Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Hello my little ones

today we are in a video on the channel


and today we are going to do brow ..

if those brownies

and the ingredients are:

butter, egg

cocoa powder


a cup, milk

microwave , spoon

and fork

We're going to make a delicious brownie

for your desserts

I hope it's pink

hy am I recording with it? Why?


For more infomation >> How to make a brownie in 2 min without oven | JaZingLol - Duration: 4:06.





☆ 1 HOUR ☆ THE FIRST CHRISTMAS ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ❄ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆ - Duration: 1:03:21.

☆ 1 HOUR ☆ THE FIRST CHRISTMAS ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ❄ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆

For more infomation >> ☆ 1 HOUR ☆ THE FIRST CHRISTMAS ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ❄ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆ - Duration: 1:03:21.


NOTHING WILL STOP YOU - Jim Rohn, Tony robbins & Les Brown - Duration: 8:58.

here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you

can become more than you are that's the challenge and of course the other side

of the coin reads unless you change how you are you'll always have what you got

everybody hopes things will get better everybody hopes poor people hold that

ought to tell you something it means the future does not get better

by hope it gets better by planning if you wish to be successful study success

if you wish to be happy study happiness if you wish to be

wealthy study wealth don't leave it to chance

make it a study some people just go through the day with their fingers

crossed see that won't do it you've got to study

the things that can change your economic social spiritual personal life

if you don't like how it is for you change it if it doesn't suit you change

it if it doesn't please you change it if it isn't enough change it and I

challenge you to do that because you can change see you don't ever have to be the

same again after tonight only by choice

you see you don't want to wind up at the end of your life and discover that

you've lived only 1/10 of it and the other 9/10 went down the drain not for

lack of opportunity for lack of information

most of us lower our standards why because who you spend time with my

friends is will you become quality of your life is the quality of where you

live emotionally but we all have a home angry people try and find a way to get

angry even if their life doesn't they'd be angry about we can always find it sad

people find what to be sad caring people find a way to care for

other people so one thing gonna identify is where are you living what's your home

what's your habit and then the way to change it is it when I was homeless

literally on my own just getting started I didn't have the internet but I have

decided I had to go to a library and I had to feed my mind I always tell people

the first stage is you know weeds grow automatically one of my teachers taught

me said everyday stand guard at the door of your mind and feed it something good

because if your worst enemy puts sugar in your coffee here you're fine if your

best friend by accident trying to help you put some strychnine you're dead so

if you feed your mind every day 30 minutes a day of reading something

hearing something second you got to strengthen your body and the reason

Pierce is fear is physical right so is stagnation

so is numbness so a sadness so it's rage and when you go in and change your body

by an intense workout or a run or even intense walk and the Bloods flowing

through you science has shown it instantly changes

your biochemistry now your mind and body you're working together

third thing all these people didn't come and if you watch they found a mission

bigger than themselves yeah something that they weren't to aspire to that was

worth more than their and then the fourth thing is you gotta

find a role model you know you heard it wouldn't it almost nobody finds a role

model that makes it real yeah you get a role model it becomes real to you if you

get a plan you get a goal plan and you take massive action and the last step

number five there's always somebody all or something you are doing what you've

done so if you can go help somebody worse off it put your life in

perspective and it also reminds you of life's not about me it's about we I

always tell people the secret to a great life the secret to living is given and

there's you realize there's something you still to give even if you lost your

legs even if you've been through a horrific financial situation your life

could improve but more importantly I'll have a meaningful life that your life

will contribute if you decide to develop the habit right now the habit of

focusing on wants right in your will instead of what's wrong the habit of

focusing on what you do have instead of what you don't have in a situation and

as basic as that is and as well as you know it you've got to make it a habit

because those habits form the chain of your ultimate character of who you

become and how you end up living your life we've got to condition ourselves

because if we don't we'll go back to the automatic state that most people live in

in today's society the wind developed the habit is to go on a mental diet is

that you immediately do not allow yourself to hold a negative feeling a

negative thought for seven straight days day and night even when it gets tough

even when somebody disappoints you even when you get frustrated even when you

give your own and still turns up lousy listen if all he did was rant rave on

the state and you didn't listen to anything else I said but you took on

this seven day challenge you can't believe what it'll do to your life if

you get yourself in a state of certainty that this is gonna work I'm gonna find

the way and if this is work I will make the way then you tap a lot more

potential and when you're certain your potential you take massive action when

you take massive action you really believe in something you get great

results when you get great results your brain goes see I told you I was a stud

people tell me all the time I'm skeptical or I'm pessimistic I said no

no you're gutless it takes no guts it takes no perch

to be a pessimist to say it's not gonna work to try to find out what's wrong

what's wrong is always available those what's right so I'm not into positive

thinking but I am into intelligence and intelligence says seen as it is don't

make it worse than it is the only way it gets better as if you can see that it is

