Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

The South Korean government has slapped unilateral sanctions on 18 North Korean individuals,...

the first of its kind from the new Moon administration.

Those targeted are suspected of funneling money into the regime's nuclear and missile


Seoul's move, announced just a day before President Trump's visit,... symbolizes tightened

coordination between the two allies on North Korean policy.

Kwon Jang-ho reports.

The Moon Jae-in administration has unveiled its first unilateral sanctions against North

Korea over the regime's nuclear and missile provocations.

A foreign ministry official said Monday that 18 individuals who represent North Korean

banks overseas have been blacklisted as they were involved in supplying money needed to

develop weapons of mass destruction.

The list includes the heads and executives of North Korean banks stationed internationally,

including in China, Russia and Libya.

The sanctions will freeze property of the targeted individuals within South Korean jurisdiction

and ban any of their transactions with South Korean banks.

However, the measures are being seen more as symbolic, rather than having any practical


The two Koreas have already cut all transactions since the implementation of the May 24 sanctions

in 2010.

The banks involved are already on the UN sanctions blacklist.

And the individuals named were also on America's unilateral sanctions list announced in September.

(Korean - ) "Realistically, there are no unilateral measures

that South Korea can take that will have a direct impact on North Korea.

But the new sanctions do symbollically show Seoul is coordinating with the international

community, and especially the U.S., to put pressure on the regime... together."

The timing of Seoul's announcement does suggest a deliberate nod to Washington,... coming

just a day before President Trump arrives in South Korea for a two-day visit.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea unveils unilateral sanctions on 18 North Korean individuals - Duration: 1:58.


THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OKINAWA, JAPAN! Tropical Island, dialects, Japanese girls and more - Duration: 10:15.

We say this in Okinawa dialect..

AGA instead of ITAI (ouch)

It means "It's alright" Nankurenaisa.

People are so kind here.

Instead of rushing, people here seem to have more time.

HAISAI. - This is Cathy Cat

This is Haruna from Okinawa.

Let's enjoy Okinawa.

We speak differently here in Okinawa.

And our intonation is totally different from standard Japanese.

It's like an Okinawan dialect?


Can you tell me some words, like your favorite ones.

In Okinawa we often just speak with one syllable.

Like just saying "ya".

Meaning "You".

Ya = You

In Okinawa we say "Aga" when we are hurt.

We all often say AGA.

- Instead of the usual "ITAI" (ouch) - We say "AGA"

When we wanna say studying is a bore we say "benkyo masai".

Masai is used like boring.

Benkyo masai (studying is boring)

I leaned something useful there.

Let me teach you something too...

Konnichiwa is hello

in Okinawa we say HAISAI

We also say in Okinawa dialect "nankuru naisa"

We say it when "things will be alright".

Everything will be ok.

We often take things easy.

So this expresses our "It's alright" attitude.

- I got dumped! - Nevermind, it will be alright.

That's how you use it? - Yes.

It means things will be alright.

It's dialect with a nice touch.

Any other okinawan?

Nife debiru. - Nife DEVIL?

Not a devil! It means thank you!

When you wanna say "Thank you" then say "Nife Debiru".

Many foreigners in Japan like the word "Arigatou."

So if you come here, please use Nife Debiru



What's good about Okinawa?

The ocean is beautiful...

And I like how kind the people here are.

The sea.

The northern see.

When comparing Okinawa and Hiroshima...

What's different?

Well the climate here is dryer.

It really has a southern climate.

Hiroshima is more humid.

Hiroshima has the Inland Sea...

so you can't see the horizon.

Here you can see the horizon.

So the evening sun is a really moving view.

It feels like we are in a foreign country.

If you compare Okinawa and Tokyo...

What do you think is different?

It's so hot here.

The people are so kind here .

For example?

The taxi driver said he couldn't take us to a specific point but

took us close and said "3000yen is enough"

He was so kind.

That's a nice story.

People are very kind here.

When I walk around, people often mistake me for a foreigner.

But older ladies often tell me the way, and people are so friendly.

I really think so.

We are quite warm hearted.

I like the people and such

What's different?

The time here seems to flow differently. - How so?

Here things seem to be more relaxed.

The climate and the people.

People generally seem to be more happy here too.

Instead of hurrying around, people seem to have more time.

You were born and raised here, right Haruna?

That's right. I am born here and have been raised here.

And now I am working here.

What do you personally think is best about Okinawa?

