Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

So, Justice League is an interesting movie for the DCEU, because after the disappointing

critical response to the darker first three entries and then the amazing one to the much

lighter Wonder Woman, this movie has to now take those other characters and fit them into

this new DC world.

Plus lots of reshoots with a different director, and this being DC's answer to the Avengers,

this movie has a lot riding on it.

So, now that it's arrived let's talk about it.

*clip* And as usual, first part of this review will

be no spoilers, and then later on I'll get into the spoilers after a big warning.

So nothing will be ruined for you.

So, this movie has received a pretty bad critical receptions ofar.

Not as bad as some, but not very good either.

And do I agree with it?

Well brace yourselves cuz this is gonna be one of those rare BHL disagrees with what

most people think about a movie videos.

Normally I'm pretty in line with what most people think, but with Justice League, I actually

quite enjoyed it.

It's not perfect by a long stretch, but fro a lot of reasons, including some pretty

subjective and personal ones which we'll get into later, I had a good fun time with


But let's start with the main stuff.

Firstly, the cast and characters.

It's a bit of a mixed bag, but for the most part, pretty great.

I still really like Affleck as Batman, and this version of Batman is great.

There are some moments where he has one-liners, like Whedon Tony Stark type one-liners, which

is weird coming from Batman, but if you took those few out, this is exactly how I wanna

see Batman in this world.

Gal Gadot isn't as good as she was in Wonder Woman, but she's still pretty great.

I really liked Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, he's very charismatic and he's clearly

giving it his all.

Personally, I don't think the lines he was given were that funny...but we'll get into

that more later.

I did like his performance though, and he did sell some of those lines.

Jeremy Iron is still great as Alfred, Jason Momoa is good as Aquaman, I guess, though

he wasn't the stand out that I was hoping he would be here.

His character just didn't get much to do, I didn't really get a sense for him except

the movie really wanted you to think he was a badass.

Like, look he's drinking beer in slow mo with rock music, and he's a bit of a rebel

and a skeptic, but that's about it.

And Ray Fisher was fine as Cyborg, though I didn't really like his character.

We'll get into it more in the negatives, but his character was weird and didn't make

a ton of sense sometimes.

There are other talented actors who are in this movie for like 2 seconds, Amy Adams,

Diane Lane, Billy Crudup, Amber Heard, JK Simmons, they're good but they really do

not have much to do.

Especially Simmons, I was hoping there'd be more of him but you've basically seen

all of him from the film in the trailers.

Also if you're wondering what I thought of the other League member who returns here,

we'll talk about that in the spoiler section.

Really, with the core team, although a few times it felt a tad forced, I did enjoy the

interactions between them.

Like the chemistry here is pretty solid.

As far as action and visual effects, when they're great, they're really great.

And when they're bad they're pretty awful.

Like some action is really cool, especially The Flash's stuff, I just love that kind

of super speed stuff.

But sometimes with other action it gets a little slow mo-y and too CGI, like these DC

movies have done so far.

And with the visual effects, again, there are some that are incredible, and then there

are some that are insanely bad.

Especially some green screen, I get that they had to reshoot some of this, but my god, what

is this.

Anyway, this is supposed to be the good stuff.

This movie takes a very sharp turn with the DC universe, this feels like a totally different

world than the one we saw a little over a year ago in BvS.

Batman doesn't kill, he doesn't use machine guns, and generally the world is so much lighter

and much more MCU-style kid friendly.

It feels much more like the DC world that I know and love from especially the animated

shows and some of the comics, which I really enjoyed.

I know some people love the way darker stuff, but personally I felt like this fit much better

especially with all these new characters being introduced.

Generally, because this world is so much lighter and more colorful and all that, this movie

is a lot more fun than the others.

And that's what I can say about this, overall it is a fun time.

It's not an amazing work of art, it's just an easy to watch enjoyable movie.

It does feel a little cluttered sometimes cuz this was effectively made by 2 different

people, and those styles do clash a little bit sometimes, like if you're looking for

it you can definitely see the stuff that's more Snyder and the stuff that's more Whedon,

but it's not insanely distracting.

The fun still sticks out for the most part.

Also, quick little thing, I really loved the music, a lot of it is just the standard superhero

movie music we get these days, but sometimes when it's a version of an old superhero

theme, that just added a lot to this feeling more like a proper DC world and I don't

know, I guess I haven't really seen something like that before and I thought that was cool.

Now, one of the main reasons that I liked this movie more than just oh yeah it's a

decent fun time is a much more personal reason that I don't think as many people can relate

to, so this part is more just me explaining why I liked this movie a little more than

most people probably will.

Like I've said a million times on this channel, I grew up watching the Justice League and

Justice League Unlimited animated shows and I love them, some of my favorite pieces of

entertainment ever.

And with this movie, this is gonna be a positive for some people and a negative for some people,

but for me I enjoyed it, it really felt like that world.

That world from the Justice League cartoon.

It felt like a really long, live action episode of the Justice League cartoon, and as someone

who loves that and just these DC characters in general, I kind of loved that.

From dialogue to action to pacing to how characters act to sound effects, this feels a bit like

a cartoon, and it just reminded me of that show that I liked that part.

Now it does make the movie a little weird, cuz while all that works great for a cartoon,

for an actual film, it can be a little strange.

Like there are some very cheesy lines and the pacing is kind of off.

So I totally get why people won't really gravitate to this.

But I just thought it was super cool to see.

Maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite, because that dream sequence in BvS and the Flash coming

through and all that, a lot of DC fans probably loved that and I hated that, but I hated that

because I felt like it didn't really fit.

Here, I felt like the DC references actually did fit, and I liked that.

I did see this with a few friends, some of whom aren't big DC or comic book fans, and

they were a little confused at points, so I can get why that would be a negative.

And I can get why even a super DC comic fan wouldn't like this cuz of the problems that

I'll get into in a second.

But this is a subjective review and personally I really liked that aspect of it, and that's

why I think I was more positive coming out of this than a lot of people are.

It's not the only good thing about this film, and it doesn't excuse the bad, but it

did elevate it a bit for me.

Very personal I know, so don't take that as, you will definitely love this movie.

And on that note, now let's talk the bad stuff here.

Cuz again, there is some stuff here that really drags this movie down a bit.

Firstly there are just some stupid moments that make no sense, or are very confusing.

No spoilers, but I'll say when Aquaman meets Batman for the first time, I was like, what does he know….why did he just say….ok it's done.

Just saying, there are some weird contrived moments that feel like they could've been

fixed very easily.

The plot is the biggest let down in this film, for a lot of reasons.

Structurally it's pretty bad, you can tell a lot of this has been reshot and not just

cuz there's so much stuff from the trailers that's missing.

Towards the start of this film especially, it's very choppy and poorly paced, with

weird transitions to go along with it.

