Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 5 2017

Hello there friend and welcome to this channel.

We are here for rising leaders,

I'm guessing, people like you. If you're anything like a team leader, front-line

supervisor, front-line manager or headed in that direction, then all the videos

here are for your professional development. In fact my goal is to have

people look at you and say, "Wow, you and your team are really crushing it lately."

The videos focus on presentation skills, conversation skills, group

leadership, and leadership tips in general.

I post videos about every Monday

unless I'm on vacation. So you'll get weekly tips.

In terms of my background, I

am a full-time, tenured professor at a state college in the beautiful state of

New York. I also have about 20 years worth of part-time speaking and

consulting experience. I recently wrote a book. I've published lots of original

journal articles. And I turned to YouTube because I wanted to get this message out

to a potential global audience.

So I'd like to invite you to subscribe by

clicking on the red button and also ringing the bell so that you get

notifications when new videos are posted. So thanks. God bless.

And I hope to see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Communication Skills for Leaders - Duration: 1:12.


Playoff round #1 - Duration: 3:08.

Hey guys, what's up?

In this video I will show you

clips from the frist playoff game!

First of all


awesome game!

Huge perfomance by the team!

Reallly great!

What I also want to say:

10 days left to the try outs.

That means,


Let's see if I make the team.

Now have fun

with the clips from the game!

See ya!

Sorry for shaking and not that good recording. I hope you still enjoy it it!

For more infomation >> Playoff round #1 - Duration: 3:08.


JANGBRiCKS has a very STRANGE new channel. - Duration: 1:28.

Have you seen Jangbricks' strange new channel called GNAJBricks?

It's a satire of the rise of illegitimate clickbait and current trends

in the LEGO YouTube community,

like what you would see on MandRproductions' channel.

Totally not my channel, hehe...

Now, you may think this is just a peddler,

making mockery mashups from Jang's own videos like,

say, the everything wrong with the brick show series.

Jang is known to be a very professional guy,

who takes his video work very seriously, well,

most of the time.

But that's where this gets really interesting.

This channel was first discovered by my boy Billy,

because this GNAJbricks was advertising in the comment section of Jang's videos.

But now, it's advertised on Jang's official channel,

and it's clear with the more recent videos that it uses new footage recorded just for


Why would Jang make such a silly channel?

Well, I can relate this dude.

I imagine he's growing tired of the same old schtick on his main channel.

It's fun to switch things up and not take everything so seriously.

I do this time to time to keep my sanity.

Either way, the videos are definitely more on the strange comedic side

than a social commentary on current LEGO YouTube side.

It's not my type of humor,

but I think they're funny just because it's so against Jang's personality

that he gives off in his videos.

It's the opposite of Jang's main channel persona.

Probably slipped out of the red room.

Anyways, be sure to check out this channel,

you'll probably have a laugh and I think it's great that Jang is loosening up a bit.

But, don't expect a just2bad channel anythime soon.

I already have three side channels that I can barely manage.

I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> JANGBRiCKS has a very STRANGE new channel. - Duration: 1:28.


Top 10 Scary Things Found On The Beach - Duration: 6:26.

Hello welcome back to most amazing top ten!

I am Rebecca Felgate and I loveeeeee the beach!

Not like California beaches…which I do like… but slightly grim rainy british beaches, those

are my fave!

Despite an enduring love of the beach, sometimes the oceans throw up some scary scary stuff.

Join me as we talk about the Top 10 Scary Things Found on the Beach…..

10- Barnacle Covered Alien In December 2016, locals stumbled across this

mysterious object on Muriwai beach in Auckland.

Melissa Doubleday posted an image on facebook asking if anyone knew what the horrifyingly

large, alien looking thing was.

Eerily, the object was covered in long black creatures and barnacles.

Many people thought it was a piece of driftwood covered in gooseneck barnacles which are pretty

horrifying….although I guess it would explain it as these types of organisms often attach

to driftwood.

