Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

Disney Pixar Cars 3 Jackson Storm Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Disney #Cars movie

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars 3 Jackson Storm Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Disney #Cars movie - Duration: 10:05.


The Lone Ranger / Maskeli Süvari (2013) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> The Lone Ranger / Maskeli Süvari (2013) Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Johnny Depp, Armie Hammer - Duration: 1:38.


6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type - Duration: 7:26.

6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type

ISFJs (which stands for: Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment) are dependable, caring,

routine, and practical introverts.

One thing that describes an ISFJ personality is how they take their commitments very seriously.

Their personal warmth and willingness to serve behind the scenes keep society running smoothly.

There's a lot to admire about these compassionate traditionalists.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 unmistakable signs of an ISFJ personality


If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


Ultimate Community Members

ISFJs are among the most social introverts.

While they, like all introverts, need time alone to recharge, they also highly value

community and are quick to get involved.

For the most part, they prefer to serve behind the scenes.

They will lend a helping hand to volunteer in organizations, religious committees, parent-teacher

organizations, community service groups, and the like,

carrying out the practical work necessary to keep these socially beneficial groups going.

ISFJs also tend to bite off more than they can chew.

They may do coaching, tutoring, sitting in on PTO meetings, participating on a monthly

school reform committee, and be planning a wedding all at the same time.

Saying "no" is one of the hardest things an ISFJ will ever have to learn to do,

but it's also one of the best ways to work on personal growth and healthy interpersonal




ISFJs love peace and hate conflict.

They strive to invest in and support family, friends, and coworkers, wanting to keep their

relationship with others positive.

When they speak, they speak the language of peace, using kind, considerate, and affirming


Most ISFJs are also extremely supportive.

They can recognize when someone is ecstatic or depressed simply by observing his or her

facial expressions and social interactions.

Once they know how someone is feeling, they offer an appropriate response, either joining

in the celebration or commiserating.

This is, after all, what ISFJs desire from others.

When they are down, they turn to other people for words of encouragement and support.

Many ISFJs also enjoy helping others learn and grow, particularly in one-on-one or small

group settings.

Some ISFJs take an interest in counseling and teaching because it gives an opportunity

to help people learn "skills" that help them respect and get along with one another.

As children, ISFJs tend to be quiet and inwardly focused, but as they age and enter their late

teens and early twenties, they begin to develop the more active, outgoing

side of themselves.

They meet and engage with new people more readily than they ever did before,

but they'll still never engage as readily, openly, or quickly as their extroverted counterparts,

the ESFJs.


Creatures of Habit

Most ISFJs enjoy routine.

They like to know what to expect from their work and will show up day-in and day-out to

carry out the prescribed job requirements in full.

While they do enjoy a bit of variety here and there, most find too much change unsettling.

This is because their driving mindset is one that loves tradition and established ways

of doing things.

ISFJs tend to focus on the past and what has worked before.

In fact, the more times an ISFJ does something, the more he'll likely enjoy it.

Combine this tendency with the ISFJ's love of family and friends and you get an introvert

who's crazy about maintaining vacation and holiday traditions.

An ISFJ will want to go to the same beach with the same people to enjoy the same food

at the same time every year.

He or she will also want everyone to show up for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter

fully prepared to carry out their traditional roles.


Detail Hounds

ISFJs have an eye for detail.

When writing an email, they may have a hard time moving onto the next sentence before

doing an extra check, like deleting extraneous spaces,

placing commas where they need to go, and correcting spelling errors.

One of his favorite things to do is correct grammar.

ISFJs are keyed into their physical environment.

They're sensitive to temperature, lighting, and audible changes.

They also have well-developed palates and senses of smell.

In general, ISFJs are great with facts and numbers.

They make excellent secretaries and accountants, and they are often happiest working alone

for several hours each day to do a job "right."


Walking Filing Cabinets

Unlike intuitives, sensors have the ability to remember a large number of specific facts

in isolation, especially ISFJs.

One of the most amazing gifts ISFJs possess is an ability to store and rapidly recall

large amounts of facts and details.

ISTJs also have this ability, but they differ from ISTJs in their focus.

Whereas ISTJs are usually more concerned with impersonal matters such as the weather, organizational

rules, maps, and historical records, ISFJs tend to focus on facts about people.

They remember other people's favorite colors, foods, gifts, places to visit, expressions,

and interests with ease.

ISFJs also have an uncanny ability to recall memories in elaborate detail.

