Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

Kiya's very anxious.

she's been this way since we got her.

She's very excited about getting her grain.

Which i have here.

But um..

She's a little bit food aggressive.

And these are just some of the things that we've been trying to work with on her.

You can see she just paws and paws.

Even when she eats.

She paws.

I'm gonna pause this for a minute so I can go grab her bucket.

And then I'll show you how she does.

Okay so, I just gave her , her grain.

And in a minute you'll see her start to really... paw but now that I'm here, maybe she won't.

She's very excited.

Guy's I'll be there soon hold on. (talking to Zazu & Sunny).

Hi Sunny.

I'm gonna go underneath this rope.

I know honey I'm coming.

She'll do this...

I know Ky...

I know.

You can't get it fast enough.

She was just ...pretty bony when we got her.

And um....

So this doesn't surprise me.

She was not an aggressive horse.

so she got beat up.

You'll see she has some dents, like right there in her shoulder.

Not sure if it's exactly from Sunny I think it is cuz I saw her nip her.

Huh.... yeah. and she's got a few of these dents.

Okay Kiya... calm down... shhh shhh shhh.

A lot of times I like to stand with Kiya and try to just tap her leg and say No No...and

she'll put it down.

then I try to pet her and calm her down.

I'll be back.

For more infomation >> HORSE PAWS WHILE EATING - Duration: 2:48.


Bigo live gái xinh show hàng đám cưới-Nguyễn Hoàng Mai-i Ping-g - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> Bigo live gái xinh show hàng đám cưới-Nguyễn Hoàng Mai-i Ping-g - Duration: 8:24.


Game Reviews-Logjammers, Almost Hero, and Coffee Crisis - Duration: 10:15.

Hello, and welcome back to The 8-Bit Guy.

So, in a previous episode I said that I wanted to make reviews of these modern games for

vintage systems to be a regular part of my show, so this is the second episode where

I'm going to be doing that.

And, I think it's really important to continue to produce new content for these machines

because that's the way to keep the platforms alive.

Now, I've never played any of these games before, so I have no idea what's going to

be in store for us.

All of these games were produced by a company called Mega Cat Studios.

These two games here are for the original Nintendo entertainment system.

One's called Almost Hero and the other is called Logjammers.

This one here is called Coffee Crisis and it is for the Sega Genesis.

So, I'm going to try these things out, for better or worse, and let's see what they

are and let's see if they're any good!Let's check out the packaging first.

One thing I can say about these boxes is that they look really nice.

They are really nice and glossy, but they're really really thin!

If you set anything on these, they will crush.

If they had just put some inner cardboard structure, that would have been nice.

So let's look at the actual cartridge.

Now, this looks very nice.

It feels nice and heavy, the label looks great.

And it does come with a nice glossy printed manual.

Well, let's put it in my NES and turn it on.

I have to use the real hardware since I don't have a ROM image for an emulator.

I like the intro, looks very nice.

So the first thing you do in this game is select who you want to play.

I have no idea who to pick, so I'll just pick Hot Foot Francis.

Next, I need to pick an opponent.

I'll pick this guy.

Next you pick where you want to play.

I'll just go with the default.

Well, guys, this is it.

This is essentially the main part of the game.

I am the player on the bottom of the screen.

If you think about it, this is really a lot like a fancy game of pong.

Each player is just trying to throw the axe into one of those nets behind the other player.

You can throw the axe to the side or straight ahead.

I've had better luck throwing it to the side.

When the axe comes your way, you try to catch it.

In real life, I'm not so sure I'd want to catch a flying axe.

Each player apparently has a special skill, or a signature move, which is detailed in

the manual.

So, for example, Hot Foot Francis can throw two hatches at the same time.

But in order to use the skill, you have to catch a little power up star that comes onto

the play field every now and then.

There are also some other generic power ups that are detailed here in the manual.

Other places you can play are Mount Vesuvius and the Internaltional Space Station, but

from what I can tell there is no change in game play other than the scenery.

So what's my final opinion?

Overall, I feel it's well made.

But to be honest, this isn't the sort of game that is going to keep anyones attention

more than 5 or 10 minutes these days.

I do like the music, though!

Let's move onto the next one, this one is called almost hero.

Based on these screenshots, I think it may prove to be more somewhat interesting than


It does come in the same flimsy box.

Here's the actual cartridge.

It's black.

Very nice, reminds me a bit of the Tengen games.

It does have a very nice label, just like the last one.

Of course the real test is to put the game in the console and see if it's any fun.

When you start the game, it does give you a bit of a back story, but to be honest, you

can probably ignore most of this and it won't affect the game play.

The manual goes into a bit more detail.

So, apparently you can go to the sewer, the dojo…… or the city.

I think I'll start with the dojo.

See that shell on the floor?

Yeah, that actually does pretty much what you would expect it to do . You can pick this

thing up and throw it at your enemies.

Each level has some sort of retro-themed object you can pick up.

Otherwise, you have to fight these guys hand to hand.

It reminds me a lot of Double Dragon.

When you defeat one, he usually makes some kind of joke, and he'll drop some sort of

energy boost as he dies, which you'll want to pick up if you can.

There are essentially only 3 fight moves, and I haven't quite figured out if one really

works better than another at any given time.

The best strategy I've come up with is to just do my best to avoid being in a fight

with more than one guy at a time, which means moving around a lot.

When you die, you find yourself back here again.

This time, I'll try the city.

It looks like there's a boombox I can pickup and throw at the bad guys.

Other than different scenery, there's not a lot different about fighting here.

Eventually, you'll clear all the bad guys, and an arrow will light up telling you to

move on to the next screen, where more bad guys await.

And this is apparently a Furby that you can throw.

OK, let's try the sewer.

Great, the bad guys can fall off and die too, I like it already!

So, the gameplay is a little different in the sewer since you can apparently fall off

the edge and die.

The manual shows the 4 different weapons you can pick up, we've seen 3 of these so far.

Apparently there's a laserdisc as well.

You can also buy different things from Chow Khan's shop, which will help your hero through

these battles.

Overall, I'd say this is a decent game, even if it is of a genre I never cared much


If this were available back in the 1980s I think it would have been a decent selling


And onto our 3rd and last game, also from Mega Cat Studios.

This is Coffee Crisis for the Sega Genesis.

This is a very genesis-like case, and even has a special area to hold the cartridge.

