Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

Hey everyone ! It's Rom here !

I'm the one running the Weegeetnik channel, and also the RomWatt channel.

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe, by the way.

Anyway, I wanted to make a quick, but important update video.

You see, you're probably aware about the YouTube Adpocalypse going on right now...

...and that I have to do important IRL duties, you know ?

Finding a real job and all that... boring stuff.

Causing me to not have a lot of time to spend on my content and such...

I can safely say I've known better times, yeah.

So, because of my situation, I have long thought about it... (sorry for the mispronunciation) now, I think it's time to finally reveal it.

Here's my Patreon.

And before we go any further, I've got to admit to you...

...I don't really feel very fine about having to beg for other people's money, but... see, if I want to become a full-time content creator on the Internets, I don't really feel like I have the choice right now.

So, at $1/month, there's no real reward, this is the bare minimum service...

...this is for all the people who would like to support their favourite content creators for not too much...

...and who doesn't really care about the rewards.

However, at $2/month, this is getting interesting !

Because you get access to screenshots and previews of my WIPs, and also... my Discord server !

And at $5/month, you get early access to my completed videos before their public release online !

There's no big reward for the moment, because I don't want to put any more pressure on myself, and...

...well, I have to spend my time on otherwise "more important" things, you know... (I have to look for a job, remember ?)

But still, I will try to do my best to provide you with new videos and other types of content.

Don't forget to check out the links in the description below...

...and to follow me on the social media to stay up to date.

For now, I'll try to work as much as I can to get a new, big video, released for Christmas.

And of course, please consider supporting me on Patreon at

The link is here onscreen, and is also in the description below, and will be at the end of the video.

Thank you everyone for watching, and see you next time !

Ba-bye !

*le awkward moment*

I'm not very good at vlogging, am I ?

Okay, cu-

For more infomation >> MY PATREON IS HERE ! - Duration: 2:46.


পটুয়াখালীর রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপ ধরার অভিযানে দেখা মিললো বিরল প্রজাতীর সাপ !! Flying snakes - Duration: 11:10.

Snake catching by Abdur razzak biswas in different place in Patuakhali Bangladesh got found a rare indian flying snake

For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালীর রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপ ধরার অভিযানে দেখা মিললো বিরল প্রজাতীর সাপ !! Flying snakes - Duration: 11:10.


Magic of Imagination (What You Think Is What You Become) #Magic #Tricks #Revealed - Duration: 5:33.

I am so glad to see you watching my latest mini-production.

This time it covers various considerations regarding power of our imagination,

its creative power, as well as the dark corners of it.

but please don't treat this 100% seriously, because in the spirit of humor and entertainment it was created :)

I hope however that you will find some inspirations it it as well.

I encourage you to stay till the end of this movie, because as usual - a small surprise is waiting for you there at the end.

Its time for me already... Just watch and have fun :)

If you enjoyed watching this movie, I encourage You to subscribe my channel.

In order to do so, please press the button/icon in the middle of this screen, as well as the bell on the bottom

so that you can get notifications about my latest movies (I produce and release new videos every two weeks)

Thank You for watching!

For more infomation >> Magic of Imagination (What You Think Is What You Become) #Magic #Tricks #Revealed - Duration: 5:33.


#Хеллоуин #Halloween Микст Mixt - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> #Хеллоуин #Halloween Микст Mixt - Duration: 2:03.


Meet Miss Universe Ireland 2017 Cailín Áine Ní Toibín - Duration: 0:54.

I'm very proud to say that I'm Irish.

I am one of only a few that are also able to speak my national language

and it is something that I take great pride in

because there are only a small amount of Irish people which is

17,000 people in my country that can speak such a beautiful language.

Unfortunately, only four thousand people speak in a day and I am one of the lucky

ones that I can speak the language those is so close to my heart

and so close to my family.

We may be a small country,

but we are small and mighty

and it is something that I feel that could really

influence the whole entire world

world if I were to be crowned Miss Universe.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Ireland 2017 Cailín Áine Ní Toibín - Duration: 0:54.


Palestinians: Do you believe in evolution? - Duration: 6:46.

Mohammad Jerusalem

Evolution makes humans better



What I meant about evolution is

we all have to encourage ourselves

to evolve (improve)

I myself believe in God

So he means development

Evolution as a concept (of improvement)

Not Darwin's evolution

Yes, this is for sure

Rejaa Wahal al Salam (town in Israel)

Somehow yes

Sometimes there is a part of this theory that I find

that I find reasonable and rational

and part of it, I can't find it

very rational

Aya Ramallah

I disagree with it

You should be aware of anything that is going around in the world

and you decide what suits your mind, if you agree with it

Do you believe in evolution?

