Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 19 2017

'Come to the Roper,' they said.

'Help catch and relocate some cow-munching crocs at night.'

Yeah, no thanks.

That was all time.

I think the cows are on their own.

That's what we classify as a close-call, I think.

See you next time on All 4 Adventure.

For more infomation >> Tackling the Territory: Episode 4 Promo ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 0:38.


Jazz Noir and Jazz Noir Music: 2 Hours Jazz Noir Playlist collection of Jazz Noir - Duration: 2:14:02.

Title: Jazz Noir and Jazz Noir Music: 2 Hours Jazz Noir Playlist collection of Jazz Noir

For more infomation >> Jazz Noir and Jazz Noir Music: 2 Hours Jazz Noir Playlist collection of Jazz Noir - Duration: 2:14:02.


Lemon Lime Pie: Bush Cook'n ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 5:56.

G'day, guys.

It's me again, and it's time for a bit of cooking.

And you know what it's all about when it comes to cooking: doing it fast and doing it easy.

That's what we're gonna do tonight.

So I've been asked to cook up something sweet.

I want to make a lemon and lime pie.

Now this is the easiest pie you'll ever make, trust me.

Now I'm gonna actually put some olive oil on this this tin here, before I forget.

Yes, the bottom removes and all that sort of stuff, but that sucker will be very hard to get out.

Now with a bit of that on, a bit olive oil spray on there, out it comes.

So first of all what I'm gonna get is, I've got to get some pastry.

Now I'm not gonna make the bloody pastry, cuz we're gonna make it easy.

So let's get that in there.

That's a start.

Fill in the little gaps. How do you do that?

Well you just whack that in there, and we sort of muck around.

Look at it. It's falling into a thousand pieces.

But it's all I've got, so you've got to improvise when you're in the bush.

Yeah we're just gonna build her up, fill in all the gaps, get some extra on the edges.

Cut the bits off you don't want.

There you go. See look. You got yourself a pie.

All right what are we gonna put in the pie?

Well we've got to start making what's called the lemon and lime pie mixture.

All righty first thing I'm gonna need is I'm going to need four fresh eggs.

We go to the fridge here.

I'm gonna grab four fresh eggs.

I'm gonna grab two limes.

And I'm gonna grab a lemon.

Here we go.

Crack our four eggs in here.

Four eggs. Four eggs goes into there.

Let's stick in--what we got here?

We got some fresh thickened cream.

Again make sure you check the cream.

Bounces up and down in your truck.

Probably turned to butter. Look at that, it almost has.

I'm gonna whack in about that much.

So I don't know...

Whatever that container holds, and about that much of it.

I'm gonna stick in some sugar, so we're sticking some sugar.

There we go.

So that's two limes I've just squeezed into there.

The lemon whack 'em in.

There we go.

We're gonna put that in, so you can see how much that is.

Two limes and one lemon, that's how much that is.

So we mix that up and basically that's it. Mix her up.

Make sure all the eggs are all mixed up properly and all the mixture is sort of nice and consistent.

Quick taste.

Like a lime pie.

Tip her in.

Perfect. Look at that.

And that, my friends, is ready to go into the camp oven.

Let's chuck her in.

You gotta be real careful with it, because it's a bit...


There we go. All right.

Lid on.

Now I've got the trivet in there, okay, so it doesn't sit on the bottom and get burnt.

Now coals on top.

Like that.

And leave him be for about 45 minutes.

No, maybe half an hour.

Just check it.

She'll be fine.

Here we go.

Ooo that's hot.

We got the pie.

She's come good.

Took about 45 minutes.

You can't really rush these things when it comes to these type of pies.

They're a little bit fragile, so you've got to be a little bit careful with them.

So I did manage the heat a bit.

So just remember that one.

But check it all the time.

And there you go you end up with this awesome pie.

All right we'll get her out of this fancy little pie removal tray,

like so.

All right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna garnish that with a little bit of lime and

a little bit of lemon.

I'll just cut a couple of slivers of this first.

Chop this up.

Now if you had a like a little grater or something like that, that would be better.

But I don't have that, so I'm just gonna sprinkle that on top like that.

So I just whipped up some cream earlier.

I'm gonna dollop that on top in the middle like that.

I'll tell you what this is a sick pie.

And then we're gonna lay a bit of these little limey bits and little lemony bits like that.

