Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017


I don't know what to say

Today, the review is about

The Jaclyn Hill palette

We are going to see the swatches of each


And this is the look I'm going to do

So keep watching!

OK. Let's start with the swatches

of the palette

On the first row

we have this beautiful colors


I have seen in..

First color

Second color

For more infomation >> JACLYN HILL PALETTE - First impressions & Tutorial - Duration: 19:23.


BREAKING: China Makes Stunning Move, Vindicating Trump. - Duration: 4:17.

BREAKING: China Makes Stunning Move, Vindicating Trump.

President Donald Trump's Asia tour just concluded.

As a result, the US is already seeing positive changes coming out of China.

Some believe that President Trump may have pushed China to the point of wanting to see

something done with North Korea.

Former CIA and NSA chief General Michael Hayden met with Chris Cuomo on CNN to discuss the

fact that China is now sending envoys to North Korea.

When asked if Trump's visit to China shows effectiveness, Hayden responded: "I think

the timing suggests that's true.

So, you've got a bit of


ray of light, a breath of fresh air here with the Chinese trying to amp up their pressure

on the North Koreans.

We need to be realistic, all right?"

The news of China sending a high-level special

envoy came Wednesday after President Trump left Beijing, China.

If China were to keep the pressure on North Korea, they could effectively shut down what

little economy they have left — forcing a screeching halt to their nuclear program.

This action would be a tremendous win for the rest of the world that is waiting to see

if North Korea plans on striking any surrounding countries or the United States.

China is North Korea's biggest trading partner as well as their main source of food and fuel,

according to Politico.

In light of the new sanctions against North Korea, China was required to tackle this factor


Now that they plan on sending a special envoy, it is clear that they are not going to allow

North Korea to remain a functioning country.

They have officially drawn the metaphorical line in the sand.

Gen. Hayden also spoke about how President Trump helped push China in the right direction.

"China is most interested in stability on the North Korean part, on the whole, Korean

Peninsula," he said.

Hayden continued, "They're not too excited about change.

I think we can rely on them to amp up the pressure a bit, to have Kim, the youngest,

tone down the rhetoric.

Maybe stop testing for a while.

I don't think he's going there to point out that you need to give up these weapons."

The announcement describing the dispatching of the envoy came from the official Xinhua

news agency.

Song Tao, who leads the ruling Communist Party's external affairs department, announced that

he would leave for North Korea this Friday.

The results here promise to be two-fold.

North Korea could, and likely will, cave under pressure and stop their dangerous rhetoric.

This is the preferred outcome that President Trump wanted when Kim Jong-un initially started

testing missiles.

The other option is that Kim sees this as an act of war and becomes more hostile than


If that happens, everyone surrounding them, as well as the United States, is ready to

move on them.

Many say that war with North Korea is inevitable.

The hope is that with this new plan involving China, North Korea will decide to calm down

and make the world a safer, more stable place.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: China Makes Stunning Move, Vindicating Trump. - Duration: 4:17.


ZaiD - S E V E N (Audio) [4th Records prod] - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> ZaiD - S E V E N (Audio) [4th Records prod] - Duration: 3:42.


Know Your Propaganda – Celebrities – How the Media Uses Image and Popularity to Manipulate Your Opin - Duration: 11:41.

Know Your Propaganda � Celebrities � How the Media Uses Image and Popularity to Manipulate

Your Opinions

by Shem El-Jamal,

Whenever a person or group has a point they wish to prove, there are a number of methods

they may use to do so.

They may choose either to prove their point honorably and with integrity, convince their

audience that their stance is more preferable than any alternative, or they may choose to

persuade and manipulate their audience by any means necessary.

Typically, if a point or position holds little or no value in the eyes of the audience, it

is seen fit by propagandists to manipulate their audience.

One of the ways propagandists might do this is by using the image of popular personalities

in order to make their message seem more appealing.

This use of celebrities as pretty faces to sell bad or questionable policies, products,

or ideas is as well-known fallacy, and is simply referred to as celebrities.

Here is a more extensive definition.


