Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 17 2017

Hi, have you practiced singing today? Yes? That's great!

How many times did you sing your song? What? 20 times? That's amazing! And have

you done any other exercise? No? Well, I am thrilled that you are so enthusiastic

about singing and that you love your song

but if singing is the only exercise you do you're making a big mistake. I am

going to tell you why singing a song over and over and over again is ineffective.

So stay tuned.

Hi, my name is Katarina from How 2 Improve Singing and in this video I am

going to tell you about daily vocal exercises that you should be adding to

your regular practice sessions. Your voice, your instrument is very unique. You

cannot touch it, you cannot see it, sometimes you cannot even feel it.

So this instrument requires a very specific technique than other instruments. If your

practice routine contains only vocal exercises, for example singing warm-ups

and cooldowns and arpeggios and scales and singing your song over and over

again, you are making a big mistake. If you practice without presence, focus and

awareness, you will not improve and you can even harm your voice. You need to add

some silent practice to your practice session. Yes, you heard me right: silent practice.

And there are some very good singers, accomplished singer,s who say

that 90% of your practice should be silent. Maybe you've heard about high

performing athletes who use imagination and visualization during their practice.

They imagine themselves winning, they imagine their race before they actually

go and do the race, they imagine every aspect of their race. And the same

concept can be used in singing. Use your imagination to see yourself singing

your song, or your arpeggios or your vocal exercises. Silent practice is a highly

effective tool for accelerating your progress in singing

and for developing musical ear. Here is why: music lives in your mind first.

Musical imagination helps you understand music. Scientists say that musical

imagination stands in the center of creativity. I say if you can imagine it,

you can sing i. Hear the melody in your head first, in your ears, first feel the

flow of the song in your head, feel the rhythm of the song and imagine how you

would sing it. Feel how you would sing every note, every word, every syllable,

every pitch. Rehearse the music in your mind before you actually sing it out

loud. And instead of shaping the sounds as you are singing first do the work in

your head. Imagine the sounds before you actually sing them out loud. So here is

an exercise for you. Pick a phrase from your song that you want to practice.

Listen to the music or someone else singing this phrase but listen with

focus with intention. For this practice choose good models that use good vocal

technique. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself singing. Imagine

yourself singing the phrase with a good technique.

Imagine yourself singing the phrase with no tension, free and open. Imagine

yourself singing the phrase with ease and confidence.

Imagine yourself singing the phrase note by note, word by word, syllable by

syllable, sound by sound. Imagine singing it legato. Take your time. Practice

until you can sing the phrase in your head a few times flawlessly. Then sing

the phrase out loud and don't worry if it doesn't work out.

Return to silent practice and keep imagining yourself singing the phrase

flawlessly. If it doesn't come easy don't worry. Silent practice may be difficult

at firs. Yes it sounds weird but silent practice initially takes a lot of your

focus and hard work. Silent practice will help you grow as an artist and a

musician. Remember if you cannot imagine it, you

cannot sing i. And that's all for today, Silent practice may seem like a waste of

time but believe me it really accelerates your progress and develops

your ear for music. If you want to continue talking about breathing and

singing join our free Facebook group called Breathing Room for Singers. You

will find a link in the description below. Click on it and request access to

this amazing community of singers. If you like this video ,click the like button

and don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more videos every wee. Thank you

again for watching and I will see you in the next video/ Bye now.

Happy singing!

For more infomation >> Daily Vocal Exercises: Silent Practice - Duration: 6:46.


Mastiksoul - SQN feat. Luciano & GM (Official Video) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Mastiksoul - SQN feat. Luciano & GM (Official Video) - Duration: 3:08.




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At sea level, pressure equals to 1 bar and rises 1 bar every 10m of depth,

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For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#41 - Duration: 10:47.


3 Keys to A Morning Routine - Duration: 28:30.

TERRI: What do people like Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga, Mick Jagger

and even me have in common other than the fact that we all wear

heavy eyeliner? We have disciplines and habits

that have led us to our dreams. I want to share

with you three keys that will lead you to your dreams.


TERRI: Hey, I'm Terri Savelle Foy, and you're watching Live

Your Dreams. I pray that as you invest in

yourself today, that you're captivated and you're

catapulted to live your dreams. I want to talk to you today

about a topic that I find very helpful. It's called mind over

mattress. Do you know the most successful people in the world

have habits and rituals that have led them to success? It's

their daily discipline. In fact, I have a video on YouTube called

five things successful people do before eight o'clock in the

morning. It has millions of views because people want to

know what are successful people doing that can lead me to

greater success? There's certain habits that I've been practicing

since 2002, never dreamed that those habits would lead me to

where I'm at today. I believe it's caused God to open doors

for me that I never thought were possible. In fact, when people

ask me today, they'll say, "Terri, how did your life change

so much?," I always say, "I changed my routine, and it

changed my whole life." In fact, we did a survey on Facebook. I

was asking people what they wanted to hear, what type of

messages they were interested to help them in their lives.

