Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

As I travel all across America meeting different families

we talk about kids, their families and the complications which comes with it.

But today I am in that house where friends play an important role

and it's a whole lot of fun.

Today, I am in Long Island, New York with Arvind and Perry Walia.

Arvind is a very successful entrepreneur and loves to have a good time

and Perry is a homemaker and a socialite.

And now I am with this power couple - Arvind and Perry in their house

to answer the question - What's for dinner?

or I should say What's for the party?

in this show which is called - Kawan KitchenMate.

Can I open your fridge now?


Ok, there I go.

I am feeling, I am in a Punjabi wedding.

You called me for a wedding or is there any occassion, is there a party today too?

There's nothing like that Kunal.

Food is cooked a lot at home too.

Of course.

and we order a lot of food from outside

because there are last minute get togethers

friends keep coming and going, family

something or the other always goes on

so in the house, fridge is always overloaded with food.

No wonder you have such a big fridge and you have a big heart also.

Thank you so much.

Arvind so you tell what all is cooked by your wife?

and what all is bought from market? Be honest.

Let's go one by one.


Ok, first made by wife's hand.

Wife has made cauliflower.

Ok. What else?


You have think

And Fenugreek is made by her

Ok Fenugreek is made by wife too.

Chicken. This chicken is made by perry.

This is not chicken

It's not chicken?

This cottage cheese is made by Perry.

This, what is this? chicken or lamb?

It's chicken.

Chicken, Perry has made.

No, no this from restaurant.

This is from restaurant definitely.

What's this? Pakore? (fried snack)

This is Fish Pakore.

Pakore is from outside.

The dal (lentils) is made in home.

That's not dal, that's chick peas.

He only eats, he doesn't see.

What is this?

This is minced chicken.

Minced chicken.

This minced chicken Perry makes everyday

so she has made at home only.

Arvind has given his wife a lot of credit

but Perry already gave me a hint that a lot of food

in their house comes from restaurants which is also big thing.

'What's for dinner' the question that we answer is not just for the leftovers

that's made at home, food which comes from the market

how to use it, that is also something which we learn from the show.

So let me recap.

We have potato and cauliflower made by Perry.

We have cheese cottage vegetable.

We have Fenugreek, potato made by Perry


and this is baked chicken, made at home.

This too Perry has made, Baked Chicken.

This is like Chicken Tikka.

Ok, this looks also homemade.

Marinated in the curd.

Chic peas you have made at home too?


Food that has come from market are

Fish pakore, chicken curry which looks fully market bought.

Pasta is from market and this is doubtful.

This actually is Goat meat.

It's Goat meat.

And it's from market.

I think there is some cream in it that's why it's color is like this.

Yes, true.

And this is quintessentially Punjabi.

It's from outside.

And it's very necessary.

In my house, my father, without chilli and onion, doesn't eat food at all.

So is it the same scene in your house too?

Green chillies and Onions?


With every meal.

And they also have this green chutney which is

You make at home or it's market bought?

This is from market.

This is also from the market.


So tell me one thing Arvind, your lifestyle is already very happening

Tell me about that.

Actually, I don't come in the kitchen.

So I don't know anything but mostly it's a combination

Some is made at home, some comes from outside

Right, right

I am very happy that today you have come

so he has also come in the kitchen.

First time I am standing in the kitchen for so long.

No, no, he should definitely stand with you.

He will come to know what all you have to go through.

Ya I know.

He should know.

So Arvind and Perry when I go people's houses

I always meet kids there

Conversation is always revolving around homework, kids activities.

I can't see anything like that over here.

Very chilled out atmosphere.

Kids have grown up. They are in college.

So, you know, clearly everybody has very independent yet together lifestyle.

Our friends are always welcomed to our house.

We consider our friends as our family.

Of course.

So, for us, they are very important part of our life.


Your hospitality and your variety of food has overwhelmed me

What do you think? What would you make with all this food?

You can share your recipes with us

on our facebook page - Kawan KitchenMate, #KKM2.

it's time for a break.

You keep watching with Kunal - Kawan KitchenMate.

Welcome back to Kawan KitchenMate

Perry and Arvind, you gave me such a big fridge,

so much food, like I was kidding, it's a wedding banquet

But I can only do justice, ours is a 30 minute program.

I have shortlisted many of the things.

The look has changed too, first it was very big, now it's small

You remember this is your food?

Yes, looks great.

We have to make appetizers here

Perry suggested me during the break

that there is not much main course in our house, we have more appetizers

because there are last minute guests.

I have made three sets, three dishes will be made.

You gave me chick pea masala, remember which you made?

I just washed it in the strainer, so only chick pea is left

and I threw it's gravy.

This is your potato and fenugreek

From your fridge, do you remember, you gave me onion and green chilli?


which I have chopped a little.

Rest I have done some ransacking here.

Mayonnaise, bread crumbs, green chutney, the same onions took all of this

and that's going to be my first dish which is going to be a yummy appetizer.



The second dish is based of your

This is chilli paneer ( cottage cheese)

chilli paneer it is.

We're gonna make like a paneer frittata

which will be cut into appetizers and I will tell you how later.

This is gonna be the paneer, we are gonna use some eggs, flour, cheese

coriander, baking powder, salt, pepper

this is the same green chilli which I chopped too.

Everything which are regular ingredients that are found in people's fridge.

From that we will make our second dish.

And the third dish will be made from

Your leftover goat curry, I took out the goat, I did wear gloves, I took it out.

I chopped the chicken you made

and this is your potato and cauliflower vegetable

With this I found Kawan chapatti in your fridge.

with Kawan chapatti and along with these ingredients

we will make an appetizer.

Wow! I am very excited.

The first dish is going to be, let me reveal the suspense

It's going to be sliders, you like sliders?

small small burgers which are made at home.

So, sliders are generally made from meat

but I am gonna make a veggie slider for you.

because many of our friends and relatives are vegetarians too

Ok, good.

So this is a very good idea.

So with your leftover chick peas and leftover potato and fenugreek

slider will be made.

Very nice.

I didn't find any buns but I will see during the tasting time

will do some magic trick, if something comes out of your fridge

we will make it.

As of now I don't have buns.


So for making these sliders what I need is

I think it's all ready.

Now if you feel it, you will come to know

It's actually sticking together

and it's just like a slider patty

we will bake this, let me get rid of my

I want you to feel it

Can I?


and then we will wash our hands together.

and make one patty

small one

small one like kofta


Girls have life on their hands, easily it's made.

So something like this?


How many years since it's been to your marriage?

22 years.

It's been 22 years.

What was your story? How did you meet?

You made such a beautiful family, life is so happening

In 21 years you both have positively tolerated each other

So what is the story?

Story was that, you know, I was working here

My parents were looking for a girl for me in India

I said, I will myself find a girl.

So, to find someone, I talked with my friend

Where do you find Indian girls here?

So, someone said, go to Gurudwara (temple for sikhs)

There, in gurudwara comes nice girls

So I said ok

What does 'nice girls' mean?

No trace of anything, couldn't meet anyone

You didn't get nice girls or just didn;t get girls at all?

Didn't meet anyone.


By the end of 4th or 3rd week, a guy came and said

There is party in my house, you please come to the party.


I said, very good.

We went to the party and heard

Some three sisters from Chandigarh just recently


have migrated.

And they were dancing a lot, singing.

So, 6 months later there was a show happening.

I thought in the show, there will be dance, music again

and I felt that Perry could come here.


So I went there, from the corner of the show

and became a security guard for the show.

And in the 4th rehearsal she walked in

After the 10th time, after giving up, she finally said yes.

and now we are here.

By losing, you got one date.

Got one date, after that, slowly slowly we got married

We dated for about 6 months, one year, got married

and now we are together.

After 22 years, 21 years actually, I must say

This is the best thing ever happened to me.

That's so sweet.

While we were talking, something nice happened here also.

Yeah I know.

I have made all of them, you know, naturally.