And you got yourself a lemon and lime pie cooked in the camp oven, mind you, in the

middle of the bush. You gotta love that.

I hope you like that recipe, because there's many more in my new bush cookbook

"About that much..." with a bonus DVD.

For more infomation >> Lemon Lime Pie: Bush Cook'n ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 5:56.


Lets Talk About Sex - Muslim Talks - Part 3 - Erections - Duration: 25:36.

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu. Gonna talk about erections well we've

been kind of talking about some things in terms of just the basics of puberty

and one of the big ones obviously for boys is and pardon the pun through this

they're not intended big ones and large and you know and there's a lot of words

that we will use but just and and this is part of the the as a reminder to

start off this is part of the importance of sharing knowledge properly right

unfortunately we get too caught up in what we think in terms of language and

words and we and we don't really listen to what other people are saying so in

terms of erections for example right there's a lot of lewd language that

people can use to describe the penis and we don't have to go into that I mean and

it's young people people whatever depending on the situation the

conversation people are going to use different different works some people

will use what's called innuendos where they'll talk about things in terms of

sexuality for example but without talking about sexuality they'll make an

offhand joke with the meaning to be about sex but it's about something else

now as I was saying abut the language part of it is that we have to understand

that just because somebody uses a particular word and we may have a

different understanding that word doesn't mean that our understanding is

correct right so the most important thing is as we go through this type of

so especially with using certain language to understand that in

especially in different cultures some words may appear lewd and obscene in one

culture but not another and that's why I was bringing this up right so the big

reference is kind of an in and no to write the male erection now

for the young brothers inshallah if anybody's listening you know if if the

sisters gonna be sharing this with her son an erection basically is when your

penis becomes hard so it will stand up right depending on don't worry about the

size issues here guys you know whatever you want to ride you know what I mean

it's just basically you get blood flow into the region of your penis and it

grows right now one of the things I think that's really important is then

and I don't know if if mothers do this and I think more in my opinion more

mothers should and I mentioned in previous video that mothers should learn

biology at least the basics of the opposite gender I mean even as Muslims

it's important for us to try to understand each other as much as

possible so a man should understand the nature of women as best they can they

should understand the biology even just the basic biology doesn't mean you have

to become a doctor an expert on everything but understand the basic

biology of women in terms of of what the differences are between men and women

right we all come from the same source in terms of embryology you have the egg

or the ovum we call it the egg and then you have the sperm and they come

together and this new life has tissue and that tissue grows for example in

terms of the male the tissue depending on what's present during the

fertilization chromosomes proteins hormones all of these kind of things can

influence so for example when there's I believe it's this particular protein I

don't remember it off the top of my head but there's a particular protein that if

it is present it cause it can cause the this particular part of tissue in the

embryo to form into the penis right and if it's not it turns into what's known

as the clitoris right and people don't always

but I mean you you could technically and there are people in the past who have

used the terminology that the clitoris is the female penis right there's a lot

of similarities in terms of the tissue structure the the appearance of it if

you see it completely through let's say medical textbooks or you know

illustrations and so on it looks very very similar to the the structure and

the shape look very similar now obviously they function different there

are some functional differences as well but so in the case of the the young

brothers you have a penis right and the sisters know this and then if you happen

to be in this situation or even as a mother when your child is small having a

basic understanding of the anatomy of a man if you notice something even when

the small boy there's it happens all the time they fall I've known many boys that

