Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 6 2017

♪ Driving in your car ♪ Morgan: That's all mosaic. Look at that.

♪ Driving in your car ♪ Reedus: In my youth,

I never made it to Valencia.

Who knew what I'd be missing? ♪ Driving in your car ♪

This city is like being in a sci-fi wonderland.

♪ Driving in your car ♪ I could spend all day

gawking at its elegance,

but we've got places to be. ♪ Driving in your car ♪

Fallas festivities are about to begin,

and Alicia's hooked us up

with some of the best seats in the house.

Now we're getting into the heart of the city.

Reedus: Yeah, we are.

I just saw some floats down that little side street.

Sornosa: And this -- Fallas San Vicente.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, there are the Falleras.

-Yeah. -Hi!

-Yay. -[Chuckles]

This is where all the people get in the street, right here.

Yeah, man. Wow, look to your right.

Look at those -- look at that giant float-y thing going on over there.

Yes. Yeah, beautiful.

Yeah, look at all the people, man.

Keep your helmet on.

They possibly can't recognize us.

Everybody recognizes you, even with a helmet on, dude.

Remember, they broke my mirror last time.

Let's keep moving. Okay, come on.

Right here? [Crowd cheering]

This is a bad idea.

All right, what's up? Hi.

H-H-How's it going? -Thank you.

Reedus: Leave the helmets on, leave the helmets on.

[Indistinct shouting]

-I love you so much! -Aww, you're so sweet.

[Chuckles] Go.


Come on, Norm.


Sornosa: "Justin Bieber." [Laughter]

[Indistinct conversations]

We're here for the Mascletá.

During Fallas, thousands of people

flood Valencia's town square every afternoon

to witness this concert of gunpowder.


[Indistinct conversations]

This is amazing.


How many people do you think are here?

I mean, look. It's like Times Square.

Yeah, right?


[Trumpet fanfare] [Cheers and applause]

Sornosa: Start -- Start the Mascletá.

[Cheers, trumpets continue] Ready?

[Up-tempo music playing] [Fireworks exploding]


[Choir music playing] [Explosions fade]

[Distorted] Whoa!

[Distorted speaking]

[Music fades out]

[Fireworks exploding]

[Group cheering]

-God! -Whoa!

[Sornosa speaking indistinctly] [Explosions continue]

-Whoo! -Whoa!


Reedus: Now, that's how you honor a patron saint --

and blow out an eardrum.

Man. That was crazy.


For more infomation >> 'Spain w/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan' Season Premiere Talked About Scene Ep. 201 | Ride with Norman Reedus - Duration: 2:57.


Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника #30 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Made By Hands - Duration: 7:46.

In the childhood we were all taken or taken to kindergarten

And we all had our own toys

Of course they are and now, but the level is completely different

With age, we already give bikes and scooters

And now we already dream of SUVs and all-terrain vehicles

But man is arranged so that he needs and rest

Rest not only for the body, but for the soul

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника #30 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Made By Hands - Duration: 7:46.


Worship Will Open the Door to Your Soul with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-6-17) - Duration: 22:16.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Worship opens the door to your soul, and that

allows change to take place in your life. Join Gloria and

Kellie Copeland today on the Believer's Voice of Victory for

more understanding of the power of worship. Here's Gloria.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice

of Victory. Kellie's back with us today, and she's

got some good words for us. We're looking

forward to hearing you, Kellie. KELLIE: Thank you, Mother. I

like doing the broadcast with you. GLORIA: Well, I like doing

it with you. KELLIE: We've had--we've had some weeks now

over the last year and a half or so that we've just been going

deeper and deeper and deeper into some things. GLORIA: That's

right. It's been good, a really good job. KELLIE: And you're

awesome. She's the best, so--that's my opinion-- GLORIA:

Well, thank you. KELLIE: --and the truth. I know you share it

because I get that--those messages that people say, "I

love your mom. She's my favorite." GLORIA: Aw, that's a

blessing to hear. KELLIE: But you know, last week, we talked

about knowing Jesus in His Word. You know, I think there's ways

to know Jesus that we haven't even--Jesus is the only way to

the Father, but there are open doors to Him like prayer, open

doors to Him like the Word. Just being still is an open door to

Jesus. GLORIA: The wonderful thing is the door is always

open. KELLIE: Open. GLORIA: Uh-huh. KELLIE: That is good,

Mom. GLORIA: That's good. KELLIE: His door is always open.

