Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

So in my opinion, the Guardians of the Galaxy cosmic side of the MCU is one of the most

interesting parts of this universe.

And now that we're diving into that even more with Ragnarok and Infinity War, the third

Guardians of the Galaxy film has a lot to live up to.

Plus Marvel has done pretty well with their trilogies thus far, especially the endings

of them.

So today I thought I'd talk about everything I wanna see in the next Guardians film.

Let's get into it.

Adult Groot again So in Guardians 1 we were introduced to normal

Groot, Guardians 2 we got Baby Groot, and now in Infinity War we're getting Adolescent


And while I've enjoyed the versions we've got so far and I'm interested to see what

teen Groot is like, for the third entry to round out this circle, let's have Adult

Groot again.

I mean as cute as Baby Groot was, my favorite version so far is definitely the first, who

even without being super adorable still managed to get just as many laughs.

Also, while it's a fun dynamic with the team all caring for Groot like their own small

child, I really miss the Rocket and Groot dynamic from the first film, and even though

I know he's a new Groot with different memories or something, I'm sure they can still have

a similar relationship going forward.

Have an Avenger in there Now this is not a requirement at all, cuz

the Guardians work really well as their own team.

But just as an option, after they've crossed paths with the Avengers, I think maybe it

could be cool to have one tag along.

I'm thinking either Thor or Hulk, cuz Thor clearly works really well in space and with

weirder characters as we saw in Ragnarok, and Hulk cuz he can't have his own movie

and we've already seen him with the Avengers, so having him go on to crazier adventures

elsewhere could be fun.

Plus I feel like we've already seen everything the Hulk can do on Earth, that being smash

buildings, be sad, and get chased by the military.

Plus I feel like it would be kinda weird if the Guardians and the Avengers come together

to stop this impossible universe destroying threat and then just don't really keep in

touch afterwards.

I'm not saying they need to be constantly referencing and calling the Avengers, but

just having some line of contact between them seems to make the most sense to me.

Have the group functioning properly (not always fighting again)

So look, I totally understand why this was a thing in the first two films.

First one, these characters are coming together, so of course they're gonna have their differences

and not get along that well.

Second one, the excuse I've heard a lot is they're a developing family and family's

have fights all the time, and that's totally believable.

The arguments between Peter and Rocket felt really natural and I liked that part.

But now, let's have them not at each other's throats again.

Of course there has to be a little internal conflict, but if once again Rocket's like

"you're a douchebag Peter" and he's throwing back more insults not in a fun lighthearted

way, that's gonna feel a little repetitive and forced.

We've seen them fight and kind of earn each other's friendship and respect, now it's

time to see them functioning really well as both a team and a family.

Keep being weird/don't try to get more grounded Now this is one that I'm not very concerned

about, because with James Gunn this is definitely gonna happen.

But I'll just put it out there anyway, again, I love this side of the MCU because its so

weird and crazy and colorful and just different.

In fact that's one of the few things I liked more about Guardians 2 than Guardians 1, this

universe is massive and super weird.

So keep it that way.

Don't try to have a more grounded story, have the weirdest stuff you can think of.

Last movie Star-Lord got Celestial powers and literally fought a planet.

That's awesome and I'd love to see more of that kind of thing.

Adam Warlock's gonna be in it, which could be cool.

As far as who to cast, people have said Ansel Elgort, uhh maybe.

But my point is, introduce new characters that add to the craziness of this universe.

Like MODOK for example.

I know he's more of an Earth-based villain originally, but I feel like he fits in much

better with the Guardians than he does the Avengers.

Stuff like that, to keep this fresh and still interesting by staying really creative with

all this would be great.

Red Skull cameo Ok, this is a very small thing that doesn't

need to be in the movie, it's just something I think would be cool to see.

I've said this many times before, but at the end of The First Avenger, spoiler alert

for that 6 year old movie I guess, I don't think the Red Skull actually dies.

He picks up the Tesseract and then it kind of melts him away and shoots off into space

or something.

Look, it's vague enough that you could say, oh yeah it teleported him into space somewhere,

since that's kind of its power anyway.

So I'm not even saying a large role, but if we can just see a cameo from the Red Skull

somewhere, have him pop up on whatever planet the Guardians visit this time.

I was thinking they might do that in Ragnarok, where maybe he gets killed really quickly

against the Hulk in a gladiator match or something.