when they start learning too especially in Western culture it's a little bit

different because in the Muslim culture we teach our boys to sit when they go to

the bathroom Western boys are not always taught this we're usually taught to

stand and I have heard this incident so many times when a young boy is standing

he's not quite tall enough to get over the the toilet seat so they lift the

seat up and the brother is the young brother a little little child is going

to the bathroom and that seat story for the loud noise but you get the idea I

believe it happened to me as well so traumatic I mean maybe that's the first

memory I have but it's not but but these kind of things happen right so in this

particular case I mean a mother needs to know the basic anatomy to see okay is

everything looking the way it should right there's differences between

whether you're circumcised and not circumcised and as Muslims we

circumcised so this is important as well to know the difference too because it's

it happens very often when young brothers will see somebody who's

different let's say accidentally through you know school through change rooms

through athletics whatever they may not be aware of this and people are not

aware of how visually like different the circumcised penis from an

uncircumcised penis is now in terms of just the you know the general appearance

functionally they're the same right but so so for the young brothers right you

should understand the basics that you have what's called the the glans or the

head of the penis that's the ball-shaped how do you say the ball-shaped head at

the the head yeah even this is a little awkward I'm just talking by myself so

you can see how this can be awkward but but just think of it as just like you

know anything else so let's do it this way I guess and make it easy right so

this there's a head at the top then you have a shaft and at the bottom you have

what's called the scrotum which is that little sac at the bottom and these the

the sac actually is is one of the most the scrotum inside of that is testicles

okay and this is a very very sensitive area right so it's important to just you

don't have to go into the biology on the inside now one other important thing is

that with the penis is that you have a little hole at the end of the head which

is what's called the urethra right and we grow boys learn this very early on is

that we urinate we pee through this right so it's a simple thing it happens

you go to the bathroom that's where it comes out but the difference between

boys and girls is that boys have a from the scrotum the testicles you also have

something else that's called semen that is what produces sperm or that story I

shouldn't say for producer sperm how do I say that I'm trying to save this in a

way that's not so I don't want to get to medical I mean I could go very medical

in it and I don't want to the intention is to keep it kind of casual so that

people can get to understand it but but basically it's a fluid that that

contains sperm and that sperm is looks like a little it's a similar thing

actually the head of it looks kind of like the head of a penis and it has a

little tail like a little if anybody ever sees a tadpole in the water a

tadpole or small frog it looks very similar

in that sense and it just and not through sexuality we won't go into the

details about this for now but basically through sex and intimacy that gets

transferred into to the young brother's wife once he gets married and and then

that's where babies come from yeah you know confuse people would be if that was

the story but that's just to get just just to get the idea so anyway this is

where that fluid comes from right that's the focus right now we'll talk about the

other things later the more the details of that but but the idea is that you

don't have to be worried about these types of things when you start seeing

the reason I'm telling you this is because as a boy starts to go through

puberty mentions and last one you will get something that's called

pre-ejaculate all right and what this means is it's like a clear fluid that

comes out and you'll notice it's different okay and it comes from the

same place so so when a boy starts to go through puberty this might start to

happen especially after you have an erection so when the blood flows to the

region your penis gets hard and it stands up and it grows in size and it

can be very uncomfortable and awkward at the beginning it can be very

embarrassing and as I mentioned in a previous video a good thing to do is

just cover up getting get in the habit of wearing kind of you know bag your

shirts and so on and then if it happens in public because it will happen in

public it's just the air blows and young brothers get an erection right this is

what happens right this is just part of going through the process so if it

happens in particular areas where you get an erection don't feel uncomfortable

don't get all embarrassed about it you know and I'm not going to touch on the

issue of a particular topic of the homosexuality but unfortunately there is

this kind of idea that just because you get an erection around other boys

doesn't make you a homosexual doesn't mean you're attracted to to man and that

that is your interest when you were going through puberty as I said the wind

can blow and knock at you you couldn't be anywhere at any time you could be

sitting in math class and get an action and this does not mean that

you're turned on or excited by math this is just your body is adjusting I mean as

