Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

When the fantastical vampire world of Stephenie Meyer first came to life on the big screen

with 2008's Twilight, audiences clamored into theaters to witness the immortal love story

of Bella and Edward.

But how long has it been since you last visited Forks?

Watching the movie as an adult, there are some interesting details you probably missed

the first time around.

Hidden meaning

We're kicking things off with that baby deer intro:

"I'd never given much thought to how I would go… but going in the place of someone I

love seems like a good way to go."

At this point, we know nothing about Bella, so if you're like "whaaaat?", it's ok.

So was Stephanie Meyer.

The author admits that this hunting-themed passage was confusing even in the book, saying,

"Sometimes, things in the story are so clear to me that, when I write them, I don't flesh

them out or explain them well enough."

"So, to clear it all up: James is 'the hunter.'" " that moment, that is how [Bella] thinks

of him."

That guy from that thing

Shortly after Bella arrives in Forks, her dad's best friend and his son show up with

a truck they restored for Bella.

The son, of course, is none other than Bella's future imprinter-of-her-child, Jacob.

Bella's dad introduces Jacob's old man as Billy Black.

If that face now looks familiar, it's because the actor who plays Billy — Gil Birmingham

— has enjoyed regular roles on a few hit TV shows since Twilight.

If you're a House of Cards fan, you know him as Daniel Lanagin.

If you're a Banshee fan, you know him as George Hunter.

And if you're an Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt fan, you know him as Virgil.

Bad hair do care

Once you've watched the entire Twilight series, there's no doubt that the Most Improved Player

award should go to Jacob's hair.

Actor Taylor Lautner explicitly agrees, telling MTV:

"Maybe your most important co-star of course is gone.

The wig."

"There was hatred between both of us.

It did not like me, I did not like it.

Not fond memories."

If it weren't for Jacob going through "the change" — at which point he starting sporting

a shorter 'do — he may have been stuck with the wig for the long haul.

Apple motif

When Bella first sees the Cullens, Rosalie holds an apple in her hand much like the one

on the cover of the book.


Probably not.

Choosing an apple for the book's cover proved to be part of Stephenie Meyer's grand design.

The author said,

"The apple on the cover of Twilight represents 'forbidden fruit.'

I used the scripture from Genesis...because I loved the phrase 'the fruit of the knowledge

of good and evil.'

Isn't this exactly what Bella ends up with?"

Real awkward

It's easy to look back on Edward and Bella's entire love story with starry eyes, but let's

be real: that first convo they shared in the lab was a disaster.

Stewart told MTV she felt the awkwardness too, saying,

"That [moment] really informs a lot, when they sit and they try to talk to each other

in the bio lab.

It's, like, impossible.

One thing I find interesting about the story is that it's not an easy love."

The Cullen crest

You may have spotted it first in the lab, on Edward's wrist.

But if you look really closely, all of the Cullens wear the insignia in one way or another.

So what does it mean?

The Cullen family crest was created specifically for the movies by director Catherine Hardwicke.

Actor Peter Facinelli told MTV:

"This is something that's not in the book… and each one of us carry it.

So mine is in the form of a ring, some of the kids have it on as a bracelet, some have

it as a pendant."

K-Stew's colored contacts

Sure, it's extremely noticeable in later movies when Bella has transformed into a vampire

and has blood red eyes.

But in this first film, Stewart simply appears to have big, deep brown doe-eyes.

But in real life, Stewart's eyes are green.

Co-star Robert Pattinson confirmed that both he and Stewart had to wear contacts for their

respective roles as Edward and Bella, confessing to MTV:

"She's like, 'I wear contact lenses.

Why are you always complaining about your ones?'"

But, as Pattinson pointed out, Stewart changed her tune once she had to swap her standard

brown contacts for the vampire-eyes version.

"So when she finally wore them and then was complaining about them every second of the

day, it was kind of satisfying."

Stephenie Meyer's cameo

During one of Bella's meet-ups with her dad at the cafe, there's a woman sitting at the


But she's not just any random customer.

Author Stephenie Meyer was not yet a household name — so it was easy to overlook that the

cafe writer was, in fact, Twilight's author.