Good. Perry I want you to put this in your oven

at around 375 degrees for about whenever they cook

approximately 15 minutes

Coming to the second dish, your wife made this chilli paneer

which I really like.

I tasted it, it was really delicious.

Thank you very much.

It has great taste.

Basically, we are baking something.


A big loaf which is made like a savoury cake

and then you cut into little pieces to have this savory cakes or muffins or suffle

whatever you call it, you can probably come up with a name at the end of it.

Sounds good?


So for baking items there is a need for measuring.


Ok, so I have already measured this.

Trick is done. I think this is absolutely ready.

And now I am simply going to pour it.

And this will rise, because we have put baking powder.

So like dhokla it will rise up.

And this will go in the oven for about 350 degrees

for about 25 to 30 minutes till it rises

One more thing we have to do

on top of it we have to give it a cheesy layer.

And when it comes out I am going to cut it into

mini savory muffins and this will go on a beautiful platter

Music is playing, wine is in your hand and you're an excellent hostess

People will praise you.


You have an interest in food I can see that

Yes, yes.

You definitely do

and your paneer was really taste.

And what other interests you have?

The main interest that I have which is my focus is - Music.

Oh! Wow!

I do, I learn, Indian classical music.

You still learning?

No, you're always learning no matter how many years education you have.

Music is something, specially classical music you always decipher.

And other than work, what else are your hobbies?

My hobbies are poker and obviously everybody knows

I like to party.

So, for me, you know just keep myself busy.

In your life there is work-life balance.

We would like to know from you what can you do with this

leftover chick peas, leftover fenugreek potato and leftover chilli paneer.

and you can share with us on our facebook page

Kawan KitchenMate, # is KKM2.

I think it's time for a short break.

Don't go anywhere.

Keep watching with Kunal - Kawan KitchenMate.

Welcome back to Kawan KitchenMate.

Today I am with Perry and Arvind in Long Island, New York.

Till now we have made two dishes from their leftovers.

One is vegetable sliders which are made from

leftover chick pea and leftover potato fenugreek.

Second dish is a frittata or a souffle which is made with

leftover chilli paneer.

Now you keep thinking what happened

We will show this during tasting time.

Now is the time to talk to Reva ji, our vastu expert

who will give you tips about your house.

Unfortunately she is not around.


But, thanks to technology, Arvind

We have Reva ji in my hands.

So let me connect to her.

Hi Reva ji,

Hi Reva ji, Hello

Namaskar Arvind ji and Perry

How are you?

First of all, I apologize for not being there with you

But I think Kunal will be fulfilling my absence.

So I want to say Perry ji, that your house is very beautiful.

And New York is as it is different.

Simply we have to follow and balance this energy.

For instance, your house is facing towards the South East.

When the house is South-East facing, due to fire element

that sometimes brings a lot of stress.

When I come inside your house and see the kitchen

It is little bit towards the South East.

Now here what you have to do is rectify.

In this, there is no need to break anything Perry ji.

It's a very simple way.

First of all, the main entrance door which is the fire element

you have to rectify that.

As soon as you put a silver wire on the main entrance door

on all the four corners, you will realize

there is so much more calmness in the house.

Also, at the same time, where we cook food

particularly near the sink area.

You should have a 3*3 shoe chinese bamboo plant

and tie it with a red ribbon, with a copper or metal penny inside.

You should definitely use it.

I got it, I understand.

Till then, enjoy with Kunal.

with the recipes Kunal has given you.

What is the most famous appetizer in North India

when it comes to weddings or parties, what is it?



We are actually going to make samosas from these

Kawan parathas or chapattis, I prefer chapattis

because they do not fluff up like a parathas

so they make a perfect dough pastry for the samosa.

What you have to do is

you have to make strips, like this.

with one roti, you will make two samosas.

We are making three kinds of samosas.

What was this?

This was lamb.

Leftover lamb which I took out from the bone.

What was this?

This was my homemade baked chicken

Baked chicken tikka type which you made at home with yogurt marination.

and this is your potato and cauliflower vegetable.

All 3 are Punjabi dishes and with these 3

from our Kawan rotis will make Punjabi samosas.

Oh ya these will turn out into beautiful golden beauties in a minute.

Till then, tell me both of you, I know that in your life

friends are very important.

Actually talking about friends, when they came to know

that you're coming here and making food

So they all wanted to come and taste the food.

Oh really?

So I hope we have enough food for all my friends.

You have put so much pressure on me now.

We would love to have your friends taste stuff

Thank you so much

And it's not about the food or the taste or anything

it's about ideas

Actually this is so beautiful because so many times

there's so much food left in the fridge

and it's hard to figure out what to do with it


So this is like so unique and different.

and it's like very new.

Food should not be wasted.

And I love the fact that we made these from chapattis

that too whole wheat chapatti.

and it's color is looking very pretty and colorful also


and it has all homemade vegetables.


which you have made by your hands.

Ya, chicken, lamb and cauliflower.

Let me just try this out real quick.

I would love to

Before we go down

Let's try this.

You start with this, take

This is your Chilli Paneer ,into into a souffle.

On that I found some mayo and chilli sauce

Yes I saw

It's like a mini muffin, mini souffle whatever you call it.


So good.

It's chilli paneer.

This is your slider, vegetarian, made from leftover chick peas

You can just.. I'm sure she won't mind.

So remember Perry we didn't have slider buns?

Oh Yes!

So did you?

I saw brown bread and I just cut it to make this

What an idea!

This is really good.

Really good.

You know the smell of fenugreek smell, it's taste

And these samosas are..

In the whole excitement I forgot which one was lamb, which was chicken

and which was cauliflower.

Don't worry, we will eat all three.

Ok so go ahead.

Have a samosa and let me know what samosa is it?

So this is made from Kawan roti and which one was it?

I think it was cauliflower one right?

This is cauliflower.

Cauliflower samosa


It's our house only.

It's our house.

Yummy, yummy. Seriously.

You like it?

Loved it.

Loved all the three dishes.

So let's go? let's go to the party room.

Let's go.

The party has started now!

Come on!

Let's go!

Hello! Hi guys!

We got some food for you.

Alright guys, just dig in whatever you want.

This is vegetarian, this could be anything.

And this is vegetarian too.

Friends, life is too short and friends are few.

But Arvind and Perry taught me that life is too big with so many friends.

If you want that our team should come to your place too

and have party and cook food

You log on to and send us your entry

and please let us know what you think about our show

on facebook which is Kawan KitchenMate, #KKM2

Next week we will

meet in a new place, with a new family till then


For more infomation >> Kawan Kitchen Mate S2 EP8 - Walia Family - Duration: 22:45.


Do Quran Verses Have "Different Meanings"? No! - Duration: 4:12.

Hi everyone and welcome This is the Apostate Prophet

I'm here for a very short and very stupid topic

Something that I don't even want to waste time on

But something that I also want to get out of the way beforehand

because there are still too many who bring it up constantly

Does the Quran have diferrent meanings Is it difficult to understand?

Do you need a scholar to understand it?

Or do you need to read it in Arabic?

Here are the answers: No

No No

No Thank you for watching, don't forget to...

Just kidding I will talk very briefly about these things

I just want to inform you before I always use two sources for Quran verses:

One is Sahih International The other is Yusuf Ali translations

I also use sometimes Muhsin Khan translations All three of them are among the most authentic,

the most trusted Sources in the world

The vast majority of Muslim scholars and Muslims read those sources

and will tell you that those sources are accurate One of them is the goat, Zakir Naik

First question: Does the Quran have "different meanings"?

No, it doesn't!

The only reference to this in the Quran is this verse

But in this verse it obviously says That everything in the Quran is very clear

But there are also some things that are not clear because we can't understand them

Well, the consensus of scholars - of Islamic scholars -

"scholars"... is that that refers to divine issues that

humans can't understand anyway So very clear "earthly" commands in verses

are clearly not a part of that Verses like "beat your wives" are obviously

fucking clear Next question: Is it difficult to understand?

No, it isn't!

