Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

S#4. Date with a younger boyfriend HaJoon

When do you finish~

Play with me just for 10 minutes~


[Are you busy these days?]

[How have you been?]

Just making songs and stuff~

[Songs? What songs?]

I was working on our next song to be released

[How's composing going?]


It's difficult sometimes but I think I'm doing well.

[What's the most difficult part?]

Uh.. little details?

I wish there would be something new but it's hard to find those things.

[Do you have time to play games?]

I used to play games, but I'm searching new ones because those are getting old.

[What games did you use to play?]


Overwatch and Maple Story...

but those aren't fun anymore.

[It feels like you lost interest in everything]


[Why why?]

I have no idea...

I want to find something interesting

[Are you tired?]

Nah I'm not~

[What songs do you listen to often?]

There's a song called 'Like We Used To' by The Rose and it's really good~

Listen to it!

[Is it a new song?]

Uh huh~

[Got it! Okay~ I'll listen to it]

[Please recommend other songs too~]

Other songs......

There's a foreign artist named Sean Mendes and I've been listening to his songs a lot

[For what reason?]

He's younger than me but he's really talented at music~

[HaJoon, can you rank the visuals of The Rose members?]

Visuals ranking...!

Everyone's number 1~

Everyone's number 1~!

If I had to rank, everyone's a little bit different~

(King of Vibe WooSung) I think vibe-wise, WooSung is the best

(Manly DoJoon) The most manly one is DoJoon

(Good-looking JaeHyeong) The standard good-looking one is JaeHyeong


(Cute HaJoon) I think I'm just cute LOL

[If you had to rank...?]

Rank? Do I HAVE to~?

[I want to know!]

Hmm.. I don't know...

((Truth 10000%) You're all handsome..♥) Everyone's too good looking...

((Truth 10000%) You're all handsome..♥)

(Difficult...) Rank...

(My thoughts=Hajoon's thoughts) Everyone's number 1~

(My thoughts=Hajoon's thoughts) [Everyone's number 1?]

[Yup~ Let's put everyone as number 1]

Agreed LOL

[Can you tell me your ideal type?]

Ideal type..?

I want her to be really cool~

For example, when I try to apologize after a fight, she should be understanding and acknowledge the mistakes~

No holding grudges!

Yeah, a girl like that is my ideal type!

[You don't like to fight?]

Yes~ Things can be solved through talking but if you misunderstand and fight, you're only losing in the end.

[You don't like people with a lot of anger, don't you~]


But a person with too little of anger can get a bit stifling so I don't think too much of the opposite is good either.

[What actions are you fluttered by?]


Something like...

When you smile brightly while holding my cheeks

[(Surprised) Holding your face?]


Like.. That feeling when we're close together makes me flutter

[You mean the feeling of being loved~]

[(Right!) There are slangs that are trending on the internet!]


What slang?

[Let's make a bet!]

[I'll ask questions~]

[You pass if you get 3 correct (out of 5)]

[If you get less, you have to show me aegyo]



I'll give it my best try!


(Young Goo?) Young Goo?




What's Young-Go?

(Forever Sweet Potato?) Forever Sweet Potato?


What is it?

<1. Young-Go : Forever Tortured>

Ah~ Forever being tortured! I've heard of it!


<2.Chwee-John : Respecting one's preference> Respecting one's preference!

[Woah~ You're correct]


<3.Mah-sang : Broken heart> Broken heart!

[What~ You're a new generation?]


Mu.. Muggle?


Ah~ The people who can't use magic~

Isn't that muggle?


[But there's another meaning that fans use]

Meaning that only fans use?

What would that be..

<4.Muggle : People who are not fangirls/fanboys> People who are not fans?


Oh~ I got it correct~ LOL



What's Go-Dahb-Ee?


I have no clue~ What is it?

<5.Go-Dahb-Ee : A person who is stifling as if one ate a sweet potato>

Ah~ Go-Dahb~ Ee?

