Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 5 2017

Is that the same coffee you got a lunchtime?


So... that's your fifth one today?


It's only 2pm, You drink way too much coffee.

You know caffeine is a diuretic

No it isn't.

How's your bladder?


Are you sure? You've been sitting there for quite a while.

Where are you off to!?


[laughs] Take your time!!

Okay before you starts writing "WTF" in the comments

Let me explain what that was.

This was a collaboration project between myself and YouTube legend, Captain Dissolution.

Hi Captain!

Hi Ami. Hi Everyone.

For the six people who don't know you, do you want to quickly explain your YouTube channel?


I fight for truth and justice by debunking fake viral videos

but mostly I just end up talking about how visual effects work

So the real reason we made that weird sketch was to... explain. It'll save me lots of work.

Sure! I've been trying to get into explaining visual effects from cool classic films

And I thought I'd start with a trilogy we both happen to love. "Back to the Future"

I wanted Ami's help to illustrate how a motion control camera works

that they used to make the same actor play different parts in the same frame

in Back to the Future Part 2 movie

So..Ami came up with a sketch

about a diuretic!?

[laughs] Yeah, I'm so sorry

we needed a reason to pass an object between the two characters,

and... that's all I could think of!


Caffeine IS a diuretic, so technically it's an educational video!

fair enough

Anyway, you can see how we made a sketch in the Captain's two-part Back to the Future episode of "VFX cool" over on his channel.

It's incredibly in-depth and entertaining, and I highly recommend it

Remember to subscribe while you're there

And if you're here from the Captain's channel..

consider subscribing to mine to see more nonsensical videos!

So thanks for watching ..and as the captain always says

love with your heart

and use your head for everything else.

For more infomation >> Cup to the Future➟ (feat Captain Disillusion) - Duration: 3:15.


Do Christmas Birthdays Suck? w/ RadHaggis - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Do Christmas Birthdays Suck? w/ RadHaggis - Duration: 6:13.


Multiplayer race #3 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:57:21.

For more infomation >> Multiplayer race #3 | Asphalt8 - Duration: 1:57:21.


Wolverine Finds Kayla Dead | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

What you doing, Logan?


Oh, God.


For more infomation >> Wolverine Finds Kayla Dead | X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


Serge Legran - Touch The Sky | Deep House - Duration: 5:18.

Serge Legran - Touch The Sky | Deep House

For more infomation >> Serge Legran - Touch The Sky | Deep House - Duration: 5:18.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 304 - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 304 - Duration: 7:24.


LIVE English Lesson - 5th Nov 2017 - History - Grammar - Nicknames - Live Fireworks! - Guy Fawkes - Duration: 2:05:12.

hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England welcome to another live English stream.

Wow yeah here we go again it's Sunday it's a

fun day it's time to learn English day

hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England how are you today are you okay

I hope so are you happy are you happy I really really hope so

so here we go again it's Sunday these Sundays seem to come around so quickly

and here is another one just to prove it it is Sunday the 5th of November a

brand-new month we are now into November and of course we all know what that

means we are just a few weeks away from Christmas but unfortunately we are not

allowed to mention Christmas just yet it's a little bit too early although

having said that I have started to put my Christmas lights up outside the house

this week I started doing it much to the amazement of my neighbors they all came

out to have a look because they are very curious I have some new neighbors now

living next door and they came out to have a look because they were very

intrigued by the fact that I'm putting up Christmas lights on the outside of my

house more about that in 2 or 3 weeks time but today we have a show to do we

are now as live as live can be lots of people already on the live chat oh my

goodness thank you very much for joining me can I just say once again I know I

said it last week because of course last week was a very special lesson it was a

lesson celebrating my 11th year on YouTube it is true I have been on here

teaching English for over 11 years years and of course last week we were

looking slightly different last week it was Halloween last week and as a way of

celebrating it mr. Steve and myself we dressed up in fancy Halloween costumes

but of course as you can see I am now back to normal this week well as near to

normal as possible so the live chat is now up in running hello - Julie G Julie

is the first one here today Thank You Julie for joining me it's so nice to see

you and it's it's very nice to see all of you here every single week thanks

once again for joining me I really do appreciate it

matt is here hello Matt Matt walu hello to you tea asses here hello tea ass so

good to see lots of my regular viewers Olga is also here hacking a seal farik

or furet is here as well Jana is here I'm so happy to see you

today mr. Duncan I love you so much thank you very much for your kind

message when you hello when you I believe when you is new here today so

welcome welcome to my live stream my name is Duncan and I teach English right

here on YouTube and of course every Sunday I am here live for those who are

watching now I am actually live it is coming up to 10 minutes past 2:00 on a

Sunday afternoon it's Sunday the 5th of November remember

remember the 5th of November gunpowder treason and plot more about that later

on yes Lyn is here hello yes Lyn

also ant rad hello it's a long time since I've watched your last online

video welcome back aunt rad nish aunt is also here hello

Nishant thanks for joining me today apparently Nishant hasn't been watching

my live streams for a long time but Nishant says it's good to be back it's

good to have you back when you is here hello when you ah yes I was right yes I

am right I am spot-on I am correct when you is new here so welcome when you you

are a rookie Rookie that's a great woman by the way if

someone is describing themselves as a rookie it means they are new or they are

a beginner Sandra Hodge is here hello Sandra I

haven't seen you for a very long time where have you been

a big howdy from France mr. Duncan and also to mr. Steve good afternoon

everyone to all those who are watching this Sunday live English yes it is live

and it's Sunday the 5th of November xn is here ciao from Rome a big hello to

Rome apparently at the moment at the moment at the moment it is raining at

the moment at the moment den tran van says mr. Duncan you look like a vampire

what do you mean now do you mean at this moment in time I look like a vampire or

are you talking about last week I'm not sure rose smells I'm Bella hello Bella

and this is my nickname ah I see I think you are pre-empting today's questions

because we have some questions coming today including the mystery idioms we

have some special mystery idioms for you to solve today also we have

some questions as well including do you have or do you know someone do you know

someone or do you know someone or do you have a nickname so that is today's

question do you or someone you know have a nickname is your name ever abbreviated

or shortened so apparently Bella has a nickname and her nickname is Bella but

what is that short for is it short for something

is that an abbreviation so that's one of today's questions do you have a nickname

so a nickname is a name that people give you normally relating to something about

your personality or maybe sometimes it is a play on your name so maybe your

name is rearranged somehow so today we are talking all about nicknames do you

have a nickname or do you have a name that you call one of your friends maybe

sometimes a nickname can be very rude or impolite for example I had a friend at

school who always used to he used to fart a lot and some of my classmates

used to call him farty pants it's true so sometimes the nickname that is given

can be very rude or very personal analytic brain is here

hello mr. Duncan how are you how are things going not too bad thank you very

much I've had a very busy week during the week I was outside on the front of

my house putting up the Christmas lights of course every year I always do that

and this year is no exception so thank you for joining me today

analytic brain Kim is here oh sorry I've lost you where have you gone

the problem with the live chat is sometimes it jumps ahead and sometimes

our I lose track of the names Quang is here Valeo zaakira

Elk Luciano Francisco is here as well thanks for joining me today

ta Fatiha abdullah leonardo wow so many people already are with me live today of

course the big question must be what was the view like this morning what was the

view from my window like here it is now so this is the view that greeted me this

morning it is quite cloudy today we have had a lot of rain so far today and it's

very cloudy also it's very cold as well it really does feel as if winter is on

the way is it getting cold where you are because I know in some countries it is

very cold in fact in certain parts of Europe already they are having snow I'm

so jealous I can't believe it already there are people having snow I'm very

jealous so if you are having snow at the moment can I just say now that I am

feeling very envious of you because I'm really looking forward I'm hoping that

this year we have some snow here in the UK because last year we had nothing we

had no snow last year so last winter was very mild which which was very

disappointing indeed if I was honest with you

yo van is here hello yo van good afternoon

your lesson from last week was amazing really did you see last week did you see

last week's livestream you didn't ah why not okay for those who missed it here is

the whole of last week's livestream in 26 seconds

maybe beep you dude it is a special day today because today is do you know what

day it is today today is November the 5th it is a special day more about that

later on there is a special festival taking place

today here in the UK it is something called Guy Fawkes Day or of course we

can say Guy Fawkes night so tonight across the UK many people will be

setting fire to large piles of wood they will also be letting off fireworks as

well so lots of things going on today for November the 5th I will explain more

about that later on of course we can't talk about the weather without talking

all about autumn and right now autumn oh goodness me what can I say what can I

say about autumn but I can say one thing very clearly and that's that autumn is a

very beautiful season so here are some shots that I filmed this week some

little scenes of autumn oh isn't that beautiful as you can see the leaves are

changing they're turning many of them are falling to the ground and there it

is there is the view this week taken during one of my walks here in Much

Wenlock many people ask mr. duncan where are you where do you live I live in a

place called Much Wenlock and look oh isn't that beautiful

our people who don't have it but for me I love the seasons I love winter I love

spring I love summer and also I love autumn as well beautiful seasons

here in the UK and they're the trees looking very lovely I oh I always think

that autumn is a very magical time of year what do you think do you like

autumn do you have autumn where you are some

people don't of course of course the downside of autumn is that it can get

very cold at this time of the year and right now it is freezing freezing cold I

must say it really does feel as if winter is on the way it really does so

we have lots of things to show you as I've mentioned already I do make

English lessons right here on YouTube and they are available on my YouTube

channel also you can find all of my lessons

under this video so beneath this video you can see all of my lessons they are

under this video all of my playlists because a lot of people do ask they ask

where are your lessons mr. Duncan we can't find them so just have a look

under the video and you will find all of the playlists so we have the mystery

idioms coming very soon but let's take a look at one of my English lessons this

is taken from full English number 13 and it features one of my most favorite

times of the year so let's forget all about the cold weather because now it is

time to relive the summer months

can you see what sort of day it is here today is a hot day it is a Midsummer's

day this seasonal period is when the days are at their longest and quite

often their hottest a hot day can be described in many ways it's a scorching

day it's scorching hot today it's a sweltering day to swell tip is to

feel uncomfortably hot it's baking hot today it's burning hot this sort of

weather makes me feel all sweaty and sticky if you stay out in the Sun too

long you will burn your skin will turn red from the sun's ultraviolet radiation

too much exposure to harsh sunlight will literally burn your skin which can lead

to serious health issues later ironically exposure to UV light is

necessary for the production of vitamin d2 in the human body

so a hot day like this can be described as hot scorching sweltering dry baking

the extreme heat is overwhelming oppressive harsh and unbearable

oh my goodness I'm so thirsty I feel parched I'm gasping for water to

refresh yourself by drinking something cold is to quench your thirst

your thirst is the need and the drink is what will satisfy that first we can also

