Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Know Your Propaganda � Celebrities � How the Media Uses Image and Popularity to Manipulate

Your Opinions

by Shem El-Jamal,

Whenever a person or group has a point they wish to prove, there are a number of methods

they may use to do so.

They may choose either to prove their point honorably and with integrity, convince their

audience that their stance is more preferable than any alternative, or they may choose to

persuade and manipulate their audience by any means necessary.

Typically, if a point or position holds little or no value in the eyes of the audience, it

is seen fit by propagandists to manipulate their audience.

One of the ways propagandists might do this is by using the image of popular personalities

in order to make their message seem more appealing.

This use of celebrities as pretty faces to sell bad or questionable policies, products,

or ideas is as well-known fallacy, and is simply referred to as celebrities.

Here is a more extensive definition.


Description: Accepting a claim of a celebrity based on his or her celebrity status, not

on the strength of the argument.

Logical Form: Celebrity 1 says to use product Y.

Therefore, we should use product Y.

Example #1: Tom Cruise says on TV that Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there


Tom Cruise is awesome -- especially in MI4 when he scaled that building with only one

suction glove; therefore, Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is!

Explanation: Tom Cruise might be awesome, and perhaps he really does think Billy Boy

Butter is the best tasting butter there is, but Tom is no more an authority on the taste

of butter than anyone else; therefore, to accept the claim without any other evidence

or reason is fallacious.

Example #2: Mike Seaver from that 80�s sitcom, �Growing Pains�, is really cool.

He is now a born-again Christian and apologist for the faith.

Therefore, you should really believe what he has to say!

Explanation: Mike Seaver is awesome, but Kirk Cameron, the actor that plays that character?

Even if Kirk was super duper (which he might be, I don�t know him), his views on the

truth of religion are equally valid as yours, or anyone else's who determines what he or

she considers to be the truth through faith.

Exception: Some celebrity endorsements are authentic, where the celebrities are motivated

by the love of the product itself, not the huge check they are getting for pretending

to like the product.

When these products are directly related to their celebrity status, then this could be

seen as a valid (but not sufficient) reason for wanting the product.

Honestly, I really can�t think of any examples, but there must be some out there.

Tip: If you are in business and looking for a celebrity to endorse your product, try not

to pick one that is likely to be accused of killing his wife and his wife�s lover, then

taking off in a white Bronco.

To restate, the use of the celebrity fallacy involves using a popular face in place of

reason to convince an audience to agree with a certain point or position.

This fallacy typically includes an undertone of the bandwagon fallacy which elicits approval

based on the popularity of an idea alone.

Let's consider some examples of the celebrity fallacy.

Think back to late 2016.

This is a time most of us might want to forget completely, but there were several blatant

instances of celebrity propaganda that we may have seen during this time.

One of these instances consisted of movie characters from the Avengers series promoting

an early anti-Trump message for election season.

This fallacy was very strange to see, considering that there was no attempt to hide the fact

that propagandistic manipulation was taking place.

This is not to take political sides or to promote any false political duality, but to

reveal the fact that certain financial interests, instead of using the strength of their argument

to speak for themselves, they use the face of fictitious comic book characters.

As we may remember, the failure of these particular financial endeavors was just as visible as

their attempt.

We might keep in mind that just because a celebrity is speaking does not always mean

that the celebrity fallacy is being used.

It is only when we see big budget productions such as commercials or large political productions

that include celebrity speeches that we can be fairly certain the tactic is fallacious.

The Obvious Modern Propaganda

The positive side about modern propaganda is that it is easy to spot.

In past decades, propagandists were subtle and tactful in their use of their tactics.

There was an art to propaganda of the past�a certain knowledge shown within each underlying

message (though still devious and dishonest).

Not so with today's propaganda.

In modern times, propaganda is so blatant and obvious that it no longer has the effect

it once did.

In modern propaganda, there seems to be no tact, no subtlety, and no real knowledge of

progressive human psychology at all.

Time after time, we see propaganda used from decades past with no layering, no believability

and no knowledge that the audience receiving this propaganda have changed completely.

We are no longer asleep and are no longer gullible enough to succumb to such manipulation

(though there are exceptions within society).

We are no longer sitting idle and allowing wealthy, self-interested manipulators to call

the shots in our world.

We have no reason to.

It is easy to see the celebrity propaganda used in modern times.

