Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

let's just stay here and we will troll people in this oh my gosh it was endowed

red sari endowed red oh my gosh I didn't mean to but yes I did okay I won't do it

next time I promise hi everybody I'm Paula and I am in

roblox I am in a game called nightmare fighters I have never played this but

look I'm standing by oh my gosh we have Freddy Krueger and it looks like Jeff

the killer but it could be somebody else you'll have to let me know in the

comments if it is but this is so cool I don't exactly know how this works well

wait I don't know how it works at all but this looks so neat I guess you

become somebody obviously is that the ring well let's see here who do we owe

is that michael maier whoa oh i'm him look at this oh my gosh that's so cool

whoa I'm dead already what I was supposed to run from that what is that

Mariano something nevermind well let's go back and what's

the other games what horror elevator well maybe we'll look at that okay I'm

gonna try to go back in and what is behind VIP admins oh look they have

bubblies back in there what is that the admit I did I died all of a sudden a

well let's go back and I want to try Michael wire again oh look a weeping

angel Oh Oh I am a weeping it way don't kill

me don't kill me yet guys why am I so slow no stop oh my gosh I'm not gonna

say but okay okay well I got VIP oh we're in here call now who are all we

good to have Freddy oh that looks like slender oh can I get

a picture with you guys don't kill me oh this is so neat so we have slender

and I said Freddy tonight the foxy now who is this girl over here that looks

really kind of creepy I don't know Wow who is that and is that the security

guard I don't know

Wow I know who that is yeah okay well let's go see here let's try slender oh

cool I'm I'm bubbly though I am definitely

bubbly let's go look around in here Wow

we could scare some people hey if somebody comes and scares slender I am

gonna be mad okay I scare so easily I don't know why I'm afraid the bra okay

there's a person let's go get him all I have a knife let's go get that person we

have one person in here come on let's not be so bad that we can't get them

wait can we teleport

yay okay we gotta hey I like the teleport that is cold let's just stay

here and we will troll people in this yeah that is super cool okay

wow this is basically cheating but it's a nice looking map yeah and and slender

looks neat kind I mean he's all sparkly and kind of cute yeah so let's see here

what is this Wow oh my gosh that was just

I'm not floating Wow okay that was a little scary I wonder if that could have

killed me okay where is our next person that we're going to kill ha there's one

time oh my gosh it was endowed red sari endowed red oh my gosh I didn't mean to

but yes I did okay I won't do it next time I promise okay I won't do it wait

I'm saying that and she can't hear me go kill me yeah you're gonna kill me okay

so I gotta get you first yay okay this is actually fun the

Slender you're pretty cool okay who's my next victim okay I gotta go someplace

else because I was mean and killed endo dread although I didn't realize that it

was her okay I'd be nice now wait I said I'd be nice and then she got killed by

getting on me that's gonna tell it for it all that is so cool let's see how we

can teleport let's try and teleport over there wow that is so cool

I wish everybody had VIP okay slender what are you doing okay how do I get

back now to the regular thing have to reset probably okay well we're

out here at the beginning and let's go in another killer thing let's see here

who are these people like who is this is that the Chain Saw Massacre guy I'll

look at Mario Mario is always scary you know okay well it looks like so he is

here hi Zoey how about Pennywise oh my gosh that's

terrifying am i penny wise all those creepy okay

let's get a knife because we want to kill people

yes whoa well that was scary why was that scary I wasn't expecting to

actually go through that let's go see if we can get somebody hey we're all clowns

