Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

I'm down behind these rocks.

because it's an incredible wind, it's only 10 in the morning, not even 10 are

but the day is over, it is completely impossible to fish under these conditions

it's an incredible wind

I'm with a kayak colleague and he's tired of pedaling and can not move forward.

I started the day and it was not too windy with this popper

Savage Gear 3D Pop Prey

a lure that always gave me lots of fish

if you notice the end you have a feather on the hook

which causes the lure to work even stopped

Which is very good

if you buy top water lures make sure the feather is there

is one of the most important reasons for capture when the lure is stopped

fish on

small but is a fish

in front of my feet

small fish

and release

fish on

I bring my cam

but is a small fish

not big

there he goes

I only fish 3 Bass

you must be seeing me up and down

but there are many waves and wind

I fish 3 bass like I was saying

did not go as expected

because you can not fish under these conditions

Who knows, the next one will run better, see you soon.

For more infomation >> Achigãs com Poppers - Bass with Poppers - Duration: 7:06.



For more infomation >> DIAJARIN MAKEUP SAMA @SKINNYFABS - Duration: 10:37.


Kawasaki z1000 in Pakistan Heavy Bike Showroom in Pakistan 2018 Shah Motor Sports - Duration: 1:50.

DHA, Karachi

For more infomation >> Kawasaki z1000 in Pakistan Heavy Bike Showroom in Pakistan 2018 Shah Motor Sports - Duration: 1:50.


[VIETSUB] Trailer Sóng Gió Gia Tộc 3 - Phim chiếu ngày 27/11/2017 - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB] Trailer Sóng Gió Gia Tộc 3 - Phim chiếu ngày 27/11/2017 - Duration: 1:29.


Advanced English: Listen to This Real Conversation about Sleep in British and American English - Duration: 21:01.

Hello, everybody, this is Jack


along with-- Kate.

And we are back with another conversation

in both British and American English.

Now, be sure to check out the description

for a list of the words and phrases

that we use in this conversation.

And the idea behind this

is to give you a conversation to listen to

so that you can improve your English.

And today, we are going to talk about--

Sleep. Sleep.

Which we're actually talking about this

on the way to the office today,

and coming up with different terms

and different topics of discussion.

We're gonna talk about a lack of sleep,

tips for better sleep,

although we don't know much about that.

No, we're in a little bit

of a not well rested phase in our lives.

Yeah, and a great place to start

is the term "suffering from a lack of sleep."

Uh-huh, sleep deprivation is the extreme end of that,

but right now we're not sleeping very well.

And this just means that you don't get

as much sleep as you need.

How many hours do you need a night do you think?

I've heard that the average for an adult is about eight.

About eight. Yeah.

Yeah. That's a good amount.

Yeah, I've heard six to eight is what most people need.

I do remember, I think it was Margaret Thatcher,

she managed to get by on four hours of sleep.


All her life.

That's amazing. Which is crazy.

That is unreal.

I couldn't even imagine that, especially as a child,

you know, going to to bed at seven,

and then they would wake up at one o'clock

to start the day.

It was probably in her adult years.


But yeah, she just needed four hours of sleep to get by.

How much sleep do you need to function?

Me, personally? You personally.

Seven. Seven?


Six is okay. Mm-hmm.

Four, I'm entering into that, "Am I alive,

"am I dreaming" territory during the day.

You know? (chuckles) Yeah.

And you sleep--

you're not sleeping very well. No, I'm not.

Ideally, I think I need more sleep than you do.

Yeah, I think so.

I think in a perfect world,

I would sleep nine or 10 hours a night.

(huffs) Nine to 10 hours. I know, I know.

Yeah. Yeah.

But if I get six, then I get that adrenaline going

when I'm not sleeping,

and you just power through.

Yeah, power through, which-- Drink a lot of coffee.

Yeah, to power through means like you just go for it,

and you ride the wave,

and you just keep going even though you're struggling.

It just made me think about

what type of sleep we used to get.

What time we used to go to bed--

Uh-huh. And wake up.

And it was very different to what we do now.

I almost don't want to admit it.

Well, we have to tell 'em.

We used to go to bed--

it was very rare that we went to sleep before 12 o'clock.

Yeah. Before midnight.

Very rare.

And we used to have long lie ins, didn't we?

Yeah, we used to--

in America, we say "sleep in." Oh, yeah.

We used to sleep in until like 9:30 or 10.

Oh, later than that.


yeah, well--

That's hard to imagine right now. (chuckles)

And that happened a lot in Spain.


We would wake up very late. Mm-hmm.

But we also taught quite late most days.


And I remember those eight o'clock mornings

when I had to get to language school by nine.

They were brutal. Yeah.

At university, too.


I used to go to bed really late,

and it was very rare that I got up before 11 am.

Did you ever pull an all-nighter?

Oh, yeah.

Every time I had an exam. Uh-huh.

I couldn't sleep before exams.

Mm-hmm. I found it impossible.

Just the nerves? Yeah!

I wasn't that nervous, but it became a habit.


It became a routine for me

that I just couldn't get to sleep before exams.

Sometimes I would procrastinate,

and then I would have a big paper due, or an exam,

and I would pull an all-nighter.

Or several papers or exams. (chuckles)

You pulled an all-nighter once

before you came to visit me

for Christmas. I did!

It was the first time that I went to the UK.

First time I was meeting your friends, meeting your family.

The very first time.

And the night before, I had a major paper due.

Mm-hmm. I pulled an all-nighter.


Sent my professor the wrong draft.

I didn't know that. Yes.

Sent my professor the wrong draft.

Then I got on the plane,

and I was so excited to see you

that I couldn't sleep at all.