The Quran says among others here, here,

here, here,

that it is easy to understand and very clear Now there are some today

Who just don't want to accept their religion the way it is because they can't take it that

way That's why they tell you it has different


But that's based on nothing Next thing:

Do you need a scholar or do you need a scholar to understand the Quran?

No there is no such reference in the Quran whatsoever

Scholars are only there because they studied the Quran,

Because some of them memorized it, because they know the history of it

You know, you can do it too You can study biology too, it's not some kind

of divine thing that only some people can understand

And the Quran is basically the same thing It's even much much much much fucking easier

You can do the same, I can do the same, I did the same thing

Except for the memorizing part because I'm not a fucking lunatic

Last question: Do you need to read it in Arabic No, if that was the case

Then at least 85% of Muslims would've no fucking idea what they believe in

Because they don't speak Arabic And those who do speak Arabic don't speak

the Arabic that was spoken 1400 years ago The Quran itself says:

Indeed, we have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, so that you might understand it

So, is God so dumb, that he says "that you might understand it"

But he also makes it unable for future generations to understand it

who are the majority of Muslims Is he so dumb?


But no!

We can understand much older, and much more complex languages

The same way we can understand the Arabic in the Quran which is not as fucking complicated

Also, a religion that only a tiny minority in the world can understand but everyone is

supposed to follow?

So, I just wanted to get this out of the way I won't talk about it any more

If anyone wants to bring it up, I can refer them back to this video

I think this was a very easy clarification of the topic and I thnik...

Thank you for watching this video

For more infomation >> Do Quran Verses Have "Different Meanings"? No! - Duration: 4:12.


لا تتشائم ◆ حاول أن تتحكم وتغير الإدراك السلبي ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:12.

For more infomation >> لا تتشائم ◆ حاول أن تتحكم وتغير الإدراك السلبي ◆ محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:12.


Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:19.

Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves

























































For more infomation >> Selena Gomez, Marshmello - Wolves (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 3:19.


Kawan Kitchen Mate S2 EP 3 - Gagneja Family - Duration: 21:18.

Rock and roll music, tattoos, hippie culture, exotic food - all this is Austin for you.

I am in Austin, Texas.

People here say "Austin weird." However the land, accordingly they speak.

Today i am at Harish and Sunaina Gagneja's house

who have built their American dream in Austin. In this Chateau looking house.

Dr. Harish Gagneja is a gastro enetrologist and his wife Sunaina is pursuing her passion;

she's a student.

It's time for me to go inside and see what's in store for me.

So now i am at Harish and Sunaina's beautiful home

to answer their question - What's for dinner?

in this show who's name is - Kawan KitchenMate.

Time for me to go to the fridge.

Wow! So much food. This is true American spirit.

Everything is big in Texas. Dishes are big in texas. Food is enormous.

What is the occasion? Why is there so much food?

There was a party last week so..

We have leftovers. Indians are hospitable people.

We make a lot of food when we come.

we get excited when people come and we inevitably have leftovers.

So, even i am a doctor, like you are, what?

Gastro enterologist.

No, i am well educated.

What do Gastro enterologist do?

We are specialists in digestive diseases. You know what we do? We save lives,

one butt at a time.

(Laughs) Good one and you make sure people don't eat so much.

When digestive system is good only then you have so much leftovers.

Let's go one by one to all these leftovers and i have, my mind is already working.

This is Dhokla (fermented batter derived from rice and split chickpeas) which is left.

Leftover Pasta, macroni bolied, baigan ka bharta (Mashed eggplant)

Did you make it or your husband?

Yes, i made.

What did you not make?

I made almost everything.


Except, Pasta that i made.

Beans, there is Beans vegetable, leftovers of pomegranate seeds, leftover arbi ki sabzi.

I haven't seen arbi in a long time.

It's called Colocasia in english. Have you put achari masala (pickling spice), panchpuran



Leftover Rajma (Beans) is there, leftover.. what is this?

This is paneer sabzi (cottage cheese)

Can we call it Kadhai paneer?


Kadhai paneer, looks like restaurant style.

Go for it.


Leftover Kadhi(thick gravy based on chickpea flour), we have

to feed the whole colony.

Kadhi, no, my friends always ask so i always make extra for them.

And i remember in our Punjabi culture

this Kadhi is always rotated around everyone in the neighbourhood.


I remember my neighbor used to get it for me saying - I have made Kadhi today, please

take little.


Actually i like Kadhi so much that she makes it more so, few days later i am always having


And its tastier when you have this kadhi.

We call it Tindora (Coccinia grandis) and it has potatoes in it.

Tendli, Tindora and it has potatoes also, you have put the same masala as you did for


Aloo Gobi (Potatoes and Cauliflower) sabzi quintessentially punjabi dish.

Leftover Jalebi (similar to funnel cake)

Leftover amchi - This is from Market?

No, no this is made by my friend.

Your friend has made it! Very nice!

They have..he is a wine lover so he has figs, fig bar

and this is also something fig cake.

They have exotic cheeses - Havarti and Chipotle Goda.

Wow! Exotic!

So, will you give me sometime to decide what i can do with so much food?

I need a break to decide what i am going to make with all this food.

And after the break we ill talk with you and get to know you.

We will be back after a short break on Kawan KitchenMate.

Wecome back to Kawan KitchenMate

I have decided and shortlisted what what ingredients i have to use.

The first dish is Mac and Cheese.

I know you are a healthy family and you have a growing kid.

But this is a punjabi Mac and Cheese.

It has it's share of vegetables.

It has the share of love of mother, taste of mother's hand,

Balle Balle (Punjabi traditional dance form) and all that stuff

So, Doctor, according to your profession which deals with how stomach reacts to food

What is your take on this Mac & Cheese?

Sure! Sounds very interesting.

I haven't had Punjabi Mac & cheese till now.

How did you come in this profession?

There is so much to do in the world.

How did you get into this medicine? How did you land in the US?

Just tell me everything about your story.

So, i was about 7 or 8 years old.


So, In India we had this family doctor.

and in India during that time family doctors used to come home and make home visits as


So one time i was really, really sick.


So, Dr Bohri, his name, he came to my home

and i was thinking he would give us a intra muscular penicillan injection.


It hurt like hell.

But, where? here? or there?

Just there.

Oh no! (Laughs)

So i said, you know what i am gonna become a doctor

and give this same injection to you.


From that day onwards, i wanted to become a doctor.

So, bitterness towards one doctor made you so vindictive that you yourself became a doctor!

But, i am sure you are doing very well

You have a beautiful home and you're living your American dream.

Thank you!

Coming back to Punjabi Mac & Cheese.

So what is in Mac & Cheese?

Mac & Cheese includes sauce which is made with milk, eggs, butter and cream and cheese

But, it's a little unhealthy. You'd probably not approve it.

So, i am going to make a sauce which is a little low in all this.

We wil add cheese, but it will be low in all these high fat items

Today is weekend! just enjoy today!

Ok, done!

But still i will make it healthy.

So what i am doing is - i am taking a very little bit of oil just to make sure it doesn't


I have separated your Kadhai Paneer into two parts.

This is the sauce part of Kadhai paneer with pepper and onions.

And this is the Paneer, paneer which i am going to crumble.

This i will put inside.

Ok! now i will crumble all the paneer to make a cohesive sauce.

And there goes your boiled leftover macoroni .

Does your son like mac & cheese?

He loves it.

Oh, well!

I really hope he loves this Punjabi one too.

I took some jalapeno cheese which you had.

Just form a nice coding on top.

You have to keep this in 350 degrees for about 8 mins.

Now i am going to go to the second dish.

which looks like a big colorful basket of all your leftovers.

So tell our audience what all is there?

We have beans and peas.


and then we have baigan bharta i guess

and then there is aloo gobi

Your aloo gobi i have cut into small pieces.

Then i got onions from your fridge , tomatoes, green chillies, dhaniya(coriander)

These are things which is in any Indian household.

These 4 at least, always there in our fridges, right.