This could have been part of an old sunken boat…although some people were straight

up thinking it was the work of aliens….

9 - A Gun Okay, so this gun isn't loaded….

But imagine finding this washed up on the beach!

This rusty old pistol could have been involved in all kids of drama before it was tossed

in the ocean.

It could be a murder weapon!

8 - Jumping Dead Fish Imagine walking on the beach side of a big

lake and seeing this….I would be really scared…it's like death came and stopped

them in their tracks.

This image taken by a beach stroller went viral in January 2017.

I don't know the wave this fish were riding froze mid crash, or why the fish are still

jumping, but this is a truly haunting discovery.

7 - Hairy White Blob A globster washed up on a beach in the Dinagat

Islands in February 2017.

Globsters, by the way, are unidentified organic masses…which is exactly what this big white

monster seems to be.

The ocean is a deep, dark and unyielding place and we are still identifying new species…so

maybe we just don't have a name for this huge hairy beast yet.

Sadly, whatever this was, it washed up dead.

Similarly, hurricane Harvey has brought some weird stuff to the surface… coming in to

number *6 we have this fanged sea creature Preeti Desao was walking on a Texas beach

when she stumbled across this mysterious creature, washed up after Hurricane Harvey.

She tweeted "Okay Biology Twitter, what the heck is this?

It turns out the Twitter Hive Mind knew, after her images were retweeted over 7 thousand

times, an eel expert revealed that it is a Tusky Eel….

5 - Killer Jelly Fish In September 2017, a Cornish beach was put

on high alert after a swarm of deadly jellyfish washed up on Perranporth beach.

These creatures, native to Portugal, look like magical wizard hats but they could kill

you with just one sting.

This is especially worrying as many people, including children, walk barefoot along the

sand, luckily the stretch of beach was closed while teams cleaned the fish away.

4 - A World War 2 Fighter Jet A fighter jet from the second world war had

been buried under sand since it crashed off the coast of Wales in 1942.

After a storm in 2007, 65 years after it fell, finally the last of the sand covering the

lockheed P38 Lightning was displaced and the amazing discovery was made.

The wreckage was recovered from the water and taken to an aviation museum.

3 Bomb In July 2017, what looked like a bomb washed

up on Shelley Island in North Carolina.

Emergency services were called and the beach was closed as officials though the object

could be an unexploded ordnance.

The possible bomb was covered in marine life, so had clearly been in the water for some


After investigation, it turned out to be an unexploded world war two weapon.

2 - Ghost Ship In 2006, a white ghost ship washed up by a

beach in Barbados.

On the boat were the decomposing bodies of 11 men.

The men were huddled in one cabin of the ocean battered boat.

After polie investigated the grim ghost ship, they discovered the boat had come from cape

verde, off the coast of Africa and had been heading for the European Canary Islands.

It is thought those on board were hoping to emigrate to Europe.

How the boat crossed the Atlantic and washed up in Barbados, we don't know, presumably

the vessel and crew were met with bad weather.

A note was found that said "Please excuse me and goodbye.

This is the end of my life in this big Moroccan sea."

1 - 50 million pounds worth of cocaine Seasides are lovely places, especially for

families to walk and play…but imagine your kid finding a bag filled with enough drugs

to kill an army….

In February 2017, 360 kilos of cocaine was found in bags that washed up on a Norfolk

beach in the UK.

The first of the nine bags recovered was found on Hopton beach in a place called great Yarmouth,

where incidentally my family would take me to play as a kid.

Then, further bags cropped up on the coastline.

Not only is this scary because of what the drugs could do if consumed by a dog or kid…or

even an adult who should know better…its also pretty scary because there are probably

some angry drug dealers out there who are looking for their product…..

50 million pounds is roughly 67 million dollars, which I am pretty sure a dealer would be angry

about losing.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Things Found On The Beach - Duration: 6:26.