The thing that's best about Okinawa would be after all...

The sea.

The blue sea. - Yes the color is amazing!

It has a strong emerald blue color.

The ocean is beautiful, the air is fresh

And the people here are kind and gentle.

Do you know about our traditional culture here?

For example?

One world famous thing would be Karate.

Karate originally comes from Okinawa? - That's right.

That's why there are many strong Karate people who come from Okinawa.

Wow that's amazing.

So if I see a cute girl here, she might be able to kick my bum with karate!


We have many detailed parts in our culture.

When you meet people from Tokyo, are they a bit different to people from here?

Here people are friendly and somewhat... warm.


It means we are all friends and we are told that from a young age.

We all help each other out and we carry a warm heart.

You are a small island in a series of islands so people get close.

Yes we are all close.

This is my first time in Okinawa, what souvenir shall I buy for home?

pork... cartilage Tankotsu.

It's quite unusual right.

It's tasty and I can recommend it.

What part of the pig is it?

Tankotsu is actually the ear, right? Right here.

THE EAR!? - Yes.

The ears are tasty Cathy.

Yes they are crunchy and tasty.

We also all just eat chinsukou normally

We also bring them to school.

What was Chinsukou again?

They are cookies made from pork fat

They are a famous Okinawan souvenir sweet.

Cathy you should buy some. - Alright.

Before you go back to Saitama, what souvenirs will you buy?

You mean Asa! I see.

The seaweed Asa.

Asa tastes great in soup.

Sanpin Jasmine tea, right.

And Beniimo Tarts!

I will get a Shisa.

Umibudou (Sea grapes)

We are in Naha right now but do you have a favorite place here?

My recommendation in Naha would be...

Walking down Kokusai international street...

Looking at the merchandise and such. I think that's fun.

This type of fashion here is cute too.

What was the name of this style?

We call is Kariushi wear.

Yes that's right, this is traditional Kariushi wear.

You wear that ...

On formal occasions, on celebrations, or just when going out.

You can wear your traditional wear in different ways. That's nice.

I want one myself...

Cathy this would suit you! - I wanna try wearing one like that.

You would look cute in it

In Okinawa Bukka (living cost) is cheap.

Buta (pork) is cheap?!

I mean the cost of living here.

And that's why its easy to buy things.

I see.

If one wanted to live in Okinawa, it would be easy? - I think so.

I bet it's a lot cheaper than in Tokyo. - Yes definitely.

My rent in Tokyo is a real struggle.

Even on a holiday you can afford buying many things here.

That's good.

Since you already speak Japanese...

Do you want to have a turn

and ask them about souvenirs?

What presents did you buy?

Those salty cookies. - Chinsukou!

Yes Chinsukou.

A Shisha. - You mean Shisa! Yes!

I like Shisa.

They are cute. - Please display yours

It's my niece's birthday so we'll probably get her a little hello kitty.

Cause she loves Hello Kitty.

We only have small bags, we only have room for

We have small backpacks. Not a lot of room.

You're bringing home the memories. - Yes more memories.

Pictures. Lots of pictures.

Are there any presents you wanna bring back home to Italy?

Awamori. - What is Awamori?

A sort of sake.

I think I like it a lot. I tried it and I like it.

Something for parents.

I see Awamori.

Have a great trip in Japan! Thank you so much!

We asked quite a lot of people about Okinawa which is the south of Japan.

It is very tropical and sometimes compared to for example Hawaii

As you can see, lots of Japanese travel there,

lots of westerners travel there

people from all over the world travel to Okinawa and have different reasons for being there.

This is one video out of a whole series we did on a special on Okinawa.

We asked YOU GUYS what you would like to find out

And what you'd like to know about Okinawa.

We did a couple of videos for you, so if you're curious

about Okinawa be sure to click the playlist

so we can take you on a tropical holiday to the south of Japan.

I hope you enjoyed this video, don't forget to give it a like.

Also let me know, what did you learn about Okinawa and what interests YOU

about Okinawa.

I am sure there will be a couple of good comments so you can maybe

comment on each others comments

and start a discussion.

looking forward to reading your comments and

catch you soon on Ask Japanese! Bye!

For more infomation >> THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OKINAWA, JAPAN! Tropical Island, dialects, Japanese girls and more - Duration: 10:15.


Mercedes-Benz G-Class: Your G-Class Story - Duration: 0:42.

There is a car that is stronger than others.

A car made of stories.