They can think back to a time with friends or close family and mentally relive the event

as if they were there.

It's no wonder that many ISFJs love scrapbooking.

Each picture in a scrapbook is an invitation to remember and celebrate cherished memories.


A Child at Heart

People who know ISFJs well can attest to the fact that ISFJs have a creative, imaginative


Yes, they are very creative, although some of their creativity might not be spotted right


Being creative can include designing logos, and writing,

but for the ISFJ their creativity usually manifests itself in hands-on work such as

baked goods, home decorations, and artwork.

Surely, this world is no doubt a better place because of the ISFJs in it.

Really cool information isn't it?

What's your opinion about this?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type - Duration: 7:26.


Cómo superar el agobio. Con: Alex Kei - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Cómo superar el agobio. Con: Alex Kei - Duration: 3:25.


Khoảnh Khắc Anime #16 - Còn hơn cả vợ chồng ý chứ ! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh Khắc Anime #16 - Còn hơn cả vợ chồng ý chứ ! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 1:50.


Epic 7 Days Six Pack Transformation ( Easy Diet ) - Duration: 7:09.

7 days diet,cmon buy this from me

cheap,why not,in 7 days you become a beast

i mean in 15 minutes...


oh people,people.....

You take some homemade salat from your mother

And do some shoulders

As you can see

This is the 7 days diet,or to say it for real 7 minutes haha

Why did i do this?

So i can prove you something

Today how all things happen is

There are commercial for diet,muscles etc.

Those are all lies

You just cant believe in that stupid stuff


Beacuse people train for years to get that body structure

And you think you can be like them in 7 days or one month

I am talking about this fake commercials that people throw money at


People waste money on expensive diet and workout plans

I mean there are some good plans etc.

If I havent showed you what i did behind the camera,you would believe me


Beacuse you see results on my body

But you dont know if i was on diet or not

In your head its about 50% believe in this and 50% not,but those 50% would buy this and what will happen? you will waste money right?

Listen to what i say

I see a lot of fake videos on youtube about this 7 days this 10 days that

Don´t believe in that stupid commercials

I dont want to demotivate you now with this

To say that it is impossible or so...

Of course its possible,but with will power and work

It´s not just,buy this plan and do this and in 7 days you are beast

You have to know that you must invest time and time in this

It is not scary,its about one hour per day workout,and clean eating,when you have will of course

Now what did i do to make you believe this all

I got up in the morning,checked my youtube and saw those videos,7days this 10 days that

And the guy transformed like people that train for 3 months

Immediatly when i saw it,i know it was fake like f..k

I got so angry that i said,you will all see me now

I got up,i took about 2 liters of water on force,so my stomach can get bigger,and get some water in my body so i look nasty

I eated a lot of food for my breakfast,and i lied down watched tv for about an hour,and then i filmed myself for the beggining of the video

And i was like,popped my stomach out,pulled my shoulders down like i dont want to live on this planet anymore haha

You know how it goes now

i standed here where is no light

I did about 100 pushups,some abs and some other exercises

So i can get the pump of muscles

Then i took the light and moved it here on this spot

Look at me here and under the light

Then i got some kind of oil,and rubbed it on to my body

And then i stand here pumped like a

Posing,diet this and that

And that is all i did,and it took me about 15 minutes

What else to say....

My stomach is not flexed cause im talking and not in action,but when you do action,then you flex your abs

Its not a problem to flex abs and talk etc.

People would believe I have abs now,and i havent had them before 15min

I hope you learned something from this video

So you dont waste money for fake stuff

There are good plans but most of them are fake,im talking about the one that gets you ripped in few days

Today everyone can open a youtube channel and put some fake material

Im gonna make this and take theyr money bla bla

Watch yourself

Im not saying that you need to trust me or follow what i do,i was just showing you what kind of people are out there now

I have 86kg and i was able to pull my abs out with all the water and heavy breakfast

I was thinking to film myself after tomorrow in the morning dehidrated,but there was no need as you can see

Subscribe on my channel,like the video

Comment below what do you think about this,and fake commercials out there

Comment what video should be filmed,and what do you need

Ill see you in the next video,i hope i said everything i was thinking,and that is it.see you

For more infomation >> Epic 7 Days Six Pack Transformation ( Easy Diet ) - Duration: 7:09.


U.S. Pres. Trump shows off friendship with Japanese PM; discusses N. Korea and trade - Duration: 2:17.

Trump and Abe spent a fair amount of time together in the past couple of days.