And it was like 24 hours of travel,

so by the time that I met your family,

I had been awake for 36 hours.

And do you remember what happened in the car?

Well, you came off the plane like a zombie.

(chuckles) Yes. To begin with.

I'm sure that you thought, "Oh,

"this girl that I'm in love with,"

you know, who, you didn't know then,

but would eventually be your wife,

and you're gonna meet her,

and like introduce her to your family,

and I just come off and I'm completely-- (chuckles)

Well, yeah, and that night we went to the pub,

and then the following day we went to a football game.

Mm-hmm. A soccer game.

And it was a big derby between Preston and Bernly.

Like a rivalry. Yeah.

And you fell asleep in the car with your mouth open.

I remember waking up and just feeling

like my mouth was so dry,

and I might have been drooling.

Probably. Can we say drooling?

We took some photos. So embarrassing.

You did?

Yeah, I've never told you that, have I?

No. (chuckles) Yeah.

Well, Mark did.

Let's just blame Mark.


Movin' on--

That's awful.

(chuckles) Yeah.

I can't believe that.

Speaking of which, though,

are you a light or a heavy sleeper?

I'm an extremely light sleeper.

Yeah, which means that you wake up very easily

during the night. Mm-hmm.

If there's a sound or, you know,

anything that happens, you're awake.

I'm awake instantly. Yeah.

You're a much heavier sleeper.

I didn't used to be.

No? No.

Oh, yeah.

I remember that.


It was before Kate,

I was just a very light sleeper.


After Kate, I was a deep sleeper.

It's amazing, it switched like that.

You were such a light sleeper,

and now you don't wake up ever. (laughs)

No. No, I don't.

Well, I do sometimes,

but I will wake up,

and then get back to sleep straight away.

Last night I woke up two or three times,

and I went back to sleep straight away.

Let's move on.

Let's talk about

what you need to do to get ideal sleep.


What are some of the things that you can do

to make sure that you can fall asleep easily--

Uh-huh. And sleep through the night.

And I know I'm probably asking the wrong person.

No, no, no, you are asking the right person.

Just because I'm not doing it,

doesn't mean that I don't think about it all the time.

Right. And I have lots of ideas.

Share them. Okay.

So I think that the first thing

that you need to do to have ideal sleep

is to have a clear mind. Mm-hmm, yup.

So I think that a lot of things that you need to do,

if you have anything that you're worried about,

if you have anything that's causing

you stress during the day,

to just sit down and to make a list, to make a plan,

and that way it's off your chest.

No, it's true, I would-- No.

Write it down. But you don't do that.

No. You tell me.

I tell you. The problems. (chuckles)

You're like my journal. (laughs)

You just, what do we call it when you, uh,

is it like Kate-- I muse.

Yeah, I muse at night.

So before I go to bed, I just think about all the things,

then I tell Jack all of them.

Except now you have these earphones.

You put in earphones,

and just, every now and then, just, "Uh-huh.

"Yup, uh-huh."

Yeah, I mean, (chuckles) it happened last night.

(chuckles) It did.

At one stage I said, "Do you not realize

"I'm listening to a podcast?"

Oh, yes.

(chuckles) Do you not realize that's what I'm doing?

That's okay, because--

because I was just off-loading all of my worries,

all of my problems, all of my stress.

You can have them. Yup.

Especially if you're not really listening.

So that's one thing. Yeah, that works.

I think also it's really important

to not have sugar, or alcohol, caffeine before bed,

'cause that can really mess with your sleep.

Especially now that we're older.

Like I used to be able to drink anything

or eat anything and sleep completely soundly.

What if it's the placebo effect a little bit?

'Cause I used to always have a cup of tea,

this is very British, but, you know,

when we got home from work,

we would have a cup of tea. Mm-hmm.


And then again, thinking about it,

I couldn't get to sleep that-- (chuckles)

Maybe that's why you were a light sleeper.

Yeah, 'cause I had caffeine throughout the afternoon.


We used to have eight cups of tea at work a day.

It's not as strong as coffee,

but there's still caffeine in it.


And then when we got home, there's a cup of tea.

Yeah. And then dinner.

That's probably why I was a light sleeper.

There you go.

So caffeine--

So basically, you need to start drinking tea

in the evening now. Why?

So we're equal levels of light sleeper.

You should come to my side. Come to your side, okay.

Fair enough.

Caffeine, what about temperature?

Okay, so I have a theory

about ideal sleep conditions. Mm-hmm.

And you can disagree with me,

but here's what I think make ideal sleep conditions, okay?

First of all, you have your cozy pajamas,

you're all de-stressed-- Yup.

Maybe you like spritz a little lavender

on your pillow or take a shower,

but anyway, the room is cool. Yes, I agree with that.

Maybe 65, 67 degrees.

That's what science says.

And I think it's also important

to have a warm but heavy blanket.

I've heard that if the blanket is physically heavier,

if it weighs more, it'll help you sleep better.

So a heavy blanket allows you to sleep better.

Yeah. Yeah, I've heard that, too.


But then you need a cool room,

and that kind of works with a heavy blanket

at the same time. A heavy blanket, mm-hmm.


Because I think there's a study on that

in terms of the ideal temperature,

and it's about 65 degrees fahrenheit.

We're not talking celsius.

What would that be in celsius?

Um, 18?

Wow, that sounds so cold to me.

17, maybe?


Yeah, something like that anyway.


So science says--

Science says 65 degrees.


Something that has happened recently,

while we're, you know,

the time of year that we're filming this,

is daylight savings and the clock changing.


And a good way to remember it

is to spring forward, fall back.

Some phraser verbs there, to fall back.