Stories that are stronger than time.

Every G-Class tells a different story.

What's your G-Class story?

Tell us on #strongerthantime and become part of the G-Class history.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz G-Class: Your G-Class Story - Duration: 0:42.


'Sixth Sense Trip-Morning Mission' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 19:40.

(Sixth Sense Special)

(January 2017, Morning Mission)

One of our staff will appear in front of you.

I doubt Joonyoung will appear this way.

I guess I just missed him that much.

Open your eyes and

see who it is in one, two, three.

- What? / - Yes!

(Joonyoung's dramatic reinstatement)

It's Joonyoung.

What did I tell you?

I didn't think this was possible.

- Unbelievable. / - Yes!

(The six enjoy their passionate reunion.)

(For the first time in a while,)

(they greet morning together.)

(Good morning!)

(I've got it!)

(The upbeat song awakes them.)

(The younger ones quickly wake up.)

(So does Taehyun who)

(slept with chilies and fermented beans.)

(Are you all right?)

(It seems like he was tortured.)

(He's still sleepy.)

(Meanwhile, in the normal room...)

(He taps his foot to the song in enjoyment.)

(Joonyoung comes out first.)

(It's been a while since he's seen these flags.)

(Let's wait and see.)

(Siyoon's next.)

(He instinctively grabs a flag too.)

(Those in the nice room are still asleep.)

(Now Taehyun's awake.)

(Guys, hurry up already.)

(What's with all the noise?)

I was so happy to see Joonyoung

that I cried myself to sleep.

- That must be it. / - Well...

- It wasn't the chilies. / - Of course not.

(Defconn drags his heavy body out.)

(Jongmin is up too.)

He's awake.

(Junho's finally awake too.)

(Get up already!)

You're sitting in the order

that you came out.

Please know that you've chosen your teams.

- Is it three on three? / - Yes.

(The best team ever)



There's a good vibe among us.

- Look at us. / - Yes, of course.

(I wanted to be on Joonyoung's team.)

Today's morning mission is

"A Walk Around the Neighborhood".

- What's that? / - Are we picking persimmons?

That must be it.

There are many famous attractions

in this historic village.

The team that finds the most

within 15 minutes

will win an enormous prize.

So let's say the name of the game before we begin.

- Who will lead you in? / - Joonyoung.

- Okay. / - "A Walk Around"...

- "The Neighborhood". / - "The Neighborhood".

("A Walk Around the Neighborhood")

- Memorize it. / - We'll just take this.

Each memorize one. I'll memorize this.

This? Which one?

- This one? / - Yes.

- I... / - Which one?

- You memorize this. / - Okay.

Memorize these two.

(Junho gives them instructions.)

I'll memorize these two, okay?

We must do this first.

(He comes up with a smart plan.)

Let's find the cat and take it with us.

We need to do that first.

(I'm going to win today.)

- That should be first. / - Let's go.

Let's do this. Guys, bring it in.

- Come on. / - In one, two, three.

- In one, two, three. / - Let's go!

(Who will win the enormous prize?)

(The mission begins.)

(Team Taehyun sets out first.)

Hold on. We should ask a local.

(They decide to ask a local.)

- Hello. / - Hello, sir.

I'd like to ask you something.

We need to take a picture of

the tree that bonds married couples.

The locust tree.

- It's over there. / - Where?

- Near the Lee residence. / - Sorry?

Near the Lee residence.

Did you say the 25th Street?

Did you say the 25th Street?

(Joonyoung misheard what the local said.)

All right. Let's head there first.

- 25th. / - Okay.

Thank you so much.

(They're bound to waste time on this.)

(As expected, Siyoon springs into action.)

25th Street.

(The mystery of 25th Street)

This is house No. 21.

(He finds a close enough number.)

(He'll search everywhere if he has to.)

No. 23.

It should be here, but there's nothing.

(He can't seem to find the locust tree.)

Here's the tree.

(Taehyun and Joonyoung check the town map.)

- All right. / - It's like a goblin.


- What do you mean? / - Never mind.

Without the tree, it means ghost.

What? Where?

I'm talking about the Chinese characters.

(The tree supposedly helps you sleep well.)

- I guess you're right. / - Look.


(It looks like a goblin too.)


(They decide to head to the tree.)

(What about Team Jongmin?)

Hurry up.

(Let's go!)

The houses here are quite strange.

- Straight ahead. / - I found something.

(He finds a mysterious yellow note.)