Like it gets right into it right away, and then just bounces from location to location

from character to character, trying to jam as much information down your throat as possible.

It doesn't explain certain characters personalities very well or cleverly, or how they know certain

things, it moves around very quickly.

This also leads to some people's motivations and personalities being really confusing,

especially with Cyborg.

A lot of moments with him just felt rushed and not earned.

The movie's also very predictable, it follows your standard superhero movie formula of team

comes together, then they have a bit of a fight, then there's a big CGI battle with

hundreds of enemies to fight.

You see most stuff coming a mile away.

And considering how groundbreaking this year has been for superhero films, that is a little


It's just feels a bit more generic.

After some groundbreaking stuff this year, this is just an average superhero movie.

Also I'll just say it, the villain sucks.

The most generic, not threatening, cookie-cutter villain you can think of.

Basically, generic villain, generic plot, generic final battle.

The plot somehow manages to both formulaic and not make a ton of sense at the same time.

Another thing, and this is more the fault f the previous DC movies I guess, but I really

don't buy the relationships some of these characters have, in particular Batman to Superman.

Like when Superman died in the Justice League cartoon and Batman talks at his grave, that's

emotional and believe, cuz these two have known each other for so long and are great


Here, they hated each other for a while, then they were friends for like, an hour?

And then Superman died.

So sure, I guess Batman wants Superman back to save the day, but I didn't buy that he

has like a real emotional feeling of guilt.

Like I said, some visual effects and green screen aren't great, the movie is much lighter

but I didn't find it particularly funny.

Like there were a few moments where I chuckled, but nothing made me actually laugh out loud


Except for one thing I'll mention in spoilers.

Now, two more specific things, 1, there are a lot of really cheesy kind of stupid lines

in this movie.

Like one I remember specifically is at one point Batman's like this wasn't the plan

and Alfred's like no, this is the team.

I don't know, there were a few moments like that that were just very corny.

And 2, and again, this is a small thing and maybe it doesn't happen as much as I felt

like it did, but it seems like Batman just tells everyone his secret identity in this

film, or like everyone knows it immediately and there isn't really a big reveal.

I don't know, it felt to me a bit like the How It Should Have Ended running joke.

So before I get into the spoilers, I'll wrap this part up.

All in all, I really liked Justice League.

And I can understand why that might be totally subjective.

I really hate it when directors and actors say, oh this movie is just for the fans, if

you don't like this you're not a real fan.

That's ridiculous.

With this film, I think you can still have a fun time with it if you're not a fan of

DC, but if you are a fan of DC, I imagine you're really gonna like it.

Again, if you don't like this movie, it doesn't mean you're not a real fan of

DC, it just means you didn't like it.

It does have some bad stuff in it, and plot-wise it's quite weak, and its not nearly as groundbreaking

as the other superhero films this year, but personally I had a way better time than I

thought I would, and I think it's worth checking out.

I'll give Justice League a 7.8/10.

Ok, now let's get into the spoilers.

If you don't want anything spoiled, click off now.

Ok, firstly, the return of Superman.

I actually really liked that.

Well, I liked some of it.

What I did like is once Superman does really fully come back, this is the best representation

of Superman we've seen since Superman 2 I'd say.

And i say that having not seen Supergirl yet.

He's full of hope, he's cheesy as hell, I would love to see more of this Superman

going forward.

What I didn't like is one, there is some distracting mustache removal here that makes

his face look a little….unsettling at some points.

Also I'm not sure if it was intended to be funny, but if not, that slow mo turn Superman

does the Flash was unintentionally very hilarious.

Also, I am so goddamn over a character dies and then comes back to life but is slightly

different or evil or out of control and then is brought back to their normal selves cuz

of some emotional experience.

I do not want to see that again, please.

As far as other things, that flashback sequence with all the DC people's kind of coming together

was one of those moments where I thought, i would be kinda lost if i wasn't a huge

fan of this stuff, but as a huge fan, I'm loving this.

Some Green Lanterns pop up, I don't know, I wasn't expecting that so I just thought

that was really cool.

And then there were the two end credit scenes.

First one, Flash and SUperman having a race to see who's

the fastest man alive, which they've been known to do for.

That was fun, plus we got some more hilarious Cavill face.

And then the second one, where Lex Luthor is talking to Deathstroke about forming the

Injustice Gang, or the Legion of Doom, or something like that, that was pretty cool.

As much as I didn't like Eisenberg in BvS, he seemed more toned down here.

Deathstroke looks really cool, and I love the idea of this Injustice Gang in this DC


Possibly for the Batman?

It would've been even cooler if there were other villains there, like maybel Leto's

Joker, but this was still pretty awesome.

Really, I just left this film really excited to see these characters in this universe going


So those were my thoughts on Justice League.

What did you think of this?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> JUSTICE LEAGUE *REVIEW* - Duration: 12:32.


AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat. Charity) (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:43.

📝 AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat.

Charity) Lyrics

Honest to God, I never loved you like I said Heaven forbid you feel the same

I will confess that I have sinned with my hands

And there's no one else to blame So I pray

Plead just enough to save Save myself before I wake

So, drag me down I know you know how

I'm addicted to the pain

The pain...

Is it a crime I don't regret the things I've done?

Never believed a word you said Bitter the taste you left, forever on my lips

And the lies that fill your head So I pray

Plead just enough to save Save myself before I wake

So, drag me down I know you know how

I'm addicted to the pain

The pain...

What have I done to you?

What have I done, have I done to you?

I wasn't honest at all I wasn't honest at all

For more infomation >> AWAY - Honest To Gød (feat. Charity) (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 3:43.


New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 61 - Duration: 11:25.

The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 - The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 61 - Duration: 11:25.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm for you

guys another new Call of Duty video so I'm not gonna lie it's been a minute

it's been actually a week since my last video and the reason for that is because

I'm a playing the game trying to find out you know just leveling it up as fast

as I can trying to find the fastest way to level up to give you guys that

information and just basically experimenting with the game you know

finding stuff that people don't know how to do getting a feedback from y'all and

seeing you know what type of videos to make for you guys so that is exactly

what I did today I've actually found out one of the funnest game modes and call

of duty in any Call of Duty actually and showing you guys how you can play it

this game mode is called MLG game battles and called early World War two

so a lot of you are probably like Oh what is that or maybe you've seen that

if you press you know l2 on the little you know find mad you know one is you

really go to fire match you have to press l2 to go to public imagine there's

rank play zombies and all that where you can go to campaign but under public

match is MLG game battles today guys I'll be showing you how to play that how

you can get into it how you can have fun in it so yeah guys that's with me time I

said hey if you guys are just amazing stay tuned but first you already know

who we gotta roll that intro

alright guys so now let's talk about the problem with this game of first of all

let me just say this is the connection obviously their servers are bad at

launch of this game was absolute booty it's bad it's at whatever you want to

call it it's horrible right now so basically the this game would has

dedicated servers what that means is like basically nobody has hosts anymore

it's played on a server from sledgehammer so both sides are even

nobody has an advantage anyway so basically those were down for a little

bit too because they wanted to make sure they fixed everything but now I'm pretty

