Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

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If we want to become Celebrities,

then we need to look like Celebrities!

Are you ready guys?



This is organic, right?

Of course, Kaajal!

We only get organic products!

Do try this muffin.

It's gluten-free.

Keshav, can you pass me some?

Yeah, sure!

Arg! Can you please take this away from me?

I'm having a hard time controlling myself

It's the third day of my GM Diet

but I still feel flabby!

Shoot! I have to go to the nail parlor today!

I've chipped 3 nails, already!

Anyone else coming?

Not me!

I must go to the gym today!

How else will I complete the 100-Days Fitness Challenge?

Bro, you are coming right?


Keshav, don't give me that look!

If today's deal get's through,

all of us will get 2 more brand endorsements..


Ooh! (Cheering)

( notification ping)

Oh, my, my!

Another hate comment!

Oho! What does it say?

'Kaajal is so not sexy.'

'She is so unattractive, so not hot!'

You alright?

I don't care!

Haters will be haters!

As if I care!


It's 12 o'clock, already!

Are we going somewhere or not?

What's up with the car, man?

Chill babe.

It's all done!

See, I've booked a car for today from Eco-Rent-A-Car.

Ooh! Which luxury car is coming today?

Is it a Mercedes?

Or a Volvo?

Or a BMW?

It's an Audi!


But where will we go in an Audi?

We'll go to my coaching center in an Audi?

Ah! What non-sense!

My Glam is too good today!

I can't waste this look on his coaching center!

( phone ringing )

No, no, no, no, no!

No Kunal!

I know what's going to happen.

You'll answer the call,

she'll scream at you

and you'll rush off to office!

So, no! You're not taking this call!

She's right Kunal! It's just for a day!

Just ditch today!

Go tomorrow!

Now lets get dressed and have some fun!

Alright, lets go!

But I ain't dressing up again!

And does anyone have an idea

about what are you going to do today?

I have an idea!

Lets get changed!

Lets sit in our Audi!

And lets go to....!

( On-going Press Meet)

Today our album is getting released.

I'd like to thank you mother, my father, my fans,

Everyone who supported me and helped me.

And even those friends who supported me.

And the directors who helped and supported me!

And my entire family who loved and supported me.

I'd also like to thank all my directors.

All my fans who supported me.

Sir, your last album was a big flop.

What do you want to say about that?

That won't happen again.

What about your controversy with Ms.Pooja?

Sorry, no comments.

I'm thankful to everyone who prayed for me.

I'd like to thank god for everything he gave me.

I'd like to thank all my fans and supporters.

Do you think this album can be a big hit?


Of course.


And I'd like to thank all my fans for supporting me.

I'd like to thank my guru for supporting me.

Man, this idiot has been thanking his parents for the past half an hour!

Has someone punished him?

No man, we are the ones being punished!

I'd thought that they have invited us to Spice Gold Lounge for a Press Meet!

And this non-sense is happening here!

This is why, nobody respects Noida!

Any Tom, Dick & Harry can be a Star here!

And these are shitty Noida celebs!

You're absolutely right!

But who'll convince my boss?

He just wants to get some spicy gossip!

Which spicy gossip will we get from here?

Hey, who are those guys?

Oh my! Are those the Desi Ks?

The internet sensation Desi Ks?

Come, let's go and get some spicy, hot gossip!

So Ms.Kattyayani, we've heard that this show was your ideal.

B ecause you got rejected in all auditions?

So did you create this show because you're a bad actor?


Mr.Kunal, we're a maths coach in a reputed institute,

but the audience feels that a teacher should not be a part of a reality show!

Do you think you're a ideal role model for your students?

Excuse me?

Mr.Keshav, becoming an engineering is difficult.

Will you be able to manage your studies with this lavish lifestyle?

Your parents have high hopes from you.

Will you break their dreams?

A-h, a-h!

So, Ms.Kaajal

You're receiving a lot of hate because of your weight.

So are you started a diet plan?

Or have you joined the gym?

No comments.

Guys, I think we should leave, right now.

Ma'am, Sir! Your fans want answers!


- Sir, audience wants to know! -Ma'am , one picture please!

Sir, please answer!

Amit, you and all the other cameramen can head home directly!

And don't worry, Kattya is perfectly fine!

What the fuck guys! What was this non-sense?

Bro, how do these Stars handle all this?

They had surrounded all of us!

You know what?

I actually kind of liked it!

Not the offensive questions,

but I really liked the attention!

For the first time, I felt so important!

You can't be serious, Kattyayani!

Attention is attention!

Don't they say; there is no such thing as bad publicity!

Exactly! Plus we deal with this kind of stuff everyday!

Don't we receive hate mails on a daily basis?

This was just like that!

Those messages are sent by random strangers on the internet!

This was so direct & dangerous!

This was complete face-to-face interaction!

Actually, even I got a little scarred when they came running at us!

And so many blinding camera flashes!

They didn't even give us a chance to answer back!

And kept asking such stupid questions!

Complete bullshit!



You need to see this!

Have a look at the link I've sent in the group!

Catch the latest Gossip -

" Watch Internet Senstation Kaajal Gosh's Diva Attitude & Tantrums "

" Keshav Kumar's Reaction Revealed The Truth Behind His Relationship With His Parents "

" Kunal Avasthi's Malfunction! Meet Kunal Avasthi Let Down By This Own Pants!"

" Kattyayani Maheswari Exposed! Watch Desi Kattya's Cleavage Reveal! "


This website's name is ...

Block this one as well!

And remove it from Facebook as well!

I don't want anyone to read this article!

( Kaajal crying )

Yeah, okay.

There, there Kaajal!

It's alright. Just calm down.

How should I calm down?

I literally so hurt!

This was such a disaster!

Like, like so mean!

( crying )

It's been more than 24 hours, Kaajal!

Please settle down!

( Sniffing )

Damn right you're sorry!

I'll kill that journalist of yours, I swear to God!

Get this fucking mess solved now!

7 done, 7 more to go!

Hurry up man! I've even got the Wi-Fi removed from my house,

Stating some fake science report.

But I still need these articles removed quickly!

I'm trying!

Do you think I like being called 'The Malfunction of the Year'!

You know what?

We, we should sue them!

Yeah, that what they deserve!

How will that benefit us?

Not worth it!

Exactly guys,

We need to tell the world that we too are 'proper Celebrities' !

But how?

Well, we'll get a chance tonight!

We've been invited to launch the Yuvana Club tonight!

This event would be hugely covered by the media!

And this time, we'll be prepared!

Fully prepared!

Guys, lets take a selfie!

Yeah, come lets!



Nice one. Do Whatsapp it to me!

Yeah sure.

So... what should we do now?

I don't know!

What do people usually do?

We've danced, had food, clicked selfies! That's what people usually do!

Seriously? That's it?

I mean

It's this a little boring?

You know what?

Our monopoly nights were way more fun!

( all laughing )


The camera's here!

We are having such a blast!

This rocks guys!

Yo! Club Yuvana rocks!

Come on, guys!

Let's go dance!

- Yeah, come! - Let's party!

The Desi Ks

are happy to collaborate with

Eco- Rent - A - Car

as their travelling partner!

We go the extra mile!

The new age man is sensitive.

His skin is extra- sensitive.

Use Skin-Door.

For the extra glow.

Make your hair, happier today!

Use Keratin K - Lavender & Champagne Shampoo

" Look at Kunal ! He's so handsome! And that Keshav doesn't have any personality or looks; just a hot body! "

I've been receiving hate comments all morning!

What do they even see in this Kunal!?

The secret behind my morning freshness

and rapid weight-loss is

Kross Fit Tea!

Let's take a step towards fitness!





Manav, my double chin isn't visible, right?

Not at all Kattya, please continue!



Manav, cover me from this angle!

Let me flex!

Manav, you can take my pictures first.

Then you can move on to the body builder! Alright?

Why? Don't be such an attention seeker Kaajal!

Oh Lord, I'll take both of you in the same frame! Chill!