Unanimously, people wanted to know how to plan your day. It

was interesting. John Maxwell says if you want to see change

in your life, change something you do daily. If you want to see

change in your life, change something you do daily. It's our

daily routine, our daily habits and rituals that are going to

lead us to greater success. Tony Robbins said, "It's not what we

do once in a while that shapes our lives, it's what we do

consistently." I am so convinced that when you change your

routine, you can change your whole life. Just making a few

small changes in your schedule, your day-to-day schedule can

change your whole life. Listen to some people, some famous

people who have routines. I'm sure you're going to recognize

some of these names. People like Bill Gates. He starts out with

one hour on the treadmill, and he watches educational teaching

while working out every day. Howard Schultz, the CEO of

Starbucks, he wakes up at 4:30 every morning, walks his dogs

and works out. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, he says he wears

the same shirt every morning. I have no idea what that means,

but any way. He says it's one less decision to make that

contributes to less decision fatigue. I guess it works for

him. Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group,

which by the way he runs 400 companies. He says he leaves the

curtains undrawn. The sun comes up at 5:45 am. His routine

consists of playing tennis with someone younger and more fit

than him, or he swims around his island before eating, and he

says he always has a healthy breakfast. Jack Dorsey, the

founder of Twitter, he said his morning routine consists of

waking up at 5:30 in the morning. He meditates, and he

jogs for six miles. Mick Jagger, he said he credits his morning

ritual of working out six days/week as to helping him

reduce stress and amping up his trademark stamina at like 85

years old. Lady Gaga, even, morning ritual begins with yoga

as well as five minutes of self-directed love. Every

morning she does this. Steven King, even he has a ritual. He

said he drinks a glass of water or tea between 8:00 and 8:30

every morning. He sits down, has vitamins, listens to music, sits

in the same spot. He says the papers are arranged in the same

place. This helps him clear his mind and be more focused. I

don't know, that sounds just as creepy as his movies. My point

is they all have morning routines and rituals that have

led them to their dreams. You may remember the guy named Jack

LaLanne. Some of you may not remember him, but he had the

longest TV fitness program in history. It ran for 34 years,

The Jack LaLanne Show. He also had a ritual that led him to

success. Get this. At the age of 94 years old, he was still

working out two hours/day. He said he would spend 90 minutes

lifting weights at 94 years old and 30 minutes of cardio either

swimming or walking. He was fond of saying this. He said, "I

cannot afford to die. It will ruin my image." At 94 years old

he still had a successful routine. My point is successful

people are proactive about their day, they're not reactive about

it. Proactive people take care of themselves first thing. They

have firm routines and rituals. Let me ask you, can your morning

routine really change your life? Are there certain habits that

successful people have in common that if you adapted some of

these habits, or if you applied them to your life, do you really

believe that it could drastically change your life? I

am absolutely convinced the answer is yes. In fact, you may

know my favorite preacher, Jerry Savelle, my dad. Back in 1969,

that's when he first got introduced to the Word of God.

He changes his whole life, surrendered his heart to the

Lord and realized that God was calling him to preach. He felt

this calling to preach. Nobody is asking him to preach yet, but

he knew inside God had a calling on his life. He also knew he

better learn the Word, if he's ever going to be prepared when

opportunities come to preach the Word. He said he was reading the

Bible one day. He came across that scripture, John 8:31 and

32. It says in there, "If you continue in my word, then are

you my disciples or disciplined ones. You shall know the truth,

and the truth shall make you free." He said he's reading

that, and he read it again. If you continue in my word, then

are you my disciplined ones. All of a sudden he said the word

continue became the biggest word on the page. He thought, that's

my problem. I've never continued anything in my life. The Lord

began to remind him, you've quit everything you've ever started.

Dad said he would get a job at a car dealership, he quit that

job. He'd go to another dealership. If he didn't like

them, he'd quit that job. He went to college, he quit before

the semester was up. He said the Lord began to show him, you've

been a quitter most of your life. He said, "If you'll

continue, you'll become a person of discipline. He realized, man,

I've got to start continuing studying the Word of God. Dad

said he's set this goal for himself, I think it was to get

up at six o'clock in the morning. He sets the alarm, six

o'clock. He decided I'm going to start reading God's Word every

single morning. He went in the guest bedroom with his Bible,

six o'clock in the morning. He's laying on the bed, opens up the

Word to start reading it. And an hour later he wakes up. He was

so mad at himself. The next morning he sets the alarm for

six o'clock, goes in the guest bedroom, lays on the bed, opens

up the Word, fell asleep again. He thought obviously I can't lay

in bed, if I'm going to learn the word of God. He set the

alarm the next morning and went in the guest bedroom and sat in

the chair, opens up the Bible, starts to read and again he fell

asleep. This happened over and over again. You've probably

heard this story, it's gone all over the world. He got so

desperate for change in his life and to become a person of

discipline, Dad says he went in the bathroom, stood on the edge

of a bathtub, balancing himself, holding a Bible, six o'clock in

the morning, and he said, "Jerry Savelle, if you fall asleep,

you're going to bust your head, you fool. You better learn to

get disciplined." Dad balanced himself morning, after morning

after morning until he got disciplined, until it became a

habit and a routine in his life to get up every morning and

study God's Word. My dad is one of the most disciplined persons

I know. In fact, he has offices all over the world. I think he's

written 70 books, he's on TV in over 200 nations. Why? Because

he continued. He began to become a person of discipline, a

routine. He developed a routine in his life that led him to his

dreams. The most successful, high achievers, they have

something in common. They practice mind over mattress.

What I mean by that is they cherish the morning hours to

invest in themselves. Now I'm talking about from political

leaders, to ministers to famous athletes, CEOs, celebrities.

They all have morning routines and rituals that have led them

to their dreams. You may have heard that phrase, the early

bird gets the worm. Personally, I don't care for worms, so I

like to say, "Those awake take the cake." Cake for breakfast, I

recommend it. Benjamin Franklin, even. He said, "Early to bed

and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." You

think about that. More than 200 years later early risers are

still some of the most successful people in the world.

Just listening to these words, think about your own routine.

Does your current morning routine support you? Does it

help you get closer to the dreams and the goals that God

has put in your heart? Is it preparing you for greater

success, or do you wake up frantic rushing, trying

to cramming everything in at the last minute,

you're flying. You're speeding everywhere you

go, just to get there on time. Well, why is a

morning routine the greatest time to establish a successful

habit? Well, for one thing, it's when you have the most control

over your day, is in the morning. It's the time to be

most productive, because people and priorities haven't invaded

your attention yet. In fact, I believe your morning sets the

tone for the entire day. It affects your outlook the rest of

the day. You start the day right. Willpower is at its

highest first thing in the morning. The longer the day goes

on, the more fatigued you get, but, when you start the day

feeling productive and accomplished, you invest in

yourself before you invest in everyone else, like I said, I

believe it sets the tone for the rest of the day. In fact, you

think about, when you get on an airplane, don't they say, "Put

your oxygen mask on first before you attend to those around you?"

