Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017




Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years.

It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been

concealed and forbidden from public viewing.

Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity,

and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge.

From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great

minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason.

Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer.

It�s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science,

especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual


�The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one

decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.�- Nikola Tesla

A new age, astrologically speaking, for man began at the dawn of Christianity.

Prior to this, we had the secret societies, concepts like the Philosopher�s Stone, and

other �magical� concepts, including the use of magic and sorcery.

With the advent of Christianity, the concept of God took their place, yet more recently,

concepts that were used and practiced prior to the beginning of modern day religion have

been emerging once more, which is interesting because we are at the end of an age, and transitioning

into a new one.

There is discrepancy among experts where exactly we are, but most seem to agree that we are

in a very important transition period.

In Western astrology, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

In ancient Vedic astrology, we are at the beginning of the end of a 300 cycle (currently

living in the transition period at the end of the Kaliyuga Age).

The Vedic doctrine also tells us what Western astrology philosophies do, and correlates

with the cycles described by ancient Native American wisdom as well.

They tell us that we are living in an age of Darkness, also described in The Mahabharata,

a time when mental capabilities reach their lowest point and moral virtue is stripped

from the Earth.

As independent researcher Bibhu Dev Misra writes, when the �World Soul� is full

of blackness and corruption, and only a small fraction of virtue remains, it �slowly dwindles

to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga.

Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear

of scarcity dominate.

Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse.

All creatures degenerate.

Change passes over all things, without exception.�

These descriptions accurately reflect our society�s progression.

As we�ve moved through modern history, this past age � which has lasted approximately

2,100 years � is coming to an end, a conclusion marked by a time when global tensions have

never been so high.

During this age, humanity has indeed experienced the most darkness, and it seems that the more

ancient a civilization, the more spiritually (and technologically) advanced they might

have been � also interesting because after this age ends, we will be cycling back to

the beginning, an age that hasn�t been seen since the time of great knowledge and understanding

of the spiritual sciences, mysticism, consciousness, and non-materialism in general.

This all seems to be part of the massive shift in collective consciousness that is going

on today.

Dr. Young writes:

�As we know from Ancient Egyptian History, these events are symptoms of psychic changes

that always appear at the end of one platonic month, and at the beginning of another.

They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of psychic dominance, of the archetypes or

gods, as they used to be called, which bring about or accompany long lasting transformations

of the collective psyche.

This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it.

First, in the transition from the age of Torus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces,

whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity (mentioned above).

We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point, enters


Interest quote above, it�s taken from his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things

Seen in the Skies.

It�s hard to find a non translated version that was written by Jung in 1958, that�s

why the recording below, from manly P. Hall, who had a relationship with Jung, as being

recognized as two of the greatest minds of their time � they were also into each others

work, is so important.

Hall has been recognized as one of the world�s leading scholars in the fields of religion,

mythology, mysticism, and the occult.

Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung, who, when

writing his Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall�s private collection.

One of his most recognized books is a great resource of information, The Secret Teachings

of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical


Jung, contrary to popular belief, was a heavy researcher into the topic of UFOs, during

the time he published his book he also accused the Air Force for covering up information

about the subject.

Hall explains Jung�s quote above:

�Jung is telling us, that the Platonic year is a problem in timing, and that what we call

the processional motion of the equinoxes, results in the vernal equinox changing about

every 2100 years, and that these changes correspond to the months of the great platonic year,

which consists of something over 25,000 years.

He is telling us therefore that these changes arising in nature, in cosmos, in space, are

due to certain gradual transformations of archetypes, and that these archetypes mean,

that in nature this clock is active, and that this clock is continuously moving, passing

from one cyclic division to another, he could undoubtedly gather, a powerful body of information

to prove that at each of these vital periods, these periods in which the general dominant

of the world changes, there has been a mark, an important social psychological change in

the life of individuals.�

He (Hall) then goes on to say:

�The life of the individual is in relationship to the life of the collective, that this phenomenon,

of the flying saucers, should arise as the vernal equinox moves toward the aquarian point,

and that this consequently implies, as it did to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and

also to many Asiatic peoples, a major motion of world consciousness, world pressure, and

that this motion is from a water sign, to an air sign�And that therefore, the atmospheric

mystery, the mystery of air, and that which is concealed within air, must become increasingly

psychologically dominant for a period of more than 2000 years to come.�

You can listen to the Full audio below.

Hall goes into many different topics, and provides his own ideas about the phenomenon.

Human Consciousness & Space

Scientific literature is clear on the fact that several physiological rhythms and global

collective behaviours are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but also

that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behaviour.

