Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

Hey everyone ! It's Rom here !

I'm the one running the Weegeetnik channel, and also the RomWatt channel.

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe, by the way.

Anyway, I wanted to make a quick, but important update video.

You see, you're probably aware about the YouTube Adpocalypse going on right now...

...and that I have to do important IRL duties, you know ?

Finding a real job and all that... boring stuff.

Causing me to not have a lot of time to spend on my content and such...

I can safely say I've known better times, yeah.

So, because of my situation, I have long thought about it... (sorry for the mispronunciation) now, I think it's time to finally reveal it.

Here's my Patreon.

And before we go any further, I've got to admit to you...

...I don't really feel very fine about having to beg for other people's money, but... see, if I want to become a full-time content creator on the Internets, I don't really feel like I have the choice right now.

So, at $1/month, there's no real reward, this is the bare minimum service...

...this is for all the people who would like to support their favourite content creators for not too much...

...and who doesn't really care about the rewards.

However, at $2/month, this is getting interesting !

Because you get access to screenshots and previews of my WIPs, and also... my Discord server !

And at $5/month, you get early access to my completed videos before their public release online !

There's no big reward for the moment, because I don't want to put any more pressure on myself, and...

...well, I have to spend my time on otherwise "more important" things, you know... (I have to look for a job, remember ?)

But still, I will try to do my best to provide you with new videos and other types of content.

Don't forget to check out the links in the description below...

...and to follow me on the social media to stay up to date.

For now, I'll try to work as much as I can to get a new, big video, released for Christmas.

And of course, please consider supporting me on Patreon at

The link is here onscreen, and is also in the description below, and will be at the end of the video.

Thank you everyone for watching, and see you next time !

Ba-bye !

*le awkward moment*

I'm not very good at vlogging, am I ?

Okay, cu-

For more infomation >> MY PATREON IS HERE ! - Duration: 2:46.


পটুয়াখালীর রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপ ধরার অভিযানে দেখা মিললো বিরল প্রজাতীর সাপ !! Flying snakes - Duration: 11:10.

Snake catching by Abdur razzak biswas in different place in Patuakhali Bangladesh got found a rare indian flying snake

For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালীর রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস এর সাপ ধরার অভিযানে দেখা মিললো বিরল প্রজাতীর সাপ !! Flying snakes - Duration: 11:10.



the most basic human emotions

dictate your economic decisions

I like to buy I love it and you eat or

we are rational calculators that

we watch over our interests and only

it's like believing that pigs can

fly an implacable scientific debate

with consequences in the real world

talking about the speed at which it is

changing the 2008 crisis to the market

almost the world economy crumbles a

million in investments spoiled

the crack is very important it does not have

explanation in the discipline of

economy is an insult an insult without

foundation a series of experiments

incredible reveals that it was not any

surprise was promoted by the

psychology our behavior

it seems strange when it comes to

money is a force is irresistible

but not everyone agrees

the realization that people feel

and suffers does not mean anything I have

open material that is the price that

happens when two forces collide so

powerful with the feelings follows

moving the markets


well prepared we are facing a

innovative experiment that questions

all our ideas about money

who wants to bet on the auction of a

20 dollar bill one dollar

eidos dollars someone said 23 of

Knight of the Background 4

someone says 5 today 2 556 the rules

are very simple the highest bidder is

will take the $ 20 bill but

there is a cat locked

the second highest bidder does not take anything

but you will have to pay the last

amount that you have wagered

I've heard 2020 it's surprising two

bid participants well above the

nominal value 26 26 27 27 at unah 28


someone says 29-28 the one because

would happen to someone over 20 dollars

for a 20 dollar bill 20

dollars sold for 28 dollars at


a group of scientists called

veja violists believe they know the answer

now is when it comes out and closes again

point to that when it comes to taking

decisions related to money

lamented is irrational

we have observed a great variety of

Ways to get away from rationality

people do not use the information

that they say they should

use instead in the other

information that they had

seemed crazy used to measure

the temperature of your skin

the notion that people can

behave irrationally when there

money through

maybe it's not a radical idea without

But he questions the philosophy

dominant economic that has conformed

business and state policies

during the last five decades

the intellectual core of this

philosophy is found here in the

university of chicago of this campus

more Nobel prizes have come out

economy than of any other

institution in the world almost all

they share a basic reasoning

when it comes to money

we are enormously rational beings is one

of the great advocates of this idea

is to follow and to want the theory more

supported that exists and that I believe that

is the most respected of the sciences

social is that of the economy as a

rational behavior theory from

an individual level and that's the theory

more reliable what is the

economy john copper teacher of the

University of Chicago is another great

follower of this rational model of the

economy as we do it in the first

instead we focus on people and on

how they behave in their behavior

or here they want how he gets it

this model came to light 200 years ago

years of the father of the economy

Adam Smith in his book the wealth of

nations is of initial form of

address the economy remember how

newton and galileo approached physics

I treat some of the basic ideas and

that for example that people who

they watch over their own interests fit

perfectly in the markets can

generate fantastic results

So what did Adam Smith mean?

with a rational behavior and that

watch over your own interests

think of an average citizen today in

day is continuously calculating from

what form can your wealth increase

Adam Smith said that rational people

and then there is what is a very

limited rationality

before making any purchase that

The average citizen calculates exactly

value of things whether it's about

take a taxi or buy more shares

his goal is not to have to pay even a

cent more than necessary and although

has feelings

they never deviate from their own

financial interests for adam smith

the individuals that behave in a

rational constitute an invisible hand

that keeps the economy stable

world but Adam smith did not eat everything

getting some conclusions that results

very modern and over the years

the economists have been modifying but

he contributed the original vision have

elapsed two centuries and the economy

it has become a discipline

rigorous once the

organized behavior markets

in which people interact

we will understand the predictions that

formulates that model for the facts


now it is possible to see reflected in

precise mathematical equations the

smith's ideas about how the

rational people make decisions

financial after the second war

{0}world.{/0} {1} {/1}

if you wanted them to take seriously you had

to argue everything mathematically to

principle the economy consisted of

study the decisions made by the

valuable rational people for

try to get rich and now it turns out

that it is possible to suggest a way

smart to translate it mathematically

today these mathematical models

they are the main tools

used by economists to give

way to the policies that affect us

all from interest rates

marked by the government at the levels

of taxes or even the loan that

Can you give us a bank

critics of javier istes consider

that these models are leading to

extreme the approaches of adam smith

brad pitt has forged the idea of

that people do the calculations

endless with some databases

immense the main model of

consumer behavior gives

for sure we never buy anything without

calculate the consequences that you can

have for example in our fund of

pensions and we are good at

math we use types of

interest to compute what will be

our degree of enjoyment after a

purchase and that comes to that means that

I have interest rates in my head

that's what I mean with the models

they need a coherent response from

all individuals

National economists recognize that

deep down people do not realize these

calculations but it has a way of

protect yourself well-known the theory of

as if textbooks win today

about economics do not say that people

behaves like that they say that people

it behaves as if they were doing it

We are assuming that in the world

real people really do those


it is simply say that they behave

as if I did

the economist leaves violist richard

tyler is not entirely convinced for

defend this theory of economics

the experts established a

comparison with the big players

of villa

they may not know anything about physics or

trigonometry but they play like it's

on the contrary it is ridiculous

let's make an easy hit

I probably get it right

an expert is able to do it and I

as well.

