Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

If you enjoy looking at wildlife,

one of the easier ways to do it

is go where all the wildlife is.

But a lot of people don't wanna do that.

They're afraid of all the nasty things

that they might encounter there.

(upbeat, rockin' music)

So if you supply the shelter, supply the water,

you supply the food, the wildlife will come.

Wildlife needs food.

Every day, they love to eat.

Lots of animals like to eat acorns, and not just squirrels.

If you happen to get in a fight

with your annoying little brother,

these make really, really good ammo.

This is called beautyberry.

It's a native shrub

and there's lots of other plants that you could get

that have berries that are easy to grow.

Wildlife gonna want water just like you.

So the best way to provide that is in a shallow dish.

The sound of splashing water is absolutely magical

when it comes to attracting wildlife.

You need shelter.

Plant some evergreens around the edge of your property.

They just need places where they can go and hide

and also make nests.

Well I'm bored with birds,

and I'm bored with butterflies,

and I don't like chipmunks.

I want something exciting.

How can I get maybe a dinosaur,

like a T-Rex, to come to my garden?

It's really simple.

You find yourself a goat.

You tie it to a wooden stake on an island

off the coast of Costa Rica, and watch what happens.

But whatever you do, don't turn off the electric fence!

(dinosaur growling)

For more infomation >> Looking To Attract Wildlife To Your Backyard? Try These Plants | Southern Living - Duration: 1:44.


Jack Schmitt: From Apollo 17 to LRO - Duration: 2:43.

Later this year, Apollo 17 astronaut and geologist Jack

Schmitt will mark forty-five years since his first steps on

the moon in December 1972. Those footprints left an impression on

both the moon and on Schmitt.

"No matter how much preparation

you have for experiences like stepping on the moon, it's going

to be more than you ever anticipated." Schmitt was the

first trained field geologist to observe the moon up close and

personal, and he found himself discovering unexpected things

with every step. "Every rock that we examined had something

new that I didn't expect. And surprises are what geologists

like. That's why you're exploring – to see the things

that no one has ever seen before." Schmitt spent a

combined twenty-two hours outside of the spacecraft during

his three excursions on the moon. Before his own trip,

Schmitt trained other Apollo astronauts. Sharing with them

his in-depth knowledge of field work. "The main thing was to

expose them to as many different geological experiences as we

possibly could. Get them out in the field – don't let them sit

in the classroom." He treated training scenarios on Earth the

same way he would if they were on the moon. Including simulated

equipment, backpacks and cameras strapped to the front of

spacesuits. Astronauts could then focus on what differences

in the rocks they were seeing, and what rock samples were best

to collect. Essentially giving them the fundamental field

geological experiences that they needed to succeed. The four or

five days per month Schmitt spent training astronauts in the

field really did made a difference. "The quality and

diversity of the Apollo sample collection, independent of

Apollo 17 where you had an experienced geologist, the

quality and diversity of that sample collection is just

remarkable." Fortunately, the current

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, or LRO, is changing

the game; bringing back high- quality photography of the moon

that Schmitt only wished he'd seen before his own trip. "The

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter program now has provided us with

a much, much higher resolution suite of photographs for any

future astronauts." What we learned from the Apollo missions

helped lay the groundwork for LRO, and LRO will help guide

future explorers. "Every new environment in which a geologist

works is usually very different than the last, but you have

learned things from your previous experiences that do in

fact enable you to maximize the value of your new experience."

Schmitt has his fingers crossed for future moon exploration, a

landscape he considers holds answers to many questions about

the early solar system. "You can hear people talk about it, but

you can't absorb it until you're there."

For more infomation >> Jack Schmitt: From Apollo 17 to LRO - Duration: 2:43.


RnRaside's Farm Kids Fun Facts - Thanksgiving Facts - Fat Turkey - Fun Facts for Kids - Duration: 0:38.

Hi Farm Kids are you ready for today's fun fact? Awesome! Here we go.

The largest turkey ever recorded was 86 pounds.

I bet the farmer had a hard time lifting that turkey. Wow! That's a large turkey.

Make sure you subscribe to our Channel and share our fun facts!

See You Later Farm Kids!

For more infomation >> RnRaside's Farm Kids Fun Facts - Thanksgiving Facts - Fat Turkey - Fun Facts for Kids - Duration: 0:38.


The US Congress Needs More Money - Duration: 6:18.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Congress needs more money.