Description: Accepting a claim of a celebrity based on his or her celebrity status, not

on the strength of the argument.

Logical Form: Celebrity 1 says to use product Y.

Therefore, we should use product Y.

Example #1: Tom Cruise says on TV that Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there


Tom Cruise is awesome -- especially in MI4 when he scaled that building with only one

suction glove; therefore, Billy Boy Butter is the best tasting butter there is!

Explanation: Tom Cruise might be awesome, and perhaps he really does think Billy Boy

Butter is the best tasting butter there is, but Tom is no more an authority on the taste

of butter than anyone else; therefore, to accept the claim without any other evidence

or reason is fallacious.

Example #2: Mike Seaver from that 80�s sitcom, �Growing Pains�, is really cool.

He is now a born-again Christian and apologist for the faith.

Therefore, you should really believe what he has to say!

Explanation: Mike Seaver is awesome, but Kirk Cameron, the actor that plays that character?

Even if Kirk was super duper (which he might be, I don�t know him), his views on the

truth of religion are equally valid as yours, or anyone else's who determines what he or

she considers to be the truth through faith.

Exception: Some celebrity endorsements are authentic, where the celebrities are motivated

by the love of the product itself, not the huge check they are getting for pretending

to like the product.

When these products are directly related to their celebrity status, then this could be

seen as a valid (but not sufficient) reason for wanting the product.

Honestly, I really can�t think of any examples, but there must be some out there.

Tip: If you are in business and looking for a celebrity to endorse your product, try not

to pick one that is likely to be accused of killing his wife and his wife�s lover, then

taking off in a white Bronco.

To restate, the use of the celebrity fallacy involves using a popular face in place of

reason to convince an audience to agree with a certain point or position.

This fallacy typically includes an undertone of the bandwagon fallacy which elicits approval

based on the popularity of an idea alone.

Let's consider some examples of the celebrity fallacy.

Think back to late 2016.

This is a time most of us might want to forget completely, but there were several blatant

instances of celebrity propaganda that we may have seen during this time.

One of these instances consisted of movie characters from the Avengers series promoting

an early anti-Trump message for election season.

This fallacy was very strange to see, considering that there was no attempt to hide the fact

that propagandistic manipulation was taking place.

This is not to take political sides or to promote any false political duality, but to

reveal the fact that certain financial interests, instead of using the strength of their argument

to speak for themselves, they use the face of fictitious comic book characters.

As we may remember, the failure of these particular financial endeavors was just as visible as

their attempt.

We might keep in mind that just because a celebrity is speaking does not always mean

that the celebrity fallacy is being used.

It is only when we see big budget productions such as commercials or large political productions

that include celebrity speeches that we can be fairly certain the tactic is fallacious.

The Obvious Modern Propaganda

The positive side about modern propaganda is that it is easy to spot.

In past decades, propagandists were subtle and tactful in their use of their tactics.

There was an art to propaganda of the past�a certain knowledge shown within each underlying

message (though still devious and dishonest).

Not so with today's propaganda.

In modern times, propaganda is so blatant and obvious that it no longer has the effect

it once did.

In modern propaganda, there seems to be no tact, no subtlety, and no real knowledge of

progressive human psychology at all.

Time after time, we see propaganda used from decades past with no layering, no believability

and no knowledge that the audience receiving this propaganda have changed completely.

We are no longer asleep and are no longer gullible enough to succumb to such manipulation

(though there are exceptions within society).

We are no longer sitting idle and allowing wealthy, self-interested manipulators to call

the shots in our world.

We have no reason to.

It is easy to see the celebrity propaganda used in modern times.

We have seen this fallacy used the entire year of 2017, and each time it appears, it

seems to be promoting the same financial interests.

Again, this is not to take sides or to promote any political party, but simply to acknowledge

the interests who most often use celebrity propaganda to make extremely weak points.

The method of most celebrity propaganda is simple.

First, wealthy elitists pay and persuade (or possibly brainwash) celebrities to put on

some type of public spectacle (usually outrageous) to get attention.