They even played one of ther favorite sports, and presumably had a chance to touch on North

Korean issues and trade while out in the green.

According to our Oh Jung-hee, the duo appeared keen to show off their strong alliance and


U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe started off their get-together

on Sunday by playing nine holes of golf and eating a hamburger made from American beef.

A low-key start... but that paved way for in-depth discussions...

including topics that could be quite sensitive for the two.

(English) Nov. 5, 2017 "Thank you very much for being here, we are

in the midst of having very amazing discussions on many subjects including North Korea and


The relationship is really extraordinary.

We like each other, and our countries like each other, and I don't think we've ever been

closer to Japan than we are right now."

President Trump's schedule on Monday, other than meeting with the Japanese emperor, and

the summit talks with Prime Minister Abe,... also focused on North Korea and trade.

At his speech to Japanese business leaders on Monday morning,... he promised to promote

trade between the two countries even further... and create a favorable investment environment

for Japanese businesses by rolling back regulations.

But he also emphasized that the U.S. has suffered from (quote)"massive trade deficits" with

Japan... and that he hopes to turn that around.

Later in the day, President Trump met with families of Japanese citizens abducted by

North Korea... to raise the issue of North Korea's human rights abuses.

(English) "It's a very, very sad number of stories that

we've heard.

And they were abducted in all cases by North Korea.

We will work together very closely and see if we can bring them back to Japan where they

want to be."

The two-day period -- from President Trump's arrival in Japan on Sunday... until after

Monday's summit talks with Prime Minister Abe -- seems to have been long enough for

the two leaders to show off their friendship AND touch upon key bilateral issues.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Pres. Trump shows off friendship with Japanese PM; discusses N. Korea and trade - Duration: 2:17.


What's It Like To Be A Dog? - Duration: 2:34.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

Today's an awesome day.

I get to froclick through the forest with Professor Cuddlesworth here and enjoy all

this beautiful nature!

Seeing this little guy sniff the ground and jump at all the wildlife has me wondering:

How do dogs experience the world?

First off, how do they see?

It was thought in the past that dogs could only see something similar to those old black

and white movies, but now we know that they can see /some/ color, just not in the same

way humans do.

To understand dog's vision more, it's important to know that dogs only have two

types of cones in their eyes, while my human friends have three.

Canine eyes only have two types of cones allowing them to differentiate yellow and blue, compared

to human eyes that can have over 6 million cones, made up of blue, green, and red cones.

We can get an idea of what dogs see by looking at humans that have red-green color blindness.

They would have a hard time differentiating between the colors of red and green, making

it difficult to find a Red Delicious apple in a field of Granny Smiths.

That's pretty interesting; I wonder how dogs… wait, what's that?



Phew, that was a good chase!

Anyways, I always hear how good a dog's nose is, but just how good is it?

Quite a bit, I'd say!

Dogs have noses that can have hundreds of millions of olfactory sensors, while you humans

only have about 5 million!

That comes in handy when Grandma Blocko makes her famous pie from those apples we found


I can almost smell the warm, flaky crust now!

A new study has also helped reveal why dogs and humans might coexist so well.

Researchers found that structural variants in two genes contribute to extreme scalability

in dogs.

What's interesting is that these genes have also been previously implicated in the behavioral

phenotypes of people with Williams-Beuren syndrome, which is a multisystem congenital

disorder that is distinguished by hypersocial behavior.

Affected individuals usually have outgoing personalities and tend to take extreme interest

in others.

These findings suggest that there are commonalities in the genetics behind canine tameness and

Williams-Beuren syndrome in humans.

Now if we can just figure out why this guy can't seem to get along well with anyone.

Did you eat the leftovers in the fridge?!

Dang it Triangle Bob, not again!

So if you were a dog for a day, what would you do?

Let me know down in the comments below!

Make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> What's It Like To Be A Dog? - Duration: 2:34.


Mr Hacker Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:11.

Mr Hacker Channel Trailer

For more infomation >> Mr Hacker Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:11.


Vợ "ảo" Azuma Hikari - Thanh niên fan Anime/Manga nào còn FA cũng muốn có! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Vợ "ảo" Azuma Hikari - Thanh niên fan Anime/Manga nào còn FA cũng muốn có! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:36.


No Period? - Could This Be Why You're Not Getting Your Period Back? - Duration: 5:58.

