Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

French Melancholy

Jumping in the Water

Galaxy Dream

Listening to Vincent Gallo

Under the Storm

Trip to Portugal

The Smiling of Sefora

The Sound of the Forest

Handpan music by Marcos Úbeda from Humble album (Hang Drum)

For more infomation >> Handpan music by Marcos Úbeda from Humble album (Hang Drum) - Duration: 47:27.


SANA 사나 TWICE 트와이스 Make Up Tutorial - Duration: 12:02.

For more infomation >> SANA 사나 TWICE 트와이스 Make Up Tutorial - Duration: 12:02.


Mastana (HD) - Vinod Khanna | Mehmood | Padmini | Bharathi - Superhit Hindi Movie With Eng Subtitles - Duration: 2:32:03.

For more infomation >> Mastana (HD) - Vinod Khanna | Mehmood | Padmini | Bharathi - Superhit Hindi Movie With Eng Subtitles - Duration: 2:32:03.



yo yo yo CPA strength here strongest CPA at Holiday Park rate today yeah we're at

Holiday Park one of my favorite places on earth I would suggested hey why don't

you make Monday motivational 'he's not some people need it the most

so hey anyways this is just i guess why do people need it the most on a Monday

why is Monday the best day of the week I mean Monday is the worst day of the

week right

yo yo yo CPA strengths here get up off your butt and do something today do

something with yourself just get up and do something stop waiting till tomorrow

don't wait till tomorrow do it today do it now have a busy busiest day do so

much today you don't think you can do it then tonight relax for a little bit just

do something today just do something today get up off your

butt and do something all right just find a passion stop floating

through this life thanks da da stop floating through this life I really

didn't know what this video is gonna be about except to try to motivate to try

to maybe something helped me out some of my hardships what's the stuff that's

going through my head right now is just will put one foot in front of the other

I don't know if everybody saw it but so I was listening to motivational speaking

all like all week long that ain't some gangster rap some trap music I'm not

sure the speaker but it doesn't really matter it cuz like I don't know I don't

spend a lot of time on like discovering who said this thing I just want to give

I just want to put it out in the universe but if you hit it if you hit a

tree with an axe five times just five times a day what's eventually going to

happen yeah that trees gonna fall because the consistency so there let's

just say what if I what am i proud what am i super proud of right now I am super

proud of my CPA license I failed it four times and I passed it four times I

failed the first two but you know what I told myself once they let me to once

they let me sit for the exam because that was a whole bunch of things for me

to I have I have an arrest record I have felonies if I would have asked

buddy hey do you think I can be a CPA cuz I got some misdemeanors I got

felonies I got a juvenile should I've been getting in trouble for 20 years you

think they're gonna let me be the c-pen it's absolutely not you know there's no

way you're gonna be a CPA I didn't fucking ask anybody I didn't ask anybody

I just said I'm gonna fucking do it until they say no and then I'm gonna be

all up in their shit again and say come on Let Me In baby like JD go I'm keep on

knocking on that door so ya know whatever like I just didn't ask nobody

you know like uh it certainly wouldn't have helped to ask when I didn't win

when I didn't even have a frickin accounting degree you know but uh

anyways they'll I mean it was a hard road to be a CPA but I kept on putting

one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other why would you call

me why would you call me Sunday night at 6 o'clock for business and not call me

all week long that doesn't matter I would pick that up if it was one of my

monthly clients I go above and beyond for my clients and I'm turning clients

away now so you know I don't think no any no one thought it was a good idea

you know how to for me to start my own business how are you gonna find clients

all you shouldn't be doing that you shouldn't be doing that you know when I

would tell them that I'm turning away Ohio you never turn to my client you

never turn away clients it's like no one ever gives me credit for nothing but you

