Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

For more infomation >> Introduction of Science Bharti - Duration: 1:40.


My Response to the Hate... - Duration: 5:24.

The haters have been talking

I've gotten a lot of great support from you guys on YouTube. I can't express enough how grateful

I am but when one voice comes out louder than all the others I gotta respond and

It sucks. I know I don't want to give this guy the time of day to dedicate an entire video to him

But that's what I'm gonna do because on my first and only

video of myself chugging something very quickly okay water in that video I got a

Delightful comment by the user known as bubby flub kids

And stupid name anyway, this guy says you're really dumb

It's not dangerous

And you are able to teach yourself to be able to drink a lot of water

Try downing one in three seconds I bet you can't do that dammit

Alright listen here, buddy. I just say bubby. I listen here, bubby I

Can do that one water in three seconds come on man is that is very serious look

I put a disclaimer before my video because you have to become stupid to drink five waters in one minute

I did I did that

I can't I don't I don't see you doing that on your YouTube channel

So if you want to do that send me that video, I'll happily watch. I don't want to encourage you to do it

Don't do it but again


Don't come at me like that alright, so look. I just spent $2 for this video. That's $2

I wish I could have it back honestly

I wish I didn't have to spend $2 to make this video alright

Buddy look you told me to drink one water bottle. I raised you to - alright. I'm sorry for this lighting

You know if you guys can't tell it's like nighttime right now, but anyways

in this stupid area because

Community park it's taken. So thank you guys. It's right over there. I can see it from here. It's torture. I'm sorry. It's okay

I'm gonna take two water bottles and it's the first time

I'm ever gonna put a cut in the middle between my two waters because I want you to be able to see

That I'm drinking two waters in three seconds I could do three in three seconds

I'm just gonna do two because I'm done like I said I'm done chugging. I'm no more

Drinking water fast. I don't want to do it. It's stupid, and there's no end we little one up myself for

Like almost killing myself and drinking five waters in a minute so alright look two waters three seconds, okay?

I mean I'm gonna start on the first one right now

Hicaps, I'm done, okay?

There's that that was easy right here's a second one okay, really don't want to do this, it's like it

It's not fun to be making this video

And I've done three in three seconds if I find that clip and I can download it off Instagram

I'll post it in this video to show you to prove to you that I can actually do three

What I'm just gonna do it again to show you I've still got it, okay?

I'm a couple years older than when I posted this video on Instagram, but I still got it look I'm 22

I'm at my peak cuz I know I'm only going downhill from here, so second one this one. See you buddy


Haters come at me relentlessly rice gum fans will put L on my video

Now people will say are you gay because you you post a pink filter and Instagram photos yeah, man, I use a pink filter

So that automatically means, I'm gay

Maybe the color pink is just cool dog alright

Or pink shirts my shirt in my videos people would go that's lame. Is it. I think it's pretty cool

Stupid fucking lighting. I'm sorry about that guys anyways to buddy or bubby whatever your name is you?

Dude Congrats, okay you post a comment on my video

I'm not telling you to try to get back at me. You know you're not gonna be able to match this dog

But thanks, thanks for the attention you're not successful if you don't have haters, so thanks for being here

Buddy cuz you're the first one that's notable

How a lot of haters, but you're the first one that you know is I've acknowledged in my video

So buddy. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what else to say I could talk

I'm not gonna do that I'm a classy guy. Okay bleep out curse words my videos

family-friendly PG clean as Jay Paul would say

But uh yeah, so my this is my

announcement of my formal retire

From chugging on YouTube after only two videos, and it's my audience

Thank you guys for the support really. I can't I can't say enough about how lucky. I am to have you guys in my fans

Which sounds so pretentious to say, but whatever okay? There's a hundred you guys out there and

III I love you guys okay?

And if you enjoy my videos you know Q to yourself you can show your friends

I'm not gonna be the guy to tell you what to do, but if you support me I

Love you, baby. Okay, leave a comment while responding your comment probably with a heart or something

But uh, I love you guys

until the next video

For more infomation >> My Response to the Hate... - Duration: 5:24.



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE KANAL İSMİ DEĞİŞTİRME NASIL YAPILIR..2017 - Duration: 2:33.


Huge Upgrade Of Expanded Consciousness Is Leading To Light Body Formation - Duration: 6:28.

