Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

We are old and should retire it's been a long season but mentally we have a we

have a vision we have a finish that we have to attain you know and sometimes

you have to do it when you old and you're tired you know and I think it's

the test of your will to succeed when you have to deal with some of these

negatives and I'm pretty sure you know by the end of this playoffs you see the

old and the tired people were very very young and strong mentally you know most

people and and here's the irony is that most people don't have a compelling

vision for their own future they don't they move through life setting goals and

goals have no power we're almost we were at this point your goals on Power 1959

when Earl Nightingale came his idea of goal setting and it was like wow I'm a

goal oriented person and that was great it worked like 20 years everyone set

goals and they and they got results but then all of a sudden you know you set

goals and sometimes you hit them sometimes you know most times you don't

okay that's okay but goals almost became a synonym for like oh I'm gonna set a

goal who gives it really happens afterwards and it almost is synonymous

with failure now goal-setting there's something above and I believe in setting

goals but there's got to be something above your goals and that's your vision

for the future and it's not just about it doesn't have like an ending points

about the world being a certain way and that's inspiring to you and you when you

truly have a vision for your future that inspires you you're gonna jump up out of

bed in the morning and feel great about going at life versus being miserable and

going to a job you hate or living a life that doesn't empower you and just you

know every day moving through just almost like an automaton not really you

know having the zest and the great the greatness of life and I'm joking I've

been there myself when I felt like I didn't really have a compelling vision

for my own future and I felt like I was wallowing but at least I'm conscious of

that once you become conscious of that you can consciously create a vision for

your future it doesn't happen in once in one minute or an hour you write it down

you work on until it I mean you finally hit on it you know you know you got it

when you really fact yourself your vision statement and it moves you and

you feel speier okay and you know so people have

that and and what happens is every human being is thirsty for a vision everyone

is and so few people happen to what I do they gravitate towards someone who has a

vision for the future because they want to be a part of her vision part of being

a great entrepreneur is having that vision be able to create the vision and

then sell that vision to other people to get them to want to be inspired to buy

into it to put in their time their hard work their elbow grease to help you

achieve your vision if you're a small firm then you spread the wealth around

it's a it's a win-win for everybody you got to have a vision a vision for what

it is you really truly want not what you think you want or what you should have I

mean one of most people's New Year's resolutions I'm gonna stop eating sugar

you know I'm gonna stop smoking I'm gonna lose 10 pounds problem with that

is it's not very inspiring for most people you know it's not telling you

what you're gonna get it's only what you're not gonna do and it's kind of

hard to have you move forward with that a vision is about what you're here to

create a vision that really works is one that excites you if you say well mine

you know my resolution my goal my outcome for this month this week this

year is to lose X number of pounds that's okay but it's not very compelling

it has to be a compelling vision it's gotta have something has the power to

pull you not something you have to push yourself to do those are two different

kinds of motivation push requires willpower and willpower never lasts what

will last is pull having something so exciting so attractive so some of you

desire so much that you have a hard time going to sleep at night and get so up

early in the morning to rock it and take it to the next level that's what you're

looking at great and that wasn't easy to get but one of the reasons we do

seminars and events to be saying you know why do that why isn't why not just

read a book or something is because when you give it an environment where you

with people that are being put in a peak state like when you're going to a

sporting event if you watch the sporting event at home it might have a certain

level of excitement but when you're in a stadium with 50,000 people suddenly it

has a whole different level of intensity when we feel that and the bottom line of

