Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017


For more infomation >> Kangana Ranaut lifestyle biography,movie,family,net worth,boyfriend,unknown fact by channeldeshi 2 - Duration: 5:03.


OU RETROUVER LA GRANDE FAMILLE ? - Cilou Gex Motarde - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> OU RETROUVER LA GRANDE FAMILLE ? - Cilou Gex Motarde - Duration: 1:57.


LEARN - Duration: 1:55.

Do you remember the first time when you succeed to do the things that you like?

Maybe when you can memorize a song lyrics


when you got an A on math at school

or maybe when you can riding a bike

It felt great right?

to get that feeling again

There's always something that we have to go through

Something that we have to do

and that is learn

Sometimes we just focus on our goals

and when we realize that we have to learn so many things to reach it

We become lazy

and then give up

and at the end

We never reach that goals

Learning needs effort

Sometimes it takes a distance

and the most importantly

It takes time


This is just a short story about my trip

to attend Youtube Creator Camp in Jakarta

last week

to learn from the experienced

Learn because you wanna do something

Learn because you wanna get something

and learn ...

because you wanna be something

For more infomation >> LEARN - Duration: 1:55.


Омлеты с сыром в микроволновке. 5 минут, быстро и вкусно. - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Омлеты с сыром в микроволновке. 5 минут, быстро и вкусно. - Duration: 2:11.


김혜수 "촬영장 기싸움 이해불가…피곤한 일" - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 김혜수 "촬영장 기싸움 이해불가…피곤한 일" - Duration: 5:03.


Anweshan | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Sumitra Mukherjee - Duration: 1:59:21.

Teacher! Don't go.

Listen! Please listen! Don't go.

Don't go.


They are hostile and can insult you.

Is it a matter of respect that teachers are

Listen Noni!

Noni! Stop.

I have called the police

Don't do anything in a hurry.

Facing the students is a

Those who have come with bombs,

But I have full faith in myself.

They are city boys like me.

They may listen to me.

If they escape fearing police

I have thrown them out of the class

Don't get into trouble because of me.

Besides, the principal and the

To restore the respect of

..restore respect of all of you.

Besides, you were

As a teacher of this school

All of you go to your

Noni! Don't act childish.

Listen! Listen!

Don't take any unnecessary risk.

Who are throwing bombs?

You have to beat me up before


Hey! You have to

Who are you?

Don't abuse and take money for that.

Let's see who are


Let me see give your copy.

What happen?

You hadn't studied the whole

Two minutes madam, two minutes.

Give. Give!

Give me tea!

She is going.


Guru you keep fighting

Okay. I am coming.

Krishna! Krishna! I love you.

But I hate you.

Hey! Krishna come up.

Come up.

Do you know people

Yes. I also hear of it but the matter

But I am older than Krishna.

When Krishna will pass out?

Then you will get time.

Noni! Will our age stop?

What happen?

Again you have sit

You will be in trouble some day.

This is a very dangerous habit.

I told you many such incidents.

Take it.


You don't worry my zodiac

Can't you see I eat a lot?

And that is why my throat

I will not die by choking on food.

You are so ridiculous.

Don't forget to take water

Again you called me Puti?

If I call you old man?

You can call it as I am

Then you have no

Hey. I will beat your head then.

Just see the mess.

The lung is full of water

Doctor! I have severe pain in chest.

Pain in chest?

Why didn't you come before?

Lack of money? Do you come here after

For you your children

Wait, I will make you watch.

Cough, cough harder.

I feel it difficult to breathe.

Feeling difficulty? You have to.

Do you have money to buy medicines?

Little? Why didn't you come

When has doctor Aghor taken

Rascal! You don't



Take your medicines-

Shake it well before use.

Give him the injection now. Take

How much will I pay doctor?

As per your wish.

How is your son?

He is fine now. He has no fever.

If he has enough medicine

Will it be continued?


Listen now you take an injection and

Yes I will.

Take out your shawl.

Pull it well.

How will I come can't you see there

My mother is critical.

Mother is critical?

Then I have to attend her.

All of you please wait for sometimes.

Doctor you won't be late right?

I will just go and come.

Champa! Champa!

What uncle? Tea or coffee?

Nothing at all. Where is my scooter?

