Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

Getting into the city, arrived in time

Looking everywhere, let's get inside

One and two, walking around

We're two lost guys all over the town

(See you)

Lost in the city

(See you)

Lost in the city

(See you)

Walking on the streets, change our ways

Meet you again right in front of that place

One and two, hours from now

We're two lost guys all over the town

(See you)

Lost in the city

(See you)

Lost in the city

(See you)

For more infomation >> The Cat Square - See You - Duration: 2:56.


SCOUT 2017 - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> SCOUT 2017 - Duration: 1:31.






Astrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years.

It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been

concealed and forbidden from public viewing.

Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity,

and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge.

From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great

minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason.

Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer.

It�s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science,

especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual


�The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one

decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.�- Nikola Tesla

A new age, astrologically speaking, for man began at the dawn of Christianity.

Prior to this, we had the secret societies, concepts like the Philosopher�s Stone, and

other �magical� concepts, including the use of magic and sorcery.

With the advent of Christianity, the concept of God took their place, yet more recently,

concepts that were used and practiced prior to the beginning of modern day religion have

been emerging once more, which is interesting because we are at the end of an age, and transitioning

into a new one.

There is discrepancy among experts where exactly we are, but most seem to agree that we are

in a very important transition period.

In Western astrology, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

In ancient Vedic astrology, we are at the beginning of the end of a 300 cycle (currently

living in the transition period at the end of the Kaliyuga Age).

The Vedic doctrine also tells us what Western astrology philosophies do, and correlates

with the cycles described by ancient Native American wisdom as well.

They tell us that we are living in an age of Darkness, also described in The Mahabharata,

a time when mental capabilities reach their lowest point and moral virtue is stripped

from the Earth.

As independent researcher Bibhu Dev Misra writes, when the �World Soul� is full

of blackness and corruption, and only a small fraction of virtue remains, it �slowly dwindles

to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga.

Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear

of scarcity dominate.

Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse.

All creatures degenerate.

Change passes over all things, without exception.�

These descriptions accurately reflect our society�s progression.

As we�ve moved through modern history, this past age � which has lasted approximately

2,100 years � is coming to an end, a conclusion marked by a time when global tensions have

never been so high.

During this age, humanity has indeed experienced the most darkness, and it seems that the more

ancient a civilization, the more spiritually (and technologically) advanced they might

have been � also interesting because after this age ends, we will be cycling back to

the beginning, an age that hasn�t been seen since the time of great knowledge and understanding

of the spiritual sciences, mysticism, consciousness, and non-materialism in general.

This all seems to be part of the massive shift in collective consciousness that is going

on today.

Dr. Young writes:

�As we know from Ancient Egyptian History, these events are symptoms of psychic changes

that always appear at the end of one platonic month, and at the beginning of another.

They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of psychic dominance, of the archetypes or

gods, as they used to be called, which bring about or accompany long lasting transformations

of the collective psyche.

This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it.

First, in the transition from the age of Torus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces,

whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity (mentioned above).

We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point, enters


Interest quote above, it�s taken from his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things

Seen in the Skies.

It�s hard to find a non translated version that was written by Jung in 1958, that�s

why the recording below, from manly P. Hall, who had a relationship with Jung, as being

recognized as two of the greatest minds of their time � they were also into each others

work, is so important.

Hall has been recognized as one of the world�s leading scholars in the fields of religion,

mythology, mysticism, and the occult.

Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung, who, when

writing his Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall�s private collection.

One of his most recognized books is a great resource of information, The Secret Teachings

of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical


Jung, contrary to popular belief, was a heavy researcher into the topic of UFOs, during

the time he published his book he also accused the Air Force for covering up information

about the subject.

Hall explains Jung�s quote above:

�Jung is telling us, that the Platonic year is a problem in timing, and that what we call

the processional motion of the equinoxes, results in the vernal equinox changing about

every 2100 years, and that these changes correspond to the months of the great platonic year,

which consists of something over 25,000 years.

