Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Won The Crown Of Miss INDIA And Miss World Awards!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Won The Crown Of Miss INDIA And Miss World Awards! - Duration: 6:22.


Еврейские анекдоты со смыслом! Анекдот про женщин и мужчин! - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Еврейские анекдоты со смыслом! Анекдот про женщин и мужчин! - Duration: 0:33.


THIS IS AMAZING!!! Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Review - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> THIS IS AMAZING!!! Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Review - Duration: 1:42.


This Police Officer Has A 4-Year-Old Apprentice | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> This Police Officer Has A 4-Year-Old Apprentice | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 2:01.


散歩好きの猫が、ある日突然、行方不明に!!2年半後、ある保護施設で見覚えのある猫を発見。果たして??【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 散歩好きの猫が、ある日突然、行方不明に!!2年半後、ある保護施設で見覚えのある猫を発見。果たして??【感動する話】 - Duration: 3:36.


LAS CORRIENTES DE AGUA SUBTERRÁNEA, Información Saludable - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> LAS CORRIENTES DE AGUA SUBTERRÁNEA, Información Saludable - Pepe Vázquez Outeda - Duration: 7:17.


역대 최강 헌병 캐릭터 & HUNT 무기 등장! 그 이유와 리뷰 - 스페셜 솔져 [미네르] - Duration: 7:25.

For more infomation >> 역대 최강 헌병 캐릭터 & HUNT 무기 등장! 그 이유와 리뷰 - 스페셜 솔져 [미네르] - Duration: 7:25.


Kman夾娃娃 小海螺神奇的魔力,出貨的成就感無法形容。K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#170 - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 小海螺神奇的魔力,出貨的成就感無法形容。K88【金冠小海螺】。クレーンゲーム Claw crane UFOキャッチャー#170 - Duration: 5:22.


Heart Touching Shabad - ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 50:01.

ਵਡਹੰਸੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ਘਰੁ ੧ Wadahans, Fourth Mehl, First House: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਸੇਜ ਏਕ ਏਕੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ॥ There is one bed, and One Lord God. ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਵੇ ਸੁਖ ਸਾਗਰੁ ॥੧॥ The Gurmukh enjoys the Lord, the ocean of peace. ||1|| ਮੈ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਮਿਲਣ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਮਨਿ ਆਸਾ ॥ My mind longs to meet my Beloved Lord. ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਹਉ ਵਾਰਿ ਵਾਰਿ ਆਪਣੇ ਗੁਰੂ ਕਉ ਜਾਸਾ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The Perfect Guru leads me to meet my Beloved; I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to my Guru. ||1||Pause||ਮੈ ਅਵਗਣ ਭਰਪੂਰਿ ਸਰੀਰੇ ॥ My body is over-flowing with corruption; ਹਉ ਕਿਉ ਕਰਿ ਮਿਲਾ ਅਪਣੇ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਪੂਰੇ ॥੨॥ How can I meet my Perfect Beloved? ||2|| ਜਿਨਿ ਗੁਣਵੰਤੀ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥ The virtuous ones obtain my Beloved; ਸੇ ਮੈ ਗੁਣ ਨਾਹੀ ਹਉ ਕਿਉ ਮਿਲਾ ਮੇਰੀ ਮਾਇਆ ॥੩॥ I do not have these virtues. How can I meet Him, O my mother? ||3|| ਹਉ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਥਾਕਾ ਉਪਾਵ ਬਹੁਤੇਰੇ ॥ I am so tired of making all these efforts. ਨਾਨਕ ਗਰੀਬ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਮੇਰੇ ॥੪॥੧॥ Please protect Nanak, the meek one, O my Lord. ||4||1||

For more infomation >> Heart Touching Shabad - ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮੇਲਾਵੈ ਮੇਰਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ - Bhai Gurbir Singh Tarntaran - Duration: 50:01.


BTS Surprises Super Fans & Their Moms on Kimmel - Duration: 3:30.