Maybe Poltu?

She is upstairs.

Hey, listen, Can't you hear?

Where is that rascal?

I don't know.

You just need a house maid.

Like his father your

Nonsense! I will throw

Do it as it will

To perform the duty

Who has come behind your back?

Cow dung! Cow dung!

Boss, what are they saying?

How naughty this girls are?

Skilled snake player play with poisonous

Your case is hopeless boss.

Philips company lights

Shut up you rascal!

You just wait and watch

How I will roam around the will understand who I am.

Keep your mouth shut.

Can't you see how Krishna ridiculed

Hey mother!

Who has given me such an idiotic name?

Why dear Jonardone is a good name.

I can pray to god



Mad boy!

Coming! Just coming! Go aside.

Hey Mani? Come come.

Spinning the wheel.

No, but you will do so with

Are you joking with me?

Did I say that?

I am just if you want to get rid of

If I can't then I will inform you.


That day when my term will

Let me arrange your start too.

Hey you are not answering..

..are you making tea?

Hey Sona is here. Come come!

Who has come Krishna?

My college friend.

Why did you lie?

If he knows you have come

You two will be engaged

You have become matured.

Am I not your elder?

You was my student two years ago.

Can't I joke with you?

You will tease me as selfish,

..and I will hear it

Can I get some tea?

You come here.

No you bring it here.

Do you know Manu my brother become

How does he look into your eyes?

Why are you after him?

Hey listen!

Just few minutes.

Hey monkey? Why do you

Mani, come inside.

See Mani you are useless!?

You will make me get into a quarrel

Mani don't mind.

I don't mind her. Whatever

Shibani done?

Give those cups.

Have tea.

Take it.

Hey, will they like Krishna?

She is good looking.

Bulbuli said not to worry.

Groom's father has come.

You just get ready

I am also going home to get ready.

Krishna, tea done?

Come fast.

Listen you said boy is working in

I said not to worry.

Do you have a tape in your house?

Yes, what for?

I am weaving a sweater

I want to measure his chest.

You still don't know his measurement?

Small just like sparrow.

I will beat you.

I will beat you.

Listen you have tea


Gopal, hold my bike.

Have you called me, Nona?

What is going on in our locality?

You are driving so

No Nona, this is a machine

Yes, I know that.

But you don't know where to stop.

Why are you making me feel shame?

You are not doing things right.

No, it is a conversation

Brother have I behaved

Just say have I ever done?


But that day your boys had thrown

That's different case.

But did they mess with you? say

No that's not. But can teachers tolerate

Anyway, you just manage

He was thrown out of examination.

A poor boy who can't

And if that doesn't happen

I can't control my boys then.

Are you trying to scare me?

What are you saying?

You are an elder brother,

Just talk to Hedu and manage the case.

Please. I can trust you.


"You don't call me again."

"When dirt will cover

"Thorny branches."

"Thorny bush will grow in

"Dirt will cover the

"Flower garden."

"Flower garden."

"Deep bushes,

"Fern will cover the sides of ponds."

"That time if you don't remember me."

"Looking into the stars,

Just stop!

Don't you like it?

What for those sad words!

No don't sing.

You know I have gone somewhere today.

Where? Now I can hope your

Yes. True.

Jon, just go to main

She hasn't yet come.

She has gone out, will be back soon.

Go and give me dinner


Where are you still now?

I am worrying about you.

Mother, will you give food or I'll go?

Mother I have to earn to eat.

You don't need to worry.

You have brought up anti-socials.

If anyone tries to touch

Hey, this will work, right?

Just say once they will salute

Proud words!

Don't talk rubbish!

He is better than that cheap man,

Really love is blind.

Love is blind.

Quite! Quite! Is Noni home?


Let's go. Noni, don't you like

We will miss our

No, she is ready.

Krishna go carefully, don't jump here

Noni, is Krishna your sister alone?

No actually she is very childish.

You don't worry we

Let's go.


What happen?

Bring the ration and

Don't worry. You just go.

Brother I will tell Mani

You don't worry I will eat at hotel.

We will eat happily at the

That's not fair.

Hey Nona, you are laughing?

No one will trust if

You have guts sister.

Give me the matches?

You have no shame John!

You were his student once.