Manav, if you're through with all of them, you can record me as well!

Go on Manav, record the brat!

We'll manage on our own!

Hello? Yeah, that's she!

Yes. Oh, yes, yes, yes!

Don't you worry darling!

I'll be there sharp at 7 pm!


Who was that?

Oh, it was the KOG people!

Finalizing the dates for the photo-shoot!

After all, I'm the new face of KOG!

Tell me, isn't KOG a new plus-size clothing label?



Excuse me!

But Kattya is the one who is always modelling!

Who wears these clothes to the gym?

I just bought this beautiful bodysuit from Zooomberg.

It got delivered just yesterday!

I had to wear it!

Keshav, have you seen the amount of Paparazzi outside?

Our outfit has to be perfect!

( phone ringing )

Oh Lord! Who's calling at such a time?

Look, Mr.Famous, must have cracked another deal!

Oh shit!

It's Suchita Mittal again!


Yes ma'am?

Arre, ma'am, why are you shouting?

Which article ? What news?

What's in the news?

Ma'am, please calm down! I'll just check!

Someone please go online and check!

This woman is screaming at me!

What's in the news now?

Wait, there's an article!

Shanaya Singhaniya exposes Kunal Avasthi!

Wait, wasn't Shanaya your ex-student?

That crazy, stalker chick!

The return of Shanaya! The underage stalker!

Kunal, sometimes I forget that your 15-year old student is stalking you!

This girl has been after Kunal for a long time!

She's just a teenager! What could she have said?

Shanaya has given a statement that I'm in love with her

and I sexually harassed her!

She has accused me!

She's accused me of sexual harassment!


This is completely untrue!

I've already given my official statment!

Kaajal, shut the fuck up!

What has happened to me?

How could Kattya do this?

This is the truth Aniket!

And I've been tolerating all this!

Show me the episode, right now!

Oh Lord! What just happened!?

For more infomation >> Hindi Web Series (The Desi Kardashians ) | The Desi Ks | EP 6 : ARE YOU READY ? | GGA - Duration: 22:45.


Fried Eggplant with Tomato Sauce Recipe - Duration: 1:29.

Chop 4 egplants and fry

4 peeled off tomatoes

2 pepper

1 glove of garlic

Blend it

Put the fried eggplants and mix it


For more infomation >> Fried Eggplant with Tomato Sauce Recipe - Duration: 1:29.


Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Benedict Cumberbatch, J.J Abrams - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman / Benedict Cumberbatch, J.J Abrams - Duration: 1:58.


How many people do you need for a drug study? - Duration: 2:38.

What would you need in your study to make it… How long would you need to do it to make it valid?

It depends very much what you're looking for.

So if you're looking at disease modification you generally need 300 patients.

Over what time period?

As long as you want, and it's a big problem with MS trials.

So MS normally takes decades to do its worst, whereas your longest study is

three years.

Conversely, if you do a study that goes on for 20 years, you generally find…

the longest blinded study in neurology is a five-

year study, and that's for Parkinson's disease, and that's just not long enough.

However, in other areas we know that if you ask a question

over, say, ten years, by the time you've answered the question you realise you hadn't

asked the right question in the first place.

So it's rather as if you read a review of cars

and so you discover that people who bought a Ford

Focus in 2007, it lasted longer than a VW Astra, for example.

But you can't buy that car now, so it's meaningless.

But you've got to start somewhere.


I mean even if you think it's going to be meaningless, you can't discount something

unless you study it, right?


I mean, for example, the first time I learnt this was a study of blood pressure in

older people, we know it's a good thing to treat blood pressure, we believe it is.

They had a ten-year study.

Now, as it happens, lowering the blood pressure did not save life.



Because the dose of the drug they were using was too high, it caused side effects.

Now, we later realised that a dose a quarter of what they used is much safer.

So this is a ten-year study, and I hate to think what that

cost, became meaningless.

Now I think what we should be doing is everybody with MS is monitored

and measured and we build up a picture of what happens in MS.

Isn't there an MS Register?

Yeah, but not everyone's on it, and you can't force people to be on a register.

And we all feel a bit sensitive about being on databases,

I don't want them to know about me.

For more infomation >> How many people do you need for a drug study? - Duration: 2:38.


USA adventures with Texas and Mexico - Countryballs - Duration: 1:19.


What are you doing?

I'm going to China

Why not just take a plane?

Well.. everyone know the opposite of America is China


That's stupid you'll end up in Indian Ocean

That's fake

Okay... good luck dying


well... I'll just get back to digging

He he.. That silly taco

I know what I'm doing


It's beautiful

It's... It's Chi..

*Texas singing*

Hey watch it!

Oh my god! Texas are you alright?

yeah I'm

not you Chile

but I'm Texas ...

Oh my god... you look terrible

Let's go to the hospital... let's go buddy


what the?

Ahhh sh*t!

For more infomation >> USA adventures with Texas and Mexico - Countryballs - Duration: 1:19.


Can Gory Police Dog Arrests Survive The Age Of Video? | NPR - Duration: 7:10.

KASTE: Raw video like this is changing public perception of police dogs.

Here police in St. Paul, Minnesota use a K-9 unit, a dog and a handler, to apprehend Frank Baker.

Baker is an African-American man who was identified, mistakenly, as a criminal suspect.

[ BAKER screaming ]

OFFICER: Don't f*****g move.

BAKER: Well what I was hearing was, "Get out the car, with your hands up and walk toward us."

So I walked toward them.

And I took like about seven or eight steps, and they said, "Turn around," and as soon

as I turned around he let the dog out on me.

And the dog just started just biting me and just tearing me up.

OFFICER: Good boy.

Get on the ground.

BAKER: That dog he made me a cripple, deformed all my life.

I can't dance no more.

I can't play sports no more.

I can't run.

My whole life I always played football and ran track and did things,

I can't do that no more.

I can't do it.

I loved dogs all my life.

Now I fear dogs.

OFFICER: Cuff that hand.

Good boy. Good boy.

KASTE: Baker got an apology from the police chief and a settlement.

And police K-9 handlers would say that the severity of injuries here

make this case an outlier.

For decades now, police have considered dogs to be a valuable tool

for subduing potentially dangerous suspects.

Bites are seen as a form of pain compliance that quickly convinces a combative person

to hold still for arrest.

It does mean injuries, sometimes serious ones, but police say that's preferable to risking

the safety of officers and civilians.

Officer Dan Lesser of the Spokane Police Department

says he weighs several factors before he lets his dog loose on anyone.

LESSER: What is the risk of allowing this guy to escape armed with a gun?

What kind of damage, what kind of mayhem is he gonna cause if we allow him to escape and

go carjack a car or go kill somebody else?

Those are the factors that I'm constantly running through my head.

You know, severity of crime, poses an immediate danger to themselves or others,

you know, he's actively resisting, evading arrest.

KASTE: K-9 units can also be good public relations.

They're the familiar, likable face of law enforcement.

Though the dogs also have some very negative associations.

Especially the lingering memories of their use during the Civil Rights era.

A series of lawsuits in the 1990s lead to tighter rules

and reformers say things generally got better.

But in the last decade or so the number of police dog bites has been growing again.

That's according to emergency room estimates by the CDC.

And with the advent of police body cameras, we're now getting a close up view of what

K-9 apprehensions actually look like.

Here, San Diego police are responding to a report

of a man walking through traffic brandishing a machete.

Though at this moment his hands are empty.

When he ignores verbal commands from the police

they quickly use a K-9 to try to get him to comply.

OFFICER:'re going to get bitten by the dog.

Get on the ground I said.

Roll on to your stomach and stop fighting.

Roll on to your stomach. Give me your hands.

KASTE: We showed this scene to a use of force expert, former cop

and now assistant professor of law, Seth Stoughton.

He says a dog can actually make it harder for someone to obey an officer's commands.

STOUGHTON: It's very likely that when you get bitten by a dog,

you just look at that dog as the source of pain

and you do everything you can to address that pain,

and you'll deal with that other stuff, those shouted commands--

you'll deal with that later when the pain stops.