So Sunaina, I wanted to ask you, you were a homemaker all your life, right?

He was in residency and he was in fellowship

and both of us had this belief that one of us should be at home to raise our kids

We didn't wanna send them to day care or have nanny or anything.


So then, it was easier for me to stay home and take care of them.

And i guess you're studying now, you're a student?

Yes, going back to school, yes.

Going back to school!

Um, I have applied to dental hygiene

Oh nice

so i'll know soon if i get in.

You will! ofcourse.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

This is my second pan.

You had beans vegetable, you had baigan ka bharta, you had aloo gobi

and i was like all this is tasty but after a day you don't wanna have it again

because you're bored of it or your kids are bored of it.

So, and i thought all these are ingredients of Mumbai Snack which you see on sea side

Pav Bhaji (bread and mixed vegetables)


So all of these ingredients are of Pav bhaji but they are already made up vegetables.

So, i am gonna make a simple Pav bhaji for you with all these leftovers.

The concept of the show is not teach anyone cooking.

because i bet you're better than me seeing all these vegetables.

But, there is so much we can do with leftovers and make your life interesting.

You can't just take out, order food because you don't feel like cooking.

because there is so much stuff lying in the fridge which will go in the garbage can.

And it cannot go in the garbage can, it has to be..

Make them wear new clothes and make new new dishes.

Pav Bhaji is something which people don't usually make at home.

It's usually which is considered a restaurant dish or party dish

But you have all the ingredients in the fridge.

It's just your mind doesn't go there.

And it's my job to make sure you think that way and our viewers think that way.


So, first i put onions.

I am making a simple sauce which any Indian food has

Onions, tomatoes, green chillies, coriander

we are making a simple sauce.

Here goes onions.

No Pav bhaji Masala?

Do you have?

I do

So you can get it.

You are lucky, i have some.

Oh wow!

If i had asked something else today, would have gotten that as well.

Just asked Pav Bhaji masala.

I am putting just a little bit of butter in this

because pav bhaji does have an element of butter.

Our son is here looking at this, he is here too.


Hello man, what's up?

We are making Pav Bhaji for you and we have already made Mac & cheese for you.

(Laughs) yeah


You already hungry?

So, let him come here.

What's your name gentleman?


Nihar, how much do you like Indian food?

I like it a lot.

Oh, wow!


I don't get to hear that often by the way in my shows

But you know, you wanna know a story about how we taught them to eat Indian food.


So, when they were little, they won't eat Indian food.

So we used to pay them.


How much?

We actually paid them.

We paid them 25 cents for daal, 25 cents for roti and 25 cents for sabzi (vegetables)

And then, so, everytime they would eat a meal, they would make 75 cents.

Oh wow! that's hilarious!

Well, i think it's a great investment.

It was!

It was a great investment, yes.

Now your kids eat Indian food, you cook Indian food and they love it.

Alright! so these tomatoes are done!

I am adding your pav bhaji masala.. in this

This is the basis of the pav bhaji.

This is reality TV.


This is real reality TV.

I do wanna add a little bit of green chilly.

Yeah? allowed?

Yeah, that's enough.

Rest i can just add on top of my Pav Bhaji.


I love spicy.

No worries! No worries!

So we don't have Pav (Bread) right now but i did see something

which you had in your corner

So he's gonna make Bruschetta out of it.

I am going to do something like this.

So we have made our two dishes.

First is our Punjabi Mac & cheese which is being prepared in the oven.

and second was prepared by leftover of vegetables - Pav Bhaji as in Bhaji

No, i think we should call it - bhaji bruschetta here.

That was a good one. Bhaji bruschetta it is.

Now we have to talk with our vaastu expert as well Reva Kumar

Have to talk about his wine too

have to taste food

prepare for the 3rd dish too.

We will be back on the show - Kawan Kitchen Mate

Welcome back to Kawan KitchenMate.

Till now we have made two dishes.

One is Punjabi Mac & cheese and the other one is Bhaji Bruschetta

which she has given the name to the dish

The ingredients of third dish are ready but before that it's time to talk to Reva kumar

Unfortunately she is traveling but technology she is in my hand.

Reva ji..

Hello, Harish & Sunaina. How are you?

Hi Reva ji.

I have thouroughly seen the directions of your house.

Man makes the house but house makes a man.

Really it's true according to this house.

Because these type of house are always related with a positive energy

It gives you fame and name

According to vaastu principles,

we have to always focus on the shape of the loft and slope of the loft.

Whenever you take any loft and if you see it's shape is triangular or circular

that is not advisable as vaastu principles

But we can easily rectify the shapes of the lofts with the help lost divine tools

just like any other paramatology .

But all the 4 corners have to be at the 90 degree angle.

If any house is south east facing due to the fire element

in that house you will get a luxury life but at the same time you also negativity.

So for this, i want to give a special solution

If you shift its energy and at the same time if you put a silver wire in your entrance door

on the whole wooden frame so that will also help in cooling off the fire element

and give you the proper result

If you have any direction of South east facing so everyone can take advantage of it.

That's all i want to say

I will meet you very soon

but till then i hope you guys will try to rectify this direction.

Otherwise there is nothing wrong with your house.

Wish you all the best!

Thanks Harish & Sunaina

and Kunal you too.

Thank you, Reva ji.

See you soon in person.

Alright! are you ready for the third finale?

Yes, can't wait.


So now you're bored with Arbi sabzi.

Ate it! Done with it! Finished

I am bored of it.

You are only bored!

With wife or Arbi?

Why with wife! it's been 25 years.

(Laughs) Ok

It's gonna be 25 this month.

So bored with Arbi.

So remove your boredom we will make some apetizers out of your wine.

You please grind this for me.


Now we will make small small tikiya ( cutlets)

Arabi is a very sticky sticky vegetable which we call lacelee in Punjabi.

So no need to add any potatoes, no need to add any binding agent.

No egg, totally vegan dish.

Only it should have cruch on the outside.

For that we will take little cornflour in our hand.

That's it.

You can avoid the cornflour also but i like it

i like little crunch

I have made 3 plain and other 3 i am giving variation

you have leftover of pomogranate seeds.

So i will put pomegranate seeds in other 3

That's all.



hmm Yummy!

Very very interesting

This will add sweetness to it.


Our tikiyas (cutlets) are ready.

This is our arbi kabab or arbi shahi kabab

whatever you wanna call them

We can shallow fry them or deep fry too

also bake in oven

but i think i like the shallow fry one.

That looks delicious!

and they are cooked!

that's great!

You don't have to do much.

It smells amazing

it's already cooked kabab.

Actually i know now what i am taking to the next party.

And please tell them i have made it from leftover arbi.

We will also tell them that we have learned this on Kawan KitchenMate.

Oh very good

So this you have done very good

You are saying on the show but also like us on facebook

and audience, if you're enjoying this

and you think we are doing a good job

please make sure you go on facebook and like our page

Kawan Kitchen Mate.

We made three dishes

first was our Punjabi mac & cheese

second was Bruschetta with bhaji with leftover vegetables

and third is this - shahi kabab made with leftover arbi sabzi

(door rings)

Somebody's here

Oh hi


Oh seema, wow


Hi, i had to be here

I am a big fan of kunal and he is at my friend's house so had to be here

I have been to their home, i have got so many sabzis, all vegetarian btw

Lots of stuff in the fridge

We thought we will make three dishes to use their leftovers

and not go in the garbage can

Yeah ofcourse

He wanted to give his true sense too so he did this amazing wine pairing

Harish, wine goes in a one sentence

So harish, you wanna explain this?

So along with arbi tikiya, sweet wine for apetizer goes very well

For mac & cheese i got a Pinot

For the Pav Bhaji or Bruschetta bhaji as sunaina calls it now

I have a Zinfandel from Sonoma County

Three wine pairing with three food

Let's taste it guys what are we waiting for?

Hmm it's really good

So friends, if you wish that our team comes to your place too

and cook food in fun just like this

Please log on to and send us your entry.

