Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

YBN Nahmir x Tay K Type Beat - "Zooted" | Type Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017

For more infomation >> YBN Nahmir x Tay K Type Beat - "Zooted" | Type Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 2:47.


WEED = ADDICTED?!! - Duration: 6:37.


What's up?

Today we'll talk about...


We'll talk about weed and since I'm not an expert in drugs

I brought my friend Ana

Portuguese right! ?

It's me!

"Does your mobile have a torch?"

She is specialist in Drugs of Abuse.

Toxicologist, right?


What does a Toxicologist do?

There are different kinds of toxicologists

In my case I analyze Drugs of Abuse

At our lab we analyze different biological matrices, for example:

blood, hair, nails, urine and so on

to check the presence of these drugs, for example:

cocaine, heroine, pot, tobacco, alcohol and so on

These lab tests are to discover the effects in the organisms, benefits and risks, isn't it?

In Analytical Toxicology we only measure

So, our goal is to quantify,

that is, to know the amount of the drug an person ingested.

Afterwards, of course, there are the study of the benefits and risks

It's the field of Neurotoxicology

Let's talk about some myths and truths about marijuana.

Does weed kill neurons?

We can't say it kills neurons because it hasn't been scientifically proven

But it's true it has adverse effects in long term

Such as memory losses and some cognitive problems

In fact, the consequences are more important on teenagers

Teens who start smoking constantly

before the age of 21

That's because the brain is still developing itself

so all these adverse effects are even worse

when some person smokes during the adolescence

So teens should wait till 21 to start smoking, right?

It's like porn movies

you just can act after 21 years old!

Get the hint! 😉

Many marijuana users says:

"It's a natural herb, it can't harm you"

"Legalize it, Legalize it"

" 'Cause a natural herb can't harm you"

Is it true?


Only because something is natural, it doesn't mean it can't harm you

We have a bunch of drugs

that come from plants

However, they harm you

For example heroine, which comes from opium

Usually weed users says that pot doesn't make you addicted

Is it true?


All drugs of abuse can increase the amount of dopamine in your body

Dopamine is responsible for all pleasant symptoms

You know when you eat something tasty

and you become like that..

You know, when you have sex...

All of that liberate Dopamine! Got it?!

but with drugs of abuse this dopamine liberation,

depending on the drug,

can be 300 times higher

So you can imagine the pleasure potential it has

So it's freaking good!

It's good, right? But NOT!

Your body realizes that you are producing too much dopamine,

that it's not on your normal levels

then your body starts producing less of this substance,

but when it produces less

and you don't have the substance to compensate this lack

you get...


You've gotta use the substance again, and again...

to reach that pleasure level

which you got at the first time you've done it

So, weed makes you addicted?



In fact, It depends on many factors

It depends on the age,

on the susceptibility that one has or hasn't to get addicted

It also depends on the amount of the drug

'cause a chronic user, obviously,

has larger tendency to become dependent

than someone who uses sporadically

"I've been smoking for 30 years,

every single day

and I'm still not addicted"

It also depends on the social factors,

that is, what made the user smoke weed for the first time

for example, something really bad happened in your life

and it made you start smoking

Always when something bad happen, you think:

"When i've smoked i felt a lot better"

then you do it again

By association

A bunch of studies talk about association

for example, cocaine, people who sniffed it

They were years without doing it

and when they saw a pedestrian crossing

it reminds them the cocaine stripes

then, they do it again... It's crazy dude!

Weed has only bad things or it also has a brighter side?

There is what we call : "Therapeutic use of cannabis"

Cannabis has its psychoactive substance

that what makes you happy, relaxed and so on

It calls THC

Actually, it calls Tetrahydrocannabinol

There are others substances called cannabinoids

which are also part of the cannabis composition

Usually they're more responsible for the therapeutic benefits

for example, the Cannabidiol

It really can helps in some many health conditions

like cancer, when many people feel noxious

and no appetite

Cannabidiol helps a lot with that

We still don't know how

but it really attenuates these symptoms

It also helps with the muscle stiffness in multiple sclerosis

and with Dravet syndrome, when the kids...


Kids smoke pot!?


The medicine are an oil formulation

How does it help the kid?

The children have many epileptic crisis

and it was already proved Cannabidiol helps drastically to decrease these crisis

Summing up, Weed?

Before the age of 21, NO WAY!

and after the age of 21...

after 21 year old, enjoy with moderation!...

That's all folks! Hope you liked it

Subscribe and like the video

Comment if you agree or not, if it should be legalized or not

Thank you very much Ana!

You're welcome!

See you soon! 😉

For more infomation >> WEED = ADDICTED?!! - Duration: 6:37.


VLOG: Flipout Craziness! - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> VLOG: Flipout Craziness! - Duration: 9:34.


The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Luck - Duration: 4:58.


Sometimes it just feels like you're having a lucky day.

Maybe you got the last concert tickets to see your favorite band, or you found 20 bucks

on the sidewalk.

Either way, you were in the right spot at the right time -- and bam!

Your day suddenly got awesome.

Now, luck might be a strange thing for someone to believe in -- especially because we can't

prove it really exists -- but psychologists have found it's a very powerful thing.

And whether or not you believe in luck might even determine how successful you are.

Well, sort of.

In a now classic 2010 study, psychologists in Germany challenged 28 university students

to a game of mini golf, where each person had to putt the ball ten times from about

a meter away.

Half the group was given a ball they were told had been lucky so far.

The other half was told the ball had just been the one everyone was using.

Now, there's no such thing as a lucky ball, so it really shouldn't have mattered.

But the students who were told they were using the lucky ball performed 35% better.

To figure out why this happened, the same researchers also recruited about 40 students

who admitted to having lucky charms, and then had them take a memory test either with or

without their charm.

Once again, the people who got to keep their charms scored better on the quiz -- but they

also reported feeling more confident beforehand.

And that is where researchers think our lucky totems get their powers.

Just having the charms around boosted the students' self-efficacy, or the belief that

they had the right skills and abilities to succeed.

This played out in a follow-up experiment, where 31 students with or without their lucky

charms were given a separate, untimed test to make as many anagrams as they could from

8 letters.

Before the challenge, each participant was asked what percentage of all possible solutions

they wanted to find before they gave up.

The team found that those allowed to keep their charms set higher goals for themselves

and worked harder to identify more words, devoting more than 5 extra minutes to the


This suggests that, because they believed their charms would help them do well, the

students were more ambitious and willing to put in more effort.

Really, it's all just a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you think your lucky Star Wars action figure will help you ace a test, you'll probably

be more motivated to study for it, even if you don't realize it.

And that is what will get you an A, not the Darth Vader in your pants...

Still, this kind of positive thinking can be really powerful -- and it doesn't just apply

to lucky charms.

In fact, people who just think of themselves as lucky people also reap the rewards.

In a survey of about 200 college students, those who agreed with statements like 'I

often feel like it is my lucky day', or 'Luck works in my favor,' were more likely

to have high levels of what psychologists call achievement motivation -- a sense of

persistence and drive -- compared to those who believed luck was only fleeting.