know what I just put one foot in front of the other

let's see consistent one foot in front of the other yeah cuz I was due I was at

my office every morning at 8 o'clock and I didn't leave till 5 o'clock for the

first year every day every phone call I would answer

um I just consistently was there and you know like was i lucky you know like

someone would Facebook message me six o'clock on a Saturday night and I would

respond to him in ten minutes yeah you know like anyways I wanted I was

passionate about it I just went for it you know going to Community College just

really all this stuff what am I really proud proud about my accounting degree

I'm proud about my CPA license I'm proud about my my jucy body right now you know

how jacked AF cuz I've been exercising for five years no just every day I'm

proud that I haven't had a drink alcohol in almost five years yeah that makes me

proud CPA license I'm proud of YouTube channel I'm proud of all these things

that I'm proud of did not come easy they took a long time but think of something

that you're proud of yourself for and if you're not proud of yourself for

anything you can't think of anything just be proud that you're watching my

video in the hopes of trying to do better cuz you're on the right path I

mean um so yeah I want you to get up and do something not wait till the next day

oh what's about floating through life

one of the last times I saw my look why I've seen on when was it uh I saw my I

saw a lawyer and you know you're a piece of sh you know your fuck up when you

like you have a lawyer he should be on retainer but he's not

but like yeah I have his cellphone I mean I have on a first-name basis with a

lawyer uh he was like yo one of the one of the many many times I

was in his office I was like 30 he's like have you floated around in life

long enough yet it's like who you agree with me you're just been floating around

just like I don't like yeah yeah broad he's been floating he's like why don't

you go to school or learn a trade or do something so I just floating by I was

like yeah like said just made a lot of sense I think when was that that's when

I was thirty about a year later I Sai enroll in school but uh does that it uh

yeah just just get started doing some oh so you know I only have one point where

I was just a total fuck-up for all these years and one day everything changed

like it wasn't just gradual I'd say the biggest thing which it didn't at the

time it didn't you know I was just walking into the community college again

but you know I just kept I just kept on going back and then I got my degree from

there uh I applied to get into four-year college like I got enrolled in FAU I

struggled the whole time there I got my degree

you know i-i've crawled III was scraped and crawled just ever ever for

everything I have I've gotten out of the mud and I'm just yeah I'm really proud

of I'm really proud of myself for being able to do that you know no one can take

that away from the home can take any of the things that I've done away from me

no one can take away from me that I'm a hard worker and that's one of the things

that I've I've had I've had old old white men that are like 70 years old

that don't even know there's no I don't even die do you think they had feelings

you know you know them people's are just like do you have feelings

they told me that I've won though that I've won the respect over I'm like what

the fuck I guess it's just cuz I get up and go everyday like and now uh to get

up early like today's Monday morning you might be watching this at 8 o'clock um

I'm at my office if you're watching this 8 o'clock I've got up at 5 o'clock I've

already worked out I've already had my breakfast I've already showered I'm

already sitting in my office I've already answered some emails I'm already

so far up in this week's behind that it's crazy and I've set myself up on

Friday I've did some meal prep I've did some of that you know if there's one

point for this video it's get up off your ass and do something today I don't

care what it is I don't care what you're passionate about just be passionate

about something and do it just don't float through life I floated through

life like the like my lawyer told me for 12 20 year you know I don't know how I

float through life as I float through life my whole life until a couple years

ago and I'm like what the fuck I mean yes I woke up at 31 years old I haven't

done it I didn't do a damn thing but it would make everybody mad at me and look

at an arrest record that was holding me back like so I wasn't passionate about

anything except fuck getting fucked up and I mean I was I'd been suicidal

forever I mean why why does anybody why does

anybody smoke meth or do heroin unless you want to kill yourself I mean

honestly it's a cry for help and that's all I ever wanted to do then

I started having big some big dreams some big goals and I would stop at

nothing get a college degree get a CPA license start my own business

have a hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube be a millionaire I will stop at