(The staff hid notes with letters written on them.)

What is it?

(Keen Jongmin spots one first.)

- Look. / - What is that?

- It's a note. / - Gosh.

- Open it. / - Let's see.

- It can't be. / - Unbelievable.

What is it?

- It says "One". / - That's good for now.

(They're off to a good start.)

Over here.

(They find another note.)

You're unbelievable.

- Good job. / - Good eyes.


I can't believe us right now.

I doubt the other team has found any.

- "Letter of Luck". / - What?

(It's a chain letter.)

"This was first written in England by..."

Are you kidding me?


Isn't it that tree ahead?

That must be the locust tree.

We should go around it.


What's that?

(They found their first note.)

- What does it say? / - I don't know.

(Find the syllables to "Two Days and One Night".)

What's that?

(They find another note.)

I have "Night".

(Taehyun's note has "Night" written on it.)

(What does it say on Joonyoung's note?)

"Letter of Luck".

(It's a chain letter.)

- What's that? / - It's a chain letter.

Just throw it away.

Throw it away.

(Are they headed in the right direction?)

Over here.

I found up to house No. 21.

- What? / - No. 21 is at the end.

- No. 21? / - Yes.

- Siyoon. / - Yes?

Don't forget to find these yellow notes.

Where's the goblin?

The house at the end is No. 21.

We shouldn't go out that far since...

- You're right. / - I see it there.

We didn't have to come this far out.

(Their confusion ends here.)

Here it is.

- Here. / - The tree's here.

They said that it's locust tree.

Wait. Look over here.

- The tree... / - Married couples.

(The 300-year-old tree)

(is known to clear our minds and souls.)

(Walking underneath it)

(helps couples lead a happily married life.)

In one, two.

(Take a photo at the tree for married couples.)

(Team Taehyun succeeds.)

Okay, now let's find the syllables.

Hello, sir.

Could you help us with any of these?

- This one. / - The tree?

Which tree is it?

- It's over there. / - That one?

That one over there.

- You can go around. / - Right.

- Hurry up. / - Junho.

(We found it.)

Go over there, and I'll take a picture.

(Team Taehyun doesn't even look back.)

Stand over there.


(They start to hurry.)

- Here. / - Hurry up.

I'll shoot from behind.

That's nice. Good job.

In one, two, three.

(Team Junho succeeds.)

- We're good. / - There's something here.

That's why they came from this direction.

Instead of doing that,

let's take pictures of everything here.

We can insist we have the shot.

- Just take anything? / - Yes.

- We can insist. / - Let's do it for now.

Defconn, take photos of everything.

"Take a photo of a toilet with no door."

Over here.

We'll say that it's a toilet.

See? We can insist.

A toilet.

(The whole world is my toilet.)

- Let's go. / - What else?


"A tree the goblin protects."

Here. Shoot this.

- Where? / - You've been impaled.

- How? / - You're the goblin.


(A goblin that bites)

(Who wants to join the party?)

What else? The friendly cat.

There isn't a cat around here.

What else?

(Team Taehyun follows the yellow notes.)

There's one here too.

We have "One" and "Night".

All we need is "Two".

- Just "Two"? / - Yes.

(Siyoon even checks the mailbox.)

- If so... / - We have it all.

"Two Days and One Night".

Are we done?

What's this?

We're at the Old House of Choi.

We came to the wrong place.

The goblin tree isn't around here.

We should head further in over there.

I think it's that tree.

(We're sorry, guys.)

- Hello. / - Hi.

- Could you help us, sir? / - Jongmin!

- Can you help us with this? / - Jongmin.

- Jongmin... / - Hello.

Do you know any of these?

- "The toilet without a door." / - Where is it?

Back over there.

(Team Junho is on a roll.)

This way?

- The toilet's over there. / - Where?


- The toilet? / - Yes.

Jongmin, you can find the toilet yourself.

The goblin tree must be here somewhere.

(A cat!)

- Where? / - Over here.

- A cat. / - It looks mischievous.

I'm sure you're a friendly cat.

- Here, kitty. / - It's so cute.

Come down.

Take it slow.

- I can't believe it. / - Take a picture.

- Come down. / - Here!

- Can it fly? / - It's just shy. You can come down now.

It's not budging.

(I'll let you take my photo, though.)

Let's give up and move on.

It'll probably stay there anyway.

I think that's the one.

(We need to bring it with us.)

- Where? / - Over there.