but suppose I want to put that

ball in this hole is

trigonometry and I know the angles

who needed an expert would not have

no problem but for me it is a

very complicated blow


or almost most of the time not

we are expert players of villar

when people face big

problems makes failures within

all national models are

finds unwavering faith in the

free markets


the idea is to keep the

interference of standards and

government both in the daily market of

consumption as in the giants with

Wall street markets

national economists believe that the

increase in wealth around the world

during the last 30 years

it's a triumph of free markets in

instead of billions of people

they got out of extreme poverty

I mean to have only one

dollar or two a day

the agent got out of the

poverty that is happening wall street

then the 2008 crash occurs

investors claim not to have seen

nothing the same

the bags plummet more than 40%

down jones runners watch

stunned the figures is not surprising

the financial agents comment that their

customers are nervous and expectant

to see how far down to the bag and

Seeming financial behavior

and rational is the order of the day

let's analyze the speed at which

the market is deteriorating

destroyed 14 trillion dollars

invested by Americans has

been an aesthetic here on wall street

the danger took over the markets

the bag has suffered one of its worst

days in many of the agents

financiers should imagine what in

another time it would seem impossible from

the great depression we have not seen the


the global economy stagnates I feel

chills when remembering that suddenly

everything stopped

the consequences would be unimaginable

Hungry wars or high conflicts

unemployment rates

we are analyzing the banks

electronically the world go back and

hacienda night maybe more chaos

seems to scuttle several decades

of economistic thinking

most economists do not

I had predicted what a blur

for the economy and a negative point

for the markets

this market has taken five years in

climb now has dropped 40 percent

in a week with the crash

the crack that separates the rationalists

of Javier's lists is made more


we are talking about an armageddon


that collapse is very important

because a lot of the behavior that

we came to him he does not have a

explanation in the discipline of


I'm sorry but it's an empty argument is

an insult an unfounded insult

I do not see it as a failure of the

economy but you need a head of

Turkish and economists have always been

the scapegoats are

used to see who is right

we are rational with regard to

money or maybe our feelings and

our psychology play a role

much more important than what

we thought well let's start with the


let's start for example from the auction of the

20 dollar bill sold for 28 a

dollar that today 22 23 in the world

rational nobody would pay 28 dollars for

a 20 dollar bill 5 for the

66 horse pay more than what is worth

something can not report any interest

financial to nobody

this auction is a key experiment

for the economists of javier lists

is designed to be a trap and it is

a trap into which you fall voice do not think

a couple of steps ahead 11 11 12

what makes bets do not stop

up is the emotional desire to win 14

15 15 oy of 2020 and the fear of being the

loser makes the bets go up

even more 23 24

and then you play to see who is the

more chickens 27 27 828 20 dollars

sold for 28 dollars to the gentleman and

you 27 dollars

there is none of those present will want

Play again


this auction may seem like a

situation very far from day to day

but the people who are outside the room

he would behave so irrationally

We have asked the buyers of a

mall that they would prefer

receive $ 100 within a year or

102 within a year and one day I stay

with 102 in a year and a day at 102


one day I 102 could expect a

day more

I am I agree the difference is

minimum I 102 in a year and a day

as of today everyone has taken the

rational decision is a day later

of a year waiting and in the ejido the

greater amount then they have been

asked what would you prefer 100 dollars

today $ 102 tomorrow what the

majority constitutes the choice

rational that they would have responded to the

100 dollars right now I 100

dollars today the 100 dollars today I the

100 dollars today the desire for a

immediate reward 100 dollars today

wins the game to your interests


there is something called the present bias

and is that if we have the

action of having something immediately

It becomes a great temptation

according to the economists of javi edges

this bias could explain why

we save less than we should

in addition there are other psychological forces

that influence our decisions


We have a bottle of wine here

the following experiment is asked of the

students who bid for a bottle of

came the rationalist economy suggests

who calculated their value carefully

but before starting the bid they are

ask them to write on both of their pages

last digits of your card the

Healthcare System

surprisingly coincides that those

who bid higher for the bottle of

wine are those whose last two

Social security figures were more

high without realizing they have left

influence for a child totally

irrelevant from network offers example

perfectly illustrates the anchor are

mambo people will remain anchored in a

any random number like the

last two digits of your card

social security is a force almost

irresistible is this kind of

experiments lets you see cracks in

the budgets that underlie the

rationalist economy lion

economists deal with people in the

real world and a difference between the

laboratory and the real world

these experiments are very interesting

but to what extent is it possible to use

the data we get in the

laboratory to understand how it

involves people in the real world and

then we should check if these

data explain the phenomenon has happened

in the world market

for some economists how crane does not

it matters if the individuals

Sometimes they act against their interests

financial resources, as long as most

act rationally with money

most of the time there is no other

where this concept is more

important that here in the bag of

new york where the financial agents

buy and sell shares


their decisions make prices

rise and fall creating wealth for

some investors and losses

financial for others

richard rosenblatt has been 30 years

practicing here as a stockbroker

ok we leave it there grace reds

Be careful.

