Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

So, Justice League is an interesting movie for the DCEU, because after the disappointing

critical response to the darker first three entries and then the amazing one to the much

lighter Wonder Woman, this movie has to now take those other characters and fit them into

this new DC world.

Plus lots of reshoots with a different director, and this being DC's answer to the Avengers,

this movie has a lot riding on it.

So, now that it's arrived let's talk about it.

*clip* And as usual, first part of this review will

be no spoilers, and then later on I'll get into the spoilers after a big warning.

So nothing will be ruined for you.

So, this movie has received a pretty bad critical receptions ofar.

Not as bad as some, but not very good either.

And do I agree with it?

Well brace yourselves cuz this is gonna be one of those rare BHL disagrees with what

most people think about a movie videos.

Normally I'm pretty in line with what most people think, but with Justice League, I actually

quite enjoyed it.

It's not perfect by a long stretch, but fro a lot of reasons, including some pretty

subjective and personal ones which we'll get into later, I had a good fun time with


But let's start with the main stuff.

Firstly, the cast and characters.

It's a bit of a mixed bag, but for the most part, pretty great.

I still really like Affleck as Batman, and this version of Batman is great.

There are some moments where he has one-liners, like Whedon Tony Stark type one-liners, which

is weird coming from Batman, but if you took those few out, this is exactly how I wanna

see Batman in this world.

Gal Gadot isn't as good as she was in Wonder Woman, but she's still pretty great.

I really liked Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, he's very charismatic and he's clearly

giving it his all.

Personally, I don't think the lines he was given were that funny...but we'll get into

that more later.

I did like his performance though, and he did sell some of those lines.

Jeremy Iron is still great as Alfred, Jason Momoa is good as Aquaman, I guess, though

he wasn't the stand out that I was hoping he would be here.

His character just didn't get much to do, I didn't really get a sense for him except

the movie really wanted you to think he was a badass.

Like, look he's drinking beer in slow mo with rock music, and he's a bit of a rebel

and a skeptic, but that's about it.

And Ray Fisher was fine as Cyborg, though I didn't really like his character.

We'll get into it more in the negatives, but his character was weird and didn't make

a ton of sense sometimes.

There are other talented actors who are in this movie for like 2 seconds, Amy Adams,

Diane Lane, Billy Crudup, Amber Heard, JK Simmons, they're good but they really do

not have much to do.

Especially Simmons, I was hoping there'd be more of him but you've basically seen

all of him from the film in the trailers.

Also if you're wondering what I thought of the other League member who returns here,

we'll talk about that in the spoiler section.

Really, with the core team, although a few times it felt a tad forced, I did enjoy the

interactions between them.

Like the chemistry here is pretty solid.

As far as action and visual effects, when they're great, they're really great.

And when they're bad they're pretty awful.

Like some action is really cool, especially The Flash's stuff, I just love that kind

of super speed stuff.

But sometimes with other action it gets a little slow mo-y and too CGI, like these DC

movies have done so far.

And with the visual effects, again, there are some that are incredible, and then there

are some that are insanely bad.

Especially some green screen, I get that they had to reshoot some of this, but my god, what

is this.

Anyway, this is supposed to be the good stuff.

This movie takes a very sharp turn with the DC universe, this feels like a totally different

world than the one we saw a little over a year ago in BvS.

Batman doesn't kill, he doesn't use machine guns, and generally the world is so much lighter

and much more MCU-style kid friendly.

It feels much more like the DC world that I know and love from especially the animated

shows and some of the comics, which I really enjoyed.

I know some people love the way darker stuff, but personally I felt like this fit much better

especially with all these new characters being introduced.

Generally, because this world is so much lighter and more colorful and all that, this movie

is a lot more fun than the others.

And that's what I can say about this, overall it is a fun time.

It's not an amazing work of art, it's just an easy to watch enjoyable movie.

It does feel a little cluttered sometimes cuz this was effectively made by 2 different

people, and those styles do clash a little bit sometimes, like if you're looking for

it you can definitely see the stuff that's more Snyder and the stuff that's more Whedon,

but it's not insanely distracting.

The fun still sticks out for the most part.

Also, quick little thing, I really loved the music, a lot of it is just the standard superhero

movie music we get these days, but sometimes when it's a version of an old superhero

theme, that just added a lot to this feeling more like a proper DC world and I don't

know, I guess I haven't really seen something like that before and I thought that was cool.