We have seen this fallacy used the entire year of 2017, and each time it appears, it

seems to be promoting the same financial interests.

Again, this is not to take sides or to promote any political party, but simply to acknowledge

the interests who most often use celebrity propaganda to make extremely weak points.

The method of most celebrity propaganda is simple.

First, wealthy elitists pay and persuade (or possibly brainwash) celebrities to put on

some type of public spectacle (usually outrageous) to get attention.

At the same time, the elitists use their control over corporate media to make the outrageous

act as visible as possible.

These elitists then set up some type of photo op, public forum, or television appearance

for the celebrity to deliver the intended message to the public.

To add, in modern times, it seems often that the political messages of celebrities completely

contradict their behavior in their personal lives.

Miley Cyrus

The above is the exact formula used to promote Hillary Clinton using Miley Cyrus as a spokesperson.

The political message of Cyrus just seems out of place and seems to clash with virtually

everything that Cyrus has done in the past few years.

Sadly, it appears that Cyrus has done everything she can to embarrass herself or to rub society

the wrong way.

Yet now, the people are expected to look up to her as a political spokesperson?

This is not to judge Ms. Cyrus at all, but simply to make the point that propagandists

seem to have stopped thinking about the details of their intended messages.

It is as though they have become so consumed in proving some point or pushing their agenda

that there is little left of the believability their messages once had.

It seems that to a great extent, these propagandists have lost their touch.

We review this example of propaganda due to its combining of two different fallacies.

These are the fallacies of celebrities and of appealing to emotion.

The emotional appeal is discussed in another article, but for now, let's keep an important

point in mind.

That is, whenever we see the face of a celebrity and they are attempting to push a political

or corporate message of some kind, it is important to assess the value of the message itself

and to ignore the voice speaking it.

In this way, we can overcome the temptation to cave to manipulative tactics.

Trivializing Pedogate

As things stand, there could be no better example of celebrity propaganda than we currently

see in media at present.

The subject of Pizzagate/Pedogate has been one of major public attention, despite the

efforts of the corporate media, large platforms of social media, and various entertainment

personalities attempting to dissuade the public from learning about it.

Platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Redditt have done virtually everything in their power

to prevent their users from learning the truth of John Podesta's emails, the dark dealings

of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, and of the regularity of sexual slavery behind the

glamor of Hollywood.

As it turns out, the media seems to have found a new way to deter the public from learning

the truth of child trafficking and slavery around the world.

In these antics, the corporate media actually uses a combination of fallacies to promote

their propaganda.

Consider all of the celebrities who have made questionable claims of being victims of sexual


Now compare the media spectacles we've recently witnessed to the actual number of celebrities

who report pursuing legal action against those they claim assaulted them.

Now let's consider the fact that for the most part, it is only other actors who have been

named as supposed sex offenders in Hollywood.

There are no true elitists being outed besides Anthony Weinstein.

This strongly suggests that we are not actually witnessing change of any kind with regard

to ending child trafficking and elitist pedophilia in America.

It seems that all we are seeing is another star-studded performance by Hollywood entertainment

to distract from the real issue.

It seems more likely that these actors are simply putting on another performance as they

have been payed so much to do since their carriers began.

(However, this is not to say that there are not real and actual victims behind many of

these claims.)

In this way, the corporate media has created a straw man out of the true problem of elitist


Simply put, they have chosen to throw several celebrities under the bus for what seems to

be an attempts at saving those who are truly responsible for child trafficking and elitist


The true issues implicate government leaders and heavy-hitting financial establishments.

Even though Hollywood is portrayed as the elitist class, these actors are little more

than servants of those who have payed their way to stardom.

In truth, under the current status quo, actors and singers have no real power in the world.

Yet because these are the faces the public knows more than those who have actual power,

these actors are commonly paraded around instead of elitists so that that true elitists can

escape public attention.

For more infomation >> Know Your Propaganda – Celebrities – How the Media Uses Image and Popularity to Manipulate Your Opin - Duration: 11:41.


juma ka bayan (urdu)from youtube,by mufti shah jahan qasmi - Duration: 17:07.

For more infomation >> juma ka bayan (urdu)from youtube,by mufti shah jahan qasmi - Duration: 17:07.


I DIDN'T KNOW THIS COULD HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18 - Duration: 11:42.