Huge Upgrade Of Expanded Consciousness Is Leading To Light Body Formation

by Diane Canfield,

Beloved Tribe,

We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen.

All is being revealed and all secrets will be brought to the LIGHT.

When this happens, it happens not only in 3D but also in every community on earth including

the spiritual community.

The false lights will also be brought into the open as they will no longer be able to

spread their agenda.

As a psychic I know when things are coming in and where they will end up.

This is a gift that I have had my entire life, seeing how things will play out in the future

depending on the timeline selected.

This past month since the 10/10 WAVE we have experienced massive upgrades to our consciousness

that works to build the light body.

Light body Consciousness goes far beyond 3D and anything most people have ever experienced.

It streams the beings consciousness into the 5th dimension and beyond.

The being then starts to experience other realities other than the third dimension.

This is now an indicator you are building your light body and expanding your consciousness.

As we raise consciousness our light body builds.

We must raise our consciousness first and then with each new level we have reached,

there is a building to the light body.

This is the aches, pains and symptoms we experience is the light body expansion.

As more of the light body builds, these aches and pains become less.

A huge symptom of our light body transformation in NOW Underway, which starts in attaining

higher levels of consciousness and becomes the PUSH to become more authentic and for

others to do the same.

The cardboard copy that has existed for eons of all of society to adhere to the program

that we are all the same is now being washed away.

We in fact are all unique.

This is why we came to planet earth at this time.

Each persons unique qualities makes them needed for the expansion we are in.

As we become more of our authentic self, it opens the GATEWAY for others to do the same.

This push to become AUTHENTIC also comes along with a mighty push to tell the TRUTH and for

others to do the same.

Many are experiencing these NEW symptoms and the ones I will mention next.

Many will now start to pull away from the ones in the spiritual community who are still

spreading false light because they will understand there is no truth or authenticity to their


They will now start to be able to read between the lines and see the agenda of those that

are still stuck and wanting to keep others stuck where they are.

This will become more and more intense for everyone over the next year.

Some other NEW consciousness rising symptoms I have noticed are increased awareness of

food and how it relates to the body and the building of the body into the light body.

Many have been health conscious already but this is a new awareness that has kicked in

and will now begin to escalate for many.

The light body that is activated now guides us through this process, guiding us on what

is best to build the body of light.

There is a large portion of beings now that will and have stopped eating most meats.

This will now start to become more and more of the population.

If you are guided to change your diet to more plant based, I advise to start slowly cutting

down on foods you no longer want and gradually adding more foods you do.

This is the easiest way to transition in and out of something and the easiest on the body

and the consciousness.

We want to do everything within ourselves in the most loving way we can.

Our body reacts to how we treat it, so this is a very important step to take things slow

and integrate changes slowly.

The body we have now is already light body infused so what we did before will no longer

work for our new body that is in the middle of the transition into the light body.

I talked one year ago about how the US and the world would be in for some big changes

and I reposted on October 17 how the changes were now ready to come through.

We will see more and more intense changes happening in society as we all upgrade to

a higher level of awareness than has ever been done before.

This will change society into the kind of paradise we all want but have not been able

to have.

This can be accomplished by the removal of the dark forces that have been in charge for

so long.

In the recent past they have gained power because they were able to convince many of

the people their programs were for their own good.

Many of the people did not realize that it was exactly the opposite, they were only good

for the dark side to gain more power and control.

As we have seen in the media now many of these dark forces are being brought into the light.

This will continue and it will pass through every section of society leaving no stone


Many dark minions are outing others and this will continue as the minions start to turn

on each other.

As 3D society and the spiritual community continue to receive upgrades their consciousness

will continue to expand, bringing more light into the light body.

To become ONE with the light we must tell the truth and honor our authenticity above

all else.

This is the path to expanded consciousness and the light body transformation happening


Truth is what we seek and what we yearn for.

Now more and more will be able to see truth for themselves and discard all that is not


This is the way to activate higher consciousness and the light body.

The New Earth is being built as an overlay right on top of our 3D earth, as the 3D earth

upgrades we become ONE with our NEW Earth.

Our Friends, our galactic brothers and sisters consciousness is already expanded and they

can move in and out of the light body at will.

They are waiting for us to catch up !

I love you all !