Hi guys it's Ritta with Today I'm sharing with you one thing that

could be the reason why you're not getting your period back. So I've already

made a whole bunch of videos on how to get your period back and here's

yet another one I've I see a lot of people recommend increasing your calorie

intake your fat intake and this and that and decrease exercise and all these

kinds of things which are all important I recommend them myself but I just don't

hear a lot of people suggest that you actually increase your carb intake

because that is so important in order for you to get your period back so not

having a healthy and a good amount of carbs it actually could actually be the

reason why you're not getting your period back carbs are so important our

brains and our bodies they thrive on glucose and even our gut love carbs they

love having a good amount of carbs and maybe not so much if you have got issues

that's gonna be a little bit hard but assuming that you don't have any gut

issues then not having a good amount of carbs will actually lead you to have got

issues so let me just start with the basics where what cards are and where

they come from you know it already probably but I'm just gonna go through a

quick list of carbs those are you know sweet potatoes regular potatoes whole

grains rice beans quinoa fruits and pastas and all these kinds of things

breads are all good sources of carbs and also of course sugar are carbs so you

might wonder how much carbs you need to eat in order to get your period back and

even though it's really hard to give every person a specific number

I generally I consider everything that's under 150 grams of

carbs add a very low and everything from 150 all the way to 350 plus cups a day

for it to be a healthy amount of carbs now it's gonna depend on how active you

are it's gonna depend on how tall you are it's gonna depend on your lifestyle

and all these kinds of things and instead of you counting how many grams

of carbs you are eating every single day I suggest that you actually play with

with amount of carbs that you're eating daily and this is much healthier this is

a much healthier way than having to go back to your old habits of counting

calories just as something as simple as like what I used to do instead of eating

one large sweet potato eat two big sweet potatoes instead of eating one cup of

rice eat 2 cups of rice instead of eating one banana with your in your

smoothie bowl or whatever it is add two or three bananas and jetha and then just

slowly increasing that amount and at the same time paying attention to what feels

enough for you it's so much more important and so much more healthier so

much healthier than trusting like you know the math that you're doing in your

head with how many grams of carbs that you're eating so like I said play with

your carbs don't be afraid now you might also wonder what kind of cards should I

eat in order to get my period back and everything here is allowed there is no

right or wrong types of carbs here especially when you are in your recovery

because obviously it's much healthier to eat the healthy kinds of carbs you know

the ones that I mentioned earlier from Whole Foods and and clean foods and all

that kind of stuff because those contain all the vitamins they contain all the

minerals and and all the kinds of stuff that your body needs in order to

function correctly and in order to also help you get your period back

but I think it's just as just as it's important to fill yourself up physically

it's also two very important to fill yourself up emotionally so we have

physical cravings and we also have emotional cravings and allowing yourself

to have that what's considered bad carbs you know sugar candy cake and all these

things I think can be very healthy too and honestly eating unhealthy once in a

while can be a very healthy a healthy diet in my opinion so that is what I

wanted to share with you if you are not if you've tried everything and but

increasing your carb intake this is what you should be doing make sure that

you're increasing your carbs just start slowly if you are afraid though and

think that this video wasn't very helpful for you this is not what you

wanted to hear don't worry I got you covered because I

have another video where I talk about how to overcome your fear foods which

I'm going to link in the description box so you can watch it so you can work on

that other than that hit the like button subscribe to my channel and share it

with a friend thank you so much for watching I will see you next time

For more infomation >> No Period? - Could This Be Why You're Not Getting Your Period Back? - Duration: 5:58.


[ AMV ] Alan Walker - Broken Heart ft Ronniefss | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> [ AMV ] Alan Walker - Broken Heart ft Ronniefss | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank - Duration: 6:57.


4 Ways To Get Rid of Visceral (Belly) Fat - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> 4 Ways To Get Rid of Visceral (Belly) Fat - Duration: 4:27.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 11 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 24:56.

That's my students is how we all should fight

When you're out of knives refill your stock are returning to Messiah or by pickpocketing thugs

Altair: Rafiq.

Rafiq: Word has spread of your deeds, Altair. It seems you are sincere in your desire to redeem yourself.

Altair: I do what I can.

Rafiq: And sometimes you do it well. I assume it is work that reunites us?

Altair: Yes. William of Montferrat is my target. What can you tell me of the man himself?

Rafiq: William has been named Regent while the King conducts his war.

The people see it as a strange choice given the history between Richard and William's son, Conrad. But I think Richard rather clever for it.

Altair: Clever how?

Rafiq: Richard and Conrad do not see eye to eye on most matters.