We will come to your place and have a lot of fun

Next week, at the same time and same platform.


For more infomation >> Kawan Kitchen Mate S2 EP 3 - Gagneja Family - Duration: 21:18.


New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 💘💘💘 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 65 - Duration: 12:37.

The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017

For more infomation >> New Nail Art Tutorial 2017 💘💘💘 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 65 - Duration: 12:37.


Africa doesn't need your help if you work in a mall | Arthur Simeon - Duration: 2:05.

The toughest part about being an African

person on this planet is that everyone thinks they're better than us.

All of you think you're better than us.

And the silence – you're like yeah, duh. Of course.

That's not true. Don't get me wrong – some of you are, but not all of you, okay?

And I will explain. I joined a group conversation recently.

A girl noticed my accent. She's like,

"Excuse me. You have a bit of an accent; where are you from?"

I said, oh, I was born and raised in Kampala, Uganda.

She's like, "Oh, amazing coincidence!"

"I just came back from Uganda three weeks ago."

And I was like, oh, did you enjoy your visit to my lovely home country?

She goes, "Oh no no, I wasn't there visiting."

"I was there helping out."

I'm like, oh, did they call you or something?

Like, what is...

She's like, "Oh no no, you don't understand."

"I work at Lululemon at the mall and I took three weeks off

and I went to Uganda to help out." Ah!

Now here's the thing. I grew up in Uganda.

I understand the expertise we need in

so many different areas of life:

medicine, engineering, nursing,

maybe even urban planning, okay?

This girl works at Lululemon at the mall.

Who was looking for tight yoga pants expertise?

Listen! If you work at the mall...

I've lived here long enough to know that if you work at the

mall and you're over the age of 21,

you have already failed in life. You have already failed in life.

Why are you taking your lack of ambition and mediocrity

to a place that already has its problems? No, no no no no no.

You stay right here, stay in your basement apartment, and

stay the hell away from my people.

For more infomation >> Africa doesn't need your help if you work in a mall | Arthur Simeon - Duration: 2:05.


Drop the Mic: Charlie Puth vs Backstreet Boys - SNEAK PEEK | TBS - Duration: 1:08.

Show your love for Chiggy Charlie Puth.

It's AJ, Nick, Bryan, Howie, and Kevin, The Backstreet Boys.

Give it to me, Josh.

[rap beat]

There's an old saying that you're

the dumbest in your youth.

Whoever said that must have met Charlie Puth.

But he can't be that dumb, because he's

a decent songwriter.

But it's almost like if Macklemore

just magically got whiter.

[audience groans]

I'm a bit confused because I'm probably young,

but someone please explain to me how Nick was the cute one.

[audience cheers]

In 2017 that sounds quite bizarre.

You look like David Beckham if he lived in his car.

[audience groans]

You were signed by Ellen off of YouTube.

Does your contract say you have to look like her, too?

[audience groans]

I know in '98 you were treated like gods, yet 20 years later

you're the king of the dad bod.

[audience groans]

VOICEOVER: From executive producer James Corden,

Method Man Hailey Baldwin host of celebrity

the rap battle "Drop the Mic," Tuesdays at 10:30

on TBS and the TBS app.

For more infomation >> Drop the Mic: Charlie Puth vs Backstreet Boys - SNEAK PEEK | TBS - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> IL RESTE SEULEMENT 3 PAYS SANS BANQUE ROTHSCHILD - Duration: 4:23.


The Cannibalistic Mating Ritual of the Praying Mantis - Duration: 2:14.

The praying mantis appears to be such a zen and calm creature.

After all, the prayer is directly in it's name!

But the praying is understandable considering any sexual encounter for the male mantis,

might be fatal.

Praying mantis' are characterized by the unique and specialized behavior of sexual


The sperm transfer process can be quite lengthy, so this means that it's important for a

male to occupy his female partner's' attention for as long as possible.

More time equals more of his own sperm making its way into her reproductive tract AND less

time for other males to have a similar chance.

And one good strategy to maximize his monopoly on a female's' time is by letting her reach

back, rip off his head, and begin to consume it.

Although in some cases a male might try to escape, this may not be in his best biological


You see, while she is enjoying her appetizer, his body continues to rhythmically pump sperm

into her body.

Once she's done eating the head, she will begin to consume the rest of his body, and

all the while his sperm continues to perform the only task that matters to his future biological


By the time a female has finished consuming the male, there is a very good chance that

a significant amount of his sperm is alive and well in her sperm storage organ, and will

be used to sire the next generation.

Although it seems a rather severe way to attain biological fitness, it makes sense seeing

as many of these males will only ever get a few chances at copulation during their lifetimes.

Despite the fact that it's a strategy unlike anything close to what humans would encounter,

it seems to work well for several species of mantis across the world.

I'm sure their future offspring would thank them for taking one for the team.

For more videos about animals that aren't made out of paper, check out this playlist

from our friends at the Dodo.

Don't forget to subscribe, and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> The Cannibalistic Mating Ritual of the Praying Mantis - Duration: 2:14.


BREAKING: FBI Caught In Major Cover-Up, It's All Going Public. - Duration: 3:26.

BREAKING: FBI Caught In Major Cover-Up, It's All Going Public.

Judicial Watch is a government watchdog group that often uses lawsuits to reveal information

to the public.

Their latest investigation is going to flip FBI officials on their heads.

The Department of Justice contacted Judicial Watch to inform them that the FBI located

30 pages of documents.

These pages relate to the meeting between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and

former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

The materials are scheduled to be sent to Judicial Watch no later than November 30th,


The documents are being sent directly to Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information

Act (FOIA) lawsuit, that was filed when the Justice Department disregarded their request

on July 7, 2016.

A number of details are bound to be exposed when information surrounding this meeting

comes out.

Many have wondered about the nature of the meeting, and this instantly throws out the

narrative that Lynch and Clinton gave for the event.

According to the two of them, they met up to talk about golfing and grandkids.

One can't help but wonder how golfing and grandkids produced 30 pages of documentation

— unless that was just a cover story.

Once the information is released, all FD-302 forms under the FBI's investigation into

former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server will be, too.

Allegedly, the meeting between Lynch and Clinton involved details about these servers.

If anyone in the FBI, the office of the President, or the DNC have a communication log within

these 30 pages, that information is included in the request.

This information could help determine if Clinton and Lynch worked on establishing the "grandkids

and golf" alibi before it ever went public.

Finally, all records related to the meeting of Lynch and Clinton will be released to Judicial


This information can further elaborate on motive and foresight.

Initially, the FBI told Judicial Watch that there were no documents or records relevant

to that tarmac meeting.

However, in a similar case, the Justice Department found emails where officials within the department

spoke with the FBI about the event.

As a result of those findings, a letter was sent to Judicial Watch from the FBI reading,

"Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist.

As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened.

Now, the true nature of this meeting is going to be exposed to the public.

There are some that have speculated that the meetings directly involved Hillary Clinton's

private email server.

Others have said that since this meeting happened right before the release of the Benghazi report,

that this may have something to do with that incident where four Americans lost their lives.

Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch has stated, "The FBI is out of control.

It is stunning that the FBI 'found' these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we

caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit."

He continued, "Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI's document

games in court.

In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: FBI Caught In Major Cover-Up, It's All Going Public. - Duration: 3:26.


How Tear Gas Works - Duration: 6:20.

Picture this: You are walking down a long boulevard arm-in-arm with other protesters,

chanting, shouting expletives, expressing your discontent with the day's political

or social concern.

You grow in number as you approach your rendezvous point but halfway through your march, you

are blocked by a wall of riot shields and the heavily geared riot police to make sure

that the protest does not go devastatingly awry.

Unfortunately, things do not go as planned.

Somehow, somewhere, someone started a ruckus and everything begins to fall apart.

What was intended as a peaceful demonstration turned into a riot.