don't make it worse than it is don't try to make it so it's impossible to change

that's not true not true at all the second mandate I think to changing

anything in your life to believe in your life is once you see it as it is not

worse it is then you got to see it better than this because that

something's missing for most relationships there's no vision

I mean without a vision people what perish and what a relationship has no

vision for greater than where they are that relationship is going downhill if

not destroyed I believe that every relationship every part of life every

part of the human being needs a controlling future if the future is not

more compelling than today today could be tough but the futures compelling we

can get there I'm saying this is a time more than ever that you want to begin to

inoculate yourself with positive words coming to convicted showing up on

meetings being on the calls to make yourself unstoppable to get out of your

mind the polluting negative thoughts that's causing most people to go through

life being stuck because they're volunteer victims somebody said that

many people died 25 and don't get burned until they're 65

because they got so much garbage in their minds you are here because you've

got a clear vision of what you want and where you're going give yourselves a

round of applause come on we're gonna do over there yes yes you want more you

want more you're different you're different than everybody else

don't worry they don't get it don't try and convince people to do this business

of course you convinced against the rulers of the same opinions Phil you are

not like everybody else you can walk outside and find pigeons but are you

looking for healers this one you're different is the only at the top

how many of you know again the guitar is your head

better that's what I'm talking about they're different one great entrepreneur

said I choose not to be a common man it's my right to be uncommon if I said I

seek opportunity not security I do not wish to be a kept citizen humbled and

dull by having the state look after me I want to take the calculated risk to

dream and to build to fail and to succeed I refuse to live from hand to

mouth I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence the thrill of

fulfillment of the still calm of utopia I will never call before him master

you know then to any threat it's my heritage to stand erect proud and I'm

afraid to face the real bold in say this I have done he showed building a

business that you can stand and say I did this I did this this is my dream

give yourselves a round of applause yes


For more infomation >> NOTHING WILL STOP YOU - Jim Rohn, Tony robbins & Les Brown - Duration: 8:58.


ENFES Beşamel Soslu Fırında Patatesli Tavuk-Murat Bilgin-Yemek tarifleri - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> ENFES Beşamel Soslu Fırında Patatesli Tavuk-Murat Bilgin-Yemek tarifleri - Duration: 6:20.


Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 153 - Duration: 5:45.

WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

In today's V-LOG

we'll be telling you at what stage of development the HTML5 version of Tanki Online is,

talking about the final stage of Clan Championship X

and telling you about the Battle of Social Networks - VK vs OK.

Hello Tankers!

Earlier this week we announced Tankiball -

a new community event organized by the Event Helpers!

The goal is simple: gather friends,

register as a team and make sure you bring enough Vikings and Hammers with you

- you'll need to shoot a special tank playing the role of the ball.

Registrations are already open, so hurry up and submit your application!

The work on the HTML5 version of Tanki is our top priority right now.

Here's the current progress:

Testing of the new version of "Tanki Online" started earlier this year in August.

Back then we let 5% of the new players through the new version of Tanki.

Our goals were: to find and fix the critical issues

and compare the results with the Flash version for new players.

In the end we faced performance issues.

More powerful PCs could play the new version without any problems.

But less powerful laptops with integrated video cards had a tough time.

Initially, HTML5 version performed much slower compared to Flash.

Next, we started to optimize things.

Performance on less powerful machines was slightly improved.

And then a little bit more, and a bit more.

This way using special testing laptops with old hardware

we managed to raise FPS up to 20 frames per second,

even though at the beginning nothing worked at all.

One more big accomplishment - the interface.

To launch the new version as soon as possible, we used emulation of the old interface,

which isn't the fastest solution for the browser.

Now the interface is being properly redone from the ground up.

The hardest part of it, of course, is the Garage.

It contains the maximum number of the technical features -

like turning your tank, drag and scroll interface

and several menus with upgrades, equipment and gifts.