sure they're back up in the u.s. I'm not sure about anywhere else in the world

but in the US they are most likely open if they are not in the other world

you can probably check on Twitter or take the call or check the call duty uh

website they have statuses on that type of stuff but yeah anyways let's give it

to how to play this game mode so when you click on mo to game battles and Call

of Duty World War 2 for me it isn't sure this message but it showed me at first

basically what its gonna tell you is to go to MLG TV slash World War 2 ps4 so

now I'm just gonna be doing screenshots of my computer on how to do so first

obviously first thing is first you gotta log in or sign up or whatever you need

to do I already had an MLG thank you from infinite warfare there was a game

battles in that one so I already had an account but obviously if you don't have

one you need to make an account first and then what you need to do this is

very very important guys you guys have to do the steps on the MLG website you

have to go to and you have to go through my account settings and go to linked

accounts and basically when you go here you have to click on which platform

you're on and put in your gamertag and I believe you have to put in your right

email to to link everything but basically that's what you gotta do you

gotta put in your gamertag and this link account section that is the main thing

you need to do a lot of people mess up on this step and that's why it's very

very confusing but basically that's what you need to do this is how you make your

account simple and easy now what you need to do is create a team so

this game mode if you guys don't know how it works is game battles game

battles is just you know 3v3 or 4v4 searching the stories to v2s even those

are called doubles and then there's also 1p ones but usually this is this isn't

the place where you wanna do won't be once because you'll mainly be getting

mad over random people it's like one of you want public matches but way more

sweaty anyway so to get into 18 what you need to do is you need to go to the game

battles and then just click on like right here ps4 Call of Duty roll or -

that's what I'm playing all right you will click on that and then you would go

right here where my mouse is on where it says create a team you create a team

from there and it shows you know North America Europe APA see no clue where

that is you got Brazil you got a lot of stuff

but yeah and also if you guys have a good eye you'll notice that there is

multiple North America so there is T North America single North America

doubles North America so basically this is what I'm showing guys earlier team

North America means that you're making a group for 3 B 3 or 4 V 4 matches so if

you have three or four people that wants to go another three or four people then

you would make you a click on the team but it's just you an another friend

doubles you would just click on doubles and then obviously singles it's 1v1 so

you would just click singles pretty simple but basically you're gonna click

on what you want to make your team on and then you are gonna click join this

ladder and then what you basically got to do is you just gotta put in your you

gotta create any team name there's a lot of weird crazy team names believe me I

see some crazy ones or just as crazy as gamer tags but you got to put that in

then you gotta just click like a little down button and put in your gamertag

then you create the team you successfully created it it's gonna tell

you create a team then that's it that's basically it the

only other thing that you will really need to do is add your friends to it

which isn't that hard either all right so now as you can see I've created the

team is called random team I just named it that because I don't want to you know

think of a name and stuff like that for the video obviously so then what you

want to do as you guys can see there is a edit roster tab you're gonna want to

click on that and then from there you have to put in your friends PSN is gonna

say search by username or you could do it by email address or PSN gamertag

whatever you want to do but I will recommend by username because username

already has a PSN gamertag and stuff like that and then basically you invite

them and then they get a notification on Dairy Council they also have to have an

account to link their gamertag with their account and then basically really

you and your friends either make accounts on this website and as you seen

and by each of the TR teams accept it and there you go now you're ready to

play now to find matches isn't hard either so you already have your team you

have your people in there basically you're again gonna click on basically

what you're gonna do is click on the game again or click on your team and

basically you want to go to the main page this is the main page right here if

you guys don't know what it is it says North America cwl Pro points

ladder that's how you know you're on the main page area and then what you want to

do you want to go to your either team or doubles that you made I clicked on

doubles and now as you can see there's new tabs there's match finder playoff

bracket and rules and stuff like that now you could do it in the main page as

well but I recommend doing it this way so you know which team you're using it

for because I believe when you do it from the home page you gotta you know

choose which team and that's annoying you just go to the team that you know

you want to match and find a match for and you click match finder and then from

here as you can see there is little like you know there's a match finder search

options so you could do that and then there's little little thingies down here

it says match time games details and all of that so as you can see right now we

see some Search and Destroy matches we see some there's this this

percentage which is like how much they argue over a match and you can accept it

and when you accept the user has a checkbox each of your teammates click

accept and if it gets accepted that means that you're having a match with

them and you can move on to console if it didn't accept that's most likely

because they already have a match with somebody else

also there is create a match finder challenging and create a match and

people can accept your matches so if you want an easier way to do it I guess that

would be it speaking of details when you hover when you just you know put your

mouse over details don't click it or nothing it pops up a little black box

and shows you you know best of how many games how many games you're playing the

players in it the date and time the match type and all that type of stuff

well guys let's basically for the website now let's move on to what you do

on the console so now what you want to do is you want to hop on your

Playstation click MLG game battles and it should work if it doesn't comment

down below and I'll see if I can help you guys out with that but basically you

want to click on MLG game battles and then I'll put you in the lobby so right

here on my screen this says you have no upcoming matches but for you guys it

will say it will put you in a lobby with maybe another person that's already in

there maybe just by yourself but as fine just tell your friend to hop on MLG game

battles and he'll automatically be put in your Lobby depending on if he's in

your team or not and there is also the schedule not right now obviously my

screen is black too but usually it will show you which maps you you're gonna

play and at what time or who wins or this or that it just really shows you

what they mess you're playing on if it the best attitude oh well one map you're

playing on if it's best out of one and then you obviously have your divisions

where you can create your classes now since I haven't chose a match it's gonna

say like it's gonna give me my random classes from multiplayer you know public

matches but when you actually get into the game and ready up and in the lobby

it will actually give you you know little you know your actual MLG game

battles classes you know you give you stuff that you can use and I'll show you

your restricted items and stuff like that well have like a red little

triangle thingy that showed you that you can't use this stuff in MLG's but yeah

guys that's basically it now all you have to do is sit in the lobby you click

ready up wait wait for your friend to come tell him to ready up to make sure

you guys have your classes set and wait for the enemies to come or your

people out your face in make sure they ready up and then yeah and I said not in

a match of game battle so please SOT guys out epidemic every like the design

was a stealthy and uh yeah I guess I love you guys I'll see you guys

For more infomation >> COD WW2 HOW TO PLAY MLG GAMEBATTLES - Duration: 9:43.


Introduction To Learning Databases - Chp 0 - Tuto GeekInsights - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Introduction To Learning Databases - Chp 0 - Tuto GeekInsights - Duration: 1:36.