our follow-through comes down to our emotional intensity in a different state

of mind you're gonna come up with a bunch

better and more exciting vision than if you're sitting the couch gun okay one of

my new resolutions for this year and you're doing it the morning after the

new year started and you're a little inebriated and the football games on in

the background probably not gonna have the power of focus they're probably not

gonna have the power the energy to create something that's gonna pull you

for this year and you got to do that so it's got to be a vision that's

compelling something that you know it's going to be a gift to make sure that it

happens how many of you thought about some

things that you know that you deserve or you want out of life where you would

like to your experience and you found yourself blocking your separation and

it's never happened to you before all right very good here's what I want you

to shake somebody's hand on your the right and your left and here's what I

want you to say whatever you're seeking it's seeking you you can have it give

yourselves a round of applause

now the reason I brought that up is I was riding with a friend the other day

and I know this friend of mine who has been working on a job where she's been

miserable for a long time she was telling me about how she was miserable

on the job at home how she was so unhappy so I said if there's if it's

that stressful and if it's causing you that much pain I say why don't you just

quit and do something else and she said something that really put her in the

chorus line with a lot of other people she said I would but and then I started

to thinking about that so let me take a poll so I started talking to other

people and I would ask them what they were doing and I said but is that your

passion and they would say no I said then what's your real passion and they

would tell me what their real passion was then I said well then why aren't you

doing what you really want to do oh I can do it but and they would continue on

so this word you know but just kept on coming up and then it also has some

friends like water and cooter and sugar and one day I'm gonna have my own

business those people will talk about one day I'm going on some of y'all know

some of those one day I'm going to people raise your hand some of you get

up in the morning look in the mirror that person I just ease it I'll just

ease all right so how is it that many times we block ourselves and we use

these words almost like we're in a trance like with sleepwalking through

life that we find ways to cancel out our dreams and I think that but is a dream

killer then a lot of things that we want to do a lot of places we would like to

go a lot of things we would like to experience and we just stop at fuck and

we build a case in fact I was reading something the other day that that talked

about but it says but is an argument for our limitations and when we argue for

our limitations we get to keep them see blood will cost you to procrastinate

but will cause you to hide out behind fear but will cause you to come up with

all type of excuses that you can validate you're in action and not acting

on your dream and right now more than ever people need to look for ways to

live their dream people need to look for ways to make it on their own there is no

such thing as job security there's no such thing as a storm proof or tragic

proof life there's no guarantees today ladies and gentlemen the illusion is

gone there was a time when when we graduated from high school you're told

go to college and get out and you go and work for a corporation for 30 or 40

years they'll give you a goal watching you'll retire special announcement that

day is gone that day is gone never to return again so instead of people living

in fear feeling stressed out feeling powerless feeling like victims I think

it should be a time that we need to begin to look at ways that we can become

an active force in our own lives look at ways when we can decide to take charge

of our own destiny look at ways when we can decide to design a life of substance

and begin to truly live our dreams and it's time for people inside I'm ready to

get on with my life shake somebody's hand on your riding off a guy named Bob

Mays say and say don't let nobody turn your on do that right quick

now you're not a lot of people say I'm going to live my life one day when

things get right when I get all my bills paid when I get my feet on the ground I

say what have you been walking on see there's no problem free moments guy

named dimples had a record one time call if it ain't one thing it's another and I