now cute buddy just look go oh my gosh

cute bunny what are you doing let's go in the water

this is creepy wait how did endowed red get a different outfit I mean seriously

oh you have beautiful teeth endowed red but wait look at mine yeah look at mine

mine are beautiful we are the picture of beauty that's what

we are and Zoey you're looking good today Zoey your your heads on backwards

or wait you're you're walking backwards and look at me I'm just like a creepster

I'm like hey guys hey want to see my knife dear do you

want to see my knife look at my knife it's just beautiful and you look like a

creeper to a little mr. clown cute bunny forever oh that's good we are attached

somehow that's that's just weird okay this let's have pushing fights push push

nobody can push because yeah so anyway I am going to go back and see what else

there is okay who should I be who do you think

and wait what is this this is horror elevator I need to play that maybe I can

try that one it's probably scary okay who should I be this is huh I can't

remember his name link it's what is the creepypasta name how could I forget that

ah bin drought is that it been drowned that's it I think okay I have no idea

what this funny-looking faces let's get on that because it's beautiful I have


what do I have what it what is my ability here I have an ability are you

whoa whoa killed by cute bunny forever okay cute

bunny forever you're not so cute right now little cute bunny okay let's see who

else can we be I want to be a couple more and then I want to go look at a

horror elevator but I'm gonna have that in another video I think so if you get

to this one in its new just know that it'll probably be coming up next this is

cool what is this the Reaper I'll call look at that dark box oh look I have a

dark box I'm the Reaper that's who I am this is

cool oh my gosh look at that weapon

I am like amazing yeah if I do say so myself this is cool

anybody come near me come on guys come on just come on you could do it yeah

afraid of me you afraid of me yeah see I could talk tough cuz nobody's

here you know if there was somebody here I'd just be acting stupid and wait wait

a minute what I say I'm acting stupid anyway so guys well yeah you afraid to

repr afraid of Reaper Reaper gonna kill you huh we're gonna take your head off

wait a minute what Reaper scute look out Kittitas he walks like I don't know what

he just uses the dwarfs hello that wasn't so adorbs that just wasn't that

was like in-your-face let's see that again okay are you ready are you really

ready okay there how's that how's that for good-looking right that is a

good-looking yes okay what am I saying and nobody wants to come with the Reaper

because they're so afraid they are afraid I'm gonna kill him that's what it

is okay I'm being dumb now so I will go

let's go back and what is this wait what is the dark box do what does he do with

it I threw it away what although it's dumb you threw away

your toy guy okay anyway guys I am gonna go and I want to

go try more elevator so you'll have fun and I'll talk to you later bye

For more infomation >> I Play Roblox Nightmare Fighters - Creepypasta and Pennywise - Duration: 11:05.


5 Ways To Start Living A Spiritual Life - Duration: 10:32.

5 Ways To Start Living A Spiritual Life

Spirituality is a way of life.

It is not just doing meditation.

� Master Choa Kok Sui

Spirituality is a lifestyle� We all know that� It is a method of living.

Even our everyday job can be colored with spirituality, even the way we treat our family

and loved ones can become spiritual and even how we dream or aspire can be the spiritual


Spirituality is closely linked with growth and evolution.

A spiritual person is not anemic!

A spiritual person is highly intelligent, loving and powerful.

He/she is capable of doing things that ordinary people are not capable of doing.

Spirituality comes with practicality.

�Spiritual practitioners or disciples should have their Hands reaching out to Heaven�But

their Feet should be firmly rooted to the Earth!� � Master Choa Kok Sui

The standard for a spiritual person is high!

So being spiritual does not mean to withdraw from life and just focus on meditation and

spiritual practices.

Spirituality is not a way of escaping from life, but to live it intensely.

How to convert a normal life to a spiritual life?!

Simple� just follow these 5 steps and turn your life to an extremely unique and interesting



Get in Touch with Your Spiritual Side

�The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere

where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God.

Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.� � Anne Frank

We all have come from a spiritual source; from a universal supreme energy from which

all life has been originated.

�For a person with �eye to see,� God is everywhere.� � Master Choa Kok Sui

The first step to live a spiritual life is to start believing in it, and experiencing


Life is not all about physical comfort, competitions, business and social life.

It is also about finding our true nature, realizing the soul and achieving union with

the higher self.

Feeling the connectedness with this universal supreme source, which is the source of all

life, gives us a sense of peace, confidence, support and fulfilment.

It further empowers us to do more and achieve greater heights.

�What is impossible for an ordinary person is possible with the blessings of God, the

Guru and the higher beings.� � Master Choa Kok Sui


Take some Time to Meditate

Meditation is a practice to control the mind, in order to experience the higher levels of


Meditation helps to still the mind and calm down the emotions.

Stillness is a stepping stone to experiences that most people are not aware of.

�Practicing stillness and awareness enables you to engage in higher spiritual activities.

Within the stillness is greater spiritual activity.

Stillness is just a stepping stone.� � Master Choa Kok Sui

So meditation is the technology of tapping into the unique source of life and bringing

down lots of this divine energy to our system.

The effect is usually clarity of mind, calmer emotions, more control over life and intuition.

Intuition is known as the inner guidance, when the person hears the whisper of the soul

that guides him through ups and downs of life.

There are many types of meditations with different purposes from simply achieving stillness to

activation of the Kundalini energy and union with the Higher Self.

Whatever form of meditation we practice, whether it is Yoga meditations, Zen or Arhatic Yoga,

it is important to do it in a regular basis and see how our life gains a scent of spirituality.

�Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and

pure consciousness.

It enlarges the container, every time you transcend.

When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.�

� David Lynch


Allocate Time to Review Your Life Purpose

A spiritual life, is a life of constant development.

Spirituality has nothing to do with stagnation; spirituality is a way of becoming better and


In order to get better, we need to have an idea about where we are right now and where

we want to reach.