He is telling us therefore that these changes arising in nature, in cosmos, in space, are

due to certain gradual transformations of archetypes, and that these archetypes mean,

that in nature this clock is active, and that this clock is continuously moving, passing

from one cyclic division to another, he could undoubtedly gather, a powerful body of information

to prove that at each of these vital periods, these periods in which the general dominant

of the world changes, there has been a mark, an important social psychological change in

the life of individuals.�

He (Hall) then goes on to say:

�The life of the individual is in relationship to the life of the collective, that this phenomenon,

of the flying saucers, should arise as the vernal equinox moves toward the aquarian point,

and that this consequently implies, as it did to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and

also to many Asiatic peoples, a major motion of world consciousness, world pressure, and

that this motion is from a water sign, to an air sign�And that therefore, the atmospheric

mystery, the mystery of air, and that which is concealed within air, must become increasingly

psychologically dominant for a period of more than 2000 years to come.�

You can listen to the Full audio below.

Hall goes into many different topics, and provides his own ideas about the phenomenon.

Human Consciousness & Space

Scientific literature is clear on the fact that several physiological rhythms and global

collective behaviours are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but also

that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behaviour.

You can read more about that here in an article that�s sourced with the science behind it.

The point is, at a biological level we know that all life on Earth is linked in some way

with Solar, Lunar, and possibly other cycles as well.

There is also a great deal of evidence that human consciousness, which plays such a big

role in quantum physics, and other areas of non material science, is directly connected

to astrology in very peculiar ways.

�It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent

way without reference to consciousness.� � Max Planck

For example, in Collective Evolution III: The Shift, we documented how solar flares

not only have the ability to produce a beautiful light show for spectators on earth, but also

coincide with major world events and have a powerful effect on human consciousness.

Major solar activity has been directly correlated with major events throughout human history,

it�s quite interesting, and there is no doubt that the ancients saw these correlations,

and were able to perhaps easily predict times in human history where a lot is happening.

The takeaway with the recent increase in interest and mass validity of the UFO subject, is coinciding,

as are with many other things (not just UFOs), a massive shift in human consciousness.



TAX HAVENS COST YOU $54.23 PER MONTH! #CANADA - Duration: 7:43.

Welcome to the YouTube platform of Blabla Canada!

Today my friends, we will be talking about big numbers.

Wait, what? Big numbers?

Yes, exactly!

Today, we will be talking about tax evasion and tax avoidance in Canada and

as well how much it freaking costs to the society.

Wait, what?

So first of all, it is important to know the difference between tax evasion and tax avoidance in Canada.

Yes, knowing the difference is freaking important!

So first of all, tax evasion is an illegal activity.

Tax evasion basically is when you do not file your tax returns as you should,

or is maybe as well when you do not fully and accurately declare your income.

Just remember that tax evasion is a crime in Canada; it is something that is not okay at all.


But on the other side, tax avoidance is legal.

It is basically the use of legal methods in modifying your financial situation in order to

lower the amount of taxes that you owe.

And there is something that you need to understand!

It is usually wealthy or very wealthy people that do these kinds of activities because

when you are apart of the 99%, it is not worth it.

Wealthy people and corporations can use these tax havens,

which are located in countries that require little to no tax.

So basically, these countries are the perfect countries that people look to

when they want to avoid paying their taxes.

Just remember that tax avoidance is legal, but it is very, very controversial

and it is firmly criticized by a lot of people.

Indeed, this practice of tax avoidance can be seen as immoral, unethical, why?

Because wealthy people and corporations are not paying their fair share.

It is immoral because countries and governments are not getting as much

fiscal revenues as they are supposed to get.

It is immoral because these taxes that rich people and corporations are supposed to pay

will not be used to build schools or even other public infrastructures, and they will not be as well used to fund

social programs in order to help the most vulnerable people, and as well, for example, our veterans.

I guess you have probably heard about the Paradise Papers, right?

Paradise, what?

Wow! 13.4 million electronic documents, 19 tax havens, 381 journalists from 67 countries

and 96 different medias looking for the truth.

A lot of companies and rich people, including 3,000 Canadians.

These are the shocking Paradise Papers.

What do these documents really show?

The Paradise Papers actually really show the scale of the offshore empire

and actually involves everyone, from the Queen to Facebook.

The files have set out different strategies and numerous ways in which wealthy people and corporations

can avoid paying their taxes through the use of artificial structures and fake subsidiaries.

But it is important to understand that most tax havens were used legally,

but they seem to not be fair and morally right.