And, you know--but is ours? Is our door always open? GLORIA: So

we need to keep ours open. KELLIE: We need to do a little

work on our door. You know, in Revelation, which I'll probably

mention this again later, but in Revelation 3, it says--and this

is a letter to the churches. It says He's knocking. And the

other day I thought, "Why is He knocking?" It--He--we belong to

Him. What's He knocking on? GLORIA: He's wanting attention.

KELLIE: He is-- GLORIA: We need to listen to Him. KELLIE: That's

right. He's in our heart. He's in our spirit, but our soul can

shut Him out. And that's when we get in trouble, is we try to do

life keeping Him over here-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --and not

letting Him deep into our soul which makes Him have to knock

and say, "Let me in, let me in," you know? GLORIA: His door is

always open. KELLIE: His door is always open. So we're going

to--we're looking at--this week at something. Worship will open

those doors. So I'm excited for you because of how my life

changed when I became a worshiper. And I've told the

story on here before, but I came up, you know, in a hard place in

my life and I just--I came up on this one scripture. It was Psalm

19:12, "How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart?

Cleanse me from these hidden faults," or weak places. You

could say, "weak places." I guess I say this scripture all

the time because it was really an open door to my change. And

He led me to that scripture, but opening my heart to that

scripture which opened my heart for so much change in my life

that was needed in me--regardless of what anybody

else does, you can only do you. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE:

You can only change you. But if God can get to you, He can

change your circumstances. If He can get to your heart, and by

that, I mean your soul--now, if you don't know Him, He needs to

get into your spirit first. But if you have--you've asked Jesus

into your life, into your spirit, He's--your spirit is

brand-new, but your mind, your will, and your emotions have to

be renewed by the Word, by worship, by being in His

presence. And so when I found that scripture, it began to open

my life up even to more change. But before that, before I had

any change in my life, He just dumped--that's the only word I

know to use that is accurate because it was so sudden and so

overwhelming, this need to worship. And I had never had

that before. I mean, I sang and I loved the Lord. I've always

loved the Lord. And I'd be in church and I'd lift my hands,

and my heart was toward Him. I mean, I love the Lord.

Sometimes, when I was in the worship service, sometimes I was

thinking about myself, you know, or something else or, "Did I

sing good?" or "Did I sing bad?" or "What'd the person next to me

think?" I don't know, all the kinds of things-- GLORIA: Yeah.

KELLIE: --that we think about when we're supposed to be

worshiping. But the problem was I had not become a worshiper. I

had not latched onto that as my role in this life. My role in my

"Kellie and Jesus and the Father" relationship is to be a

worshiper. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: You know, worshipers are

followers. Worshipers are humble. Worshipers are lovers.

And somehow, when you really start loving Jesus to that

deeper degree in worship, you become more lovely to others.

You become more patient, more lovely, more loving. But I

remember my kids would say--especially one--Max would

always say, "Mom, there's more to worship." And I would be

like, "Max--" You know, we don't like to hear this stuff from our

kids, right? We don't like to hear what we're not doing right

from our kids. But I would say, "Max, I worship." I wanted to

go--just say, "Go away. Be quiet. Of course, I worship."

And it--and now, looking back on my verbiage, it just--I'm--it

makes me want to go, "Oh, Lord Jesus." I mean, I already have

asked Him to forgive me, so that's done in my life. But so

silly, so shallow; so shallow where that was concerned. And

it's like the way--when somebody hasn't received the infilling of

the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues, and you say something

about being filled with the Spirit, and they look at you and

they go, "I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I have the Holy

Spirit." And you say, "There's more!" And--but until that

happens, they may not understand that there was more-- GLORIA:

Yeah. KELLIE: --even though they love the Lord and they're--they

do have the Holy Spirit in them. But when you ask Him to fill you

up, to overflow with a new language, man, that's a

different thing. Well, that's what happened to me with

worship. And, Mom, you and I were in Hawaii, which is a great

place to just get with Jesus. He loves Hawaii. I've decided that

He likes Hawaii. GLORIA: I think so. KELLIE: He always meets me

there. He always--I mean, I know He goes with me when I'm on my

way, but He always does something special for me there.