So let's take a look at it.

I like the translucent red case.

Again, very nice label.

OK, very nice.

Let's have a look at the users manual.

It fits inside the left side and is held in place by these little tabs.

Let's pull it out and have a look.

Nicely made.

Not much left to do now but insert it into the ole' Genesis and fire it up.

All right!

So here it is!

OK, so to make a long story short, aliens have been downloading music from our internet

and they want to capture all of our greatest musicians.

They are under the impression that the place to find these musicians is at Black Forge

Coffee House, so that's where they are starting their invasion.

So, this is actually just another fighting game only you are fighting aliens with bags

of coffee beans and steam pitchers.

When you manage to defeat an alien, they are beamed up to their ship.

If you time it just right, you do these power shots by holding down the B button.

There seems to be a lot of story telling in between scenes.

For example, here the coffee house employees are discussing how they are going to use the

six-demon blend to attack the aliens.

Then there's this guy with the tin-foil hat who's always talking to you.

I've read through the manual twice and I'm still a bit fuzzy as to who this guy is.

Anyway, some of the aliens actually look like regular people, like this elderly man.

I haven't quite figure out why.

Then there's this other guy and a cowgirl I've seen a few times.

Also, you can pick the smaller aliens up and throw them.

As is typical of a game like this, towards the end of the level you'll have a bunch

of aliens to fight at once, and if you manage to win, then you get to fight the level boss,

which you'll see shortly.

Also trashcans and other objects occasionally contain health points.

And here's the level boss, in all of his tentacle glory.

He's actually not that hard to defeat, at least on this level because he's by himself

and he's pretty slow.

So you can just keep your distance and keep timing those power hits and that will take

him out.

Overall, I'd say this is the most interesting game of the 3 I've reviewed.

And while it is on a 16-bit platform as compared to the others on an 8-bit, I don't really

think that's the reason.

It's also not really the story line either, I think it's just the controls seem easier

to work and the strategy is a bit more clear.

All right, so that about wraps it up for the review on these games.

I have a couple of other things I want to say.

For example, these games are not really of a genre that I've ever really cared for,

particularly fighting games.

I mean, let's be honest, I've got to confess, I've never cared for Mortal Kombat, Punch

Out, or Double Dragon, or any of those kind of games where you're walking around punching


You know, I don't know why.

I just don't care for them so, again, I probably wasn't the best person to do a

review on these.

I tried to remain objective.

So, even though I probably didn't find them that fun, I know those types of games are

very popular, so I'm sure that there's probably a lot of you guys out there that

will like playing these and I can't stress enough how important it is that development

for these vintage platforms continues to happen, and one of the things we need to do as consumers

to make sure that happens is we need to buy these games when they come out.

Speaking of that, You know, I do have my own game.

I know I've mentioned it a few times.

I've been working on this for a year.

And, it's actually just about done.

These are two pre-release copies.

One of these I'm going to be sending to Metal Jesus Rocks and the other one I'm

sending to Modern Vintage Gamer.

Both of these guys have offered to review the product on their own youtube channels.

Now, I'm going to be doing my own video on this game, probably in a few weeks.

But, I thought that it would probably be good to have a couple of non biased reviews I could

point to as well.

Since, you know, hey, I'm pretty close to the project, I can't give you an objective

review of the game.

So, hopefully they can.

Anyway, if you have a game that you have designed that's either finished or almost finished

for a vintage platform and you want it to be reviewed, then by all means, send it to


I want to start doing these reviews at least quarterly.

You know, maybe a few times a year.

I want to do a little mini episode where I review these games, so send 'em on over!

I guess that's it for now, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Game Reviews-Logjammers, Almost Hero, and Coffee Crisis - Duration: 10:15.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and welcome to my first I

guess really multiplayer video of the full game of Call of Duty World War 2 so

as you see we're just chilling in the headquarters and today you can probably

tell by the title of the video this is kind of like a how to I guess I mean I

don't really know but basically what's been going on is I've been getting a lot

of questions from you guys how do you put on the clothes that you guys you see

I got you know this clothes on this outfit or whatever you want to call it

now basically this is so weird I've been getting so many questions on hey how do

you change your outfit do this do that especially on my division pack video

which is blown up by the way I love every single one of the guys that have

supported that video anyway like you're like you know what how do you even put

this on cuz a lot of people don't know how to and so yeah a lot of people have

messaging me on PSN on Twitter and on YouTube comments oh you know what I'm

just gonna make a video on it so I don't really have to explain it to every

single person if you guys aren't just at it stay tuned but you already know first

you gotta roll that intro alright guys now I just want to say I'm gonna be

making a lot of one or two videos I know it's been up for three days and I've

only uploaded like yesterday I think it was like a campaign video so I know I

know I'm slacking but the thing is I'm leveling up for you guys I can give you

guys all the you know all the really good tips and stuff that I know cuz you

know I'm just started to use to the game but anyways so this is super super

simple this video is probably gonna be really sure about how you change your

outfit is you press options or whatever it is on Xbox you go to your soldier and

then you click on your divisions and then you go to whatever you unlock your

your your outfit for so for example you go to your infantry right and obviously

my printer guy this is him right here so you click triangle on this and then

you click the u.s. infantry for me there's gonna be there should be always

two depending on what you get so this is the original thing that you get the

infantry and you click X and then you can either use you know which one the

other had four so I know this is kind of really confusing but basically this is

for like a US team you know so if it says you

this for the allies basically or for example if it says French or you know

anything that's in the allies during World War two you're gonna be on the

Allied side at anything that's not the Allies you're gonna be on the German

side so basically right now if I hop into a game and I'm on the Germans team

I will not be able to use the divisions pack I'll be using the Germans clothes

which is you know the normal basic gray one so for example if I go to my

expeditionary one if I press triangle and as you can see you have a soviet

naval infantry or you have the french medic so as you can see for the french

medic i have two things for this out the division pack expeditionary and just a

normal French medic but if I go down to the Soviet naval infantry I have the

normal infantry one and I have the Tuck - Kent I don't know - Kent version of it

so guys I think how it works is you get a certain type of different type of

colors for each of the type of clothes that was a really bad way to explain it

but basically what I unlocked was this this a white and blue one but then I

also unlock this normal one so basically if you unlock a different version of the