Awareness or mindfulness is a necessity to create change and to improve!

If we are busy and fully involved in our everyday life, we loose awareness, which might divert

us from the spiritual path and divert us from pursuing and achieving the higher purpose

of our life.

So it is highly important to allocate some time on a regular basis, sit alone and think

about our life, review our purpose and re-plan.

�Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.� � John F. Kennedy

In order to have a holistic life, we need to have various purposes that encompass the

lower side of our life and its higher side.

We need to have a life purpose as well as a soul purpose.

A life purpose is what most people already have which includes the education level, family

target, success level, etc.

Soul purpose is referred to our spiritual development and the contribution we want to

make to our fellow men and to the whole world.

We need to decide until what level we want to grow spiritually, how many lives we want

to touch, how many people we want to inspire and how many souls we want to help grow.

We need regular reminders to reaffirm our goals and purposes and review how far we have

already reached.

Without a purpose and a plan, life becomes random; we might be living other people�s

dreams without even being aware of it.

�All successful people men and women are big dreamers.

They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every

day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.� � Brian Tracy


Put Conscious Effort to Build Your Character

�Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.� � Bruce Lee

A refined character shows a greater degree of soul contact; a weak soul connection manifests

as emotional imbalances and character flaws.

Character building is an ongoing process and the purpose of life is continuous growth and


�Good character is not formed in a week or a month.

It is created little by little, day by day.

Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.� � Heraclitus

In order to have a spiritual life, we need to have a wholesome character.

Weaknesses exist in everyone.

The key is to be aware of them and consciously try to eradicate them.

After detecting our weaknesses, techniques such as Blue Triangle and Inner Reflection,

that are parts of Arhatic Yoga, can help us remove them in a faster and more effective


The result will be a more refined character and a stronger spiritual connection.

To develop our character, we can also learn from others.

Studying the lives of other people, their falls and their victories, teaches us many

lessons; we can see what helps us grow faster and what will pull us down.

�Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes

it is hard to realize this.

For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves

which we endure help us in our marching onward.� � Henry Ford


Give a Helping Hand

�The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active

charity and in willing service.� � Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The purpose of living a spiritual life and evolution is actually becoming instruments

of the divine.

As we grow, we need to help other people to grow too.

So to have a spiritual life, it is necessary to extend our interest and attention from

self to others, and help them in any way possible.

�The soul evolves by giving not by accumulating.� � Master Choa Kok Sui

Helping, not only activates our Heart and Crown chakras that allows more divine energy

to enter our system, but also helps to neutralize some of our past negative karma.

Helping can be in any form, from donating money, teaching, healing, giving emotional

comfort to inspiring and blessing.

Whatever we do to help others, the key is to give and share in order to grow.

Remember, spirituality is not just about gaining, it�s also about serving and helping others.

�Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.

And if you can�t help them, at least don�t hurt them.� � Dalai Lama

Well, all of these are easy to follow if we have a schedule and a plan.

We can make spirituality an active part of our daily life if we just have the will and

a desire to grow!

In order to achieve this, practicing Arhatic Yoga can be extremely helpful.

The 5 Pillars and the 5 Virtues of Arhatic Yoga are designed to bring spirituality into

everyday life without much effort and make it a lifestyle!

In our current society, spirituality is no more for selected few who are willing to leave

their job and family and devote their life only to spiritual development, but it is for

all with any profession or background; and Arhatic Yoga is one of the spiritual systems

that have made this possible.

�We can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.�

� Ernest Holmes

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Start Living A Spiritual Life - Duration: 10:32.


Congresswoman Taxpayers Have Paid $15 MILLION to Silence Sexual Abuse Victims of Politicians - Duration: 4:03.

Congresswoman Taxpayers Have Paid $15 MILLION to Silence Sexual Abuse Victims of Politicians

As a host of sexual assault allegations target major actors, producers and directors in Hollywood,

several politicians are also being called out, and one congresswoman has claimed that

the U.S. House of Representatives alone has spent $15 million in taxpayer funds to settle

sexual misconduct lawsuits in the last decade.

by Rachel Blevins,

The claim was made by Rep. Jackie Speier, a Democrat from California, during an interview

on Meet the Press Daily with MSNBC�s Chuck Todd.

When asked about the process sexual assault victims currently have to go through, Speier

noted that they have to start by promising to stay silent.

�We really need to reform the entire Office of Compliance process,� Speier said.