you get older you will be stimulated or excited based on different things but

when you first start going through puberty there's no real relation between

when this happens not not not really right some people will say that it is

but that's not true at all so if you happen to be somewhere don't get

confused at the fact that why did it happen here don't get worried about

those kind of things just it happens it's normal it's natural and it's it's

okay now as going back to the initial fluid thing is you will get a small

amount of what's called ejaculate pre-ejaculate and it's a very you

generally a clear fluid and and it's important as you get older too from a

health standpoint to understand the differences between how the fluid should

look right and I'm saying fluid because these are the medical terms we'll get

into more the emotional intimate type details of how you feel and and and

these kind of things later so that you can help to understand to deal with them

but right now we're focusing on the the biological medical side of it so the

fluid is could look very clear now when this happens as a Muslim so now we're

gonna get unto said a little of the spiritual stuff as in Muslim when you

start to get these this happening something else I should have mentioned

actually to just to step back is that once you start hitting puberty once you

start noticing these physical changes right and obviously when a boy gets his

first erection he you you know that you are going through puberty for example

because sometimes people don't always know right but this is a clear sign that

you're starting puberty for sure right and but then when you as a Muslim as a

young Muslim you are now accountable for your actions now you are supposed to

because you're a young man you're supposed to be taking charge and you're

supposed to be taking responsibility this doesn't mean that you have to all

of a sudden get out and get a job and get married and all of these kind of

things that's not what we're talking about but you are starting to be prior

to that allah subhanaw taala doesn't hold you accountable for a lot of the

mistakes that you make because of the fact that you are still learning right

but now young adult you are gonna start to be

accountable and one of those things is that you have to start praying some

people will argue about based on a hadith that that says that you should

start getting your children and to pray around seven and to be physical with

them I hold this position based on my teachers that that's hadith is not

there's a lot of problems with the hadith in terms of the it's it's it's

nad and so on that it's weak it contradicts a lot of other teachings

that the Prophet had said so so basically the general understanding is

that a young man becomes accountable this has to start praying and and start

doing certain things in terms of being a young Muslim man when they start going

through puberty now this ejaculate is important this

pre-ejaculate is important because inshallah god willing you're not

engaging in sexual activity with people as you shouldn't because you're not

ready there's a whole bunch of things that we can talk about later but you

will get this pretty Jacqueline this pre-ejaculate is a clear fluid and when

this happens if your parents hopefully inshallah had taught you that when you

pray before you pray you have to do would do okay but when this pretty

jacket comes out you have to do what's called a hustle right or the it's normal

ritual bathing meaning you have to clean the area with water and then you do do

wudu and you've bathed right so you clean that way and this is important to

note that when this happens when you're a young man if this is happening a lot

now it becomes very difficult for a young man to have to clean all the time

or bathe let's say you're at school for example and you get an erection in class

and you find that you have a that little bit of liquid you have to go to the

bathroom and you find that afterwards you have that pre-ejaculate or you may

find a little bit of white flaky it looks white and flaky let's say in your

underwear for example right this is what it it dries out and it's a little bit of

white and flaky now there's two things that you would need to do here in terms

of spirituality and so the reason this is important is so that you can

pray and you can spiritually clean physically clean now the way it works is

that we do have evidence that because this is happening and if you're a young

man and this is happening a lot it becomes very difficult for you to have a

full bath all the time so what you can do is just you clean the area like you

normally would after you go to the bathroom with some water some tissue

however however you taught to clean ideally you you clean it with with some

some paper toilet paper and then a little bit of water to clean off and

rinse off any of the the residue and in case of if you get any the dry flaky

material on your underwear you can either wash it with water and or

you can just if it's dry you can just scratch it off and we have it we have

authentic hadith that tell us this and people might get a little upset well why

do we have hadith like this and something that's important about these

is that it's to show us that because there's such an emphasis placed on our

prayer that we that the Prophet SAW selim doesn't want to create this

environment where people are freaking out and all of my prayers are invalid

because I'm a teenager I'm going through this and I'm I'm constantly having this

issue I believe was le ebin abu talib one of the great caliphs of our our

ummah one of the greatest leaders of in the history of islam he approached the

Prophet with this he was a young man and he went through this and he had this

difficulty because and he said do I have to bathe all the time I'm constantly

this is happening to me all the time so he was having pre-ejaculate so he breaks

his with you and now he has a for us on the process no no no if this is

something that's happening that much you can just do what do clean the area and

do it because it's too difficult and too much hardship for you had to have to

have a complete bath every time so this is one of the beauties of this Islam

right so the Prophet teaches us as things not to be vulgar not to be

disgusting but to teach us that it's okay right if it's if you have a little

bit of the ejaculate and you're not able to have a full bath and you have to pray