Now I'm not talking about the Federal government.

I remain committed to the idea that Washington, DC needs a lot less money.

But the Senators, Representatives and staffers that make up the US Congress?

They need a lot more money.

I understand that this is a hard pitch.

In opinion polls the US Congress is typically about as popular as a car crash.

We see them as corrupt and most importantly ineffectual.

Today I will talk about why Congress is so useless.

The fact is that they have lost an arms race.

Around the time of the Civil War, our congress people did not have much in the way of staff.

Now each individual member of Congress has dozens of staff.

In 2015, Each Senator averaged 39 staffers and each Representative averaged 14 staffers.

This may seem like a lot.

It's not.

To truly judge the growth in congressional staff you've got to compare it to the estimated

14 million people who now work for the president, directly or indirectly.

The Founding fathers didn't expect much of elected officials.

But they did expect them to compete.

That's how checks and balances are supposed to work.

The president has his interests, plans and judgement, and each of the hundreds of congresspeople

has their interests plans and judgements as well.

It's supposed to be a fight.

Congress lost this fight a long time ago.

The President can still come to Washington, DC with some small hope that he will be able

to change things.

Senators and Representatives can't.

It's the work of a career to even begin to understand the workings of a single federal

agency or department.

And everybody working for that agency or department has an interest in limiting a Congress person's


Workers and lobbyists in Washington, DC just want more money out of congress, whether or

not they deserve it.

Back before the civil war, if a member of congress wanted to know what a government

agency was up to, they could probably walk across the street and ask the guy in charge

of it.

In 1850 there were only 47,000 people working for the federal government, and most of those

people were soldiers and postal workers.

This is not the case today.

Officially, the US federal government only employs around 4 million people, but this

is deceptive.

Advocates of big government love to claim that this number hasn't gone up by much

since the 1960s.

This is one of those things that is true but isn't true.

Since at least the Reagan administration Washington, DC has been hiding its true size by shifting

more and more of its activities to the private sector.

Nobody really knows how many people work in the private government sector but everybody

assumes it far exceeds the number of official civil servants.

We brought the private sector into government because people were angry at unfireable public


In theory government contractors are easier to fire if they screw up, but this rarely

happens in practice.

It's a lot harder to tell what's going on now, government contractors aren't all

that transparent, but we do know that there are a lot of mansions going up in the Maryland

and Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC.

Hey There!

My name's Ken Asbury!

I make two million dollars a year, to run a company you've never heard of, that ate

up around 3 Billion of your tax dollars in 2016! Yay Private Sector!

Congress is bad at its job because it has no idea what is actually going on with the

government it has created.

They and their handful of staffers are running around like crazy, trying to work for their

constituents, raise money, campaign, manage the media, and then as a fifth priority, maybe

run the country.

It's not working.

Take today's Republicans as an example.

They control the entire government.

They were voted in to repeal and replace Obamacare and fix the tax code.

It's become clear that they're incapable of doing either in any meaningful way.

Through the mid 20th century Congress built some tools to deal with this issue.

The staffs of each member of congress grew steadily.

The Congressional Research Service, Congress's think tank, was established.

The Government Accountability Office, the Library of Congress, and the Congressional

Budget Office were set up or grew mightily.

An Office of Technology Assessment, filled with scientists and engineers was put together

to deal with the growing technical issues Congress had to face.

These few offices, employing less than 8,000 people today are our only effective tool for

controlling our government.

They steadily grew until the mid 1990s.

Then the Republicans came to power.

Newt Gingrich's Contract with America simple mindedly decided to attack the only wing of

government that people in Congress knew well.

Their own.

The Office of Technology Assessment was scrapped entirely.

Staffing at the GAO, and the library of Congress was dramatically cut.

The CBO hasn't grown since the 1990s.

And staffing members for individual congress people are still falling.

Keep in mind all that has happened since 1995.

9/11 gave us permanent war and vast new government bureaucracies.

Both the Bush and Obama administrations gave the federal government vast new powers over

the environment, finance, healthcare and education.

And Congress's ability to deal with this mess has fallen dramatically.

The information that they get comes from lobbyists, or the government agencies that only know

how to ask for more money.

Conservative Republicans have an instinct that I agree with.

The Government shouldn't be this big.

But their strategy of making the US Congress, our best tool against government bloat, weaker

doesn't make any sense at all.

