Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

What did you do during the off-season?

(Key) Normally now..I played solo rank or I was

(Key) watching Worlds that's being done right now.. The interview was done on Oct. 17th

(Key) and I rest during the weekends..

(Key) It's a bit....h

(Key) Wait, let me say it again..

What do you normally do during the weekends?

(Key) Normally on weekends..I just rest by sleeping.

(Key) I just relax and rest on our residence during the weekends.

You stay in your residence during the weekends as well..?

(Key) Yes, I'm trying to.. I like our team residence

How are you going to do your guest commentator role?

(Key) So I'm just going to say that 'The color of that team is like this.' based on how I think

(Key) I'm gonna do it that way and Mightybear will touch the details

(Key) and Seonghwan did it in an entertaining way but I

(Key) am planning to do this in a normal way.

(Key) I'm just gonna say based on what I think..

It's a Censer meta so Support will be an important position

(Key) Actually, the Ardent Censer has been patched a lot right now,

(Key) but on the patch version of the Worlds, the Censer didn't get nerfed..

(Key) so all the team prefers Censer, and it's likely for the teams

(Key) to go for Censer composition. Therefore, in my opinion,

(Key) the side who excels at teamfight and who's good at rolling the snowball from the profit they earn

(Key) will win the title.

You frequently play soccer among the teams, right?

(Key) First of all, in my opinion, I'm a substitute bench player so..

(Key) that does seem like a right choice. And

(Key) the best player that I can think of is

(Key) Lindarang, he was really fast compared to the size of his body.

(Key) I was a bit astonished after seeing that. For the next player,

(Key) they all play similar to each other actually.

What do you mean by a bench player..

(Key) When our starting players gets tired

(Key) they tell me to do go out and act as if I'm running hard while they rest.

Do you guys win the match normally?

(Key) Our team has pretty many players who have talent in soccer.

(Key) Among the LOL players, so we do win the match most of the times but

(Key) physically as we play games a lot

(Key) we aren't so physically outstanding so we usually win the game on the early period and

(Key) lose the game eventually on the late period..

(Key) We lack persistence.

Taking massage on the exercising treatment was impressive.

(Key) I was taking the massage and it really felt painful.

(Key) It being painful means..that the massage was effective and,

(Key) it also means that my body wasn't in a good shape so

(Key) I made a promise to myself after that

to start thinking about my health from now on.

Kespa cup will begin shortly!

(Key) We only have Kespa cup left for this year,

(Key) I will make great performances on this competition

to prove that we

actually practiced hard..unlike the rumor saying that our team has not practiced hard!

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Outbreak! Rox Tigers off-season interview Final [EP.6 Key] - 171017 (ENG SUB - CC) - Duration: 2:20.


Fortnite Funny Fails & WTF Moments #10 (Fortnite Daily Battle Royale Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:18.

Fortnite Funny Fails & WTF Moments #10 (Fortnite Daily Battle Royale Funny Moments)

For more infomation >> Fortnite Funny Fails & WTF Moments #10 (Fortnite Daily Battle Royale Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:18.


MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.

For more infomation >> MK Ultra, Flat Earth, Corey Goode, Luciferian Agenda (Part 1): Interview with the PigTail Gurl - Duration: 31:12.


Grunge Celebs Who Are Still Missing Today - Duration: 5:00.

With the intense glare of the media spotlight, it sometimes seems as though celebrities are

being watched 24 hours a day.

We see everything they do and hear everything they say.

So it seems impossible that a celebrity could completely vanish and never be seen or heard

from again.

But that's exactly what happened to these famous people who disappeared — and are

still missing today.

Bison Dele

Before he changed his name, Bison Dele was better known as basketball player Brian Williams,

a 6 foot 11 man-mountain who left a trail of fire and bruised egos through the NBA.

He was also famously eccentric.

When he quit both basketball and the United States at the age of 30, he went on an endless

nomadic voyage through Asia, living as a kind of wealthy hobo, while writing beat poetry.

On July 7, 2002, Dele set sail on his private boat from Tahiti to Hawaii with his girlfriend,

Serena Karlan, his brother, Miles Dabord, and ship's captain Bertran Saldo.

Dele, Karlan, and Saldo were never seen again.

Two months later, Dabord was arrested in Phoenix trying to buy gold with one of his brother's


Released on bail, he took his own life via insulin overdose just across the Mexican border.