Kellan Lutz, who plays Emmett in the film, told MTV,

"It was a little Hitchcock moment…

I love his movies, where he throws himself in there as a small little speck.

[Meyer] did a great job, and I'm sure it's going to be cool for her to see herself in

the movie."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Things in Twilight You Only Notice As An Adult - Duration: 4:37.


Perché gli adolescenti sono così scontrosi? - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Perché gli adolescenti sono così scontrosi? - Duration: 5:02.



MATERIALS 1.5 cups of flour 1 cup of powdered sugar 110 gr butter (at room temperature) 1/2 cup milk 1 mature banana 1 egg (at room temperature) 1 sweet spoonful of carbonates 1/4 tea spoon salt 1 packet of vanilla

1,5 cups of flour

1,5 cups of flour

1,5 cups of flour

1/4 tea spoon salt

1/4 tea spoon salt

1 sweet sponge carbonates

1 sweet sponge carbonates



1 mature banana

1 mature banana

1 packet of vanilla

1/2 cup milk



110 gr butter (at room temperature)

1 cup of powdered sugar

1 egg (at room temperature)

Just make sure you mix. too much mixing

Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven

For more infomation >> JUSTICE LEAGUE CUPCAKE - HOW TO MAKE JUSTICE LEAGUE CUPACAKE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:54.



In these times there are so many books about everything that it's easy to get confused.

Choosing the one that suits your needs is not a simple task.

The book I will be talking about today is a lot different than the rest,

because it's not really a guide per se.

It's more of an aid in setting your goals

and structuring your training in a long-term perspective, but more on that in a minute.

I called it a 'secret' book in a sense that very few people know about it,

but after you reach a certain level it can be very useful. It is free as well.

So what is that book?

it's not actually this book, that's just some indian cookbook.

I don't have a printed copy of the one I'm talking about, it's a pdf file.

So let me to get to the computer.

This file can be downloaded from the official site of Federation of Gymnastics.

Yes, gymnastics not calisthenics,

but calisthenics is basically a retarded brother of gymnastics, so it's good as long as we pick what's appropriate for us.

Most of the things we aspire to do, gymnasts learn at the age of 6,

so probably 95% of its contents is out of the range for regular humans.

This file is a complete set of rules for gymnasts who take part in Gymnastic Championships and Olympics.

MAG COP stands for Men's Artistic Gymnastics Code of Points.

This discipline consists of six events namely

Floor Exercise, Pommel Horse, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and Horizontal Bar.

What should interest us is the tables with all the skills for each event.

As I said, most of them is too difficult or too specific for the apparatus to even take into consideration,

but I have gone through all of them and chosen the relevant ones.

Each event has couple of tables with different groups of skills.

For example Floor exercises are divided into Non-acrobatic Elements and Acrobatic Elements.

Each column is represented by a letter A B C and so on.

This is the difficulty of the skills, with A being the easiest.

As I told you in the beginning, this book is not a guide.

You won't find any tips on how to get the skill, it's just a list of them.

That's why I think it should be used as a tool

to structure your training in the long-run by showing you the possibilites and giving new ideas.

A lot of people have a hard time setting the direction in which their training should go after achieving a certain level.

The way I see this pdf may be helpful is listing everything that you are interested in learning and slowly going through the list.

There is around 35 skills that I have chosen considering them as possible to get

by a bodyweight training enthusiast, not a professional gymnast.

Alright, with all the basics out of the way, let's quickly go through the skills.

Most of them are in the easiest column "A" with a few "B"s

and very occasional "C" sprinkled in for you ambitious beasts.

Of course there are no things such as pull ups or push ups in the list

as these are not considered as skills, so beginners should build up some strength and experience first.

First event that we're interested in is Floor Exercises, specifically Non-acrobatic elements.

Most of these positions are revolving around handstand, so that's definitely a prerequisite.

The next thing that I'd go for is a regular straddle press to handstand

as that's gonna be a stepping stone for all those more difficult presses like full press to handstand,

press from the L-sit, split, front support or even V-sit which is a skill by its own.