You may have noticed on your way into the theater today,

there's a lot of frenzied--

a lot of excitement outside.

Kids have been camped out in line for days

because the Korean band BTS is here.



They are here-- look at this line.

They're in town for the American Music Awards on Sunday

and they're going to play music on our outdoor stage.

BTS is very, very popular, and we want

to have some fun with that.

So we went to the line outside and we

found moms who are waiting in line with their daughters.

There are a lot of moms out there.

I don't know what we made up.

We said, come inside, we want to know

what it's like to be the mother of a super fan of BTS.

So anyway, we were going to send the band

outside to the audience, but the police and the fire department

and our lawyers said at least 100 people

would be killed if we did that.

They're very enthusiastic fans.

So we brought the moms inside and introduced

them to the boys in BTS and--



If you think you're mad, wait until you find

out how mad the daughters were.

COUSIN SAL: We're talking to moms whose kids are super fans.

Can we talk to you for a second? - Yes.


Can we borrow her for just a couple minutes?

Come with us. [GIRLS CHEERING]

We're talking to moms of superfans of the day.

Can we talk to you for a minute? - Yeah.

COUSIN SAL: Here, come with us.

Want to talk to you.


It's your mom.

It's your moms.


COUSIN SAL: Can you say hi to your moms?

Hi mom.

Where are you?




Oh my god.


How are you doing?


Sucks to be you.



So there you go.


Oh there they are.


So what happened?

Your moms got to see BTS and then you guys didn't?


JIMMY KIMMEL: How are you feeling right now?

Describe your emotions if you could.

A little jealous.

JIMMY KIMMEL: A little bit jealous?

Did you ask your mom what happened?


And are you smelling her to see if they rubbed any BTS--


Are you excited that your moms met BTS?

Or would you rather they had never met BTS at all?

No, I'm really happy.

JIMMY KIMMEL: You were happy for her?

Yeah, happy.

JIMMY KIMMEL: Did she tell you all about it?

- Yeah she did. - Yeah?

And what was your reaction overall?

Did you like them?


Very nice.

I'm very excited, very nervous, and very lucky

to be the one.


I will say that you in a way, if you think about it,

you're almost as lucky as your daughter is

unlucky for not meeting them.


Well, it's very exciting for some of you.

Thanks to BTS.

They will be on the American Music Awards on Sunday night,

and you can see them on our show November 29th.


Hi, I'm Jimmy Kimmel.

If you enjoyed the video, hit subscribe.

And if you don't click subscribe,

this invisible hamster will die.

For more infomation >> BTS Surprises Super Fans & Their Moms on Kimmel - Duration: 3:30.


Dance Battle with the Stranger Things Kids - Duration: 6:28.

-♪ "Tonight Show Dance Battle," yeah ♪

-Now, here is the Dance Move Generator.

You're gonna take turns hitting this button,

which will randomly select a never-before-seen dance move.

Whoever's turn it is has to make up a dance for that move,

and the best dancer wins.

Finn, since you're the closest, why don't you go first?

Let's just start the Dance Move Generator.

Here we go. [ Beeping ]

I feel like yours is gonna be a performance piece.

[ Laughter ] -It's gonna be like birds.

-Yeah, okay, yeah, birds.

[ Beeps ] [ Laughter ]

-Toastin' Waffles. -Toast -- Toast --

Oh, it does say -- Toasty Waffles --

-[ Chuckling ] What? -Toastin' Waffles.

-Toast and waffles. -Toast --

-Toast and waffles.

-You want to do toast and waffles?

-Like you're toasting them. -It's the same thing.

-Okay, good. All right. So this is --

Finn is doing Toastin' Waffles.

Roots, can he get a beat?

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

[ Cheers and applause ]



[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Finale plays ] Wow, fantastic.

Very performance artist. [ Laughs ]

As he walked out... -Whoo!

-Very -- That's how you make toast and waffles

in the morning? [ Laughter ]

I just love that you --

I like that you yawned, climbed out of bed,

and there was like two thawed-out waffles on your...

