Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 20 2017

On this episode of China Uncensored,

how to construct a giant mountain ...out of a molehill.

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm your host Chris Chappell.

All the Chinese Communist Party wanted

was for the world to look on in admiration

at the once-every-five-years Party Congress.

Nothing like a fake election to trick the world into thinking

you have democracy.

Of course, to do that,

the Communist Party needed to make sure

all the world's attention on China

was positive.

So they've done things like

shut down factories near Beijing

to ensure blue skies.

They restricted chemical transport along the Yangtze River

to avoid the risk of an embarrassing environmental disaster.

They even hired a bunch of grandmothers

to publicly shame people into behaving better during the congress.

Yes, Big Granny is watching you.

What I'm saying is,

they've basically put the whole country in lockdown.

So as long as nothing happened that would,

I don't know,

draw a giant spotlight on the Communist Party's heavy-handed authoritarianism,

everything would be fine.

As long as they don't do something stupid, like

create a major international incident in Hong Kong...

Ah, shoot.

I mean, shoot for the CCP.

I thrive when the CCP does stupid things.

And honestly,

it's amazing how badly the CCP bungled Hong Kong last week.

It all has to do with this man,

British activist and friend of the show

Benedict Rogers.

You see, he's been particularly vocal about all the bad stuff the Chinese regime

is trying to do in Hong Kong.

Things like sentencing student activists to jail time.

Or purging democratically elected officials.

So when Rogers was planning a trip to Hong Kong in October,

he started getting threatening messages

from the Chinese Embassy in the UK,

and a warning that he would be denied entry.

Okay, threatening a British citizen.

Surprisingly, it backfired.

Rogers flew to Hong Kong anyway.

But he didn't make it out of the Hong Kong airport.

He was stopped by security,

and then deported without being given any reason.

And remember how the Communist Party

wanted to make sure absolutely nothing went wrong

during the Party Congress?

Well, cue international backlash.

From the media...

and from the UK government.

"Ben Rogers is an outstanding and articulate

champion of freedom, democracy,

human rights and the rule of law

in Asia and elsewhere,

well known to members on both sides of the house,

and his treatment was frankly utterly scandalous.

Those responsible have certainly not heard the last of it,

of that I think we can be sure."


And while Chinese officials are used to

inviting dissidents "to tea,"

i.e. summoning them to have a stern talk...

This time the UK said to the Chinese ambassador,

"Your tea time's got nothing on us.

Can I offer you a scone with clotted cream?"

And then 12 international lawyers wrote a letter

about how Hong Kong's rule of law is under threat.

Quick, the CCP needs a distraction.

So, does anyone want to watch

a three and half hour speech

about national rejuvenation?

Whoa, sorry.

I think I was having a Chinese dream.

Back to Rogers.

He's decided that in the wake of all this,

he wants to set up an NGO in London

geared toward influencing policy-makers on Hong Kong issues.

If only the CCP had literally done nothing—

and just let Rogers just visit his friends in Hong Kong

and then leave again—

none of this would have happened.

But it's too late for making smart decisions.

Now, it's damage-control time.

State-run media,

give us your spin!

Ha HA!

Decolonization in action!

Yes, this wasn't about eroding the freedoms of Hong Kong.

It was about decolonizing Hong Kong from the evil British.

Any country that would try to exert control over Hong Kong is evil! long as that country is Great Britain and not China.

Maybe Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam can explain

why the decision to deny entry to Rogers

was totally legit.

"Immigration matters under the Basic Law

are Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy.

But if immigration matters become matters of foreign affairs,

then under Basic Law,

foreign affairs like defense are matters for the Central People's Government."

So Hong Kong has a high degree of autonomy,

and immigration matters are managed independently by Hong Kong....

except when the CCP wants to control them directly,

which it can do because Hong Kong

has a limited degree of autonomy?

It's almost like she can't get the story straight,

because there is no independent rule of law in Hong Kong anymore

and decisions are arbitrarily made.

Okay, let's try someone else.

Maybe Lawrence Ma,

a pro-Beijing barrister in Hong Kong,

can get us out of this train wreck.

He knows how the law works!

He explains that Hong Kong has the rule of law,

and its immigration isn't just subject to the whims of Beijing.

He gives an example.

"We have denied entry for people

who come in for political purposes—

for example, in 2006,

a bunch of Falun Gong organisers from Taiwan

wanted to come in for a conference for cultural purposes—

and we have refused entry."

That's just more proof of what Beijing is doing.

That's the opposite of the point you wanted to make!

Forget it, let's go back to Carrie Lam.

Is there anything you can say to put out this fire?

"So you certainly can't exclude the possibility

that Chris Patten could be denied entry on a future visit."

"Well I can't exclude any possibility

because immigration matters will change

depending on the case."

You just said,

that Hong Kong could potentially kick out

even the last British governor of Hong Kong

if he tried to visit.

Cue international media backlash.

Well, certainly this hasn't come back to bite anyone.

As this editorial from the South China Morning Post says,

"If we really want to make world news,

let's ban Chris Patten.

Had Benedict Rogers been allowed in,

he would have visited the jailed Occupy youngsters,

criticised the authorities and not attracted global media attention."

But hey everyone,

the Chinese company Tencent has made a mobile game

that lets you clap for Xi Jinping's speeches!

Surely that will distract you!

So what do you think about

the Party's bungled attempts to smooth things over

for the 19th Party Congress?

Leave your comments below.

Once again I'm Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

You know it's hard to keep track of

how many times the Chinese Communist Party

has bungled its international image.

Wait, no it's not!

You can just visit China

where we upload full half hour episodes of the show

every Friday,

and get the complete rundown.

Why if I were you,

I'd be on right now!

For more infomation >> Trung Quốc Tự Làm Xấu Mặt ở Hồng Kông | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:12.


ให้ภาพมันอธิบายความในใจ combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว มีคลิป ให้ชม Thawatchai Hlongsomboon - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> ให้ภาพมันอธิบายความในใจ combine harvester รถเกี่ยวข้าว มีคลิป ให้ชม Thawatchai Hlongsomboon - Duration: 2:16.


Bottle Squad Going On A Lion Hunt | Superheroes Videos For Babies | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 49:30.

Bottle Squad with a boom we are ready to zoom

Bottle Squad!

Bottle Squad ! Be strong,

Be brave,

Be smart,

Be kind

Solving problems we don't mind!

We are the closest friends you'll ever find.

Bottle Squad

Ba Ba Bottle Squad

"Today, we're going to tell you the story of how all of us babies went on a LION hunt!"

"OOO! That is a day we cannot ever forget.

Yeah, the day our help was needed to catch a BIG ONE !

He had ventured out of the national park. Are you ready pets?

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! Tall grass!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to go through it!"





"Ba ba boom, We're ready to zoom"

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! A lake!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to fly across it"





We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one!

We're not scared!

"Oh no! A cave!"

We can't go over it,

We can't go around it,

We can't go under it!

"We' have to go through it!

Do we have to go through it

We're going on a lion hunt,

We're gonna catch a big one

We're not scared!

"It sure is dark in here…

I feel two wet ears (You feel two wet ears?)

I feel one wet nose (You feel one wet nose?