I DIDN'T KNOW THIS CAN HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18

For more infomation >> I DIDN'T KNOW THIS COULD HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18 - Duration: 11:42.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 17:11.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 17:11.


Laung Gawacha | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 3:24.

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha



Dil deya bhedeya kyun maarna ae taane ve

Milan main aayi tainu roti de bahane ve

Roti de bahaane ve

Dil deya bhedeya kyun maarna ae taane ve

Milan main aayi tainu roti de bahane ve

Roti de bahaane ve

Milna ae te mil nai te rus jaangi sada layi

Mintaan tu karke manaayi ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Kaali kaali aayi si main kaliyan di hekh'di

Chad asi punde main avaaz sun jeth di

Avaaz sun jeth di

Kaali kaali aayi si main kaliyan di hekh'di

Chad asi punde main avaaz sun jeth di

Avaaz sun jeth di

Mainu shaq panda mere nakh cho purak ke

Dig paiya hoon dung chhaainve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Ho mera laung gawacha, ho mera laung gawacha

Ho mera laung gawacha, ho mera laung gawacha

For more infomation >> Laung Gawacha | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 3:24.


cumanız mubarek olsun YouTube - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> cumanız mubarek olsun YouTube - Duration: 1:40.


10th year anniversary - Handsome Award! [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 7:03.

And now we begin

the Two Days and One Night Awards.

- An award ceremony? / - Is there a Grand Award?

He will have to buy dinner.

The one with the most awards can be the winner.

- That's a good idea. / - So today...

He'll buy us beef right after the shoot.

- Okay. / - Got it.

- Beef. / - That includes

- the previous members of the show. / - Of course.

We should contact them.

In one, two, three.

- Hold on. / - Are you insane?

(Two Days and One Night Awards)

(They will guess who topped the chart.)

(For every correct answer, a snack will be given.)


I think we'll be eating beef today.

We're all getting a bite to eat!

(The best late-night snacks are prepared.)

(Wouldn't you like a bite too?)

Two Days and One Night Awards' first category is

the Most Handsome Award.

Should we stay objective or not?

I really don't know how to answer this question.

The candidates were you

and everyone from the past seasons.

If only I participated in the survey!


I already wrote down a name.

I wrote it down.

You can't write your own name.

Should we consider Joohyuk as well?

Come on.

- Of course not. / - Even I'm better looking.

Joohyuk's closer to a squid.

(Joohyuk, the squid)

I haven't said this before,

but he's even beneath me.

(Joohyuk gets squashed by the three menaces.)

Please keep in mind the fans of the candidates.

Of course. It can only be one person.

- No one can beat him. / - Most Handsome Award.

Write it down.

I know I have it right.

Stop peeking!

- That's not it. / - You were looking.

No one can argue with the winner.

- Okay. In one, two, three. / - In one, two, three.

- There. / - It's Lee Seunggi.

- Of course it is. / - He wrote Siyoon down.

- No way. / - Really?

He's the most recent member.

Out of everyone on the show,

- he had the most fans. / - Of course.

Everyone also liked him regardless of their age.

The impact he had was incredible.

Why was Joohyuk not even considered?

- Stop that. / - It can't be him.

To me, Joohyuk's a top celebrity.

Then why didn't you write down his name?

It's because I wanted to eat.


Let's see his infamous video once again.


Kill the dog...

(Kill the dog even when the hunting isn't over.)

What does that even mean?

(Stand in the corner over there!)

(Him saying the proverb wrong was legendary.)

Five of you wrote Lee Seunggi,

while Joonyoung wrote Siyoon.

I just badly wanted to eat.

That is most important.

- Fifth? / - Who do you think

- came in fifth? / - Could it be one of us?

- Is it Defconn? / - Or Junho?

It's Kim Joohyuk.

It's Kim Joohyuk.

No way!

See? What did I tell you?

Joohyuk's in fifth place?

- Gosh. / - Congratulations.

Congratulations. Anyway,

we can say that we beat him, then.

Of course.

I'm sure we rank above him.

Now for the fourth place.

- What about Taehyun? / - It should be one of us.

In fourth place is Joonyoung.

(Fourth place, Jung Joonyoung)

You're better looking than Joohyuk!

You should be happy.

- Congratulations. / - Above me are

Siyoon, Lee Seunggi and Joowon.


I guess I should be happy, then.

- You're handsome. / - Congratulations.

- You're good looking. / - Congratulations.