And more persistence and drive probably means you'll ultimately do better when it comes

to exams, homework, or your job.

One psychologist, Richard Wiseman, who's spent over a decade studying the psychology

of luck, has found that people 'make their own luck' by being more open to unexpected


In one experiment, he recruited people who considered themselves lucky or unlucky, and

then tasked them with counting the number of photographs in a newspaper as quickly as

they could.

The lucky people finished on average much faster than their unlucky peers -- but not

because they counted faster.

Instead, they spotted a message in big font on top of the page that said, "Stop counting

-- there are 43 photographs in this newspaper."

Meanwhile, the unlucky people were so focused on the photos, they'd missed the clue.

Wiseman argues that part of what makes someone 'lucky' is this openness to new ideas.

If you're receptive to unexpected opportunities -- like a business offer, or meeting someone

new on the subway -- you can capitalize on them instead of letting them slip by.

Another experiment showed that lucky people also tend to be more optimistic, if something

tragic or unlucky happens, they're more likely to see the silver lining, and that

may allow them to stay positive and overcome challenges that come their way.

Some of these qualities may be personality-based.

Wiseman evaluated many lucky and unlucky people with personality tests, and found that so-called

'lucky people' are usually more extroverted and open and less neurotic, or tense and anxious.

But still he thinks anyone can increase their luck by changing their expectations and going

out of their way to try new things.

So, while there's no evidence that luck exists, it doesn't seem like anything bad

will happen if you decide to believe in it.

Really, you're still doing all the work, and making that good luck come true, but sometimes

it's nice to think it came from a lucky touch, from Darth Vader in your pants.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you want to keep getting more of them keep up-to-date on brain stuff, all our latest

videos are going to be in your subscription box if only you go to

to subscribe.


For more infomation >> The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Luck - Duration: 4:58.


Beauty Vlogger SCAMS Her Way to 12 MILLION views! - Duration: 15:55.

What's going on guys trip boy Connor how and today I'm looking at one of the weird channels

you'll see on YouTube the other day while I was watching Kalos his newest video this video showed up in the recommended section which to

Be honest I have no idea how it got there the creator of this video

I'm referring to is named Gabrielle Moses

And at first glance it looks like she's a beauty vlogger in fact her first 5 videos were all makeup routines

Tutorials all that type of stuff just pretty standard well except for the one time to try to get creative

And put makeup on her face using a fucking tampon

Like really, that's we even try to do to be creative as web of can tampon all over your face

Anyways, Gabrielle 6 video is titled 5 things guys do girls

Love yes


And it took off the video generated more than

1.4. Million views and shaped the direction in which Gabrielle would take your channel

I know you're probably thinking right now, so what is there a problem with dating advice channels, and you're right?

There's not but that's not where this chick took her channel Gabrielle saw to the millions of people

Watching her viral video were guys with low self-esteem so she turned in bad demographic and again. She's still done

Nothing wrong up to this point the many problems

I have Gabrielle's channel can be summed up by saying this Gabrielle puts very little effort into her videos

But because she and her boyfriend are scamming YouTube. She now has nearly

200,000 subscribers and about 12 million views

Gabrielle Moses is one of the fastest growing creators on the platform

And I'm pretty sure YouTube doesn't even realize that she's been scamming her way to get there

Well all I being said this is the very first equal-opportunity

Episode of the series where I call out back Peter so before we get started Gabrielle is there anything you want to say guys don't

Usually insult girls unless, it's true

Alright, then. Let's get this going

Like I said at first on this video

I'm a sidebar of a comics video

and I think it's easy to come by guys like pavo's because

Everyone on the Internet at some point or another makes him or herself look like a hammer face call those some more than others on

Occasions, but you get the point and even with that being said despite the fact that I think kaavo's is a complete hypocrite

Cabos looks like a saint compared to this chick and her lame boyfriend. Oh her boyfriend

I'm glad you can ask see I've even realized that Gabrielle had a boyfriend until you looked into the description of one of her videos

A description which by the way is filled with spam because Gabrielle and her boyfriend are scamming YouTube

Jack Brinkman Gabrielle Moses girlfriend thinks girls do guys find attractive love hate turn-on sauce like a boyfriend how to unattractive relationship advice

Steak crush date how to tell if a girl girlfriend is cheating

That what I just read to you is copy and pasted three times in the description of every single video that Gabrielle and her

Stupid boyfriend Jack makes well except on the videos that they don't monetize. I wonder if there's a reason for that

It's so freakin scammy news

It's not just that though Gabrielle and her boyfriend Jack both pick out specific keywords to spam throughout the description of every video

But they choose individual keywords for every single specific different video so part of me does want to give them credit for that because it

Clearly is a lot of work to have to figure out which keywords you're gonna spam

But it may be the day you're still scamming youtube so it's hard for me to be like Oh a little bit

That's effort, so we should prop them up for that

It's scamming dude, and the thing is like none of this would be a problem

If these people just wrote out like a couple paragraphs in their description with just

Spamming a keyword over and over but in a sentence that makes sense

But because they just chose to be lazy and just copy-paste a bunch of stuff into this description

It's spin and look before I go any further

It's absolutely not my place to SiC my audience on Gabrielle and Jack so before any of you go thinking

You know let's go slide these peoples videos. Let's go leave hate for them. Don't do that alright

It looks like they're going through some stuff lately, but even if they weren't going through some stuff

It's not my place to tell you who should be like punished for their actions on YouTube. That's like YouTube's decision

I'm making this video to be entertaining

I'm not trying to be the moral high-ground

You do but I mean Plus these kids are high schoolers like that's not a good out

But just leave them alone man like I really don't care at the end of the day

It's just kind of frustrating to see these people scam their way to youtube with you're a small creator trying to grow all right that

Got a little bit too serious, so now it's time to play a game called does this violate YouTube's Community Guidelines


Reason we have metadata is so that you can add additional contextual information to your video

Please do not use these features to game or trick our search algorithms all metadata should be representative of the content contained in your video

among other things

metadata in an attempt to game search

Algorithms will lead to the removal of your video and a strike against your account

Please select a reasonable number of tags that most closely reflect your video content

Please also

Only add tags to the tag section of your metadata adding additional tags to the description of your video may constitute spam and can result

In the removal of your video, I'll let you figure that one out

But in case you don't want to clearly that aspect of Jackson Gabriele's videos is spin

But the one you'll have to dig a little further to find is the fact that gabrielle makes the same

video with just a different title

Once a month five things guys do girls. Love yes

Please first things girls notice about guys hot things guys do that girls love

Secret things guys do girls find attractive sexy things guys do without knowing things guys do girls actually find attractive

Things guys do then impress girls things guys do to make girls jealous unattractive things guys do without knowing?