when I started the technology it

practically reduced the lights and

phones and yet work

it is still the same to try to anticipate

the following movements of the bag

in the next seconds or minutes and

make your business decisions according to

the changes that occur and if I have

reason and bought an action before

another person deciding that that action

is below its price

get a benefit

nowadays the stock exchange is a

more link of the immense machinery

global financial markets

technology facilitates the realization

of transactions around the world

changed two dollars with profits

we have 15 purchase

the company nike trade and is one of the

that more presence has in the parquet

of all the world

the agents buy and sell everything

foreign exchange and commodity shares

like gold oil

I have open material that is the

price 8 dollars 2 above sells and

As suggested by Adam Smith

the agents compete here fiercely

to accumulate as much as possible

of money for their clients and for them


you want to win and everyone moves us every

day our competitive nature

As the day progresses, the

tension and noise of people

I'm not very excited and I see someone

next to me who is busier than me

and that makes me put the batteries

ask the final amount that the

uncle of the 38,000 has gone up 50 of xm

for a buyer 23 90% why is it

important what happens in places like


Most of us use products

financial as mortgages mutual funds

the companies that sell us these

products invest our money in

the financial markets to get

more money



if financial agents get

benefits for these companies

then they could offer us mortgages

cheaper and higher profits in the


the result a matrix of money that does not

interconnects everyone

It is built on a model

economic that says that much of the

time most of us and the

most of the agents we behave

in a rational way but and if this model

of human behavior was wrong

the shares have reached maximums today

It's the best dow jones day in years

everything indicates that in 2005 the economy

successful rationalist

the times are favorable, they are from

several years ago there is a market

very powerful real estate

Many believe that this boom will last

the profits have multiplied almost

for eight our economic horizon

he had never looked so prosperous

who is inside the market

real estate vigo a kind of fever

of gold

the economist robert shiller is shown

skeptical people gave me the impression

that there was complacency and a great

feeling of normality as if it were

impossible that it was a mistake

believes that the boom is a mirage

meanwhile the real estate market

has reached new heights and prices

never seen

there is something that concerns you specifically the

housing housing prices

have been climbing for several decades

6% rhythm per year

in 2005 the increase in some areas was

of 25 percent were anomalous data

the idea that the price of housing

would not stop going up he made people

I thought I had found the best

investment of all possible

thousands of people have approached this

exhibition with the hope of learning

to turn personal wealth into

investment they have made or furniture

Robert Shiller believes that the United States

is being panicked

irrational July has been the month more

fickle story I told him a

probable correction to the downside what

it would cause a huge financial collapse

great that same summer alert about

the possible dangers

the economist Robert Shiller has just

pull out a new book titled

irrational exuberance

we have entered into a kind of state

mental in which we are excited because

prices rise steadily

this is called irrational exuberance

national economists ignore their

warnings that means exuberance

irrational is a beautiful neologism for

talk about the situation in which the

prices are higher than you

Schiller thinks they should be big

boats is a friend of mine and is a pessimist

recalcitrant about prices is


the debate about whether the

rise in the price of housing is the

result of panic or a calculation

rational yesterday candles were not being

irrational the salaries will be each

lower times

just as the interest rates took

a rational decision about everything

thinking that prices will continue

increasing over time

financial institutions share the

certainty that the price of housing

continue to increase offer mortgages

unusual to date and the

main responsible for the country

they show their optimism


the American economy has suffered

similar episodes previously without

experience a reduction

significant in the national average of

prices of housing prices

of housing have increased close to one

25 percent in the last two years

this increase reflects the firm

low economic fundamentals

this trust is not simply a

shared hunch but that is

based on the models of the economy

rationalist widely accepted it

elaborated thinking that people

would act as a calculator that

he would study his income and the risks

who would seek balance in 2005

the economic models start from the

idea that consumers calculate at

detail your mortgages

economists believe that no

we should worry about people

get into mortgages up to 95 or the

100% or in risky mortgages because

they will only be granted those mortgages

if they have done all the calculations

relevant in place as the

prices increase many consumers are

they add mortgages that they can not afford

and get into debt based on the assumption

increasing value of their homes


how is it possible that there were so many people

willing to take that risk


researchers from the University of

stanford have a possible answer

initially his investigation did not

it has nothing to do with money nor

they are even carrying out some



a group of psychologists employs some

powerful brain scans for

explore the mysteries of the mind

human especially emotions

I started to investigate the brain because

he was interested in emotions and had

that there is something that will allow us

control gas

the bryant psychologist that they are not

proposes to discover to what extent the

emotions affect an old area of

our brain that we share with

many animals even with the

lizards the further down you

find the brain area

further back in time we go back

in their evolution humans still

we have these subcortical areas in what

deep brain

this part of the brain is named

of nucleus accumbens and is activated by

the most basic human needs

for survival has a lot

sense that natural rewards

like food or active sex in this

circuit that drives you to try

get those rewards

this part of the brain plays a

crucial function in cases of

Drug addiction

moved by curiosity bryant tries

find what other things they can quote

as much as the possibility of

get sex and drugs

so he asks people to

I imagined that you are about to receive

money as soon as we start mentioning

the money

we detect a very reliable activation in

these circuits of emotions made

that meant that said

circuits were not only activated before the

sex drugs and food but he

but the money also I got it

and with great intensity

it is possible that the fact that a

old area of ​​our brain that

active because of money explained that

some of the frantic

agent behaviors

financial and consumer

during the real estate boom


the increase in the price of housing

is an example of a phenomenon called

speculative bubble according to which the

prices of a financial good are

they shoot suddenly and increase

non stop

Robert Shiller believes that what

fosters is the emotional enthusiasm what

what happens is that as the

bubble every time more people enter

she and they do it moved by envy

of those who boast without any

shame saying I won more

money that you with your work in all the

last year for a while one thinks

it can not be but then it trains you

the best I was wrong

maybe I should do it too

and the real engine are the emotions


this link with emotions is what

that makes many economists

nationalists reject the idea of



before I thought I knew the meaning of

bubble word but I think that I no longer


I canceled my subscription to diego no mls

because the word bubble appeared three

times on each page and I think it's

totally free without meaning

the bubbles sound like something innocuous but

the financial journalist and sting fox has

studied its history and has discovered

what happens when the first

financial bubble affected something

totally unexpected in the decade

1630 and the Netherlands

people bought and sold bulbs

tulips a true madness was lived

hundreds of craftsmen closed their

workshops and there would be business

florists how he called himself

in the background they were merchants of bulbs

of tulips that constituted a

true financial market

the price of the principals of the

the Netherlands increased to such an extent

that a bulb that bread came to

have a value equivalent to that of all

a house for three years the price of

the tulip bulbs increased from

exponential way until doing it from

exorbitant way some writings

they collect that almost half of all

income of the Dutch economy

came from trade related to

the tulips for many historians

that was the first real example of a

financial bubble even if it were about

Tulipanas people bought them but not

because they like tulips but

because they believed that the price was

going up and they could resell them to a

top price on February 5 thousand

637 nobody wanted to buy the octopus anymore

expensive from the netherlands and between

investors in tulips spread the

panic broke out at that moment because

the prices started to fall followed

falling and then one thinks already I knew

I that tulips could not be worth

so much better that I leave here

sooner and then the whole world what

leaves and the great calla is produced

prices plummeted and the

most relevant citizens are

they found in bankruptcy

it took a whole

generation so that the economy

Dutch will recover

since then many have been generated

bubbles and there have been many

crashes the most famous took place not

does so much

the year 1929 began with optimism the

prices of the stock market takes

many years of continuous increases and in the

year 29 the rebound was noticeable the

1920s decade was a great decade

from the economic point of view the

economy was buoyant

the industry also and towards the last

stretch the financial markets let's say

that they went from reflecting is the only one

practically create it

the boom spread everywhere to

the end of the decade there was a

feeling of a new era

the most observers talked about

Febrile emotions when thousands of

investors paid exorbitant prices

by the actions of the so-called crazy

24 years old

the stock market witnessed the

development of a huge bubble

many people thought that there would be no end

but then on October 29 the

prices plummeted suddenly and

began to breathe an atmosphere of

tension and from me to more than 9,000 banks

Americans went bankrupt

disappear the savings of millions of


that led to a depression that lasted

more than ten months in the decade of

thirties and reached a rate of

unemployment of 25 per slow the people are

showed very optimistic in the decade

20 and very negative in the 30's

it was an event triggered by a

change in the mentality of the people

the vision that emotions have

the ability to encourage or discourage

economy became wisdom

conventional of the decade of the 30

through the work of the famous

British economist John Maynard

keynes there is a new danger that

significantly increase the cost of living

the best-known appointment of fein is that the

market could remain

irrational longer than what one

can stay solvent james affirmed

that emotions could cause

the prices increases I know neither

collapsed and that to protect the

economy of these dangerous bubbles

governments should regulate

strictly the markets

however he could never explain with

accuracy in what it consisted

mechanism that never exceeded the stage

blurry never came to develop a

Mathematical model set out

for that reason james received the rejection

of the profession in block

now after the crisis of the year 2008 the

economists let violists strive

for doing what you want, he did not succeed

make show precisely in what way

Emotions influence prices

his ideas are so influential that

even experiments are carried out

about behavior in the

University of Chicago traditionally

fief of the economy

is in one of them is explored a

mysterious psychological bias

we are interested to know how much you would pay for

this terminal is asked the students

imagine the price of a

consumer article a thermos with a

precious garnet color first they are

question how much would they be willing to

pay to think about it a few seconds and

then write the maximum amount

that they would be willing to pay for

this thermos offer an average of 6


let's see we have six beautiful as

we hope to distribute them we will distribute them

salazar and then give them a

identical thermo in exchange for nothing

an hour later they are asked

how much they would be willing to sell it

in the theory of economics

rationalist the price should be

exactly the same

after all the value has not changed

however the average price they ask

for the thermos now is 9 dollars if

I would like to sell the thermos now that it is

your would go up is the price

Now it seems a little more special

because it is an object that I find

useful more opinions I've had the

lucky that I got this term and

how that is important to me

Your goal prizes the emotional pleasure of

own something for only one hour

has caused the price to go up by 50



it's an unexpected rise suggesting

that we are not aware of the

emotions that encourage this

behavior in harvard

researchers explore the impact

financial of these useful influences

the head of the team is Jennifer

I am a social psychologist

clinical psychologist I do not dedicate myself to

individual sessions or therapies

that carried out experiments in a


my conclusion is that to a large extent not

we are aware that it is what we

influences when making a decision

lerner explores all kinds of emotions

Today is the turn of sadness and

impact that it has on the

financial decisions

we will start by placing these two sensors

they measure the sweat response for this

experiment is designed to induce

emotions at such a low level that

the subjects are not aware that

you feel comfortable

researchers use sensors to

follow the physiological effects of


We are ready to pick up the first

saliva sample from the data of the

heart and breathing until the

hormones contained in saliva are

It deals with the physiological vice of

study subjects when we asked

that they feel that they relax listening

music for example and in that way

we can observe how they are in a

neutral situation

then we use that data

to compare what happens is found

in the middle of a financial situation



among other activities our subjects

of study they see a scene of a

sad movie

they do not know it but this triggers

a basic level of sadness in them

the sensors reveal the change

emotional are making decisions but

they are totally oblivious to how it is

influencing the sadness on them

when we asked them their answer

have been affected in some way by

the images you have seen respond

that it is not time to perform the test

financially the subjects are asked to

perform a series of actions


next they are asked how much

they would pay for a consumer product

in this case a bottle of water

Jennifer Lerner compares the lessons of

these individuals with those of a group of

people who have not seen the video with

sad images

here we have the example of a subject of

study in neutral state

this guy is telling us that he

like to buy the bottle two

dollars and 50 cents

that contrasts with these data that are

a subject in a sad state

according to which is willing to

pay 10 dollars to get the

water bottle

this is very representative of what

we see in the value increases when we are

sad if sadness can push

the people to pay four times more for

a bottle of water that happens when the

bet is greater have been made

experiments that large amounts of

common money dollars for example and

we have discovered that the results

be growing even talking

of important figures

if emotions influence prices

from an individual level

What about the markets and the

large-scale economies

according to the rationalist economy to

these are driven by self-interest


However, Robert Shiller thinks that

is missing something obvious the

human beings are empathic animals

exceptionally empathetic not only

we are communicating ideas but

we are communicating emotions

that's what empathy means

it is not the same as compassion

it means to feel the same thing I know what

you are experiencing yourself because the

feeling that you have also

It's in my body

there is a hot real estate market in

the country if robert shiller is right

could empathy explain how the

hyper optimism of the market

real estate was transmitted to the

financial markets in the manner of a

cold solution

the real estate market has grown and has

reached an unusual price between

professional financial agents

the idea that moods

influences the park, it is assumed that

the market is a compendium of how

imagine the future thousands of people

if those people are optimistic about the

future the market rises and if people are

pessimistic about the future to the market


at the end the question what does the

market is people are optimistic or


and that's a psychological question the

feelings are still moving the

markets it is commented that the bubble does not

it will burst that it can increase in size

to the rationalists the emotions do not

constitute an explanation about the

functioning of markets and

confirmation that people feel and

Suffering does not mean anything you want

ensure that markets have gone up

because people have been carried away in

mass for emotions but that's not

means nothing

that tells us the situations that

will cause markets to rise or fall

one serves as a scientific theory

the certainty of the nationalists is

based on the mathematical model that

used to understand the markets



it is called the hypothesis of

efficient markets and indicates that

financial markets act

fundamentally like a gigantic

calculator processing efficiently

all the relevant information to more

speed than any individual

this means that it would not have greater

importance if some agents

financial institutions will be carried away by

emotions the efficient markets and the

irrational behavior are not


as long as there are enough people

rational to keep prices at

border on the markets model

efficient markets themselves

are rationalist and the

prices can not be wrong in

no time

This model was invented by Eugene

fame is a very good model and any

of your applications you get a result

excellent created a lot of confusion and

still persists today the

confusion still persists today because

for many vex violists this theory

implies that financial markets

they should be and very is the thought

critical or control

the theory is that we have to look

in the markets as if they were oracles

when the market rises we have to

ask us what is trying

say today the wisdom of the market by

If markets are efficient there is no

a real need for a government since

the market itself will make sure that

the prices always correspond with

its right price

the nationalists do not believe in the

regulation but believe that the

markets will launch their own

risk management mechanism and so

has been

the first was invented here in the

mercantile market of chicago where the

financial agents handle

continuously exorbitant amounts of


he worked as an agent phil irons and

I trade with my own money between 50 and

100 contracts at the same time ie

contracts of between 50 and 100 million



here the agents earn money

offering to the security people

against risk including the

agricultural producers of bacon

pork and oranges


I golubev long before this orange

became a balance the

farmer had to grow it

so he did not know what his

price when it hits the market 10

months more until I would get you benefits

of her as protection

farmers sign contracts that

they are safe for you in case of

fall of the price of the knives in

no place in the market

you'll see how two agents spend one

orange already and nevertheless it is negotiated with

the oranges in an invisible market

that is a transfer mechanism of


when I read melamed he was president of the

merchant bag chicago appropriated

of that idea of ​​the oranges and applied it

to financial assets in a contract

that happened to be called drift was a

revolutionary idea

the board of directors looked at me as if

I was crazy you say

in the mercantile market of chicago the

He has gone head.