You can read more about that here in an article that�s sourced with the science behind it.

The point is, at a biological level we know that all life on Earth is linked in some way

with Solar, Lunar, and possibly other cycles as well.

There is also a great deal of evidence that human consciousness, which plays such a big

role in quantum physics, and other areas of non material science, is directly connected

to astrology in very peculiar ways.

�It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent

way without reference to consciousness.� � Max Planck

For example, in Collective Evolution III: The Shift, we documented how solar flares

not only have the ability to produce a beautiful light show for spectators on earth, but also

coincide with major world events and have a powerful effect on human consciousness.

Major solar activity has been directly correlated with major events throughout human history,

it�s quite interesting, and there is no doubt that the ancients saw these correlations,

and were able to perhaps easily predict times in human history where a lot is happening.

The takeaway with the recent increase in interest and mass validity of the UFO subject, is coinciding,

as are with many other things (not just UFOs), a massive shift in human consciousness.



[METODO PRATICO] Come cambiare la batteria di un apparecchio acustico - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> [METODO PRATICO] Come cambiare la batteria di un apparecchio acustico - Duration: 1:24.


Classic TV Show | Collab | November - Duration: 12:33.

Let's talk about TV shall we

Hey howdy hey trainwreck, how are you today? I am the glorious trainwreck mom and

My friend Tony French who is part of a collaboration group on you on Facebook with me?

And so we are doing a classic TV show

Collaboration if you could go ahead and I've got the link to the playlist below

And if you could go ahead and check out the other

Videos and check out the playlist and maybe some of the other channels of the other

Youtubers doing this that would be awesome because you're awesome and we appreciate it so

But let's talk about our favorite TV shows. I am a huge fan of classic TV

I really don't watch a whole lot of TV now

I do watch stuff like Supernatural

X-files that should be no surprise stranger things

So yeah, you're about to see a theme on all of this and there's gonna be one little surprise at the end

So good luck. Let's talk about this is going to be my top 5 by the way. There's my top 5

favorite top classic TV shows

So here we go

number 5 is the Munsters the Munsters is

So amazing as a TV show


These people from you know no other word. They're not monsters. They are people they

Don't see how they're different

They don't make fun of their niece for being different

They relish in how they are different, and they just want to be part of everybody else they were

every inch

Human and I think that is really something that people need to watch today and learn today

Because it's just it's amazing to see that this old TV show was you know talking about

stereotypes and

In a way talking about class and race and gender in a way that

Didn't seem like it was super scary. You know. I thought that was brilliant. It was well done. The remake was a

Travesty and should have never happened. I love Jerry O'Connell

I don't know what they were thinking it should just never happen again leave stuff alone

Just leave stuff alone stop the remake stop the reboots. Just leave it alone okay

It's perfect the way it is and the Munsters was perfect. I absolutely loved the Munsters

Just amazing incredible

Number four is on the same line stay out of his family

These people were twisted sick they were

Morbid and dark and creepy and can we talk about Morticia Halle?

chick crush for real, but can we just

Just love the fact that they were who they were

No questions asked no holds barred

They were there and they did not care what anyone else thought of them. They were just the most incredible

family that was on TV and they were honestly I think they were actually more real then like Leave It to Beaver and

Donna Reed and all of that because

Not everybody is Karl's and high heels and permed hair, okay

Let's just be honest some of us are less than to read a little bit more Roseanne

That would be me how about you? Okay?

The ABA's family and these were people who fiercely loved their family

They loved their kids

They were involved they were

Devoted to each other like nobody else everyone out there talking about they want to love like

Harley Quinn and the Joker that's a joke right there

No, I want to love like like Gomez and Morticia and hey guess what?

He's pretty awesome he watches this so yeah, hi

Anyway, um so yeah for for just all-around

Awesomeness and like teaching you to be yourself. You know where the monsters was

accepting people as they were

The atmosphere only is be yourself be proud of who you are. You know so yeah, definitely definitely awesome

number three

Told you there was a theme here. It's bewitched

Bewitched was one of the first TV shows that had come out

Where it was women had power?