use the word thirst to show the desire to do something or to obtain something

beneficial you can have a thirst for knowledge a thirst for social

interaction we can also use the need for food hunger as an idiom for want and

desire i hunger for your soft embrace I'm hungry for success both hunger and

thirst are often feelings that need to be satisfied that's better

there can be no doubting just how hot it is today it is so hard to escape the

heat by the way the word heat can relate to other things besides temperature we

can use heat as an idiom for danger or trouble let's wait here until the heat

has died down to feel the heat means to be aware of possible dangers or an

approaching situation that might cause you trouble we can say that the heat is

on which means that a tough situation is happening then there is things are

really heating up now this means that there is tension and maybe a sense of

excitement in the air to be in hot water means to be in

serious trouble then there is a heat which is around in a contest or

competition a part of a contest can be called a heat

congratulations mr. Duncan you are through to the next heat

ah this is a much better place to be standing if you want to escape the harsh

sunshine then you will need to find a nice shady place in which to hide from

those nasty UV rays you need to shade yourself from the Sun whenever possible

a shady spot gives you relief from the sunshine and the heat the word shady can

also mean suspicious or untrustworthy we can describe a person we don't trust as

being shady a shady character is a person who should not be trusted a shady

deal is an exchange or business deal that is being dishonestly carried out

there are many ways to keep yourself cool on a hot day a quick way of doing

this is to use one of these this is an electric fan a set of blades rotate to

produce a flow of refreshing air very nice when you need to feel cooler

without making much effort a fan can also be something you used to cool

yourself off with by waving it while tolling it in your hand any large flat

object can be used as a fan such as a piece of cardboard or a magazine or even

one of mr. Duncan's old flip-flops on second thoughts I think I'll stick with

the electric fan it's much less effort

like shoes and socks with shorts oh what a fashion faux pas they appear

so odd together when looked at from afar shorts with black shoes and socks should

never ever be seen even if you squint the sight is still quite obscene black

shoes and socks with shorts please be off and make it quick

as those black shoes socks with shorts are making me feel quite sick

sadly that is all I have time for today yes another full English lesson has come

to an end don't worry though because I will see

you very soon for full English number fourteen yes it's true

this is mr. Duncan in a hot and sweltering England which just happens to

be the birthplace of the English language saying to you thanks a lot for

watching me teaching you and of course until next time

Tatar for now

of course I'm not going anywhere there it was full English number 13 from

2015 so I hope you enjoyed that of course I like to show you some of the

highlights from my lessons because I have been here now for 11 years making

my English videos and there are many videos that some of you might have

forgotten about or maybe there are videos that you haven't seen before so

that is the reason why I like to play some of my old videos during my

livestream so I hope you enjoyed that and I must admit I did enjoy looking at

the sunshine there it is nice sometimes to think of a happy summer's day don't

you think it can transport you away somewhere lovely when in reality it's

cold outside so I did enjoy that we will be looking at another lesson very soon a

lesson talking all about fire and also Guy Fawkes who was Guy Fawkes and why

are we talking about him today all will be revealed a little bit later on ts is

on the live chat ts says it's very weird mr. Duncan I was watching your

livestream at 8 p.m. local time but last week and now it is airing at 9

p.m. the reason is because we have changed the clocks here in the UK we

have altered the time so we have gone back one hour so the time difference in

some countries will be different now I know it confuses everyone it confuses me

as well I was very confused last week because I forgot to put the clocks back

so I got myself into a big mess last week because I forgot

to do it so yes the time difference has changed because we have moved the clocks

back one hour that actually happened last week last

weekend Jana is here Oh Jonah says I have a nickname it is Joe Joe that is

one of the questions we are asking today do you have or does someone you know

have a nickname is your name abbreviated so sometimes we can give a person a

nickname so the nickname is an alternative to their given name or of

course you can just abbreviate your given name so the name that you were

born with the name you were christened with or the name that your parents gave

to you sometimes we will abbreviate it for example David David becomes Dave so

hi Dave instead of hi David so you can quite

often abbreviate names and of course you can also have nicknames as well later on

we have mr. Steve coming oh yes mr. Steve will be here live at 3 o'clock

there he is from last week so mr. Steve was here last week he was dressed up for

Halloween and he will be back today at 3 o'clock live with me in the studio but

take a look at the picture you can see now on the screen I think mr. Steve in

this photograph he looks a little bit like that do you remember that kid that

kid who was dressed as a zombie and he said I like turtles

I think mr. Steve last week reminds me of that kid I don't know why when I saw

mr. Steve last week I thought to myself wait a minute

I think mr. Steve is copying that guy that that kid the turtle kid from the

viral video on youtube so i think mr. steve looks a little bit like like that

kid on the left what do you think do you think there's a similarity I'm not

really sure anyway mr. Steve will be here today at 3 o'clock hopefully he

will not be wearing his Halloween costume I think he will be looking

normal today well nearly normal nearly normal Luciano

is here hello Luciano hello to you Luciano says

it is Isabella or Bella oh yes of course because Bella is often a shortened

version of Isabella yes I think so or I think sometimes it can also be Belinda

as well I think so so I think Belinda and Isabella can actually be shortened

to Bella I'm just looking at the live chat it is moving very quickly so many

people today Bloody Mary is here hello Bloody Mary I haven't seen you for a

long time on Kinney is here as well who is on Kinney I get the feeling that Arne

Kinney might be someone famous I think so yes Rose smells says Isabella is my

real name so Bella is the shortened version of Isabella I understand that

very good hello mr. Duncan from Vietnam well I have a lot of people watching in

Vietnam at the moment Israel si says yes I have one del del is my

nickname my family have called me this beef

I was born so your nickname is Dell but is it short for something so is Dell the

shortened version of another work another name for example Derek so the

name Derek can often be shortened to Dell Dell Jarrah is here enjoying the

view from my window thank you very much Janna for that or we have Hong Kong

watching as well mousing chan is here hello mal and a big hello to everyone

watching in Hong Kong at the moment apparently Luciano says the weather is

the same here today it is oh it is it is good you are having good weather today

I'm very jealous we are having terrible weather here in England today it's

raining it's been raining all day Lucas is here hello Lucas watching in Brazil

two more hellos mr. Adam hello mr. Adam who were you I've never seen you here

before mr. Adam says nice t-shirt thank you

very much and finally is a car oh how is it going I'm so happy just that this is

my first time for me to catch your live video stream well as a career

you are welcome thank you very much for saying hello today so let's have a look

at the mystery idioms here they come - mystery idioms I will show you two

pictures all you have to do is tell me what the idioms are they are well-known

expressions in English and all you have to do is tell me what they are and here

is the first mystery idiom right now oh that's an interesting one something very

unusual so there is today's first mystery idiom just say what you see it

is a well-known expression in English and of course I will give you

the answers later on and here is the second mystery idiom oh yes I must say

my photoshop skills are getting very very good what do you think do you think

my Photoshop skills are good I think I'm getting better now at Photoshop I really

do so there is the second mystery idiom and here is the first one again for

those who missed it but what are they what are today's mystery idioms and here

is the second one again just in case you missed it

but what are they if you think you know what they are let me know because I

would love to hear from you come on don't be shy

type some words type a sentence send me a message now on the live chat don't be

afraid it's all right yes today today is bonfire night so many people tonight

will be lighting bonfires it is November the 5th remember remember the 5th of

November gunpowder treason and plot but what is

it all about well I'm going to let you know what it's all about right now

because they're going to have a look at another one of my full English lessons

and in this lesson I will explain all about bonfire night and who Guy Fawkes


can you see what I'm doing today I'm preparing to light a fire I have some

old wood and garden debris to dispose of to start a fire you need some dry

material this will light easily paper is the most common material used or small

pieces of wood will also do the job the material used to start a fire is called

kindling you use kindling to start the fire

kindling establishes the fire there is also the word Kindle which means to

start a fire kindling is a noun while Kindle is a verb

I will use a match to start the fire I will strike the match and light the

paper this will start the fire the paper will ignite the word ignite comes from

the Latin word for fire we sometimes use the word pyro to describe something

related to fire for example a person who is addicted to starting fires can be

called a pyromaniac the most obvious part of a fire are the flames and smoke

can you see the flames the movement of the flames cannot be predicted flames

move randomly we can use the word lik to describe the movement of a fires flames

the flames licked around the doorframe a flame flickers we can describe the flame

on a candle as a flickering flame a flame can shimmer flicker glow dance

the fire I'm lighting today will be safely contained this container is

called an incinerator you burn things in an incinerator the inside of the

incinerator will become very hot to keep the fire under control I must put this

lid on it now the fire will burn steadily and remain safe the small hole

in the center of the lid allows the smoke to escape in a controlled way

just like the chimney on a house wood

fires are fun to watch but they can also be very dangerous especially if they get

out of control after the fire has gone out there is normally some debris left

this gray looking substance is called ash this is all that is left of what was

burned you can also put out a fire using water this action can be described as

extinguish you extinguish the fire you put the fire out

you have extinguished the flames the fire has been put out

here in the UK we have a tradition that involves lighting fires each year on

November the 5th people light large bonfires to commemorate the capture of a

group of men who were plotting to blow up the houses of parliament and kill the

then King of England in 1605 Parliament was and still is the meeting place of

the British government the plot however was foiled when Parliament officials

discovered one of the plotters a man named Guy Fawkes guarding the Gunpowder

this event became known as the Gunpowder Plot the celebrations take place every

November fifth it is known as Guy Fawkes night large bonfires are lit and

life-size effigies of Guy Fawkes are burnt on the fires fireworks are also

let off and quite often food such as baked potatoes are eaten there is a

rhyme that goes with this event - which begins remember remember the 5th

of November gunpowder treason and plot I see no reason why gunpowder treason

should ever be forgot

there it was so for those who didn't know what Guy Fawkes was all about Guy

Fawkes night bonfire night now you know we will be talking a little bit more

about that later on when mr. Steve joins us in around about 12 minutes time

yeah yeah mr. Steve will be here as live as live can be and a little bit later on

