved? ||2|| ਜਿਨਿ ਗੁਣਵੰਤੀ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥ The virtuous ones obtain my Beloved; ਸੇ ਮੈ ਗੁਣ ਨਾਹੀ ਹਉ ਕਿਉ ਮਿਲਾ ਮੇਰੀ ਮਾਇਆ ॥੩॥ I do not have these virtues. How can I meet Him, O my mother? ||3|| ਹਉ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਕਾ ਉਪਾਵ ਬਹੁਤੇਰੇ ॥ I am so tired of making all these efforts. ਨਾਨਕ ਗਰੀਬ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਮੇਰੇ ॥੪॥੧॥ Please protect Nanak, the meek one, O my Lord. ||4||1||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Shabad - ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 50:01.


Petit Biscuit - Creation Comes Alive Ft. Sonia (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:18.

Don't know if I should hold you

Don't know if should scold you

What do I do with you

What do I do with you

Lay with you on Wednesday night

Or should I cut you out my

What do I do with you

What do I do with you

How do you still let me down

Keeping me safe and sound

What do I do with you

What do I do with you

Are you the cure I need

Or are you what's killing me

What do I do with you

What do I do with you

For more infomation >> Petit Biscuit - Creation Comes Alive Ft. Sonia (Official Audio) - Duration: 3:18.


MASHA AND THE BEARS | Will Solo open his restaurant? - Duration: 9:01.

Hello everyone, friends! "Masha and the bears" has already become a traditional section on our channel,

so I'll be answering your questions and picking the most interesting ones today.

Let's go!

What did you feel when you won the Hamburg Major?

Actually, I probably saw the guys in such emotional state for the first time,

because it was the first time all of us were in such situation.

I saw the guys overwhelmed with emotions,

we all wanted to cheer, or jump, or hug each other, or maybe call all our relatives...

Well, sure, it was incredibly emotional, heart-warming and touching.

At that moment, you could feel the team becoming really close and united.

And as you saw in the post-match, post-win interview, Alexei really was speechless for quite a long time.

He just wandered around and mumbled, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

We said to him, "Lesha, c'mon, you need to photo with the Mercedes,"

and he was like, "Hold on, what Mercedes, what's happening?"

So, those were the emotions we felt that moment.

I also have been waiting for this moment for almost a year since the beginning of my career.

There were multiple finals where I was ready with the microphone and prepared to see the team carry, and then...

So yes, at long last I heard the victorious announcement of our Major championship.

But, in the near future, I'll go to Sweden for yet another Major championship and I hope we'll see something as epic over there.

Anyway, I'll keep you updated!

Did you instantly fit in with the team and who was the most difficult to communicate with?

As I remember, our first meeting with the team happened at the airport; we went there to meet them at Boston,

and I was supposed to greet the guys with friendly hugs as a part of the plot,

but the boys clearly weren't ready for it, so I was met by a certain confusion, especially from Ilya.

He looked at me, like saying, "Who are you, girl? What do you want from us?".

I remember that Roma got really shy,

and Vova completely ignored me - it was obviously mentally difficult for me.

Since I wasn't used to that at all, I didn't understand this reaction from the guys at first.

Only later I realized that the team is a single organism,

there's a special "ecosystem", so every new person is a certain challenge for everyone,

because the guys are used to be inside their closed group,

so there aren't a lot of new people.

However, over time, we started hanging out together more, traveling, working together,

and, well, now I can safely say that we're big friends with the guys now.

I really love and respect them all, and I think they treat me the same.

Is Ivan "ArtStyle" Antonov strict with the guys as a coach and as a person?

He's, in my opinion, a great coach.

Observing the way he works, I can compare him to the analogue sports trainers,

who really hold the team together,

and experience all these emotions, feelings and deeply root for their team.

Well, Ivan always watches the games this way - he's always concentrated and focused,

He's always noticing and noting every single action and move.