And we have just had that time change,

so six o'clock is now five o'clock.

It's really hard to explain sometimes,

and everybody gets confused.

Everyone's saying, "Are we going back?

"Are we going forward?

"Is this the good one?" Mm-hmm.

'Cause there's a good one, right?

This is the good one.

Because you get that extra hour in bed.

Unless you're a parent. Unless you're a parent.

So, and we haven't mentioned this at all,

because I think we didn't want to talk

too much about being parents,

but that's the reason

why we are so sleep deprived right now.

Our one-year-old is not sleeping very well,

and hasn't slept through the night yet.

Yes, to sleep through the night,

which just means that you go to sleep

at bedtime and you wake up at a good time.

And you don't wake up during the night.

Yeah, sleep through the night.

And I have to say here, we have a new light,

but otherwise, (chuckles)

we probably look really tired.

We probably look really tired. (chuckles)

And there's a really good thing to mention here,

the bags under your eyes.

Yeah. Yeah.

Which is when it's like you look tired under here.

You get bags under your eyes.

So thank you for this light.

It's helping us. Mm-hmm.

Do you take naps at all?

I wish I could nap.

Naps are just amazing if you can do it.

Like, I think you have to have the perfect amount of time,

otherwise, you feel so groggy.

Oh, there are different types of naps.

There's one where you get about half an hour,

and you wake up and you think,

"I needed that nap, I feel great."


And then there's the other one,

where you wake up and you're like,

"I don't know where I am."

You don't know who you are. (chuckles)

Exactly, you just don't know what is going on.


So there are definitely different types of naps.

And it's so funny because

our four-year-old just stopped napping,

and our one-year-old naps a few times.

I know we're not talking too much about it--

But we are. But kids hate napping.


I don't know why.


as a kid, you don't want to go to bed.

You don't want to miss out.

No, you want to play as long as you can.

And even though you feel really tired,

you fight it. Yup.

And we sometimes do that, too.

True, especially in the evening when it's just us

and we're having some time to just hang out

or do something that we want to do,

or watch a TV show.

Sometimes we get really into a TV show,

and they always end on a cliffhanger,

so you want to know what happens next.


And then we watch the next episode,

and we stay up later than we should.

What show are we into at the moment?

Stranger Things.

Yeah, we've only watched one episode of season two.

Can you catch up on sleep,

and what does that mean to catch up on sleep?


So I think that to catch up on sleep,

so when you're in a state where you're sleep deprived,

you're not getting the sleep that you need,

and then you get some time,

and you get to sleep a few extra hours one night,

then you feel like you've caught up.


I've heard so many scientific studies

say that that's impossible to do, but--

It's stupid. Yeah.

It's blatantly obvious that you can catch up on sleep.


Because one night, if you sleep for one hour,

and then the next night, you sleep longer than usual.

Mm-hmm. Every time.

Unless, you know, you're in this kind of phase

where you're, what's the term?

When you can't sleep?

If you have insomnia.

Yeah, if you have insomnia. And I have insomnia, yes.

I remember one time when I went

on a lad's holiday.

(chuckles) Go on.

Which means there were, I think, 12 of us,

we're all 17. Mm-hmm.

And we went away for a week. Mm-hmm.

And you can imagine that we didn't prioritize sleep.

No, I can imagine that.

We stayed up late, we got up early,

and we were young, so we could do it.

But when I got home, I slept for 18 hours.


18 hours, wonderful.


And I caught up on sleep.

Yeah, and when you're sick, you sleep a lot, too.


You catch up.

Yeah, you catch up on sleep when you're sick, too.

Or I guess you just sleep longer.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I have a kind of a strange question for you.

Go on.

'Cause-- Oh, for everyone.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Okay. Yeah.

But I'll answer, too.

Yeah, you answer, too.

Because we've been waking up so frequently,

a lot of times when I wake up,

I'll wake up in the middle of a dream.

And so I'll remember it in a way that I wouldn't

if I'd gone back into the sleep cycle,

and then I would have totally forgotten it by the morning.

So I'm just having all sorts of dreams

that I'm remembering now.

Do you dream a lot?

I can't really remember some recent dreams.


And it's strange, like, sometimes,

you have the thought of a dream, but from--

and you don't know.

Was it yesterday?

But it feels like it was 10 years ago

when I had this dream. Yes.

And I'm just experiencing that again now.

Yes. That's the strangest thing.

It is.

But I don't, I can't remember a recent dream.

Usually, though, they're pretty boring these days.


In terms of, like, I'm thinking about something at night,

I'll dream about it. Yeah.

It's very simple.

I know sometimes when we take like really long road trips,

or when we used to, and there would be a lot of driving.

And then you'd go sleep,

and you'd still be driving in your head.

Has that ever happened to you? That's the strangest thing.


Yeah, when you're driving,

especially for hours and hours and hours.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Do you want to remember your dreams?

Not particularly.

I think dreams are so fascinating,

and my younger sister has gotten really into dreams,

and into kind of this way of dreaming

where she remembers her dreams,

and she can kind of control her dreams as she's dreaming,

and I think that's really interesting.

Which is called?

Isn't it lucid dreaming? Yeah.

Lucid dreaming.

And this reminds me of the film Vanilla Sky.

And Inception.

Oh, and Inception.



Sometimes, though, I don't like films

where you don't know if it's a dream or not.

Oh, yeah, that's the worst.

That just gives them full power over,

"Oh, well, that scene wasn't real,

"because it was just a dream."

Yeah, that's the worst.

Or when a story ends, and then it's the,

"And she woke up, and it was all a dream."

Exactly, mm-hmm.

That's frustrating.