For the best performance it's important for us to make the game stable,

and, of course, to fix small and annoying bugs.

Let's recap:

HTML5 version is a bit behind Flash compared to its performance,

and has a few negligible problems.

And now let's answer the question "When is the release?":

A full and immediate switch to HTML5 probably won't happen.

We will move players to the new version over time.

And regarding when - as soon as the new version is on the same level of performance as Flash.

The deciding stage of Clan Championship X is about to begin.

On Tuesday, November 14th, 4 finalists of the tournament were decided.

In honor of their victory, 4 special paints can now be purchased in the Garage.

Buy one of the paints to support your team -

this will give them +3 to team power.

And if you correctly guess the winner, you will get 5 Gold Boxes and 1 day of Premium!

Don't miss your chance of buying fan paints -

after the morning restart on November 19th

all the 4 paints will become unavailable for purchase

and the first match starts the same day.

As a reminder, fan paints will remain in your Garage only if you bought one.

Watch the finals - it's gonna to be brutal!

The next part is even better.

The battle between two popular social networks "OK vs VK" is raging on,

and it's a mashup of the fan paints and crazy weekend events.

Upon buying one of the paints you choose a side -

for vKontakte or for Odnoklassniki.

Next, the race is going on two fronts:

On one hand, every player is interested in making the most kills during the battle.

The more kills you make, the bigger the prize.

On the other hand, it's good to keep checking your K/D.

A higher average K/D of your team means better chances

for you to get double rewards in the personal race.

Top 10 players from each side will get additional prizes,

including the animated paint "Flow".

And the best part of this madness is that the kills and the K/D counter

work in both standard and non-PRO battles, if you have one of the paints equipped.

So don't forget to do that!

Video of the week.

In the last V-LOG you sent us a bunch of very cool

and absolutely not staged capture the flag videos.

Let's watch the winner of the week:

Next time make a video, again - not staged, with a killstreak

- a series of kills without a single destruction of your own tank.

Make sure you're wearing either the OK or the VK paint.

Good luck!

That's it for today, tankers!

Watch the V-LOGs!

Christmas is getting closer, and with it a lot of cool info.

Next week there won't be a new V-LOG, but we'll have a special Tankiball stream,

check it out on the official TO channel!

Last time Magnum blew itself up on the Rio map in Space mode.

You had to guess which mark it would reach by flying up from the explosion.

The right answer is - 7!

As always, we've randomly chosen 10 lucky tankers among the right answers.

Welcome the winners and here's the new question.

Who will survive?

For more infomation >> Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 153 - Duration: 5:45.


Nhảy Dance Túy Âm If I Need You - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Nhảy Dance Túy Âm If I Need You - Duration: 5:32.



For more infomation >> CHUYỆN THẦM KÍN - 10 BÍ MẬT CHUYỆN NỮ GIỚI TH.Ủ D.ÂM KHIẾN CÁNH ĐÀN ÔNG PHÁT HOẢNG - Duration: 14:54.


Não precisa que ninguém o complete: você é uma pessoa completa - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> Não precisa que ninguém o complete: você é uma pessoa completa - Duration: 8:49.


# Cartoon GAME for children.Games Am Nyam.Prozhdenie game - Duration: 11:38.

For more infomation >> # Cartoon GAME for children.Games Am Nyam.Prozhdenie game - Duration: 11:38.


We Tried Six Different Spicy Noodles (Samyang & Pancit Canton) - Duration: 13:51.

Today, we're here in my humble abode


test our


We're here today with

knows the Bain Marie technique

wants to become famous

then let's follow this direction


just go!


show it to the camera

the one who can strongly withstand spicy food


That samyang 4x got me so nervous

this is unfair

just tell me if it's intense

ready the milk for Pat



it will slightly make you cry

the color's weird

why is it like this?

it's kinda pale

yeah, it looks green


that's so spicy...


you're so unfair!

why am I the one getting hit?

I might be next

but this is already spicy for her

even if it's not

jess: what happened?

to the both of us?

it was nothing for her


you should pretend to cry

for clickbait!

what the heck?!

I think I'm next

I'm the son of God

I think I'm next

he takes so much!

so we can end this!

but that's (pancit canton) what you're eating, not that (samyang)


i'm in trouble

what the heck?!

it's chilimansi again!

it's still spicy


laugh all you want

you'll taste the revenge of the aggrieved

it still hurts though

bon hacked it (the wheel)

I want something sweet


Why don't you get Samyang?