OFFICER: Hey stop fighting so we can get the dog off of you.

Give us your hands.

STOUGHTON: It's going to be exponentially more difficult for someone

who is experiencing some form of mental health or substance crisis.

OFFICER: Stop. Stop resisting.

SUSPECT: OK, I'm not resisting.

OFFICER: OK, let me have your hands. Let me have your hands.

Hey stop kicking.

KASTE: Since Ferguson, American police have been under pressure to de-escalate encounters like this,

to find ways to slow things down and use less force.

But videos show dogs having the opposite effect -- escalating things --

especially when the suspect may be mentally impaired.

Here's our last and most extreme example: San Diego police again,

responding to a report of a naked man.

He's incoherent and pretty obviously unarmed.

His mistake is telling the police "No."

OFFICER: Turn around Josiah.

Turn around.



OFFICER: Get your hands on your back. Hands on your back.

Stop resisting.

Stop resisting.

STOUGHTON: Yeah so when someone is naked, that's what we call a clue.

It's a pretty good indication that they're either experiencing some mental health issues

or some substance abuse issues.

KASTE: The biting lasted for 52 seconds, causing extensive injuries.

Generally, police are not supposed to use force like this unless they have reason to believe

a person poses a threat of serious injury to someone else; in this case,

they cited the threat posed by the man's clenched fists,

plus the fact that there were stones on the ground, which he might have picked up.

STOUGHTON: So it's not that dogs are always excessive,

it's not that dogs have no role.

They can bring a lot to the table in the right situations.

But we have to start from the baseline that a dog bite is a very serious use of force.

KASTE: There are no detailed national statistics on police dog bites --

we don't have a reliable count of how often the dogs bite people --

much less how long the bites tend to last.

So the public is left with these videos.

Some handlers have resisted wearing body cameras, because they believe gory images of longer bites

will be used out of context and misunderstood.

The videos also make it easier to sue and win settlements -- which is what happened here.

But Seth Stoughton says resisting the cameras is the wrong response.

STOUGHTON: So I'm a little bit skeptical of the argument that

we should be worried about video because

it will require us to justify things to the public.

I think the right response there is, yes, we should be justifying things to the public,

and if there's things that we cannot justify to the public, then maybe that's a clue that

we shouldn't be using them.

For more infomation >> Can Gory Police Dog Arrests Survive The Age Of Video? | NPR - Duration: 7:10.


Wim Hof Method | Safety Information - Duration: 3:18.

Welcome to this step by step Wim Hof Method video course.

We like to give you the best outcomes without any damage

It is very important that you watch this instructional video to the end

before you start this course.

Pay attention to every detail.

First rule

Listen to your body and never force.

The Breathing exercises are simple but they go deep

Always do the breathing exercises in a safe environment

sitting or lying on a couch or bed.

Don't do the breathing exercise in a situation where

it might be dangerous to faint.

So don't do it in the water, in a bath or driving a vehicle.

How to prepare for the breathing:

Always start on empty stomach

to get the most out of the exercise

Make yourself at ease. Lay down relax.

A body that is relaxed is able to store up the most of oxygen.

Set your intention before you start

and start doing your breathing exercises.

You can track your retention times but it is not mandatory.

We know it is fun to have some competition but this is not about that.

It is about having a great experience

and just feel great afterwards.

When you do the cold exposure

It is great to train with the cold.

You will hate it when you begin but sooner or later you will love it.

First rule. Never force.

It is about the effects not the number of minutes you stay in the cold.

You can easily have hyperthermia and that can be very dangerous.

Never overdo it and listen to your body. Always.

Second rule. Stay focused.

Be aware what you are doing.

Yes you can make selfies

but remember. Be aware of your own actions.

When you do ice baths or go into nature

make sure you always have a buddy or Certified Instructor to assist

Bring warm cloths and drinks and again never force.

In this course you will find different kind of nice stretch exercises

that really help you to get the blood flow going

and make the body more flexible.

We tried to provide exercises for all levels.

However you might simply can not do them all.

It is no problem you are not able to do them directly.

Just do what you can do and never ever force.

If you have any special physical conditions

please consult your doctor first.

The method is not a competitive game

but meant as a tool to connect more with your body and mind.

Don't force it, listen to your body and be playful.

Enjoy the course

For more infomation >> Wim Hof Method | Safety Information - Duration: 3:18.


Ты Ушла - Песни о Любви в Мужском Исполнении | Сергей Дядюн - Duration: 3:25.

You've Gone, Beautiful Songs of Love, Sergei Dyadyun

For more infomation >> Ты Ушла - Песни о Любви в Мужском Исполнении | Сергей Дядюн - Duration: 3:25.


Entertainment Weekly | 연예가중계 - SuperJunior, Cha Taehyun, Kim Jongkook [ENG/中文字幕/2017.11.20] - Duration: 40:34.

Hi, I'm Shin Hyunjun.

This is Entertainment Weekly.

First, we want to offer our support.

To those affected by the earthquake in Pohang.

We hope they recover without any more casualties.

We have lots of news this week as well.

First is by Yoon Jiyeon and Kim Seunghye.

I met 5 people known in the celebrity world.

They are known for being best friends.

Their affection befits their 20-year friendship.

It was fun until they started spilling secrets.

Coming up soon.

This Week's Hot Clicks.

Police released a final investigation report.

Regarding the death of Kim Kwangseok's daughter.

Kim Juhyeok's autopsy report was also revealed.

We'll cover it soon.

First, news of a sad celebrity couple break up.

Here it is.

(Official celebrity couples) (Source: SBS)

Two celebrity couples broke up in just one week.

It saddened many.

On November 13th,

Juwon and BoA revealed they had broken up.

(They met in January and began dating)

They met through mutual acquaintances.

Bonding over hobbies like music, acting, and golf.

They announced their relationship in January.

Known for their age difference, they've broken up.

They dated for 10 months.

They will maintain a professional relationship.

Both their agencies confirmed the break up.

They didn't give details of the time or reason.

Juwon began his military service in June.

Many fans were rooting for him.

They were saddened by the break up.

Another celebrity couple broke up.

It was Suzy and Lee Minho.

(Another celebrity couple, Lee Minho and Suzy)

They confirmed they were dating in March 2015.

They were photographed on a date in London.

(Lee Minho and Suzy confirm they're dating)

The two are top stars. (Source: SBS)

Their relationship wasn't all smooth sailing.

They confirmed their break up after 3 years.

They started dating while they were at the top.

We hope they'll stay active on their own paths.

(Source: SBS)

Suspicions about Kim Juhyeok's death

and car accident are still unsolved.

(Kim Juhyeok died in car accident on October 30)

Kim Juhyeok died in car accident on October 30.

The final autopsy report states that

he died from a head injury.

The NISI did not uncover any drugs

other than common antihistamine pills.

No heart or cardiac problems were discovered.

Despite the autopsy results,

many questions surround the incident.

The car was moved to NISI.

The dashcam was found under the passenger seat.

This is the dashcam footage from his car.

There is no sound. The footage is being rechecked.

He hit the driver's side of the car in front.

He then stops for a moment.

His car speeds up for some reason.

He veers onto the sidewalk.

To find out the reason,

investigators went to the scene to reinvestigate.

Now they have to check if the car had an issue.

The NISI is inspecting the car.

Results will be released in over a month.

His sudden death leaves many unanswered questions.

We hope the cause of death is revealed soon.

(Source: SBS)

(Movie "Kim Kwangseok")

The case of Kim Kwangseok's daughter's death

gathered much attention and suspicion.

(Why did Seo lie when Kwangseok's child died?)

The movie painted me in a bad light.

I want to know why.

The results of the investigation of his wife,

Seo Haesun, have been released.

News of Kim Kwangseok's daughter's death revealed

belatedly, a reinvestigation began in September.

The results were released on November 10th.

(Park Changhwan)

There is no supporting evidence for the crime.