�Right now it takes about 90 days for you to file a complaint, and before actually going

through the mediation, you have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and then you are

not represented by counsel, but the harasser is represented by the House of Representatives

general counsel.�

In many cases, as was seen with Harvey Weinstein, when ultra-rich and powerful individuals are

accused of sexual assault, they respond by paying large sums of money to their victims,

in exchange for an iron-clad, non-disclosure agreement.

However, while Hollywood moguls use their own money, Rep. Speier noted that politicians

extort money from Americans in the form of taxes, and then use it to silence the victims

they have sexually assaulted and harassed.

�I think moving forward we have got to take steps to make sure that there is transparency,

that in fact the harasser is not going to have the settlement paid for out of the U.S.

Treasury, and have all of the taxpayers paying for it.

It should be something that is paid for by the individual,� Speier said.

�I think you do have the right to know,� Speier replied.

�But right now, under the system, you don�t have a right to know.�

The congresswoman, who is a member of the House Intel Committee, then added that the

sum of those taxpayer-funded settlements is not small, and has been building up over the

last decade.

�We do know there is about $15 million that has been paid out by the House on behalf of

harassers in the last ten to 15 years,� she said.

When Todd pressed for details, Rep. Speier said that she could not reveal how many members

of Congress were involved, or who they were, because of the heavy non-disclosure agreements

surrounding the cases.

One glaring example of a member of Congress who was both a rampant sexual predator and

a pedophile, was former House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

Although he is an admitted child rapist, Hastert was instead sentenced to prison for illegally

structuring bank transactions in an effort to cover up his sexual abuse of young members

of a wrestling team he coached.

He was set free after just 15 months, and has since demanded that one of his victims

return $1.7 million in hush money.

As The Free Thought Project reported, Speier is not the only one who has called out the

corruption that runs rampant among the political elite.

When women began to come out of the woodworks with sexual assault allegations against Weinstein

in October, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney said, �We�re outraged and angry�not

having had justice for at least a generation.

Hollywood now; Washington, DC next.�

For more infomation >> Congresswoman Taxpayers Have Paid $15 MILLION to Silence Sexual Abuse Victims of Politicians - Duration: 4:03.


Farming Simulator 17 Slurry Spreading New Mods - Duration: 14:01.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Some New Mods You can usr to transport and spread Slurry.

VOLVO FMX CANAVIEIRO 5 Engine Setup Colorable Body ( The Shape is not so good) 85Km/h Top Speed Design Setup Didn't Work

Need a lot of Improvements

Kotte Garant TSA 30000 Capacity 30000 liters. Colorable Body And Rims 2 Wheel Setup Recommended Power 240Hp FillTypes: Liquid Manure, Digestate, Water, Fuel, Milk

Fendt 828 Vario S3 4 Engine Setup 5 Wheel Setup 2 Design Setup Colorable Rims 60Km/h Top Speed


Check also For Fendt Front Weight 2000

Joskin XTrem 18500 TS 18.500l Capacity 14.8m Working Width 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 150Hp

Pipe can move with the Mouse You can attach Zunidisk Slurry Cultivator at the back

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 Slurry Spreading New Mods - Duration: 14:01.


10 alimentos que queimam gordura - Duration: 8:37.

For more infomation >> 10 alimentos que queimam gordura - Duration: 8:37.


Frogs, Salamanders & Rainy Day Talks | Living The Lyme Life [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 21:58.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

[Kaley] Perfect Vlog opportunity. [Shay] - we had found a salamander, which is this guy and a

leopard frog in our kiddie pool that we did not use this summer, so we're going

to release them after I took a bunch of pictures of them. So that's what

we're doing. There is the little salamander, hes so cute. [Kaley] We named him Captain Salazar. {giggles}

[K] And this is Lillipadina, the leopard frog. [S] So cute, and there's my Beast, stalking us like the

cat he is. So cute. You taking a piddle? Look at the sky, its so pretty. It's quite the fall day today. [K] Yeah it's

a nice day. [S] The trees are all turning. I have to walk over some logs, uh we'll pass, hopefully there's no bears in


[S] Okay how about in here. Are we gonna put the salamander in here? [K] Alright. [S] It's smaller,

there's places for him to perch on, I know they more go in mossy areas, do you wanna film?

[K] It's nice with the fall color bath and everything, what a great pad {laughs}

[K] Do you get it, pad - like lilly pad?

come on you have to enjoy my puns! [S] These cages are so hard to open sometimes. [K] I know, I'm sorry.

But I always have cages around for us catching things. Mosty for my caterpillars though, and moths.

[K] I hope I'm not pressing anything. The red record button is still up. [S] Ok lets get one last shot. [K] You are adorable Mr - OH I'm gonna fall back..

[K] Oh hes squirming. [S] He's slippery too. [K] You are a cutie patoutie. Look at you.