Law enforcers begin to move in to subdue the violence and protesters begin to defend themselves

from potential harm and abuse and, like a silent missile being shot into the sky, a

silver tin canister flies above everyone's heads, a thick, white plume of what seems

to be smoke trailing from behind it.

People begin to disperse as the canister lands with and the thick cloud of smoke-like vapour

begins to spread and thicken.

Panic ensues and people run away from it; those who are unlucky get their senses bombarded

with a stinging sensation that stabs the eyes and constricts the lungs and airways.

It's tear gas.

Tear gas is a collective term for lachrymatory agents that are a mixture of, generally, non-lethal

compounds designed to irritate the respiratory system and, most commonly, the eyes which

may incapacitate anyone with temporary blindness.

These compounds are used by many for self-defence but are most commonly employed by law enforcement

officers and the military to disperse large crowds or in much more dangerous missions.


As mentioned earlier, tear gas is a collective term for a number of different riot control


Despite its misleading namesake, it is not gaseous.

Instead, it is an aerosol mixture of multiple compounds that are referred to as tear producers

or lacrimators.

Among these compounds is Chloroacetophenone or CN which is present in Mace sprays.

Modern tear gas, on the other hand employs other ingredients but can always be traced

back to its most basic ingredient Orthochlorobenzalmalononitrite or CS, a crystalline substance that exudes

a pepper-like odour.

CS was first developed and synthesised in the 1950s and became the replacement of the

much more powerful CN – and, to this day, it is still one of the most go-to, non-lethal

riot control agents.

Though pepper spray may seem to have the same effects as tear gas, they are a little different

because its effects are more inflammatory than lacrimatory.

It is, however, more debilitating but is difficult to disperse and so it is used more commonly

as personal protection against assaults or wild animals.

Despite being a lot less lethal than bullets, tear gas are still powerful irritants that

can, upon contact with the skin, cause severe burning sensations where prolonged exposure

may cause severe rashes and chemical burns.

When the agent reaches the eyes the chemicals begin to react differently as the body begins

to send signals to the brain, activating its natural defences sending out a flood of tears

to wash out the irritant.

This is where tear gas actually got its name.

In severe cases, tear gas victims may experience temporary blindness especially when exposed

to the chemicals for a prolonged period of time.

The chemical compounds in tear gas also have irritating effects to the respiratory system.

When inhaled, the substance kicks the immune system into hyper-drive as the body begins

to produce mucous and induces the person to cough and retch in order to keep the irritants

out of the body and expel any that have entered.

In severe cases, the respiratory system becomes irritated that a person will find himself

or herself having difficulty breathing and his upper respiratory tract tensing up.

However, the damage done by tear gas is, generally, not permanent.

Hours after exposure, the body goes back to normal as the effects subside.

In rare cases where people are in constant, prolonged exposure to the chemicals – especially

those who get severe allergic reactions to certain types of chemicals and substances

– they may develop irreversible damage to the eyes such as glaucoma.

Even worse is death when the substance cause serious chemical burns inside the respiratory

system that leads to cardiac arrest; such was the case of a Palestinian woman in 2011

when she had prolonged exposure to tear gas during a protest at the West Bank.

TEMPORARY RELIEF In the news, people have been photographed

pouring milk over their eyes and faces to alleviate the stinging pain from tear gas.

It has been claimed by many that this home-made remedy has helped in getting rid of the effects

of the lacrimatory agent.

In the protest at Ferguson, demonstrators have been seen entering a local McDonald's

and having milk poured all over their faces.

Activists from Gaza and Israel, on the other hand, combat the fierce effects of tear gas

by washing their faces with cola.

Whatever the method, it would seem that there is an unspoken truth that you should not use

water to wash-off tear gas because not only does it have no effect but it may also increase

the irritation.

Several methods have been shared by people online.

In a flier published by individuals who were part of the 2011 Occupy Movement, they advised

people to use antacids dissolved in water to relieve the body of the effects of the


However, the US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, and the New York

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene hands out much detailed advice on relieving onseself

of the effect of tear gas.

Contrary to popular opinion, these two departments advise individuals who have been affected

by tear gas to wash their eyes with clean water as soon as possible for at least fifteen

minutes in order to completely wash off harmful chemicals.

If the gas has been inhaled, individuals are advised to get out of the affected area immediately

and seek fresh air, breathing in and out, getting as much oxygen as possible.

In cases where medics are present, these professionals may administer asthma medication in order

to help the air passages especially in severe cases.

If tear gas happens to enter through the mouth and ingested, individuals should drink plenty

of water and, if they can, induce vomiting and seek immediate medical attention.

Clothes that have been doused with the chemicals should be washed separately from un-contaminated

clothing and avoid using chlorine-based detergents to prevent harmful chemical reactions that

may mix with CS compounds.

THE LEGALITY OF TEAR GAS While tear gas is considered non-lethal, there

are laws surrounding and controlling the use of the substance.

According to the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, tear gas is strictly banned in warfare

but, in cases where domestic riots are concerned, it is perfectly legal to employ it.

However, one expert pointed out the paradox of the legality of tear gas use.

In a statement made by Sven-Eric Jordt, a Yale University School of Medicine Nerve Gas

expert, he says that "Tear gas under the Geneva Convention is characterized as a chemical

warfare agent, and so it is precluded for use in warfare, but it is used very frequently

against civilians.

That's very illogical."

For more infomation >> How Tear Gas Works - Duration: 6:20.


Chicago's Delicious Mild Sauce Tradition || Food/Groups - Duration: 11:06.

yeah you want to say together like we're boiling one Mouse awesomesauce

yeah I say accordingly responsibly let's start again okay yeah one mouse house


Chicago is a city that adores its food icons you got deep-dish pizza

you gotta tell you beef you have hot dogs dragged through the garden no

ketchup and then last but certainly not least you got mild sauce no one really

knows for sure what's in it is per bar BQ sauce for ketchup maybe hot sauce but

it's a staple condiment in the chicken shacks that dot the city's predominantly

black south and west sides and honestly that's just about all you can find out

about mouth sauce if you're not here sharing a meal with the people who love

it so let's go do that

yo what I what I what has everybody doing today us another episode of my

husband coming live from the basement we got Q to the left we got Sherrod jazz

is actually time and then you also say hello to jazz so he got a real special

guest in the house tonight we got my man his Dave from thrillers and Dave has

never tried a mouse sauce it's unfortunate but if y'all would have

seen Dave's plate he's been missing mild sauce all his life to some Chicagoans

mild sauce is more than a food it's a world view behold the mild sauce podcast

a group of born and raised South and West siders who record weekly broadcasts

on Chicago culture they invited us to their basement studio talk about the

essence of mild sauce which they know better than most sort of only question

what is mild sauce yes we don't know clearly ketchup and it's clearly

barbecue sauce and it's clearly hot sauce it's like some brown sugar and

cinnamon Bob will come out with no name to label just red stuff in a jug

I think mouth sauces boil on yoga

so you come to Chicago is two places that you have to go to get south you'll

stand on the south side you got to go to you there's Harold's but if you're

unfortunate enough to be on the west side then you got to go to Uncle Remus

fur Harold's but you got options so go for what you know when you from Chicago

you you just eat heroes it's just kind of what you do it represents like kind

of being here and in the fact that it's only here that's what makes it special

nothing to me to die hard Harold's connoisseurs like budding chef cliff

Skywalker and comic Larry legend mild sauce is a creative fixation when you

mention chicken you have to talk about this man which is Larry legend this is

my CIC this is my comrade and chicken I'm Who I am and this is my thing I

might have had a mountain I got a little drip of mouth sauce in my bottle I don't


have the six piece tender with lemon pepper mild sauce on the side six piece

fried hard salt pepper mild sauce four to six hour

guys happen it's a ghetto blessing the mild sauce with the mystic that

combination this isn't like the hoods version of Snapple because you got a

nice hero's in your neighborhood you're gonna stay loyal to it you know

you're in a bad heroes first of all like I said you gotta smell it

this amounts on smell if you don't smell that you should get out the gym but it's