Next time I'll talk about why more money for Congress should be a bipartisan priority.

Thanks for watching, Please subscribe and if you'd like a free essay on a completely

different topic, please sign up for my e-mail newsletter.

For more infomation >> The US Congress Needs More Money - Duration: 6:18.


ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 27 НОЯБРЯ по 3 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по Знакам Зодиака - Duration: 12:18.

For more infomation >> ГОРОСКОП НА НЕДЕЛЮ с 27 НОЯБРЯ по 3 ДЕКАБРЯ 2017 года по Знакам Зодиака - Duration: 12:18.


'Eretria Stares Down The Darkness' Ep. 208 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:19.







Go to the tunnel.



For more infomation >> 'Eretria Stares Down The Darkness' Ep. 208 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 1:19.





Người Con Trai Ấy - Nguyễn Đình Vũ [Lyrics Video] - Đừng Nghe Khóc Đấy 😂😂 - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Người Con Trai Ấy - Nguyễn Đình Vũ [Lyrics Video] - Đừng Nghe Khóc Đấy 😂😂 - Duration: 3:36.


Amplitude Modulation vs Frequency Modulation │ AM vs FM │ Difference Between AM and FM - Duration: 2:24.

AM or Amplitude Modulation and FM or Frequency Modulation are ways of broadcasting radio


Both transmit the information in the form of electromagnetic waves.

AM works by modulating the amplitude of the signal or carrier transmitted according to

the information being sent, while the frequency remains constant.

This differs from FM technology in which information is encoded by varying the frequency of the

wave and the amplitude is kept constant.

In this video I will going to brief you difference between Amplitude Modulation and frequency


AM involves the alteration of the amplitude of the carrier wave, whereas FM involves changes

in the frequency of the carrier wave.

AM frequency range from 535 to 1705 Kilohertz OR Up to 1200 bits per second.

Whereas, FM frequency range in a higher spectrum from 88 to 108 Megahertz OR 1200 to 2400 bits

per second.

AM waves have a much larger range and can therefore be received even in hinterlands!

This is the reason most news stations use AM over FM. whereas, FM waves have a small

range in terms of the geographical regions they can cover,

AM signals take up 30 Kilohertz; While FM signals take up 80 Kilohertz of bandwidth

for each signal.

AM waves Transmitter and receiver are simple but synchronization is needed in case of SSBSC

AM carrier.

Whereas, Transmitter and receiver are more complex as variation of modulating signal

has to be converted and detected from corresponding variation in frequencies.

AM is more susceptible to noise because noise affects amplitude, which is where information

is "stored" in an AM signal.

Whereas, FM is less susceptible to noise because information in an FM signal is transmitted

through varying the frequency, and not the amplitude.

Dear viewers Thanks for watching the video, any question write in the comment box.

Don't forget to like and share.

More update please subscribes our channel Learning Engineering, and get notification

to press the bell icon.

For more infomation >> Amplitude Modulation vs Frequency Modulation │ AM vs FM │ Difference Between AM and FM - Duration: 2:24.



For more infomation >> 13 MONEY SAVING TIPS WHEN TRAVELING EUROPE - Duration: 6:19.


Frauen im Alltag ansprechen - Live Cam - Psychologische Hintergründe erklärt - Duration: 15:46.

For more infomation >> Frauen im Alltag ansprechen - Live Cam - Psychologische Hintergründe erklärt - Duration: 15:46.


Como Descargar e Instalar Mozilla Firefox Actualizado 2017 (MEGA) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Como Descargar e Instalar Mozilla Firefox Actualizado 2017 (MEGA) - Duration: 3:00.


totally gotta say this... + 100K play button :)🌟 - Duration: 6:22.

Okay this video is gonna be super cliche but whatever.

you're probably gonna end up keeping it I don't know where to put it.