you're going to destroy that kind of change

he is worried that a financial asset

as a currency an action collapses

You can suddenly buy a derivative that

you report benefits and it is the case in

anywhere in the world

people use one form or another of

financial derivatives to ensure

risks that runs

the derivatives are very useful move

beyond the mercantile exchange and

with less follow up adopt new

complex shapes

there are even some derivatives that have

been created as an insurance before the

risk of granting millions of mortgages

but according to these different risks

grow up

someone has to measure the


in the modern temples of finance

the atmosphere is less like the

merchant bag of chicago and more

similar to a classical academy is not

of wonder is very likely that many

financial agents who operate here

have a degree in exact sciences

the culture of operations

stock exchange has changed

when I started in 1992 you could hear many

screams are parks and people threw

telephones by air

today he can not go out to the parquet floor and

check that the environment relatively


today is the computers and you see another guy

of people participating in the


these financial agents are

called quads or analysts

quantitative because it uses equations and

statistics to quantify their

risks mathematically

that's when they program their

computers to make transactions


the financial markets are

currently dominated by a focus

mathematician and designed to ensure

that the risks are evaluated in a

rational and scientific still and

aspects of transactions

commercials that are an art and a


now there are many aspects treated as

science and that is a novelty of the

last 20 years

a quantitative analyst will look

patterns between tons of data and it

will spend the day with looking at numbers

to try to optimize the results

these two key innovations the

derivatives to manage the risks and

the mathematicians to measure the

they convince many that the markets

they are efficient and makes the bubbles and

the crashes seem from the past say

if someone believes that too

will believe that pigs can fly to the

the first time I heard an economist

mention that idea I assumed that

They were very ill informed

here they were isolated on top of their


Jeremy Granda is a successful investor

has accumulated gains during the

last 40 years

thanks to detect price bubbles and

bet against him

we have found 27 bubbles think that

the bubbles are inevitable and that

they have a predictable rhythm

the euphoria is what makes the

prices go up real and realism is what

that makes them go down and what the nation

determined causes a panic not

realistic since it feeds on itself

and it moves in the wrong direction

-that in the university chapman in


vernon smith studies this cycle to many

economists do not like bubbles

Forbes are hard to understand

vernon smith wants to check what

happens when students compete

for getting money in a park

simulated they will participate in a

experiment but it's not an environment

ACADEMIC Lessons adjusted to school study plans.

your job is to earn the most

possible amount of money are

will pay based on the dividends that

win if they play well their cards can

earn hundreds of dollars

it's about real cash and

each of them has received a

imaginary financial asset for

trade with him trade with a

activity from the beginning they are

remember to be careful because the

active and is losing value with the

pass of the time

at the end of the game you will not own any

value of the asset will live exactly 15

transaction periods

the question is whether this fact

will determine the prices they bid

in case you do not take into account when playing

well the experiment has started in a

screen of the prices at which the

other brokers are

buying or selling and they also see

how is losing value of the asset that

they possess what is indicated with a

discontinuous white line in descent


as prices increase they reach

the real value of the asset and something happens

I miss everybody starts running

running risks should be used.

the price has risen markedly with the

Hope to get very good bid benefits

above the real value

there is a lot of activity and well above

fundamental value in this fever


the students are overlooking

the fact that very soon your assets

it will not have any value

we are in period 10 and at term

of period 15 these assets do not

they will be worth nothing

the end is near and the price remains

well above the real value

the graph adopted the typical form of

a bubble and when the players

they try to leave it nobody wants

buy the place to earn thousands of


the students observe how it

collapse the chart leaving them with

practically nothing

this experiment suggests that the

bubbles can be part of the tissue

of the financial markets

we have done experiments like these with

all kinds of anp subjects in chicago

recruit a few agents

financial instruments and securities

convene for the experiment they gave us

a magnificent bubble is a bubble in

which the prices rise and after

suddenly it collapsed

how is it possible that such a pattern

simple has left us so close to

an economic catastrophe

in 2005 as the price of the

housing the mechanisms with which

do rational economists count for

keep the markets safe

they become part of the problem

the big financial institutions

they issue derivatives worth thousands of

million dollars to protect the

mortgage lenders before defaults

of the loans and every time I created

you could not get 6 percent

of the total value he had created

that was a gold mine

you start to negotiate with these

derivatives and their price increases


suddenly they have become the

equivalent of tulip bulbs

in the 21st century

in a few years they add profits by value

of more than 60 billion dollars

everything is fine as long as the ones calculate

the risk properly but your model

mathematic part of that the prices of

the markets are always the right ones

that model was taking for granted that

prices would continue to rise and that

very few people would be unable to

pay very risky loans

in short wells I was taking for granted

that the cycle was over


look at all the posters of yourself

sells those that its owners can not

get rid when the price of the

housing collapses the model is

decompose and the price of derivatives

crumbles and the institutions

financial institutions accumulated a debt of

billions of dollars to the

banks could not sell to any

price so in the end the price left

of having value mortgages in states

they unleash fear on the eve of

collapse of the bag an entire building

intellectual built on the foundations

of rationalist decision making

There was the piec

it is very complicated to say that the market

is rational and perfect and who knows what

is doing

when it is clearly capable of freezing

and stop working


Fear is taking over the market and

financial firms withdraw their


blood runs on the wall parquet

street and refuse to grant loans

the uncertainty flow something very

similar to panic could be employed

the word panic but in my opinion

it's just a change of taste

billions of dollars in mortgages

to lose human beings take

rational decisions through the

emotions when a lion approaches is

important to feel some adrenaline

because it's the way to take the

rational decision to run as a

crazy in the other direction

the dow jones has dropped to 240 points

while the nasdaq that wait for us

another thirty years like those that already

we live and they include this

reflection the world will come out strengthened

those that we have focused on

own interests of the institutions

borrowers we are in shock

unbelievers we believe that we have a boat

quantitative good that deals with velar

for all the risks but there is something in

what nobody has repaired

it's a case where people believe

too much theory and is willing to

bet big

based on a theory that clearly

it was not correct



Top 10 Times Marvel Stole From DC - Part 2 - Duration: 6:05.


Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

Sometimes coming up with your own ideas is tough.

WeÕve all borrowed a little inspiration here and there for our creative purposes.

Even if itÕs your paid job to do so.

Which is evidently the case in some comic book characters.

So letÕs take a look at the top 10 times marvel stole from Dc and this is part 2.

Please check out part 1 and pretty please check out our DC stealing from Marvel so ya

canÕt yell at me for being biased.

YouÕre still going to anyway.

In the number 10 spot we have GREEN ARROW AND HAWKEYE.

Rocking the bow and arrow long before Katniss made it cool, DCÕs Green Arrow made his debut

way back in 1941.

Then 23 years later in 1964 Marvel puts out Hawkeye, their own superhero archer.

Both of them are orphaned guys who take on the baddest foes with their trusty weapon

of choice.

Not surprising Marvel would want an archer of their own when Green Arrow was a driving

force behind DcÕs survival past the golden age.

But hey, at least one is green and the other is purple.

Coming in at number 9 is GREEN LANTERN CORP AND NOVA CORP. DCÕs green lantern corp was

introduced in 1959 as an intergalactic policing force that protects the galaxy.

MarvelÕs Nova corp was introduced in 1979 as an intergalactic policing force that protects

the galaxy.

While the GL corp hails from Oa and the Nova corp from Xandar, the groups share similarities

in rank and function.

No the idea of space police isnÕt exactly a patent, but then you get green lantern with

his power ring, and quasar with his quantum bands.


Next, at number 8 we got DARKSEID AND THANOS.

TheyÕre big, theyÕre bad, theyÕre only 3 years apart.

DCÕs Darkseid, one of Superman and the justice leagueÕs biggest villains, appeared in 1970

and MarvelÕs Thanos trailed after in 1973, were he became a central villain to guardians

of the galaxy and avengers.

Jim Starlin actually admitted to his source of inspiration here, stating he wanted to

model Thanos after Metron, but editor Roy Thomas said if he was gonna rip off a new

god, he may as well go big or go home.

In the number 7 spot is DOOM PATROL AND THE X MEN.

A team of gifted young people needing guidance and a team of gifted young people needing


The X men of Marvel made their debut in September 1963 as a group of powered mutants under the

tutelage of wheelchair-bound professor X.

But just a few months earlier, in June 1963, the Doom Patrol made their first appearance;

a group of powered youth led by a wheelchair-bound Chief.

So according to creator Arnold Drakethis may have been a blatant case of theft, or it may

just be the result of the closeness of Marvel and DC staff at the time.

Coming in at number 6 we have ATOM AND ANTMAN.

DC debuted The Atom as Ray palmer in 1961.

A few months later in 1962, Marvel debuted Ant-Man, and the similarities of smallness

are huge.

Both heroes can shrink down to tiny tiny sizes, but in order to achieve this they have to

wear special suits most times.

No, the Atom cannot do something as cool as antman communicating with ants, but both heroes

were originally scientists that figured out a way to mess with matter, and that is what


Next up, at number 5 is RED TORNADO AND VISION.

Now Marvel did have a character named vision in the 40s, but he was unrelated to the vision

that we are familiar with now.

Vision the android, created by the villainous Ultron, debuted in 1968.

But DC already had Red tornado, an android created by the villain T.O. Morrow in 1960.

Why canÕt these guys do their own dirty work, right?

Now both creations reformed to the good side and both creations are visually similar, and

when put together would make a pretty nice christmas tree.

Up next at number 4 we got DEADSHOT AND BULLSEYE.

I wanted to make a joke about these two, because you guys would never miss it.

Okay IÕm finished here.