Now, one of the main reasons that I liked this movie more than just oh yeah it's a

decent fun time is a much more personal reason that I don't think as many people can relate

to, so this part is more just me explaining why I liked this movie a little more than

most people probably will.

Like I've said a million times on this channel, I grew up watching the Justice League and

Justice League Unlimited animated shows and I love them, some of my favorite pieces of

entertainment ever.

And with this movie, this is gonna be a positive for some people and a negative for some people,

but for me I enjoyed it, it really felt like that world.

That world from the Justice League cartoon.

It felt like a really long, live action episode of the Justice League cartoon, and as someone

who loves that and just these DC characters in general, I kind of loved that.

From dialogue to action to pacing to how characters act to sound effects, this feels a bit like

a cartoon, and it just reminded me of that show that I liked that part.

Now it does make the movie a little weird, cuz while all that works great for a cartoon,

for an actual film, it can be a little strange.

Like there are some very cheesy lines and the pacing is kind of off.

So I totally get why people won't really gravitate to this.

But I just thought it was super cool to see.

Maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite, because that dream sequence in BvS and the Flash coming

through and all that, a lot of DC fans probably loved that and I hated that, but I hated that

because I felt like it didn't really fit.

Here, I felt like the DC references actually did fit, and I liked that.

I did see this with a few friends, some of whom aren't big DC or comic book fans, and

they were a little confused at points, so I can get why that would be a negative.

And I can get why even a super DC comic fan wouldn't like this cuz of the problems that

I'll get into in a second.

But this is a subjective review and personally I really liked that aspect of it, and that's

why I think I was more positive coming out of this than a lot of people are.

It's not the only good thing about this film, and it doesn't excuse the bad, but it

did elevate it a bit for me.

Very personal I know, so don't take that as, you will definitely love this movie.

And on that note, now let's talk the bad stuff here.

Cuz again, there is some stuff here that really drags this movie down a bit.

Firstly there are just some stupid moments that make no sense, or are very confusing.

No spoilers, but I'll say when Aquaman meets Batman for the first time, I was like, what does he know….why did he just say….ok it's done.

Just saying, there are some weird contrived moments that feel like they could've been

fixed very easily.

The plot is the biggest let down in this film, for a lot of reasons.

Structurally it's pretty bad, you can tell a lot of this has been reshot and not just

cuz there's so much stuff from the trailers that's missing.

Towards the start of this film especially, it's very choppy and poorly paced, with

weird transitions to go along with it.

Like it gets right into it right away, and then just bounces from location to location

from character to character, trying to jam as much information down your throat as possible.

It doesn't explain certain characters personalities very well or cleverly, or how they know certain

things, it moves around very quickly.

This also leads to some people's motivations and personalities being really confusing,

especially with Cyborg.

A lot of moments with him just felt rushed and not earned.

The movie's also very predictable, it follows your standard superhero movie formula of team

comes together, then they have a bit of a fight, then there's a big CGI battle with

hundreds of enemies to fight.

You see most stuff coming a mile away.

And considering how groundbreaking this year has been for superhero films, that is a little


It's just feels a bit more generic.

After some groundbreaking stuff this year, this is just an average superhero movie.

Also I'll just say it, the villain sucks.

The most generic, not threatening, cookie-cutter villain you can think of.

Basically, generic villain, generic plot, generic final battle.

The plot somehow manages to both formulaic and not make a ton of sense at the same time.

Another thing, and this is more the fault f the previous DC movies I guess, but I really

don't buy the relationships some of these characters have, in particular Batman to Superman.

Like when Superman died in the Justice League cartoon and Batman talks at his grave, that's

emotional and believe, cuz these two have known each other for so long and are great


Here, they hated each other for a while, then they were friends for like, an hour?

And then Superman died.

So sure, I guess Batman wants Superman back to save the day, but I didn't buy that he

has like a real emotional feeling of guilt.

Like I said, some visual effects and green screen aren't great, the movie is much lighter

but I didn't find it particularly funny.

Like there were a few moments where I chuckled, but nothing made me actually laugh out loud


Except for one thing I'll mention in spoilers.

Now, two more specific things, 1, there are a lot of really cheesy kind of stupid lines

in this movie.

Like one I remember specifically is at one point Batman's like this wasn't the plan

and Alfred's like no, this is the team.

I don't know, there were a few moments like that that were just very corny.

And 2, and again, this is a small thing and maybe it doesn't happen as much as I felt

like it did, but it seems like Batman just tells everyone his secret identity in this

film, or like everyone knows it immediately and there isn't really a big reveal.