Like what the hell man, this is all the same, and she just made into a bunch of different videos

And they all have like a million views on them it just makes no sense

It's clearly something having to do with the description spam of their videos because these videos aren't even good

They don't have an audience, but people still watch these videos. It's such bullshit

Dude, and the fact that YouTube promotes these videos because the algorithm likes it is such King bullsh

They're clearly violating YouTube's Community Guidelines

And they get promoted to the top because they're doing it and this chick's

Boyfriend's channel is the same fucking thing they post three or four videos on a channel every week, just like a vlog Channel

But almost three or four popular videos things guys wish girls knew things girls do the guys love

five unattractive things girls do that guys hate and

Things girls do the guys find cuter attractive?

It's just more click bass aimed at kids who are just frustrated with their lack of a relationship

And at the end of the day while I think that's possible that these types of videos can get promoted based on kids liking them

And seeing them I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that they're spamming the description

Specifically says don't do a new description do it in your cat

I'm pretty sure if you do is your scription

YouTube's gonna promote that video because who else is happens spamming their descriptions with tags

I don't see it on YouTube yet. These kids have a million views on all our videos because they're doing it

You know I could be wrong could be wrong hand up if I'm wrong. I'm wrong, but at the end of the day

I'm pretty sure the fact that they're doing something they can get their videos strikes

And they haven't been punished for it leads me to believe that YouTube is

Cooking them up and might be hard for you to believe me

But I really wouldn't have a problem these videos if they were well done the promise they're not well done at all

Like most videos in this genre this couples content is very unorganized

hardly informative and rarely funny in a typical video Gabrielle and Jack just ramble on for 10 minutes talking about

Very vague stuff related to relationships, they barely spent any time anything

I mean how they can't even bother to make a transition slide to

Transition to their next point I could go on about anything

But the fact of the matter is a lot of channels on YouTube have that anything

But I'll say this there was three errors in the one video that I stumble across on this recommended section of the Cabos video

So I'm going to show you those three errors right now because I think they say a lot more about the video than me

Blabbering on about it really could so they don't want to brag or why not some other

Girls like to brag to just talk to her about her cause our girls are going to

They don't rust because they don't know much about themselves. See you in the next one

And I'll see you guys later

Okay so the first two pretty excusable right like she cuts off the end of a sentence who knows like what she said and I

Don't think anyone really probably notices in the video that bad medicines cuts off the second error is she you know cut the tea out

Of the word trust in a video, and it just doesn't sound good

It really makes the video look bad, but again pretty excusable. I've probably done the same thing in my videos the third area though

I think is pretty much the most telling obviously you have the two

Annotations over her face while she's talking which makes no sense. I mean put them in a place

It's not directly covering the video on the screen, but also you have two songs playing in the background at the same time

It's like clearly

This is an error and it's probably in other videos too like I said I didn't check so I can't be sure but I mean

Youtubers don't really change things up when it comes to their end screen, so I would guess that it's not another video

I'm not gonna go check

It's not really worth my time who knows maybe it's just a one-time thing and the other videos are fine

But I'm willing to guess that based on what I just saw that errors are pretty common throughout Gabrielle and Jax videos

I mean even the thumbnails show how little effort goes into these videos

They're definitely not great, and they're definitely not terrible, but I mean the emojis are so low effort

It's like this chick can't figure out what she's trying to do with her face any of the pictures

She takes this type of speak content revolves around a concept

That's becoming a lot more popular on YouTube as of late known as artificially viral videos oh

the light-gauge


I want to make it clear

There's nothing wrong with artificially viral videos

And they are what they sound like they are the videos created with this sole intention of going viral

These types of videos aren't always for I've seen a lot of artificially viral videos that are well done

But most of the time these types of videos are a complete hoarder it takes a special type of traitor to make a somewhat watchable

Artificially viral video, but jacking gabriele clearly are not those types of people with well done artificially viral videos

It's very hard to tell whether or not they were created to become this is sort of viral video

Well if people like Gabrielle

I'm Jack it becomes completely

Obvious that their videos are artificially viral especially when you look at the view counts of those videos that don't go viral a lot of

Their videos are getting a million plus hits, but the ones that don't go crazy

especially Gabrielle's makeup videos

But even the one that she just posted get twenty or thirty thousand views even though she has almost two hundred thousand subscribers

Why does any of this matter?

I'm glad you asked this couples YouTube success is highly dependent on their videos going to fire if Gabrielle or Jack makes a video that

Doesn't go viral it barely gets any views because these two creators though

They have a lot of subscribers

And they have a lot of views they don't have a lot of true fans like I said to start this subsection

There's really nothing wrong with artificially viral content

I just personally find it very

Captivating and I hope that I could teach you a thing or two about

Artificially carnal content because these are just two of very many creators of YouTube now trying to make videos that go viral

Anyways moving on I've repeated over and over the gabrielle and jackson videos suck

But I really haven't shown you any of their videos up until this point

There's a reason for that well, then you enjoy their content or not. It's really not that exciting. It's pretty boring

It's just a person talking to a microphone for 10 minutes with very little organization

Very little humor very little editing very little effort in general so it'd be honest

There's really no point in showing you their videos so I was gonna criticize a guy like Cabos and commas videos are pretty boring

At least he spices things up. He's showing a clip of the video. He's criticizing

He makes arguments and points these people talk about the most random for 10 minutes

It's not entertaining at all, and if you want to go watch their content because you don't believe me feel free

I'm not gonna stop you for those who don't want to take the time and believe me. I don't blame you

Don't worry. I got your back, baby

I went ahead and watched this

gabriele video in the recommended section in the compost video that I first saw hot things guys do that girls love because look I

Seifer contents to tear right also I have a girlfriend

I want my girlfriend to become hot I want to do some hot things for my girlfriend, okay

I want her to think that I'm the hottest guy on her so Gabrielle

Let's go baby. Show me what you got here are my findings number one. Good hygiene. I have to say

I'm not really sure if Gabrielle thinks that that is something that is thought about guys because

Her point turned into a minute-long. I read for some sort of women's cosmetic product

I mean it was a guy shampoo or something it was clearly a woman's product and her audience is predominantly males

I'm guessing so it only makes sense it really fit into the video

And it was kind of weird that she had to admit a long ad read about some sort of shampoo to start off her video

But is what it is have some good hygiene guys. I don't worry

I brush my teeth so or off the good start number two good food you hear that guys

If the girl of your dreams sitting across the cafeteria and your mom packs you a good lunch

She's gonna dart over and sit next to you because she's gonna want some of those, goldfish, baby

You like goldfish any girl on earth. That's gonna want to go out with you damn. You're eating goldfish oMG, babe

You're so hot number three

Humor be funny guys if you're not funny. Sorry you did you're not you're not gonna get a girlfriend

So hope you like dudes number four when other people like so if one girl likes you they all like

If no girls like it you're out of luck, buddy

So I hope you like cooking for one and reading this chick says is so all-encompassing

How is having other people like you?