normal legendary version see I got an epic and this is legendary if you unlock

an epic version you automatically get the legendary version - I'm pretty sure

because i know i did not unlock this don't think I've logged is the tashkent

version and I automatically got this one as well maybe I'm trippin maybe I'm high

right I don't know but that I don't remember getting this one so basically

that's how you switches so for example if we go to my so here we are on my

armor if I press triangle we got the us talker I've never had this one and then

I got the hero of abrasion which is the best gay talker - I have the us rivets

here which I don't remember unlocking that but I do remember unlocking this

one the US River River tier - and obviously there's desert rat and the

divisions pack version of it so and as you can see it says us talker so I can

only use this one when I'm playing on the Allied side so yeah basically if I

was on the German side I would be using the normal

version where you know he has like that little hat on top of his head so hey

guys that's basically how it works here's my depletions this is what I got

from my divisions this is the normal pair of true and it feels low real quick

and then I got the divisions pack for it it's alright and then I got the US pilot

which looks clean so see I only got the normal version of the US plan

I don't got anything different so if I click US pilot it just stays you guys

pilot which is a legendary so yeah same thing when my Mountain classic sports

triangle on the division and then I got the normal Canadian snipers division or

I got the divisions pack 1 or I got this u.s. 1 2 1 I don't remember I'm locking

this one but I do remember unlocking the Indian head so I got this Indian head

and then I got the normal US winter so hey guys basically that's it I mean

that's all you have to do this with your costume or whatever and basically if you

want to set the certain costume as headquarters you go on your class the

ones that you like the costume up for example if I wanted this when I was just

like triangle on the class and instead I said quarter soldiers right there so

guys that is it it's that simple it's really not that hard you just click

triangle on the division you you go into the closet you click triangle on the

little square and then you just choose which costume you want so remember if

you do get a heroic version of a certain type of clothes you will automatically

unlock the normal version of it for exam I'm gonna I'm gonna try to explain this

one more time because I feel like I didn't explain it better last time I

basically look for example the armor when I got the this is what I did get

the best day talker but I automatically unlocked this one so yeah I'm really bad

I make you guys understand stuff but if you guys thought of courses just drop

them in the comments down below and I'll try my best to help you guys out but

yeah guys that's basically it it's really not that hard so yeah hopefully

this helped you guys happy to make sure eyes leave a like on the video subscribe

and yes stay tuned a lot of videos coming soon guys I'll see you guys on

the next one

For more infomation >> COD WW2 HOW TO CHANGE ALL DIVISIONS DLC UNIFORM - Duration: 6:11.


Trump Shocked At Secret Message Written Inside His Flight Jacket He Got As A Gift In Japan - Duration: 4:36.

Trump Shocked At Secret Message Written Inside His Flight Jacket He Got As A Gift In Japan.

President Trump began his first trip to Asia by praising Japan as a "crucial ally"

but that's not the most notable moment of the day.

Trump was shocked at a secret message written inside his flight jacket, and it shows just

how much respect for him that the military has in comparison to the former president

Obama and his two terms as the president.

This was unexpected but well respected.

A true moment for Trump to realize the military he loves so much also shows the same mutual


Trump set foot in the Yokota Airbase, which is located on the fringe of Tokyo, and was

met by a flurry of cheers from military service members.

It was a moment he likely won't forget from his first trip to Japan.

Trump was wearing a bomber jacket during a speech where he praised American firepower,

and talked about the beautiful alliance with Japan – something extremely important in

a time where tensions are high with North Korea.

"Japan is a treasured partner and crucial ally of the United States, and today we thank

them for welcoming us and for decades of wonderful friendship between our two nations," he

said, speaking in front of an American flag inside an airplane hangar.

Mr Trump was expected to spend much of his 12-day, five-country Asian tour exhorting

allies and rivals to step up efforts to counter the dangers posed by North Korea, which continues

to move forward with its nuclear weapons programme.

Trump's message to the Yakota AFB airmen was important, earnest, and well received

by the soldiers and military altogether.

Then Trump unveiled a message that was written inside the bomber jacket he was wearing.

A message inside the jacket read "Presented by the women and men of the 374th Airlift

Wing, Yokota Air Base"

To know that our military from thought to present him with a special, personalized gift

shows nothing but the respect, and honor they have for him that they didn't feel for Barack


They could have handed him a generic jacket with no message, but they took the time out

of their day to present to him a jacket with a customized message which shows they appreciate

his appearance and support.

Furthermore, Japan is a good friend of America's and nothing is more valuable than having great

allies in the country.

Trump talked about Kim Jung-un but wouldn't refer to them by name, and also constantly

touting the nickname he coined when he called Jung-un the "Little Rocket Man" quite

a while ago.

Both he and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un have been engaged in an escalating war of

words, with Mr. Trump repeatedly referring to the North Korean leader as "Little Rocket

Man" and threatening in a recent speech to "totally destroy" the nation if necessary.

Even before he landed, Mr. Trump used the first moments of the trip to denounce the

North as "a big problem" that must "be solved".

"There's been 25 years of total weakness, so we are taking a very much different approach"

toward the North, he told reporters traveling with him.

During the speech, Mr. Trump did not mention North Korea by name, but warned of the consequences

of crossing what he called the "most fearsome fighting force in the history of our world".

"Together with our allies, America's warriors are prepared to defend our nation using the

full range of our unmatched capabilities.

No-one – no dictator, no regime, and no nation – should underestimate, ever, American

resolve," Mr. Trump told the troops.

Trump and Jung-un continuously cross paths on social media or other media outlets, consistently

having ego measuring contests, or other measuring contests if you catch my drift.

It's an ongoing battle of wits to which Trump likely wins most matches, although Jung-un

sparked a hashtag when he called Trump a "dotard."

Then again, the hashtag #dotard backfired gloriously as conservatives used it to hilariously

poke jokes at almost every prominent democrat public figure.

The White House has signaled that Mr. Trump will push American economic interests in the

region, but the North Korean issue is expected to dominate the trip.

He will forego a trip to the Demilitarised Zone, the stark border between North and South


All US presidents except one since Ronald Reagan have visited the DMZ in a sign of solidarity

with Seoul.

Trump plans to skip a trip to the Demilitarised Zone, but I believe he should go.

There's no reason to not go.

He's well respected, surrounded by allies, and he should certainly show his face.

Then again, Trump isn't your everyday president.