I don't know, it felt to me a bit like the How It Should Have Ended running joke.

So before I get into the spoilers, I'll wrap this part up.

All in all, I really liked Justice League.

And I can understand why that might be totally subjective.

I really hate it when directors and actors say, oh this movie is just for the fans, if

you don't like this you're not a real fan.

That's ridiculous.

With this film, I think you can still have a fun time with it if you're not a fan of

DC, but if you are a fan of DC, I imagine you're really gonna like it.

Again, if you don't like this movie, it doesn't mean you're not a real fan of

DC, it just means you didn't like it.

It does have some bad stuff in it, and plot-wise it's quite weak, and its not nearly as groundbreaking

as the other superhero films this year, but personally I had a way better time than I

thought I would, and I think it's worth checking out.

I'll give Justice League a 7.8/10.

Ok, now let's get into the spoilers.

If you don't want anything spoiled, click off now.

Ok, firstly, the return of Superman.

I actually really liked that.

Well, I liked some of it.

What I did like is once Superman does really fully come back, this is the best representation

of Superman we've seen since Superman 2 I'd say.

And i say that having not seen Supergirl yet.

He's full of hope, he's cheesy as hell, I would love to see more of this Superman

going forward.

What I didn't like is one, there is some distracting mustache removal here that makes

his face look a little….unsettling at some points.

Also I'm not sure if it was intended to be funny, but if not, that slow mo turn Superman

does the Flash was unintentionally very hilarious.

Also, I am so goddamn over a character dies and then comes back to life but is slightly

different or evil or out of control and then is brought back to their normal selves cuz

of some emotional experience.

I do not want to see that again, please.

As far as other things, that flashback sequence with all the DC people's kind of coming together

was one of those moments where I thought, i would be kinda lost if i wasn't a huge

fan of this stuff, but as a huge fan, I'm loving this.

Some Green Lanterns pop up, I don't know, I wasn't expecting that so I just thought

that was really cool.

And then there were the two end credit scenes.

First one, Flash and SUperman having a race to see who's

the fastest man alive, which they've been known to do for.

That was fun, plus we got some more hilarious Cavill face.

And then the second one, where Lex Luthor is talking to Deathstroke about forming the

Injustice Gang, or the Legion of Doom, or something like that, that was pretty cool.

As much as I didn't like Eisenberg in BvS, he seemed more toned down here.

Deathstroke looks really cool, and I love the idea of this Injustice Gang in this DC


Possibly for the Batman?

It would've been even cooler if there were other villains there, like maybel Leto's

Joker, but this was still pretty awesome.

Really, I just left this film really excited to see these characters in this universe going


So those were my thoughts on Justice League.

What did you think of this?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> JUSTICE LEAGUE *REVIEW* - Duration: 12:32.


How to Upload a Profile Picture on Youtube on iPad - Duration: 3:09.

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For more infomation >> How to Upload a Profile Picture on Youtube on iPad - Duration: 3:09.