Sunderlan e Viladoms a EICMA 2017. Obiettivo Dakar - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Sunderlan e Viladoms a EICMA 2017. Obiettivo Dakar - Duration: 9:06.


عــــــــاجل: الملك محمد السادس يرسم الخطوط الحمراء لقضية الصحراء - Duration: 14:03.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: الملك محمد السادس يرسم الخطوط الحمراء لقضية الصحراء - Duration: 14:03.


Any Colour You Like - Duration: 4:35.

Art makes us think.

It makes us learn things, have experiences,

and look at the world through the eyes of other people for a while.

But art also serves other purposes.

There are days when the world is so heavy

And we receive so many bad thing from it

That we need to give our eyes and our ears a gift.

That we need to give our eyes and our ears a gift.

So we can recover our energies

recover our courage and faith in mankind.

Somedays we need to take a step back

So we get a little perspective.

That is why I made this video.

It´s a gift for the eyes and ears.

It´s not made to

bring any great ideas

or to make you think. It´s made for beauty sake.

To make the weight of the world a bit lighter.

The music was made by Pink Floyd

it´s name is "Any Colour you Like"

The images come from videos

by the Slo Mo Guys

a youtube channel with beautiful slow motion images.

For more infomation >> Any Colour You Like - Duration: 4:35.


Doctors Have to Trick Your Brain's Defenses to Heal You, Here's Why - Duration: 4:01.

The Blood-Brain Barrier is pretty much what its name sounds like; a barrier that separates

your blood from your brain.

But what's the point?

Doesn't our brain want the sweet sweet nutrients in our blood?

I like to think of your brain as a nightclub, let's call it Club Head.

Inside it's popping, there's lights and electronic music and the mood is good.

The circulatory system is like the street outside the nightclub, and just anybody can

walk up to the club's door via your bloodstream.

Conditions in your blood change dramatically all the time, like after you eat or exercise,

but things need to be stable in your brain to keep the party going.

So Club Head has a bouncer to keep the riff raff out -- the blood-brain barrier.

The bouncer, in this case, are endothelial cells.

These cells line the walls throughout your whole vascular system, but in your brain the

gaps between them are extremely small, forming what are called tight junctions.

These small gaps, along with a lack of pathways through the endothelial cells, keeps your

blood and your brain separate.

Obviously, the brain is not totally isolated, there has to be some interaction.

Your brain is connected to the circulatory system because it needs the things floating

around in your blood to function, just like any other cells in your body.

So the bouncer has to let some things into the club…

Like the life of the party: Glucose!

Your brain uses glucose for energy, but glucose can't get through the endothelial cells

on its own…

It needs a friend to get past the bouncer.

So, special glucose transporters in endothelial cells shuttle the valuable molecule through

the blood-brain barrier as quickly as possible like it's a VIP.

Some other molecules can sneak by the bouncer when he's not looking by using diffusion.

Water and gasses like CO2 and oxygen diffuse through the endothelial cell's membrane

and out the other side to reach the brain.

But some less desirables can also sneak into Club Head, like drunks and smokers.

By that I mean ethanol and nicotine, which can also find their way into your brain because

they're fat soluble.

They're actually so good at getting into your brain that they're totally extracted

from your blood on their first pass through.

So the bouncer isn't perfect, but he usually does a good job of keeping the really nasty

stuff out that would cause diseases and infections.

But if harmful things do find their way in, that's when the blood-brain barrier becomes

a problem.

In order to treat some diseases of the brain, doctors need to get medication past the blood-brain


But the BBB will have none of it, and the medication can't get into the brain to do

its job.

To torture the night club metaphor one last time, it's like Club Head is burning down

but the bouncer won't let the fire department in because they don't meet the dress code.

Scientists have been building models of the blood-brain barrier, to figure out how to

sneak the firefighters in.

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Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time on Seeker!

For more infomation >> Doctors Have to Trick Your Brain's Defenses to Heal You, Here's Why - Duration: 4:01.


Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 69 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Random Overwatch Highlights - Ep. 69 - Duration: 4:57.


Camila Cabello - Havana (SPECTRUM!K Remix) ft. Young Thug - Duration: 2:52.

Camila Cabello - Havana (SPECTRUM!K Remix) ft. Young Thug

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - Havana (SPECTRUM!K Remix) ft. Young Thug - Duration: 2:52.


Gryffindor Celebrities sorted by Pottermore! - Duration: 10:01.

Lions, Eagles, Badges and Snakes welcome back! It is a hotly anticipated video!

We've done Ravenclaw's, we've found a Hufflepuff, Slytherins but

today it is Celebrities in Gryffindor!!!

The LIONS! Before we launch into this video, I want to remind you guys

that you should subscribe to my channel.... if you haven't done yet it's a party

over here every week and I've got something very special coming up at

Christmas. Also, I do have a Patreon account so if you want to help to

support me on there then I will even link to that in the description box down

below! Okay celebrities in Gryffindor... Ever since Pottermore released their

house sorting feature we can now officially say what houses we're in and

I think it's great... a lot of celebrities have been out there and proud about

their Harry Potter houses and unsurprisingly there are a lot of

celebrities in Gryffindor! Always brave, they persevere! Who we got first up? We

have songstress Selena Gomez! Selena has been out and proud about her Gryffindor

colours she was spotted wearing her Gryffindor

scarf at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. She also enjoys a

butterbeer or after my own heart! From all we know about her, she's pretty

brave so it doesn't come as any surprise to me. Also she spent a long time playing

a wizard / witch in the witches of waverly place,

so it make sense she's got a lot in common with Harry Potter! Next up, another

fabulous lady... this one is an actress we have Margot Robbie! In an interview

Margot Robbie showed her real true colors and she came out as a crimson and

gold ...although I have to say It all sounds a little bit fishy... hmm she said "I'm in

Gryffindor, obviously but I totally ripped my answers on Pottermore." she said

She could tell which answers were Gryffindor and so she chose those

specifically. Now to me that seems a little bit more a green and silver thing

to do! next up we have Liam Payne Liam Payne from One Direction and now a solo

artist, is one of the biggest Harry Potter nerds out there.

He even said that he owns a Ford Anglia like was used in Harry Potter and the

Chamber of Secrets and he has it in his garden. Think of all of the reenactment

fun! Oh my goodness... also get a load of his 22nd birthday

cake! That is Potter licious! He has been spotted at the Wizarding World of Harry

Potter wearing his Gryffindor scarf. He very much identifies with the Lion House.

In February 2015 he tweeted: I wish I was Harry Potter... and like mate... don't we all.