Though they are civil enough in public, there are whispers that each intends evil upon the other.

And then, there was that business with Acre's captured Saracens.

In its wake, Conrad has returned to tire, and Richard has compelled William to remain here as his guest.

Altair: You mean his hostage.

Rafiq: Whatever you wish to call it. William's presence here should dissuade Conrad from acting up.

Altair: I've never been one for politics.

Rafiq: But surely you realize your every action shapes the course of this land's future. You are a politician your own way.

Altair: As you wish. Now where would you suggest I begin my search?

Rafiq: Richard's citadel southwest of here--or rather, the market in front of it.

You'll find the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in that direction as well. It's a popular place and should be filled with talkative citizens.

Finally, try the border to the west, where the chain and hospitalier districts meet. That should start you on your way.

Altair: Very well. I won't disturb you further.

Rafiq: It's no trouble at all.

Oh God, don't kill me ! Oh, it's you Altair. You scared me.

Richard's men are after me two of them, to be exact

I was trying to strike a deal with them, but I realized that they were toying with me, so I ran away

You shall be the Angel of Death and collect their heads before they collect mine.

When it is done, I shall tell you of the deal.

What a relief It is to know that I am safe ! Thank you, Master.

I...Tried to make a deal with the Citadel guards to leave the gates, open even when the alarm sounds.

I failed you.So now your only escape from Richards Citadel will be to climb the fortress walls.Forgive me.

Lend me your ear for a moment, Altair.

William of Montferrat has replaced many of the district's honest merchants, with men loyal to his cause.

He seeks to weaken faith in King Richard, by overcharging honest citizens for poorly crafted goods.

These corrupt merchants must be removed. Find their stands, and destroy them.

Thank you for the help Altair. It may seem a small thing you've done today, but it's important nonetheless.

This bit of paper should prove useful when you finally face William.


Phil don't write tiny teach with the favors returned

For more infomation >> ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 11 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 24:56.


Meet the secret member of VP CS:GO Team - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Meet the secret member of VP CS:GO Team - Duration: 7:02.


ᴴᴰ Doc Mcstuffins & Doc Mcstuffins full episodes Cartoon Network # 37 - Duration: 37:32.

You don't have feet. Oh yeah of course my feet are killing me. Maybe it's my shoes

First wins got it

Wait a minute you didn't hit my target square, so why don't I see if I can fix your game, okay?

And then we'll have a rematch which I will win

Well at least you'll have a fighting

How do you play we do karate down all the time it's kind of a specialty of mine

Karate isn't as easy as it looks come on. Let's fly the thing is I'm not sure you guys are rock

That doesn't sound right Wow

ladybugs sting

Something else I gotta worry about all you have to hit your target first, and I'll win

That's how you play all you have to do is fall down like I said, that's my you're

Thanks, I'll have to be down for the cuttin count more often Angus

Are you okay now that we know what's wrong doc can fix it. Oh you can ah

Well, that's that's great. I guess uh

There we go Angus

Thanks me

All good, let's check your legs doc use this gun or kangaroo tails are mighty strong oh

sorry dragon tail

Out-of-shape better start tailor sizing again, just like me okay

The Wonder from Down Under

Jingis is everything okay


Not I'm sorta kinda


Can I see you in my office for a second sure thing doc hardly unusual night, what's this week?

What's going on? Tell me what's wrong

I know there's something we can do it might not be clear, and that's why I'm here


Sydney and I are brand-new just out of the box now

I've never even had a chance to practice karate kangaroos and Sydney looks so good at it

Hog nosis you have a case of not ready to play itis let's tell her - the big book of boo-boos

That's not the only one we're going to have to tell it to

Feel I'll be right there if you need me

Hey guys you

You're bat-mite. Let's hop to it get it. I mean well

You see

What is it night? You can tell me anything? I'm scared scared

What you get the hang of it really ah that'd be great Syd wow I feel better. Just telling you how I feel

Bullseye, but you know you could have told me here right who's ready to hop in speak

Bonza that was a corker I'm sure then if I wasn't but promised I'd let you know

You bet I am pally right

Ring come on here, I come nice try pally, but I told you I'm good

It's true

Hey, let's play again I

Must abstain from aquatic activity lest my arm out rust

But your armors made a plastic just like bronty surfer girl and squeakers are it is

Hey Rosie, can you serve up some tasty waves for me?