I really feel I'm next

I'm next

Yeah I think so too

Bon will be next

Oh no (3x)

I want this too

You're in luck

Me too!

It hurts!

Then mine will be Samyang 1x!

I'm guessing mine will be Samyang

Something sweet again?!

Let it be Samyang


It's so spicy!

I'll still die because of this

It's spicy!

Wow, Bon. Look who's talking?

What the heeeeeck?!

What's mine?


Give Samyang to Bon!

Bon is so lucky!

I know, right!

I'm getting full

I don't like this

Bon you paid a lot (to the wheel)!

The competition is cooked!

The both of you got Samyang

Okay, let's pause first because both of us got Samyang

My tongue (hurts)!

What the heck?!

My voice is so loud

You're unfair!

Hey Bon, please get a lot!

It feels like we're doing penance

Bon: Where's my milk?

I don't want this anymore!

The milk had no effect

I think I like the water better than milk

Panici: I agree

Because it's colder

Give me (water)!

Do it faster!

Jess: OMG, she used her bare hands!

I feel there was a Mass Hysteria

When Bon said it was spicy,

Jessiah felt it

I felt it

You felt it

Extra Hot, that's okay

I don't like this (Sweet and Spicy)!

This is my favorite!

It got even spicier!

Pass me the ice cream!


I don't want to


I don't want this anymore!

Samyang 2x really loves you

Why is it like this?!

I'm really sweet

Something swee--

Hey! Eww!


What do you mean?

I knew I'll be the one to finish this!


Bon can't talk anymore

She's not even done with the 2x from earlier

Hey you have to eat two!

My stomach hurts already!

What's the punishment?

Pass me the Samyang 1x first

Jess: Pat will get the Samyang

The 1x first

I haven't eaten the 1x

Oh, the one from earlier?!

Just don't swallow it

It hurts more

It settles here


After intake, don't swallow!


The noodles

After intake, chew!

Panici and I are the only ones left

Go home! (3x)

This is extra hot! It's my turn!

Extra hot again?! Finish this already!

I don't want this anymore

What the heck

Son of God!

It landed on me!

What is it?

Jess: Finish it already!

He doesn't prefer Pancit Canton

Yeah, it's heavy in the stomach

The pain is returning

I thought I've moved on


My chest hurts!

I haven't done my turn

Who's turn is it?

It's Pat's turn

It's really my turn

Indulge her (2x)

Because it's really her turn

I'm full!

Are you gonna tap out?!


Whose idea is this?!

I don't want this anymore! (2x)

So obviously, we failed the challenge

We didn't finish the 3 Samyang noodles

Well, I mean it's a lot!

What we finished are the Pancit Canton noodles

And we also ate dinner before this

Bon, how was it as a non spicy eater?

Uhm, the Extra hot is spicy

Pancit Canton?!

Yes, and the Chilimansi

1. One does not simply insert

2. One does not simply swallow

Don't swallow.

That's right.

My stomach hurts!

Jessiah, how was the experience?

It will make your stomach hurt

My stomach hurts!

I feel I will release my emotions and grudges later tonight

I don't know what's the problem of--


To be honest, I really don't like Pancit Canton

I've been trying to finish it

So you have a problem with Filipinos than Koreans?

The Pancit Canton will really make you full!

I'm so full, I can't get up

There you go, guys

If you reached this point

I hope you didn't get sick watching us eat

Comment your favorite noodle out of the 6!

Follow Panici on twitter

His twitter is here

He has a lot of heartaches, complaints, and advice for

those who loved and got their heart broken

and those who have an unrequited crush


For more infomation >> We Tried Six Different Spicy Noodles (Samyang & Pancit Canton) - Duration: 13:51.


Military films "The NKVD's COMMANDANT PATROL" 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:05:24.

Military films "The NKVD's COMMANDANT PATROL" 1941-45! War Movie HD Video!

For more infomation >> Military films "The NKVD's COMMANDANT PATROL" 1941-45! War Movie HD Video! - Duration: 1:05:24.


Lauv - Paris in the Rain (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:36.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Lauv - Paris in the Rain (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:36.


SIMULATOR to GET square in ROBLOX HAMSTER Pet Escape escapes Hilarious cartoon game - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> SIMULATOR to GET square in ROBLOX HAMSTER Pet Escape escapes Hilarious cartoon game - Duration: 10:32.