In Canada, three former Canadian Prime Ministers have been named in the Paradise Papers,

Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, and Brian Mulroney.

Wow, even politicians!

Oh my god, that is a lot of shady business!

Yes, and you know it is very ironical because these ministers that we just mentioned previously were

actually ministers that implemented austerity measures that went against the interests of Canadian citizens.

Wait, who else?

Who else was in the Paradise Papers?

Stephen Bronfman, a close friend of Justin Trudeau and chief fundraiser of the Liberal Party of Canada,

is part of two generations of Liberal fundraisers that amassed US $60 million

in a tax haven beyond the reach of tax collectors.

Anyways, there is a lot of shady business that is happening in the Canadian elite and people

do not even seem to be bothered or outraged by it.

I guess it is not worth it to be outraged by it...

Okay, so, what about revealing the number of dollars that we are missing?

Oh yes, tell me, I am so excited!

So first of all, it is important to understand that there is no official number that

represents Canadian tax losses due to tax avoidance and tax evasion.

Indeed, Canadian Revenue Agency does not want to reveal the number; they do not like transparency.

So, Canadians for Tax Fairness has revised its estimate of Canadian tax losses due to tax evasion and

tax avoidance to between CAN $10 to $15 billion a year.

Okay, I know that when we look, you know, at CAN $10 to $15 billion, we don't really know what it truly represents.

We do not realize that it is enough money to pay for a national and universal pharmacare program

for at least 3-4 years, according to the Alternative Federal Budget.

And we don't realize that it is enough money to make university tuition free across the country.

Anyways now, let's see how much CAN $10 to $15 billion a year represents to the society, costs to the society.

Basically, what this means is that we are going to find the number of extra tax dollars that

Canadian taxpayers are paying, which they would not be paying if corporations and

very wealthy individuals paid their taxes in Canada.

Yes, because you need to understand that you are paying tax dollars,

instead of some rich people and corporations.

Oh my god...

As we said, we are missing CAN $10 to $15 billion, so let's take the median of it, which is 12.5 billion dollars.


When we divide that by the number of taxpayers in Canada, which is

approximately 19.2 million taxpayers in Canada, we got $651 per year per person.


If we want this number per month, we need to divide it by 12, which gives $54.23 per month per person.

So, so, what does this freaking mean basically?

Basically, if corporations and rich people paid their fair share in Canada without using any tax haven,

every Canadian taxpayer would not be paying $54.23 per month more than they are supposed to be paying.

Oh my god, I am so triggered now!

I mean I should not be paying for rich people, that is not fair!

Yes, and it is completely ridiculous because we know that we could pass a law that tells corporations

and very rich people that tax avoidance is actually an illegal activity,

and we would save $10 to $15 billion per year.

So now, we know what tax evasion and tax avoidance represent to us.

I don't care, I am going to send a letter to Trudeau to ask him to give me back the $54.

Yes, and I encourage everyone to do it!

So, before putting an end to the video, we just wanted to tell you that we will make other videos about tax

evasion and tax avoidance and as well we will be talking about different solutions that we can

implement in order to solve this ever-lasting issue.

So, please hit that little bell, hit that like button and as well share this video on any social media that you want.

Don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook and YouTube account.

This was Blabla Canada, the alternative media by and for the common mortals

and I will see you for another video.

For more infomation >> TAX HAVENS COST YOU $54.23 PER MONTH! #CANADA - Duration: 7:43.


Friend says he saw St. Matthews homicide victim shortly before shooting - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Friend says he saw St. Matthews homicide victim shortly before shooting - Duration: 1:31.


Road closures and tight security before President Trump arrives - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Road closures and tight security before President Trump arrives - Duration: 1:23.


CBC NL Here & Now Monday November 20 2017 - Duration: 1:03:24.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Monday November 20 2017 - Duration: 1:03:24.


Mc Dharta - Subliminal (official video) - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Mc Dharta - Subliminal (official video) - Duration: 3:38.


Boosted: Chronicles #1 Odyssey Edition - Duration: 6:01.

Hello and welcome to Boosted : Chronicles, a new spin on the boosted series,

where we chronicle the history of an old expansion and then crack into some packs from that set.

And so, starting in no particular order, we have Odyssey.