-There was two waffles. -Already there.

-"I put them out last night." -Did he toast them?

I just saw him, like, do the "Macarena."

-Yeah, he was doing the "Macarena,"

then he ate a sandwich. [ Laughter ]

All right, here we go. It's Gaten's turn.

Let's start the Dance Move Generator.

[ Beeping ]

-[ Speaking indistinctly ]

[ Beeps ]

-Flashlight With A Mind Of Its Own.

-[ Laughing ] What? -How do you do that?

-So, Flashlight With A Mind Of Its Own.

Gaten. Roots, give him a beat.

-1, 2! [ Mid-tempo music plays ]


[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]


[ Cheers and applause ]


[ Finale plays ] [ Cheers and applause ]

-Oh, my God. That was awesome!

Fantastic! -Yes, that was so good.

-That is fantastic! Oh, now -- now the game --

They're -- Everyone's upping their game.

Noah, try and top that. -I'm worried.

-Let's start the Generator here.

[ Beeping ] -[ Speaking indistinctly ]

[ Laughter ]

-When do I press it? -Whenever you're ready.

I mean, you can let this go for 25 minutes if you want to.

I mean, it's getting a little annoying.

[ Beeping continues ]

[ Beeps ]

Trying To Fix An '80s TV. -'80s TV.

-Do you know what a television looked like in the '80s?

-Oh, no. [ Laughter ]

-[ Chuckles ] This is so sad.

-It was, like, boxy. -Yeah, so, it was boxy, yeah.

-You remember -- like, on set -- on set.

-It was a big box, and it was, like, wooden,

and it had two switches.

-Yeah, exactly like that. -It was wider than that.

-Exactly like that. -Like that.

-To fix it, you'd have to either bang on it

or put a screwdriver in it... -Okay.

-...or something like that. -Yeah.

And they had channels that you could turn,

and that's how you'd know that it was broken.

Okay. -I -- All right.

-This is so sad. I really feel old.

[ Laughter ]

Welcome back to Grandpa's "Tonight Show," everybody.

[ Laughter ]

Trying To Fix An '80s TV.

All right, here's Noah -- Trying To Fix An '80s TV.


[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


[ Laughter ] [ Cheers and applause ]


Stop! Hey, hey!

That's -- My TV's -- Hey! [ Finale plays ]

Get up. Noah! [ Laughter ]

-Oh, my God. -You just --

It's not plugged in. It's just not plugged in.

That's all you got to do. Just plug it in.

Get out of here. -That's it?!

-Get out of here.

That's all you got to do is plug the thing in.

-What? It wasn't plugged in the whole time.

-It was unplugged. Caleb.

-Classic rookie mistake.

-Caleb, let's see if you can top that, okay?

Let's start the Dance Move Generator.

-Okay. [ Beeping ]

[ Speaking indistinctly ]

[ Beeps ] -That did not work out.

-There you go. [ Laughter ]

-Oh, my gosh. I was trying to be cool.

-No, it's all right. No, it's all right.

Breaking Through The Goo.

That's The Upside Down -- that little, like, portal thing.

That gloppy -- -Oh!

-The sticky, sticky stuff. -Remember -- the show?

-Oh. Oh! -Like the little gate thing.

-Oh, yeah. -You got this.

-Yeah, the show. -The show on Netflix.

-"Stranger Things."

-Breaking Through The Goo. Roots!

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


[ Cheers and applause ]


[ Cheers and applause ]


[ Finale plays ] [ Cheers and applause ]

-[ Laughs ] There you are.

[ Laughs ] -Oh.

-That was actually a good --

he messed it all around, see? -Oh.

-Now -- Now you're rethinking Toastin' Waffles.

Yeah, I know what's up. [ Laughter ]

All right, now, listen -- listen, you guys.

Come on down here. Caleb, Noah, Gaten, Finn,

you're all clearly amazing [British accent] dancers.

-What? Dancers? -[ British accent ] Dancers.

-Why even compete against each other

when we can do one more dance together?