DOOM 2016 - Рівень 7. Аргент-комплекс (знищено) Всі секрети! Кофімен - Duration: 41:33.

For more infomation >> DOOM 2016 - Рівень 7. Аргент-комплекс (знищено) Всі секрети! Кофімен - Duration: 41:33.


عـــــاجل : ورد الآن.. الملك يوجه خطابا عـــــــــــاجلا ومضمونه مفاجأة!! - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> عـــــاجل : ورد الآن.. الملك يوجه خطابا عـــــــــــاجلا ومضمونه مفاجأة!! - Duration: 1:29.


HPI Venture REVIEW recenzja | RC Nennox - Duration: 20:22.

Hi! Today on my workbench I have a HPI Racing model

it's Venture with Toyota FJ Cruiser body

We've got this rig about a week ago

to test it in the field and take a close look

and say what we think about it

So maybe start with short basic info about it

It's a RTR verison (ready to run)

With this model we get very nice radio

TF-40, really nice, have same one with my Sprint2

I use it for few years now and it's really good

we also have NiMh battery, 2000 mah

about 1 hour of driving, easily

simplest charger and some spare parts

Let's get to the model

It's in 1:10 scale, the newest HPI Racing's baby

Let's take a look inside as there is some cool stuff

Most interesting - motor in the front, CMS (chassis mounted servo)

transfer case in the middle, waterproof esc

waterproof receiver in a box

in the back we have battery tray

and that's all the basics

More technical stuff -

it doesn't have great steering angle, as some of other models on the market

but it's not a problem and can be fixed

HPI has CVD drive shafts that will make it bigger for sure

During the week, that we got him to test, we had a chance to drive it

and it really surprised us

Straight from the box, only front bumper moved closer to the body

done using only parts from the box

it drives really great

First tests were super

we were also driving it on our friend's amazing track

yesterday went to a big meeting

and I don't think there was a person that thought there was anything wrong with this rig

As for model straight from the box it's genius

what else can I say..

At the beggining we had some doubts with tires

straight from the box they seemed very hard, as if they were not going to work

after few drives, it turns out to be quite soft

it's not very soft tire, but it's not bad

and I must say that driving on rocks, in mud and varied terrain

it surprises

it can go where modified Vatteras, Axials and other models go

We think that problem of these wheels may be foams

Yes, probably, because tire is quite soft

it's nice and sticky so compound is good

but the wheel is hard, so it's probably problem with insert

and that model is really light, it's not ballasted

I think if we changed rims, that are plastic and unfortunately glued together with tire

that is normal for RTR models

if we change them to heavier rims it would certainly be better

what else is interesting about this model

it has, as I said before, CMS (chassis mounted servo)

that's why it has slightly different steering system

we have two links - one from servo to knuckle

and the other is pan hard, that stabilize whole system

big minus in this model is I must say this top link

it's end, to be exact

it unfortunately touch and rub the tire while driving

theoretically I found a way to make it work, need to test that

putting link under and changing this screw to longer

and putting it all a bit lower, I think we'd get rid of the problem

but it needs to be checked, if the whole system would work as it does at this moment

What's causing the steering angle to be so small right now?

Right now it's on dogbone cups - their construction cause it

if we had CVD here, it would turn more

and the whole system should work better

Very strange thing - here we can see servo saver

it's used in fast models

where servo is exposed to big impact from steering system

in this model, that drives slowly it's not needed, even disturbing

because in trail we need a lot of precision

and we need to have option to force wheels to turn

and having servo saver will disturb

but it's thing to change at the beginning

Some people noticed that links are very soft

they are not hard, yes, but we didn't notice any problem with that

as f.e. in Axial, with plastic links

when you try to get up the obstacle

rear axle can move to the front bending the links

we didn't notice that here yet

I think it doesn't happen here, as model is very light

tires work, but don't have to much traction

I think that with modifications - when we change wheels, add weight

links should be changed to aluminium

of ocurse in this specification it's more safe

it's elastic, so when we roll over, it won't pull knuckle or link mount out

Sandra shows us this funny thing on the skidplate

to put the whole transfer case lower, HPI just made this "thing"

we thought at the beginning it will be a problem on obstacles

but to be honest, I didn't see the problem while driving

model slides nicely, didn't find it a problem, and that's most important

As you can see it has some scratches already

it was driving for almost 3 hours today on a track

on variety of terrain - we had some rocks, some mud and other cool obstacles

in comparison with some modified rigs it worked really good

Where f.e. stock Vaterra (Ascender) couldn't go, this one got without much problem