The Odyssey expansion was released in October 2001, and marks the start to the Odyssey block.

This was the 24th expansion released and design was led by Mark Rosewater with Richard Garfield and others on his team.

As the first set of the block, it's a larger set containing 350 cards, with an even split amongst the commons, uncommons and rares at 110 each,

with the remaining 20 cards being lands.

Odyssey was a graveyard focused expansion which was meant to turn card advantage on its head,

with mechanics like Flashback and Threshold placing a greater importance on the state and size of the graveyard,

ultimately it proved unpopular with players the flashback mechanic allows a

card to be recast from a graveyard for a flashback costume specified on the card

flashback cards in Odyssey are denoted by a tombstone before the card name

however the symbol was dropped in reprinted cards from the set the

threshold mechanic gives cards modified altered or in some cases completely

different abilities based on the size or state of the opponent's graveyard adding

to the problem was the disconnect between the theme of the mechanics and

the storyline and overall flavor of the set not matching however its graveyard

focused mechanics were later revisited and redeemed in the more theme

appropriate in the strata which is considered to be a spiritual successor

to the direct continuation of the flashback mechanic an elaboration on the

graveyard matters themed mechanics story-wise this marked the beginning of

a new store line with a new setting and cast of characters that no longer

followed the plot that / arch through the previous 13 sets leading up to the

Odyssey block instead we have the adventures of Kemal Jessica Lacroix tiss

abortion care car and many others in the remote continent of otário on the plain

of dama Neriah with a focus of the story being the legendary wish-granting

artifact known as them were our which brought with it madness death and

destruction to its wielder and those in its wake

and now over to you in the field gonzo I'm gonzo the gamer and today we're

opening Odyssey alright we're taking it old-school today we're going back to the

year 2001 the year when there was a hit song on the radio that I can't remember

and the hit television show was also a show I can't remember in fact I don't

remember much from men but I do remember opening at least one of these booster

packs so this was more at the end of my time of playing magic when when Odyssey

came out but we're gonna carry on where I left off and open up some of these now

Odyssey is kind of an interesting blocker set on it as where they made

people focus on the graveyard and it was also had you know mixed receptions

according to Wikipedia alright oh I see a graveyard thing

that's interesting there's also a whole bunch of new things they also seem to be

finally getting their card sorting better ooh see Florida breeze no idea

probably worth noting but that's pretty cool I would not want to piss that guy

off ah

two two imps I think I remember this card actually not very useful but do oh

man these comes back again guys I could tell that the art starting to change

here it's like not quite the old-school it's not quite Ursus alright we're

almost into the the uncommons new peak well let's peek at the next card in

common all these like gravestones on here those artifacts old-school

artifacts dude and the rare stalking bloodsucker

oh and it's still in those days where creatures were pretty expensive 4 4 4 6

gotta gotta love that value alright let's go into number 2 we are now

beating young Kenzo back back when I used to be a little clown and not a

gamer but all the clown's grow up to be gamers that's the way it works right all

right let's get into this back Oh

another C Florida breeze what is it with that and getting double cards this is

actually astoundingly huge set I think it was 350 cards if I'm wrong there's

probably something flashing across the screen right now I'm kind of flying

through these look at that we're almost almost into those those uncommons look

at that look at that uncommon symbol we're there oh that one's kind of creepy

decomposed so ant warrior and time stretch now me now has no idea how I've

done but I'm sure that stuff has already come across well they scream or

something else cheeky by me but as always i'm jens oh the gamer this has

been boosted and we'll catch you on the next one

For more infomation >> Boosted: Chronicles #1 Odyssey Edition - Duration: 6:01.


NEVER HAVE YOU EVER *gone wild* - Duration: 13:00.