[(No :() Ahhh, you got 3 correct~]

(Yes!) Yes!

[Are you a new generation?]

Me~ I have a old guy sentiment

[What's your usual habits?]

Usual habits?

I take a lot of selfies

[Selfies? You don't look like you would~]

(I can already tell your selfies are perfect xD) I have to check my face all the time~

Whether it's fine today

[Do you look at the mirror often?]

Not specifically through a mirror but more through my selfies on my phone

I don't take pictures though~ If I look good, then I take pics!

I just check my condition with my phone!

[Is there a face expression you do?]

Do specifically?

My right face looks better so I look at the right side a lot

Without any facial expressions

[Where do you usually hang out?]

I haven't hung out with my friends recently~ Only with my members

When we play, we go to the downtown often

[Downtown where?]

Places like.. Garosugil and Hongdae~

[What do you do with your members?]

We play games at PC rooms

We eat delicious food and go shopping~

[Aren't guys not really into shopping?]

We all like clothes a lot~

Because we like clothes, we all shop very enthusiastically!

[How do you relieve stress?]

I listen to music!


Yup! Listen to music

and I also eat a lot~

[Binge eating?]

Yes! I binge eat~

[There are things that you crave when you get a lot of stress~ like spicy food~]

Exactly! I love spicy and cheesy food!

[Both at once?]

Well it depends? On my mood?

[Tell me something funny~]

Funny story?

This situation's really funny right now~

((Very addictive) ★HaJoon's laughter★)

[No~ You're the best]

[Any last words for me?]

Be careful of catching a cold~

It's very cold these days so dress up warmly

Take care of yourself

That's it! haha

Let's be happy together~

[Okay~ Thank you]




For more infomation >> [반말토크] S#4.연하남친 하준과의 데이트[FreeTalk] S#4. Date with a younger boyfriend HaJoon::Makestar - Duration: 8:07.


عــــــــاجل: كوريا الشمالية تدخل على خط الأزمة بين الجزائر والمغرب - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: كوريا الشمالية تدخل على خط الأزمة بين الجزائر والمغرب - Duration: 2:41.


Taehyun - Build the doghouse "U dog is having puppies?" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 7:38.

Your dog is having puppies?

- She's about to have them. / - Now?

- She'd have a big belly. / - She does.

Her belly is so big

that it almost hits the ground.

So have you prepared everything

to build a new doghouse?

We got the blueprint ready.

You made a blueprint?

My husband did.

- I just did... / - Your husband did?

All right.

So all I need to do is build the doghouse.

Hammering and stuff like that. It'll be fun.

Make it pretty.

(Is it a blueprint like this?)

(Is it even a blueprint?)

Is this the blueprint you were talking about?

- Yes. / - Is this what you want?

We'll need four planks for the sides.

- Wait a minute. / - We need a plane.

This is so...

We should make it pretty.

Where's Ddarong's current house?

- This is it. / - This?

She sleeps in this shed.

I see. It's here.

Ddarong's house is nice.

It's not nice. It's very old.

It must be cool in there.

Ddarong needs a bigger house.

- So what should I do now? / - What?

- What should I do? / - I told you.

Cut up the boards according to the drawing.

- Like this? / - Why don't you use that?

Grab it.

- I'll measure it for you. / - Okay.

- We need four of it. / - This long?

- Yes. / - Okay.

- I'll do it. / - Cut it straight.


Hold it.

I'll go get the sticks.

I seriously thought you had a real blueprint.

I was surprised to see that.

So everything is planned in your head, right?

The details for the doghouse?

I have no idea how it'll turn out.

(Don't worry.)

- We need more. / - More?


Should we make it like this? Here?

- Underneath... / - You need one under that.

We need another four sticks for the base.

(How would it turn out?)

We need four.

(They start cutting the base sticks first.)

- Four of it. / - Four of this.