Even if you have a small child, your daughter, your son's with

you, they still say, "Put your mask on first before you attend

to those around you." Well, it's the same with life. You have to

get to a place where you realize, "I've got to invest in

myself first before I invest in anybody else," even your

children. When you take charge of the first few hours of your

day, it sets you up to succeed the rest of the day. In fact,

many people call it the Golden Hour, because, like I said, it

sets the tone for everything else that happens the rest of

the day. Well, what separates successful people from

unsuccessful people could be summed up in one word: Habits.

It's habits. In fact, psychologists say, these

subconscious activities make up 40% of our daily lives. 40% of

our daily lives is a result of habits. Listen to this: 95% of

those who lose weight will regain their weight loss. Why?

Because of habits. 30% of those who set New Years goals quit

after the first week. Why? Because of habits. Listen to

this one: 80% of those who win the lottery file bankruptcy

within five years. Why? Habits. They failed to develop good

habits with their spending. Aristotle said 95% of everything

you do is the result of a habit. Well, I want to share with you

something I read in Entrepreneur Magazine. It was the habits of

the most successful, wealthiest people in the world versus

the habits of poor, unsuccessful people. I think you'll

find it very enlightening, the habits of the most

successful people in the world. I'll be right back.


ANNOUNCER: God has a great plan and purpose for

your life, and your ability to walk out that good plan

will be determined by the habits you develop. That's

why Terri is offering you her teachings, Mind Over Mattress,

and Discipline to Reach Your Goals. In Mind Over Mattress,

Terri will show you how your morning routine can break you

from an average life and catapult you into great success.

In the four-part teaching, Discipline to Reach Your Goals,

Terri takes you through her journey of going from just

existing year after year to being an expert goal achiever.

Together, this must-have bundle of resources will give you the

tools you need to make the most of every day, and see real

progress. Don't go another day feeling stuck or held back.

There's an extraordinary life waiting for you. Call or

go online to request your copy of Mind Over Mattress,

along with Discipline to Reach Your Goals. Call toll-free,

800-795-5597, or visit us online at Discover

simple ways to live the life of your dreams.

TERRI: We're talking about Mind Over Mattress, how the

secret of your future is in your daily routine. Somebody

once said, "Good habits are hard to form but easy to

live with. Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with."

It really is true. I read this magazine article, someone sent

me this from Entrepreneur Magazine, where they did

research on the habits of the most successful and wealthiest

people in the world versus the habits of the poor. Now, in

order to do the criteria, to have a defining line, what they

did was they defined someone as wealthy as someone earning at

least $160,000 a year with $3.2 million in assets. They defined

poor as someone earning under $30,000 a year with less than

$5,000 in assets. Now, I never like to offend when I say this,

but this was just from Entrepreneur Magazine on ...

They were just trying to see, do wealthy people have certain

habits that, if we were to adapt these habits, could it change

our lives? The wealthy versus the poor, this is what they

discover: they said, "How many wake up three or more hours

before they go to work?" 44% of the wealthy, 3% of the poor.

They said, "How many listen to audio teaching during their

commute to the office?" 63% of the wealthy, 5% of the poor.

Then they asked, "How many read 30 or more minutes every single

day?" 88% of the wealthy, 2% of the poor. "How many exercise

four days a week?" 76% of the wealthy, 23% of the poor. Then

they asked this: "How many watch reality TV?" 7% of the wealthy,

78% of the poor. Then they asked this question: "How many believe

good habits create opportunities?" 84% of the

wealthy, 4% of the poor. Isn't that interesting? I thought that

article was so enlightening, because it's like Dave Ramsey

says: "If you want to be wealthy, study wealthy people.

If you want to be successful, study successful people." Then

he says, "If you want to be skinny, study skinny people."

The point is, they believe their habits have led them to greater

success. Well, the question is, "How do you develop a good

habit?" The answer is by repetition. By doing something

repeatedly, over and over and over, it becomes a habit. People

say, "Well, Terri. I'm burning the candle at both ends. I don't

have time to add another habit or another discipline to my

schedule. I'm already exhausted." You know, we could

be wasting valuable time that we don't even realize we're doing.

For example, television. Now, don't turn the TV off yet, but

almost every home in America, they say, has at least three

televisions in it, at least three. Well, I read where the

average American watches six hours of TV every single day.

That's on the average side, so that means some watch less, but

some watch a whole lot more. Six hours of TV every day. Well,

I've also heard that, if you continue that habit, by the time

you're 60 years old, that's 15 years of your life glued to the

television, or, as I like to say, watching other people live

their dreams. Think about the TV time. I read where our smart

phones ... Listen to this: We spend 4.7 hours every day on our

phones, 4.7 hours. Well, we're typically awake, what, 15 to 17

hours a day, so we're spending one third of our day on our

phones. Isn't that crazy, when you think about that? Social

media, on average, people in the United States check their social

media accounts 17 times per day. That's just on average. Adults,

listen to this one, between the ages of 25 and 54, actually

check their social media more than teenagers, Instagram,

Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, all that. Well, what could we

accomplish just by eliminating one hour a day from our phones,

from social media, from watching TV? I believe it could change

our whole life. In fact, you've heard of Tony Robbins. He

actually calls it the Hour of Power. He claims the majority of

his success is due to this Hour of Power, this morning ritual.