Another ferocious lion up next, we have Kit Harington, the Lord Commander and the

heir to the Iron Throne himself! Yes! It make sense! When asked about what

Hogwarts house he would be in he said Gryffindor but he had some pretty choice

words about the other houses which I feel not that great about. He said "no one

wants to be a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw is boring and Slytherin is filled with

psychos as we know"....I'm sorry as we know?! I'll show you psycho Kit

Harington! I gotta say as well, in this respect he is very much like his

on-screen character, Jon Snow who I believe is a Gryffindor

I did a whole video sorting Game of Thrones characters into their Harry Potter

houses so I've put that in one of my cards so you should definitely check

that out after this video. Now I stand by everything I say in that video apart

from with Samwell Tarly, I've changed my mind he probably is a better Ravenclaw!

who else is on board that celebrity Gryffindor train?

we have Shawn Mendes! Canadian singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes, was spotted out

and about in Toronto proudly wearing his Gryffindor robes and I say good on him! I

wish I could get on a streetcar with him wearing his Gryffindor bobes! I'll be

wearing my Slytherin and we could just duel right there! Bring it to me Shawn!

So he actually sorted himself on YouTube in a conversation with Tyler Oakley on

Ellentube. They hung out and ate Bertie Botts every flavour beans, which to me

sounds like my perfect day! I want to hang out with Shawn Mendes and Tyler

Oakley and eat beans! Although not the vomit flavoured ones... or

earwax! Tyler, as we know, is a proud Ravenclaw which makes a lot of sense

really. Next we have Camila Cabello. In 2015 the songstress tweeted

"is it too late to get into Harry Potter?" and as we know it is never too late!

I guess she realized this same thing too because pictures started cropping up of

her wearing Gryffindor robes... she was just broom sticking around!

She was all Gryffindor and stuff!It isn't surprising that she thought that she was

a Gryffindor; the books do paint it as the best house! However Pottermore had

something else to say for her! In 2017, she tweeted: when you think you're a

Gryffindor but take the Pottermore test and you're a Hufflepuff! She said that

she's suddenly had to question her identity as a person and I get that!

Ididn't realise I was a Slytherin until Pottermore told me that now I have a

finer realization about myself a finer understanding. I always wondered why I

was so bloodthirsty! I guess it kind of explained it! Okay back on the

celebrity Gryffindor train! We've got a few from the Harry Potter franchise up next....

now unsurprisingly Daniel Radcliffe is a Gryffindor and to be honest I'd be

shocked if he wasn't. Daniel has told his fans he's in Gryffindor a few times but

specifically in a reddit ask me anything he said that he would absolutely be a

Gryffindor. He said that there was never any doubt and he could only ever picture

himself in their colours. He does understand this is probably because he

played one, but he says he just strongly identifies. I personally like to picture

him as a Slytherin though, that would be really fun! I would love to explore an

alternative universe where Harry was a Slytherin... like what do you think would

have changed! A lot of things! No things? Very controversial up next we

have Tom Felton. Now as we know Tom Felton plays Slytherin King, Draco Malfoy.

And he always waltzes around in Slytherin paraphernalia himself, he's a

very proud Slytherin! That was until he took the Pottermore

test. When Pottermore unleashed their feature, he tweeted:

took the Pottermore test and was placed in Gryffindor... he said he was gutted and

then he said hashtag Slytherin for life. JK Rowling said that she'd always known

but didn't want to spoil his motivation. But I'm! Get back in the dungeon

Tom, you belong with us!

Next up from Fantastic Beasts, we have Ezra Miller who plays Credence in

Fantastic Beasts and is a bit of a dark tormented soul. However in real life he

considers himself to be a Gryffindor but he hasn't yet taken the Pottermore test.

He said that he's just simply too scared... he really respects Pottermore and he

knows that JK Rowling wrote the quiz. He said he's not gonna take it because "what

if I get Slytherin I couldn't live with myself" But no! I feel pretty unhappy that

he said that he said" I need to be in Gryffindor if I wasn't in Gryffindor

I wouldn't know who I was anymore"... Well maybe you would know who you were

because Pottermore would tell you and you'd come to accept it! Okay, so before

we end up this list I want to finish with a few Youtubers who are in

Gryffindor House! firstly we have Kwebblekop. Are there many cops watching this

channel? Jordi is a huge dutch youtuber that focuses on gaming and all

kinds of fun things like that. I've got it from first hand knowledge that he is a

Gryffindor... how do I know well we had some food recently with his girlfriend

Azzy, a good friend of mine and I made him take the sorting quiz!

He wasn't that interested but I said do it! Do it now! Now many of you may know from

my what your Harry Potter house says about you video that Azzyland is also

a Gryffindor... That's right we have a Gryffindor power couple in the YouTube

sphere! It makes sense to me because Azzy is a very brave lady who does not

take stuff lying down!I do spot a bit of Hufflepuff in there but the quiz

does not lie! She is a Gryffindor! If you haven't watched that video yet then

please do it! Finally rockin it for the Gryffindor's

on YouTube we have Joey Graceffa. He made a whole video of him sorting himself

into his Hogwarts house and it turns out he's a proud Gryffindor... now I always

thought that he would be a Ravenclaw maybe that's cause his hair was blue for

a while.... oh no no I guess I'm a Slytherin with red hair but still, good on you

though Joey! So that was celebrities officially in Gryffindor House! Did I

leave any out? Let me know in the comment section down below! There are a few

suspected Gryffindor's out there and I would

definitely place Angelina Jolie as top of my suspected Gryffindor list! What about you

guys? Let me know! Also let me know what Hogwarts house you guys in in the

comment section and also if you haven't watched our previous celebritysortings

then go ahead and do so!

As always guys, if you liked this video make sure you give it a good thumbs up

share with their friends and say subscribed for more magical videos! For

now I'm your friendly and extremely proud neighborhood Slytherin... yay! I will

see you muggles wizards and even squibs in the next video... bye!

For more infomation >> Gryffindor Celebrities sorted by Pottermore! - Duration: 10:01.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 52 - Duration: 6:05.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 52 - Duration: 6:05.


Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.

Hello everyone, i'm F3Rs

This is a new video to Wild west Online

We are here, with Mr. Eustaquio

Say "hello", Eustaquio

In this day we are going to see a small tutorial

about everything you need to know

to steal a bank

Step one: locate a bank

how do we identify banks

by several visual identifiers

the first is that in the top part you usually put "bank"

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the second is an icon of a sack with a $

the third is if we press the "Y", we get the icon of the safe

if there is a banker

but if we do not see it, it does not mean there is not a bank in the city

it is possible that there is not a banker and have a safe

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

The security of banks is "very very efficient"

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

All banks have a back door, which is always open

Step two, a closed safe

This is a safe that has already been stolen

is already open and tells you that it is empty

is already open and tells you that it is empty

Step three: picks

They are necessary to open the safe

Without the lockpicks you will not be able to open it safe

Step four: prepare for flight

Step five: open the safe

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

With the left click we raise the springs and with Space key, we block each handle

Only have five seconds for this

Step six: run away

We become bandits

At this moment there are twelve minutes of search

Step seven: Change stolen gold for dollars

When you are no longer bandits

you can go to any city that has a banker

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

And by talking to him, you can change that stolen gold for dollars

This is the mechanic to steal a bank :D

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

I say goodbye now, I hope you like the video

For more infomation >> Wild West Online # 4 Tutorial: How to steal banks ..! - Spanish gameplay - Duration: 5:01.


