Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

You may have first seen her in Red Dawn or Ferris Bueller's Day Off, but there's no denying

that Jennifer Grey's most iconic role is Frances "Baby" Houseman in 1987's Dirty Dancing.

So just what has Jennifer Grey been up to since carrying that watermelon?

We've got the answers!

Almost Mrs. Johnny Depp

After dating Matthew Broderick, Grey was linked to another Hollywood actor — none other

than Johnny Depp.

While they were only together for a year, and famously appeared in a single photograph

together, the two were actually engaged.

But, given how things have worked out for Depp, we'd say the actress may have dodged

a bullet.

The nose job

It was 1989 when Grey got her first nose job, a decision that People notes was a choice

that "most ambitious people would not have made" as it "radically altered her appearance"

in the long run.

But that could have been because fame wasn't really what Grey was after.

She told People, "I really felt like I wanted to be a wife and a mom."

And as the face of Baby Houseman was fading away forever, in the early '90s, a piece of

cartilage broke off, forcing Grey to undergo a second nose job.

While the first may have been a shock, the second made her virtually unrecognizable.

According to the NY Daily News, while she was sedated, the doctor "decided to turn a

minor change into a major change."

While her career seemed to be on a downswing already, Grey went from being a known name

(and face), to what she called "Complete obscurity."

Relative unknown

To Grey's credit, she didn't let her second, appearance-altering nose job stop her from


She made a guest appearance on Friends, and Fallen Angels, and landed the 1995 rom-com

Lover's Knot.

As her parts got smaller and smaller, Grey realized just how much of an impact her drastically

different appearance was having on her success.

No longer did "Jennifer Grey" mean the same thing it meant in 1987, fresh off of Dirty


It was around this time that Grey considered changing her name altogether.

According to Newsweek, after the nose job incident, Grey invented the monicker and personality

Wanda West, reportedly named after Grey's old street (Wanda) in Hollywood.

The idea, as Grey told Newsweek, was that Wanda West could potentially get more roles

than Grey herself was getting at the time.

She said, "I've got to tell you, I think it could have worked...This town is so built

on who's the new face, and no one would have ever known it was me."

True love

Grey finally found true love in 2001 when she married Clark Gregg — who you may now

know from Marvel's Agents of SHIELD — on Martha's Vineyard.

The couple dated for about a year prior to getting married and were wed by Gregg's father

Robert, an Episcopal minister.

The couple's daughter Stella was born five months later and, as Grey told People, "It

was very hard to get me out of the house because I didn't want to miss any of it.

It was all about family, friends."

Health issues

After agreeing to join Dancing With The Stars in 2010, a compulsory physical revealed she

had a dangerously compressed spinal cord from injuries she sustained in a 1987 car accident.

Then, during spinal surgery, her doctor became worried about a lump Grey had been told was


It was, instead, thyroid cancer.

Grey had two more surgeries to have her thyroid removed entirely, and is now cancer-free.

The actress joined the 11th season of Dancing with the Stars, telling People that getting

back to dancing, and the spotlight, was something she had missed.

She said, "It's like I've been starving myself because of what people might think of me...This

is like eating a delicious steak after 23 years of fasting."

After rupturing a disc the night before the finale, Grey still pulled it out for the win.

She told People, "I didn't even think about winning when I first started.

This is so unbelievable...I feel so grateful, so blessed, that I had this opportunity to

spend three months learning to dance and getting paid for it.

I don't know that there's any experience that will ever be anything like this again."

Dirty Dancing remake

With the critically panned Dirty Dancing remake still fresh in people's minds, you may be

wondering why Grey wasn't a part of it.

She told The Hollywood Reporter, "I was asked to do something on that show and I was flattered

because I always want to be asked because it's nice to want to be included.

But for me, it would be sacrosanct for me to do it because it didn't feel appropriate

to me."

Unfortunately, it didn't work for viewers, either.

The Atlantic called it a "sad, strange production" while Entertainment Weekly said the remake

itself "belongs in a corner."

What's next for Jennifer Grey?

It's clear that nose job or not, Grey's got talent.

So what's next on the docket for the star?

Deadline reported in January 2017 that her Amazon series Red Oaks has been renewed for

a third and final season.

She'll also appear in upcoming indie film Untogether alongside Billy Crystal and Jamie

Dornan, and will be providing the voice of Edna in 2018's animated Duck Duck Goose.

While it's unclear exactly what other projects Grey might line up in the next several years,

she's made one thing perfectly clear: we haven't seen the last of her.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Whatever Happened To Baby From Dirty Dancing - Duration: 4:19.


Hell Lava - Tutorial - Duration: 11:42.


My name is Marcin Iwaniec from Dragon's Diamond

and welcome to Hell Lava usage tutorial.

In this video i want to show you how to install Hell Lava asset in your scene.

As you can see i prepared two terrains.

The left one i represented by a standard mesh.

That mesh i split into nine pieces, each with added mesh collider.

The right ground is made just using Unity Terrain Tool.

So with that said, let's create our first lava environment.

First we want to open Hell Lava Creator.

Go to "Game Object".

Select "Create Other".

And finally press "Lava Environment".

Lava Creator will be opened, so you can use it to generate your very unique lava environment.

What you want to do at the beginning is to press "new" button.

This will cause to create new empty object.

Let's set it where we want our lava to begins and rename it, as every Hell Lava needs to

have unique name, so it can be later saved without any conflicts.

I will rename it to "Hell Lava Terrain"...

And provide origin coordinates.

Now, lets fill creator with basic data, that is height and width.

Both our terrains have dimension 500 x 500 so we will type that values into creator.

Believe me or not, but basically that's it!

You can generate your very unique lava.

But for the moment, let's pretend we mistake some values.

For example, let's pretend that we mistake height value.

Creator will tell us about any errors, so we do not have to worry about parameters that

we are not sure what to provide.

Also, in any case we can just regenerate our mesh without any consequences.

So, let's generate our mesh, for real this time!

Depending on your computer power and size of the generating mesh, it can take from 1

minute to 5.

Generation process is consist of four steps:

Mesh generation - with is basically creating and fitting mesh vertices.

Antialiasing vertices - with is smoothing any bumpiness in lava surface.

Assigning triangles - with is connecting created in step one vertices into triangles.

And finally step four, where our no connected vertices are removed to clean final mesh.

Taking the opportunity while the mesh is generating, there is a few more parameters that you can

configure in Hell Lava Creator like: "Lava elevation", "Distance", or make advance configuration.

Each of that values will affect final Hell Lava surface mesh in different waves, and

all of those parameters are covered in Hell Lava documentation, that is available in two

versions: for C# language and Unity Java Script.

Okay, the process is almost over!

Let's see what we got!

Hmm... despite difficult shape, seems that surface generated pretty well!

As you can see, lava is fit to the terrain, so the mesh is optimized to be as light as


Also, other colliders are considered during generation process.

That means, there is no difference between meshes and terrains.

It just have to be a collider.

Generated data was save to this folder.

Each Hell Lava contains two files.

One with data provided in Creator.

And one with a lava surface mesh.


Let's try to generate lava surface on the left, mesh based terrain.

First, we need to clear our creator.

Just set "Parent Object" to None.

Now press "new" like in the last time.

Prepare created empty object, that is rename it to unique name and provide location of

the lava origin point.