So as some of you guys know here on YouTube when your channel reaches 100K subscribers

you get what is called a play button so I had mine-

it actually got shipped a while back, but it took me forever to actually go and

grab it so I've finally done that and I opened it

and here it is. It's kind of super reflective so I don't- I don't know like

what the best way to look at it is, but yeah so I finally picked it up and I'm

super stoked and of course with that comes the typical but very very very

necessary "thank you" to all of you. So yeah, I mean naturally I just- I'm so

grateful for the fact- I mean a hundred thousand subscribers I think as of

filming us I'm at like a hundred and thirty-four thousand and the channel

just keeps growing and I again I'm just so grateful and thankful for everyone

who watches these I'm almost like in disbelief. I thought in the beginning

I was like "yeah like my mom's gonna watch em you know so there's one

person right there" but the fact that there's just so many of you that find

value, or even just entertainment, or just like the video is in general I just..

thank you a huge huge thank you! And you know ever since the beginning I just

always wanted to help people. I wanted to you know, motivate people to do whatever

they want, to stop living in these constraints of of what they think they

should be doing because it's all really based just in your mind I just- and you

know it doesn't mean like live the lifestyle that I do it's just in general

just feel free to be yourself and do things that make you happy. And at the

same time also motivate people to go outdoors and explore the planet because

we live in a beautiful beautiful world and I feel like just not enough people

take advantage of that and I was guilty of that as well because I

always felt like in order to see something amazing I had to have a lot of

money or I had to travel really far or it had to be really well thought out and

once I realized the reality that like that is not exactly how it needs to be

like there are ways to work around all of these things I just felt so

passionate about it and I wanted to share it with others that way you know

because I wish someone had said that to me and just like the whole concept of

living in vehicles as a lifestyle I really just wanted to put it out there

that way you know it for one anyone who's really interested in it I want to

be able to help people as much as I can with the little that I know because I

do only know very little you know the whole thing is a learning experience for

me like while I'm doing it, but when I do learn things or the knowledge that I do

have I just wanted to be able to share it because when I first started doing it

I kind of needed somebody like that and that's like a famous thing you know like

don't say say that like "be the person that you needed I don't like X amount of

time in your life" or whatever so that's really all that I'm trying to do. And

then also like because there are so many people that like when I first started

living in a car I had never heard of somebody doing it because it was a

choice or because you know for any other reason than the fact that they had

to and it was always a negative thing. So once I realized that there was a whole

community of people who do this because they like it, they love it, they choose to

do this, and they have very valid reasons as to why they're doing it and then you

know getting to meet a lot of these people I could just relate so much with

them that I also wanted to try and show other people that there is this

community, it does exist, there is alternative lifestyles that you can live

and this is not the only one. Living in cars is not the only way you know

there's there's just so many things there's tiny houses, there's houseboats,

there's just eco-friendly or self-sustaining structures that you can

build in just just a variety of different ways and this was something

that was so new to me it still is I mean it's only been a couple of years like

four or five years since I've really you know learned about any of this stuff and

so for for the reason being that there was a period of

time in my life where I I didn't know about any of this and I wish that I had

somehow stumbled upon this information because it was kind of one of those

things like I had never heard about it because I had never been looking for it

but I wasn't looking for it because I didn't know what to look for. So in that

sense, that was another reason why I just really wanted to make these videos.

It's like hopefully I'll just put it out there and someone will randomly click on it

and they'll be like "huh. what is what is this?" and then maybe it can like tune

them into a whole different way of living or a whole different way to see

things or they can just really relate to something... and I'm doing what I do best

right now I'm rambling- really I just wanted to say thank you so much because

this channel wouldn't be possible without any of you guys and also a big

big big just huge enormous insert all crazy adjectives here type of shout out

to my patrons because they are- you guys, you guys are the homies. You guys have

supported this channel and contributed to its success in just a massive way

that there's there's really no words for how I could express my gratitude to you

guys I mean really. And so I just hope that from this channel there is

something that you could take that that's of some value or even if it's

just entertainment whatever it is I just hope that you get something out of it

and for every single person that watches this, even if you don't subscribe to the

channel, even if you just randomly happen to be watching this, for every living

being on this planet all that I could hope for is that you are happy, that you

love yourself, and that you live your best life. So yeah I could sit here for a

really long time and kind of repeat myself, but I'm going to try and keep

this as short as possible and just reiterate one more time that I am

extremely grateful and I really do just wish all of you, every single one of you

the best and with that I will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> totally gotta say this... + 100K play button :)🌟 - Duration: 6:22.


#MassArrests Update Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing, President Trump Tweets 'The tim - Duration: 2:52.

#MassArrests Update - Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing, President Trump Tweets

'The time is upon us - operation Alice in Wonderland is about to start'

Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing � with Liz Crokin

Investigative Journalist Liz Crokin joins the program to discuss the latest on the indictments

that are coming down.