Obviously, after all games, both successful and unsuccessful, the guys gather for the post-game debriefing,

and instantly begin analyzing their game.

Ivan can scold them, can even say something harsh.

I can say that the most cool-headed person in response to any criticism and discussions is Roma "Ramzes",

he always remains very calm.

Well, and I've already told you how the other guys react to all of this.

All of the boys are really focused on their results,

so they naturally listen to everything, understand it and work on it.

How do player's relatives react to their "e-sports athlete" profession?

In our team, the player's families treat it warmly, mostly,

Ilya's uncle in particular -

if you watched our previous Hamburg story - he was at the tournament and supported Ilya; it's not the first time he comes to support us, either.

Also, Ilya's mom and grandma come to watch Ilya play if the series happen in Moscow or somewhere close to it.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Pasha's mom and sister also were at the Russia's Cup and supported him,

obviously, his girlfriend, Lida,

also tries hard to always be at his games.

Alexei's wife is also a devoted VP fan - she always spectates all of our matches and games,

So, in fact, the player's families are an extremely reliant back-line that supports them in whatever they do.

So they, obviously, root for them and follow them - even my mom watches some of the matches!

So everything is lovely in this regard.

Did the players imagine themselves in a non-esports role?

Well, I can't say we had any specific discussions on this topic,

and I think that if we were to ask this question to the guys themselves, they wouldn't be able to answer it accurately,

but I know that Alexei "Solo" wouldn't mind opening his own restaurant and going into the restaurant business.

Why? Because Alexei is quite a gourmet, he knows a lot of interesting places and likes trying out new cuisines.

Well, you already know that, actually - we tell about this pretty often.

I think Ilya could find himself in media - he has a certain gift for it.

Considering the way he always takes responsibility for the media in a way - he has all the roads open for him.

I don't really know about the other guys - I think we just have to wait and watch what happens, and they'll figure that out themselves.

I think they wouldn't be able to answer this question right now - there's nothing but Dota for them at the moment.

If you were an e-sports athlete, which discipline would you participate in?

And if in Dota, who would you replace in

Oh, if I played in Dota, I'd certainly not be able to replace anyone,

since the guys are irreplaceable.

I don't know, maybe I'd become a caster of VP matches,

but I know that female casters aren't that successful, so let's forget about it.

What about other games - no clue. I like Diablo III, but I know that's a very primitive level and nobody would really appreciate it.

So it's hard to say. I think I should start learning playing Dota

in order to be an e-sports athlete in this discipline.

Which female celebrities would match each of the guys?

You know, since the majority of the guys already have girlfriends and even wives,

I don't think it would be appropriate to select them famous special others,

and instead, I think it would be cool to compare the guys themselves with celebrities.

So let's start in order.

Well, I think I'd compare Lil to Jude Law.

I think I don't even need to explain why.

Solo is obviously Harrison Ford.

That's also obvious, in my opinion.

I think that No[o]ne... I won't actually compare him to a celebrity, but instead a cartoon character,

James Sullivan from Monsters, Inc. - a big, confident and cool guy.

Well, I think I'd compare him to No[o]ne.

Well, Ramzes is Justin Bieber.

Why? Well, because he's popular, young, talented, has tons of fan-girls. Well, he's the Dota's Justin Bieber.

Well, and Pasha is Jack Black.

Firstly, because of his great sense of humor, and also they're kinda similar - so Jack Black!

That's all for now, and per our already established tradition,

we once again gift a cap signed by all of our players to the author of the most original question.

His name is Vadim Popov and he asked the question about celebrities,

Well, I didn't really answer the exact question he asked, but I liked his way of thinking and, in my opinion, his question was the most creative one.

Well, the "Masha and the bears" is over for now, the next one will most likely happen only after the Swedish Major,

Don't be shy to ask some creative and difficult questions, since they're the ones to catch our attention the most,

and we'll once again gift you something cool signed by our players.

That's all for today! Like and subscribe to our channel!

For more infomation >> MASHA AND THE BEARS | Will Solo open his restaurant? - Duration: 9:01.