So we need eight in total.

- We need eight of it? / - Yes.

- What about the top? / - We need to cut it.

We need 12 sticks in total.

We need four on top, four on the bottom

and another four as pillars.

We already have them.

- So we only need four. / - That's not it.

It'll work.

We need four supports here

and another four sticks on the top.

That means we need 12 in total.

I'm telling you it's not 12.

We need four for the bottom and the top.

- What about the roof? / - So it's eight.

- Well... / - We need to make a roof.

- I'm not sure about this. / - We need four supports.

- I know. / - So I'll do as I'm told.

I don't know what to do.

Then, you won't need one on here?

They are the bosses.

Hold this.

We need 12 sticks in total.

I'm telling you. I'm right about this.

- They are the same. / - Put them together.

- Put them together. / - This one?

- Where? / - On top.

- Here? / - Yes.

Like this?

It would've been hard for you to make this alone.

What's so hard about that?

(They're done putting eight sticks together.)


(We don't have supports.)

Is that it? It turns out you were right.

I told you. We need 12.

(I told you so.)

You're right.

We need to cut more.

- We need four more. / - I told you.

We have two.

I just hope Ddarong will have a nice house.

It'll work out.

How many times has she given birth?

I don't even know anymore.

Where's the puppies' dad?

I don't know who the dad is.

Ddarong, I didn't know you were so easy.

Do you like that Ddarong is pregnant?

No. It's just a lot of work.

I know.

You should've tied her up.

I left her unleashed to watch the house.

Ddarong, you're so naughty.


(They start assembling the supports.)

Please hold this.

(It's starting to take shape.)

We don't have one here.

Gosh, let's just do it as it is.

You were measuring things with a ruler before.

He's getting tired of it.

(She got me.)

He'll just do it roughly to finish it now.

He's tired.

- It's just... / - Hold this tight.

It's quite a lot of work.

Their shoulders must hurt.

- What? / - Their shoulders must hurt.

- Whose? / - These guys.

I thought you were talking about your husband.

I thought you were talking about your husband.

You were talking about the cameramen?

It must be very heavy.

They might dislocate their shoulders.

Go and prepare lunch.

I'll make the lunch now.

(She's off to prepare lunch.)

You're worried, right?

No, I'm not.

(You guys take care of it.)

Is this your hometown?

Yes, this is "samteo".

- Pardon? / - This is "samteo".

- "Samteo"? / - Yes.

- My birthplace. / - That's called "samteo"?

- Yes. / - You were born here.

I grew up here.

- Where did you meet her? / - What?

Where did you meet your wife?

- Jeongeup. / - Jeongeup?

- In Jeongeup? / - Yes.

How did you meet her in Jeongeup?

It was an arranged marriage.

That's how people got married back then.

It was tough.

Pardon? It was tough?

It sure was.

I was away for nine years.

Oh, you mean she had a tough time.

That was out of nowhere.

- Were you in Seoul? / - What?

(They had to live apart.)

I lived in Seoul. I did construction work.

- I see. / - Yes.

Your wife was here farming

and you worked in Seoul.

You came home four times a year?



Your wife must've gone through a lot.

(He feels bad for his wife.)

She went through so much. She did.

Have lunch first.

Okay. Should I go that way?

- Come here. / - There?

I'll go this way.

(He won't do as he's told.)

Everyone, come this way.

(He listens to his wife.)

For more infomation >> Taehyun - Build the doghouse "U dog is having puppies?" [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 7:38.


Supernatural 13x06 Sneak Peek "Tombstone" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Supernatural 13x06 Sneak Peek "Tombstone" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:10.


LOOM KNITTING Napkin Holder Pattern on a Round Loom EASY Project | Rib Stitch | Holiday | Loomahat - Duration: 13:27.

Hey guys this time we're gonna be knitting this napkin holder with buttons

on the back and a nice rib stitch so that it fits your particular napkin.