Of course

20 something woman Nablus

They do

They believe human beings came from animals

No, not that

not that human beings came from animals

So they mean "development" when they hear evolution

Karim Hebron

To be honest, I have no idea about evolution

I am not familiar with that topic

Badera Tulkarem

It's an integrated word

evolution in science


in infrastructure


Like development - Yes

only mentally evolution

You are saying God created human beings - Yes

but we developed - Yes

We evolved mentally - Yes

God created human beings

and only God can


or create

make it better

not science, not science

I have an opinon on this word

I don't like

science development

I mean experiments on animals

on foods

You don't support that - No, no, no

with limitations, yes

with rules

Do you believe in evolution?

No. he shakes his head no

Fathi (50 something man) Hebron

We don't believe in evolution even for the animals

I gave him the example of the mamoth

the elephant that had hair that no longer has hair

and he said no

that used to exist and no longer exists

God is the creator of everything

Do you believe in evolution?

Amani Al Aroub Refugee Camp

No, I don't believe it

because we are Muslim and we have our faith

and it states in the Quran very clearly

how God created human beings

there are so many details

how God created man

For more infomation >> Palestinians: Do you believe in evolution? - Duration: 6:46.


Fear of Failing - Duration: 5:55.

Fear of Failing November 18, 2017

Lord Jesus, we need courage. Help us to think WAY outside the box on what You can do if

only we will say yes!!! Amen.

Well, dear friends, the Lord has wanted me to do a portrait of His Father for weeks.

And today, I was encouraging one of our very dear friends to begin to paint faces, not

just flowers. She just started painting not very long ago.

So, I asked her to start painting faces, but she is afraid of failing. I told her 'Nothing

ventured, nothing gained.'  You don't have to show your bad can you learn

if you don't work past your limitations? There is SO much you can say when you have no limitations

and can draw a child's face, or an old man's face. A garden, a cat... Don't put yourself

in a box with Jesus. "I'll paint flowers, but not faces. I'll paint trees, but not


Dearest, don't do this to yourself. Open up, take risks! With Jesus you can't lose. So

what if it takes 10 times to get it right...who cares? We're not in a big hurry, perfect your

skill.  Jesus is so with you. 

And then I continued, NEVER BE AFRAID TO FAIL! People who are paralyzed by fear of failure—NEVER

GROW!!! They never move into their potential. And certainly the Lord cannot bring them to

a level of mastery, and neither can He use them everywhere He wants to.

So do it and be fully equipped to serve.

I wanted to read that to you, just so you could kind of be encouraged yourself, if you're

working on something and you're afraid to try something new. Don't be afraid. The Lord

is leading you, He's given you a gift. He'll help you accomplish it.

So, I asked the Lord, "What is on Your heart tonight?" after the communion service.

And He said, "You are Beloved."

Well, that's nice! What would be most pleasing to You, Jesus, for me to do with this night?

He didn't hesitate for an instant, "The portrait of My Father."


"Really and truly. I would have liked to have seen it done a while back, but now is a good

time to start. Remember, you are not alone; I and My angels are with you, Clare. I want

My children, My people, to understand Who My Father truly is. You have experienced His

genuine tenderness. Oh, Clare there is so much more to Him I want you and Heartdwellers

to know! So much more. Sometimes, oftentimes, a picture is truly better than a thousand


"In His tenderness, He is vulnerable. Very vulnerable. He knows what you are made of,

where you stand and where you fall. He gives His angels charge over you, lest you fall

in those vulnerable places. He always knows what is next and what is best. He longs to

reveal His tender heart, because so many people don't really understand Him. He wants to completely

revise their erroneous opinions of Him.

"But He is also pleased that many are more interested in Me, because in Me is His fullness

and they can see clearly this vulnerable heart of compassion for all.

"Nevertheless, it is important to disclose His sweetness right beside His powerfulness.

It is important for all to understand: His sense of justice is born from ethical standards

that are for your good—and He hates to see the alien and the widow mistreated. Anytime

the downtrodden are abused, His heart is crushed. And He longs to rush to their rescue.