We made a short track

and wanted to test Venture next to Traxxas TRX-4

unfortunately TRX-4 died - motor burnt (!!!)

so we had to use my #ten2truggy for this test

What about drive shaft yoke? In Vaterra there is a problme, right?

As probably some of you know in Vaterra whole this element is hidden in the axle

so when we have drive shaft malfunction we need to get into the axle, and that's a lot of work

Here we have yokes as in Axial - outside

in my opinion it''s very nice and easy to repair and clean

In few words -

in my opinion it's a very nice model for beginners

it's worth buying, worth playing with

it's great for modifications because of it's simplicity

there is no unnecessary things

every piece of plastic, every element is there for something

and everything is really nicely done, thought through

and I really like it

What would you change?

What would I change?

If I wanted to drive it more "extreme"

I'd put battery tray from the back to the middle, right after transfer case

to lower the center of gravity

but I must admit that at this moment, with battery in this place

model drives great on traverse

I think big plus is very light body

As, I think, in all RTR models, we have problem with to weak servo

this servo has about 6kg, I must add that in my rig I have servo over 20kg

this is a thing you need to change for sure

I thin kI'd change motor from 35T to 45T

and put in LiPo 3S battery, but I just like have an option to push the trigger and have higher speed

and with 45T motor it would have better precision from the bottom

In stock we have waterproff esc, waterproof receiver in a box

as far as I know servo is also waterproof

so we should be able to go in mud to the rooftop and there should not be any problems ;)

Need to remember to clean it right after having fun in the mud

If not you're gonna say goodbye to the bearings

Show how the suspension works

Suspension in this model is very nicely done

I'll put the body to have whole weight

Some RCs straight from the box is standing very high and it looks very bad

This one, as you can see, when I put it down, it lowers itself

it would go even lower if I put the battery in

Suspension is very nicely set

it has good flex

that helps with obstacles (can also be disturbing, depending of the driving style)

We have some nice scale accessories

starting with front bumper that, as I mentioned before, we moved closer to the body

we have shackles to mount towstrap in case of "problems" ;)

very nice looking mirrors that, if someone wanted, can probably put lights in

and the roof rack. Pretty cool thing with removable crossbars

we can put something on it. It's a nice gadget

Some of the RCs we get "naked", in Venture we have roof rack, mirrors, also have full size spare tire

may say it's nothing, but I think it's cool

A propos spare parts that we get

These two elements. I'll tell you all about them in a moment

We have bumper plug, if someone wants to get rid of front or rear bumper

you put it in, because bumper mount makes frame more stiff

just switch those elements

we have spare drive shafts

these are elements that were originally mounted here in the front

so bumper was sticking out a lot, it was here

so it was moved back for a cm or even bit more

what makes getting on obstacles way easier

this one is pretty cool. Not everyone likes having servo on the frame

because it puts center of gravity higher and is "strange"

I like it because it looks more like in real car

thanks to this element, that can be put on the axle, we can transfer servo from frame to axle

What does it give us? Axle is heavier and servo is more exposed to the mud and dirt ;)

many RCs has it this way, it's not a downfall, if someone wants to do it, there is a part to make it happen

in many RCs, mostly RTR, we don't get parts like that

another cool element is this bracket

it's for changing upper link "Y" (3-link system) to 4-link system

we mount it in that one's place, making two links and we get a bit different suspension configuration

Does it make any difference while driving?