Stranger Things Podcast (SPOILERS!!!) - Duration: 16:30.

hey we are back at the cities to Sally shadow and I got some tins to say your

opinion is you completely flipped for no reason I see that's something in that

last video regarding how I believed that the show is filler and I believe

everything is feeling what we feeling with filling time guys time in our lives

to get tumblr : over here we're over here

okay well filling time in our lives and like what I meant by it was filler was

truly that none of it is necessary none of it is is that important but I loved

season 2 computer season 1 all of the sudden no not all of a sudden this has

been made a funny on my channel because of my love of season 2 no you made a

video on your channel because it's trending right now and that's right

after we finished season 2 yeah I said it was good yes what season 1 was better

yes so I had some iPad alcohol okay and now because raw everybody loves

Steven season 2 I've got a long even hey season be better

or late in season 2 but that's not about me know about me it's not about memes I

just I found me video channel so I mean like I'm gonna feel some type of way

about me but the the fact that like the character development of every single

character and then even the relationship development of multiple characters um um

the the shit what's chief you cried more in season one so yeah more emotional and

my family does a man we want to cry and try to cry my son to be entertained I'm

gonna feel some no full tackle way so we were supposed to not watch this show for

a whole weekend because he was going to be gone at work that night he's like I

couldn't not finish this episode without you

points so you're gonna have to catch up oh my god it was amazing you missed the

best episode ever and he even rewatched the episode with

me when I saw him yes you did because it was an amazing episode of you my room

and I couldn't know you literally you are in the shower when I started in you

are in the shower and you're like you know I sound like a crazy person oh okay

no there's seven episodes right seven episodes in season one I think eight

episodes of season two fingers eighth and the ninth yeah eight nine

yeah and then ten and eleven yeah um but we murder season two we just ran through

that up that season and it wasn't intentional

it was just I can explain why it was like we entered the stringent I can't

explain why like I wasn't working as much of what no because you came back

right as we started season two during that week and you didn't go to you

missed an extra day of work so you were here oh it was cancelled yeah Friday

yeah yeah because like I left my sister's graduation because I wanted to

see some more season two as how season two is important life moments are

happening and I want to see season two's and you made me watch season one slow I

want you even said oh we should we shouldn't make it slow because it's so

good I want to have more I want it to last longer that's why we watched it

slow I say things like oh I mean I think is better than the other I beliefs into

was crazy I mean the world believes he's into was crazy that's where the world is

still here I mean demo dogs demo Gorgon I'm just gonna side with the world

because I don't know I honor I have my own opinion I'm just saying that I think

more people and in the comments down below tell me season 1 of 200 things was

choosing to or stranger Tang's okay thanks she's the one just drop the H no

thanks anyway I honestly okay I have I have way better arguments a second ago

and let me realize that those were not good

arguments like I said the relationship the problem between the characters was

better I mean season - yeah I made you I mean season one yeah I made you cry

but that's because everybody was sad for you loving she's like this little orphan

girl who's been experimented by the government for a long time did one of

the reasons you teared up was because of like Mike and Elevens relations yeah I

was cute it reminded me of my first puppy love times you know it's like we

may go under the day you know I'm psychic right like there were a few guys

I like better tracker please on two but overall I was way more entertained in

season 1 season 2 just felt like this thing and like nobody really knew what

the fuck they were doing and it was just do this all that didn't work do it again

a lot didn't work like it was just kind of repetitive and like ok remember that

one scene where they get caught when it was in a park get cotton and then the

government yeah not in the government but you know yeah yeah they got caught

and then she'd Nancy the whole time she's recording yeah

that shows ok I can tell you every single person's Carter development she's

gutsy she's she's impulsive she pretends that like

she's the victim and yes she's the one who's like she's the one who set up in

Venus flytrap on them she's like the Black Widow she trapped them she got the

the intel on how barb died and that was a big big issue for season one right now

what did you notice how nobody it wasn't that big of an issue because nobody

fucking cared about our barb died okay see the only wine lead into it her

parents didn't even try and look into it that's how little nobody cared about how

barb died anyways the only issue or first of all the only issue that season

two has is that it wrapped up the story so well but the show doesn't need a

sequel it's gonna get a sequel because it's hot right now they've already

started season three yeah they already started you know they'll start filming

but it's no right yeah um but it didn't mean a sequel so not actually go do a

time jump because they can do that now because they make up almost a whole new

like new version of the entire show where the kids are in high school or

whatever they want to do and that was water I like to go season two sometimes

you won't just season and you're like oh wasn't next isn't like when I watch

these in one I was thirsty per season two then I watch it into I can chill I

can't kill season two was needed but so you're not you're not thirsty for season

three that's why I want to Snyder you know I want you said you can just share

a coach season one was that much more interesting that you wanted you were

like oh 2019 season season two three will come out of like yeah okay cool but

if they said all right you all the time I had I'd go to season two right away

because it's like it just felt so incomplete motherfucker chokes spits out

a fucking little baby demo Gorgon there's a slug no the demo

you know start no it was dark basically yeah wasn't a demo gorgon dog dog

you know demo dogs no it's personal starts dark evolves into demo dog yeah

demo dog evolves into demo Gordon so all the SDV know into each other we don't

know that they have the hands the flexible hands yet they just have a

studio is you didn't see that so um it's a little assumption like I I can assume

and I don't think I'm making the fool out of me or no but a big assumption was

that it's just a different form of Deb McCrory again that's why they called

them something different I don't believe it was a different form of them you

don't believe a lot of things that are true personally I'm telling you I'm

telling you right now all on this team it's like pokemons demo dart Evo's into

demo dog okay yeah let's compare this to Pokemon if you were to take the first

season and the season now which one is better

probably the first one the second evolutions all's been in the first

evolution the first was cute and that's what they're what it was it was cute it

made you cry I mean I didn't cry I wasn't the one feeling shit you are

I was the one that needed to get the tears I wiped away you might think I

mean you were so obsessed with the haircut that he got at the end at the

snowball dance like you yeah he thought it was cute cuz you liked it

it's like Asifa I literally just said there were things I liked about season

two but I was more interested with season one it was more action and all

that I don't really care that much about like all this stupid drama and like like