I think that you can do to make a girl like you this supposed to be like an

Instructional video like here's some advice you can do have other girls like you

Thanks, dude. That's really fuckin smart number five. What a guy talks about

Like what is this dude? I?


Can you give me advice for what? I should talk about can you say anything?

That's not super vague all-encompassing advice because from the looks of it. I'm not even hot

I thought it was hot at first and you said that I had to have sense of humor when I had it

Like good food. That's easy. I like sushi. I like pizza

I like burgers, but now what I talk about. I have to be good at talking about something

What does that mean and that's it?

That's all it is all you do is those five things and you're gonna be the hottest guy on plan so buckle up

I hope you know what is good to talk about because if you don't girls are gonna. Make your kid boring as hell

Given that I don't even have a hundred subscribers. I'm really not an expert

I really have no authority on brand deals on YouTube, but I some with a degree in marketing

There's something Jack does on all of his videos that really pisses me off

And I'm sure that an advertiser would be so pissed off about if they ever saw this

People being comments that end-times of the ads on his videos like if I'm a sponsor

and I see this kid pulling dish on a video that I sponsored I'm

Done he's gone and any future sponsors. I'm emailing all of them and telling them

This kid is bad news that is just terrible business

But again who knows maybe I'm just overreacting and that's the end of it guys so

Decide for yourself you like these people I personally don't but like I said earlier. Please don't go sena hate to them

Don't go flag their videos

I think they do some scumbag

but I don't think it deserves to have a horde of people going out and

Sending hate their way if YouTube finds them YouTube's gonna find them and they hopefully you know and hopefully for you to find some Sunday

And they change that and they change their concept, but who really cares guys other than the day

I'm just trying to make an entertaining video for you, so if you like this video. Please be sure to subscribe

I'm trying to hit a hundred subscribers by next week so next week November 13th alright guys 100 subs by November 13th

I know we can do it

We're trying to be the strongest army on YouTube that way Jake Paul gets knocked out of this place

So let's put Jake Paul in his place get to 100 subs by next week animal just keeps going faster and faster

as always if this video gets a million likes, but wear a hat next video

So you guys head out to look forward to and until next time you know I'm gonna do something different all right

Think about someone you care about okay think about someone anyone in your life

Do you care about except for boyfriend or girlfriend okay anyone your life besides your significant other? No husband's no wives

Anyone is severe significant other all right now. I want you to go send that person text or call them

Tell them you love them alright. Let's spread some positivity throughout the world guys

I really don't want this to be a negative thing so thank you guys so much watch the video until next time

I hope you guys have a great day. Yes

For more infomation >> Beauty Vlogger SCAMS Her Way to 12 MILLION views! - Duration: 15:55.


Desafio: No Céu Tem Pão??!! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Desafio: No Céu Tem Pão??!! - Duration: 4:36.


Paul McCartney is Dead Conspiracy Theory, Explained - Duration: 4:12.

The bigger the name, the weirder the theory.

And this is the original insane rock-and-roll conspiracy theory.

Paul McCartney became a household name when

he rose to prominence as part of the Beatles.

But, in 1969, a rumor spread that Paul McCartney was not Paul McCartney,

because Paul McCartney had died and been replaced by an impostor.

This was the infamous "Paul is dead" theory.

According to this theory, Paul died in 1966, in a car crash.

The crazed minds of obsessive Beatles fans came up with the rest of the story.

According to the story, Paul McCartney died on November 9th, 1966,

after his car skidded off an icy road.

According to the theory, the Beatles replaced him with an impostor: a look-alike named Billy Shears.

Billy Shears looked the part, acted the part, and even sounded the part.

The theory made absolutely no sense, since according to the theory,

Billy Shears would have written the Beatles biggest hit up to that point, "Hey Jude."

At the time, Paul McCartney thought this theory was amusing.

His official statement was: "If I were dead, I'd be the last to know."

However, crazed Beatles fans kept looking for clues.

They found many of them on the cover of 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.'

Supposedly, the front cover depicted a funeral.

Paul, on the cover, is wearing a patch that says O.P.D.,

which stood for, Officially Pronounced Dead.

In fact, it was a patch from the Ontario Police Department,

saying, Ontario Provincial Police.

On the back cover, George's finger

points to the words, "Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock,"

because that's when Paul was officially pronounced dead.

Fans kept looking for clues on 'The White Album.'

On the track 'Revolution 9,' it begins with a voice saying, "Number nine, number nine."

If you play it backwards, you can hear the words saying, "Turn me on, dead man."

And, if you listen to the spot in between 'I'm So Tired,' and 'Blackbird,'

and you play that backwards, you can supposedly hear John Lennon say,

"Paul is dead, man, miss him, miss him."

And famously, at the end of 'Strawberry Fields Forever,'

you hear John saying what seems to be, "I buried Paul."

However, he was actually saying "cranberry sauce."

Because it was October 1969, and the Beatles' new record was 'Abbey Road,'

that's where people looked most closely for clues.

On the cover of 'Abbey Road', the four Beatles

are crossing the street toward their studio.

However, people came up with the theory that it's a funeral procession.

John is wearing white, because he's the preacher.

Ringo is dressed in black, because he's the undertaker.

And George is bringing up the rear, wearing blue jeans, because he's the gravedigger.

And Paul is wearing black, like the corpse.

He's out of step with the others, he's smoking,

and pointing a cigarette down, and he's barefoot,

which was supposedly a sign of mourning in Sicily.

Tellingly, a Volkswagen in the background of the photo has the license plate "28 If,"

because Paul McCartney would be 28, if he were still alive.

In fact, Paul McCartney was 27.

John Lennon called this theory

"the stupidest rumor I've ever heard," and it died down pretty quickly.

"Paul is dead" went down in Beatle mythology as a popular,

delusional, word-of-mouth phenomenon.

As for Paul McCartney, he remains very much alive; working hard,

touring hard, writing new songs, and still admirably amused by the whole thing.

My name is Rob Sheffield,

and I officially do not believe any of these WTF Music Conspiracy Theories.

For more infomation >> Paul McCartney is Dead Conspiracy Theory, Explained - Duration: 4:12.


Daigo Presents "Kemonomichi" - Ogawa Joins the Battle!! ep1 - Duration: 1:55.

Kemonomichi Guilty Gear Showdown -episode:1- "His life belonged to Zato"

The man who devoted his life to Zato Ogawa joins the fight

Winner of Toushinsai 2017 He's on a roll!

Is there any chance you'll win against Machabo?

Look, there's nobody out there who accepts a challenge,

only to turn around and say, "Nope, I couldn't possibly win."

I'm fully aware that my odds are slim,

but nonetheless I want to put on a good show and a good display of technique.

I'm sure that normal people watching out there are thinking,

"Machabo's bound to win,"

but I think if I can focus on not losing on an emotional level I can make it happen.

Victory starts on that emotional level.

Before the fight I'll be preparing thoroughly,

practicing hard,

and really just doing what I always do.

What does Guilty Gear mean to you?