We seek no indictment and clear her of suspicion.

Police checked hospital records and texts.

They decided she was not negligent.

She wasn't a suspect of negligent homicide.

Seo Haesun then sued reporter, Lee Sangho.

Lee Sangho stated his disappointment in police.

Many are monitoring the situation with interest.

I've been on trial for two and a half years

regarding the molestation accusation.

Ms. A, who accused actor Jo Deokjae of

sexually assaulting her while on set,

is faced with a defamation trial.

The trial was held on Wednesday, November 15th.

Last year, Ms. A sued a journalist for libel.

Last year, the journalist reported the following:

In 2014, after Ms. A had a meal at a celebrity's

restaurant, she complained of stomach problems.

She demanded $6,000 but actually got $20,000.

In 2015, after getting a shot at a hospital,

she started bleeding and called the police.

She was paid compensation by the hospital.

Ms. A, sued the reporter for defamation.

She says the claims were outright lies.

Another media outlet asserted that

Jo Deokjae was behind the reports.

She said that Jo Deokjae submitted the complaint

regarding her insurance fraud.

The reporter, arrested, said his story

was based on testimony by the restaurant owner

and the insurance company employee.

However, the witness did not show up to the trial.

People from all walks of life are wondering

how the case will end.

5 celebrity friends are here!

The cast of "Dragon Club: Childish Bromance"!


A new project by 5 friends of 20 years!

5 friends the same age go on their dream vacation

through the program.

Let's see their amazing chemistry right now.

Their friendship is admirable.

These are my friends who I went on a trip with.

It was the first time in 20 years.

He's starting again.

You like to be the MC, right?

Yes, but I can't fix that. It's untreatable.

He's improved.

Since you like to MC, please explain the show.

I'm not doing it to make people laugh.

I thought of my friends.

I wanted to go on a vacation with them.

A variety show with a simple warmth of friendship.

Please speak up.

If I start... I'll keep going.

I won't stop.

I asked if the others had agreed.

(If my friends do it, I will)

I was asked if I had time. I said I'd do it.

Then that's what happened.

In my neighborhood, they said, "Let's hang out."

So I was like, "Okay."

I heard it's a long vacation.

Yes, it was 5 nights.

It was around the 3rd night...

I wanted to go home and escape.

I missed my kids.

I didn't have anything else to say.

It was a 6-day talk show.

Only the location changed.

Should we go for a drive around the block? Choose.

What was second?

We just kept talking.

Not about the same things either.

We had that much to talk about.

You took this photo in front of a food stall.

Hong Cha's Jangkook.

Yes, our food stall has our last names in it.

These two are the main chefs.

I became the main chef after I came here.

I felt bad, so I did the dishes.

Kim Jongkook did all the dishes.

I'm in charge of washing dishes.

Jongkook only didn't talk...

When he was doing dishes.


Because of the water sound.

Time for a unanimous quiz with the members!

Do you know the unanimous quiz?

Who's the best-looking of you?

1, 2, 3!

- Jang Hyuk! / - Me.

You said yourself too loud.

He's got a nice face and body.

I just have a good upper body.

I think he's incredible when he exercises.

Because it's a promise to himself.

He's great at keeping promises to himself.

Watch the show later.

I've never seen someone so good at promises.

He's a cool guy.

He's handsome and Hyuk is a pretty boy.

Hyuk is here, so we chose him as #1.

If he left...

- He's handsome. / - He is.

Taehyun is too, but so is Hyuk.

Second question.

Who's the master at dating? 1, 2, 3!

- Me. / - Hong Kyeongmin.

Ever since I was young...

I'd reveal everything to my girlfriends.

They don't do that though.

I said it was Kim Jongkook.

I'm sure Kim Jongkook has a girlfriend in America.

Don't do that. I can't believe you.

He goes to America so often with his mom.

I think he has a girlfriend there.

That's a misunderstanding.

Somewhere in America. Jongkook's girlfriend.

Hey, hey.

Who has improved the most from 20 years ago?

Looking at the screen...

That time was great. Especially the fashion.

That's why we prepared this.

The hairstyle and fashion.

This was when he was in Turbo back then.

How is it? Has he gotten cooler?

Don't you wash your hair at a public bath usually?

Jongkook has gotten more handsome.

He's getting more handsome.

Who's the least mature?

1, 2, 3!

- Cha Taehyun. / - Me.

Cha Taehyun?

- I chose myself. / - I chose Jang Hyuk.

- Hyuk is right too. / - Why?

I think Hyuk would be mature.

He left first. He said he was tired.

He fell asleep in front of an arcade game...

It was obvious he fell asleep while playing.

He just slept like there on the spot.

That's tough unless you're exhausted.

We didn't fake it.

We showed you what we're really like.

We hope you enjoy that as you watch.

Let's go, "Dragon Club: Childish Bromance"!

The magnificent friendship of 5 friends!

Here's to "Dragon Club: Childish Bromance"!

The star of School Attack!

We haven't had them in a while.

(School Attack / SUPER JUNIOR)

It's been a long time!


Sometimes soft and sometimes witty...

SUPER JUNIOR have grabbed students' hearts.

Starting now!

Who felt the greatest when you heard

you were coming to a women's school?

This is the gig that made our hearts race.

We've never been this excited.

Look at our clothes.

You really got dressed up.

(Not a team player)

Everyone else is dressed casually.

He went to the army.

I got dressed up since we're at a women's school.

I see.

Let's go to SUPER JUNIOR's School Attack!

You can look forward to today.

This is the classroom.

Students are deep in their study.

They'll soon have the surprise of a lifetime.

I'll go in first, then you go in.

Would they know who we are?

SUPER JUNIOR is a bit worried.

If they don't know us...

We'll say we're there for class.

They can't hide their excitement.

- Let's go. / - You can do it.

How shocked will they be?

I enter amid silence.

Entertainment Weekly School Attack!

An idol group is outside.

Ask them to come in. 1, 2, 3!

Please come in!

(Is this really happening?)


It's great to be here.

To get closer...

Ask questions with 5 syllables.

The girl in the white shirt.

What were you doing?


We were sound asleep.

Your face looks puffy.

I'm just fat.

Are you hungry now?

I'm always hungry.

I see.

Hug me one time, please.

Come up here first.

Choose one of the five.

Please look and choose one.

Time to show their charms!

I'll feel like a pillow.



I'll pass.

He's shy.


♪ You're the only one for me ♪

His voice is a work of art.

♪ I need you ♪


Next, Eunhyuk.

You sing too.




Give them a hand!

SUPER JUNIOR's dancing king, Eunhyuk!

He shows his moves to the students.

How embarrassing.

Don't they all have their own charms?


What's your name?

Oh Eunji.

Will you do an acrostic poem?

Let's go.

You start.


Oh, wow.




Just let me hug you now.

He's witty!

It's time.

Which member will she choose?


(Yesung with the golden voice)

Now it's time for the stick candy game.

Do people want this?

(We want it!)

Do you know the stick candy game?

(SUPER JUNIOR does a stick candy couple game)

Competition among the students was fierce.

Please choose a member for the game!

Let's start!

(Standing behind the member they want) Great.

Your footsteps are so loud.

Members, look behind you!

All the members have someone!

SUPER JUNIOR members are all equally popular!

Let's start the game.

(Donghae couple begins) Start!

(The two are getting closer) A romantic start.

It's like an ad.

Come closer.

The game ends with no progress.

We'll stop there.

Which side do you want?

This one.

I like chocolate too.

(Ha ha ha)


This couple is like a bulldozer!

Oh my god!

To here!

(Oh my god)

Oh my god.

2 cm.

She's got skills.

The mood continued to heighten.

Last is Leeteuk.

Oh my god!



(Oh my god) Wow!

1 cm!

What an amazing record!

Leeteuk wins!

What was that?

What extra fanservice do you want?

I want a kiss from him.

She wants a kiss.

This is the first time we've had that mission.


Leeteuk did a great job since she's his fan.