It just became like an appointment place for me and

Him. But that time--I didn't know something phenomenal was

going to happen. I was having a--I was in a really hard place

in my life and needing some answers from the Lord on some

stuff. And I'm standing in faith, but I--we go to this

women's conference at Word of Life Church in Honolulu, Hawaii,

and-- GLORIA: Great church. KELLIE: Oh, it's a wonderful

church. And you were speaking and I was speaking. And I don't

know. They did this one song. It was a planet-shaker song called,

"I was made to worship." And, you know, before that, prior to

going into the services, and worship would be going on, you

know, I like going in there sometimes, but I didn't mind

like being in the backroom, talking to people a little bit

or-- GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: --being quiet to pray or

whatever the case may be if I was going to go out and preach.

But something happened to me that week and I was like, "Okay,

fine, y'all. I've got to go. I've got to get out there. I

want to get out there." And something in that song and

something in my appointed time from the Lord Jesus Christ, I

just--I had this thing come on me and I had to worship. GLORIA:

Praise God. KELLIE: And it changed my whole life, Mom.

GLORIA: Yes. KELLIE: And I watched you, too. You did the

same thing. I was watching you just like we would stand there.

And I noticed you kind of hurrying on out, too. And I

wouldn't even have said, you know, that that was your style

of music, but God dumped something on you, and that song

was written with the truth, "I was--" GLORIA: That's a great

song. KELLIE: "--made to worship. I was made to bless

your holy name." GLORIA: It's an awesome song. KELLIE: It is.

And, boy, you and I--and it didn't hurt that it was being

done to the hula. I mean, let's just be real. These women--they

were-- GLORIA: We were a Hawaiian version. KELLIE:

--like, "I was made to worship. I was made to bless your name."

I mean, it just got all over me that it sparked something in me

that--that was over three years ago, and it has never gone

away-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: --never gone away. And

once or twice, like I'd get distracted with life, and busy

and work and school and all these things that you do as a

person, and I would feel that begin to wane, and I'm like,

"Oh, I can't do without worshiping God." And so I'd just

be more aggressive and assertive about my mornings, and

worshiping in the morning. I worship every-- GLORIA: Praise

God. KELLIE: --morning when I get ready. And, anyway--so--but

it changed my life. It began to open my whole heart up to hear

things from the Lord Jesus. It was like it opened up a cavity

in my heart that had been closed and I didn't even know, because

imagine trying to--one thing about your worship, it comes

from your soul. It doesn't come from your spirit. Our spirit's

renewed. But where we make our choices, where we make our

decisions about who--what we do and who we serve and who we

worship and who we put first place, that's in our soul. So

that's why I say, "Worship comes from your soul." GLORIA: That's

good, Kellie. KELLIE: But imagine, when it comes from your

soul, it touches your emotions. That's why it's so easy to just

be a bawling mess when you worship. But it's okay. You

know, if we can't--if we've got to hold all of our act together

in front of Jesus, we miss out on a lot of who He is to us.

Imagine this, Mom. Imagine you and Dad in your marriage, and

you constantly feel--there are marriages like this, and they

don't work--constantly feeling like you have to walk on

eggshells to be perfect. You can't say the wrong thing, you

can't say what you think, you can't say what you feel, you

can't talk to them about your problems. Dad said

something--these are my notes from last week when we were at a

meeting. I thought it was so good. He was talking about a

word from Brother Hagin, and Brother Hagin was talking to him

about being ready for the next step and being faithful, in

1988. And Dad said he was too analytical. And I don't remember

if Brother Hagin said this in the word or if the Lord said

this in the word to him, or if the Lord just said this to him,

but he said, "Your mind dominates you, not your spirit,"