-One more? -Together.

-Together. -Together?

-Let's do this. -[ Normal voice ] Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ] I'm gonna join you.

I want to join you for the last dance.

-Let's do it!

-I actually have an idea for this one.

This is called "The Upside Get Down."

[ Laughter ] -Ooh!

[ Cheers and applause ] -Let's --

Roots, can I have some, like, a little music

so I can talk to the guys for a second?

[ Drum roll ]

-You -- It's -- -Huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle.

-Huddle, huddle, huddle up. -Huddle.

-Maybe, we'll do -- we'll do --

like, move our feet like that first.

-Yeah, this. -"The Breakfast Club."

-Bass guitar.

-And then we'll do the bass guitar.

-Yes, yes, yes. Okay. -Ah, okay.


-Which way? Which way? -I don't know.

-That way first. -This way.

-This way. -All right, ready, Roots?

Give us -- Oh, forgot the best part.


-Wait, which way do we...

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah!

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

-Ready? -1, 2!

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

[ Cheers and applause ]





-That's all the time we have for "Tonight Show Dance Battle."

My thanks to Finn, Gaten, Noah, Caleb!

Season 2 of "Stranger Things" is available now on Netflix.

Stick around. We'll be right back

with World Series Champion José Altuve!

[ Cheers and applause ]


For more infomation >> Dance Battle with the Stranger Things Kids - Duration: 6:28.


Kid Geography Expert Nate Seltzer Is Back! - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Kid Geography Expert Nate Seltzer Is Back! - Duration: 4:32.


6-Year-Old Piano Prodigy Wows Ellen - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> 6-Year-Old Piano Prodigy Wows Ellen - Duration: 5:21.


Ellen Looks Back at 'When Things Go Wrong' - Duration: 5:05.

For more infomation >> Ellen Looks Back at 'When Things Go Wrong' - Duration: 5:05.


John Lithgow Secretly Watches "3rd Rock From The Sun" Reruns - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:37.

You don't like watching yourself

if you're in a dramatic role?

But I love watching myself do comedy.

(laughs and cheers)

I don't know.

Comedy, you're innately making fun of yourself.

It's very liberating.

The more ridiculous you look, the more successful you are.

But in a serious role...

Nobody likes to see himself or herself up on screen.

You all remember the first time you ever saw yourself.

You completely freak out.

No actor completely overcomes that.

The more serious you are, the more embarrassed.

So I avoid myself when I'm serious.

But I secretly watch 3rd Rock from the Sun reruns.


Life, life!

What about you, Mel?

Do you like to watch yourself on screen?

It does make you kind of wriggly.

I get pretty wriggly.

I try not to do it.

Other people give me reviews

and that does me in completely.

What about when you're watching a Mad Max movie

or something from a long time ago?

Does it bring you back to that time when you see it?

No, it doesn't.

I just feel the arthritis and the hemorrhoids.


And I hearken back to a time when those things didn't exist.

And it was visibly apparent.

For more infomation >> John Lithgow Secretly Watches "3rd Rock From The Sun" Reruns - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:37.


"Parent Trap" Made Will Ferrell Cry On A Plane - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:23.

Will, you seem like a very ...

Your character's very emotional in the movies.


He's very emotional, he's very in touch

with his emotions.

We're both very open.

Open with each other, you guys are more stoic, tougher.

A little dysfunctional.

A little dysfunctional.

Are you, you're an emotional guy in real life,

would you say?

At interesting moments, you know,

not necessarily the moments you would think.

I get emotional watching sports

(audience laughter)

and watching movies on commercial airline flights.

For some reason I feel very vulnerable.

(audience laughter)

In fact my wife and I were flying

and The Parent Trap was on.

(audience laughter)

Not the original, but Lindsay Lohan's Parent Trap

(audience laughter)

which ...

It's still great.

It's still great.

I am sobbing like a baby at the end.

And I know what's gonna happen.

[Andy] Yeah.