Provide size of our lava.

And finally press "generate" button.

Now, let's wait for the effects.

As you can see, result is exactly the same.

As i said previously, there is no difference for Hell Lava what is ground as long as it

have colliders on it.

Surface is perfectly fit and elevated at shores.

And also other colliders are considered during generation.


Let's see it in action!

As you can see, lava flows in one direction, flowing around obstacles.

You can also notice, that is regularly waving up and down, at equal intervals.

You can also change things like speed, flow angle and many others.

All of Hell Lava surface shader functionalities are described in mentioned early documentation.

And what about promised interaction?

For now, there is none, but let's add it.

Let's talk about features.

Hell Lava offers a few of them.

The first one is obviously "Interaction Engine", that will allow mesh surface to interact with

any objects.

Let me first allow to load the right lava to creator.

You can easily do it, by just dragging Hell Lava object to "Parent Object" field in the


Now, all we need to do to assign interaction engine, is just pressing "Assign" button next

to the feature.

And that's it!

Let's see now our lava in action.

By just touching lava surface, we cause a reaction manifesting itself by particles and


As I said before, there is more features.

Let's add "Sink blockade", to prevent too deep immersion.

Also some lighting would be good!

Maybe some cool effects, like projectiles...

And sparkles.

Let's check it now!


Hell Lava is now much more alive.

Just take a closer look to that cool, hot air distortion effect.

Every entity in Hell Lava have it!

Sparkles alike projectiles are spawned randomly every launch, so Hell Lava never will be the

same twice.


Pretty nice, isn't it?

Let's drop something to lava for fun!

I'll quickly create now a sphere object, that shall fall into lava.

We will see how the interaction engine will behave!

And there it goes!

Just let me add a rigidbody to that object.

And we are set.

Let's see whats happens.

Object dropped to the lava and it dive slowly, as the Hell Lava adds displacement to physics


Here is a little better example of Hell Lava Interaction Engine.

Hell Lava also provides individual experience for player character, but before we get there,

let's cover Hell Lava Global configration.

We can set few options there.

Mainly two!


Hell Lava have ability to deal damage to objects.

For example, our first person controller contains script called "Health".

We can type that script name into Creator...

And if we did it correctly, Creator will find it and allows us to select what member is

responsible for holding current player health.

Let's select it.

We will now see, how this affect our character.

Please, pay attention to current health field value, as we immerse into lava.

As you can see, current health is decreasing by the configured in creator value over one


By default its 30 point's at second.

Also, keep in mind that changes in Global Configuration have to be saved.

Otherwise they will be lost.

Second option in Global Configuration defines something called "Whole Object Recognition


With default configuration, Hell Lava cannot recognize if our complex monster with many

colliders, is one entity or not.

We need to tell Hell Lava how to recognize entities.

It have to be something common, for every whole objects, like: "Component", "Layer",

"Tag" or part of the "Name".

In our example, let's assume that whole entity parent object contains "Health" script.

Let's select component...

And type it's name.

Of course remember to save Global Configuration.

I worth to mention, that Global Configuration data are saved in asset file, located in Hell

Lava resources folder.

You can set values manually there.

Now, when we defined what is whole object, we can define what is Player.

In Hell Lava Prefab folder, you can find prefab called "playerPack".

Just drop in on the parent player game object.

That's it!

It's simple as that!.

Let's see how it's look in game.

As you can here and see, player is experiencing lava sound bobbling effect and flame UI effect.


We are almost at the end.

But there is last one think to cover, and those are lavafalls!

This is the only feature, that cannot be added from creator, and this is because it is prefab

drag and drop action.

Just pick a place...

Drag lavafall prefab...

And enjoy!

Lavafall will extend itself until bottom reach, so it will use minimum computer resources.

As you can see, it also have it's own lighting system and also it will interact with other


Let me show you!

And that's it!

Thank you for staying with me to the end of this video.

I hope you enjoyed this presentation.

You can always test demo by yourself and you can download documentation.

All links are in the description.

I hope i will hear from you again.

See you around!

For more infomation >> Hell Lava - Tutorial - Duration: 11:42.



Hey guys my name is Oli, and I'm your new Saturdays here on party! This week's theme on party is talent week and

That may be a great opportunity for me to show you guys a bit about me, however...

There's two things I need to say first

for one you haven't already make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you're excited about seeing me on this channel and

number two I'm an untalented bitch, so I think the main theme of this video is going to be us me and you

the wonderful audience party

Trying to find something good about me

cos honestly, I'm a piece of fucking trash

Let's find me a talent and then I'll demonstrated to you. Let's do this thing. I'll start by googling

Talents you didn't know you had...Little on YouTube. Let's watch this...

Hey guys to find my hidden talent

I'm gonna do a BuzzFeed test because we all know buzzfeed is the most reliable source of information

Okay how active are you?

To be honest, I think I'm good at sitting....What's your most awesome bodypart

Myyyy eyebrows, so I'm gonna choose face

How do you balance after 2 beers? well, Buzzfeed i'm only

16 not even 16 yet, so I don't think i'm gonna be drinking beer , so I'm gonna be like right piece of cake because I like cake

Hows your memory? Best at recalling events, like I remember my second birthday like bitch. Can you remember your second birthday?

No, maybe, that's my hidden talent

You never know! Someone unexpectedly throws their car keys at you what happens

Well you fucking duck don't you don't wanna be hit in the face by some fucking car keys right...Pick a shoe, sorry, bitch

What the fuck is that can you see that sorry right? What is that?

I don't know if you can see that. I'll put like a little insert thing in now if I

remember to edit that shit in

what is that?!

I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna click the trainer OHMYGOD sparkly shoes. I'm picking those ones! In school i'm best at

Do you really think i'm good at math?! I got fucking 38% in my maths test last year.... *a few moments later* (sound effect)

Bitch what

Ready this is what BuzzFeed told me my hidden talent was


your half perfectionist half spaz..true

Which means you really have unique ideas and the drive to make them happen no matter how much trial and error it involves

If you retain useless information like sponge if that's a good sign you could retain important knowledge

your combination of analytical thinking creativity in it

Obsessiveness is a magical combination they can lead to great discoveries, and there's a picture of Albert Einstein


There it is...apparently- I have a talent in science!


Because it's told me that let's do a science experiment!! What we're gonna need for this experiment is baking powder right there....


shower gel or shampoo

and mixing tub

And a mixing device. I just chose straws cos i couldn't be fucked to find anything else, SO what we're gonna start by doing

getting this stuff the shaving the

Gel whatever it is you want to just fill it. Oh my god like that. It looks like a little shit, and you want to

See looks already like slime so basically I've already completed this. I'm a scientist already

I'm a scientist so what you'll do fill

The tub up with some of that, and you wanna add a tiny bit baking powder, but not too much

That should be fine right there, and then you want mix it

And you can already see it's forming this little slimy thing guys if it's actually working. I'm gonna be so proud

keep mixing

Look it's already formed some like slimy shit. Don't want that yet. Carry on mixing

It should I watched a video on YouTube it turned into real proper fucking slime

This probably looks like shit on the camera just realised

There we go there's a bloody slime poke poke poke fold poke poke poke see

(muffled) it went on my carpet

there we go, theres my science experiment... add some more shampoo - well yeah BuzzFeed. Tell me Ima

Tell me I'm a bloody DIYist now. Oh, yeah, get that mix it together

Oh, yeah, baby mix it all together

DIY done thread banger whoo

So unfortunately for me

BuzzFeed was wrong and I don't have a talent in science as much as I hoped i did

one thing I know in my heart that I've always been good at I

and i will strive to be the best at, forever more

Eating I got my Sprite , I got my biscuits so i'm just gonna sit...and eat


told you i was talented at eating

Thank you for watching video if you...agh there's food in my mouth!