They succeeded in winning the women's hearts.

SUPER JUNIOR's School Attack! Romance and humor.

We continued on to talk more with them.

How did you feel?

It felt like we were on a blind date

with the girls of Dongduk University.


Yes, I see.

How long has it been since your last comeback?

It's been 2 years and 2 months.

We haven't been going around together for a while.

You promised to go on a home shopping network.

If we sell 200,000 albums...

We'll go on a home shopping network to sell suits.

But we've sold over 200,000 already.

They've already hit their goal.

That deserves congratulations.

Why don't you make another promise?

If it gets sold out...

We'll sell female suits.

We can all fit in female suits.

We can use those.

We'll come to Entertainment Weekly and perform.

- Sounds great. / - Awesome.

- Keep your promise. / - Let's go together.


Aren't you putting too much on the line?

Let's rank SUPER JUNIOR.

Let's rank your public recognition.

I think I'm #1.



He's tied with Leeteuk.

Leeteuk and Shindong.

Many people get Leeteuk and Eunhyuk confused.

When Eunhyuk is out promoting...

People mistake him for Leeteuk.

Third and second...

Who? Yesung?


Because everyone thinks Eunhyuk is me.

They don't know he went to the army.

I don't care if you rank it like this.

People know I'm here.

Please don't get Leeteuk and Eunhyuk mixed up!

We choose this order.

This is our choice. Let's give it a hand.


Does strength mean that thing?




(In that case, Eunhyuk is last)

Why me? This isn't right.

They enjoy teasing Eunhyuk.

They're very close.

Shindong is on top.


Who wants to be second?

Who wants to be the strongest?

I think I'm #2.

Leeteuk and Eunhyuk have become rivals.

Let's have a match.


(Battle for the #2 spot)


Eunhyuk is weak!

(Leeteuk is second strongest)

Leeteuk is #2.

Eunhyuk keeps losing in the battle of strength.

Let's have a match for #3.

(Yesung vs. Eunhyuk)


Gotta be strong.

He keeps losing!

He must be so weak.

This is the final round to see who's last.

(Donghae vs. Eunhyuk)

Donghae vs. Eunhyuk.


You got him!

(Eunhyuk is last in strength)

Last in strength and recognition.

Next is cuteness.

Whoever's first has to show the camera.

(Donghae is #1 in cuteness)

Donghae, today is your birthday.

He acts cute to the members nowadays.

Eunhyuk acts very cutely.


Since he's a kid.

(Style infused with cuteness?)

Isn't he cute?

Is that for the show or is he always like that?

I'm just breathing.

(Always cute)

Can Donghae act cute too?

Act cute? (Donghae is ranked first in cuteness)

(Hopeless) You always act cute.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Entertainment Weekly is...


What a buzzkill.

Donghae is embarrassed.

(Going home early) I'm leaving.

Great! Great!

Why did you make me do this!

Why are we doing this?

(I love you, Entertainment Weekly)

We hope you get pumped while watching.

This is kind of funny.

We were acting crazy.

Then suddenly act normal and say...

"Hello, viewers..."

I'm not used to that.

We hope watching SUPER JUNIOR

and listening to "Black Suit" brings you energy.

Please show us lots of love!

I got goosebumps.


SUPER JUNIOR, we're always cheering you on!

SUPER JUNIOR is always terrific.

I hope they reach their goal.

I hope they come to our studio.

We'll have Midnight Dinner Talk soon.

We'll discuss talent agencies.

Agencies that look bright on the outside

but are dark places on the inside.

It'll be up soon.

First, let's have Veteran.

It's time for Veteran.

The star today was first an immature mother.

A woman who didn't bleed.

A classy and rich wife.

She's gone through numerous changes.

Here's Na Yeonghui.

21 years as a reporter.

A fossil of the journalism world.

But who are you?

You know me?

Do you know what I'm thinking?

What are you doing?

I haven't been getting much airtime recently.

Jooe's a fixed cast member now.

Who's under investigation today?

She became known as a sexy star in the 1980s.

She stirred a fire in men's hearts.

(Source: MBC)

She played the rich wife of a conglomerate owner,

a career woman, and even an idiotic mother.

She expressed individual personalities of roles.

She became known as a scene-stealer.

She looks glamorous in any role.

We must investigate.

We need to discover any secrets she has.

We do?

Send her in!

Kim Saengmin's Veteran starts now!

(Tension is thick in the investigation room)

I'm thirsty.

Here you go.


Why did you call me here?


Investigator Jooe.

Name: Na Yeonghui.

Occupation: Actress. Age..

Look here, girl.

Don't ask an actress her age.

You're an esteemed actress.

Let's give her an applause.


How do you feel to be on Entertainment Weekly?

Well... I came since you asked me to.

She's so cool.

This show has been on for 30 years.

Have you been on it before?

I think I did a few times.

When I was in my 20s.

Then will my age be revealed?

You did theater since high school?


When did acting become your dream?

In middle school.

Because you were pretty?

No, I wasn't pretty. I was tall.

I was this tall in middle school.

So I was pushed into it by people.

Coincidentally, someone recommended

I do the MBC talent test, so I did.

You've had a string of successes in movies.

My first work was a box office hit.

I woke up and saw the headlines.

Many called me Cinderella.

Do you remember your first line?

Rather than my first line...

I remember one line from that movie the most.

"I'm hungry."

"Please give me something to eat."

That line.

"I'm hungry."

Since you were so popular...

Did 7 men ever propose to you

all at once or anything like that?

(Shaking head no) No, nothing like that.

I looked old.

Even in your 20s?


My 20s? That means you think I look old now.

No, no.

When I was 21...

I looked 27, 28 and even 30.

That's why I prepared this.

At your debut...

You look more mature than your age.

(Source: JoongAng Daily)

This takes me back.

Look at my cheeks.

They're so chubby.

Do they go away?

They sink down.

They slim down as you age.

I see.

With her intelligent looks and

her individualistic acting,

she was loved by the public and critics alike.

She was on TV and movie screens.

She drifted apart from the public after marrying.

I had a slump in my 30s and 40s.

Even now after marrying and getting older...

I can act in a mature environment.

Or any environment, really.

But I couldn't back then.

I even thought of quitting acting.

Many in lead roles say that quitting is better.

But that hurts your pride.

I saw my superiors acting. I watched them.

They were top stars.

But after they retired and started families,

I watched them and thought...

I should take that path soon too.

Then you were in "Sad Love Story" 12 years ago.

How was playing Kwon Sangwu's mom?

This was meaningful work.

It was what spurred me into working again.

It was well received.

After that... We prepared this.

In "Queen of Housewives,"

you were a high-class wife. (Source: MBC)

You were called one of the top 3 actresses who

accurately expressed how rich wives felt.

Jang Mihui and Lee Hyeyeong were the other two.

"Queen of Housewives" meant a lot to me.

It was more lighthearted

then the other dramas I had done.

They always said I should do comedy.

I have a strong image.

You must be funny at home.

A bit.

With your urban image...

It's amazing you found a comedy role.

You have to meet me in real life.

Like at company dinners? To see that side of me.

People who are sharp notice.

That comes out in normal daily activities.

I can't always be fake.

Seeing that, they realized I had that side of me.

I didn't know you were so bubbly.

I always think of you as intense.

That's the problem.

I look that way...

I mean in dramas...

Do you have a nickname on set?

After calling you Nayeong for a while...

Don't people just call you something more formal?

I hate that.

They just call me by my name.

Kim Hyeja is known as the mother

of the Korean people.

You're in her spot for the 21st century.

That's right.

Do you analyze mothers for acting?

Of course.

I have a daughter.

I try to combine it with my daughter's life.

Like which things I do...

So sometimes my daughter says,

"Ugh, you're such a mom."

You've been doing that for 20 years.

Certain parts kind of jump out.

One of the reasons we brought you today...

You're in a movie.


How long has it been?

About 4 years.

