Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

The two women said: can you drive with normal speed.

I said: This is a regular road.

They repeaded it again.

I said: I am driving normal speed. I was only going 40 km/h. This is the Motorcycle. It is so loud.

The two women said: yes it's true it's too loud.

I said. But thats legal.

For more infomation >> Guy Flies Up On Me | Stupid, Crazy & Angry People Vs Bikers 2017 - Duration: 10:20.


Angry BIKERS Vs Stupid People #2 - Duration: 10:10.

For more infomation >> Angry BIKERS Vs Stupid People #2 - Duration: 10:10.


New Bangla Funny Video |এ কেমন GF | Bangla Funny Video | MultiTalentedClub | Bangla Funny Video 2017 - Duration: 4:07.

Subscribe Our Channel For Next Update

For more infomation >> New Bangla Funny Video |এ কেমন GF | Bangla Funny Video | MultiTalentedClub | Bangla Funny Video 2017 - Duration: 4:07.


Colors Cars and Superheroes Cartoon for Kids and Toddlers Cartoons about Cars and Spiderman - Duration: 11:07.

Colors Cars and Superheroes Cartoon for Kids and Toddlers Cartoons about Cars and Spiderman

For more infomation >> Colors Cars and Superheroes Cartoon for Kids and Toddlers Cartoons about Cars and Spiderman - Duration: 11:07.


FOUND MY LOST BROTHER (PAUL?) - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> FOUND MY LOST BROTHER (PAUL?) - Duration: 10:33.


Flat Tire Long Jump Challenge! |Sick Series #32 - Duration: 11:07.

There is the bed of nails

hey guy´s, it´s us again, sick series

and today we have again something special for you

we saw a Challenge from Scotty Cranmer, maybe you know him from YouTube

it was a long jump flat tire Game

Flat tire Challenge

and for this we prepaired a bed of nails

it looked like good fun, so we also thought to do a little challenge

have a look at the nails

so we will see some flat tires haha

we won´t do it alone, we have some special guests with us

our first guest is Vito Köstler

some will know him from some other episodes

second one is Dominik, our Young Gun

Sick Series Young Gun

and last but not least Stefan Eberharter

vice World Champion in Trials

and European Champ

bed of nails is ready, we are ready

let´s go, see who will get the first flat tire

This will be the winner trophy - the golden nail

we prepaired a small jump

and there you can see the marks

we will start with 1 meter

Dominik is pretty young, so we don´t want him to jump over the nails

we prepaired a "bed of nails prototype" without nails for him

this will be his bed of nails

so the young gun will start

and now it´s time for the real gun haha

now it´s gonna be sharp

Vito has a small handicap because he is riding a trials bike so he can´t get that much speed

but no problem for him

good my friend

so next step - 2 meters

the street is gonna be naily again

it was close

oh yeah, this one was easy

I think he is going to do any trick

ok, game goes on - next step

let´s change the gun again

next one Elias

so next round, and I think we will see a flat tire now

have fun Vito

I think I´ve to risk anything

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the first flat tire

Next one Elias over 3,5 meters


haha how would I have laughed

it´s gonna be closer

what´s next? 4 meters right?

he risks anything

I´m friendly to my tire - so I will jump over the bed of nails

Vito 4 meters

He is nervous

so Vito is out

We have the first looser

see if the next one gets a flat tire

he don´t do tricks any more

next one Stefan

so, again the prototype

and we reached the 4,5 meters

sick job dude

sick, was cool!

lesser and lesser

4,5 meters for Elias


this one was looking good dude

so, 5 meters

we really reached the 5 meter mark

ok, good let´s go!

now I´m excited

now it´s gonna be excited, because we have the next candidate

so now I´m really excited

I think we will see the next flat tire now

now it´s gonna be pretty far

so it´s your turn

pretty impressive distance

so now I´m excited

5,50 meters

this is a flat tire hahah

I thought pull pull pull and woooa

a backwheel slide on the bed of nails

I never thought that I will come that far!