I love this design because it's a cool way to display your favorite button. If

you don't like the scrubby look on the top, you can always tighten your cast on

and it'll have a more refined look. Alright let's get started. Be sure to

check the video description or website posts for a list of supplies and more

information. Thank you to Promise Learning and Shanty

Styled me for covering the cost of closed captioning.

Alright let's begin by securing the working yarn to the anchor peg. Then

we're going to e-Wrap cast on 24 pegs. So basically just wrap the pegs. Keep in

mind that we're knitting flat, so once we're done wrapping our 24 pegs which is

right here, we're gonna turn directions and knit a row. This row does not

count as row 1 (because I get asked that question a lot), this is the cast on

and you do not count the cast on or the cast off as one of your rows. We're

gonna finish knitting this row that will end the cast on and then we will start

row 1. I do want to give you a heads up that for row 1 we are going to slip or

in other words skip that first peg for a nice clean edge. And continue the pattern

which is to knit the next two stitches. So we will always slip that first stitch

and then keep going. Here you see, slip knit, knit and then we're going to purl.

So we put the yarn under the loop, with our hook we scoop up the yarn and create

a new loop. Take the old loop off and then put the new loop on the peg and it

always ends up being way too big, so we pull the working yarn in order to

tighten it. Then we continue the pattern which now calls for three knits

and one purl. We're going to do this combination of three knits and by the way

three U-wrap knit stitches and then one purl, until we get to the last four

stitches of the loom. So as you can see I did three knits, here

is a purl and now I'm gonna do three knits, again and a purl and guess what

I'm doing next, one more time three knits, one, two, three and a purl and three more

knits and a purl. Now we're at the last four stitches and the pattern

changes in that we're going to do three purls so, one, two and you guys should be

purl experts by now, here's my third purl. Then because I want a clean

edge we will end the row with a knit stitch because knit stitches at the end

look way nicer, well depending on the pattern, then a purl stitch. And remember

I said we always skip or slip that first stitch. By the way this little puffy

part right there, if you pull on the loop next to it and tighten it it will look a

lot better. Alright slip the first one and then

we're going to now purl those first three that we purled coming back and the next

one which makes a total of four purls. Hand here is purl number four and then

we're going to start that pattern again. The three knits and one purl so again,

knit these three stitches and remember that we are now on row 2 because we

turned around. So there's our three knits and a purl and you're going to continue

with this pattern again. And oops almost lost that one. Knit three knits

and one purl until all you have left are three pegs and those last three pegs you

are going to knit.

And here are your last three knit stitches, for your last three pegs.

Once you finish row 2 you're going to repeat rows 1 & 2 three more times for a

total of 8 rows. Then you're going to go to row 9 which is a repeat of row 1

in order to then come to row 10, where you're going to slip your first stitch.

If necessary correct that little bumpy thing right there by pulling on

the loop next to it that will tighten it up and make it look nice. Again you

slip that first stitch and now you're going to U-wrap knit the next twenty

three pegs. Row ten is the last row in this pattern, so once you're done with

those 23 pegs we're ready to cast off. We're going to

be using the modified version of the basic bind off and this is worked over

two pegs. So we'll start with going to peg two that we're going to wrap and and

knit off. This is your basic bind off. Remove the loop and move it to peg one.

Tighten your loop, knit off your peg and move that loop over to the second peg.

That was the basic bind off. Now we're going to take the next two pegs

and we're going to modify the bind off. One and two and we will modify them by

wrapping both pegs one and two. Now we're going to knit off and then we're going

to take the loop off of peg two and we're going to move it to peg one. You're

then going to tighten that loop, knit off your peg and take the loop from peg one

over to peg two and tighten the loop. Now you have new pegs, one and two.