At the same time, the elitists use their control over corporate media to make the outrageous

act as visible as possible.

These elitists then set up some type of photo op, public forum, or television appearance

for the celebrity to deliver the intended message to the public.

To add, in modern times, it seems often that the political messages of celebrities completely

contradict their behavior in their personal lives.

Miley Cyrus

The above is the exact formula used to promote Hillary Clinton using Miley Cyrus as a spokesperson.

The political message of Cyrus just seems out of place and seems to clash with virtually

everything that Cyrus has done in the past few years.

Sadly, it appears that Cyrus has done everything she can to embarrass herself or to rub society

the wrong way.

Yet now, the people are expected to look up to her as a political spokesperson?

This is not to judge Ms. Cyrus at all, but simply to make the point that propagandists

seem to have stopped thinking about the details of their intended messages.

It is as though they have become so consumed in proving some point or pushing their agenda

that there is little left of the believability their messages once had.

It seems that to a great extent, these propagandists have lost their touch.

We review this example of propaganda due to its combining of two different fallacies.

These are the fallacies of celebrities and of appealing to emotion.

The emotional appeal is discussed in another article, but for now, let's keep an important

point in mind.

That is, whenever we see the face of a celebrity and they are attempting to push a political

or corporate message of some kind, it is important to assess the value of the message itself

and to ignore the voice speaking it.

In this way, we can overcome the temptation to cave to manipulative tactics.

Trivializing Pedogate

As things stand, there could be no better example of celebrity propaganda than we currently

see in media at present.

The subject of Pizzagate/Pedogate has been one of major public attention, despite the

efforts of the corporate media, large platforms of social media, and various entertainment

personalities attempting to dissuade the public from learning about it.

Platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Redditt have done virtually everything in their power

to prevent their users from learning the truth of John Podesta's emails, the dark dealings

of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, and of the regularity of sexual slavery behind the

glamor of Hollywood.

As it turns out, the media seems to have found a new way to deter the public from learning

the truth of child trafficking and slavery around the world.

In these antics, the corporate media actually uses a combination of fallacies to promote

their propaganda.

Consider all of the celebrities who have made questionable claims of being victims of sexual


Now compare the media spectacles we've recently witnessed to the actual number of celebrities

who report pursuing legal action against those they claim assaulted them.

Now let's consider the fact that for the most part, it is only other actors who have been

named as supposed sex offenders in Hollywood.

There are no true elitists being outed besides Anthony Weinstein.

This strongly suggests that we are not actually witnessing change of any kind with regard

to ending child trafficking and elitist pedophilia in America.

It seems that all we are seeing is another star-studded performance by Hollywood entertainment

to distract from the real issue.

It seems more likely that these actors are simply putting on another performance as they

have been payed so much to do since their carriers began.

(However, this is not to say that there are not real and actual victims behind many of

these claims.)

In this way, the corporate media has created a straw man out of the true problem of elitist


Simply put, they have chosen to throw several celebrities under the bus for what seems to

be an attempts at saving those who are truly responsible for child trafficking and elitist


The true issues implicate government leaders and heavy-hitting financial establishments.

Even though Hollywood is portrayed as the elitist class, these actors are little more

than servants of those who have payed their way to stardom.

In truth, under the current status quo, actors and singers have no real power in the world.

Yet because these are the faces the public knows more than those who have actual power,

these actors are commonly paraded around instead of elitists so that that true elitists can

escape public attention.

For more infomation >> Know Your Propaganda – Celebrities – How the Media Uses Image and Popularity to Manipulate Your Opin - Duration: 11:41.


juma ka bayan (urdu)from youtube,by mufti shah jahan qasmi - Duration: 17:07.

For more infomation >> juma ka bayan (urdu)from youtube,by mufti shah jahan qasmi - Duration: 17:07.


Sheet-Pan Apple Crumble | Food Network - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Sheet-Pan Apple Crumble | Food Network - Duration: 0:44.


'No Weapons Allowed' signs illegal, councilman says - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> 'No Weapons Allowed' signs illegal, councilman says - Duration: 1:40.