Thank You for Watching this video if you did enjoy it make sure to LIKE and subscribe and hit that bell so you

Get notified every time one of us uploads on this here channel

Subscribe to join the party, the best party you'll ever go to in your life

is right here on this platform called YouTube

And also don't go to the link down below to go to my main channel and see more videos from me and every week

And I upload on Saturdays and as I do here. And make sure to come back here next Saturday to see me again

so yeah

Thank you for watching, and I hope you're excited to see me here on Party in the future and I will see YOU all

soon, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

For more infomation >> FIND YOUR HIDDEN TALENT | PARTY WITH OLI - Duration: 6:33.


Dudas sobre cultivo de marihuana noviembre: Super Skunk, Weed Doubts november, Вопросы с weed - Duration: 21:38.

- Hi welcome to UndergrowTv again... This time we'll taste Super Skunk by Sensi Seeds, with an organic

- line by Advanced Nutrients. I recommend you to do the same to taste your own weed. Let's solve a few

- a few doubts while tasting it... This is Weed Doubts.

- Let's taste this 80% indica flower with really elevated production. Let's grind it while checking the 1st doubt...

- I'm building up my first indoor. I've got automatic seeds... Can i use lamps for growth and bloom like with

- other plants... You always talk about a product to get closer buds without brotes...

- What's this product? Comment continues with... Thanks for you all... Complete contents i can't stop watching

- it since i subscribed a week ago. Let's help you starting with your fist doubt about growth and bloom lamps.

- I guess you compare it with regular or feminized plants... It will be the same... You can have both lamps

- growth in this case with automatic seeds, it will bloom while growing so we recommend bloom lamp from the

- beginning. If you want to change lamp, it's possible but maybe not worthy. If you use a

- mixt one, it will be pretty well adapted but avoid growth because you'll loss production. About photoperiod,

- you should care about differences between normal and automatic plants.

- Normal plants will need like 12 hours of light and the rest darkness... Automatics need more light because

- it can take profit and you can really let them rest less. They produce more with more light so you can even let

- them 18 hours of light ... Experiment to get your better results... And about nutrition...

- I think you're talking about Bud Ignitor, the product to solve your needs about reducing distance between buds.

- We'll get great compact buds with Bud Ignitor power supply, getting shorter bloom periods, not necessary with

- automatics with short periods, but in regulars or feminized, it's always interesting.

- I've got the herbal mass shredded here... Ready to roll. I've got a doubt here...

- Hi, appart from putting seeds inside the buds and losing flavour... It's not damaging for my females?

- Well friend... Always dangerous if you want a quality final product. If you're going to smoke it, it will be disturbing.

- If you're goint to eat it, seeds are nutritive and includes Omega 3, 9... But if you're going to smoke... You can't

- grind it because this will break and expand throught all your joint, destroying it. If you want to produce seeds,

- to plant your next garden for example, or as a present... I don't know what's danger for you but destroying a

- harvest could be exactly that. My life is not in risk and plants maybe agree with that, we don't know

- what they feel but... The final product will not be the best. Let's ignite this Super Skunk... Remember this strain

- was a great success by Sensi Seeds... A classic awarded in almost all cups... A skunk hybrid crossed with

- high quality Afghan... Doing a better strain with full of resin buds from one of the best

- awarded weeds. Let's igninte it. What does those logos on your web mean?

- Well... Let's welcome one of our new sponsors... SLC.

- An online grow expert in seeds with really efficient prizes so you can't miss their web. I see the next comment

- is... How much money for an entire indoor grow tent equipment?

- Well... Check our SLC (Low cost seeds) sponsor web

- in wich you're going to see everything you need, even Mammouth grow tents... High quality.

- Let's continue with doubts... What's the most productive strain indoor? A doubt from Top 10 video.

- The most productive strain is not only one... Indicas use to be the most productive, specially if you observ time,

- because you'll be able to do an extra harvest and specially if you compare it with satives. Maybe the same

- production but longer time so it's not worthy. It deppends how you calculate it.

- If you simply talk about one harvest, appart of time,

- i would recommend you indicas, even with the new hybrids

- specially selected to grant great productions like several amnesia phenotypes,

- wich are really productive, not like others... Leaving Amnesia appart, really on top for commercial gardens,

- we must detach classics like Black Domina, White Widow, Cronic... And a few

- like Ak-47 with several really productive phenotypes, rock bud phenotypes, that sometimes

- not only the grower depends, because genetics pre design the plant... And of course this Skunk.

- You can also choose Afghani by Sensi Seeds, really productive... A few by Pyramid,

- like Galaxy and others with great results... Almost all by Mr.Hide, with Critical as base for their hybrids...

- Even with those hard works in american genetics investigations that will give great results the next year,

- but we're seing strong predominance of critical in hybrids... Really nice for novices

- and experts with granted nice productions. Let's continue... Nice eyes Maka...

- What's the best variety from Pyramid Seeds and Sensi Seeds? Greetings... Greetings for you Daniel.

- Simply tell you that the best deppends on your tastes... What do you think Bombo? I think the best for me is

- Lenon by Pyramid because it's one of my favourite satives... I recomend it, but it's for expert growers,

- or if you grow it, you should cut nitrogen during growth. Appart of that,

- the best by Sensi? Well i'll say an indica to change... I say Afghani 1

- with feminized version now... Spectacular fruits. Really nice to make mothers and work from that.

- Hi, i've got a few auto purple by Pyramid Seeds. Can i give it a few hours of sun light and complete it with a lamp?

- Yes you can complete with during all you want, because automatics will accept, except with a little rest, all light you

- can give them so if you want to use the sun and then complete, you'll get better fruits. It's always good.

- More work to move the plants but it will be easy if you use little pots... If you can do it, major production.

- Let's continue with doubts... Hello, i've got 3 automatics with 2-3 weeks... Being at the north,

- could cold affect? What do you recommend me to do during nights? Well... If during night

- light will be minimum, i don't know if you have a street light or something like that... I would recommend you

- to move it into your house if it's possible,

- avoiding those severe problems of temperature during winter in your zone. If you want to give a light

- support as our friend commented, it will always be positive. Vicente says... I've got a little grow tent of

- 40 x 40 x 80 cm with Big Bud and Led. I would like to know how

- to control growth and make them like cauliflowers... I mean compacts. To take as profit as i can in this grow tent.

- It will be difficult to keep this in this little closet. This is a mini grow tent

- and you'll get minimum results... It's difficult to make flowers like cauliflowers if your lamp is not a high power

- lamp. If this Led is not really strong, it will be hard to make a compact plant because Led uses to glean

- your plants and with this little grow tent, everything will be really small. If you want to grant a harvest, i

- recomend you to get a bigger grow tent like Garden High Pro produces,

- with a better size between 1m and 1.20 m... Enought to get your harvest and avoid black market to get your

- flowers and at the end of the cycle, you'll be able to self-supply yourself.