Funny Never Have I Ever Challenge, Funny Never Have you Ever Challenge. ENJOY!

no don't say that okay we don't want to do the same thing that we've seen on

YouTube over and over again so we're gonna do never have you ever it's not

works basically we're gonna say never have you ever done this if you haven't

done it you have to do a build up to like it's gonna get worse and worse it's

probably gonna start for the worst Oh what first okay okay I'm gonna start

with my favorite one oh great never have you ever eaten your

own toenails you're insane without any milk what do

you say about any milk What's Wrong dog what are you good for

you bro you're insane make sure you watch it

the fungus would probably give you fungus it is pre clean now bro bro

what's the difference between half of it and just all of it this one's hat and

one's all of it bro that's like one no need a different story this is me

holding your mouth I got it you just do the rest in your mouth bro that's part

of the rule never evening a fault on it - inhaler capital nails

I think oh my god okay I'm actually putting him in so I'm crying but

focusing on your face focus on a pole it's less than an inch in tell you that

so what we'll do now solve it you're insane took a die I'm gonna fry

swallow this but if I if I told me I'm going on recorded I'm getting some spit

sloppily well you made me do this no it's gone it's gone your daughter and

it's coming back up oh yeah right now for free never have

you ever crack the egg open like this and swallowing right tell me why not

and I'll maybe let you off that's not gonna go yet the great footage the

nastiest thing I ever made him do was the toenail month and there's just a

tornado doesn't taste bad I have to eat this raw egg man you do it

I'm gonna do to me Oh bro you're gonna spill it on you I'm gonna throw up man

mama raised no why am I such as ooh boy Oh bro come on no chance I actually ate

it all the phony never have you ever danced salsa with our dog yeah you dance

partners running

you've done the cinnamon challenge but never have you ever done the cayenne

pepper challenge which is a teaspoon of pepper pepper as the tear drip stand my

I help like I'm already good I'm sorry crying a dramatic scene

it was all stuck to my mouth put some music it was all starts right now

I left an agony and I went to wash and rinse my mouth little did I know I just

switched around all the spice and just turn my tongue on fire but I've switched

around water a came more spice get me more milk get me moving on never

have you ever for I seen you know what do you mean like that crusted up somehow

make a smaller forfeit your nose we can bring pieces so easily this is becoming

my bra but this stuff I had Marie we're so innocent it's fun just fun

apparently I have to put two pieces of ice in my nose and let it melt all the

way all of it and let it melt baby no it's burning why this ice burn because

you're not putting it back enough it's going in my nose

whoa sighs if you put the ice in you know what it's melting through my hair

is going to my brain is it cold thank you water here there's just a lot of us

back yes I mean never have you ever ran across the street

with your underwear oh thank you that let's do it

real funny everyone's doing construction on the other side wall first is wrong

never have you back flip into our pool off the table do that I have an idea so

so so I'm gonna roll the footage I jumped in the pool

Gary forgot to turn the mic on okay roll it this next one is payback from when we

were little when we were little we were playing basketball right by the pool and

there was a fence the ball goes over the fence and I went to get the ball from

the pool but I was right in front of the fence on a small ledge on a small bench

yeah that's that yeah those a small ledge enough room for me to get the ball

Eric being a little monkey daddy is goats on the other side of the fence and

starts trying to climb it for some reason cuz you're taking so long foot

slips from the fence like there's bars with the slips kicks my butt I go flying

it he was bending over like this to get the bubble oh yeah never have you ever

got pushed by me during the winter time with your clothes on into the pool

clothes are great you

okay Gary forgot to turn the mic on and now I'm very disappointed that the mic

wasn't on so instead of doing it again with the mic on Gary's gonna jump at the

pool again yeah yeah let's settle this like men go ah one one glass one go I'm


let's recreate the scene I'll do it twice showing what you did to me you yes

as a crane no we're gonna do show him again and then Eric just like oops

is it cold enough I know that's what

you're insane oh my god this guy's insane video that

means you're gonna drop a like and if you're where you look at me you're never

in the shot why do you always take up space if you're new here subscribe

subscribe subscribe that's the beginning of the video

wait the shoutouts are OBB sweet shout out this sorrow BB probably means sorrow

BB sorrow it's sa u ro b b sh na nan my memory

we're so to the screenshot after you

right gianna do you with the means oh my god Joe in the club why getting scared

of a dog if you want a shout out this dog wasa show what did you did a lot of

crazy things in this video yeah yeah post your favorite part on your

Instagram story make sure to tag us so we see it okay huh and if your account

is private you have to DM us so we'll see it got it you got it yeah okay yeah

until next time


my hair is very weird hey your hair got what my did not mine did not mine in


For more infomation >> NEVER HAVE YOU EVER *gone wild* - Duration: 13:00.