Do you have a question for people?

Because it's time for Kate's question.

Oh, can it be the one about dreaming?

Well, I thought about-- A better question?

Yeah, like,

how much sleep do you need?

How much sleep do you need?

Tell us.

Yeah, and how much sleep are you getting?

Because either you're getting tons,

and tons, and tons of sleep,

in which case I want to know,

so I can live vicariously through you,

so I can pretend that I'm getting that much sleep, too.

And if you're not, then join the club.

Yeah. (chuckles)

I actually got a comment from somebody

on the Facebook page. Mm-hmm.

I asked a question, "Complete the sentence,

'This morning, I--'"

And someone said, "Woke up,

"thought it was morning, but realized it was the afternoon.

"'Cause I woke up at 2:30 pm."

Oh my gosh, yeah.

Oh, and sleeping through your alarm clock.

Like, we don't even have an alarm clock anymore.

'Cause we never sleep past six o'clock.

No. I wish.

So yeah, the question is how much sleep

are you currently getting,

and is it enough for you at the moment?

Yeah, and feel free to talk about, too,

what is your ideal sleep conditions.

I know we talked about a cold room with a heavy blanket,

but that's kind of boring.

Like, maybe you want to sleep on a beach,

or in a hammock, or out in a tent

if you can go camping and sleep in a tent

which I can't do. No.

No, 'cause I'm a light sleeper.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah.

And it's cold. It's cold.

Yeah, so I hope you have enjoyed this conversation.

I'll leave the key words and phrases

in the description below,

and feel free to watch more of our conversations.

I'll leave some videos on your screen.

Bye for now. Bye.

Sleep well. Oh, and sleep well.

(bluesy rock music)

For more infomation >> Advanced English: Listen to This Real Conversation about Sleep in British and American English - Duration: 21:01.


먹방을 잘못 이해한 The Rose의 먹방(feat.생크림)The Rose's Misunderstood Mukbang (feat.whipping cream)::Makestar - Duration: 14:31.

Hello~ We're The Rose~

Why are we here today?

Drumrolls please~ Our grades are out!

The Rose 100%?



We have reached 400%!

We have reached 400% on Makestar~ Thank you so much~

So to keep our promise...

Promises are there to keep~

Us 4 have come together today for mukbang

Shall we introduce the food one by one?

My food! Today's main menu is pizza~

It's a chicago style pizza- they call it "Suta"

They make the dough themselves

Isn't that jjajangmyun?

Ah then it's this~

I've ordered the simplest pizza~

I have to eat all of this today and I don't know if it will be possible

I usually can't eat more than 3-4 pieces

But! I'll challenge myself!

Promises are there to keep~

For me! Chicken feet!

Chicken feet and bean sprouts soup and rice balls

our representative has made himself

As you can see, there are 2 chopsticks

2 drinks and 2 forks

This is a portion for 2 by default~

I'll also challenge myself~

Cause it's a promise!

My personal promise was the subway sandwich, right?

I bought a 90cm long subway sandwich~

Almost 1m!

This is pasta ,made by our representative~

If I get sick of eating this, I 'll steal food from the members!

They all go inside this small belly~

Can you believe he will steal food when he has a 90cm long sandwich?

Mine is! The deliciously spicy Heunginjimun Gate Ddukbokgi!

I disagree! Deliciously spicy is wrong

Just spicy!

Agree that it's spicy as hell?!

Look at the cheese!

This is usually for 3 to 4 people!

But! I'll eat it myself!

I wish we could film this all day everyday~

We want to thank Makestar and our Creator for preparing all these food!

Thank you for the food~

AND our fans who helped our project pass 400%!

We love you♥

Thanks to you guys, we're eating delicious things~

You have to put your face up close to the food like this~

Hey! Hurry up and eat~ I'm starving!

The cheese isn't stretchy~

I'm expressing through my face!

Looks super good!

Spicy and delicious!

Spicy and delicious? Difficult~

I'll start eating slowly~

Let me get my toolbag first..

Jaehyeong absolutely LOVES chicekn feet!

Almost an expert!

It's important to eat cleanly.

(Old men reaction) Woahuh~!

I'll show you guys chicken feet!

(Chicken feet cannot be that cute...)

(<- only the bone comes out)

I witnessed it! I saw him flip his lid!

It's really good but spicy!

Can I eat now?

(Woosung.... Reaction plz...)

No~ You have to film a commercial, why are you just eating!

Were you hungry?

It's almost lunch time but I didn't have breakfast!

Advertiser if you're watching this, we will be great at whatever you request~

Although we may not be good at reactions or overreaction, we can eat well.

Possible to eat deliciously~?

That is my charming point!

The cheese cooled off, but this is how you eat ddukbokgi~

You stretch the cheese~

and eat with cheese liek this!

Looks super spicy!

Woah~ the sound!!

(Taste of Heunginjimun Gate) It's exactly this~

You gotta eat the sausage too!

Wait, was this planned? "It's exactly this~"?

Was this the script you've been working on?

The now, shall we get into the main game?

But before, it's already too spicy for me~ Let me take off my jacket!

(The real game begins, yumyum-ing)

Milk! Ice cream! Chocolate! Decoration on top~

Guys do you know what htis is? This~ this~

(Snow spray?) Isn't it snow?


The ones you use at Christmas parties?

Do you want me to do it?

Emergency!!! Major emergency!!!!!

I'm sorry, I have caused a major emergency!

((Nono) Whew.. Park Dojoon you silly..) I just spilled Coke~

Enjoy your food~

I'll clean up. Hold on!

Tada! I'm back~ I'm sorry

I spilled Coke~~

Huh? The sound is amazing

It's even better when it's spicy.