like, "You think too much." And he said he was talking about

Jesus and he said, "You can just say to Jesus, 'Jesus, would you

talk to me about whatever?' whatever in your life, whatever

problem you're having." Whatever feeling you're feeling, we're

not led by your feelings. But when we have them, what do we do

with them? You need to talk to the Lord about them. And I

just--I thought that was so good what he said. He said, "Just ask

the Lord. Say, 'Jesus, would you talk to me about whatever?'" And

just being able to be real with the Lord like that--imagine a

relationship with Dad where you didn't let him in on your

innermost--you withheld a part of yourself how you really feel

about something, how you really think about something, or even

having to have a relationship with him and keep your emotions

out of it. GLORIA: Hmm. KELLIE: We've done Jesus that way to a

high degree. GLORIA: Wow. KELLIE: And then the things in

worship that touch our emotions, I remember--again with the

embarrassment, I remember telling my kids, years ago when

they were in high school and college, I'm like, "Now, listen,

you need to watch out for when you're in worship and don't be

singing like emotional songs." In my mind, it made sense

because we're not led by our emotions, but that doesn't mean

we're not supposed to have them when we worship and relate to

the Lord. GLORIA: That's right. KELLIE: It's silly. You cannot

have a marriage that way. You can't have a relationship with

your kids that way. People who do that with their kids and

they're like, "You need to do this, you need to do this, you

need to do that." GLORIA: Legality. KELLIE: Legality, no

heart. And, you know, people have accused us. I mean,

personally, yes, but I'm talking about, you know, our fold of the

Body of Christ people have accused of not being people of

love. And you know what? That's not true. We are love. We love,

we give, but maybe we've been less--as--maybe--well, I'll

speak for me. When I became a worshiper, I became more loving,

more able to show it, more--less judgmental about what anybody

else is doing. Why? Because I had opened up my own life for

the Lord to judge. When you position yourself in worship,

you're here and He's here. You're low, He's high. And it

really keeps you from being high-minded-- GLORIA: That's

good. KELLIE: --because you just start seeing yourself, not lowly

in the sense of, "I'm no good." I mean, just to be able to come

to Jesus and worship Him, you have to be able to come into His

presence. You have to be holy. Well, thank God it's not our own

lives that makes us holy. It's accepting Him. So when my whole

life took a turn--and He said this to me, Mom, and I took it

really personally at first. It took me a little bit to get over

it. And I've said it to you, so I know it--when I say this, hear

me. I'm not hurting my mother's feelings. I've said this to my

dad and my mom because, you know, they're like--you know, we

learn from each other. But the Lord said to me, "You were

raised in an atmosphere of faith, not worship." And I

didn't--and I started to take it in a critical way, but it wasn't

like that. He wasn't saying it like, "You're so bad." He was

just saying, "You grew up in a household of--in an atmosphere

of faith." That's good. It's just as important as worship, I

mean, having faith. But when you add to that the atmosphere of

worship, wow. Your faith takes on this new--like you have a new

foundation to even stand on faith. GLORIA: Mm-hmm. KELLIE:

You have a new entryway into the Father and a new trust in Him.

And you've positioned yourself where He's the dad and you're

the kid. Then you have faith in your dad. It sets you up so

differently than just having faith in His Word, which is

super important. But here's the funny thing: This is what He

began to show me later. He showed me, "There's a lot of

people that have been raised up in an atmosphere of worship but

not faith." So what are they hungry for right now? They're

hungry to know faith, so it really was just what God was

doing in us. He was developing truths. He was developing ways

that you know Him. But when you begin to combine these truths

that are coming right now, Mom, we're getting so strong in the

Lord-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: --and we're beginning to

see the whole picture of Jesus and the whole picture of knowing

Him. It's just exciting. So that was my story. I want to

read--you know, we're giving away, "Walk With God," your

book, which is a great book. And you talk a lot about--it's about

obedience and doing what's in front of you and walking with

God, not just talking the talk, not just being a phony. GLORIA:

Mm-hmm, doing what He says. KELLIE: Doing what He says. And

the funny thing is you can be a phony at walking with God, you

can be a phony at worship. Neither of them work. But when

you are just--are real before the Lord, your relationship with

Him gets so vital and so real that other stuff--you don't have

to stop doing other stuff. It just stops being interesting.