say if it ain't one thing is twelve others always something there to build a

case on why you can't move on why you can't grow to the next level why you

can't begin to manifest your greatness why you can't begin to live life on your

terms always something there to block you to keep you where you are and keep

you from beginning to develop your true greatness always some fear how do we

handle it and I'm saying that if you've been hiding out behind but if you've

been using the fact that you don't have enough money or you don't have the

education take it head on don't get the education I was saying to a guy the

other day who was saying he I said how old are youse is 47 years old I said

your sister tell me that you can't read he said that's right I said why well you

know I I didn't go to school excuse me how old are you I'm 47 47 yes and you

can't read or write yes have you ever heard of adults cool adult education

have you decided that you should learn how to read to begin to expand your

world why are you using that as a racket why don't you decide now that you can

expand your world that if other people can learn you could learn too well it's

hard for me how do you have you been and sit in a classroom have you signed up

yet no I haven't see a lot of people say no ladies and

gentlemen two things and they don't even know what they're saying no two haven't

even challenged himself he hasn't even gone to sit into a class and say teach

me how to read and stand it's been easier for him to go through life he

thinks trying to play a whole card game pretending he knows how to do something

that he doesn't know how to do and you know what most of us go through life

like that most of us go through life pretending pretending that we're

satisfied where we are pretending that everything is okay

pretending that that we don't have any special goals or ambitions or desires

when really deep down inside we do really want more but if you look at our

behavior if you judge based upon what we do that really will tell you some true

stories about people because you have to judge a tree by the fruit it bears not

the fruit that it talks about see a lot of people pretend that they want more

out of life but all you have to do is watch their

actions that will tell you something so I used to pretend that I want to lose

weight but how could you tell I was pretending watch me when I have a piece

of sweet potato pie

let me get within walking distance of some peanuts some potato chips say I was

pretending that I really wanted to lose weight no idea just watch what I eat

that tell you what I'm seriously committed to people tell you all year

one day I want to have a restaurant see they're pretending they want to go into

business well them said they're not serious how can you tell let's watch

their actions watch what they're doing the proof is in the pudding so if you

want to do something if you've thought about something you want to do take it

head on decide that you're going to start looking at it start doing research

on it start tackling it start becoming involved in whatever and wherever it

might lead you to begin to explore the possibilities in that particular thing

that you're seeking so that you can begin to learn all you can about it

decide that you're going to face it that whatever shortcomings you have that

you're going to strengthen yourself there whatever training is required that

you're going to go get that training but you're gonna get started right now the

George Washington Carver would say do what you can where you are with what you

have and never be satisfied yes be fully used to say are you heard Joe Doug to

talk about always strive to be more than that which you are yeah don't get

satisfied with yourself always know that wherever you are you can enjoy more that

you deserve more but most people you know what they do most people go through

life quietly and safely tiptoe in turn early grave find out what it is you want

and go after it as if your life depends on it why because it does people that

have found their passion people that found the things that they love people

that have found the things that they can pour their lives into those people live

longer I was in New York and I had to do a seminar at a special church and a guy

by the name of Reverend Johnny Youngblood and I said how is it that you

were able to build this big housing facility and got all of the various

community and religious groups together to to have this dwelling for 2,000

residents that were were once homeless how were you able to take on this

responsibility wasn't it overwhelming he said the kind of work I do he said it's

in me I've got to live what's in me and I think that's everybody's desire in

life you got to live what's in you life is just too short and unpredictable buts

what are the what are we saved but but there always be tomorrow oh no there's

no guarantees you're gonna show up tomorrow a lot of people who were here

yesterday that they're not here today there are a lot of opportunities that

were around yesterday but they're not here today oh you can wait but you know

whatever have Linkin said well good things might come to those who - who

wait but all of the things that have been left over by those who hustle

some want to go through life thinking of leftovers you deserve much more than

that the leftovers that somebody has left you so take it head on beginning to

explore it here's something else decide to do it now decide whatever you want to

do that you are now going to become actively involved right now exploring

the possibilities for you that you're going to look at it and do just a little

bit of it right now when I decided to become a speaker I didn't just quit my

job and just ran out and say I'm a motivational speaker know what I did was

I decided to start looking at other people that were involved in the

speaking profession I've volunteered to work with some speakers so that I could

learn whatever you want to do get your feet wet gain some experience doing some

volunteer work in the area and find out whether or not this thing you want to do

will fit for you friend of mine told me he wanted to have a restaurant and say

have you ever operated restaurant before he said no I said we're really you don't

even know if you want one I said what's your expertise what do you bring to the

table he said I can cook real good I said well what about the management side

what about the business part of the restaurant you're not gonna be cooking

all the time somebody's got to receive the money

who's gonna manage the personnel he said you got all right you've got a point

there so this guy got a job in a restaurant in the evening time on a

part-time basis after doing that for lolly said you know what I think I just

want to be a chef he said after working there people that show up the working it

says hard to find the help people weren't responsible they headaches the

guest was just giving him problems day in and day out they were never satisfied

he said no I just think I should stick to cooking so you're gonna find out what

fits for you because you might decide after you go up in there and examine it

experience it and and get some experience on the about wonder well you

say this is really not what I want this does not fit for me so decide that

you're going to do that now Johnny Johnson said something that's very

important he said there is no defense against an excellence that meets a

pressing public need see whatever you decide to do look at it and find out

what is it that I have that I could bring to the table that can

begin to enable me to ensure that I could be successful in this where is the

opening for you there's room for you out here out here in the arena called life

there's room for you to come out and live your dream don't allow but to keep

you in the corner or keep you up in the bleachers looking at life being a

spectator not being a participant making a difference in life I believe that all

of us came here with something all of us showed up to give something and that

nobody but nobody is going to give that service that you have to give no one's

going to produce your product no one's going to write your book no one's going

to open your Academy no one's going to begin to create your day care with a

special curriculum to help to cultivate the high self-esteem and our children

that's your idea and if you don't bring your idea out here when you die all of

us will suffer because we've been deprived of your genius because you

allowed but to keep you in the bleachers and not pursuing your greatness you take

it to your grave with you and that's what most people do I think that's why

the guy said that many people die at age 21 and don't get buried until they're 65

they're Walking Dead you can tell him by the way they walk how they look in the

face when they speak to you I was giving a speech of this high school and a lady

came after school she said mr. Brown I want to talk to you about my son I said

what is it she said he's not more to me

For more infomation >> How to Attract What You Want in Life - Law Of Attraction - Duration: 19:01.