But here, just having him show up again and maybe get killed for real I just feel would

be a fun nod and way of really tying the more grounded MCU to the cosmic side.

So that was what I wanna see in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.

What do you wanna see here?

Let me know all of your thoughts down below in the comments.

While you're at it be sure to like this video, check out my Instagram and Twitter

@bhl_hudson, check out this podcast about movies and TV and whatnot I do every other

Friday with a friend of mine, it's called The Poorly Planned Podcast, and subscribe

for more videos like the one you just watched.

Thanks for watching and I'll see ya next time.

For more infomation >> GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME 3 *WISHES* - Duration: 5:05.


Hard Piano Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Hard Piano Rap beat Trap instrumental Hip Hop Type 808 Trap beat 2017 Free NEW - Duration: 2:37.


Jason Mraz Greatest Hits - Jason Mraz Acoustic Cover Playlist 2017 - Duration: 2:06:03.

For more infomation >> Jason Mraz Greatest Hits - Jason Mraz Acoustic Cover Playlist 2017 - Duration: 2:06:03.


COMER ATENTOS, El Poder del Mindfulness en la Alimentación - Dr. Andrés Martín - Duration: 59:01.

For more infomation >> COMER ATENTOS, El Poder del Mindfulness en la Alimentación - Dr. Andrés Martín - Duration: 59:01.


Where do they film Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland? We scout for the real history of Winterfell - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Where do they film Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland? We scout for the real history of Winterfell - Duration: 4:56.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 17:40.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর চ্যানেল 24 লাইভ ৭ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Channel 24 News Today - Duration: 17:40.


Self-Driving Cars Will Make Most Auto Safety Regulations Unnecessary - Duration: 7:08.

Nobody knows what the self-driving cars of the future will look like.

Once you no longer need a human in the front seat operating a vehicle,

automakers can rethink every aspect of car design.

Since the late 1960s, however,

the federal government has enforced detailed safety standards

governing the physical makeup of the car.

Virtually every part of the car has had a standard written about it.

There's about a hundred different subjects that have been covered

both in advance notices and in actual standards.

The federal rule books, which have expanded over the years,

have specifics on everything from rearview mirror and steering wheel placement,

to the shape of the vehicle and the exact placement of the seats.

Since self-driving cars don't need rearview mirrors, steering wheels,

or even seats necessarily,

what should the federal government do with it's roughly 900-pages of regulations?

I will make the contention that will rattle the cage

of some people in the auto regulation business,

that basically the entire vehicle code can be boiled down to

be safe, and do not unfairly get in the way of other people.

Brad Templeton is an entrepreneur and software architect,

who has worked as a consultant with Google on its self-driving car project.

He says most regulation will become unnecessary and detrimental

now that motor vehicles are becoming essentially computers on wheels,

meaning software, not just hardware, is essential for safety.

It's necessary to bring that tried, true, trusted means of regulation to bear.

John Simpson works at the California-based nonprofit Consumer Watchdog.

He says that the transition to driverless cars

doesn't mean we don't need stringent safety standards.

You don't say the algorithm will be written this way, this way, this way and this way.

What you do is you set a standard that says

the vehicle shall be able to do X under Y circumstance.

But the switch in emphasis from hardware to software

could change the incentive structure in the car industry

in ways that make government oversight less necessary.

One difference is that when companies discover a safety flaw

they'll have every reason to fix the problem immediately.

With today's cars, that hasn't always been the case.

Take a classic example,

General Motors found a flaw in the ignition switches and they didn't do the right thing.

The American public were failed by a corporate culture

that chose to conceal rather than disclose.

Replacing every ignition switch was very very expensive

and so they were afraid of that cost.

But the safety problems of the future will primarily be bugs in software not hardware,

so they'll be fixed by sending ones and zeros over the internet

without the need to return hundreds of thousands of vehicles to the manufacturer.

Replacing software is free, so there's no reason to hold back on fixing something.

Another difference is that when hardware was all that mattered for safety,

regulators could easily inspect a car and determine if it met standards.

With software, scrutiny of this sort may be impossible

because the leading self-driving car companies are developing their platforms

through a process called machine learning.

Machine learning certainly doesn't mesh in with traditional methods of regulation

or of software development, frankly.

With this method, the vehicle recognizes patterns in its environment

and refines its own system through driving experience.