Authorities believe he slew the other three and dumped their bodies in the Pacific...but

only the sea knows for sure.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Legendary Chicano activist Oscar Zeta Acosta was a big man with even bigger appetites.

Immortalized by Hunter S. Thompson as Doctor Gonzo in the classic novel Fear and Loathing

in Las Vegas, Acosta was later portrayed by Benicio Del Toro in the 1998 film adaptation.

By then, however, Acosta had been missing for decades.

In 1974, he visited his ancestral home in Mexico and simply vanished.

Thompson spent years trying to find out what happened to his friend, eventually concluding

that Acosta had been the victim of a drug hit, or possibly even a political assassination.

Others think he might have suffered a nervous breakdown and gone off the grid.

The truth will likely never be known.

Harold Holt

It was one of the most shocking events in Australian history: On December 17, 1967,

the nation's leader went out for a swim in the ocean...and was never seen again.

Prime Minister Harold Holt was two years into his term when he vanished into what friends

called the highest surf they had ever seen.

Holt was presumed drowned, but his body was never found, in part because there was no

official government investigation.

That's because laws at the time made it illegal to conduct an inquest without a body.

That fueled numerous conspiracy theories, with his disappearance attributed to everything

from a CIA assassination to shark attack.

Finally, in 2005, an investigation officially concluded he had, in fact, drowned after all.

Lord Lucan

John Bingham, the 7th Earl of Lucan, was a British lord so dashing, he was once considered

for the role of James Bond.

Turns out he would've made a lousy movie hero.

On the night of November 7, 1974, Lord Lucan attempted to slay his wife, Veronica Duncan,

after a bitter separation and custody battle.

She survived, but their nanny wasn't so lucky.

Lord Lucan fled and was never seen again.

His abandoned car was found, filled with incriminating evidence, including the murder weapon, but

no sign of the man himself was ever found.

Some believe he fed himself to a tiger, while others think he fled to Africa or India and

lived out his days in secret exile.

Lucan was officially declared deceased in 1999, but a certificate wasn't issued until

2016, finally allowing his son to inherit the title 8th Earl of Lucan.

Sean Flynn

Errol Flynn was one of the most famous movie stars who ever lived.

His son Sean Flynn struggled to get out of his father's long shadow, and those efforts

may have cost him his life.

Sean appeared in ten movies, but they were mostly bombs, and his acting career never

fully took off.

Hoping to prove he was his own man, Sean became a Time magazine war correspondent and flew

to Vietnam.

"Cameraman Sean Flynn filmed these scenes, later went on patrol outside the camp perimeter."

On April 6, 1970, he and fellow journalist Dana Stone decided to photograph a Viet Cong


They were captured by communist guerillas and never seen again.

It's widely believed they were held captive for over a year before being executed by the

Khmer Rouge in 1971, but no proof of Sean's final fate has ever been found.

Ambrose Bierce

One of the most acclaimed authors in American history, the true story of Ambrose Bierce's

disappearance really is stranger than fiction.

In 1913, despite not speaking a word of Spanish, Bierce traveled to Mexico to report on the

revolution and joined Pancho Villa's army as an observer.

In December, he reportedly wrote a letter saying he was heading to "an unknown destination."

He couldn't have been more right.

Nobody knows where he went or what happened to him, as he was never heard from again.

Various theories suggest he was executed, or was shot during a battle, or even that

he ended his own life and the rest was a cover story made up by his assistant.

It's a mystery that will likely never be solved.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Grunge Celebs Who Are Still Missing Today - Duration: 5:00.


8 Ways to be More PLEASANT to Transgender People | South African YouTuber - Duration: 9:30.

Hello and welcome back to my channel.

If you haven't subscribed already,

do that right now.

If you haven't checked out my first video

I'll leave a link at the end of this video for you to do so

Uhm, and let's get into my video.


So before I start, I just want to say thank you to everybody who subscribed so far

who's liked my video and who has commented on it.

Uhm, you guys mean a lot to me, and you guys like make me feel really good and

You guys are doing amazing sweeties. The reason why I'm doing a video today

I know I'm usually gonna upload on Saturdays

But the reason why I'm doing a video today on the 20th is because today is Trans Remembrance Day

And on this day,

for those who don't know,

People are typically encouraged to have vigils or events

where they kind of read a list of the trans people who were killed in hate crimes or violence of the previous year.