I feel two sharp teeth (I feel two sharp teeth

"He's waking up!"

















WHEW! We made it!" Let's go and inform the authorities"

"You're wondering what happened next, huh?!"

"He is back in his part of the forest.

At least,

I think so,

right Ben?"


"Ha! Got ya!"

"We power up and don't give up! That's our Ba-Ba-Promise to you!"

For more infomation >> Bottle Squad Going On A Lion Hunt | Superheroes Videos For Babies | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Tv - Duration: 49:30.


HOW TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF | MOTIVATION OF VOLUNTEER 【JAPAN VLOG 2017】奥様は外国人 どうしてボランティアをやってますか? - Duration: 9:53.

Fried egg

Today is snowing...

Let`s sit much more closer.


Great job for helping.

It`s a Thanksgiving colouring page how to make turkey.

Why I volunteer, the reason is

I want to help the area where I live

and with the educational activities I can help kids to learn more.

and to help them to be more interested in english for the future. That`s my answer what I am thinking about my volunteering.

I`m so busy but...

I love to make my time to do so.

The answer from me is

I love this members

That`s the best!

Mine answer is

oh, we were talking about that

If I can do something good

and if I can help somehow

I can speak in english and help others to learn english through reading english books.

Thank you very much!

In Japan,

many people want to learn english

from a little age

learn english is the best way to do by pictures and the sound.

I think, it`s very important.

That`s why I like my volunteering (english reading book club in Japan)

Thank you very much.

Me...I really like english picture books so much that`s why

the pictures of english books are very cute, colourful

and I like english books.

Plus, I love this members of our club that`s why I volunteer.

Thank you.

My answer is I like english very much

that`s why I volunteering in english book reading club.

And one more...because I love this volunteer members of this club.

And I would like to be around them.

That`s why I volunteer here.

For more infomation >> HOW TO CHALLENGE YOURSELF | MOTIVATION OF VOLUNTEER 【JAPAN VLOG 2017】奥様は外国人 どうしてボランティアをやってますか? - Duration: 9:53.


Mugabe agrees to step down as Zimbabwean head of state - Duration: 0:51.

Robert Mugabe, the long-ruling president of Zimbabwe has reportedly agreed to terms of


For days he had defiantly refused to step down following a military takeover.

According to CNN, Mugabe agreed on Monday to leave office and drafted his official resignation


The president and his wife Grace... will be granted full immunity and will retain all

of his private property.

No details regarding the date of his resignation... but according to the report, the resignation

letter must first be delivered to the speaker of Parliament in order for Mugabe to formally


On Sunday, Mugabe was given 24 hours by his political party Zanu-PF, to either resign

or be impeached.

He was widely expected to announce he will step down in a televised address the same

day, but caused widespread shock by refusing to do so despite being under house arrest.

For more infomation >> Mugabe agrees to step down as Zimbabwean head of state - Duration: 0:51.


North Korea could launch another ballistic missile before year end - Duration: 1:37.

The National Intelligence Service warn...

North Korea is trying to upgrade weapons capabilities to hold leverage against Washington.

That recently...

Pyongyang seems to have conducted an engine test for its ballistic missile.

Kim Hyun-bin shares with us their analysis.

South Korea's intelligence agency says that there is a possibility that North Korea could

launch another ballistic missile before the end of the year.

During a briefing to the National Assembly's intelligence committee, the National Intelligence

Agency said on Monday that suspicious movements have been detected at North Korea's missile

test site and added that the regime seems to have conducted an engine test for ballistic


The spy agency and military experts say that North Korea is trying to enhance its ballistic

missile capabilities.

(Korean) "Kim Jong-un ordered during his new year's

address the completion of the regime's nuclear arsenal.

That is why the North has conducted its sixth nuclear test and kept developing its ICBM


6 .

North Korea claims that the rockets are meant to send a satellite into orbit while Seoul

and Washington say the regime's main purpose is to develop an intercontinental ballistic

missile that can reach the U.S. mainland.

Seoul's spy agency also said during the briefing that the North has inspected its military's

General Political Bureau for the first time in two decades punishing Bureau's chief Hwang

Pyong-so and deputy chief Kim Won-hong along with other military officers.

The inspection was led by the vice chairman of the North's ruling Worker's Party Choe


The bureau is one of the most influential military institutions in charge of key personnel

management of military branches.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea could launch another ballistic missile before year end - Duration: 1:37.


How to Box Up Thanksgiving Leftovers - HGTV Happy - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How to Box Up Thanksgiving Leftovers - HGTV Happy - Duration: 1:01.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.

Wow... Son of a bitch...

God dammit!

What happened?!

Oh, finally came back.

Look for yourself.

I... I don't know what happened.

I pushed the button than it sparked and smoke out of it.

Why you touched something without telling me?!

Hey! Don't you yell on me.

You went silent and didn't respond to me.

What was I suppose to do?! Just stay here and wait?!

I don't know man... I don't know.

Alright! Forget it. Look behind you.

There should be a control panel. You see it?

Yeah. I see it.

Okay. Hit the green button.

This should open the door to a next corridor.

Alright... I'm going in.

Stay in contact.

I don't want you to go silent again.

Hey Bonnie!

Seen better days?

Yeah, yeah... Me too, me too.


I've got the chip.

I'm getting to hell out of here man...

What the?

Richard? Are you seing this?


God dammit!

And what do we have here...

It' time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Green "NO") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 7:39.


[SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Red "YES") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 4:41.

Richard come in!

Richard come in already!

Richard where are you?!

Hloy shit!

What the hell is this..?

Oh God...

It's not happening...

It's all in my head... It's not happening...

What the..?!!

It... It can't be...

It's impossible!

Richard come in God dammit!

Oh God! Come on... Don't do this to me...

Turn on...

But... How?

What the hell..?

Get back...

Stay back!

Get back! GET BACK!!!

Oh... No...


You released us!

For this, you'll be rewarded!

With a quick death!

It's time...

For the citizens of this city...

To know how it feels to be helpless in the middle of chaos!

When there is no one to protect them!

I will make them suffer!

For more infomation >> [SFM] Five Nights at Freddy's Series (Episode 1 - SC Red "YES") | FNAF Animation - Duration: 4:41.


ماين كرافت : كيف تسوي اقوى سيف في العالم ! - Duration: 16:32.

For more infomation >> ماين كرافت : كيف تسوي اقوى سيف في العالم ! - Duration: 16:32.



For more infomation >> АВТОГОЛ, КОТОРЫЙ НЕВОЗМОЖНО ПОВТОРИТЬ l СМЕШНОЙ ФУТБОЛ #1 - Duration: 3:52.


息子 感動話! 男の子が病気の母のために お小遣いでプレゼントを 買った話が泣ける…。 - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> 息子 感動話! 男の子が病気の母のために お小遣いでプレゼントを 買った話が泣ける…。 - Duration: 4:13.


►মোবাইল ফোনে কি এন্টিভাইরাস ব্যবহার করব।Mobile Tips Bangle. - Duration: 2:54.

android antivirus

For more infomation >> ►মোবাইল ফোনে কি এন্টিভাইরাস ব্যবহার করব।Mobile Tips Bangle. - Duration: 2:54.