GLORIA: Mm-hmm, that's true. KELLIE: Like, I really hardly

ever watch TV. I have to find out what's going on, you know,

like even some of the hurricanes this last year and stuff and the

other parts. I used to always keep up with all of that. And I

have to make myself know what's going on. I'm just not

interested, and I just don't even think to turn it on. And so

that's changed my life. I didn't have to try to fast TV. GLORIA:

That's right. Yeah, I see that. KELLIE: And--but I found a story

about you in your book. So I want to read. This happened to

you. And I know you don't--we don't hear--when God says

something to us like that that's corrected, we don't hear it and

feel shame about--I don't have shame that I wasn't raised in an

atmosphere of faith. We were working--I mean-- GLORIA: Just

change. KELLIE: --worship. We were working on faith. But now

He's just--when I say, "He dumped it on me," I didn't know

to ask for it. I wasn't smart enough to know I needed to

worship. And I wouldn't even listen to my kids. So I pray you

will just take these things we talked about because if you do

what we talked about last week and begin to focus on Him,

worship will come out of that. If you begin to worship Him like

we're talking this week, your love for the Word and your love

for Him and trying to see Him in the Word, and not just read the

Bible, but seeing Jesus in the Word, that's a result. So these

things work together. But I wanted to read this story

because-- GLORIA: Okay. KELLIE: --this is my mama. So you

were--you had made this commitment to the Lord. I'm not

sure what year this was. Maybe you'll remember. But you said,

"I made this commitment, 'God, I will do anything you want me to

do. Teach me and lead me.'" That is an open door to the Lord to

bring change into your life. GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: And

He'll take it. Boy, you know, at--the woman at the well, He

kept poking at her and kept poking at her until she opened

the door. He needed to give her what He wanted to give her. She

thought she just needed to not have to come back to this

terrible well, where she was shamed every day, anymore. But

He kept poking at her to ask for the living water. And she's

like, "Well, what makes your water so much better than this

water?" And He--so He just keeps poking at her until she says--He

says, "You won't have to come back. You won't have to thirst

again." And she's like, "I want that water. I don't have to come

back to this well again." She's thinking naturally. GLORIA:

Yeah. KELLIE: But He took a natural need, and He met an

inside need. GLORIA: That's good. KELLIE: So all He needs is

that open door. He needed me to give Him an open door and

say--pray that Psalm 19:12. Mom said, "God, I will do anything

you want me to. Teach me and lead me." GLORIA: That's right.

KELLIE: What an open door. GLORIA: Yeah. KELLIE: Let's all

say that right now, "God, I will do anything you want me to do--"

(Gloria Repeats) "--teach me and lead me." Do you know that is

worship? GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE: I mean, we--it--God made

us to sing. He made us to use our song. Maybe we'll get into

that this week. We are an instrument. Our body is

literally an instrument. He made us to worship Him in song, but

we worship Him also in our--the things we do. And we worship

Him--you--this was a worship of-- GLORIA: Praise God. KELLIE:

--that you gave Him. And you put yourself here, and you put Him

here. And you--this was love that drove you to do this. "At

this time, Ken did not--Ken did not have a daytime service. And

by direction of the Lord, I started teaching on Friday

mornings. I was already teaching healing on Saturday. I prayed,

'Father, we are just giving You this time. We are turning it

over to the Holy Spirit. Whatever you want us to do, tell

us.' I told the people to prepare themselves, to set aside

these days for the Holy Spirit to do whatever He wanted. Those

services lasted sometimes three or four hours. I just endeavored

to teach the Word and to follow the Holy Spirit and minister to

the people. I said, 'God, I will do anything you tell me to do. I

don't care what I look like to people.'" You've got to do this

to be a worshiper. I'm not going to be able to finish this story

today, but we'll keep going. "If there were anyone who had cared

what they looked like to people, it had been me. Sister Etter

calls this a man-fearing spirit." GLORIA: Hmm, I had

forgotten that. KELLIE: Isn't that something? "I wanted to be

dignified and nice. I never wanted to look foolish to

anyone. On top of that, I was timid. But I reached a place

where it was more important what God thought about me than what

people thought." We'll pick that story up tomorrow. But isn't

that beautiful? GLORIA: I like that. KELLIE: That was you. You

wrote that. GLORIA: I know. I like that. KELLIE: You said

that. That's been your life. GLORIA: That's good. KELLIE:

This is the woman that I've watched my whole life give her

life to Jesus. GLORIA: Praise God. Thank you, Kellie. That's

awesome. Oh, we're out of time. We'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Worship Will Open the Door to Your Soul with Gloria and Kellie Copeland (Air Date 11-6-17) - Duration: 22:16.