- If you can't change your closet, keep light as close as you can, being it Led, it will be easy because

- it doesn't increase temperature and if you have a good ventilation, you'll have no problem to approach it.

- Radiation will not be damaging... Another comment... What's better? Seeds or clones?

- Well i would tell it deppends of your final objective. Both have their own adventages,

- if you make clones, you'll have a mother room appart, keep more light, root those clones... More work,

- more money, more material... So more costs... A quality seed is not cheap but... There are differences depending

- on its use. Clones will be differently formed, not like a seed, with perfect distances

- and coincidences... Clones will adapt them leaving the main brote on the top

- but not the typical pine structure you'll get with a seed. It will make differences between the low parts too.

- I prefeer to plant seeds to take profit of the low parts of plants, with good buds, but it's also possible with

- quality clones. Every system is different and we can see the strain is more stable

- if we plant an homogeneous garden of brotes, that with seeds, even being a high quality bank of seeds.

- If we use clones, using the similars, everything will be a simple green sea that will grow at the same time.

- Every part of living being... Every seed is an independent one with genetic load

- like its brothers but not exactly the same. Nothing is better than other but think on growing mothers,

- root clones... To create your own clones. Production doesn't have to be different.

- It's certain that growth time can be shorter with clones, because the first part of the growth process

- is already done so growth and bloom time could be shorter.

- Seed takes a little bit during the early phases. Alex says... Sorry... Can you dry weed in darkness?

- Of course my friend... Light contamination affects to our plants during dry process so

- that's nice to keep them in dark to avoid resin degradations and effects change. Always recommendable

- to dry weed in a ventilated obscure place with no humidity excess.

- It's always positive to evacuate your plants' humidity. You can use drying mesh by Garden High Pro

- wich will keep your plants perfect during drying process.

- We're tasting this Super Skunk by Sensi Seeds, really nice flavoured, with this powerful fragrance

- and high production in 45-50 days of bloom... Really short period.

- It can adapt to any garden. As you know, you can do a nice indoor everywhere with this plant. Bloom time is not

- too long so you can grow it anywhere... It's an indica and it will adapt better in some zones than others.

- Really nice to smoke during day... Even being really powerful, expert smokers will hold it well, novices

- should consume it with moderation. Hi genious... Can you make clones from other clones? Greetings from

- Argentina. Of course you can, but if you do it repeatedly and you always do it with the descendance,

- you'l degrade the genetic and the fruit will not be the same. One time, it's perfect, but no more.

- Of course in a few strains that can adapt to that. I was moving my plant and it lost a cotyledon.. What

- can i do? Help me please. Well... I'm pretty sure that just right now

- your plant must be dead... If the other cotyledon worked really well... Maybe it resisted but... You can't

- do nothing. Once you've had this problem, extracting the early cap,

- you should do it only if you see problems, but a strong seed should be able to do it by itself.

- It's a simple help that...Once you've done it, if you removed a cotyledon... Pray with hope

- for a miraculous other cotyledon so prepare another seed or continue praying.

- How long can i keep the weed without problems? Greetings from Argentina. Well it depends of weather

- conditions... If you keep it in a not excessivedry weather, it will be positive.

- Then it will be longer if you keep in an hermetic pot where you can control ventilation

- to let pass a little of oxygen... Always closed pot, in darkness... It will help to keep it.

- Your weed can be kept for longer than a year, but it can loose several touches of quality like

- resin degradation, other flavour touches... I don't recommend to keep it more than a year, so smoke it.

- A couple months curing and then smoke it. The last doubt now... Gustavo asks...

- I've got 10 outdoor plants 6 weeks old. Spring started here in Argentina but it started to bloom.

- I thought it should follow growing and then harvest it after summer... If i let them, they will regrow... I can put

- them indoor and start with new plants outdoor... Greetings... First we should know why did it happen.

- Even in the middle of spring, light hours were not adecuate and plant started to bloom.

- Light hours will be increased so your plant will regrow. I recommend you to regrow them

- because it has a strong root structure... If the root works well, you'll get a nice harvest. If not, you can finish them

- indoor, but if you have clean roots and you have forces to hold the summer, continue like that so...

- Gustavo, good smoking and see you on the next edition!

For more infomation >> Dudas sobre cultivo de marihuana noviembre: Super Skunk, Weed Doubts november, Вопросы с weed - Duration: 21:38.


Nghe đi rồi NGIỆN! Những bản EDM hay nhất mọi thời đại (Phần 1) - Best edm songs ever(P1) - Duration: 1:05:14.

For more infomation >> Nghe đi rồi NGIỆN! Những bản EDM hay nhất mọi thời đại (Phần 1) - Best edm songs ever(P1) - Duration: 1:05:14.


Frisk in WonderLand - MeMe Animation - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Frisk in WonderLand - MeMe Animation - Duration: 1:30.


เช็คดวงด่วน ราศีธนู ดาวเสาร์ย้าย ส่งผล2ปีครึ่ง | VZMART - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> เช็คดวงด่วน ราศีธนู ดาวเสาร์ย้าย ส่งผล2ปีครึ่ง | VZMART - Duration: 10:12.


Journey to 1000 Subs & FREE Course Giveaways - Duration: 7:33.

what's going on guys it's Brian from BG media innovation and today I got a fun

one for you so today is basically going to be dealing with a bunch of free

giveaways that I'm planning for the future

in the coming days and weeks so stay tuned for that because we're jumping

right in here we go

alright guys so let the fun begin and this is basically gonna be an

announcement of a free giveaway that I'm planning every single day now the

premise behind this is to really get to a thousand subs we're currently sitting

right around 750 which is great phenomenal I'm really really excited

about it so first and foremost thank you to all of you guys that have subscribed

that have been you know engaging with me that have been commenting and liking the

videos I genuinely could not be more thankful I really really appreciate it

and you know that like I always say this is our channel it's not just mine so you

know obviously continue to comment continue to engage in continue continue

to like the content and the videos really helps our channel grow on top of

that always feel free to email me or you know drop questions down below in the

comments I'm always willing to help aspiring entrepreneurs that's really why

I got into this in the first place and really why I what I love to do that's

why I pumped the content out on YouTube that's why I get free content that's why

I create courses all the time because I like to show the business

models and you know basically overall how I make money online because there's

so many different people out there giving so many so much skewed

information that I figured that you know I've seen success in a multitude of

different business models online and I kind of wanted to give it to somebody to

give it to you guys like in a practical sense really with my screen recording

and just show you exactly what I do on my screen and that you can emulate so

it's not like I'm like you know ty Lopez it's not like I'm like somebody that's

huge like a good example where that would be like Tanner J Fox his YouTube

channel is really really cool I've been checking it out lately because he's in

the Amazon FBA kind of like I am and yeah he started really really low and he

built up his subscriber base do did a great job of it phenomenal but at the

same time he's kind of grown into like a more larger-than-life figure you know

he's got the Lambo he's got the million dollars he's got the house and it kind

of just seems at least from an everyday person perspective at least this is the

feedback that I get that it's kind of like figures like that are a little bit

more larger than life so I'm a little bit I'm really down-to-earth I'm

relatable I'm just an everyday guy that sees success online and I converse with

you guys and I want to help you so yes I see success in a multi

different business models but I'm not some larger-than-life figure I'm just

like you I make mistakes I learn from those mistakes and I keep you know

striving to get better every single day just like you do so if I can do it I

promise you that you can now what this really is all about and like I said I do

have some great Instagram tip videos coming in the coming days so stay tuned

for them I guarantee you there tips that you've never heard before that will help