because the weather now is getting very cold as I mentioned earlier it's getting

very chilly here in England so a little bit later on we will be going into the

other room to light the log fire and as you can see I have I have some some logs

here ready to burn on the fire so that's another thing we'll be doing and I hope

you will stick around to the end of today's livestream because we will be

going outside to let off some fireworks it's true so please I hope you will stay

with us I hope you will stay with us right to the end of today's livestream

because we have something pretty awesome coming your way we will be having

fireworks outside to end today's livestream talking of fireworks do you

have any festivals in your country that use fireworks now I always think of

bonfire night or Guy Fawkes night or of course New Year celebrations so when the

New Year arrives lots of people will set off fireworks but I am going to ask you

individually do you have festivals that use fireworks and what are the special

festivals in your country that use them so if you have any special festivals in

your country so maybe something that isn't celebrated anywhere else please

let me know do you honey have any festivals that are celebrated in your

country also today we are asking do you or someone you know have a nickname does

someone or maybe yourself do you have a nickname or maybe a friend or relative

perhaps they also have a nickname meeker ode who is watching in Japan has sent me

a message and a live chat let's see if we can zoom in on that my nickname was

me which of course is short for Mika when I was a child and I was called poo

when I was at high school because I loved Winnie the Pooh of course we need

the Pooh the story of the bear who always liked to eat honey so Mika ODE

had a nickname at school but did you have a nickname at school or do you have

a nickname now we will be talking about nicknames later on and mr. Steve will be

revealing a very embarrassing nickname so the nickname that mr. Steve had when

he was at school he will be revealing it later and it is very embarrassing and

just to make things fair I will also be revealing my nickname

so my classmates at school also gave me a nickname something to do with my real

name in fact quite a few people are sending answers to the mystery idioms

let's have a look congratulations to Olga well done Olga you have I think

you've got both of them right there and also I read ass thank you very much

for sending your answer also Jamelia apparently Jamelia also has a nickname

Jamelia 'he's friends call her Jamie Jamie

Xena thank you very much for your answer as well there is the first mystery idiom

and there is the second one so they are today's mystery idioms but what are they

I have quite a few correct answers today well done well done to all those who are

getting involved hello to everyone my full name is Eleanor and my short name

is Lena or Lena when I was at school I had a

nickname it was wonk I think I should write that

down and actually just in case people think it it was something else so this

was this is Elinor's or Lena's nickname wonk but why I wonder why why was that

your nickname Thank You Lena for that Lena

or should I say Eleanor hi there says Valentin I used to know a guy in my

childhood with the nickname God because his parents were Christians oh maybe

they should have called him Jesus I think Jesus would have been probably

better thank you for fitness girl for your answer to the mystery idioms it's

very busy today by the way on the live chat so many people mr. Duncan do you

remember your days in China during the Chinese New Year oh yes I do

because during the Chinese New Year in China many people

set off fireworks it is a very noisy time of year during the Chinese New Year

and and of course in China they have these small red fireworks called

firecrackers and you light them and then lots and lots of explosions go off at

the same time they are ever so noisy they are really really noisy and

sometimes not everyone but some people would also let off firecrackers very

late at night sometimes they would throw them into the the area where the stairs

were and I remember just once in my apartment

someone actually let off some fireworks outside outside my apartment door they

were firecrackers very very noisy things indeed so yes I do remember my time in

China during the Chinese New Year let's just say it was a very noisy period of

time very noisy indeed mr. Steve will be here very soon

Julie G says an abbreviation of my name is Julie which of course sounds very

similar to your real name and the pronunciation Oh apparently it is

similar to prana okay I'm a bit I'm a bit confused there to be honest so you

can call me pran or you can call me jus Julie thank you very much for that Olga

says every year in my country we have Victory Day which is on the 9th of May

we have gorgeous fireworks all around the cities here in Russia so in Russia

they have a special fireworks celebration on the 9th of May and it's

called Victory Day Ellen er mr. Duncan lives in a cozy

house well I think my house is very cozy

especially when I light the fire and that's what we will be doing later we

are going to light the log fire mr. Steve and also me as well we will both

do it Igor or I gore is here hello Igor thanks

for joining me today in Jakarta apparently in Indonesia we usually use

fireworks to celebrate the wedding so if someone has a wedding party we will

normally set off fireworks I must admit we don't do that here

so we don't have fireworks during weddings I think that would definitely

scare the bride she would be very afraid I think and maybe the guests would be as

well Thank You TAS for that wow so many people joining in today on the live chat

thank you for joining me today I do appreciate it Flavia says yes mr. Duncan

we have many fireworks during our festivals we have many many festivals it

really is a very noisy time well to be honest here in England here in the UK

lots of people hate fireworks can you guess why can you guess why people hate

fireworks here in England and also across the UK can you guess why there is

one one particular reason why many people in this country hate fireworks I

will tell you later antoniou is here hello Antonio it is

Antonio in Brazil do people ever call you Tony I think that would be great

Antonio we could shorten that to Tony I suppose we could anyway if you don't

mind the new year is a good time for fireworks I agree

normally here in England especially in London

they have huge firework displays actually I'm just wondering because this

year of course you can see over there the clock tower Big Ben the Big Ben Bell

will not be ringing this year because of course there there is a lot of

maintenance taking place so they are repairing the clock tower at the moment

in London so it's being repaired so I'm just wondering what they are going to do

this year when the New Year arrives will they still have the Big Ben Chinese as

the New Year arrives I don't know I wonder if they will Luciano says

fireworks are noisy and can be very dangerous I agree with you that is true

but there is one particular reason here in England and across the UK why

people hate fireworks can you guess why people hate them

people do not like the noise or the sound of fireworks Thank You Neil for

that maybe it reminds them of the bombing during the Second World War

well I think that's a that's a that's a very good idea I think so but there is

another reason why many people hate fireworks can you guess why Jamelia says

here in Algeria we have fireworks on Independence Day which is on the fifth

of July ah okay here we go belarus belarus belarus eeeh well done

you are right yes there is one reason why many people complain about fireworks

and the answer is pets animals so many people get very very upset because when

the fireworks go bang their pets become very upset so that's very good thank you

very much for that look look at the time everyone we are a little bit late here

but he is here better late than never

that's what I say yes mr. Steve is on his way

King oh it's all go here today so many things going on it's been a very hectic

week I have been outside putting the Christmas lights on the house I think

some of my neighbors are very scared very worried especially my new neighbors

because they are not used to me yet so I think they are very worried about the

fact that I'm putting my Christmas lights up very early but the reason why

I do it is because the weather of course over the next few weeks will turn very

cold and wet so that's the reason why I'm doing it now whilst the weather is

not so bad talking of nice things talking of things

that make us feel good here he is everyone its mr. Steve hello

hello mr. Duncan I'd really like to say it's great to be

back with you here again this week I'd really like to say it of course I'm

excited to be back here again of course you're joking and yes and

we're much more pleasantly addressed this week after last week's a rather

scary outfit let's have a look at mr. Steve mr. Steve last week here we go

here is Steve last week that and and I was saying earlier that mr. Steve's

makeup looked a little bit like that boy who remembers that boy on YouTube but

the one that likes Turtles I think mr. Steve's outfit looked very

similar to him what do you think hey mr. Steve you're back again I'm back I what

I've got to say oh look at this exciting interesting backdrop I've got

yes it's developing every week what is that some kind of robot some upcoming -

a robot don't you know who that is is it r2d2 it's r2d2 from Star Wars July

I didn't say c-3po you'd have probably come over and hit me well you might not

believe this mr. Steve but when I was at school lots of people used to say that I

was like c-3po because I was very tall in thin and also also I used to move

around in a very strange way especially when I walked I don't know what they met

they meant by that but some of my friends used to describe me as looking

like c-3po oh I see Threepio human-cyborg relations

and this is my counterpart r2d2 very good mr. Duncan talking of nicknames yes

we are talking about nicknames today and many of my viewers have been sharing

their nicknames but now it is time for you mr. Steve or by the way you are

getting some very nice comments about your shirt this little thing I think

Amanda Amanda is very very impressed by your shirt hello Amanda

and Amanda likes it thank you very much maybe

Amanda's nickname is Mandy well that's an abbreviated form yes of the name very

nice name it is too particularly when she says that I've got a lovely shirt

this shirt is probably about 10 years old Oh Elinor also likes your shirt oh

thank you very much that's two fans and getting worried NAB it would just it

would appear that people people enjoy your dress sense more than mine

although no comment although that's nothing new really that's uh nothing new

so mr. Steve it is now time for you to share with us your nickname from school

now first of all we can we can shorten certain names can't wait we can indeed

yes for example for example your name my name yes my name is Steven with pH so

it's not Steven with V it's actually Steven with the P

and the H because you are very posh of course that's it the name Stephen if you

if your parents gave you the name Stephen with a pH in the middle you were

considered to be posh yes whereas if it just had a V in the middle

of it yeah you are a bit common but of course to many people many people call

you Steve everybody calls me Steve and I don't like it and of course an

interesting thing about abbreviated names is and I come across this a lot at

work particularly with with girls is that if you they often like to use an

abbreviated form of their word because if they use the full name it reminds

them of when their mother or father or parents were scolding them for being

naughty yeah that's true isn't it because because normally when parents

when parents scold their children they call them they're their full name they

give their whole name so I've got people to work and if I could for example

Samantha everybody calls her Sam but if I ever say Samantha oh don't call me

that she says that reminds me of when my mother used to scold me for being a

naughty girl so a lot of people don't like that most people I think prefer

that are abbreviated names because it reminds them of when their were naughty

as a child what I find anybody else out there got

the same experience we have had quite a few people giving us their nicknames and

also their abbreviated names but we have something more important to discuss so

when you were at school mr. Steve you want to avoid this when you were at

school yes now you have told me that your classmates gave you a very I think

it might be an insult but maybe maybe it's just a friendly fun way of

describing your name or all maybe that they have what they've done is actually

altered your name they've changed it slightly but what what exactly was your

nickname at school and please explain why okay so they used to call me harpic

at school they used to call me har pick topic because

that's very my surname is very similar to that and there was a particular

disinfectant used for cleaning toilets yes it's on the screen now called harpic

and it was it must have been when I was at school and they used to advertise it

a lot on the on the telly and I think it was a new product that had come out so I

used to be called har peak bog cleaner

because it's very similar to my surname so whether that's that was a very common

one that I was called it at school so your classmates used to call you har

pick yeah they didn't even shorten it they just called me har peak bog cleaner

and there you can see on the screen now there there it is between us on the

screen there is a bottle of har pick and you use that to clean out the toilet now

I don't I'm not sure if that is a nice nickname or or an insulting one but of

course the reason why they called you that is because your surname sounds very

similar to har pick it does and so sometimes when people give you nicknames

it's based on maybe a certain part of your character that they pick up on or

mannerisms but sometimes it can be something topical like an advert on

television or something going on on television okay just to be fair mr.