just clean the best you can in the area and then you do with you and if you have

any of the white dried residue from it afterwards and you

you you can't you're not in a situation to wash your underwear you you can

scratch it off you can write we have Ayesha had taught this and also with the

water right we have a hadith in which the Prophet Aisha had said that she had

cleaned some semen off of his clothes right this is after something else we'll

get into that later but she said she washed it and the clothes were still wet

when he put them on and left and one of the amazing things that I find with this

hadith is this is to show us don't freak out it's okay if this happens it's very

simple to deal with you can scrape it off or you can just wash it right and it

doesn't have to be this big complex thing and people mistake this for

something lewd and vulgar but the reality is it's to teach us that exactly

to combat that type of attitude if you and from my perspective that's what I

believe that that's one of the great lessons from these hadith

it's to teach us it's okay don't freak out it's not what you think there's an

easy way around it this is how you do it because people will be like oh my god

I'll sip on Allah all of my prayers are invalid right so this is why this is

important now this video is a little longer than planned but one other thing

that we'll talk about very very quickly that falls into the same category to a

certain degree is what's called nocturnal emissions or what is known as

more casual slang as a wet dream and as you start going through puberty this is

again something that happens it can happen in adults right it just doesn't

happen as often so this is this is the the difficulty for the young brothers is

that you are less prepared for these things because you've never gone through

it you haven't experienced it but you get the bulk of these strange sudden

erections you get wet dreams a lot more often than an older male would and

that's just one of the challenges I guess all this abounds how I put out

there all right because if an older man was having wet dreams he understands

what they are he understands what the erections are Junior I'm saying so

unfortunately you guys have to go through this little challenge but but a

wet dream basically same place right same old the urethra at the head of your

penis the semen will come out and it's much

thicker and it's much heavier and it's much messier right it's like very very

thick cream I wouldn't say like yogurt because it's kind of lean so so this is

something that's interesting I mean you could go on a whole top with just this

but this is what it goes back to what I said before with it understanding how it

should be or the way it should look is actually very important for the health

of a young man because if you have an illness or some sort of infection a

stuff or a law if you know sexually transmitted disease for example you can

have you can notice some of the effects on your semen if you're dehydrated right

you notice when you go to the bathroom there's a different different color in

your urine it can be very clear it can be very dark these are signs of a number

of things one is lack of fluids so dehydration it could be lack of certain

vitamins and minerals and so on if you're over hydrated have too much water

in your body it can be very very clear because you're urinating too much and so

on but that doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong it's just that's