Dude you're a prehistoric

I'm sure you would but you know you're not supposed to get wet sit with us in the shade sugar we're gonna kick

Dragon skills are those

Super-awesome Dragon skills what

He dodges this super awesome skill dragons too fast for bronty sploosh watches

Dragon skills I

Know what happened Bronte and stuffy's game of splash and dodge got to splashy and doggy

So you ran in slip ass toy doctor that is let's get you to the doc mobile for a checkup

Okay, so what pressure

Great reflexes Lambie dragons aren't the only ones with super awesome skills

Yo, doc give it to me straight. I ever be able to use my super-awesome Dragon skills again

Looks like using a sponge will take all day to get you dry

We didn't know twist and shout is wrong

So let's put that cuddle on hold till we dry him out all the way how can we do that back hmm? I'm not sure

Maybe there's something we can use here at the park

Well if you try

Thanks, Lambie. Your cuddles are the best super skill of all okay now the drill better stuffy hole

Do you want to play some more splashing job?

Given you a twist has me more tuckered out than a circle of sloths at sunset


Promise doc no am I running around the pool even though it means having my son

Less fun not on my watch

Wait I think I'll just take a nice little walk to the BLA super-awesome dragon smarts a

Big pain in Teddy's tummy oh

All the flowers it smell so pretty

Have you seen Lambie? She's right here Teddy B. Was about to gobble her all up. He's the best toy there is

Lambie I'm sure he didn't mean it. Oh, it's okay. You're gonna be okay. We just need to get you washed up and bandaged

Poor teddy

Can I talk to you for a minute What's Wrong doc

What Teddy bee loves Donny

He'll be so sad. I know and I don't know how to tell him. This is a part of being things Hallie

I knew I could count on you guys

Oh, it's so great to see you a big hunk ah that sounds great

When he hugged you it pretty disarm and hurt him

Make everything right as rain drops

Locked away in

The toy box again

It's a thermometer I use it to check how warm or cold you are just like I thought you like that again? Oh?

Don't worry teddy he will I just need to figure out. What's wrong with you. Do you have any other symptoms? Well I?

Am going to feel longer stomach tell me if it hurts too much. Okay. That's okay

Doesn't hurt. Oh, that's fine fine. All you need is a little your focus

Probably locked himself in the deepest darkest point box of all

I don't think we're gonna have to do it really cuz that sounds like Teddy B to me spot me guys

I'm goin in

Hey, we know. It's you

Okay, doc. I know you're the best at fixing stuffed animals like me. I'll find out what's wrong with you teddy. I promise

Do you see anything doc did you see what's pricking?

There's a thorn Donny was playing with you by the rose bushes just

Before you pricked him you have a case of perkily OSIS in your tummies, which means there's a thorn in your tummy

and that's what pricked you and Donny heady having a

My mom is Donny. Okay. Oh, he'll be fine. He just Oh doc. You shouldn't be playing with Teddy B

He pricked Donny, I know

We better rush him into surgery. Thanks mom

They're all better Donny will be so happy

Donny Teddy B is cleared for hugging don't poke me, okay?

Did he hug me he sure did Teddy you didn't prick him in he was one of the best hugs

I've ever seen better so much better

Thank you God for taking all the ouches away

Sir Kirby I command you to protect your king. I shall protect you. Oh my king home

I've been looking forward to hanging out by the pool all morning, and I'm glad I brought my toys to play to

Perfect day for a swim I

Must abstain from aquatic activity lest my arm oust

But your armors made a plastic just like bronty surfer girl and squeakers are is hey?

Can you serve up some tasty waves for me?

Yuri, I'm sure you would but you know you're not supposed to get wet sit with us in the shade sugar we're gonna kick back

Like kangaroos quitting a conga line yeah

Sure, okay

Dragon skills are those

Super-awesome Dragon skills what

He dodges this super awesome skill dragons too fast for

Know what happened Bronte and stuffy steam of splash and dodge got to splashy and dodgy

So you ran and slip ass tight doctor that is let's get you to the dart mobile for a checkup

Okay, so what pressure

Great reflexes Lambie

Dragons aren't the only ones with super awesome skills


Doc give it to me straight

Well I ever be able to use my super-awesome Dragon skills again

Looks like using a sponge will take all day to get you dry

Wait a nano twist and shout and run

So let's put that cuddle on hold till we dry him out all the way how can we do that back hmm? I'm not sure

Maybe there's something we can use here at the park

Well you feel dry

Thanks Lambie

Your cuddles are the best super skill of all Oh another drill bears the field do you want to play some more splashing?