韓国のコンビニの気になる弁当やおにぎり色々食べてみた。 - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> 韓国のコンビニの気になる弁当やおにぎり色々食べてみた。 - Duration: 8:48.


Junho-Pull out chilli stalks"It's going to be quite the today" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 1:09.

Ma'am, wait for me.

Wait for me.

(She busily heads off alone.)

Like I said, I'm busy every waking minute.

How about we go out into the town,

do some shopping

and eat at some of Gimje's most delicious restaurants?

- What do you say? / - Sure.

- Did you listen to what I just said? / - Sure.

We need to go that way.

My chilies are over there.

Are we going to work already?

(She wasn't listening after all.)

- Is this it? / - Yes.

- Whose field is it? / - Mine.

Are we working already?

But we just got here.

It will take over two hours to pull these out.

You don't have to do it all today, though.

It doesn't have to be done today.

Of course. Will you do it tomorrow, then?

(It's your job either way.)

Is that it?


(It's going to be quite the day today.)

For more infomation >> Junho-Pull out chilli stalks"It's going to be quite the today" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 1:09.


2PLUS EXHIBITIONS - Duration: 3:19.

Your ideas combined with our creativity and knowledge

are the ideal foundation to achieve your goal.

Our architects closely follow the latest trends in material and design.

This guarantees a unique presentation in every sense of the way.

Your collaboration with 2PLUS starts with

ideas, styles, and…


Our planning and production department finalises your project to perfection

before it is moved to the preparation stage.

These operations are performed in our own storage facilities and workshop.

Part of the preparation is professional lettering…

Before the fair, everything is collected from our warehouse

and prepared for dispatch.

In the next part you will see the assembly of an Exhibition Stand in fast motion.

A perfect preparation is crucial for your successful trade fair presence

From client consultations..

to internal coordination. Such as, approvals from the exhibition organiser

and arrangement of all utilities.

From the creation of the design..

to the completion of the exhibition stand.

We can provide you with anything you need.

As a full service stand construction company

we will take care of everything.

2PLUS offers maximum service.

Inspired? Please let us know, so we can explore the possibilities


For more infomation >> 2PLUS EXHIBITIONS - Duration: 3:19.


Din Körskola - Företagspresentation - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Din Körskola - Företagspresentation - Duration: 1:10.


Declan Gray: Finalist 2017 - Apprentice of the Year Level 4 - Duration: 1:02.

I remember it coming to lunch time, I went to a bank machine, put my card in and just

looked at it for about three minutes.

I still find that every single time I go to the bank and check I must be doing a really

good job.

I'm Declan Gray and I've completed a Modern Apprenticeship in IT at Glasgow Life.

It was really obvious from the start he was going to be a high achiever, fantastic work

rate, really professional and he's also got really strong skills like data analysis.

It gave me a chance to work with a large organisation; it gave me work experience and learning at

the same time.

A while after I first started we had meetings with the council.

I was put as the person from Glasgow Life to go and represent us, that was terrifying,

having to represent a whole company.

This job's kind of helped me be the best that I can be professionally and personally.

It's been mind blowing the kind of stuff I've been trusted with.

For more infomation >> Declan Gray: Finalist 2017 - Apprentice of the Year Level 4 - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz 230 CE in: "La Villa" | A Homage to Festival Hyères | Villa Noailles - Duration: 4:29.

You met X at a gas station in the middle of the Black Forest in Germany.

You were driving back to Paris with some friends.

You were bored, waiting for the others in the car and you saw him.

You actually heard him first.

No, no!

Stop! You can't do that. We will never find it!

Stop the car!

You go and find it!

No, you go! You're the one who threw it so you find it!

He was on the phone, speaking Chinese, smoking and eating chips at the same time.

His car was much nicer than the one you were sitting in, so you got out, pretending to stretch your legs.

X looked at you and you just stood in front of him, so you opened the passenger door.

You got in his car and left together on the road.