you grow your Instagram so stay tuned for that I'm also gonna be doing some

follow like her tutorials I have followed like it right here very very

cool but like I said worry about whoa just

drove that sorry we're about 750 subscribers now which is phenomenal I'm

really really excited and this is the road and the beginning of the road to a

thousand so I want to see us get to a thousand as fast as possible that's

really the goal here now the free giveaway now how does that get into you

know fruition basically how am I gonna choose a free giveaway and what am I

going to get well I'm gonna give away my courses I'm gonna give away any course

that you want you can pick it if you win you're the winner you can choose a

course I will give it to you for free whatever you want now how do you get

these courses every single day I'm gonna go through my YouTube notifications and

from this day forward at 10:32 am 11:17 I'm going from this time forward

going to go through my new YouTube notifications and whoever comments on a

video I'm gonna pick one of those random people every single day

now you can comment multiple times you can you can win multiple times you can

win multiple days it doesn't matter the more you comment on you know obviously

don't comment you you can come in a bunch of times on one video but I'm only

gonna count it once obviously that really really helps but

coming on multiple videos comment on all of them it'll give you more chances to

win and like I said I'm going to pick be picking one lucky person every single

day that is able to choose one of my courses and you know obviously and ask

me questions about it you know I'd give the whole tutoring thing through email I

really really enjoy helping aspiring entrepreneurs and you can basically

choose which course you want which business model you want you get involved

in and get into and I will message you on youtubes platform so stay tuned for

that or you could just drop your email underneath the comment whatever is fine

for you if I don't see an email I will message you on YouTube and

lucky winner I'll be announcing in the next day's video obviously at the end of

the video so stay tuned for that and clearly you know I'll give you you know

if you don't get the message on YouTube I'll give you you know where we can

converse or you can email me or and so on and so forth but I'll be announcing

them starting tomorrow with tomorrow's video I'll be announcing

a lucky winner from today so comment on videos

whoever comments I will be picking one of those lucky people now yes you win

and I went now we both win so you get a free course obviously if you just

comment it can because don't I mean you can comment whatever you want but don't

just comment like a word comment something thoughtful something you know

some feedback on the video if you liked it if you didn't you know some some tips

where you think I could improve because I'm always looking to improve and that's

basically how I win so I get the comments on the videos clearly which

helps engagement on my channel and hopefully in theory will raise you know

my my rank in YouTube's algorithm per video so it helps that way for me and

obviously you get a chance to win now the more comments you do on more videos

the more chance you get to win it's that simple so I'm really excited about this

I think this is really really cool I think this is going to really kind of be

a good little challenge for you guys and you know it helps you learn because

there's a lot of content that you can learn for free in my videos and it

obviously helps my channel grow a little bit and we're on that road to a thousand

subscribers now the goal is to get there before December I think we can do it

we're about 750 right now so in about 13 days we need to hit 250 more roughly I

love math I don't feel like doing it right now so I don't know how many that

is a day but it's very very easy the more comments the higher the and faster

the channel will grow and clearly the more chance you have to win a free

course so with that being said I'm gonna end this year I love love talking to you

guys I'm really really glad to bring this challenge to you guys and this free

giveaway I hope you're as excited as I am and if we do get to a thousand subs

you know feel free to obviously subscribe yourself or tell your friends

if we do get to a thousand free subs I feel like I'm gonna give away something

cool something really really cool that I've been working on so stay tuned for

that very very excited a lot of great stuff and content to come in the future

so I'm gonna end this year I hope that you guys have a wonderful Friday and

have a wonderful weekend I will see you or I think today's

Saturday actually I'm recording this on Friday because I actually spoiler my

anniversary with my girlfriend is tomorrow so I'm recording this and then

I'm gonna schedule it for tomorrow so I will see you guys on Monday I usually

take Sundays off and I hope that you guys have a great great weekend

For more infomation >> Journey to 1000 Subs & FREE Course Giveaways - Duration: 7:33.


3 Easy Shelf Track Plans For Model Railroaders - Duration: 11:15.

track plans and more track plans that's what we're gonna be talking about today

since I've had a lot of comments about track planning and what size or what

should I use in my bedroom so let's get started with this right now

I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building their model railroad and track planning is a vital part of

that process now I've had a lot of comments in the

past about track planning and what track plans should I use is this a good one is

that a good one I have a 8 by 12 bedroom that I have I have an 8 by 10

bedroom that I have and we're going to talk about some small track plans in

this episode right here now a lot of them have been asking about around the

wall or shelf layouts and so that's what I'm that's what we're going to

concentrate on here our shelf layouts or around the wall layouts for a small

bedroom may be 8 by 10 maybe up to 10 by 12 and that's about it that's where

we're gonna start out with with really small rooms like a spare bedroom or a

utility room so let's see what we got for track plans today like I said before

in a previous video it's all up to what the modeler wants not what somebody else

thinks that they should have or anything like that whatever you'd like to do in

your model railroading if you want some switching if you just want run around

the wall that's fine that's the type of track plan that you should be working on

so the first thing you need to do is take a look at a lot of different track

plans in the magazines and model railroad magazines

and railroad model craftsman magazine any magazine that you could pick up or

even the annual magazines where they have track plans like these now these

are refined really good track plans now to get your track plan in here you

have to have a really good plan and these are something where you take a

look at the pictures and get ideas not try to duplicate those big ones that are

in there but just get some ideas from the pictures that are in there you know

they say a picture's worth a thousand words well believe me it is

you could you could design your own railroad get some ideas out of the

pictures that you see in those magazines or those annuals and base your model

railroad on those things a lot of the things that I have here on this railroad

is from pictures that I saw and I said you know that looks good I want to have

that in my model railroad and although I didn't duplicate them 100% but the idea

behind them is still there you get you get your idea from the pictures that you

see in these annual magazines and you go from there

and that's a good starting place and then another place is this one right

here now I think I featured 101 track plans in a previous video and this one's

a hundred and one more track plans I'm just going to take a few out of this

book right here for you to take a look at to give you a little bit of an idea

of what you could work with in a small area so let's get started with that

right now this first layout that I'm featuring is

an 8 by 10 and scale layout designed over 40 years ago by Gordon

Odegard now if you have been reading any Model Railroader

magazines you'll notice that name right there but anyway this has plenty of

track on there for switching it also has a two-track main line and a reversing

loop on there it's 2 levels it has staging on the lower level it also gives

you the opportunity to run your trains in the

continuous loop and let them run and run and run also while you're doing some

switching since its two-track mainline now this is an excellent track plan now

even if you're working on a Cho scale you could probably fit this into a room

that's just a little bit bigger than this

now using the two levels it is doing it similar to what I do it using grades to

take you from one level to the other and hiding behind scenery to get there now

that's a good idea of using two levels without having the need for a helix this

is a really good track plan for you to be working on for your first project

it's not too complicated it would be easy to maintain and it's in a small

area this next one is a 9 by 11 HO scale Tioga Pass Railroad and this is

also done many many years ago it was done in 1980 but this this modeler goes

back all the way into the 60s in fact he was a friend of John Allen and if you

know anything about model railroading you'll know that name John Allen he was

a pioneer in this hobby now this is a switching layout and it has a lot of

possibilities in there and even if you don't like the buildings or the industry

even if you don't like the industries in there you could change the industries

out and move these tracks around anywhere that you'd like to this was

designed for a spare bedroom in a mobile home so it will fit nicely and it says

it's nine by eleven so it'll fit nicely in any bedroom now this third track plan

is HO and also a switching track plan and it is nine by twelve and you'll also

recognize this name Andy Sperandeo who is also a familiar name

model railroading magazine and model railroading industry because he's

written a lot of articles and books on model railroading now this is a simple

very simple track plan for switching and it'll fit nicely in any small bedroom or