That's past.

I have a sweet relation with him now.

You have taken a

Yes, from today.

I have to gather money

Hey Noni and Menasha,

..and have tea and sweets.

No I have to go home

Krishna is back home after her picnic,

Where from?

How long you make my friend walk?

Just to that rickshaw.

I am not talking of that walk.

Hold this.

As I have walked with someone and..

..stepped directly into his house

Ask him this?

Madam I have to go today.

I haven't got my answer.

Nothing will enter his head now.

Let's go.

Hey, stop here.


Why here!

Let us drop you home.

That's why I don't

You have troubled

I will manage by talking to Noni.

If you have come home from the jetty

Okay, I will go home alone.

Okay leave her here.

Thank you.

You are stupid and unsocial.

Okay dear. Leave me to myself.

Bye. Goodnight.


Why haven't you turn on the light?

Are you angry?

I got late for cooking in picnic.

What should I do?

You surely have a headache

Let me make it now.

Not needed.

When have you come from Mani's place?

I am waiting for you for a long time.

What do you think of yourself?

Why are you getting angry? Have

You won't understand my worry Krishna.

I live with little

I also live with little some.

"As I live with little some."

"Wherever heart goes let it go."

"As I live with little some."

"Wherever heart goes let it go."

"If that little some disappear."

"It will take my breath away."

"As I live with little some."

Hey you have beaten up Barin

He is creating nuisance

Listen I don't want to see

If I see then! You are messing

I will destroy you with my machine.

Hey John, a new air conditioned

I am giving you a last warning..

..if you roam around with

That will be good. He will have rest.

Father is a doctor.

What else he have to worry?

Take it.

He is ending my political career.

I have worked for years serving people

..and that rascal is

He has grown up to become

Just get out of my sight!


How are you?

Understand, I wanted to meet you.

How are you?

How are you Menasha?



Mani just bring my brother's


Are you?

"With sweet singing in excitement."

"Happiness blends with spring."

Bravo! Puti.

What bravo! I am done already.

No I am not hurrying you up.

I am talking about your singing.

Your voice sound

Mother! Mother!

Hey Jon, is mother back from bazaar.

Don't know.

You have sent old mother to bazaar?

Listen workers want something.

Go! And with the keys and give them.

I can't do.

I will be late for school.

So will I disturb girls of

Why are you angry in the very morning?

Need money? Empty pockets, right?

Hey, uncle where are

In that small room.

I have said.

Parties come to me.

If I take them inside

Uncle! There is no need to

Will you keep a word of me?

Go inside the room.

Leave me I say.

What say?

Listen I never wanted

Today I want something from you.

Will you give me?

I have nothing to give you.

If you want you can.

What a trouble you give me!

You will not say anything

Promise me?

As I am fed at your money, you

You are mad!

Other brothers do everything

Brother, I have promised my friends.

Haridwar program is almost final.

You have to go there

Haridwar! So far.. can I leave this house,

Please brother?

Once you had taken me to Siuri

I have promised my friends.

Okay then I will go as you are saying.

You are so sweet, brother.

I can do anything for your happiness.

Who is here for me without you?

Let's go.

Krishna! Hey Krishna!

Where are you?

Listen to me

Just stop your work and listen.

What do you want, tea?

No, not tea but song.

After a long time your classical

You will go to Manu's

Please don't ask me

I have problem.

You go or send someone else?

You have to go because it's your work.

Have you heard of Phelukesh?

Yes. He is veteran singer.

He have come to Manu's

He will stay here and

Manu has already told about you.

You just go there and

Such a famous singer,

Manu will manage all that.

You will just go.

What about our plan of Hardwar?

Everything will happen..

..whether it's going to Hardwar

From tomorrow onward

Make tea.

"My mad lover has come."

"Sweetheart! Sweetheart!"

"My mad lover has come."

"Sweetheart! Sweetheart!"

"The flowers grow

Who are you making noise?

Why have you switched off uncle?

You are a radio.

Battery is fixed in your throat uncle.

Who are you?

The other night you were talking

He is my father.

I am Poltu, friend of Jon.

Uncle. You look like classical master.

Just sing the song

..what will I do dear

What will I do dear

You, rascal!

Have you ever heard

Stupid fellow.