nothing gained the respect of a lot of people how am I gonna get respect Pete

by Matt by having massive success gain respect from a lot of people also

one thing that's come to my mind is - it was just come to me recently it doesn't

matter yeah I've gained everybody's respect I don't get a lot of hate

anymore cuz I guess I guess what I'm due done is respectful

I guess I've done I guess I've come out of the other side and I don't really

like to brag about myself brag on myself I have such low self esteem that I've

been suicidal my whole life I think that people are joking when they say they

care about me I think they're being sarcastic or trolling me and so that's

so you know I get up because of the haters the haters I get up for the

haters you know I used to get up for the haters and now it's like I don't really

have the haters anymore and like I don't have all the fucking haters I have a lot

of supporters I have a lot a lot of supporters now but guess what I still

don't like myself so it's like no matter what other people think of you it

doesn't matter if you don't love yourself or like yourself because that's

what I'm noticing like I'm not happy but everyone else and that's really all

fucked up because everyone thinks I should be happy because they cuz cuz

they guess they they say they would love to be in my position but oh you don't

want what's inside of my brain here which I'm trying to fix I'm working very

hard to try to fix I'm listening to motivational speaking all the time

blessed Tony Robbins I feel like I had the first conversation ever with my dad

today at 40 years old like to Tony Robbins uh

and tell tomorrow I love doing this I just hope you get motivated and do

something they just do something don't don't wait til tomorrow start start now

get up and go for a walk start exercising today start eating right get

that job today go kick ass at your job they don't just

take up space at your job kick some ass all right deucey



Mobile Legends WTF Moments Ep 51 funny + savage MLG Playing with fans - Duration: 10:15.

rezonate canvas for the intro :D

For more infomation >> Mobile Legends WTF Moments Ep 51 funny + savage MLG Playing with fans - Duration: 10:15.


Осенний дождь| Слёзы Осени - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Осенний дождь| Слёзы Осени - Duration: 2:19.


KRANKES PAKET vom KILLER CLOWN - Rebekah Wing Parodie - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> KRANKES PAKET vom KILLER CLOWN - Rebekah Wing Parodie - Duration: 7:28.


A lot of Disney Cars For Kids McQueen Flow Ramone Sally Porsche Carrera Miguel Camino Disney Cars 2 - Duration: 10:05.

A lot of Disney Cars For Kids McQueen Flow Ramone Sally Porsche Carrera Miguel Camino Disney Cars 2

For more infomation >> A lot of Disney Cars For Kids McQueen Flow Ramone Sally Porsche Carrera Miguel Camino Disney Cars 2 - Duration: 10:05.


Essence of Murli 07-11-2017 - Duration: 6:15.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 7th November 2017

Essence: Sweet children, the Purifier Father has come to purify you and give you your inheritance of the pure world.

Only those who become pure will receive salvation. ( They will be in soul world only )

Question: What is the main basis of transforming a bhogi life (a life of sensual pleasures) into a yogi life?

Answer: Faith. Until you have faith that the One who is teaching you is the unlimited Father Himself,

neither will you be able to have yoga nor will you be able to study; you will remain a bhogi.

Some children come to class but they don't have faith in the One who is teaching them.

They understand that there is some power here,

but they wonder how it could be possible for incorporeal Shiv Baba to teach them.

This is something new. Children who have such stone intellects cannot be transformed.

Song: Salutations to Shiva.

Essence for dharna: 1. Don't become trapped in the name and form of any bodily being.

Don't become trapped in even your own body. You have to remain very cautious about this.

2. On the path of knowledge you definitely have to become a conqueror of sin.

Obey the directions of purity and create methods to make others pure.

Blessing: May you be a master of all treasures and through your self-transformation become an instrument for world transformation.

Your slogan is: Do not seek revenge (badla), demonstrate your own transformation (badalna),

world transformation through self-transformation.

Some children think: When this becomes all right, I will then also be fine.

If this system is fine, I will then remain fine. Cool down those who become angry and I will cool down.

Move away this one who causes conflict and the centre will be fine. To think in this way is wrong.

First of all, transform yourself and then the world will change.