Woah~ I want to try this too!

Just press it? Press this part?

Do you want a lot? or just a little?



For you to get fat~

My luck has exploded today~

From spaghetti to side dishes~

(<- Dip in sauce)

Challenge? Challenge??

I need spicy right now~

You could've just told me you want rice balls~

Woah~ It's spicy!

All of this talk is fast forwarded~

(Men who know editing.avi)

If I talk faster, how much faster will it go?

What I'm saying now ~(skip)~ you can't understand right?


If~~~ I~~~ Talk~~~~

like this, is my speed normal when fast forwarded?

Fast~~~~ For~~War~~~Ded~~~~

Like! This!

(Stop... DoJoon... ((Elementary schooler)) Park DoJoon!!)

(I'll fast forward for you LOL)

(▶▶Elementary Schoolers' Fast Forwarding Game▶▶)


Technically, participating at a Makestar project is seeing us and then realizing

Oh! They're doing something interesting! I want to help out!

True respect!

Come to think about it, I'm really really thankful.

We always think of these thoughts every now and then~

These thoughts come to my mind in the midst of writing songs and thinking about our fans

Come to think about it, they did this because of this and that?

If we switch places and think

Wait.. let me wipe my tears

Nice timing!

Really thank you~ For real!

Thank you so much!

We'll let you guys hear better music and performance!

Good food!

That's why we're eating all this right now~

Already 6~

(<- Sixth piece already)

One bite please?

You're craving this too much!

Ah I should have eaten this when it was warm~

I ate everything when it was still warm!

(One bit event)


Woosung's mouth shape!

((Tooth shape) Founder Columbus)

Woosung's mouth shape! Such a small mouth~

Woah~ It's too salty!

Why such a small mouth~

Your mouth is like~ this! This~ this~

Is your mouth an arch type?

Huh? Why the tongue~

Greeting you~

Ah? What's this? What's this?

Looks more delicious when you see it!

(Satisfied customer LOL)

((Customer service #1) Ah~ So happy~♥)

You eat~

No! No!

Mine mine!

Because this is DoJoon's~

I'll just eat mine diligently!

You really did eat A LOT

(Fact-bombing LOL) I think nothing has changed here~

(a.k.a the magic chicken feet) Pfft LOLOL

(I have no thoughts...) It's made by Jaehyeong~

Ah really? Thank you thank you~


(Actually a spoon LOL) Ah! It wasn't a straw?

I thought it was a straw~ It's a spoon!

I'll now take the last bite of my last sandwich~

Woah~ Applause!

Prepare to clap!

Wow~ Look at the paper! Paper!


New food is here~

3 pieces out of 10! I still had 7 pieces~

(Jaehyeong's spicy level)

(Fire extinguisher? LOL)

The last one!

(Can't recover the senses cause it's too spicy LOL)

How spicy does it have to be to eat like this?

I've never seen anyone eat whipped cream like this LOLOL

I think this is more a Jaehyeong torture video than a mukbang video haha

We should wrap up soon~

First, thank you Makestar for giving us a chance to eat the delicious food!

Thank you! Everyone~

We're most surprised by the fact that we surpassed 400%~

((Black Rose♥) And also 500%..) We're touched by the fact that we reached 400%~

Thanks to you guys~

What are you doing?

(Stuck in throat lol)

I'm tearing up ...

We could have done this all because of you guys~

Thank you!

This was The Rose~

Thank you!


We enjoyed the meal!

((JaeHyeong hard carry) LOLOL)

So full~~

HaJoon please do that once~

Rea~~lly full~

Rea~~lly spicy~

For more infomation >> 먹방을 잘못 이해한 The Rose의 먹방(feat.생크림)The Rose's Misunderstood Mukbang (feat.whipping cream)::Makestar - Duration: 14:31.


Human - Rag'n'Bone Man | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 3:26.

- Hi there, it's DiVàl (Valantis)

- Hello, i'm Aggelos

-What's up there?

- I'm doing fine

-Not you...him/her, You...How u doing? If you liked this video...

-Ok, if you liked this video, look what you are supposed to do...

1st, you can hit the thumbs up button,

2nd, you have to subscribe to this channel

3d, don't forget to hit the notification bell

and 4th, please keep it in mind,

you can find our social media accounds down in the description box

mine and DiVàl 's too...

- Lady's and Gentlemen....Aggelos Kalfas

- Valantis Paschalidis (DiVàl)

Click on the links and follow, like us etc.

-You know the process

-Do you have anything to tell before we finish?

- I think we have to share some goodbyes

See you on the next one...

- I won't be on the next one...only you! This one was for me...

-Bye bye :D

For more infomation >> Human - Rag'n'Bone Man | DiVàl Cover - Duration: 3:26.


Ep 52 - Germany (part1) - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 10:11.

Good morning, good morning!

I am in Germany since yesterday!

And I am in the Black Forest which is located NorthWest of the country...

... and I am on my way to Freiburg..... Freetown.

I just made a small stop to visit Todnau waterfalls which are the tallest waterfalls of Germany at 97 meters.

I am at Donaquelle monument and, this is the place where Danube river starts.

From the Black Forest of Germany passing through Austria, hungary, Serbia ...

...its the natural border between Bulgaria and Romania and goes all the way to Tulcea at the Danube Delta...

...which I visited at a point of this trip while in Romania.

On this trip I've spent quite some time travelling near Danube...

At this point over here, and here and two times at this one.... and here.....

It would be a shame not to see the place where it starts!

Whoever of you guys watch this trip, you already know that I am trying to find weird places to see...

...not only the known attractions and sightseeings of every country....