I see.

Gosh, it's here!

I can't believe it. Look at this.

(Take a photo of a toilet without a door.)

Hold on a second.

I need to go.

(Excuse me for a second.)

I have to watch my foot.

Stop recording for a second.


- Jongmin? / - What were you up to?

I went to the toilet.

- The toilet. / - Right.

- Let's go. / - You're so annoying.

- So was there a door? / - There wasn't.


- That's it. / - That's the toilet.

Yes, I took a picture.

- Really? / - Are we good?

- Are you sure? / - Yes.

- Hello. / - Hi.

- Hi. / - Can you help us?

Where's the goblin tree?

- Yes, this one. / - The goblin tree.

- It's over here. / - Is it close by?

They said that

a goblin protects this tree

- from the harsh wind. / - Right.

(The oldest persimmon tree in Korea)

(A goblin embraces and protects it)

(whenever harsh wind blows.)

(It's a purebred Sancheong persimmon)

(that still bears fruits.)

It has been protecting for 700 years.

700 years has definitely added character.

It's been around for 700 years.

Isn't this where we spent the night?

It still bears fruits.

- I think it's that tree. / - Right.

(I hope they'll find it this time.)

What's this?

(Taehyun's at the persimmon tree.)


(Taehyun's at the persimmon tree.)


Where are they?

(Taehyun thinks this is it.)

From behind, this looks like a goblin.

- There must be a reason. / - It looks weird.

Does it?

It looks like a goblin.

(A perfect shot)

What's next?

Did we find the letters?

Yes, and also the tree for married couples.

Now we need to find the cat.

- What about the toilet? / - I don't know.

Hello, sir.

I'd like to ask you something.

Do you know the toilet with no door?

We're running out of time.

Time's up.


(They couldn't find the toilet.)

It's over. Our time is up.

(Time out!)

Did you enjoy the neighborhood?

- Yes. / - It's very pretty.

It was a work of art.

Each house had its own...

- History. / - It was like a movie set.

It's time to see how well you did.

How many missions did you complete?

The lovers' tree.

(A valid shot)

Where's the goblin tree photo?

(They took the photo not knowing what it was.)

- The goblin tree... / - Is this it?

- Am I right? / - You can't accept this.

We have about 300 photos we took on a limb.

- It's the tree. / - This is a mistake.


That's two. What else?

That's all. No, we have the syllables.

- I doubt it. / - But we have them.

- We took a lot of them. / - "One".

- We probably took more. / - "Night".

Look over here.

(A huge pile)




I bet you put some of the notes back.

- Look at this. / - "Two Days, All Night".

- See? / - We don't sleep anyway.

" Two Days, All Night".

- That's good. / - We should change it.

"Two Days, All Night".

- " Two Days, All Night". / - " All Night".

Are we staying out for two whole days?

- Well... / - Okay, fine.

What does it say on the chain letter?

- The chain letter? / - Don't read it.

It'll bring you bad luck.

If you read it on national TV,

you'll be condemning the whole nation.

Here's the goblin tree.

It's the persimmon tree just outside this house.

This is the lovers' tree.

I took a perfect shot of this.


The cat.

Show them the goblin tree.

It's a friendly cat.

Yes, it is.

- What does it look like? / - It wouldn't listen.

It just wouldn't come down.

(The cat suddenly chose to disobey us.)

I can't believe it was up here.

Of course. This really is the cat.

That's fascinating. What else?

(What else do you have?)

Let them see it.

Is it the goblin tree?

I actually used it myself.

(Jongmin's review)

- Isn't this it? / - It isn't.

How can that be? There's no door.


Let me see.

This is the toilet.

- This is it. / - It really is.

I found a toilet with no door.

You can see the hole right here.

- Let's see. / - Isn't this it?

- It is. / - There's no door.

- He wants to see it. / - This must be it.

This is it.

- Where was it, then? / - Let me see.

I didn't break the door myself.

It's in one of the houses you went to.

- Where? / - We've been there?

Over there.

They say we were there.

It must be Lee's residence.

We're at Choi's residence.

(They assumed they went to the wrong house.)

(However, the toilet was behind them.)

(If only they had looked around...)

Since it's quite controversial,

we'll explain the toilet to you.

It's the toilet at the Choi residence.

It was installed in the 1920s.

The door was left out so people could do their business

and check if anyone's around by coughing.

It was impossible to

embarrass one another with their smell.

You could see the view while doing the deed.

