Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 18 2017

what's going on guys welcome back to a brand new video today this is a video I

know a lot of you guys have been waiting for it's a video I'm super excited to

make I want to talk to you guys about how long will big Kinect last how long

is big connect sustainable for how long can they continue to pay you out $1,000

not 1% every day to pay $1,000 did $100,000 long just same but let's make

this easy to already nevermind so first before we get started at the end of this

video I'm going to give the final answer obviously how long do I think you'll

last right now we're going to explain the process how everything works okay so

I'm gonna get started big connect the word big connect let's

let's stop and think about the word bit Connect for a second bit connect bit

sounds a little bit like another coin we have here Bitcoin bit Bitcoin connect

bit connect Bitcoin connect connected the Bitcoin right it's edge you guys

don't believe me big connect is up 2.8 6% Bitcoin is up 2.3 3% so pretty damn

close um let's look at the chart I love doing this I love charts charts on a

thing but watch this on the 9th of November right roughly this is when

Bitcoin started to a Bitcoin started to fall yeah

fell till the 12th on the 12th it went bounce to kind of went down again and

then it went up correct mr. bit connect on the 9th bit connect where is it

here's the 9th picnicked was about to start falling and it fell but then it

bounced on the 12th also the 12th bounced embed down and then went up

thirty exact same pattern don't believe me

what happened next it went up it went up down up down

it went up down up death guys yeah it's it's pretty yeah let's

look at let's look at it like this okay look at the Bitcoin graph right

obviously you're gonna see graphs similar but like the guy that's similar

pretty similar let's look at bitkha next graph right I haven't even like

generally I'm doing this on the spot haven't done it so if it looks

completely off I may look stupid but come on come on that is a very very very

similar graph come on where'd he go come on okay it was up bounced up here

bounced up come on honestly it's a lot easier to just tell from this one that I

showed you um it was the exact same day's exact

same times that's just how it works it's connected trust me

it's connected bit connect is connected let's look over here now if you guys go

to crypto ID show you guys the rich list largest wallets

um I should kind of I have to have an idea ready crypto ID this might be kind

of fun I wanna see this works do they have the regular Bitcoin use Bitcoin no

they don't have a rich list for Bitcoin that said yeah I want to see it was a

light coin rich let's look like whoa guys got a lot of black cord what's that

one four two zero zero zero sure it's alright

and what's like home worth of 60 bucks yeah some guys got eighty five million

dollars worth light coin shit okay back to big necks even here so

this is fucking worth case wait this is worth two hundred and something dollars

per coin this guy's got a million it's like two

hundred and fifty million dollars worth a big connect how who is this person

this this from my theory this is all of your coins right so a lot of you guys

know be connect it says that you lend it to a trading bot right you let it to the

big connect trading bot they'll trade the volatility and they'll give you

money this is my payment for yesterday one of

my payments free I don't even think was the whole payment is one of yesterday's

payments why not just transfer the silver why not that's a good time all

right now we're at 2.2 - I'm gonna get a payout in like two minutes I think so

well refresh that later but it says you guys wrong it says that you're loaning

into a trading bot that trades the volatility I thought that was true at

first - but hear me out I think instead they're paying you out because they know

the value there of their coin is gonna go up right so what they're doing is

they're holding their coin long term think about it Bitcoin big connect

started off at like 18 cents I need like 1 cent a coin it was low like this was

like a year ago you could get big connect for super cheap and now it's

worth so much so the rate of its increase has been more than the 1% that

they're paying out daily right so you guys might be wondering why don't I just

hold my coin you can a lot of people choose to do that bake it like if you

invest in it like you would an altcoin I like it any other all coin like

litecoin like - like OMG whatever you would you were just holding but thing is

everything goes up and down if you guys saw the recent charts Bitcoin went down

like $2,000 and now it's like leveling off and big connect then follow big

connect was at 280 fell down to like 230 so you

a good amount of money if you were holding its that's the type of thing you

would have to be okay with you would have to you know be watching the charts

constantly um it'd be a lot more tedious work while on the other hand you could

just loan it loan money get paid out in dollar so what they're hoping is that

the value of Bitcoin bit Connect goes up faster than you get paid out in dollars

it's basically what they're what they're kind of playing at and that I mean it's

a great investment fact that they have the time to hold they have the resources

to hold two hundred fifty million dollars worth of big connect in this one

account so it's got eight hundred ninety four thousand six eight hundred sixty

seven thousand like there's a lot of Bitcoin these are probably all like the

head guys's wallets who or least the probably that head guys I'm like a

company bank account the company wallet this is probably it and so they're

holding it it's going up in value faster than their pin you out but you're

getting guaranteed payouts and at the end of the period you get your initial

money back right so you know if you invest ten thousand I'm gonna get my

$10,000 back at the end of the investment period so it's like a hundred

and twenty days be invested over ten thousand if you invest over five

thousand hundred seventy nine whatever you'll get your initial capital back so

get that ten thousand but to them they're banking on that being worth less

coins right so they're banking now that you're ten thousand maybe it's worth it

so this complete estimates say you loan you gave them two hundred coins and it

was worth ten thousand dollars and now they're hoping that when they give you

ten thousand dollars back that would only be worth a hundred coins to them so

the difference they kept and that's basically how I think they're paying you

not paying people out there I think that's how they're able to pay out now

they're not guaranteeing anything right there are days where it's a zero percent

payout it's happened it was like one day last week it was zero you guys look at

every other day though let me show you guys if you guys look at every other day

so much the average has been 1.26 but I get a point to because I did a seven

thousand dollar investment in one of them so I get point to my average is

literally a 1.5 percent this week one point five percent is making me like

jeez 550 dollars a day guaranteed basically but it's not

guaranteed one percent it could be now the fact that it's been very volatile is

why they're being able to pay like out this much and why the the investment try

has been this tomorrow's are probably a little lower hasn't been too much going

on but yeah this is Baker look at that that's crazy

anyways anyways as I was saying I genuinely think that's how they're able

to pay Bulow now is its kami no it's not scammy that says that it's an investment