He said he's taught this to highly successful people, like

celebrities in entertainment, professional athletes, Fortune

500 CEOs, the Hour of Power. Brian Tracy, he's a great

motivator. He said he speaks 100 times every year, that's a lot

of speaking, writes four books a year, runs three businesses,

travels all over the world, and people ask him, "How do you do

this? How are you doing this?" He said, "A long time ago, I

developed a morning routine." He said, "I always get up two hours

before my first fixed appointment. He has a morning

routine. Now, what he said is he invests in this Hour of Power,

or this Golden Hour. What he suggests is 20 minutes of

exercise, 20 minutes of reading, and 20 minutes in prayer. That's

the Hour of Power. Well, you're investing in yourself when you

do this. Highly successful people invest in themselves

consistently. In fact, I'm sure you've heard of Warren Buffett.

He's I think the fourth wealthiest man in the world. He

said, "The best investment you'll ever make," and people

brighten up. He's known for his investments. What's the best

investment you'll ever make? He said, "It's in yourself." He

said, "It pays 1,000 to 1, investing in yourself." Well, I

want to give you real quick three keys that will help you

develop this lifestyle discipline to practice mind over

mattress and to take your life to a whole new level. Number one

is practice the Hour of Power. Just start practicing that Hour

of Power. Jack Canfield, he's the author of Chicken Soup for

the Soul, he said that he practices the Hour of Power by

doing the same thing like Brian Tracey: 20 minutes of prayer,

20 minutes of exercise, and 20 minutes reading. Now,

Jack Canfield alone, he said, "I have read over 3,000 books by a

simple dose every day." 3,000 books by just 20 minutes a day.

He's also in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most

number one books on the Best Seller's List at the same time.

It all began with the hour of power. 20 minutes in prayer, 20

minutes of exercise, and 20 minutes reading or educating

yourself. You know, in that 20 minutes of prayer my dad's

always taught me to take a journal and a pen, and start

practicing hearing the voice of God. Just listen for God. Or,

during that 20 minutes you could say, "I'm going to read one of

the Proverbs every day. There's 31, so every day I'm going to

read one Proverb." Or, you could spend that time reading The

Bible. You could just worship God. You could sing. You could

get into that habit of journaling your time with the

Lord. Anything that comes up in your spirit, you start writing

it down. 20 minutes with the Lord. Another is exercising. You

know, he recommended the 20 minutes of exercise. I always

tell people this, I say, "Don't look at the one hour you don't

have." So many times we say, "I know I need to work out, I know

I need to start that habit, but I don't have an hour, Terri, to

just devote to exercise." Well that's why I always recommend,

don't look at the one hour you don't have, look at the 20

minutes you do have and start with exercising. Start with 20

minutes. You might say, "Well, that's not much. That's not

going to change my life." Do you know, 20 minutes a day times 30

days in a month, that's 10 hours of investing in your physical

health. 10 hours of exercise just doing 20 minutes a day. The

other is learning in those 20 minutes. Take the time to listen

to audios. This is how I began changing my life. I didn't know

it was going to lead me to what I'm doing today. I was just

desperate to get out of the rut I was in. I was desperate for

change in my life, so I just started listening to a message

every single day. That's the first step. Number two is to set

a 21 day goal. You know, start this new habit, and you need to

chart your progress. Mark it down. Maybe get a physical

calendar or get your iPad and don't skip a day. Just say, "You

know what? I can do this for 21 days." Most behavioral

psychologists say if you can do something consistently for 21

days you can break an old habit and start a new one. Don't tell

yourself you can't do this, because like Joyce Meyer says,

"God didn't give us the Holy Spirit to do easy things." You

can do this for 21 days. Number three is start today. Just say,

"You know what? I'm not going to put this off until tomorrow. I'm

not going to say some day I'm going to get serious about this.

Just say I'm starting today." I have no idea what time of day it

is while you're watching this. If it's middle of the night,

start in the morning, but start today. In fact, Jimmy Lyons

said, "Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a

lazy man." I'll do it tomorrow. Start today. You know, just a

little reminder. Guard your words. Stop saying things like,

"I'm so undisciplined. Oh, that'd be great Terri, but you

have no idea how undisciplined I am." In fact, start declaring,

"I am disciplined spirit, soul, and body." One more little hint.

Now, this is just from me, this is just my personal opinion, but

don't make a big announcement to everybody. Don't tell your whole

family, don't tell all your coworkers and everybody, "I'm

going to be a person of discipline, you just watch."

Now, some people find it helpful to make that kind of declaration

to hold them accountable, but personally I like to just do it,

keep quiet about it, and then let other people observe this

new behavior in your life. Let them observe that wow,

something's different about them. Then after you've done it

for 21 days and then you say, "I'm going to go for a whole

month.' Then after a month you say, "I'm going to do two months

of this." Then you can start telling people, "I don't know I

just started this routine, I started this habit and it's

changing my life." Just kind of keep it between you and God and

just practice having integrity with yourself. If you say you're

going to do it, follow up with action. You know, I really want

you to get this special offer we have this week. It's Mind Over

Mattress. You know, some people talk about mind over matter,

this is Mind Over Mattress. In other words, make yourself get

up and start investing in yourself. In this series I talk

about the five habits of the most successful people in the

world, five habits of the most successful people in the world.

Most of them do all of their habits before 8:00 in the

morning. When I began to learn this, I began to practice it in

my life and I'm telling you, people say all the time, "Terri

what is it? What did you do to change your life?" I say, "I

just changed a few things about my daily routine and it changed

my whole life." I believe the same thing can happen for you.

Mind Over Mattress, then also we have Discipline to Reach Your

Goals. Now, this is a four part teaching on discipline. It

actually has a syllabus in here with some notes that I believe

will be helpful to you where you can actually take notes. You can

listen to them and fill in the blanks. You're going to learn

things like, how do you change desire? You know, desire is the

number one motivating factor behind change. You have to

really desire to change if you're going to see change.