Also, the door would've gotten in the way

of the really long smoking pipes.

So that's why.

How was the view from the one you found?

It was awful.

- Then that's not it. / - There was a wall.

- It's not the right toilet. / - It isn't.

There was no door,

but it wasn't the real deal.

- You're being ridiculous. / - No way.

You should've been more specific, then.

We were supposed to find a toilet.

We found a toilet with no door.

You were supposed to bring the cat here.

You can't have it both ways.

We'll give this one up, then.

- We'll give up this one. / - Fine.

Let's say that they found the toilet.

- You really should. / - We didn't bring the cat,

so we'll give this one up.

- Will you allow it? / - Sure.

Of course.

Let's look at the final result.

Go ahead.

Taehyun, Siyoon and Joonyoung

completed three out of five tasks.

It's a tie.

- They gave one up. / - Jongmin,

your team didn't find the toilet we had hoped for.


However, you did find one without a door.

You took a photo as well as a leak.

Since the other team agreed,

we'll accept this as a valid photo.

In the end, both teams have won the prize.

Bring them in.

This is Sancheong's dried whole persimmon.

It was even sent to Emperor Gojong as a gift.

The persimmons were famous nationwide

due to its sweet flavor and soft texture.


They're very big.

I should hide these somewhere.

It looks so pretty.

My parents will love these.

I can't find a pit.

It's delicious.

There isn't a pit.

- There's no pit. / - It's amazing.

It tastes like the ripe persimmon.

It's absolutely delicious.

- Is it good? / - I better hide this.

(I should keep them all to myself.)


Until we hear the viewers laugh!

Trips that entertain our eyes and ears.

Better aromas and better food.

We'll fulfill all of your five senses.

No, five isn't enough.

We need our sixth sense.

The six of us will come together

and bring you more laughter.

- Two Days and One Night. / - One Night!

That's right.

For more infomation >> 'Sixth Sense Trip-Morning Mission' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 19:40.


Simran & Kirtan - ਬੰਦਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਬੰਦਨਾ - Bhai Navreet Singh Uk - Duration: 35:35.

ਧਨਾਸਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਘਰੁ ੧੨ Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl, Twelfth House: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਬੰਦਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਬੰਦਨਾ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਗੋਪਾਲ ਰਾਇ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ I bow in reverence to the Lord, I bow in reverence. I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my King. ||Pause|| ਵਡੈ ਭਾਗਿ ਭੇਟੇ ਗੁਰਦੇਵਾ ॥ By great good fortune, one meets the Divine Guru. ਕੋਟਿ ਪਰਾਧ ਮਿਟੇ ਹਰਿ ਸੇਵਾ ॥੧॥ Millions of sins are erased by serving the Lord. ||1||ਚਰਨ ਕਮਲ ਜਾ ਕਾ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਪੈ ॥ One whose mind is imbued with the Lord's lotus feet ਸੋਗ ਅਗਨਿ ਤਿਸੁ ਜਨ ਨ ਬਿਆਪੈ ॥੨॥ Is not afflicted by the fire of sorrow. ||2|| ਸਾਗਰੁ ਤਰਿਆ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਗੇ ॥ He crosses over the world-ocean in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਰੰਗੇ ॥੩॥ He chants the Name of the Fearless Lord, and is imbued with the Lord's Love. ||3|| ਪਰ ਧਨ ਦੋਖ ਕਿਛੁ ਪਾਪ ਨ ਫੇੜੇ ॥ One who does not steal the wealth of others, who does not commit evil deeds or sinful acts ਜਮ ਜੰਦਾਰੁ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਨੇੜੇ ॥੪॥ - the Messenger of Death does not even approach him. ||4|| ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਅਗਨਿ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਆਪਿ ਬੁਝਾਈ ॥ God Himself quenches the fires of desire. ਨਾਨਕ ਉਧਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸਰਣਾਈ ॥੫॥੧॥੫੫॥ O Nanak, in God's Sanctuary, one is saved. ||5||1||55||

For more infomation >> Simran & Kirtan - ਬੰਦਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਬੰਦਨਾ - Bhai Navreet Singh Uk - Duration: 35:35.