But machine learning, which is a form of AI, is developed organically,

so humans have limited understanding of how the system actually works.

And that makes regulators nervous.

Templeton fears that our desire to understand and control the underlying system

could lead governments to prohibit the use of machine learning technologies.

It turns out that they do a better job, but we don't know why,

we'll be in the situation of deliberately deploying the thing that's worse

because we feel more comfortable that we understand it.

John Simpson says extreme caution is warranted

because software in cars isn't like software in other contexts.

It's one thing to test Gmail in beta mode

the glitches and you lose your messages and you say

'oh hell's bells I lost my messages.'

and software that when it glitches actually might kill you.

And I think that's an important distinction to make.

That these need to be perfect before we allow them on the roads

is a mindset that has infected a lot of urban planners

and a lot of, just the general pro regulation set.

Marc Scribner is a senior fellow at the free market think tank

the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

He says that its this mindset that could cost lives on the highway.

Delaying self driving car technology means we are going to see additional deaths

that we could avoid if we simply would've allowed these vehicles on the road

that are not perfectly safe but still safer than the cars we have today.

The computerization of driving also has an impact on how we build and maintain highways.

Some transportation planners say that to prepare for self-driving cars

we need to construct smart infrastructure

that communicates directly with vehicles.

Templeton says that as driving become a software-based industry,

the physical highways should mimic the internet.

So the internet, we like to call it the stupid network

and that's 'cause the network is really really simple.

When you talk about cars you talk about stupid roads and smart cars.

You don't try and make the infrastructure smart,

you make the infrastructure as basic as possible,

and you put the intelligence in the cars where it's being built by lots of competing companies

and that's where you get the piece of innovation that shook the world that the internet had.

If we need to install all of this new electronic infrastructure on highways

and we're having problems filling potholes,

just from a pure budgetary and management perspective, you're dreaming.

Physical infrastructure takes decades of planning and implementation.

Templeton says self-driving cars provide an opportunity

to make the roads quite a bit dumber than they are today.

You take what infrastructure you do need to have and you move it in the car.

An example is, the maps that google uses for their car to drive

and they mapped all the roads so they don't need anybody to paint new lines on the road.

They use that virtual infrastructure much cheaper, much more flexible,

much more ability to change your mind about what you want.

Auto safety technology, driven by the private sector

is evolving much more rapidly than the federal regulations.

And some of them, right now very clearly stand in the way

of consumers adopting these safer technologies.

The more real danger is that the benefits of this technology

will drive us to ignore the necessary safety regulations right now.

the impact that computers will have on society is really really big here.

You need a world where people are free to come up with new innovations

that everyone else thinks they're crazy.

For more infomation >> Self-Driving Cars Will Make Most Auto Safety Regulations Unnecessary - Duration: 7:08.


cute girl amazing gymnast olympics story - Duration: 4:30.

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cute girl amazing gymnast olympics story

How to train for olympics training support your child's Olympic dream with these steps. Contributed by CoachUp, a service that connects athletes of all levels to private coaches nearby. Every parent wants to help his child realize his dreams. In terms of athletic efforts, many young athletes aspire to compete in the Olympics. At the national television for weeks, it's a pleasure to watch our fellow Americans push their minds and bodies to the limit at one of the largest levels of international competition. Realistically, the chances of an athlete achieving this goal are slim. Estimates are around half a million to one. But, even if the odds can be disruptive, you can help support your child's elite competition dream. Here are some tips to help your young athlete get to the Olympic Stadium: First, talk about engagement with your child. Making an Olympic team takes more than talent - it takes a lot of work. Your athlete should complete a training component at least once a day and, for some sports, twice. In the future, your child may need to apply for bursaries or sponsorships to help financially realize his dream, so he can devote more time to training. Make sure you and your child are aware of the potential sacrifices. Be honest with your child about the sacrifices she will often face in pursuit of her dream, such as missing holidays and social events. Depending on the gymnast sport, she may have to miss school and spend a lot of time going to competitions. Join the governing body of your child's sport. Each sport has a governing body that is responsible for sanctioning the highest level of competition. This group will also select athletes for the Olympic Gymnast Teams. By following the governing body, you will ensure that you are up to date on the rules and regulations and informed of important upcoming competitions. You can also learn about elite development group opportunities or connect with members of the organization who can help your family navigate the sport. Hire a private coach. For young athletes wishing to compete at elite and high pressure levels, it is important to put them in touch with an expert from the region as they begin to pass the competition here you can watch amazing about taekwondo and gymnastics Subscribe our channel for more videos... Lets meet in social media:- Facebook page link: google+ link gymnast,olympics,gymnastics,amazing girl gymnastics 'cute girl amazing gymnast olympics story' Reddit link instagram Link:

For more infomation >> cute girl amazing gymnast olympics story - Duration: 4:30.