this video filmed by the state

Islamic shows militants raiding

a museum in the city of mosul in the

Northern Iraq are destroying

ancient Mesopotamian statues some

they date from the seventh century before Christ


Historical objects of incalculable


appreciated by the whole world are

being destroyed in the name of Islam


the prophet mahoma ordered that

destroy all idols

the known extremist militant group

as an Islamic state and iu is

terrorizing the world how could the

leader of the group abu bakr al baghdad

create an organization of such caliber

Our research has revealed that

the united states helped pave the

I walk through a series of mistakes

calculation and false steps

during his occupation of iraq

the Islamic state as it is today does not

would exist if our centers of

detention and now thousands of people in


they promise loyalty to the Islamic state in


groups that support the Islamic state

they are attracting new recruits

exposing young people to the

radical ideology

we will use everything that is in

our hands until everyone

be governed by Islam

an endless chain of attacks

terrorists continuous

we have been investigating what originated

the birth of the Islamic state and

how his network spread throughout the




Islamic state part two the

origins of the Islamic state

in July 2014 the Islamic state

showed the first images of his

Abu Bakr leader to Baghdad



It was recorded in the Great Mosque of

mosul the second largest city in

go to the words spoken by

Baghdad and on that occasion they had

repercussions around the world


when it ended bad it has allowed us

establish the caliphate and appoint

ours and mamó we will fight until the

world follow the

this video filmed by the state

Islamic shows militants raiding

a museum in the city of mosul in the

Northern Iraq are destroying

ancient Mesopotamian statues some

they date from the seventh century before Christ


Historical objects of incalculable


appreciated by the whole world are

being destroyed in the name of Islam


the prophet mahoma ordered that

destroy all idols

the known extremist militant group

How is it

in indonesia there are 200 million



we proclaim our loyalty to the khalifa

sheikh baghdad and the next day to the

publication of the video of Baghdad and 700

followers congregated in jakarta

to swear high


It is estimated that more than 500 people have

abandoned indonesia to join the

Baghdad group 1 friendship and devotion

hugo this address abu bakr al

Baghdadi and Abu Bakr al Baghdad


how and why hundreds of young people

they were attracted to this call

we visited a city in western java

from where many have traveled to Syria

we already met with a young man who was

praying in the mosque of the city

he has also decided to become

a fighter of the Islamic state

He believes that it is his duty to obey

caliph's orders I have seen how it happens

in Iraq in Syria as they kill my

brothers as a Muslim brother

my mission is to help you

the Koran says devoutly believes nothing and

participate in jihad

the young man is 21 years old and he teaches in a

religious school joined a

local extremist organization makes a

year says he found out about the

existence of the Islamic state group a

through propaganda videos in

Indonesian language published on the internet

and we invite you to join us

we meet with us

loyalty to the prince of the


abu bakr al baghdad

what did you think when you saw the video

at first I felt confused and when

I saw the decapitations on the internet

I was really surprised Islam

seek justice and peace

why then so much violence but

we have to realize that the

Islamic state is under siege

then you understand or kill or die

it is the duty of the Islamic state

establish the law of Allah

it is estimated that more than 20,000

foreign fighters over 90

countries have traveled to Syria or Iraq

most are from the Middle East but

there are currently about 4,000

fighters from europe

it is estimated that more than 500 come from

United Kingdom


gatwick airport in london

February, 2017

three teenage girls students of


they go aboard an airplane that travels to

Turkey in the direction of an area

occupied by state militants


in london we found a group of

followers of the Islamic state that

they were recruiting people in the streets

openly we want to establish the

Islamic laws in society

the united kingdom has a population

very numerous Muslim and the group has

been able to radicalize hundreds of

young people doing the believers of their

extremist version of Islam to the US

ordered to take this identity of Islam and

die for this identity of Islam

the group has been designated as

terrorist organization and has been

prohibited by the government but its

members continue to create new entities

making it difficult to put a brake on

Your activities

they believe in an extremist interpretation

of Islam and they argue that the state

Islamic has created an ideal society

that Muslims live under the

caliphate is a duty to live under the

laws made by man is

prohibited is necessary to bring people

there to Islam under the authority of

Islamic jazz state and inviting them and

convincing them fighting and conquering


abdul mohit is a leading member of the

group served five years in prison

for inciting terrorism

git travels the city at night

recruiting new members puts your point

of look at young people raised in homes

of immigrants, you guys want a

brochure on Islam

you want a brochure on Islam to

this is called freedom this is not

uncle uncle this is not a free country

This is not a free country, not because it does not

when they see a haircut like this

they judge us immediately like them to

robber tractors do not consider us

British do not call us to keys for

start I'm not a pack and they give a bad

image of us and that is not going to

fix and everyone tries to create

your own rules

frankly I do not trust it's hard

trust nobody today

