Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017


when I discovered that wants internet

This was in the year with the year 98

and he began to go and find out why

I asked when I had to look at

Selectivity note the first year

They were made to be put on the Internet and

with anyone you trying to is this

internet and guard 2000 was

when I began to see the potential say

here I think to do business

this has to be good for something and there was

when I started researching and then we

It was five years later when I rode

but really something I strip and a

few years researching to see what

could do

the first thing that the company believes in

it and who does not want to do only

because today and it must be done because

believed to be a fashion not said is

important for two reasons one

because it needed to invest resources

economic and personal resources

qualified is not worth what put the first

and this person will do all or

big mistake to these marketing

when really this is an issue

puramente de negocio donde la primera

persona de negocio o bien si es una

empresa el dueño el empresario director

general tiene es el primer implicado en

todo esto porque al final hay que

alinear lo normal es que te encuentras

con que no es así y cuando hay alguien

que dice tengo mejor que presenta la

precisión o yo quiero estar las

reuniones a mí me da una alegría

porque llegó alguien que cree en ello y

os vais bien por eso


para mí lo es todo es decir yo

personalmente en mi caso es todo

yo siempre lo digo todo absolutamente

todo pero no sólo a nivel de marca

personal sino a nivel de la agencia de

marketing que tiene otro nombre es decir

el 95 por ciento los clientes vienen por

marca personal 3 para mí lo es todo

aspectos en el que centrarse la

paciencia que creó la paciencia y la

constancia no porque realmente es un

tema que lleva muchos años que tienes

que verlo como que es algo para toda la

vida y no decir no tengo que conseguir

resultados en tres meses porque no va a

ser así es empezar a seguir haciendo

cosas invertir en ello y te irán

llegando resultados poco a poco pero

creo que la paciencia y la constancia

son los primeros enemigos para no

conseguir posicionar una marca personal

creo que es una moda y sobre todo

grandes empresas se han unido a ella

entonces toda gran empresa tiene que

decir que está en un proceso cómo no

va a estar en un proceso pero luego es

falso es decir cuando lo miras desde

dentro realmente son muy muy muy pocas

las que lo están haciendo no para mí

hay dos empresas que lo están haciendo

muy bien desde hace años un ex vélez v


creo que está haciendo un gran proceso

de transformación digital desde hace

años y otra que empezó hace más poco

pero la parte digital lo está haciendo

bien y me gusta decirlo porque una

empresa que hasta hace tres años yo

criticaba mucho en este aspecto y es el

corte inglés donde el corte inglés a

nivel online lo está haciendo muy bien

hecho una gran una gran transformación

para competir con amazon

sí es cierto que la parte flain la

tienen todavía y tienen que trabajar en

ella no pero creo que no son conscientes

y y en los próximos años muchas van a

pasarlo muy mal estamos viendo casos

toysrus ha declarado hace poquito

entonces esto yo creo que eso es el

principio de una curva ascendente


es que el marketing de contenidos para

mí es lo que sustenta toda la

estrategia de marketing digital y de

posicionamiento presente y futuro de la

de la de la compañía del negocio

porque realmente no sólo es marketing

de contenidos del sitio imágenes

contenido y el contenido al final es lo

que ven en tu web es lo que está en el

mundo offline también y y si nos

centramos en el marketing de contenido

para mí es una herramienta de

captación y conversión de clientes

brutal es decir más que demostrado es

decir yo lo puedo demostrar cuando

empresa no lo podemos tener contacto

real y digo yo digo no me creas a mí yo

no quiero que me quieras pero yo te

enseño datos que te va a demostrar que

funciona ahora vas a necesitar mínimo

16 20 meses en obtener resultados y

éstos no son dos meses a no ser que es

una megaempresa mucho mucho pero si eres

una empresa normal es que este texto no