Menasha! Menasha!



Mother is worshipping.

What happen?

Do you not want me to stay here?


Then what is all this happening?

One rascal is doing caricature in front

Do you not want me to stay here?

Jon! Jon!

Listen Menasha, LISTEN!


Come out I say.

Jon come out

I will not tolerate

I don't want to hear this in future.

Poltu go home.

Who are you to ask my friend to leave?

I like to play radio

Poltu come inside.

If you play that radio once more I

Wait and watch.

Menasha don't do this.

Jon few years ago your pant

You asked me to cover you.

Shut up!


You will return in a rickshaw

Do you have money?

But have I any problem in my legs?

I can walk.

No, it will be dark.

Come by rickshaw only.

Ok I will see.

I will take shortcut otherwise.

Can I go?


Brother! Eat on time.

5 feet 2 inches 1.

5 feet 3 inches 1.

5 feet 2 inches 1.

5 feet 1 inches 1.


Where is Bishubhanu?

Bhanu, our Bhanu.

The owner of this wood factory.

He is cutting woods.

Please call him up.

Sir, one old man is looking for you?


No. no.

Okay you stand let me see.

Are master when did you came?

What a pleasure!

Those past days.

I have come to recollect them,

Hey Joga!

Hello, master.

How are you?

And you?

Let's go and sit in my office.

We can sit under the blue

Do one thing.

Bring that bed here.

Let's go and sit.

I have recruited you to teach uncle

Uncle said that cover

You have worsen the

From today onwards

I am falling!

Listen boss!

Of my father disinherit me today

Now, pull me up.

Pull please I am falling.

Thank you boss.

I will pay today's bill.

Let's go to cinema.

Where are you going?

Why don't you answer?

Their house.


Why? What is your matter with him?

Can't it be?

Why will I tell you everything?


Don't talk to him.

Okay, you sit behind me.

No. If I drop you then

If you two meet,

I do it for your good.

You don't have to do good

Hey, why are you

Leave my hand.

I do anything with you?

Why? You and Roni don't fight

When will you return?

I will certainly know

Hey, Gabu.

God bless you. Be happy, daughter.

Uncle this is our Krishna.

You have to teach her music.

I will surely teach.


Ni, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni, Sa.

Sa, Ni, Dha,

Ni, Re, Ga, re, Ga.

Start daughter start.

Not today uncle, from tomorrow.

As you wish.

From tomorrow surely.

Bless you.

Can I go?

I have made snacks for you.

My brother must be waiting for me.

Let him wait.

You know that if he doesn't


Okay, then do one thing.

Tomorrow you will not cook dinner.

You and your brother



Going, Manu.

Okay, go.

I will be waiting for you.

Let's go once more.

Then I have to take one

Not injections, my veins are


Oh my god!

What a pain!

What have you done

Sir, can I light on the oven?

What is the need?

Krishna hasn't come yet.

Oven will get burnt.

Where have she gone?

It's getting late.



Manu. Listen.


Manu, call that monkey?

I am waiting for her

Call her.

Not here?


Gone home? Okay.

Listen. I am coming.

I must then go to

Yes, do that first.

She has gone early to make you tea.

Don't be angry on her!

It is getting late.

Why have you turn the lights off Jon?

Come and eat.

Why not?

The food gets wasted every day.

That's why Manu gets angry.

Come and eat.

You will be ill if you don't eat.

Come, dear come.

What an obedient girl Krishna is?

She has prepared dinner earlier only.

Have your dinner Noni.

Don't be late.

No I will not eat.

Who is knocking the door?

Yes, I have heard of it.

Am I such a strict guardian

She went with her love one.

Why are you thinking

Maybe she has gone

Why didn't she inform me?

She is a kid.

She has done a mistake.

I hadn't hurt her ever.

Si why are she hurting me?

Listen. Listen.

I had send the scooter to garage.

What! Sent to garage?

Who's the owner of scooter?

No, not like that.


Why is she sympathetic

Poltu had an accident yesterday.

He is not dead right?



Where is the mother of so good son!

Where is your aunt?

She has gone to temple.

For son's wellbeing!

Hey Poltey!

Poltu is sick doctor, listen!

Is this Krishna's

She didn't think of me?