fund this is a fund they're making money and they're paying you out a percentage

of the money that they're making it's a fund and at the end you get your money

back it's it's an investment and you make profit that's great that's how it

should be you make profit that's all that matters I should all it should be

on the only thing that matters to you that you may profit and they're hoping

that obviously as the company they also want to make profit they're making

profit by holding um again like I said the beginning you can hold big connect

and hope that the value goes up it is a lot no I don't say riskier it's a lot

more up and down then lending it would be cuz lending is

just kind of you just get your money every day you can just not touch this

for four months you'll come back and you'll have a huge lending wallet and

that's all it is basically basically that's how that works so what else was

there I had to come for a thing that's gonna be mainly it guys I'm a little

update total earned here we go so I have nine hundred nine thousand five hundred

and fifty dollars invested I've got back almost four thousand by the end of today

will be four thousand and then my affiliate bonus thank you to all you

twenty five people who are used my code you guys right here

damn all of you appreciate you all appreciate you all I hope you guys are

enjoying the daily payouts if you guys haven't already guys down below link I

have it connect hopefully I showed you guys a little bit of what's going on in

this video um kind of how everything works and hopefully you guys got some

confidence in it and hopefully you guys are ready for those daily payouts I got

so yeah 976 has been from that wild side of cover someone's had to cover right I

have an answer that I have an answer the main question the main question how long

can it last big connect can last as long as Bitcoin lasts if my theory is correct

Bitcoin can last as long as bit Connect can last long as Bitcoin last now

disclaimer I may be wrong right to me this makes sense but I may be wrong

obviously no one knows for sure I'd have to say that disclaimer I may be wrong

but technically even if everything crashes and goes to you know down the

drain with the amount of resources these guys have they should still be able to

pay out for like 6 years something like that six years of a bearish market they

should still be able to pay out so yeah long term guys I want to start doing

more loans as well I want you guys to consider it it's a pretty solid

investment let's see this work right you guys I'm about to refresh this no I

haven't got my payout yet come on thought I was at three maybes on three

thirty I'm not gonna hold you guys here for this long but yeah oh well show it

to you I'll show it to you guys later on another video thank you guys so much for

watching this video if you guys enjoyed it and if you learned something

smash that thumbs up button really helps the channel out a ton and if you haven't

already be sure to subscribe to this channel I'm gonna try to provide you

guys much information as I can when it comes to these topics hopefully you guys

are enjoying the video so far hopefully as you enjoy following my journey I'd

love to help you guys you know get started on your so don't forget the link

for big connect is down below go check it out free to make an account you don't

even have to put any money you just choose to put money in later felt like

in my referrals sorry this takes a lot following my referrals these guys

haven't black people that aren't in blue they haven't invested yet people in blue

have invested right people in blue have invest this guy's got 16 about $1,600 in

he is making almost 1% of that making like 16 bucks a day congratulations I

hope you're enjoying those payouts but yeah guys it's gonna be it for today's

video thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another


For more infomation >> HOW DOES BITCONNECT MAKE MONEY? AND HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? - Duration: 13:05.


HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.

[Intro music]

Hey guys, it is me Chaseypoo and today I'm going to talk about

how to deal with haters online.

Because, listen toots, it's something that I've had to deal with literally for the last seven years.

Seven? Seven? Eight? Eight years online.

And I-I-I have learned things I have tricks and I have tips for you.

So that's what we're talking about today.

Also, if you're wondering why am I wearing such an awesome shirt

that I never wear before, this is 'Pretty Fly For A Transguy' t-shirt

that I have on my online shop which is

They're really not expensive, I wanna make sure that anybody who wants a shirt can get a shirt.

So if you wanna take a look at this shirt, and a whole bunch of other designs that we have,

please go take a look at that. Link in the description below.

So, what-what constitutes as online hate?

Okay so here's the deal.

There are so many aspects of my life that people like to nitpick at.

Alright. So I'm gonna use the biggest one and how all of this online hate started for me.

[Inhales] Okay. When I was on hormones I decided to stop, T after a year.

I felt like the changes were too fast for me

and I don't like change and I have a lot of anxiety and I disassociate a lot

so seeing that change in the mirror

and seeing my progress from the year to year. Like some people love that sh- I love it now.

But it was just- it was terrifying to me so I decided to go off of T.

[Pause, inhale]

Well, I didn't know that it would be an explosion of hate online.

There were these like radical feminist lesbians who are like

super like like TERFs y'know like Trans Exclusionary -terf- Radical Feminists.

Um, who literally wrote on the comments "Our lesbian is coming back to us"

"Our lesbian is coming back to us?"

PLEASE, I never said anything about destransitioning.

And that's what is a big issue about hate online, is that somebody will

say something and then people who are so critical of everything -because this is the internet-


they they they like take what you, what you said and they

switch it in the way that they want so that you look bad

and that they look good so they have something to say.

And I feel like we do that a lot for anything we see online like

Caitlyn Jenner says something everyone squints eyes right away

because of stuff that she's said in the past, of course,

and the squinty eye is good and because she said something problematic.

Um, so that- that's an example of something that's like

we're used to doing that.

But then some people take it extra far and they

take what she said and they twist it around and

say all these other things that she has never said.

Um, I don't know why I used Caitlyn Jenner as an example, she's not a very good role model for the trans community.

Just forget what I said about that.