average it'll fit nicely in any average sized bedroom and it gives you the

opportunity to expand on it if you would like to do so as you can see on the

fiddle yard you could expand that out the door and into your hallway and down

down the hallway and into another bedroom if you like don't tell them that

be that though but anyway it's a simple track plan with a lot of opportunity for

switching in there and then we'll give you a and it'll give you a lot of

enjoyment of switching your rolling stock back and forth through the

industries in here so take a look at this now you'll notice that all of these

track plans were designed over 30 years ago because they work and people enjoy

building track plans from these original plans now you don't have to do them

exactly as they are you could fit them to whatever space you have you could

modify it in any way that you liked for any industry that you'd like it's up to

you how you do your own model railroad and if you would like to purchase this

book it could be purchased at Kalmbach publishing or on my Amazon shop page

which I'll show you right back here and while you're at it there's a lot of

other good items on there that I use in my videos that you could purchase also

and you don't have to stick with that you could go onto different pages while

you're there and do your holiday shopping on Amazon through those pages

it would help me out tremendously I get a small percentage out of anything

that's purchased through this Amazon page so that would be

helping me out so I could produce better videos for you on model railroading so I

appreciate it if you would go there and buy something on there and you can also

get this book on there I have it right up on top and there's a lot of other

track planning books on there also along with other model railroading items so

thank you very much even if you're not planning around the wall operation this

book right here has a lot of different track plans in there for smaller

operations like a 4x8 sheet of plywood and it goes all the way up to larger

rooms very large operations in here so I'm just picking out the Shelf layout

ones in this one there's quite a few of them in here and I'm gonna talk about

just a couple of them that are in here but you could see this right here 101

more tract plans this is the one book that I'm talking about in this video

here and there are many many tract plants a hundred and one of them that

you could pick from and they're all shapes and sizes and all different

scales in here so this is not just talking about the Shelf layouts in there

it has many different kinds of layouts in this book right here and don't forget

on Monday Wednesday and Saturday I have new videos coming out every week so

check them out subscribe ding that Bell so you could be

notified whenever they come out coming up next week we have Thanksgiving so I

would like to wish every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving and if you're going

to be out on the road drive carefully because

there's a lot of nuts out there so we'll see Ya

For more infomation >> 3 Easy Shelf Track Plans For Model Railroaders - Duration: 11:15.


Once Upon a Time 7x09 Promo "One Little Tear" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Once Upon a Time 7x09 Promo "One Little Tear" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


[MV OFFICIAL] Songsa Ery Oy Bong Som Tos | Khemarak Sereymon - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> [MV OFFICIAL] Songsa Ery Oy Bong Som Tos | Khemarak Sereymon - Duration: 4:29.


San Holo - One Thing (Legendado PT/BR) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> San Holo - One Thing (Legendado PT/BR) - Duration: 3:56.


NVIDIA's AI Dreams Up Imaginary Celebrities | Two Minute Papers #207 - Duration: 3:50.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

Hold on to your papers because these results are completely out of this world, you'll soon

see why.

In this work, high-resolution images of imaginary celebrities are generated via a generative

adversarial network.

This is an architecture where two neural networks battle each other: the generator network is

the artist who tries to create convincing, real-looking images and the discriminator

network, the critic tries to tell a fake image from a real one.

The artist learns from the feedback of the critic and will improve itself to come up

with better quality images, and in the meantime, the critic also develops a sharp eye for fake


These two adversaries push each other until they are both adept at their tasks.

A classical drawback of this architecture is that it is typically extremely slow to

train and these networks are often quite shallow, which means that we get low-resolution images

that are devoid of sharp details.

However, as you can see here, these are high resolution images with tons of details.

So, how is that possible?

So here comes the solution from scientists at NVIDIA.

Initially, they start out with tiny, shallow neural networks for both the artist and the

critic, and as time goes by, both of these neural networks are progressively grown.

They get deeper and deeper over time.

This way, the training process is more stable than using deeper neural networks from scratch.

It not only generates pictures, but it can also compute high resolution intermediate

images via latent space interpolation.

It can also learn object categories from a bunch of training data and generate new samples.

And, if you take a look at the roster of scientists on this project, you will see that they are

computer graphics researchers who recently set foot in the world of machine learning.

And man, do they know their stuff and how to present a piece of work!

And now comes something, that is the absolute most important part of the evaluation that

should be a must for every single paper in this area.

These neural networks were trained on a bunch of images of celebrities, and are now generating

new ones.

However, if all we are shown is a new image, we don't know how close it is to the closest

image in the training set.

If the network is severely overfitting, it would essentially copy/paste samples from


Like a student in class who hasn't learned a single thing, just memorized the textbook.

Actually, what is even worse is that this would mean that the worst learning algorithm

that hasn't learned anything but memorized the whole database would look the best!

That's not useful knowledge.

And here you see the nearest neighbors, the images that are the closest in this database

to the newly synthesized images.

It shows really well that the AI has learned the concept of a human face extremely well

and can synthesize convincing looking new images that are not just copy-pasted from

the training set.

The source code, pre-trained network and one hour of imaginary celebrities are also available

in the description, check them out!

Premium quality service right there.

And, if you feel that 8 of these videos a month is worth a dollar, please consider supporting

us on Patreon.

You can also get really cool additional perks like early access, and it helps us to make

better videos, grow, and tell these incredible stories to a larger audience.

Details are available in the description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> NVIDIA's AI Dreams Up Imaginary Celebrities | Two Minute Papers #207 - Duration: 3:50.




The latest presentation of BostonDynamic's human-robot "Atlas" might look funny and is

by no means impressive.

But it shows much more than that.

Robots are no longer rickety frames, which at best can overcome obstacles and move skillfully

in science fiction films.

The time has come for robots to be more agile, faster and more skillful than humans.

In a few years' time, robots like this won't know any obstacles.

No one can hide from them.

This presentation is clearly addressed to weapons manufacturers.

Don't you think?

Such abilities are not be developed to serve you a cup of coffee.


The link is in the source article link below in our description

For more infomation >> THIS HUMANOID ROBOT KNOWS NO OBSTACLES - Duration: 1:15.


The Untold Truth Of Deathstroke - Duration: 4:45.

DC's Deathstroke has enjoyed a resurgence the past few years thanks in large part to

the CW's Arrow.

As we settle in for Joe Manganiello's version of the character in the DC Extended Universe,

we're taking a deep dive into the character and offering a few tidbits you might not know

about one of DC Comics' greatest tacticians and most dangerous villains.

Here's the untold truth of Deathstroke.