I've dedicated about 80 or 90 percent of my life to it at this point.

What kind of life do you think you'd be living if not for Guilty Gear?

It's possible I'd be dead.

No, seriously.

So erupts a holy war! The "Fallen Master" Machabo VS the "Zato Lifer" Ogawa

Next trailer: "The Light and Dark of Guilty Gear"

For more infomation >> Daigo Presents "Kemonomichi" - Ogawa Joins the Battle!! ep1 - Duration: 1:55.


Free Book Only For YouTube Subscribers! - Duration: 1:31.

Hey, YouTube Subscribers!

It's Gabby.

I cannot thank you enough for all of your amazing support and likes and clicks and watches.

Our YouTube community has grown so much over the last year and I wanted to let you know

how much I appreciate you guys and how amazing you are, and I want to give you a very special

opportunity / offer from me.

Just a little bit of a thank you for being part of our YouTube community.

So, here's what we're going to do.

Go to my website right now,, spend $75 or more on any product purchased and we will get you

a free copy of one of my books.

Your choice.

You can choose between VO101 which you guys probably know and have heard me talk about

quite a bit by now, or How to Set Up and Maintain a BETTER Voiceover Business.

The business book of choice for the voiceover industry.

Either one of these can be yours free of charge.

This one is a $30 value, this one is also.

So, get your butts on the website.

Take advantage of this.

Remember it's just something for YouTube folks.

We're not offering this to anyone else.

For details on how to take advantage of this offer, just check out the details below.

For more infomation >> Free Book Only For YouTube Subscribers! - Duration: 1:31.


Binxy Baby Hammock Facts & How-To - Duration: 2:54.

Hi guys Michelle here today with the Baby Cubby and I'm gonna be showing you

how to use the Binxy Cart Hammock this is a great tool for you moms that are

doing lots of grocery shopping or regular shopping

I have Hallie here with me today to try to help me and also I have Jane the

easiest way to use it is to always bring the cart to you first off you're gonna

always make sure that this tag is farthest away from you so at the end of

the cart it's this big bright orange tag right here and then you're always gonna

make sure these are underneath so they can thread through the slats of the cart

you can put it on either the end or near you whatever you prefer since this one's

right here we're just gonna put it up over here and you're just gonna snap

these right over the things right there and then we're gonna take the velcro and

I'm gonna just thread it through and undo it and then I'm gonna take this is

just an added safety measure it is always good to do this just in case your

cart hits like a bump or if you have kids that get really bouncy like this

one so always make sure that you velcro it in also be aware this has a fifty

pound weight capacity so not obviously you're not gonna to use

it for like a to a three-year-old like Hallie here but it can work with like

your infant car seat with your child in it as well which we'll show you in a

minute so I have my little six-month-old here in her Nuna Pipa car seat so

she's all fastened in tightly so she's not gonna fall out what you're doing to

do is just kind of lay that in there make sure it's not going to tip too far

so as you can see I can kind of move it around but it's not gonna like tip out

of the cart or tip out of the hammock or anything which is good and take this

buckle you're gonna buckle it in to secure it so then it's really not gonna

go anywhere for you it's gonna see right there now I'll go ahead and put her in

so as you can see there's a natural incline right here

it's great for your infant so they're not too forward or too far back it is a

dual layer fabric so it's really supportive and nice and thick for them

and then we're gonna go ahead and get these two straps right here so like you

can see this is the straps that we used for the car seat and this is these are

the straps that we're gonna use to buckle her in

and she loves bouncing in it oh it's so fun please note that you should never

use this cart hammock if your baby's head extends past this right here means

they're too tall for it and it's time to be done

hey so there are a couple different color options for the Binxy Cart and it

does retail for $49.99 you can shop it on our website at we do

free shipping all day every day on every purchase so you never have to worry

about those added extra charges if you have questions make sure you leave them

down below or email us at we'd absolutely love to

answer them for you and then if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like

it we need to know if you're like you needs video so that we keep making them

see you soon

For more infomation >> Binxy Baby Hammock Facts & How-To - Duration: 2:54.


Top 10 Blue Beetle Surprising Facts - Duration: 5:23.

Top 10 BLUE BEETLE SURPRISING FACTS INTRO: Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa

and this is Top 10 Nerd.

Jaime Reyes, otherwise known as Blue Beetle, joined the Teen titans after teaming up with

them to defeat Lobo and the Reach.

Since then his popularity has largely increased, but there is still a lot of stuff to know

about him, especially before that time.

So let's take a look at the top 10 BLUE BEETLE SURPRISING FACTS.

In the number 10 spot, HE IS NOT THE ONLY BLUE BEETLE.

Although Jaime may take the cake right now for being the most popular beetle, there were

two others who came before him in the mantle.

The very first was Dan Garrett, who debuted in 1939 and was a murdered police officer's


The second Beetle was Ted Kord of 1966, who was a student of Garett.

And then we have Jaime in 2006, a guy who just wants to live an average life and gets

screwed over by a scarab he finds on the ground that looked kind of cool.


Not only have there been multiple blue Beetles but the character has also been under several

different companies.

It all started with fox comics, who then went out of business in in the 1950s and sold the

rights to Charlton comics.

Charlton took the character, threw him in a few stories, then revamped him into Ted


And eventually DC came into the rights in 1983 with the rest of the Charlton roster,

and it's safe to say he's found a very happy home there.

Next, at number 8, HES A RADIO STAR.

He's in comics, he's on the screen, and he's also got himself quite the career as

a radio serial star.

And by quite the career, I mean about 4 months.

This aired on CBS radio in 1940 and starred the very first Blue Beetle who was voiced

by Frank Lovejoy for 13 episodes, and then was randomly swapped out by a guy who didn't

even get credit.

Blue Beetle here was a young cop who felt the need to wear a costume to scare crime


No wonder he was only around for 4 months.

In the number 7 spot IS HIS HOME LIFE.

Something that people love about Blue Beetle is how much emotional investment and thought

go into the depiction of his family life, so it's important to understand where this

guy is coming from.

Reyes lives in Texas with his Mexican-American family, that explains the pronunciation of

his nameÑhe is one of the few latino heroes out there!

The family is also Christian, as is evidenced by the crucifix hanging in their home.

And he lives with mom Bianca, sister Milagro, and father Alberto, who was crippled in a

gun wound incident.

Aside from that, he has a pretty charmed family lifeÑwhich you gotta admit, is really rare

in superhero backstories.

Coming in at number 6 IS HIS PSYCHOTIC VERSION.

Because who doesn't love an evil version of the good guy?

Blue Beetle has himself an alternate version named Scarlet Scarab in Batman the brave and

the Bold.

Scarlet Scarab is a member of the injustice syndicate, and he's got about the same powers

as Blue, he just likes to use em differently.

While Blue Beetle is generally a good kid fighting the good fight, Scarlet Scarab was

evil incarnate who will go out of his way to harm innocents.

Small differences.

Next up, at number 5 IS HIS GIRLFRIEND.