The number of indictments is history making.

Never have we had close to this many sealed indictments in our country.

Crokin believes it is a massive crackdown on corruption and elite pedophilia.

Her background as a White House correspondent for the state department, as an investigative

journalist for the Chicago Tribune, and as an investigative journalist covering scandals

amongst the elite in Hollywood has given her a backdoor look into the dealings of the elite.

She is passionate about taking down the pedophile rings and will not stop until they are shut


Trump Tweets Of Operation Alice In Wonderland Thursday, November 16, 2017

President Trump tweets - 'The time is upon us - operation Alice in Wonderland is about

to start'

UPDATE: The above is not a real tweet from Donald Trump, which you can see yourself . Simon

Parks may not have properly fact checked this before issuing his update.


Clearly the president wishes to alert the people to some subterfuge about to take place.

The tweet was swiftly removed around 15 minutes later.

What Is Donald Trump's Operation Alice In Wonderland?


QAnon repeatedly mentioned �Alice & Wonderland.� People have decided �Alice� is Hillary


But as I mentioned in �Fake N.E.W.S.: �Unboxing the Compass,� �Alice Rosenbaum,� was

the real name of Ayn Rand, who wrote about the hidden realm of �Atlantis,� where,

in her story, the elite go to hide under a forcefield of invisibility while they watch

the rest of the world go to Hell.

�Alice� is also the name of a project at CERN focusing on creating interdimensional


What Is Donald Trump's Operation Alice In Wonderland?

See the video link below in our description.

For more infomation >> #MassArrests Update Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing, President Trump Tweets 'The tim - Duration: 2:52.


Justice League NEWS MAJOR DarkSeid Deleted Scene REVEALED? Green Lantern Deleted SCENE Breakdown!!! - Duration: 6:41.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie so we

all know that Justice League movie has been out since Thursday so your nurses

meant to be in sacks line and movie but after watching it twice I'm feeling it

more of a Josh Whedon movie as they did take a lot of the movie out thanks to

the s hero one rather the Kevin told him to keep the movie two hours long which

did change the movie massively so he must have cut 30 to 40% of the movie out

soon as we know it was supposed to be close to three hours and then they had

the major reshoot which three shooting scenes are already there so I would

strongly say this movie is probably only 50% Zack Snyder fans are petitioning to

get the Zack Snyder cut but I don't think we're ever gonna see it I do still

love this movie I think he's awesome but all Superman scenes his upper lip will

clearly reshoot with Josh Whedon I don't think if it was anyone other than Henry

Cavill then they would have been out to pull it off cuz a hole do you bleed line

came from obviously Zack Snyder battle vs Superman and Joss Whedon kind of just

copied it so darks I'm not being in the movie we strongly felt it really was in

the screen I went to everyone knew from BTS that in the nightmare scene that

Darkseid was coming changing the whole Darkseid pre dog to a Steppenwolf pre

lager fight hurt the movie massively as the Dark Side nightmare dream it needed

dressing I don't think Steppenwolf to say knees

name once was enough so there's supposedly a leak out there I

mean I'm gonna take it with a pinch of salt but we all know Darkseid was meant

to be in the movie right at the end but then they changed it because they wanted

step morph to feel more like a threat so supposedly this is how the scene went

down Asuma joins the league to take out Steppenwolf stealth tries to tempt

Superman to join his apocalypse at Harmony Army we see dark side for the

first time in Superman vision so this happened right at the end a movie where

Steff Steppenwolf his kindness started to fear and his parademons took him out

but in this original cut Steppenwolf is boomtube back to apocalypse we see step

off in front of Darkseid Darkseid killed Seth wolf and intends to

come to earth to meet Superman now if that's how it really went down guys that

would have been awesome and it would set up for Justice League - so you'll know

within the trailer we had Stefan wolf saying no lanterns so that would have

also been stronger that happens so supposedly there was a scene where Bruce

Wayne woke up in the middle of night in his house on the lake that we've seen in

Batman vs Superman - a green light yes a green light how corny being visited by

the lanterns - not a human's lanterns tamo array in killer walk those were the

two that were supposedly and yes he weren't the Green Lantern movie the

vitamin and one those were the two that were supposedly going to be in the movie

and they are kind of pop or not popular they are recognized and yes we did see a

Green Lantern during the darkside prelog scene and that was yo languor year line

Gras I can't a carpet at it but that's that's its current you kind of wanted

the old green dancers buddy I'll put an image F stop it still is a form of Green

Lantern so the delete seemed to have come out

with a lot of footage a lot of footage has been cut so we've got massive flash

saved iris West scene which actually is

visually stunning I can't understand why this scene was taken because it would

have been a nice Easter egg reference to flashpoint introduce tonight's West into

