Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

Disney Pixar Cars 3 Jackson Storm Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Disney #Cars movie

For more infomation >> Disney Pixar Cars 3 Jackson Storm Fabulous Lightning McQueen Cruz Ramirez Dinoco Disney #Cars movie - Duration: 10:05.


6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type - Duration: 7:26.

6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type

ISFJs (which stands for: Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment) are dependable, caring,

routine, and practical introverts.

One thing that describes an ISFJ personality is how they take their commitments very seriously.

Their personal warmth and willingness to serve behind the scenes keep society running smoothly.

There's a lot to admire about these compassionate traditionalists.

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 unmistakable signs of an ISFJ personality


If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


Ultimate Community Members

ISFJs are among the most social introverts.

While they, like all introverts, need time alone to recharge, they also highly value

community and are quick to get involved.

For the most part, they prefer to serve behind the scenes.

They will lend a helping hand to volunteer in organizations, religious committees, parent-teacher

organizations, community service groups, and the like,

carrying out the practical work necessary to keep these socially beneficial groups going.

ISFJs also tend to bite off more than they can chew.

They may do coaching, tutoring, sitting in on PTO meetings, participating on a monthly

school reform committee, and be planning a wedding all at the same time.

Saying "no" is one of the hardest things an ISFJ will ever have to learn to do,

but it's also one of the best ways to work on personal growth and healthy interpersonal




ISFJs love peace and hate conflict.

They strive to invest in and support family, friends, and coworkers, wanting to keep their

relationship with others positive.

When they speak, they speak the language of peace, using kind, considerate, and affirming


Most ISFJs are also extremely supportive.

They can recognize when someone is ecstatic or depressed simply by observing his or her

facial expressions and social interactions.

Once they know how someone is feeling, they offer an appropriate response, either joining

in the celebration or commiserating.

This is, after all, what ISFJs desire from others.

When they are down, they turn to other people for words of encouragement and support.

Many ISFJs also enjoy helping others learn and grow, particularly in one-on-one or small

group settings.

Some ISFJs take an interest in counseling and teaching because it gives an opportunity

to help people learn "skills" that help them respect and get along with one another.

As children, ISFJs tend to be quiet and inwardly focused, but as they age and enter their late

teens and early twenties, they begin to develop the more active, outgoing

side of themselves.

They meet and engage with new people more readily than they ever did before,

but they'll still never engage as readily, openly, or quickly as their extroverted counterparts,

the ESFJs.


Creatures of Habit

Most ISFJs enjoy routine.

They like to know what to expect from their work and will show up day-in and day-out to

carry out the prescribed job requirements in full.

While they do enjoy a bit of variety here and there, most find too much change unsettling.

This is because their driving mindset is one that loves tradition and established ways

of doing things.

ISFJs tend to focus on the past and what has worked before.

In fact, the more times an ISFJ does something, the more he'll likely enjoy it.

Combine this tendency with the ISFJ's love of family and friends and you get an introvert

who's crazy about maintaining vacation and holiday traditions.

An ISFJ will want to go to the same beach with the same people to enjoy the same food

at the same time every year.

He or she will also want everyone to show up for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter

fully prepared to carry out their traditional roles.


Detail Hounds

ISFJs have an eye for detail.

When writing an email, they may have a hard time moving onto the next sentence before

doing an extra check, like deleting extraneous spaces,

placing commas where they need to go, and correcting spelling errors.

One of his favorite things to do is correct grammar.

ISFJs are keyed into their physical environment.

They're sensitive to temperature, lighting, and audible changes.

They also have well-developed palates and senses of smell.

In general, ISFJs are great with facts and numbers.

They make excellent secretaries and accountants, and they are often happiest working alone

for several hours each day to do a job "right."


Walking Filing Cabinets

Unlike intuitives, sensors have the ability to remember a large number of specific facts

in isolation, especially ISFJs.

One of the most amazing gifts ISFJs possess is an ability to store and rapidly recall

large amounts of facts and details.

ISTJs also have this ability, but they differ from ISTJs in their focus.

Whereas ISTJs are usually more concerned with impersonal matters such as the weather, organizational

rules, maps, and historical records, ISFJs tend to focus on facts about people.

They remember other people's favorite colors, foods, gifts, places to visit, expressions,

and interests with ease.

ISFJs also have an uncanny ability to recall memories in elaborate detail.