My point is that people take what you say and they switch it around.

So me saying I'm going off of T

apparently meant I was detransitioning and apparently meant

that I was going to be a girl again and identifying as a lesbian and dating lesbians again.

Which was very [pause] interesting t-for my identity

honestly because I was- I felt like now I had an identity crisis.

Because when I went off of T I did not have an identity crisis.

I was like "I'm going off T but I'm allowed and I'm still trans and that's it."

But then all these people putting all these ideas in my head.

I'm like wait a minute, am I not allowed to be trans because I'm not on T anymore?

So all of these things hurt me so much for years

and I kept getting, it and I got it on Tumblr.

And it hurt so much because a lot of trans people

[Inhale, pause]

get hate from other trans people in the community.

And that to me is just like, really? Really? Why would we do this?

We get so much hate from the outside world.

Why does our little community here have to hate each other inside?

But I did. And I wasn't allowed to go on my "Chase Ross" tag on Tumblr anymore.

Literally Zuzia like was like "If you go on that tag I'm gonna kill you."

So I was like okay I'm not going to go on my tag. [Inhales]

Um, I had to take a non-off and all of these things because I just got so much hate.

And it was people who were- who were

targeting me and saying things that I have said

and it being problematic.

About how like yes I think that people who are non-binary can also be under the trans umbrella.

And then it was all these people being like absolutely not.

And it was just hard because these people just don't know me in real life.

And I feel like if you see somebody in real life it's different.

So after a while I was able to go on the tag.

And what I didn't like though is like if you're gonna like critique someone's

like view on things, critique their view.

Don't critique their appearance and like the way that they are.

And that was a thing that really hurt me a lot

because I did get a lot of hate because of my spelling

and because of my grammar so like Zuzia had to write a lot of my posts,

because like I- I'm really bad at- I'm super dyslexic.

Um, and just like of my appearance and stuff like that, and that wasn't nice.

So how do you deal with all of this?

[Deep breath]

I have switched it over to the side where

before it used to matter so much that I would cry in bed

for hours and it was way too much.

And I get messages now from YouTubers who are

starting out and don't have that many followers but people are-

they found their video and they get hate.

And I have a friend Reid who posted a video

and he got a bunch of cis people on there like hating on him and he was like

"I don't know how to deal- how, how do you deal with this? How do you deal with all of this hate all the time?"


Um, and honestly I know this is gonna be easier said than done.

But I ignore it, I HAVE to ignore it.

If I don't ignore it I'm just gonna sit in my bed all day and cry,

because it reminds me of how cruel the world is.

But what I like to do is instead of focusing on these super negative comments from like

really, really transphobic cis people,


I turn away and I go back to the community.

And I look at positive things that have happened in my life

and I think about the things that I have achieved and I'm like

It is so sad that you took thirteen minutes to watch my video

and ya commented this huge paragraph

that I will literally never read, and if I do read it I'm gonna make fun of you

and I don't care about that because I'm in the privacy of my own home I can do whatever the fuck I want.

So ignoring it has been like the easiest way for me to do and then like I s-

you know me okay I think people like my channel because I talk about serious topics but I like laugh about it

so here, you want the biggest example of my entire life?

Literally, when somebody watches your video and they hate it and they hate you and they hate your views and

they hate that you're trans and they go on their keyboard ratatatatata and they're all mad you know what I say?

Thanks for the view;

you literally gave me a view.

Yeah, maybe I didn't make any money off of you,

I don't care because Google's ah Google-

YouTube is being so weird with their AdSense not giving anyone adds.

I don't even care about that, you sat down and you watched me.

Any press is good press hunty, who cares?

Like, literally you just gave me attention and then if you're gonna show

all of your other cis friends 'look at this fuckin faggot' or something like that

and watch my video; you just gave me ten other views, thanks a lot!

Um, and that has happened a lot.

So, there are these like new channels that I've never seen before who take a video

and they analyze and the whole thing.

So they watch it and they pause it and they like "wait a minute"

and these people are usually anonymous

and there's two that I've seen about me and I'm like

"Oh my god look at me, I'm like popular enough now that I can get a video about me that's like this that's so great"

[Inhales, pause]

I'm kidding I don't think that I'm like "popular enough" that- that's not a thing.

I'm just saying like it's just funny that I've come to that level that- of hate


so much hate that people now like to dissect my videos.

Like y'know my non binary video's like thirteen minutes right?

And that video of them dissecting it

is like thirty minutes because they have to dissect

[whispers] who has time for this? [wheezes]

One of them though I believe is a trans guy and that kinda hurts

like come on man if you don't like my views like

don't like views like my v- like my views on things but

don't watch my videos.

But I just think it's funny that

we've come to a- to a time in- in

our society, in our culture, in our community where like hating things is so common that everyone does it.

And we hate on each other.

And when you go to some of these FTM groups on Facebook and you talk to

some trans people and you see some of these posts

of like feminine trans guys

putting on nail polish and dresses and still identifying as trans or non-binary,

and then you have all these other people getting so angry like

"you're not trans get out of this group!"

It hurts me so much to see that


and it hurts me so much to see that because

because I don't know if the person who originally posted this picture can handle that.

I, on the other hand, could definitely handle it

because I have dealt with years

and years of people saying that I'm not valid enough

that because I talk with my hands so much and because I like Rent

and because I like cats, literally because I like cats

and I have a cat wall

that I am not a man.

I'll never be a man, I'll never have a penis, I'll never be with women, no one will ever have sex with me.

Well like you know what, you know what? None of that is true.

And do you know why?

Because they're not your life, they're not you, they don't know how you live your life.


And I have dealt with so much of this hate for years

and I know I can take it.