(Movie: "Forgotten")

(Mystery thriller about 2 brothers)

Na Yeonghui is making her comeback after 4 years.

She's in the movie "Forgotten."

Director Jang Hangjun proposed it, right?

It's the first time I got flowers from a director.

When we met for the first time...

That's so like Hangjun.

- Really? / - Just kidding.

- He does that to other actresses too? / - No, no.

How is it being back in a movie after so long?

You can still star in a movie.

See? You said it was possible.

How do you want to be remembered?

One who ages well...

Someone who fulfills roles befitting her age.

One who is retains her womanhood.

Even as a grandmother.

I want to be that kind of actress.

Thank you for your honest answers.

Investigation complete!

That's it for today's interview!

We're cheering for you.

Theater productions make us laugh and cry.

However, they have another story.

What is the truth behind talent agencies?

Is there any kind of culture you enjoy?

Like movies or musicals?

I've seen all the famous ones.

My younger sister is a musical actor.

- Really? / - Yes.

What's her name?

Jeon Jiwon.

She's not famous so you won't know her.

Oh, Jeon Jiwon. I'll write that down.


-She may become famous. / - Why write that down?

Just one syllable different than Jeon Jihyeon?

Right, and I'm Jeon Jihye.

What? Lee Jihye and Jeon Jihye?

Yes, there's a reason I'm here.

Does this side always have Jihyes?

This seat requires a Jihye(wisdom).

But want to know something?

He keeps writing things beside me.

I can hear his pen clicking.

He doesn't do anything.

He used to write down medical information.

Now he just draws stars.

He has a Ph.D.

He's the most psychologically troubled.

He gets very defensive.

We don't know if a musical is good

until we see it.

But as soon as we hear it...

We feel how great it is.

Unlike movies.


I saw "Rebecca" recently.

Ok Juhyeon just killed the stage.

Did it come back to life?

She was near me when she sang her high note.

Half her face was her mouth.

Wouldn't that make her a monster?

What a phrase.

I'm sorry, Ok Juhyeon.

Her singing was so good it gave me chills.

She is fantastic.

Kim Saengmin's Veteran features many stars.

Stars who got their start in theater.

There's no money in theater.

They might make $3,000 a year.

They always mention that.

How did you tell Jiwon, your younger sister,

what the industry was like?

I tell her it's tough and a huge pain.

Musicals advertise on TV.

There are huge ads for them on the street.

Thousands of works are produced each year.

The ones we know that are advertised

like that can be counted on one hand.

The others are running at a loss.

There has been bad press in the theater industry.

Yes, the Kim Suro Project.

It was a huge project.

It was a novel concept when released.

It was novel and it looked great.

I thought it would succeed.

Many called it a textbook example of success.

The president of the theater production company

Kim Suro Project was found dead yesterday.

Why did he kill himself?

He said it was due to financial difficulties.

Kim Suro Project is ongoing.

They can't say they're running at a loss.

Since operations are continuing.

They have to say that it's doing well.

They need funding for the next project.

Their profit is limited.

They keep getting investors.

Financial insolvency was inevitable.

He was depressed and committed suicide.

I think this may continue in the future.

"Sold out."

"Full house."

Don't these mean that they're making money?

We don't know if they're all paying customers.

If free invitations were given out

to people in the industry, or something.

We have to discover why it's sold out.

Sold out reports are usually press releases.

Journalists don't usually go to the show.

They just write that it was sold out.

Just look at those as company press releases.

In the early stages, lots of coupons

and free entrance tickets are given out.

But the range will inevitably shrink.

After the Kim Young-ran Act...

In addition to journalists, industry insiders

give each other voucher tickets for the show.

But now that's illegal.

Now they get real guests.

While this is positive...

They no longer have seats all filled up.

After MERS, the Sewol tragedy, the candle protest,

over the past 3 years...

Koreans have become a bit cold and desensitized.

You have to have free time to go to musicals.

I think curing that hardened heart is an art form.

I hope people can go there to heal.

They have to have space to breathe.

I want to tell the editor that.

Go to the theater and get treatment.

I apologize.

The Kim Young-ran act wasn't from reporters.

Journalists make money and eat...

You want to be made into a GIF?


Lots of idols are being cast nowadays.

Many coming from Japan and Korea.

Some are expensive to cast.

How can they handle that?

That has pros and cons.

Idols are criticized a lot.

Many go into agencies and work hard.

They want to become musical actors.

Some idols just drop in and start.

Many shared that negative opinion at the start.

But now when I see those in the theater industry,

almost none of them see it as a bad thing.

What's the reason?

Many tickets are sold because of them.

More people show up.

They only worry about one thing.

If it's someone like Ok Juhyeon or Kim Junsu,

it's fine because they're skilled.

But a few were cast from their name alone.

Among those...

One didn't even have the basics down.

They do sell tickets.

But the quality of the production falls.

It's not good if it's constant.

But when they're skilled...

I hope they don't get discriminated against

just because they're idols.

The movie "Rocky" was just turned into a musical.

He went on a diet.

He trained for 4 months

When I met him...

He wasn't Shin Sungwoo but Rocky.

I wanted to see the show so much.

But it got canceled the night before.

It disappeared.

So all the actors...

Not just Shin Sungwoo,

but the supporting actors as well...

They wasted their time and energy.

They didn't even get paid.

There are many cases where actors aren't paid.

Many recent shows were like that as well.

It's like a pyramid.

The leads get paid.

The people at the bottom don't.

I've heard that a lot.

Even during its run, many didn't get paid.

So many boycotted it and refused to go onstage.

They just got new people and did the show.

The industry is very small.

If there's a report of a boycott,

it hurts the boycotters more.

They can't get into another show.

They'll be seen as boycotters.

They can't protest and can't get it in the news.

I hope there's some structure.

Something that will allow everyone to be happy.

The most important thing is getting attendees.

There's no problem if that's solved.

We should see musicals in a different light.

Musicals have an educational aspect.

Many are like sensitivity training.

Seeing these things on stage in person...

You can really feel the reactions.

Young kids absorb a lot as well.

Theater is a valid psychological treatment method.

Showing them plays and having them act.

It has a healing effect.

They learn how to express their feelings.

They learn to empathize with others.

So what do we need for true theater?

Please write down your opinions.

That's all for today's Midnight Dinner Talk.

Thank you.

(Strive for emotional healing)

That's all the news we have for today.

Good luck, test-takers.

We'll see you next week.

Everyone, be happy!

("Amazing(Ver.2)" by IN2IT)

("Remember Me" by VICTON)

For more infomation >> Entertainment Weekly | 연예가중계 - SuperJunior, Cha Taehyun, Kim Jongkook [ENG/中文字幕/2017.11.20] - Duration: 40:34.


Elon Musk: 3 Lições Para Aprender e Evoluir Na Vida - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Elon Musk: 3 Lições Para Aprender e Evoluir Na Vida - Duration: 10:02.


01 Talk about: University | Not so far away - Duration: 5:07.

Hello everybody

and welcome back to our channel !This is the first episode

of a column called : Talk about.

The today's topic is University

Hello I'm Flavia , and I attend the university of Rome , La Sapienza

, at the faculty of Letters and Philosophy

and I attend the major about historical artistics studies.

How come this choice?

I've always been interested in art and I always wanted

to know the meaning

behind the works consequently be able to understand art.

I'm Valentina , and I attend the university

of jurisprudence at Roma Tre.

And why did you choose this major?

I chose this major because

I always wanted to be a financier so I believe

it's the most suitable choice.

Our experience

I could tell you my experience in these

months ,

telling you that

the first day i definitely find myself scared and like

other people bewildered as me ,

I'm integrated into

group of girls and from there

I found companions with whom attend classes.

I can tell you my experience like that:

The last year I was quiet scared

the first day cause I didn't know anybody

the place was different and much more large than high school.

But I immediately made friendship with girls that

came to me ,

but when I came back home

I started have some problems.

I thought that maybe I was not ready

for the university, that I was not able

and so

I have crossed a difficult time.