Heidi's Hexis Quilt - Duration: 16:56.

One of our fantastic team members here at Man Sewing created this cool quilt. We're

calling it Heidi's Hexis. And it's hexagons in a row with a little stripe for sashing

to make it all that more cool. Let's get started.

The Moda Grunge Dot is the perfect complement to this hexagon quilt I think. I absolutely

love the grunge as a fabric and when they added the dot texture on I thought perfect

for these fun hard line quilts, right? So you'll have to forgive me. I got so excited

about getting ready for today's tutorial I actually cut through all of my extra supplies.

So I do have four colors of fabric that I'm going to walk you through. And I'm going

to show you the base construction. But let's focus right now on just how we're going

to work with our hexagons, right? So down here you'll see that I've got the hexagon

and it's been perimetered by a 2 ½ inch strip. So the hexagons themselves are cut

from the blue and the green fabric. And at one point that was a ten inch square. Then

I used the awesome half-hexi template from Missouri Star and I cut it into two of the

half-hexis to work with, ok? So we're going to need that. And I'm going to do the same

amounts of blue. And the greens we're going to use as well for the hexagons. And then

my orange stripes at 2 ½ inches are going to go around the blue hexagons. And then my

white stripes here at 2 ½ inches are going to go around the green hexagons. Let me show

you how that's going to work.

And there's several ways to perimeter this; however, the way I want to teach you should

give you the most efficient use of your fabric. So it might seem a little odd at first but

follow along. What we're going to do is we're going to start on this short edge.

And I'm going to use a complete with the fabric so 44 inches by 2 ½ and I'm going

to start up here at this small edge. And that I'm starting up there because when I open

up my seam allowance I'm going to have the least amount of scrap. See my selvedge right

here. I'm going to lay that selvedge just past the tip as I get ready to sew. And I'm

going over to my machine. And I have a quarter inch seam allowance set and I've got my

edge guide on. Today you'll be sewing on the bias a little bit so go nice and slow.

Try not to push or pull. Let the machine do the work for you. And then just stitch that

2 ½ inch strip to one of the shorter sides on the hexagon. You can backstitch at the

end if you'd like. And then first thing we're going to do is we're going to come

over here like this and we're going to press this over this way. And the reason we did

that is so that I have just this little bit here that I'm going to shave off by squaring

it up. I'm going to square it up by using this line along the ruler and my fabric. Cut

this off here. That goes in the scrap pile. And then down here I'm going to do the same.

Watching that line. A nice easy cut. And then I'll take a second to come over here and

press that corner back out because I'm going to just keep using that strip over and over

again as I go. But I'm going to go around the perimeter now. So now when I look over

here I've got that kind of a manipulation or I could think about this. But that can

get a little bit dicey so we're just going to go ahead and start with this corner here.

Make sure I've gone just a little bit past when I open it up. I'm going to stitch it

down like this. Back to the machine we go. And I'm starting, I don't know if you

can see that, but I'm just a little bit past where my blue hexagon is so I can get

a little stitching in there to hold it all secure. Again we're going to press it open.

I really enjoy working on quilts like this where there's a lot of steps actually. I

do like doing them all the same step at the same time. But I find that it kind of helps

me zen into design mode while I'm kind of in this mass construction. Ok now here I'm

going to not only use the edge out here to cut, let me make sure you can see that a little

bit better. So I"m not only using this edge I'm looking along this line right here.

Because if these lines were looking askew then I would know I hadn't put that seam

in real crisp. And I want to make sure I could use that as I trim off that side. Ok I'll

do the same over here and I'm not very left handed when it comes to cutting. So just take

the time to make sure that you're manipulating at all, making it fit just nice. There's

that. Just because. Ok and then the last piece here we're going to set in again. So I'm

just going to go right sides together and over to the machine. So build all your hexis

with a 2 ½ inch strips to perimeter. And then we're going to just actually assemble

all of this in rows. Ok we just have to press this last one out real quick here. And then

what we do is we bring in our opposite color family for the hexis.