Steve we're now going to reveal my nicknames at school and my I had a

couple of nicknames there was another one that I'm not and I'm not going to

say because it was so rude if I if I gave you this particular nickname

YouTube would come along and they would say yeah yeah mr. Duncan you can't say

that on YouTube I'm sorry you're going to have to leave the building so and so

no no I'm not going to tell you what that one is but there are some I can

tell you for example some of my friends and in fact some of my family used to

call me dunk dunk dunk short for Duncan that's an

abbreviation would you say so that's okay I think dunk is okay so that was a

nickname of course also an abbreviation of Duncan which is my my real name a lot

of people don't think Duncan is my real name but Duncan is my name can we call

you mr. dunk yeah no no you can't call me mr. dunk I wish I would I would not

appreciate that let's just say and of course there was another nickname that I

had unfortunately this one is okay to say right and that is donkey doughnut

donkey doughnut in fact one of my one of my uncle's used to always call me donkey

doughnut so why did they call you donkey doughnut I think because it just sounds

fun so it wasn't abbreviated in fact it made my name probably three times as

long as it should be so so donkey doughnut was was what a lot of my

friends and also family especially one of my uncles would always call me donkey

doughnut wasn't there a product Dunkin Donuts or something wasn't available I

think you might be right there mr. Steve you might be yep you might be onto

something there so yes again a topical a topical product of its time that was

used to make fun of your name of you a nickname sugar we all know you right

lots of sugar mr. Duncan yes of course that you like doughnuts well okay there

mr. Steve is getting very carried away here by the way with all of this so that

was one of my nicknames let us not forget that mr. Steve nickname work was

a product that you use for cleaning out the toilet so before you pick on me for

my nickname don't forget mr. Steve's nickname was was a toilet cleaner

okay so ER so what there's no mistake there of course in English there are

lots lots of names that can be shortened and

abbreviated but in a moment we are going to talk about that but now we're going

to take a little break because we are going to light the fire in the living

room yes excitement the excitement have you

been building up the excitement with the viewers I have a better bet you can't I

bet you really can't wait that the cold nights are coming now this is something

we did yesterday so this thing you are about to see is not live but it's

something we did yesterday we went into the living room and we decided to light

the log fire and wasn't it fun and don't forget also at the end of today's

livestream we will be going outside to have an outdoor firework display a like

of which you have never seen before lots of banging lots of explosions too

to end today's livestream but right now we are going into the living room

because it's time to light the log fire see you in a bit hi everybody so here we

are now this is a place where we don't normally film but I thought because the

cold nights are coming now everything is getting very cold winter is definitely

on the way I thought it would be a good idea to show you how we normally light

the fire in here because of course the theme today is bonfire night bonfire

night and fire in general so here we are now mr. Steve first of all what why do

we have this this fire first of all in the house because to be honest with you

I wasn't a big fan mr. Steve wanted to have a fire in the house a log fire but

whereas I thought it was a waste of time so so why did you want one mr. Steve

well a fire is homely it makes you feel comfortable at home secure safe in the

cold weather the winter approaching and also if the central heating breaks down

you've got a backup because living in the middle of nowhere as as mr. Duncan

does here yeah then you need a backup in case the

heating breaks down and it's just nice to have a fire it's like everybody likes

a fire it's sort of a primeval sort of basic instinct that we like to burn

things when I have a fire we feel safe goes back to to the thousands of

millions of years when people lit fires to protect themselves against the wild

animals so yes it's a primeval sort of inbuilt

instinct to want a fire and I like a fire okay there is something I agree

with you there there is something quite fascinating about watching a fire burn I

must have I do agree with you there mr. Steve so baby

mr. Steve's argument for having a fire in the house is a good one

having said that I am of course now a convert to the home fire because I now

agree with mr. Steve I was very skeptical at first to be honest but now

now I kind of think yes yes I think that's a good idea you could say that I

have warmed to the idea if you warm to something that means you start to think

it's a good idea you change your opinion you actually agree or accept something

so you warm to it and so there we go we are teaching some English already look

at the idea okay so mr. Steve I've just realized that we are sitting in the most

uncomfortable position in the world this is really uncomfortable so I don't want

to stay here too long because I can already feel the blood in my legs

coagulating so here we go stream mr. Duncan

it's horrible it's like Halloween all over again

so first of all we have the fireplace here it's a very simple construction you

have a place where the fuel goes and you have a thing that goes up to the outside

of course we all know that's called the chimney or it can also be called as a

flue flow blue-blue ego flew so far Lou flue is the thing that allows the smoke

and all of the poisonous fumes to escape from the house they don't know is coming

into the room you don't and we also have to have some airflow as well so the air

has to flow through the fire to allow the flames to burn so although it looks

very simple it is actually quite a complicated thing so you need air flow

you need the poisonous fumes to disappear out of the house smoke the

smoke in all of the horrible things that might cause you to choke and down having

monoxide poisoning there's none that you don't want carbon monoxide in your house

to be honest it's not very good that we get a carbon monoxide detector because

you have to have them by law in the house if you've got something that burns

like a fire obviously a fire burns then you need to have a carbon dioxide

detector to make sure that you're not being poisoned a detector yes so

something that will sense the carbon monoxide in the air so first of all

before we do anything else we have to make sure that the fire will light so we

need things that will help the fire to start and here is something here is

something that's very useful this this is a kind of material that's been soaked

with flammable liquid I think in this case it is I think it might be paraffin

or petrol but this you put a little bit of this on the fire and it will start

the fun it will allow the fire to light yes it's

a fire lighter surprisingly it's a very simple name I'm so glad that they've

named this simply so I don't think that petrol on it by the way mister don't

give me no but it we don't want to set things in petrol this is a batch house I

think it is paraffin isn't it I think it's a form of paraffin not not petrol

so that please don't start your house fire don't start the fire in your house

with petrol it's not a good idea it's not petrol this'll be an interesting

video it has petrol on those fire lighters mr. Duncan it will be very very

introduced I think it will certainly increase our viewership as we we sit

here in flames burning so we need to put a little bit of this inside some paper

first of all like so there is it so the reason why I'm wrapping it up is to

allow the paper to also burn so it will catch fire very easily so we put some of

this on the fire first of all mr. Steve we do indeed we certainly did now here

are some I've prepared already so I put these on the fire so some of these will

have a little bit of fire lighter inside and some of them don't

ok so we've put these on first are you enjoying this no well that's an honest

answer there we go yes of course I am for those

who have just joined we are live on a Sunday and it's mr. Duncan that's me and

mr. Steve that's me in our living room we are teaching

English me if you don't know how to light a fire you should do after this I

just put a bit more on so here's another little piece of fire lighter there we go

just think it's so no he needs something else mr. Steve what do we need next we

need some small pieces of wood to help the fire start and we call that kindling

kindling dling can you see the kindling Roberts our wood

these big these big bits won't start on their own

need something as you know to start a fire you need some small bits to get it

going there we go get the fire going to Kindle it so to Kindle something is to

start something off so you can Kindle anything early you can you can Kindle a

relationship you can start a relationship you can put it into motion

so to Kindle something and of course you can rekindle as well Rican yes if a

relationship has has gone off the boil has died a bit down you can rekindle the

relationship by for example going out for a meal or something like that so to

restart the relationship well maybe you could get some sexy underwear do you

like that you like the marriage advice there so if your relationship is failing

if if the magic has left your life and you want to rekindle your relationship

maybe get some sexy underwear so we put some kindling on the fire you can see

here I've got quite a lot of kindling so first of all we put this on the fire

like this now watch how carefully I do this I'm going to do this very carefully

look at that instant there we go a little bit more we've got lots of

kindling here I'm sure people are going to say mr. Duncan you've put too much

kindling on the fire you have put too much on you don't need

all that mr. Duncan now before I like the fire I'm going to

move this out of the way because this is very flammable so if you could put this

just over and over there for you just so so we don't have any fire incident

mishaps and now I'm going to put these two pieces of wood on the fire as well

on the top so they're not very big pieces of wood but they will eventually

catch fire so we just put that

there like that and that there like that and now we are ready to light the fire

ha ha so what do we need to light the fire mr. Duncan we need to ignite the

fire we need to start the fire by using a match so mr. Steve please give me the

matches so we can light the fire we could rub two sticks together we could

have rubbed two sticks of kindling together until they started smoking

perhaps if I rub my legs together if I rub my legs together for a long period

of time maybe maybe that will create a fire so where the match is mr. Duncan so

to match those you've got the matches have I oh look they're over the note

I'll go and fetch them okay then oh that wasn't what we rehearsed

Thank You mr. Steve thank you for the matches and also your ad-libbing oh look

don't drop the matches well you can drop them you can drop matches oh good

nothing happened so drop it again no nothing so you can drop matches I may

drop them and then leave them here so that men can drop them all so what I

just did we're still here so let's light the fire

would you like to light it as well with me and there would you do all that do

you like to light fires okay you go ahead strike the match so first of all

we need to strike the match we are going to strike the match there we go

this is the interesting part sorry before you burn your fingers so now we

just like the paper and just to make sure I'm going to there's another match

odd just to make sure that it lights and then we close the door and now hopefully

we are now making sure that the air will flow through so all of the airflow is

open to make sure that it lights exciting bits very

exciting so now that the fire is starting starting to light come on if

this does it slow if this doesn't work we're in big trouble that's its lighting

don't worry about it it's lighting there we go look it will start come on fire

well it wouldn't it be great if this actually went out hey looks like is

going out no it's lighting look the fire is rekindled we have fire everyone can

you see there it is there's the fire fire I think people know what fire is

mr. dookey we have fire everyone I feel I feel like a caveman

so of course you could we might get sparks in a minute and of course sparks

you could have a spark of an idea could you so a spark is something that is a

small thing that can get something else going so if you have a small spark of an

idea it can develop into a something very big like a spark on a piece of wood

can develop into a big fire so there's there's another bit of English with just

thrown in there so it's lighting now out look at that there we go they said it

couldn't be done it's roaring away already saved already so now what is

happening the air is rushing in as the fire burns have to tell them so we have

airflow air flow it's very important isn't it I think it probably is I'm glad

to see mr. Steve is taking this seriously

laughs whoa there you go pretty dramatic they're getting warm already I can feel

the heat coming off the heat is radiating from the fire so the heat is

coming off it is radiating so that's it we will now be warm tonight we don't

have to worry about going cold because apparently the temperature tonight is

going to be very low indeed will you be I'm getting out are you going out would

be nice and Steve's going out again he's got to earn some money I don't know what

he does but he's doing something I'm not lighting fires I know that he always

comes back with lots of five-pound notes and they're always very tatty and grubby