You still beat a lot of people.

- That's a relief. / - You beat at least 15.

In third place is...

- Is it Taehyun? / - He's looking at Siyoon.

Is it Siyoon? He's looking in this direction.

(They're the handsome ones here.)

Is it me?

Why are you looking at me?

- He was looking at me. / - No, me.

No, me!

You two probably came in last.

- In third place is... / - Hurry up already.

It's Siyoon.

(Third place, Yoon Siyoon)

- There you go. / - He's not in first place.

This isn't fun at all.

- Of course it's him. / - Thank you.

Anyone can see that he's handsome.

- I guarantee that. / - Gosh, Siyoon.

Will I be the only one left out?

The winner received 24 percent of the votes.

- It's Eun Jiwon. / - What?

- Thank goodness. / - Eun Jiwon?

He's in first place?

- What? / - No way.

- Really? / - Are you sure?

Jiwon and I aren't that much different.

This must be a joke.

- Is it really Jiwon? / - He's not a member

of Sechskies for nothing.

(He's forever our leader.)

(Leader Eun is back!)

What do you mean he's just like you?

Try saying that to his fans.

Go ahead.

His fans already know.

How many votes did Seunggi get?

He received 21 percent of the votes.

It was quite close.

The ranking doesn't end at the top five, though.

- In 13th place is... / - 13th place?

- Who is it? / - It's Defconn.

- What about Junho? / - Me?

How many are there in total?

- The fans... / - Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Out of how many?

I must've ranked higher than some.

You're 13th out of 13 people.

- I don't think so. / - There are 17 at least.

At least I beat some.

- Gosh. / - I'll keep on going.

- In 10th place is... / - 10th place.

It's Kim Junho.

(10th place, Kim Junho)

Thank you so much.

(Laughing boisterously)

At least it's not Jongmin.

I'm in 13th place.

That means you're handsome.

(They're not laughing on the inside.)

Why isn't Taehyun on the ranking?

In eighth place is Taehyun.


I knew you'd be on the list.

- Is this a joke? / - Unbelievable.

- Stop messing with me. / - Hold on.

Stop fooling around.

- I knew you'd be called. / - Seventh or eighth.

- Is this for real? / - Only Jongmin's left.

- Is he below 10th? / - This is nerve-wracking.



(Everyone has a spot on the ranking.)

Jongmin is in seventh place.

(Seventh place, Kim Jongmin)

I lost to Jongmin.

(Taehyun is humiliated.)

I'm sorry. I really am.

This can't be.

I'm so sorry.

- Is this a foot? / - Goodness.

Is this a foot on your head?

I'm sorry.

You're Mr. Handsome.

The ranking makes no sense at all.

Some just vote for a funny result.

There are people who do that.

Our viewers are very objective.

- This can't be. / - Look at Taehyun.

I'm not sure if you are handsome.

He kind of looks like a fly.

Since no one guessed correctly in this round,

the food will be untouched.

Can the next round be for two bites?

(Bring it on!)

For more infomation >> 10th year anniversary - Handsome Award! [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 7:03.


10th year anniversary - Thank U So much^3^❤ [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 11:43.

(Two Days and One Night)

(The hot summer has passed.)

(A cooler breeze has come.)

(Leaves turn red and yellow.)

(Cosmos blooms in our front yards.)

It's the fall now.

Yes, and the fall night deepens.

(Now a fall night deepens.)


There are insects everywhere.

I know.

Especially mayflies.

Two Days and One Night celebrates its

10-year anniversary this year.

Jongmin has been with the show

during his 20s, 30s and 40s.

- Is that so? / - Yes.

- I started in my 20s. / - Are you already 40?

No, I'm 39.

It'll be true if the show airs next year too.

Anyway, the show was able to air for such a long time

thanks to the love and support

- of our viewers. / - I agree.

The viewers of our show aren't like the others.

I had time to think about it.

Most viewers watch shows because they're fun,

but our viewers tune into our show

almost every week like a habit.

I agree with what Siyoon said.

Sometimes, it wasn't funny.

- Of course. / - For many episodes.

Even when it was...

- They were loyal. / - Exactly!

- They were loyal viewers. / - Yes, loyal.

But many still want us to shut down production.

(A harsh fact)

We should face reality.

(He speaks ill of their own show.)

I'd like to take this opportunity

to bow down to our viewers.