the way the body is at certain times things change and the semen is the same

so as I said you have the pre-ejaculate which is usually very clear looking and

then you have the thicker nocturnal emissions right this generally will

happen for whatever's going on you having a dream whatever most of the time

people don't remember it you just wake up and you notice that you have an

erection and that there's some fluid there some sticky fluid so all you have

to do from a religious standpoint don't freak out just go to the bathroom take

off your clothes have a bath if if you can you ideally you should you should

really try to I mean let's say you wake up and Salah is just gonna end for

example and this has happened right you do have options but but generally you

have to have a bath or a shower and in modern terms I don't think a lot of

people have baths nowadays but generally it's the same as the nocturnal emission

you clean the area and you wash any and either fluid off

the semen that has come out and you do wudu and then you pray and this is

what's important in this so so don't get caught up and get all worked up over

this this the fact that you had a wet dream right it's normal its natural it's

gonna shock you the first time it happens it might shock you the first few

times especially if you're not taught there so insha'Allah you'll you'll

understand that this is a you know and we can go into more details in this if

anybody has any questions and wants to talk about this privately we can talk

about it but but this is the again I'm gonna keep emphasizing this we're

talking about this from a casual standpoint these are normal natural

things my understanding is that even women have nocturnal emissions they have

fluid that comes out again this is important for for for mothers in

particular to to understand is surprising and I was shocked about this

how many women don't know about their own private parts their vagina and the

differences between the boys and the girls I mean I I've heard adults even

who believe and didn't know it until they were told this that they thought

that they urinated from the vagina itself and I should actually correct it

because the vagina unfortunately is is the the hole of a woman which is is

where the sexual act of intimacy happens right the whole area the the private

parts the genitals of a woman consists of another a number of parts and as we

already said in this video they have a clitoris which is similar to the penis

one of the big differences is the fact that instead of having a hole in the

clitoris it's below the clitoris and that's where they urinate that's where

they're yuri throw is that's whether you're in comes from and then below that

is the vagina itself and this is where sexual intimacy occurs between a husband

and a wife and where inshallah the baby will come out right so it's important to

understand these things but I am shocked at how many women don't even know this

about both them says because it's important because you get different you

know as I said you can have health issues and understanding this can go a

long way to help these things so inshallah this will be helpful hopefully

it was a little bit interesting in different

and we'll see how these goes I mean I don't know I haven't posted these yet so

we don't know how they're gonna be but if you want to continue the conversation

keep it below keep it you know avoid all the lewdness as I mentioned previously

inputs welcome but I will monitor I will delete anything that's inappropriate so

think about your words think about if you want to ask questions think about

them ask them in a professional way if you're not sure about it we can arrange

to to send me a private message through email or whatever and I can give you

some information on that and as I said it's not I'm not a doctor I'm not a

sexual therapist I'm just sharing the basics that all of us should know in

terms of how our bodies work in function and also to if you want to help support

us on patreon one dollar a month or whatever you can you know or more if you

can and this helps to continue with the quality to the production and and many

other things to continue to do these things and your support can be is really

really needed and you can find the patreon details in the video description

below assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahu but I

got to

For more infomation >> Lets Talk About Sex - Muslim Talks - Part 3 - Erections - Duration: 25:36.


Making a game of some sort. Based off of your suggestions. - Duration: 16:12.

For more infomation >> Making a game of some sort. Based off of your suggestions. - Duration: 16:12.


Gear Spotlight: The Centurion Returns ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:55.

Well there she is, mate.

She obviously kept copped a bit of a whoopin.

We dragged it everywhere and didn't break it, mate.

I'm impressed because you guys actually brought it back in one piece.

I didn't have to fix too much.

The r&d is probably the hardest thing for any sort of camper trailer / caravan manufacturer,

because who is going to go out there and test it like we do?

So how did it go, guys?

The frame and chassis, suspension, all that?


Sweet, no problem.

That was the biggest thing when you're driving off-road, you don't want that stuff falling apart.

So we dragged the Centurion across the Simpson Desert.

That was full-on, big rutted-out holes.

The whole Centurion, side to side, lots of dust.

Didn't miss a beat.

I really enjoyed it, and the reason why I say that is because it's the kitchen that

I spend most of the time in.

This bench was perfect.

The size, just the size of it, everything was working well.

Functionality's there?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, like well-oiled machine.

Simon and I would rock up.

Bang, pull this out, plug that in.

We'll get the gas cooker going.

Drop down the little table there which we used as a bench.

Throw some stuff in there. Just chuck some plates in.

You know, the fry pan, blah blah blah, and it just worked.


Heights were good. But it worked well.

Well-sealed too. Didn't get dust and stuff in it. It was good.

That's great.

They key part here with the first r&d trip, see what breaks, see what works,

see what doesn't work.

There's going to be a few changes to the production model.

Aesthetically, interior... It's going to be a bit more luxurious.

A lot brighter colour with the white and the luxurious black leather looks. Cushions.

I would lengthen the drawbar to make the ride a bit better.

Pretty functional.

Simon had that all to himself, remember.

It was very comfy.

Do you like the space in it?

Oh, it was greaet.

Does it feel open?

Oh yeah, it was good.

Plenty of breeze?

Yeah, it was good.

Our next tent has windows front and back as well, so you get that even more.


The key thing that you spoke of was the rear door.


How it was quite awkward to open and close.

So we've changed from having it as a step entry to a side swing.

It's just going to be a lot better.

No look, it's a very practical camper basically.

It's a bloody practical bit of gear.

Well it's a hardcore off-road camper is what it is.


The thing about being a prototype, you're looking for ways to change and tweak and improve things.

And you know, there's a few tweaks to be made with the canvas and as there always is.

I can't wait to see what the production model looks like, because I reckon it's gonna be perfect.

I'm really happy with their feedback. It's what we wanted to hear.

Constructive criticism is what really makes these things get improved.

Bloody awesome, mate. Good job.

Thanks guys.

It's gonna be a kick-ass bit of gear.

For more infomation >> Gear Spotlight: The Centurion Returns ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 3:55.


다음 당첨자는 내가 될 수도 있어!Next Winner Could Be Me!::Makestar - Duration: 2:27.

Falling in April! Hello~ We're APRIL!

We're making our photobook at Makestar~

Our first event! The first pledger!

Project opened at 6PM and super quickly~

12 seconds!!

At 6:12PM~!!


We will make a video call right now~



Can you tell us how you were so quick?

How did you do it? 6PM was the start!

Did you wait a lot?

So amazing~~~

We're going to shoot our first photobok very soon

What! kind of photobook do you expect!?


Yes, we're cute~ LOL

We're good at cute things

Did you eat? Dinner?