DC EU I mean they kept the Henry Allen scene in there when they were hinting at

how his mother died but when they didn't I see say that I was hinting it over

flash so I think it will float a lot nicer if the iris West scene was there

and it was a stunning visually stunning scene there was a sidewalk scene the

former American football player had a massive backstory we even see him

playing rightful but I never made it some movie and also his mother was

supposed to be in it then but then in the kind of cut.we scene his mother died

in the accident that turned it into cyborgs so I don't understand why they

cut so much out of the movie we're never gonna know what I cut out unless they

actually tell us they even cut the Alfred scene out but it obviously was

Superman I think they were just trolling us indirectly but we do know that Zack

Snyder and Deborah Snyder will be working on wondering too they worked a

Wonder Woman with a screen player though they get no credit and suppose the exact

slide that he's actually going to be working on just to seek to because I

think Justice Alito II as it didn't really do that well where the opening

weekend of what for box office I think it's gonna least be 2020 by the time we

get any second Justice League movie I think they're gonna have to do a lot of

red card to kind of build these kind of DC films back up after it's been

hindered by the kind of reshoots changing directors and like kind of

things but let me know guys what do you think about the green lands has seen I

think it would be so cool if Bruce Wayne did get visited by them too Green

Lanterns Tom RA and Kilowog that would have been awesome Darkseid killing staff

move would have made a lot of sense and would have sent shimmers down everything

but obviously Joss Whedon probably said no that's too much like phallus or

something that and that's most like I gotta cut what is most weird is that

time hasn't even watched he's own movie we should suppose he's a movie so I'm

gonna go publicly on record and say I take back everything I don't believe

this is a psych silent movie I believe it's a 50-50 joint effort anyway guys

saw a bit late on this story I did do this video yesterday but I certainly

added a bit of footage in my video got blocked so I've had to rerecord the

whole thing anyway guys please like subscribe and comment that would be

awesome thanks for all the support and Justice League it's been awesome talking

about this we hope you guys enjoy my review non-spoilery spoiler review

boys credit I do have a couple of more just agree of plan for late this week so

let's get hyped for the future of the DCT you I'll see you in that

notification squad down below hit the Buy button and anyway guys catch ya


For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS MAJOR DarkSeid Deleted Scene REVEALED? Green Lantern Deleted SCENE Breakdown!!! - Duration: 6:41.


4 Known Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 4 Known Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - Duration: 5:03.


Polar Lights: Magic in the Nightly Sky - Duration: 9:27.

Hello to a new episode of Gerrit's diary!

About one and a half years ago, Sven and I thought about old ideas we could realize.

One of them was doing a video projection on a little white house.

This small idea turned out into a big project for Tim.

You are now very busy doing video projections.

Your first big project was the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel in the Italy section.

You could say that the others got the hard work, we've got the fun, because the model builders have been drawing the monument for months

to get a 3D drawing at the computer.

Then it was produced by the CNC milling machine and by weeks of handiwork.

But we already have the drawing and just need to upload it or is there more to do?

I need to do quite a lot, for example deleting lots of data I don't need.

Then I start unfolding the building into digital squares.

Then I've got a canvas to paint on.

Are you later able to chose any perspective or do you need to decide on one perspective early?

Like if the projector is there, from which angles can they project?

Do you need to know the area you're projecting on before creating the film?

I could do that, just like I did with the Northern lights.

There is a flat surface and when I create content for it, I can just upload it.

It is like a movie screen.

3D-mapping is different because you need to unfold every single surface.

The way I unfold it determines the way the animation is put over the drawing.

I need to think about what I want to achieve.

For example: I can't let water run here because it would look like the building is flooded.

That would be animated with after-effects.

Here are lots of screens and the media server. Do you use all of them at the same time or are you just too lazy to change plugs?

I really need some more computers.

First I upload the building's data by using blender.

Then I work with these single areas.

In the end I get a picture that looks like this.

It represents my canvas.

If I would write "Hi Gerrit" on here, on the original building, that is shown on that computer, the content would be on this and the 3D model on that side.