Muaythai morning cut weight at Lumpinee Stadium | Pesagem no Lumpinee - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Muaythai morning cut weight at Lumpinee Stadium | Pesagem no Lumpinee - Duration: 3:01.


Magix Movie Edit Pro 2018 PLUS Beginner Tutorial - All Steps on How to Make YouTube Videos - Duration: 1:05:15.

hey this is Dave from retired time productions and this is a tutorial on

all the steps to make a complete movie for YouTube with MAGIX Movie Edit Pro

2018 plus. So this is a beginner tutorial and I'm going to go through all the details

you need to know to make a complete movie. So the first thing I want to talk

about is the version now MAGIX doesn't put the name or the year any more into

the splash screen when it comes up but if you want to know what version you

have you can just go to help about and then it'll say right up here so it says

version 17 so this was made in seventeen but it's actually the 2018 product so I

just wanted to make that clear if this was a 2017 product it would have a 16

there so that's how to check your version to make sure it's right so the

first step for making a video for YouTube is to pick out a title for the

video so let's do that first now we want a title that's specific to the video and

explains what the topic is about and we also want a title that is easily

searchable on YouTube so people can find it and ranks near the top in the videos

during the search so what we can do is type in a few words specific to the

video we're gonna do I'm gonna do an RC video since I've got an RC channel with

planes and multirotors and stuff like that and I'm gonna do an ESC (electronic speed control) calibration

video see I typed in twin and I got ESC (electronic speed control) throttle calibration. yeah that's about

what I'm gonna be doing but I noticed when I did the search that multi-engine

came up so it doesn't look like many people are searching for twin engines

and if I take off the first part... look at that twenty six thousand results so you

can see that something people are searching for and that's what we want

but we also want to make it unique geek about our video and narrow it down

so that's why I added these other features like this other text like an

brake setup for example I don't worry about the space okay so that narrowed it

down to like 2000 results and then if I put the multi engine in since this is

multi engine stuff that further narrows it down so we know we got a good

category oh that's pretty good so 4530 multi engine ESC (electronic speed control) throttle calibration

and brake setup I think I like that so the second step is I make a folder so

I've made a folder on my desktop with this title right here which I picked up

for a search optimization and then I put my material in here the video clips that

I've recorded and any audio I get I put into this folder third step is to launch

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro and give your movie project the same title so I'm gonna go

ahead and check create a new project right here and then I'm copied the title

from my folder that I just made and I'll paste it in there and click OK okay so

you can see at the top here I now have the title that I picked out and I'm

gonna be using and so now when I make my movie I'm gonna make sure that it

contains content that's relevant to this title keep in mind that lighting is very

important to making a video too so I have two key lights or fill lights. Key /

fill lights up front here shining back at the bench and at me then I also have

a backlight or hair light you would call it back / hair light it reflects off the

ceiling and that also shines down on my head and on the bench as well

for set lighting like if you have some interesting things in the back that you

want a highlight make it interesting for the viewer you might put a set light in

the rear so that's a general idea for the lighting and it's inexpensive these

are just LED lights the one in the lamp here is also an LED light audio is also

important so what I do is I usually use some sort of lapel mic like this one

right here and have it connected directly into the camera so you can see

the wire going in there or I'll use some sort of mic like this which has a

windscreen that can go on the camera or be placed on the bench or above on a

boom so there are some ideas for the audio but the audio is important you

don't want to make a video that has poor audio that no one can hear so the fourth

step is to drag in one of my video clips and start making the movie so I'm gonna

take this video clip and bring it in and I'm gonna adjust the movie to the video

clip you can see that it's a 1080p movie at basically 24 frames a second right

here so let's go ahead and bring it in and adjust the movie to it

and there it is right there I can scroll through and just see what we got and

there's me if you want to know what I look like

alright let's get started with the Edit so this area of the screen is called the

arranger right down here and this is where we make our movies where we do all

our editing this can be in for mode so you can put the arranger in storyboard

mode like that or you can put it in scene overview mode or you can put it in

timeline mode which is the one I use the most and there's also a multicam mode

for switching back and forth between different camera angles in real time and

I'm not going to get into that here I don't use that very much so I'm in

timeline mode and if I wanted to bring in one more clip for example I could

actually use this this button down here to shrink the

object down so I got room on the track and then I could go back to my folder

and just grab another clip like this and drag it down in there and drop it on the

timeline okay so now we got two clips here's one clip and there's another clip

most of my movie is in one clip so I'm gonna have to go and trim this and

that's where I go to the tools up here the trimmer tool is actually this one

here that splits the objects okay let's see if we can go ahead and split this

into some different sections so I'm gonna go ahead and magnify it a little

bit with this plus key and remember we still have this other clip here but I'm

just gonna be working with this one so I'm gonna magnify it quite a bit now I

can go ahead and move this along this is actually the marker and you can move the

marker along by just dragging it with your mouse hold down the left button of

the mouse and drag it along and you can see I'm scrolling through the movie so

this is one scene right here and I'm talking about the plane now I move over

here I'm actually in a different scene so I'm gonna go ahead and splice it

there alright now I'm talking about something else in this section and now

I'm going around to a different place I'm in this scene right here so I'm

gonna go ahead and split that this is just rough sectioning here so that I can

get the different sections an idea of the different sections now I'm going to

talk about that for a while alright I'm just going through it

using this down the bottom here this little slider to move along see if

there's anything different there that looks like it's okay here's a different

section where I'm talking about the directions so I'll go ahead and split

that and now I'm back over here so I'll just go ahead and split that alright

okay and then I've got my one clip that I can insert later I haven't decided

this clip here is just me explaining about safety so I'll probably put that

in somewhere in the middle when I get done so that is the trimmer tool how to

use the trimmer tool okay now let's talk about these mouse modes right here so

the first mouse mode is just single object Mouse mode and that's one I'm in

now I can move an object around like this let me go ahead and you can use

this double arrow here to make it fit the timeline make all objects the

information fit the timeline that'll let me slide this over a little bit okay so

I'm in single object Mouse mode and you can see I can move just one object

around now right here is a single track mouse mode if I click that now you can

see all of the objects move together like that

okay I'm going to go back to single object and I'm gonna put one of these

objects down here on the second track now when I go to single track mode you

can see just the top track moves now this third option is for all tracks if I

click that all of the tracks will move and that's so you can just slide things

around as groups and then finally you have one here which is

stretch mode which is like if you want to time stretch a video you know change

the speed of it or maybe you're changing the audio to time stretching I'm not

gonna be using that right now but I do sometimes to align things alright so

another thing I want to talk about is

these two right here this is group and ungroup so I could actually ungroup a

single object like this actually has audio in it so I click ungroup I can get

the audio separately down here and there's actually no way to get back out

of that I can't just click group and put them

back together it won't work but I can hit the back arrow or the undo so I

could do undo undo group and that puts it back and then there's redo so that's

your two arrows right there so you have this one and this one that you can use

to move back and forth between what you've just done okay so that's a lot of

the things right here and then there's one more here which is the magnet tool

now the magnet tool actually makes things snap into place so if I drag

something over it'll snap right up against the other one kind of handy I

recommend leaving that on if you take it off then it won't snap you won't know if