DCÕs Deadshot first appeared in 1950 and he was an expert shot who would only miss

if he wanted to.

Marvel put out their very own expert marksman named Bullseye, and he appeared first in 1976.

And they both had to become evil somehow: their troubled childhoods and early psychopathic

tendencies are to blame for that.

In the number 3 spot, we have CLAYFACE AND SANDMAN.

Because you know what would make a terrifying villain?

Something resembling a beach.

Both DCÕs Clayface and MarvelÕs Sandman are villains to main superheores, with the

ability to turn into earthly substances and shift their bodies into different shapes.

Granted, ClayfaceÕs appearance is very different from SandmanÕs.

And he also didnÕt get his shapeshiting abilities until 1961, but that was still before Sandman

was created in 1963.

Coming in at number 2 is TIMBERWOLF AND WOLVERINE.

Not many people know this one because of timber wolfÕs decline in popularity, but before

there was MarvelÕs Wolverine, there was DcÕs Timberwolf.

Timberwolf debuted in 1964 and was a member of the legion of superheroes.

After exposure to a serum he grew werewolf-like abilities, most notably his enhanced strength

and sharp claws.

Wolverine came ten years later in 1974, and was a member of the xmen who was notable for

his enhanced strength and sharp claws.

Plus, both have a healing factor.

At least Wolvie didnÕt copy the claw shooting abilities.

And finally, in the number 1 spot we have JUSTICE LEAGUE AND AVENGERS.

ItÕs farfetched to claim that a big superhero team is a rip off of another big superhero


The teams arenÕt the copycats here; itÕs the idea and how it came to be.

The Justice society debuted in 1940 and then was reformed to the justice league of 1960.

The team was selling comics and Marvel owner martin goodman noticed; so he proposed the

idea of MarvelÕs own superhero team to Stan Lee to create.

Thus, first the fantastic 4 were made and THEN the avengers in 1963, who are now the

most prominent superhero team of Marvel.

So Marvel has some thanking to do.

So those were the top 10 times marvel stole from Dc part 2.

Let me know in the comment section down below who is better DC or marvel.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Times Marvel Stole From DC - Part 2 - Duration: 6:05.


The Ending Of Justice League Explained - Duration: 5:46.

Justice League, the latest installment in the DCEU, is here, and there's plenty to unpack

once the two hour super-slugfest has ended.

We've got tons of classic characters finally making their real debuts, we've got teases

for future movies in the franchise — we've got the Flash falling down a lot and Batman

cracking jokes.

"What are your super powers again?"

"I'm rich."

What more could you want?

Well, how about an explanation as to what that ending was about?

Without further ado, let's take a dive into the cinematic waters and explain the ending

of Justice League.

And just in case you were wondering: spoilers ahead.

Steppenwolf steps out

So the Justice League has finally made its way to the big screen.

DC Comics' biggest and best superhero team has formed, and they've teamed up to fight

the classic comics villain...Steppenwolf.

Yes, everyone's favorite bad guy, Steppenwolf.

Wait, you never heard of Steppenwolf?

Well, don't worry.

Most folks haven't.

To be honest, even most comic book nerds would be hard pressed to tell you who, exactly,

Steppenwolf is.

All you really need to know is that he's one of the less exciting henchpeople serving under

one of DC's biggest bad guys, Darkseid, who rules over the crappy planet Apokolips.

When Steppenwolf got mobbed by his own Parademon soldiers at the end of the movie, he boom

tubed his way off of Earth.

Where'd he go?

Well, there's a good bet he went back home to tell Darkseid that he'd failed to turn

Earth into a new version of Apokolips with the three Mother Boxes.

Speaking of which...

New New Genesis

It's never quite clear what, exactly the three Mother Boxes are going to do to Earth once

they...well, once they whatever it is they were doing before Cyborg and Superman split

them apart.

But the comics that inspired elements of the movie might hold some clues.

While Darkseid and Steppenwolf hang out on the dank, always-engulfed-in-flames planet

of Apokolips, they're also at war with their opposite: New Genesis.

For those who don't know, New Genesis is basically the jam, and everyone there is super happy

all the time.

In short: New Genesis is good, Apokolips is bad.

Anyway, it's heavily implied that Steppenwolf's plan to merge the three Mother Boxes would

result in Earth becoming a new version of Apokolips for Darkseid to rule over.

And when Cyborg and Superman separated the three Mother Boxes, the area surrounding the

climactic battle bloomed to life with strange, alien flowers.

There isn't a whole lot of information to help us understand what, exactly, happened

there at the end.

But could it be that separating the boxes had the opposite effect?

Maybe instead of Earth turning into a New Apokolips, we instead got a glimpse of New

New Genesis...or maybe the filmmakers just wanted to make that crummy area around the

nuclear reactor look nice after the super people got done punching each other.

Either one.

A league of their own

The very end of the movie saw the return of Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, not to mention

the first movie appearance of Slade Wilson, better known as Deathstroke.

When the two meet up on Luthor's yacht, the bald nerd says that he'd like to establish

a league of his own.

And yes, you're not wrong to think he's making reference to everyone's favorite movie about

ladies playing baseball in the '40s — but he's not.


In fact, he's referring to a group of supervillains who, in the comics, would band together to

try and take over the world from time to time.

These bad guys have gone through plenty of different rosters and names over the years:

the Injustice League, the Injustice Gang, the Legion of Doom, One Direction — we don't

know which name they'll pick when they make their return in future DCEU films.

But they'll have plenty of heroes to fight.

Room for more?

Near the very end credits, Bruce, Diana, and Alfred take a tour of the dilapidated old

Wayne Manor and start planning their new Justice League clubhouse — or Hall of Justice, if

you will.

Bruce mentions a big round table with six seats, while Diana adds, "with room for more."

Naturally, this implies that more superpowered folks will be joining the DCEU soon.

It's probably a bit too soon to say who, exactly, will add their chairs to the table, we do

have some clues.

For instance, Warner Bros. has a Shazam! movie in the works, not to mention another run at

adapting the Green Lantern characters to the big screen.

There are plenty of DC characters who will supposedly join the members of the Justice

League at the big table in the not so distant future.

Well, probably.

Now, while we're on that subject, let's discuss...

The future of the DCEU

While Justice League will certainly earn a whole lot of money for Warner Bros., there

are larger questions at work regarding the future of the DC Extended Universe.

For instance, out of the five movies that comprise the cinematic universe, only one

— Wonder Woman — managed to earn a certified fresh rating from review aggregator Rotten


Like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Suicide Squad before it, Justice League's

score on the site points to an overall consensus that critics just don't really like the movie


While fans of the DCEU might not put much stock in what the critics have to say, general

audiences might start staying away from DC-based movies in the future, and that will hurt Warner

Bros.' ability to continue expanding its cinematic universe.

In fact, news hit shortly before Justice League premiered that WB's execs have put production

of the Flash's long-delayed solo movie on pause while they wait to see what happens

with its team-up film.

And there's a Joker-focused movie in the works that will apparently be separate from the

current slate of interconnected movies.

The implications are clear: Warner Bros. is hedging its bets, and might not be all that

committed to delivering on the teases that show up in Justice League at all.

After all, the end of Dark Knight Rises sure seemed to indicate that there was plenty of

room for another batch of movies starring a new guy as Batman.

And DC even tried once before Man of Steel to kickstart its cinematic universe with Green

Lantern — and we all remember how that turned out.

"I know, right?"

Just because we're five movies deep doesn't mean that Warner Bros. will keep the DCEU

alive — at least not in its current form.

It's already got several different interconnected superhero universes going on network TV, all

while these movies with the same characters played by different actors are competing for

fans' affection.

In the end, Warner Bros. doesn't need to keep this universe alive, and if the bad reviews

start to actually affect ticket sales, it probably won't.

Then again, we're still getting Fast and the Furious movies despite half of them being

certified you never know.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love too.

For more infomation >> The Ending Of Justice League Explained - Duration: 5:46.


GTA V Online - Should you - Buy your first car - Duration: 1:55.


Should you steal or buy your first car in GTA online.

Well, for starters to save you money, you should, of course, steal your first car off

the road, and I also believe that it's one of your first missions in the game.

Okay then, but which one.

According to Reddit, the most expansive car that you can keep if you steal has to be worth

less than $95,000.

To check the price of the car that you want, you can go on your phone to either Legendary

Motorsports or Southern San Andreas.

If the vehicle isn't there check to see what class vehicle your vehicle is by click z on


For console, this should be down on the D-pad.

Once you see the class make sure that it's not an Industrial or Emergency vehicle.

If it's not then there is a good chance that the vehicle that you're in cannot be bought.

After this go to the closest Los Santos Customs by going into the Interaction menu and quick

GPS then scroll over until you find Mod Shop then select it.

After that, you are good to go.

Mod up the car as much as you want.

If you are a beginner, if you have the money, add armor upgrades cause you will most likely

need it.

If you are a beginner and looking to buy a car you will need to wait until Simon calls

you and ask you to do a couple jobs for him.

When you get this call you will be able to buy a garage or apartment to your liking.

In my experience, he will only call you if you have cash on you instead of in your bank

account, but that's just from my experience.

So in conclusion, you should steal your first car instead of buying one to save money.

If you want a cheap car, go for the Elegy RH8 because if you have a social club account

it is free and is one of the fastest sports cars in the game.

Anyways if you enjoyed this video hit the like button, if you dislike dislike, and subscribe

if you want.