büchi listens to his frustrations and his

league and then he tells them to

join their group people do not find

a solution in democracy in the

capitalism or in communism

your only option and the real option

is Islam

so do it and this invitation is

for everyone

peace be with you peace be with


society has rejected them are

being marginalized by society if the

samples what is Islamic society

they happily accepted the idea of ​​living in

a caliphate or that the united kingdom will

become an Islamic state they

they go said

in November 2014 a member of the

group of women traveled to Syria

siddharta give a British citizen of

Hindu descent

he apparently joined the Islamic state

public this photograph with his son

newborn in your arms on the internet

It is believed that several dozen members

of the group and its associates have

also become combatants of the

Islamic freedom state was eager

of publicly saying that I was

willing to give up his citizenship

British change of power live in the

Islamic state in a land of


I believe that Muslims will live

there and do what you are told to do

do baghdad and has led the fast

global expansion of your organization


what was the conversion process of

this Islamic extremist

we look for the answers in their


Baghdad and was born in 1971 and lived in the

capital of iraq baghdad between 20 and

30 years old

to find out how Baghdad was and when

I was a young man

we interview someone who knew him

at that time


and call hashimi is an ancient

government security adviser

Iraqi and has studied the group state

Islamic in depth says that

he met Baghdad and 20 years ago when

I was a student

we meet several times when he

I was studying the traditions


I found a person extremely

Discreet and educated wine from the countryside to

Baghdad to study Islam

Baghdad and obtained a doctorate in studies

Islamic students at a university in Baghdad

he apparently became a clergyman and

He led prayer services in a

mosque for a while

his academic ability was mediocre

but he was a very serious person he was not

a sociable person very different from what

who is now intellectual and


how this discreet students are

became a leader of a great

terrorist organization


we found out that a series of steps in

false during the occupation

American from Iraq contributed to

This process

we interviewed a former official

that played a central role in the

intelligence services


hello how happy and thank you

for asking me to come blanc michael

flynn is the former director of the

defense intelligence agency

united states whose role is the

analysis of terrorist threats

flynn revealed that the united states had

arrested to Baghdad and twice but left

that it escaped between your fingers

both occasions


the current leader of the Islamic state in

Syria and East

we know of its existence since

probably 2004 we did a

pursuit that we pursue and what

we capture to then finally leave it

on freedom

the united states captured Baghdad and in

half of the chaos caused by the war

to go to

America had justified its

invasion alleging that irak possessed

weapons of mass destruction overthrew the

regime of Saddam Hussein


united states and our allies we have

prevailed and our coalition is

engaged in security and

reconstruction of that country

tens of thousands of party members

Hussein and members of the forces

armed forces of his regime were put in

freedom for the occupation forces

Americans that triggered a

violent opposition in everything going to the

US military detained

then to many people for their

presumed involvement in activities


you have it, you do not have, I know, I have

Baghdad was one of the thousands of

arrested by US troops

that happened during the first

stages of the American occupation

Mayas, I think he was in the

wrong place and time when

they stopped and it was probably included

in an operation with other people who

they were doing things that should not

be doing Baghdad was sent to a

American military center in the south

of irak was called detention center

of field here was imprisoned twice

first for two months in 2004 and

subsequently for three years in

2006 of this Iraqi officer led

camp bucca back then

conceptas baghdad and was in the module

6 that was there

this video filmed by the state

Islamic shows militants raiding

a museum in the city of mosul in the

Northern Iraq are destroying

ancient Mesopotamian statues some

they date from the seventh century before Christ


Historical objects of incalculable


appreciated by the whole world are

being destroyed in the name of Islam


the prophet mahoma ordered that

destroy all idols

the known extremist militant group

as an Islamic state and iu is

terrorizing the world


how could the group leader abu bakr

al Baghdad to create an organization of

such caliber

Our research has revealed that

the united states helped pave the

I walk through a series of mistakes

calculation and false steps

during his occupation of iraq

the Islamic state as it is today does not

would exist if our centers of

detention typified several of them

as inmates of the detention center

at that time

this guy only created problems to

this man who was incarcerated in the

cell contiguous to that of Baghdad and it is abu

mohamed aldany who became the

spokesman for the Islamic state

US forces were referring

to him as group leader


this is fares rifal naima currently

Chief of Logistics of the Islamic State

another prisoner abdullah ahmad to mass dani

currently leading suicide missions

for the Islamic state Baghdad and

he also built strong relationships

with former members of the forces

soldiers of the Baathist regime of

Saddam Hussein - The Arab Baath Party

socialist and state fighters

Islamic had the same objective

they wanted to expel the united states and

to overthrow the Iraqi government

both groups want to achieve power and

govern the country


in 2009 when the troops