Devil Brother Studios - Staffel 1 Trailer [HD/DE] - Duration: 1:40.

Do you believe we are alone in this Universe?

Do you believe we are alone on our Planet?

Do you believe there is only us?

Do you really believe what you think?

For more infomation >> Devil Brother Studios - Staffel 1 Trailer [HD/DE] - Duration: 1:40.


VJ ரம்யாவை திருட்டுதனமாக திருமணம் செய்த சமுத்திரகனி அதிர்ச்சியில் முதல் மனைவி | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> VJ ரம்யாவை திருட்டுதனமாக திருமணம் செய்த சமுத்திரகனி அதிர்ச்சியில் முதல் மனைவி | Tamil Cinema News - Duration: 1:31.


সকালে খেলে যৌন শক্তি বাড়বে কয়েকশগুন ! না দেখলে মিস করবেন ! ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সহ। - Duration: 2:59.

Subscribe : healthcare channel capacity

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For more infomation >> সকালে খেলে যৌন শক্তি বাড়বে কয়েকশগুন ! না দেখলে মিস করবেন ! ১০০% গ্যারান্টি সহ। - Duration: 2:59.


Jared/Jensen- Chicon 2017 (sub.español) - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Jared/Jensen- Chicon 2017 (sub.español) - Duration: 2:03.


小徹大冒險第二集 與小孩子的戰鬥 (CC字幕) - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> 小徹大冒險第二集 與小孩子的戰鬥 (CC字幕) - Duration: 2:12.


17 nov. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 17 nov. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:48.


Essence of Murli 19-11-2017 - Duration: 8:17.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 19th November 2017

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 27th March 1983 )

Murli Heading : Avyakt BapDada's sweet elevated versions for the Kumaris' bhatthi

( All Kumaris ! wherever you are please listen today's Murli with full attention )

Where is BapDada celebrating a meeting with all of you today?

In which place are all of you sitting?

You are celebrating a meeting at the place where the Ocean meets the rivers.

You like the shores of the ocean, do you not?

How elevated would a place be where there isn't just the ocean; but also so many rivers meet?

Even the Ocean loves meeting the rivers so much.

Would such a meeting take place in any other age?

The meeting of this age will be remembered and celebrated in different ways throughout the whole cycle.

You have come here to celebrate such a meeting, have you not?

This is why you have come running from everywhere, is it not?

You merge in the Ocean and become master oceans of knowledge, that is, you become stabilised in the unlimited form, equal to the Father.

To those who have a right to an elevated life filled with blessings,

( Think deeply on titles which Baba give and stabilize in that stage. This way you will experience high spiritual intoxication )

( Intake so much spiritual intoxiation in self that you feel encouraged to surrender for Baba's cause, instantly )

to those who have a right to a golden chance,

to those who have a right to draw the line of elevated fortune for 21 births,

to those who have a right to the blessing of being one who is free,

to the Brahma Kumaris who belong to the clan of Shiva,

especially to the elevated kumaris and also to the multimillion-times fortunate souls who are celebrating a meeting at the same time,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

(Now lets hear Blessings and Slogan )

Blessing: May you be one who is in the combined form and experience that Company by considering the Lord to be ever present with you.

Whenever you children remember the Father with love, you experience Him to be close and you also experience His company

As soon as you say "Baba" from your heart, the Comforter of Hearts is present in front of you.

This is why it is said: The Lord is present. He is ever present.

With the use of this method of love, the Lord becomes present at every place with everyone.

( On the path of religion also they show picture of Shri Krishna with Gopis. )

Only those who experienced this would know about it.

It is remembered: Karanhar and Karavanhar are combined in Karankaravanhar.

Those who are in the combined form always experience His company in this way.

Slogan: To keep your mind in constant spiritual pleasure is the art of living.

( My Best Wishes to all Kumaris who heard todays Murli. May you be blessed by Baapdada with constant spiritual pleasure )

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 19-11-2017 - Duration: 8:17.


