Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

In the summer before I went off to graduate school, I was trying to stack as much money

as I possibly could.

This included working full time, taking up odd-jobs on Craigslist like helping people

move, and tutoring high school students.

One day while browsing Craigslist, I came across an ad for work as a junior animator

/ video editor.

It paid $20/hour, so I instantly applied.

I had passing familiarity with animation programs because my friend and I had spent years trying

to design a simple video game.

And my video editing was quite good, because I had run a popular YouTube channel when I

was younger.

I got the job.

It was weirder than I expected.

The company was in a nondescript business complex in Irvine, and every employee had

an electronic badge that unlocked doors.

Certain levels of employees could unlock certain doors.

Being at the bottom tier, I could only unlock the entrance, the door to the room I worked

in, and the conference room where we'd have weekly meetings.

I never saw any other rooms in the building, and never spoke with anyone who worked in


There were seven animators including me.

We sat in a row of cubicles in our own small room.

Our job was to edit cartoon knock-offs of popular children's characters, typically

Spiderman, Elsa, Spongebob, My Little Pony, etc.

We worked on one or two videos per week, and basically we just created cartoon objects

and settings.

The work was surprisingly simple.

There was very little real "animation" required.

The job paid so much that I hardly paid attention to how strange it was.

The company divided our labor in such a way that none of us animators ever saw a video

in its entirety.

We each worked on a few seconds of it, and often, the project would be taken away from

us and transferred to another department before we were finished.

The rules were odd.

The animators and I were not allowed to speak to each other under any circumstance.

We were not permitted to exchange names or introduce ourselves.

Speaking, or looking at another person's computer, was a terminatable offense.

No two people were allowed in the break room at the same time, and no cell phones were

permitted inside the building.


The room was strange too.

It was blue.

Everything was blue.

The walls, the chairs, the keyboards, the door.

A blue air freshener was taped to the wall of each work station, but it didn't smell

like anything.

There was one object that was red: a telephone.

It rang every so often, but we were not allowed to answer it.

I was instructed to stand up from my chair and stretch each time it rang, but over time,

I noticed that the other employees had been instructed to do other things.

One of them took deep, slow breaths.

One of them put his head down on his desk.

Two of them left the room and returned.

One swirled around in his chair.

One coughed.

I noticed a few other weird things about the company during my short time there.

It wasn't unusual to see employees crying as they made their way through the halls.

Any time I spotted one of them crying, they always tried to hide it.

Some of them couldn't.

On a few occasions I saw a child wandering through the halls looking for someone, or

maybe for a bathroom.

When I brought this up to my supervisor, he told me "It's bring your kid to work day

for the department upstairs."

He told me that three times in two months.

Things started to get really uncomfortable around the two-month-mark.

One day, when I checked my company email account for the weekly briefing/workload assignment,

there was an email titled "Lullaby."

Inside was a link to a short, low-resolution video of a young girl asleep in a bed.

She babbled in what I believe was Russian or Ukrainian, and occasionally fidgeted or

brought her hands up defensively to protect her face.

It was clear that she was having a nightmare.

Behind her, on the bedpost, was a blue air freshener, much like the one next to me in

my cubicle.

Whimsical vaudeville music played in the background.

I examined the recipients and sender of the email, and found that it had been sent from

inside the company to several employees on a list.

I forwarded the email to my boss and asked him what the deal was, and he quickly responded

that it was a joke from our partners overseas, and that I had been mistakenly added to the

recipient list.

He told me to ignore it and keep up the excellent work, and that my review would be coming up,

with the possibility of a raise.

More than $20/hour?

I guess my memory is for sale, because I quickly forgot about the video.

Only a few days later, when I returned to the office after a holiday weekend, there

was another email waiting for me, titled "Be brave, Spidey!"

I was reluctant to open it, and now I wish I hadn't.

Inside was a link to a Russian-language website.

When I clicked it, I saw a video of a real kid, probably four or five years old, dressed

as Spiderman.

The boy sat in what looked like a child's bedroom.

His mask was pulled down, and his costume sleeve was pulled up.

The boy screamed and cried as an adult man wearing a Hulk costume gave him three different

injections with a long needle.

Off-screen, another person hurled stuffed animals at the kid, hitting him in the head

with them, and even once hitting the needle as it stuck into his arm, causing the kid

to wail even louder.

By the end of the short clip, the boy was shaking and nearly catatonic.

The Hulk man laughed and danced around him almost ritually.

Cheerful kid's music played the entire time.

As far as I could tell, the video was not acted.

What I saw was a real "medical" procedure, and real terror.

Horrified, I emailed my boss, demanding an explanation.

I received none after about an hour (normally he replies within minutes or even seconds),

so I left my cubicle and stormed down the hall to knock on his office door.

As I passed by our conference room, I heard my boss's muffled voice, and then a bunch

of other racket.

I was so angry and freaked out that I didn't care if I interrupted him – I badged the

electronic lock and cracked the door open.

The conference room was dark, but I could see about fifteen men sitting inside at the

far end of the wall.

Most of them were dressed nicer than me, so I knew that they were senior employees who

worked upstairs.

A video played on a large screen at the other end of the room, and even though I couldn't

see it from my angle, I recognized the sounds.

They were watching the same horrific video I'd seen an hour before.

Some of the employees smoked cigarettes, like they were at a fucking gentleman's club.

Perhaps strangest of all, a conference phone sat in front of them, and a loud voice came

through the speaker, talking in Russian.

One of the men in the room occasionally replied in Russian.

I left work early that day, too freaked out to return to my station.

By the time I got home I had a missed call from my boss, and a voicemail summarily terminating

me, stating that the project was complete and that unfortunately our entire team was

no longer needed.

I didn't give a shit.

I didn't plan on going back anyway.

I spent the rest of the summer doing odd jobs, and trying to forget that company.

But weird shit continued happening, and it got worse and worse.

A few weeks later, I visited my brother and his wife at their home in southern California.

My niece Katie was five years old at the time, and could already operate electronics better

than I can.

She's got an iPad, and spent a bunch of time showing me photos she'd taken of birds

and insects and people.

She's also got Netflix and YouTube, and watches those regularly.

One night during my visit, my brother and I were on the couch watching one of the Hobbit


Katie was lying prone on the floor nearby, watching a cartoon on her iPad.

When I leaned over and asked what she was watching, I immediately recognized the cheaply

animated characters.

It was a video I myself had edited.

I recognized the ringing red phone, which I had designed after the phone in our office.

I recognized the glass bottle the characters drank from.

And I recognized the way the joints and jaws moved – all things I had worked on at one

point during my brief stint at that company.

But I had never seen a full video.

This one was about five minutes long.

It featured two cartoon kids dressed up in Elsa and Spiderman costumes, stealing their

father's beer and getting drunk.

Then, one of the kids trips and falls, smashing his face into a desk and splitting his skull


Blood sprays everywhere.

I was confused and disturbed by this video, but it wasn't until YouTube's stupid Autoplay

feature cycled to another "recommended video" that I really freaked out.

Another video played, then another, and another, all products of my company, some of which

I'd worked on.

Every video featured recognizable children's characters from Disney and Marvel and other

big brands, but something weird – or violent – or sexual – took place in them.