I´m excited

so we have the first finalist

so and now

It´s time for Stefan´s try

I´m excited

so Fabio is the winner again

but we all need a flat tire

let´s push you until you´ll also get a flat tire

until the end haha

see how far I can jump

so 6 meters, I´m excited

let´s go, do it!

the distance looks soo far

and have a look at this, at least with this mini ramp

have a look a this mini ramp

and also the in-run is limited because of our bikes

yeah, because we can´t pedal faster

have a look at this

over there is the bed of nails

are you ok?

slipped away from the pedal and then straight over the handlebar right?

I think that was a sick ending

sick ending, yeah

A short info for anyone, please don´t do this at home, at least not with a bed of nails

you can try it over a carton or something like this because it´s a little bit dangerous

and for this Dominik don´t get a real bed of nails

we have a winner of the bed of nails Game

and today I´ll be the men who gives the trophy to the winner

congrats Fabio

Thank you very much!

the golden nail

yeah sick, this trophy means a lot to me

have a look at Stefans YouTube Channel

also Vito, I think Dominik don´t have a YouTube Channel

but have a look at his Instagram Page

In this case, thanks for watching! Cheers!

For more infomation >> Flat Tire Long Jump Challenge! |Sick Series #32 - Duration: 11:07.


Qarz Ki Adaigi K Liye Wazifa by kamran sultan | Qarz ko ada karne ka wazifa - Duration: 3:42.

Qarz Ki Adaigi K Liye Wazifa by kamran sultan | Qarz ko ada karne ka wazifa

For more infomation >> Qarz Ki Adaigi K Liye Wazifa by kamran sultan | Qarz ko ada karne ka wazifa - Duration: 3:42.


【完整版】如果婚姻可以談合約!你簽得下去嗎?2017.11.17小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:29.

For more infomation >> 【完整版】如果婚姻可以談合約!你簽得下去嗎?2017.11.17小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:29.


A Day in the Life YouTube - Duration: 10:54.

Our vortex is one negative three.

Our vision in Lake Washington School District

is every student future ready.

Prepared for college, prepared for the global workplace,

prepared for personal success.

From the moment our students arrive at school

we are working to give them the knowledge,

skills and attributes that every student needs to be future ready.

I'll see you later.

Our strategic goals support this vision

and are evidenced each day in the life of our students.

I'm Niamh Sheehy and I'm a senior at Redmond High School.

Redmond High School doesn't feel that big,

doesn't feel too small either.

...Better rewrite my speech... are you ready for that today?

I like school, I like a lot it's kind of like a social hour,

but also where you learning.

Well another group is doing Democrats only like the stereotypical Democrat.

...I thank you... I'll see you later.

The hallway get pretty crowded sometimes.


I'm Kayrene Walker, I'm in eighth grade.

Rose Hill Middle School's great.

I have like personal relationships with people here.

There's a lot of teachers and staff that are really welcoming.

And they have conversations with you.

Attention actors auditions are next week for the spring Rose Hill play.

Have a mighty Monday Royals.

My name is Luan and I go to John Muir Elementary.

I was from Brazil, I speak Portuguese.

Luann what did you put?

The airport... I put A....

I come early because I have my morning group.

The morning group it's for like another reading group

that I can learn more words and the thing.

It was like, a little bit hard but now I mean but I I'm met I'm at this guy named

Gabriel that he speak Portuguese and he and he speak a lot of English too

and I asked him to help me and he did.

...You have to line up at the thing...

First period I have computer science.

The lights are working as they should...

...And it worked when you just plugged it directly?... Yeah...

That's been a lot of fun to challenge myself

to use the programming skills I've learned

but also being able to build with my hands.

Actividad F dos punto dieciocho actividad F.

Education to me is like kind of learning

all the things you need to know to like get into college

and have a good education and then get a good job.

Yo quiero saber como se dice en espanol step sister.

Okay it's hermanstra.