But I'm still, they got back together,

they got the parents together

and I have tears streaming down my face.

And my wife turns to me and is like what is wrong with you?

(audience laughter)

It's the Parent Trap.

(Conan laughs)

So that's an insight into my brain.

[Conan] Yeah.

For more infomation >> "Parent Trap" Made Will Ferrell Cry On A Plane - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 1:23.



Game a hard? oh

oh *moaning*

Well, you haven't played Getting Over It made by Bennett Foddy. If that name doesn't mean anything to you,

Then excuse me, I guess you are not a YouTuber. With such amazing titles as Corp-

Clop, remember Clop? And here we are with his latest title, Getting Over It.

It's supposed to be hard if you're a 'lil baby.

I have no - *laughs*

I have no idea how you play, all right? I'm moving this with my mouse. Oh, okay. Easy!

If you can't beat this game,

You might have as well quit life, and - and do something else. Look at this, look at this!

Speed running it. I'm speed running it. I wanna know the backstory to this game. *Laughing*

*ayy* *ayy* *ayy* *ayy* *ayy*

There it is. Look at that.

Look at that. My core body strength


What is happening?



Nothing - These things doesn't happen to me, okay?



Oh my god.

Don't patronize me, game. Okay?

I know exactly what I'm doing. *lmao u don't* Okay, there seems - oh wait

There's a new attacker, clearly. Wreckin'. Oh, oh this is gonna be bad. Fuck.

It's fine. You know what, it's fine. I see - I see what I must do, okay? I must launch myself up there,

Which is easy. This is easy.

Could the gameplay be a little easier, please? I mean harder. You know - EEE oh

There it is, you've got to keep the momentum going, clearly. You gotta pop until you don't stop,

And if you don't stop

Then you ain't pop. Now, for the love of God, don't fall down-

Alright, we gotta launch ourself up here.

Look at that. Smooth.

Smooth McGroove- FUCK YOU. Why would you put a hand there?

It's not, it's really not a problem. Don't you worry about me Benny. Mr. Foddy. Don't you worry about it.

*aye aye aye* Okay, so this bit seemed a little tricky. Because I will do the move

That will save the universe.






Look at that. Now,

Let's not fall down.


I know what the task is.


Listen, nothing is too sheer! Nothing is too shitty! Schwifty,

Get schwifty.

Nothing! NOOOO!


*is that buck angel?*


I'm alive. I'm alive. Okay, alright. We're fine.

We're fine.

We're fine.

Why would you make a game that made me lose this much progress?

SKRRRAAA! Easy buddy, easy buddy, easy.

Use your core strength. Think about your pecs after all this.

Easy, easy, please, please, please. If anyone struggled with this game, they need to be assassin- Oh.

This is such a dumb game.



Look at that buddy, look at that. Thank you. I want to thank my- Oh god. Oh god.

That looks really hard up there. Can I stand on this coffee cup? No,

I can't. Thank you, coffee cup for serving no purpose but to piss me off.

I shall go down here.

Now we're gonna play a little slower, game. A little slower, but that's okay.

I'm going to - uhhh

Carefully pull myself up, because you don't want to make mistakes.

Not at this point, because we clearly have a checkpoint here. This is -

Yes? Yeah. Yeah- I know.

Okay, I don't know why you tell me this.


It's actually a fair point.

This is a really tricky one, isn't it? I mean, for the love of God. How even-

Pull yourself together, buddy.


Easy! All right, we got it. That's a check point. That's definitely a check point.

You know this guy is gonna make a slippy stone coming up or something.

Why am I stuck here?

There we go.

Oh my god dude, I'm like natural-born talent. Please, where's my reward for this game?

Where's my reward for this game? Because you know, he can do this, right? Then why can't you- Here we go.

There it is!

*Burps* Oh my god. Oh, no no no!

Oh, god. Oh, god, save me! Save me!

Oh, thank god.

Because you're not a casual. I appreciate it buddy.

Oh, look at that.

Look at that.

How? Okay. Alright. Alright. Okay.