In the end, the content is put on the 3D model so the pixel show up at the place I want them to.

That's a good keyword.

Theoretically you could use the software and the media server with 7-8 projectors that create a projection all around a building.

That is super exciting and we will do it some time.

Until then, we will do some small gimmicks with a big effect like the Northern lights.

Exactly, that was the last project. I'm not even sure where this idea came from.

I think the idea came up a long time ago.

And when I had a week without much to do, I tried to realize this idea because we have the technology here.

Sven? Tim didn't have much to do, did you hear that?

Where did I stop?

One of the biggest challenges while doing the Northern light project with the latest technology was projecting on three walls.

We had a distance of 2m from the projector to the wall.

We needed to cheat and use a short-throw projector.

But the problem was that we got a trapezium.

We needed to adjust until we finally got a smooth screen that I could produce content for.

When I got that, Sven and I just needed to use our rudimentary after effect skills.

And then it developped.

First we created water and animated it.

And then the Northern lights Sven created were added.

Finally we added some little gags.

There is for example a Titanic passing by at midnight.

In the end, we were happy when we saw the surprised visitors' faces.

It makes me very happy when my work is appreciated, especially when you're not a professional- but on the way to it.

If you saw the Wunderlandians' episode with Tim where 3D-mapping was already a topic,

you know how hard it was for him to get through the exhibition with that huge machine.

That's why our fans gave you a present. You won't have any problems from now on.

Venice has got another problem- Venice is sinking.

We sat together and thought about how to present this.

The idea was taking a house and letting it collapse.

Collapsing would be the best, but the problem is rebuilding it.

You need to imagine how the house falls into 70 pieces.

That's not a problem and looks very cool, but we are not able to rebuild it automatically.

That's why we reduced it a little bit. We thought of a little scene. Venice is also called the city of love.

I can already hear them, two people have found each other.

Starting leisurely, it turns out into an increased love act.

In Venice, this can lead to shaking houses and a resonance catastrophe that makes the house collapse.

You can see them, they are still quite slow, but we will change that.

This is more realistic.

Daylight seems to disturb them and they stop.

The house can be rebuilt again.

That's how we imagine it, this is the beta-version. Let's see how it will turn out in the end.

This is this episode's last topic.

And because this is the last topic and you can see the Formula 1 over here, you can imagine that there isn't a breakthrough, otherwise it would have been my first topic.

But there is a little progress: The test track has arrived.

The producer needed more time because the circuit boards were a real challenge.

The heat due to strong power and the conductors' distances weren't easy to handle.

But now they're here.

That means our test track is waiting for Axel who is putting it together. And I don't want to disturb him.

Let's just hope that you can see some moving cars in our next episode.

See you then- Tschüss!

You could say that the others had the hard work, we've got the fun, because the emanuele elevittorio monumente

fun, because here at the monumento vittorio emanuele.

model builders had been working for months on the vitmonu.

for months on the emanuff

Monumento Vittorio Emanuele is that place's name I think.

The model builders have the Emanuele Vittorio thing.

Others had work, we we have fun because the model bui...

In the case of the Vic...

And again.

In the case of the Monurent- mumu äh Vittorio.

In the case of the building.

So with this thing, it's like this- what was the question?

Our fans made you a present.

Now you won't have any problems- If the flashing blue light would work.

And go.


Camera is running!

Oh no!

What could cause rhythmic vibrations in "vitaly"?

They're happy about the daylight at their... fun.

But we also need to set it back, so I'll slow the boys down... Uhm boys?

For more infomation >> Polar Lights: Magic in the Nightly Sky - Duration: 9:27.


'Why Did You Summon The Warlock Lord' Ep. 209 Official Clip | The Shannara Chronicles (Season 2) - Duration: 2:19.

Her darkness grows stronger.

A child of Armageddon,

her mind speaks to me.

Let me show you.


She's with the Shannara.

She is resisting me,

but not for long.

Why are you wasting time with her?

She's nothing but a worthless Rover.

I sense your contempt, boy.

But what is it you desire?

I desire to serve.

-Lies! -(GROANS)

You will tell me the truth.



What do you desire?

I resurrected he most powerful Druid

so that I could learn from him.

So that I could be as strong as him,

so that no one could ever hurt me again.

So it is power you desire?

Come then,

let me show you the answers you seek.

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