Well, I'll teach you in depth how to change your desire, but

in one sentence, you have to change what you give attention

to in order for your desires to change. When you start giving

more attention to hearing God's Word, you begin to desire to

hear God's Word. When you start making yourself read for 20

minutes a day, you give that attention, all of the sudden a

desire begins to grow in you where you want to read, you want

to learn. The more you learn you realize how much you don't know.

I'll teach you how to change your desires. Even things like,

how to identify your energy cycles. You may have tried to

become a person of discipline in the past, maybe with weight loss

and exercise, and then you stopped after three weeks or you

stopped after two months. Maybe you're just doing it at the

wrong time for when you're the most energetic. I'll talk to you

about how to identify your energy cycles. I really want you

to get this. In fact, I put some scriptures in here, I call them

my power scriptures because when you start speaking God's Word

out of your mouth, your body's going to get in line with your

words. Mind Over Mattress and the Discipline to Reach Your

Goals, a 21 day solution to getting control. Like I said, it

comes with a syllabus. I want you to get this because I

believe the secret of your future is hidden in your daily

routine. If you change your routine you can change your

whole life. I like to remind you, don't look at all the years

you've lost, don't look at all the mistakes of the past. Let's

look at the years you've got left and start living your

dreams. Hey, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook,

Twitter so I can keep you motivated to live your dreams.

Thank you so much for watching and keeping in touch with us.

We love to get response, we love to hear back from

you, and just know that all of us up here, we're

praying for you, we believe in you, and we

believe it's your moment to live your dreams.


ANNOUNCER: God has a great plan and purpose for your

life, and your ability to walk out that good plan will be

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For more infomation >> 3 Keys to A Morning Routine - Duration: 28:30.


Japan's GIANT flower park! - Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Japan's GIANT flower park! - Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki - Duration: 7:00.


EL CUERVO DE 3 OJOS | Brynden Ríos y Brandon Stark - Duration: 4:59.

"A thousand eyes, a hundred skins and a deep wisdom like the roots of the ancient trees. Greenness."

Welcome Brave! I'm Noah from the Ice Room.

Do you want to know more about the power of Bran Stark and know better the origin of T he Three Eyed Raven?

Does Brynden Rios's name sound like something?

Do you think that it will be decisive for the outcome of the story?

Tell me what you think in the comment box ...;)

In order to try to explain it in the best possible way,

we will begin going back to the 'Age of Dawn'.

Many years ago,

it was known of the existence of certain 'wise men' among the Sons of the Forest.

Inhabitants from Poniente long before the arrival of the first men.

These wise men possessed certain magical abilities about nature,

prophetic visions, also called 'green dreams' or 'green vision'

and a very special and important power, which we all know as 'Skin Changer'.

Ability to enter the consciousness of certain animals and control them at will.

Only one out of every million was Skin Changer

and only one in every million Skin Changer was Greenness.

Of all these, the sage par excellence was: The Three Eyed Raven.

A bastard Targaryen with northern blood from the Blackwood house,

his father Aegon IV Targaryen and his mother Lady Melissa Blackwood,

In his house they called him Brynden Rios.

Albino, with long white hair and red eyes,

taciturn, melancholic

and with stature and musculature not as big as that of his stepbrothers.

Everyone considered him by his appearance,

since he always wore suits of the color of blood and smoke,

sensitive to light and used to wear hoods and capes,

for all this and for his personality,

It was known as: 'The Blood Raven'.

Brynden, was the hand of kings Aerys I and Maekar I Targaryen.

Later he became Lord Commander of the Night's Watch,

and entered into this order accompanied by Master Aemon,

was escorted to Winterfell by Ser Duncan The Tall,

who met Nan, and it is rumored that from this meeting comes the blood of our beloved Hodor.

Could Nan be Old Tata?

After many years,

on an expedition beyond the wall,

Brynden disappeared the same way that Benjen Stark did.

When disappearing without a trace, it was believed that the power of greenness would die with him.

Nothing is further from the reality in which we find ourselves involved,

in this context Brandon Stark, sure of his fate,

He is in charge of inheriting the power of The Three Eyed Raven,

being able to see any past event

and capable of transferring its consciousness to living beings, including ancestral Arcian Trees.

Did you know that these trees were carved by Greenness faces?

A somewhat crazy theory but very disturbing

is the one that leads us to think that the King of the Night is actually Bran Stark,

in a temporary paradox, trying to avoid its creation at the hands of the Sons of the Forest.

But this topic gives for another video or to discuss it live.

What do you want more?

Leave it to me in comments or write me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

Can our beloved Bran Stark stop the Long Night that looms over men?

Will he want to stop it?

Do you think that it is, directly or indirectly, related to the King of the Night?

Please, do not hesitate to write me what you want, we will talk together ...;)

Now I would like to make an appeal.

For next draws it is VERY IMPORTANT, that you are attentive to TWITTER and INSTAGRAM


In these networks I will draw lots in a very short time,

remember follow me and be subscribed to not miss anything.

And finally I would like to inform you of a new format that I want to incorporate into the channel.

They would be short direct with recommendations and news in which you can interact with me directly.

It is in the process of preparation, so when I have information to give you, I will let you know Brave.

Remember follow me on Twitter and Instagram @saladehielo to not miss anything and be attentive to everything.

So far this week's video. If you liked subscribe and share in your networks.

Thank you very Brave!

See you, as long as you want ...

Ciao Ciao!

Mua! xxx

For more infomation >> EL CUERVO DE 3 OJOS | Brynden Ríos y Brandon Stark - Duration: 4:59.


Cách Unlock Checkpoint 72H Bằng Link 767 & 429 Về Trong 3 Phút | Video Full HD - Nguyễn Tỉnh - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Cách Unlock Checkpoint 72H Bằng Link 767 & 429 Về Trong 3 Phút | Video Full HD - Nguyễn Tỉnh - Duration: 8:59.