Uhm, so that they can remember those individuals and

kind of emphasize why we need to fight, uhm,

hate crimes and strive for the realization of transgender people's rights and acceptance into society

It's a lot of history around this day. I can give you a Wikipedia link in the description


And, last week was Trans Awareness Week, which was kind of created leading up to today,

where people just - trans people specifically - just share their stories and share pictures of themselves and

share their transition and just

Make, create awareness that trans people are thing.

Other than that...

Uhm, that's just about why I'm making the video and let's get into the video.

So, the video is 8 ways that we can make

life more pleasant for trans people.

So, way number one is to remember pronouns.

Pronouns are important for a lot of trans people.

If somebody asks you, for example to call them, he/him - it's polite to do so.

And, also, consider other language such as

Uhm, this person would most likely also like to be referred to as Mr or Sir.

Another thing to consider is calling somebody by

their desired name.

For example, if a cisgender person said: "I don't like my first name. I prefer my second name.

Please call me that."

You won't say:

"No, I'm gonna call your first name because I think that's right."

You'd just call them as they see...

As they would like you to call them

So I think it's important to also offer the same respect to trans people.

Personally, I prefer the term 'Correct pronouns' as opposed to 'Preferred pronouns' because I just think

pronouns are correct for that individual, and it's their truth.

And, not 'what they prefer' - which kind of trivializes what it means to them


Uhm I think it's important to listen to trans people.

Genuinely try to understand what trans people are going through and understand their stories.

And also, listen to where you can help as a cisgender person.

Thirdly, I think it's important to evaluate your cisgender privilege.

Often, people don't think about all the extra things that trans people have to think about - almost daily.

because they don't fit into the system with the society.

As a quick aside, for those of you don't know,

Cisgender people

identify as

the gender that they were assigned as birth

at* birth.

And trans people

identify with a gender that they weren't assigned at birth

And the gender that they were assigned at birth is most commonly

according to the external genitalia.

Number four, is to avoid quite a few things.

So, avoid making derogatory comments or inflammatory jokes about trans people.

It's very hateful and unkind.

And also, if you see anybody or hear of anybody making such remarks or jokes,

Offer a challenge to their thinking or correct them and tell them that it's inappropriate to do so.

Another thing to avoid, is to over-evaluate trans people's gender expression, and identity.

Although it might come from a good place,

sometimes it's not nice to tell somebody:

"Oh, I think if you did this,

you'd be more aligned with gender X, or you'd look more like gender X,"

For example,

if you see a trans woman who is clearly presenting as a woman

offering your unsolicited advice and saying: "oh, maybe if you just trimmed your sideburn a little higher

you'd - look more like a woman," is very inappropriate and very


So, don't offer unsolicited advice.

However, there may be a few exceptions.

So, if a friend asks,

who is trans, asks you:

"Uhm, how can I wear this top that, I don't know, it looks a bit more feminine"

I think would be appropriate, there, to offer you advice otherwise if it's unsolicited don't do it.


Yeah, and number five, is to stop.

Stop invading people's privacy.


Some things are just none of your business. It's not

important for you to know whether somebody has a penis or vagina in their pants,

for example. Or whether someone's on hormones or not on hormones.

I just don't think it's any of your business and...

Fair, there are some people who are willing to share about the transition and about the trans experiences.

For example, I am.

And, in those cases, I think it would be appropriate to engage with those people.

But, if that person no longer feels like they want to engage or on some days

doesn't want to engage with you, and makes it clear,

I don't think it's then appropriate, appropriate to probe them further.

Allow people the space to share when they'd like to share.

Number... five

is to

Be a good Ally

Donate to trans causes or LGBTIQA+ causes.

You can offer your time and services,

depending on where you work and what you're capable of.

You can volunteer, just as a person in these skreets.

You can, uhm,

follow organizations, go to protests, go to rallies.

You can support legislate-


Yeah, legislation that can, uhm, kind of further the rights of trans people.

For example,

uhm, the passing of legislation that allows for gender-neutral bathrooms, for example, or that

emphasizes the use of...

- or policies that emphasize the use of gender neutral language in a university or classroom space

Uhm, so things like that are ways you can be a good ally, and kind of use your body and your

privilege and just your social capital to kind of help people who are marginalized often.