For more infomation >> Huge Upgrade Of Expanded Consciousness Is Leading To Light Body Formation - Duration: 6:28.


Top 10 Superheroes With Hot Girlfriends - Part 2 - Duration: 6:48.


Hey guys!

Welcome back to top 10 nerd.

I'm your host Kelly Paoli, and today, we're taking another journey to the land of attractive

comic book characters - yes, that's a hypothetical place, just go with it - the top 10 superheroes

who have HOT GIRLFRIENDS - part 2!

Didn't see part 1?

Wanna oogle at the hottest of the hot?

Well, head on over there after this video.

But in the meantime, get ready to get sexy, and debate which one of Peter Parker's girlfriends

is actually hotter.

There's an obvious winner though, guys.

Just saying.

10 Thor - Jane Foster Let's start off this list with a character

created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby, Jane Foster.

Jane started off as a nurse who worked for Doctor Donald Blake, the human host created

by Odin for Thor.

In 2014 she became worthy of wielding Mjolnir, and became the female Thor when the original

Thor was no longer able to wield it.

And whether or not your a fan of the arc, you can't deny that isn't impressive.

Talk about character growth.

9 Luke Cage - She Hulk Most people will probably consider Luke Cage

and Jessica Jones end game (in the comics, very specifically in the comics there, you


But Luke has also dated other babes in the Marvel universe, including the sensational


The two dated when she was doing some legal work for Heroes for Hire.

Incredibly intelligent, confident and assertive, She Hulk aka Jennifer Walters has a great

sense of humour and is super feisty.

She Hulk also has been branded with being a bit promiscuous, which is something she

points out on multiple occasions, noting the double standard.

Regardless of all that, she's done some good work in the superhero community and beyond,

practicing as a lawyer who takes on cases that tend to deal with the rights of minorities,

civi liberties and the mentally ill.

8 Adam Warlock and Gamora Speaking of green!

While fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy films are rooting for the ever blossoming

romance between Peter Quill and Gamora, fans of Gamora in the comics know that she was

in a relationship with Adam Warlock, and the two even teamed up to take down Thanos.

And during Infinity Watch, they even raised a cosmic being together.

How cute.

Gamora has been through a lot of crap early in her life, no thanks to Thanos, but the

character has come a long way since then, gaining the reputation of "the deadliest

women in the whole galaxy."

7 Vegeta - Bulma We occasionally talk about Dragonball Z on

this channel, so we figured it's only fair that the DBZ characters are equally objectified.

Am I right?

Jokes aside, I think it's fair to say that the romance between Vegeta and Bulma was a

happy surprise, and a lot of people dug their relationship.

Plus, it produced Trunks, so I mean, how could you not like them together?

Bulma is probably the most consistent and interesting of all the female characters in

the anime, and fans got to see her evolve from a teenager to a strong independent woman,

capable of bagging herself a wild stallion like Vegeta.

Yep, I called him a wild stallion.

Don't worry, I'm embarrassed for me too.

6 Peter Parker - Gwen Stacey Many fans out there feel like Gwen Stacey

was Peter's one true love.

Had she not died/was murdered by the Green Goblin, the two would've stood a chance.

Stan Lee has actually said of the character that she was suppose to be Peter's main

love interest, but, I quote, "no matter how we wrote it, Mary Jane always seemed more


Also, there's that weird arc after Gwen died where it was revealed that she had hooked

up with Norman Osborn and had his kids prior to kicking the bucket.

Anyway, she's still super hot, and even if you didn't like the Amazing Spider-Man,

2 words.

Emma Stone.

5 Comet and Supergirl So here's an awkward one for you all.

Comet is Supergirl's Super-horse.

He's briefly turned into a human named Bill Starr, and the two get into a relationship.

Super weird.

But she's still hot so….moving on?

4 Gambit - Rogue Getting back to some much needed normalcy

again, let's discuss the sometimes annoying Gambit and the ever attractive, ever powerful,


These two ooze sex appeal.

While Gambit has a tendency to be a hate-him or love-him character, fans can't get enough

of his relationship with Rogue.

Their flirtatious chemistry is compelling, they occasionally make sex jokes, they both

pack a serious punch, and they're both incredibly hot.

Match made in heaven, really.

And to many readers who don't follow their arcs religiously, most people are more familiar

with their relationship narratives rather than their actual history fighting evil.