For this, become a master of all treasures and use those treasures according to the time.

Slogan: Let the light of all powers always be with you and Maya will run away from a distance.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 07-11-2017 - Duration: 6:15.




by M M


eventy-five miles southwest of San Antonio, Texas, in the expanse of desert between the

US/Mexico border and nestled between oil boomtowns of yesteryear, is Dilley, the epicenter of

a new battle over immigrants� rights. The remote town of 4,000 people has enjoyed a

hot local economy thanks to its most controversial feature: its private prison.

Dilley houses the nation�s largest family detention center, a 50-acre complex that holds

2,400 detainees every night. The center has become a symbol of the resurgent private prison

industry and a reminder of why the Justice Department abandoned these facilities in the

first place.

The private prison industry, which briefly went into free fall after President Obama�s

Justice Department announced the government would end its use of private prisons in August

2016, has found new allies in President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions � and

is making fast dividends on the new deal. Giants like GEO Group and Corrections Corporation

of America (CCA) have received billions in taxpayer dollars for renewed government contracts,

and have leveraged their private status to closely guard the details of each deal.

THAT�S ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE, THOUGH On Oct. 10, the Supreme Court ruled against

CCA and GEO, which attempted to block Freedom of Information Act requests by government

watchdog groups. The decision marked a breakthrough for the Center for Constitutional Rights,

which filed the lawsuit in 2013 after two government agencies refused to release information

about the detention bed quota � a little known mandate that requires government agents

to fill 34,000-bed immigrant detentions centers across the country.

The detention bed quota, which dates back to 2009, has inflated the incarceration rates

at detention centers, including the Dilley complex, which is managed by CCA. CCA and

GEO profit enormously from the policies; and considering the amounts that these companies

pay to lobby Congress, it�s no wonder government officials are so averse to sharing their secrets.

This recent victory by the Center for Constitutional Rights may impact other lawsuits that implicate

private prisons as well. For example, the FOIA request pertaining to the detention bed

quota may shed light on a contract�s contents, including incentives, guarantees money and

rates of pay per detainee. But GEO and CCA have attempted to block FOIA requests in other

lawsuits, too.

The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center was blocked on similar grounds from gaining information

about GEO pertaining to its $110 million contract with the Justice Department. The information

it sought may reveal illegal spending by the government after GEO donated upwards of $225

million to a pro-Trump super PAC.

While some US senators may be attempting to legislate transparency into the private prison

industry, the truth is that they�re still running up against the powerful private prison

lobby � an industry that alone spent nearly $10 million buying votes since 2010.

The Supreme Court�s recent ruling, it seems, may have changed the game overnight. The Center

for Constitutional Rights� win amounts to a footnote in the long battle for private

prison transparency, but the recent episode has serious implications on the ability of

private corporations to contest access to public information. With the highest court�s

decision to reinforce transparency, watchdog groups will now have all the tools they need

to start digging deeper, and there�s no telling what they�ll turn up.

If you�re a fan of real journalism, now�s the time to strengthen Truthout�s mission.

Help us keep publishing stories that expose government and corporate wrongdoing: Make

a donation right now! This piece was reprinted by Truthout with

permission or license. It may not be reproduced in any form without permission or license

from the source.



সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর আরটিভি সংবাদ ৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ RTV News Bangla News Today - Duration: 16:42.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর আরটিভি সংবাদ ৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ RTV News Bangla News Today - Duration: 16:42.


Drawing Ship Learn How to Draw Ship Colors Picture Coloring Book Ship Coloring Page - Duration: 12:28.

For more infomation >> Drawing Ship Learn How to Draw Ship Colors Picture Coloring Book Ship Coloring Page - Duration: 12:28.


GHOSTS IN JAPAN - sebastiano serafini - Duration: 2:36.

hello everyone and welcome to my new video

today we will talk about ghosts

in japan

if you are new to this channel don't forget to subscribe, comment, like this video and suggest it to all of your friends

in Japan we call ghosts YUREI (幽霊)

According to traditional Japanese beliefs, all humans have a spirit or soul called a 霊魂 (reikon).