I pulled Katie away from the iPad and put Finding Nemo on the TV for all of us to watch.

Before I returned home, I warned my brother about what I had seen, and advised him to

keep her off YouTube for a bit.

It wasn't until I returned home and started digging around on YouTube that the true scope

of these fucked up videos came to light.

I found several channels with child-oriented names like "Silly Hero Fun" (not a real

name, mods), all of which produce videos exactly like the ones I'd worked on.

They all specifically target children using familiar characters, and they all link to

more legitimate cartoons via the "recommended videos" algorithm.

The more I watched, the deeper the rabbit hole seemed to go.

These videos are constantly removed, re-named, and re-uploaded, over and over and over.

After watching about a hundred of these videos, I found that they all shared certain similarities,

and can be divided into recurring themes.

By Intergalactic NoSleep Law, I'm not allowed to link the videos or mention the YouTube

channel names, but if you want to find these videos for yourself, simply type "Elsagate"

into YouTube and you will see for yourself.

WARNING: the cartoon videos are disturbing, and the live-action ones are outright depraved.

I consider some of them to be actual child abuse.

The themes I've identified are as follows:

Some of the videos show characters stealing alcohol and hurting each other.

One shows child-versions of Mickey Mouse getting drunk on their dad's beer and then one of

them splits his head open.

This same video has been re-skinned over and over with Elsa and Spiderman, Paw Patrol,

and Minions.

Getting drunk and hurting yourself is ubiquitous in these videos.

Also, burning yourself on a stove or getting sucked into an escalator are common.

Accidental injury is the driving plot device.

Search "Elsa drunk hurt head" or "Mickey drunk hurt head."

It works with Spiderman, Hulk, etc.

The phobia of spiders and insects is another common theme.

I found a video showing Minions covering themselves in disgusting-looking bugs.

The end of the video depicts a man drinking a bottle of urine, which I'll discuss below.

Another video shows Elsa, Spiderman, and the Hulk all being swarmed by insects.

Sometimes they require hospitalization and surgery because of the bugs.

The characters always react with horror to bugs, and the bugs always injure them.

Search terms include "Mickey insects" or "Elsa insects gross."

Drinking from toilets, eating poop, drinking urine, and smearing feces on people's faces

is another theme commonly portrayed in these videos.

Many of them are live-action, with real actors dressed in costumes that target the attention

of children.

In one video, Spiderman and Elsa drink from toilets, and also find insects in one.

In another, Venom buries Elsa alive and shits on her head.

Another shows the Joker feeding excrement to Elsa and Spiderman.

Any of the character names with the word "poop" or "toilet" will return these videos.

Extreme medical violence and the phobia of sharp objects is yet another theme you'll

find in these videos: children cutting each other's fingers off with razors; doctors

forcing needles into children's arms, eyes, and rectums; and gory surgery are all present.

In one, Hulk crushes Elsa's bones and she requires injections.

In another, Hulk gets needles shoved into his face and has his eyes pulled out with


In that same video, Spiderman throws sand in a child's eye, and the child requires

injections in said eye.

Spiderman later gets sick from eating bad food and requires needles to be shoved into

his body in multiple places.

Search terms include "Hulk eye injection," "Elsa surgery," or "Spiderman/Elsa sick."

Pregnancy is frequently depicted as a curable illness.

Unsurprisingly, the cure is an abortifacient injected directly into the woman's stomach.

The worst video I found depicts tummy-aches, illness, and pregnancy in a very blended way,

all of which require the use of needles to "cure."

In another live-action video with real people, an evil doctor chases pregnant children around

with a giant needle while they scream and cry.

Many of the pregnant women give birth to insects, or to logs of shit.

Search terms include "Elsa pregnant surgery" and "Elsa pregnant injection."

Really any of these cartoon names with "pregnant" works.

The helplessness of children to protect themselves from adults is a popular theme, especially

in the live-acted videos.

In many of them, a very large adult man dressed as Hulk grabs children by their necks, holds

them to the ground, rubs his ass all over their faces, or otherwise beats them up.

Search terms include "bad hulk superhero battle."

It gets worse and worse the more you follow the video trail.

There are also tons of videos of toddler-aged girls being kidnapped and tied down by adult

men, depicted in a playful manner.

Many of the men are wearing frightening Halloween masks.

The children are often crying and are not having fun at all.

Some appear in pain.

So many of these have been reported/taken down by YouTube that now the channel has converted

all video titles to Russian, and they cannot be searched in English.

This is the sickest channel I found, and the point where I completely stopped watching.

Sexualization of children and depiction of pregnant children as a good thing: Many of

the "Elsagate" videos depict children in an arguably sexual light.

The most popular channel with this kind of content stars two young Asian girls, and has

three million subscribers.

Many of the videos depict butt-shaking, "playing doctor," and fake-vomiting.

Others show girls and even boys celebrating their own pregnancies.

I won't even provide search terms for these.

Just don't.

It took me a while, and a bit of research, to pick up on the purpose of these videos.

At face value, they're all a bunch of psychotic nonsense.

But when I started to see how they all mimic each other and build on each other, I realized

that they must have a grand purpose:

-The fact that there are thousands of these videos, but they all cover the same seven

topics, screams conditioning.

The creators of these videos are banking on the probability that if kids watch enough

of the videos, they'll be saturated with two or three ideas: Hit your friends.

Blood is funny.

Poop is for eating.

When an adult gets on top of you, don't fight back.

-The fact that violence and sex are such recurrent themes tells me that the creators want to

normalize them.

They want kids to be desensitized to sex and violence.

Maybe even curious about them.

-The comments in the videos reveal that a lot of the viewers are adults, and fetishists.


They really, really enjoy the videos of kids being kidnapped and tied up.

They beg for more, and offer to support via crowdfunding.

In short, these videos are designed to groom children, and to satisfy perverts.

After digesting all this information, I contacted my brother, who had some terrifying news for


Apparently, he and his wife had received several phone calls from people asking for me.

When my brother asked who they were, they always hung up.

He said "they always have an accent."

Worse, a man actually tried to pick Katie up from kindergarten by claiming he was me.

He gave the office my full name and told them he was her uncle, here to pick Katie up for

a doctor's appointment.

When the receptionist said she was going to call Katie's parents for verification, the

man took off running.

He didn't even get into a car.

He ran out of the parking lot.

I began receiving text messages from very long numbers.

The texts always contained links to YouTube videos.

I always deleted them and blocked the numbers.

By the time I was packing up and preparing to move, the texts had stopped, but my brother

told me that Katie came home with an air freshener in her coat, and couldn't remember how it

had gotten there.

He sent me a photo of it, and I recognized it as the same type from my office.

He said it had no odor.

Things settled down for a while.

My first year of grad school blindsided me, and I forgot all about the strange incidents.

But over the summer between my first and second year, something else happened that reignited

my old fears.

I worked part-time at the university library.

I always took the night shift because I could relax and work on grant applications, and

didn't have to deal with many students.

But one night, an older man checked out a stack of medical books at my counter.

He looked and smelled like a tenured professor, so I thought nothing of it when he struck

up a conversation and asked me if I'd had my flu shot yet.