Steve being a malt like it's cute whatever but like that's not why I watch

that show he's gonna mum's a dad I watched this show to watch people get

eaten and shredded by demo Gorgons I don't care about her relations have any

moms would go out with a baseball bat full of Nils I would write D mini-money

kidding me I would do that for me Danny yeah where it was a kid at yeah

we'll see when use out easier you would like y'all you can fend for yourself

homie cause you be really yeah that's gonna be when I have to watch this kid

alone on weekends you think I didn't be like oh so do you can fend for yourself

you're finally come through the crib this is the workgroup anyways that was

my dog I don't like that's one thing I like about season two the other thing

the only other thing that really I cared about that wasn't to do with all the

action and like 11 I was a relationship season I don't care 11 relationship of

Harper Steve's relationship with with the kids

Nancy's relationship with I don't care about that she was like getting bent

over by both of them in the beginning that's you sorry I already said that

yeah not see roselucia preferred her Jonathan and then also

the kids mom's name with the cop chief was his name

hopper hopper holidays hoppers relationship with Joyce yeah those are

the only things that I was like oh I'm glad that happened but other than that

like even to the extent that Harper's relationship with no we already have

said that a principal would be with the government and in that doctor in

particular at the beginning I was I kind of died it was garbage right but at the

end of the season he was kind of boots on their side it's like everybody now is

fighting me but you know what it upside down instead of just like oh the upside

down comes let's just react it's like they're proactive in some but you know

what I think is stupid it's the fact that they all spend the entire season

fighting to close the gate they close the gate the season three is coming out

so the gates gonna fucking open again for some stupid reason and it's gonna be

the same thing them all trying to close the gate well it's not even just like

they should make it in G have no idea what's gonna happen in three no I know

I'm just saying like like everything here's my opinion is why I here's my his

mind here's my spoilers our head if this actually has a display you can of course

yet conversation but if this happens then accidental spoilers I believe that

Steve is gonna get a job as a police officer Nancy and Jonathan I they get

married it does have to do with action of the show no this is just people doing

their own life things right before the action actually happens because they're

always just doing the one thing and there's a stranger than the things they

were doing and and then all the kids are gonna be in high school there's gonna be

a little Jonah thing they're gonna all be getting laid now they're gonna get

laid the person art is gonna change okay but then that happened like that's gonna

be real chill and then like episode like two will find out that like everything

tripping out writing upside down is like come through but how government is

they'll fucking help shit it was reopened yeah by the doubling of the

government never stopped doing the research they weren't able to open the

doors it was a double agent I was pretending to be cool chief Harper but

they were still Julian hopper hopper Harper hopper hopper hopper how come

because they weren't able to open it in the beginning yeah doesn't mean there

won't be a bit over there now why that's not like they've had the smartest team

going to begin with the only thing they have is guns a new chart and they cook

all the new child care about these literally show up yeah they'll have a

new child instead of you lovin a new girl and she'll be demolish the point

because her name will be 18 I'm gonna be 18 divided by three 666 and talk to you

about this yes I will be the one who open the portal I should just write the

script that's that's what you shouldn't yeah you're gonna be some stupid boy

Steve's life and about Nancy and about hopper and Joyce your turn to a soap

opera is meant to be what it is that's right I like shows like that but I don't

like them when they're mixed in well you got it

he'll some type of way yeah I like feeling like oh my god yeah that guy

died that's why I said this was the first two purposes of for the first two

episodes of the is it ten episodes the next season no yeah I think it's ten I

said the first one's eight the second one's nine yes so third one is ten maybe

yeah I'm just guessing yeah no sir the third one is ten episodes and the first

opera source could be recap of everything you've been up to because

feelings matter in this show we wouldn't care about the characters if we didn't

feel some type of way about them yeah but also you can only comment so you get

are you some type of way about them then these little boys wouldn't be getting

fucking sexually harassed online constantly

motherfucker I'm kind of feeling tough sometimes but that's what that leads

into this show got so deep into being a soap opera in the second season that it

led to all this shit that's why you didn't hear anything about this before

and that is a point that is proven cuz you know that's a fact okay Mike

literally she's going on an interview the other day and said can you guys

please stop calling me daddy can you guys stop this is making me

uncomfortable so the people who call him daddy or younger than him also something

about older than me that's true that's truly anyway that's a little homosexual

men so I feel really bad for the boy to be honest that I can't help I can't do

anything about that I mean but we but I feel some type of way because I feel

like they're like my little my little homie something like I mean you're high

again you know like that's how I feel about this whole situation of my yo

you'll be surprised if our future children are named after the boys and

stranger things what needs to be said so

anyway that big I think you guys can you guys can vote can pull like a card to

make a poll I'm gonna put a poll on my Instagram yeah no seriously football

sees everyone will see them two straight Oak Hill anyways season one is better

than season two and I'm glad you're able to have this discussion

For more infomation >> Stranger Things Podcast (SPOILERS!!!) - Duration: 16:30.


End Of The Year Book Tag! - Duration: 6:19.

Hi guys, today I thought I would do 'The End of the Year Book Tag'. Which was a

tag created by Ariel Bissett, apparently to just totally and utterly panic me

about the fact that we are nearly at the end of the year and I am now 110%

convinced that time is just broken because I don't understand where

this year has gone and I am freaking out. I wasn't tagged to do this because I'm

not really ever tagged to do tags but I really liked the questions and I thought

it would be fun and I thought it might help me come to terms with the fact that

the is nearly over. Because currently that is something my brain just cannot process.

Question one is 'Are there any books that you started this year that

you need to finish?' Other than the book that I'm currently reading, no,

simply put. I am someone that, unless I decide to totally not finish a book

and DNF it, once I start a book I won't start another one until I finished that

book. So I start a book, pick it up, read it, finish it, move on to the next book.

I don't tend to juggle more than one book at one go. Having said that, the only book

that I think I guess kind of fits into this question is 'The Disney Princess

Comic Treasury'. This is basically just a massive collection of all of the stories

all the Disney Princesses and also some new stories from them as well because

I've just been dipping in and out of this between reads. But other than this

there aren't any books that I have unfinished or half finished but I guess

this is one that I'm not kind of sitting down to read from start to finish but I

don't know whether necessarily I'm going to or want to finish this before the year

is up because I'm quite liking picking this up and making my way through it very slowly.

Question two is 'Do you have an autumnal book to transition you into the

end of the year?' and I have 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern. This is one

that I've been wanting to read for years and I had it on my summer TBR but quite

a few people told me that this would be better to read during the autumn and

winter. So I saved it and I'm hoping to read it this autumn. To be totally honest,

I'm a little bit intimidated by it. Just because I have heard so many amazing

things and I've also heard that it's quite description heavy, which is

something that I'm not usually the biggest fan of but I have heard so many

wonderful things about it and I am very, very excited about it because it sounds

magical, it looks magical and also it has a circus in it. which always intrigues me massively.