This time you're going back to the basic so you're gonna wrap only peg two, knit off

take the loop off of peg two and put it on peg one. Then you're going to knit off

and move the loop from peg one over to peg two. Now you'll continue with the basic

bind off which is where you're only going to wrap one of the two pegs, right,

right here. Wrap the second one until you get to peg 12 and when you're on peg 12

you're going to modify it. Remember that when I say modify what I'm saying

is that you're gonna wrap both pegs one and two and every time you cast off a

peg you have new pegs one and two. Because you're probably thinking, "oh my

gosh we're not on peg two anymore, we're on like four, five, six whatever and she's

still saying pegs one and two. Well every time you cast off a peg you have new

pegs one and two. Now here we're at at 12 and we're going to modify. We wrapped

both one and two, we knit off, take it off to put it on one, knit off and move one

to two. Then we go back again to the basic bind off and you're gonna continue

by wrapping only one of the two pegs until you only have three pegs left.

Then you're going to modify the technique again. So here we are where you

only have three and you're going to wrap both pegs one and two and you're going

to knit off both pegs. There we go,

okay well I did make a boo-boo here and the video is so way done that I wasn't

going to do everything all over again. So no big deal, I should have moved a loop

from two to one and then back but I didn't, but you guys know we've done a

few, so you know you wrap a second and then you move it. You did need to modify,

I just moved the wrong loop that's all. So here we're at the last loop you're

going to knit off and your napkin holder is basically done. All you have to do now

is get rid of that loop. So you get your scissors and you cut the working yarn

which is your excess yarn and pull on that loop until it's free. Now we

want to secure this so with a crochet hook you're going to go ahead and make a

knot in order to secure your fabric. So pull the yarn through leaving yourself a

little loop and with that little loop you're going to take the working yarn,

pull it through and tighten in order to get a knot and tada your napkin is done.

Start stretching your stitches now go all the way to the other end

stretching your stitches and there is also your cast on. You're going to

weave it in so that it's like at the corner, right. You're gonna continue

to pull on your stitches. Now I have a boo-boo on my fabric where I happen to have

done the wrong stitch. I'm not going to worry about it because the loose

stitches will hide it. Plus I will fix it later and I might do a video showing how

I did this. This is pretty simple and if you don't like all of these roughly

loose loops right here, you can always tighten them. I do have a video on

how to tighten this cast on row so it looks like this. I'm not going to show

you here but there will be a link in the description. Now we're going to attach

the buttons right here to that part of the napkin holder that has a rib stitch.

The other side is your purl stitches and we did that because

they're nice and open and they will work as buttonholes without you having to

knit a buttonhole because I hate to knit buttonholes I'm sure you do too. This way

all of that purl section will work as a button and the rib fabric allows it to

stretch. That's what makes it nice and flexible. Along with the link on how to

tighten your loose loops I'll also give you one on how to make a thread that

matches your yarn in order to sew your buttons. I also wanted to share with you

guys how I attach buttons that don't have buttonholes and I don't want to

sew them. This button is actually a shank button so what I did was to just take

the clip off the card and clipped the button to the napkin holder. Well I hope

you liked that little trick and I hope you enjoyed the pattern. Please leave me

your comments, like the video and if you haven't already done so subscribe.

For more infomation >> LOOM KNITTING Napkin Holder Pattern on a Round Loom EASY Project | Rib Stitch | Holiday | Loomahat - Duration: 13:27.


Chris Hayes' Theory About What Motivates Donald Trump - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Chris Hayes' Theory About What Motivates Donald Trump - Duration: 3:00.


Lethal Weapon 2x07 Promo "Birdwatching" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Lethal Weapon 2x07 Promo "Birdwatching" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


L'OURS BENJAMIN - L'échange de peluches - Duration: 22:31.

For more infomation >> L'OURS BENJAMIN - L'échange de peluches - Duration: 22:31.


Supernatural 13x07 Promo "War of the Worlds" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Supernatural 13x07 Promo "War of the Worlds" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.