So this is the blue orange, we'll bring in the white and green and sew it into place.

So I've trimmed that off. And if you go fairly accurately with this you should be

able to get two hexis perimetered or I should say two half hexis perimetered with one 2

½ inch strip. That way. Ok. So we'll set that aside. And what I was saying is we have

construction now set up like this where we're going to go ahead and do a green white, an

orange blue, a green white, an orange blue. And notice that those half hexis are heading

in opposite directions. So this one here we also have a finishing one. Half of a half

hexi so a quarter hexi. So we're going to do that next but first we have to install

this one into this row over here to finish it out. So that I can show you how to put

the two rows together here in a second. So this is going to need to fit in like this?

I don't think so. Better go like this so that everything is nice and straight here

ok. Lining those up. So what happens now is as I flop these over I want to line up those

seam allowances so that they match up. And now we're going to go nicely over to the

sewing machine. Some folks will like to use a leader strip or a bunny tail for this to

get a little head start. I'm going to backstitch. Ok. And then now what happens is you can see

those line up beautifully like this.

And what we then need to do, we need to take one of these, sorry I want to show you how

to get those rows together. We need to take one of our original green and white hexis.

Notice in the quilt behind me they finish on the green and whites. So my green and white

hexi here. I've pressed it in half to create a straight line so that I can use my ruler

for the cut. But I'm looking at this line here for accuracy and this folded line, so

I know where the center is. So then that is sliced like yay. And then these will be assembled

into the section where they fit. And one half is going to fit on one side and the other

half is going to fit on the other side for us. So we're going to stitch this in. Now

before we run over to the sewing machine let's point out that there is that little bit of

that quarter of an inch or a split the difference is what I'm trying to say hanging over on

those points when we're doing this end construction here. Ok. So there's that side and then

we just need to put in this side over here. And just like you can see it fits there. And

I'm going to line these up. What I was trying to point out is we have just a little bit

of that tip overhanging. It should be about a quarter of an inch, split the difference

if you need. Those little there. I'm going to sew these in so that we have at least two

complete rows to show you. I'm just going to take a second and press all of this to

make sure that it's really nice.

And then we'll also start talking about the fact that we're going to need to have

some skinnier strips made. So of the blue and of the green, the parts that we made from

the half hexis, we also made a skinny strip that's 1 ½ inches wide. And that's what

gets that really cool color band running through the center of these vertical rows that we're

doing here. So what we're going to do in just a second once I get this last seam pressed

out is we're going to simply install the 1 ½ inch wide strips. Now the quilt is longer

than 45 inches so you will need to straight seam a couple of strips together. Some folks

like to go ahead and match it all up so they'll measure the whole length of the quilt, however

long you're making it and then treat it like a sashing so it's cut to length. What

I've often done is just use two full strips and cut off the end. There's no real mathematical

equation I can offer for this one today. But what will happen is as this row comes together

like this then this row should come together like this so that you see the big hexagon

of the orange and the blue. Because we're installing the blue strip right now. So the

same color skinny strip is going to divide that color hexagon. So this same color skinny

strip divides this color hexagon. And on the next rows we would then use the green skinny

strips because it would be dividing the green hexagons on that other side there. Ok. So

you'll have equal numbers of blue skinny strips and green skinny strips, well that's

a real tongue tier, right? The 1 ½ inches cut. So the easiest way to assemble is I'm

going to take one vertical row first and I'm going to sew on my strip. But one of the things

I've learned over my years of sewing is I like the bulk of my project on the feed

dogs themselves. So even though I grabbed the other side of that quilt in the air I

rotated it so that I can put all of this bulk if possible down on the feed dogs. I'm going

to go just past the selvedge because I haven't even trimmed it off yet on that little skinny

strip. And now I'm going to go ahead and lock it in. And I'm just going to nicely

sew it on the skinny strip but I'm going to do it in caffeinated mode, I'll be right