And I think that the only time where it's truly hit me,

and it's hurt me so much

-I don't want to get emotional, I don't want to get emotional-

is when YouTube started to restrict my videos.

And are still doing that, by the way, just a little update- they haven't changed that.

That hurt me so much because I have given my fucking life

to YouTube. It is my full time job, it is what I love to do.

I am in a I-I have had one of the worst weeks, okay,

and I-I-I look forward to standing in front of this circle light

and in front of my camera and talking to you 'cause this is what I love to do.

And for the fact that this website that I have dedicated my life to

is now restricting my content and no one is talking to me, I have tried everything.

It hurts and that's like-like I have never felt so targeted in my entire life.

And to me that hurts and that's me crying in my bed, so that's me trying to deal with-

"It's okay, it's okay"

but it's just because it keeps happening and no one's doing anything about it

it's really started to affect me.

The only thing that helps is to go back to the community,

and look at the other videos that I've done

and look at the comments that people have left that are good

and share my videos with other people and do binder giveaways

and just focus on the positive things which is really hard to do when you're getting a lot of hate.

So I think that overall what you need to do is

[Inhales, pause]

if it's a video that you're talking about that you got hate

ignore their comments.

Because if you co- if you talk to them

they're gonna talk to you and then you're going to start this whole thing;

the only upside about that is that every time they click to like reply to your comment,

they're giving you another view.

So there's like a- like a 200 like thread thing on my Arielle

um, reaction video like

that- that's 200 extra views that I got because people are mad.

Like, what? Like, you see what I'm saying? Like, it-

I don't- I-I'm not one of those people that's like

"everything happens for a reason, see the positive in something negative."

I can't do that I'm-I'm- I'm a very negative person sometimes-

I know it's hard to believe for real.

[Inhales] Um,

but it's just funny that something good comes out of that bad.

And, don't engage- don't engage with people

especially if we're talking about videos, especially if we're talking about cis people.

There is a point where you can educate someone and if

you feel like you can truly educate this person who's hating on you then absolutely try if you want to.

Don't put it on yourself that you have to though, absolutely not.

If we're talking about Facebook posts,

um, about family members that are hating you, that's a completely different thing.

Um, that's another video honestly that I will- be made later on.

But, if you're talking about FTM groups on Facebook and other FTMs hating on you;

Like, really though? Like, literally, I site there and I'm like

"you have time, who has time?"

Literally no one has time to do anything; everyone is always so busy.

We're always rushing, we're always doing that, we're always working,

we have like 3 jobs so that we can afford an apartment.

Like [inhales]

Who has time to sit there and hate on someone else and judge their identity?

So I want you to know, okay, and this is just a little pep talk for you.

If you have ever had online hate,

okay, and if you are c-currently experiencing it

-especially if it's from the trans community-

and it's hurting you a lot.

You are valid.

Okay? 100% you are valid.

You are allowed to identify how you want,

you are allowed to be who you want.

Don't look at these comments as reality, because it's not.

It's people who-who are so close-minded that they can't

understand that there is a world outside of this little life that they live in.

And when you open up your mind it is a beautiful thing.

So don't narrow yourself down to what they're thinking and focus on what they're saying.

Instead, go be you, be you because who you are is fantastic and it's fabulous.

So you- instead of focusing down you got to focus up

and when you go up you see way more than when you look down,

so looking up -Oh my God, so metaphor right now- when you look up,

[deep breath]

you're able to see the bigger picture and

the bigger picture of life is that you control your life and your- you do you.

Don't let these people who are hating on you control your life.

because the second you let them get under your skin,

and one comment is bothering you, two comments, three comments, you're letting them win.

And never let the haters win, and you know why?

Because they don't deserve it.

Because they- y-y'know some of these people I swear to God,

some of the comments that I get just-

like, I've come to a point like, I'm not even joking now

when I get a hate comment I screenshot it and I posted online.

And like yeah, maybe that's me giving them like

a platform because now their username is online,

but it just makes me laugh

that they are just- some of these comments like;

literally "you have a cat while behind you, you can't be a man."

"Stop coloring your hair, stop with this-this jewelry on your face, stop talking with your hands."

Like what kind of- what-what world- what world do these

people live in? Because hunty it's 2017 open your mind everything is changing.

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say about online hate.

If you want me to elaborate more on online hate or how

to deal with online hate like, I would love to talk about it

more, I have so much more to say.

But this is a long video already.

But I love you guys so much and I will see you later.

Okay. Bye.

[Outro music]

For more infomation >> HOW TO DEAL WITH ONLINE HATE [CC] - Duration: 14:48.


The Exorcist 2x08 Promo "A Heaven of Hell" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> The Exorcist 2x08 Promo "A Heaven of Hell" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


Но как на свете без любви прожить? "На Тот Большак" из к/ф "Простая история" - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Но как на свете без любви прожить? "На Тот Большак" из к/ф "Простая история" - Duration: 3:05.


The Punisher - Pilote (Spoilers) - Duration: 4:29.


For more infomation >> The Punisher - Pilote (Spoilers) - Duration: 4:29.


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For more infomation >> Гиппо Пеппа СВАДЬБА сестры. Peppa Hippo wedding - Duration: 7:24.


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In a village ...

Six children see ...

The Blessed Virgin Mary ...

She came to change the world ...

She prays for peace ...

And asks us to pray ...

Peace in our hearts ...

The world suffers ...

And he needs your prayers ...

miraculous images ...

For more infomation >> Miraculous Pictures of Medjugorje - Gospa - Appearance - Duration: 3:24.


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For more infomation >> Hangi Süper Kahramansın-Kişilik Testi - Duration: 4:54.


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For more infomation >> AM I HANDSOME? - (TROLL PRANK)(Headphone Prank) - Duration: 4:47.