You're gonna need quite a lot of pike flexibility for all those, so stretching is another thing to consider.

Number 13 is also a very fun skill to practice, it's like a handstand push up,

but starting from laying on your belly.

The japanese handstand hold is not listed as a skill by itself,

but it's another interesting variation worth trying.

Next page, we've got straddle planche, full planche,

lowering to both of them from handstand,

pretty challenging stuff, but a big goal for a lot of us.

The piruets in handstand are a great way of increasing your control and body awareness in the position.

If you already can do the presses from L-sit or straddle L-sit from the previous page,

the roll variations shouldn't need much more practice.

The next page revolves around splits, so if anyone is into that stuff, there's something for you as well.

And that's everything from Floor exercises that I chose.

The next event is Pommel Horse, but I just skipped it because the exercises are very apparatus specific.

Then we get to the rings, which is the most strength oriented event.

There's not much stuff in the Kip & Swing elements that I'd like to talk about,

because I suppose not many of you have the olympic setup for rings.

Number 49 is an extreme challenge for the flexibility of your shoulders.

Number 55 is kip to support, pretty fun alternative for muscle up,

if you need to get above the rings.

The easier variation of this would be to land in the bottom position of ring dip,

but the full skill requires to land in the top position with straight arms.

Another variation of this skill is number 61, where you rotate the other way around.

Next page number 73 – back roll also known as felge, pretty technical,

but gives a lot of satisfaction when you finally succeed.

That's all for the kip/swing elements.

Moving on, we get to strength elements. Here you can find a lot of familiar stuff,

like L-sits, V-sit, back lever, front lever and maybe even some planche variations if you like the challenge.

Next page has 2 nice skills in the first column.

Press to handstand which technically requires a 2s hold at the end, but even if you put your legs on the straps it's very fun exercise.

The other skill is front roll which is a great way to strengthen your false grip and ring muscle up transition.

And lastly number 50, muscle up to back lever.

There's so much cool stuff aside from what I've talked about,

but most of it is so difficult I'm afraid to even hint it as a possible goal for an amateur.

The last event I'd like to go trough is Parallel Bars.

Vault and Horizontal Bar does not offer anything suitable for calisthenics.

On the first page of the Elements in support or through support I can see two positions – handstand hold and L-sit.

There are some other dynamic moves that would possible to learn,

but the gymnastic parallel bars are flexible, so they cushion the landing.

Most of regular dip bars are made of steel and are very rigid,

so any dynamic moves done on them would most probably result in an injury.

Number 26 six from the next page is another press to handstand variation, or even two of them –

bent arms straight body or straight arms bent body.

When you master the handstand piruet on the floor, then number 85 and 86 are two other variations of that.

And lastly number 61 from the swing portion of the skills.

This move is called a glide kip and you can just finish it with L-sit.

It's very similar to the glide kip on the bar, which is just another name for dynamic muscle up.

This is my list of skills that I'd like to be able to do at some point in my life.

There's so much stuff here, that learning all of that can take long years.

I like to come back to this book every couple months to search for some inspiration

and new ideas for my training sessions.

Let me know what you think about the idea of using this book for the purpose of evaluating your bodyweight training journey.

Hope you liked the video and as always I'll see you in the next one.

For more infomation >> THE SECRET BOOK OF CALISTHENICS (FREE) - Duration: 8:36.


Loslopende Leeuw in de dierentuin | Transavia Bucketlist Hunt #2 - Duration: 11:18.

For more infomation >> Loslopende Leeuw in de dierentuin | Transavia Bucketlist Hunt #2 - Duration: 11:18.


Mokita & Maty Noyes - Goodbye (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:35.

Mokita & Maty Noyes - Goodbye

For more infomation >> Mokita & Maty Noyes - Goodbye (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:35.


VINCHENZO beschrijft zijn perfecte MONA LISA! | Vluggertje #41 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> VINCHENZO beschrijft zijn perfecte MONA LISA! | Vluggertje #41 - Duration: 2:01.





HITRADIO RTL: Aschenbrödel Ausstellung in Moritzburg - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> HITRADIO RTL: Aschenbrödel Ausstellung in Moritzburg - Duration: 1:20.