[Poor travel澳門] $1000蚊晚!巴黎人酒店雙人房間大探究!澳門巴黎鐵塔!The Parisian Macao 2017 - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel澳門] $1000蚊晚!巴黎人酒店雙人房間大探究!澳門巴黎鐵塔!The Parisian Macao 2017 - Duration: 4:31.


Junho sings one verse~She sings the next verse~♬ [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 1:07.

You need to pick these.

(Meanwhile, Junho tries to cut corner.)

Do you like music?

I do like music.

Do you know there's a song about chilies?

(She's not very interested.)

This is the chili song.


(She even dances hard.)

Yes, chili.

How exciting.

How easy it is.

(Junho sings one verse.)

♪ In the summer ♪

(She sings the next verse.)

♪ I walk on the riverbank ♪

(A passionate performance at the chili farm)

This is fun.

(He's poor at helping out, but good at entertaining.)

This is awesome.

You're now listening to Ms. Mallae's "Chili Story".

What song do you want me to play next?

For more infomation >> Junho sings one verse~She sings the next verse~♬ [2Days & 1Night-Season 3/2017.11.05] - Duration: 1:07.


Barbie Hair 💇 Barbie Hairstyle Tutorial 😱 Barbie Hair Color Transformation😱 - Duration: 10:19.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Barbie Hair 💇 Barbie Hairstyle Tutorial 😱 Barbie Hair Color Transformation😱 - Duration: 10:19.


Значение карты Девятка Кубков. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Значение карты Девятка Кубков. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 1:57.


Our Bloggers Reveal 16 Surprising Vaseline Hacks For The Wedding Season - Duration: 5:04.

What's up guys? Namaste.

The wedding season's here.

I have some great tips for you.

So, I wanted to share with you guys

a few Vaseline hacks

to make your makeup pop and look amazing.


So, chaliye dekhate hain aaj hum kya karane wale hain.


If your mascara is acting clumsy,

to fix its consistency

put some Vaseline in it and stir it.

Shaddi season is all about

you being on your feet for hours.

So, to prevent shoe bites apply some vaseline

on the areas you're prone to getting blisters.

If you guys struggle with smaller ear holes like I do

an easy hack is to put a little bit of Vaseline

behind your earrings and around your ear hole

and watch them light through. Easy, peasy.

I always tend to opt for long lasting lipsticks

during the wearing season.

But, with that comes the issue of chapped lips.

A simple solution,

mix brown sugar and vaseline in a small bowl

and apply it onto your lips.

The brown sugar will act as a natural scrub

and the Vaseline will moisturise as you go.

Excessively tweezing your brows can sometimes

ruin the skin around that area.

A simple tip is to apply a little bit of vaseline

around your brow area before you tweeze

to protect and moisturise the delicate skin around

around it.

I love wearing false lashes.

but removing them can be a pain.

An easier way of removing false lashes is

taking a little bit of Vaseline on an earbud,

apply it on your lashes

and let it sit for about five minutes.

This will soften up the glue

and then you can easily remove your lashes

and take a warm washcloth

to just get rid of all of the glue.

If you're anything like me, then taking off your bangles

at nighttime after all of the shaadi madness

can be your task.

So, I have a tip for you guys,

take some Vaseline and apply it

right under your thumb.

Your bangle will glide off easily.

To get a glossy eye makeup look that lasts all day,

all you have to do

is finish off with your eye makeup,

take Vaseline, dab it on your eyelids

and voila!

Instant glossy lids.

To give your hair a crazy wet look

during the wedding parties, all you have to do

is take little bit of Vaseline,

apply it over your damn hair

and then just slick it back and you're good to go!

So, one of my favorite go-to glam looks

is to wear glitter lips

and for that all you need to do is

mix a little bit of glitter with Vaseline

and dab it on top of your lips.

Now, Vaseline is very hydrating, so it's going to give you

a very plumped up, hydrating, glossy look

for your night out.