So they had to make it into a super naturally kind of thing to make it less scary and

I thought it was brilliant the way they did it I?

hate the fact that they had to

Keep the men in charge like if they didn't have the men in charge of the woman and her power

That she was just gonna cause havoc all over the place

But if you watch me, which you'll notice

Doesn't really matter what Darrin says Darrin won or Darrin - I don't have a preference. I wasn't watching it for him

I was watching it for her

I was watching up to see her stand up for herself

Teach her kid how to be a good being witch - and used her powers in the realm of humans

And you know still be herself

You know you have this gift. You have this talent, and you're still allowed to use it now

Let's use it in the proper way. You know don't go turning people in the frogs don't you know make it rain on someone's parade

Use it the right way

But I love it. She usually just kind of did whatever she wanted anyway, so

Yes, Samantha and bewitched was definitely number three

I think it was an amazing amazing turning point for women in


to see themselves having

Starting to have power and starting to realize

It kind of scared some people to see women having power

And it was pretty amazing how they all got around all that so that was pretty cool

Number two is

Mesh told you there was a twist mesh


one of those shows that my parents watched on a regular basis

My parents were not Korean War they were Vietnam War era my parents were both Air Force

But it was just that

Yeah, I guess in that same time frame

Set of mind kind of thing where my dad is very you know my dad was military

He was Air Force and then he worked for Department of Defense

And he just really didn't care for the whole hierarchy

You know kind of thing he did not go for you know. This is a general. This is a colonel. He doesn't care

He really just did not care it in fact. It was just like aren't you supposed to salute now

I work for a living by and he would just walk off and

Benjamin Franklin Pierce Hawkeye

Remind me so much of my dad

the irreverence the sense of humor the

there are other qualities to

It they even had the same hairstyle. It was it was just so bizarre, but I just I I love mesh

Because it showed people trying to make the best of their situation

There there nobody wanted to be there nobody want to be in Korea nobody thought

They should have been there and yet there. They were doing the best they could with the tools that they had available to them so

I mean if ever there was a good show

About you know you know you hear about what is that Grey's Anatomy and all that?

When it comes to doctors doing the doing the best with the bare minimum?

I'm gonna go with mash. I love mash it was well

Done I also loved seeing some of the guest stars that were in it. It was pretty amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed that show

number one is finale folks

Twilight Zone big shock I know right Twilight Zone was

Groundbreaking for the time

Nobody thought about doing something like this on TV

I know. They'd probably done stuff like this on radio, and you know that's yeah, that's radio, but this is TV

I just hit the mic my bed. Um this was TV and

Here's this guy Rod Serling

Popping up hey, that's my oven going. I'm getting dinner soon. Yeah

Rod Serling was a genius

I mean there were always stories that were a little odd a little weird, and he collected them and some of them he wrote a

94% on that if I'm wrong, please tell me write it in the comments I loved learning new things that's why I like being wrong

But yeah, you know this was something

That was so far out from what anyone else had done before

That it absolutely had to stand out and it did it was

Wonderful it was creepy

It was weird it went against every social Moray and norm

That was out there, and it basically also was a little tongue-in-cheek

Like hey you see everybody crying you know

Communists over here well now we got a guy who's saying there's there's something on the way and

Nobody's taking him seriously, and it's that same parallel that nobody

You know was listening to one guy, but nobody was listening to if you don't say you guys you know what I'm saying

I don't know. I'm saying half the time anyway, but

There was just so many good like lessons. I mean it was like weird Aesop's fables

If you think about it, and I just loved everything about it

how to cook man and the beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Those are some of the classic ones gotta love when sci-fi does their marathon

Every New Year's Day I get to sit and watch

burgess, Meredith

Crying about his glasses being broken because that would totally be my luck

to be in a book shop or a library and have all the

The world and I can't read nothing that would be me breaking my glasses

Guys that's my top five right there. I'd love to hear what yours are throw me some comments down below

Again, I'll have the link to the playlist in the description below

I'd love for you to go check out all the other videos check out some channels might find new people to watch

I don't know. You don't have to just watch me all the time although there's 211 of you right now

Who do watch me and I dig that so much

And I think you think you think you think you think you you guys are so amazing round of applause

Think you think you think you

I'm do me a favor

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so you can see this regular basis my books platitudes of gratitude and

All your fault are available in eBook and paperback on Amazon Kindle if this is your first time here

Hey, how are you welcome to then house?

Go ahead, and I'd love for you to subscribe

It's been great having you here. I hope you enjoyed if you're a returning

Trainwreck then hey welcome aboard how are you um?

Go ahead and share I'd love to hear from you guys. Just throw me some comments. If there's anything you want to see content wise

Let me know go ahead throw some more. I'm all about comments

You guys should know by now that I answer my comments as quickly as I can

So go ahead and just talk to me in the comments. I'm usually there even when I'm at work, and I shouldn't be don't tell

But that's all I've got for today trainwreck so all aboard

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