10 Ways to Say You're Thankful in English - Thanksgiving Lesson - Duration: 4:42.

Do you know when we celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.S.?

It's celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, and I love this holiday

Thanksgiving is not just about the wonderful turkey dinner and delicious pumpkin pies we have for dessert.

It's a day to be with family and remember what we should be thankful for.

So Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks.

I have some wonderful memories of Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents' house.

My grandmother was an amazing cook, and I'm so thankful for those memories.

Now it's my turn to make the holidays special for my children.

I'm going ask Alex and Natasha to help me share 10 different ways to give thanks. Are you ready?

That's one of our traditions.

Truthfully, I wasn't really delighted with our dog when we first got her

because having a puppy is a lot of work,

but now I'm absolutely thrilled that we have a dog

because she's a wonderful family companion.

I appreciate having a dog because she's fun.

Of course, I'm thankful for being a mother, but if we talk about work, then nothing makes me happier than teaching.

My children may not be perfect, but I think they're perfect for me.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

I'm really thankful to be a teacher.

So thank you for being a part of my teaching and my life.

That's all for now. As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

And of course, happy Thanksgiving!

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Say You're Thankful in English - Thanksgiving Lesson - Duration: 4:42.


Lin Manuel Miranda: "Ahora mi trabajo es poner el nombre de Puerto Rico en alto" - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Lin Manuel Miranda: "Ahora mi trabajo es poner el nombre de Puerto Rico en alto" - Duration: 1:43.


Final farewell given to Upstate buffalo soldier - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Final farewell given to Upstate buffalo soldier - Duration: 2:30.


High School students prepare Thanksgiving meals with MPD officers - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> High School students prepare Thanksgiving meals with MPD officers - Duration: 1:09.


I DIDN'T KNOW THIS COULD HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18 - Duration: 11:42.

I DIDN'T KNOW THIS CAN HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18

For more infomation >> I DIDN'T KNOW THIS COULD HAPPEN!! | Clash Royale Mythbusters #18 - Duration: 11:42.


Jodo Talk 6 Jodo-shu Daily Service in Your Home (with Subtitles) - Duration: 16:38.

Hi, I'm Taijun Kasahara.

Today I will demonstrate a basic OTSUTOME

of Jodo-shu which you can do in your home.

The items I put on are

a WAGESA (simplified buddhist KESA)

and a (O)-JUZU (Buddhist rosary).

This is a Jodo-shu's BUTSUDAN (altar),

of which settings are described in the Rinkai-an site.

See URL(1) in the Description section of this video.

The sutras I will chant in this video

can be read in a text, which you can download

from URL(2) given below.

During the service, I will make bowing,

and play the O-RIN,

and the MOKUGYO.

When to make bowing or play the instruments

are also marked in that sutra file.

Please refer to the text, and

let's do the practice together now.

For more infomation >> Jodo Talk 6 Jodo-shu Daily Service in Your Home (with Subtitles) - Duration: 16:38.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 17:11.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 17:11.


How to Make Turkey Cupcakes filled with Caramel | RECIPE - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> How to Make Turkey Cupcakes filled with Caramel | RECIPE - Duration: 2:53.


Luego de 37 años creando música, Bronco por primera vez en Latin GRAMMY - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Luego de 37 años creando música, Bronco por primera vez en Latin GRAMMY - Duration: 1:11.


Pacific Union "All God's People," Episode #027 - November 17, 2017 - Duration: 5:35.

Effectiveness in ministry and mission is the watchword for the planning, training, and

management meetings that happen in the fall around the Pacific Union.

Hello, I'm Connie Vandeman Jeffery, and our All God's People program is being recorded

this week on location at Azure Hills Adventist Church in Grand Terrace, California.

Our crew is here along with Communication professionals from across our Union for two

days of training and strategic planning.

I can tell you this is a great group to meet with.

Their enthusiasm for telling the story of how God is leading our church here in the

west is infectious—and this week they spent an entire day discussing how to better approach

the 54 million people who live in our Union Territory, and followed it up with a full

day of discussing how to be more effective in the use of digital tools for their work.