From tender age I have reared my

What if I love her?

She has no love for me.

For god's sake if

..while returning from

Can't we search the hospital once?


No. she had books, copies

Then what's the use of talking?

Let's go and search for her.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Get up!

If Krishna come home afterwards?

She has a key right?

Come on.

Have you seen Krishna at home?

She hadn't reached

Just searched the hospital.

Mother can you give me tea?

Menasha does Noni's sister returned?

No uncle.

When did you returned from their home?

I have gone to wood factory.

I have seen there.

Are you feeling ill?

My body Is shaking.

Where are we going?


Let's go.

Hey, why are you crying?

Come! Come Noni.

Let's go there.

Where do we go?

I don't know.

Just come with me.

Why have we come here?

Why there is so much chaos?

Noni? Noni!

A girl's body have been found here.

Stay aside!

Step aside!

Step aside!

Step aside!

Step aside!

Step aside!

Don't touch her.

Aunty, Manu has gone to police

From there they will go

You don't have to worry aunty.

We are leaving.

Come on.

A disaster happened to us son!

Krishna is no more.

I want to see her once.

Please take me to

Do you suspect anybody, teacher?

Where is Manu?

She has gone to bring food for you.

Do I arrange something? Tea?

Do you and your sister have

I have full faith in people.

I can't imagine only.

No. no.

I will pull out needle

You just co-operate with me.

Come, come doctor.

I just got the news Noni?

When will we get the dead body?

Yes I am calling.

Noni, we will get from morgue soon.

Brother, the hospital

Our house is broken.

I really want to live here.

Stupid girl.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Take lord Hari name.

Get up!

Get up!

Eat it.

Take the heat.

Noni, not here.

Keep it there.

Brother, why we light lamp in evening?


It extinguishes.

Brother light it.

According to post mortem Krishna was

Yes, can't imagine.

They dragged her after murder.

One thing is that it is

If it were professional killers

Teacher I guess your sister recognizes

Criminal offences like

If I have power I would

The criminals will not get caught

They will not be punished.

Before that huge sum

What about me?

Yes I pray that god punish those

Doctor, please forgive me.

Why are you sorry?

My son and yours have


It's ok.

Let's go.

Drink the milk.

Keep it.

In the family of orphan

Why god hurt people?

Not god, the pain is given by rapists.


What happen?

A nightmare.

You got scared?

Why have I grown up?

I was good as a child,

I didn't get scared then.

Get up!

Look, it's broken.

How did it break?

You pretended to rest

Ok go light up another oven.

Get up and go to Noni's house.

Why can't you go?

You can roam around but can't go now.


What's the matter.

You start rebuking him from morning.

You haven't ask for

He had fight with Poltu.

And look what he did to himself.


How did it happen?

We fell from the bike.

He starts laughing at me.

I beat him.

Your neck is seriously wounded.

He snatched the chain, rascal.


Is it matter to ask for?

Was she naked when you have gone?

Being a girl.

You don't hesitate to

No we are saying


You ask her what all queries you have.

Why are you gathering here?

Go to class all of you.

We all should go for class.

Look, don't be sentimental.

I am alright.

Look Noni. Pupil will learn from us.

When someone close passes

This pain is an expression

Such attitude can

What say?

I can understand your deep pain.

But your behavior may not

That is why I advise

Tomorrow I will go

Look after them.

Krishna wanted to go Hardwar?

Sukaria are you there?

Someone is calling you?

Are you there?

Owner of wood factory.

You are not found in gate.

You are not in your house.

As I have no duty I have gone to my

Master is saying he

Gosai has come.

Come Gosai. Sit.

Step into poor's home.

No. I am in hurry.

I will not sit Sukaria.


The matter is that

His time to come is near.

Then you make him understand.

Give him this money.

There won't be music, isn't it?

Are you deaf?

The girl who was murdered..

..on the other side of the gate .. sir's student for whom

Sad thing.

Okay, tell me.

You live so close to gate,


Don't hide Sukaria,

Don't be afraid.

Call your wife.

We are poor.

Nothing will happen.

Malti come here, Gosai is calling you.

I don't know anything.

Where is Majumdar?

Call him.

Say to him I have come.

Sir, doctor has come.