Thank you for agreeing to this interview Mr. Vampire

My Pleasure

So how about we start with the story of how you were turned-- how you became a vampire

It was many moons ago--

and in human time, just for the sake of my human audience

It was last Saturday--

for the moon is counted by a man with epileptic eyelids

Last Saturday was many epileptic eyelid glances of the moon ago

I shouldn't expect a delicious human like you to understand

just like you wouldn't expect your chocolate brownie to understand your foot fetish

but uh--but I don't

Shoosh delicious pudding pie

but with a mere whiff I knew all your secret ingredients

Now let's continue. Where were we?

I was given this gift of immortality by an Arch Vampiress

Elizabeth Bathory

The moment I met her I was intoxicated by her beauty

--or perhaps the half bottle of White-trash Label Bourbon I had drunk was partly to blame

or credit...

depending on your perspective of intoxication

She may or may not have known me before that night

If she was the preparative stalker-type, I do not know

But that gift that demon Lilith gave me--

--Demon Lilith or Elizabeth Bathory?

Yes th-that was her name

Baroness... Elizabeth... Bathory...


So what if I forget her name

The intoxication was unforgettably forgettable...

I was not always this dignified

before I became a vampire I used to brawl with food like you

And you

But food fights are only fun when the eaters of the food participate

That night, before I was turned

I participated in quite a boisterous

goulash brawl

Punches were thrown

Noses were broken... and bloodied

Bottles were smashed...

Hair was pulled...

Hurtful words were said

And once the stew was simmered

I was left alone

bleeding and desperate

So she saved you?


That's when you met her?

That's when she appeared. Majestic



in a doorway to Heaven--

or Hell

But the shimmering around who was much more beautiful than ought to have been

Probably due to my intoxication, broken eye-socket, concussion and severe loss of blood from

the broken-bottle-inflicted slash on my neck

In that serendipitous moment I knew that through that door

my Rubicon

into the woman's lavatory

my destiny awaited

I crawled

After her?

I had lost sight of her but I knew that I would

find her if I pressed forward

You must have been in pain

And bleeding profusely

From your neck?

From my neck

Did you find her?

Her afterimage burnt into my retinas

I followed after where I knew she had gone

Was she there?

Were you still bleeding?


the bleeding became my primary focus

I was--

I was fortunate to find

in that lavatory

an absorbent pad which I pressed to my bleeding wound



*irritated snort


you got drunk,

got in a fight,

cut your neck,

and then stopped the bleeding with a sanitary pad

and that's how you became a vampire?

It sounds so crass when you summarize my story with your food language


If you don't like my "food language" then

I'm curious as to why you agreed to this interview Mr. Vampire

Because my parents never told me not to play with my food

For more infomation >> INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE - Duration: 4:33.


Chefsache Pt. 6 – Die Sache mit den Dinos | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Chefsache Pt. 6 – Die Sache mit den Dinos | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 3:52.


Как организовать поток клиентов на квартиры студии. - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Как организовать поток клиентов на квартиры студии. - Duration: 2:58.


SHELEST - I still will return - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> SHELEST - I still will return - Duration: 2:41.


Highlights: Tottenham 1 – Crystal Palace 0 | Premier League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Highlights: Tottenham 1 – Crystal Palace 0 | Premier League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 5:48.


'Immortal Hidden Mask Star-On The Street' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 2:30.

(Make a Song Special)

(March 2017, "Hidden Masked Star")

Let's begin "Immortal Hidden Masked Star".

("Immortal Hidden Masked Star")

(The contestants are all nervous.)

(They'll sing each line one by one.)

(Three recording artists and three staff members)

In terms of their talents as a singer,

I have to say that there's nothing special.

- That's right. / - I'm disappointed.

- Whoever it is... / - A singer-songwriter...

Just know that I'm disappointed.

You should try it yourselves.

Yes, let's. We'll start from Junho.

They can try and guess too.

- Who starts? / - Should I start?

You start.

(On the street without you)

- There he goes. / - It's a good start.

(The start is a little shaky.)

You sound better.

(I keep walking.)

(He tries to sing like a girl.)

- I don't like this. / - I prefer No. 1.

(I wonder where you stay.)

(He ruins the mood.)

(Defconn creates a new song.)

I don't think No. 5 is a good singer.

(The familiar street)

No. 5 is a staff, isn't he?


His voice is very unique.

(Joonyoung fixes the ruined song.)

(Now, it's the climax.)

♪ I call your name ♪

(My day)

(It's heartbreaking)

(He sings like a slave on "The Slave Hunters".)

(He sounds scary.)

(Taehyun continues the song decently.)