[METODO PRATICO] Come cambiare la batteria di un apparecchio acustico - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> [METODO PRATICO] Come cambiare la batteria di un apparecchio acustico - Duration: 1:24.


How Thanksgiving Became a Holiday in America: Why is Thanksgiving the Fourth Thursday? - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:59.

You're watching FreeSchool!

If you live in the United States, you have probably already heard the story of the first

Thanksgiving - how the Pilgrims came over on the Mayflower and held a feast of Thanksgiving

after their first good harvest in the New World.

But how did a Massachusetts harvest festival in 1621 become a modern national holiday?

In the seventeenth century days of thanksgiving were religious holidays, days of fasting and

prayer, giving thanks to God for things like rain ending a drought or success in battle,

as well as for good harvests.

In 1777, Congress proclaimed a day of thanksgiving in all 13 colonies to commemorate the victory

of American forces over the British at the Battle of Saratoga.

Another day of thanksgiving was celebrated in November of 1782 after the British House

of Commons voted to end the Revolutionary War, and George Washington later proclaimed

yet another one in the first year of his presidency.

John Adams and James Madison also set days of thanksgiving, but no president after Madison

would do the same for fifty years.

Throughout the 1800s, several states adopted a yearly Thanksgiving holiday.

These days of thanksgiving were celebrated on a different day in every state, and remained

mostly a Northern tradition.

In 1846 Sarah Josepha Hale, magazine editor and the author of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

began a campaign to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.

Over the course of seventeen years she published articles and wrote letters to governors, senators,

and five consecutive presidents, urging the creation of a national day of thanksgiving

each year.

In 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday

in November to be a day of Thanksgiving, hoping that it would help heal the wounds of their

divided nation.

Thanksgiving became only the third National Holiday to be observed in the United States,

alongside Washington's Birthday and Independence Day.

Thanksgiving remained on the last Thursday in November until the 1930s.

In 1933 there were five Thursdays in November, and some business owners asked Franklin D.

Roosevelt, the president at the time, to move Thanksgiving up a week so people would have

more time to shop for Christmas.

He refused.

The next time there were five Thursdays in November was 1939, and Roosevelt was still


This time when business owners asked him to move the holiday, he agreed, and issued a

presidential proclamation saying that Thanksgiving should be the fourth Thursday of November.

Some people really disliked the change since they thought it was just intended to help

people make more money.

Some states' governors even refused to change the date of their state's Thanksgiving celebrations

until 1941, when Congress passed a law saying that Thanksgiving should be on the fourth

Thursday, bringing everyone's celebrations back to the same day.

Today Thanksgiving is a day of rest and feasting.

It is popularly celebrated with football and parades, but most importantly, it is about

family - and remembering what we have to be thankful for.

I hope you enjoyed learning about the history of Thanksgiving today!

Goodbye till next time.

For more infomation >> How Thanksgiving Became a Holiday in America: Why is Thanksgiving the Fourth Thursday? - FreeSchool - Duration: 3:59.


DUMBEST BREAKUPS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:18.

• From fake goldfish funerals to literally giving someone shit, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the dumbest ways we tried

breaking up with someone.

I'm Hellbent and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Hope_for_freedom1331 Doopie

One summer, Doopie's boyfriend invited her to a fair.

She wanted to break up with him because he never really paid attention to her, plus she

thought he may have been cheating.

While at the fair, they went on the biggest ride they had… a roller coaster.

But before going to the fair, Doopie made a sign that said, "I'm breaking up with

you, buh bye!"

While they were on the roller coaster, as soon as the part of the ride came where they

took the picture, Doopie held up the sign and yelled in his ear, "I'm breaking up

with you, bitch!"

Doopie smiled at the camera as they went down the slope.

When the ride was over, she went to see the picture.

She saw herself smiling while holding up the sign… and the angry look on her boyfriend's


She bought that picture.

Number 9 was submitted by BloodryneRenesme2 Mimi

The dumbest way Mimi tried to dump someone was to put a note in her boyfriend's drink.

When he took a drink, he ended up choking on the note.

She gave him the Heimlich Maneuver, and he ended up being okay.

They remain friends to this day.

