Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 19 2017

Oh goodness... SIM cards, clothes...

Dog face masks!


That's like the, fluffy fluffy flying combo?

Or you just film the people around on the corner.


What's the first thing you did, when you touched down in Japan?

That's the question we are going to ask foreigners in Japan, today!

-Where are you from? -Australia, the Gold Coast.

-Right! -The same. Gold Coast, yeah.

We got really lost!

We got here late. We got a bit lost, but we went to our hostel.

And ate I went to bed. So it's not very exciting.

But the next day we did... What did we do?

Shopping. A lot of shopping!


Well, we're staying in Shinjuku. But we went to Asukusa.

-Right! -Yeah, very cool!

What did you get when you went shopping?

Oh goodness... SIM cards, clothes...

Dog face masks!


-From UNIQLO. -Oh, right!

Are those like, protective face masks? Or like, the moisturizing ones?

Moisturizing. Like, at night time. Those sort of things.

-Oh, I see. -It's so cool.

Okay, let's go! Where are you from?


Right! Awesome!

My first time was in 2008. It was just between Christmas and New Year's.

Probably, I think I went to Disneyland because I never been to Disneyland

So, I think that was my first thing what I did.

The first thing to check off your list, right?

Oh, Disneyland. Awesome! Do you remember what you did the first day?

Probably the same I always do, I went to eat some Gyudon (Japanese Beef Bowl).



Then probably shopping or something. Can't remember.


So nowadays, because you come here several times.

So what is for you like, a must when you come to Japan on the checklist?

Like, on the first day when I come to Japan I want to either eat this or do that.

Is there anything?

It's Gyudon.

Always, always Gyudon.


Well, we woke up fairly early since we went to sleep early. So we came to the Meiji Shrine.

To Yoyogi Park.

And then we came here, and walked to

Cat Street and

the Oriental Bazaar.

So we did some shopping.

You already had quite a lot of things to do. What did you like the best so far, today?

This street, right here. I've bought so much stuff already, it's crazy.

And we're not even halfway through our day.

I can promise you, you will buy more!

I'm gonna enjoy it though.

It's fine. Just buying things. I probably won't need, but.

You know...

But you need them, you do need them!

Not for surviving. But still like, you need them.

Yes, I do. I need them to have, just to purchase.

It's a nice feeling.

I want to buy this whole street every time I come here shooting. It's terrible.

And we went to that cat and owl café over there.

-Oh right! -Yeah, with the Bengal cats.

So did you go cat AND owl? Is that a combo? Really?

Yes. they have a combo.

So we were at the owls first, and then we went upstairs for the cats.

It was really nice.

That's like the fluffy fluffy flying combo.

For a moment I thought they were in the same room.

It's like, that just sounds dangerous...

Oh no. The owls are downstairs, and then the were cats upstairs.

It was nice either way. Most of the owls were asleep

and then upstairs all the cats are like running around like crazy.

It was really nice to go inside there.

Oh, and was it quite expensive?

The combo was cheaper than separately, so.

It wasn't so bad.

That's something good for you first thing in Japan guys!

-Where are you from? -California.

I remember what I want, I wanted to get lost in the city. And that it was easy to do.

But then everyone was so nice, that I was able to get around.

Which place did he go the first day? Do you remember?

I think I went to Shinjuku the first day because I was the closest thing.

And then we just walked around.

-And got lost. -Yes!

It was the best.

Well, the first day...

We lived down by Tachikawa. I don't know if you...

Kinda near that area.

But we just hung around that area.

And I didn't come down to the city when I first visited.

So, my first interaction was more in the suburbs which I really liked.

Okay, how was that at the start?

It was good!

But this city was definitely amazing to come down to.

The first time you came here was different?


Was it a bit too much, or...?


No. I wasn't cultured shocked as much as I thought I would be.

Was just trying to soak it all in and I loved it. I wasn't... Yeah, it was great. It was exciting.

What was the very first thing you did when he got off, off the plane in Japan?

What did you do on the first day?

-We ate, I think. -Yeah!

What did you have? What food?

-Sushi. -Sushi, yay!

Good start into Japanese lifestyle, huh?

Yeah. But there aren't so many sushi (places) here.

Like, it's...

It's like, we thought there would be a lot of sushi places, but it's not true, right?

Actually, it's one of the things people think, that there's sushi everywhere

but there's actually so many other restaurant here.

Yeah, that's true!

So what was the first thing that you did on the first day in Japan?

We went to...



Oh my god. First day. Was like loads of things happening, right?


How was that?

It was great. It was a long day though.

All jet- lagged and everything, but i was great!

Lots of people!

Oh my god!

Or you just film the people around on the corner.

So many people on that crossing, right?