Americans accelerated their withdrawal

of irak another false step was taken in the

closing process of campus here

the united states handed over to baghdad and to

Iraqi government as suspected of being

a dangerous terrorist but according to

united states the iraqi government what

released on his own initiative

obviously it was a bad decision

release him considering that what

they had incarcerated was a bad

decision to release him and the

consequences of it are very obvious

for us right now

two years after the start

Freedom of Baghdad and its organization

found an opportunity to

greatly increase your power the

Arab spring that then came

middle East



the Tunisian autocrat ben ali was

evicted from power after 23



Mubarak resigns already in Egypt the regime

of mubarak

finished after 30 years the

Arab spring spread all over

middle East



the tumult of the Arab spring came

to the neighbor of iraq syria where the

president bashar al asad continues

ruling with an iron hand the

Asad regime refused to resign

provoking an armed revolt of

anti-government forces and exploded

a fierce civil war


the Islamic state took advantage of this

civil war to expand its territory

in syria

its symbol was a black flag

Baghdadi was able to recruit

fighters between the forces that

they fought against asad and increase

quickly the power of the state



fight foral has exhorted your

companions crush the morale of


Baghdad and built his organization with

the help of former members of the

Saddam hussein regime that

they were imprisoned with him in

mouth change

the man he put in charge of the

operations in Syria was abu ali al

anbar and he had been an officer of

high rank in the Iraqi army of

anbar and instituted the training

professional for new recruits who

increased the military effectiveness of

Islamic state in these fields of

training the instruction was very

high level

the training methods were based

in the model of the Iraqi army

ground-air missiles mine laying

murdered suicide vests loaded with

explosive physical training all

high level

adnan and the spokesman of the Islamic state

He was also appointed to govern

the phiri population


adnan and forced people to obey his

extreme interpretation of sharia the

Islamic law

those who did not submit could be

crucified even smoking tobacco could

bring the amputation of the fingers

in this way fear was used to

extend control in the cities of

Syrian north speak and was the manager

of interpreting Islamic law he acted

as a judge imposing his authority of

completely arbitrary way since

while the chaos spread through

of Syria in Iraq

tens of thousands of protesters

Sunnis participated in demonstrations

of protest against the government

the government was headed by the

Prime Minister Nuri to Maliki

belonging to the majority sect

chih the discontent spread between

the minority Sunni sect and tension

the black flag of the

Islamic state fluttered perfectly

visible in these manifestations nails

baghdad and was exploiting the gap

sectarian in Iraq to expand power

of your group

US policies during

occupation had exacerbated these


the united states struggled to control the

sectarian tensions that had

intensified after the fall of

saddam hussein- when the first

Maliki minister took power in 2006

the Sunni extremists started a

violent campaign of terror plunging

the nation in chaos

United States tried to solve the

problem by establishing

an alliance with the moderate Sunnis

called the sons of irak or am I by their

acronyms in English 100,000 men were

mobilized to form a militia that

will fight against extremists who

their girls were also offering these

men a paid job

It was also a means to silence the

dissidence the coordination with him I am

it was delivered by richard welch colonel

of the United States Army


it is a transfer of all

US contracts to

Iraqi government

later while preparing the

withdrawal of American troops

the Americans got an agreement from

Maliki regime to incorporate the

20% of the soi in the security forces

Iraqis and find other positions of

work for the rest to that was the

promise to integrate them into the government

there was another key provision that was

what his remuneration was going to be and

agreed and it was accepted that it be transferred

the same salary that we were paying

I am


but the plan began to fall apart with

the withdrawal of troops

Americans of Iraq


the Maliki prime minister started a

indiscriminate repression of the united

a large number of

militiamen and their organizations were


this caused a furious reaction from

the Sunnis

We have always believed that Maliki

he denied his promise to the government

Iraqi never liked water

they always distrusted them they saw

terrorists already Baathists in all

groups so they were against

they asked the prime minister that

reduce sectarian tension but the former

American ambassador in Iraq

christopher hill could not convince

mali that Iraqis saw states

united very busy withdrawing their troops

very focused on the departure of irak and

when these mentalized to leave

a country it is very difficult to create trust

because they know you will not be present

Long term

Baghdad and took advantage of the rebellion

of the Sunni minority


this video shows the attack on a

Iraqi prison by the forces of

Bagdag released Sunni prisoners and the

integrated into your organization

an important leader of the militias

Alija theme al suleiman had worked

closely with the west cornel we

He commented that many of his own

militiamen later joined the

Islamic State forces

terrorism can not be justified

as a political activity but my

people can not stand the status quo

they are citizens of this country but they are not

respected as such they have no job

and nobody associates with them

Sunnis can not enter the

Iraqi security forces

the Islamic state is an organization

criminal but they are better than in March