my original rules was it was like if it was too clean don't go if it was a take

if they take card don't go but it's 2017 that's like if you don't do these things

are you open I'll tell you one thing is good about Uncle Remus it's the second

best heroes in Chicago like it's the second best one Savage it's pretty good

the Great Debaters who who invented my outside a lot of people have my loss but

trust I believe we're the originals so it really was ketchup and hot sauce kind

of mixed together 30 40 or more years ago and then it started as it being kind

of a barbecue sauce base and then we would add a little something-something

to it you want to know how we make our sauce yeah and I would tell you I have

to kill you so the recipe is a mystery despite that it may be because of it

Remus's fans are legion among them Joe fresh goods the designer behind the

Thank You Obama clothing line modeled by none other than chance the rapper and

the co-founder of local creative space phat tiger workshop I think the the

beauty of mouse house is that just with a drench your food in it you know Uncle

Remus sauce is a lot sweeter I don't know if they use brown sugar or web but

it just seems you can distinctly tell when you're the Uncle Remus just by the

sauce or whatever I think Uncle Remus probably deserves a

little bit more credit in the city I got their Uncle Remus and heroes like

Biggie and Tupac we're just like biggie we'll Bianca

Remus like he only had like two albums yeah whatever but - fuck I have way more

sons holistic exactly sirs like that that's like that will be arrow it's

important for like businesses like Uncle Remus me a lot of artists like chance

the rapper and big mentor to like stay in Chicago because it shows that you can

make it here and I just think if people saw like that's more like black

businesses or businesses around there like owned by people that look like us

that you could do it to you know we love Chicago right but Chicago is very

segregated it's just part of like black culture for us to be low man and a totem

pole so to speak but so much of our culture has become American culture when

it comes to my sauce I think one of the low key things about it that gives us so

much pride in it is that is unique to us in his ours that's a big reason why we

don't know what's in it like there is no ingredient list for mouse sauce because

anybody can have it you can gentrify all of Chicago but you're not gonna know

exactly what's in it because it's ours

first defense against food deserts when the white folk wouldn't sling us burgers

you gave no fuck stuck your golden ringed hand into the flower and fix the

bird you first example of black flight original innovation of deep fried you

beef tallow city slick and down-home migration taste Nate Marshall is an

award-winning poet from the south side we linked up with him to discuss the

literary socio-economic and personal weight of Chicago's mild sauce legacy

why do you think that mild smells like has resisted appropriation so well here

segregation housing segregation has has shaped the way that some of these like

culinary traditions have been able to stay kind of insular its racism in the

sense that McDonald's can be everywhere like on every on every Road in in every

hamlet in America when Harold Pierce was starting heralds he likely did not have

the same imagination for possibility because that that isn't that's not sort

of the nature of black life right like Harold's is in so many ways it's a

response to so like racial violence on top of that that baseline grammar of

like you know chicken and we got to prepare food to like address the needs

of a community that needs food like that's where the improvisation can

happen you know to be black in the Mississippi Delta is a different thing

than to be black DC or Chicago right if I can sort of think about it

metaphorically for me if blackness is the chicken then mile sauce is like our

little specific approach of course your sauce sweet and burn at the same time of

course you call it mild so white folk won't know to fear until it's too late

you know corporate structure just black business model they earned the recipe

and go make it their own

thank you all for coming out enjoy partake in a dark time in Chicago coming

to an end we met back up with cliff Larry and their friends for one last

mild sauce drenched no it's my only time

if you ain't as fast

at the end of the day mouth sauce is a group of friends it's family come

together putting aside whatever issues you have just sitting it down having

chicken and mouse cells and just having a good time enjoying each other's time

and forgetting about all the troubles that you're going through it's just

happiness in Chicago

every cut of crow you grow in the grease is dark meat the whole Shack shaking

drenched in mild sauce sweet spirit baptized

hey guys I hope you enjoyed the episode of food groups you just watch give me a

few favors if you would subscribe to our YouTube channel right here watch this

video right here and if you still got a little time like and comment below

For more infomation >> Chicago's Delicious Mild Sauce Tradition || Food/Groups - Duration: 11:06.


This Isn't A Cure | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 5:38.

Hey everyone, welcome to #SpinaBifida.


Okay just sit back, try to relax because

we're gunna get into some stuff that has really annoyed me.

A lot of you have been sending me this article

which it will be in the description below

of this family in Canada their kid has Spina Bifida.

And their kid has surgery in utero to treat their Spina Bifida.

Now before I continue,

for those of you watching my video

that may not know my channel or know me

I am 25 years old and I have

Spina Bifida Lipomyelomeningocele.

And I got a lot of opinions about this article.

I'm looking at my computer as well to read the article.

So this article starts off with it's title saying

"Surgeons repair Spina Bifida in fetus for 1st time in Canada hospital says."

First off this title is garbage.

It's misleading because you can't repair Spina Bifida.

You can just treat it.

And the first part of the article does say

"For the first time in Canada a team of surgeons has

successfully performed in utero surgery

to repair a form of Spina Bifida."

You didn't repair it, you just treated it.

It goes on explaining the family, they found out

um at the 20 week mark

that their kid has Spina Bifida, specifically Myelomeningocele.

And they were basically devastated.

The doctors made it seem like their kid was

gunna have a hard life.

They felt like their kid has no future.

And so they went for this surgery.

The story goes on to say that the surgery was successful

in treating the Spina Bifida.

And the parents are happy, they now see

a future for their kid.

They said things and I quote

"Our baby is doing very normal baby things now".

I absolutely hate this article.

And it's not because of the baby having this surgery.

It's because of the way the article is presented

and the way the parents are learning about Spina Bifida.

And thinking about Spina Bifida.

First off, your kid still has Spina Bifida.

The surgery in utero just treated it and

yes it's great that, that surgery is becoming a new thing.

Because it can help prevent other things that

that Spina Bifida causes later in life.

But your kid still has Spina Bifida.

They're not cured of it.

And second, your kid having Spina Bifida is not

a bad thing.

This article frustrates me because it's so

rooted in ableism.

Everyone is making it out to seem

that this kid is going to live a horrible life

because they're disabled.

And that's not true.

Disabled people live shitty lives because

abled bodies make this world inaccessible to us.

They don't provide accessibility for us

which makes our lives difficult.

But I for one have had Spina Bifida my entire life,

I was born with it, I've had 12 surgeries

on my back and 1 on my brain.

And I still live a fantastic and happy life.

Yes, my life is difficult with Spina Bifida but

what life isn't difficult?

So for this article to just come out and say

all these things saying that "we fixed Spina Bifida"

"We fixed this baby and it's going to have a great life now"

That's a shitty way to look at it.

That baby still has Spina Bifida.

You still need to care for your Disabled child

and disabled is not a bad word mind you.

This surgery isn't a cure all but it's an advancement

in treating Spina Bifida.

Because surgeries are treatments for Spina Bifida.

And also surgeries aren't necessary to treat Spina Bifida.

I know a lot of people with this disability that

don't get surgery.

It just depends.

And the article talks about too that this hospital

in Canada that did this surgery

said that because of this surgery children were half as likely

to need walking aids or wheelchairs.

Again this article is frustrating because they're

making it seem like aids and wheelchairs are a negative thing.

They're not bad.

If your kid needs a wheelchair or needs and aid

that's a good thing because that means there are aids

to help them live independently, live more freely.

So I know a lot of you have sent me this article

in the sense of look at this advancement in

technology and yeah it is cool that now

you can do in utero surgeries to treat Spina Bifida but

it doesn't cure Spina Bifida and it doesn't help

the lives of people with Spina Bifida when

these articles are written and they're so rooted in ableism.

And making Spina Bifida out to be a horrible thing and

and making disability and mobility aids

as a horrible thing.

I know everyone like to talk

so openly about Canada being so progressive

but there are things that come out of Canada too

that are just as ableist as the US.

And we need to acknowledge that.