Operation Plague Star 101! Reputation, Loot N' Rewards! [Warframe Guide] - Duration: 2:45.

Ahoy thar, Legion!

Looks like that saucy infested boil's finally burstin' with hot, juicy action for us in

Operation: Plague Star!

So let's take a look at how ya can squeeze the most outta it!

First up: Accept the Event bounty in Cetus, should be right on top of the list.

The guy will give you some background story about what-ev-er, but we're really only here for the loot.

Let's be honest ^_^

Now you'll need to run the Grineer Gauntlet!

And it's a multi-parter!

Head to whatever Cave they marked,

find the cicero toxin Hek stashed away for a rainy day,

hike it over to a mixing station.

Lotus apparently wants us to bake a cake as this takes some time to mix and you'll need to

defend the truck it's in! Which is a sentimental touch from, DE

as this was the most endearing

and least glitchy bounty mission in the update

then take the cake over to a Drone and defend THAT while it awkwardly takes your through

whatever is generally the most dangerous path to the objective, only to disappear when it

arrives, making me wonder why we couldn't have just walked it down here ourselves but

hey, I'm just an armchair developer, right EA?

Speaking of, is your face tired from all those canceled preorders yet?

Now just kill off the infested to fill up the meter and presto reward-o, you got yerself

some endo.

Or 100 kuva.

Try not to spend THAT all in one place!

Now run it four more times!

Then go to the mask vendor in Cetus who, for some reason, has the hidden power to destroy the

infested yet isn't handing it to anyone else in town, and is also charging us to save the

very place she lives in.

Spend all 5k rep you earned to rank up and choose the potion lookin' thing as your reward.

Now you can build this on your Liset and equip it on your gear wheel to use during the mixing

portion of the event missions.

Why would you do this?

As in typical Plains of Eidolon fashion, you need to grind standing to be able to unlock

ways to grind *more* standing.

If you spike the latte mixing machine with four of these, you'll walk away with an even

2,000 standing, which ain't bad.

You'll need that boosted rep to unlock later standing tiers to get the rare mods, gems,

fish parts, and even snipetron and the long-awaited ether daggers blueprints!

You can even get prebuilt forma, which is nice.

Oh and two arcanes that only work after a bullet or double jump and some infested Zaw

weapons, so there's that.

Also there's a dojo item but I don't know what that does yet as it takes a full 24 hours

to research so... there's that.

Ya know what?

I'll wait and tell ya what it does anyway!

Drop four of those in and it adds another 1000 standing and makes you fight up to four lephanti that can drop mods

from the hunter set!

It's mostly a kubrow/katbrow set thing minus one slash proc on crit primary weapon mod

that looks pretty--

Oh god, it's angry!

So that is Operation Plague Star!

Where the points don't matter and the rewards are... kinda worth it?

All in all a decent little event.

What do you think of the event Legion?

Let us know in the comments below!

Devstream 101 should be live right about now, so I'll recap that for ya as soon as possible.

As always thank-you for watchin' and catch you next time, Legion!

Take care!

For more infomation >> Operation Plague Star 101! Reputation, Loot N' Rewards! [Warframe Guide] - Duration: 2:45.


Le Malls ft. Imogen Mahdavi - Touch - Duration: 3:00.

♪ The oceans part ♪

♪ You and me in the middle ♪

♪ With a heavy heart ♪

♪ So much talk ♪

♪ But I just want to touch ♪

♪ You're a magnet marked ♪

♪ I just want to touch ♪

♪ I just want to touch ♪

♪ It was lighter than the air ♪

♪ It was warmer when we hold ♪

♪ I feel whenever we are near ♪

♪ The heavens open up ♪

♪ And we collide in our deep love ♪

♪ Falling hard ♪

♪ So much blue ♪

♪ In the echo pulling us apart ♪

♪ But I've found your arms ♪

♪ And I just want to touch ♪

♪ You're a magnet marked ♪

♪ I just want to touch ♪

♪ I just want to touch ♪

♪ It was lighter than the air ♪

♪ It was warmer when we hold ♪

♪ I feel whenever we are near ♪

♪ The heavens open up ♪

♪ And we collide in our deep love ♪

For more infomation >> Le Malls ft. Imogen Mahdavi - Touch - Duration: 3:00.