Come to school and you get taught and you

like learn those things and you always put those into practice

it helps you a lot in just like how you function in life, I guess.

My grandparents were born in Denmark.

They came to the United States. all the personal was born in vice

Oliver's mom was born in Iceland.

I believe Luan has come from Brazil. They just came last spring.

Some of you asked during the primary source analysis when Henry Ford was

paying his workers, what was it, $5 a day.

In my social studies class we're learning about history of like our state.

What will happen to the wages of workers and why?

They're going down.

And so I'm really like expecting there to be like really

good lessons on ethnicity and what different cultures

have kind of benefitted us.

And you pour water and most things and water starts to make it dissolve.

Teachers are excellent.

...sometimes its a solid...

I'd honestly say between the English department, math, history, science

all of them.

I have three groups actually. I have my morning, my reading and my Math group.

...the long I sound...

Everyday I'm learning I'm learning new words.

a long time ago they then delivered coffee in their horse and wagon.

I really want pasta right now. We had pork

yesterday so we got like slider buns put some pork on it some barbecue sauce

(music) we are thankful we are thankful, we are thankful oh we are thankful.

Oh thankful for the things we do, thankful for the things we do...


I started playing cello in fourth grade


When you play an instrument you activate almost all parts of your brains because

you're reading music and you're keeping a tempo in your head and you're

translating what you're reading to what you're doing and you have to also watch

everyone around you and so I think it's the most sometimes it's most challenging

but it also is most rewarding.

Oh is that negative 32?

...This is negative 32...this is negative X

So F equals 32

Let's get out homework from Friday

There's a lot of really great teachers here. I thought what's another relationship I see...

When I go into the class I'm just like looking forward to more work

...wait supplementary is...

I'm kind of working towards getting into a good college,

but also all A's is a really big thing for me.

I've a B+ in a class and I want to get up to an A

cuz that it's just like a high standard I put for myself.


So what was the purpose of this writing, what did we do?

I really like writing

...and then you went on to say...First thing that I like about...

We can write a lot of things

like we can write about what do we did at the week.

We can write about our favorite things. We can write about almost everything.

So I completely changed it up.

Working with Republicans and Democrats to form a bipartisan solution

I think my favorite part about school is the social aspect and not

necessarily just hanging out with your friends. But being able to work in groups

or bounce ideas off each other. But it's also nice to see familiar friendly faces every day.


meet you at the soccer field okay?...okay.

I'm gonna give you this time than to embellish your introduction.

Start drafting your rough draft.

does it need to be by a famous person? No...really good...

We have computers, we're

allowed to use them for any school related things.

It's like it gives us responsibility.

...just plug it in here...

We can use it for Haiku and Skyward.

So we get to check our grades and all of ourassignments are on haiku

and in science class when we were just taking that test.

We, like that was on haiku and we got to

see our scores right away which is really nice


Starting this research project we're going to be really focusing on using databases

We have great resources.

The KCLS databases we have, there's 70 or 60

Learning experiences gets you prepared for college

and I sat in on a couple of college classes while doing my college visit

and one of the assignments they had reminded me of something I've done in high school.


Do we want to actually use that as a slogan?...Yes...

6th period is History/AP Government which he's a lot of fun.

It is just epic one state Senate race.

A vote for Niamh is a vote for someone who is knowledgeable,

passionate and experienced. Thank you for your time.

We have a bunch groups of four people

and they're making fake campaigns to get someone elected for the 1st congressional district .


Regardless of which color you choose. You are going to have an opportunity to participate at some level within.

I get to be a leader in this school and have a

lot of different opportunities that other students don't have and that's

like really cool to be a part of.

...lets count by 2...2 4 6 8 10...5 twos.

As the day ends, the hallways empty and the students head home.

The work doesn't end. Every day matters.

Everyday we are working to ensure our students, will graduate prepared to lead

a rewarding responsible life as a contributing member

of our community and greater society.