"He tenderly loves His creatures, and the co-creative process by which the world and

its creatures were created—and it grieves Him deeply to see it destroyed. Satan has

most carefully targeted the areas that bring Him the most grief.

"Oh, how He loves babies, and feels so deeply grieved by the atrocities committed against

them. In fact, the place where aborted babies go is one of the most magnificent areas of

Heaven. But you must be a child to appreciate it.

"And then, there is the hard-hearted indifference of men in killing whole forests without a

second thought that they and their inhabitants will become extinct, for the sake of greedy

personal gain. He suffers enormously when ungodly rulers take control of their people

and strip them of their dignity, and even so far as to conquer the poor around them,

stealing their land and leaving them homeless.

"The list of atrocities continues to grow everyday. I don't want you to make a statement

with this painting other than His tender love for you—and by that, people will see His

tender love for them. This is the goal of the portrait, and of course, I want you, Clare,

to drink deeply from the overflowing springs of His Heart and love for you.

"Oh, this is so important to Me! I could go on and on about the corruption of fathers,

but that wouldn't do anything but bring up a very sad past.

"I would rather all that look into His eyes see their future with Him in Heaven and how

extraordinary His love is for them. You can do this with My help. You can."

Jesus, I believe in You. I trust in You. You can do anything.

He answered me, "Thank you."

For more infomation >> Fear of Failing - Duration: 5:55.


الوصفة العجيبة:لتقشير طبيعي للوجه وعلاج البقع والحفر والخطوط والتجااعيد ... وصفة خطيرة يلا أدخلو 🙈 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> الوصفة العجيبة:لتقشير طبيعي للوجه وعلاج البقع والحفر والخطوط والتجااعيد ... وصفة خطيرة يلا أدخلو 🙈 - Duration: 3:47.



The song you are now listening to is the first song off of my second album 'Out of Chaos'.

Two years ago I released my debut album Alchemy which you guys helped me fund here on Kickstarter.

When Alchemy first came out you guys gave it some badass reviews,

Actually made it chart on multiple Billboard charts,

And then it allowed me to go on a full US tour and meet so many of you.

All of this was done without label support,

And only thanks to you guys.

In the last couple of years i learned quite a bit about the music industry,

And I relized that you guys are the single most important thing i have as an artist.

The fact that I can bypass all of the bullshit that's out there,

And still make music is unbelievable.

And so here I am again, asking for your support

To help me fund this next album.

You can read it all below

I'm super thankful for your support all through the years

And I hope to see you guys on the road again very very soon.

For more infomation >> THE NEW ALBUM - KICKSTARTER VIDEO - Duration: 2:47.


Top 10 Times Marvel Stole From DC - Part 2 - Duration: 6:05.


Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

Sometimes coming up with your own ideas is tough.

WeÕve all borrowed a little inspiration here and there for our creative purposes.

Even if itÕs your paid job to do so.

Which is evidently the case in some comic book characters.

So letÕs take a look at the top 10 times marvel stole from Dc and this is part 2.

Please check out part 1 and pretty please check out our DC stealing from Marvel so ya

canÕt yell at me for being biased.

YouÕre still going to anyway.

In the number 10 spot we have GREEN ARROW AND HAWKEYE.

Rocking the bow and arrow long before Katniss made it cool, DCÕs Green Arrow made his debut

way back in 1941.

Then 23 years later in 1964 Marvel puts out Hawkeye, their own superhero archer.

Both of them are orphaned guys who take on the baddest foes with their trusty weapon

of choice.

Not surprising Marvel would want an archer of their own when Green Arrow was a driving

force behind DcÕs survival past the golden age.

But hey, at least one is green and the other is purple.

Coming in at number 9 is GREEN LANTERN CORP AND NOVA CORP. DCÕs green lantern corp was

introduced in 1959 as an intergalactic policing force that protects the galaxy.

MarvelÕs Nova corp was introduced in 1979 as an intergalactic policing force that protects

the galaxy.

While the GL corp hails from Oa and the Nova corp from Xandar, the groups share similarities

in rank and function.

No the idea of space police isnÕt exactly a patent, but then you get green lantern with

his power ring, and quasar with his quantum bands.


Next, at number 8 we got DARKSEID AND THANOS.

TheyÕre big, theyÕre bad, theyÕre only 3 years apart.

DCÕs Darkseid, one of Superman and the justice leagueÕs biggest villains, appeared in 1970

and MarvelÕs Thanos trailed after in 1973, were he became a central villain to guardians

of the galaxy and avengers.