I don't know what he does but anyway I'm going to a bonfire night party anyway it

allows me to buy the kindling so so you know we won't go cold right let's go

back into the stood here mr. Steve and you're gonna change it to some other

clothes as well but as we do it I don't know how this happens it's magic

shall we just admit now that this is prerecorded anyway let's rejoin mr.

duncan that's me in the studio and I'm going to get up now and allow the blood

to flow back into my legs shall we go bye-bye let's go bye-bye

yum-yum-yum-yum we are back live yes live is live can be just after half is

3:00 on a Sunday afternoon remember remember it is the 5th of November it is

myself mr. Duncan and of course mr. Steve is here mr. Steve what was wrong

with you yesterday you you seemed a little bit bad-tempered yesterday I was

in a bad mood yesterday you are right mr. Duncan you were you you you were

really really really really bad tempered yesterday I could tell you weren't

taking that very seriously but you said come on mr. Steve we've got to do this

because the the loyal viewers want to see is doing something together and you

said let's try and light the fire and I reluctantly agreed and I think it was

all right it was all right in the end I managed to salvage it I think

interestingly you've had quite a few comments while we were while you were

playing that little clip it would appear that a lot of people liked what we just

did I've got to say boy I couldn't get up after that I've had it very difficult

to get up my joints had dirt had seized up Byron Lee were kneeling down there

apparently apparently mr. mr. Steve he was let me get a word in edgeways

apparently that was that was a special yoga position that I was in really yes a

yoga position I'm trying to find the message now that told me about it okay I

can't find it no somebody oh yeah go on find it shut up boom boom boom boom boom

boom that's a good name by the way for today because there are a lot of boom

that's the name of a firework I'm not sure mr. Duncan's position the position

that mr. Duncan is sitting in in front of the fireplace is actually quite

healthy it didn't feel healthy all I could feel

was the blood being cut off to my feet and I thought my feet were going to fall

off to be honest it is in fact a yoga position called the

virasana virasana so you on you are basically kneeling but your legs are

flat on the floor but but it's very uncomfortable mmm I don't I don't know

how you can do yoga in that position and still be relaxed to be honest I don't

know that yes there are all sorts of yoga positions aren't they I think

they're all called they all end with Sun I don't know at the end I think I don't

know yes I think they do I have done a bit of yoga in the past you can get very

flexible very bendy and can you do the splits mr. Duncan here can I do the

splits ii-i've done the splits by accident in the past I what I once I

once lost my my bicycle saddle and I sat down and I did the splits then I really

did I jumped up in the air and did the splits because my my bike saddle was

missing can you pull your legs up and wrap them round the back of your head I

think I can do that to somebody else's legs interestingly enough somebody's

made a comment about carbon monoxide detectors only being a bit nerdy in this

country yes if you have particularly a new appliance fitted into your house

like a gas boiler or an oil boiler or if you've got an open fire anything that

burns then yes you have to have a carbon monoxide detector because when anything

burns carbon monoxide is a poisonous but odorless colorless gas you don't know

it's there and every year tragically in this country because it's a cold country

in the winter we have to light fires a lot of people die every year through

carbon monoxide poisoning because they don't let enough air into the room and

when that happens the the burning it doesn't occur properly you get poisonous

gases I'm getting into your room so yes I'm getting a bit of I'm getting a bit

of burning now I've got a gas strange burning sensation now I'm sitting here

you could be just sit there and being poisoned by the nu just

slowly fall asleep and then never wake up

okay Thank You mr. Steve it's Halloween again yes it's not Halloween though this

week it's not Halloween this week so nation about carbon dioxide or co2 ated

- sorry - yesterday yesterday you you were accusing me of being boring in the

video that we just showed and here you are droning ah I'm giving out valuable

life-saving information trust me this is not valuable information here earlier

well no if you're gonna rent if you're gonna rent a property in the UK okay

okay no need to make sure your landlord has properly maintained the central

heating system or you could die from C Oh haven't you just said all this aside

yes but it's typically it's typically landlords trying to cut costs and it

happened several times every year quite tragic this anyway that's my three penny

worth this is a bit heavy can we now go back to to talk about nickname well I

thought what was very funny is that somebody said you were starting the fire

by burning your flash phrases yes and many of my scripts as well I think I

think I was burning my scripts yesterday all the all the unsuccessful ones all

your bank statements with nothing on them sorry mr. Duncan hilarious so we're

going back to abbreviated words are we pay attention in the studio today we're

not we're not well we're not going back to abbreviated words we're going back to

abbreviated name names okay listen to me when I'm talking so we are talking about

nicknames and as we discussed earlier mr. steve has a nickname it's school he

had one but I think we might entry introduce it we've had done that already

so mr. Steve's nickname was was actually named after some some toilet cleaner

just so you all remember that so we can also shorten names

well we can shorten names I've got some here I think you've got some as well so

let's have a quick look at some names that can be shortened or abbreviated so

here we go here are some so we have David David so what can you abbreviate

David - David is that a Dave Dave D a VE Day --v yes you can call David Dave hi

Dave how you doing Dave shall we go out to the pub tonight Dave for a drink

Dave probably Dave is it's got it's got certain it's got certain two labels

connotations with it hasn't it Dave apparently apparently lemon tree is is

roasting their chestnuts well you shouldn't get so close to the

fire also we have Susan Susan mr. Steve Susan that would be sue sue or of course

Susie Susie so Susan can be sue or Susie yes

Susie I always think Susie sounds like a very fun name instead of Susan Susan

doesn't sound like a fun name but if you change your name to Susie suddenly you

sound like the life and soul of the party you should meet Susie she's such a

laugh Susie she's wild but there it's the same thing with Steve Steven you can

call somebody Stevie and I think if somebody says Stevie to you they're not

really treating you seriously so Susie Stevie it's sort of yes it does denote

somebody who might be sort of fun-loving but also somebody who is not

particularly serious or or takes life very seriously Francisco is going now

Francisco is leaving Francisco Francisco has to go to the gym to do some

exercises to push those weights and run on the treadmill oh wait another 20

minutes I know why can't you just wait till the end because we've got we've got

a super firework display yes you can't miss the firework display Oh miss the

fireworks Sokka says mr. Duncan's name it's cool must have been how dunk cow

dunk that doesn't make junk do you mean always see because it sounds like cow

dung but which of course is cow poo ow poo poo oh my god people sending in

their abbreviated names their full names and their abbreviated names we've we've

had a few interesting to see in other countries if they do the same thing and

if so how they abbreviate it yes or not Stuart there's two at my brother-in-law

I have a brother-in-law called Stuart and of course you can abbreviate Stuart

to stew stew or stew stew or stew yes that's a good up or of course Stewie

Stewie like Stewie Griffin from Family Guy mmm what the deuce what the deuce

victory will be mine Jonathan oh that I think one of your one of your brothers

sorry telling your brothers well one of your nephews mr. Steve is called

Jonathan he's indeed yet another thing and there's a name check there for you

Jonathan now it will cost you nothing it's free

of charge so Jonathan what now as I understand it Jonathan can be shortened

in many ways yes Jo n John is the common one John yeah and that's the main one

also Johnny Johnny yeah Johnny yeah yeah yeah nobody knows

where my journey has gone but Judy left the same time

she holding his hand which is supposed to be mine it's my party and I'll cry if

I want to everybody join in cry if I want to you would cry too if it happened

to you Philip no comment Philip Phil Phil I think so yes Phil

apparently we missed out Derek so there is Derek Derek what about Derek mr.

Steve Derek I don't know a short version of Derek Rick Derek Haysom Rick Dez Dez

Dez yes or of course Desmond Desmond can also be shortened to Dez but yes Derek

might be Dez there we go and now we have Oh Margaret Margaret yes Margaret

Comanche there's more than one so there's Madge or Sarge Maggie and

Marge Marge so for example Marge Simpson from The Simpsons no I'm not going to do

an impression of Marge Simpson I it's not very good

another common one is Joanne for a girl's name oh yes Joanne Joanne common

name usually of course abbreviated to Jo Jo Jo Jo so yes there's another one and

we've got how about Thomas Oh Thomas is a very

popular male name in this country Thomas Tom Tom or Tommy

of course Tommy yeah yes Tom parents of course we've already touched on this

parents don't like their children's names to be abbreviated generally if

you're a parent out there I'm sure you would agree with me there you name your

child the full name and you don't like usually to hear to breathe

be ated would I be right some people don't like to have their name shortened

they like to use the full name because it sounds more glamorous or more

impressive I think so I got a friend yes got the same name as me Stephen

okay I've known him for over 30 years yeah he's a friend of mine and still to

this day he will not let me abbreviate his name to Steve and I forget because

everybody calls me Steve everyone else I know that's called Steve and I

abbreviated to Steve but if I say Steve to him he always corrects me and says my

name is Steven that's not very imaginative by the way so your name is

Steve and the only friend you can find nearby is also called Steve I've got

other friends mr. Duncan it's not just one what about when you're in a room

together it's Steve and Steve he doesn't like it being abbreviated oh it's so

it's Steve and Steven so that's how you you distinguish between the two it's

just it's just that he doesn't like his name abbreviated and it's a little

annoying a little annoying if I think you should get over it we have Oh

Terrence Terrence can you see it there are trees an old fashioned a name yes

Terrence I think there still are people called Terrence or Terry as we sure do

remember the singer Terence Trent d'Arby I do indeed yes Terence Trent d'Arby he

had had very long dreadlocks and he sang very high if you stay hey another day

hey something like that so Terence can be shortened to Terry Terry or or of

course tez I've never heard of that one I'm sure I'm sure you can I think you

can shorten Terence to tears or teza are you good at remembering people's

names mr. Dylan no I'm not I'm terrible I am the worst maybe next to you I am

the worst or maybe and worst person on the planet for

remembering people's names I'm terrible I could never remember anyone's names

even if I meet someone new I can never remember their names by the end of the

conversation I've completely forgotten their name mm-hmm it's a it's a very

good skill to develop remembering people's names but and it is about

making the effort to do it I think so now making the effort

apparently lemon tree says when I was as I was when I was a kid I was nicknamed

the jumping girl oh okay because I used to jump and hop whenever I was excited

whenever when whenever I experienced moments of joy and happiness and I still

do at an adult age we'd like to see an example of that

so lemon dreams lemon tree is still a jumping girl we'd love to see that Maria

Maria I'm talking to a girl called Maria my nickname is marinella

marinella but that's a dragon malov what could be shortened that too that's very

hard to say by the way so your nickname is Merritt Marianela you'll be shortened

it to Nelly or just just Marie yes Murray lost says Lord our Lord honor oh

no that's that's something else for another person in the live chat so there

are a lot of all this some more here I've got some more here oh look I've got

some more names I have you got any on your list mr. Steve I've run out on my

list maybe people can send in in examples of names that will remind mr.