Within the Teen Titans, we've got power couples Starfire and Dick Grayson, Raven and

Beast Boy.

But Blue Beetle also has himself a second halfÑher name is Traci 13, and she was the

daughter of Dr. Thirteen and a homo magi, meaning she was a born sorceress.

So she's a pretty cool chick, and what makes her even cooler is she has a pet iguana named


Who doesn't love a girl with a lizard?

Up next at number 4, HE ONCE WAS A SIDEKICK TO BATMAN.

Everyone knows robin was one, almost everyone knows Batgirl was one, but not too many people

know blue Beetle was one unless they watched The Brave and Bold.

He was just an ordinary, slightly annoying kid who Batman takes under his wing to mentor

in the ways of controlling the scarab.

Funnily enough in his very first episode, bue Beetle is mistaken as an alien savior

and Batman is regarded as the sidekick.

Wonder how he felt about that one.

In the number 3 spot, we have HIS ORIGINAL POWER SOURCE.

It's now universally accepted that Blue Beetle gets his powers from a sacred scarab,

but that was only the story from 1964 and onward.

Beforehand, the first Blue Beetle wasn't even depicted with superpowers.

Then, the writers changed their mind and gave him a bulletproof suit and decided he would

get superhuman strength and endurance by swallowing a chemical called vitamin 2x.

Doesn't quite get in line with the bug motif.

Coming in at number 2 IS THE SCARAB'S QUIRKS.

Once the scarab came into play, it quickly became the source of major development, including

a few interesting quirks.

The scarab has a mind of its own and can override what blue Beetle wants it to do, and there

are 2 important things about it that have gotten blue into a bit of trouble.

First off, it almost always refuses to harm nature, but apparently doesn't regard humans

as part of nature.

And the second thing is that it drives green lanterns into rages.

Which sucks when you remember green lanterns are also the good guys.

Good teamwork.

And finally, in the number 1 spot we got HIS DEEPEST DARKEST DESIRE.

At one point Reyes faces off against Eclipso, who wants to turn him into his deepest darkest

fantasy of power in order to get him to attack his own best friend Paco.

Well, that definitely backfired on Eclipso.

Turns out, all Blue wants to do is be a dentist.

Yeah, the guy with the incredible powers of the scarab just wants to fill cavities for

a living and support his family.

Too darn cute.

Too darn pure.

So those were the top 10 FACTS ABOUT BLUE BEETLE.

Let me know in the comment section down below WHO YOU WANT FACTS ON NEXT.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Blue Beetle Surprising Facts - Duration: 5:23.


The Dark Truth About Why Yoshi Sticks Out His Tongue - Duration: 1:53.

If you've ever played the Super Nintendo classic Super Mario World, you've seen it.

As Yoshi and Mario gallivant through each level, Yoshi pulls a Miley Cyrus circa 2015

to grab certain items with his tongue, at Mario's command.

While some players argued that their favorite mustachioed plumber was simply pointing at

what he wanted Yoshi to slurp up, others had a more sinister suggestion: Mario was actually

punching Yoshi in the head.

Believe it or not, we've since discovered that Team Head Punch was absolutely right.

In an interview on Nintendo's official site in September 2017, Super Mario World developers

Takashi Tezuka and Shigefumi Hino discussed how the character of Yoshi evolved, including

his much buzzed-about tongue animation.

Hino said, "Lots of people think that while Mario is pointing his finger forward, he's

saying 'Go,' and Yoshi's tongue comes out.

However, the setup that I drew was that when Mario punches Yoshi in the head, the character's

tongue shoots out in surprise."

But the developers didn't want gamers to think Mario was mean, so the official explanation

became that Mario was merely gesturing at what he wanted his dino pal to retrieve.

Official game art was drawn up to reflect this as well, but there was no change to the

actual animation in the game, which was low-res enough to obscure the Yoshi-abuse.

Hino also said there used to be a "bop" sound to accompany the punch, but, "it seemed like

people would say 'Poor Yoshi,'" so they changed it to this sound …

… which Hino says is supposed to represent Mario saying "Go!"

So now you know — the in-game animation was, indeed, intended to depict Mario punching

his trusty dino-steed into submission, but Nintendo covered up the mistreatment with

a sweeter sound effect and some very effective propaganda.

"That'll teach you to mess with my new little buddy Yoshi!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Dark Truth About Why Yoshi Sticks Out His Tongue - Duration: 1:53.


So, I guess we're getting a LEGO Tron Legacy set in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.

Hello, it's Brick Bros UK with unexpected news.

Okay, no, it's just2good.

But Brick Bros UK is probably super happy -

it seems like their LEGO Ideas TRON Lightcycle will become an actual set.

This confirmation has not come from LEGO Ideas themselves,

but rather, the always reliable Stash2Sixx on Eurobricks.

If you follow my channel,

you'll know the dude has an excellent track record with rumors.

Either way, I think it's cool that we're getting a LEGO Tron set -

the Light Cycle build, while small,

is incredibly recognizable, and the Brick Bros did a great job with it.

I mean, it's been a while since I've watched the OG Tron but I'll still get this one.

So, a big congrats to Brick Bros UK.

I'm sure they know it,

but they have to keep it a secret 'til it's officially announced.

Now, maybe I should finally finish my LEGO Ideas projects.

I've been working on one for the last three years,

and another I started in the Summer.

We'll see how that goes.

That's it for now.

I'll see you guys later.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> So, I guess we're getting a LEGO Tron Legacy set in 2018! - Duration: 1:01.


Will Chimps Ever Be Smarter Than Humans? - Duration: 4:44.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Stay tuned to the end of this video to hear about our new Patreon and how YOU can help

us decide new videos.

Ever since Charles Darwin wrote his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, the world's

leading scientists have been examining the development of many animal species, most predominantly,


Much of this research has been focused on our most important survival mechanism: our


This is the main characteristic that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

But as we see one of our closest relatives, the chimpanzee, showing signs of increased

intelligence, many find themselves wondering if they will eventually overtake us.

So get ready, it's time to ask the question: Will Chimps ever be smarter than humans?

Well, some scientists claim that this is already the case.

For instance, one 2012 study claims that a female chimpanzee was found to have higher

intelligence than the average high school student.

However, this is hardly the most scientific of papers, as the proof for the lack of intelligence

in high school students included things like "inability to pull one's pants up" and

"always starting drama".

While some claim chimps to be smarter than humans in an attempt at humour, it's clear

that humans currently have more intelligence.

Or is it?

While many scientists study animal intelligence, and countless papers have been published on

the subject, some researchers are of the opinion that we lack the ability to properly gauge

the intelligence of animals.

In his book "Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?"

Frans de Waal describes an alternate view of intelligence.

Rather than a ladder of intelligence, with humans at the top, he suggests viewing it

as a bush, with branches of intelligence.

Certain animals having higher and lower levels of several different types of intelligence,

but that doesn't mean one is inherently more intelligent than any other.