Jim Starlin actually admitted to his source of inspiration here, stating he wanted to

model Thanos after Metron, but editor Roy Thomas said if he was gonna rip off a new

god, he may as well go big or go home.

In the number 7 spot is DOOM PATROL AND THE X MEN.

A team of gifted young people needing guidance and a team of gifted young people needing


The X men of Marvel made their debut in September 1963 as a group of powered mutants under the

tutelage of wheelchair-bound professor X.

But just a few months earlier, in June 1963, the Doom Patrol made their first appearance;

a group of powered youth led by a wheelchair-bound Chief.

So according to creator Arnold Drakethis may have been a blatant case of theft, or it may

just be the result of the closeness of Marvel and DC staff at the time.

Coming in at number 6 we have ATOM AND ANTMAN.

DC debuted The Atom as Ray palmer in 1961.

A few months later in 1962, Marvel debuted Ant-Man, and the similarities of smallness

are huge.

Both heroes can shrink down to tiny tiny sizes, but in order to achieve this they have to

wear special suits most times.

No, the Atom cannot do something as cool as antman communicating with ants, but both heroes

were originally scientists that figured out a way to mess with matter, and that is what


Next up, at number 5 is RED TORNADO AND VISION.

Now Marvel did have a character named vision in the 40s, but he was unrelated to the vision

that we are familiar with now.

Vision the android, created by the villainous Ultron, debuted in 1968.

But DC already had Red tornado, an android created by the villain T.O. Morrow in 1960.

Why canÕt these guys do their own dirty work, right?

Now both creations reformed to the good side and both creations are visually similar, and

when put together would make a pretty nice christmas tree.

Up next at number 4 we got DEADSHOT AND BULLSEYE.

I wanted to make a joke about these two, because you guys would never miss it.

Okay IÕm finished here.

DCÕs Deadshot first appeared in 1950 and he was an expert shot who would only miss

if he wanted to.

Marvel put out their very own expert marksman named Bullseye, and he appeared first in 1976.

And they both had to become evil somehow: their troubled childhoods and early psychopathic

tendencies are to blame for that.

In the number 3 spot, we have CLAYFACE AND SANDMAN.

Because you know what would make a terrifying villain?

Something resembling a beach.

Both DCÕs Clayface and MarvelÕs Sandman are villains to main superheores, with the

ability to turn into earthly substances and shift their bodies into different shapes.

Granted, ClayfaceÕs appearance is very different from SandmanÕs.

And he also didnÕt get his shapeshiting abilities until 1961, but that was still before Sandman

was created in 1963.

Coming in at number 2 is TIMBERWOLF AND WOLVERINE.

Not many people know this one because of timber wolfÕs decline in popularity, but before

there was MarvelÕs Wolverine, there was DcÕs Timberwolf.

Timberwolf debuted in 1964 and was a member of the legion of superheroes.

After exposure to a serum he grew werewolf-like abilities, most notably his enhanced strength

and sharp claws.

Wolverine came ten years later in 1974, and was a member of the xmen who was notable for

his enhanced strength and sharp claws.

Plus, both have a healing factor.

At least Wolvie didnÕt copy the claw shooting abilities.

And finally, in the number 1 spot we have JUSTICE LEAGUE AND AVENGERS.

ItÕs farfetched to claim that a big superhero team is a rip off of another big superhero


The teams arenÕt the copycats here; itÕs the idea and how it came to be.

The Justice society debuted in 1940 and then was reformed to the justice league of 1960.

The team was selling comics and Marvel owner martin goodman noticed; so he proposed the

idea of MarvelÕs own superhero team to Stan Lee to create.

Thus, first the fantastic 4 were made and THEN the avengers in 1963, who are now the

most prominent superhero team of Marvel.

So Marvel has some thanking to do.

So those were the top 10 times marvel stole from Dc part 2.

Let me know in the comment section down below who is better DC or marvel.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Times Marvel Stole From DC - Part 2 - Duration: 6:05.


Tyrese Wins Court Case, Granted 50/50 Custody of Daughter - Duration: 1:14.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

On Friday, Tyrese scored a big 'W' in his publicly playing out court case against his

wife, Norma Gibson, who he has been battling for custody of their 10-year-old daughter,


According to TMZ, the judge presiding over the case ruled that the former couple will

get 50/50 custody of their child, starting in January.