Given you a twist has made more tuckered out than a circle of sloths at sunset

Splashing shallow side


Promise doc no more running around the pool even though it means having fun

Wait I think I'll just take a nice little walk to the block super awesome dragon smarts

Are you okay

Takes more than a pony ride to scare a big brave dragon like me, huh?

She got scared when she saw you but not me I'm stuffy hi stuffy

My name's Teddy beat me everywhere huh to Grandma's to preschool to the beach

He even slept with me every night

So why aren't you with Donny? Now double cuddle the triple cuddle?

You have no idea how hard it is in a teddy bear to live without cuddles. I mean look at me the best day ever

I know that voice. I can't believe I'm about something that's gonna make you really happy


Miss you so much. I love Teddy B, but her sue I'd to play with Liberace

When Donny held you he started to sneeze

You know that's exactly what he did before he stopped playing with me the last time, too

The doggies

You need hippo Holmes

doc I

Wanted, thanks miss Donny Tony misses you, too

I know you'd be perfect for some kids who need a little cheering up oh

I have to take this doctors work is never done

Check up emergency I've seen things you're not seeing things my mom bought this stuff's

No need to put my school's charity bathroom

If you do say, so yourself, and I do hello fellow snow toy welcome to the clinic. I'm chilly

and you can

Chilly we're stuff snow dudes we don't have feet Oh mystery bugs

Chilly are you okay? Oh?

Yes funny

I'm filled with stuffing too. Oh well. I'm sure we have other things in common course we do where's


feeling scared

Giving them a cuddle as I can get perfect. We should get kids something to play marbles

Before you go. I want to give you a checkup. I don't think I need a checkup what you're turning down a free checkup

Oh, we may look alike, but we'll let me help you get up here. No need doc

Nice landing

Sorry, I guess I'm just not as good at snowman shaking first. I want to check your eyes

Okay, you definitely have good reflexes

You're what is?

Good, I know what I have to do

Chili, where are you going?

Okay, okay, you dragged it out of me. The truth is I think the dude is a better snowman than I am

But so are you?


really, you're amazing chilly just the way you are and

You're perfect for me. I can't replace you I

Gotta get in on this cattle chili

You're better than a boogie board and there ain't no sticky, bun

Thanks guys, I'm so glad you don't want to get rid of me

I don't think I'd like to go live somewhere else with a job

I can't wait to meet my new kid. I'm sure you guys are

Good but it's lovable isn't it hey sure and as much as I love my perfect snowman

Me too doc me, too

Watch him stomp around

stop stop

You can stomp with Bronte later young man. You spilled juice all over yourself at the arcade

Ronde I'm mixed up in

this game for you you're so big and

the tables so


Why don't we go outside to play?

Hi everyone, I want you all to meet Donny's new toy bronty like what's up bronty, oh wow

It's great to meet so many new toys

Family well sure except of course the Dragons now sure

The doc isn't there dino-dude

To have a carrot for a nose, thanks doc


What's wrong? You look all squished. I got a boo. Oh, did I hurt you a

Little does it hurt anywhere else it hurts here here here here here here here

Hallie get the big book of boo-boos I have a diagnosis

What stuffy got doc stuffy that does make me feel better

Windy perfect timing I could use the help of an expert kind of word

No, did you doubt about it doc they've all got a bad case of Bronto boo-boos

Lambie I think I'm gonna need your help here little cuddle get in line sugar

But we can't keep kissing and cuddling forever

Speak for yourself doc this little lamp like cuddle till the cows come home. I know you could but as a doctor

You need to cool your jets there Dino dairy

I like to have a talk with you. Can we but today?

I had a kiss more boo-boos than ever oh no what happened

I know you didn't mean to but you hurt some of the toys today

I'll never play with the other toys ever again

Bronty, that's not what I meant

Doc is everything okay Bronte odd


How'd you find me you're too extra careful when you play with smaller toys

It's just like I have to be careful when I'm playing with my little brother Donny

You have to be careful too. Okay, doc. I'll be careful and not play rough anymore

I promise and then everyone will have more fun. Let's see if the other toys still want to play it goes stuffy. Oh

over here stuff, dude



It's great he's so big it sure is

You can't scare brave dragon

You look hungry

Okay kiddo mom's taking you to soccer. Let's go find your gear

Anyone want to go play outside

You mean abroad dbag ride you kids go on without me


Did I step on anyone oh no no, no nothing like that. What's the matter Lambie?