Original Terminator

Though he's likely best known for his more recent work, especially his roles on Arrow

and the upcoming Batman film, Deathstroke has been causing trouble in the comics for

almost 40 years.

Slade Wilson was first introduced in New Teen Titans #2, which was released in December


At the time, he was known as Deathstroke: the Terminator.

His first appearance came four years before James Cameron's Terminator, but by the mid-'80s,

most people associated the name with a time-traveling Arnold Schwarzenegger, regardless of who came


DC opted to quietly retire the "Terminator" subtitle and just stick with Deathstroke.

In the years since, he's taken shots at just about every DC hero in the books.

For example...

He beat up the Justice League

The Justice League may be DC's Mightiest Heroes, but they still need to watch out for Deathstroke.

As part of DC's Identity Crisis storyline in 2004, Slade was employed as the bodyguard

for Doctor Light.

Since that involved protecting him from a large contingent of the Justice League, Deathstroke

strategized how to take down each separate member, and systematically started neutralizing


He faced off against a team comprised of the Green Lantern, the Flash, Green Arrow, Atom,

Hawkman, Zatanna, Elongated Man, and Black Canary.

It was working pretty well...until Green Arrow jammed an arrow through his eye and sent him

into a blind rage.

At that point, he just started pounding on Green Arrow, which gave the rest of the team

an opening to tackle him to the ground and stop the fight.

So close, Slade.

So close.

He defeated the X-Men

In times past, DC and Marvel weren't afraid to crossover for some truly insane—and fun—comics


Deathstroke got his chance to prowl around the Marvel Comics universe as part of Marvel

and DC's The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans one-off, which found the Titans and

X-Men teaming up to stop Darkseid.

But the Titans brought along their most famous nemesis for the ride, who took out both the

Titans and the X-Men along the way.

Not even Wolverine and Colossus could defeat him when the battle started.

It just proved again that he's a force to be reckoned with—no matter what comics universe

he's in.

He inspired Deadpool

You don't have to look much further than their names, skill sets, and outfits to realize

that Deathstroke and Deadpool have maybe a few things in common.

Well, there's a good reason for that: Deadpool is basically an homage to Deathstroke, just

with more of an attitude.

"I know, right?"

Deadpool co-creators Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld were reportedly big fans of Deathstroke,

so they borrowed from their fan favorite when putting together the pitch for Wade Wilson.

In fairness, the characters diverged quite a lot once Deadpool's story developed.

Liefeld said:

"While ruthless, there is certain nobility to Slade.

He tried to have a normal family at one point, and believed in honor amongst thieves.

Wade, while canny, is an insane person.

The similarities are they both shoot guns and wield swords."

Family ties

Unlike a lot of comic book villains, Slade Wilson is also a family man—and his family

has also crossed paths with the Teen Titans several times.

In almost every case, it didn't go well.

His son Grant cut a deal with the evil H.I.V.E. for enhanced abilities to take out the young

heroes, but the enhancements taxed Grant's body too much, and he died in his father's


Slade's second son, Joseph, was kidnapped and had his throat slit while Deathstroke

was trying to rescue him.

Joseph survived, but the injury severed his vocal cords, leaving him unable to speak.

Slade's wife, upset over the whole ordeal, shot him in the face and damaged his eye.

And that's not all: his daughter Rose became a villain under the adopted mantle Ravager.

Guess villainy just runs in the Wilson family.

Hail to the chief

An alternate version of Deathstroke is introduced in DC's animated film Justice League: Crisis

on Two Earths.

In this world, Slade has gone into politics and climbed the ladder to become the President

of the United States.

Unsurprisingly, the guy's a pretty badass POTUS, leading U.S. forces alongside the Justice

League to battle the Syndicate.

Interestingly, this Slade has an eyepatch on his left eye instead of the right, since

he's sort of a mirror version in this world.

Not that it matters.

Eyepatches are always cool.

"You can't see it.

I just winked."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Deathstroke - Duration: 4:45.


Steven Universe - KEYSTONE RETURNS (NEW EPISODE LEAKED IMAGES) - Duration: 1:14.

If you gave me that your chance!!! A chance me!!!

It's so sharp in the dark put I making!!!

No, and no!!!! I don't work in the my cheeking!!!

When are you making, there's no place a rather be!!!!!

Na, na, na, na, na, I, I place and I rather be!!!

Na, na, na, na, na, I, I place and I rather be!!!

For more infomation >> Steven Universe - KEYSTONE RETURNS (NEW EPISODE LEAKED IMAGES) - Duration: 1:14.


Канекалон недорого ❤ Синий канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Канекалон недорого ❤ Синий канекалон | ВолосОк - Duration: 0:23.


How I Moved to Korea & How You Can Do The Same (VISAS, FOOD, HOUSING, TRANSPORT...) - Duration: 15:26.

Hi guys, whats up. Today the video is gonna be about how and why I moved to Korea...

"moved", I don't like saying I moved here because "moving" sounds too...permanent, and it's not that permanent yet

I'm here for a trip... a study trip , and... anyways

Some people asked me to make this video, telling about how I ended up here in Korea.

So I'm gonna talk a bit about my experience and

if you want to travel here or move here

I'm gonna try giving some tips

on how to do it and on how to live...

the cheapest way possible, let's go!!

I'm here with my Suhorang balloon, he's one of the mascots for the winter olympics and paralympics

It's cute so I wanted to have it in my video

First, why did I come? I talked a bit about it

in my 35hour trip from Brasil to Korea vlog

But to sum it up

I came here because in Brazil I wasn't very happy

In 2015 I spent some time here, I liked it a lot

When I went back to Brazil I was very sad

I was thinking about how I wanted to be in Korea all the time

It's a longer story than this but to sum it up it's because in Brazil

I wasn't happy doing what I was doing and I tried a lot of things and nothing made me happy

My mind was always in Korea

So I thought "I'm gonna try... I'm gonna try going there and try to follow my dream

which is being a dancer and choreographer"

More specifically, my dream, more than choreographing,

I want to be a backup dancer for idols

This would be my life goal

being a backup dancer for idols because it seems like a fun time

And I know it's hard, I have a friend who keeps on kinda pushing me down

saying things like "Idk why you want to study dance here, it's to hard to be a dancer, there are already too many people that dance well here"

I know it's hard, I never thought it'd be easy, but because in Brazil nothing was making me very happy

I decided to try, because yolo

Because it's what I really wanna do, and it's worth to try, even if it ends up not working, at least I tried

This is the reason I came here this year

So, how did I "move" here?

Since we're talking about move... don't forget to stream Taemin's MOVE MV :D

Also, I might or might not be preparing a very special dance cover of Taemin's Move... so stay tuned!!

First, let's talk about how I'm going to stay here this long.

Some countries, like Brazil, the citizens can spend 3 months in Korea without a Visa.

I'm gonna stay at least until May, my initial plan is to stay more, it's to be here permanently, but we don't know if it's gonna work, so

But at least until May, which is like 7 months. The easiest way to stay here for long is being a student.

If you have the student visa you can stay here for long, I think the visa is for 6 months but you can renew it.

While I was still in Brazil I applied for a language course here. In Korea they have this thing called Language Programs, which is a course for foreigners to learn korean here.

So it's not a university course, it's not a major, it's simply a language course.