Did you eat?

Are you in Seoul!?


Yes! Correct!

Please look forward to our cute photobook~

I still can't believe how you can be so fast!

I got a special vibe from the pledger after the video call~

So relaxed~

I hope more and more people participate in the project and see our photobook!

We can't only do cute concept~

Like you guys all have different preferences~ We can do pretty things and also cool things

Guys please look forward to our special photobook~

Please participate in our project~!


For more infomation >> 다음 당첨자는 내가 될 수도 있어!Next Winner Could Be Me!::Makestar - Duration: 2:27.


How to draw Doc Hudson Crashed Badly Injured | CARS 3 Movie Clip | Easy step-by-step | Art Color - Duration: 10:12.

Doc Hudson Crashed

Doc Hudson Crashed

Badly Injured

Badly Injured

For more infomation >> How to draw Doc Hudson Crashed Badly Injured | CARS 3 Movie Clip | Easy step-by-step | Art Color - Duration: 10:12.


Eyes on Worlds: Episode 4 (2017) - Duration: 11:38.

Rather than thinking I had lost my chance, in that moment I thought,

"Next year when we meet again, I am going to wreck you."

Last year, I felt fearless and able to tackle any challenge.

This year is now coming to an end

and I feel afraid to take those challenges.

I'm worrying about everything,

and I feel slightly less confident.

But as I've gone through the competition

what I'm feeling now is that

it's not all that bad.

This is a trial that everyone goes through and it's almost over.

I'm thinking positively that things will turn out better once I've reached the end.

I think the current SKT is

the team that has everything I dreamt of and wanted as a kid.

Has taken everything.

That team is SKT.

Usually, after you've become number one, you can become lazy.

But that's not the case for me.


I use my experience being number one,

to figure out how to get to the top again.

And that's how I'm always able to maintain it.

You can beat him.

Players have been able to beat him once or twice, possibly with some luck.

It's not like Faker is immortal.

I am unsure if this is good fortune or if this is our fate

but a second chance has come.

While we did our best last year,

this time I want to take this opportunity

and get revenge.

- Ambition: Look! You have to look.

- CoreJJ: Varus! Varus! - CuVee: I'm coming! I'm coming!

- Ruler: Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!

- Crown: Yasuo! Yasuo!

Most teams, when they got close to taking down SKT, they crumbled.

We did too.

Now with that experience

we won't crumble like that.

- CoreJJ: We can win this.

- Ruler: We can do this!

- Coach Edgar: As you guys know, this is actually the beginning.

They've lost two games many times.

- Ruler: Yeah, last year we lost two games and won two.

- Ruler: We can do it too. - CuVee: We can't let our guards down.

- Ambition: Let's pretend like this is Game 1.

- Coach Edgar: Don't give away anything for free.

- Coach Edgar: We fight, we win! - Everyone: Fighting!

- Coach Edgar: It's 0-0! - Everyone: Fighting!

- CuVee: Look at Karma.

- Ruler: Focus Karma!

- Crown & Ambition: Nice!

End it!!

- Blank: We have to back! This is bad.

- Faker: I... Ah, damn...

- Bang: I think this might be game. - Huni: No, not yet.

- Faker: Back off Trundle.

- Ambition: Just protect.

- CoreJJ: Yeah, keep protecting.

- Ambition: Get the turret.

- CoreJJ: They probably have tp. Back as we cover each other.

I've never gone into a game thinking that we'd lose because of me.

That's how I'm able to play with confidence.

- Ruler: Look here!

- Crown: Focus Karma!

- CoreJJ: Chain the CCs!

- Faker: Just leave me.

- CoreJJ: Guys, Tristana!

- Crown: End it!

- CuVee: Awesome! Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all! End it!!

This year could have been the most difficult year of my life.

But since I was rewarded in the end,

it almost feels like God is messing with me, it's extraordinary.

I met Faker four years ago, when he had his debut match.

He defeated me and was thrust into the spotlight.

It took four years, but I was able to get revenge in a really satisfying way.

I am so relieved to have defeated Faker on the biggest and highest stage.

But honestly, since Faker is such an outstanding player

if it wasn't me, he would've beaten other players to get to this point.

For more infomation >> Eyes on Worlds: Episode 4 (2017) - Duration: 11:38.