3 Peter Parker - MJ Let's talk about Peter Parker's endgame

girl, Mary Jane Watson.

I'm sorry, Gwen Stacey fans.

Really, I am.

Gwen's great.

Minus that whole norman osborne thing I mentioned earlier.

Sorry for bringing it up again.

Despite that, both ladies have extraordinary qualities.

But MJ just had to get a higher spot on this list.

I mean, he marries her.

Kind of a big deal.

This total red-headed babe is undeniably attractive, and the chemistry between her and Peter is


And can we take a quick second to discuss how great of a choice Zendaya playing MJ is

in the new Spider-Man Homecoming film?

Into it.

2 Captain America - Peggy Carter Despite whether or not you currently have

mixed feelings about Cap, you can't deny that Peggy Carter is amazing.

This sentiment is perhaps more so from the Agent Carter television show though.

Originally, in the comics, Peggy joins the French Resistance as a young woman, where

she meets Captain America and goes on a few missions with him.

Their romance is short lived though, with an exploding shell giving her amnesia, and

she returns to Virginia to live with her parents.

I think I'll stick with Hayley Atwell's portrayal instead.

1 Harley Quinn - Poison Ivy These days, Harley's been putting on her

heroic pants since DC Rebirth.

Or rather anti-heroic pants.

Shorts, actually.


Her and Ivy's relationship has been blossoming recently, too, and they have quite the history,

with many fans picking up on some pretty heavy subtext.

Now, I'm sure there's some of you out there who are team Joker - and fair enough.

But Harvey and Ivy are officially cannon, too.

While the two were an item in DC Bombshells, it's only recently in Aug 2017's Harley

Quinn #25 that the two shared a kiss, and back in 2015, Harley Quinn writers Amanda

Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti had confirmed that the two were a couple when they tweeted out

"Yes, they are girlfriends without the jealousy of monogamy."

I don't think I need to tell you why either of these two ladies are hot, especially Poison


I mean, I think it's pretty self explanatory.

There we have it friends!

Who from this list and our part 1 do you think has the hottest girlfriend?

And who do you think is undeserving of the lovely lady they're with?

Let us know in those comments below.

But for now, I've been kelly paoli for top 10 nerd, and I'll catch you guys in the

next one!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Superheroes With Hot Girlfriends - Part 2 - Duration: 6:48.


Mothers of football stars - who she beautiful ? #Part 1 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Mothers of football stars - who she beautiful ? #Part 1 - Duration: 2:27.


Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2017 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 2:05:53.

Title: Cafe Music & Cafe Music Playlist: Best of Bossa Nova & Jazz BGM Cafe Music Compilation Jazz Mix

For more infomation >> Starbucks Music: Best of Starbucks Music Playlist 2017 and Starbucks Music Playlist Youtube - Duration: 2:05:53.


21 Savage - Bank Account (Official Music Video) REACTION!! - Duration: 8:22.

100 Subscriber Special Coming Soon.....

I like booty

For more infomation >> 21 Savage - Bank Account (Official Music Video) REACTION!! - Duration: 8:22.


Boomer: The ace from Down Under: Huey, Dewey and Louie! - Duration: 0:34.

Can you guys see if there's anything behind us?

How do you expect me to turn my head around to check?


I don´t even know how the fuck we got in here!

For more infomation >> Boomer: The ace from Down Under: Huey, Dewey and Louie! - Duration: 0:34.


What If Slender Man Was Real? - Duration: 4:51.

What if The Slender Man was Real Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions,

I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

We're on Patreon now, stay tuned to the end to hear more about how you can help out and

make your voice heard!

While he was first referenced in a 2009 creepypasta, Slender man truly emerged into pop culture

with the first Slender game in 2012.

People around the world were terrified that this child murdering creature might be around

the corner.

Today we'll explore the terrifying reality of a world with a real life Slender Man.

Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if The Slender Man was real?

Slender man is generally depicted as a tall, pale man with no face who is, unsurprisingly,

very slender.

He also often has a number of tentacles or tendrils coming from his back.

According to the original creator of first Slender Man photos, Eric Knudsen, he was designed

to, quote, Formulate something whose motivations can barely be comprehended, and which caused

unease and terror in a general population".

And based on the way the game makes people feel, he succeeded.

Slender Man is terrifying.