I searched a lot about this, I searched a lot of universities that offer this language program, and I chose the one that was best for me.

I liked the location, the opportunities it would give me, like scholarships (they give scholarships to the best student in class, if you never miss class you might get a scholarship also

and if you do really well on the language program they might give you a scholarship for a major course).

They have a dance major course, which is what I want.

Also the price was cheaper than some other unis

But there are lots of options of universities, which different prices, different locations, different scholarships,

so I'm gonna leave in the description the website where I got all my info from, and you can look it up and choose the best program for you

Besides univerisities, you can also study korean at hakwons, which are language institutes, so it's not a university, just an institute

I didn't search a lot about institutes, I only know one, which is where my friend studied, it's called "Best Friend Korean Language School"

And the price is kind of the same as the ones in universities

What do you need to know about this program?

It's divided by levels, usually, it depends on the place, but usually 1 level is 3 months

The price for 1 level varies, from what I've searched, from 1,300,000won up to 1,900,000won (price for 3 months)

So there is a big difference, so it's good to look it up

Before classes start you take a placement(?) test and see which level you're in, there are usually 6 levels

I haven't taken my test yet...

I can't say much about this language program because my classes haven't started yet, they'll start in december, then I can talk a bit more about it

Another option is to apply for an actual major at a university, I thought about applying for the dance major at K-arts, which is like my dream

but I didn't feel confident enough in my korean skills and dance skills to apply, so I decided to do the language program first

I don't which tips to give you about where to search how to search , because all I searched about were dance majors, that's all I know...

But there are tons of universities and different majors you can apply and usually it's just apply->pay->you're in

So that's that, being a student is the easiest way to get a visa and stay here for a long time

Some countries have a visa called Working Holiday, which is a working visa but... like short-term working? Brazil doesn't have this so I know nothing about it, but you can look it up.

You can also try for scholarships. Last year I tried for the Korean Government Scholarship (KGSP) and didn't make it

You can search about it and apply, I think the applications are usually in august or september.

So it's a scholarship from the Korean government that covers all your studying expenses if you pass

I also heard it say that if you have a student visa, if you live here for a while, like... 6 months or 1 year or something, that after that you can get a working visa

I heard about that, I never searched it, so I can't talk much about it, it's just something I've heard

Now let's talk about housing

Per month, the cheapest thing you'll get is 350,000won/month

Some options are: hostel. There are a lot of cheap hostels to stay for a while

But even the cheapest hostels, if you stay long it's gonna accumulate and you'll see it's not that cheap.

For example, I once stayed at one of the cheapest hostels I could find, and even then it was like almost 670,000won per month

So hostels are an option but they are not the cheapest option

Another option is what they call here a Goshiwon, which is a small individual room, I'm in one of these right now, maybe one day I'll show it to you guys

It's really small, you can't do a lot of stuff in here, so it's basically a room you rent just to sleep

There's a bed, a desk, a chair, so you can study here, most goshiwons have TVs, there is a wardrobe thingy

And you usually have the option to choose a room with a private bathroom, or a shared bathroom in the hallway, I have a private bathroom cuz it's way better

There's also a kitchen, you can cook there, there's a fridge, some goshiwons offer a mini-fridge inside the room, there's wifi

The goshiwons usually offer some free food, like the one I'm in gives free rice, kimchi and ramyeon, and there's also one special item each week

Like this week it's soup, last week it was curry. Some goshiwons also offer free eggs...


I searched a lot of goshiwons and the prices ranged between 350,000won per month and 600,000won per month

There's a page that's called Goshipages where I found all the info

If you're a student you can also stay at the university dormitory. I'm at a goshiwon now because my classes havent started yet,

but in december i'll move to the uni dorms, which ended up being cheaper than the goshiwon.

Another option is renting an apartment by yourself or sharing with friends, but the problem is,

idk much about apartments but this is what a friend of mine told me,

She rents an apartment, the rent fee per month is almost the same as the goshiwon i'm staying

her rent is like 500,000won , but the problem is, to rent an apartment, they ask for a deposit

and the deposit is expensive...

my friend had to pay a deposit of 5million won which is roughly 5 thousand dollars

5thousand dollars!!! It's a deposit, so yes the money is gonna go back to you eventually,

but not everyone has 5 thousand dollars sitting on their desk at home, "let me just get my 5K dollar over here", y know

So this is the problem with renting an apartment, the deposits are expensive

but it's an option... if you have 5k dollars...

About food. If you're gonna eat out every day...that's a no no

Eating out the price ranges from 3,000won per meal, like a row of kimbap, up til 10,000 or 12,000 like a samgyepsal or something like that

I'd say that the average is like 7,000won per meal,

which is roughly 7 dollars.

which is the normal price for eating out in Brazil as well,

but if you eat out every day it's gonna weight on your wallet

So what I recommend is cooking

I suck at cooking I've never cooked before

but here I'm trying to cook more because it's way cheaper

I went to the supermarket

and I bought broccoli and mushrooms (mushrooms are reall cheap here, it's amazing)

It was like 3,000thousand won, both of those things,

and I cooked 3 days with that

I grabbed the free rice from the goshiwon, and cooked broccoli and mushrooms

1dollar per day for having lunch, compared to the 7 dollars if I ate out

So cooking is always the best option because it's way cheaper

Transportation: subway and bus is around the same price, which is around 1,300won

I think that's all I have to talk about transportation

You'll always need transportation so there isn't a big way to save money with that

Only if, for example, I'm in Sinchon and I wanna go to Idae, I'm not gonna take the subway cuz it's just one stop, so I'm going to walk

That's the only way to save money on transportation cuz it's something you'll always need

You'll have to spend money on that

How did I manage to come here?

I have money saved

and I also receive a monthly allowance from my mom who is deceased

That's how I managed to come, and I know not everyone has the means to do this

but this video was made to show you guys kinda how I came here

What I spend on, how I spend

And if any of you want to come here I was trying to say tips on how to spend the least amount of money possible

I didn't know very well what to say in this video, if you have any questions comment down below

Also this was all based on my experience, maybe there are some cheaper stuff that I don't know about because I haven't experienced it

Also to try and save money, try to focus on the important stuff, don't buy a thousand kpop albums,

don't eat out everyday, don't buy clothes you don't need

Of course leisure(?) is good,

you can spend with things that aren't "necessary", because it's good to have something that brings you joy

But if you're short on money and you really need to save money you must focus on the bigger necessities

Another thing I wanna talk about, can you get around with english here? yes, but not that much

Most people are willing to try to help you and communicate through body language and a little bit of english

but it's always good to know at least the basics of the korean language

so you can communicate better

It really sucks being somewhere and not understanding what's going on, so I'd advise you to learn at least the basics of korean

And someone asked me to talk about how I found the practice room I've been using

It was very simple, I opened Naver and I typed "practice room" and like a bunch of them showed up , throughout the entire city of Seoul

I saw the prices, the information, found one that got me interested, seemed good, clicked, payed, reserved!

So finding a practice room is super easy here, which makes me even more sure of the fact that I'm in the right place

Because back in my city in Brazil I tried finding a practice room for months and I couldnt find anything

And here I just opened Naver, typed what I wanted and found a bunch of practice rooms

I hope you liked the video, don't forget to like, subscribe, comment and share!

If you have any questions write it down below and I'll answer

I think that's it... I'll see you guys in the next video


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