You didn't want to know his name or where he was going.

You just felt he was the right person for you, right here, right now.

You're constantly running after X, even if he's unattainable,

but he would always protect you when you're in trouble.

He's tall, tender, witty, unbearable, passionate; passionate about you.

He would speak to you in German, Spanish, Russian, even Korean.

You don't understand a word, but you don't care.

X told you he learnt the languages while being a stunt man in different countries.

He actually told you he was a stand-in for Harrison Ford in "Indiana Jones".

You know he's too young for this to be true but you pretend to believe him.

You always do, because you're falling in love with X.

The Saracens who occupied Eastern Provence were expelled from Fraxinet in 972–973 by Guillaume, Count of Provence,

his brother Roubaud, the Marquis of Turin, and several great lords of Provence, including the lords of Fos and a so called Pons de Fos.

As a reward Guillaume offered them the present territory.

On this beautiful day, you wanted to go West and of course, he wanted to go East.

The conversation ended like in an American film.

He put his hand on top of yours, on the gearshift and asked you the simple yet complex question.

Do you love me?

You burst out laughing.

X was offended. He then said: Today you will learn how to love me.

You nodded and looked away.

You noticed a flock of flamingos in the distance and you felt high.

On a scale from 1 to 10 – how much do you love me?

I don't know. Maybe 2!

Always better than 1, no?

Ok, say it!

I love you. Say it!

No, again! I love you.

Again! I love you.

I don't believe it for a second! Be more sincere, more soft, more romantic!

I love you.

Much better. One more time?

I love you.

Reality session interrupted.

Avatar X is no longer available.

Would you like to select another avatar?

No. Would you like to save your experience with X in your memory?

Yes. Experience saved.

Would you like to resume the session, start a new one, or terminate it?

Start a new one.

Please choose your options for the new session.

Japan. 1950s.

Black and white.




Thank you.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz 230 CE in: "La Villa" | A Homage to Festival Hyères | Villa Noailles - Duration: 4:29.


Deluxe Room with Balcony at Hilton Garden Inn Singapore Serangoon - Duration: 0:34.

Hilton Garden Inn Singapore Serangoon hotel logo

View of Deluxe Room with Balcony from the entrance

Close-up view of in-room workstation and ergonomic chair

View of bathroom from entrance

Close-up view of in-room universal USB charging port

City view from balcony

View of bedroom from balcony

Hilton Garden Inn Singapore Serangoon hotel logo

For more infomation >> Deluxe Room with Balcony at Hilton Garden Inn Singapore Serangoon - Duration: 0:34.


Lauv - Paris in the Rain - Duration: 3:25.

all I know is

we could go anywhere, we could do

anything, girl, whatever the mood we're in

yeah all I know is

getting lost late at night under stars

finding love standing right where we are

your lips, they pull me in the moment

you and I alone and

people may be watching, I don't mind

'cause anywhere with you feels right

anywhere with you feels like

Paris in the rain

we don't need a fancy town

or bottles that we can't pronounce

'cause anywhere babe is like Paris in the rain

when I'm with you

Paris in the rain

I look at you now and I want this forever

I might not deserve it but there's nothing better

don't know how I ever did it all without you

my heart is about to, about to jump out of my chest

feelings, they come and they go, that they do

feelings, they come and they go, not with you

late nights and street lights and the people look at me girl and the whole world could stop

anywhere with you feels right

anywhere with you feels like

Paris in the rain

we don't need a fancy time

or bottles that we can't pronounce

'cause anywhere babe is like Paris in the rain

when I'm with you

Paris in the rain

going all night with you

all I do is miss you

so come and set the mood right underneath the moonlight

days in Paris, nights in Paris

paint you with my eyes closed

wonder where the time goes

isn't it obvious?

isn't it obvious? (so come and set the mood right underneath the moonlight)

anywhere with you feels right

anywhere with you feels like

Paris in the rain

walking down an empty street

puddles underneath our feet

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