What happen doctor?


We have found a clue

My goat Budiya fled into garden.

I went to look for it and saw.


Where are you?


When I was returning back

I don't know anymore.

Majumdar, arrest all those

Brother save me!

Brother save me!

Brother save me!

You don't know.

What happens Noni?

You have to say for

The rituals ended just now.

Noni packed your food.

You are hungry my son?

I am giving food.


Are you angry?

What will I do?

I can't come here before completion.

Noni has no one except us.

I am giving you food.

Local people, Krishna's friends,..

.. Noni's school teachers,

..Aghor doctor.

You have not gone only.

Noni is our relative.

Visit him in evening.

Krishna is like your sister.


Going teacher.

Why are you sitting outside

Why is house locked?

Mother has gone with your brother.


To maternal uncle's house.

News of your grandmother's

Grandmother is sick?

There is a letter for you inside.

Let's go in.

The saddest part is the incident

..and I couldn't even know.

Feeling really sad.

You get married teacher?

Kanu I have only one

I am alone here.

The people of this city are with you.

We are students of your father.

Our children are your student.

How can we pay your debts?

Among them one has killed my sister.

Debt is paid.

Now politics is going on

Where? No one get caught.

Listen. Listen.

Who is gateman Sukaria's wife Malti here?

I see.

You saw that day on

I don't know anything.

I am that girl's brother.

My sister was murdered.

Don't disturb me.

Talk to my husband, he is at station.


Get up!

Seven, eight.

Get in.

Get in.

If I didn't call her

I feel myself responsible

Why blaming yourself

It's my misfortune.

Why are you feeling

If I hadn't come this wouldn't happen.

I can never forget

Forgive me Noni.

Forgive me.




Don't enter my house.

You have grown up, right?

Go where you were.

Get out.

I got to know that Gabu

For that why are

You think I am a fool.

And I will understand

Father will not know that this

Get out.

Why are you talking like that?

He has come after a long time.

Are you a father or a devil?

I am a gentleman.

My son will do anything.

Doctor, a serious


Let me return then I will tackle you.

When my sister is losing her respect

I know Gabu is the killer.

I will take revenge.

Don't you know Gabu?

Today he is caught.

You stay alone in the house.

I am scared about you.

What do you want me to do?

Eat and work.

No I am not telling that.

I am concerned about your safety.

Noni, I will live with you.

I want to live with you.

That is not possible.

I don't need safety.

Could we save Krishna?

No, you go Manu.

You are asking me to leave?

Ok I am going.

Sir you don't put us inside jail?

No. you just come and

If my husband goes instead of me?

Nor did he see?

You just come and recognize.

Come with me.

Or else I will put you inside.

Gabu, barney come.

Your name?

Father's name?

Your name?

Father's name?

Go and stand there.

Go and stand at your place.

This is not station.

Everything is complex here.


I am waiting outside.

Don't be scared.

Go and do your work.

Misses Malti Mishra?

That day the two men whom

Just see can you recognize

Shibani, there are rice

They will be rotten.

It is useful to you.

You friend is dead?

But when you come I feel good.

Stupid girl.

You did wrong.


You arrested Gabu?

He is not responsible

The whole city know even

He is a bad boy, I know.

You don't know anything about him.

Why didn't I know?

Krishna's diary says

I asked Gabu to drop her .. that everyone would think he is

.. and wouldn't suspect.

Have you arrested

Anita, listen.




Come out of cage boss.

Gabu get caught.

He is stuck.




He is not here?

If he comes say that I am here.

Now can I go?

That's why don't want to come here.

I am out of my house since morning.

I will not come here anymore.

You won't come anymore.

Now ask what you want to know.

Why had you beaten Jon?

Why had you beaten Jon?

You know I can give you to police?

You had wounded him seriously.

We do all for you.

What wrong he had done with you?

Oh! That's not truth.

You don't mind Manu.

Jon is a liar.

And you are honest.

The way you wounded his

..if something happened.

Then my hands also get wounded.

Let me see.

If I grab some one's

I am thin and slim while

If I did something to him do you

Then with whom you have fought?

You cleverly vanished your brother.

What are you saying?

He went to grandmother's

Let him be there.

No one will suspect us.

Just hide it. Understand.