I told him I had, and he smiled and turned to leave.

But then at the door, he turned back to me and called out, "And has Katie had all of

her vaccinations?"

By the time I recovered from the shock of his question, the man had disappeared into

the dark outside.

He left the books by the door.

For more infomation >> "A group of perverts are targeting kids on YouTube" Creepy Reddit Scary Stories - Duration: 19:11.


Full Sized K9 Replica - Robotic Dog from Doctor Who - Duration: 15:30.

My name is Romanadvoratrelundar.

I'm so sorry about that, is there anything we can do?

K9 was a robotic dog who was the doctor's friend and mobile computer.

Introduced to the series in 1977, He could do everything from medical scanning to, you

know, attacking the occasional guard.

And while he was most commonly seen along side Tom Baker, he did make an appearance

along side David Tennant in 2006.

Goodbye old friend.

Goodbye Master.

Alright, so the first thing I want to do is I want to show you this officially licensed

K9 toy that my wife bought this for me for Christmas last year.

It's pretty neat, let me show you how this thing works.

First you'll need to power it on.

In order to do that, you must remove the side panel, then there is a power switch hidden

right here.

This unit at 100% efficiency, this unit identified as K9 mark II.

The remote control operates the wheels, but it drives essentially like a tank.

One control operates one wheel, and the other control operates the other wheel.

So, when you're driving the thing you must press both controls forward to move him forward.

Same goes for backwards.

If you want to turn, then you do like this.

Driving K9 in a straight line is easy, but trying to make elegant turns is almost impossible.

The remote also has some other interesting features.

For example, many of these buttons will cause K9 to say different phrases.

Engaging pursuit mode.

But some buttons, like scanning now will also cause the ear antennas to move.

Scanning now.

This button will control the blaster, making it extend, then another press to make it retract.

The other pets in the house don't seem to get along with K9 at all.

In fact, my cat is terrified of it.

Ironically, so is the dog.

But today, it's time for my mini K9 to meet the life-sized version.

The size difference is actually quite surprising!

OK, and this is Fitz Walker, and he is from the Houston area and he runs the youtube channel

called Hobby View, and he has come all the way up here to the Dallas area to let me see

his full sized K9 replica.

And his K9 puts my K9 to shame.

So, what inspired you to build this full sized replica?

Well, I like to build things, I like to tinker with things.

It's kind of my hobby.

And, I've always been a fan of the old Doctor Who show from back in the eighties and seventies.

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, as a kid I watched them off of PBS and despite not really liking them at first, I've

come to where I really love and enjoy them.

Of course, one of the most beloved companions was K9 from the Tom Baker era.

And, I've always liked the character and as I grew up into an adult, I started playing

with electronics and that kind of stuff, I started thinking you know it would be really

neat to make my own K9.

And what really caused me to kind of jump into the project was that I found a set of

plans for the body online.

I think they were made by a gentleman named Dave Everett out of Australia.

And, once I found those, I just couldn't resist.

One Christmas holiday, I just started hacking away in my workshop and the next thing I know,

I've got a K9.


It's surprising how big it is in person, too.

Because, having never seen the real thing, only seeing toys like this, I mean, I always

knew this was small but I never realized how much bigger the real prop is.

It's a big lug.

He's pretty heavy too.

Fortunately, they put handles on him which is part of the actual prop.

And I think I know why because I imagine the real one was heavy too, and all of the actors

carrying this thing around.

So, it's pretty big.

I was kind of surprised too when I started putting it together.

I had to special order sheets of plastic just to get something big enough to build him out


But it's been a great project, it's been a lot of fun tinkering with him.

Implementing all kinds of neat little gadgets and features into him.

OK, so like the actual television prop, I wanted to duplicate as much as I could on

what my model could do versus what the show prop could do.

So, I wanted to duplicate all of the things he could do just like in the show.

And of course, one of the iconic things is his ears.

So, move his ears back and forth.

You can even set different positions.

He's got the antenna probe that comes out.

So that he can probe for alien lifeforms.

So, we have the tail here, which I can swing up and down which you see a lot of the time

in the show.

He also can move left in right.

So this is always great to see the reaction of people as he waggles his tail like a real


Now only that, I figured.

It's a dog, right?

And what do people like to do with dogs?

They like to pet their dogs.

So there's actually touch sensors on the body so that when I touch it, it will wiggle

his tail, in the front and the rear, on the body, and also in the head.

If you touch his head, the ears will wiggle.

And if you're really good and he really likes you, you can touch him on this special

spot under the chin, and he's ears will also wiggle.

And of course the head also moves up and down.

Just like in the show.

I can move him down, move him up a little bit, move him all the way up.

So, he can even nod his head a little bit.

And of course, just like in the show, he's got his laser gun.

Which, it's retractable so it comes out.

It does move up and down for maximum fire defense.

And not only that, it has lights and sound.

And the kids love that!

And if you notice the eyes light up whenever I use the laser gun sound.

Or, he also talks.


I am K9 the doctor's faithful friend.

So one of the things you notice in the show is that he has a little ticker tape printer

in the mouth.

And, I always liked that.

Thought that was a neat idea.

And so, I went a little step further with that, in that it's an actual thermal printer

in the mouth.

And I can feed out paper so he has a little tongue.

And not only that, he can, there's a camera in the face.

There's actually two cameras.

But one of the cameras is hooked up so he can actually take pictures and print them


Where do I need to go?

Look him in his face.

OK, that's a good instragice?

Hold still.


There you go.

Identified you as a squirrel.

Didn't know you had it in you.

So, just like in the show, he's got a little TV monitor in the side.

It doesn't seem to have been used very much on the TV show, but there are a few scenes

where it was working.

So, I thought wow, it'd be really nice to have an actual monitor that does show something.

So, I have a raspberry pi hooked up to a converted back seat car television LCD screen and it

can play videos, it can play games, and all kinds of stuff.

So, I like to put on little patterns to show people that it's actually doing something

and it always gets some really neat comments from people when they see that.

So, for display on the screen, I usually just use a whole bunch of videos that I pulled

off of YouTube and other sources.

So, it will sequence through a good dozen or so videos, so it will run for a good almost

an hour just showing different videos.

What is the Doctor Who Commodore 64?

There's a doctor.

I saw this.

I thought this was pretty neat, It has sound on the actual ROM so it kind of loses it's

grandeur without the sound, but it's basically a Commodore 64 screen showing Doctor Who,

the Tardis, and a few other things.

I thought it looked very retro looking and this is 8-Bit right?

I'm actually familiar with that demo.

I used to play that as a kid on my Commodore 64.

So, I saw that.

I also have an option of running an actual Commodore 64 emulator on here.

And what I would do is I would load the emulator and then load one of the more recent Commodore

64 demos, which are beautiful and it would just cycle through showing this very interesting

screen from the demoscene, if you've ever seen those on the Commodore 64 forums or what


Of course, one of the key parts of K9 is the control panel.

And I actually spent a lot of time thinking about how I wanted to implement my own personal

flavor to the show's design.

Of course, one of the iconic parts of the control panel is the multi color keys that

kind of blink and lights.