you really have the movies butted up against each other or whether they're

overlapping and you can leave blank spaces by

accident so I recommend leaving that on just like that and then we have a few

other things here like this is for delete I also use the delete button on

the keyboard you can enter the text editor here and

then you have chapter markers that you can set and snap markers if you want to

snap to a certain place in the video good for a lining audio or something

like that to your video so that's the basic ideas right there so don't worry

I'll go over some of these controls as I edit the

movie so you can see how they're used and I'll talk about the transport

controls up here to later on now let's just go in and deal with the audio right

now there's no audio waveform showing you probably wouldn't even know what the

audio waveform was because it hasn't been displayed yet so let's go ahead and

display the audio waveform I'm gonna go ahead and just drag a marquee around all

the objects like that and then I'm gonna right click on the first one I believe

you could really right-click on any one once there mark he'd but go up to audio

functions here so what I did was I might have skipped a step so marquee

right-click on one go up to audio functions and click create waveform

display and when you do that you'll see a progress bar go across here and that's

calculating the graphics data and when it's done we'll have an audio waveform

okay now you can see the audio waveform on all the tracks you can magnify the

tracks a little bit over here on the side by hitting this plus key this plus

button so you can see it like that or you can use the minus button to shrink

it down you can also go over here and do the same thing I believe this by

dragging between the tracks these are your tracks down here 1 2 3 4 and I

think they go up to 64 tracks so there's plenty of room to edit things there's a

solo button here if you just want to see one of your multiple tracks play by

itself there's a mute button to shut down a track if you don't want to see

that one and then there's a lock all objects on the track and then the thing

to make it maximize or minimize so that's pretty much it for these little

buttons here now if you want this audio waveform to show up every time you

import an object you can do that in the settings go up here to file settings

program right here then go to video audio right here on

this tab and this automatically create waveform during import so that's all you

need to do there's other features in here too that you can select to your

liking so I've got it on NTSC right here in half waveform display and I don't

have the gridlines on and some other things you can see here so that's the

way I have it click OK alright so next time we bring an object

in the waveform will be created automatically okay so let's get into

more detail about how to use all the controls by editing this first video

object here so let's go ahead and use the plus key down here to just increase

the magnification and then we'll find out where we want to make our first cut

let's start and play it so now we're going to use the transport controls I'm

going to hit this to arrow here to play it

it's gonna be somewhere this is Dave from retired time productions all right

head right there hello this is Dave from retired time

productions I've been using these buttons up here so I hit the stop button

just to stop it now this another way you can do this instead of using these

transport controls which I like because up on these transport controls there's

actually no button to stop at the current location so I can play it like

this but when I stop it it goes back to the beginning where I started so that's

acting the same as the spacebar for example if I press the spacebar it'll

play and if I press the spacebar is it'll go back to the beginning what I

like to do is stop it at the current location so I use the K key on on the

keyboard and you can actually use J K and L as the transport controls on your

keyboard so if I press J you'll see the marker move backward I press K it'll

stop and if I press L it will move forward until I get where I want

hello this is Dave so when I said hello this is Dave that's where I stopped

right there and then I can get more fine

so that's perfect right there where it says hello this is Dave so I'm gonna go

ahead and make my cut there now to delete an object I can either go to the

trash can here and click delete or I can just press Delete on the keyboard which

is what I usually do so you can do it either way so let's just use the trash

can so you can see what I'm doing I press the trashcan button and I

deleted it okay now let's put this in this mouse mode for a singletrack I'll

go back to the double arrow so I can see everything now let's just move this clip

to the beginning because I've got it trimmed and now we'll just listen to

I'll listen to the clip all the way through and see if there's anything I

want to edit for example I may want to edit off the end where the camera stops

or where I made the cut so let's see what I say break and turn the break off

so stay tuned

so I said stay tuned

so that's good right there I'll go ahead and make the other cut there and this

down here just me moving around preparing for the next scene so I'll

delete that I mean I hit the minus key here just to show you so I'm gonna

delete this little end piece now I'll go ahead and use the trashcan again

remember you could use the Delete key on the keyboard

alright and then we'd move on to our next clip but where I said stay tuned

that would be a good place to put the intro in for your channel so let's go

ahead and put one of the predefined intros that come with MAGIX if you have

the plus version you'll get a lot of the templates and under templates you'll

find intros and outros right here so you can click on that and you can see a

bunch of different ones in here right here intros and outros alright now we

can go down through here and pick one out I'm gonna choose this one and you

can test these by just clicking the arrow and see what it looks like

well that's pretty cool so let's use that one so all we have to do is left

click it and drag it down to the timeline and put it on one of the video

clips so I'll put it on this next one okay now we've got multiple tracks here

because we have the intro which is made up of several objects like a movie some

audio and an objects and some text so we need to go to this all tracks mouse mode

here now let's just drag the whole business up against the first clip now

we have a little intro so we come along we'll say I'm saying stay tuned and then

I'll put my channel info in there okay so now we need to edit the text on the

intro so we'll come down here and find out where that is I think it's this one

yeah that's it right there so just double click that

okay I'll double click it alright there we go now we can change it right here

let's make it retired

time productions like that and I don't think we need to intro anymore don't

need it name intro and we might want to change the size a little bit so let's

just go ahead and check it first to approve it click this check box

there we go actually I think we can change the size right here which might

be a little better oh no it's right here actually here we

go here's the size so that should be smaller right there no I'm off it there

we go now we got it smaller let's see how that


so that's looking better we can make it maybe a little bigger

we could even go ahead and break this up here maybe put the production's

underneath and yeah we'll have them centered right here and we can go back

up a little bit bigger now all right see what we got yeah like that

so there we go retired time productions so that's

my intro and then I can do the same thing for an outro later back over here

in effects or templates rather you can go back in and do the same thing go back

into intros and outros and just pick the same format the same scheme the outro

right here and put that at the end of the movie but we can get into that later

okay now we've got our intro in place let's go ahead and trim off this second

clip I'm gonna magnify with the plus button again let's see what I say I'm

really not doing much there I'm finishing up okay so what do we do to

fix it okay so that was the end of that clip okay so what do we do to fix it

I'll just leave a little bit left over there cuz I'm gonna show you how to do a

fade all right let's split that and take this section out and now in the next

section and I'm I'm still in the multitrack Mouse mode here all tracks

sliding everything along let's look at the next clip see here again I'm just

preparing to get ready for the next scene and this is actually going to be a

change in context a change in view so we probably want to put in to some sort of

transition let's see where I start talking

okay getting started now uh okay so what we do to fix it is okay so what we do so

right there I'm talking about fixing it let's cut that piece out now I use the

Delete key on my keyboard that time that's why you didn't seem to go for the

trashcan but we want to do a fade right here since this is a change in context

of the movie and it'd be good to do some sort of transitions so the simplest one

is just to overlap the two videos and you can see I can just drag one over the

top of the other okay so and you can see okay sort of fade there let me make it a