And this is the biggest Cuckoo clock of the world.

Good morning!

I am somewhere in the Black Forest...

Yesterday while looking for a place to camp I met Sebastian and Barbara, who invited me to stay

at this small country house they have.

its a small farmers house which they use for a couple of months every summer for their vacations.

The house is somewhere deep in the Black forest

And here there is no electricity, not even water.

They are using the rain water for all their needs...

This container is full of rainwater...

When it rains they have pipes to collect the water from the roff and they filter it out with this filter....

...which was made by Barbaras father with different sizes of rocks and stones...

it's really amazing!

Thanks a lot Barbara and Sebastian!

They already invited me in the main house near Munchen, where i am definitely going to visit them

when I am going to be travelling in that area to spent some more days together.

Good evening!

I am at the BMW motorrad days 2017 meeting in Germany!

One of the biggest meetings that takes place worldwide.

Tomorrow here are going to be about 20,000 bikes....

and I though that i should bring a bike that really travelled, to show them how it suppose to be!

I can see bikes from all over the world!

Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, France, UK.

This is the biggest meeting of BMW worldwide...

20.000 bikes! Imagine what will happen at this town tomorrow!

For more infomation >> Ep 52 - Germany (part1) - Around Europe on a Motorcycle - Honda Transalp 700 - Duration: 10:11.


7 in 7 FINALE, October EMPTIES, & Chit Chat - Duration: 15:14.

Today I just wanted to quickly show you the products I used up for my challenge

which was finishing seven products in seven months my deadline was November 1st and

I pretty much accomplished my goal

So I wanted to show you that as well as my empties my Beauty empties for the month of

October so if you're interested keep on watching you probably notice

I haven't come out with a video in a while and that's because I just needed a break

alright, and then my last video got flagged by YouTube and

Basically, it said something about not being

appropriate for all advertisers

So I wasn't able to monetize that video and because I don't get a thousand views

within 7 days with most of my videos

99% of my videos don't even get a thousand views at all

YouTube wouldn't look at it, so

I'm having some issues with YouTube as far as wanting to continue

If YouTube is gonna continue to not support smaller channels

And I just feel like maybe I should look into a different Avenue of social media

I really do enjoy my time here. I have met some wonderful ladies

You know YouTube is great, but like I said, it's just not very supportive of the smaller channel

and I've been on YouTube for 3 years, and I'm still a really small Channel so ah

I don't know. I don't know if I'm gonna continue to grow in YouTube

Or if I'm going to go else we're yeah, just keep me in your thoughts okay?

Anyway, I am going to show you now the things I finished up in my 7 in 7 challenge

Seven months ago. I started a challenge, and I said I was gonna finish seven items

by November first so

Go back to my old videos if you're interested to see the seven items

I started out with but I do want to show you that I finished all of the items except one okay

So so I ended up finishing the maybelline superstay better skin

Foundation the bottle looks all gross, but yeah, there's a little bit on the bottom that I couldn't get to

But I considered it finished, and I finished it on July 28th, then I finished the Katy Perry

oh so shear or something like that. It's a perfume, and I finished this on

September 3rd

So that it was finished

I was excited about that because that was a really big bottle and I did finish the coach and that I finished on

July 7th so I finished that one before I started the Katy Perry one now

I don't know if you remember if you were you've been with me the whole time with this challenge, but this bareMinerals

Shadow quickie matte stick. It's a...basically. I was using it as a

primer eyelid primer for my eyeshadows and

This broke like an in the beginning of the challenge so I de-potted it and put it in here it looks gross in there

Still, but I finished it so I was super excited to finish that okay

So the last thing that I was supposed to finish, but I didn't I got pretty close

Is this dual ended

eyeliner by Urban Decay

One side is black, and that's the color "Perversion"

And then "Rockstar" is the other side and that's purple

This is the way I started out I'm going to show you on a piece of paper that I measured them on

This is for the black side which is perversion the first day

It was up here then on July 4th. It was about half way and

Today it's at the blue line so I almost I almost did it now the purple one was a little more difficult

Day one it was up there on

July 4th it was there and today

It's at the blue line which is right there, so I really didn't work on that too much

but I was concentrating on finishing the black side first and

I never did that although I did get close

This is the only thing I didn't finish for my challenge, so I think I did really really well

Not sure if I'll be doing any more challenges. We shall see there

They are really fun, and they are definitely a challenge when you have lots of makeup

I think it's a good goal to have to have these finish few items at the end of the year

So you can make maybe make room for more, right?

Anyway, let's move on with the empties for

I'll try not to spend so much time talking about each one, but I like to do many reviews as you know I

Started this in July and I finished it by the end of October. This is I can't even

Hughley dearmond

Almond oil salt scrub by Asquith and Somerset, it's nineteen point four ounces

I bought it at Marshall's for $5.99 and like I said I started in July and three months later

I finished it I

Like this um it did leave

It wasn't oily film it was more a little bit waxy

So I wouldn't repurchase this but for $5.99, you know, I got my money's worth for sure I

Finished the "Brazilian bum bum cream" this is by Sol Janeiro

It smells really really good

It's super creamy, but I just think this is a very

Overpriced product everybody was raving about this, and I don't know who is because they were getting it for free

But I went out and bought it based on recommendations, and it's okay

It's it's fine, but I don't think it's worth what what you paid for it, so I would not repurchase this

This is the Bocia purifying cleansing gel. I was using this to wash my face at night

So it helped remove some of my makeup although, I did need to use either oil or a

Micellar water to remove my eye makeup first before using this but it felt nice

It didn't dry out my skin my skin felt really good after it felt clean

But refreshed and still moisturized, if that makes sense so this is really good. I'm working on some other