I agree.

You've been with the show for 10 years.

So say you're grateful and we'll bow with you.

We didn't make it this far because of

what we did on the show.

We owe it to all the viewers who adored us dearly.

We wish to be in your good graces

for 10 more years to come.

Thank you.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Airing for 10 years is an incredible milestone.

Thank you so much.

You shouldn't sneak glances while bowing.


- All right. / - Let's have a seat.

To convey our thanks to our viewers today,

we will look back on the 10 years

of Two Days and One Night.

The 10 years?

- Here you go. / - We went to many places.

It's a single card.

- The pilot episode. / - The pilot?

- Well... / - This you should know.

- Jongmin, come on. / - You should know this.

- What was the season? / - What year was it?

- This is what I remember. / - 10 years ago, of course.

The opening took place at a toll gate

on a very hot day.

(They first met the viewers)

(on a hot summer day in 2007.)

Two Days.

(Thanks to your constant love and support,)

One Night!

(we're still with you on this very day.)

The number of locations we visited add up to...

I wonder how many.

151 places.

- 151? / - We also went to

- some places multiple times. / - My gosh, 151.

(We welcomed warm spring 10 times.)

(We felt the vibrant energy of summer.)

(In the fall too,)

(we visited Korea's exquisite beauty.)

When did we have so many guests?

223 people joined us on our trips.

- Really? / - 223 people?

How come I only remember Han Hyojoo?

(In Taehyun's memories,)

(only Hyojoo's smile from last spring remains.)

- Not you guys too. / - No, it's someone else.

- Who? / - Park Shinhye.

We had to jump to see her.

(She made their morning brighter)

(Morning fairy, Park Shinhye)

(How could you be sleepy after a glimpse of her?)

- There was Suzy. / - And Saekyeong.

- Hyuna too. / - Right.

Don't you want to go back to that time?

(Suzy was the first morning fairy.)

(She even cooked them an early breakfast.)

(She woke them up by playing the piano.)

(Morning fairy Shin Saekyeong)

(Sometimes they gave the members butterflies.)

(Sometimes they brought them laughter.)

(How can love fade away?)

(Follow me!)

Follow me!

(They let go of all inhibitions)

(for which we are grateful.)

No way!

150 crew members help with the production of the show.


Does that include those who edit the scenes?

- Yes, everyone. / - I see.

Junho was the first to buy them dinner

when he won the Grand Award.

It cost me about three big ones.

- Kim Junho. / - Kim Junho!

(Junho bought dinner)

(after winning the 2013 KBS Grand Award.)

(It included all the staff and the members.)

(What he had to pay was through the roof.)

You had to buy meat and twice the amount of beef.

- Eel too. / - You bought the most.

We should start a private fund.

He's right about starting one.

- We need insurance. / - Yes, exactly.

It's actually quite scary to win an award.

- Of course. / - We'll be in the red.


The numbers of show we have made history.

I'm sure we brought back many memories.

To commemorate our 10-year anniversary,

we asked the viewers a few questions on our website.

(The 10-year Anniversary Survey)

(Viewers replied with many ideas and comments.)

Who here participated or saw the questions?

I saw it on the website.

- You did? / - Yes, but

I couldn't find the link although I tried twice.

- He's bad with computers. / - Right.

- I used my mobile phone. / - It should've worked.

- That's not it. / - He's bad with this.

He should get himself a private tutor.

We made sure that it could be accessed.

- So there was a survey. / - Right.

We asked the viewers to vote on a ranking.

One of the questions was this.

"What is the word that sums up the show?"

- Our roulette games. / - Of course.

- Yes, our games. / - I agree.

That has to be it.

(Their games based on chance ranked first.)

The game that I remember the most

is the one we did in Chinatown.

- Right. / - Of course!

I almost had a heart attack.

Joohyuk even said that he'd leave the show.

(One team was to go home early.)

Let's go!

(The suspense almost killed them that day.)

Which team is it?

(Sleeping outdoors)

(There was double the joy.)

(The other team slept)

(where the marathon was to take place.)

The one I remember

was the big ladder game we played.

- We'd follow the lines. / - Oh, that one.

We had to immediately take a dive.

I was unlucky that day.

- Right. / - Of course.

(On the 1-year anniversary of Season 3)

(They failed their mission,)

(so two had to take a dive in the water.)

(Joonyoung was selected.)