little larger so it's more prominent okay so what we do so you could see that

fade now what we could do if we want if we just don't want a simple fade like

that you can press the N key as in Nancy on the keyboard press N and it'll bring

up this tool right here the trimmer editor and in the middle there's a box

that you can click and pick a fade so let's put the Flying fade in since we

got a plane here so put the Flies okay so the flying fade should be in there

and we can test it by just pressing here okay so okay and then we'll just accept

it if we like it click OK now we can move this along and we can see the image

fly in there okay so what we do now if we want that to be a little longer we

could make it a little longer by just moving this over okay so that's pretty

good right there fix it okay so what we do to fix it is first of all all right

so that's how to do a fade nice simple way and anytime you want to change that

fade you can just go back put the cursor right there press

the N key and pick a different one say I wanted gliding now I'll click OK fix it

okay so what we do to fix it is first what do we do to fix it okay so I like

that we do to fix it okay so what we do to fix it I like that I like that

gliding fade so let's keep that one okay so I'm gonna go in and check the end of

this one right here see what's going on and if you want to know let me get my

sheet here here so I'm just getting ready to show these go trim that and

then I get into showing the sheet let's see they're mostly East most es es have

a manual like most es es have a manual like this that you can and I'll trim

that and then you can kind of see the progress I'm making here so I'm talking

about the manual listed and that happens to be the mixer am I believe did I hit

em yes that brings up the mixer you can also get to the mixer right here by

clicking this icon and that brings up the mixer and while I'm in there I'll

just tell you you can change the audio on each track with these individual

track sliders okay and then the overall master mix you can change with this one

but I'll get into that in more detail at another time you also have effects that

you can add to a track by bringing this up you can use the compressor the tin

band equalizer this is the ten band equalizer here we can adjust the volume

at each frequency each band and then there's reverb and there's echo

so you can add all those effects to a track which is kind of handy okay let's

continue on and I'll just finish this editing on the beginning and end of each

of these clips and then we'll move into finishing up the video so towards the

end of the video here where I'm wrapping it up I went ahead and put in one more

fade and this is just a simple say it goes from the instruction part to the

wrap up of the video now speaking of the wrap up it's a good idea on YouTube if

you want more subscribers to actually ask your audience to subscribe so I

usually do that at the end and just put it in like right here one of those

things that you just have to learn so if you want to hear about more RC Tips just

stay tuned to my channel and subscribe if you're not and we'll see you later so

you see there I actually asked my viewers to subscribe because sometimes

if you don't they they won't I mean you you need to ask people to help your

channel out and to support your channel and they usually will if you honestly

ask them so that's why I recommend you put that at the end of your videos if

you want more subscribers or at least do it in the text or at the end in your

outro you might have please subscribe another thing I often do at the end is

all throw in an end screen and you can make an end screen also with magics that

would probably be an entirely another video but I'll just show you what one

looks like I got one more clip there that's the safety clip I have to insert

but I'll show you what an end screen looks like so here's the end screen

object which I previously made in another session with magics and it's

just 30 seconds of video that basically has my logo a pulsating arrow and

subscribe here and when you finally publish your video when you're on

YouTube you can pop in like some thumbnails here that you can grab from

channel of other videos recommended videos for people to watch on your

channel but you do that when you publish it all you need right now is just the

end screen and as a placeholder for those things but that would be another

video like I said and I'll get into it but here's what the end screen looks

like so it just plays some music it has a background here and that background

came from magics that's included in some of the templates this moving background

and then the arrow also came that was another object that came from magics

from their collection so I just used magics and my logo which I made okay so

to insert a movie object into your timeline you want to be in single track

Mouse mode to start with right here take the object you want to insert and bring

it over where you've made a cut I've made a cut right here to split the

object I want to insert this right in here so I used the scissors to make this

cut now I'm gonna go back to multitrack move all this out of the way

give me a space to sit you know to insert it all right now back to single

track or a single object rather single object Mouse mode move the object in

there go back to multitrack and then slide that in so now it's inserted right

in there now let's magnify with the plus key here so we can in see the so that we

can see the inserted object and let's see how it plays out I'll turn off the

radio just a safety note it's a good idea to remove just a safety note it's a

good idea to just a safety note it's a good idea to just a safety note it's a

good idea to okay I played it over and over till like you get the marker right

where the voice began I might want to magnify that a little bit more and put

it right there let's see just a safety so that's perfect right there I'll go

ahead and trim it delete the object hey I'll just use the trash can this time

all right so now it'll do that now let's go to the

of the insert which is right here but I can't move

all right now I could cut there and then remove that little piece this time I'll

press the Delete key so trashcan or the Delete key

I'm glad wait so that it can't move and this is the throttle calibrate alright

so that was a little bit of wasted time there so I'll just go ahead and trim

that piece out eight so that I can't move and this is the throttle

calibration for the es es okay so now we got the whole movie done just about a

few little things we can do one thing I skipped over was if you didn't want to

use the end screen you could have put an outro there and being in templates and

then coming down to intros and outros let's see if I can find that again right

here and we want to grab that one that was the same as our intro this one here

let's drag that down place it on here and so that would be our outro if we

wanted it like that and we could type in what we wanted for the title like thanks

for watching there okay but I'm not gonna use the outro I'm I have the end

screen okay so I'm just gonna go to change effect and remove that so just

use the undo to remove that outro because I'm not gonna be using it I've

got my end screen instead this one right here okay so that's all done now we

might want to put some titles in like at the beginning of the video yeah I'm

doing some talking I'm doing some explaining about the video what it's

about but it'd be nice to have a title there so let's go ahead back to full and

then let's stretch that out with a plus key all right let's put a title in so

we're gonna go to the title screen back two effects go to

title editing right here highlight the object you must highlight the object to

activate the title edit screen all right so now we can do something we can either

just start typing a title in here or you could pick a title from templates I

think what I'm gonna do is I have some saved templates here so I'm gonna load a

template and I'll just use one that I've saved so you can actually save titles

that you like so I've got one saved here I'm gonna have to go back to single

track or single object rather a single object mouse mode bring that title up

there and now I can edit it and we'll say we could just basically use the same

title that's gonna be our movie title up here or on the thumbnail it could be

just about anything so let's talk about thumbnails while we're doing this too so

this might be my thumbnail I don't know but I want my title to be similar to my

thumbnail all right just do that doesn't have to be the same as the movie

title yeah that looks pretty good right there

now I can just click on it and move it around where I want it kind of like that

okay so I don't want to cover my face so I'll just put it right here

throttle and brake settings you can do that and there's even some predefined

titles in the templates tab too that have predefined text rather that's in

that you can get in the templates but this is good enough for now

okay now we can use a couple other features that I want to just wrap up

with and one is you might want to save one frame as a thumbnail so I kind of

like this black above here where I could put in my title for my channel or for my

boot for my movie I want to get a place where I'm looking excited

maybe where I pointing at the plane right there that's pretty good if you

can catch yourself smiling that would be good maybe should smile it's always good