Duncan of a song I've got what here because you've already had about three

no not more singing no singing no no I don't think there's ever been a song

written about Alan maybe not how would you write a song about Alan Alan so what

what can Alan shortened to owl oh yeah then that's

short for Alfred as well but Allen's quite a short name so it's not usually

abbreviate well quite often abbreviated names can also be the same for different

names so for example al can be Allen or Alfred because they both start with the

same two letters so I think so also we have oh he's a good one Royston that's a

very interesting name Royston it is a real name by the way

Royston somebody sent that in no it's not using very up-to-date names and come

from my brain that one so that might explain a lot I don't think I've ever

met anyone called Royston there is there is a comedian there is a funny man

called Royston Vaizey and his real name is Royston honestly oh I believe you but

I'm just saying it's not a common message yes so there you go Royston of

AZ so that that is his real name well Royston can often be abbreviated to

Roy Roy luciano has got it right so Luciano

knows the name Pavarotti's with us again yes er no and also Neil also said Roy by

the way for those who missed the mystery idioms here they are again for those who

didn't see them earlier I will give you the answers in around about seven or

eight minutes time I haven't seen them yet so there is the first one quite a

few people have got these right today so congratulations to you all and there is

the second one so there are today's mystery idioms but what are they what

are they if you think you know the answers just let me know please mr.

steve is here today hello has anybody sent in any examples of their names from

other countries being being shortened a brief oh wait here we hey we have one

already yes it's funny you should mention that mr. Steve Rick ha

says my name is normally shortened to Rick okay Rick

then of course Richard as well Richard can often be shortened to Rick or of

course dick yeah so dick is the shortened version of

Richard although nowadays you don't hear many people called dick though there

aren't many many dicks around have you noticed that mr. Steve they don't tend

to use that it's been a while since I donated word yeah but it's been a long

time since I've come across any dick any dick to be honest because of the

alternative meaning of the word you don't normally call people that unless

it's a derogatory term oh of course yes dick can be used as an

insult you can call someone a dick if they are foolish or stupid I think so

well done mr. Steve yes trust you to know that one luciano says Oh Luciano's

got the answers by the way to the mystery idioms well done also in Arabic

apparently they abbreviate Abdullah to Abdo I didn't know that so there we go

we're learning something now it's a we're full steam ahead here with the

learning today oh I know one Foreign name Muhammad that's often abbreviated

to I don't want often but mo I don't know if that's that can be abbreviated

to mo because of course there is there is the famous athlete called Mo Farah

which I was about to say and his first name is Muhammad

so we shortened it to mo so lots of people know him as Mo Farah ute R is

here hello you - haven't seen you for a long time my son's name is Benjamin aha

right yes so yes there are a few ways of changing that name aren't the Steve Ben

Benny Ben Ben the tours need look no more he's off again my

Michael Jack Michael we haven't discussed Michael thank you for talking

all over my lovely singing there I was singing all about her we haven't got

time for thinking mr. Duggar daily ten minutes to go

you're coming very you are annoying today by the way Michael Mick Oh Mike I

was singing a lovely song there too a little rat go on then Ben third - I

don't want to do it now I'm gonna sulk now silence I'm sulking mr. Stephen let

me sing my song I just suddenly thought when you said Michael when you singing

that song it reminded me of Michael Jackson which is obviously a word then

we discussed afterwards a lot of things remind people of Michael Jackson these

days a lot of things Marv men says my name is Maria del Carmen

but the abbreviation is my men or Mar men oh that's very nice Barry a lot of

people want to hear the song the rest of the song but I don't want to now because

mr. Steve mr. Steve interrupted me he interrupted my singing so that's it it's

off singing ended no more singing and you can you can blame mr. Steve for that

it's his fault doesn't look like I'm coming back next week or ever again so

they're all quite a few names oh let's have a couple of more Gavin Gavin that's

a great name you don't get many Gavin's around anymore but of course that can be

shortened to gab gaff yes it's true I'm not joking gaff that's it gaff so and

two more we have Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Jezza yes Jezza

just like the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn a lot of people call him Jezza

Jezza Jeremy Jezza and finally one

or very topical at the moment because of course I have some very bad news for all

those watching in Asia Donald Trump is now near to you so Donald Trump so the

word or the name Donald can be abbreviated to ah Donald Don yes don don

or of course Doni Doni so apparently the one of what

i'v Donald Trump's former wives used to call him Donnie and apparently that

nickname has stuck over the years so a lot of people call him Donnie

or of course the dawn as well yes the boss yes a lot of people getting angry

now because I've mentioned Donald Trump so Oh mr. Steve it's almost time for us

to go I can't believe it I D it's gone so fast today have you enjoyed yourself

yes I have mr. Duncan however I wasn't talking to you

Oh were you talking to yourself I was talking to everybody else how I couldn't

see that but not you so before we go before we finish we will

reveal today's mystery idioms a lot of people got these right so first of all

the first one I thought this was quite easy yes many people got that one right

the answer is cut corners if you cut corners the meaning of cut corners to do

something quickly by leaving out important steps or instructions to

lazily do something through lack of interest the plane crash was caused by

the mechanics cutting corners during safety checks so cut corners and

the second one a lot of people got this one right I think this one was quite

easy skeleton in the cupboard actually this would have been suitable for last

week during Halloween skeleton in the cupboard the meaning a dark secret that

must never be revealed under any circumstances mr. Steve do you have any

skeletons in your cupboard many I'm sure a dark moment from a person's past that

is kept secret can be described as a skeleton in the cupboard or of course we

can also say skeleton in the closet in the closet talking of which mr. Steve

and myself will be going very soon but we have to get our coats on we are going

to go outside just before we finish thanks for joining us today we're going

outside now we have some fireworks prepared because today it is November

the fifth what what is significant mr. Steve about November the fifth well on

November the fifth Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the houses of parliament many

many years ago is we recreate the event when he was burnt alive that's on fire

there is also another tradition called penny for the guy now you don't see many

people doing this nowadays but in the past lots of people used to stand in the

street and they would make a little effigy of Guy Fawkes and they would

stand and they would ask people to give the money for the guy they used to say

penny for the guy penny for the guy penny for the guy I wonder if their name

guy was for many years after the event took place and I can't remember when it

did take place now can you remember mr. Duncan was it 17 so it was yes around

about then yes we are talking 1700 a few hundred years ago I wonder if the name

guy was very unpopular for a long time after that because it's it's it's a word

that's used quite a lot now quite common name now but I bet it was

unpopular a long time I like the word Hitler for example a named Hitler nobody

calls their child Hitler now but maybe in 200 years time it might it might come

back into face sorry mr. Steve can I just point out that Hitler was actually

Hitler's surname nobody's calling their child Hitler as oh yeah I forgot that

was his first name what no one no one ever in history has ever called their

child Hitler as their first his first name yes No Adolf I don't that's it

that's what I meant to say nobody cause they charred Adolf no one but maybe in

because of the connotations with that of Hitler but maybe in two or three hundred

years time the name Adolph will come back to be popular well I think you'll

find in Germany there are adults around I don't think a belt as a name has

actually become unpopular to be honest but how I

I would certainly certainly the other name isn't very popular anymore I think

yes I think we can safely say that I think if that was your surname you'd

have probably changed it anyway I'm trying to change the subject to be

honest has it got hot in here back to fireworks yes I I feel as if I'm on the

bonfire now I feel like I am Guy Fawkes being burnt alive here so let's go mr.

Steve it's time to go outside we are going outside it is time to say goodbye

and we are going to light some fireworks mr. Steve has I'm gonna take this with

me because I think we're gonna need it mr. Steve has the fire extinguisher

ready sure it is again show it again there you go there it is the fire

extinguisher is ready just in case charged just in case we don't want to

set fire to the house or any of the neighbor's property

definitely not so we are going outside now and it's time to light some

fireworks because it's November the fifth everyone

doodoo okay here we are we are now outside it's dark thank goodness because

of course the Knights come early at this time of the year which is good for us

because now we have to light some fireworks unfortunately Steve we haven't

got a big firework display no we've just got sparklers since so these are just

little sparklers and the reason is because all of the neighbors don't like

fireworks that go bang so instead we're going to have a little sparkler display

so these are little sparklers they are things that you hold in your hand and

they they sparkle as their name suggests so let's have a look let's see if we can

light these so mr. Steve let's go okay mr. Steve is

lighting his you can't see what's happening that's it here we go come on

light I'll try and light mine as well

Wow yeah why's the Steves let's try to light mine there yeah so these are

sparklers and now we are going to light our sparkler display behind me mr. Steve

has already started so here we go let's light our lovely firework display just

before we finish today's livestream


yeah we have a sparkler display it's time to say goodbye I hope you have a

super-duper November the fifth just in case you are doing something special we

will leave you now of course I will be back next week mr. Steve will be back as

well won't you I will indeed yeah it's time to go I hope you enjoy our little

firework display this is mr. duncan in the birthplace of

English saying see you next week have a great week

stay safe and of course you know what's coming next

Ta ta for now. Ta ta 8-)

For more infomation >> LIVE English Lesson - 5th Nov 2017 - History - Grammar - Nicknames - Live Fireworks! - Guy Fawkes - Duration: 2:05:12.


Top 5 Real Stories Behind Disney Movies - SHOCKING - Duration: 4:14.

Disney Movies are so magical and wonderful aren't they?

Yeah well forget all that because I'm going to tell you about some of there origin stories

and they aren't filled with happily ever afters.

Rip childhood.

Hey youtube I'm Court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know.

What's your favorite Disney movie and why.

Let me know your answers below.

Also don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you haven't already- and like this video

so we can keep bringing you awesome top 5 lists.

Alright let's get started on our list of the top 5 real stories behind Disney movies

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Cinderella- oh the perfect fairy tale where there the

beautiful girl who was mistreated by her family finds her prince charming and lives happily

ever after.

At last that's the version we all know.

But it turns out the origin story is much darker.

So when the prince comes to find his princess we know that he takes her shoe with him so

he can try it on all of the medians until it fits his true love Cinderella.

I guess uhh back in those days no one girl had the same foot size.

And apparently the prince has a horrible memory because he cant even remember what his true

love looks like.

But I guess the whole slipper thing is suppose to be romantic.

So moving on… turns out the origin story isn't so romantic.