A gazelle may not be great at calculus, but put a predator anywhere near it and it will

show you just how clever it can be.

De Waal and several others believe that to compare something as vague as intelligence

between species is folly.

That isn't to say that humans don't have their own advantages over chimps.

When discussing our own intelligence, it's often divided into 8 types: Musical-rhythmic

and harmonic, Visual-spatial, Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematica, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal,

Intrapersonal, and Naturalistic.

While chimps may be able to compete with humans on a select few of these, such as visual-spatial

or bodily-kinesthetic, if we were to compare humans and chimpanzees based on performance

in these areas, humanity would come out on top.

Our superior verbal, logical, and interpersonal intelligence would likely be the difference.

However, this method of testing is extremely biased in favour of humans, as it was created

with humans in mind.

So it doesn't exactly give us a clear picture of the situation.

For the sake of argument, let's assume that we ARE able to compare chimp and human intelligence.

Will chimpanzees ever be smarter than humans?

It seems unlikely.

Despite the advances we've seen chimps make in terms of tools, in the same time humanity

has progressed much further.

If the current trends continued, there is little chance that chimpanzees could reach

the same level of intelligence as humans.

But as unlikely as this may be, it is not impossible.

As humans become increasingly dependent on technology, it may be that we will begin to

depend less and less on our own brains, since computers can complete most mental tasks more


If this was the case, and humanity somehow managed to survive for the millions of years

it would take chimps to evolve past us, then it is possible.

But, as stated in our video "How long will humans exist for," it could be that there

simply won't be enough time left for us to allow evolution to do its work.

One more realistic option that could lead chimps to be smarter than us is genetic engineering.

We've all seen or heard of Planet of the Apes; if we were to, pardon the pun, monkey

around with the genetic structure of these apes, there is every possibility that we could

create a chimp that is smarter than a human.

And if this happens, we may need to start recruiting little girls with superpowers.

Yes, that's a Mojojojo reference.

No regrets.

And now we return to our question: Will chimps ever be smarter than humans?

Well, by some definitions, they already are.

There's also a school of thought that says we cannot truly know the intelligence of other

animals without being inside their heads.

However, assuming their intelligence is roughly where we estimate it to be, it seems unlikely

that they will ever catch up.

Our technology is increasing at a far greater rate than the crude tools used by chimps,

and evolution simply takes too long for them to catch up the old fashioned way.

If chimps are to be seen as more intelligent than us, they'll need to wait for someone

to help them along.

So keep an eye on The Professor.

And James Franco.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know if YOU think chimps will ever be smarter than


Also, as mentioned earlier, we have a Patreon now, so if you'd like to help out the channel

and have exclusive access to a number of special perks, check out the link in the description.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> Will Chimps Ever Be Smarter Than Humans? - Duration: 4:44.


How we can end sexual harassment at work | Gretchen Carlson - Duration: 14:45.

"All I wanted was a much-deserved promotion,

and he told me to 'Get up on the desk

and spread 'em.'"

"All the men in my office wrote down on a piece of paper

the sexual favors that I could do for them.

All I had asked for was an office with a window."

"I asked for his advice about how I could get a bill out of committee;

he asked me if I brought my kneepads."

Those are just a few of the horrific stories

that I heard from women over the last year,

as I've been investigating workplace sexual harassment.

And what I found out

is that it's an epidemic across the world.

It's a horrifying reality for millions of women,

when all they want to do every day

is go to work.

Sexual harassment doesn't discriminate.

You can wear a skirt,

hospital scrubs,

army fatigues.

You can be young or old,

married or single,

black or white.

You can be a Republican, a Democrat or an Independent.

I heard from so many women:

police officers,

members of our military,

financial assistants,

actors, engineers, lawyers,

bankers, accountants, teachers ...


Sexual harassment, it turns out,

is not about sex.

It's about power,

and about what somebody does to you

to try and take away your power.

And I'm here today

to encourage you to know that you can take that power back.


On July 6, 2016,

I jumped off a cliff all by myself.

It was the scariest moment of my life;

an excruciating choice to make.

I fell into an abyss all alone,

not knowing what would be below.

But then, something miraculous started to happen.

Thousands of women started reaching out to me

to share their own stories of pain and agony and shame.

They told me that I became their voice --

they were voiceless.

And suddenly, I realized that even in the 21st century,

every woman still has a story.

Like Joyce,

a flight attendant supervisor

whose boss, in meetings every day,

would tell her about the porn that he'd watched the night before

while drawing penises on his notepad.

She went to complain.

She was called "crazy" and fired.

Like Joanne, Wall Street banker.

Her male colleagues would call her that vile c-word every day.

She complained --

labeled a troublemaker,

never to do another Wall Street deal again.

Like Elizabeth, an army officer.

Her male subordinates would wave one-dollar bills in her face,

and say, "Dance for me!"

And when she went to complain to a major,

he said, "What? Only one dollar?

You're worth at least five or ten!"

After reading,

replying to all

and crying over all of these emails,

I realized I had so much work to do.

Here are the startling facts:

one in three women -- that we know of --

have been sexually harassed in the workplace.

Seventy-one percent of those incidences never get reported.


Because when women come forward,

they're still called liars and troublemakers

and demeaned and trashed

and demoted and blacklisted

and fired.

Reporting sexual harassment can be, in many cases, career-ending.

Of all the women that reached out to me,

almost none are still today working in their chosen profession,

and that is outrageous.

I, too, was silent in the beginning.

It happened to me at the end of my year as Miss America,

when I was meeting with a very high-ranking TV executive

in New York City.

I thought he was helping me throughout the day,

making a lot of phone calls.

We went to dinner,

and in the back seat of a car, he suddenly lunged on top of me

and stuck his tongue down my throat.

I didn't realize that to "get into the business" -- silly me --

he also intended to get into my pants.

And just a week later,

when I was in Los Angeles meeting with a high-ranking publicist,

it happened again.

Again, in a car.

And he took my neck in his hand,

and he shoved my head so hard into his crotch,

I couldn't breathe.

These are the events that suck the life out of all of your self-confidence.

These are the events that, until recently,

I didn't even call assault.

And this is why we have so much work to do.

After my year as Miss America,

I continued to meet a lot of well-known people,

including Donald Trump.

When this picture was taken in 1988,

nobody could have ever predicted where we'd be today.


Me, fighting to end sexual harassment in the workplace;

he, president of the United States

in spite of it.

And shortly thereafter, I got my first gig in television news

in Richmond, Virginia.

Check out that confident smile with the bright pink jacket.

Not so much the hair.


I was working so hard to prove that blondes have a lot of brains.

But ironically, one of the first stories I covered

was the Anita Hill hearings in Washington, DC.

And shortly thereafter,

I, too, was sexually harassed in the workplace.

I was covering a story in rural Virginia,

and when we got back into the car,

my cameraman started saying to me,

wondering how much I had enjoyed when he touched my breasts

when he put the microphone on me.

And it went downhill from there.