In my opinion, I think, no. It doesn't change to much.

but why I don't like "Y" (3-link)?

here we have "ball" mount. This ball can worn out

don't know how it'll be in this model, we have it to short unfortunately

but in Axial rigs this part worn out and whole axle turned

that's why it's better to switch to 4-link so there is no problem

good thing is that this element, you just put the other one off the axle, and put this one in

it's not like that in all othe models

yes, some have only 4-link option, as f.e. new Axial's axles (SCX10-2)

there you have only 4-link and that's it

you can't put servo on axle, you need to find a way yourself

HPI did the homework well

yes, that's true. the fact motor is in the front is a huge plus

a lot of people like to mount interior in their rigs, so they look more realistic

imagine all of that to be in the middle of the car. It would be a problem

at this moment we have everything flat and low so we are able to make very nice and good looking interior

as we are close to the transfer case

here we have regulation of the slippery clutch

I think it's great, because you don't need to dissamble anything, everything is outside

so it's easy to set it as we want it to be while driving

gears in Venture are all metal - in gearbox, transfer case and axles

transfer case has gears with really big teeth, so I think there is no chance to break them

if you'd like to see all the insides, on top right part of the screen is the link to our live video

where we put this model to pieces

these two elements, in stock, were put here

they were there to better hold stock battery on the tray

in my opinion it's not necessary, because battery holds in place ok even without them

it holds pretty well and shouldn't fall out

we had to take them out as I use hardcase LiPo batteries

and they are taller and more square, so those parts didn't fit and I had to take them off

what else? we get clips, thing that always get lost

we have here 2, even 3 small ones to mount spare tire

and 2 regular size

and drive shaft screw

very nice set of stuff that always get lost. It's nice they gave spare

body has one more perk

what's that?

it's an inside joke, that this thing makes Venture win over TRX-4 ;)

yes. see-through windows

this is great. i can't understand how in scale-looking rigs producers can paint windows black

here we have them see-through, so we can make full-size interior and it'll look nice

and I think that's all

so now it's time for a question

for beginner - will it be a good choice?

sure! to be honest, in this version - with pretty weak servo, without moving battery tray

this rig drove amazing today and yesterday

it put many modified rigs to shame

so I hink it'a a great RC for the start

I think that's it

I think so. thank you. till the next time!

For more infomation >> HPI Venture REVIEW recenzja | RC Nennox - Duration: 20:22.


Las obras que predijeron la aparición de internet - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Las obras que predijeron la aparición de internet - Duration: 7:11.


WORK VLOG- Swedish Beauty and Cosmetic Fair 2017 - Duration: 5:31.

A ordinary day at work

Today it´s the annual Swedish Beauty and Cosmetic Fair

I will be in the jury and put make up on both press and bloggers

It will be so much fun

Join me! bye

Swedish Beauty and Cosmetic Fair

Let´s do this!

I´m on my way to show you my workstation


Here are you guys just chillin

I have a display ready for you

wow, gorgeous!

We will put it on your table

My cab driver was super late and super angry

No worries, there are´nt any people there yet

"Pro-makeup session with Maria Oldenstedt"

So here is the Presslounge

Here is Petra

And here is my makeup station

Green sofas for the press

And here is SHR press corner with all the latest launches

But it´s very empty since it´s super early

So the press can use this section to get a lot of beauty news

Also empty

But it will be more products here tomorrow

No! Not tomorrow, don´t listen to me I´m a bit tierd!

There will be products here later today of course

So this is how it looks before the storm

So we are just trying to organize and get ready

so let´s do this

Goodmorning guys!


Can you turn it around?

Yes you can


First part: Smokey Eyes and Red Lips

Part two: Tropical Pop Theme

Price cermony

So super happy!

Finally home!