THẤY LÀ YÊU THƯƠNG| ONLY C | COVER GUITAR | (Rynn)(DEMO) - Duration: 1:46.

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For more infomation >> Meeting my Subscribers in New York! (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 13:29.


How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Duration: 15:18.

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For more infomation >> How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Duration: 15:18.


BDTools South Bend SB1001 Lathe CNC Conversion and LinuxCNC Configuration - Duration: 12:53.

I recently installed Billy Dirk's conversion kit for the South Bend

1001 lathe and this video details that conversion process.

I used components that I had on hand so first we'll need to make a shaft adapter

for the stepper motors, then tear down the lathe, install Billy's conversion

kit, build the electronics, install LinuxCNC, and then maybe make a test cut. So let's

get started. To install Billy's kit I only needed to make a couple parts and these

are to adapt the quarter inch shaft of the stepper motors I had to 3/8 inch.

These are the last parts as lathe will make manually, and it's always been

pretty accurate. Next the center is drilled out and then the part is parted.

The part is put back into the collet chuck and both ends are cleaned and

chamfered. I was going to drill the holes for the set screws on the mill but

anything that's simple to do takes a long time to set up on the mill. At the

drill press we can use this center finding tool to align the part to the

spindle, spot drill, drill, and tap the holes for the set screws. Now we'll

deburr the part using the tools at hand although this probably isn't OSHA

approved. The set screws need to be shortened to about 2.5

millimeters. This grinder works great for small parts and when I was a kid I saw

my dad uses grinder all the time but he said originally it was my grandfather's.

Sometimes people ask if they should buy a CNC conversion kit or build one from

scratch. And for me, where I'm at, and amount of time that I have available, I would

definitely buy another CNC conversion kit. Beyond saving a lot of time it gives

a chance to learn from an expert. Billy has decades of experience as a machinist

and for me to review how he has constructed his kit, after having done a

rudimentary 3d printed version of a conversion kit for this lathe, I learn a

lot. So, Billy got me going quickly, at a low cost, and with great quality

components that I get to learn from. The same is true the other two conversion

kits that I've owned [and installed]. The original industrial Hobbies conversion kit and

David Clement's PM25 conversion kit. As with any conversion there's a lot of

parts to remove. Here we're starting with the cross slide

leadscrew. Some parts have already been removed such as a longitudinal leadscrew

and the threading gear pivot bracket. With the cross slide slid back

we can see the Acme nut in the channel. Now I'll slide the cross slide off of

the saddle. The apron is held in place with a couple of screws. The half nut has

already been removed and that makes removal of the apron easier. To make room

for the ball screw we need to remove the Acme nut from the channel of the saddle.

As the saddle is removed from the bed it's likely that the saddle gib will

fall. We just have to be sure it goes back in the right spot. Here you can see

that saddle gib and that the Acme nut is held in place with a screw. Just

need to take the screw out and punch the Acme nut out. The saddle has tensioners

in the front and back and you want the saddle to move smoothly on the bed but

not be loose. If the saddle is loose it'll lift from the bed under a heavy cut and

the tool will leave a phonograph pattern in the part. Now I'm removing

the longitudinal rack gear. The rack gear is in two pieces, aligned with tapered

pins and secured with screws. The first piece came off really easily

and the second piece needed some persuading. Here's the naked lathe before

installing Billy's conversion kit. I start with the headstock side support of

the longitudinal ball screw. The original tapered pins are driven through and used

to align the support. In all but a couple places on the conversion I was able to use

the original holes and screws. Billy has obviously gone to great lengths to

ensure this kit is easy to install. The only tools I needed were imperial and

metric hex wrenches. Before I install the longitudinal or the z-axis assembly I

thought you might like to see a few photographs of it.

The combination of pipe, plate, channel, and custom shapes is really clever. This

will save a lot of waste compared to milling everything from big hunks of

aluminum. Inscribing his company's name BD-Tools for Billy Dirk's Tools is a

nice touch and so is inscribing the Z and X axes names. They make sense when you

think about the mill and with respect to the spindle but I'm sure

I'm still gonna mess it up. The new apron has a little interference with the

longitudinal lock. You could probably leave this off but I decided to grind it

down. No more interference and our new apron is installed. Now I'm installing

the cross slide or X-axis assembly. You may wonder why this assembly is so long.

There isn't enough room in the channel to mount any reasonable ballnut inside

of it and there isn't enough material in the saddle to mill a larger channel.

Also the cross slide is always going to come out over the apron, so while this

assembly takes up more space in the most forward position of the cross slide, it

takes up the same amount of space in the most aft position of the cross slide.

Or said another way, the space taken up by the cross slide assembly is constant

and you're never gonna be surprised by a rapid move away from the apron. Having

said all that, I'm sure I'm gonna hook myself on this someday. A real drawback

of doing a CNC conversion is the amount of material that is discarded. OK, one last

look at this beautiful mechanics before polluting it with a bunch of wires. All

the electronics that I'm using are leftover parts from other projects. The

stepper motor drives prefer 36 volts but we can split the difference between 36

volts and 48 from this power supply by adjusting the power supply down to 42

volts. This probably isn't safe but just don't touch the metal part of the

screwdriver, and I thought it was interesting to watch the rate at which

the voltage dropped after the power supply was unplugged.