the exploitation of the divisions

sectaries to expand power in Iraq

it was something Baghdad learned from

terrorist leader abu musab al zarqaui

the founder of al qaeda in iraq

considered one of the most terrorists

dangerous of the zarqawi world was the

responsible for the attack against the headquarters

of united nations in iraq and others

major attacks

Zarqawi was killed by the United States

in 2006 but he left this project for the

creation of an Islamic state

the Sunni militants must drag

the Shiites to the battle argued

this said awakening the little Sunnis

committed by encouraging them to join

the struggle

he appealed to the militants

to build the bridge on which the

Islamic nation would cross towards the


the divisions between Shiites exploded

and Sunnis

it was very useful

his ultimate goal was to take power what

the Islamic state

followed the Zarkawi model and the

explosions expanded rapidly

in January 2014 they seized the

city ​​of faluyá standing at

doors of baghdad


these events intensified the

Sensation of crisis in the eyes of Michael

flynn then director of the

defense intelligence agency

United States in February 2014 gave the

alarm voice in a classified report

addressed to the congress

some fragments of the report have been

made public the Islamic state

reported flynn had been able to

keep safe shelters in Syria and

added would probably try to

seize territory in Iraq and Syria

in 2014 to make a demonstration of

his strength but at that moment the

barack president obama seemed to subtract

importance to the threat in a

interview granted to a magazine

Obama made distinctions between the group

Al Qaeda of bin Laden who assaulted

American territory and groups

extremists involved in the struggles

often sectarian locals in the East

medium qualified the latter with the

term I arrived and saw that it serves to

appoint basketball players to

inferior categories

flynn considers it an error the forest and

It was burning in Syria and now it has

started to burn also in iraq and

we have to pay more attention to

this situation if something got the

interview is that some people

they will start to lend a little more

attention to the problem but once again

unfortunately irak was not a


because the white house minimized the

news threat rosso was a counselor

President's special for matters of

middle East

considers that president obama had

as a priority the commitment to withdraw

Iraq's combat troops and he had no

no choice but to trust the government

Iraqi to keep the

situation under control

the more complicated things were in

Iraq was the tendency to consider

why do we want to be in the middle of this

kind of political struggle

this is something that they have to solve

they have sacrificed a great

amount of money and lives and if

finally wins and violence there and it

it produces a messy political process

let us face your process

messy politician

we have a lot of other things that

Do Test

clear that it was a failure was a failure

in June 2007,

the Islamic state took control of

mosul the second largest city in

irak with a population of two million

of people

only five years had passed since

the liberation of baghdad and camp bucca

the Islamic state has done it



it will take decades but a whole

generation solve the problem because

of inability or lack of agility

of the international community to take

decisions and do something about it

we are probably attending the

disappearance in specific areas of

states an action in the Middle East what

since August 2014 united states and

11 other countries of europe and east

medium have carried out air attacks

against positions defended by

militants of the Islamic state

thousands of state fighters

Islamic have killed about 200 targets

including oil facilities

that provide funds to the militants

they have been destroyed

the Iraqi army has stepped up

land operations your troops

have managed to recover some of the

territory captured by the state


however, despite the air attacks

the position of the Islamic state is of

total resistance people who live in

areas of Syria controlled by

militants of these groups report that

Kidnapping often occurs

Minors under the age of

my nephew was only 14 years old and he

they took

they arrest people like that


yesterday at 10 o'clock at night while my

family slept they took my son not

you can do nothing if you say something


this 14 year old was kidnapped

by fighters of the Islamic state

but managed to escape says that what

they held for a month and they forced him

to undergo combat training

they tied my hands and feet

They hung up and tortured me for three


then the first thing they taught me

he went to kill

this video of the Islamic state shows

how children are subjected to

combat training


the Islamic state prepares for

fight to the death

sending children to the battlefield

we are training to kill


we are going to kill you infidels we will kill you

all by the grace of Allah tatúes air

it does not affect them to death at all

insensitive to her there were five children

with the brain washed and they did everything

that they were told the goal of

training was to prepare them for

launch suicide attacks a succession of

terrorist attacks by

Islamic extremists has shaken the

Occidental countries

the Islamic State group has issued

repeated calls to his followers in

everyone to carry out this

type of attacks

our power is growing we have

it was in our victory

our enemies lose confidence

that all believers spill the

blood of the crusaders

use bates or knives used a car or

even a stone

governments are intensifying the

precautions in uk more than

three hundred people were arrested in

2014 with charges related to the


however these efforts have created

ironically new opportunities for

the extremist supporters of the state

Islamic in London now visit the

who have been arrested

they want their comrades to radicalize