es de la noche a la mañana y menos

ahora con tanta competencia que

enfrentan solos que se rodeen de alguien

que complemente sus carencias para el

negocio el proyecto que quieren montar

porque al final emprender sólo fue mi

primer gran error siempre lo dije y y

creo que eso es importante no al final

cuatro ojos ven más que dos y emprender

sólo el bbva llevará a perder

oportunidades no lo segundo que no

pongas el que el factor económico por

encima de todo a montar un negocio

porque eso es algo que ha roto muchos

negocios discusión entre socios cosas

que he vivido en el aspecto personal

además en pasado en pasados años y

sobre todo que que si ganás distinto y

yo creo que no hay inteligencia más

potente que el del instinto y la

intuición siempre es algo que no se

puede mostrar y que no se preocupen si

el primer proyecto no te funciona es

algo que es muy típico pero al final

esto es pura estadística tu inténtalo

tarde o temprano se va a contratar



datos datos y datos y creo que todo va

por tata analítica y ya no quiero

hablar mi debilidad de los datos de los

datos más básicos que tenemos el saber

creo que lo importante está en saber

cómo no obtener los datos pues entre

comillas es fácil sino sacar aquellos

datos que realmente son relevantes que

puedes interpretar sacar lo que te está

diciendo de manera conjunta y cómo

implementarla en tu negocio y alrededor

de todo es otro punto clave la

personalización decir que cuando veamos

una web cuando interactuamos con la

marca no interactuemos todos de la misma

manera si entras tú entre hoy o cambien

las cosas personalizando sea tu contexto

no como hacen grandes marcas como pueden

ser amazon pero hay herramientas para

pequeñas empresas que permiten hacer

esto es decir esto no es un tema ya de

grandes multinacionales pero el último

y que me ilusiona mucho que voy a lanzar

en siete días

es un proyecto en canadá se llama one

of a cain y es un proyecto que me

ilusiona porque me está dando muchas

comedias de cabeza porque no es digital

y yo tengo toda mi vida de montar

proyectos digitales intangible donde no

hay logística no hay stock ajeno a esas

cosas antes que al encontrarse con un

proyecto que es un está relacionado con

temas de decoración para la casa de

productos basados en madera donde hemos

tenido que aprender a a buscar temas de

logística almacenaje pedir otros

países que te llegue tal es un desafío

pero es un proyecto que me hace

muchísima ilusión y que le vamos a

poner ahora en siete días sale en


únicamente en la ciudad de toronto el

momento el modo link estar acá no vamos

a empezar mínimo producto viable probar

que está el mercado

si va bien ampliaremos canadá y

saltaremos estados unidos y mercados

hispanos y ojalá vaya todo bien cuando

me van a invitar y hacían hacía muchos

años que no venía y de beni a palma ya

unas cuantas veces y la verdad es que me

encanta no vengo sólo 24 horas pero la

voy a aprovechar bien porque además

mañana tenemos algún plan de ocio por

aquí tengo muchas ganas entonces espero

volver probablemente en 2018 estamos

montando un proyecto aquí y y si todo

va en buena línea



si llueve para mí



For more infomation >> Factores clave del MARKETING DIGITAL - Duration: 7:21.


【MMD Undertale || Vietsub CC】 :3 Chara Mê Chocolate - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 【MMD Undertale || Vietsub CC】 :3 Chara Mê Chocolate - Duration: 1:56.


PewPew - Cuộc Đọ Súng Không Hồi Kết - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> PewPew - Cuộc Đọ Súng Không Hồi Kết - Duration: 4:54.


🎬 Walkthrough 😈 The Evil Within 2 😈 [№ 14] 📺 PC°1440/⁶⁰Ultraᴴᴰ 📺 Deutsch🎇German🎇Gameplay - Duration: 25:43.

For more infomation >> 🎬 Walkthrough 😈 The Evil Within 2 😈 [№ 14] 📺 PC°1440/⁶⁰Ultraᴴᴰ 📺 Deutsch🎇German🎇Gameplay - Duration: 25:43.


ENTREVISTA A RENÉ MAY - Con Jean-Guillaume Salles y Periodistas de diferentes Medios - Duration: 52:52.

For more infomation >> ENTREVISTA A RENÉ MAY - Con Jean-Guillaume Salles y Periodistas de diferentes Medios - Duration: 52:52.


【MMD Undertale || Chara || Vietsub CC】 Running With The Wolves - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> 【MMD Undertale || Chara || Vietsub CC】 Running With The Wolves - Duration: 1:10.


Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata 2017 - Duration: 1:11:33.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata 2017 - Duration: 1:11:33.


How to Get More Youtube Views in 2018?! - Duration: 3:04.

I'm gonna show you how you can get more views in your video even as a small

YouTube creator coming I put YouTube advice video should be Monday Wednesday

and Friday so click Subscribe and hit that back until you never miss your

video tip number one pay attention to other channels in your knees look at the

trends in their content although the challenge in your niche making videos on

certain topics for example if you make gardening videos and then all the other

channels in your niche making videos on a certain type of garden and you notice

they're getting a lot of views you might also want to make videos on those types

of garden the reason for this is you can see that's doing well in other people's

channels and it's popular right now to figure out how you can do it definitely

make a bunch of videos on it and upload them they lead you on the tip number two

supply and demand if you have to buddy I definitely

recommend you get it I believe in the description you can go to tube buddy

calm slash tube attack install it and use the tag explorer feature that way

you can see the amount of people searching for it and how much

competition there is for certain keywords the trickier is throat for a

keyword that has high search below competition that means there's a lot a

demand to that topic but not a lot of videos satisfying the customers or the

viewers to try different variations of keywords different ideas different

topics to try and find the best keywords for the high searched and lowest

competition that way you'll get a lot more views because you'll be providing

your viewers and your audience for the video they're looking for tip number

three actively used cards to push your views into other videos you'll know what

college are by you actively using them to push people into other videos let me

show you an example a couple of days ago I played a video on how to get more

views with cards click the card updates y'all watch it and find out how you can

do it to see that that was an active push to a card you can still watch that

video it's a good one but I made a verbal call-to-action telling you that

your card up there and what value you get from it that's how you can get more

views by actively pushing out cards tip number four look at what some nails

you're working in your niche every niche is a different type of audience and

every audience reacts differently the different kinds of thumbnails young

people might like a certain type of thumbnail and older people might like a

different kind of thumbnail no comes down to who you're trying to target so

look at all the channels in your niche look at what's on those from there

you're working take different elements from the thumbnails don't copy them but

just take ideas make it something that style they you know will get clicks and

for tip number five okay performing videos your five top videos

you can do this through morning fame or just by you looking at your own

analytics I don't know listen follow-up videos you

can do for example I made a video on how to get more subscribers I can make a

bunch of follow-up to you should how to get more subscribers doing this or that

this so since the first video did well these follow-up videos more likely to do

well because they're based on the same kind of topics just definitely a huge

hack there is you can put them into a series playlist so they're more likely

to be suggested next to each other question time how many of these do you

normally get per month let me know in the comments below now that you know

these five tips to get more views click the card up there to go and watch ten

more tips to grow your channel in 2018 if this video has helped you and you

want to continue attacking the struggles you face on YouTube please subscribe by

hitting the circle over there and click one of the videos below to continue

learning about YouTube and the ways you can grow your channel once again thank

you for watching have an awesome day

For more infomation >> How to Get More Youtube Views in 2018?! - Duration: 3:04.


Salman Khan Singing After Drinking | Don't Miss It - Duration: 1:41.

Salman Khan Singing After Drinking | Don't Miss It

For more infomation >> Salman Khan Singing After Drinking | Don't Miss It - Duration: 1:41.


Новинка! Красивое слайд шоу осень наступила, осень золотая. - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Новинка! Красивое слайд шоу осень наступила, осень золотая. - Duration: 4:03.


Cómo registrarse en wibber para gestionar tus redes sociales - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Cómo registrarse en wibber para gestionar tus redes sociales - Duration: 1:32.


Serge Legran - Sorry (Original Mix) - Duration: 5:02.

Serge Legran - Sorry (Original Mix)

For more infomation >> Serge Legran - Sorry (Original Mix) - Duration: 5:02.


Will It Omelette? Taste Test - Duration: 10:21.

For more infomation >> Will It Omelette? Taste Test - Duration: 10:21.


shu uemura X chinchin | One Day With Pony | 我同pony見面了!😆 |中字 - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> shu uemura X chinchin | One Day With Pony | 我同pony見面了!😆 |中字 - Duration: 5:26.