Don't trust ibanks!! trust yourself!! - Duration: 11:32.

hi guys today we're seeing quarter three earning reports coming out and

announcing one by one so some of the stocks were outperforming the

expectation and some of the stocks are underperforming the expectations so what

are the expectation who make those okay some of the iBanks some that institution

some of the TV some of the media for the same stock and on the same day some say

outperforming some say is underperforming the expectation

so as an amateur I'm really scratching my head I don't understand which one to

follow and I do not have a measurement and I do not have a ruler myself so I

have to follow and in the end I always follow the wrong one why because we do

not know the formula we do not know the valuation, first of all, we talk about the

valuation so today we announce the formula so that you can yourself you can

also, calculate the valuation yourself first of all

we'll just talk about what it's valuation we have to understand

valuation is different than the price sometimes if we missed buying a stock

let's say I miss it from $10 and is right now $20 then we will say this

stock is now really expensive the fact is after last year many of the stock had

almost double if not triple of the price so if every single time the stock

is only 50% of double it and then we think that is expensive to sell it just

like housing market whenever you sell it you can most likely I think you cannot

take into the housing market again so that is the misconception between the

price and valuation they're two different things so today this formula

is in order for you the stock price to stay at this level then your trading

today you have to show me the report to support that if you're underperforming

this measurement then the price will eventually goes down so that is

something that we'll talk about now so first of all, if you haven't subscribed to

my channel please subscribe to my Youtube channel and like my Facebook

page and this requires a little bit of math which probably you'll be unfamiliar

with for the past 10 or 20 years, I don't know but it's a simple math if you have

any questions please leave me comments in the comment box below that's it so if

you like this video is a bit technical but is not too hard but

if you like it please give me thumbs up and also share this video to your friends so

first of all, let's reveal what we talked about in July because in July we have

used this model already we applied specifically in Nvidia which is the

backbone of Big Data and gaming console stuff like that is really really big

company and at that time people say that oh it's almost doubled and tripled at the

price right now is too expensive right I'd say no because this is not the

answer I said no not that I know that is

undervalued or overvalued I'm saying that no wait until we do the homework ok

so at that time we said Nvidia we talked about the announcement day what we

expect the anticipation and the expectation and in the end is

outperforming our expectation right so right now you see at that time the

historic high it's only 170 dollars ok it's now tested $208

per share okay it's only three months ok so right now technically if

you have followed the analysis and you have been investing it investing not

speculating ok invested in this stock right now technically if it drops below

185 dollars you can cut your profit, okay and it's still, in fact, $10

higher than the historic high when we published the video last time in July okay

so there is something that you have to put in your mind price and valuation are

two different things okay so now let's kick into the topic

so there are few constraints that we understand first of all is the index is

doing poorly, for example, they're earning less then the stock market we're not

doing good and the stocks are not doing good and you should only use it in

quarter three for any sense people are expecting quarter four reports then is

not doing any good okay if the stocks are blue chips it will be more or less

higher correlated with the index with the formula so the fourth one if the

stock is losing money, then the valuation model will not work this is something

that I've been teaching for six years is the special formula I will teach it in

my preliminary class okay so I have two more models such as cash flow models

which every single variation all the patterns

or the technical analysis is unique because my losing money experience is

also unique so after this experience I've developed

many things that will be taught in the class so this is one of them okay so

this is a simplified version of the preliminary class if you have been to my

class just use the formula I announced in the class okay so this is the formula so

whenever you see the left side and the right-hand side okay the left-hand side

is the earning per share that is going to announce quarter to quarter is

quarter three to last quarter three it's not quarter two to quarter three okay so we have to

understand that so people were going to announce the

report in all kinds of ways okay so they will say that oh the new business has

gone up by 500% but that's the new business right oh the revenue has gone

up by 20% that's only revenue you okay so we need

earning per share quarter three to last quarter three okay so that's the left hand

side so the right-hand side is something you have to compare, so the right hand

side in order for you to stay at this price is the p/e ratio today PE

ratio defined it by the constant of 177 that is something that you should use

for only quarter three okay so it's something that you should calculate so this is how

it works so whenever the earning report coming

out on the left-hand side, it's greater than the right-hand side then it is over-