One day, I'll get out of this urn and life will be magic. My fau - Ahh.

Life will be magic one day.

Okay. Is this in any way

Entertaining? I've just really- I'm actually enjoying the game. It's really interesting.

It- it works.

It works really well.

Ah, fuck. But goddamn, it's frustrating. It's like- it seems like it's easy.

But it's really not. It's really not. Oh my god.

This game is gonna kill people. I know it. This game is gonna hurt people.

People will die over this game. Okay, I got that move down.

Oh, oh, I think we're almost there. I actually think we can do this. Okay, pull, pull buddy.

I know you're stuck. Like he's stuck but, no.

We say no. We are the Knights. That's safe-


Who are you?

We are the Knights who say- YES!

If I fall down there, to the left, I don't even want to think about it.

Now, now, relax.

Deep breath. No!



That's fine, that's fine, that's fine, I will not.

All right, okay? We're gonna slowly, slowly, turn it around. Slowly.

And then we're gonna-


All right. Okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. We're just gonna lightly push ourself over it.

We're gonna lightly-



I- I'm doing open-heart surgery here. This is practically- Okay. I got this.


Stupid game! Damn! I bet Jacksepticeye didn't make it here.

Oh! Oh! NOOO!!




Shut the fuck up.

Oh- oh my god.

Can I- I don't trust this. You're gonna fucking let me go down there, aren't you?

*Michael Jackson gorilla noises*

RIP in pepperonis.




No, no, no. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Eh, eh, that's right.

He will not divide us!

He will not-

There it is. Nice. Yeah, that's it.

No big deal, I'm just in hell.

Okay all right, okay, it's easy from here. Nope- oh.

(10/10 pewds gg)

ACK- Oh my god...

Oh my god...




For more infomation >> THIS GAME IS THE TRUE MEANING OF SUFFERING. - Duration: 12:31.


Kid Dancer Tavaris Jones Performs! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Kid Dancer Tavaris Jones Performs! - Duration: 4:40.


"IT" Parody (Dear Ryan) - Duration: 10:17.

*Ryan attempts to fix painting*

*Turns around*

Ryan: Oh hey guys!

So as you can see I'm moving, right?

With all the boxes

Universal symbol for moving.

This is all staged. This is just to get the point across.

I'm not actually taking any of this stuff (lol nice Ryan)

I don't know what I'm talking about, lets get started!

Dear Ryan, can you jump over a moving car?

*Intense music plays*



Dear Ryan, would you do a "You Laugh, You Lose Dad Jokes challenge with the crew?

(This is a dad joke?)

Ryan: HA HA-

I'm already losing, damn it!

Wait that doesn't count, that doesn't count


Ryan: You go first.

Paco: Mmmm

Ryan: I can't. I suck at this game already.

It's because I know I can't laugh.

Ryan: Alright starting now.

Paco: What do you call a thousand dad jokes?

*Ryan and Greg starts laughing*

Will: How do you make a Kleenex Dance? Sean: I don't know. How?

Will: What?

*Will laughs*

Greg: No idea.

*Greg and Sean laughs*

*Derrick Shrugs*

Derrick: Nice..

Daina: What does he say?

Derrick: Oh.

Paco: No.


Paco: You can't do that!

Ryan: You just lost!

Paco: He can't do that!

Ryan: That's part of the joke.

(Paco and Greg laughs)

Ryan: Man I suck at this game..

I laughed at EVERY single one, off camera.

And it's not even funny. I don't even think it's funny.

Ryan: What?

*Ryan begins laughing*

Paco: WHAT?!

Ryan: Wait, let me try one more, one more. Go again, go again.

*Ryan starts laughing again*

Paco: What?

*Paco laughs while Will facepalms*

Ryan: Okayy..

Why.. don't- uhh ha ha, wait.. scratch that.

Start over.

Why don't.. *chuckles* wait hold on,

One more.

Derrick: Cause they suck her blood?

Ryan: What?

(When no one laughs at your joke)

*Ryan begins laughing*

Derrick: Yeah.