And it also, I noticed in the show, it had these two square screens.

You never see anything on them, but I thought that would be perfect to have some sort of

little display screens.

So, one of the first things, of course, I tackled was the lights.

I found some switches off of eBay that look reasonably close to what they actually used

on the show.

Of course the show is some 40 years ago so finding exact types of switches is a really

daunting task.

So, I figured this is good enough for replica purposes.

And I have an Arduino dedicated just for blinking the lights.

And, of course, one of the first questions I get is do the keys do anything?

And the answer is, yes!

Not all of them work, of course, but I have some features that I hooked up to some of

the buttons.

One of them is, I can actually change the light pattern by pressing that button there.

So, I've got a fast pattern and a slow pattern.

And these patterns are random.

I also have a button that will basically make the ears and tail wiggle automatically every

30 seconds or so, which is good for when he's driving around and I don't feel like pressing

a lot of buttons.

I have another button.

If I press that, he will talk every couple of minutes.

I press this, he will talk every 30 seconds, roughly.

And one last thing is I noticed at conventions I take him to quite often, I noticed that

kids would come up and start waving their hand in front of his face.

I thought, well that's interesting they must want to see if he responds.

So, by pressing this button, now, if you wave your hand in front of his face, hello, he

says hello.


And the last thing is these two screens.

And, as soon as I saw these, I knew I had to have them display something.

And so, with the help of another Arduino, I have actually LCD screens, little tiny 2.2

inch ones, that display system status.

So right now, it's actually showing the power level and the voltage out of the main

battery pack.

Then, this other one is something I just added kind of recently.

So, at the moment it's not really displaying anything of useful data, just sort of a busy

pattern I thought looked really neat.

But at some point I will have it display other types of information.

K-9's construction is actually pretty simple.

I used eighth inch or 3mm thick polystyrene plastic sheet for most of the body.

Templates for the pieces were first tack glued onto the plastic.

Using a scribing tool, all the parts were carefully cut out.

Then glued together using a special liquid glue that melts a small layer of the plastic

together to form a strong bond.

This glue dries very quickly so the construction process is pretty fast.

Once the body and head were mostly done, I then moved onto installing the internal mechanics

like this re-purposed motorized car antenna which will become the retractable probe.

Next, were other parts like the servos for the nose gun and ears, and a thermal receipt

printer for the mouth.

With the majority of the animatronics installed, I just had to give everything a test run.

Most of the controls are done by a model airplane controller.

The drive system consists of a pair of kid's surplus scooter motors with free castoring

wheels in the rear.

So it's basically a tank drive setup.

The control panel was one of the last major pieces to be built and was the first part

I used an Arduino on.

All 12 outputs of the Arduino are used to flash the lights on the switches.

So I needed to make a transistor switching board as the Arduino could not power the lights


For K-9 to talk, a dedicated mp3 player is connected to a 15 function remote control.

The sound samples were found either online or sampled directly from the show.

Its a good thing they didn't use much music on the old series.

Capacitive touch sensors like you see here are mounted in several locations underneath

the body.

When triggered, they send a signal to an Arduino to activate servos to move the ears and tail.

Most of K9 was built over a 5 month period.

You know, I would love to get some reactions from real life people seeing this K9 prop.

And, I think we need to go somewhere full of nerds.

And I know just the place we can go.

So, I took Fitz and K9 to Dallas Makerspace where they host the DFW Retro Computing Meetup.

We have this meet up a few times a year and you never know what you're going to find


Everybody brings a vintage computer of some kind, and you'll rarely see the same computer

show up twice.

But I don't think anyone was expecting to see K9 show up.

Unfortunately, his onboard wireless camera had succumb to some interference in the building.

And here was our grand entrance.

Oh No!

It's K9!

It's even got the scarf!

Oh Yeah!

K9 was certainly a hit, everyone wanted to have a look, even those that were not familiar

with classic Doctor Who.

And Fitz was right, kids love him!

Well, that about wraps it up for K9 and I want a give out a big thanks to Fitz for bringing

over his replica and letting me see it.

I also wanted to mention that Planet X2, you know the game I've been working on all of

2017 is now finished and it is available for sale.

There are two links down in the description.

One link is for customers who are in Europe.

And the other link is for my web store, which is for the USA and pretty much anywhere else

in the world.

So, Australia, Brazil, wherever you happen to be.

I would mention I have these in stock ready to ship out today.

The ones in Europe are not quite ready, there's going to be a two or three day delay on getting

those shipped out, but he is taking orders and you'll get the digital download today

if you buy it today, so I just thought I'd mention that and I will be doing a full episode

on this game in a few weeks.

So stick around for that, and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Full Sized K9 Replica - Robotic Dog from Doctor Who - Duration: 15:30.


Best New Internet Browser, GDDR6 Memory, Battlefront 2 Drama -- Weekly Download #70 - Duration: 5:45.

Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 70, which is my tech

and PC gaming news series.

Today I'm gonna be playing some Destiny 2 while I give you this news, yes, I finally

hit max level, only about 205 light level though so I still got a ways to go, but anyways,

you know I also got myself a cup of coffee for this episode.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what you're sippin' on, let's

get into it.

To start off the tech news this week, a company called Sonnet created a new product called

the eGFX Breakaway Puck which is a tiny external GPU enclosure that's rocking an RX 570.

Look at the size of that thing.

If you guys know anything about external GPUs then you'll know up until this point these

enclosures are usually huge so it's awesome to see a product like this come to life.

External GPUs are great for portable laptops, like my Dell XPS 15, that have a thunderbolt

3 port because it allows you to add some beefy graphics power to your setup.

There's 2 different versions of this device, one with an RX 560 for 450 bucks and one with

a 570 for 600 bucks.

Next up if you recall from last week we dove into how Intel and AMD are teaming up, well

this week we got a glimpse of the first product that could feature this new CPU.

To get you up to speed, Intel is basically buying the integrated graphics portion of

AMD processors and is putting them into their own CPUs, that way you get the power of an

Intel processor but with the much better integrated graphics that AMD offers.

Well this first product is Intel's newest NUC.

Their NUC computers are basically tiny computers that are usually used for home theater PCs

or things like that.

It's rocking a quad core Kaby Lake H CPU but with that custom AMD Vega architecture

integrated graphics.

Pretty dope.

Mozilla, the developers of the internet browser Firefox have created an entirely new internet

browser called Firefox Quantum.

Firefox Quantum is built in a completely new web engine compared to the original Firefox

and Mozilla is claiming that it's much faster and memory efficient than their older browser

and even Chrome.

We all know Google Chrome uses a high amount of RAM when you start opening up a ton of

tabs, and Mozilla says that Firefox Quantum will use 30% less RAM than that.

There's a couple extra cool features that this new browser was packing, and there's

a video that I linked down in the description, where I always link everything I talk about,

if you wanna see more.

Some cool VR news was emerging this week, and it's the fact that some researcher over

at Stanford said that we should expect smell to be the next sense coming to virtual reality.

As of right now, we are only using 3 of our senses in VR, sight, sound, and kind of touch.

Imagine if you're playing a Virtual reality game and you start to get a whiff of whatever

your looking at.