He moves in mysterious ways.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Shocked At Secret Message Written Inside His Flight Jacket He Got As A Gift In Japan - Duration: 4:36.


How To Start Dancing | Dancer Rants | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 2:59.

Yeah you do. Come on, you watch hours and hours of dance videos every single day, you

stalk your favorite choreographers on Instagram and dream about being cool

like those teenage kids are killing the dance classes...but you're too scared to

start yourself because you think that everyone is already so good or you keep

telling yourself that maybe maybe you're just not meant to be a dancer but we're

here to show you something life-changing

it's like Jake from Adventure Time once said. "dude...sucking at something is the

first step towards being sort of good at something". See, there's really nothing

that makes you less capable than all those people that you admire on YouTube.

The only difference between you and them is that they started. So start. Go take a dance

class, there's tons of studios that offer beginner dance classes. When I first

started dancing, I took ballet with the four years olds. I was like Will Smith from

that one Fresh Prince episode...and it's funny because I just wasn't picky about

it, I just wanted to learn how to dance. Make sure you freestyle...I mean this

is the fun part. You don't necessarily have to "be a freestyler", you just have to

turn on your favorite song and start moving your body.

Embrace dance into your whole lifestyle. Go to dance events, learn about dance history

and meet other dancers even if you don't already have friends that dance don't let

that deter you from starting. I actually didn't have any friends before I started

dancing because I just moved to California...I found most of my friends

through dance through the dance club at school, dance events, the dance teams, things

of that sort. Definitely. I love that every time I want to

take a dance class I meet someone new and it's easy for dancers to connect

with each other because we already share common interests. You'll find that the

more you immerse yourself in dance the more people you'll meet and before you

know it you're gonna be a part of this community that everyone talks about so

even though you may feel scared or lost right now, don't worry. Once you take that

first step, you'll be surprised at how fun and easy it is to be a dancer.

Ready to take your first step? Our beginner program on STEEZY Studio is the perfect way

to learn how to start dancing. Carlo Darang teaches at Building

Block and is on Chore Cookies will take you from zero to 100 it's perfect for

beginner dancers with little to no experience or even seasoned dancers that

just wanna brush up on the basics. You click this video because you obviously

want to learn how to start dancing and if you were looking for a sign...this is

it. Everything you need a start is right here just click the link in the

description box and you can start for free. Yeah, and thanks for watching guys

make sure you click the subscribe button if you want to watch more awesome dance

content and make sure your comment you get any questions about dance whatsoever

I'm Clay Doh Boon from STEEZY Squad, and I'm Jessie Ma and we say zaijian, little


For more infomation >> How To Start Dancing | Dancer Rants | STEEZY.CO - Duration: 2:59.



what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I have another brand

new video for you guys today so I don't know when this video is going on but

today what we're gonna be talking about there's all the prestige icons and bombs

whatever you want to call them we're gonna go from 1 all the way through 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so there's 11 in this game we're gonna go through all the

level of them I'm sure that look like and yeah let's get to the video alright

guys have a 4 star make sure I said that like button if you're new and also

subscribe if you're new because I'm gonna be doing a lot of call duty news

information tips and all that type of stuff on the channel so stay tuned but

yeah let's get it to the prestigious so the most common one right now is first

procedure obviously this how it looks like it's kinda normal bland you know

it's not something what you think of but that's what first person you supposed to

be suppose we you know only first procedure no we're anywhere near the

master rank here so I mean I guess it kind of doesn't make sense for first

prestige I mean you know that's what a first person supposed to look like now

something really really cool but yeah so that's it and then moving on to the

second prestige this is how the iComfort a second prestige looks two daggers and

some wings now this one looks clean in my opinion probably one of my favorite

ones out of all of these 11th one looks cool too but second procedure does look

really really clean in my opinion then we got the third prestige which is

supposed to be like a trident that one this one also looks really really clean

too I like it a lot and then we got prestige 4 which is a little castle

thingy majiggy on a little heart thing imaging a little you know like plus 9

the fourth one looks clean as well all of these procedure icons in general look

really really clean and we got the fizz one right here obviously shows a little

v you know little line so that shows your fist prestige also has a store with

five other stars around it and then we got six prestige which also is the

safety s5 but this time it has six around it and it looks much better as

like little golden lines and stuff like that so this one also looks really

really clean I like this one as well then we got 7th prestige which also

makes sense it has one two three four five six seven lines kind of like a

what's it called alright guys never knew we got eighth

prestige also same thing I like how they use the little lines to notify

everything for example if we go back to one it's one star we go to second

there's two knives we go to prestige three there's like three

Trident for you have like little four lines

coming out of it and also for the seventh one we got set under eighth one

we got eight lines coming out of it and it also really really looks nice it

looks like you know it's like jewelry like the the red thing on the inside

looks like a ruby thingy majiggy and then we got 9th prestige so I don't know

how you could be able to tell for this one but I mean it looks clean it has two

knifes and a little cross I guess this one looks very very nice as well

all of these look clean so far and then we got 10th prestige this one is

probably one of the most noticeable ones out of all of them as a little eagle on

the front part of it also very very lucky really really clean I think I like

this one out of all of them to be really honest with y'all and know we got last

but not least 11th prestige which is a star and a world around it global I

guess I guess that's what is trying to stand for I don't know but yeah I love

prestige is looking really really clean as well so guys those are all the

prestige I'm gonna pull them all on the screen right here right now you guys can

look at him all in total I'm gonna be honest with y'all this is the best set

of prestige icons we've had in a minute if you think about everything back to

infinite warfare it was just a skull for every single one I mean I guess it was

cool that it developed each you know prestige but it was still just a skull

you know it was it wasn't them really really really cool you know sorry they

all look really really nice to meet I think in my opinion they're better than

a day I think they do match up to black ops 3 I want to say they're better than

black ops 3 because black ops we have you know really intricate once I guess I

don't know they're black ops 3 prestige icons were crazy but this one but the

reason why I like these better than black ops 3 is cuz they look a little

bit more realistic you know they're not crazy like black ops 3 but they're just

what I like out of a prestige icon I don't want to crazy you know dragging on

it even though they do look cool these ones look like something in a real war

you know like for example at the 5th prestige one that one looks really

really real or you know the first one even the tenth one looks realistic I

like a cool metal you'll get for stopping a terrorist attack or some shit

like that but I guess I guess that'll be for the video hopefully you guys enjoyed

it those are all the prestige icons I just wanted to make a quick video on it

don't wanna make you know a 10 minute video on prestige I got soulful you guys

join up you guys you my Majesty know you

For more infomation >> COD WW2 ALL PRESTIGES - WW2 MASTER PRESTIGE!! - Duration: 4:46.