Number s... six

Haha. I'm just looking down because I have notes.

Uhm, number six is to normalise.

So normalize the experiences of trans people.

Make it okay to

ask somebody their pronouns,

and ask people their pronouns in general.

Make it okay to use gender neutral language.

Use gender neutral language yourself.


I think these are, these are good ways to

make trans people feel less awkward and out of place in places where they shouldn't feel like that.

And then the final point is number 8

Which is to treat trans people like people.

Trans people are people at the end of the day, and we also have the same,

desires, same

thoughts, same behaviors, same like identity as human beings.

So at the end of the day we aren't aliens from outer space coming to steal your kids and convert them into demons.

We are people. haha.

Uhm, so at the end of the day, I think this is just the most important one is to consider that trans people are people and

we have feelings and when you do certain things, those things hurt our feelings and

often disadvantage us in, with various places so consider those things

And if you have any other questions

you can ask me.

If you are trans or a person of the LGBTIQA+ community,

and you had any problems with the things I've said, please contact me in my DMs, in the comments below.

Because I also need to learn a lot.


And if you have any suggestions leave those down below

Like, subscrebe (sic)

subscribe! and share.

And thank you so much.

I just want to emphasize again. Thank you so much for the support you've given me so far

I really, really appreciate it you guys are doing amazing


I really makes me feel very very good to know that people are like listening to me

So yeah subscribe below, and I hope you guys have happiness and love in your life

If you don't I hope you're striving for it and that you achieve it one day

Goodbye and I'll see you on Saturday in my next video.

[Music- Outro] "Know you get the blues sometimes, you feeling really down

(feeling really down)

Wishing you were someone else,

(yeah, yeah)

as you scroll up and down and see

You better Love Yourself!

(You better love yourself)"

For more infomation >> 8 Ways to be More PLEASANT to Transgender People | South African YouTuber - Duration: 9:30.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1.1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.

Wow... Son of a bitch...

God dammit!

What happened?!

Oh, finally came back.

Look for yourself.

I... I don't know what happened.

I pushed the button than it sparked and smoke out of it.

Why you touched something without telling me?!

Hey! Don't you yell on me.

You went silent and didn't respond to me.

What was I suppose to do?! Just stay here and wait?!

I don't know man... I don't know.

Alright! Forget it. Look behind you.

There should be a control panel. You see it?

Yeah. I see it.

Okay. Hit the green button.

This should open the door to a next corridor.

Alright... I'm going in.

Stay in contact.

I don't want you to go silent again.

Hey Bonnie!

Seen better days?

Yeah, yeah... Me too, me too.


I've got the chip.

I'm getting to hell out of here man...

What the?

Richard? Are you seing this?


God dammit!

And what do we have here...

It' time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1.1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1.1 - SC Red "YES") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 4:41.

Richard come in!

Richard come in already!

Richard where are you?!

Hloy shit!

What the hell is this..?

Oh God...

It's not happening...

It's all in my head... It's not happening...

What the..?!!

It... It can't be...

It's impossible!

Richard come in God dammit!

Oh God! Come on... Don't do this to me...

Turn on...

But... How?

What the hell..?

Get back...

Stay back!

Get back! GET BACK!!!

Oh... No...


You released us!

For this, you'll be rewarded!

With a quick death!

It's time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1.1 - SC Red "YES") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 4:41.


СЛОМАЛ ВСЕ КРОВАТИ на Бед Варс [BED WARS DMS Mini-Game] - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> СЛОМАЛ ВСЕ КРОВАТИ на Бед Варс [BED WARS DMS Mini-Game] - Duration: 5:49.


Handy Dandy Clone Machine - Duration: 10:58.

Magic has a new Un-set coming out, Unstable.

It's a wacky and fun set, mainly for drafting.

But I may want to sneak some cards into my commander deck.

I'm going to reveal the Young Mage preview card right now.

Reaching and teaching young mages of all ages.

Ah… the Un sets.

Unglued came out in 1998…

I was negative 8 back then.

It was two years before my parents met face to face.

I remember it Fondly.

Fondly is my pet squirrel… she died two years earlier.

I had her stuffed… with acorns.

So she didn't smell too great.

I had to take the acorns out and turned her into a puppet.

Now she always agrees with me.

