Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 5 2017

Hello guys and welcome to this tour of my very first a completed inktober

sketchbook from October of this year. Before we get started I want to quickly

let you know that the zine is now. And it should be out while you're

watching this video so I'm really, really happy with it. I loved how it turned out.

Just a quick look through it; it has all the drawings in there, in the same order

as in this sketchbook itself so if you want to pick up your very own copy of

this sketchbook then the link for that will be listed below.

As I've mentioned they will each be numbered and signed. These are limited so

if you want one I would recommend getting your hands on it now and coming

back to watch this video later just in case.

So getting round to the sketchbook tour, this was as I said my most successful

inktober yet and that's thanks very much in part to you guys, the support that I

had this year was just incredible and just knowing that everyone was following

along was just an extra push of motivation and willpower.

So obviously the theme that I went for was haunted houses or houses and what

haunts them. I chose this theme because I just love drawing houses and I thought

that it would be something that I could quite consistently do every day for the

month. So this first one was a spirit, an evil spirit up in that window. Really

liked this one and then this one was a giant. Again another favourite. This one

was haunted by a lagoon creature. I really really liked how this one turned

out and I think it looks great next to this one which is another

favourite. My first few were definitely some of my top ones for me. This house

was haunted by vandals and if you want information on the things that I used

I'll have a video linked below one of my inktober videos where I do talk about my

references and my tools. This one was haunted by radioactivity or

nuclear ruin and this one was haunted by aliens. And this one I think still stands

as my favourite. If you are interested in getting a print of this on its own, that

is up on my society6 store and I'll have that linked below. This one's haunted

by a scarecrow. This one by isolation.

This one was haunted by the frost of winter and this one was haunted by a

very ominous fog. As you can see on this page I had a bit of an bleeding with the

ink, that's from this tree here but thankfully thankfully it didn't affect

the existing drawings that I had here and when it came to putting the zine

together I was able to just edit those out quite easily. So those won't be in

the copy of the zine. This house was haunted by the undead and this one was

haunted by perpetual darkness. I hope I'm not missing any pages. I always look back

on my sketchbook tours and realise I've skipped a page here and there.

So this one is haunted by Mother Nature. At the time, I wasn't that keen on it just

because I felt like it could have been more overgrown but looking at it now I'm

really happy with the effect of it. This one was another favourite, I really liked the

kind of negative space effect where this house was haunted by ghosts. This one- I'm

not sure if you can see it very well- but is haunted by a snow monster and this

one was haunted by decay and abandon. And if this voiceover is boring you

please feel free to just pop some music on since I'm just going through and

talking about what haunted the houses. I mean if you want more interesting info

on each piece, I will have the playlist linked below of all the drawings

in which I do talk about a bit more of the process and you know the thought

behind them or however that particular drawing went. So yeah this drawing is

haunted by a sea creature this one is haunted by witches. This one

was a fun one I really enjoyed the comments on the on the video of this one,

this one was haunted by spiders and we had a little debate over whether these

were spiders or a hedge and a lot of people decided to go with hedge because

the thought of it being a big cluster of spiders with a bit too much for some

people to handle. This one was haunted by a dragon, this was another really fun one

just using this one stroke technique I think I will take into you know things

into the future. I think I'll try that again.

This house was haunted by secrets and this one by shadows. This house as you

might remember I had a bit of a mistake go on here that I kind of tried to cover

up. So this was haunted by a monster. This was haunted by the unknown. This is

another favourite spread of mine so this house was haunted by a curse; you can see

that it kind of takes on the shape of a very sad face. And then this one was

haunted by a glitch and that is something that I'm definitely going to

try again as well. This kind of old-school 3D you look. This house

was haunted by a swarm and this one by pollution. This house was haunted by

floods, this house was haunted by vampires and then the very last house was

haunted by infinity. And this again it was another favourite of mine and I will be

putting up prints of this on society6 as well just to go with its it's brother

piece. So the earlier alien house, this it's the same house. It obviously has

been taken up into space and left there.

So that's that sketchbook. I'll do one more

quick flip through at the end just so you can see it all together without me

rambling on but yeah thank you so much for watching, thank you so much for

sticking with me along the way of inktober. I'm really looking forward to

creating some new content for you guys, getting back into some painting. Yeah so,

yeah I'll see you soon for the next video bye.

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