Opening Scene / Blackout Attacks the U.S. Military Base | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 8:11.

Before time began, there was the Cube.

We know not where it comes from,

only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life.

That is how our race was born.

For a time, we lived in harmony,

but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil.

And so began the war,

a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death,

and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space.

We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home,

searching every star, every world.

And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us

to an unknown planet called Earth.

But we were already too late.

Oh, God, five months of this.

I can't wait to get a little taste of home.

A plate of mama's alligators étouffée.

You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets

for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise.

But Bobby, Bobby, 'gators are known to have the most succulent meat.

I understand.

English, please. English.

I mean, how many times have we... We don't speak Spanish. I told you that.

Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage.

Go with the Spanish. Whatever.

Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway.

- Cold hotdog and a flat beer. - Perfect day.

What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?

I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time.

- He's adorable. - That's too...

Shut up!

Hey, I'm ready to do this.

Hey, any of y'all grow some balls, come see me on the court, man.

Hey, hey!

Watch this crossover, baby.

Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line.

- Step aside, ladies. - Oh, man. What?

- Lennox! - Hey, what are you doing?

- Water? - Thank you.

Are you gonna help me with the gear?

Colonel Sharp, we have an inbound unidentified infiltrator, 10 miles out.

Unidentified aircraft, you are in restricted US military airspace.

Squawk ident and proceed east out of the area.

Raptors one and two, snap to heading two-five-zero to intercept.

Bogie is in the weeds ten miles out, not squawking.

Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.

If you do not comply, we will use deadly force.

Copy the bogie.

Tail 4500 X-ray.

Sir, says here 4500 X was shot down three months ago.

- Afghanistan. - That's got to be a mistake.

- Check again, then recheck. - I did, sir.

A friend of mine was on that chopper.

Unidentified aircraft, we will escort you to US SOCCENT airbase.

- Radar, where's the inbound? - Bogie's five miles out, sir.

- My wife on? - Yes, Captain.

- My ladies! - Look.

Oh, my goodness. Look at her. She's getting so big.

Look at those cheeks. I just wanna chew on them.

Baby, we made a good-looking kid.

I know that people say that all the time,

but, wow, we made one good-looking kid. Nice work.

She has your laugh.

- She laughed? - Her first one, yeah.

You sure she didn't just fart?

No, she's a lady.

She doesn't know you yet, but she will.

4500 X. Something's not right.

Bogie's on the deck.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Radar's jammed.

It's coming from the chopper.

- Will? - Sarah?

Hey, Sarah, if you can hear me, I love you and I'll be home soon.

- To the right. Go to the right. - Check fire.

MH-53 pilot, power down now.

Have your crew step out or we will kill you.

Hold your fire! Stand by to engage!

My God.

They bombed the antenna farm! We're under attack!

Go! Move! Move!

It's going after the files!

Cut the hard lines!

I need a key! It's locked!

Move! Move!

Here, come here! Come here!

Here, hide in here!

Oh, my God. Okay.



What the...

Epps, let's go!

For more infomation >> Opening Scene / Blackout Attacks the U.S. Military Base | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 8:11.


Top 10 Insane Images Found In Food - Duration: 5:25.


Welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10!

I am Rebecca Felgate and today I am talking all about food…I love food…food is great…but

it is pretty creepy when you go to take a big beautiful bite of your food and you see

something you did not expect staring back at you!

Join me as we talk about the Top 10 Insane Images Found in Food!

10 – SKULL Oh my!

I have to admit this is pretty scary!

One Macdonalds customer took to twitter to share a picture of their strawberry ice cream

sundae, saying, Hey McDonalds…I ordered a Sundae but instead you gave me the souls

of the damned…did I have to pay extra for this?

The image was so popular and spooky that people on twitter went wild for it and it has been

retweeted over 75 thousand times.

From the souls of the damned to the Virgin Mary at number 9 – we have a Grilled Cheese

Sandwich baring Jesus' mum's face.

In 2004, Diana Duyser listed a 10 year old grilled cheese sandwich on ebay, emblazoned

with what she thought was the face of Virgin Mary.

Diana said: "I would like all people to know that I do believe that this is the Virgin

Mary Mother of God."…..

okay Diana.

Diana also said that in 10 years, it had never sprouted any spores or mould.

The sandwich was purchased for $28,000….which…yeah.

Okay it's all been a bit heavy so far…so let's just take it back down to earth with

a simple frog in a coffee….riiiiiiibit.

Hey Mr Frog…whatcha doin in there….?

He's the cutest frog in a coffee I have ever seen…..What a babe.

I'll see your frog in a coffee and raise you a Chewbacca in a Walnut at number 7.

This walnut was discovered under a walnut tree by Deviant Art User, Ripplin and was

shared on the site in 2013.

Later the starwars twitter feed picked it up …everyone was pretty excited.

I can understand….there is Chewbacca plain as day in his new life as a walnut!

Don't you think walnuts make the perfect ingredients for stuff like brownies and wookies….

Soft Chewy wookies….mm.

Okay, we have had too much fun so far, we need to take it back to important religious

sightings in food….. at number 6 we have The Nun Bun.

There's a nun….in my bun….. *improvised song* How much does this nun here look like

the late mother Teresa?

Sure it isn't the most flattering comparison, but It is pretty legit.

On Christmas day in 1996, The Bongo Java coffee house in Nashville Tennesse became incredibly

famous as a bun came out the oven that looked like Mother Theresa.

They glazed it and put it on display and thousands of customers flocked to see it… unfortunately

the immaculate confection was eventually stolen, again on Christmas, 11 years after the baking

of the bun!

The story of the bun gets even crazier, too!

Mother Teresa wrote to them and asked if they could stop selling images of the bun!

I mean…what!

OH….it's only a blooming GHOST at number 5!

A ghost with a rather ample pair of yolks I must say!

I love how shocked this ghost is by its own assets! ….spooky but sort of cute at the

same time.