Don't you?

No I don't.

Now with the new set…

Unstable, the wackiness continues.

I don't like your hand up my butt.

Quiet, you.

Let's see what I can do this turn.

I have this handy dandy artifact.

That will be cool to play.

But I'll need some help.

Fondly, let's get Booster Tutor.

He can give us a hand.

Can you believe it, I got the whole random buy for half of a bologna sandwich.


What is that ringing sound?

Oh hey Rhino, what's up?

Hey Booster Tutor.

I need a hand with this game.

What can I help you with?

I need your hand.

Sounds weird, but ok.

I pay two and tap to make a clone token.

Booster Tutor's hand will be my token.

I pass turn.

If you take you hand out of my butt you could have done that yourself.


I'll need more next turn anyway.

See, my opponent couldn't do anything.

My turn now.

Hey Booster Tutor, I'm going into combat.

Tap your hand.

Who are you going to call now?



Jake and Joel.

Hmmm, this card's terrible.

Hmmm, this card's terrible.

A call, a call…

Hey Rhino, what can we do for you?

I'm playing an Unstable game.

I need a couple hands for tokens.

I need unique hands to represent clone tokens.

Put up two fingers.

I pay two and tap to make a clone token.

Oh, what?

I can't I can't do that, I'm all thumbs man.

No, you are playing that wrong.

You want to do that on you second main phase.

I know what I'm doing, I've been playing this game since 1993.

1991 if you consider I gave the Idea to Richard Garfield during a game of D&D.

You have never played D&D.

You probably don't even know what it means.

You need to be quiet, you are going to make me miss my turn.

No loss there.

I need to call Paul and Randy.

Oh hey Rhino, whats up?

Hey Rhino.

I need some help… wait a minute, you're still eating breakfast?

It's the afternoon here.

Of course, we are eating breakfast, haven't you heard of time zones?

Yes, I thought we were in the same time zone.

No, we are in the Breakfast time zone.

It's always breakfast here.

That's right.

I want a waffle.

How are you going to get a waffle?

How are you going to finish this game?

I'm hungry.

Let me think.

Am I still tapped or not?

Because if you swing with me and Joel, That could be enough.

But I still want to make another clone token.

Paul, put up two fingers, I'm paying 2 and tapping.

I need a defender if this goes wrong.

You are the defender.

I'm going to tap this breakfast.

I swing with Booster Tutor and Joel, Paul will be my defender.

You are never going to win this way.

Maybe you need to clone yourself.

Two heads are better than…

Well in your case maybe not.

Maybe this may all be just a dream.

Wow, I had the craziest dream.

I thought I was crazy and playing a game of Unstable with a new card.

Yes, that does sound crazy.

It's my turn.

I tap Booster Tutor, and Joel and swing for 4.

Paul will be my defender.

Ok, you win.

Here's the full card of the Handy Dany Clone Machine.

I have a couple of bloopers at the end.

But first I want to thank Booster Tutor, Jake and Joel and Breakfast with Nerds for helping

me out.

I'll let them tell you about their channels.

Hey, I'm Booster Tutor and I want to thank Rhino so much for this opportunity, that was

so cool of him.

I have a Youtube channel.

YouTube dot com slash booster tutor.

Where I do limited focus things and I have a podcast called cumulative upkeep with my

cohost J. So check all of that stuff out.

Thank you so much this was awesome.

Fist off I want to give a big thank you to young mage.

Thank you Rhino for having us on.

We are Jake and Joel are Magic.

Thank you for spending your time with us.

Yeah man

we know that time is valuable and as you get older, you will realize that time

is fleeting.

And so just keep that in your back pocket.

And Know that every moment is precious.

So with all of that really dreary stuff aside, we are an MTG channel that focuses more on

the comedy side of it.

Oh, you wanted me to be funny.

Definitely not.

Check us out, youtube dot com Jake and Joel are magic.

We have a weekly video every Monday, we are sponsored by Quiet Speculation, have to mention


Check us out everybody.

Also we have a shirt at Red Deck wins.

Oh yeah, got to mention them.

Exclusive shirt.

And watch out for our monthly series, juice and packs.

Where we go get juice and open packs.

The idea is that juice makes the pack better.

And the longer the journey, the better the rare is.

Hi there, I'm Randy and I am Paul and together we are Breakfast with Nerds.