I'm using a simple parallel port breakout card I think is called a Nextrox

parallel port breakout, it's like the cheapest one that Amazon sells but

it supports five axes, limit switches, and has a relay for a spindle control. You

could even put displays on it and use it as a remote DRO. And everyone knows that

electrons flow with less resistance in braided wires. The computer was being

used as a MythTV DVR but I haven't had time to watch television since my son

was born. I'm adding a low profile PCIe parallel port card. It's especially hard to

find one that works with Linux reliably. I want to show you a little bit of the

installation of the CNC controller, LlinuxCNC. The disk image can be downloaded free

from the website. It's a modified Debian installation and adds the

LinuxCNC components and real-time extensions. Most of the setup is pretty

obvious, you just keep hitting continue. This computer wasn't on the network

while doing the installation but afterwards plug the Ethernet cable in

and it uses DHCP to get its IP address. With the network enabled, I'll use an NFS

share to copy g-code files from my modeling computer to this computer. This

setup works well on my CNC mill. On my Industrial Hobbies mill I used Mach3

as a controller but that was probably eight years ago. Being pretty familiar with Linux,

when I got the Precision Matthews PM25MV CNC mill I wanted to use a LinuxCNC on it.

LinuxCNC took me longer to learn how to operate them Mach3, but that's

because LinuxCNC is enforcing procedures that are more common to

industrial controllers and for someone who's learning that may enforce good

habits from the start. What I'm doing now is upgrading LinuxCNC. The disk image

that I downloaded had a date stamp of 2015. After opening the Debian Update Manager,

first uncheck everything and then go to the bottom of the list and select only

the LinuxCNC components. That may be all the third-party updates. Do not update

the kernel or any component that would update the kernel because that will

likely cause LinuxCNC to stop working. I assume updating the kernel kills the

real-time extensions at LinuxCNC is dependent upon. Now I'm going to map out

the parallel port card. I'm going to do that by downloading a tool from LinuxCNC's

website. There are two files that we need to download: the XML file

defines the user interface of the tool and the HAL file defines the pins on

the parallel port card and how they connect to the widgets on the user


Before we can use the tool I need to find the memory address of the parallel port

card. In this case the address is E010.

Now I'll modify the HAL file to use a parallel port at that address.

With this tool we can toggle the state of each output pin on the parallel port

and read the state of each of the input pins. Unfortunately we can't latch a pin

or hold a pin at a state and this particular breakout board uses pin 1 as

an e-stop out. We need to hold pin 1 high in order for the breakout board to come

out of e-stop. To create latching pins I'll change all of the buttons to check-buttons

by modifying the XML file. This is a little bit convoluted but it also

shows how easy it is to change a LinuxCNC tool to your needs.

While measuring the voltage of a pin on the breakout board, I toggle each of the

parallel port pins until I find the one associated with the breakout board's pin.

After mapping the breakout board I use StepConf to create a configuration

file for LinuxCNC. Instead of doing this completely from scratch, I'm going to load one

that I've previously built. StepConf is only suitable for parallel port breakout

based systems so if you have different hardware you'll need to use a different

tool. This is the configuration for my system but it's really easy to assign a LinuxCNC

function to a parallel port pin. And this is also where you set the

parallel port base address. On an earlier screen is where lathe or mill machine type is

selected. The last two screens are for configuring and testing the lathe axes. At

a minimum to configure an axis you need to know steps per revolution of the

motor, pulley ratio, and leadscrew pitch. Travel distance is obviously important

and later you should optimize maximum velocity and acceleration.

Now inside of LinuxCNC, take it out of e-stop and start the machine. And then

jog each of the axes. With these small 157 ounce-inch

stepper motors, the Z-axis has a small amount of binding on the tail stock side.

One of the pieces of the apron is slightly rubbing the bed and a small

amount of filing solves the problem. Billy has made his conversion kit to a

standard which is probably higher than the factory had for the lathe and with any

conversion kit there's gonna be small things like this that you have to solve but

the hundreds of hours that are saved make a conversion kit well worth it. This

is a simple pawn piece that I made in Fusion360. The LinuxCNC turn

post-processor isn't built into Fusion360 so I needed to download that. This is

the very first part that I cut after installing the conversion. There

were no rehearsals.

Okay, obviously that wasn't the right tool to be using. I've never operated a

CNC lathe before let alone owned one and there's a lot of learning that I have

to do. Even the simplest procedures like spindle alignment and tool touch off are

new to me. I mentioned in the video that I prefer

buying a conversion kit over building a kit, and with Billy's conversion kit the

entire conversion process took less than a day. So unless you love the process of

designing a kit, consider buying one and use that time saved and your CNC

conversion to build something that no one else has seen yet. Okay, thank you for

watching and we'll talk again soon.



For more infomation >> BDTools South Bend SB1001 Lathe CNC Conversion and LinuxCNC Configuration - Duration: 12:53.


Sayani Bolivia and Angelica Calani - No one - Duration: 4:34.

For more infomation >> Sayani Bolivia and Angelica Calani - No one - Duration: 4:34.


OS LIMITES p/FEDERAÇÃO GALACTICA by Sheldan Nidle - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> OS LIMITES p/FEDERAÇÃO GALACTICA by Sheldan Nidle - Duration: 2:36.


'Fatbergs' found in some Wisconsin sewer lines - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> 'Fatbergs' found in some Wisconsin sewer lines - Duration: 2:00.


Если бы фильм "ТОР: РАГНАРЁК" снимали в Украине - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Если бы фильм "ТОР: РАГНАРЁК" снимали в Украине - Duration: 2:57.


Har kisam ki bandish aur jadu ka tor | Har Kism Ki Bandish Aur Jadu K Tor Ka Wazifa - Duration: 3:26.

Har kisam ki bandish aur jadu ka tor | Har Kism Ki Bandish Aur Jadu K Tor Ka Wazifa

For more infomation >> Har kisam ki bandish aur jadu ka tor | Har Kism Ki Bandish Aur Jadu K Tor Ka Wazifa - Duration: 3:26.