Ohh…and we're back to Jesus at number 4….he has been hanging out on a pizza in


G'day Jesus!

What are you doing ….not much….

Just doing an pareidolia….a face reveal in a margarita pizza in Brisbane.

Good on ya, jesus, mate.

The people at Posh Pizza put the Jesus pizza up for sale and raised 153 dollars for charity.


3 Ninja Turtle Face in an onion…

One budding chef cut into an onion only to realise a cheeky ninja turtle was peeping

right at them….

Hello there Donatello….or wait…is that you Michelangelo?

Why you make me cry.

The King of Bacon at number two….

Wait…Elvis was the king of Rock and of Bacon… well…it certainly looks that way!

The bacon even has the perfect quif and sassy collar!

It is a known fact that Elvis loveeeed bacon too…so it only makes sense he would show

up in some!

Or…..Meg the eggplant, depending on where you are from …. This is a real vegetable

that was found and it has a real face and I try not to eat things with faces and this

calls in a lot of questions for me!

This image was shared on reddit four years ago and people loved it.

What would you call him or her?

So that was the top 10 insane images found in food!

Have you ever seen anything strange in your dinner?

Which of these was your favourite?

Let me know in the comments below.

I think I love the buxom ghost!

What a tease!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Insane Images Found In Food - Duration: 5:25.


Unique Z-names for baby girls from early cinema - Duration: 0:58.

Looking for unique names for baby girls?

And, do you like really old movies?

If you answered yes to both, I've collected thousands of rare female names from old films,

that were put out during the 1910s, '20s, '30s and '40s.

Here are some of the names that start with the letter Z: Zabette, Zahanna, Zalla, Zamina,

Zanda, Zarita, Zarrah, Zavia, Zedorah, Zeffie, Zell, Zenia, Zephne, Zetta, Zillah, Zira,

Zoldene, Zorah, Zuletta, Zulima.

For more Z-names like these, click through to the blog post at Nancy's Baby Names.

And, if you want more baby name videos, please subscribe to this channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Unique Z-names for baby girls from early cinema - Duration: 0:58.


The Dessert That Looks Just like an Avocado | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> The Dessert That Looks Just like an Avocado | Food Network - Duration: 1:07.


Spelunker Showcase | VenjHammets Dungeons - Duration: 22:51.

Hey everyone,

Today we take a look at 17 new dungeons and adventures from the mod author Venjhammet.

Most of these dungeons are medium to large in seize and meant for mid to end game players.

Besides some challenging enemies you will find a good amount of exploration to do and

some challenging puzzles to solve.

Some of these dungeons have some other features too.

There's all sorts of weapons, armors, spells, and other rewards like followers to be found.

Sometimes the final reward itself can be a treasure trail, leading you to even greater treasure

Some areas look amazing and the layout from some of these dungeons is very well thought out

There are recommended levels for these dungeons.

Anyone lower will most likely not be able to clear many of these.

I'll be showing all 17 of these dungeons briefly while telling some interesting things about each one of these

The first 4 new dungeons are located on Solsteim.

I'll start with the smallest, easiest and least interesting and end with the hardest

and most impressive adventures.

Saving the best for last I gues.

The first one is a smallcrypt called Sirkgar's Rest, found West of Skaal Village

This crypt has been occupied and partially cleared by bandits in search for this dungeons relic.

This is one of Hammet's smaller, easier and less complex dungeons and is focussed on fighting.

The recommended level is only level 10.

Mostly your average dungeon.

There doesn't come too much to this one.

Another new location on Solsteim is Rheogur's Tower, where you start your search for the

Lost Relic of Lord Hammet.

This is a much larger and harder dungeon then the first one and will involve some exploring

and puzzling to make progress.

Being thorough, You will come across various unique items in this dungeon too.

Stealth will be a huge benefit in this dungeon if you want to avoid most combat.

If you manage to obtain the lost relic of lord hammet you will be set off on yet another

treasure trail leading to even greater treasure.

This dungeon can be tough to clear as far as combat goes.

You can easily get overwhelmed by enemies.

However, there is a Dark Elf follower waiting outside the tower to help you out.

If he isn't there you can try visiting Raven Rock or wait around for a while until he comes back.

He is a very powerful follower that will be a helpful and much appreciatd companion in other dungeons too

Then we take a look in the ancient Dwemer ruin located in the north of Solstheim.

This is a much harder adventure and a level of 50 is advised along with a follower.

This adventure is focused on combat again.

You will encounter large Marauder forces together with a powerful leader.

If you make it past the Marauders and venture deep inside the dwemer ruins, you might awaken

many powerful Dwemer machines.

If you manage to survive it to the end of the ruin, a powerfull boss creation will await you.

The final adventure of Solstheim begins in the far west of Solstheim, where you will find Dreadmere's Crypt.

This is the largest dungeon and my favorite on Solstheim.

In this huge dungeon you will venture through large chambers and hallways while facing incredibly

tough vampires, gargoyles, dead hounds and some other vampiric enemies.

Besides the many fights you will find yourself in, there are puzzles to solve too, some later

on require you to memorize things you saw earlier in the dungeon.

Hammet's his puzzles can be confusing on first sight, but often it comes down to memorizing clues you saw before.

When I really felt stuck and had no idea how to progress, it often meant I missed a area earlier.

The layout of this dungeon is very well thought and a lot of these chambers do look impressive.

The huge chambers and narrow pathways plus a good amount of decoration really sets the

atmosphere right too.

You really get the idea you're going through a huge vampire Crypt.

While the start of this dungeon might feel easier then the last one, this certainly is

the hardest one found on solstheim.

The recommended level for this adventure is over 75, along with something good against

vampires or undeaths and a follower.

I had quite a bit of trouble on a lvl 80 character and this dungeon took me about a hour to complete.

A great challenge for end game players.

All the other adventures are located on the mainland of Skyrim.

Starting off with the smallest and least interesting ones again.

The first one we take a look at is Direfang Cave, found west of Valthume.

Upon entering this dungeon you can already hear a battle in the distance.

Following the tunnels you will be greeted by a group of necromancers and vampires battling each other.

Inspecting one of the vampire corpses reveals a key and a note telling a little bit more about their business here.

From here on you'l be facing large groups of undeaths.

If you venture deep enough through Direfang Cave you will eventually find a entrance to

an ancient temple where things won't become easier for you.