My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.



For more infomation >> GTA V Online - Should you - Buy your first car - Duration: 1:55.


10 MANERAS DE SABER SI LE GUSTAS | How to know if he likes you | Doralys Britto - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> 10 MANERAS DE SABER SI LE GUSTAS | How to know if he likes you | Doralys Britto - Duration: 6:06.


The Landscape Of The Soul ~ Seeing Through The Eyes Of Your Soul - Duration: 4:20.

The Landscape Of The Soul ~ Seeing Through The Eyes Of Your Soul

By consciousreminder

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.?

Anne Sexton

The landscape of the soul creates a movement and a synchronistic pattern between our heart

and our mind through the inner visions of our soul.

When the heart and imagination join forces to look back or look forward, we are deepening

our awareness of who we really are.

This deepening of who we really are is our soul.

It has been said that �our hearts will not rest until we rest in thee.� This is our

journey in life.

It is our journey home.

It is the journey into the spacial quality of existence that brought us into this world.

It is the journey of what is leading us through this life.

And, it is the journey back to where it all began.

One could say that the infant and the elderly are more soul than body.

As you and I develop our personality and ego, we begin to think we are somebody.

Ram Dass calls this �somebody training.� We begin to think we are real and act on this

appearance of being as we move into adulthood.

When we mature, we go back into what Ram Dass has called �nobody training.�

There is an internal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all

our lives.

Those who are lucky enough to find it ease like water over a stone, onto its fluid contours,

and are home.

Some find it in the place of their birth; others may leave a seaside town, parched,

and find themselves refreshed in the desert.

There are those born in rolling countryside who are really only at ease in the intense

and busy loneliness of the city.

For some, the search is for the imprint of another; a child or a mother, a grandfather

or a brother, a lover, a husband, a wife, or a foe.

We may go through our lives happy or unhappy, successful or unfulfilled, loved or unloved,

without ever standing cold with the shock of recognition, without ever feeling the agony

as the twisted iron in our soul unlocks itself and we slip at last into place.

? Josephine Hart

We spend a great deal of time learning to develop independence from infancy only to

lose it again as we die.

It is the journey from innocence to grace.

The human expression is a journey with many ups and downs.

What keeps us on tract and often sane in an insane world is the �landscape of the soul.�

The landscape of the soul gives us strength to do the impossible and give us hope when

there is none.

Even though all parts of the self needs to be embraced with scrutiny and unconditional

love, there is something inside us perfecting our true nature.

Our authentic self knows we are growing through life and simply going through life at the

same time.

This delicate balance between these two forces of nature enables us to stay on our path.

It is the path a knowing who we are through the various experiences and expressions of

our life.

Insodoing, we learn to trust in our soul and find direction there when direction in life

is not present.

Your soul is a chosen landscape Where charming masked and costumed figures

go Playing the lute and dancing and almost

Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.

All sing in a minor key Of all-conquering love and careless fortune

They do not seem to believe in their happiness And their song mingles with the moonlight.

The still moonlight, sad and beautiful, Which gives the birds to dream in the trees

And makes the fountain sprays sob in ecstasy, The tall, slender fountain sprays among the

marble statues.

? Paul Verlaine

For more infomation >> The Landscape Of The Soul ~ Seeing Through The Eyes Of Your Soul - Duration: 4:20.


Jantar Mantar, Jaipur | UNESCO World Heritage Site - Duration: 1:45.

UNESCO World Heritage site

World's largest stone sundial (its name is registered in the Guinness Book of World Records)

Observation deck of the vrihat samrat yantra (the world's largest sundial).

Jai Prakash Yantra (it helps to detect the altitude)

The observatory consists of nineteen instruments for measuring time, predicting eclipses...

The chakra Yanta (it helps to tell te time)

Tracking location of major stars as the earth orbits around the sun, ascertaining the declinations of planets...

and determining the celestial altitudes and related ephemerides.

All 19 instruments are still WORKING...

Laghu samrat yantra

For more infomation >> Jantar Mantar, Jaipur | UNESCO World Heritage Site - Duration: 1:45.


Video Project 2: Irony in ads with VW citation - Duration: 1:52.

The trend of irony in advertising started in the 1960's as a direct contradiction

to the boring reason-why and unique selling proposition ads that were created by the theory

x type ad men.

These men viewed consumers as dumb and focused on giving rational information to persuade

dumb consumers to purchase their product.

After the hipsters of this time period became fed up with this style of advertising, they

created their own ironic ads that put the consumer in the know and relied on style and

creativity to attract consumers.

These ads, such as the "pink air" ad for Fina and the Volkswagen Beetle ads focused

on some aspect of life that the consumers knew was a hoax, for example Fina parodied

the additives to gasoline that consumers know make little difference and Volkswagen parodied

planned obsolescence.

In modern entertainment, this idea of mocking a factor of life is evident in shows like

30 Rock and the Office.

For more infomation >> Video Project 2: Irony in ads with VW citation - Duration: 1:52.


NASCAR '14 Season 2 Race 36:36 Ford EcoBoost 400 - Duration: 46:41.

Hey, what's up, Mooch Crew?! It's Alan Muccioli here, getting ready for NASCAR 14 season

finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway it's the championship 4! If you missed

last week for revelation of the Championship 4 what was...

Okay, if you missed last week, the championship 4 was Greg Biffle, me, Brad Keselowski,

and Clint Bowyer! So we're gonna be racing from the tile and whoever the highest finisher

wins the title in this winner-take-all format if any wasn't difficulty as always I'm

gonna do a five minutes in practice and five three well fine I'll do that

moments of practice and welcome to that in a minute

it's like 53 laps tire and fuel fie use x one cautious on black flag on full

damage and failures I'm going to change it and hello for the championship race I

have decided to go with my national guard scheme so the question is can I

get the title or am I just really in for a 4th place making the lowest I can

finish now is fourth so that's so that's automatically a better a better a higher

spot than where I finished last season I finished 24th and points last season and

also last week we went to Phoenix International Raceway and I wanted I got

my first win Phoenix International Raceway

boo-yeah alrighty I will be back after practice and qualifying q the Edit all

right I am back I am starting 12 for this race and yeah that's all damage

from qualifying I got hit in the wall

the game part you do if you blow a tire qualified yeah okay so let's go take a

look at where the others are where my championship four opponents are starting

alright alright so Brad Keselowski is gonna be the best of us starting fifth

you got

I'm sorry 12 where's where is Ethel and my boy right bubbles are in 43rd oh

there he is Clinton we're turning 26 so bit full

starts forties third so Greg is last on the pole I'm starting

12:26 break the whole 43rd okay so let's go on to this race title cuz I never

really race for a championship before and uh and Here I am about to go for my

first I think you guys know I mean you're racking this is all righty

welcome to Homestead Miami Speedway where we are getting ready for the

championship for the season finale the Ford EcoBoost 400 43 cars are lined up

on pit road for the final time this season and then I asked our 14 let's

play they see me next Gordon there's a nice file over a worthy of a champion

Austin Dillon starts on the pole position Kyle Busch will start second

certain third will be Jimmie Johnson riding at the top footwork fire drugs

gin here we're racing for the Homestead Miami Speedway trophy there it is the

Ford EcoBoost for under champion borders where's trophy and the championship

trophy is what Brad Keselowski Clint Bowyer

right and I will be racing for so I'm in row

six with Josh wise behind me jump for Kevin Harvick American ethanol three

lines in here here we go the championship race is underway welcome to

the Ford EcoBoost 400

I've turned on for complete lack of one Austin Dillon late I'm 23rd I have no

idea where weird one else's but all I can think it was Keselowski is gone all

right let's get to it Oh trouble them compactors around the

first torsional reasons out oh my goodness we're gonna get a facial in

each of each form running order oh my gosh that was intense

now that wasn't intense that was insanity yeah Danica Patrick hit nothing

after she got spun out oh she got woke up with the Y's oh they're double na

does the one from 43rd org to I have me all right I'm gonna pick Oh oops

all right I'm gonna be 15th all right so cuz lassie is gonna be third I'm 15th

Clint Boyer he's 31st Greg Biffle is 24

okay so Biffle it so it's Boyer and fourth Biffle third I'm second

Keselowski first oh gosh fell on the inside maybe that'll be a better

research all right they start back on pit road Austin building Salinas and the

American ethanol green flag is back in the air and away we go

all right off turn number four to complete lap number four Biffle is hot

on my tail he's gonna yell up my Walter meanwhile

I'm getting held up by Kurt Busch now Landon Cassill okay three wide thank you

get me away from these guys jeez okay Keselowski well fine

hey damn nigger leads the race by the way why don't my gosh want some bars by

way there oh my goodness I'm still not comfortable

okay so Paul Menard a challenging or battling for the lead I'm gonna get 18th

Reagan I get every spot I give up in a spot that is an extra point Kozlowski

will get in the championship race you don't need that you don't need that in

this free throw no way from me give me 16 Edwards give me give me thank you

how hard is it to take away a spot from somebody great thanks

on the wall girl I have to laugh uh-huh

and of course I believe mikkel back into this example oh wait for me

Oh Vickers you stupid idiot

come on over stay away from me you think they don't wish every driver want to

help me presenting them all but no the ports are you Kozlowski right now is

owning it or not being of any help to me right now

so we're nine laps into the event and as it stands I still have no sign of lawyer