The third question is, 'Is there a new release that you were still waiting for?' and to be honest there aren't really

many and the ones that I do have are all graphic novels. Most of the books that I

am super excited about and waiting for seem to be coming out around January or

at least at the beginning of next year. So I am assuming I'm going to be totally

broke by the time 2018 has started. But as I said there are a few graphic novels

that I am very, very excited about that are coming out in the next few months

but I think the one that I'm most excited about is 'Quiet Girl in a Noisy World' by Debbie Tung.

This is a graphic novel that is a collection of short

stories and short comic strips about being an introvert and about growing up

as an introvert and I am so excited about this. I've followed Debbie Tung on

Twitter for quite a while and I absolutely love her artwork and her

little comic strips she posts are always incredibly relatable, especially as an

introvert myself and I am super super excited about it and I think that it is

coming out at the end of November in the UK but I believe it may be coming out

earlier in other places. Question four is 'What are three books you were hoping to

read before the end of the year?' and as I said firstly 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern,

I am desperate to read this. I then also have 'Six of Crows' by Leigh Bardugo

because I am determined to read this book by the end of the year because

it is been on essentially probably nearly all of my TBR's this year and yet

I've still not read it and we are so close to the end of this year and the

last book that I am hoping that I would read before the end of the year, although

I'm not entirely sure whether it will happen. Is 'The Book Thief' by Markus Zusak

because I've heard so many amazing things about this and I've been wanting

to read it for so long and this was on my TBR for last year of books that I wanted

to read before the end of the year. I didn't manage it, so I'm hoping that

maybe by the end of this year I will have read this book but who knows?

Question five is 'Is there a book you think can still shock you and become your

favourite book of the year?' and honestly no because my favourite book or books of

this year made such a huge impact on me and meant so much to me and I adored

them so, so much, that I think it would be so incredibly hard to top that. I'm not

going to say it's impossible because I would love to find a book that I loved

as much or more than my current favourite book of this year but I do think

that it is highly unlikely but I'm not gonna say it's impossible.

And the last question is 'Have you already started making plans for 2018?'

and yes but I think my main reading plan for 2018 is to just not make a reading

plan for 2018. I kind of just want to take it day by day and book by book and

see what happens. I don't want to put any pressure on myself on how much I want to

read or which specific books I want to read and things like that. Although I

really, really want to get through my TBR and try to not buy as many books. I want

to narrow my TBR down as much as humanly possible throughout 2018 and as I said,

try and not buy as many books. Whether that would be possible, probably

not because I very much enjoy buying books but I'm hoping that, fingers crossed,

I will be able to reduce my TBR significantly next year but other than that,

I don't really have too many reading plans as of right now but having

said that, I do really enjoy planning things. So I'm sure I will change my mind

and have a ton of plans by the end of this year. So those are my answers to

'The End of the Year Book Tag' and because this is a tag, I will tag some people in

the description box and also over on Twitter but I would absolutely love to

know your answers to any of these questions. Especially whether or not you

think there is still a book that could top your current favourite for this year

because I would be really, really interested to know because I personally

find it very unlikely for myself but also I would love to think there is a

book out there that I would love just as much as my current favourite and I would

love to know what you think about your current favourite and whether you think

it could be topped and things like that and yeah I will leave the links to my

Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Goodreads, Blog and Snapchat in the description box

below, so feel free to follow me on any of those if you would like. And I hope

you're having the loveliest day and I hope you aren't having the freak out

that I currently am about the fact that the year is nearly over. Bye!

For more infomation >> End Of The Year Book Tag! - Duration: 6:19.


How to Lower Soil pH for Blueberries (Agricultural Sulfur) | Container Grown | - Duration: 4:46.

how's it going everyone so blueberries require a really low pH to grow best and

sometimes the pH can go up and it needs to be lowered so today I'm going to be

adding some sulfur to my blueberries behind me that I'm growing in root pouch

containers just to lower it so they can grow better and I noticed that the these

blueberries started putting on a bit of an iron deficiency now this can be for

one or two reasons one is that there is no iron in the soil or the second is

that the pH is too high and what happens when the pH is too high the iron becomes

locked up so the roots can't actually uptake the iron that is in the soil and

they can't use it and so what I did was have a bit of a pH test which you can

see up here and I noticed the result of that showed that the soil had a pH of

around eight to eight point five which is way way too high so I really need a

lower which is why I'm going to be adding so far however you can see that

there are some sort of green flecks in that small test so there is some parts

that are quite acidic and that was a pH of about six which is just at the top

range that pepper and blueberries prefer so that is probably the reason why

they're still just chugging along a bit okay so this brand of sulfur recommends

to add five grams per 10 liters of soil or potting mix now these root pouch

containers here they're 30 liters and this recommendation is to lower the pH

by one unit so for example from pH of 7.5 to a pH of a 6.5 but I want to lower

the pH by two units so I'm actually going to double that amount so instead

of using 15 grams per pouch I'm going to be using 30 grams per pouch which

equates to six scoops of the spoon that it includes but first I'm just going to

be taking up the mulch now I'm taking off the mulch because I

want the sulfur to break down in the soil where the roots are and not where

the mulch is now I'm just going to be adding the six scoops evenly around soil

okay now that the software's on now I'm just going to be lightly digging it into

the soil just by the cup of first few centimeters or about the first inch or

so also just make sure that you don't damage the plant roots while you do this

especially blueberries because they're quite fibrous and more to the surface

just be very careful when you're just lightly digging into the soil so there

you go guys that is how easy it is to add sulfur to your soil especially in

containers for blueberries just so they get that optimum pH range and really

explode with some growth so first these o be checking up on them about every

week and doing a pH test every week or so because sulfur actually isn't water

soluble and it requires the microbes in the soil to to break down so as the

microbes feed on it and work it it breaks down into acid and this is what

causes the pH to lower so this generally takes around two to four I think even

maybe four to six weeks to do that so I'll be coming out here every week just

doing a quick pH test just to see how it's going and if it sort of the pH then

stabilizes after a number of weeks at a pH that I think it's still too high I'll

just be adding a bit more sulfur every few weeks until it hits that four to six

pH range so that is it for the video pretty much so thank you for watching

guys if you stuck around to the end so make sure if you like that please leave

it a big thumbs up and if you have any comments suggestions or questions or you

just want to say g'day I'm just put them down below in the comments section and

I'll get back to as soon as I can and finally if you haven't subscribed make

sure you click on my face that'll be popping up around here somewhere it's

not there it'll be there soon and this way you was just stay updated with me on

here on YouTube not Facebook so yeah that way you stay notified whenever I

post a new video you can come along and suss out what I'm doing so yeah thanks

for watching guys I hope you're all having a cracker of a week and I will

catch you guys next video cheers oh sorry guys thought I might also quickly

add if you want to check out more I have more updates around my

garden and these blueberries and things then check out the links in the

description below they'll take you to my meet a social media site so that's a

Facebook and Instagram that way you get more photo updates about these

blueberries and other things I'm doing in the garden so thanks for that I hope

you're having a cracker and I'll catch you next video

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