Swedish FEMINIST / DEGENERATION cringe comp. 2 (w/subs) - Duration: 5:51.

"Sweden would have been a gray and a boring country"

Many of the people coming here want to pay taxes and to work.

If it wasn't for all those people coming here to work, to play football, to win football games for us

they develop our politics, change our business climate, Sweden is a multicultural nation.

Sweden is a diverse country, to be able to live side by side with people of other backgrounds who often think and look different

All those positive things!

Of course, the immigrants are what's making Sweden strong today.

It's the immigrants who are sustaining the core of the wellfare!

Sweden has become a little more exciting due to our immigration from other countries.

They are more driven, more highly educated and have a lower average age.



How is it going?


Are you ready?

Oh yeah!

You too?

Of course.

Hey, hey.

What brings you out here today?

Well, we are here because we want to stand up for everyone's equal value and right to be here in our country.

[CHANTING]: No fascists on our streets!

Hello, we are 'Inte rasist, men'

We have under the last few years time and time again showed that the Sweden Democrats are a racist, women and LGBTQ-hating party and we will never stop.

But it's not enough.

After the election Sweden will be forced to endure four more years of the Sweden Democrats, this is the reality.

Four years for us democrats to commit to tolerance and everyone's equal value.

In four years, together, we will throw out the Sweden Democrats from the parliament

During 2011, 35% of reported cases shows that they had been discriminated because of their ethnic origin.

During 2009, only 4% made up hate crimes against swedes, the rest 96% were hate crimes against minorities in Sweden.

Everyday-racism doesn't get taken as seriously as racism.

But it has shown that constant influence of everyday-racism has a negative effect on individuals.

Everyday-racism implicate threats, a verbal or an unspoken offense or when a person is discriminated against due to ethnic origin.

It's not always big things that people notice. But it's just that, that it goes unnoticed by most people.

But that does not mean that it doesn't have a big impact on those affected.

Everyday-racism is something that will never go away as long as there is ignorance

Another thing that influence everyday-racism is the interpretative prerogative.

The affected groups are the ones who decide what is offensive. Nobody else.

Not an outsider who has never been in that situation themselves

This is something most people don't understand.

Most people think it is okey to joke and use offensive language to then go on thinking it didn't affect anybody.

That is not okey!

That is not okey!

That is not okey!

Swedens population is 9 million today, how many more can we be in your visionary mind?

It's impossible to say, because I think...

Twice as many?

I think it's most important that we keep an open approach and act for freedom, no matter who you are, what background you have, we will welcome people here.

There is a reason they are critical of non-European immigration. Those are simply racist arguments.





They have xenophobic opinions.

A pluralistic society, like a big cultural melting pot.

What is so bad about getting mixed up?

Mix up!

Second of all...

One should forget the old mold for swedishness

In the old mold, the swede was tall and had blue eyes.

But I am the new swede, with dark hair, thank you.

For more infomation >> Swedish FEMINIST / DEGENERATION cringe comp. 2 (w/subs) - Duration: 5:51.


Oneness With Source - Duration: 2:33.

Oneness With Source

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,

The outpourings and flooding of our atmosphere, Earth with Plasma energy and photon light

change our whole landscape what we all call the New Earth.

The original Earth created by the Elohim, the Light Creator Beings are fully restored.

We all felt the energies flowing to our bodies what we know as mindbodyspirit complex are

filled with these energies coupled by the solar and lunar eclipses which further bolstered

the energizing of our planet and humanity with the crystalline light energy required

for healing and cleansing.

Humanity awakened and darkness have been pushed out of our third and fourth dimension (3D-4D)


Awakening/knowing provided us with the wisdom of learning who we really are.

It is your time to teach and share.

With Source unconditional love and free will, we understand the consolidation of our various

personalities, higher self, divine mind and Christ Consciousness, are all within us.