In this story when the prince arrives to Cinderellas step moms house her 2 daughters cut off their

toes and heels in order to fit into the shoe.

However this plan doesn't work and the prince finds Cinderella.

And to make matters worse during Cinderellas wedding some pigeons go in a peck out the

evil step sisters eyes.

Yeah its just a big old blood bath.

But I mean things work out for Cinderella so that's good.

In at number 4--The little mermaid- I don't know about you guys but this is one of my

favorite Disney films.

The story we are all familiar with goes a little something like this- Ariel is the daughter

of the king of the sea- she falls in love with a human and will do whatever it takes

to be with him so she goes to visit a sea witch named Ursula and exchanges her voice

for a pair of legs.

She and the prince fall in love- kill the witch and live happily ever after.

Yeah well…in the darker version things arnt so happy go lucky.

Turns out in the agreement between Ariel and Ursula – Ariel should have read the fine

print because if she did shed see that it was noted that her new legs would hurt all

the time.

It would feel as though she was walking on knives.

And you know pain and seduction don't really go hand in hand.

So Eric ends up marrying someone else and ariel throws herself in the ocean where she

dissolves into sea foam.

Yeah love makes you do some crazy things.

At number 3--Pinocchio- in the version we know and love Pinocchio was brought to life

by his carpenter father who always wanted a son so he makes one out of wood.

One day on his way to school Pinocciho puts his fathers life in danger- and he makes friends

with some not so nice characters.

but in the end hes a real boy.

Well it turns out in the origin story Pinocchio isn't a very nice boy.

Ever since he was brought to life hes been a brat- he steals- talks back- and even his

own father becomes sick of him.

He never even gets the chance to become a real boy.

Because One day the cat and the fox become bored of being around him and decide to hang

him from a willow tree and watch him die a slow painful death.

They then sit back and laugh as his lifeless body swings in the wind.

Which if hes made of wood still I don't get how hanging him would kill him.. but I

didn't write the story and apparently it did.

Still its pretty gruesome.

Coming in at our number 2 spot--Hercules- another amazing Disney film- From what weve

seen Hercules is the son of Zeus- he battles many monsters- he saves Meg from Hades and

becomes a true hero.

Well it turns out in his origin story he wasn't so chivalrous…he was actually a dick.

In the origin Meg was the daughter of a king- Hercules took her in mirage by force.

He raped her- had 2 kids with her.

One day Hera- Hercules mother killed Meg and his 2 kids.

This drove Hercules mad and he was tormented by guilt.

He still went on to complete the 12 tasks like he did in the Disney film but he did

so with disregard for his life and extreme violence.

And at number 1--Sleeping Beauty- Another beautiful classic- we have a princess who

pricks her finger and falls into an eternal sleep only to be awoken with a kiss from her


Yeah apparently the origin story isn't so cute.

In this version Aurora is raped by the prince who by the way is already married…he then

leaves her and she is awoken by giving birth to her twins that he impregnated her with.

Aurora then brings the infants to the castle where the princes wife tries to kill them-

yeah malificents got nothing on her.

Well there you have it that's our list of the top 5 real stories behind Disney movies.

Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Real Stories Behind Disney Movies - SHOCKING - Duration: 4:14.


Zo beperk je de internettijd van je kinderen - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Zo beperk je de internettijd van je kinderen - Duration: 5:18.


Why Did Kid Flash Leave The Flash? To APPEAR In Titans!! - The Flash Season 4 News Theory!!! - Duration: 8:52.

we can go right to them well two down yeah we got this

yeah you do

what's wrong well you guys tell me I mean city was about to blow up no one

realized I wasn't here where did you go I went to earth to had to talk to Jessie

hear from her she told me she needs to focus on herself and I get it and I

think I have to do the same right so I'm leaving central see where where are you

going I'm gonna go stay with a friend then blue value for a while every hero

has their own journey fair just taking you on a new path you owe it to yourself

to go


I don't want anything more then for you to find what you're looking

for but I've spent so much time without you in my life I don't want to lose you

and that reminds me that

plus I'm a speedster you need me Nakamura

love ya love you

you sure

and don't forget central city will always be home with kids wash I won't

don't be a stranger well Chloe not anymore

what is good youtube Warstu here with the video on the flash season for legends of

tomorrow and the Titans TV show so I've been meaning to this video for a while

so on the flash season of four episode three Jesse quick broke up with Wally

West and initially everyone thought the reason Wally West was going to be away

from the flash for multiple episodes was because he was going to go over to earth

to to be with Jesse but Jesse sent hey char sorry Harrison wells earth-2 over

with a breakup box which was kind of funny but upon the end the episode it

appeared he went to earth to to talk to her and she didn't really want to be

with him so he left the show and no one seemed to really care at the end of the

episode which was kind of harsh but I think the real reasons actually been

revealed so you know there's the Titans show come in on their streaming service

in 2018 and you can probably see where I'm going this so that obviously the

main star that program will be Dick Grayson they've also casted Raven

they've casted Beast Boy and they've casted a lot of other people that show

but it's just a bit odd that he's disappeared for five episodes isn't

gonna come back to the crossover and then we have Andrew Kreisberg coming out

with the most ridiculous comment ever he was asked in an interview and he said

this is not direct quote this is what I remember he said it's difficult from a

creativity point of view to have two speedsters on the television at the same

time and it's expensive to manage it so right let's break it down guys last

season the flash season three we had Savitt are we had Jay Garrick we had

Jesse quick we had Barry Allen we had Wally West

we had the accelerated man so you telling me that the reason he's going

ways because it's too expensive to have two speakers on the screen at once why

things going on here is either Ian Kinsler on sale is gonna be joining

legends tomorrow we see him in the foot in a cameo in the first episode when he

helped Nate citizen steal out or he's going to Titan show it makes no sense to

keep wally west around now because he was the flash during

the kind of when Barry Allen went into speed force and came out so technically

was the kind of flash for six months but we didn't see him so I can see why he's

absolutely raging because basically Barry Allen's come back taking his place

and literally no one really cared that he was leaving a set for his father

Sienna only got you back and he's like you never gonna miss you never I'm never

gonna be away I can run to you anytime which was kind of odd because I thought

if it was going to go to anywhere he'll disappear to Keystone City or Bludhaven

but no he comes up this most random place I think was it blue-blue town or

something like that by Andrew Kreisberg says we're not gonna see it place so I

think it only makes sense to put him in the Titans TV show which i think is

gonna just be called Titans it comes out in 2018 I mean it's a team of young

superheroes led by Nightwing formerly Batman first Robin formed to combat evil

so that's why I think the reason is I think he's actually leaving the flash TV

show but I think they can't just get him out of the show

really fast so I think what they're going to do is gradually bring him back

during the crossover for the West Allen wedding and Chrysler MedX then gradually

featuring less and less and less I mean he's richly the only person that missing

from the Titans show I mean we've got Dick Grayson they've got Raven we've got

Beast Boy and we've got multiple other people so and it's a Greg banty show I

mean he's one of the writers with Geoff Johns so I think it is pretty clear that

Wally West is going Kid Flash is just gonna be a character that appears every

now and again I mean guys that could be completely wrong I mean let me know do

you want him to go to Titans or do you want him to go to legend tomorrow a lot

of the fans are frustrated because he's a really is a fan favorite the fans

absolutely love him I'm not a biggest fan but if he did go to legends

I think in legends tomorrow he would be a bit o P because he could just change

time you can run back and forth so it would be a bit point that's having a

speedster over there because it would make everything so easy because he could

just catch her or overpower everyone because he's that fast so I think the

only real option have got for Wally West Keane

now kid flash is to move him to the Titan show that's coming on The WB

streaming service next year would you guys be okay with that I mean I could be

wrong but it just makes no sense to have two species around all the time because

if you go by the comic book so I had no DC rebirth the current one

Kid Flash keeps coming now again he's not the main speech that he's not around

much like the narrative of the flash season four it's based around Barry

Allen although iyx West did say you're not the flash we're the flash and now

literally everything is being means by iris West saying we're the green arrow

which is kind of funny but I slide 9 so guys do you think the Kid Flash is going

to the Titans show would you be cool with going Titans show I think it'll

make sense for him to be on the Titans show because he's already worked Warner

Brothers he's already got like a relationship with the people behind the

flash TV show he oh he knows Greg bland and all that kind of stuff so I think it

would make absolutely sense for him to just join the Titans show if that's

their plan could be too late long it's just a bit

odd that he's disappeared now and it's just because he's broke up with Jesse

and it's kind of weird because he was in the show before he got with Jesse there

was a lot of storytelling they'll build a narrative up he was an engineer

student in season two then he got his powers then we kind of didn't learn

anything about him being an engineer student and then that they've kind of

like it's like they had a script for him he was going to become the main flash he

did it and they've literally not give him any character venom plot development

they've literally dropped his whole storyline he's got no storyline so it's

almost like they're telling you he's going to a different show that's why

he's away I'm not buying this kind of we can't afford it I mean come on it's

Warner Brothers might be like made by CW but they've got the budget of Warner

Brothers so I'm not having any guys which show would you want me to go to

legend tomorrow or what you wanted to go to the Titans streaming service show I

think that best option anyway guys please like scrub and comment or your

ideas down below that will be awesome hit the bell burn to never miss a washi

video and we will catch you in another video

chia-chia yeah yeah

For more infomation >> Why Did Kid Flash Leave The Flash? To APPEAR In Titans!! - The Flash Season 4 News Theory!!! - Duration: 8:52.


What If Logan Paul Was President? - Duration: 3:17.

Logan paul is one of the fastest growing youtubers.

His channel Logan Paul Vlogs gains an average of 27 thousand subscribers a day, and a staggering

10 million views.

Logan paul vlogs was the fastest to get to 10 million subscribers in history.

Few people on planet earth are as influential as Logan Paul.

Because of the overwhelming response we received on our video what if Jake Paul was president,

we have decided to make a follow up video about Jakes brother Logan, because apparently

you guys like logan a little more than jake.

So, what if Logan Paul was president?

Stay tuned to find out today on LBQ.

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, where we ask and occasionally answer

some of lifes most pressing questions.

We also throw in a cheeky video now and then, because why not right?

I also just wanted to take a moment to let you know about our patreon page, where you

can sign up to be a patron of LBQ.

Donating means more videos, and more topics that aren't necessarily advertiser friendly.

Click the link in the description to find out all the perks of dnating.

So what if logan paul was president?

Well first of all, logan paul is only 22 years old.

You have to be 35 to be president.

There's definitely a reason for the minimum age, maturity for one, But lets forget about

maturity and pretend that Logan Paul could be president right now.