Given that many people are unable to even finish the video game with him chasing them,

most of us would be pretty useless if he was after us in real life.

And you can bet we won't be stopping to pick up any pieces of paper.

One particularly unsettling aspect of Slender Man is that he is believed to specifically

pursue people who have become more paranoid about his existence, similar to Freddie Krueger.

This is a concept that was used to great effect in the Elm Street films, and it's scary for

a reason.

Trying not to think of something is a great way to think of exactly that thing, and trying

not to be paranoid about a terrifying creature coming to kill you is damn near impossible.

And if he was real... you can bet there would be an awful lot of paranoid people out there.

But being killed isn't the only thing to worry about if you're being pursued by the big guy.

Some stories say that he has the ability to control one's mind with telepathy, and cause

sickness due to Sigma Radiation emitted by his body.

He also seems to have some sort of teleportation ability, which would make escaping him in

real life very difficult.

While these things would make him absolutely horrifying in real life, he has managed to

cause harm to people even as a fictional character.

In 2014, two 12 year old girls went on a mission to prove themselves to Slender Man.

In the end, they lured one of their friends into the woods and stabbed her 19 times.

Thankfully, their friend managed to survive, and the pair was later caught and sent to

a mental institution, having been found not guilty by reason of mental defect.

This has some pretty terrifying implications if Slender Man was real: would he gain a following?

Would people begin to support him and his actions?

It may seem unlikely, but the following gained by murderers like Charles Manson indicates

that there's a good chance The Slender Man would find himself with a number of deranged

disciples like these two girls.

If Slender Man was, in fact, real, life would likely change somewhat.

It's possible that a curfew would be instated for children, particularly in areas where

The Slender Man is known to hunt.

Since he tends to attack children, and tends to hunt at night, this would be an effective

way of limiting his kills.

Unfortunately, some believe that the fact that it suddenly turns to night when you come

within his vicinity points to him having control of the day and night cycle.

This, however, may just be a choice by the game developers, and not true lore.

Despite the dangers posed by Slender Man, it may be that he just wouldn't be a big deal.

If you think about it, he's just a scarier-looking serial killer, who attacks rather infrequently.

It could be that this would just become one of those things that people assume only happens

to other people, similar to how acts of terrorism are perceived right now.

It may be that we would be better off worrying about drunk drivers than Slender Man.

However, as a seemingly supernatural being, it may be that his powers and terrifying appearance

cause him to be feared even more, similar to the surprisingly infrequent shark attacks

that are still feared by most people.

Finally, it should be noted that some believe that Slender Man isn't the evil creature many

claim him to be.

There are a number of theories about the creature, many of which attempt to frame him as a noble


Some believe that he is able to foresee disaster, and saves people from a horrific or painful

death by giving them a quick and painless one.

Unfortunately, this seems pretty unlikely, due to his propensity to impale and dissect

his victims in a pretty brutal way.

But it's an interesting thought.

And now we return to our question: What if The Slender Man was Real?

Well, it probably goes without saying that the world would be a lot scarier.

Considering he manages to bring about evil as an urban legend, a real Slender Man would

be even more lethal.

With a mysterious and murderous creature out to hunt kids down at night, kids might be

kept indoors after dark, and people would be far less inclined to go camping.

That said, you would still probably be more likely to die in a car accident than at the

hands of Slender Man, so it may not change the world too much in the long run.

On the bright side, the odds of Slender Man being real are fairly slim.

So don't worry too much.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know what you would do if Slender Man was chasing you.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If Slender Man Was Real? - Duration: 4:51.


After Slamming Bitcoin As A Money Laundering Tool, JPMorgan Busted For Money Laundering - Duration: 2:17.

After Slamming Bitcoin As A Money Laundering Tool, JPMorgan Busted For Money Laundering

by Tyler Durden,

Two months after JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon lashed out at bitcoin, calling it a "fraud"

which is "worse than tulip bulbs, warning it won't end well", will "blow up" and "someone

is going to get killed" and threatened that "any trader trading bitcoin" will be "fired

for being stupid" as it was merely a tool for money-laundering, today Swiss daily Handelszeitung

reported that the Swiss subsidiary of JPMorgan was sanctioned by the Swiss regulator, FINMA,

over money laundering and "seriously violating supervision laws."