When a person dies, the reikon leaves the body and enters a form of purgatory, where it waits for the proper funeral and post-funeral rites to be performed

However, if the person dies in a sudden or violent if the proper rites have not been performed, the reikon is thought to transform into a yūrei

it they turns into yurei the only way to set them free is giving a proper missing rituals

or resolving the emotional conflict that still ties it to the physical plane.

If this is done correctly, the reikon is believed to be a protector of the living family

and to return yearly in August during the Obon Festival to receive thanks.[

yurei can hunt an object, a person a place

and you have exorcise them as I've told you

rituals can be Buddhist or Shintoist

if you wanna know more about this topic I might make a video talking about Japanese rituals

we do not use obscura camera like in Fatal Frame

speaking of Fatal Frame, I might do a collaboration with them, it is still unsure but I hope it will happen

anyway I would like to teach you a fun game that Japanese people play since Edo time,

and it's called hyakumonogatari kaidankai

in this game all people are setting next to each others holding a candle and telling one by one a horror story

and each time one person finishes he extinguish his candle

and I've play this game in an episode of a jdrama I was on

by the way when the last cancle it's extinguished, one of the ghosts we were telling the stories should appears

anyway it's a very fun game to play, you should try if you come here

I hope you like this video, if you do, please don't forget to comment on it and share it

I will see you tomorrow at 2 pm (italian time) wiht another video about Japan, bye

For more infomation >> GHOSTS IN JAPAN - sebastiano serafini - Duration: 2:36.


Rajkummar Rao Movies List - Duration: 1:27.

Rajkummar Rao Movies List

For more infomation >> Rajkummar Rao Movies List - Duration: 1:27.


How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2✅✅ - Duration: 3:17.

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2

For more infomation >> How to Make a Free Website | Get Free domain and hosting | Using Wordpress Part 2✅✅ - Duration: 3:17.


Beautiful Bangla Doa Video , আসুন জেনে নেই রাসূলুল্লাহ (সা) অজুর শুরুতে ও অজুর শেষে কোন দোয়াটি পড়তেন - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Bangla Doa Video , আসুন জেনে নেই রাসূলুল্লাহ (সা) অজুর শুরুতে ও অজুর শেষে কোন দোয়াটি পড়তেন - Duration: 1:55.


Top List Bollywood Heroines and Their Mothers | Bollywood Actress Mothers - Duration: 7:04.

Top List Bollywood Heroines and Their Mothers | Bollywood Actress Mothers

For more infomation >> Top List Bollywood Heroines and Their Mothers | Bollywood Actress Mothers - Duration: 7:04.


1 ayda 1000 abone olma çözümü? - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> 1 ayda 1000 abone olma çözümü? - Duration: 6:11.


Coloring Pages How to Draw Fruits for Baby Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 3:48.

Learn Colors with How To Draw Fruits







For more infomation >> Coloring Pages How to Draw Fruits for Baby Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 3:48.


The Sad Truth About Life On The Millennium Falcon - Duration: 5:22.

The Millennium Falcon is just about the coolest spaceship in sci-fi history.

And it's also an uncomfortable, unreliable, ugly hunk of junk.

Sure, it might feel tempting to hop aboard and live out your days as a devilish rogue

or a heroic starfighter, but you're probably better off keeping your feet on the ground.

Here's a look at why it would pretty much suck to live on the Millennium Falcon.

Moving target

Over the course of the Star Wars films, the Falcon is hunted, tracked, or attacked by

an endless array of villains, and sometimes friends too.

The Empire wants it, the First Order wants it, even Lando wants it back.

About the only person who doesn't want it is Rey — so, naturally, she gets stuck with


The fact is that the Millennium Falcon is the most infamous ship in the galaxy, and

thanks to all of its unique modifications and upgrades, you're never going to be able

to lie low, either.