performing expectation so more or less the price will go up okay so if the left-

hand side is lower as less than the right-hand side then the stock price may

go down so it doesn't disturb the stock price so maybe we over thought this

market is overreacted so you have to return what I've given you before

because you do not deserve it okay so it's going back down okay so we will use

MTD which is a really really big company that use all kinds of measurement in

labs in scientific measurements we're holding it really we're literally

holding it in our portfolio MTD so the earning report is announced November 2nd

okay so quarter three to quarter three as you can see in the

screen it's only growing by 15% okay that's the left hand- side so

the right-hand side is the p/e ratio divided by 177 okay so is 38.55/177

and the right-hand side becomes 21.77 so in plain words is

in order for you to deserve several hundred dollars per share then your

report should better give me a quarter threeto quarter three earning per share

growth of 21.77% okay so as you can see is only 15%

growth right so it has a bearish candlestick and then got down is in no

time it's just in two days okay so now the price is around $650

okay so that's basically something you can do as an exercise or

something that I prove you that it works as soon as you're not using this formula

to speculate you really to hold it and to wait for at least one quarter to few

quarters there's something that it should work so MTD you can look at oh

I know the stock devaluation is not as good it's not as attractive right but

technically you see there's a red uptrend line that is supported by four

points okay so right now as soon as is not breaking below $625

per share and then it will probably go up challenging

the $695 per share level again and then if it breaks

historic high again it would test the 738

per share again so in this way is saying that the market has already digested the

bad news that not a bad news but is the underperforming news of the quarter

three earning report and they may be looking forward to quarter four right so if it

is going below 625 is showing that technically the market is still reacting

to this bad news and then technically it would test $570

per share if in that case if you haven't bought

MTD you can try to buy it in 625 level or if it breaks

below that, you can wait until $570 and invest

it again so the second company I've talked about

it in July which is the earning report of quarter two if you have listened

to me Home Depot you have been profiting from

it again so at that time people say that oh Home depot MTD has been going up a

lot right and Nvidia okay so basically again it's not about the price it's not

about everybody not it's about the future okay so right now November 15 so

we can do this homework it's the date of the announcement so the right-hand side

if we copy down the p/e ratio is 23.56 divided by

the denominator of the constant of 177 and the right hand

side becomes 13.31% okay so as soon as the earning

report earning per share quarter three to quarter three is screwing by more than

13.31% and it deserves this price or more okay so

the third one is Cisco is really really a big company it's blue chips and if you

want to invest in it or not you really have to understand because it will

affect the market right so November 16th is a date of the announcement the right-

hand side is 16.49 divided by 177 the right-hand side becomes only

9.32 tell me you will hit this expectation please okay so at that day

you look at if the left- hand side would be greater than that if not it will not deserve

the price of $34 per share right now so it will come back down so right

now technically we can look at that so right now you can see a triple top of

$34.6 okay so if it breaks above probably the only report

is more than 9.32% right so it would hit $38.6 per share

probably okay so if it's not it would go down testing

32.45 per share that's probably the earning report

is not doing well if it's doing really badly maybe it will break below that and

would test even 30.50 so that is basically you have to

merge the valuation with fundamental with technical analysis that is

something that I always use you will never belong to any party you will never limit

yourself to any signal or any analysis any cat can catch mice

is good cat okay so I look forward to your homework so if you have done your

homework please leave me comments in the comment box below so you each other and

myself can also do some homework and we can backtrack and we can double check

your answers if your any questions about math or this formula you can also leave

me comments but not to forget to give me thumbs up and share this video to your friends

investing make easy I'll see you next time goodbye

For more infomation >> Don't trust ibanks!! trust yourself!! - Duration: 11:32.


Essence of Murli 18-11-2017 - Duration: 6:59.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 18th November 2017

Essence: Sweet children, don't allow your intellects to hang on to bodily beings.

Remember the one bodiless Father and also remind others of the Father.

Question:What main things do you need to pay attention to in order to make your life as elevated as a diamond?

( Do remember : Our sustainer is Supreme Father Supreme Soul. So we need to practice rememebering him every moment )

Answer: 1. Prepare and eat your meals whilst being very yogyukt. 2. Remind one another of the Father and give the donation of life.

3. Don't perform any sinful acts. 4. Protect yourself from the company of those who speak of useless matters. Don't gossip.