These triumvirate of selves are one with mindbodyspirit complex.

We volunteered to come to Earth from the higher vibrational densities to raise the consciousness

of Gaia and reintegrate all our spirit entities into our higher selves at the higher dimensions

of the fifth and the sixth dimension (5th-6thD), the start of our journey home as the original

Earth is restored.

From your crown chakras, expand all your consciousness and let it reach the universe of light and

at this moment let all humanities collective consciousness mark the cohesion of New Earth.

Let her roost to her original form for unconditional love of Source is within all of us.

We are on our journey home.

Praise Source All That Is.


and light,

For more infomation >> Oneness With Source - Duration: 2:33.


Homekeepers - "The Red Letter Devotional" Christmas Gift Recipes - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - "The Red Letter Devotional" Christmas Gift Recipes - Duration: 28:31.





Investigating & Reporting Proves Racism - Duration: 17:51.


So I was pointed to...well a mess of a video really.

Perhaps some of you will recognize this guy once I start the video.

As always, a link will be in the description to see the original, full version and I will

include everything I think is necessary for context...

So why don't we just jump right into this one?

Computing Forever "Alright guys, so an impromptu video here but people have asked me to talk

about this because I put a thing up on on Twitter about it and uh- [chair squeeks] squeaky


So [laughing] USA 9 in America has put out oh my god DEFCON 12! DEFCON 12!

Major breaking news white supremacy is a wash on college campuses don't you know..."

USA 9 you say?

Can't say I'm familiar so let's take a look.

That appears to be a legitimate news broadcasting station, from what little I can tell glancing

at their site.

Of course, they're a Washington DC station, not something broadcast throughout the country,

so it's not really a surprise I haven't heard of them in Southern Illinois.

So they look legit, but unfortunately, I can't get any information on their biases

or tendency to report things factually.

This is the result for WUSA9, while more specific searches oddly bring up pages of unrelated


I suppose this is probably fairly irrelevant for the moment, other than showing this apparently

isn't that commonly relied upon as a source.

Go on...

Computing Forever: "Not true.

Actually the opposite.

Hatred of white people is mainstream it seems.

In the media, in academia, in entertainment, in the workplace, right"

Perhaps it is some places.

Certainly I hear PLENTY of insistence that this is the case absolutely everywhere.

I wouldn't mind seeing something indicating how prevalent it really is, or what part of

each area has these issues.

But while we're dealing with anecdotes and examples, I haven't seen any of it.

I happen to be white, though a woman so likely viewed as more oppressed by those you appear

to think control things and less so by those you appear to agree with.

I've lived in three states, all far more toward the middle of the country than anywhere most

of the examples usually come from.

Within those states, I've lived in five different cities or towns each located in a different

county (or in one case, no county at all).

I've also recently been to part of Florida.

Not once have I dealt with any kind of hatred based on my skin color.

I've had some issues because of my economic status, what brand of supernatural nonsense

I was interested in at a time, and even what I was or was not able to readily do, but never

because I was white.

I haven't even witnessed anybody making any racist remarks or the like toward white people

if we're discussing in-person only.

I can't actually say the same when it comes to some other demographics, though.

Of course, none of this actually means that it doesn't happen to people - I'm sure it

does - just makes it a little hard to agree that it is "mainstream."

After all, something mainstream is, by definition, something normal and accepted.

Hatred toward white people is neither anywhere I've spent enough time to know about.

He then goes on to list measures meant to counter perceived discrimination and mentions

having covered it ad nauseam before.

I won't get too far into them right now.

Though I will say that whether any given program (or even the idea of the programs) is beneficial

is a worthwhile discussion to have.


Engaging the ACTUAL arguments for or against, not straw men or extremist examples.

Then into the motives of, as he called it, the "liberal media."

Again, not what I'm interested in here.

Nor am I interested in arguing about the various examples provided, especially as I would have

to look into every single one.

But even if I granted, just for the sake of this discussion not that I really agree, that every single

that every single example mentioned was legitimate...

And even if I also granted, whether I agree with it or not, that some untold number more

examples could be found, AND that the mention of it being "everywhere" was hyperbolic...

All of this STILL would not show that it was normal, that it was accepted, that it was mainstream.

No more than showing examples of crime makes crime a "mainstream" activity or career path.