Baking A Cake in the Wind | Wind Bakers - Duration: 4:55.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome back.

- It is well known that we are fans of the culinary arts.

We respect and value the artistry and chemistry necessary

for truly delicious food creations.

- So we have decided to bake a cake

while standing in front of an industrial fan.

- Hi we're the wind bakers.

- This is my friend Sven Windham.

- And this is my friend Windy Draft.

- Windy Draft is here and he is me.

- We're from a very windy region of the world

and we do all our baking in the wind.

- That's right and we're gonna teach you how to

wind bake here today.

First you've gotta start with a nice wind breaker.

So put that on immediately.

And now for the wind.

- Okay wind boy!

(motor running)

More wind, wind boy.

Okay that's adequate.

- Okay we're going to make a white cake.

That is a cake that is white.

We need two and two-thirds cups of cake flour.

- Okay. - This is one cup.

(wind blowing)

Okay, one. - One cup.

- Let me get the second cup.

Switch places perhaps (chuckles).

(wind blowing)


- Or we can switch back.

(yells indistinctly)

Everything is under control.

One and a half cups sugar.


- Okay.

What's next?

- You must hold the page.

Hold the page open. - I lost the page.

- There's a bookmark.

There's one tablespoon baking powder.

This is going to be very precise.

(wind blowing)

- Did you get it?


I think you got it.

- One half teaspoon salt.

(salt blowing)

- Four egg whites.

He's gotta separate the yellow from the white.


- [Rhett] We just dropped everything.

- You dropped everything!

You dropped a whole--

- Hold on, I gotta get it all back.


There's not a lot left.

- Don't panic!

- One and one-fourth cup milk.

(wind blowing)

Now we switch.


- Okay.

I can't see!

- One half cup vegetable oil.

- This is a cup.

- I need one half cup.

- Read this together.

(emotional music)


I don't know why I took my glasses off.

I think I could see.

- I can't keep the oil up.

- Are you there?

- I can't.

I can't keep the oil up.

- I'm really useless.

- I keep losing my place.

- Finish it!


- I can't find it!

I can't.

Ah yes, ah, I found it.

(wind blowing)

- We got it in the pan!

- Now you wanna take this and put it in the oven.

- Put it in the oven!

I know we made that look easy, but it wasn't.

- And we are very proud to let you guys know that

we have the finished product right here.

- Yes. - Bring it out, Link.

(Link sings like an angel)

It's a joy. - Look at that.

- [Rhett] We have icing too, man.

- It's like a Frisbee.

- Yeah, I can hold it for you.

- Like a hard Frisbee.

- Hold on, hold on, we may have done something real special.

- We made a wind cake.

- (chuckles) It's a wind cake that works like a Frisbee.

- Yes! - Oh (chuckles)!

- You know what you get for that?

- No, no I don't.

- You get pie finger (mumbles) in your mouth.

- Do a smiley face.

Towards the camera.

Okay, well that's--

- Well you're moving it!

Don't move it!

- You haven't taken a class before, have you?

What in the world?

Can't you see the smiley face?


- Yeah, that's good.

- Here, take a bite.

(crunches cake)

- Oh.


After that surströmming, this tastes amazing.

Trust me.

- It's really good! - Mhm.

- It tastes like one of those cookies you get

on an airplane.

You know the Biscoff.

- Oh yeah.

- Europe's favorite cookie,

that's what it says on the package.

- Very hard.

Okay, click through because next we're gonna cook up

some jingles for a few Kickstarter campaigns.

We have a podcast called Ear Biscuits

and you can listen to the latest episode

wherever you get your podcasts.

Do it.

For more infomation >> Baking A Cake in the Wind | Wind Bakers - Duration: 4:55.


How to Take the Perfect Instagram Photo - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> How to Take the Perfect Instagram Photo - Duration: 4:49.


Original Kickstarter Jingles - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Original Kickstarter Jingles - Duration: 5:09.


Tasting the Enchilada Omelette - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Tasting the Enchilada Omelette - Duration: 7:34.


Taller HIDRATACIÓN CELULAR - Claves para la salud con Jesús Boj - Duration: 39:39.