Jerry Jones Apologizes for Drunken, Seemingly Racist Joke from 2013 - Duration: 2:26.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

On Friday afternoon, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones apologized for a brief clip that was making

the rounds which showed him making a racially charged joke while he appeared to be hammered.

The footage was obtained by a media outlet called The Blast

According to them, Jones was at a Dallas hotel in 2013 when a Cowboys fan, who

it should probably be noted is white, approached him and asked if he could offer a congrats

to his new fiancée.

At that point Jones looks into the camera and says

"Jennifer, congratulations on the wedding.

Now, you know he's with a black girl tonight, don't you?"

The camera then cuts away to a black dude who Jerry appears to playfully shove before

walking away with his coat over his shoulder.

Because of the lack of context i in the article, it's a little difficult to parse what exactly

is going on but, The Blast adds that:

"[W]e're told the fan recently shared it with his group of friends because he thought

the current temperature of race in the NFL and the country made Jones' comments relevant.

The friends were shocked after seeing the footage It was sent to The Blast because the

individuals involved thought it was important for NFL fans to see.

The source we spoke with said, "Fuck Jerry Jones."

On Friday evening, through the Cowboys, Jones expressed his regret at his remarks in the


"That comment was inappropriate," he said.

"It's not who I am, and I'm sorry."

As noted by the Dallas News, Hall of Fame cornerback Deion Sanders (who won a Super

Bowl with the Cowboys back in the '95/'96 season) quickly came to Jones's defense.

"I refuse to allow a moment to turn into a monument regarding a man I have known for

20 years, not just as an owner, but as a friend.

I won't cast judgment, on one moment when a joke went south, to capture who this man

represents in a lifetime commitment of love and compassion to all ethnicities.

A joke that was intended to add humor at the request of a fan in a lighthearted moment

was taken totally out of intent.

I'm sorry we're in this state of mind as a country, but if you're looking for a racist,

Jerry Jones is not that guy."

This was not a particularly great Friday for the Cowboys' head honcho as, earlier in the

day, a long-form story in ESPN the Magazine was published that seemed to detail a potential

civil war brewing amongst the league's leadership.

Jones has threatened legal action against the NFL if a contract extension for Roger

Goodell is finalized.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Jerry Jones Apologizes for Drunken, Seemingly Racist Joke from 2013 - Duration: 2:26.


Fort Rucker Army Avation Museum / Castellum Rucker Exercitus Aerinavigationis Museum - Duration: 10:46.

Salutem omnibus! / Hello everyone!

L. Amadeus Ranierius sum / I'm Luke Amadeus Ranieri

agnomine ScorpioMartianus / a.k.a. ScorpioMartianus

et hodie apud Castellum Rucker sum / and today I'm at Fort Rucker

Exercitus Americani domum / the US Army's home

Aerinavigationis / of Aviation

quod satis bene novi, quod ego enim / which I know fairly well, since I am

miles necnon gubernator / a soldier and a pilot

helicopterorum sum, / of helicopters,

atque hic artem volandi / and here is where I learned

militarem didici. / to fly in the military.

Post me ut videtis / Behind me as you see

Exercitus Museum Volandi est / is the Army Aviation Museum

in quo hodie perambulabimus / which we will be touring today.

Helicopterum post me AH-1 Cobra dicitur / The helicopter behind me is the AH-1 Cobra

helicopterum impetus. / an attack helicopter.

Tormenta adsunt! / It's got guns!

Jamjam ex Exercitu dimissum / It's now retired from the Army

sed etiam hodie adhibetur / but today it's still used by

a Classiariis. / by the Marines.

et hoc est OH-58C Kiowa / and this is the OH-58C Kiowa

quod in schola volandi / which I flew

ego gubernavi. / in flight school.

Valde perplacuit. / It was awesome.

Ecce gubernatores omnium temporum. / Here are the pilots of the ages.

etiam machinae / ad also the machines

Leonardi Vincii / of Leonardo da Vinci

Et hic? Quis hic est? / And who is this here?

Icarusne? / Is it Icarus?

Minime vero! Daedalus est. / No! It's Daedalus.

Aula Famae. / The Hall of Fame.

Etiam astronauta est. / There is even an astronaut.

Ornatus militares veteriores. / Old military uniforms.

Ecce post me hic / Here behind me

est Volatorium Fratrum Wright Militare / the Wright Military Flyer

primum pro rebus militaribus in America. / The first for military use in the US.

Bleriot XIII.

Tormentum. / A machine gun.

Et hoc tormentum est. / Here is another gun.

Et hoc / And this

parvulum aeroplanum / tiny airplane

sane pro parvulis gubernatoribus est. / naturally is for tiny pilots.

Ecce Igor Sikorsky in volatu et / Here is Igor Sikorsky in flight and

ecce homo! / here's the man!

Exercitui valdissime refert Igor Sikorsky / Igor Sikorsky is very important to the Army

qui primus helicopterum creavit. / who was the first to invent the helicopter.

Haec helicoptera / These helicopters

in Bello Coreano adhibita erant. / were used in the Korean War.

Ecce primum helicopterum salvationis medicale. / Here is the first medical rescue helicopter.

Tanta totque helicoptera! / Such helicopters, and so many!

Hoc helicopterum videte / Look at this helocopter

ex programmate M*A*S*H / it's from the show M*A*S*H

etiam ex Bello Coreano. / and also the Korean War.

[M*A*S*H thema musicale cantillare temptans /trying to hum the M*A*S*H theme song]

Et multos annos hoc helicopterum / And for many years this helicopter

helicopterum instruendi erat. / was the training helicopter.