And it also has little to do with the incident here, other than perhaps showing the background

of why things occurred the way they did.

Computing Forever: "we live in a time where it's totally okay for you know black per-

and it should be, as it should be - for a black person to walk down the street with

a t-shirt saying black and proud or black lives matter something like that or an Asian

person to do the same with Asian proud what-have-you but if a white person does that you know they're

a neo-nazi or whatever"

So...I don't entirely disagree here.

If I were looking around from the outside, at even the so-called "mainstream" media sources,

let alone the alternatives with usually a very different slants, I'd see that as the case as well.

And certainly any of the above should be able to wear something like that.

Who cares?

But unfortunately words do convey meanings. Meanings that often beyond even

the sum of the definitions of the words themselves.

And even when they don't, things can be misinterpreted.

And actually because of what words can come to mean from their use, the area I live in now

and the one I used to live in would both be pretty hostile toward a black person with

a black lives matter t-shirt.

Because of the protest movement and what it is most known for, many people would take

that statement as something FAR more than stating their life matters, even to the point

of seeing it as anti-police, having a victim mentality, supporting terrorism (though they

might not label it as such), and/or hating white people.

And similarly, explicitly pro-white statements often get assumed to be supporting white supremacy.

Even though neither one's necessarily the case.

But here in the US, all of the above would still be allowed. It is completely

legal to wear a shirt saying any of those things, regardless how people may

take them.

And that is as it should be, at least in my opinion.

But that doesn't mean, and shouldn't mean, that people won't say anything about any of


It doesn't mean that nobody will judge someone wearing any of those shirts.

It doesn't even mean it won't influence how other people interact with someone wearing

one of those shirts.

It just means that they're allowed to do it.

Computing Forever: "leftists are always banging on about how there's institutional racism

and how somehow the system-the game is rigged against everyone else who isn't white.

But the reality is what they've actually done with social justice and all these programs

is that they have introduced institutional biases and racism, but it's against white


And so obviously you're gonna have the development of a movement that advocates on behalf of

white people and it's not for, in the instance-in the interests rather - of white supremacy.

It's actually in the interests of once again leveling the playing field so it goes back

down to being about merit - the best person for the job, the best person who gets the

the scholarship at college, or whatever it might be."

If it is genuinely an attempt to go back to a merit based system, and the programs are

a problem in and of themselves not merely need to be modified to offer the correct proportion

to white people, why on earth would anyone start advocating on behalf of white people?

You don't remove something by trying to create it all over again for another group.

If people are trying to argue against [meant for] the removal of biases in favor of other groups - which

is what is really being discussed here. It's not a policy that says "if a person is a straight

white male, exclude them" but ones that can be argued to have a similar impact by allegedly

giving undue consideration if the person is part of any other demographic -

then do THAT. Argue that case.

That's a discussion worth having, and one that may have some surprising sources of agreement.

But it's not the discussion that is started by arguing that straight, white, cisgender,

men without any disabilities are the real oppressed group that needs advocacy.

Computing Forever: "So this is an absolutely extraordinary story which should go viral


WUSA9 has taken the bait which was put out there I believe on might have been 4chan or

some social network like that, but obviously the people who engaged and ran this this program

- basically there's some fliers that were put up around a college - they knew what they

were doing and their intention was clear.

Their intention was to highlight just how racist against white people the mainstream

media are so let's have a look at this."

So, real quick before we watch:

What you're saying here is that some network, probably one such as 4chan which is known

for working as a hub for organizing trolls, created some kind of flyer to highlight

just how allegedly "racist against white people" the so-called "mainstream media" is.

They then put up these fliers which are, by your own and as you later show their own admission,

clearly intended to cause a particular reaction.

Clearly deliberate emotional manipulation.

Admittedly an effort at creating propaganda.

Then a single TV news station for the Washington DC metropolitan area picked up the story.

And because you've found here one single news station that is so rarely cited it doesn't even have an entry

in a fact checker that reacted in any way remotely like they expected, that reaction should go

viral and proves the point of the obvious and admitted trolls clearly attempting to

create propaganda.

Do I have that about right?

But yes, lets watch this...

[Dramatic Music Playing]

News Ancor: "The news at eleven continues

with a disturbing story out of Montgomery County."

Computing Forever: "Oh my god!

A disturbing story.