I was bracing myself against the passenger door --

this was before cellphones.

I was petrified.

I actually envisioned myself rolling outside of that door

as the car was going 50 miles per hour like I'd seen in the movies,

and wondering how much it would hurt.

When the story about Harvey Weinstein came to light --

one the most well-known movie moguls in all of Hollywood --

the allegations were horrific.

But so many women came forward,

and it made me realize what I had done meant something.


He had such a lame excuse.

He said he was a product of the '60s and '70s,

and that that was the culture then.

Yeah, that was the culture then,

and unfortunately, it still is.


Because of all the myths

that are still associated with sexual harassment.

"Women should just take another job and find another career."

Yeah, right.

Tell that to the single mom working two jobs,

trying to make ends meet,

who's also being sexually harassed.

"Women --

they bring it on themselves."

By the clothes that we wear

and the makeup that we put on.

Yeah, I guess those hoodies that Uber engineers wear in Silicon Valley

are just so provocative.

"Women make it up."

Yeah, because it's so fun and rewarding

to be demeaned and taken down.

I would know.

"Women bring these claims because they want to be famous and rich."

Our own president said that.

I bet Taylor Swift,

one of the most well-known and richest singers in the world,

didn't need more money or fame

when she came forward with her groping case

for one dollar.

And I'm so glad she did.

Breaking news:

the untold story about women and sexual harassment in the workplace:

women just want a safe, welcoming

and harass-free environment.

That's it.


So how do we go about getting our power back?

I have three solutions.

Number one:

we need to turn bystanders and enablers into allies.

Ninety-eight percent of United States corporations right now

have sexual harassment training policies.

Seventy percent have prevention programs.

But still, overwhelmingly,

bystanders and witnesses don't come forward.

In 2016,

the Harvard Business Review called it the "bystander effect."

And yet -- remember 9/11.

Millions of times we've heard,

"If you see something,

say something."

Imagine how impactful that would be if we carried that through

to bystanders in the workplace regarding sexual harassment --

to recognize and interrupt these incidences;

to confront the perpetrators to their face;

to help and protect the victims.

This is my shout-out to men:

we need you in this fight.

And to women, too --

enablers to allies.

Number two:

change the laws.

How many of you out there know

whether or not you have a forced arbitration clause

in your employment contract?

Not a lot of hands.

And if you don't know, you should,

and here's why.

TIME Magazine calls it,

right there on the screen,

"The teeny tiny little print in contracts

that keeps sexual harassment claims unheard."

Here's what it is.

Forced arbitration takes away your Seventh Amendment right

to an open jury process.

It's secret.

You don't get the same witnesses or depositions.

In many cases, the company picks the arbitrator for you.

There are no appeals,

and only 20 percent of the time does the employee win.

But again, it's secret,

so nobody ever knows what happened to you.

This is why I've been working so diligently

on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC

to change the laws.

And here's what I tell the Senators:

sexual harassment is apolitical.

Before somebody harasses you,

they don't ask you if you're a Republican or Democrat first.

They just do it.

And this is why we should all care.

Number three:

be fierce.

It starts when we stand tall,

and we build that self-confidence.

And we stand up and we speak up,

and we tell the world what happened to us.

I know it's scary,

but let's do it for our kids.

Let's stop this for the next generations.

I know that I did it for my children.

They were paramount in my decision-making

about whether or not I would come forward.

My beautiful children,

my 12-year-old son, Christian,

my 14-year-old daughter, Kaia.

And boy, did I underestimate them.

The first day of school last year

happened to be the day my resolution was announced,

and I was so anxious about what they would face.

My daughter came home from school and she said,

"Mommy, so many people asked me what happened to you over the summer."

Then she looked at me in the eyes

and she said, "And mommy,

I was so proud

to say that you were my mom."

And two weeks later,

when she finally found the courage to stand up to two kids

who had been making her life miserable,

she came home to me and she said,

"Mommy, I found the courage to do it

because I saw you do it."


You see, giving the gift of courage is contagious.

And I hope that my journey has inspired you,

because right now, it's the tipping point.

We are watching history happen.

More and more women are coming forward and saying,

"Enough is enough."


Here's my one last plea to companies.

Let's hire back all those women whose careers were lost

because of some random jerk.

Because here's what I know about women:

we will not longer be underestimated, intimidated or set back;

we will not be silenced by the ways of the establishment

or the relics of the past.


We will stand up and speak up

and have our voices heard.

We will be the women we were meant to be.

And above all,

we will always be fierce.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> How we can end sexual harassment at work | Gretchen Carlson - Duration: 14:45.


Work begins on 'Sandi Tree' - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Work begins on 'Sandi Tree' - Duration: 1:48.



For more infomation >> APRENDA A FAZER ESSE LINDO ALFINETEIRO CORUJA - KIT ATELIÊ - Duration: 16:54.


IPhone X Parody - Duration: 3:32.

Welcome to Apple

A.K.A the company which steals your money

After the IPhone 8P was very succesful

wait wat

I was the only one who bought it?

Today we're gonna list you the


Today we're gonna list you the IPhone X shi-

Features list

Number 1

You can now unlock your phone

with your ass

With your fat ass...


Why are you looking at me like that?

*dunno what she said


Number 2

No headphone jack


Because we wanna ruin the peoples lifes who love music

Fuck you all motherfuckers

Do you want the most useless feature on the fucking planet?


Here you get it



And it got a new design after YEARS

And yeah everything is screen now everything is screen

Everything can be scratched so yeah

Thank me later

My ass is frozen


So we just skip the IPhone 9 just like windows 9

Wait. If we hate them. Why would we do the same thing as them?

My ass is burned

And number 6

The wireless charger

Do you wanna know why it's the stupidest wireless charger ever?


Yeah because

1. This is not a IPad 2. You need to have the phone on it

And yeah it charges

You can't use your phone it's completely off


Yeah autocorrect still exists

And its not getting better

Ready for the second useless feature?


Here we go

The light effect of the camera

And yeah now you have 2 light effects with the camera

Because we want to steal your money (;

Apple loves you

And yeah we know you hate the features

So we just added a AR feature which is actually fuckin awesome-


-to distract you from complaining about the bad features


*sleeping for no reason*

And yeah it's waterproof

Believe us it's 100% true

I threw 99 phones in the water and they all died...



And yeah we just want to take money from you because...

We love money

And i know we have enough money but we just want more money because we love money




For more infomation >> IPhone X Parody - Duration: 3:32.


Battlegrounds, the words of lord. Turn on the subtitle. - Duration: 3:57.

This is my fuking hood bro!

No, this is MY fucking hood!

Wait... Neighbor? Are you ok?

Do you have a moment for lord words?

No! Jesus! This is the third time this week!

Are you sure?

Get out of my house


Get the fuck out!

Hi! It seems you greeted me from de distance.

Do you have a mome...?

NO, fuck, this is enough.

You are so insistent, get out of my house!

My son, the game is over.

Fuck, i was at the best part.

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