Two long days with massive focus on skincare and make up

It has been so much people and so many things happening in every corner

A lot of noise and bright light

So for this brain it has been a little bit to much

There fore I need to take a moment

to collect some energy

But still It has been a lot of fun!

The jury thing and working in the presslounge

Just to talk to amazing bloggers and press

Going through the latest trends with

eyebrows and you name it

It´s been a blast!

So thank you all for two amazing days!

I actually had fun!

Maybe we will see each other next year! XOX! Bye Bye!

"From a professional point of view"

For more infomation >> WORK VLOG- Swedish Beauty and Cosmetic Fair 2017 - Duration: 5:31.


Lake Scugog - Decline of Walleye - Duration: 1:34.

The decline of the walleye fishery is not necessarily unique to Lake Scugog

but certainly has had an impact because it was very very important walleye

fishery up until last year when they put the moratorium on fishing walleye. Even

though the a major focus of the Trillium grant is to look at you know what's

happening to the walleye population Lake Scugog to understand what's

happening you have to you have to study the food web.

So this is where understanding its habitat so the the aquatic plants that

are in the lake if there's too much algae is that causing problems for for

walleye habitat? And is it impacting the fish of the walleye? So young young

walleye eat zooplankton and even algae and so is the so-called good algae that

walleye like is that in the lake? Or is it replaced by Microcystis and other

algae that's not desirable by the fish? So it's important to study walleye and

the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is doing a great

job of studying the walleye population What we're doing is providing the other

piece. Providing information about the health of the aquatic food web that

though the walleye depends on for its own longevity and and population growth.

For more infomation >> Lake Scugog - Decline of Walleye - Duration: 1:34.


Lake Scugog - Weeds Aren't So Bad! - Duration: 1:13.

Weeds in Lake Scugog are as Natural as Fish Swimming

Weedy lakes are good for fish habitat and it supports a productive sport

fishery like walleye and smallmouth bass. Weedy lakes also keep algal blooms at bay.

People have accelerated the weeds in the lake by contributing excess nutrients and

We're particularly interested in the invasive species starry stonewort. How it

impacts the walleye fishery. Well this gives us a lot to study over the next

three years for the Ontario Trillium funding.


For more infomation >> Lake Scugog - Weeds Aren't So Bad! - Duration: 1:13.


¿ How to change ? you Gamertag for Xbox One - Duration: 3:45.

Today I will show you how to change your GAMERTAG

with a few simple steps you can

do it directly from your Xbox One console.

Xbox 360 .

Or from your PC .

You can change it once for free

Additional changes have an extra cost 💲 .

The cost varies depending on the region 🌎

and the currency .

1; Press the Xbox button to

open the guide .

2; Select the player image

located in the upper left corner of the

screen and press the A button on the remote .

Select your profile .

And then customize your profile .

Select your GAMERTAG to edit it .


You can select one of the available GAMERTAG

or create your own .

And you are going to create your own

write the new GAMERTAG that in this case is

Cook of Games .

And select enter if it appears

The next message 📨

¿ Is this gamertag not available ?

try another .

If you want to use one of the Gamertag

that Xbox gives you but you do not like any

select More suggestions

to see more options .

5; When you finish select to request.

6; When you see your Gamertag select

si .

¿ Are you sure you want to change your gamertag

to Cook of Games ? .

It costs 💲 129 Mexican Pesos

but in the description I will leave the price in Dollars 💵

Confirm Purchase .


Once your new Gamertag is confirmed

the change will be reflected immediately .

Well I hope you liked the Video 🎥 .

Do not forget to subscribe like you 👍

share .

Do not forget to follow me on all my Social Networks 📲

On twitter on my Facebook page

on Instagram on twitch and on YouTube .

I said goodbye to your friend Cook of Games


then 👋 .


For more infomation >> ¿ How to change ? you Gamertag for Xbox One - Duration: 3:45.