They can think back to a time with friends or close family and mentally relive the event

as if they were there.

It's no wonder that many ISFJs love scrapbooking.

Each picture in a scrapbook is an invitation to remember and celebrate cherished memories.


A Child at Heart

People who know ISFJs well can attest to the fact that ISFJs have a creative, imaginative


Yes, they are very creative, although some of their creativity might not be spotted right


Being creative can include designing logos, and writing,

but for the ISFJ their creativity usually manifests itself in hands-on work such as

baked goods, home decorations, and artwork.

Surely, this world is no doubt a better place because of the ISFJs in it.

Really cool information isn't it?

What's your opinion about this?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Unmistakable Signs of an ISFJ Personality Type - Duration: 7:26.


Eu gosto Quem é youtube? - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Eu gosto Quem é youtube? - Duration: 3:02.


Khoảnh Khắc Anime #16 - Còn hơn cả vợ chồng ý chứ ! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Khoảnh Khắc Anime #16 - Còn hơn cả vợ chồng ý chứ ! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 1:50.


U.S. Pres. Trump shows off friendship with Japanese PM; discusses N. Korea and trade - Duration: 2:17.

Trump and Abe spent a fair amount of time together in the past couple of days.

They even played one of ther favorite sports, and presumably had a chance to touch on North

Korean issues and trade while out in the green.

According to our Oh Jung-hee, the duo appeared keen to show off their strong alliance and


U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe started off their get-together

on Sunday by playing nine holes of golf and eating a hamburger made from American beef.

A low-key start... but that paved way for in-depth discussions...

including topics that could be quite sensitive for the two.

(English) Nov. 5, 2017 "Thank you very much for being here, we are

in the midst of having very amazing discussions on many subjects including North Korea and


The relationship is really extraordinary.

We like each other, and our countries like each other, and I don't think we've ever been

closer to Japan than we are right now."

President Trump's schedule on Monday, other than meeting with the Japanese emperor, and

the summit talks with Prime Minister Abe,... also focused on North Korea and trade.

At his speech to Japanese business leaders on Monday morning,... he promised to promote

trade between the two countries even further... and create a favorable investment environment

for Japanese businesses by rolling back regulations.

But he also emphasized that the U.S. has suffered from (quote)"massive trade deficits" with

Japan... and that he hopes to turn that around.

Later in the day, President Trump met with families of Japanese citizens abducted by

North Korea... to raise the issue of North Korea's human rights abuses.

(English) "It's a very, very sad number of stories that

we've heard.

And they were abducted in all cases by North Korea.

We will work together very closely and see if we can bring them back to Japan where they

want to be."

The two-day period -- from President Trump's arrival in Japan on Sunday... until after

Monday's summit talks with Prime Minister Abe -- seems to have been long enough for

the two leaders to show off their friendship AND touch upon key bilateral issues.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Pres. Trump shows off friendship with Japanese PM; discusses N. Korea and trade - Duration: 2:17.


Mr Hacker Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:11.

Mr Hacker Channel Trailer

For more infomation >> Mr Hacker Channel Trailer - Duration: 0:11.


Vợ "ảo" Azuma Hikari - Thanh niên fan Anime/Manga nào còn FA cũng muốn có! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Vợ "ảo" Azuma Hikari - Thanh niên fan Anime/Manga nào còn FA cũng muốn có! [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:36.


Steemit vs Youtube - GET PAID FOR WATCHING VIDEOS - Duration: 7:57.

what's up everybody this video is gonna be about steemit and why steam it is

superior to YouTube in some ways and some things that you need to know about

steam before you get started with it because if you look at steam in here you

see that you know these people are making four hundred dollars first steam

opposed $260 209 all all these people in a training page they're doing really

well some people make even even make a thousand bucks on a on one post one

steaming post and that's ridiculous so you want to jump in there and you want

to make some money with it as well and you think it's gonna be easy it's not

easy definitely not easy but your some things that you need to know so that you

can hang in there and you understand the game here's why I think it's superior to