And every day our students are learning, growing and

reaching greater heights.

we are proud ofour students and we are proud to be Lake Washington School District


For more infomation >> A Day in the Life YouTube - Duration: 10:54.


Anime Mix Music Vines 80 #amv - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> Anime Mix Music Vines 80 #amv - Duration: 10:01.


Чуйский тракт от слияния рек Чуя и Катунь до села Акташ - Duration: 7:51.

Chuyski tract from the confluence Chuya and Katun rivers to the Aktash village

For more infomation >> Чуйский тракт от слияния рек Чуя и Катунь до села Акташ - Duration: 7:51.


How to Monetize a Website With 1 Million Visitors - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> How to Monetize a Website With 1 Million Visitors - Duration: 5:31.


How Much it Really Costs to Advertise Your Business - Duration: 9:43.

For more infomation >> How Much it Really Costs to Advertise Your Business - Duration: 9:43.


How to download YouTube video on your PC // খুব সহজে কিভাবে সফটওয়ার ছাড়া YTube video download - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> How to download YouTube video on your PC // খুব সহজে কিভাবে সফটওয়ার ছাড়া YTube video download - Duration: 4:21.


Как достигать своей цели. - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Как достигать своей цели. - Duration: 3:35.


5 Transformers Gun/Robot Review - (Monsieur Toys) FR - Duration: 14:01.

HI guys

Here the arrival of the morning

These are robots who turn into guns

I particularly love this types of toys

but this time is different, they are Chinese toys.

Here you can see the robot mode. His name is Warren.

It's a Colt Python 357.

From a toy line called TransformGuns

Created by Majal

I don't have much information on this Chinese company

On the back you can see the other robots / Guns

with the small leaflet that goes well in Chinese.

well let's open a whole and then see what happens

FYI I paid 20 euros for them 5 so 4 euros for 1 toy

I don't expect to have a great quality here

but that's not bad at all

you will need to have a child's hand to be able to hold it.

There is a small card inside with a sniper rifle

and technical details.

it's a shame if it is not the card of that pistol

I saw that there are some bullets inside

I look forward to fire

We can't pull the trigger cause it don't moove.

I'll make room on that table ...

It enters the barrel and there is a little switch here

Hop and voila!

why not ... let's do it again for fun!

Let's Transform !

if ever it takes too long

and I can not turn it, I promise you

I will accelerate parts when i'll be stuck

that's like now for instance ...

I guess the stock opens into parts

but how ?

Ok ... here it comes off turning the barrel

Here it must be the arms

That seems to be the legs

with small joints and feet are here

Must detach the two parts like this

I think the head is here

The face is painted green

It remains only to turn this to get to the other side ...

Ok I think it's over

I can't really see the arms... OK ... Ah!

they are hidden inside.

They were hidden here.

It needs maybe a little bit of customization because you can not see them much.

So here's Warren!


I forgot to pull this behind the gun ...

It is rather good ...

I like the spoiler side behind his arms.

I'm pretty happy with it

What you think about it ?

There's also a ral life size version of this toy

but it's very hard to find, although it is a cheap toy.

It was Warren the Colt Python 357

Sold !

Meet MARS a replica of a Beretta 92.

Come on let's see what he has in the belly!

Another card that has nothing to do with toy inside

Not even with those on the back of the box

Why not ?!...

Here is the beast ... Come to me baby!

Ok this is pretty good

Metallic paint on the stock attracts attention

Some projectiles inside

Let's try them

Same loading as is buddy

Put it in and with the help of that switch on the top...


We will move to the transformation of the beast.

So it's evident that part here is a little bit loose

It is easily detached

I guess it works as RoboColt or G1 Megatron.

Oh ok I understood

What is nice is that there is a pins to switch the nail

Good game !


Here is lifted ... Here it goes ...

It's a reminiscent of the Diaclone 's RoboColt or Takara's Gun Robo

Tthe cannon transform into arms

This slot here that bothers me...