As the newspaper adds, the Swiss sanctions relate to breaches of due diligence in connection

with money laundering standards.

In other words, JPMorgan was actively aiding and abeting criminal money laundering.

The report further notes, the Finma decision was issued on June 30 and should have been

published the following week but JPMorganm tried to prevent the publication of the judgment.

More recently, the Federal Administrative Court dismissed the appeal.

In response to money-laundering violation, JPM said that in support of safety and soundness

of global monetary system, �we have made and continue to make significant enhancements

to the firm�s AML program to ensure we are meeting regulatory expectations,� according

to an emailed statement sent to Bloomberg.

Unfortunately, JPMorgan also said that it can�t, or rather won't, provide further

details since the Finma resolution from June 2017 isn�t public.

This means that anyone wondering if Jamie Dimon's bank was using (and thus trading)

bitcoin to circumvent Swiss anti-money laundering regulations, will just have to ask Jamie Dimon

in person during his next public appearance.

For more infomation >> After Slamming Bitcoin As A Money Laundering Tool, JPMorgan Busted For Money Laundering - Duration: 2:17.


Youtube Serial Killer meets Vehicle Virgins - Duration: 1:04.


You once had a great youtube channel

You made excellent car reviews

And car videos

I liked how you and Eddie made a team

And had some funny moments

But then everything changed

Greed got the better of you

Money... changes men

And it changes friendships

You got rid of Eddie

You got rid of your pride

You have turned into a complete d**k

And in general your channel has turned into complete filth

That only small children can appreciate

For more infomation >> Youtube Serial Killer meets Vehicle Virgins - Duration: 1:04.





Brighton vs Stoke City - Full Match Highlights - Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 21:08.

Brighton vs Stoke City

Either everybody delighted to have you along for the ride for this game Allen Smith has join me in the commentary position

This match today is Brighton & Hove Albion against Stoke City

No sir

Right we'll play with these players today I

Think that Bank 4 is really important for them

They've got to be strong and solid

But they've got a bit of protection haven't they they have they should have more than enough

I mean they're all good defenders in their own rights but in front of them

They got players who are going to be working really hard

Whether they can be a foot on the front foot we wait and see

The Stoke City team here it is for you Jack Butland starts in goal Devin boomer starts with Kurt Zuma in central defence

Should Shakira plays with sa out wide and they'll play with a sole striking?

Right and have been in the top division before in English football, but never in the Premier League years

So it's a real thrill for those who support the seagulls

Them fluttering into the top flight yeah, Chris Hughton, how well has he done?

it came close the year before they actually succeeded and

Wonderful to see them in the top flight

Jonathon Moss is the man in charge today?

Now the game has started


Let's go krause

Looking good this move

He's true hit the charts good save

Given by the referee

And then it goes davay, it's no real test that Butlins abilities there

Stephens folk city go and win it back again set through need to stay cool now

Put it out. It's good for a corner Wow I want to see that save again. I bet he does as well

That was top class

Corner plate into the middle Shawcross comfortable to ride and go

Fletcher played forward a bit of menace in this attack


Work really to read the intention of the past


Good screening and these kept the ball trapper Hemet

Able to cut that out with some sharp movement, that's a good movement forward here



Well it's an important area to win back the ball up

Cut that out well well-read


Could be a chance here, they've got the ball into a good area

Good support play from his teammates looking for teammates in the middle, and they get it away

Couldn't keep it

The trapper

Put into the middle not really away from the threat here throw in to come

The trapper

These two have got the great understanding with their passing

It's good play until they got that challenge in

And that's broken up by the defender before the cross could come in

Defender has taken a gamble it looks as though it's paid off

We'll head, it past then and a shrewd one


Good defending corner and his possibility of making a chance to go in front

Corners taken

There's an opportunity really in the end way off target for that place shot

The manager just trying to get his message across down there they weren't far off taking the lead there. I played pretty well

His Vemma

I like the look of this attack

Sure Dan Shakira good vision here into the box occur peepers ball no question about that. It was a weak cross really

In possession now the ball again Stoke City

Let you

Made down the wing keeping the wide attack going

Through everything and that shot and frustrated that it wasn't quite on target well if he keeps getting in those kind of areas