First day, what did you do in Japan on your first day?

What did we do...

Oh, we went to a restaurant and then...

What restaurant was it, what did you eat?

Karaage? Yeah!

Karaage, yay! (Japanese deep) fried chicken.

It was delicious, I loved that stuff.


Oh, and some gizzards, cause I love chicken gizzards!

And then I saw that they made chicken gizzards and I was like, hell yeah!

So we did that.

And we walked around a lot cause we're staying in Shinjuku.

He was tired, I was not. I don't get jet lagged.

I was just so excited to be here.

I was just like, aaargh! So...

We walked around a lot!

And then the next day we went to...

Was that when we went to Shimokita? The next day?

That place was banging!

We went to a techno bar.

And we totally took it over and changed it into a hip hop bar.

And I was dancing with the bartender, then we went to this restaurant and I made friends with those guys there.

And it's just been super fun, like everywhere.


It looks like you brought lots of fun into Japan as well!

I actually ran into somebody out here I could.

I was just like, walking down the street and then someone was like, hey!

And I was like, who was that?

So I do drag king stuff, and it was a fellow drag king?

Oh right!

So it was like, hey dude I know you!

Yeah, exactly!

I was like, oh snap! Okay, cool!

What are the chances!

Right! That's what I said! Like, okay.

See, this was back in 2008

and I think my first night was actually similar to our experience in Shimokitazawa.

I had a friend who told me that that was their favorite place to hang out.

She wasn't around that day, so I've decided to just hop on the train and go check it out.

I went alone and I met a bunch of people there.

It's really fun.

I'm gonna beat you!

Our first day, he wants to go to sleep. And his first time, he didn't go to sleep.

If you have a jet lag, that ought to make all the change.

Yeah, I just don't get it.

I'm just so excited to be in another place.

I'm just like, ah!


So what do people do when they go to Japan.

Like that first moment.

If you are repeater, or if you are there for the very first time.

I must say, that it used to be a little tradition for me. Every time I arrived at Narita Airport

I would go straight to a convenience store get myself my very, very first little rice ball

and it had to be kombu flavor which is a type of seaweed.

And just eating that...

Eating that... rice ball.

And juist... Ugh...

It gave me that feeling of, I'm in Japan now

I have arrived!

Very very important for me.

Now recently I'm actually touching down in Haneda when I come from Germany.

And I find that Haneda Airport has so many other interesting things

that doesn't have to be just a rice bowl.

But generally what I'd like to do, what's really important for me is

Now, right now, I'm very into Tsukemen.

So I try to have Tsukemen either at the airport

or within one of the first days when I get back to Japan.

It's just a little thing that kind of gets you in touch with, that thing you really want.

So how about you? Is there one thing you definitely want to do

on the first day when you come to Japan?

Either if you've been there before, or for the very first time!

Let us know. Looking forward to reading your comments!

I actually had a very very cute fan who said

I always wanted to meet you guys, Ask Japanese

and I met you!

Not on the first day, but on the last day. But you still managed to do that.

So thank you very much for coming up and saying hi.

For all of you other guys who came up to say hi to us, we're looking forward to meeting you.

So hopefully, you guys can come to Japan and maybe we'll bump into each other!

I wish you a lovely day and catch you soon on Ask Japanese. Bye!



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For more infomation >> [여성중앙 3월호] 이재명 성남시장의 아내 김혜경 - Duration: 2:23.


추자현 "나도 몰랐던 임신을 매니저의 '예리한 촉'으로 알았다" (영상) - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 추자현 "나도 몰랐던 임신을 매니저의 '예리한 촉'으로 알았다" (영상) - Duration: 2:06.


maggam work tutorial for beginners | simple maggam work blouse designs | basic embroidery stitches - Duration: 2:10.

simple maggam work blouse designs

For more infomation >> maggam work tutorial for beginners | simple maggam work blouse designs | basic embroidery stitches - Duration: 2:10.


Good manners English Nursery Rhyme I We say thank you we say please I kids learning videos preschool - Duration: 0:58.

Hi friends

Do you want to be good girls and good boys?

then sing with me

We say Thank you

We say Please

We don't interrupt

We don't tease

We don't push

We take turns

Good manner's easy to learn

Good manner's easy to learn

Say sorry when you do something wrong

When you want something, we have to say "please"

Say Excuse me when you sneeze

Say Thank You when you get something

say Thank You when take anybody's chocolate :)

For more infomation >> Good manners English Nursery Rhyme I We say thank you we say please I kids learning videos preschool - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> | TRAILER RSD MAX MANIFESTO | LEON DE BARBADOS - Duration: 2:09.


Fade Again Remix [ Nightcore ] - Duration: 3:46.

Thanks for watching !!!

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