Here you will have to solve a few puzzles and do a good amount of exploration.

Direfang Cave and the temple itself is recommended for any level, but I do advise to take at

least one follower with you on low levels.

The second dungeon we take a look at is the Desolate Crypt.

This crypt is much darker then VenjHammet's (the author) his other creations.

Of course depending on the enb and lighting mods you use, this may vary per user.

You might want to bring some light sources when exploring this Crypt.

Enemies are somewhat scarce in the Desolate Crypt, but this actually makes the dungeon

more atmpospheric and builds up tention.

This dungeon is recommended for any level.

Even so, there are a few tough battles at the end, so I advise to have some decent equipment at least.

The Desolate Crypt is found east of the Twilight Sepulcher.

Then we take a look at Frostgrim Hollow.

This is a small frozen cave that leads to medium seized ruin.

Inside this ruin you find a group of necromancers that made their home here.

'If' you manage to get past them, you'l be able to acces a section the necromancers havn't

been to yet.

From here on, this adventure will be complete punishment.

The final bosses especially are very tough.

There are a few hints you can find in books found in this dungeon though, describing some

weaknesses and what you can expect.

Players who use melee will have a even harder time clearing this dungeon.

You find Frostgrim Hollow in the far south east of Skyrim.

Steep Chill Mine is a small mining cave north of Markarth home to bandits.

If you look around the mine carefully, you'l find a secret passage leading to a large catacomb.

I found this is a very interesting dungeon.

This one only has one cell, meaning there will be no loading screens throughout this adventure.

Even though this has only one cell, VenjHammet accomplished that the change of atmosphere

and architecture goes really smoothly.

From a small mining cave to a large catacomb.

It's much more noticable here then in most of his dungeons, since it only has one cell.

At the very end of this adventure you will have to do some puzzling and besides the many

enemies that are litteraly out for your blood, you'l have to avoid a series of traps too.

The White Frigid Cave is a large cave that leads to a even larger tomb.

This does very well telling the tale about some bandits trying to loot this tomb.

Upon entering White Frigid Cave you already notice very clear traces of fights between

bandits and the inhabitants of this cave.

The further you get in, the more alive bandits you'l notice, looking around and plundering the tomb.

You'l have to manage to get past the bandits and venture even deeper inside sealed off

sections of this tomb.

This is another adventure I like a lot.

Without much background story to it, you can easily make up what these bandits are doing

here and what happened upon their arrival.

The signs of fights that took place and the lack of any enemies at the start of this dungeon

is a nice extra too.

Many vanilla dungeons usually don't make sense in that regard.

In some occasions, how can all the creatures still be alive and how are all the doors still

closed while some npc's made their way halfway or to the end of the dungeon?

It's nice to see it done this dungeons way for a change.

A good sense in what enemies to place where is a returning feature in many of Hammet his

dungeons, but it was very noticable here.

The dungeon itself also has a interesting boss fight, using the area to your disadvantage.

The white Frigid Cave is located South of Kagrenzel and at least level 15 is recommended.

Verdant Vile Grotto is a small dungeon that leads to a large temple found south of Falkreath.

I found this dungeon to be one of his best looking ones in this collection and has some

amazing views in certain chambers.

Besides some good fights this dungeon will provide a small challenge in the form of puzzles

too and certain sections will feel like a maze.

You probably want to look on your local map occasionaly since it's very easy to miss out on area's.

Level 20 is recommended before you go here.

Silver Yol is a Nordic ruin found North East of Ivarstead.

This is another dungeon that is focused on combat, altough there is a small easy puzzle to solve.

Only level 20 is recommended, but you should bring a follower or you'l easily be overwhelmed.

The Twin Sonaak is another Nordic Ruin and the idea is very similair then the last one.

There's a lot of fighting and a small easy puzzle at the end.

Altough you won't be that badly outnumbered by enemies then in the previous dungeon, the

final boss fight might proof to be a lot harder.

Sonaak from this dungeons name 'Twin Sonaak' translates to priest in the dragon language.

This dungeons name; 'Twin Sonaak' refers to the final boss fight.

At least level 20 is recommended.

The Silent Veil is yet another nordic ruin found east of Fort Neugrad.

This ruin is larger then the previous two and requires to look carefully in each area

and do some puzzling.

Again at least level 20 is recommended, but it's not as hard as the previous 2 Nordic ruins.

Next we have Vasik's Tomb.

This Tomb is found West of Solitude.

This adventure takes a long time to complete, comes with multiple bosses, traps and a variety of puzzles.

Exploring thoroughly will lead you to many good rewards too.

The word Vasik from 'Vasik's Tomb', means to Drain in the dragon language and again

the final boss of this dungeon reflects back on that name.

At least level 20 or higher is recommended again.

Then we have Gloomfall Refuge.

This is an abandoned Imperial prison tower found southeast of Lost Valley Redoubt.

This tower has been inhabitat by powerful Warlocks and it's leader.

Beneath this tower the Warlocks have found a hidden tomb home to a powerful spirit.

This adventure is a lot harder then the previous ones, but shouldn't take too long to complete.

A weakness to magic and using melee will give you a very hard time.

The recommended level is 40 and a follower or good summon will be helpful since you can

easily get overwhelmed by enemies in some areas.

And then we have the Cold Fear Cavern and the Temple of Vuldur.

Most definitly my favorite one.

The start of this dungeon can be found south of the dwemer ruin which the name can be seen on screen..

(Avanchnzel) Now, before I get into this one, Hammet's

dungeons comes with a additional follower that can be found in Moorside Inn in Morthal.

VenjHammet recommends to take this follower with you on this adventure.

She has several perks that will make her a great companion in combat and she levels up

with the player.

The Cold Fear cavern and the Temple of Vuldur is in my honest opinion Hammets his most impressive work.

First of you will traverse to a large cave system with a secret leading into a even larger dungeon.

This huge dungeon again leads to a portal that brings you to a enormous temple guarded

by powerful dragons.

It'l be nowhere easy to make your way through these sections and it'l take a long time before

you actually reach the portal to this new temple.

Your skills in combat, puzzling and exploration will really be put to the test in this one.

It is highly advised to take a follower like I mentioned before and stock up on plenty

of potions and possibly repair hammers and soul gems.

Some fights are incredibly tough and the boss encounters are really no push overs either.