I'm sure he'll score pretty soon

I'll be the pass getting through with good piece of


attacking well here

On the move and able to cut out the past

Baron Fletcher


Stretch by the goalkeeper to push that away from danger. He's taking a chance, but he's keeping the ball under some pressure


Hemet for some potential in this move

That's an easy interception the past wasn't really a very thoughtful one

We're hearing the will beam 3 added minutes here 3 min my fear and youth

Anticipated the direction of the pastor was able to intervene


Could be dangerous to keep moving the ball here

I'm beer and juice lattes halftime, and the score is nil nil here

Really good game here two teams

Matching each other in pretty much all the respects that we can analyze quantify the first half on yeah

I think it just needs one of these sides to take one or two

Chances throw more men forward in a bit of a gamble to get the goal

Referee blows and we're off for the second half

Darren Fletcher



They're in a good position here

Put into the middle

With the first goal might not just be the violence type

It was a wonderful watch that go it's coming from a long way out and from that angle it's not always easy to finish

Defenders caught out by in the end used the power on the delivery really and his head guided it home

Oh, he's good at those. He's one of the best headers of all around and showed it down

So the first goal it's one nil

His Vemma

Darren Fletcher into the attacking third Jude and Shakira

Well I shut him the inside Jeff the Stoke City

What substitute support to be used know about coming on now

And goes to Kona cleared away well away from gold

That's a brilliant challenge, they'll be proper gross

To Murray

Whipped in from the wide area

Well, it's out for a corner

While they are behind, so it's time for a change they've got to try and improve their performance somehow

Went away by the defendant. Well. They look promising. They're in that wide area, but the defenders done well

Shoot promoting nice cut that out well well-read

- Marie these two have got the great understanding with their passing

They're the proper foot support play from his teammates with a kickball going on here

Would have been a foul, but the referee lets the game free kick in by the referee

He's not going to be able to carry on substitute he's coming on

The chucks, I wanna find go

By two now they'll feel a little bit more comfortable

Good value for this advantage at the moment

That is a fantastic go yeah, he's closing, but he kept his head down

That's a goal well worth to analyzing again

Oh, he's loving it the manager. He's seen his team playing really well just what he was asking for

Just widen the margin here to to nil Darren Fletcher 17

Now this looks promising looking for teammates in the middle hit the post and got it

Well you're too young to remember alum at least have square

Go clothes and a lot more came out that went in in those days so for the attackers

that's a bonus of the changing the technology in off the post yeah, and I think he deserved that though because

Struck it well and ride into the corner

If we go again to one Stevens

House is scared of that's a great interception

There's good progress with this attack Alan

Darren Fletcher

Here's the shot his way off targets

While they're still trailing, and they need to do something now if they want to get back into this game

Maybe some fresh legs will do the trick

Es cierto Stephens

Let's go krause it's a poor touch, and the possessions gone away looking good this move

Lipton hard and low no people can get the ball here for his gold kick

Stephens into the attacking third

a polite

What we get to see of course the assistants don't whether that will change down the years

I'm not sure, but anyway a replay here shows. He's got it, right

He has I mean there was no real golf scoring chance

But the defense would be pleased that their organization caught him off

Here's a chance to get out the opposition

Great work by the goalkeeper Paul is his these made sure he's protected

It's noticeable that the home supporters

Trying to help their team in this situation

They're encouraged by the leave, but they fearful perhaps that this team might lose it. They won't want to give anything silly away their

Opposition of chasing the ball trying to get it back and get back into this match

They could post some danger now

Throws in it. Well it looks a bad mess fit the defender yes put him up yeah

He's going to take a lot of credit for that because you had to take the shot quickly the lady who's trying to score

Cat Zuma

Let's go krause

Marie good fishing to grill opening now

Could have extended the lead here, maybe should have done, but the goalkeeper has kept this contest closed

Yeah, great save Martin listen. They'll probably go on and still win this match, but that would have really sealed it

He goes to corner away well away from gold

Excellent work with the tackle

It's a big goal at a terrific time, and it should seal the word

Pretty straightforward this match and the late goal sums it up really yeah, they've just compounded their

superiority with that one

We can see a slightly different viewpoint on it

As to reminder 3 what it is now let's go

Close to whistle for the last time

It was absolutely extraordinary exceptional

Elegant excellent well so often we think of these creative abilities

But a couple of goals here one the match for his team

For more infomation >> Brighton vs Stoke City - Full Match Highlights - Premier League 2017 - 18 l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 21:08.