[K] Captain Salazar you are adorable. Alright Shay, release him. [S] You ready

little buddy? You ready little buddy? [K] You have a great time now. [S] I'm gonna put him over here. [K] Oh, hold on!

[K] All right, go! [S] There you go buddy! Bye little guy! [S] We are still kids aren't

we? [K] Kids at heart and we still like to fart. [K] Ain't he cute? [Mom] Um huh. [K] Oh!! Bye little froggy!

[S] Let me get him so can put him in the water. [Mom] If you can. [Mom] Shay, you'll never catch him. [S] No, and that grass is really sharp.

[S] He'll find his way to the water. [Mom] He'll find his way to the water. [K] And that's a wrap folks!

[K] I said, It's a hoppy ending. [K] Sweet, let's go eat some fried chicken. [S] I have a kale salad in the fridge

I want to eat. [K] Disgusting! [K] I'm gonna eat some chicken and gravy!

Hi guys, so I've not vlogged and quite a while. Um yeah, so today I thought I'd

vlog because I really do want to vlog more, and I want to try to make my

vlogs more interesting, and I have a pretty cool idea just laying here now of

how I could probably make that vlog a bit more interesting. So today I'm going

to be editing some photos on VSCO, um this is the app that I use to pretty

much edit all my photos. Every photo you see on Instagram is edited with that app, and

like, it's my favorite app, um and that's what I use to edit all of my photography

with, and today I figured I would edit some my photography because um, I do have

a lot on my iPod that I just need to edit and you know, get it done and get it

out of the app and save it, because um I do want to start and try my hardest to post

to my photography Instagram more, which if you don't know - I do have an Instagram

that's just my photography, I'm not the greatest at photography, I will say that,

like I think it's okay, it's definitely not expert levels, and I want to get

better, but yeah. I want to start to post to my photography Instagram every day,

instead of every other day. I want it to grow, and I want to grow as a

photographer. So yeah, today I am basically just going to be editing some

photos on VSCO, but I'm actually going to be doing a time lapse. I'm gonna hook

my iPod up to my MacBook, and then I'll record what I'm doing on my iPod

with QuickTime player, and I'll include that in the vlog and I'll also have my

camera set up on my tripod, with the camera on me while I'm laying here

and editing, which might be a bit weird but I figured you know what, it might

make the vlog more interesting, so I'm gonna go ahead and try it.

[Music. Fredji - Happy Life]

Ok guys, so um, I'm not completely done editing all of my photos in VSCO, but my camera turned

off on me because the battery is dead, I forgot to change it before recording.

But um, I did get quite a few photos edited, I'm probably going to continue to

edit - just so I can get all of them done. But yeah, I hope you guys kind of enjoyed

this spead up version of me laying in my bed and just editing my photos, hopefully

it was something interesting. [S] Hi guys so I didn't even know what the date is,

do you know what date is Kay? [K] October 30th, don't forget to wish Cody Happy Birthday.

[S] Okay well it's October 30th and apparently it's my brother's birthday today.

[S] How old is he? [K] Ancient.[S] {laughs} I think 28? [K] Yep. [S] 28 today, holy crap, oh my god we're

growing up and it's really weird to get older. But yeah, I woke up with a migraine

today, woohoo. I feel really awful. My sister she went

my mum somewhere this morning and they brought me home food, and my food is sitting

[K] Donairs for the win! [S] yeah she brought home me Donair and some onion rings. But I'm not

even, I can't even eat it cuz I have such a migraine and making me nauseated, and I

feel horrible today. But yeah, bad migraine today, I took some pain meds and I'm

hoping it'll go away. I have to edit a video at some point it's only ten

minutes worth of footage so it shouldn't take me that long, but I still feel

really crappy. I don't know if you guys can hear but it is pouring a sea outside,

might be able to hear it because it'll probably sound like a humming noise, but

it's been pouring non-stop for like at least six hours, I think it started around

seven o'clock this morning. Whatchu doing k? [K] Taking a nap. [S] She's taking a nap

on my bed. This is where we always kind of hang out and lay, and we'll probably

end up watching the movie later on after I'm done editing. My migraine is

beginning to go away which is good. [K] Aren't ya gonna show me? [S] Well, you're all snuggled up there. And she's snuggled up like a bug

in a rug, in my Pirates of the Caribbean blanket. I told you guys I like Pirates of the

Caribbean. Heres my little sister. Theres really bad lightning here cuz it's so darn dark.