¡DUERME Y BAJA DE PESO! Bebe Esto Antes de ir a la Cama y En 5 Días No Tendrás GRASA ABDOMINAL - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> ¡DUERME Y BAJA DE PESO! Bebe Esto Antes de ir a la Cama y En 5 Días No Tendrás GRASA ABDOMINAL - Duration: 3:17.


Sketchbook Tour · Inktober 2017 - Duration: 7:11.

Hello guys and welcome to this tour of my very first a completed inktober

sketchbook from October of this year. Before we get started I want to quickly

let you know that the zine is now. And it should be out while you're

watching this video so I'm really, really happy with it. I loved how it turned out.

Just a quick look through it; it has all the drawings in there, in the same order

as in this sketchbook itself so if you want to pick up your very own copy of

this sketchbook then the link for that will be listed below.

As I've mentioned they will each be numbered and signed. These are limited so

if you want one I would recommend getting your hands on it now and coming

back to watch this video later just in case.

So getting round to the sketchbook tour, this was as I said my most successful

inktober yet and that's thanks very much in part to you guys, the support that I

had this year was just incredible and just knowing that everyone was following

along was just an extra push of motivation and willpower.

So obviously the theme that I went for was haunted houses or houses and what

haunts them. I chose this theme because I just love drawing houses and I thought

that it would be something that I could quite consistently do every day for the

month. So this first one was a spirit, an evil spirit up in that window. Really

liked this one and then this one was a giant. Again another favourite. This one

was haunted by a lagoon creature. I really really liked how this one turned

out and I think it looks great next to this one which is another

favourite. My first few were definitely some of my top ones for me. This house

was haunted by vandals and if you want information on the things that I used

I'll have a video linked below one of my inktober videos where I do talk about my

references and my tools. This one was haunted by radioactivity or

nuclear ruin and this one was haunted by aliens. And this one I think still stands

as my favourite. If you are interested in getting a print of this on its own, that

is up on my society6 store and I'll have that linked below. This one's haunted

by a scarecrow. This one by isolation.

This one was haunted by the frost of winter and this one was haunted by a

very ominous fog. As you can see on this page I had a bit of an bleeding with the

ink, that's from this tree here but thankfully thankfully it didn't affect

the existing drawings that I had here and when it came to putting the zine

together I was able to just edit those out quite easily. So those won't be in

the copy of the zine. This house was haunted by the undead and this one was

haunted by perpetual darkness. I hope I'm not missing any pages. I always look back

on my sketchbook tours and realise I've skipped a page here and there.

So this one is haunted by Mother Nature. At the time, I wasn't that keen on it just

because I felt like it could have been more overgrown but looking at it now I'm

really happy with the effect of it. This one was another favourite, I really liked the

kind of negative space effect where this house was haunted by ghosts. This one- I'm

not sure if you can see it very well- but is haunted by a snow monster and this

one was haunted by decay and abandon. And if this voiceover is boring you

please feel free to just pop some music on since I'm just going through and

talking about what haunted the houses. I mean if you want more interesting info

on each piece, I will have the playlist linked below of all the drawings

in which I do talk about a bit more of the process and you know the thought

behind them or however that particular drawing went. So yeah this drawing is

haunted by a sea creature this one is haunted by witches. This one

was a fun one I really enjoyed the comments on the on the video of this one,

this one was haunted by spiders and we had a little debate over whether these

were spiders or a hedge and a lot of people decided to go with hedge because

the thought of it being a big cluster of spiders with a bit too much for some

people to handle. This one was haunted by a dragon, this was another really fun one

just using this one stroke technique I think I will take into you know things

into the future. I think I'll try that again.

This house was haunted by secrets and this one by shadows. This house as you

might remember I had a bit of a mistake go on here that I kind of tried to cover

up. So this was haunted by a monster. This was haunted by the unknown. This is

another favourite spread of mine so this house was haunted by a curse; you can see

that it kind of takes on the shape of a very sad face. And then this one was

haunted by a glitch and that is something that I'm definitely going to

try again as well. This kind of old-school 3D you look. This house

was haunted by a swarm and this one by pollution. This house was haunted by

floods, this house was haunted by vampires and then the very last house was

haunted by infinity. And this again it was another favourite of mine and I will be

putting up prints of this on society6 as well just to go with its it's brother

piece. So the earlier alien house, this it's the same house. It obviously has

been taken up into space and left there.