For more infomation >> Taller HIDRATACIÓN CELULAR - Claves para la salud con Jesús Boj - Duration: 39:39.


Skylanders Imaginators 🎮 Doomlander level one☑️ - Duration: 14:42.

Silent, but deadly.

Hey, whats up guys.

Today we're playing Skylanders Imaginators.

I got two Imaginators right here.

OK, so let's get started.

Oh my gosh.

I remember, I've been in this situation.

Oh my gosh, I hate this guy.

Ya little buggers.

OK, he's passed out.

I won.

Soul gem.


OK, let's watch this.

Whoa, that guy was cool.

I love these little knives, so sic.

I lobe exploding these bombs.


Oh my God.

It's Stealth Elf and I'm Stealth Elf.

That's funny.


It's a pretzel.

Oh yeah.

That's good.

Sensei's are stronger here.

I'm just going to change to one of the Sensei's.


That girl.

You go girl.

Oh my gosh You don''t judge me.

Don't judge me.

Don't judge me.

Nope, nope, nope.

Oh my gosh.

Too many.

What, oh man.

This guy's crazy.

Yup I don't like the roach's and it's bomb guns.

Yup, yup.



Ha ha ha ha.

Yes, you dead.

You dead!

Oh and I know my friend Jason out there, you love video games so that's why I made this


For all you fans out there who like my video's and games.

Oh my God.

This guy is a smasher.


I'm just going to switch this guy.

Don't mind this.

This is my favorite guy.

I love this guy.



I'm not a sensei.


Yup, it does.

Yeah but this isn't.

I love that technique.

Oh my God.

Did you just see that guy?

He just took an arrow out of his mouth.

Bro, that was nasty.

So simple.

XP ball.

That's just wrong.

Just don't say oh ya.

That's weird.

Oh, oh I think I have one.

I had one.

Oh look I do.

Please say this guy still works.

Man, oh no.

Yup, a damn bam damn.

You go wrench girl.

How are you that strong?

Hmm, whatever.

Excuse me.



Yeah, jump on and don't fall.

I'm gonna fall.

Have ya seen that?

OK, please don't fall.

Gotta balance, gotta balance yeah.


Oh, oh, oh.

Oh hold on.

I'm ready I'm gone.

Get away from this.

Oh my God.



OK, get this guy.

Don't mind this.

Wait, which one did I want.

It's not a guy, it's a girl.




Woo hew.

Yes Yes.


I love this girl.

She's a bad girl.

She kicks a lot of butt.

Some guys are.

Oh, I'm fighting the boss.

I got to get my Imaginator out.

OK, I'm going to use my- this Imaginator.

Not the fire Imaginator.

Let's do this.

Man, I love this guy.

Did you hear?

Engage 50- engage 50 jerks mode.

That's what he said.

That's great.

How dare you!

I'm going to shoot you.

You need to shoot me with those arrows.

You don't shoot me, you don't shoot me.I don't think so Exactly.

I got my crew.

I got my- I got my whip.

It's how my baby gets down.

It's how my baby gets down.

You and your stupid monster's.


Chaos you and your stupid monsters.

Get over here so I can fight you.

Fight like a man.

Why don't you come and fight me like a man?

Die, die, die , die!

I said Die!

Why aren't you dying?

Oh my gosh.

Yes, you dead.

I'm going to fight you like a boss.

I'm a boss.

Baby, I'm a boss.

I gotta collect some health.


Ya watch this guys.

Bazooker class, oh, I'm so scared.

Oh that was funny.

Oh my God!

This is crazy!

How much are you crazy!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh my God!

This guy is going crazy!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


I'm not an idiot, you are an idiot.

Yeah, just like you.

Oh my God!

Oh my God.


Oh yeah I'm so scared.

Yo, what was that?

Oh, I'm a boss!

So I defeated a Doomlander.

Wow, they're tough.

Pancake house that was extremely funny.

In the meantime.

Keep this in mind.

Hit that like button down below.

Smash that like button, as hard as you can, share the love.

Give me some love.

Because it really, really helps me out.

Subscribe to my channel.

Leave a comment down below If you want me to do another PS4 game.

And yeah.

We'll see you guys later.

Peace out.

Look at that army.

That's my army!

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