TIPS - TEGEN VET HAAR - Duration: 1:02.

Hi, welcome back to our channel.

My name is Iris and I'm a hairstylist at Salon B.

Your hair becomes oily because of excessive sebum production

and today I'm going to tell you how to decrease this.

The first step is to wash your hair as little as possible.

This may sound contradictory,

but washing your hair too often increases sebum production,

which causes your hair to get oily more quickly.

The second tip is a very mild shampoo.

For example, a shampoo which contains a lot of silicones

makes your hair heavier,

which also causes it to get oily much quicker.

Your hair needs to feel as light as possible.

Lastly, you can use a dry shampoo.

This is the Dryspun finish by Bumble & Bumble.

I really like this one,

because it gives your hair a lot of volume.

It removes the layer of oil,

and makes your hair appear clean again.

Which allows you to skip another day

and eventually allows you to wash your hair less.

If you found my tips to be helpful,

give this video a thumbs up.

Hope to see you again next time.


For more infomation >> TIPS - TEGEN VET HAAR - Duration: 1:02.


Two-car shootout and crash - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Two-car shootout and crash - Duration: 0:34.


Hot Tomato Salad Recipe - Duration: 1:36.

3 tomato shell it and chop it small

chop 2 onion smally

12-15 branch of parsley

Chop 1 cucumber smally

3 pepper optional 1 of can be hot

1 table spoon of pepper gravy-1 dessert spoon tomato gravy

3-4 table spoon fo olive oil

2 dessert spoon pomagrante syrup

1 dessert spoon(ds) salt-1 ds chili pepper-1 tea spoon(ts) tyhme- 1 ts sumac

Mix it

If you like our video don't forget to click like button.


For more infomation >> Hot Tomato Salad Recipe - Duration: 1:36.



For more infomation >> FIRECRACKER PRANK ON HELPER *SHE ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK* - Duration: 2:44.


Instagram e... YODA! #hopaura - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Instagram e... YODA! #hopaura - Duration: 1:15.


UCLA - Story of DANCING QUEEN // ABBA (feat. Broken Back) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> UCLA - Story of DANCING QUEEN // ABBA (feat. Broken Back) - Duration: 2:58.


1 song sung in different Raags! - Hindi | English subtitles - Duration: 9:11.


Hi, I am Anuja Kamat

the situation of the song that I just sang, suggests that

The male protagonist of the movie is unable to forget his love

and this protagonist is a noble man/ a royal personality

A royal man and his royal emotions!

keeping this in mind, Shankar Jai Kishan, the composers of this song

...composed the song in Raag Darbari Kanada

As the name suggests, this raag was sung in the Darbars (royal courts)

It is believed that this raag was first performed by Miyan Tansen in the royal courts of Emperor Akbar

Thus Raag Darbari Kanada is a royal raag in itself

...and as it belongs to Asawari thaat, it has the notes Ga, Dha and Ni in their variant forms (komal)

due to this and due to the typical chalan of the raag, it has a serious and sad tone to it

the chalan of the raag is as follows:


observe how Ga and Dha are oscillated

I did not sing it straight

gave it an oscillation!

due to this oscillation, the raag gets its serious flavour

This was about Raag Darbari Kanada and the melancholic mood

Let's change the mood now!

and imagine that the scenario is different!

what if the protagonist proposes to his love and she accept it happily!

which raag would be suitable in this case?

If I were the music composer, I'd go with Raag Bihag!


Raag Bihag is a beautiful and romantic raag filled with 'Shringar Ras'

in this raag, all notes are Shuddha

but along with shuddha Ma you also have its variant Teevra Ma applied in some places

this application increases the aesthetic quality of the raag

the chalan of raag Bihag is as follows:


this the original Ma/ shuddha Ma

this is the variant/Teevra Ma

Let's move on to the 3rd situation

the scene is that the Male protagonist has proposed to his love thinking that she will surely accept it!

But the female rejects him bluntly!

This hurts the feelings of our egoistic protagonist!

He is angry, hurt and frustrated and thinks- how on earth could she reject the proposal!?

In such a situation, I'd go with Raag Sohni


Raag Sohni belongs to Marwa thaat and so has Re komal and Ma teevra

Re komal is a sad note while Teevra Ma is restless, so it's a dangerous combination!

and with this, Sohni focuses on upper notes

when in anger, our voice has a high pitch to it, and Sohni represents this.

The upper Sa is an important note in this Raag

thus you rest on it

Now the fourth and final situation

our male protagonist, is tired of all the worldly relations

The joys and sorrows no longer interest him..

he is become a stoic

which raag would suit such a situation?

according to me. Raag Bhairavi is the best raag for this situation


A concert is concluded with Bhairavi

and according to Indian Philosophy, life must end with renunciation and liberation

Bhairavi thus represents this sentiment aptly

the chalan of Bhairavi is as follows:


Let us now end this episode..

if you've liked this video, do give it a thumbs up

...and do share this video with your music-lover friends

if you have comments and feedback to share, do post it in the comments section

I am also available on Facebook and Instagram, links in description area below

Hope to see you in my coming episodes. Till then peace be with you/ om shanti :)

For more infomation >> 1 song sung in different Raags! - Hindi | English subtitles - Duration: 9:11.


【Undertale ||Comic Dub|| Vietsub CC || 】Nào Ta Cùng Show Ảnh Con Người ~ - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale ||Comic Dub|| Vietsub CC || 】Nào Ta Cùng Show Ảnh Con Người ~ - Duration: 1:17.


Ofrece Tu Poco a Dios - Paulo Junior - Duration: 57:41.

For more infomation >> Ofrece Tu Poco a Dios - Paulo Junior - Duration: 57:41.


Our Favorite Outrageous Homes of the RICH and FAMOUS - Duration: 9:52.

Everyone dreams of living in the coolest, biggest, most amazing house imaginable.