Is this the ministry of the church?

It absolutely is, for it's helping to shape how people know and understand our unique


Perhaps you already know that every autumn the Seventh-day Adventist church hosts a meeting

called "Annual Council" that brings together leaders from all over the world.

The North American Division Year End Meeting focuses on plans for North America.

But in my humble opinion, the meetings that have the most significant impact are the ones

that happen right here at home.

Like Pastor's meetings—such as this one in Las Vegas for Pastors from the Nevada Utah


They're talking about responding to the unique needs of their churches in places like

Reno and Las Vegas and Salt Lake City—as well as in their churches across the vast

geography of their two states.

At meetings like this in all of our conferences, the focus is clear: mission effectiveness.

Responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

How to use new tools and resources.

And perhaps, most important—why our local ministries matter so much, and what we can

do to lead our communities to Christ.

Our educators have a very rigorous calendar of meetings that they manage to squeeze in

on top of operating the schools.

Management, curriculum development and evaluation, understanding student performance scores and

responding in the most effective way: if you ask them about mission they are quite matter-a-fact

in their answer: "to provide for our students a quality education that will prepare them

for life and for service."

It's a challenging ministry that doesn't happen without a lot of hard work.

The Pacific Union Executive Committee meets on a quarterly basis to take up the work of

our Union—they represent all of us, and function as our primary governing board between

the constituency meetings that happen every five years.

In addition to the reports from the officers and others, they act on a wide variety of

issues, and provide the legal foundation for the work of the church here in the Pacific


And they also deal with issues facing the church—such as how to respond to our young

people, or how we should move together in unity when there are issues with varying perspectives.

Sit with this group even for a few minutes, and you will observe that the Pacific Union

Conference is a providential example of unity in diversity.

While there are many ways to describe those things that might separate us—race, ethnicity,

geography, gender, age, education, political affiliation—we take our life and joy from

that which unites us!

And our Executive Committee leads the way in that!

And then there are the most important meetings that we have: the ones that happen every single

Sabbath in 831 churches across the Union.

One of the great strengths of the Seventh-day Adventist church is that the community of

God is recreated in each congregation through the power of the Holy Spirit and the all-embracing

love of Jesus.

We come together in worship and ministry each week, knowing that God will use the diversity

of our history, circumstances, and gifts to bring the gospel to those around us.

And now, here's Elder Graham with a message entitled God's Promises.

For more infomation >> Pacific Union "All God's People," Episode #027 - November 17, 2017 - Duration: 5:35.


Atom Tickets | Surgeons :15 - Duration: 0:16.

You wanna go to a movie?

The lines are too long.

Mmm, or they're sold out by the time you get there.

I have Atom Tickets.

I can pre-book the tickets so we can jump the line.

I can even pre-order snacks.

What about this guy?

Yeah, he's fine...


For more infomation >> Atom Tickets | Surgeons :15 - Duration: 0:16.


Laung Gawacha | Punjabi Folk Song | Seema Kak | USP TV - Duration: 3:24.

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha



Dil deya bhedeya kyun maarna ae taane ve

Milan main aayi tainu roti de bahane ve

Roti de bahaane ve

Dil deya bhedeya kyun maarna ae taane ve

Milan main aayi tainu roti de bahane ve

Roti de bahaane ve

Milna ae te mil nai te rus jaangi sada layi

Mintaan tu karke manaayi ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Kaali kaali aayi si main kaliyan di hekh'di

Chad asi punde main avaaz sun jeth di

Avaaz sun jeth di

Kaali kaali aayi si main kaliyan di hekh'di

Chad asi punde main avaaz sun jeth di

Avaaz sun jeth di

Mainu shaq panda mere nakh cho purak ke

Dig paiya hoon dung chhaainve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Pichhe pichhe aunda, meri chaal vehnda aayin

Chire waleya vekhda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Nigah marda aayin ve, mera laung gawacha

Ho mera laung gawacha, ho mera laung gawacha

Ho mera laung gawacha, ho mera laung gawacha

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