Affordable products, this is not too highly priced, but right now I'm working on the CeraVe

products and I think those

Because of the price worked just as well as something like this, and you don't have to spend as much money, so yeah

This is a good product, but I don't believe I'll be

Repurchasing it my favorite setting spray, and I will repurchase it. I have repurchased this over and over

It's the urban decay D slick makeup setting spray it has oil controlling properties

It's paraben free it has temperature control technology

Which I don't know about all that but it helps my makeup stay on all day, so that's why I like it

And that's why I will be repurchasing this products

I know I briefly mentioned fascia blasting on my past empties videos

It was either empty video or yeah, I think was an empties video

I mentioned fascia blasting and I was using an oil that I finished up by fascia blaster

But I actually prefer this one. It's the

organic key herbs anti cellulite massage oil, and I think the company's name is young you I

Really like this I bought it off of Amazon

It's not too expensive, and it works well, and it really works well with the fascia blaster

I finished the skin deva 20% arguiline with

hyaluronic acid and Matrixyl 3000

This lasted me a while because a little goes a long way, and I really like it

I think it does help give your skin like a lift

Um I haven't repurchased it, but I will be repurchasing this soon

I'm just trying to work on some other stuff

But it's supposed to be a wrinkle reducer and it's supposed to be an alternative to Botox

I first learned about this from Natalie the beauty diva

And I believe Mary Ellen after 60 mentioned this as well, but yeah, they talked about this

And I went ahead and got it and I really really liked it. So yes. This is something

I would repurchase I finished an Arrid extra-dry. This is a little mini one. I bought for a $1 at the Dollar Tree

Well worth it works well, and yes, I would repurchase

This I think is another overpriced item that I won't be repurchasing it's by it cosmetics

It's the Bye Bye Lines

Serum it's an anti-aging serum

And I liked it, but I think

There are cheaper alternatives that do the same type of thing I mean you know it's just to help plump up the lines

Make your skin look smoother

Kind of like the skin deva that I just showed you but the skin diva is a lot less expensive, okay, so I

Won't be repurchasing this one. I finished up a little Buxom mascara

nobody really talks about

Buxom mascara, I really really like it I have tried. I don't know if this is a different one

There's one with a silver top, and this one has a gold top

But I don't know if they're the same or what this is a mini. Um it just says buxom. Let me see if there's actually

It says lash mascara. That's it. It's good really really good and nobody talks about it. I would purchase this

I just have to get through a bunch of other

Mascaras plus I really really love the L'Oreal lash paradise that is my ultimate favorite right now, so

We shall see about this, but it is a good mascara, I started this in June and finished it by the end of October

It's Lanocreme collagen formula day cream

It's made in New Zealand, and I bought this from Marshalls

And I believe there's another lady that talked about Lanocream

But the manuka, honey

Cream they said that one was good. I can't remember who it was it might have been Lori from all that beauty with Lori

But I'm not sure anyway. Yeah, this day cream. It's the collagen formula

They also have like a manuka honey formula

They have other things that they sell and i've tried a few of their different products, and I like their products

they're inexpensive like I said I find them at Marshall's or TJ Maxx and

I liked it. Right now I'm working with some other products, so I'm not going to repurchase right now

I finished another honey mania hand cream by the body shop

Love this stuff got it for a dollar ninety-nine at Marshalls and yes

I would repurchase this it is so moisturizing to the hands

I love all of their hand creams not just the honey mania. They have different scents and they're all good

About five or six different ones and they're all great so I would be purchased this

I dyed my hair again guys

And I always show you the shampoo and conditioner that come with the hair dye by Madison Reed. It's a subscription

Haircolor and they send it to me as often as I want and it's about twenty-five dollars for one bottle

But it comes with a bunch of things comes with two pairs of gloves a cap

Barrier cream a cloth to wipe you know when you make mistakes and they land on your head or your face

And I really love it. I like the

Hair color and these are fine. They come with it

I use them when I dye my hair, and then they're done because it only comes with one ounce each and for my hair

That's I need all of it alright last, but not least I finished up some masks

This is my dermal famous dermal masks. I always talk about these love them. Yes, I repurchase them all the time

I bought these rose petal eye masks from either TJ Maxx and Marshalls

And I love these I think they're very brightening and they are a cheaper alternative

to my Sheseido

under eye

Patches which are like sixty three bucks for 12 pairs

They're expensive, but they have retinol in them

And this is something that is great like when you're seeing your under eyes are looking puffy or dark

this is like a quick fix you use this and then you you know go ahead with the rest of your day or

Products and let me tell you you see a difference right away, so I love these

But I don't use them all the time because they're expensive so I'll use these about once a month and then like the cheaper ones

Three times you know a month or something like that. I did try a sheet mask by

Advanced clinicals, I was so excited to see these at Marshall's and this is the hyaluronic

Moisture face mask it's a paper mask

And I enjoyed it

They're inexpensive, and they work. Well. I really really like the advanced clinicals

Products like all of them that I've tried I've been happy with so yeah, I would repurchase these so that's it for today

I hope you join me in my next video. Don't forget to subscribe and give me a thumbs up

I truly do appreciate it take care, Bye

If you like this video thumbs up, please don't forget to thumbs up even if you don't like it

Please thumbs up. Please don't give me a thumbs down

For more infomation >> 7 in 7 FINALE, October EMPTIES, & Chit Chat - Duration: 15:14.


LỜI YÊU CUỐI - TẬP 1 NGOẠI TÌNH | MC ĐÀO DUY - Phim Ngắn Tình Cảm Tâm Lý | Phim Ngắn Hay 2017 - Duration: 27:12.