Ecce praeclarum helicopterum / Here is a famous helicopter

fortasse mundi praeclarissimum helicopterum / perhaps the world's most famous helicopter

UH-1 Iroquois

quod "Huey" dicunt. / which they call the "Huey".

Saepe in Bello Vietnamico adhibitum erat. / It was employed often in the Vietnam War.

Huey erat valde praecipuum inter helicoptera / The Huey was rather special among helicopters

quia primum erat / because it was the first

cum machina pyraulocinetica in productione. / in production with a jet engine.

Et hic post me est primum Huey. / And here behind me is the first Huey.

Haec est versio experimentalis. / This is the experimental version.

Huey helicopterorum plus 16 milia producta erant. / More than 16 thousand Hueys were produced.

Non facile gubernatu, puto. / Not easy to fly, probably.

Mirum est, nonne? / Pretty cool, huh?

Etiam autoraedae inerant. / They even have cars in there.

Ecce motorium! / Look at the engine!

Miramini, miramini motorium hoc! / Just take a look at this thing!

Haec motoria maxima sunt! / These engines are huge!

Qua de causa? / What for?

Machina inest reciprocans / It's a piston engine inside

Machina pyraulocinetica nondum inventa erat. / the jet engine [for helos] hadn't been invented yet.

Sed hoc helicopterum / But this helicopter

machinam pyraulocineticam habet / has a jet engine

duas / two

Hoc Chinook est. / This is the Chinook.

Chinook jamjam 60 annos habet. / The Chinook is already 60 years old.

Etiamnunc in Exercitu est. / It's still in the Army today.

Ecce eamus intus. / Here we go inside.

Cellula. / The cockpit.

Bonum est. / It's cool.

Hoc Chinook. / The Chinook

10 milia chiliogrammata tollere potest / can lift 10 thousand kilograms

Necnon 55 milites vehi potest / and carry 55 soldiers

Etiam hodie hoc Chinook in servitio est / The Chinook is still in service today

Sed illud helicopterum / But that helicopter

inspicere volo / I want to take a look at that one

Miramini / Just look at this

Hoc est Comanche / this is the Comanche

RAH-66 Comanche

erat primum helicopterum furtivum / it was the first stealth helicopter

ut videtis his angulis. / as you can see from these angles.

Modo experimentale erat / It was only experimental

infeliciter numquam in productionem ivit. / unfortunately it never went into production.

Ecce cellula / Here's the cockpit

Ut saepius est / As is normal

inter helicoptera Exercitus, duo sunt gubernatores. / for Army helicopters, there are two pilots.

Quisque gubernat. / They both fly.

Ecce machinae volandi automaticae. / There are the UAVs

Nos gubernatores / we pilots

haec non amamus. / we don't like them very much.

Hic post me / Here behind me

est Accipiter Niger quod Anglice / is the "Accipiter Niger" which in English is

"Black Hawk" dicunt / "Black Hawk" as it's known

Sed hic Accipiter Niger valde praecipuus est / But this is a very special Black Hawk

Si umquam vidistis pelliculam cinematographicam nomine / If you've ever seen the film

"Accipiter Niger Casus"

Anglice "Black Hawk Down"

hic est verus Accipiter Niger / this is the real Black Hawk

qui in oppido Mogadishu cecidit / that crashed in Mogadishu

fortissimus videtur nonne? / it looks tough, doesn't it?

Vereor quidem / It's intimidating

Accipiter Niger 20 metra longus est / The Black Hawk is 20 meters long

Ecce helicoptera duo Cobrae / here are two Cobra helicopters

Atque ecce ubi anno praeterito / Last year

gradum suscepi de schola volandi / I graduated here from flight school

atque alas meas gubernatoris / and where I got my pilot wings

quoque mense novi gubernatores Exercitus hic creantur / every month new Army pilots are inducted here

Illud est Cayuse quod "Avicula" / That is the Cayuse which is knows as

seu "Little Bird" dicunt. / the "Little Bird".

Helicopterum observationis est. / It's a reconnaissance helicopter.

Ecce aliud helicopterum Kiowa / Here is another Kiowa

ego versionem hujus helicopteri gubernavi in schola volandi. / I flew a version of this in flight school.

Parvum est / It's small

sed valde placet. / but it's great.

Fortissimum est. / It's awesome.

Simulatorium staticum / A static simulator

ecce in cellula Huey sumus / here we are in the cockpit of the Huey

hoc est collectivum / this is the collective

collectivo sursum deorsum / with the collective up and down

hoc est cyclicum / this is the cyclic

etiam pedalibus guberno / and you also fly with the pedals

Hoc est simulatorium staticum pro Cobra

Hostes hic videntur. / The enemy is seen here.

Ante Chinook / Before the Chinook

hoc Sky Crane fortissimum erat helicopterum. / this Sky Crane was the most powerful helicopter.

Sane etiam vehicula vehi potest. / It can even carry vehicles.

Ecce aeroplanum observationis. / Here is an observation plane.

XV-5B Vertifan

primum aeroplanum erat / it was the first plane

cum abilitate verticaliter se movendi. / with the ability to move vertically.

Ecce hoc est "vertifan" / And here is the "vertifan"

Aer in motorium init / Air enters the engine

atque aut huc exire potest / and it can exit either from here

ad propulsionem / for propulsion

aut verticaliter / or verticaliter

ex his "vertifans" / from these "vertifans"

in utraque ala. / in either wing.

Modo experimentale erat / It was only experimental

"NASA" ut videtis. / "NASA" as you can see.

Jam intus vidimus Chinook / Inside we already saw the Chinook

hoc est Chinook experimentale / is is an experimental Chinook

alas habet! / it has wings!

Itaque hic finem facimus, amici. / That's the end, my friends.

Ego sum Lucius / I'm Luke


Valete! / Bye!

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