[S] So what are we doing today? [K] Um, I don't know. [S] You don't know? Are you just gonna lay my bed? [K[ mm-hmm

like a cat like. [S] Like a cat. It was international cat day yesterday [K] Oh I know

I snuggled all of our cats yesterday. I snuggled Missie, Beast, and Tazz. [S] I was a crazy cat

lady yesterday and made the cat's an Instagram account. [K] Which already has 24

followers. [S] Yes already have quite a few followers. Are cats are gonna get famous.

[K] I bought two breakfast sandwiches at Tim Hortons, one bacon and one sausage. I was planning on the power

being off all day, but unfortunately it came back on. [S] Yeah the power it keeps

going off every time it's stormed now, like even just raining and winding or the

wind blowing, the power shuts off. [K] There's too many trees on the way. [S] Yeah so this

winter is gonna be bad for power outages already I can tell that, because I mean -

[K] It went off twice already in a week. [S] Actually three, well twice this week yeah but

about three times this month already, just from it just rain and wind, so it's

gonna be bad for powder- power otagess - I can't talk - for power outages this year. I'm going to

have to edit my videos like two weeks in advance so I can make sure that they're

up on time, otherwise theres gonna be no content if the power goes out. What do you

have to say that. Do you like the power going out? [K] I love it

when it goes out. [S] Yeah it is fun when the power goes out, because usually we all go

in the basement because obviously it gets really cold in the house, and the

basements like the only place that's warm because we have an older stove that

we just hook up, and we're able to get warm, my brother his rooms down there

so we basically just lay on the couch, dad will sometimes hook up the generator

and then we'll watch movies, we'll read most of the day, we'll eat food, that's basically

all we do, we do nothing, but sometimes it's really fun. [S] You're not very

talkative, this- okay, this is weird whenever she's on camera she does not

talk at all, but in real life she doesn't stop talking. Are you nervous? [K] I snuggled my cat.

And I fed her her breakfast, I fed Tazz his breakfast, and Fraidy Cat - oh not fraidy hes's dead - [laughs] [S] Oh my god!

[K] And uh Purr Monster, oh not him, he's dead too {both laugh}, and uh Beast his

breakfast.They were all very happy. [S] Poor fraidy-cat, I miss Fraidy Cat something awful. [K] He's was such a

snuggler. Such a doll. [S] I do really miss that kitty.[K] Me too, I like Fraidy. I'm really not that exciting of a person.

[S] You know what is interesting about her though? She can remember what she ate at every

single restaurant, whenever we have gone somewhere is significant. [K] It's my

favorite game to play, ask me where I've been and what did I eat for

lunch. [S] Okay when you're in Spain the first thing you ate. [K] We went to the zoo,

and I had - It was the Madrid Zoo, and I had chicken it was uh, it was a chicken, it

was breaded - or not breaded it but it was a boneless or skinless chicken, and it was with

vegetables and some sort of potato - veg -like thing, it was like seasoned potatoes, if that makes sense.

It was chicken! Chicken and veggies. It was good. How was your trip to Spain? It was very good, that was

four years ago. [S] I know I can't believe its been that long already.

[K] Ask me another question, I like this game.

[S] Okay, what is the first meal you ever ate in the Dominican Republic? It was

breakfast cuz we landed that night, or, yeah it was night, it was like early,

early morning - nighttime, and so we had breakfast in the morning, and it was you

know, buffet style. So I believe I had like bacon and eggs, and little hash brown

thingies, and donuts - there were these donuts that were to die for, they were so good!. [S] Okay, what about

your first Donair? [K] It wasn't a Donair you see, it was a donair sub.

And um, mom got it for me on my grade 9 exam week. I was studying for exams, and she brought home a donair sub. Well you know, I'll eat it. And I ate it,

well guess what, I regretted it. I tasted the garlic for an entire week, and ever since then I

couldn't eat them, until just recently over this past summer

Mom was eating this delicious-looking Donair, and i was like - Hum you know what, I think I might try it

again. So yeah you know, six years later I finally ate one. [S] For those of you who don't

know, a Donair is almost like a gyro. [K] So you want to have basically your beef,

and you wanna grind it, up your lean kinds mostly. You grind it up, and you

pack it on a spit, and you slow roast around nice and

tender. But before you do when you get your ground meat, you mix up all those tasty

spices - your garlic, and your oregano, and your Basil's, and all of them. And

some people like to it make it more spicy, some people make it more garlicly - I

personally like a spicy one, I hate garlic. [S] I like garlic. [K] It makes me feel

like a darn vampire. So and you just a slow roast it, or you can just make it

at home yourself and just pack all your meat in a casserole dish, just kind of

like you're making a meatloaf, and just have that cooked all the way through and

just cut it up really thin. And or when you're on your spit, just shave it off, and

you want to just put it on a pita bread with some donair sauce. [S] Ya gotta fry it. [K] Yeah some

people bake it, some people fry it - it really is up to you, but I personally

like mine fried in the pan with a little bit of butter, and yeah anyways, when you

get it on your pita bread, you can butter that pita bread too when it's nice and

warm, I love butter. [S] Or just put donair sauce on it, which I will explain in a minute. [K] Yup, or just put

donair sauce on it, and just cut up some onions, and tomato. Some people like more

veggies on theirs than that, like lettuce or something like crazy like that. [S] Yeah, I do.