Sorting my whole Polymer Clay Collection l 150K Subs Special - Duration: 15:42.

Hello everyone I am LoreChirik todays video is for the special occasion

150,000 subscribers and today, I'm gonna sort all my polymer clay creations. Yes some with the hammer because as you see

I Got a little bit mess here, and all my shelves are full

I will sort it and organize not only physically, but also in the Snupps application

Ok so I start by taking out everything and then I will sort it by genre

You will not enter I'm recording

Meanwhile I will tell you about Snupps, its application where you can organize your items and collections

and there are some awesome groups where you can share your stuff and connect with people with similar passions

I Made a group called polymer clay creations

So you guys can join it and share images of your polymer clay creations there

There is also a support group for beginners in the polymer clay, so if you've got any questions

Post it in a group and I or someone else will be happy to answer them

In description of this video you will find our links to Snupps


You are not made of polymer clay. What you doing here ?


You want me to say something about you?


This is Zoe from Leauge of Legends, I made this drawing some time ago. It's in my channel so you can check it out later

Elficzek what you doing here?



Okay my cats will no longer make troubles and that's my whole polymer clay collection

Those are sculptures that I made some time ago, for some of them I recorded making process and actually there are for sale

There is huge discont on them now So if you're interested - link is in description below

There is time to add everythingto thesnaps Snupps application.

So I start with you Mr Dice

Everything is very easy. You create shelf then you write a tittle of the shelf

And then you add pictures after it right item title and description and that's it

I just created my very first shelf

Ok so next Goopy Le Grande

So let's start with my favorite the stone face. It is really cool sculpture because it have handmade

Glass eyes, and they look so realistic they were very expensive

But they realy fit in the sculpture. Also those stones are real citrine crystals and

Also, the grass is real. I have to cut it every week. Really! My second favorite the hobbit

Hole it is from the Lord of the Ring. It is a Bilbo Baggins hole home and

There is a video of making it on my channel. I had a very long moustaches back then

Now I don't have that long mustaches. It's not allowed in my country

Moving on to the next sculpture

that is

It's a mix of few animals elephant

Skeleton bird and a monkey because this is a hair

it took me around 30 years to make and

Guess what?....

It's Very Nice

The next I want to show you is a dragon, it's a white dragon it means he's from winter land

This is real snow and he have very beautiful face

Also, there is a video of making him on my channel watch it if you like dragons

moving on the horse and his rider

I Also like this one

It's a rhino with a mushrooms on his back and with a birch tail

With a latern at the end of the tail

it is very nice and the

Metaphorical and timeless sense of this sculpture is that...

That It makes

no sense at all

But this one makes sense it's a hand from the earth with the goods from the nature

like apples pears strawberries

Potatoes and


Don't know the names of all those fruits in English

But the meaning is that those healthly things were here for you before you born


Hm keep talking that's interesting

Moving on

Maybe this ONE

This is just a bird with a tree on his back

Another great idea and this is Griffin

Like my cat. The beige one, his name is Griffin, and this sculpture is not yet finished

I still need to finish the painting

But there is a video where I sculpt him you can find it on my channel in the videos tab

And there is some nice scenes with my cats

very inappropriate scenes

At this is (singing)

This is UFO aliens are inside another dragon

Very nicely done very like him, but there is one thing. I cannot stand he's always sleeping

always sleeping

But he's very nice

There is also a video of making him

But now let's not disturb his sleep and let's move on to another sculpture

This is fantasy shoe

Faries live inside it

And that's everything I can say about it

There is a video of making it

But it's very old my cats were very kitties back then

Two wolfes

One is black and one is white

Who will win?

the one that you will feed

LoreChirik 2017

And This is a siren, a mermaid

You know she lives in the water, and this is very unappropriate. I won't show it

Okay, I will but for a like. You give a like I show the boobs okay?