Also according to TMZ, the two have worked out a visitation plan that will allow the

Fast and Furious star to see Shayla during the holiday season.

As you have probably guessed by now (if you've been following this at all) this means that

the judge ruled against Norma's request for a permanent restraining order against her


Tyrese didn't have much to say as he exited the courthouse.

He did repeat several times, in what appeared to be a half-joking manner, that Michael Moore

needs to call him because he has "700 hours of footage" that documented the whole ordeal.

He followed up with that theme later on social media.

Over the past few weeks we've seen a lot of drama in this case, from Tyrese blaming The

Rock for his monetary woes and family problems, to Tyrese going to the hospital for chest

pains after leaving the courthouse, to Tyrese making an emotional plea that he later said

was caused by a bad reaction to prescription medications.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Tyrese Wins Court Case, Granted 50/50 Custody of Daughter - Duration: 1:14.


The Ending Of Justice League Explained - Duration: 5:46.

Justice League, the latest installment in the DCEU, is here, and there's plenty to unpack

once the two hour super-slugfest has ended.

We've got tons of classic characters finally making their real debuts, we've got teases

for future movies in the franchise — we've got the Flash falling down a lot and Batman

cracking jokes.

"What are your super powers again?"

"I'm rich."

What more could you want?

Well, how about an explanation as to what that ending was about?

Without further ado, let's take a dive into the cinematic waters and explain the ending

of Justice League.

And just in case you were wondering: spoilers ahead.

Steppenwolf steps out

So the Justice League has finally made its way to the big screen.

DC Comics' biggest and best superhero team has formed, and they've teamed up to fight

the classic comics villain...Steppenwolf.

Yes, everyone's favorite bad guy, Steppenwolf.

Wait, you never heard of Steppenwolf?

Well, don't worry.

Most folks haven't.

To be honest, even most comic book nerds would be hard pressed to tell you who, exactly,

Steppenwolf is.

All you really need to know is that he's one of the less exciting henchpeople serving under

one of DC's biggest bad guys, Darkseid, who rules over the crappy planet Apokolips.

When Steppenwolf got mobbed by his own Parademon soldiers at the end of the movie, he boom

tubed his way off of Earth.

Where'd he go?

Well, there's a good bet he went back home to tell Darkseid that he'd failed to turn

Earth into a new version of Apokolips with the three Mother Boxes.

Speaking of which...

New New Genesis

It's never quite clear what, exactly the three Mother Boxes are going to do to Earth once

they...well, once they whatever it is they were doing before Cyborg and Superman split

them apart.

But the comics that inspired elements of the movie might hold some clues.

While Darkseid and Steppenwolf hang out on the dank, always-engulfed-in-flames planet

of Apokolips, they're also at war with their opposite: New Genesis.

For those who don't know, New Genesis is basically the jam, and everyone there is super happy

all the time.

In short: New Genesis is good, Apokolips is bad.

Anyway, it's heavily implied that Steppenwolf's plan to merge the three Mother Boxes would

result in Earth becoming a new version of Apokolips for Darkseid to rule over.

And when Cyborg and Superman separated the three Mother Boxes, the area surrounding the

climactic battle bloomed to life with strange, alien flowers.

There isn't a whole lot of information to help us understand what, exactly, happened

there at the end.

But could it be that separating the boxes had the opposite effect?

Maybe instead of Earth turning into a New Apokolips, we instead got a glimpse of New

New Genesis...or maybe the filmmakers just wanted to make that crummy area around the

nuclear reactor look nice after the super people got done punching each other.

Either one.

A league of their own

The very end of the movie saw the return of Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, not to mention

the first movie appearance of Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke.

When the two meet up on Luthor's yacht, the bald nerd says that he'd like to establish

a league of his own.

And yes, you're not wrong to think he's making reference to everyone's favorite movie about

ladies playing baseball in the '40s — but he's not.


In fact, he's referring to a group of supervillains who, in the comics, would band together to

try and take over the world from time to time.

These bad guys have gone through plenty of different rosters and names over the years:

the Injustice League, the Injustice Gang, the Legion of Doom, One Direction — we don't

know which name they'll pick when they make their return in future DCEU films.

But they'll have plenty of heroes to fight.

Room for more?

Near the very end credits, Bruce, Diana, and Alfred take a tour of the dilapidated old

Wayne Manor and start planning their new Justice League clubhouse — or Hall of Justice, if

you will.

Bruce mentions a big round table with six seats, while Diana adds, "with room for more."