to get your face in the movie somewhere so people can identify with you and talk

to them in a conversational manner so that they can basically get to know you

and appreciate you for who you are it helps the channel I think so let's just

use that frame right there now here's the trick I'm gonna go ahead and mute

the text because I will probably put my own text in using Adobe Photoshop or

something like that but yeah I'm just gonna go ahead and mute that text with a

mute button right there so that mutes that track now I'll go ahead and export

that so going down to export movie and then I'm gonna go down to single frame

as JPEG so I just want a JPEG but I don't want 1080

YouTube will only accept a thumbnail as big as 720 at least that's the way

they've been in the past so I'm gonna go with 720 and was just so I can

distinguish it from other things that I save let's just put thumb at the end

like that all right now let's look and see where it's going

going in kind of a weird place so let's open this up and I'm gonna go to desktop

and find my movies shortcut and I think I'll just put it in there so I'm gonna

save it okay now I got a thumbnail that I can fix up later to put up on my

channel and if you're a partner and anyone can be a partner nowadays you can

upload a custom thumbnail so that's what we want to do so let's click OK we know

where it's going we know what the name of it is click OK and it's exported now

we can just go ahead and turn this back on for our movie got our throttle and

brake settings ok did I spell it right I hope so

now that pretty much completes the movie

another thing you can do is under effects right here I like to new tiles

that 2018 has the other versions didn't have these tiles that gave you a little

picture which I really like these pictures to tell you what the function

does so this is under video effects under the effects tab so if it looks a

little dark you can always go to like brightness contrast right here highlight

the object that you want to effect you can hit auto exposure if I do that it'll

kind of sharpen things up a little bit another way I'm going to turn that off

for now another way you can do it is actually you can adjust the brightness

and contrast right here or you could turn up the gamma see how the gamma

really brightens it up see it was kind of dark before and now the gamma kind of

brightens it up you don't want to overdo it but you might want to just turn it up

a little maybe turn this will bring up the background and highlights which

probably isn't a good idea for this one because I want to keep the background

dark but just little changes like that can make a big difference if you want

more contrast you could add that in like that just to sharpen it up a little bit

like I say you don't want to add too much to make it too artificial looking

but you can do that right there and the color looks pretty good because I used

very good lighting on my set so I got pretty good lighting but if the collar

was wrong you can either go in here to this wheel and say you had too much

yellow you could take it out and go blue like that or green so you can adjust if

you have a bad tint you can correct it and say that the color temp was wrong

and you just wanted to go back to normal you can click this double arrow and that

just brings it back to normal so that you don't have to worry about trying to

get back you were or you could hit undo okay and

the other thing you can do is color correction let's bring that up this is

very similar except it's got these sliders here you can still move this

Center button around to adjust things and you can see the sliders or you can

just move one of them like level angle saturation okay again don't like it just

hit the double arrow and under this back on this color one by the way it had

saturation too it's up at the top so if you want to saturate your colors really

bright or you thought they you didn't want color you just want a black and

white you can do that you can make it a black and white movie again I can just

hit that to go back to zero on that and so I just thought I'd show you those

things there's also chroma key here which a lot

of people know about that but I'll just mention it that's if you have a green

screen like you're standing in front of a green screen and you want to put a

fake background behind there then you choose this green for the chroma key and

that would just basically cut you out of the picture so that you could substitute

a different background behind yourself so that's where you get the green screen

effect so the screen can actually be black it could be blue it could be white

and then you've got water effect and alpha effect too so there's quite a bit

you can do there but that's probably a whole other video in fact I do have a

video already on doing green screening and then you have some other ones like

sharpness here which can sharpen up the video quite a bit if you want to do that

and this one is one people ask me about quite often and that speed this will

actually speed up the video or slow down the video just by moving this slider and

also in here which is a question often asked what if I want to reverse the

video there's a reverse checkbox right there you just check that and that'll

reverse the video amazing huh I really like that feature

so that's all under video effects now also under animation you have a lot of

stuff like size and position of the video like if you wanted to have one

video be a little box up in the corner you could size and position it with this

just by doing that and then you move this marquee around to get different

sizes there's camera zoom if you want to zoom in on part of the video and just

show a certain section you can do that there's also one called section which

you can just first pick a section you want and then you zoom there's rotation

say your videos upside down or flipped you can unlock their so there's just so

much to this program it's amazing and I like these new tile views that can

easily be used ok let's talk about the audio sometimes we have audio it's

different volumes like I'm coming along here and I actually go from this clip to

one that was recorded with a different microphone that was directly from the

camera so we want to make sure those levels are the same because if you have

different levels it may take away from your presentation people may wonder

what's going on so let's try to keep the levels even so let's listen to this

level and then I'll turn off the radio just a safety note it's a good idea to

remove the props from so those levels are maybe a little bit off not too bad

so we can even look at it with the mixer here let's just do it again and then

I'll turn off the radio watch it right here's the safety note it's a good idea

to remove them and then I'll turn off the radio just a safety note it's a good

well they're pretty close together I think if they weren't we could go down

here now this this slider here I got to say

this affects the entire track we only want to affect a

single object so what we could do is go down here and there's a slider right

here that it's on zero right now zero dB we could make that track louder by

bringing it up or softer by going into the minus section right here so if was

really loud like this say your radio so that's really too loud then you could

just bring it down until it matches the other one like that and then I'll turn

off the radio for doing this procedure so I wanted to mention that so the you

can either use this single object volume control right here or you can affect the

whole track by clicking the mixer and moving the slider for that track alright

so now that we got the movie done let's go ahead and export it generally I think

people on YouTube watch movies for an average of three minutes that's the

average watch time like three minutes they'll watch a movie so I try to keep

my movie short where possible however this is an exception because it's a

tutorial it's a complete tutorial of all the steps so it is going to be long but

you don't want to watch the whole thing if you just want to see one step so I'll

put a jump table underneath the video in the description so that you can jump to

different points but for now I'm gonna keep this video that I'm making down as

small as I can make it and I've got it's about five or six minutes and I think

that's plenty long for YouTube so let's go ahead and export it we'll go ahead

and do export movie mpeg-4 which is my favorite format I use that all the time

it's compressed a little bit but it makes a movie that's not too large for

upload okay so now I'm gonna go ahead and display all here I'll just show you

the selections here for mpeg-4 are quite extensive I usually just use the full HD