Weekend Update: Willie on Thanksgiving - SNL - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: Willie on Thanksgiving - SNL - Duration: 2:46.


Weekend Update: Jay Pharoah on Thanksgiving Songs - SNL - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: Jay Pharoah on Thanksgiving Songs - SNL - Duration: 3:39.


Autumn's Eve - SNL - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Autumn's Eve - SNL - Duration: 1:32.


Weekend Update: LaVar Ball - SNL - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: LaVar Ball - SNL - Duration: 3:57.


Weekend Update: Claire from HR - SNL - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: Claire from HR - SNL - Duration: 3:29.


Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.


Fan tunes out Aiden English in Nottingham, England - Duration: 0:51.


[SOUND] >> Shhh.


>> Please stop singing.


>> You can't sing.

>> What did you just ask me?

>> I didn't ask you anything, but you can't sing.




For more infomation >> Fan tunes out Aiden English in Nottingham, England - Duration: 0:51.


Watch unseen footage of Raw's raid of SmackDown LIVE: Exclusive, Nov. 17, 2017 - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> Watch unseen footage of Raw's raid of SmackDown LIVE: Exclusive, Nov. 17, 2017 - Duration: 1:31.


Taylor Swift: Call It What You Want (Live) - SNL - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Taylor Swift: Call It What You Want (Live) - SNL - Duration: 3:59.


Lion King Auditions - SNL - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Lion King Auditions - SNL - Duration: 2:37.


Best Survivor Series sole survivors - WWE Top 10, Nov. 18, 2017 - Duration: 4:08.


And look out from behind.

>> Opportunity >> Looking to take advantage.

Roll through by Kingston.

>> Kofi Kingston, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it.

>> One on one.

>> Look at this.

Trouble in paradise, trouble in paradise, Kingston hooks the leg.

He did it.

Kofi did it.

>> There is a winner at Sole Survivor,

Kofi Kingston.

>> Look at this, double underhook.

Got him over with a suplex move.

[INAUDIBLE] >> The giant wins the survivor series.

>> Here is the Sole Survivor Andre the Giant.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Extension right hand,

now, the warrior with the other hand.

What a clothesline, and another one, and a third.

Is he on fire.

Ultimate warrior fight tempo 1, 2, he got it.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Aja Kong.

>> With the advantage of, she got it right in the face.

>> Sure. >> It's over, it's over.

[SOUND] >> Aja Kong victorious, imagine that.

>> Aja Kong.


>> Aah.

>> Shamrock just snapped.

Look at that neck, look at that intensity.

There's the arm bar submission.

Now, he's gonna >> [APPLAUSE]

>> He's in a lock.

Shamrock's ankle lock and

Shamrock survives.

>> Glenn's has a lot of experience.

>> Not used to having a [INAUDIBLE] hand on her neck, that'll do it.

>> The grand slam, and the RAW Divas, they got the win.

>> Here is your winner, and Sole Survivor,

RAW Diva, Beth Phoenix and Glamazon.

>> Went right down to the wire.

[SOUND] >> Well,

this is more than making a statement, Cole, you know that.

This is more than sending a message, this could possibly be ending in-

>> [CROSSTALK] going for the pump.

And look at this.

He went for the pump.

Ziggler counted.

Ziggler's the sole survivor.

>> Ladies and gentleman the Sole Survivor is Dolph Ziggler.


>> This young kid making his debut just became a prominent superstar in the world

wrestling federation and that's impressive.

>> Look at this.

Rocky man and Goldust.

>> Shoulder breaker.

>> And there.

One, two.

>> [INAUDIBLE] >> I can't believe it.

>> Here is your winner.

>> My God, I feel like my name should be Adrian.

>> Rocky Maivia.

>> What a way to make your debut.

[SOUND] >> Dial it up.

>> Who are you gonna call?

>> The spear.

>> Spear.

>> Spear.

Roman Reigns.

The cover.

>> Two, three. >> Roman Reigns has done it.



[SOUND] >> And now,

Randy Orton is a Pedigree away from losing >> Orton about to bow down right now, JR.

Bow to- >> [APPLAUSE]

>> The RKO out of nowhere.

>> No way. >> Orton brought the RKO home.

>> One, two, three. >> No.

>> Raw wins it.



>> No. >> Can you believe it?

>> Randy Orton.


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