Dear Ryan, can you brush your teeth and then drink orange juice?

Ryan: Why- I don't understand why people always send me this

and I know this is a challenge from like a while back.

I should know this but I honestly have no idea

what this challenge is and I'm not letting any of the guys tell me.

I really don't know what's gonna happen

And I didn't look it up, I promise.

So this is a hundred percent genuine reaction.

I guess let's try it?

*Ryan brushing his teeth*

Ryan: Alright I finished brushing my teeth and umm..

I guess I'm just gonna try it.

Why are you smiling like have you-

Greg: Your teeth turns yellow.

Ryan: Is that what it does?!

Greg: Permanent yellow..

Ryan: Wait, wait- I'm not gonna do that!

Derrick: Permanent orange

Sean: You could whiten it.

Ryan: Ready?

Derrick: Awww..

Sean: How is it?

Aw, does it taste gross?

Will: Oh, he's gonna throw up.

Sean: Eww..

Will: Ugh!

Sean: Is it that bad?

Ryan: Oh dude..

(That face)

Ryan: No it's not bad at all.

*Everyone laughs*

Ryan: How is this even a challenge?

Like what-

Like what is supposed to happen from drinking this after you-

*Everyone's in shock*

Dear Ryan, can you do if children songs were realistic?

Ryan: I've always wanted to be children's song writer.

It must be like one of the easiest jobs in the world..

You gotta be like a doctor to write 'Cat in the Hat'

I'd always believe that you should be honest with kids

If I have a kid and he asked me where do babies come from,

I'm not gonna lie to him.

And that's how you should be with kids, you make them smarter.

Daina: Okay boys and girls!

Now lets give our guest performer a nice, warm welcome!


Ryan: Hey kids! Umm..

First question,

Do any of you know how to play the guitar?

No? Okay then, we're just gonna use this.

♫ The wheels on the bus go round and round ♫

♫ The wheels on the bus should change lanes now ♫

(Such an inspirational song)

Thank you.

To the kid who finally started it.

Next song

♫ Old MacDonald had a cow ♫

♫ There's a reason I said "had" ♫

Because they ATE him!

Daina: Okay, maybe let's try the next song?

Ryan: ♫ Twinkle twinkle ball of gas ♫

♫ Thousands of light-years far away ♫

♫ So when you wish upon a ball of gas ♫

♫ The gases from your a- ♫


I think that's enough for today,

We don't use that kind of language in here do we ki-?

Oh no no no, I was just gonna say ass,

Like equivalent to the gases from your ass, not

Cut me off that fu**ing bi***


Thank you

Dear Ryan, can you kiss Sean?

Wait, what?

I never screenshotted that Dear Ryan, did you?

Oh yeah, um someone just keeps sending

These over and over I mean just look at it

I thought you could just tell them that it's not gonna happen.

Oh right. Um, yeah sure, sure.

I'm serious. People keep spamming it

You can just like look at my screen right now.

Yeah uh right. Uh...

You know what? I think I have to go...

Sean: Are-Are you serious?

Ryan, you know that I'm not gay

Ryan: I know I know I'm just- Sean: I have a girlfriend.

Sean: We've been friends for over ten years!

Ryan: It's- it's something completely unrelated. Sean: Come on! Do you not believe me?

Are you serious?!

That is one big closet

Dear Ryan, can you write a Dear Ryan to yourself?

That should be good

Ehh, maybe 20 30 more

Dear Ryan, do a parody of Stephen King's 'IT'

I don't know if you guys ever saw the first one, but

I remember watching it when I was a little kid

and I was terrified of it

and when I was watching the new "IT" movie

The sequel, the 2017 version,

I kind of thought to myself "This movie doesn't really work anymore."

*Child laughing*



Hiya Georgie,

what a nice boat.

Do you want it back?

What are you doing in the sewer?

Oh well a storm blew me, away?

Blew the whole circus away.

-Can you smell the circus, Georgie? -Um...