1080 in a case like this which is all right here so there's one right

there that's real close so I could select that one and it's you know

basically the right format I don't see thing wrong with it we can go to

advanced and see what's in here yeah the settings look good so that's

what I'm using right there and it's got the right frame rate we can look to see

where the movies going it's going into movies which is good I've got export

selected range checked here because I just want to capture what's between

these end markers right down here beginning and end markers and if those

aren't at the beginning and end you can always set it with this double arrow

click that and it'll put the end markets where they are and if you want to move

the end markers in to capture just a section of the video this feature here

is pretty handy because it'll only export the range between those beginning

and end markers but anyway that makes sure I've got what I want if I wanted

some blank space at the end of the movie I could put this marker out beyond the

movie to record some blank space not gonna do that but you could okay let's

go ahead and click OK and I'll overwrite my previous attempts now it's

complaining about these being a little different on the frame rates but they're

close enough in fact it looks like the same number to me so I don't know what

the difference is but I'll just hit continue and then it's talking about

jumping to an empty section and that's usually caused by these intros right

here where I put an intro in there's a little bit of black space right in there

I'm just going to ignore that and go ahead and export

okay so let's let it go and then we'll talk about uploading it to YouTube

ok so another question I get sometimes is how do you add music to the video

well what I do is I download some royalty-free music and I usually give a

pitch to the company I got it from in my video to let them know that I'm using

their music and YouTube's ok with that so what I do is I'll take an mp3 file

that I've downloaded and then I'll just drag it over to into the movie so just

drag it over onto the timeline like this and drop it okay now we've got our our

music in here I don't let me get back out of that mode and go into single

object mode so say I wanted to put the music in say right here or I'm starting

to do the brake calibration okay so the way we fix it is we go ahead and turn

the radio on first so you see what I did there you can adjust the volume with

this slider right here you don't want to override your voice you can adjust it

now also there are some handles here where you can fade the music in and out

now let me bring this volume back up here might be easier to see so put it

back up at the normal volume somewhere around zero okay so now these handles

here that at the edges that'll bring the music in fade it in and you can also

fade the music out at the end so that's the way you handle the audio you can

also use the mixer but that affects the whole track remember the mixer I showed

you that affects the whole track and we just want to pick this one object so

that's how you do it this is the overall volume for the object right here and

then you have your handles at the ends that you can fade in fade out the audio

and by the way you can do the same thing with audio on a movie track as well like

one of these they also have the ability to change the audio right here this

handles at the ends of the movie and the video as I showed you you can fade the

video and there's handles at the end of the video objects to fade them in and

out if you want to so that's just a brief explanation of how to handle audio

how to get it in how to control the fades on it

and it's pretty self-explanatory once you try it so do you remember that

thumbnail that I saved from Magic's I saved a frame out of the video while I'm

working on that now I just put some text in using Adobe Photoshop and then I have

some tabs that I've made earlier they're disc gif files and sometimes I'll bring

them in and just go ahead and put them into the video and without giving a

whole tutorial on Adobe Photoshop I'm just going to show you I take the gif

file move it in put my tab in and you can use any editor you want but I'm

gonna transform the scale on this just so I can make it a little smaller and

just do that just move it in there so this is a how-to video and it's a good

idea to have something like this on all your thumbnails so all your thumbnails

look consistent when people look on your channel they can see that your

thumbnails look similar and on YouTube when the people do a search if people

like your videos if you have a specific look it'll make it easier for them to

find your video so I usually put these tabs on just so you all can find them

just like that so that's pretty obvious that that's one of my videos I'm gonna

keep the thumbnails simple I don't want to make it too over complicated because

the I will just get confused and it'll be hard to read any more text than this

just keep it simple keep the text large keep the objects high contrast and your

thumbnails will be pretty good ok I'm going to go ahead and save that and

apply that transformation save it and now I'm also going to save it as a JPEG

I'll probably just overwrite the original thumbnail JPEG which is right

here so I'll just go ahead and overwrite that

and so there it is I'm done so I'm on my video manager on YouTube right here I'm

going to go ahead and do an upload so let's click this upload arrow and that

brings up the upload screen now we can just drag our video on to that and

started uploading now at the same time we can also add the thumbnail which

we've created so let's do custom thumbnail and I need to find that so

it's on my desktop under the movie folder there it is and the thumbnail is

the one that says JPEG right here so I'll open that just let that download or

upload pardon me and there it is it's filled in now so there's my thumbnail

alright and just let that upload and while we're doing that we can work on

our customizing our description let's move this over so we got multi-engine

ESC (electronic speed control) throttle calibration and brake setup that's what we decided on so I'm just

gonna leave that the way it is so the first thing I did was repeat the title

of the movie in the description right here and then I took this link over here

which is to this movie and put that in there just so when the search engines

read this information there'll be a link for your movie in there and that'll be

propagated throughout the internet so that helps then I put in a brief

description of what the whole movie is about and I try to use words that might

be good for tags and for search terms I got ESC (electronic speed control) throttle calibration in there

I got brake setup in there again brushless motor things like that that

will help people to find it ok now let's do some tags down here we know ESC (electronic speed control)

throttle calibration was one of the term terms that really got a lot of hits when

we did our tag investigation so let's do this at the beginning of the video I

went through and found out what title got the most response from searches so

this was one and then I'm putting the multi engine on there was also good so

I'll stick that in there and I'm also going to put in twin engine just because

some that's what I would search for but seems like a lot of people weren't but

I'll just go ahead and put it in twin engine throttle calibration and then

some people might not even know they need throttle calibration so I might put

let's put in let's put brushless motors brushless motors wrong speed just a case

they're searching something like that and I'll put twin-engine motor problem

I'm just throwing in some things that I think people might search for and we'll

see how they rank later on so twin-engine motor problem okay so we got

a few tags in here and the idea with these is they should be related to the

title to the description and be a tag that people would search for a phrase

that people would be likely to enter in when they're looking for this problem

now let's go to the playlist I'm gonna go ahead and scroll down through here

and see if I can find one this is actually related to my

Bush Mule bill that I was doing my RC bush mule bill so maybe I'd want to put

it under that there it is right there I'll just put it under that one oh yeah

when once it uploads I'll show you how to fill in the end screen because that's

kind of interesting so I'll just let that upload and then we'll do the en

screen alright the movies all uploaded and processed and ready to go except we

don't have the end screen setup yet so let's do that end screen now I can't do

it from here that I know of I haven't found a link to go to the end screen so

what you do is you go back to your video manager once you're back at your video

manager then you hit the edit button for the video you just uploaded I know this

doesn't make sense but somehow it seems to work now you can see it pops up

within screen and any notations right here so we can go in there and what it's

going to do is grab that 30 seconds at the end of my video and you can see it

starts right in that area where the end screen is so that last 30 seconds and

then you can add an element so the first thing I want to do is add the SUBSCRIBE

element so I'm gonna hit create right here and when I do that it puts my

subscribed element in there and then I'll just place it over that logo that I

had there that logo is really just a placeholder to tell me where to put this

so all right let's add another element the next one I'd like to add is a video

or playlist so let's let's start with best for viewer so YouTube will pick the

one or try to match a video to what the viewer likes and it always pops it up

here in the upper left hand corner you have to drag it down where you want it

so that's where I put that type of video right down in this corner now let's add

another element go to the same place video or playlist and I'm gonna choose

one this time and I think I'll choose how to install magic smoothie edit Pro

that's related so let's choose that create element alright it's up in the

corner again so I'll put that here now you can put is you can put up to

four I think so I'm gonna put one more - alright so now let's save it alright now

we've done that no I don't want to do the template okay now let's go back to

info and settings so we have everything lined up here the next thing we want to

do is publish it so let's go ahead and publish the video make it public and

I'll put a link to this video underneath the this MAGIX tutorial so

you'll see the video you'll see the output this video here will also be

available for you to watch okay so let's publish it alright that

should have done it so I showed how to use magics Movie Edit Pro and most of

the details of the beginner could use to make a movie and I've also showed you

how to get it up on YouTube and how to make it more search friendly I hope that

all hell's for you to enhance your channels and get more views so don't

forget to subscribe to my channel I'd like to have you back and hit that

notified Bell to make sure you get notified when

I put up a new video and any questions of course you can leave them under this

video thanks for watching


For more infomation >> Magix Movie Edit Pro 2018 PLUS Beginner Tutorial - All Steps on How to Make YouTube Videos - Duration: 1:05:15.