And everyone has thought about the wild amenities they'd go for if they could afford them.

Heck, at this point we're pretty sure that's the entire driving force behind HGTV's full

schedule of shows.

Big or small, there are some features that most of us can only dream of… but for the

rich and famous, they can become a reality.

Here are some of our favorite examples of completely outrageous and lavish – yet entirely

awesome – celebrity homes.


Guillermo del Toro's Horror House

For those unaware, Guillermo del Toro is a movie director whose resume includes directing

the Hellboy films, Pan's Labyrinth, and Pacific Rim, and he also wrote the screenplays

for Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy.

In case you couldn't guess from that list, he's a dude way into horror and monsters.

And if you ever find yourself getting invited over to his house, that's going to be hammered

home even more as soon as you set foot inside.

Del Toro's home is, more or less, a giant museum of the the history of horror films.

Alternatively, you could view it as a really nice haunted house that stays open 365 days

per year.

As soon as you walk in you're greeted by a hellhound, which sets the tone for what

he refers to as "Bleak House."

Statues of HP Lovecraft, as well as assorted famous creatures from horror films and literature

adorn basically every inch of the place.

Now, it should be noted that del Toro doesn't actually live in the home.

Which is understandable, as he's got small children, and presumably a limited budget

for the soiled bedsheets they'd go through from waking up surrounded by ghouls and goblins.


Neil Patrick Harris's House is Where the Magic Happens

Neil Patrick Harris has had an interesting career.

The Boy Who Would Be Doogie is one of the rare child stars to emerge from early fame

and fortune unscathed and well-adjusted.

Not only that, but he even managed to completely reinvent himself as a performer, thanks largely

to a cameo in Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, followed by not just a role on How

I Met Your Mother but a number of acclaimed roles on Broadway.

In 2014, he won both an Emmy and a Tony.

And, oh yeah – he's super into magic.

We're talking a lifelong obsession, including producing a "magic-themed immersive theater

project" recently.

So it should come as little surprise that his love of magic would extend to his own

home, right?

Some people have man caves, but Doogie Howser has a hidden room – complete with a secret

door – leading to a room where, as implied in the title of this entry, all the magic


Proving once again what a down to earth guy he is, he admits that the secret door was

actually influenced by another goofy love of his: Scooby Doo.

It makes sense, when you think about it.

When he was actually a kid, he gained fame playing a child who acts like an adult.

Now, he gets to be a grown up who acts like a kid.

That's a charmed version of adulthood right there.


Drake's Live-In Resort (Complete with ATM)

Drake is best known for his role as that kid in the wheelchair on Degrassi: The Next Generation,

but apparently he also does music.

We hope that goes well for him and wish him lots of luck with that endeavor.

Anyway, Canada's favorite non-hockey playing son (just kidding, of course he played hockey)

seems to be putting that sweet, sweet Degrassi money to good use, considering just how ridiculous

his home is.

We're talking about a place that has basketball courts, tennis courts, an enormous pool with

a grotto and a 30-foot waterslide, and… for some reason, a mechanical bull?


Why not?

It's got basically everything else you could think of, as well, including a giant wine

cellar, a game room, a weight room, a screening room that'd be the nicest movie theater

we've ever been to, and an ATM.

Uh, we guess because sometimes you might find yourself desperately needing to make it rain

but you're short on cash?

That's a thing that happens to rappers pretty often, we'd imagine, right?


Celebrities Love Candy Rooms

When you're a kid and start daydreaming about the kind of mansion you want when you

grow up and hit it big on a scratch ticket, there are a few amenities you're almost

certainly going to put on the checklist.

A movie theater, an arcade, the most awesome pool ever, and, naturally, a candy room.

But most of us grow up and realize that's not particularly practical.

Most of us also don't have millions upon millions of dollars and nothing to do with


For those who do

, well… they really love their candy rooms.

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey have a candy room, and the dude who created Minecraft out-bid

Jay-Z and Beyonce for a $70 million place that, of course, has a room devoted entirely

to candy.

Geez, you'd think it'd be the person who created Candy Crush, right?

That particular house also has multiple fully stocked bars – and we don't mean one of

those small rolling carts or a fancy liquor cabinet.

When we say bar, we mean an actual bar, with an elegant bar top and stools for falling

off of after too much tequila.


Lady Gaga's House is…

Surprisingly Normal?

Now, first things first: when we say that Lady Gaga's house is "normal" we don't

mean that it's a run-of-the-mill pad, or that it isn't extravagant.

The thing is more than 10,000 square feet and cost $23 million, for goodness sake, and

this is Lady Gaga we're talking about.

So when we say normal here, we mean in comparison to the artist who has worn meat as clothing

in public.

Got it?


Anyway, think of all the things you'd assume Gaga would have in her home.

You know, like a walk-in refrigerator for her outfits.

And now think of the last thing you'd ever expect.

Did you come up with a bowling alley?

Because Lady Gaga's house 100% has a bowling alley (in addition to stables, a bocce ball

court, and an 800 bottle wine cellar, of course).

We just find this fairly amazing because we're desperate to know if she bowls, how often

she bowls, and what she wears when she bowls.

Does she wear bowling shoes?

Is she in a league?

Does she have a rug that really ties the room together?

These are the things to which we're desperate for answers.


Celine Dion's (Former) Water Park House

You didn't really think we'd let Drake hog all of the Canadian extravagance on this

list, did you?

Fellow Great White North native Celine Dion used to live in one of the most incredible

houses we could ever even imagine, and because it was in Florida, yes, that means it included,

basically, an amusement park.

Well, a water park, to be specific.

We're not talking about a big pool and a water slide, either.

Not only is it an oceanfront property, but it's got three pools and actual, giant,

amazing waterslides as far as the eye can see.

Well, as long as you're looking at them, anyway.