Dramatic music.

Oh my god this is serious.

What- what could it possibly be?"

[Dramatic Music Continuing] News Ancor: "Students found fliers taped up

at a high school that say"

Computing Forever: "Fliers?

Oh my god!

What do these fliers say?"

[Dramtic Music Continues] News Ancor: "it's okay to be white."

Computing Forever: "I'm not seeing a problem.

It's okay to be whi- I mean if it was it's okay

to be black or...

[imintating opposition] "Oh yeah, yeah, Dave, Dave, Dave, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah,

It's okay to be white is different from it's okay to be black or it's okay to be Latino

or or Asian.

It's okay to be white has connotations, you know.

I mean because all white people are guilty of slavery even though more people fought

to end slavery than ever engaged in it.

But, you know, that's that's neither here nor there, Dave, okay.

I mean whites by their by their nature...

[normal voice] Yeah.

If you believe those kind of things, by the way, you've been watching television far too


Stop watching the mainstream media."

Maybe you should take your own advice there.

I was going to leave the ridicule of this overreaction uninterrupted.

Unfortunately, it went straight from that into likely strawman territory in your perceived

opposition and then that suggestion.

Funny thing is that you, as with most people that I hear tell people not to consume the

so-called mainstream media, appear to be taking a handful of sources and letting them get

you not only worked up but convinced that everyone is out to get you.

You know, the same thing you're claiming they're doing to at least some group of those who

disagree with you...

Projection much?

News Ancor: "and now there are some racist online threats connected to them.

Here's Stephanie Ramirez."

Stephanie: "Here's what's going on.

Yesterday these Flyers were posted to at least two different locations: the University of

Maryland and Montgomery Blair high school in Silver Spring.

The high school even caught the poster on surveillance video."

Computing Forever: "the best thing that they could have done here is not report on this story

and you're about to see why."

Stephanie: "when I asked the school spokesperson what was going on he sent me a web link to

an older post that shows this was planned."

Computing Forever: "well, of course, it was planned.

I mean someone had to type up the thing and plan to stick it somewhere.

But yes, there is actually a story behind this."

Stephanie: "the page even says what to write oh and the post also says this."

Computing Forever: "Right...So this is the reason why you...Just play it."

Stephanie: [reading]

Computing Forever: "yeah, yeah so just reading that again

[reading] "We expect the anti-white media" [normal] "Of which these guys are obviously

a part because they're making a big deal about 'it's okay to be white.'

Oh my god, Heaven prevent!" [reading] "we expect the anti-white media

to produce a shitstorm about these racist hateful bigoted flyers."

[normal] "right and thing is they put out bait, you prove them correct.

They were able to play you.

And here's the thing that fair enough, you took the bait, right.

I expect you to.

The mainstream media not that bright.

But you're admitting that you took the bait.

[laughing] What the hell?

It's just unbelievable!"


[reading] "with a completely innocuous message."

Okay, okay, enough of that.

I get it.

You find it hilarious that this one individual news station took the bait.

And fair enough, that's pretty funny...but here you're going on and on like everyone

is going to treat the whole world like an unfortunately large number think the internet

must be treated.

I mean you've taken the concept of don't feed the trolls, which doesn't even work on anything

larger than an individual level online - the trolls just look for new targets or ramp up their

attempts - and then you've applied it to the physical world, to a meatspace scenario

and even to news reporting.

The fact that something is clearly trolling doesn't mean it's going to be ignored and

treated like it's harmless.

It doesn't mean it is harmless, even if this particular instance probably was.

And on top of that,

You have just taken a source that may or may not be mainstream even in its small area and

treated it like it's every source for the entire giant country it's from, the entire

mainstream media.

But there is something else said I have to address.

Stephanie: "the high school's principal says this was posted to ten exterior doors to the

school and that this appears to be a concentrated effort to foment racial and political tension."

Computing Forever: "No.


The opposite is actually true.

That has already been fomented by the mainstream media.


That's being fomented by you.


By supporting black lives matter and all of these identity politics movements and antifa

and everything else."

Actually, that's not at all evidence that "the opposite is true."

The opposite would be an attempt to prevent or calm such tensions.

Whether another individual or group is guilty of the same thing or not has absolutely no

bearing on if that is what was being done here.

Hypocrisy does not reduce factuality.