Ready?, we have to do it on the same time. I'm counting three two one

Another sculpture based on Lord of the Rings The Ent

A Little girl riding a mammoth, I really like those bags

I think I made very good job on them, but I have to show you something

Something that I am even more proud

The face of the little girl I spent a whole month doing only that face

this face is expressing love joy and happiness a

Water snail I look everywhere, but I couldn't find it is like a Charizard a species without ass

We need to wait for scientists to give an opinion about this, but my personal thoughts about it

Is that they excrete faecals through this hole.

Yes, it's a polymer clay creation the clay is under this grass

This sculpture has a deeper meaning

This is very nice side this one is very bad

and that it.

Okay, I got six level show and then will be smashing. I know you wait just for this, so bear with me

Another house this time is a witch house

it's very heavy and very nice and

This is a squirrel and it have a tree inside and the flower at the end of the tail

but the most important thing is that you can use it as a

knuckle duster

And a forest gnome

It looks like

combination of Gollum and Yoda, but we've awesome beard

I will have one like that in the future. You just wait until it grow

Elficzek we have rules here not disturbing when I'm recording

Is another water creature it is actually my first creation

From this collection that I am showing you right now

Another dragon the green dragon it is traditional polish dragon

Yes, we got

dragons as a pets right here and

Inside this egg is a little baby dragon and the last from this collection a forest cottage house

I really like this one. There is also a video where I make it, so if you like those kinds of art

You can watch it. How it was made.

Okay, so you saw all my sculptures.

And now I'm gonna show you my creations from another collection those are crystals

And I made bases for them and guess what the base is made from polymer clay

And I also made a box, maybe we'll put link and his face there

No, the box is to small..

Now I will show you my very first figure

It was made six years ago. It is me

This my girlfriend very big heart and

this is her dog and

This is his poop in a shape of heart

And those are my arms

It was here

and this is

Boss from World of Warcraft I made it in


It was made in normal clay

broke in the transport and

Yep, it have a sentimental value for me


Very nice made three or four years ago make in polymer clay yep a


Also from World of Warcraft, it's a paladin and also made from normal clay

What is that? This is Trico from Last Guardian

Made in plastiline made in plasticine I

Would smash it

but I can't I can't It is just lovely will smash something else and

This also is made in plasticline

You guys know who it is?

No? Yes? write in the comments, and I will give heart to the proper answer and

Will not smash it

Because it's a human being. This is a tower, but I don't remember doing this

and alien it was made few years ago and

It have very beautiful face

It was broken in the transport some time ago, so

We'll smash it

Are you ready for this??

Smash it!

WOW! Headshot! Let's see the effect. Very nice alien now Let's smash rest of his body

He is tough but I guess that's it for this alien

Now it's time for this buddy

Now when everything is added to my profile Snupps, it's time to fill the shelfs


Okay, so that's how it look on my shelf and now we'll take a look. How it look on the Snupps application

Okay guys, so that's how my profile on Snupps looks like

Here is the Shelf of all

bendy and the ink machine creations that I made and my other shelves

Okay guys

So that's it for this video leave a like if you enjoy it and follow me on Snupps also join my group on Snupps

All links you can find in the description below

Also, there is a video

similar to this that I made for

100,000 subscribers you can watch it by clicking this card here

Subscribe to my channel and tick the notification bell to see my new videos

Here you can find amazon links to all the tools and materials

I use you can support me my patreon or by buying my merch

Links are in the description and here are some my other videos that you also might enjoy. See you soon

For more infomation >> Sorting my whole Polymer Clay Collection l 150K Subs Special - Duration: 15:42.


BTS w/ Mark Wahlberg & Will Ferrell on "Daddy's Home 2" Presented by School of Rock | Nick - Duration: 1:12.

- Hey Nick fans, I am Aidan Miner.

- And I am Ricardo Hurtado.

[both] And we are from School of Rock.

- Here to tell you about the new movie Daddy's Home 2.

- So what's it like on set with nothing but dads?

Check out what the stars had to say.

- We are working together, Will and I.

We're co-existing quite nicely.

- Should we fist bump again? Or-

- I don't mind a second bump.

Until good ol' dad comes.

Everything is rock solid between me and Brad here.