AMERIKANISCHE Freundin REAGIERT auf DEUTSCHE Musik | Leonie & Chiara - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> AMERIKANISCHE Freundin REAGIERT auf DEUTSCHE Musik | Leonie & Chiara - Duration: 10:00.


The popular vehicle launch - Duration: 0:31.

The popular vehicle launch

For more infomation >> The popular vehicle launch - Duration: 0:31.


Канекалон Одесса. Купить канекалон в Одессе. Оранжевый канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Канекалон Одесса. Купить канекалон в Одессе. Оранжевый канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:26.


How to Get Creases Out Of Shoes & Look New - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> How to Get Creases Out Of Shoes & Look New - Duration: 11:14.


Канекалон Украина ❤ Светло-зеленый канекалон, купить в Украине | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Канекалон Украина ❤ Светло-зеленый канекалон, купить в Украине | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:28.


Estátua Harley Quinn & The Joker Suicide Squad - Iron Studios - Review Unboxing #107 - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> Estátua Harley Quinn & The Joker Suicide Squad - Iron Studios - Review Unboxing #107 - Duration: 8:46.


ᵑᵞᵒᶥᵗᵃᶫᵞDEMAINᵃᶸᶳᵸᵘᵑ ¦¦ ᶳᵘᵇ ᵉᵑᵍ {German,Hungarian,Italian Version} ¦¦ - Duration: 2:57.

Paris,from now on Julia is promised to you

my son and this oath won't be broken

Tybalt's death grieves her a lot

I can't bear it anymore

Teach her new happiness

so be it upon my honour.

not much longer,not much longer and he will be your husband

You,Girl! you know,your father loves you very much!

listen,count paris deserves your hand!

he'll give to you a home and you'll give him a son

you'll find that this will be enough to make you two happy

onwards to tomorrow! there will be a wedding!

the women don't have a choice.

it's a girl's duty to be obedient

so why are you crying and hanging your head?

you'll have your own castle and a happy marriage

onwards to tomorrow! there will be a wedding!


My Nurse,I Don't love Him

Why? why should I say "yes"?

better to die!

[don't blaspheme! no.]

but why paris?

I love another man!

not much longer,not much longer and I will be her husband

how can you say that you will go against your father?

you gotta marry with paris

you will see,you will see. you will join with him

tomorrow there will be a wedding

for pity,go away from me

Don't make me married him. for pity

your father commands it,you have to do it

onwards to tomorrow! there will be a wedding!

For more infomation >> ᵑᵞᵒᶥᵗᵃᶫᵞDEMAINᵃᶸᶳᵸᵘᵑ ¦¦ ᶳᵘᵇ ᵉᵑᵍ {German,Hungarian,Italian Version} ¦¦ - Duration: 2:57.