Infact for two weeks I stayed at home

telling me maybe I should have given up .

With the support of my mother,

my family and my sister , I have decided

to continue the studies

and over time ,unfortunately I have found

other difficulties,

because compared to high school , we find

a much larger study size

and especially if we don't have a study metod

is really hard to start.

Still with the support of my family and my friends

even if I have crossed a tought time

and I didn't manage to give early

some exams,

anyway in June I managed to face my first exam,

Roman law

and finally

I've done it !

From there is going


What to do ?

Regarding the studies I would recommend

when you come to know the books to buy

to reserve them,

and when you have them

following the lessons

to organize an amount of pages to study per day.

What I can

recommend to you

is to immediately create a calendar

and you decide how to organize

your study sessions.

What to avoid?

Another thing that I can recommend you

is to

don't think about to immediately succeed all the exams.

Get ready for a certain amount and

focus on them. And mainly

, maybe the most important thing

think of yourself

do not be influenced by the choices of others.

I know that being organized from the beginning to study

can be anxious infact I don't tell you to start from the first day

but think about ordering the books

and be focus on the lesson is helpful.

I understand late that

the time are more narrower than they seems to be

and you get conscious of this when already in November

we will talk about written exams. So prepare yourself .

What I absolutely discourage is

to think to attend

all the lessons. If it is necessary

it's ok but if it is a

faculty like mine where the exams are all oral , maybe I could recommend you to stay at home or anyway at the library

and study.

Another thing that I discourage you ,


it doesn't concearn the study and the organization

but the personal sphere.

You are at the first year , you are not realized,

you are not thirty years old

so try to be humble

and being dressed appropriately.

We wish you good luck if you are going to face in this year

the final high school exam or if you are going to enroll the university.

We hope this video will please you, if yes give it a like and

subscribe to the channel ! See you at the next video and

hoping for the best ❤

For more infomation >> 01 Talk about: University | Not so far away - Duration: 5:07.


「Nightcore」→ Shape Of You Sing Off (Switching Vocals) - Rockabye, Cheap Thrills, Mercy and MORE - Duration: 2:05.

Nightcore - Shape Of You Sing Off (Subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Shape Of You Sing Off (Switching Vocals) - Rockabye, Cheap Thrills, Mercy and MORE - Duration: 2:05.


"I don't want to talk, let me go!" | Elif Episode 665 ending scene (Season 4 Episode 45) - Duration: 1:03.

What's going on here?

What kind of nonsense is this? Let go of my hand!

OK, OK, I'm sorry, calm down!

Let's talk for a bit.

I don't want to talk, would you please let me go?

That's enough, do you understand? Let me go!

OK, I'm sorry, would you please calm down?

How many times more do I have to say, I don't want to!

Leave me alone, leave me!

For more infomation >> "I don't want to talk, let me go!" | Elif Episode 665 ending scene (Season 4 Episode 45) - Duration: 1:03.


Silky Ultra Accel 240: A Powerful Folding Saw - Duration: 5:19.

Hi, this time we´re testing a Silky Folding saw

This is the Ultra Accel 240

I asked Silky Europe for this saw

They agreed and mailed me this - thanks for that!

Silky is a traditional Japanese saw maker

They´ve been making saws since early 1900´s

Not a new company by any means

They make these saws for gardeners and arborists mostly

The world´s bushcrafters have since found these

And put them to good use

Silky saws have a good reputation

This specific model is the Ultra Accel 240

It´s a folding saw

It has a curved blade with large teeth

Overall lenght when opened is just over 50cm

The saw weighs 295 grams

So the weight is not bad

The handle is made of aluminum

On top of the metal is a grippy rubber part

It provides an excellent grip

I think it´s the same material as in Silky Zübat

The handle feels great

The blade lenght is 240mm or 24cm

It opens from inside the handle and locks in place

Here´s the locking system

The blade has an alternative position too

It could be better in some situations

I´ve liked the handle very much

For bigger wood, it´s good to grab the saw farther on the handle

For smaller and more accurate work it´s better to take a shorter grip

It provides more control with the blade

Silky saw blades are slightly thicker on the cutting edge

The blade doesn´t get stuck in the wood very easily

Since the back of the blade is thinner than the teeth

I´ve been using this saw for a while and

It´s been impressive

The curved form of the blade is brilliant

It really helps the blade bite the wood

The curve combined with the teeth design is very good

And the blade doesn´t get stuck

You can get spare blades for this

So if the blade bends or gets dull, you can replace it

without getting a whole new saw - that´s great

The build of the saw is sturdy

Not a toy by any means

The saw feels very solid and reliable

The handle is good and grippy

The saw weighs ~300 grams

There are lighter saws

But I wouldn´t say the 300 grams is bad

It doesn´t require much space

It fits the side or top pocket of many backpacks

The saw lenght won´t be a problem inside any pack

The saw goes into any small pack too

Here was some of my experiences with the Ultra Accel 240

In Finland these can be purchased at

With the price currently at 66 euros

Thanks for your interest, see you in the next one

For more infomation >> Silky Ultra Accel 240: A Powerful Folding Saw - Duration: 5:19.


Jaya Jaya Vinayaka || Devotional Song || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 5:46.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for more interesting videos.

For more infomation >> Jaya Jaya Vinayaka || Devotional Song || Mybhaktitv - Duration: 5:46.


Antron - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Antron - Duration: 2:38.


TIPOS DE PERSONAS EN WHATSAPP | Moisés Rocha - Duration: 5:11.

Hi guys, how are you? I am Moises

and welcome to a new video

today we will see the different types of people who use whatsapp

what characterize them

And the impact that these have on society

for this video we will build on

in urban opinions and personal experiences


Number 1: person who writes in acrostico

These people are characterized by

do not write complete sentences

but write words one below the other

speak fast man

It makes an acrostic to say a dumb

then we have that person

that records audios as long as 30 minutes

to say nothing

As I told you ... today I went to the center

to buy the shoes that I told you

so ... what did he say?

I better go to your house later and tell you more

hugs... bye!

There is also that person who is


who does not write more than one word in the chat

in the chat

I'm going to write to Angie

I better write to Keyla

Finally, there is that person who writes and writes and writes and writes

you see in the cell he is writing

for the end do not send any message

friends, this was all for today's video

Give me a like to the video if you liked it

give me a like if you identified with some

of these scenes

and subscribe to my channel

for more content like this

I am Moises and I wish you a good day, afternoon or evening, see you soon

For more infomation >> TIPOS DE PERSONAS EN WHATSAPP | Moisés Rocha - Duration: 5:11.


Supergirl 3x07 Sneak Peek "Wake Up" (HD) Season 3 Episode 7 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:58.

So it's just you?

You didn't bring, um...


I've never met the girl,

so I don't think you should expect me to keep her name straight.

Well you kicked me out for having her.

I didn't think you'd want to meet her.

No, you made your choice.

You had to know that there would be consequences.

I was a kid.

You know as well as anyone,

that the moment you become pregnant, you're not a kid anymore.

So I didn't deserve a support system?

Married adults have children all the time,

they need their parents.

I would've just been a crutch for you.

You were my mother.

And I always wanted what was best for you.

So you just let me leave?

That's not what I wanted to have happen at all.

Do you know how hard it was for me to come here?

Well then why did you?

You're unbelievable.

Some things have been happening.

What things?

I guess if I was just wondering if...

growing up, if I ever did anything strange?

What do you mean by "strange"?

I dunno, did I fall -- like fall, and not get hurt?

Did I ever lift anything really heavy?

No, no, nothing like that.




Well maybe you could help me find something out about my birth mother.

Why do you want to know about her?

You know what?

Just forget it.

Sorry I bothered you.

Supergirl all new episode Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x07 Sneak Peek "Wake Up" (HD) Season 3 Episode 7 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:58.


What If We Made A New Continent? - Duration: 4:16.

Hey there, welcome to Life Noggin!

What if you could create a new, maybe even better continent?