5. Don't let your intellect be attracted to bodily beings. Don't hang on to bodily beings.

6. Continue to take advice from the eternal Surgeon at every step. Don't hide your illness from the Surgeon.

( remember above points and implement them )

Essence for dharna: 1. Don't become tired on the pilgrimage of remembrance.

Continue to caution one another & remind them of the Father.

Don't waste your time. Neither gossip nor listen to gossip.

2. In order to pass with honours, make no mistakes in your thoughts, words or deeds.

Blessing: May you become filled with all virtues and become number one by making virtues emerge with knowledge.

At the present time, amongst yourselves, there is a need to be a bestower of virtues through special actions.

For this, along with knowledge, also make the virtues emerge.

Have the thought:

I always have to be an image of virtues and definitely perform the special task of making others images of virtues,

and there will then be no time for seeing, hearing or doing anything wasteful.

Instead of looking at others, follow Father Brahma

and continue to donate virtues at every second

and you will become an example who is filled with all virtues and makes others this and will become number one.

Slogan: To transform negative into positive with the power of silence is real service of the mind.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 18-11-2017 - Duration: 6:59.


Wazifa For Rizq | Rizq mein Barkat | Ameer hone ka Wazifa | Dolat Ka Wazifa | Wazifa for Wealth - Duration: 6:01.

Wazifa se faida uthne ke liye video puri dekhen...

For more infomation >> Wazifa For Rizq | Rizq mein Barkat | Ameer hone ka Wazifa | Dolat Ka Wazifa | Wazifa for Wealth - Duration: 6:01.


Videos de animales para niños de 3 a 4 años - Los Peces para niños de preescolar l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 4:10.

Videos de animales para niños de 3 a 4 años - Los Peces para niños de preescolar l Bonbi Channel

For more infomation >> Videos de animales para niños de 3 a 4 años - Los Peces para niños de preescolar l Bonbi Channel - Duration: 4:10.


EPIC DANCE BATTLE *wait until end* | LesleyyXLIFE - Duration: 5:39.

it is almost noon on a Saturday morning and we're packing up to go on a mud run

this is my first mud run this is Rytis' second second mud run but

apparently this one's supposed to be a little bit more fun

a little bit easier but it's a little bit colder out so I don't know if we'll

be jumping into mud or like brown ice we shall see but I can't bring you guys

with me but I'll update you when I can it's good

we finished the mud run I finished 3/4 of it

but that's not my fault because I pulled both sides of my groin and then I was

submerged in 55 degree water but everybody else powered through but then

we just got freezing cold so it was a lot of fun the timing though I think I

should have snagged a ticket I'm gonna love you with the first time when it was

a bit warmer but it was a good experience I like I'm so incredibly

tired so did the mud run then I took a nap and then I went out to uptown and I

dressed up and I'll include maybe like some photos but I was a little

inappropriate I ended up having kind of like a girls time but mainly a league

date and so I don't really get to film that I completely forgot to but um as

you can see my lipstick smeared like all over my mouth that I'm gonna go to bed

I'm not making much sense but I'm sorry I didn't vlog it it was fun we're back

with our alma mater and this time it is homecoming

and we were just reminiscing because Olivia was in band and I'd sit with the

band and I'd always want to stay after school and to hang out and try to talk

to boys that didn't talk to us well you had some boys that would hang

out after school talk to you I didn't have a clue well yeah we're footage to

come Oh guys no lies here now you can be in my blog every Friday except not this

Friday I post on my vlog channel Lesley ex-wife

and so now you're a part of it right before recording being a blood URI in my

vlog I don't know you want to meet a story about you

god there's this really nice kid I would just go with no guy should already know

who he is

music producer or audio engineer my youtube channel my youtube channel is

onyx 24 and I make basically I've been doing EDM lately

and I have some songs that are pending TV placement right now so happens I hang

out with the cool crowd I'm also eating her popcorn I'm not supporting

horizontal Oh scared me for YouTube horizontal no okay guys we're at the

stores game again and Olivia got me peanuts and cotton candy and we're here

with them that's Olivia's older sister and her husband that you saw in the the

Laughing challenge and then here's Olivia let's all get

into it I'd like do it so I can do a still frame for the there you go now if

you click that white thing it'll take a photo

it work I don't know I press it we're in Section 300 like last time and I looked

at the Jersey and it was $120 so if we go to a Stars game a third time then it

will be an investment ticket

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