Her Jupiter Island home isn't just 10,000 square feet, but it also has a guest house…

with eight freaking bedrooms.

When your guest house is a mansion in its own right, you know you're doing pretty

well for yourself.

Dion actually put the house on the market in 2016 and struggled to find a buyer for

more than a year, because apparently rich people hate splish splash-inspired fun?

But it's ok, because the house has been purchased, so we know that her park will go



Paris Hilton's Dogs Live Better Than You

Paris Hilton, for those who've blocked her from your minds, was basically a Kardashian

before the Kardashians were a thing.

The party girl and heiress to the Hilton hotel empire got famous for making a terrible sex

tape and being vapid and wildly out of touch with reality.

So it really shouldn't be a surprise that she'd go ahead and build herself a private

night club inside her own house, right?

But that's not even the craziest part of her house.

In fact, the craziest part isn't even in her house: it's a smaller replica of her


Now, rich people buying fancy dog houses for their furry friends is not unusual.

Heck, our old pal Drake apparently has an air conditioned dog house on his property.

But Hilton went above and beyond for man's best friend, building the Doggy Mansion, custom

designed and built to match her own abode, right down to the crown molding and furniture.

It's two stories high, and for some reason we can't quite understand, the dogs have

their own closets.

No word on whether there's a private doggy nightclub or not, but it doesn't really

matter, because we're pretty sure we wouldn't be on the guest list.

We're more cat people around here.


50 Cent's…

Home for the Elderly?

Okay, so no, 50 Cent's house wasn't an assisted living facility when he lived there.

But the home – which he himself bought from Mike Tyson – was purchased in 2016 by a

"nursing home management company" with the intent being to turn it into an old folks


Which is just hilarious, really, when you go from Tyson, to 50 Cent, to your great aunt

Ethel as the residents of this enormous home.

Of course, as absurd as that chain of residency seems, double that absurdity and you'll

be in the ballpark for the amenities that 50 Cent had placed in the home as part of

a multi-million dollar renovation.

We're talking about a nightclub (complete with stripper poles, naturally), a helicopter

pad, and craziest of all, a full casino.

Apparently, the place cost more than $70,000 per month to maintain, which could be part

of why 50 Cent filed for bankruptcy and ultimately sold the place.

It's a real shame, too, because we're just not sure how he's going to get by without

those nine kitchens this place had.


John Travolta's Live-In Airport

John Travolta has a minor obsession with planes.

You may have noticed that at some point, like when he named his son Jett, or when his character

in the Look Who's Talking films went from being a taxi driver in the first one to an

airline pilot in the sequel.

That's… that's not a career path you often see, though we guess in both cases you're

transporting people from here to there.

Plus, it's a movie about a baby who sounds like Bruce Willis, so reality kind of goes

out the window on that one.

Anyway, the plane obsession for Travolta – a licensed pilot, as if you didn't know – extends

to his home in Ocala, Florida.

It's actually part of a full development for flying enthusiasts like Travolta, called

Jumbolair Aviation Estates.

And we're not talking about people who just have a little Cessna they take up on the weekends,


Travolta himself had a Boeing 707 that he'd fly around, and which you can see in the video

above basically has its own "garage" attached to the house.

We bet the wait at the baggage claim is still terrible, though.


Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Old West Town

Alright, we've mentioned man caves in passing within this list.

Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s "man cave" is pretty much the man cave to end all man caves.

Now, if only we could stop saying man cave.

Especially since, really, his version is immense, and outside the confines of his actual house

and, oh yeah… it's a full Old West town . The NASCAR driver decided to go just a tad

above and beyond to create a cool place for he and his friends to hang out, and what he

came up with was Whisky River.

Whisky River, as it were, looks like something you'd find in a Disney theme park.

It's extraordinarily detailed, with a saloon, a barber shop, a post office, a bank, a pharmacy,

and a sheriff's office, complete with jail cells.

Apparently, Earnhardt doesn't spend a lot of time at Whisky River.

But now that he's announced he's retiring at the end of the year, we think it's a

safe bet he'll be slapping on his spurs and letting folks know this town is big enough

for the both of them, so come hang out and do a few shots, it'll be fun.

For more infomation >> Our Favorite Outrageous Homes of the RICH and FAMOUS - Duration: 9:52.


"WAGS LA" Stars Take Over NASCAR Race | E! - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> "WAGS LA" Stars Take Over NASCAR Race | E! - Duration: 1:12.


Calles hidden camera prank | Calle gjør skjult kamera | Mandagsklubben | TVNorge - Duration: 2:13.


Oh my God!


Oh.. Hi!

Did I scare you?


Good! You see, we're making a hidden camera video.

That makes sense.


These are for you.

But one last thing...

We just need to film it from a different angle.

You can just keep walking, and then stop there.

Sure, but I already know you're hiding over there?

Yes. But that's how you do hidden camera.

We need to make it as realistic as possible.

Camera ready?

Sound ready?



That was maybe a bit too much.

Oh! Damn!

THAT definetly felt fake.

It feels very weird, but...

it will look very real on television.

It's very important that you look surprised.


Yes, good...

Just stand where you are, and do the thing with your head once more.


And then you discover the gorilla.

Open your mouth.

And then you say:

"Oh, a gorilla! Here at Alnabru."

Oh! A gorilla! Here at Alnabru.

Now we're gonna film what happens before you spot the gorilla.


Here by these dog trays.


Then you stop, and think:

Which one is nicest? The red or the brown one...

Say something like: "Hmm."



Then look into the camera, and do a little nod.

Yes, perfect! And that's how you do hidden camera.

Let's do the moment I reveal it's just hidden camera.

Pretend like you're surprised. Say something like:


It's only hidden camera.


How's it possible!?

There's one camera.

And there's another one.

Oh my...

Here. Some flowers as a thank you for all your help.

Thank you...

Did you suspect anything?


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