This could honestly be pretty neat, but at the same time imagine you're walking around

in a first person shooter and all you can smell are the dead bodies that you just wasted

all around the ground.

In more VR news, we are now seeing yet another standalone VR headset, and this one is from


This standalone Vive VR headset will have built in computing so that you don't need

to connect a phone or a computer to the headset, but as of right now it won't support PC


I'm assuming that all VR headsets will eventually evolve to this type of technology, but I think

we are still very far away from being able to play full PC games without a computer.

This version of the Vive is rocking a Snapdragon 835 VR CPU and a high resolution AMOLED screen.

And to quickly wrap up the tech news, some sources are saying that Samsung is already

stealing the CES awards because of their new GDDR6 memory.

Apparently Samsung has been spending a crap ton of money and research into this new standard

of graphics memory over the past year and GDDR6 is supposed to double the throughput

of the current GDDR5.

This can only mean better performance for us gamers, so I'm down with it.

To start off the PC gaming news, we gotta talk about this RECORD SETTING drama with

Star Wars Battlefront 2.

First off, I did review the game already on my Gaming on a Sunday Morning series, so check

that out if you're interested.

OK so EA put out the price of heroes that you can unlock in Battlefront 2, and players

absolutely lost their sh&* because of how expensive they were.

The post on reddit where EA announced the prices is the single most downvoted post in

Reddit's history, it's currently sitting at 680,000 downvotes at the time of writing

this video.

That's absolutely insane, but hey, it actually payed off.

EA later stated that they are now reducing the cost of heroes by 75% which is pretty


See, us PC gamers can join forces and stop or at least limit this microtransaction BS

that we've been dealing with these last few years.

And in more EA news, electronic arts by the way NOT early access, we found out this week

that they purchased the Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment for 315 million dollars.

Respawn Entertainment is responsible for creating Titanfall and Titanfall 2 only, but they have

now officially announced that there is a quote new title in the Titanfall universe coming.

They also confirmed that they are still working on a Star Wars game which they announced in

early 2016.

And finally to wrap up the PC gaming news, Call of Duty World War 2 has been accidently

granting double XP since the title launched.

This past weekend it was supposed to be a double XP weekend, and it actually ended up

being a triple XP weekend because it was already at double.

WTF how does this happen I don't understand.

Either way, it was pretty cool that Sledgehammer continued to roll with it and didn't stop

the triple XP during the event, but they did say that it will revert back to 1 times XP,

the normal rate it should have been after the event.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 70.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what your favorite tech or PC gaming

news was this week, or if I missed anything.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> Best New Internet Browser, GDDR6 Memory, Battlefront 2 Drama -- Weekly Download #70 - Duration: 5:45.


DJI 프로필 - 유동적 시간 - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> DJI 프로필 - 유동적 시간 - Duration: 4:07.


10th year anniversary - Silliest Member Award. XD [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 3:52.

The next award is

Silliest Member Award.

(Silliest Member Award)

Let's all have a bite.

Shall we all have a bite each?

What's the most common comment you get?

- Me? / - Fool.

(I'll keep it short.)


- Hurry up. / - It's a very easy one.

It's so easy that even children can answer it.

My image has changed a lot recently.

- All right. / - It sure has.

Why don't you just write your own name?

Hurry up. Why take so long?

It's difficult.

Did you forget your own name?

Hey. Siyoon.

I'm not that foolish.

Why did you write "Kim"?

Are you really going to write your own name?

- Yes. / - My goodness.

You want to eat the food, don't you?

- You want the food. / - I don't want to

- admit it, but... / - He wants the food.

- Seriously? / - All right.

- One, / - Is it unanimous?

- two, three. / - This doesn't feel right.

(They all wrote Jongmin's name.)

It might be wrong. It's too obvious.

Let me announce the ranking. Fifth place

- goes to Joonyoung. / - It's not that surprising.

It means he doesn't know some things.

- Fifth place? No problem. / - No problem.

Actually, it looks cool when he's like that.

He doesn't know things, but his JQ is high.

- JQ? / - What is JQ?

It means he's proficient at cheap tricks.

- I've never heard of it. / - What does J stand for?

(What a silly question.)

My goodness.

Everyone will get to eat.

It's annoying such a guy is better-looking than me.

It must feel horrible.

Fourth place goes to Soogeun.


Soogeun doesn't know much about proverbs.

(The ear of the horse)

(It hurts.)

(At a quiz game held one day in 2010)

(Soogeun was even more ignorant than Jongmin.)

- You beat Jongmin. / - "It hurts"?

Those who rank higher than third

are really foolish, then.

This is where the real match begins.

- Third place / - Third place is not bad.

goes to Junho.

(Third place, Kim Junho)

I didn't see this coming.

- Hang on a second. / - What a fool.

I was the quiz champion several times.

Stop pretending to be smart.

- This is unexpected. / - The viewers chose you.

I guess they picked me for no reason.

(As one of the members of Season 1,)

(he entertained us with ridiculous answers.)

(Nominee No. 1, Eun Jiwon)

It doesn't look nice.

(His dumbness has 10 years of tradition.)

Give it a try.

- If possible... / - That's not what I meant.

(He is dumb in so many different ways.)

(Nominee No. 2, Kim Jongmin)

Silliest Member Award goes to


(Jongmin wins Silliest Member Award.)

- Congratulations. / - Foolish Kim.

- Foolish Kim. / - Congratulations.

(Look at the silliest man.)

Thank you.

(It's somehow touching.)

The title is written in big red letters.

(The title "Silliest Member" stands out.)

One, two...


Thank you.


- You may take a bite. / - The quiz was too easy.

- What should I eat? / - What should I eat?

We all got the answer correct.

I feel like eomuk. No, I don't want it.

Do you think I'm stupid?

Give it to Jongmin.

Jongmin, did you write your own name?

Yes, I did.

There was no other way. I wanted the food.

- There was no other way. / - You did a good job.

It looks amazing.

- It tastes good. / - Take a big bite.

Take one big bite.

(Thanks to Jongmin,)

(everyone took a bite each.)

- Thank you, Jongmin. / - Thank you.

Thank you for being silly.

Thank you for being silly, Jongmin.

It's a dinner party.

(They had an unexpected dinner party.)

It's my treat.

For more infomation >> 10th year anniversary - Silliest Member Award. XD [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 3:52.


Bangla News Today 17 November 2017 Bangla Vision News Bangladesh Latest News Today Tv News - Duration: 15:28.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> Bangla News Today 17 November 2017 Bangla Vision News Bangladesh Latest News Today Tv News - Duration: 15:28.


GÁI ĐẸP VÀ NGHỆ SĨ GIÀ | Cuộc Sống Người Việt Business - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> GÁI ĐẸP VÀ NGHỆ SĨ GIÀ | Cuộc Sống Người Việt Business - Duration: 10:44.


[GMod] Vehicular Man's Laughter - EXTENDED CUT! (Kamiflage's Collab Entry) - Duration: 5:18.

(Distant honking) [Sniper, out sight] I'm gunning for ya, you dicks!

(Distant sounds of an approaching vehicle)

(Even more approaching vehicles)

(Heavy-car approaching, speedy-quick as ever)

(Look at him go)

(Woah, slow down, speedster!)