other inmates and help spread their

extremist ideology the only option

they have is to make it water because they are

locked up with a lot of time

free on the streets in prisons in

hospitals in nurseries in the

colleges in universities in the

Employment offices will only stop us

Muslim death are gathering in

the whole world to denounce evil

and so that one day the world

wake up

do not believe in propaganda do not believe

in those who want to sully the

Name of Islam

the most of the parties of the

Islamic state are immigrants

Muslims but many others are

uniting what happened in Paris

I think what happened in Paris is a

criminal act

of the most extreme evil as a Muslim

you should condemn the murder of


that's what France has murdered

to Muslims in their own land and then

when they come here they are not

allowed to do it does not make any sense

I agree with you

Abdullah Dim converted to Islam and

radicalized after spending time

in jail for related crimes

with drugs I could not finish my

studies did not have a roof where to live

and that there in crime

I do not believe for a moment that there is a

single person in this land that lives in

happiness democracy never offers

true peace to the people in their jurisdiction

you do not think you're being a

little radical

not at all why because I am

Muslim and the prophet Mahoma says

none of you is a true

believer until he hates to return to the


if you have an ideology and try to

spread the armed struggle is inevitable

Did you know that in France, for example,

burka this group is forbidden

British has thousands of followers in

everyone including belgium

Denmark and Australia

they want to ban halal meat they want

debate whether women can or can not

wear veil

the core of Islam what we call the

caliphate system the Islamic law and the

order and the normative system be

now established in parts of Syria

irak which is a change

fundamental we are on the verge of a

new era is a value system and a

completely different way of life

they believe that the expansion of borders

and one day they will take the whole world

there has been a proliferation of

extremist thinking and action

terrorist as the world should

face this new reality of

Assassination of the Baghdadi does not destroy the

Islamic state his ambitions are of

long range in the name of religion

they will occupy Lebanon jordan and arabia

Saudi wherever there is peace now

countries and the Islamic state is not a

military structure that can be

defeated and if it is not the phenomenon to which

we face is a social phenomenon

culturally to a certain economic degree and

no doubt religious has to be treated

as such the international community

he has to wake up how wide

the Islamic state one of the legacies

most perverse and persistent of the

deeply wrong war

American in Iraq continues


how can we stop the reaction in

chain of terrorism and hatred

the path that awaits us will be long and




The cans



Any Colour You Like - Duration: 4:35.

Art makes us think.

It makes us learn things, have experiences,

and look at the world through the eyes of other people for a while.

But art also serves other purposes.

There are days when the world is so heavy

And we receive so many bad thing from it

That we need to give our eyes and our ears a gift.

That we need to give our eyes and our ears a gift.

So we can recover our energies

recover our courage and faith in mankind.

Somedays we need to take a step back

So we get a little perspective.

That is why I made this video.

It´s a gift for the eyes and ears.

It´s not made to

bring any great ideas

or to make you think. It´s made for beauty sake.

To make the weight of the world a bit lighter.

The music was made by Pink Floyd

it´s name is "Any Colour you Like"

The images come from videos

by the Slo Mo Guys

a youtube channel with beautiful slow motion images.

For more infomation >> Any Colour You Like - Duration: 4:35.


MINECON Earth 2017 Livestream - Duration: 2:58:00.

For more infomation >> MINECON Earth 2017 Livestream - Duration: 2:58:00.


Dieta e recomendações para emagrecer as coxas - Duration: 11:29.

For more infomation >> Dieta e recomendações para emagrecer as coxas - Duration: 11:29.


👑👑 [Afro-House] - Deejay Xupeta - GRITOS DE GUERRA - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> 👑👑 [Afro-House] - Deejay Xupeta - GRITOS DE GUERRA - Duration: 2:42.


Pickups: October/November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Pickups: October/November 2017 - Duration: 2:14.


Simple Arabic 3d Henna Mehndi Designs for Hands step by step by design4hobby - Duration: 6:28.

please subscribe to my channel & like my videos, if you like my designs

please subscribe to my channel & like my videos, if you like my designs

please subscribe to my channel & like my videos, if you like my designs

For more infomation >> Simple Arabic 3d Henna Mehndi Designs for Hands step by step by design4hobby - Duration: 6:28.


Atletico Madrid Vs Real Madrid l Laliga Santander 2017 - 2018 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 18:21.

Atletico Madrid Vs Real Madrid l Laliga Santander 2017 - 2018

For more infomation >> Atletico Madrid Vs Real Madrid l Laliga Santander 2017 - 2018 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 18:21.


Napoli vs AC Milan l Serie A 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:30.

Napoli vs AC Milan l Serie A 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥

For more infomation >> Napoli vs AC Milan l Serie A 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 17:30.


Samsung RIdicules Apple - In Italiano - Duration: 1:06.

Samsung Ridicules Apple - In Italian

Introduction of We The Italicized


June 2007. It's coming.

Guess what I just got

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That's a big phone


Oh, my phone

You gotta send me that pic


Guess what I just got!

2017. It's coming.

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