Naturally, this implies that more superpowered folks will be joining the DCEU soon.

It's probably a bit too soon to say who, exactly, will add their chairs to the table, we do

have some clues.

For instance, Warner Bros. has a Shazam! movie in the works, not to mention another run at

adapting the Green Lantern characters to the big screen.

There are plenty of DC characters who will supposedly join the members of the Justice

League at the big table in the not so distant future.

Well, probably.

Now, while we're on that subject, let's discuss...

The future of the DCEU

While Justice League will certainly earn a whole lot of money for Warner Bros., there

are larger questions at work regarding the future of the DC Extended Universe.

For instance, out of the five movies that comprise the cinematic universe, only one

— Wonder Woman — managed to earn a certified fresh rating from review aggregator Rotten


Like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Suicide Squad before it, Justice League's

score on the site points to an overall consensus that critics just don't really like the movie


While fans of the DCEU might not put much stock in what the critics have to say, general

audiences might start staying away from DC-based movies in the future, and that will hurt Warner

Bros.' ability to continue expanding its cinematic universe.

In fact, news hit shortly before Justice League premiered that WB's execs have put production

of the Flash's long-delayed solo movie on pause while they wait to see what happens

with its team-up film.

And there's a Joker-focused movie in the works that will apparently be separate from the

current slate of interconnected movies.

The implications are clear: Warner Bros. is hedging its bets, and might not be all that

committed to delivering on the teases that show up in Justice League at all.

After all, the end of Dark Knight Rises sure seemed to indicate that there was plenty of

room for another batch of movies starring a new guy as Batman.

And DC even tried once before Man of Steel to kickstart its cinematic universe with Green

Lantern — and we all remember how that turned out.

"I know, right?"

Just because we're five movies deep doesn't mean that Warner Bros. will keep the DCEU

alive — at least not in its current form.

It's already got several different interconnected superhero universes going on network TV, all

while these movies with the same characters played by different actors are competing for

fans' affection.

In the end, Warner Bros. doesn't need to keep this universe alive, and if the bad reviews

start to actually affect ticket sales, it probably won't.

Then again, we're still getting Fast and the Furious movies despite half of them being

certified you never know.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love too.

For more infomation >> The Ending Of Justice League Explained - Duration: 5:46.


Çukur 5. Bölüm 2. Fragman Analizi (Yamaç'tan Efsane Ters Köşe ) - Duration: 2:01.


For more infomation >> Çukur 5. Bölüm 2. Fragman Analizi (Yamaç'tan Efsane Ters Köşe ) - Duration: 2:01.


Meet Miss Universe Bulgaria 2017 Nikoleta Todorova - Duration: 0:40.

My passion is modeling. My dream was to compete in Miss Universe and to represent my country, Bulgaria.

When I was four years old, my mother and father taught me how to be a model.

They taught me everything I know now.

When I left to come here my parents said that I'm the winner and they love me.

That's enough for me, to be the winner for them.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss Universe Bulgaria 2017 Nikoleta Todorova - Duration: 0:40.


Stunning Photos Show Disgusting Things NCAA Champion Basketball Teams Just Did To Trump. - Duration: 4:42.

Stunning Photos Show Disgusting Things NCAA Champion Basketball Teams Just Did To Trump.

This past week at the White House, President Trump and his staffers and associates hosted

the winners of the NCAA championship.

He took the opportunity to meet with members of the team from Pennsylvania State and threw

a red, white, and blue volleyball up in the air.

Also in attendance was the Ohio State University men's team.

President Trump took a special moment to take a picture with Maryland lacrosse player Dylan

Maltz whose originally from Ashburn, Virginia.

In the picture, Maltz is seen where a tie celebrating President Trump's 2016 presidential


However, despite all the festivities, there were some notable absences.

The men's basketball team from the University of North Carolina and the women's basketball

team from South Carolina were not in attendance.

The Daily Mail reported the following,

"Trump jovially met with other NCAA teams on the South Lawn and various rooms of the

White House in their absence on Friday.

With the Utah skiing team, he contorted his pointer fingers and thumbs into a 'U'

shape for their photo together.

He and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos prayed with the Oklahoma Women's Softball Team

in the White House's East Room.

A lot of great athletes,' he told the Maryland Women's lacrosse team, jesting that the

men and women of the school – both of whom were at the top of their respective divisions

– should play each other.

In the Red Room of the White House, the president plugged the Second Amendment as he met the

West Virginia Rifle team.