দেখা নিন সঙ্গিনীকে দ্রুত উত্তেজিত কিভাবে করা যায়! - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> দেখা নিন সঙ্গিনীকে দ্রুত উত্তেজিত কিভাবে করা যায়! - Duration: 3:35.


Why Deathstroke From Justice League Looks So Familiar - Duration: 4:25.

Fans of the villain-slash-occasional antihero Deathstroke are in for a treat when they catch

him in Justice League in theaters.

Joe Manganiello, who plays Deathstroke, has put together a pretty respectable résumé

over his roughly two decades in the film business, but he's not quite a household name just yet.

Here are a few reasons he looks so familiar.


In 2002's Spider-Man, Manganiello played infamous bully Eugene "Flash" Thompson.

He's horrible to Peter Parker at every opportunity, to the point where you can't help but cheer

when he finally gets what's coming to him in the form of Peter's first spider-powered


"I like you so much I wish you had landed that punch on Tobey Maguire."

How I Met Your Mother

The years after Spider-Man were pretty lean for Manganiello, who's been open about the

difficulties that followed his first big break.

But eventually he landed a recurring role on the hit sitcom How I Met Your Mother, joining

the cast in 2006 as Brad, an old law school friend of Jason Segel's character Marshall.

Brad appeared in seven episodes, and took on a slightly more antagonistic role in later

seasons, causing drama with both Marshall and Neil Patrick Harris' character Barney.

One Tree Hill

Between 2008 and 2010, CW melodrama One Tree Hill gave Manganiello his most significant

TV role up to that point.

He joined the show as Owen, a bar manager who strikes up a romance with series star

Sophia Bush's character Brooke, and appeared in twelve episodes over the course of three


True Blood

Manganiello next appeared as Alcide, a hunky werewolf who showed up in the third season

of HBO's vampire drama True Blood.

Alcide is a fan-favorite character from the books that inspired the show, and Manganiello

nailed it in 42 episodes, thanks to his natural nice-guy charm and, well, what he looks like

without a shirt.


This is not news to anyone."

White Collar

Season three of the USA Network's White Collar saw Manganiello sign on for a one-episode

guest appearance, which features him in an antagonistic role as Ben, the neighbor of

series regular Tiffani Thiessen's character Elizabeth.

It was the first time in a while Manganiello played a full-fledged villain — experience

that would come in handy a few years later when he landed the role of Deathstroke.

Magic Mike

Manganiello's combination of charm and killer physique clearly got him the right kind of

attention from director Steven Soderbergh, who cast him in a memorable supporting role

in his 2012 smash hit dramedy Magic Mike.

Manganiello appears in the film as a heartthrob dancer with… a memorable name.

His go-to costume?

A classic fireman getup.

Funny enough, he almost didn't take the role — and it was Chris Rock, of all people,

who convinced him to do it.

"And I turned to Chris and I said, 'If I don't get a shirt on soon, every guy in the world's

gonna hate my guts.'

And Chris said, 'Man, they're gonna hate your guts anyway."


End of Watch director David Ayer cast Manganiello in Sabotage, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Manganiello plays Grinder, a character mostly recognizable due to his distinct cornrows.

Sabotage didn't go over too well with critics and was ultimately a box office failure, but

it does feature some killer action sequences and lots of big guys blowing stuff up — which

is kind of all you want from a movie like this.

Magic Mike XXL

Richie returned in the 2015 followup to Magic Mike, coyly titled Magic Mike XXL.

With the original film's Alex Pettyfer and Matthew McConaughey not returning for the

sequel, Manganiello saw a significantly larger amount of screen time in this one.

Richie is also the centerpiece of what is almost indisputably the highlight of the film,

when he performs an impromptu striptease set to "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet

Boys right in the middle of the empty minimart.

"How much for the Cheetos and water?"

Pee-wee's Big Holiday

Manganiello appeared in another hilarious role soon after the Magic Mike sequel, playing

a fictionalized version of himself in 2016's Pee-wee's Big Holiday.

Unlike many cameo roles in which celebs play themselves, Manganiello is actually a pretty

central character over the course of the movie.

Manganiello plays himself as a perfect caricature—over-the-top macho but quietly still a goofy little kid

at heart.

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

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