you guys literally have a chance to win free stuff

if you continue watching this hey guys welcome back for those of you who are

new here hello I bet you stuck around because you

wanted free stuff so some of you guys might remember that I did a review of

firmoo glasses these right here and I loved them and they wanted to partner

with me again and give me another pair of glasses and it breaks my heart to say

that I turned that down and instead I am giving my free pair away in a giveaway

but honestly they have awesome new trends I'm talking the ones that you see

the Gabbie show now Gabbie Hanna wearing liza KoshY

I mean it they have some cute wireframes out now

now to the actual portion of this video I decided that I have lots of mini

stories that always happen in life and they're too short to make a solo video

about so I just kind of wish them all into one and I'm going to tell you them

right now so if you've seen my Instagram you know that I went to Austin two

weekends in a row and one of the reasons is just the nightlife it is incredible

and so Olivia are super excited we end up hitting this place called the

container bar for a second time so that was the night that I was introduced to

this drink called summer days I couldn't remember what it tasted like but it was

really good so I had summer days and then I had a summer days and then a

summer days and I was just drunk so I don't know I'm pretty sure I had a

fourth summer day so I take my full cup that's like filled to the brim and I

make my way to the dance floor Olivia she's smart she cuts herself off but I

am determined to drink this fourth summer days so I'm holding my drink and

I'm swaying just like I'm hot shit with my summer days and I guess my main

business is just getting my hands going like just action back and forth I'm

sipping it all cute like I'm a pretty private school girl snob and then at one

point I decide it's a good idea to close my eyes and I'm thinking i am hot shit

on sassy with my cool trick something blocks my hand and I'm super confused

but you know I'm drunk so there's like a five-second delay so eventually I open

my eyes see what my hand is caught on and I look up and I see a guy's face and

he looks at me through my fingers and we you know just stare at each other

for probably 5 to 10 seconds and so an awkward time that's pretty much a half

hour and I'm drunk but everything is caught up with me now and I think to

myself this is not okay I cannot keep touching this guy's face so eventually I

pull it back slowly a while still maintaining eye contact Oh miss this

guy's kind of cute I mean his eyes looked cute between my fingers now that

I see his whole face Jenna he's kind of cute he walked away and he avoided me

the entire night just super group so at my workplace we moved into a new

building and what's really great about it is they have a really cool restroom

it's like four stalls and then there's a wall and then there's another four

stalls and it's just a great I don't want to say it hangout place because I

don't know if my bosses watch this but it's a nice bathroom and they should

know this I step away from my cubicle I bring my phone because I just want to

have a nice relaxing time and I walk past to the very end now the very last

stall is a handicap stall and I I know nobody's a niqab at my work to use this

stall but I just feel so guilty using it so I decided this I've taken this

handicap one I'm gonna go you know one closer to the door I am on my phone and

then all of a sudden I hear the door open I hear footsteps footsteps pass me

all the way into this handicap stall mind you nobody else is in the bathroom

now I am filled with anxiety I am trying to have a very petite super feminine

explosion over here and that my coworker is right

here listening to me whatever Leslie just waited out

you brought your phone for a reason so I'm love my phone and then in my

peripheral vision I see something down towards the ground and I'm looking and I

see her hand reaching under the stall so a million things are going through my

head but I assume whatever weird things she's doing she didn't mean to cross

over into my stall I mean why would she do that

that's really weird ten seconds go by and then I see this same hand reaching

out and I am freaking the eff out is this weird hand shut it out like this

does she want a high-five does she want toilet paper and she tried to grab my

ankle and pull me down into her stole I don't know at this point in time it had

to be something on purpose and I finally go hello and then my coworker just burst

out laughing and honestly it was the funniest thing in the world because

super nice girl but I'm not that close to her and just the fact that she just

wanted to be pretty weird with me I like her ten times more but seriously if you

guys for me what would you think what would you do this last story is pure

gold so I used to throw house parties and what were the time I had a boyfriend

and he had like thirty kajillion guy friends in this massive group I don't

even know if he knew everybody's names but there was this huge group and every

time I threw a party I could never invite one or two of them for some

reason all of them had to come so I have my party and they destroyed my house and

to a point where I'm not able to recover fast enough by the time when my mom gets

home so when my mom comes home not only does the whole house and carpet just

reek of beer but everything's trashed a few things

are always broke after these boys come into my house and

it is terrible and my mom's blood was boiling over time I always managed to

accumulate things from these house parties from these boys like swim trunks

backs of cigarettes because you never know when you want to smoke and then the

best thing was somebody left their Sperrys here how how do you leave a

party without any shoes on I don't understand this kids in and have a

backpack he literally left my house without shoes

every so often my mom has the urge to throw a garage sale and she was still so

bitter about this she decides that she's going to sell these kids Sperrys but my

mom really isn't into the loop of what's expensive and what's not she puts them

up for sale for 50 it is to find out you go to a party get your shoes and then

the mom decides to sell them for 50 cents

it's literally too good of a story okay so I'm putting a wrap on the stories for

now there's going to be a lot more main story time and many story times in the

future but I want to finish off with telling you how you guys can win these

glasses so I want you to check out the link that I'm gonna provide down below

to check out their new models look at it find the one you love then go to the

comment section of this video so don't leave me come back and tell me which

model and which color that you want to win and then you will have the chance to

win the model and color of your choice so I'm super excited because you guys

are going to be able to win exactly what you want in addition to this you do have

to like this video be a subscriber of mine and in order for me to check that

you guys have to make your subscriptions public and then if you do want some

additional entries follow me on Instagram and follow me on Twitter and

then include with your comma your Instagram and Twitter

and I'll be checking this so I want to have this contest I don't I don't know

when this contest will end so I'll make sure to post more details down in the

description but I'm gonna make sure it ends where you have in time for the

holidays in case you want to read gift it or just you know treat yourself for

shopping for other people and thank you guys for all the love and support

because without you guys I wouldn't be able to first off make videos all the

time which I love doing and then also having this many giveaways thank you

thank you thank you love you and goodbye

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