(A new challenger approaches!)

(Demo, dazed and confused, mumbles incoherently)

[Demo] Ha!

[Demo] Who's laughing now--?

(Demo exclaims, surprised)

Way to go, pally!

(Demo falls after his stumbling around)

(Time to teach him how to be human!)

(Drunken gibberish)

(Definitely not a "G")


(Demo's so cock-sure about himself)

[Demo] Thus begins my thousand-year--!


[Demo] Thankfully I already don't remember this...

(Demo complaining about something stupid, probably)

(Exclamation of surprise)


[Demo] You're a--...!

[Demo] You're a DEVIL! A DEVIL!!

[Demo] You're WICKED!

(An otherwise pleasant yelp of mild surprise)

[Scout] No, this car's different, I swear..!

(A typical McDonalds trip for Kamiflage)

[Demo] (Sluggishly, sleep-talking) Nn-iI lahv yeh mahn.. X3

(Scout approaches his pseudo-son for a fatherly bonding moment)

(Fatherly bonding moment)

Need a dispenser here! Need a dispenser here! Need a dispenser here!


[Demo] We did it! (laughs)

So, uh...

[Scout] What d'you drink?

(He's still going strong!)

For more infomation >> [GMod] Vehicular Man's Laughter - EXTENDED CUT! (Kamiflage's Collab Entry) - Duration: 5:18.


Wilmer Valderrama "Estuvimos tan 'felices los 4' que tuvimos que hacerlo otra vez" - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Wilmer Valderrama "Estuvimos tan 'felices los 4' que tuvimos que hacerlo otra vez" - Duration: 1:40.


How to Stay Motivated with Specific Examples on Staying Motivated - Duration: 8:29.

Hi guys, I'm Tiffany, Shelton, and I'm here to share with you

How I stay motivated so I'm just gonna basically talk with you about the things that I do. It's a very strategic way

I'm very serious about it because I have a lot of stuff to do so I don't really have a lot of days to

to be down or to be feeling like I can't get that motivation going and

Motivation is something that just naturally is one of my strengths, so I'm just gonna share with you guys

How I do that so stay tuned if you want to find out

So let's just get right into it

I have some notes here, so I can stay on track because I don't want this video to be too long

But the first thing and staying motivated is to know your purpose know what you're here for

And know what you were sent to do

One of the big things about motivation. I have a sticker right on

My laptop I have a sticker by my meditation

Pillow all the things that I want to stay motivated to do of why I'm doing them

So why am I why do I have my business? How does it fit into my purpose?

Why do I meditate every day and I have?

Specific goals that work towards each purpose that I have my main purpose in life is to elevate consciousness

and I have specific goals and ways that I do that through my blog through my content through my

Neuropsychology career and I have specific reasons of why I meditate and certain goals like to meditate everyday

So just keeping in mind why I do those things which for meditation is just to stay grounded and knowing the purpose behind them

really, helps me stay motivated to achieve those things and to go after those goals and to even set those the micro goals because I'm

Very in touch with what my purpose is and why I do what I do, and if you are struggling


Finding your purpose and even just to stay connected with your purpose if you know it

It's very important to stay inspired so one key part of motivation probably the beginning part

and motivation is kind of a huge amount metaphor of a fire and so the purpose and

Inspiration is your air so to stay connected to your purpose stay inspired stay in nature figure out what?

inspires you and

Stay around art do things that are creative do things that really get you in touch with

Something outside of you something that breathes air into you so the inspiration is the air that

Every fire needs you just can't have what you just can't have

Flames you also need the air that keeps it going and inspiration is bad air

The next thing is know your Worth and that's the wood so your knowing yourself worth knowing who you are

Especially if you're achieving

Hustling after something that's very difficult to achieve. There's gonna be moments that you make mistakes

There's gonna be moments that you fail

But it's very important to not attack attach your self-worth to those moments because that kills motivation the moment that

You attach your worth to any sort of a task or thing you're trying to achieve

That kills motivation because it speaks more to you're not going to do something that

reinforces something negative about yourself instead

It's human nature to avoid certain tasks

If you feel like you're not going to be good at them

Or you're just gonna be a failure you can't succeed so a huge part of

Motivation is just being confident in yourself and knowing no matter what happens you're gonna keep progressing forward

It doesn't say anything about who you are as a person your Divine 'fl I'm no matter what happened so

Don't tie your worth to your achievement, and that's one way to stay motivated

And on that

No You also just should believe don't go into helplessness also believe that you have what it takes to

to handle the challenges in your environment and that if you don't know how to

Handle a certain challenge you can take the time to figure it out or the universe or God is gonna bring you what you need?

To figure it out, so just don't get too overwhelmed. Why challenges in your life

And then the last thing is just focus action so if you think about a fire

You kind of use that magnifying glass to focus the light in one spot to make a to make a fire

And it also takes the action of rubbing the sense together to make this fire with the air and the wood

So the air is the inspiration and the wood is your self-worth, and then you have this focused action

so part of staying motivated

is to really focus your


On what?

To get you to your goals and your purpose because when you're to spread out and you're doing things that don't feed your purpose

It's hard to stay motivated in what you're doing because your soul knows you're straying number one

But also it doesn't like the fire inside of you when you're building upon each action, and you're very focused about what you're doing um

So I guess I could give an example in my life that can make all of this way more real


So right now, I'm writing a

My second meditation album, it's gonna be called conscious go-getter, and I have a lot of other things going on

but this is definitely something that's part of my passion because I am



really value

Hustling in a conscious sustainable way

And I think this album can help share things that I've learned on my journey through meditation and so it's really important to me

I've been inspired by so many things to write it and so when I feel like I want to keep the motivation going or

Some of the things I just do to keep make sure that I stay on track with my goals to finish this album is

I stay inspired by listening to other meditation albums, and I get ideas I listen to a lot of speakers I

Inoculate my thing myself with things that inspire me to write for the album

I also take it easy on myself when I

Don't do well in a recording, and I know that I can try it again

So it doesn't let me like I had my first album, and I made a lot of things there were none mistakes

but there were a lot of things about that album that I wish I could have changed and I could have just stopped there and

Said oh, well. I just don't know I didn't know how to edit it right and oh

Maybe meditation albums aren't for me

But instead I know that it has nothing to do with who I am as a person

just means that I'm growing and I'm learning as an artist and I

Can now have the tools to know what I need to do this next time to make it even better

So I kind of know my Worth and I know I can face that challenge

and then

As far as focused action. I have a very strategic plan on how I'm going to get them all recorded

I'm going to do like a huge to album sort of strategy

I'm gonna practice them on YouTube and see the responses see comments get you guys help

And then I'm gonna edit them all put them together in an album and make them cohesive

So I have a very focused plan and I'm taking action to get there little by little so that's one way that

I'm using this sort of fire metaphor has helped me stay motivated with that goal

So I hope these tips help you I know sometimes

It's really hard in the lives that we live we have a million things going on to stay motivated

And especially if we get burnt out or have life circumstances

It can be hard to just stay on track and these are some these are things that I use to help me

Not get into a funk or not to let myself

Get down or to burnt out and just really stay on my grind Sam

I hustle because we all know that hard work is key to any success so

Let me know what you guys are doing if you have any extra tips

Let me know what you think about the fire metaphor if you like it give this video a thumbs up

And if you want to hear more and see more of my videos subscribe to my channel, please

until next time namaste


For more infomation >> How to Stay Motivated with Specific Examples on Staying Motivated - Duration: 8:29.