Every day will be spent looking over your shoulder.

Even Han Solo managed to lose it for years.

And let's face it: you're no Han Solo.

This guy is:


I'm Han Solo.

I'm Han Solo.

I'm Han Solo, Solo, Solo!"

Bucket of bolts

The entire arc of Han and Leia's story in The Empire Strikes Back is how completely

unreliable the Millennium Falcon is, with the ship's hyperdrive apparently being the

most troublesome component.

The main hyperdrive might make it one of the fastest ships in the galaxy, but once that

fails — and it fails three times in Empire, by our count — you're stuck with the backup,

which takes weeks to reach nearby systems.

And if that goes, too?

Well, let's just say you'd better hope someone comes to pick you up before you become worm


It's too cramped

During the course of the films, the Falcon tends to have an average crew of five or six

people, including droids.

According to Disney's official cross-section of the Falcon, she's got a grand total of

two rooms, plus three beds in the original trilogy.

After Return of the Jedi, a fourth bed was apparently added, but that didn't help Han,

Chewie, Luke, and Obi-Wan in A New Hope, when one of them apparently had to sleep on the


Probably Chewbacca, because he's half couch already.

Gas attack

In The Force Awakens, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 steal the Falcon from Jakku to escape the

First Order.

Before long, however, their lives are put at risk thanks to a severe lack of hyperdrive

maintenance in previous years.

This causes an energy flux in the motivator, which causes a chain reaction that floods

the Falcon with poison gas.

Considering how often the hyperdrive seems to fail, it's just a matter of time before

the ship randomly gasses you to death.

Better have your mask handy!

Unwelcome surprises

If the Star Wars films have taught us anything about the Falcon, it's that she's filled with

countless hatches, hideaways, and holes that are used by its owners to keep illicit cargo

under the radar.

Considering how quickly and easily the ship changes hands, there's simply no way to know

if all of the previous owner's belongings have been removed from the ship.

As a result, you're never going to know if you're unknowingly transporting weapons, human

beings, or even Lego currency.

If you end up on the Flacon, you better just hope you're never pulled over by the space


The facilities suck

According to diagrams of the Falcon, the ship's kitchen was added by Han as a wedding present

for General Leia when they married.

That's cool, but it also means that during the original trilogy, there was apparently

no kitchen, so passengers just had to eat a lot of sandwiches or something.

That's probably for the best, though, considering the ship also only has one bathroom, which

is barely bigger than a phone booth and doesn't seem to have room for a shower.

Add in a wookiee, and you can only begin to imagine just how funky the ship must smell

on even the shortest trips.


It's boring

Even in those cramped little rooms you're going to find yourself twiddling your thumbs.

Apart from actually flying the ship, the only "fun" thing you can spend your time doing

appears to be the dejarik table in the communal space.

Dejarik, by the way, is a chess-like game which is apparently so utterly tedious to

play that, according to an Easter egg in The Force Awakens, not a single person used the

board over the three or four decades between A New Hope and The Force Awakens.

Other than that, your entertainment options are limited to repairing things and getting

shot by that little floating droid thing Luke practices being a Jedi with.


It's ugly

The Falcon may be fast, strong, and full of surprises, but it's not exactly going to win

any beauty contests.

Even if it was in a good condition, Corellian freighters look like little more than giant

floating satellite dishes.

"What a piece of junk!"

Compare that to the sleek, shiny Naboo Royal Starship, the intimidating grandeur of the

Imperial Star Destroyer, or even the timeless, undeniable awesomeness of the X-wing.

If you've got any sense of style or shame, you're probably going to peer out of the Falcon's

cockpit window at least once, see somebody else's colorful, badass fighter and — just

for one moment — feel a twinge of jealousy surging through you.

And then you'd be spontaneously gassed to death because you got distracted and didn't

fix your ship in time.

Thanks, Millennium Falcon!

Thanks for watching!

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