Running out of the door and you realise

that your outfit's zip is stuck.

Apply Vaseline on both sides of the zip

it will help you unstick it.

Heavy lehengas and gowns leave you with rashes?

Do not worry, apply Vaseline on the rash area

It will help you heal and hydrate the skin.

So, ricksters at weddings we can't control many things,

like the wide hair on our eyebrows.

Which will behave weirdly at the worst times.

Especially, when you meet your crush!

But, all you need to do is,

take some vaseline and apply it

onto your out-of-control eyebrows

and hopefully your crush will give

you a peck on your neck.

We all know, weddings can be a hot mess!

But, you still want to smell good.

But, how will you perfume last longer?

Well, simply apply some Vaseline on the area

you want to apply some perfume.

This will avoid evaporation

and will moisturise your skin.

Running out of bindis during wedding season

is not good.

Just apply dab of Vaseline and a mix

of sequins and glitter

and then it'll give you a bindi like illusion.

Vaseline can be used as a free shampooing treatment

to prevent dry and itchy scalp caused due to dandruff.

take a good amount of Vaseline

and rub it onto your damn scalp

then take a warm towel

and leave it on for 15 minutes.

do this before you head in for a shower.

Bye, bye dry skin. Hello, hydration!

For more infomation >> Our Bloggers Reveal 16 Surprising Vaseline Hacks For The Wedding Season - Duration: 5:04.


Video: Windy, crisp day ahead - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Video: Windy, crisp day ahead - Duration: 2:26.


Yedhedho Aasaiya |Avinash| Vishnu K| Priyan Rajamohan| Aravinth |Ajmal - Duration: 7:38.

Shalini: I really like shiva

Shalini: But I do not know if he likes me

Shiva: Shalini

Shiva: I like Shalini a lot

Shiva: more than a friend

Shiva: But I'm not sure if Shalini likes me or not

Shiva: Should I let her know

Shiva: how I feel about her?

Shiva: No

Shiva: She should confess first

Shiva: That would be right

Shiva: Shalini's dad called her all of a sudden

Shiva: He told that he has found a groom for Shalini

Shiva: and that he will send a picture of the groom through whatsapp

Shiva: She showed me his picture

Shiva: He told her to inform him of her decision by that evening

Shiva: I did not know how to react

Shiva: At that moment, it felt like there was a great divide between us



Shalini: bye...

Shalini: I need to go home and inform my dad of my decision

Shalini: Even if I tell him no,

Shalini: He will convince me to accept the guy

Shalini: But after my marriage, we should remain as friends

Shiva: No

Shalini: Why?

Shiva: We are not friends

Shiva: We are more than that

Shiva: Your eyes showed how you really felt about me

Shiva: Please don't deny that

Shiva: Hold on

Shiva: Hello Uncle,

Shiva: My name is Shiva

Shiva: Shalini's friend

Shiva: I'm an orphan

Shiva: I understand how hard it must have been for you as a father to find a good man for your daughter

Shiva: I really do understand

Shiva: but

Shiva: She likes me

Shiva: Please do consider her feelings

Shiva: What else do you expect me to do?

Shiva: If you don't like me, just slap me and go

Shiva: I'll apologise to your father

Shiva: Alright fine. You think about it. I'll make my move.

[Untold Love]

For more infomation >> Yedhedho Aasaiya |Avinash| Vishnu K| Priyan Rajamohan| Aravinth |Ajmal - Duration: 7:38.


Smartphones Unlock with Sweat, McDonald's Drive-Thru Thief - Monologue - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Smartphones Unlock with Sweat, McDonald's Drive-Thru Thief - Monologue - Duration: 2:59.


YouTube FanFest | The Insider: Jakarta 2017 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> YouTube FanFest | The Insider: Jakarta 2017 - Duration: 2:40.


Haircut and Color Transformation 2017 - Amazing Hairstyles Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:16.

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