In fact, best friends.

- Really?

- Brad. - Thank you.

- Stop it.

- I'm good. 'Cuz we are boys.

- In this movie, John and I are mirror images of each other.

Kind of a perfect father-son relationship.

- There's my big man.

- He hasn't seen his dad in a long time.

- It's only been two weeks but it feels like forever.

- It does, doesn't it?

- You have two extremely different dads.

- I am not going to wrestle an old man that's

hanging out in his hospital gown.

- Greco-Roman style.

- Hey!

- One completely tough love and the other soft love.

And you can guess which dad is which.

- And quiet game.

- I am terrible at this game! - I can't do it!

For more infomation >> BTS w/ Mark Wahlberg & Will Ferrell on "Daddy's Home 2" Presented by School of Rock | Nick - Duration: 1:12.


Woodturning Inside Out Open End Christmas Ornament With LED - Duration: 8:11.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns ( For this project, I wanted to make an inside

out ornament for the Christmas Ornament Challenge now going on. However, as I said before, this

one did not quite make it. One thing I've learned about inside out turnings is that

you have to be prepared for failure because they will often times go like that one.

So, I tried again. In this one, I wanted to extend the concept of inside out further and

make an open end. I decided to use a tea light again and set it on a loose tenon because

you have to access the tea light to turn it on and off and to replace it. That all comes

in through the bottom. And that made for a very interesting experience with this turning.

I'll show you later. Let's make this inside out open ended Christmas

ornament. I've prepared four square pieces of 2"

maple about 10" long, trying to have them as square as possible. Next, I'm spreading

white glue on only the last ½" of wood and gluing the four pieces together. I don't

like the craft paper alternative as it has a lot more clean up later. This way, I'll

saw off the ½" that has glue and not have to clean up the surface.

Now for the first turning. This is the inside profile. Despite having turned many inside

out pieces, I still have trouble visualizing the inside profile. I think it is because

I see the flat surface. But, the true profile is 40% different – in effect the diagonal

of the square. I'm trying for a flame portion at the top; a small portion to hold a battery

operated tea light. This time, I trying to leave flared strips at the bottom for an open

end. We'll see how that works out. After a thorough sanding, I'm applying brushing

lacquer. I like lacquer or shellac because it dries quickly and does not leave a streak

when I have to blend newly sanded areas together. After sawing off ½" from both ends, the

four pieces of wood come apart either by hand or with a gentle tap with a chisel and a mallet.

After a light sanding, I'm rotating each piece and gluing everything together again.

This time the entire flat surface gets a light coat of white glue. For this purpose, I like

white glue because any squeeze out will be clear. I'll let it dry thoroughly overnight.

The next day, I also applied CA glue to the joints – more insurance. Me paranoid. Yep!.

Back at the lathe, I'm first applying filament tape around the ends for more insurance. If

you don't wear a full face shield, now is the time to reform and wear one. This is going

to be even more dicey because I want two sections with cavities: the flame portion and the bottom

flare. I'm turning a tenon on the bottom portion so I can mount it to a chuck. The

chuck pressure on the four pieces will be even better insurance than the filament tape.

I'm still nervous enough to reapply the filament tape at least while I get started.

Now easy does it with a gouge. At first, I cut air as the wood is square. Then I cut

air and the inner cavity whips around. If I were to rely on bevel pressure to control

the cut, I would cut way too deep where there is an inside turning. So, very light cuts

are in order. I keep the speed high to lessen the air effect.

Now I have four slats joined only at the top and bottom. The wood is moving and I get chatter.

Nothing is solid anymore. I'm just waiting for this thing to explode. Slowing down is

not really an option. The only thing I can do it to take very light cuts.

Now, I'll sand it starting with 80 grit to take out the chatter. Normally, I slow

the lathe speed down to sand. This time, I'll keep the speed high. Rather than press sandpaper

against the wood with my hand, I'm holding the opposite ends and letting the middle contact

the revolving wood. Yes, it may round the edges a little but they are too sharp to risk

contact with my fingers. I'll sand up through the grits and do some sanding with the grain

with the lathe off. Whew, I made it to finishing with no explosion.