Tell me everything.

I am saying for your good.

Ask your brother.

I asked him.

He said you!

What! He said I murdered?

He tries to resist you.

You have made good stories


Trust me Manu I hadn't done anything?

I never liked her.

But your brother was mad for her.

I beg you Manu.

Please hide everything

Save us Manu.

I beg you Manu. Save us.

No. this was not that bike.

These are called bikes.

This is not that kind of bike.

If you say nonsense then

I know how to open your mouth up.

We are poor.

Don't drag us on this.

No. are your wife fooling us?

Sir like this.


I got the photo.

Sir like this bike it was.

This kind of bike.

This scooter, not bike.

I don't know about that,

They are following her with the bike.

Sister is here.

Does mother come here with Jon?

Yes, there in the kitchen.


Hey, suddenly you?

Train or bus?

Where is Jon?

Here only.

You know his wounds have dried up.

Not accident.

Where is Jon?

Please dear don't do this.

I will not be able to face people.

You hadn't slept all

Let's go to your room.

I need to face him.

Where is he?

Manu, don't go.

Jon, don't escape.


Wait I say.

Leave me.

Catch him.

Uncle you don't know

Leave me all of you.

I will shout and call the police.

Jon wait!

Jon wait! I say.

I will shout and call the police, Jon!

Jon wait! I say.

Catch him.

I am coming.

Hold him.

Don't let him go.

Jon! You did it?

Then you said its accident?

That night after accident after

I saw Krishna go

I called him.

She didn't stop and started running.

I wanted to give her a lift

She disagreed.

She wanted to shout and

Why are you getting angry?

Boss just wanted to be with you.

If you sit beside boss

Come and sit.

Why did you beat him?

Right thing I have done.

Then I will also force

Sit. Sit. I say.

I will shout and say you are insulting me.

Save me.

Save me.

Leave her alone.

What are you doing?

What lacked in me than

I failed everywhere.

But I couldn't tolerate

I couldn't control myself.

Just see now!


Leave me.

Leave me.

Just see now!

Leave me.

Save me!

Leave me!

Save me!

Leave me.

Save me!

Leave me!

Just let me go home!

You will tell everyone.

Say I love you,

I love you.

Your neighbor?

Can you tell me where is she gone?

I don't know.

Sister! Look who is here.

Where has Your neighbor

I don't know.

You haven't eat the whole day.

Will you eat at night?

You be quite.

If you want to hang your brother and

But you know I will

I will give him poison

What nonsense are you talking Jopu?

Manu everyone wants

But if Jon gets punished,

You all make her understand.

Your sister won't get married.

Chanchal will not get job.

We can't walk with straight head.

You think if Jon gets caught

Can you go to Noni's house

Don't roam around alone.

This is our earnest request.

What can happen?

I don't care.

I don't have right to live.

Why won't I say?

Krishna will not return ever.

I will leave this place.

The people of this city loves you,

Besides, you have certain

No. I have no duty towards anyone.

These words don't suit

Who else is doing their duty?

After such a long time still the murderer

Why are you getting disappointed?

Besides, now we know that

Besides, how many people

Murderer will get caught very soon.

Okay, I will call him.


As I asked you to go that

I want to forget I had a bonding.

There was an innocent

I am disabled, afraid, coward.


I am trying hard to accept

But you are there.

I am the murderer.

I have killed Krishna.

Krishna got killed for me.

Why are you talking like that?

You kill me, Noni.

Kill me.

I have asked her to meet my uncle.

When she went I couldn't stop her.

Even I couldn't go with

Kill me by chocking my throat, Noni!

Kill me by chocking my throat, Noni!

Please release me from the pain.

Why are you blaming yourself?

These all are my misfortune.

Can you still love me after this?

I can.

Krishna's murderer

What will I do doctor uncle?

You only say.

I can't bear this

Instead I express everything


Silly girl!

We will give you in the hands of

We will give your marriage.

I will give all my jewelries to you.

Tell her.

Yes. It is not a difficult task.

You mother needs to do nothing.

I will stand as a guardian

It is not possible.

I love Noni.

You will love the one you marry.

A girl can do anything.

It is not possible.

Krishna's memories will haunt me.

No one will haunt you.