চিন্তা থেকে মুক্তির উপায় || how to stop thinking || Motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> চিন্তা থেকে মুক্তির উপায় || how to stop thinking || Motivational video in bangla - Duration: 4:36.


Devotee Praying at Shivalayam || Uma Maheswara Swamy Temple Jeedimetla || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Devotee Praying at Shivalayam || Uma Maheswara Swamy Temple Jeedimetla || DARSHANAM LIVE - Duration: 2:36.


AMV One Piece Con Thuyền Going Merry - Tạm Biệt Merry - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> AMV One Piece Con Thuyền Going Merry - Tạm Biệt Merry - Duration: 4:49.


1k Phew - Never Too Late [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.

Once upon a time I had a big ole dream So we took the city with a big ole team

Mama told me, "Baby it ain't what it seems Just because you got a lot of green"

I go crazy, I go loco with the knowledge Stack it up and then go 10 percent deposits

Plus I thought them folks was staying on ten Boy I thought them folks was staying on ten

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

Coming through, we just making moves Got a lot to prove

They gon' feel it real smooth, solid with the groove

I'm stomping on the turf like I'm Bigfoot Boy, I bet you couldn't walk a mile in my

shoes Dodgin' all these haters with the Milly Rock

We just want the tippy top I remember days with the zippy lock

Plus I thought them folks was staying on ten Thought them folks was staying 'til the end

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

I'm at home plate, fresh up out the dugout One time for my brothers still posted in the

dugout Home run hitter, boy we outta here for real

I just played what I was dealt Now I got a deal

Eating up my problems, got a stomach full of struggle

But I knew we was winning as soon as I left the huddle

Plus I thought them folks was staying on ten Thought them folks was staying 'til the end

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

And I thought them folks would never go 'head Same ones tryna celebrate

Gotta keep some food on my plate Never too late

Had to wait to find the whole way Never too late

Never too, never too late Never too late

Had to wait to find the whole way Never too late

Never too, never too late Never too late

For more infomation >> 1k Phew - Never Too Late [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.


10th year anniversary - It's Misfortune Award. [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 1:12.

The next award is for the unluckiest member.

It's Misfortune Award.

Hang on a second. It's going to be a close match.

Jongmin is also quite unlucky.

He already won an award, so it might not be him.


(Is this what you call "misfortune"?)

Congratulations on your second award.

Let's have a beef party!


- I love beef. / - ♪ Let's have a beef party ♪

Wait a minute. Let me see.

- I can't believe this. / - He said "Let me see".

How could he talk like that to the director?

- He's so silly. / - He's silly.

How silly. How could you talk like that to him?

- What a fool. / - Misfortune

never comes alone.

(Congratulations on winning the second awards.)

(They had to catch fish to avoid climbing.)

(He failed and had to climb an ice wall.)

(Make a firm meringue to complete the mission.)

(He started the mission before Taehyun)

(but failed.)

(Jongmin was always unlucky)

(and it put him into trouble.)

For more infomation >> 10th year anniversary - It's Misfortune Award. [2Days & 1Night Season 3 / 2017.10.29] - Duration: 1:12.


Monthly VLog - November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.

What is up my Pepper Pack, K9 Pepper here with a quick update to keep you all informed.

Next Tuesday, I have the people from Telstra coming around to set up the NBN connection

for the house.

They have to make two trips, one next Tuesday to set everything up for outside the house

and another one, I think on the following Thursday, so they can set up the last of it

inside the house.

After that, I will have a much more reliable internet connection, meaning my upload schedule

may be able to actually become a schedule as opposed to the 'it'll be out when it's out'

schedule I have for my content right now.

Since I will probably have a consistent schedule going into the New Year and I've decided on

a weekly upload, 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, every Friday:

First Friday of the month.

League of Legends or perhaps some other gameplay now and then.

Second Friday of the month will be an episode of 'In a Nutshell'.

Third Friday of the month is will be an episode of the 'Escape from Bronze' series.

With a decent connection, I can comfortably play Ranked and hopefully not have to worry so much

about my ping anymore, so I can start committing to Ranked.

The fourth Friday, when applicable, I'm giving myself off so I can make sure I can keep that

consistent schedule without burning myself out.

That will give me an extra week so if I suffer a setback, I have a little bit more flexibility at

the end of a month to get back on track.

And lastly, I will have a Monthly VLog at varied times during each month, nothing

too long but just more of an update on the channel, like this one.

I don't like showing my face on camera though, so I tend to use this 'puppet' artwork, courtesy

of Elizabeth Orchard, in the place of a webcam.

Also, I don't have any kind of camera, webcam or otherwise, that isn't absolute shit, so

this kind of allows me to circumvent that issue.

That's all for now, Keep It Spicy.

For more infomation >> Monthly VLog - November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.


Mọi người không thể lý giải 4 đứa bé đứng ôm 4 góc quan tài Xuất Hiện từ khi nào? - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Mọi người không thể lý giải 4 đứa bé đứng ôm 4 góc quan tài Xuất Hiện từ khi nào? - Duration: 12:55.


Easy Holiday Glam | Rose Gold Eyes| Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 8:39.

Hey everyone welcome back to my channel so for today's look I created this rose

Gold smoked out eye shadow look. If you want to know how to achieve this look then keep on watching

So I'm going to use this BH Cosmetics

gel and brow powder

I want it to be bold today. So the reason why I went in with this dark brown first

It does make my eyebrows look nice and tamed it is like a cream consistency

so that's why I like using it when I'm going for a bolder look I

I already have the shape, so honestly It's not that difficult. I just have to kind of outline it and then fill it in

Now I'm gonna go in with the brow powder. It's a little lighter so it's gonna make it

It's gonna soften up the brow. It's just a little bit

So I'm going to prime my eyes today with the Urban Decay eyeshadow primer

You can use a concealer and then lock it in with some translucent powder and

That will be a sort of eyeshadow primer for you

I'm going to use this Real Techniques base shadow brush

I'm gonna use this Estee Lauder signature silky eyeshadow duo. It is pink and

Purple, but I'm just gonna go in with the pink now

I did say that this color is pink, but it's not really appearing like this light pink I see over here

So I'll probably have to go in with another color later

So now I'm gonna go in with the jaclyn hill morphe brushes palette. This is her first one that I think she put out

It's beautiful colors

I'm gonna go in with the darker colors in my crease so what I like to do when I'm applying a darker color is I

Like to kinda tilt my head just a little bit back. I don't like to shut my eyes always completely

I like to kind of place it where I think I want the darkness to show

So once I place it then I start blending it out if you do with your eyes open you're gonna

Have a lot more space that you're gonna cover, and it's gonna look a lot darker

And you don't even need to do that and plus you're gonna be wasting a lot a shadow