Number 8 was submitted by fbnboy04 SaltySquid

When SaltySquid was 18, he had the bright idea to break up with his girlfriend by banging

her 19-year old sister.

After SaltySquid and his girlfriend's sister were done doing it, his girlfriend walked


The sisters started beating the shit out of each other, and SaltySquid got the hell out

of there through the nearest window.

Naked, he jumped in his car and sped away.

Number 7 was submitted by ArgentoVeta MKyleM

After MKyleM became disinterested in his second girlfriend, he decided to ask his usually

sarcastic and snarky friend, Grgak, for advice.

Grgak told MKyleM to dump her, but MKyleM didn't know what that meant because he had

only experienced mutual breakups.

MkyleM asked Grgak about it, and Grgak gave the snarky reply, "What do you think 'dump'


MkyleM, totally clueless, replied, "Taking a shit?"

Grgak stared at him for a solid minute and replied, "Yes, just give her some shit and

you'll be fine."

MKyleM did just that and, long story short, they didn't talk for a year after that.

Number 6 was submitted by Super_Nova_Nebula Ramona

When she was in seventh grade, Ramona had a boyfriend who she had been dating for about

a year.

He wasn't that bright and she never really liked him that much.

At brunch one day, Ramona told him they needed to talk in private.

She pulled him to the side of the building with a box of chocolates in her hand.

In the box there were chocolates wrapped with papers that came together to say, "I'm dumping


But he read them wrong and thought they said, "I will dump on you."

He went around telling the whole school that Ramona would take a dump on all of her boyfriends.

By the end of the day, the entire school called her "Dumpy."

It got so bad that even the principal found out about the note and told her parents.

She ended up getting grounded and was called "Dumpy" for the rest of her time at that school.

Number 5 was submitted by Mint-Chip-Kittens Melissa

When Melissa was sixteen she dated a guy she didn't really like.

Despite being a nice guy, the spark in their relationship was just no longer there.

When they went on a date one night, she planned on telling him that it just wasn't working

anymore, but when they got to the restaurant he said he had a special surprise at the end

of dinner.

Melissa immediately thought he was going to propose.

She saw they had a karaoke machine and a huge stage, so she did one of the dumbest and cruelest

things in her lifetime.

Melissa picked a song, went on stage, and said into the microphone, "This goes out to

my boyfriend.

I hope you enjoy it."

He blew her a kiss and she started singing 'Tainted Love.'

When it was over, Melissa saw that he wasn't in the restaurant anymore.

He was outside, crying.

She felt awful, and he asked what he did wrong.

It turned out the surprise was Baskin Robbins, so Melissa didn't need to break his heart

in front of about seventy people.

She realized only afterward how dumb it was to think he would propose since they were

only sixteen.

Number 4 was submitted by Cuntasaurs Spinalpalm

A couple years ago, Spinalpalm dated a girl who was overly-attached.

He wanted to dump her, so one night he decided to tell her that they were breaking up.

She didn't take that very well and started throwing stuff at him, so he told her he was

just joking.

Spinalpalm then thought of a different way to dump her, and decided to make her a mixtape.

He told her in the mixtape that he wasn't joking and put some of the worst songs ever

on it.

He even had a remix with his own voice about her being a psychopath and other embarrassing

stuff, and she didn't take that well, either.

On prom night, while Spinalpalm danced with his new girlfriend PrincessProton, his ex-girlfriend

went to the DJ booth, pushed the DJ out of the way, and put on Spinalpalm's mixtape.

That was when he realized the mixtape was a bad idea.

Number 3 was submitted by Midnight10001 Spincess

When Spincess was in 6th grade, she had a boyfriend who wouldn't leave her alone,

and she couldn't be away from him at school or he'd get mad, so she decided to break up

with him by telling him that her goldfish died and that she needed some time to herself.

He didn't believe her, so Spincess invited him to a fake funeral at the park.

She got a dead fish from Walmart and faked the whole thing.

It worked, and now she's in a happy new relationship with Tolop.

Number 2 was submitted by SkyblueSkill11 Froggy

Back when Froggy was 16, she dated a guy who she didn't really like.

She decided to bake him a cake on his birthday that said, "I'm breaking up with you!"

She knew that it was stupid, and felt bad because she also got him a ticket to a concert

that he really wanted to go to.