Leg just lower here

Then I guess you turn it all around ...

It's head is missing...

Hello ! Ooops !

wrong side

Voila ... it is clearly painted with an ass

I don't know what happened to the chin ...

but there is a big bleed of painting


This slot is bothering me again...


The crotch here is a little bit odd

looks like pelvic organ descent

or it carries a layer


A robot with a gun arm is always appreciated

I will stop harp on this slot

never mind

Not to mention the ball inside to break the

A 4 € for that figure, I can't complain too much

Not bad

I like the blue with metallic burgundy on the butt

he looks cool

Apart the layer / organ descent and drooling chin thing

I have a preference for his homie here

but it is pretty cool

Now the sniper rifle!

His nickname is OAGUS weapon Reference: AW338

Hopefully that is as cool as the previous ones

The soldiers on the packaging are those of the cover of the game Call of Duty GHOST ...

The toy has nothing to do with the game of course...


The card corresponds with the toy !!!


good practice

Come to daddy

it looks pretty good with this tripod

and so has the scope that comes over

the scope....

Unfortunately it does not stay on it at all

There spring inside and a rod to draw beads

It is unfortunate that the scope can't settle better

impossible to keep it in position


Again that's a € 4 i will not be too hard on it

This time they are small round bullets in the packaging

Let's see out to shoot them

One inside the scope them pull this

nothing extraordinary here

otherwise it's pretty cool

Let's transform it now

how it works...

I guess you have to separate these two parts

Let's start with the bottom

Here are the legs


Both parts open

and form the arms

The head must be somewhere...

- "I can't see anything guys!"

- "get this thing out of my face!"

Nice blue on the head

not bad

That it can be reused as a weapon for the robot

this is his weapon

Now the Scope ...

it is positioned here

it's nice that it holds up well this time

ok I think we are done with WAGUS

Welcome home

Come on!

This one is called TANK

it is an anti tank Tank M932

It turns into a German Mauser pistol

We will see what's in the box ...

Bad habits are back again...

bad card

let's forget this

There is also deadly balls inside

Good looking !

Nice chrome on the barrel

A spring system with a small trigger below

Let's transform it !

We must open the charger and turn the two parts

normally they are caterpillars

The gun will go back down

The transformation are simple

I admit I struggled with the first one

but for the others it was easy.

Quite spontaneously, I would say intuitivley

I think he has a head

even if it's not a robot itself

Not bad at all

Look like an anti-tank

also approved!

I like the wheel behind

Please leave comments about what you think about it

even as a chinese 4 € toy, do you think it worth the look?

Last but not least

Here comes ROGER

Roger can you hear me ?

it is a Chinese 54 Noriko

The 3D characters on the packaging looks nice so ...

Just forget about the card ... that's a lost cause

It's like a big, flappy, messy mystery.

continue in the discovery of the last gun

It has pretty Chrome

It has an accessory that should be a flashlight

but also used to eject the small bullets.

Ok let's transform Roger into his robot mode

Remove this

Need to split this thing in half

The head appears to be red

What else ?....this goes down

The legs ... down ...

I guess you turn it like that

that's what it comes to putting on the sides?

I have not felt


I'll put it behind to give him a booster

Here is Roger in it's Robot mode

Job done !

Ok guys ! Tell me which one is your favorite ?

This is mine, I like his aerodynamic style

Leave comments, Like, Share, it's always a pleasure

Thank you for watching this video

especially if you got this far ... Congratulations !

See you soon for some new MechAdventures !

On s'dit à plus ?

Bye bye

Ciao !

hasta la vista baby !

For more infomation >> 5 Transformers Gun/Robot Review - (Monsieur Toys) FR - Duration: 14:01.


Harmonia do Samba feat. Anitta - Tic Nervoso (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Harmonia do Samba feat. Anitta - Tic Nervoso (Clipe Oficial) REAÇÃO - Duration: 5:21.


Hello World - Duration: 2:00.

Hello world

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