(The empty street)

(He might have a vocal cord problem.)

(Now, only one verse is left.)

My throat hurts.

(It is full of you.)

(They sing together.)


(They finish the song in harmony.)

It's a difficult song. It's hard, isn't it?

- It's a difficult song. / - It's a hard song.

It's a hard song.

I'm sorry. You were all good.

For more infomation >> 'Immortal Hidden Mask Star-On The Street' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.09.24] - Duration: 2:30.


Два козлика. К. Ушинский. Сказка про животных. Аудиосказка с картинками для самых маленьких. - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Два козлика. К. Ушинский. Сказка про животных. Аудиосказка с картинками для самых маленьких. - Duration: 1:37.


Как приготовить быстрые котлеты из филе хека и риса - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Как приготовить быстрые котлеты из филе хека и риса - Duration: 2:38.


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un tours factories, highlights importance of economic self-reliance - Duration: 1:42.

And those measures,... just the latest in a long list of sanctions adopted by the international

community... may be taking a heavy toll on North Korea's economy.

It has also prompted Kim Jong-un,... to reaffirm his message of self-reliance... as he toured

a number of factories around the country.

Yu Joonhee reports.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has seemingly shifted his focus,... back on the economy...

carrying out inspections of the country's manufacturing facilities.

It's a notable change in Kim's routine,... whose public appearances were mostly reserved...

for military drills and parades in recent months.

Pyongyang's state media showed... the leader touring a vehicle assembly line,... just ten

days after he was seen visiting a cosmetics factory.

(Korean, Sound-Only) "Our leader was happy that these large trucks

are being manufactured with the technology and skill of our own work force."

( TV : ….)

The key message of Kim's visits... was that of economic self-reliance and home-grown production

of manufactured goods.

The regime could be feeling the heat,... as mounting international sanctions continue

to loom heavy... over the country's economic outlook.

South Korea's National Intelligence Service says...

North Korea's economy may be on the brink of disaster,... on a scale not seen since

its economic crisis and famine in the 1990s.

It estimates North Korea's GDP... which grew three-point-nine percent last year,... could

post a *negative growth rate as high as five percent next year... if sanctions are properly


Although Pyongyang has given no indication... of giving up its weapons programs anytime

soon,... experts believe it may show *some signs of cooperation... at least on the surface

level... to ease sanctions pressure on the regime.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korean leader Kim Jong-un tours factories, highlights importance of economic self-reliance - Duration: 1:42.


Leaders of U.S. and Japan to reaffirm alliance over North Korea issue - Duration: 2:12.

Let's start with President Trump's five-nation Asia tour,... still in its very early stages.

Trump is on his second day in Tokyo as we speak.

He has a packed schedule, but let's get straight to the details,... with our Oh Jung-hee,...

who joins us on the line...

Jung-hee, we hear that President Trump is now having summit talks with Japanese Prime

Minister Shinzo Abe?

That's right, Daeun.

Less than two hours ago, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife officially welcomed

U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

Before heading off to the summit talks, Prime Minister Abe said he and his counterpart will

discuss various international issues... and their talks will show the world that the two

countries' alliance is solid.

What's known for now is that North Korea tops the agenda.

The two leaders are expected to see eye-to-eye on upping pressure against Pyongyang... and

discuss measures to counter the North Korean threat.

Tokyo-based Kyodo News Agency has reported...

Prime Minister Abe plans to reiterate that pressure has to be increased to the maximum


And as President Trump has mentioned recently,... he may bring up redesignating North Korea

as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Also, Abe is likely to propose a strategic dialogue among the leaders of the U.S., Japan,

Australia and India,... which aims to counteract China's expansion in the region.

The proposal is for the leaders of the four countries -- who share core values of market

economy and democracy -- to promote free trade and defense cooperation across Asia and beyond.

A joint news conference is to be held afterwards, so we'll definitely have to keep our eyes

on that.

This morning, President Trump and his wife met with Japanese Emperor Akihito.

He also gave a speech to Japanese leaders... where he promised to promote the two countries'

trade and create a favorable investment environment for Japanese businesses... but also pointed

out that the U.S. has suffered from (quote) "massive trade deficits" with Japan.

Later in the day, President Trump and his wife are also to meet with parents of Yokota

Megumi,... a Japanese woman abducted by North Korea in 1977.

President Trump will fly out to South Korea Tuesday morning... for the second leg of his

Asia tour.

Back to you, Daeun.

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