For more infomation >> LỜI YÊU CUỐI - TẬP 1 NGOẠI TÌNH | MC ĐÀO DUY - Phim Ngắn Tình Cảm Tâm Lý | Phim Ngắn Hay 2017 - Duration: 27:12.


Одиночество. Фоновый футаж для видеомонтажа | романтический футаж одиночество - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Одиночество. Фоновый футаж для видеомонтажа | романтический футаж одиночество - Duration: 0:42.


내가 멸치라고? 아니라는걸 증명해주겠다! 중국집 음식 많이 먹기 도전! - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> 내가 멸치라고? 아니라는걸 증명해주겠다! 중국집 음식 많이 먹기 도전! - Duration: 2:13.


Adrift - Giovani (prod. Danny E.B.) - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Adrift - Giovani (prod. Danny E.B.) - Duration: 3:10.


(ENG SUB)Fall in love with this lovely motion! Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo MV reaction [GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:15.

Hello. My lovely Subscribers

THis is GoToe

Finally today,

We will see the MV of the Red Velvet

their 2nd album Peek A Boo who came back

after Red Flavor

I saw teaser video few days ago

That music in teaser is so SM-style music

I really like that beat

I am so excited to hear that music

Anyway, I need have time to talk more

Cuz I want to see Seulgi ASAP

Let's see it together

Let' go!!!!

(I don't know where did he go in every video)

I saw this part in teaser video



(After see her face, I can't think anything)

Of course the first part is her :)

(I love that motion)

I am wondering 'How can SM

SM make those amazing beat everyime'

(So surprised)

Choreo is like

That is so good

Oh that's good

(interjection party)

I think this motion is similar with Red Flavor

(I can't focus on the MV)

That expression of the Seulgi

that looks so good with her

That guy is.......

(I can't understand story at all)

(Connection problem between brain and mouth)

He is main male character??

(So envy you.....)

When 5 members appeared in one scene together

and I saw one member randomly

Always I found Seulgi :) Amazing

(That is what we call....Destiny?)

This is kind a slow song

I think choreo is so nice

(Maybe I can dance with that)

Mood of this song is more serious

compare to the Red Flavor

More mature song

I love this sound

This one

(MV was done. But I can't understand anything about MV)

Story is.......

I don't know what does it mean..

That is kind of thriller movie??

Some problem with that guy...?

I am always..

can't understand the whole story of MV

Yes we saw their 2nd album

title song Peek A Boo

First of all

what I thought with the whole MV time is

Seulgi is so pretty

First is that

2nd opinion is

Mood of this song is

typical image of the Red Velvet is

fresh and youthful

but in this time, they looks so mature

and dreamy mood

So as you know

Last week, I shoot a video about

KPOP girl group concept change

I really want to use the Red Velvet song

Of couse song 'Automatic' is really quite song

but not many people know that song... so..

I filmed that video just one day before

the releases of this song

So... If I filmed it one day later,

maybe I can use this song

with Dumb Dumb

Just one day......!!!

That is too bad....

Rhythm of this song is so special

I really like those type of beat

I think SM entertainment is really

good at producing in these area

Like F(x)

and NCT too

I think I am really fit with

SM ent. about music style

Fancam of this song was released

But I didn't see that

to filming this video

I will see that video just after

finish this video.

I think difficulty of the choreo

is not really hard

Beat of the song is slow type

So I think choreo is consisted with

simple motions. So I like that

When you see the Rookie or Russian Roulette

choreo is so hard

I barely dance only main part of those songs

But in case of Dumb Dumb, Peek A Boo

RPM is really good to dance to me

So I can dance with this song

Nowadays, main idol groups came back

(More than 10 teams in this month)

Generally when each group came back

They appeared in each variety shows

But nowadays

They don't appeared in show necessarily

I don't know Red Velvet's fixed schedule

I really want to see her in Korean variety show

not only music show

I like about it so many times

Seulgi is so pretty

This is the end of this video

I think in my next vide o

I can use the Red Velvet song

I am preparing next vidoe now

I will practice a lot

and see you in my next video

Thank you for your watching :)

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)Fall in love with this lovely motion! Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo MV reaction [GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:15.


Interprogramas | Jornal Nacional/Horário Político - PST • TV Globo (20/11/1997) - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Interprogramas | Jornal Nacional/Horário Político - PST • TV Globo (20/11/1997) - Duration: 0:33.


New Hair Color Transformation - Amazing Hairstyles Tutorial Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> New Hair Color Transformation - Amazing Hairstyles Tutorial Compilation 2017 - Duration: 10:05.


예하나를 알아봅시다!Get to know Yehana!::Makestar - Duration: 2:21.

Hello! I'm WE·GIRLS Yehana

My nickname is Yegyojoo

My charming point is friendliness

Most confident body part is smiling with eyes?

My unique experienc is animation dubbing and advertisement recording

In WE·GIRLS, I am a wing~

A secret that even my fans do not know about is telepathy

I think I'm good at communicating through telepathy than other people

Something I think I look like? Japanese doll~

I think I look alike the Kabuki Doll

What I see most in a guy is..

I think a person's pureness is the most important~ The pureness of spirit

My celebrity crush is Sohyang sunbaenim

If I meet her, I want to ask how she practices singing~ She's sooo good

Most memorable gift is car air humidifier!

I think it was a present that really cared for me

so I was touched by the gift a lot

What I want to do the most is!

I want to do a world tour with WE·GIRLS members!

A word to express myself is rich broth

Because I'm a person that shows off deeper taste as time goes by~

I'll be the hardworking Yehana and WE·GIRLS!

WE·GIRLS fighting!!

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