How about some more brushing lacquer. Maybe I can get an ornament out of this after all.

I don't think the top will hold together to hang directly. On other ornament, I've

had small portions come apart. So, I'm carefully reducing the top to a 3/8" tenon. Later

I'll turn a finial to cover. I used the band saw to trim out the bottoms.

That is when the piece broke at the top tenon. Disappointing, but I think I can still save

it. I had planned for a top finial that would

be complicated by having to mount to the tenon. I prefer it the other way around. Since the

top broke, I will still have a tenon but I also want a cupped portion around that for

the tops of the wood pieces. That wasn't too bad.

The final piece is a platform for the tea light to sit on. I'm integrating the platform

with a lower finial. The first thing is to cut a tiny tenon below the platform. I'm

disguising the tenon with a small round over. Then reverse then platform into small chuck

jaws to finish turning the finial. Assembly consists of taping the slats together

and inverting them into the top finial. I turned a small piece with a cone on one side

and a hemisphere on the other. I'm gluing this into the top of the slats with CA glue.

Whew – My ornament and I survived – just barely. I've come to the conclusion that

when I do an inside out turning, I have to be prepared for failure. Many things can go

wrong – But, if I can finish it, I can be justifiably proud of the result. I can see

ways to refine this ornament. But for now, it's a great keeper.

That's all for my inside out ornament with flashing LED. Please give this video a thumbs

up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends. Please wear your full face shield

–goggles are not enough protection- Don't wait to realize this later. I am Alan Stratton

from As Wood Turns dot com. Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Woodturning Inside Out Open End Christmas Ornament With LED - Duration: 8:11.


Medical Examiner Reveals Lil Peep's Cause of Death - Duration: 2:13.

What's up, guys?

Beija here for Complex News.

Lil Peep, born Gustav Åhr, passed away on Wednesday night, November 15.

He was just 21-years-old.

Peep's body was found on his tour bus in Tuscon, Arizona where he was on the road for

his Come Over When You're Sober Tour.

Pitchfork reported the Pima County medical examiner's office as saying Peep's cause of

death was a drug overdose.

Peep has been known to abuse drugs, particularly xanax.

An official cause of death won't likely be released until a toxicology report is undergone,

which on average takes 6-8 weeks to complete.

Fans and celebrities alike took to social media to pay their respects and share their

condolences to the 21-year-old artist.

Uzi Vert said:

"We Would love 2 stop .....But Do You Really Care Cause We Been On Xanax All Fucking Year

..Rip Buddy I 100% Understand and I Don't Fault U"

It seems Uzi is looking to Lil Peep's death as a wake up call and is attempting to stop

his own drug use.

"Sober 2 day I have been shaking.

I have been cursing my love ones out and fighting In the studio with no thoughts in my head

Teeth biting down because I just wanna be angry at something ......maybe I will just

smoke weed tonight"

Others have also taken Peep's death as a lesson on drug use and mental health.

"Lil peep was crying for help and abusing drugs and still none of us knew this is really

a wake up call for everyone.

Ask your friends how they're really feeling and spread some positivity #riplilpeep #lilpeep"

"Rip to a legendary legend, you made music that most despised.. your odd looks turned

heads, you will forever be remembered as an Wonderful artist #lilpeep #riplilpeep it's

time for us as an society to wake tf up and pay more attention to Our Mental illness community!

Rest easy"

Makonnen expressed his grief by writing:

"I'm never gonna be ok.

I'll always love u, we became best friends and made some of the best music I have ever

been apart of.

I'm gonna miss u forever "Little".

Always in my heart and soul.

Thank u for being my real friend"

Multiple other artists also shared their heartbreak and shock at the news of Peep's passing:

"i wanna fucking cry"

"This terrible news of Lil Peep passing away breaks my heart."

"I remember Lil peep telling me he is against the sexual abuse of women and people in the

music industry...

I will continue to push his vision thank you - Lil B"

"R.I.P Lil Peep Dawg"

"So young.

So sad.

RIP @Lilpeep"

That's the news for now, but for all the latest news on Lil Peep, subscribe to Complex

News on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

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