YouTube in some ways and the reason why is I can make content I can upload my

YouTube content on Steam it and then you guys can leave comments on to steam it

posts and then I can upload them or you can all about them and then you can

actually make money off of commenting so it rewards the the participants of the

whole platform and YouTube does not YouTube may pay me for ads but with the

current YouTube D monetization there's a problem

and so with steam it I can make more money from one video plus you guys can

make money off of commenting on the video and you guys may make some some

content yourself as well you can write blog posts there are some people that

like if I go to life probably let's see if I can find the

life here

photo me you do photo there are some people that literally just post one

picture this guy writes a little bit but there are legit people that just pose

one picture like a single picture just post a single picture and make like 50

bucks and they do it every day they both like five pictures six pictures to make

to 300 bucks in a day paid out in steam which you can then transfer to Bitcoin

and then two dollars and you can or you can use these these fees up pay carts

the prepaid cards and you can do your groceries with the Bitcoin that you make

i can send people steam i can reward them like for example if you like if you

like my content you can instead of copying my bitcoin address for my

theorem address to pay me to to buy me a beer for example you can idea buy me a

beer no you can you can send steam for like good content i can go over to this

person for example i can go over to wallet i can see exactly what he has in

his wallets how much his account is worth twenty six thousand this guy and

here you see you can transfer receive you can transfer receive money here in

steam and it's all within the network which is really which is a really cool

thing one thing that you need to know about statement is how the up voting

system works basically you have a hundred percent steam power and this

refills and every up phone you do you can give a percentage of that out to

content creators and content creators could also be commenters so if i go here

for example and let it load up scroll all the way down to the comments

here this is a comment but it also counts as a post so this person has had

six up votes and made six dollars just by commenting

can you imagine commenting on a video like this one and making six dollars

something that you would normally already do but in this case you would

make money off of consuming valuable information which is really cool and it

keeps a community closer and YouTube is missing this

plus I see with YouTube they D monetize a lot of videos I've had some videos D

monetized in the past and it's not that I make a hell of a lot of money from the

ads on YouTube I usually get a donation here and there but with steam it you

have the YouTube ads you have the the up votes you can get donations here there's

a lot of stuff plus I can reward you guys for leaving a thoughtful comments

which is another thing that's that is cool about steam it is you get upvotes

if you provide valuable content so if you write up a comment that says good

job or whatever great or go you then you're probably not gonna get upvotes

but if you provide something of value to the community like this one haven't read

that the comment but this is long it looks like it's thoughtful its

thought-out this person has made thirteen dollars because they've watched

they've consumed the content they've written something thoughtful and as a

result of that they made thirteen dollars so that's something that is

really cool about seeing it in the in the coming weeks months I hopefully I'll

be on steam it for forever but in the next coming weeks months years I don't

know I'm gonna be making videos on my journey on steam it's

things that I learn thinks that I fucked up with I hope to share everything in

this journey with you guys I feel like I have a good mentor here in instuments

again server Marley you are awesome and yeah that's basically in the next video

I'm gonna teach you how the upvote system works how you can get more

visibility in steam it how you can get those initial of votes how I already did

a video on the steam voter I'm gonna do some other stuff that I learned that I

don't even know yet I'm gonna I'm gonna keep you up to date on this one if

you're on steam its links in the description follow me

I'll follow you back I'll upload your stuff

I'll get more steam I'll probably buy more steam power this week and then I

can get you some real up votes in because right now if I upload it's it's

bullshit honestly but yeah that's it I'll keep you updated you just keep

watching I'll keep creating see on the next video

and until then stop settling and start living the courting life see ya don't

forget to check out the recommended resources in the description box below

recommend it reads as well as essential cryptocurrency resources and if you like

this channel please consider donating Bitcoin addresses in the description box

as well any donation is much appreciated for channel growth thanks in defence and

see on the next video

For more infomation >> Steemit vs Youtube - GET PAID FOR WATCHING VIDEOS - Duration: 7:57.


[ AMV ] Alan Walker - Broken Heart ft Ronniefss | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> [ AMV ] Alan Walker - Broken Heart ft Ronniefss | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank - Duration: 6:57.


Justin Bieber - Despacito ||cover by Priata and Sushmita|| in Bangladesh - Duration: 4:05.

all in one

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber - Despacito ||cover by Priata and Sushmita|| in Bangladesh - Duration: 4:05.


Learn Colors with Baby Doll and Finger Family Nursery Song For Kids, Babies, Children by Zyriki TV - Duration: 3:34.

Learn Colors with Baby Doll and Finger Family Nursery Song For Kids, Babies, Children by Zyriki TV

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Baby Doll and Finger Family Nursery Song For Kids, Babies, Children by Zyriki TV - Duration: 3:34.