in my rearview mirror so thank God and he'll just open for three points Biffle

is third behind and was running behind Carl Edwards at hunting me down because

I am second and at least right philosophy I was all Jeff Gordon now

these are Homestead Miami Speedway of course I have to give up all these spots

I'm back all right so I'm tenth now ah no way nobody wants you come on

it's on ninth right now okay I think I can do this

did your back steps last name probably isn't it he's like to keep something

he's in front Menard he's got Menard as a cover but it's not

gonna last long

okay I was you better be ready you hit the panic button cuz I'm coming

Truex Jr to the front of the field here at homestead-miami Speedway okay new

with God thank God I got Menard hide the blouse key see ya Jeff Lasky no point

leader oh because I see side by side for the

filete champ you should wait da ting all right Martin Troy but oh my god the

Bosque felt a burden points Biffle is like right there okay Keselowski has

fall out at a point lead fall into third in points well I can well I am now

leading the points

my car's just not gone my car was not gone at least it's not was not good on

the initial start on the restart so that's something I got a bit bored I

were easy all right up to fourth AJ Allmendinger's putting

into your why why I'm by Tony Stewart from third

now George dear to deal with holiness

okay really okay I want one for my record-setting 14 win on the season and

considering that I am 22 that would be that's pretty impressive

it's going by a 22nd win - right on the nose of well not exactly

I'm 22 I was 22 years old 22 years took month old gonna kick out of that

a couple hours I had a couple hours minutes because I don't know I'm not

gonna do you have to add but I'm 22 years and tomorrow

ah are you today I'm idle eating cold sweet caution oh god no oh no nope nope

nope nope nope say thank you okay so I'm we all got those 43 cars are circling

this racetrack like like a swarm of angry Hornets biffle's up to third that

worries me that worries me a lot which now means I have a certain point in cars

11 I have to sort of lapland cards Keith Biglow he's second now ah 19 now it's me

versus Biffle for the title all right I got this guy's I hope I presume I can

will down to the inside

all right then I got a carton feed me a pimple so hopefully that'll all along

I'm fuckin to that bit full alright 20 laps down no sense employer in Kozlowski

is being pit bull for the championship for the championship

I lead away in the race break before second Tony Stewart third engineer

fourth I remember everybody plays a factory who wins the title

great - gaggle of cars lock clear track no one in front me no one behind me

none that'll last for a while until I get to that group of cars up on the

front then the running off that's on the front stretch completing a lap ahead for

once but I'll tell you this booming Patrick so I got all three of them done

Waltrip ball back inside come on

ah oh yeah that's the last thing I need the headline state championship leader

ruins week ruins chances by spinning out

okay that's bull so that's we're talking from there everybody's in my rearview

mirror hi guys I have nice and all I can see now is a trophy Oh No

all right 24 down

tires are starting to go man right sides are wearing off faster than the left

twenty-five down I'm still eating don't be swords now second boring behold

three or four actually I think Stuart wasn't something you've always been

fighting hey guys one board burlap okay we'll do that

oh well do that

all right when you're going on board now

oh great tire down No

come on

heartbreak is so real


I'm gonna win this title which I predicted results

so the four tires fuel stop it's done so right now I'm pouring Biffle with the

points Keselowski second I'm gonna be third

with Clint Boyer fourth top ten in the race

AJ leads Matt Kenseth second aric amirola third Jimmie Johnson fourth Paul

Menard Pitts say Frank bevel seventh Tony Stewart eight murder of June 9th

Jeff Gordon ten right to Lasky's we're starting again 18th Oh God

all right so I helped them so I had the chance to play for a while but then I

promptly gave it up gotta get it back

turn number four on the restart laughs easily but here I job

they'll charge us to move away from a medal

and the third charge on the big about I didn't know it I didn't know

Wow they're never always with me I've been on the fire home championship

contender Clint Bowyer involved

all right I'm staying out so Murgatroyd cheers leads greg biffle second Brad

Keselowski third Jimmie Johnson fourth Palmer hit six Kevin Harvick took me

sort seven eight nine your intent Jeff Gordon championship for Greg majalis

thus the woods that cannon boys will be grekov Lasky I'm sitting third and Clint

Bowyer is or as he sits 27th so it's gonna be tall order to climb back into

this one with 21 to go do it green flags in a

bomb pirate back through the air we're back in the race

off turn number four for the initial restart lap 20 to go now

greg biffle back out front let it fight but make up charge to the front

those words won't even know why to kick them jobs until Friday no waiter

Jimmie Johnson green wine for 16th with me and I got it I got the spot Hannibal

do this off turn four to complete another lap Johnson continues a lead

barb in the wall I'm gonna bring out a caution no caution

13 okay John hold him up hold him up hold up hold up those fours old on this

board come on man Gnomeo your eyes your son great Biffle back to the front

here at homestead-miami Speedway and most likely that's the championship okay

the 10th come back Johnson back out front side by side with

great battle for the lead ok I think bevels got the lead thank you

don't get my way all righty alone don't you wanna quit boy there this one's oh



all right Johnson all right come on I have to get to my heart yeah I can't

open to Menard Ambrose big crack

Oh should I pick oh no I got no choice let's do it

we're going for dental pity

either that or I just really wanna make this into something


all right old to God is love

all right great little bread cause I see your top two Carl Edwards heaven are

Monroe to Rosarito nice towards David Reagan over for Matt Kenseth Dale jr.

robotic jr. and Kyle Busch 27 oh boy the book is Flint green when I go back to

here here the Ford EcoBoost 400 and not even sorry

oh he's a good research

with our jump run get behind me

well that compose getting hammered around well one way to find out and get

to the front before weeds now with 11 ago got it I got 15 beers 14 David Ragan

leads the way now Wow move why algiers will you take your home to Miami

Speedway okay go on come on come on you got a lousy down Kyle Busch is holding

up great little bit but looks to the inside of Kyle Busch and nothing there

it's gonna be to no avail back when I'm in fourth and Biffle better watch out

cuz I'm coming again okay we're down in the final wine laps here at

homestead-miami Speedway Kyle Busch leads Matt Kenseth Greg Biffle second

Matt Kenseth bird I'm sitting pouring with Reagan and finna bring him forth

okay Laskey for today it got a run Kyle Busch both fell to burn Kenseth's gotta

challenge him for a second oh it actually comes of thick at second he

goes swipe by the hole take the lead back millilitre and I know championship

wins leader management mean Biffle for most the race


announcer moaning from another one over

all right get down to it go Tony Stewart David

Ragan Greg Biffle a Tom Ford right behind me

and we still don't have we don't have that many laps to go I want to win this

championship okay okay so we're done so we're down to the final six laps six to

go here in homes egg six laps away from my very first NASCAR title behind me

Truex Jr Kevin Harvick and Carl Edwards that's the top four oh boy okay Harvard

a second Harley just praising for a win now all right get down to it to go the

last thing I need to see as a caution you don't need any cautions here I got

clean track in front of me they're all behind me like just pull them off

all right I'm down to it four laps to go where they all go oh

they are very all will be coming back to their review mirror dalchi under second

David Ragan the third Dale jr. second Reagan third child Bush fourth Harvick

fifth I'm a Adams sport my 19th hole

three laps ago 50 down three to go I continue to lead Dale Kyle Busch now

second Dale jr. third Tony sort of fourth with either hearts up the third

now Junior fourth Reagan the fourth benefit and robbing probably

two laps to go

Tony Stewart's up the second again challenging your third yes oh here we go

guys they did it I don't know how I did it

but I did it I know I gotta live on the race but I also pulled off the most

improbable comeback

No and won a title I don't believe it I don't believe this


yeah oh my god

oh my gosh

let's get down pit road and celebrate in victory lane

and then go for my trophy all right all right off to a victory when I go for the

14th time this season fly me out of the car yes yes yes and there's like 400

champions trophy Alti yeah all right let's go take a look

at these race results all right I won the race Dale jr. finished 2nd 3rd place

Martin Truex Jr fourth place Tony Stewart Greg Biffle fit Jimmie Johnson 6

David Ragan seventh eighth place Kevin Hart nice place Kyle Busch don't place

Carl Edwards 3011 Ryan Newman 12th Denny Hamlin 13th

Trevor Bayne 14th Brad Keselowski 58 almoner 60 Jamie McMurray 17th

Kyle Larson 18th Ricky Stenhouse jr. 19th Matt Kenseth 20th aric almirola

21st Paul Menard 22nd Brian Vickers 23rd David Reutimann Kurt Busch 24th 25th

play Moyer 26th Austin Dillon Marcos Ambrose 27 28 29 30 women 30th Jeff

Gordon 31st Joey Logano 32nd Ryan Truex 33rd Casey Mears Michael Annett 34th

35th Michael Waltrip 36 Josh Weiss Danica Patrick 37 38 Alex Bowman

39 Landon Cassill David Gilliland 40th 41st Joe Nemechek 42nd JJ Yeley and 43rd

Cole Whitt and your jam chip for well I don't even think we need to look any

further I won the race giving me the championship Greg Biffle finished second

in points Brad Keselowski will finish third in points and riding at the field

the jabs you for will be Clint Boyer right we got to go on and do it guys

it's time to go get my Sprint Cup so here we go climb walking to the sprint

cut stage and I'm about to take I'm gonna hoist the trophy up yes yes yes

there it is nice there it is all right guys let's take a look at the

penal at the final points at those points for the final time we did it we

did it on your feet we won this title down oh that was awesome that was


all right final time for the points so 19 top tends to rap out the season ugh

and I win the race hey I got a new trophy nice alright so I win I win the

whole second boy can lousy third boy or fourth Carl Evans will finish it Jeff

Gordon six Truex Jr seven they are barred jr. eight nine Jimmie Johnson

10th Matt Kenseth eleventh Brian Vickers 12th Kasey Kahne 13 Kyle Busch 14 Hamlin