(It was a cold winter day.)

(Joonyoung was the unlucky one.)

- Good job. / - Goodness.

In my and Junho's case...

The octopus fishing.

(The horrifying octopus fishing)

I remember the game being difficult too.


(Four years ago, someone else was)

(also unlucky on a winter day.)

(Thankfully, he wasn't flying solo.)

I wasn't going to say this but...

(Jongmin sought out his fishing partner.)

- Your sister... / - We get it.

(He was ungrateful to Junho even though)

(Junho hosted his sister's wedding.)

How could you?

(Junho collapsed out of frustration.)


(The two went through quite an ordeal)

(on the winter day four years ago.)

Oh no.

Siyoon, what about you?

Siyoon has only himself to blame.

That's true.

Why are you good at beating me, though?

I haven't said this before,

but as an actor, I have to watch what I ate.

I didn't want to look bloated on set the next day.

But I always win when I'm on your team.

- So it was damaging. / - Yes. I didn't want to eat,

but I always won when I'm on your team.

You're nothing but a meal to him. That's you.

To him, your name is Gimbap.

I'm like a tasty gimbap.


Let me ask you another.

Which is the best location we've ever been to?

- Harbin. / - The Ice Lantern Festival was amazing.

The Ahn Junggeun Tour we went on

had a great impact.

(They visited Harbin last winter.)

(It looked like the castle from "Frozen".)

(There they encountered)

(Ahn Junggeun's footsteps.)

It's exactly 10 steps.

(They felt his breaths)

(as they ruminated on the meaning.)

(The series moved the viewers as well as)

(the member of Two Days and One Night.)

My favorite place is where we ate lunch

- on the Jongmin Special. / - It was incredible.

- I mean... / - Of course!

The day you got angry over a cucumber.

- It was because of him. / - "Jongmin, put it down."

(They went to Boriam Hermitage)

(on the Jongmin Special.)

What a view!

(There we saw)

(a different side to Jongmin.)

- What is it? / - Why are you eating?

They let me.

(They helped Jongmin eat at least something.)

- It's good. / - Gosh.

(Director Yoo didn't allow it)

(and Jongmin got angry for the first time.)

- The view was incredible. / - I know.

Do you remember the cliff?

- That's right. / - Did we

go diving in Ulleungdo?

Yes, that place.

I hear that place became popular after our show aired.

- That's right. / - Junho didn't jump.

- That's right. / - We should go again.

(Ulleungdo, a place of extraordinary beauty)

(They enjoyed jumping off a cliff.)

(The two chickens couldn't move an inch.)

(Maybe they will this summer.)

What came in first place?

- Mount Baekdu? / - That must be it.

- Mount Baekdu. / - I guess you're right.

- In first place is Mount Baekdu. / - Of course.

It had to be that.

They poured in water from Jeju Island.

We're almost there.

(Nine years ago, they visited Mount Baekdu.)

(It was particularly moving)

(since it's not easily reachable.)

(They brought water from Dokdo,)

(the island on the far end of the east.)

(Water from Baengnyeongdo was also added.)

Mix in with the rest!

(It was our wish to see all of it become one.)

For more infomation >> 10th year anniversary - Thank U So much^3^❤ [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 11:43.


Receita para preparar barras de cereais caseiras - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> Receita para preparar barras de cereais caseiras - Duration: 7:49.


Farming Simulator 17 Bale Transport New Mods - Duration: 23:36.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New Mods you canuse to transport bales.

JD33D SKID STEER I have corect the bucket movement And make it raise faster . Track Or Tires 89Hp 25Km/h Top Speed Also with the Skid Steer You Will Find The JD Bucket 4.000l Capacity

SAME FORTIS SERIES Front Loader 6 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup 50Km/h Top Speed Dynamic Hoses

MetaMid DS Mod Includes Two Models Low Sides Model 6.500l Capacity

High Sides Model 15.500l Capacity Both Models have Back Atacher Option Colorable Body 3 Wheel Setup 6 Design Setup Dynamic Hoses

Open Sides O KEY

Almost Forgot Mailleux 700Kg Counterweight adjustable mass, you can add weights by increments of 100 kg from 700 to 1750kg. Add Mass Z KEY Remove Mass X KEY

To load the bales faster I will use the autoload bale spike from CSZ Set

This uphill is to much for the 210Hp The Skid Steer Will help

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

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