[K] But I'm just a basic onion, tomato that's enough veg and um, then put on your

donair sauce which, I'm not a big fan of donair sauce personally, I go for the

meat! So Shay would you care to elaborate on what donair sauce is?

[S] Okay, so donair sauce is made out of, what's it called? -

sweetened condensed milk. You have your milk, your garlic, and your white vinegar.

You mix those together - together, oh my god that sounded really Nova Scotian,

but you mix them together, and then, you only, you don't use a whole lot of

vinegar because you dont want it too vinegary, and you don't want it too garlicky, but I like

the garlic so I always add like a lot of garlic. [K] I like mine sweet. [S] I don't like

it sweet, I can't stand it sweet, it's gross when it's sweet. I like it when it's

garlicky. But if you do that, mix it all together make it nice and thick. You do

not want it thin, it's terrible when it's thin, you want it thick. [K] But not too thick,

you want a good consistency of almost melted ice cream. [S] Yeah, basically.

[K] Like soft serve. [S] Thats basically the consistency you want and it, and it is amazing. Of course it

is definitely not healthy at all. [K] Oh no you'll pack on the pounds. [S] Yeah,

there's a lot of fat in it, there's a lot of dairy in it, but it is

so good. In Nova Scotia a donair is basically our provincial

food. There is literally Donair debates on whether or not it is our provincial

food, and where the best spot in Nova Scotia is to get it. I can actually

show you a donair, since I got one on my plate sitting over there ready for

me eat. This is what a donor looks like, it's a looks a bit unappetizing,

but this here is your pita, this here is your meat, this white stuff is the donair

sauce, and then here you got some Tomatoes, you got some red onions.

Usually there's cheese on this as well, like white mozzarella cheese, and some lettuce.

I personally like it with lots of cheese and lettuce, it's great like that.

And of course I got some onion rings. But thats basically what a donair usually looks

like. [K] Go home or go big - what?? {both laugh} Go big or go home!

Anyways in later developments, this just came in, when I went to Tim Hortons today, and of

course I got my breakfast, and my hot chocolates

there was no Tim Hortons cards left. [S] Like what the hockey cards? [K] Yes, they were sold

out and I was angry. [S] Canadians.[K] Like how am i suppose to build up my hockey card collection if there are none!?

Hey guys, so I'm going to do a time-lapse of me and my sister working on stuff. [K] My sister and I.

[S] Of coarse she gonna correct me in everything I say.

[S] What are you working on? [K] Well I am currently typing a book. [S] That

she'll probably never publish, because she won't want to get it published,

even though she probably should try to get it published, right? [K] No. [S] Anyways yeah,

I'm gonna edit a video on my cmputer, she's gonna typer her book, and this is gonna be a time-lapse.

[Music. Nicolai Heidlas - Pacific Sun.]

hey guys, so today's currently the 15th of November that I am talking to you. I'm

already starting on a second Vlog after this one, I forgot to kind of say goodbye.

I hope you guys kind of enjoyed this vlog with you know, the antics my sister

and I got up to. We released a frog and salamander, um my sister plays with my cat,

we just you know, sat on my bed on a rainy day and just hung out and talked and

then just you know did stuff on our computers, so a very casual vlog. Um I think

I quite liked this vlog, my sister makes my vlogs much more interesting, so I hope

you guys you know, enjoy the vlog and enjoy seeing my sister in the vlogs. If

you guys want to see me do you know, videos with my sister then let me know,

because hopefully I can rope her into doing more videos with me. I hope you

guys enjoyed it. If you did please be sure to give it a thumbs up, um if you're

new please make sure to subscribe to me. Thank you for watching, and as always I

appreciate you watching my videos, I appreciate you liking them, and I

appreciate you commenting on them, so please leave me a comment. All my social

media links will be in the description below if you want to follow me on

Instagram, Twitter. So yeah, I guess I will see you guys in my next vlog, bye!

[Outro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits]

For more infomation >> Frogs, Salamanders & Rainy Day Talks | Living The Lyme Life [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 21:58.


camp camp shitpost - Duration: 0:42.


pick the color

pick the person, hot dogs, basically anything that is awesome, snow cones

David wanted me to ask you how to raise your desk chair

It's the lever on the side. That's what I told him Thanks.