So that's that sketchbook. I'll do one more

quick flip through at the end just so you can see it all together without me

rambling on but yeah thank you so much for watching, thank you so much for

sticking with me along the way of inktober. I'm really looking forward to

creating some new content for you guys, getting back into some painting. Yeah so,

yeah I'll see you soon for the next video bye.

For more infomation >> Sketchbook Tour · Inktober 2017 - Duration: 7:11.


عـــــاجل : البوليساريو تحترق من الداخل وتتعرض لإنقلاب عسكري - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> عـــــاجل : البوليساريو تحترق من الداخل وتتعرض لإنقلاب عسكري - Duration: 1:24.


Top Dem Official Issues Stunning Confession, Trump Was Right. - Duration: 3:35.

ALERT: Top Dem Official Issues Stunning Confession, Trump Was Right.

Since November 2016, the American people have learned a lot about the Democratic National

Committee and Hillary Clinton.

None of it has been good.

Now, according to The Washington Examiner, former DNC operator Donna Brazile admits that

the conservative "conspiracy theory" about Mrs. Clinton's health is true.

Clinton's questionable health convinced Brazile that Joe Biden should have been tapped

in order to leads the Democrats.

This is just one in a list of shocking charges that Brazile has lobbed at her former employers.

Brazile claims that pro-Clinton diehards took control of the DNC in 2015, and did everything

in their power to keep Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders from gaining the party's nomination

in 2016.

Brazile also claims that the Clintonites bankrupted the DNC, and pursued a moronic campaign that

overemphasized big data, software analytics, and other high-tech gizmos — rather than

hard-nosed politicking.

Brazile's allegations ring familiar to those who have read the book Shattered, which contains

the bombshell allegation that former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta more or less

cooked up the Russian interference story as a way to save face for the historic electoral


Brazile has also admitted that the DNC's deep connections with the mainstream media

helped Clinton to get glowing coverage by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and others.

Ironically, Brazile's first fall from grace came when she was caught prepping Clinton

with debate questions prior to her first showdown with Donald Trump.

Brazile's recollection of her DNC years should be eye-opening for any American who

is still not yet convinced that Clinton and the mainstream media are irredeemably corrupt.

At the very least, the media knew that Clinton had terrible health, and yet they tried to

push it all under the rug for the sake of politics.

During the 2016 election, Hillary's friend and "guru" Neera Tanden worried that attacks

on Senator Sanders' age and health would draw unwanted attention to Clinton's health


That is what ultimately happened, and the alternative media ran far and wide with the

reports about her abnormal heart beat, her problem with chronic low blood pressure, and

her history of falling.

On September 11, 2016, a private citizen filmed a clearly disabled Clinton being carried into

a van after claiming to have suffered from dehydration.

The mainstream media only covered the story after the cellphone video made the rounds

on YouTube and other sharing sites.

At the time, Clinton's team claimed that Hillary's woes came from pneumonia.

However, if that were true, than putting Clinton back out into the New York City streets was

nothing short of a health risk for everyone around her.

Brazile's words confirm what conservative bloggers have suspected for a long time — that

there is a code of silence in the media when it comes to some of the more troubling aspects

of Hillary Clinton's personal life.

While mainstream journalists feel free to pick apart Donald Trump's words and even

rumors about his sex life, Clinton is considered off-limits.

The problem with such a code of silence was recently shown by the eruption of sexual abuse

allegations following the unmasking of producer Harvey Weinstein.

Like Clinton, Weinstein once enjoyed the status of being untouchable.

What other secrets are out there?

what do you think about this?

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