Before the cake, he said it was the best day of his life.

But it turned out that he wasn't really that upset when she showed him the cake because

he didn't really like her either.

They're still friends and laugh when they look back on it.

Number 1 – What was the dumbest way I ever tried breaking up

with someone?

For more infomation >> DUMBEST BREAKUPS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:18.


Tiny RV Kitchen Tour + Organizing Tips & Tricks Full Time RV Family - Duration: 16:30.

For more infomation >> Tiny RV Kitchen Tour + Organizing Tips & Tricks Full Time RV Family - Duration: 16:30.


10 SONGS YOU LIKE #1 | Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Years & Years and more! - Duration: 6:13.

November 20th

A day like today I was uploading my first video to Youtube

Exactly, today's the first birthday of our channel.

So, I thought about doing something special for you guys

And I decided to open a new section called

Basically, I'm gonna sing the songs that you always wanted me to sing.

Hope you like it!

Talkin' in my sleep at night

Makin' myself crazy

(Out of my mind, out of my mind)

Wrote it down and read it out

Hopin' it would save me

(Too many times, too many times)

My love,

He makes me feel like nobody else

Nobody else

But my love,

He doesn't love me, so I tell myself

I tell myself

One, don't pick up the phone

You know he's only calling 'cause he's drunk and alone

Two, don't let him in

You'll have to kick him out again

Three, don't be his friend

You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning

And if you're under him, you ain't getting over him

I got new rules, I count 'em

I gotta tell them to myself

Is it desire

Or is it love that I'm feeling for you?

I want desire

'Cause your love only gets me abused

Whoa, oh

Take me to church

I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies

I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife

Offer me that deathless death

Oh good God, let me give you my life

If I could,

Then I would

I'll go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low

I'll go wherever you will go

If I could, then I would

I'll go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low

I'll go wherever you will go

But you see it's not me

It's not my family

In your head, in your head

They're fighting

With their tanks and their bombs

And their bombs and their guns

In your head, in your head

They're cryin'

In your head,

In your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie

Hey, hey

What's in your head,

In your head

Zombie, zombie, zombie

Hey, hey, hey, oh

Say what you mean

Tell me I'm right

And let the sun rain down on me

Give me a sign,

I want to believe


Mona Lisa,

You're guaranteed to run this town


Mona Lisa,

I'd pay to see you frown

So you can keep me

Inside the pocket

Of your ripped jeans

Holdin' me closer

'Til our eyes meet

You won't ever be alone

Wait for me to come home

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?

Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know

You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die

Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?

Don't you know I'm human too?

Why you gotta be so rude?

I'm gonna marry her anyway

Wanna hear your beating heart tonight

Before the bleeding sun comes alive

I want to make the best of what is left, hold tight

And hear my beating heart one last time

Before the daylight

Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go


Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missing home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go

Let me know if you like this new section

Giving me a THUMBS UP!

And be free to ask me any song right here below in the comments section.

Oh! And thank you for always being there!

It means a lot for me :)

Hope you see you soon!


For more infomation >> 10 SONGS YOU LIKE #1 | Dua Lipa, Ed Sheeran, Years & Years and more! - Duration: 6:13.


Denver Real Estate: Your latest Denver market snapshot - Duration: 1:06.

Hey guys it's Lisa and Steve

here with Blake Team Realty for your market update.

Hey guys, yeah we just want to give you another quick

snapshot about what's going on in the Denver market.

Truth be told it's gonna be pretty short and sweet.

We're seeing all of the same trends we've seen

over the last couple of months.

More inventory continues to go up.

More days on market, homes are taking longer to sell.

Average price, this is a little better than we saw

last year, or last month, so it's kind of evened out.

But again, when you look versus last year, this is the

year over year, that's a definite change.

So, we're definitely continuing this kind of cooling,

like we like to call it, market.

The big jump out at you stat this month of

change from last month, again this is month over month,

is sold homes.

So, lot less homes out there selling right now.


And that could be just due to the holiday season

as well so.

Yeah, so

again, same trend, kind of seeing this cooling

in the market.

So, it's gonna open up, loosen up the market,

for both buyers and sellers and,

you know, if you have any questions

we're here to help any day.

Yup, you know where to find us

and you guys all have a great day.

Thank you.

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