'Second Amendment, right?

Save the Second Amendment!' the president said.

He also commented that West Virginia has a 'great governor' and is 'doing well.'

The state's Democratic governor, Jim Justice, announced a party switch to Republican at

a Trump rally in the state this past August."

Because North Carolina and South Carolina were not present it meant that neither of

the NCAA basketball champions were present as they had actually won.

The Tarheels had released a statement indicating they were fine with going but could not agree

on a date with the White House.

The statement revealed the following by spokesman Steve Kirschner,

"We tried about eight or nine dates and between they couldn't work out that date,

we couldn't work out that date, so – we would have liked to have gone, but not going."

However, their coach Roy Williams had indicated that when the team won the championship in

2005 that the administration under George W. Bush did not invite them for a solo event.

But instead an event similar to the one hosted by President Trump that was in the style of

a cattle call.

Yet in 2009 the team did attend the White House when President Obama was in office.

It seems the problem is not a date or an invitation but the person who is president.

Because they have no problem attending when a Democrat is in office but they do when there

is a Republican in office.

Williams had publicly disparaged President Trump saying,

"You know, our president tweets out more bulls*** than anybody I've ever seen,."

Indicating that it is, in fact, the President and not the date the team and coach have a

problem with.

The women's team from South Carolina took a somewhat similar but unique stance when

they refused to come because it took the White House six months to extend an invitation.

Gamecocks Coach Dawn Staley told the Associated Press the following in September,

"We haven't gotten an invitation yet and that in itself speaks volumes.

It's what it stands for.

It's what national champions do.

We did hear from the White House about attending tomorrow's event, but we will not be able

to attend.

As I've been saying since our practices for this season started, all of our focus

is on the season ahead.

The only invitation we are thinking about is to the 2018 NCAA Tournament."

Sports are meant to be a time of happiness and continuity.

A time for people to come together and forget all that divides us and enjoy themselves.

Yet sports have been disrupted over the last year from their intended and original purpose

and it is extremely upsetting.

No longer can you turn on the television to watch a simple football game without it turning

political, the very thing you are trying to escape when watching a game.

It's high time to leave politics to the real politicians and sports to the players.

When we seem them intermingle it is never a good result.

Especially more recently and when it comes to football.

Even though it is not their job it is abundantly clear that it is not the White House, Congress,

or the Senate playing politics but these amateur sporting professionals.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news if you agree they are trying to make a political statement about

their invitation.

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Stunning Photos Show Disgusting Things NCAA Champion Basketball Teams Just Did To Trump. - Duration: 4:42.


Escalavrado em Teresópolis Trilha Completa. - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Escalavrado em Teresópolis Trilha Completa. - Duration: 8:09.


Meet Miss USA 2017 Kára McCullough - Duration: 1:01.

The journey to becoming a scientist actually started at a young age.

I was rummaging through the trash room in our living quarters in Wasaga, Japan.

And came across this awesome science kit.

Unknowingly I fell in love with science, and I fell in love with independence.

And I fell in love with discovering new things.

As Miss USA I've had the opportunity to do a school tour with the Department of Education in New York.

One thing I always tell the children is that you are the cream of the crop.

You are unique and you are the ones that are trailblazing for your peers.

One of my biggest passions is truly just encouraging children

and reminding them that persistence is always going to outweigh talent.

One of my biggest passions does lie in

teaching girls the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

And how it can open your mind, your imagination and even your life to so many career opportunities.

For more infomation >> Meet Miss USA 2017 Kára McCullough - Duration: 1:01.


Meet Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2017 Christina Peiris - Duration: 1:00.

Growing up I was always told by my grandparents and my parents just to be patient.

My father always said, "let others win the hundred meters and you win the marathon."

I currently have my clothing brand which is a humanitarian brand.

Where I donate a percent of my profits to the cancer home in Sri Lanka.

My mom passed away when I was 13 to cancer and my grandma and my grandfather.

I lost all three of them to cancer.

That's why I kind of wanted to contribute to the cause because it had a big impact on my life.

I knew how hard it was for us as a family to afford the hospital bills.

I do want to help, not only patients but their families as a whole.

To cope with everything that they have been through.

One message that I would give the whole world, is what i've been taught from a very young age is to love.

To love one another from family members to friends.

To strangers you see on the street.

I think everybody needs to be loved.

To give love and to receive love, is the most important thing that people need to do.

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