Beauty of Hindu Temple || Secunderbad || Sri Raja Rajeswari Devi || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 1:13.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN Temples Grandeur and Visual Feast

For more infomation >> Beauty of Hindu Temple || Secunderbad || Sri Raja Rajeswari Devi || DARSHANAM LIVE || INDIAN Temples - Duration: 1:13.


AI-based job-matching system adopted at job festival for the first time - Duration: 2:00.

A job fair was in Seoul... is nothing unusual.

But this one was the first in the nation to use artificial intelligence to connect companies

with job-seekers.

The system is said to have more accuracy in choosing the right candidates.

Park Hee-jun has the details.

The '2017 Leading Korea, Job Festival' was held at the Coex exhibition center in

southern Seoul on Monday.

Co-hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups,...the

one-day job fair aimed to connect firms with potential candidates, while providing new

opportunities for job-seekers.

More than a hundred businesses well-known for their potential growth and outstanding

welfare benefits participated in the event.

And they were met by thousands of job-seekers, mainly college and high school graduates.

The festival was the first in Korea to adopt a job-matching system based on artificial


Unlike past events of its kind, where there were only brief acquaintances between firms

and their applicants,...the new system provided in-depth advice for applicants based on big


Each job-seeker was matched with an average of six firms online ahead of the event,...and

was interviewed by those firms on site.

(Korean) "Job-seekers take an online test evaluating

their competency and then the AI system recommends which jobs are suitable for them.

Afterwards, the results are sent to the firms they wish to apply.

The new system was especially welcomed by job-seekers for its efficiency.

(Korean) "The system allowed me to look at various

firms at a glance.

It also felt very efficient because I could send applications to more than one firm at

once and save time."

Some 5-thousand job-seekers were said to have applied through the AI job-matching system.

Those who applied through the AI job-matching system, but were unable to be at the venue

for the on-site interview,...will still be able to have their individual interviews until

the end of this year.

The fair also welcomed job-seekers who wished to register for an interview on the day of

the event.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> AI-based job-matching system adopted at job festival for the first time - Duration: 2:00.


25 Struggles Only INTJs Will Understand - Duration: 5:37.

25 Struggles Only INTJs Will Understand

Every Myers Briggs type has their particular share of troubles.

The INTJ personality types, as brilliant as they are, encounter a range of difficulties

that provide a steady source of turbulence and frustration.

Many of these problems occupy the realm of social life and the INTJ's inadequacy and

disregard thereof.

The INTJ's harsh scrutiny and wanton contempt for the sort of vapid and meaningless rituals

revered, and perpetuated by popular culture puts them at odds with the majority of society.

Making up only 2% of the general population, it is no wonder why they are so contrarian

and out of touch with the rest of the world.

Moreover, this type is wildly underrepresented and largely misunderstood.

Here are a few of the everyday struggles of this infinitely complex type.


When you want to explain something concisely, but instead end up giving a three-hour speech

on the origins of this particular school of thought, and the various opinions that surround

it because you can't bear to explain only part of the bigger picture.


When someone tries to change the plan at the last minute, not understanding that you now

have to re-construct the entire day, and all the corresponding scenarios you might encounter

throughout it mentally, which takes much more time than you're being given.


Everyone assuming that you're glaring at them when you're really just concentrating



Having the intelligence and decisiveness to be a revolutionary leader but completely lacking

the patience to deal with the people you'd have to lead.


When friends or coworkers encourage you to 'lighten up!' or 'smile!' as though

that is going to solve the problem that you're working on.


When you have no choice but to follow an inefficient rule and it makes you die a little inside

every time.


People constantly assuming you're shy, when really you just aren't interested in wasting

mental energy conversing about 90% of the topics that are brought up over the course

of a day.


Your brain's tendency to mull over each social interaction for weeks after the fact,

analyzing what you could have done or said differently.


When your argument is valid, well researched and factual and yet the person you're presenting

it to still won't accept it because it doesn't correspond to their precise worldview.


Always coming up with the perfect comeback three hours after you need it.


When you can recognize the value of making decisions quickly, and yet your brain refuses

to do so until you've mentally cycled through absolutely EVERY possible outcome first.


When a conversation with someone doesn't unfold the way you meticulously planned for

it to in your mind.


People assuming you're being antisocial when you're really just surveying your environment,

trying to understand how to best interact with it.


Being deliberate and thoughtful in your approach to building relationships, in a world full

of people who are careless and flakey in their approach to doing the same.


Having a vague, nagging feeling and requiring hours – if not days – to pinpoint what

it is and where it's coming from.


Being forced to exist in a world where communication is largely subtle and implicit (and therefore

wildly ineffective).


On the flip side, having your particular form of subtlety go completely unnoticed by others

when you do decide to implement it.


Constantly developing strange, niche interests that even you don't completely understand.


Constantly being called heartless by others, when in reality you experience deep, complex

emotions just like anyone else.

You just prefer to wear your logic on your sleeve rather than your heart.


Holding yourself to ridiculously high expectations at all times, and therefore feeling the impact

of failure much more intensely than others seem to, because you know without a doubt

what you're capable of.


Holding the people you care about to similarly high expectations, despite knowing that you

can't control their actions.


Being perfectly capable of 'Relaxing and enjoying life' – but only after all the

items on your to-do list are checked off.


Being idealistic in your ability to perceive optimal outcomes to problems – but realistic

in your understanding that nobody's going to be willing to put in the necessary work

to achieve that outcome.


Becoming inexplicably stuck on small details, or seemingly insignificant pieces of information

if they do not fit into the system of logic you've constructed internally.

To others, it looks like fixation.

To you, it's just the unyielding need for everything to remain logically consistent.


The constant desire to give up on the external world altogether and become a hermit – but

the corresponding understanding that as a hermit, you would be unlikely to get anything

meaningful done.

And so, life as you know it goes on.

All in all, that's the 25 Struggles Only INTJs Will Understand.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 25 Struggles Only INTJs Will Understand - Duration: 5:37.


Nation under sub-zero readings, more precipitation this week _ 112017 - Duration: 1:57.

Now we turn to our Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.

Michelle, it truly felt like winter today.

Not only freezing cold but snowing a little.

Daniel, the snow has stopped in most places, however, because it's freezing at night the

roads can be dangerous, so please be extra careful.

It's going to be wintery until tomorrow, and then the readings will climb back up above

zero degrees by Wednesday.

The precipitation didn't help with the dryness in the air, though.

In fact, the advisories have spread to more places, so make sure to drink lots of water

and adjust your humidity indoors.

Tomorrow, Seoul will wake up to minus 3 degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Busan will begin

the day at minus 1 degree and at 4 degrees.

Into the day, Seoul will rise up to 8 degrees, while Gwangju and Busan will reach 12 and

13 degrees.

This week, we can expect more precipitation, then sunny skies.

And from Thursday, the rescheduled day of the college entrance exam, known as 'Suneung'

in Korean, cold winter conditions will stick with us through the week.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

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