The recommended lvl for this dungeon is 40, however this could easily be seen as the hardest

one, even harder then the last one.

This adventure can take hours to complete, especially if you're stuck on a puzzle once or twice.

And finally we take a loot at the Darkmire Crypt.

This is found close to the Bloodlet Throne.

In the very first area you already come across a master door which you have to lockpick.

You'l then end up in a large pit.

Going down this pit you come across several doors.

Each door has a special enemy and some clues for a puzzle later.

This is another large dungeon although one can argue it isn't as hard as the previous one.

Level 75 is highly recommended together with multiple followers and summons if possible.

As the describtion states perfectly, hell awaits for those who venture alone on lower levels.

This statement actually works for most of his dungeons.

These dungeons really are a good challenge and are very well thought out.

However, some puzzles can be somewhat confusing and if you missed a room or item earlier you

might have to do some backtracking.

There are some unexpected encounters, great rewards (but not godlike) and all by all this

should provide at least about 10 hours of dungeon dwelling to do for your end game characters.

There isn't a great deal to tell about some of these dungeons without spoiling the entire

thing, but I hope this was still enjoyable or gave a good idea on this mod.

Consider to give these dungeons a try and leave a endorsement on Hammet's dungeons.

Of course a like or subscribe here is very much appreciated too.

If you like also follow me on Twitter sometime.

I'll try to keep you guys updated there on when new videos come out among posting some

other nonesense from time to time.

Thanks for watching all, have a great day and I see you all next time.

Music Playing: Vindsvept - Flying High

For more infomation >> Spelunker Showcase | VenjHammets Dungeons - Duration: 22:51.


Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi 12 - Duration: 3:41.


For more infomation >> Corgi | Le Plaisir Du Corgi | Chien Monde Corgi 12 - Duration: 3:41.


Greeicy ft Mike Bahía Amantes video lyric - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Greeicy ft Mike Bahía Amantes video lyric - Duration: 3:53.


BEST CYCLING MOMENTS 2017 :: Alpinfitness Nesensohn :: RadHaus Rankweil - Duration: 4:54.

I really underestimated that..

I thought that's normal, like cycling

but that has nothing to do with it ..

Why not?

This is a rocket, not a bike !!

Actually we wanted to drive slowly!

We drive slowly..

We drive 38-45km/h

I'm drinking a juice now..

with vitamin C, E and B and ...

Click out first!!

I'm starving, I'm completely broke

I now eat 3 pieces of cake, then I will get me a sausage or another piece of cake..

For more infomation >> BEST CYCLING MOMENTS 2017 :: Alpinfitness Nesensohn :: RadHaus Rankweil - Duration: 4:54.


A Day in Hanok - Duration: 6:22.

For a look at a quintessential way to *feel Korea,...

Spending a day in a Korean traditional house, known as Hanok, can take you to a scene a

century ago,... with the scenic view and classic style of housing.

Add in the chilly autumn breeze,... and you can easily imagine being back in the time

of the Chosun Dynasty.

Take a look.

Eaves create a beautiful scene with the blue sky with a narrow wooden porch running along

the outside of rooms keeping a record of time.

Hanok, Korean traditional house, with hundreds of years of history are taking us back in

time during autumn.

Andong is a small city in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province where traditional culture is embedded

in the whole region.

The Nakdonggang River, the longest river in Korea, flows through the city.

The river offers peaceful, serene scenery, and there is hanok against Yeongnamsan Mountain.

Over the stone wall, a majestic traditional house captures the eye.

It is called Imcheongak.

Imcheongak is open for everyone.

Also, some 40 big and small parts of the house capture the passing of time.

The in-house cultural commentator provides an insight into history.

The house must be a pleasant surprise for these children who are used to modern housing.

(korean, ) "I was very surprised to hear that this house

has 99 rooms."

(korean, ) "I hope the house will be preserved for the

next generations to learn about Korean history and enjoy its imposing beauty.

Preservation will be the key."

Imcheongak was built in 1519... about 500 years ago, famous for its size?99 rooms? and

cultural value.

This grand house is designated as national cultural heritage.

For the same reason, the descendants are currently using 7 rooms as a guesthouse after minimal

maintenance work.

About 10 square meters in size, the room looks cozy and humble.

This place brings the natural world inside, a signature trait of hanok.

Therefore, guests can get a glimpse into the way Korean ancestors enjoyed nature and life.

(korean, ) "I can enjoy the crisp autumn breeze here,

and the atmosphere is very relaxing.

It's a wonderful place."

The Lee clan of Andong was a noble family where 7 independence patriots came from.

The house was a cradle of Korean independence movement during Japanese occupation.

And Japan built a railroad just 7m away from the house in response to their participation

in the independence movement.

During the construction process, about half of the house was lost.

(korean, ) "This house was built with the mountain in

back and the river in front.

Along the river was a path leading to the upper area.

Also, there were many houses around Imcheonggak, including some thatch-roofed homes, which

were all destroyed for the construction of the railway."

The railway noise and vibrations still damage the cultural heritage.

The good thing is the double tracking of the railway is currently under construction, and

the house will be able to maintain an adequate distance from the railway soon.

More guests visit the house at sunset.

The owner serves chrysanthemum tea and Korean sweets to the guests who had to make a long

journey to the house.

It's their way of expressing their gratitude to people who treasure the cultural value

of Imcheongak.

(korean, ) "I find modern houses somewhat artificial.

Therefore, I chose this hanok to show my children the beauty of Korean traditional houses

and to let them experience what it is like living in hanok.I wanted to experience that

myself as well.

That's why I picked this house, and I'm very happy with my decision so far."

Now the sun is gone and the moon is illuminating the night.

And there is another light ? Korean traditional paper lamp.

The guests enjoy a night walk with that dim light.

Everything is very different from the city's night.

Then we hear tranquil music from this old traditional house.

The daegeum , Korean bamboo flute, and the haegeum , Korean string, present beautiful


The autumn night is getting deeper, and the 500-year old hanok enjoys another beautiful


(korean, ) "I had a wonderful time performing in this

wonderful venue.

It was nice singing and sharing such warm moments with the audience."

(korean, ) "The music perfectly complemented the house,

and the whole atmosphere was amazing.

This concert has definitely made my day."

Hanok display the quintessence of Korean traditional culture.

Why don't you experience that authentic beauty this fall?

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