Furthermore, by the very admissions you have made and shown, this IS what was being done.

This was very clearly a calculated effort to stir up a particular response.

By the same admission, this response that was intended was one that involved racism.

It's actually very clearly an attempt to take an already volatile situation in society and make it

explode, albiet for the stated purpose of proving how bad a particular group is.

Computing Forever: "you want to end racism it helps if you stop talking about it and

stop obsessing about it.

And it definitely helps if everybody is treated genuinely, genuinely equally so affirmative

action has got to go."

Where in the entire history of civilization has a problem been ended by people ceasing

to talk about it?

Yes, everybody being treated equally in whatever context discrimination is to be removed from

is necessary.

And to that end, again, whether a program is beneficial or harmful is well worth talking

about and affirmative action is no exception here.

But that doesn't get done by pretending there's nothing to talk about, and it doesn't

get done by flipping things around and pulling the same kinds of nonsense you're allegedly

fighting then saying you're doing nothing wrong because someone else did it too.

But while we're looking at hypocrisy and double standards in what might have been the ultimate

form of irony, let's replay what he just said there.

Computing Forever: "You want to end racism it helps if you stop talking about it and

stop obsessing about it."

and look at how he ended his video, after some discussion about the comments and mainstream

media again.

Computing Forever: "sadly we live in a society where we judge not on the content of a person's

character but on the color of their skin.

Anyway, thanks for watching."

So...which is it, Dave?

Do we end racism by not talking about it, or do we talk about how society judges based

on the color of a person's skin?

Thanks for hearing me out!

As always, civil discussion, suggestions, and constructive criticism are welcome in

the comments or via social media.

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For more infomation >> Investigating & Reporting Proves Racism - Duration: 17:51.


How Glassblowing Works | The Goods | CBC Life - Duration: 3:36.

Becky, how are you sweetheart?

Your studios are really loud

Yeah it's all

the equipment that we have to keep the glass hot

Your artwork is spectacular

So I blow the glass all myself and then I freehand and grave at all afterwards

And I love that the fact there's water in them so when you spin them they


So we're making this today?

Not exactly.

These guys here today

These are what?

They are kind of like Galaxy paperweights


It is your classic beginners piece

So from here we can go into the oven?

Come on guys it's hot

Now the trick with glass

blowing is to keep spinning you always have to be turning the pipe if you want

here you can kind of grab it and just heat it up a little bit and get a feel

for the weight of the pipe it's kind of like the consistency of honey so think

of like scooping honey out of like a honey pot

Like getting a suntan off of

this it is like a you need sunscreen

You can come on over and we'll try

gathering some glass

You see the shadow


Well we're in the glass

Oh Wow

Oh so keep turning

Keep turning

So we're just gonna let it cool down a little bit more and then we'll go and

get more glass

Let's go back in

And now we're pulling up yeah and we're spinning

Now we're gonna want to get some colour the more colour you add the denser it's

gonna be on your paperweight and what you're gonna do is you're literally just

gonna blow as hard as you can into the edge of the pot into the end of the pipe

Keep it turning though

Now we're gonna put it back in the heat and it's gonna

wrinkle and collapse upon itself


This time I'm gonna get you to sit down at the bench

Pull and add dents to it

the more kind of funky and crevices that you make like that

the more bubbles we're gonna get into your paperweight

Now that it's cool

enough we're gonna we're gonna go and gather some more glass

And then you're gonna grab that folded piece of newspaper there what you're

gonna go to rest on the bottom here really yep Wow you want to be using more

of the heel of your thumb than the actual fingers it's on fire there you

can see how that's kind of made this a nice cylinder now all right so this time

instead of the paper you're gonna be using the what we call the jacks which

is this tool here

Yeah whoa that's hot yeah there's a lot of heat coming off of

that oh I get the mitten you gotta sleeve

Now we're talking

Just gently, just gently don't use all your muscles gently there you go so

we're just gonna let it cool down so you can see all the bubbles by you traps

we're gonna add a little bit of water right there and take the back of those

tweezers just like this yeah and give that a


Give that a whack?

So that's how you get your paperweight

off Wow now it's gonna go into this box here

Let's just say you were an amazing teacher

do you think I could do this?

Oh yeah I mean with a little bit more training I could

I get you're making some big stuff with me

A lot more training honey, a lot more training

Let's go where it's cooler

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