So I forgot to mention for today's look

I'm going to apply some tape I just want to have an outline and where I'm about to go

So I take some tape any kind of tape and you just do it on the back of your hand so it's not as

Sticky so this basically is an outline of where I want to stop blending out so you want to do the same thing on

This side, so we're gonna do that outline at the crease

I'm gonna go in with my tartlet in bloom with some of these darker colors

I'm just gonna kind of mix them all together so I can get some more depth in the outer corner of the eye

Now don't be afraid to go right into that corner and blend it out remember you have this tape here

So there is nothing to fear it's not gonna bleed out, and I'm gonna do the same on this eye

And right now I'm gonna do a little bit of a cut crease, so I'm gonna take a little bit of concealer

I'm gonna use my Tarte one

And I'm just gonna go in with a flat brush

When I apply the concealer I do with my eye open so I can outline where I want that cut crease

to show because if I go like this well, you don't really see the fold and

It's much harder to really get a sense of where you want that cut crease to start and end

I'm gonna just same thing on the other eye

So ended up buying this Stila glitter shadow

And it's absolutely beautiful. It's so pigmented

I got in the color rose gold retro, and that's because I absolutely love anything. That's rose gold

Hence my nails. It's my first time using this on my eye. This is an

Amazing doe foot applicator now. It is very wet because it's a liquid eyeshadows

So you just want to make sure to leave your eye just a little bit open so it doesn't

Smear and crease and go too far up

How beautiful is this look I absolutely love it so far

So I'm gonna go in with this reddish tone by the jock clinical pilot the first one, and I'm just going to

Blend out the outer corner in a little so there's no harsh line

And now what I'm gonna, do is I'm gonna go in with a lighter color

And I'm just going to soften this part over here up so right at the brow bone

So I'm gonna go in with some of these colors right here

So now I'm gonna remove these tapes Oh

Would you look at that so I'm gonna go in again with this brush?

Which I used earlier to do the brow bone and soft and that up. I'm just gonna soften this up, too

So now I'm going to go ahead and do the rest of my face, and I'll be right back now

I know some of you are probably wondering

You didn't do the rest of your eyes like you didn't do your mascara. You didn't do your eyeliner

You didn't do your bottom lashes no no no no that yeah. I know I didn't so I'm gonna do that right now

I wanted to leave it for last because I get to do the rest of my face and then just do that final touch and

I love doing that so I'm gonna get right into that one thing

I do want to mention is I'm not using false lashes obviously this look would probably look hundred times better to use false lashes

I personally don't really like using false lashes

I only use it once in a blue moon

If I have a special event to go to like a gala or a wedding or a bridal shower

Or you know anything big like guys, and that's when I just pop them on

But even then I really don't like to use false lashes. Maybe one day

I'll get into it but for now not that into it. I'm gonna use this liquid liner by NYX

It's one of my favorites um and it dries mattes, and that's what I like

It's not shiny or anything like that and that's the last thing you need with it look like this. You don't want liner

That's gonna be

Shiny now you can always use black eyeshadow

And is do the eyeliner now luckily this liquid eyeshadow by Stila is very easy to work over

It's not flaking off. It's not coming off

Which is really impressive because I was a little worried about God's when I was working with it

I thought whoa how about when I apply my liquid liner is it gonna start flaking off is it glitter gonna get everywhere and it?

Has it I mean I had a few little specks of glitter here and there on my face

But other than that it wasn't too bad

Now i'm going to tightline my eyes with this essence gel eye pencil

And I want to add a little bit of color to this look so I'm gonna go in with this

bright color right here in the Jacqueline Hill morphe palette

And I just brought it all the way through to the end

So I'm gonna go back in with the Stila, and I'm just gonna bring it halfway in

I'm gonna go back in with this black eyeliner, and I'm just gonna do my waterline with it

And of course the last but not least I'm gonna go in with my mascara for my mascara

I'm using the lash princess mascara by essence

And of course I'm gonna lock in with the translucent powder under my eyes

I'm gonna go in with a hood a beauty trophy wife

If you like this look make sure to subscribe

make sure to hit the thumbs up and make sure to leave your comments below and let me know if you want this look or

What I should maybe create for my next video, and I will see you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> Easy Holiday Glam | Rose Gold Eyes| Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 8:39.


BOMBSHELL: Major Congressional Scandal Breaks, This Is Nasty. - Duration: 3:43.

BOMBSHELL: Major Congressional Scandal Breaks, This Is Nasty.

Victims of sexual harassment are coming out of the woodwork as they come forward with

allegations against prominent members of society.

According to Fox News, radio show host Laura Ingraham reveals a disturbing discovery within


There's an entire fund for Congress members to pay off victims and accusers and it's

cost taxpayers $15.2 million over the past few years.

This disturbing revelation is even more shocking considering many high ranking officials within

Congress, like House Oversight Committee Member Jim Jordan (R-OH), don't even know it exists

according to Ms. Ingraham.

Adding on to the already shocking news that taxpayers are funding this disgusting behavior

is that certain members of Congress are aware of their colleagues' foul activities and

are choosing to hide it, even when they come forward.

According to Politico, Representatives Jackie Speier (D-CA), and Barbara Comstock (R-VA),

both testified to the House Administration Committee of members of Congress engaging

in sexual harassment.

Rep. Speier said she knew of two lawmakers, Republican and Democrat, who have engaged

in such behavior.

Rep. Comstock told of one individual who "decided to expose himself" to a young female staffer

when she made a delivery to his home.

According to Rep. Comstock, the young woman was "greeted with a member in a towel who

after inviting her in to drop off the materials exposed himself to her.

Both women called for stronger anti-harassment policies, but neither revealed the identities

of the individuals they knew were engaging in the perverted behavior, they kept their

identities secret.

It's stunning that these female lawmakers, who knew the identities of sexual deviants

in Congress, would call for a light to be shed on these issues and greater punishments

for the perpetrators, yet not reveal those they knew engaging in such behavior.

Ms. Ingraham asks, "Why aren't they naming names?

Why aren't others naming names?"

She stated that all lawmakers have the obligation to reveal such acts and behaviors committed

by their colleagues and to also reveal who benefitted from the so-called "shush"


Ms. Ingraham points out that members of Congress are employees of the American people and are

beholden to them, "We all have a right to know.

They work for us.

I want the names of the members accused."

Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS), firmly stated that such conduct should not be tolerated and that

fellow members of Congress should hold themselves and others to an "even higher standard"

than before.

"There is no place for sexual harassment in our society, period — and especially

in Congress,"

Ms. Ingraham stated that the US is home to a "government of the people, by the people

and for the people, not the government of anonymous gropers."

Congress has a fund dedicated to paying off victims and those who accuse Congressmen of

sexual misconduct, costing taxpayers $15.2 million.

Should this fund even exist?

It's unclear what's more upsetting: that Congress members are sexually harassing others,

that their colleagues are keeping it a secret, or that taxpayers are footing the bill for

such behaviors.

These individuals in Congress, or any walk of life for that matter, need to be punished

for their sexually deviant activities and behaviors.

In Congress' case, a great first step would be to reveal the identities of known perpetrators

and issue a policy that would force these perverted individuals to pay for their own


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