I just noticed lemme over there all by himself

And he looks kinda low more of a Dino and the dinosaur delivery


Knocked up an entry yeah, that's it attack gotta go


Didn't hear

Don't worry about me. Just taking time to smell the flowers

That's nice weird

Squeakers must want a hug

Stop he's feeling better

I'm stuffy bronty. It's for you me. What do you mean?

Hallie honey don't take this the wrong way, but your breath could slip the grace out for Gretel really

I can fix your breath. I'm going to give you a dental check-up. Oh

How's that gonna help me? I'm going to look inside your mouth and check your teeth

You're gonna love this chair


That was fun so far this dental check-ups. Not so bad now lis what it is

I have a diagnosis bronty you have stinky salami breath

I just know this one's going in the bigot oh

Now that you took the salami out my breath is fine again, right I?

Could sure use a hug oh, I mean cuddle right now. I'm going in

Your waist you squeeze a little bit of toothpaste onto the toothbrush, then you stick the brushy

End in your mouth, and you no way I'm not sticking that thing it mark

It sure does doc brushing is so nice. I do it twice a day to get all those itty-bitty bits of food, right

You were right duck brushing my teeth what's fun. Oh boy. It was so much fun and take a look

How that my stinky salami breath is cured oh

Do you guys wanna walk you know?

Play with me again

Horrible breath was hard, but how is it now?

And my best is better to

Use and you have for lunch yeah, you may want to brush your teeth

Hey race you to the house doc watch out I might even win this one then you better pick up some

This is a full-on fashion nono

Amazing what a workout all that pedaling um

Stuffy you weren't pedaling. I was pedaling in my handily. That's your regular color oh

Well, then it's nothing to worry about is it

Since nobody needs nursing right now. I'm gonna take a look at Toya Kevin

You're not hearing things. Well you are but it's the radio on my dog Nabil sounds like okay

I'm here to help just please stay calm. What's your name Daisy dress-up, Daisy?

dress-up Daisy

She's got a closet

I'm gonna help you Daisy. Just take a deep breath and tell me what you see around you

It looks like a stuff a big red house with a blue door

That sounds like my neighbor Katherine's house. You mean that sweet girl who babysits for you and Donny. Yep, okay guys

You know the drill stuffy and Lambie you'll ride with Holly and me everybody else stay and make sure everything's okay at the clinic

Oh your dog

No are we there yet? Yes, are we then oh wait we are

Hmm, this is the house we are Oh over that

Of course

Stay calm everything's gonna be fine stay calm Daisy's really hurt

Well I happy hippo hello to you hand Oh Hallie check out Daisy's foot before you move her

Hmm this floppy as a fowling stack of flapjacks. I'm gonna have to set it before we move as a brave dragon. I never panic

It's such a long way down. I know it's hard, but when there's an emergency


No, it's raining

nuts let's get you down and fast I

Have a new tennis outfit. I've been dying to try out. I promise we'll get you back to all those things you

Love I'm gonna give you a quick checkup in my doc-mobile

But can you fix it talk I can totally fix it, but you're gonna need to stay still while I pop it back into place

whoa that hurt in an emergency I need to breathe ah

keep calm

And follow a duck's directions, okay, so brave, Daisy you deserve a cuddle

Try to move your foot Daisy well it seems better

Hey before you jet anywhere I'd better tell Katherine I found you

Mister a really long time ago. Well the very first time

I put on her skydiving suit her parachute got swept away on a breeze

I looked and looked, but I never phew I'll take good care of her

I know you will hey we can play with Daisy together next time

I babysit you and Donny dark dinner's ready be right there stuck up in that tree. Oh doc

Wait a second. What would dress-up Daisy be without all her dress-up outfits

Oh wow enjoy your Baker cowgirl even president. We're gonna have so much fun together

Find chippies always in fashion

Welcome to the family Joseph Daisy

Yes siree my little boo, buddy, I do believe this is the best rich stuffins mix spooky room haunted those already

Not like this one. It is a motion sensor when someone walks by

What's wrong with

My back brownies are done. Let me write back dad. Can I take this to the clinic see if I can figure out?

Why it isn't working?

Have a wing doc happy Halloween everyone

You look great

birds are on kids starting to trick-or-treat yet I

Love seeing everyone's costumes not yeah, your McStuffins mix pool

Party you can't start the party without all the way down. Oh, hey I

Wouldn't think of it Hallie, but we have a patient

But it's a toy

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