In the past, we have seen many celebrities get involved in politics, and succeed.

The best example of this?

Well America's current president, Donald Trump had virtually no political experience

when he won the 45th presidential election.

And with The logang at a whopping 13 million subscribers at the time this video was filmed,

and his other channel perhaps a large portion of those people would vote for him if they


Its true, Logans subscribers are mostly 12 year olds.

But he does have way better hair than Donald trump, so he'd definitely get my vote.

So what would a logan paul presidency look like?

Logan paul is a top influencer, youtuber and actor living in Califronia.

He doesn't share much about his political affiliations on his channel, but Judging by

the fact that he lives in a blue state, it's likely that Logan would be a democrat.

Logan is not only a talented youtuber, hes also smart.

In high school, he carried a 4.7 GPA in the state of Ohio.

His highschool wrestling coach described him as a natural born leader, who is both coachable

and tenacious.

He's a business owner and entrepreneur as well.

Logan built a 1 billion dollar empire as an influencer.

So all of these things considered, maybe he would end up being a pretty all-right Potus.

If logan was president, would he have to stop his daily vlogs?

Donald trump didn't have to stop tweeting, so maybe Logan would continue to vlog.

Can you imagine if the president vlogged his daily routine?

That would be lit.

The world would get a glimpse into what life for the president of the united states is

actually like.

That being said, he would probably have to leave out a fair amount of his day.

Otherwise everyone, including enemies would gain insight into what the president does

with his day.

Other than daily presidential vlogs, Are you good bro surveys would be sent out to every


Every day would be his big day.

Jake Paul would perhaps be vice president and dwarf mamba would be his top advisor.

Team 10 would live in the Whitehouse, and we all know what a disaster that would be.

Plate smashing, setting furniture on fire.

All of president paul's presidential speeches would end with a dab.

Would you vote for Logan Paul?

What about jake paul?

Let us know in the comments below.

If you're interested in seeing our original video, what if jake paul was president, check

out the link clickable on the screen right now.

Thank you so much for watching life's biggest questions, that's all for this video.

If you w ould like to continue on your quest for answers, check out our playlist biggest

what ifs.

For more infomation >> What If Logan Paul Was President? - Duration: 3:17.


Diversity of Lake Scugog - Duration: 1:55.

So Lake Scugog has an area of about 68 square kilometers but a shoreline of 170

kilometers which means that the vast majority of the lake is very shallow and

very close to the shoreline. In addition the lake has a wide range of land uses

occurring in its catchment. That includes things like urban development cities

towns, farmlands, forested areas, there's a great deal of wetland environment and so

all of these different habitats and land uses in the catchment will contribute

different materials to the lake itself and result in this great deal of spatial

variability or heterogeneity in the ecosystem. So while it is a macrophyte

a plant dominated ecosystem there are also areas that have rocky bottoms or

substrates and have sandy bottoms and so understanding what's occurring in any

single location does not necessarily tell you about what may be occurring or

changing in another location in the lake. And that's why the nearshore work is

occurring around the entire shoreline of the lake. The open water sampling is

occurring at 12 locations equally spaced out on either side of the

ecosystem in order to try and capture that inherent variability in order to

tell us about what's occuring. This project gives us a great opportunity to explore

and to begin to understand the great deal of variability in the lake

ecosystem and all of its little micro habitats in order to bring together this

information to better understand the ecosystem as a whole.


For more infomation >> Diversity of Lake Scugog - Duration: 1:55.



For more infomation >> ELE PROVANDO OS DOCES BRASILEIROS - NAMORADO GRINGO - Duration: 10:48.


Weeds in Lake Scugog - Also Known as Macrophytes - Duration: 2:08.

I can understand that it gets a bit confusing because we talked about

aquatic weeds oh but the weeds are good for the fish and we talked about

invasive species but it Eurasian Water Milfoil has been in Lake Scugog for

probably 50 years. And so it's starting to say it's probably naturalized over

that time. And yeah it's unsightly it's not fun to swim in and it gets into it

gets in the way of propellers and so forth. But really, fish have thrived.

Stonewort is a really interesting aquatic macrophyte because

not only does it have this hard crunchy architecture so it's like barbed wire

for for larger fish species. But it also because it just hangs above... it doesn't

have a true root system, so it's just hanging above the sediment. It actually

creates an anoxic layer so very low oxygen environment. Fish need oxygen. So

fish are not gonna be hanging out there. Because there's not a lot of oxygen.

Another bad thing about a low oxygen environment in a very nutrient-rich lake

like Lake Scugog, is that the nutrients that are bound up that are just hanging

out the sediments they get freed up. Because of the chemistry and so those

nutrients are now available for the algae.

So starry stonewort was first reported in Lake Scugog a few years ago

It's probably been here for longer than that but what we want to see is how is

it interacting with the native aquatic plants because we've got lots of native

aquatic plants from the lake. As well as Eurasian Water Milfoil, which the name

suggests it was an aquatic invader many many decades ago. So, we kind of have to

look at is the lesser of two evils that Eurasian Water Milfoil is an invasive but

starry stonewort may be a less desirable species in the lake. And so

this three-year study is going to help us understand how those two interact and

what impact we're having on the lake.

For more infomation >> Weeds in Lake Scugog - Also Known as Macrophytes - Duration: 2:08.



For more infomation >> FALL FAVORITES MAKEUP FOR DRY SKIN WITH NUBIAN 2 - Duration: 16:30.


Canyoning in Connemara - Epic Ireland - Duration: 9:45.

There go the sheep

Hey everybody it is day two of our epic Ireland adventures

We drove about an hour outside of Galway Ireland to the connemara region you can see how beautiful it is. it is unreal

and lots of sheep to add on to that

anyway what we have planned for today is some canyoneering

I'm trusting our guide Micheal. He has been really awesome so far. I don't think he's gonna

Let us down this time, so let's do the thing

Feeling good feeling good

do you need help, todd?

feel like a sausage

So what we're doing is basically we're hiking up the gorge

scramblin waterfalls

jumpin the slides natural slides and

Playing around with sheep.

playing around with sheep? okay

I hear you boys like the sheep

All right, I believe I'm all equipped and ready to go look at that. Hope you enjoy this

Vrithi, How are you feeling?


Awesome Not so cold as i thought

I think you'll be awesome.

How's everything? pretty good pretty warm?

Everybody! This is my airplane stretch

Gopro time

It's time to go up the icy cold river

Here we go

Go for it!


I'm alive

Slippery stuff

Kaleigh is just Going for it

*laughing* Yeah

Come on! Push it!

Upper body strength

Come on, come on

I've done bigger jumps than this before so I should be okay


One more time

Hello world

Please pray for me

this is not goodbye

This is not goodbye, this is I'll se ya later

Don't do it

She's just like, don't do it

Alright, not doing it

Okay I'll do it Not doing it for the video, alright

He's doing it for the video

And so we have come to the end of this river road, it's been a really awesome experience

Epic Ireland has delivered far beyond expectations. We're all feeling good even though We are cold and wet

So we came to our guides favorite beach in Ireland called Glassilluan beach

He's going to teach us how to do one of Ireland's national sports called hurling.

This is your weapon of choice for today

You're not allowed to pick the ball off the ground

so lift up onto the hurl like that

I don't know what I'm doing

Strike one

Next year were launching, in 2018, a five-day tour

So there's surfing, rock climbing...

Coasteering, mountain biking so check out the website:

and now I want to introduce something a little new to the channel I'd like to call it

Bathrobe sessions. It's a consolidation of our thoughts in our bathrobes

Jon. Crystal. Todd. Vrithi. Kaleigh...

What was your favorite part about Epic Ireland?

My favorite part was when we got into the enchanted forest

There was green moss hanging from the trees

I loved the canyoning I loved scrambling up everything

Prepping before we went into the cave and up the canyons

it was just so funny seeing everyone get dressed in the outfits and laughing and joking with everybody

Our tour guide, Micheal

He was amazing just knew the right places to take us

He went above and beyond to deliver

And he really took care of us

Also, just really enjoyed seeing all the different towns

And and hearing the stories through Micheal's words because he grew up in this area

It really made me feel connected to Ireland

I would say was doing the cliff jumping portion of it because I'm not the type of guy that

Is super super adventurous I had never

jumped off anything even close to that kind of a height before and to

actually forced myself to do it and feel that sense of accomplishment at the end was definitely something I'll never forget

In the canyons, and we're doing the canyoning and jumping off the cliffs seeing everyone who was kind of nervous

doing it and overcoming their fears. Everyone doing it together. It was really fun

I would have to say my favorite part about the Epic Ireland tours is that there is nothing commercialized about it

we weren't going into places that a lot of tourists go into we were literally on people's sheep farms and

private land just going into these amazingly beautiful places and having the time of our lives

That was my favorite part

so that concludes our epic time with Epic Ireland

I'm gonna link them down below if you're ever in Ireland you have to tour with Micheal and Epic Ireland I can't recommend them enough

I'm also gonna link the other bloggers that I've been with follow their stuff there amazing people

Thank y'all so much for watching. I love y'all. peace out. take care

Click the thumbs up if you like the video. If you want to see more videos like this click that subscribe button and the notification button

For more infomation >> Canyoning in Connemara - Epic Ireland - Duration: 9:45.


Lake Scugog - What We Don't Know - Duration: 1:57.

Well we have identified a number of questions about the lake in general and

specifically about some of the reasons why walIeye have been in decline lately

what we came to realize is that all these separate questions that we had

related to the health of macrophytes in the lake the way fish were interacting

in the lake, the walleye spawn .So we looked to Trillium as a way to bring in

some funds to start looking at these questions in a cohesive way. Well the

first question has to relate to the walleye spawn how many young fish are

hatching from from eggs at the beginning of the season and then also some general

questions about the the quality of the walleye spawning habitat. We have a

number of invasive species that have come into the lake we have starry stonewort

that that has invaded the system and is now one of the dominant plant types

in the lake so is that impacting the quality of the walleye spawn. Do walleye

spawn in those areas or do they avoid it? In the winter when the lake is is sealed

off from the atmosphere with ice you no longer have any new source of oxygen

that's coming into the lake. At the same time you have all of the plant

matter that has been growing throughout the summer that is now going to start to

break down and it's gonna be broken down by bacteria. And when bacteria decompose

this plant matter they're using up oxygen. We're concerned that perhaps

towards the end of that that winter season you're seeing a decline in oxygen

levels to a point where it might be a concern for for walleye.

So these are the goals of the project over the next three years and we're very

excited to see in 2019 what we've come up with using the support from me

Ontario Trillium Foundation

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