15 Kevin Harvick Courtney sandwich - you're 16 Tony Stewart 17 18 Austin

Dillon 90 Marcos Ambrose 20th Ryan Newman 21st Kurt Busch 22nd Jamie

McMurray 23rd toiling at home 24th a game near 25th remain 26 Kyle Larson 27

David Reutimann 28 David Ragan I roll up 30th Paul Menard Ryan Torrance 31st 32nd

in Yellin Casey Mears 33rd 34th Parker Kligerman

Alex Bowman 35th 36 Danica Patrick 37 Michael Waltrip 38 quick 39 Joe Nemechek

Landon Cassill 40 40 first Josh wise for a second my clinic and

Kaleigh forty-third all right guys that's the end of the season see you

guys for a season three when we go back let me kick it up when we pick it up and

do it all over again so that'll do it but this is a like

comment subscribe all that good stuff and if you haven't yet please do if you

are subscribed and you haven't yet please do hit that you're free to ring

that notification bell so that way you'll get notified I've written my

uploads about whatever and whatever they may be follow me on all that in the

description below and if you want to go down there and read them from read them

that's fine I got pretty here it's Instagram at isla negra score and 0 0 CH

43 snapchat at Eleanor underscore M 0 0 CH twitter and tumblr at sonic fan 70

Becky check me out on Twitter I like you I like you occasionally and whenever I

feel like it so that talent underscore m100 zhs spelled the same way at my

snapchat subscribed all my friends on youtube link to their channels in the

description below for lombard bros daming they link to their YouTube

channels and twitch channel in description below champion cuz all I

gotta say well you know this video I'll see you

guys in my next video Outro launch in 3, 2, 1, GO!

For more infomation >> NASCAR '14 Season 2 Race 36:36 Ford EcoBoost 400 - Duration: 46:41.


Top 5 Richest Rappers - Duration: 3:19.

The race is on to see who is going to be the worlds first billionaire rapper- and let me

tell you Theres some steep competition and that's what were going to be talking about


Hey youetube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started on our list I want to know who is your favorite rapper let me know

your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to this amazing channel if you havnt already.,. just go ahead

and hit that subscribe button and while your in that area make sure you give this list

a big thumbs up so we can keep bringing you amazing top 5 videos.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 Richest rappers

Starting off at our number 5 spot- Eminem- that's right- it may come as a shock to

some of you but Eminem is one of the top 5 richest rappers with a net worth of 210 million


And that is because he is still one of the worlds best selling rappers.

Most of Eminems net worth comes from the money he earns off of his albums- he also makes

a nice chunk o9f change from his record label- Shady records and from his acting roles.

At number 4- Master P – This rappers net worth is estimated to be 250 million.

This man is a true entrepreneur- this former basket ball player turned rapper and producer

used a 10 thousand dollar inheritance to open a record store which then grew into a record

label- which eventually grew into a business empire which has stakes in telecommunications

all the way to real estate.

In at our number 3 spot- Dr.Dre- Dr. Dre has an estimated net worth of 740 million dollars.

Most of his income comes from Beats electronics.

Dre co-founded this company and then in 2014 he sold it to Apple for 3 billion dollars.

And the cut that Dre got from this deal gave him the largest single- year payday ever recorded

by a living musician.

And because of this smart business move now he just gets to sit back and watch the cash

flow in.

Just day after this deal was made official Dre purchased a 14 thousand square foot LA

mansion for 40 million dollars.

Which sounds like an insane purchase- and it was.

But this man must have got hit with the lucky stick because now according to government

records his mansion is now worth nearly 20 percent more than he paid.

Coming in at our number 2 spot- Jay-Z- Jay Z has a net worth of 810 million.

Although hes a great rapper it was actually his business career that makes up the largest

sum of his net worth.

His stakes in Rocawear- Armand de Brignac Champagne and Tidal largely contribute to

his fortune.

But like I said this man is also amazing rapper and he actually holds the record for the most

albums by a solo artist to hit number one on the billboard charts.

On top of that its estimated that along with his wife Beyonces net worth the couple are

actually billionaires with their combined net worth equalling up to 1.16 billion according

to Forbes.

Coming in at our number 1 spot--Sean Combs- From what I found on Forbes Diddy is currently

the worlds richest rapper with a net worth of 820 million dollars.

This man is not only an amazing rapper hes also a songwriter- actor- record producer-

and quite the impressive business man.

While his wealth mainly comes from his music and clothing line he also made smart investments

and has stakes in companies like Ciroc Vodka- Revolt TV and Aquahydrate.

He started off with Humble beginings as a director of A and R at Uptown Records.

Soon after he set out on his own and started his own label called Bad Boy Records and he

signed on huge talent such as Mariah Caret- Boys 2 men- lil Kim and more.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 richest rappers.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Richest Rappers - Duration: 3:19.


Can Logan Paul Become Youtube's First Billionaire? - Duration: 4:38.

Logan Paul….Logan Paul….. (keep saying) ….the more you say it… it kind of starts

to lose meaning.

If only.

Despite what neysayers may be saying, the word Logan Paul does indeed mean something.

The 22 year old is currently vying for the King of Youtube spot… but how much is he

really worth?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, where sometimes we focus on big

topic questions involving war, politics and science, but today we are taking a look at

our own platform; youtube, and one of its biggest rising stars; Logan Paul.

Join us as we ask - Can Logan Paul become Youtube's First Billionaire Youtuber?

Logan Paul rose to prominence on the now defunct video sharing platform, Vine.

By 2014, he was considered a social media star, and by the time the platform shut down

in 2016, he had 9.4 million followers.

His success on Vine leads to growth in other areas of social media, and when the platform

was shut down, most of his vine viewers headed on over to Youtube to watch him there.

Today, he has 13 million subscribers and over 2.4 billion views.

Of course, a billion views does not a billionaire make.

Logan also has some serious competition if he wants to be the First Billionaire to come

from the Youtube Platform.

Current King o Youtube, PewDiePie, real name Felix Kjellberg, has over 57 MILLION subscribers

and 16.3 BILLION views on Youtube.

Forbes reports he made 15 million dollars in 2016 alone.

It is estimated he has made a total of 50 million dollars from youtube to date, and

of course, he also makes money through merchandise sales.

However, after a year of PR turmoil, PewDiePie's name has been somewhat smeared through old

media and his views have taken a small hit.

According to website, social blade, Felix gains around 5 to 6 million views a day and

is on track to make a maximum of 12 million dollars this year.

Comparatively, Logan Paul Gains around 10 million views a day on his main channel, and

around a million on his second channel.

He stands to make up to 19 million dollars from Youtube alone this year.

So, he could…in theory…eclipse the one and only Pewds, but he still has a little

way to go.

If you look at the current overall top 25 Youtube Channels, Logan Paul's is nowhere

to be seen/ He might be the flavour of the week, but staying on top is a hard task.

He also has serious competition from his brother, also a rising Youtube star with killer viewing

stats, and the old hats who don't want to be dethroned.

What Logan Paul does have, however, is, actually, a pretty good brand.

Logan's Maverick Merchandise is a beast of its own, and outsells PewDiePie's Bro

Fisting offerings with ease.

While it is unknown exactly how much Logan makes from his merch, it is likely a decent

percentage of his overall income will come from the Maverick store.

Logan has Youtube as his latest exposure platform but, as we can see from his merch sales, it

isn't the only card up his sleeve.

Furthermore, this past year, Logan has worked on 9 movies.

If Logan does ever net a billion dollars, it could be unfair to call him Youtubes First

Billionaire Youtuber, seeing as he has created and produced across many platforms.

Although, hold in for a wee minute, while his earnings are something most of us could

only dream of, there are very few billionaires in the world.

Although close, Taylor Swift isn't even a billionaire yet, and she has been banking

some serious cash for over 10 years.

Right now, say Logan is earning 20 million a year, at this rate, it would take him 50

years to bank a billion.

Whether he manages it or not, at the current rate with the rise and fall, the trending

and the established, he probably wouldn't be the first, assuming anyone ever managed


If they did, who do you think would be first?

So…hard hitting stuff.

Ultimately, Logan Paul is rich, but not tech rich, or super star rich, or even popular

author rich.

But really, who cares what is in his wallet, I am sure most of the Logang just care about

what is in his videos.

Thanks for tuning in to this Episode of Life's Biggest Questions – what would you like

us to answer next?

Do you like videos on Youtubers?

Let us know!

Please hit that like button if you like what we do, and make sure you stay subscribed for

more big answers.

For now, I am Rebecca Felgate, remember to stay curious, stay alert and never, ever stop


Thanks for watching to the End of the Video, if you are hungry for more answers, why not

watch our popular uploads playlist and our biggest what ifs.

For more infomation >> Can Logan Paul Become Youtube's First Billionaire? - Duration: 4:38.


Real madrid VS Atletico madrid 18/11/2017 live streaming HD youtube - Duration: 2:18.

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