So I'm happy that this baby got treated for their Spina Bifida

what I'm not happy is that this baby is going to be

surrounded by these ableist thoughts.

By their doctors and their parents are getting

fed these ableist thoughts.

If you're a new parent and your kid has Spina Bifida

I highly encourage you to look for voices

who have Spina Bifida.

Myself, Tatiana Lee, there's so many people with

Spina Bifida that create content online to educate

about our disability.

We don't live horrible lives

as much as doctors want to make it seem like we do.

Anyway that's my feelings on it.

I'm not very happy with the article.

You can read it if you want.

I think it shows a lot that more abled bodied people

need to listen to disabled voices.

And need to listen to voices that have Spina Bifida

because we don't live sad lives, we live good lives.

They're difficult but you know what they're our lives.

And what we need from you is not your ableism.

We need accessibility.

That's all I have for you for today on #SpinaBifida.

If yo link my work and wanna help support me

please considering donating to my Patreon or PayPal.

And I will see all of you next time.


For more infomation >> This Isn't A Cure | #SpinaBifida - Duration: 5:38.


스페인 카탈루냐 지도 그리고 그들이 독립하려는 이유.|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 스페인 카탈루냐 지도 그리고 그들이 독립하려는 이유.|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:31.


aleX – An adaptable learning environment - Duration: 3:00.

In contrast to the "one-size-fits-all" principle, adaptive learning systems consider

each individual user

by adapting the presentation, navigation, structure and content of the user interface

to their needs and abilities.

Parameterizations can be of different complexity and contain static settings

as well as dynamic adaptations

based on measured influencing factors and predefined adaptation rules in real time.

We distinguish between adaptable systems that respond to user-led changes and adaptive systems

that influence system behavior through system-driven dynamic decisions.

In general, implementation strategies can look very different.

"aleX" is an adaptable prototype that provides a user-centric approach

ensuring individual access to information and a positive user experience.

It considers the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as well as universal design principles and

is implemented as a responsive user interface.

The design concept addresses the expectations of people with disabilities,

who approach a system with more detailed requirements.

Likewise, a modern design with a focus on essential information and simple navigation

is also considered.

I will now show by using the settings page how the application can be adapted to individual

needs and preferences

and made more accessible for each individual user.

Changes are made through static settings, which are divided into four categories.

The Presentation-Tab includes the visual customizations of the user interface.

Here text and color settings can be made.

For better usability, the settings of the representation can be reset directly.

The Navigation-Tab includes settings for simplifying the page structure, navigation and various

input and output modalities.

The Media-Tab can be used to customize the multimedia of the website and supplement it

with additional media alternatives

such as transcripts, subtitles and preferred text formats.

In the Language tab, additional language options are provided in easy language, sign language

and in form of pictograms.

To not only apply the user's settings once, but save them for continuous use,

JSON-based user contexts are created in the form of a set of preference terms.

These are maintained in the OpenAPE framework and can be read and updated via a Webservice-based

REST-interface for the logged-in user.

Possible user contexts can look like the following.

Try out, which settings would be interesting for you.

For more infomation >> aleX – An adaptable learning environment - Duration: 3:00.


Alessandra Ambrosio: Verlässt Alessandra Ambrosio ihre „Victoria's Secret"-Engel? - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Ambrosio: Verlässt Alessandra Ambrosio ihre „Victoria's Secret"-Engel? - Duration: 3:02.


Interior Design Tips: 3 things you need to style your coffee table - Duration: 2:39.

I love styling coffee tables and bookshelves and fireplace mantles. I find

myself arranging interesting objects throughout my home constantly, playing

with scale, texture, and color. I love it and my clients always ask me to

rearrange their shelves when I come over which I love too. There's lots of rules

of thumb for this sort of thing and there's always the main elements of

design to consider (scale, color, texture, etc.) but I usually tell my clients you

only need three things to get started.

Something boxy! And by boxy i mean square, flat and stackable. This is why

coffee table books were invented! You'll need at least two but not more than five

and stack them so that the largest is on the bottom. If you're not a book person,

boxes are perfect so keep them similar in color and style and then just stack

them. Next up you'll need something round. It could be a beautiful bowl, a great

round clear vase, a round tray or a big round floral arrangement. The idea is to

mix in something that is opposite to boxy and square. It creates what we

designers call balance. And finally you'll need something tall. An orchid is

a beautiful tall feature on a coffee table or cut flowers in a narrow tall

vase. It could be a tall vase on its own or a tall sculptural piece. Basically you

need to add some visual height to your coffee table landscape. And keep this

item to one singular piece. You want one tower not a cityscape of towers. And

that's it. That's how simple it can be! As you arrange your coffee table landscape

make sure to move around the table and look at it from various angles. Of course

it can be much more involved and complicated but this is a great starting

point. As you get more comfortable with these three things you can add the next

thing that I always try to include: something quirk! You'll see it in some

of the examples I've shown you. It's usually small and perhaps a little odd

or out of place. It's something your guests will want the story behind.

So here's your take away: start with three things - boxy, round, and tall. Arrange

them as you move around your coffee table. Then add a special quirk! Your

coffee table will be so happy over all the attention! Thanks for watching this

little design tip. We'll have lots more design tips just like this one coming

soon so don't forget to subscribe! And if you like this video please give it a

thumbs up. See you soon.

For more infomation >> Interior Design Tips: 3 things you need to style your coffee table - Duration: 2:39.


How To Counter Blasters guns In Brawlhalla - Duration: 3:37.

Hey brawlhallers, berthen here with a short and simple guide on how to counter blasters.

Against any weapon, you want to start by identifying their strongest point.

For blasters I would say it is the ground game.

Side light has crazy range, downlight is crazy strong and combos into side air or over 30

damage, nlight is fast and has low recovery frames with a lot of active frames to cover

the front, and then we have down air which covers that spot right below them.

So most weapons have a pretty hard time fighting blasters head on from the ground, so I recommend

just avoiding the area in general.

That's why it's best to approach them diagonally if you can.

They have nothing they can do against you when you diagonal of them.

The closest they can do is jump into recovery while moving side to side, but the hitbox

for it is very small and mostly straight above them.

Most blasters light attacks have above the average recovery of most weapons in the game.

Only exceptions are Nlight and nair, avoid punishing those unless you have a good position

to do so but you can try to punish almost everything else most of the time.

Try to set yourself into a good position before hand by baiting out those moves.

If you try to force an attack onto the enemy and then they dodge and retaliate, you have

very little time to punish.

But if you just move into their range and then out again by dodging, jumping or just

moving backwards, then they will be likely to attack you, at that point, you have the

greatest chance of landing a punish on them by using dash in punish or just a long reaching


When you're high in damage, don't jump too high up, like more than 1 jump height.

Most blasters attacks have very little force except for recovery so that's what they'll

fish for when you're low.

Bait that out and then punish it by staying around ground level and not jumping too high.

They'll even usually go for signatures a lot when you're high in damage because of

this so be prepared to dodge the legend's blaster signatures and punish as well.

So those are the main ways to play against blasters to win.

There are weapons that can do these things better than others.

Even though any weapon can still beat any weapon.

These weapons I'm about to show you are the ones that has an easier time against blasters.

The easiest weapon against blasters is hands down katars.

With katars, you almost never approach from head on.

It's usually jump into down air or if the enemy is jumping then dash forward into dlight.

Blasters have very little ways to deal with approaches from diagonal angles like that.

On top of all that, on average, katars has the best start up times in the game, makes

it pretty easy to punish blasters long recovery time attacks.

Similarly, bow, scythe and sword can do these things but not as well.

They're pretty fast and can hit diagonally.

Spear can be good too but takes a bit more practice.

You have to be good with using dash in Nlight because the spear nlight is one of the faster

start up attacks in the game while having really good range.

It also has down light which is a diagonal approach against the blasters.

Basically, just think diagonal approaches and punish options and that's how you beat


I hope this video helps you beat blasters, leave a like and subscribe if you learned

from this video.

Thanks for watching and good luck beating blasters.

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