Cambridge Dictionary defines a continent as "one of the seven large land masses on the

Earth's surface, surrounded or mainly surrounded by sea."

Generally, most people are taught that there are 7 continents - Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica,

North America, South America and Australia.

Not all cultures agree on what defines a continent.

And surprisingly, scientists don't either.

Even NASA says that there's no single, agreed upon, scientific classification for what makes

a land mass a continent.

There's no set square milage, no required population, nothing.

With the definition of a continent being super murky, building a hypothetical landmass and

getting it classified as a continent could be a struggle and may eventually come down

to convincing governing geographical bodies and society.

If Greenland, at almost 1 million sq miles, isn't a continent, your landmass would probably

need to be huge.

But what about actually constructing this continent?

How on earth would that work?

First things first, you would need to find a spot to build in international waters, meaning

that part of the world is not claimed by anyone else.

You'd need to be at least 200 miles from any existing country's territorial sea baseline,

outside their Exclusive Economic Zones.

It should come as no surprise that you'd want to pick a fairly shallow spot since you'd

have to fill down to the ocean floor.

Once you found your spot, you'd need materials and a ship ton of money.

Pun intended.

The project to build the World Islands in Dubai required over $25 billion before the

project was even finished.

And those islands only total 20 square miles and are right on the shallow shoreline!

In the middle of the ocean, with more square milage, your hypothetical continent would

cost a lot more.

Using those rates, it'd cost quadrillions and quadrillions of dollars.

You'd need to start construction by creating the base of your landmass, piling sand directly

onto the seafloor or even a reef.

This sand could either be brought in on a ship or you could use a sea dredging ship

to dig up sand from the sea floor and reuse that.

Then a super thick layer of rocks would be laid on top of that sand.

And finally, cement would be added to top it all off.

There you have it!

Your very own island!

Now the real battle to become more than just a measly island begins; getting it recognized

as a continent with geographers, the scientific community and the public.

With such a vague definition, this part may be tough but having a large landmass that

stands out from other continents should help your case.

While humans haven't yet built their own continent, they have created artificial islands,

like Dubai's World Islands and Palm Islands.[16] Another amazing human feat is

the island of Flevopolder in the Netherlands.

It was created by sectioning off an area of a bay and draining the water out over the

course of decades, revealing open land to build on.

Small artificial islands are nothing new.

They're created all over for uses like military bases, airports and even bird sanctuaries.

But they're often built in shallow water already owned by a territory, which is what

makes these builds quite a bit easier.

Building your own continent sounds insanely expensive, very labor intensive and could

start a huge cultural debate, but we believe in you.

We'd support your hypothetical continent.

What part of the world would you want to build your continent?

Let us know in the comments.

For more infomation >> What If We Made A New Continent? - Duration: 4:16.


Is the OnePlus 5T Worth It? - Duration: 5:07.

- OnePlus has always been known

for delivering flagship performance at a much lower price

and that trend continues with the brand new 5T.

You're getting a lot of features from phones like

the iPhone X and Galaxy Note 8

except at about half the price.

But the question is,

is it worth it?

Hey, guys.

This is Austin.

I spent the last week playing with the OnePlus 5T

and there is a lot to like.

Compared to the already solid OnePlus 5,

the most noticeable change is with the screen.

Gone is the old 5.5 inch panel and in its place

is a much taller six inch screen

in the exact same size to chassis.

Sure, its bezels might not be as thin as something like

the iPhone X, but you're still getting a lot more

screen real estate with the two-to-one aspect ratio.

It's a great panel, too.

While the resolution is a little low at 2160 by 1080,

it's still plenty sharp to my eye.

Unlike the Pixel 2 XL, it's actually a nice looking

OLED display.

It looks nice right out of the box, but you have several

other screen modes including sRGB and DCI-P3,

which is my personal favorite.

Because you've got the larger screen, the capacitive keys

are gone and the fingerprint sensor has been moved

around back.

I'm totally fine with this.

Just like the Pixel, this feels like

a really natural spot for it.

The 5T does add facial recognition and while it's not in the

same league as the iPhone X, it's pretty quick.

Although it's definitely not perfectly accurate.

Unfortunately, it's still running Android 7,

but Oxygen OS remains pretty close to Stock Android

with basically no bloatware.

There's a lot of great customization options

like rearranging your onscreen buttons and what things like

a long press will do, as well as tweaking the notification

shade and status bar to be exactly how you like.

This is a great option if you really want

to tweak your phone, which is why a lot

of people go with OnePlus in the first place.

The rest of the design looks almost identical

to the OnePlus 5 and that's not really a bad thing.

You've got the same almost too slippery aluminum back

with the addition of that fingerprint sensor

and amazingly for a new flagship in 2017,

a headphone jack.

You're also getting solid performance with a Snapdragon 835,

six or eight gigs of RAM,

and either 64 or 128 Gigabytes of storage.

This is backed up with a 3300 milliamp hour battery.

While not massive, with the lower res screen and OnePlus'

super fast Dash charging,

it makes it pretty easy to keep the phone topped off.

If this feels like a classic S-model update to you,

then you'd be right.

I can't fault OnePlus for not totally overhauling the phone.

The original OnePlus 5 was really solid.

The issue was that it came out only five months ago.

Look, I'm all for pushing tech forward, but it's kind of

ridiculous that a five month old phone is already obsolete.

Why didn't they just make the OnePlus 5T,

the OnePlus 5 in the first place?

To be fair, I feel the same about the way that Samsung

updates the Galaxy S and Note lines.

Six months later, it seems like you just get a slightly

updated Galaxy S8, but at least with the Note you're getting

some major upgrades like the S Pen and dual cameras.

This strategy kind of worked last year with the OnePlus 3T,

but 2017 has proven to be one of the most competitive years

for smartphones ever and nothing shows that off better than

the Google Pixel 2.

I absolutely love this phone.

Software updates have improved the XL screen, but for me

the standard Pixel 2 checks so many boxes

that it's basically the gold standard.

Put it side by side and it's clear that the OnePlus 5T

is a much larger phone.

The smaller bezels absolutely dwarf the Pixel 2's five inch

display and having a headphone jack is a real win

for a lot of people.

The 5T still only has a single downward firing speaker,

which actually does get reasonably loud and has some bass,

but it just can't match the terrific stereo speakers

on the Pixel.

The OnePlus also lacks any kind of waterproofing

or wireless charging.

Now I can live without these, but knowing that the Pixel 2

isn't afraid of getting wet is a big selling point.

While Oxygen OS is good as far as skins go, I can't get away

from just how great Android looks

and feels running on the Pixel 2.

Not only has it had Android Oreo since day one,

but it is blisteringly fast.

I've said it before and I'll say it again,

Google has worked some real magic with this phone.

One area where OnePlus has really stepped it up

is in the camera department.

The main wide angle shooter is unchanged, but they swapped

the telephoto option for a 20 megapixel secondary camera

with the same focal length.

On one hand, this is a downgrade

as you don't get optical zoom.

However, they're using the same camera

to improve low light performance.

It works.

Side by side with the Pixel,

it holds up really well with noise.

Although it can't quite touch the Pixel 2's incredible

dynamic range.

They've gone for a slightly punchier, more saturated look,

which I think most people will like, but it comes

at the expense of some detail,

even looking a bit soft at times.

You do have portrait mode on both

and while the 5T does an adequate job, I really prefer

the colors and that crazy range of the Pixel.

To my eye

it looks like a significantly more expensive camera.

This is what 4K video looks like on the OnePlus 5T.

So I think audio is actually surprisingly decent

and the stabilization, even though it's not optical,

does a pretty good job of keeping up.

The OnePlus 5T is a great phone.

When you consider the $500 price, it's easy to reconsider

that Galaxy Note 8 or Pixel 2 XL.

If you can look past the screen though,

I think the standard Pixel 2 is worth every penny

of the $150 price premium.

So, what do you guys think about the OnePlus 5T?

Let me know in the comments below and I will catch you

in the next one.

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