There's peanuts,

cotton candy, hot dogs and...


no... steak?

no, no...

It's a circus, It's a f*cking circus, Georgie.

-Popcorn? -Popcorn!

-Is that your favorite? -Yeah!

Mine too! Cause they go pop pop pop!

*Child laughs*

I think I should leave now...

Ooh, without your boat?

Take it.

Take it.

No, that's okay I have a Xbox



So leave your questions in the comments below,

and you could be responsible for the next video.

Ryan: Oh that hurt.

Paco: What?


Old MacDonald had a cow...

I forgot the end

*Ryan laughs* Dammit!

*Everyone laughs*

Cotton candy

Hot dogs...


*laughs* Hmmmmmm...


pop pop pop pop pop pop...



Well I'm Japanese Pennywise,

Also known as Yenwise (Ha Ha get it)

The Japanese clown..

For more infomation >> "IT" Parody (Dear Ryan) - Duration: 10:17.


Keegan-Michael Key Didn't Expect Theater Audiences To Be So Vocal - CONAN on TBS - Duration: 3:31.

You're making your Broadway debut in Meteor Shower.


Yeah, this is exciting.


Written by a scrappy young comic making his way up,

named Steve Martin.

Big up-and-comer, Steve Martin.

Big up-and-comer, yeah.

Haven't seen a lot of his stuff, but he was very promising.

Very promising.

Yeah, it's been interesting, because in rehearsal,

while we're rehearsing the play,

they do tweaks every night, so like,

we change things during the rehearsal during the day,

so there are times when the director says,

"So make sure, don't do the, don't do that move.

"You're gonna do this move tonight."

And then sometimes you're checking your phone,

you're like, "No, got it, got it, got it."

And then cut to 8:30 at night, and it's just like, you know.

That's not...

(Conan laughing)

Forgot the, just forgot the moves.

Yeah, you gotta walk that back.

The lights come up, and you're like, "Oh!"

(laughter and applause)

Now, how do you handle, the thing that makes people crazy,

a lot of actors, Broadway actors, say they can't stand

when people were talking in the crowd.

Oh, gosh, yeah.

Have you experienced that?

We have experienced it.

I did a production of Hamlet at the Public Theater here

in New York, earlier this year.


Serious play.

And I'm sitting on the steps,

like next to an an audience member, with Oscar Isaac,

and Oscar Isaac, who is playing Hamlet,

he sits down next to this woman.

And this sweet little old woman,

she's just looking at Oscar.

And she just, as loud as she possibly can,

she just goes, "Are they gonna carry you out?"

(audience laughing)

And he says, he goes, "I don't know.

"I don't know, but watch."

And this same old woman, this same old woman,

this poor lady, she was just havin' a day.


She was having a little bit of a time in the front row,

and she was trying to be polite,

so while a guy was doing a monologue, she was like,

"I have to go to the bathroom.

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"Ma'am, you can wait."

"I can't wait."

"You can wait."

And he stops speaking in the monologue so her,

to get her voice up, he goes,

"The time thus and has happened here."

"I have to go number two!"

(laughter and applause)

It was amazing.

But it's not, being an improv performer,

you're used to people talking to you and stuff like that.

It's like, even when you talk to them,

then don't give you the response that you're

always looking for.

We've had people that come and watch the tapings,

whether it was here in New York or in LA,

and they're so used to watching the show on television.

Yeah, yeah.

That they'll be sitting there, and I'll come out,

and they'll just go, very loudly,

"He's taller than I thought!"

(audience laughing)

I'm here!

Right, I'm right here.

I'm here!

And sometimes, I've gotten this, too.

"Is he black?

(laughter and applause)

"The voice isn't black, is he Polynesian, Hispanic?

"Where's he from?"

Well, dammit, that was my next question.


To answer the question, I've been half black for 46 years,

and I'm all black when it's super convenient.

(Conan laughing)

Sometimes you have to be all black, sometimes.

I didn't realize you had that power, all right.

Yes, I have that power.

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