You will miss Noni for some days.

Then when you have new home family,

Hey, you were so excited.

Say to Nona.

Gubey! Barney!

Say to Nona!

Matter is murderer will

Come straight to the point.

We will beat those boys around canal.

We need your permission.

What is happening Gabu?

Why will you beat those boys?

No don't do this.

Have to do it Nona?

Krishna might be your sister but we think

Straight thing Nona?

They are also go school and collage.

They also come home late.

They can also get raped in roads.

What do you want to do?

You don't have to understand.

You just sit with deaf ear.

We will manage everything.

We will puncture

who roam around canal from where

We will open up their

Then we will bring him at your feet.

No Gabu.

I freed you from all charges.

Why are you taking trouble for me?

Nona, as you have freed me from

I have to murder someone

You are so good Nona.

You say one percent.

Boss! Boss! I have a news.

There was a scooter in

Whose scooter?

You don't worry.

You won't believe what I heard.

I will inform you after...

..looking into the matter.

Let's go.


Let's go.


You killed me.

Yes, you killed me.

I taught them a lesson.

They will never mess with you.


What have you done?

Mother will create trouble

How seriously you wounded?

What's the need of messing with them?

I will not tell anything to you ever.

They will at least

You promise Manu,

No I promise, now say.

Your brother tease me now

How dare he?

I will look to it

You have promised not to tell anyone.

Now I will see whom you love?

Me, my brother or your brother.

To you silly girl.



Leave me.

If they know I will kill you I say.

I warn you.

I warn you.

Champa where have you gone?


Aunty! Come.


Whose letters is this?

Of devil.

To whom it is written?


Your age is now writing

I have written it

After all this incident

How unhealthy you become!

You will not stop before falling ill,

Why have you broken down?

I am strong aunty.

You don't worry.

What I have promised


You don't have to request.

You will be hurt.

My mother and brother too.

So before anything

What silly things

I failed to make myself understand.

I have become weak after staying

I don't have that

But you have.

We have snatched it for our benefit.




Take this keys.

In my room you arrange for

And see to it that Krishna's

If I return.

Please resist him.

Don't be childish!

Does everyone who lose their near

Don't talk big words.

I Know those which you know.

But you don't have

If you lost a little

Take these keys.

If you want then

Or else my house if it is destroyed,

Don't talk like sentimental fool

Let's go.


Anything more you want to say?

Where are you going Noni?


The mud which touches me. You

I have promised to bring

But I couldn't.

But I caught them.

..who pretend to love you is

If you take Menasha name again,

Don't get angry Nona?

That Menasha has vanished

And now she escaped locking her house.


I can disbelief myself but not her.

Don't talk rubbish about her.


Then I don't want to

Listen! Everyone.

That scooter belongs to Aghor doctor.

His son Poltu was with Jon that day.

Don't let him escape.

I have sent my boys already.

You people go and search

Please go!

Keep it inform me.

Come sit behind me.

Wait sir.

I am going for an urgent work.


We found out Krishna's killer.

Gabu has collected information.

I know everything teacher.

I am going to arrest Poltu.

I have informed Malda's O.C.

How do you know?

Just few minutes before


Manu, herself!

Noni, kick off my dirty mouth.

No. Noni. I said bad words

Noni, take me to her.

Where is she?

She has gone.

Gabu then your boys will..

No Noni, I will not let Manu insult.

Then I feel my mother.

Noni, you stay here.

I bring Manu holding up above my head.


Krishna! Listen!








Let her go Jon.

Leave me alone.




Let her go Jon.

Jon. The pain you have given to Krishna,

This blood quenched the thirst

Just look up with your bloody face and see

She is alright.

We are trying our best.

Doctor! She doesn't have


She wounded her body for

You have hospitalized her timely.

Otherwise I don't

Gabu, Menasha hasn't escaped.


We will give!


Wait, I am arranging for it.

Don't worry.

Krishna will never return.

But there is no such

After this can you love me?


Say, Noni.

Give me my keys.

"With sweet singing in excitement."

"Happiness blend with spring."

"With sweet singing in excitement."

"With sweet singing in excitement."

"Charming rays of sky."

"What a pure complete life."

"Happiness blend with spring."

"With sweet singing in excitement."

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