Дом 2 новости 7 ноября 2017 (7.11.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 7 ноября 2017 (7.11.2017) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:02.


Islamic emotional video bangla mother waz , সন্তান জন্মের সময় মা কেমন কষ্ট করে - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Islamic emotional video bangla mother waz , সন্তান জন্মের সময় মা কেমন কষ্ট করে - Duration: 5:16.


Внезапная задача от клиента - что делать с ритмом? - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Внезапная задача от клиента - что делать с ритмом? - Duration: 2:30.


Cláudia Case - UFOLOGIA - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Cláudia Case - UFOLOGIA - Duration: 5:26.


Visions - Acreix | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Visions - Acreix | Nhạc Điện Tử Gây Nghiện - EDM đánh Lol leo rank [ Re-up ] - Duration: 3:34.


МУЛЬТИКИ ВСЕ СЕРИИ ПОДРЯД! Большой сборник видео для детей – Развивающие мультфильмы. #Игрыдлядетей - Duration: 28:01.

For more infomation >> МУЛЬТИКИ ВСЕ СЕРИИ ПОДРЯД! Большой сборник видео для детей – Развивающие мультфильмы. #Игрыдлядетей - Duration: 28:01.



For more infomation >> UNA YOUTUBER EN LA COCINA - TARTA SALADA | MARYNA - Duration: 2:13.


How To Deal With Negative Emotions PART 2 | (The only way to control your emotions!) - Duration: 4:19.

What is up people? Yitz Goldberg here

and in this video today

i am going to talk about

the only way you can control your emotions

well to some degree'

so in my previous videos i spoke about why negative emotions are important and how

to deal with negative emotions and in both of those videos I explained why it

is impossible to control your emotions in a very short summary it is impossible

to control your emotions because emotions are reactions to whatever is

happening around you they are signals that either you are doing something

right your positive emotions or that you are doing something wrong your negative

emotions your positive emotions are rewards for the good things that you do

for actions that you took and negative emotions are call to action and are

telling you that something with the situation is wrong or something in your

life is wrong and you need to do something to change it

now if you think

about that you wouldn't want to control your emotions because they are signals

that are telling you if you are doing something right or if you're doing

something wrong so then you might ask how can you control your emotions if

they are just reactions to whatever is happening around you and the answer to

that is the only way to control your emotions is to change your circumstances

what do I mean by this if I right now work in a job that I do not enjoy then I

am going to experience a lot of negative emotions now there's no way to control

those negative emotions in the immediate situation but if I zoom out and if I

realize that my work is causing my negative emotions then I could change my

work and therefore I will stop experiencing those negative emotions not all the time

but specifically in the workplace

this goes as well as if you hang out with

people that for some reason bring up within you negative emotions the only

way to stop feeling those negative emotions next to those people is to

change your circle of friends but you could really take this to anything in

life now it is not possible all the time to change your circumstances there are certain

areas where you might experience negative emotions and there's

not much to do about it besides accepting the negative emotions and

learning to deal with them

and you will see this a lot when you do in a work on

your self-esteem and self-confidence a lot of times negative emotions are going

to show up

if you are challenging yourself for going out of your comfort

zone you are going to experience negative emotions in that case there is

no reason to try to control them or deny them because that is only going to

sabotage your chances of that inner work

so it is important to learn to realize

where in your life could you try to eliminate negative emotions and what

areas in your life are you experiencing negative emotions

and they are for your benefit

so example for unnecessary as I said is let's say a workplace that just

brings up anxiety, fear and makes you feel uncapable or whatever it is and a good

place in your life would be working on your fears, challenging yourself, building

your self esteem and self confidence

this is going to bring with it negative

emotions but those are necessary and these are not necessary

so again the

only way to control your negative emotions to some degree is to change

your environment, to change your circumstances

I will leave you with this

what areas in your life are you experiencing negative emotions for no

real reason and that have no real benefit

and what areas in your life are

you experiencing negative emotions that are actually going to benefit you in the

long run I would love for you to write your answers down in the comments below

so that is it thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video and

you found this video helpful don't forget to give it a thumbs up as well as

if you didn't already subscribe and turn on notifications because boy the next

videos are going to be fire that is it thank you so much for watching I will

see you in the next video


and and it's gonna go and it's gonna bother you to reach your goal your goal

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