We have a small Magic the Gathering Channel on YouTube.

We like to do sealed product openings, deck techs, game play videos and occasionally other

funny videos.

So we want to say thank you to the Rhino for allowing us to be a part of this Unstable

Preview card video.

This is probably the coolest thing we've ever gotten to do.

By far.

So a big shout out to the Rhino.

He's doing great things.

He going to be way bigger than all of us.

Hopefully not physically.

If you liked us and want to check us out, you can find us on YouTube at youtube dot

com slash breakfast with nerds.

Or on Twitter at Breakfast underscore nerds.

We'd love to have you join us and have you start your day the nerdy way.

Oh my gosh, how much longer.

Hunnnhn, ok that was loud.

This is for how many hours I feel like I've been holding these up.

Rhino you want to look Fondly in the eyes, because Fondly is alive to you.


I'm all for peace, but this is getting ridiculous.

Very serious.

No no, you don't say very serious.

Oh, oh, ok.

You very seriously say, I need your hand.

Is it, Is it cool if I just do this?

Does that work, no?


It's like, It's like I should do this.

But I have to do it like this.

Oh my God.

It's so long.

Hmmm, who are you going to call now, Ghostbusters?

Ah, I'm getting so tired of sitting here.

We have been holding up our fingers for hours Rhino.

You have to keep it up, the Rhino is counting on us.

I know, I know I'm his defender.

I've just been sitting here so long staring at these delicious sausages.

Stay strong brother.

I just want to take a big ole bite out of one of these.

Paul you can't eat the sausages, Paul it's getting dangerously close to your mouth.

Paul, don't you can't!


Let me.

You can't do it.

Now it's not a clone token anymore.

We are going to lose.

Sorry Rhino, it was just too delicious.

Bad Paul.

What do you think of this Unstable card?

Let me know in the comments below.

If you like this video consider subscribing.

Just hit that rhino down below.

And don't forget the bell notifications so you don't miss anything.

These videos are possible because of my sponsor Fodder Cannon Games

and my generous Patrons.

Check out the videos on the side.

They may interest you.

I have more videos coming out soon.

So until then, Rhino out.

For more infomation >> Handy Dandy Clone Machine - Duration: 10:58.


Respiration Why is it not good to sleep under a tree at night YouTube - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Respiration Why is it not good to sleep under a tree at night YouTube - Duration: 2:19.


Essence of Murli 21-11-2017 - Duration: 6:38.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 21st November 2017

Essence: Sweet children, this eternal play is predestined.

Each actor has his or her own individual part within it.

No two actors' parts can be the same. This is the wonder of nature.

( Baba says this is an eternal pre-destined drama of 5000 years. In this drama, we are actors who play roles, coming from soul world )

Question: On the path of devotion, why is so much importance given to the water of the Ganges?

Why do devotees love the water of the Ganges so much?

Answer: Because it is at this time that you children attain salvation through the water of knowledge (nectar).

You love the knowledge through which you become the Ganges of knowledge.

This is why devotees give so much respect to water.

Vaishnavs always use the water of the Ganges. However, salvation isn't attained through water.

Salvation is received through knowledge.

The Father, the Ocean of Knowledge, gives you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world.

Water is not the way to purify the soul;

you need the injection of knowledge and yoga for that which only the one Father has

Song: I have come having awakened my fortune.

Essence for dharna: 1. Be a detached observer and watch the part of every actor.

In order to claim your inheritance for 21 births from the Father, make full effort

2. In order to make the soul pure gold (clean and pure),

become pure in this final birth and remember the Father. Earn a true income. (True income means elevated deeds)

Blessing: May you become unshakeable and immovable and merge all the upheavals by having the awareness of being a master almighty authority.

Just as the occupation of your physical body stays emerged with you,

similarly, let the occupation of your Brahmin life stay emerged with you

and let there be the intoxication of this in your every deed.

All upheavals will then be merged and you will remain constantly unshakeable and immovable

Let the awareness of being a master almighty authority constantly be emerged

and no weakness will cause you any type of upheaval because you will be able to use every power at the right time.

Such souls have controlling power and this is why their thoughts and deeds are the same.

Slogan: Instead of becoming afraid in delicate situations, learn a lesson from them and make yourself strong.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

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Video is presented by 24 Ghonta News

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