Oh My god he is so cute, would you talk to him for me and see if he likes me?

(bitch no)no i dont think i could oh please Max please please

For more infomation >> camp camp shitpost - Duration: 0:42.


德國交換學生|DIT後花園多瑙河 #Danube - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 德國交換學生|DIT後花園多瑙河 #Danube - Duration: 2:03.


Fighting Strykers (3 POVs) - Squad v9.11 - Duration: 3:23.

SEAGULL: That's a bunch of shit

SEAGULL: Oh my god...

SEAGULL: Oh shit, whatup man

DBZAO: Random rocket

SEAGULL: Oh yo, there's a Stryker northwest

DBZAO: Infantry push in there

SEAGULL: Did they cross the river?

DBZAO: Stryker coming in as well

OG WARRIOR: I got one

DBZAO: Stryker just drove right in, it's right on the road

DBZAO: Right there Cougar!

DBZAO: Nooo... Cougar...

COUGAR: I don't know if I got a shot off in time, when I swung the gun

DBZAO: Not in my view

DBZAO: Need a revive on the command building here

SEAGULL: One frag on his ass

DBZAO: Stryker is still there, on the field north of Seagull

OG WARRIOR: Yea, there's at least two more infantry with the Stryker

OG WARRIOR: Right on the Stryker

SEAGULL: I got one rocket on him. Oh I got two hits

DBZAO: Burning Stryker running away, there's infantry on the field north of us, guys

SEAGULL: I'm falling back, cover me, fuck!

DBZAO: You are going to see a Stryker right in front of you

JAYMZ: Oh fuck...

SEAGULL: Oh my, I almost murdered you

SEAGULL: Fuck off!

DBZAO: Yep, it's coming in

DBZAO: Coming in Stryker east

DBZAO: Two Strykers, coming straight ahead, Jaymz

DBZAO: They are gonna come right in front of you

SEAGULL: Fuck...

DBZAO: Dropped infantry, there's another Stryker coming right behind

OG WARRIOR: Infantry behind those Strykers

JAYMZ: Gotta reload, my stupid 50cal

DBZAO: Shoot it Jaymz...

JAYMZ: I'm reloading...

JAYMZ: Was out of ammo

DBZAO: There it is

DBZAO: Kill it

DBZAO: Dropped one guy

DBZAO: It doesn't see us

DBZAO: Uh, I think you hit the tires in front of it

SEAGULL: Ok, that thing drops like a rock

DBZAO: Come on, Seagull...

DBZAO: Ah, I think you missed again...

SEAGULL: No, that was a hit

DBZAO: Ah, there's another jeep just behind it

DBZAO: Oh that was a hit, yea it's burning

DBZAO: They got a new one, they got a replacement

SEAGULL: Fuck, I'm out of rockets

DBZAO: Window, window, right

DBZAO: Windows to the right

SEAGULL: Any vehicles still over there?

COUGAR: I don't think so

DBZAO: Inside the window, straight ahead

DBZAO: *laughs* Cougar...

SEAGULL: Oh my god, your brains...

For more infomation >> Fighting Strykers (3 POVs) - Squad v9.11 - Duration: 3:23.


MARK HITS INSANE CLIP ON BO3 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> MARK HITS INSANE CLIP ON BO3 - Duration: 3:53.


퀸비즈 Queen B'Z / Like The Birds / English subtitles - Duration: 3:58.

Running in open space the cars

and people in the sunset

The darkness comes down

wrap the city,

I'm singing.

When I open my eyes

I see through the gray buildings

Pouring rain

three cold winds

wandering the streets

The dark days were now bye bye

Let's fly to the higher ground. high high

Imagine me in the sky above the clouds

Looking at the flying birds

I want to fly along

I am free under the blue sky

I want to follow you.

I am worried about the sky? no no

A warm sun will welcome me.

Heavy sky

Through the smoke

Visible dark asphalt

Even if you want to leave the stuffy city

I can not go.

The dark days were now bye bye

Let's fly to the higher ground. high high

Imagine me in the sky above the clouds

Looking at the flying birds

I want to fly along

I am free under the blue sky

I want to follow you.

I am worried about the sky? no no

A warm sun will welcome me.

The darkness comes down to the city.

My world is more than anything else in the world

In a memorable memory of the time when

I stood in the rain, I'm crying

I wanna fly high

Higher, fly high

Looking at the flying birds

I followed the birds

I want to fly along

I am free under the blue sky

I want to follow you.

I am worried about the sky? no no

A warm sun will welcome me.


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