So after I stitched on that blue skinny 1 ½ inch strip I also started pressing it so

it would be nice. So then what we're going to do is we're going to join two of our

long vertical rows and just a reminder I'm looking for the blue hexis here to come together

because I have that blue sashing strip that I'm working with right now. Now I'm going

to be straight with you. We've got a lot of angles going in a lot of different directions

here so this can be a bit of a challenge so we're going to use some extra pins today

to try to help ourselves out. And we're just going to kind of start by eyeballing

the top here. And what I'm really looking at is these big orange sections coming together

because they're going to be the most obvious. So then what I'm going to do right now is

I'm going to pin this top corner. And I won't be stitching over the pins. But I'm

just going to put them in to help. And then I'm going to look back here and I'm going

to see where that's lining up like that. I'm going to fold it over. And at this point

right now things aren't moving. Things are laying nice and flat. And so I can stick a

pin here. And the sashing was trimmed to fit so we should be able to put a couple of pins

as we float down the field here. I can see this needs to come down just a little bit,

oop, there. And I'm looking at the strips going the opposite directions underneath just

to kind of help get myself a little bit of perfection going. Ok. There's that and that

like that and a little pin. Ok how about another one here just enough, oh ya that's great.

See how the bottom end is coming together. So that's going to help me keep all of this

because the rows really should be very similar in length. Of course we all know I'm not

a perfect quilter. Hopefully, well we just won't even touch that will we. Ok let's

get started again with our quarter inch seam allowance. And now I'm going to pull that

pin out because I don't ever want to stitch over a pin. That's not good for your sewing

needle. It's not good for your feed dogs if you get it caught in there. And now I'm

going to also pick up the weight of the project and I'm going to put it in my lap a bit.

That will help things glide through nice and smoothly. And I'm just going to slowly stitch

this on. And then we are all but to the end and thanks to the use of those little straight

pins or wonder clips or whatever you like, it looks like everything has finished up really

nice on this end as well. I did have a few strips that didn't go together perfectly.

And you know what I did take the time to remove them, put them back together to make sure

it looks as accurate as possible when I was done with my project. Of course we would need

to go ahead and press this all out. But you can see how nicely that's all coming together.

And it's a really fun and I think a dynamic looking quilt. So Heidi, again thank you so

much for being part of the Man Sewing team. Thank you so much for sharing your design

with us. I think it's awesome. And I am so happy to get to share this with everybody

else at home. If anybody needs a pattern we have one for sale in the description below

today for you. Thanks for being a part of this awesome Heidi's Hexi quilt here at

Man Sewing.

Thanks for being a Man Sewing fan. It's great to have you out there encouraging me

to create fantastic new content. If you've missed any of the videos we've got links

for you here and here. And when you're checking those out make sure you're subscribed. We

don't want you to miss any of the action.

For more infomation >> Heidi's Hexis Quilt - Duration: 16:56.


Making Slime With Balloons Tutorial - Duration: 7:51.

Making Slime With Balloons Tutorial


For more infomation >> Making Slime With Balloons Tutorial - Duration: 7:51.


Así es el Standard Lieja, el club donde juega Guillermo Ochoa - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Así es el Standard Lieja, el club donde juega Guillermo Ochoa - Duration: 3:13.


NAKAKAGULAT na mga Pahayag, Senate Hearing on the Death of Horacio "Atio" Castillo III due to Hazing - Duration: 47:42.

For more infomation >> NAKAKAGULAT na mga Pahayag, Senate Hearing on the Death of Horacio "Atio" Castillo III due to Hazing - Duration: 47:42.


Angoori Bhabi in KBC |kaun Benega Crorepati Funny Comedy-Talking Tom Hindi-KBC Funyy Video |funny - Duration: 2:24.

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For more infomation >> Angoori Bhabi in KBC |kaun Benega Crorepati Funny Comedy-Talking Tom Hindi-KBC Funyy Video |funny - Duration: 2:24.


Is Your Business Harnessing The Power Of Social Media? | This Week in Property Podcast - Duration: 50:25.

For more infomation >> Is Your Business Harnessing The Power Of Social Media? | This Week in Property Podcast - Duration: 50:25.


Tamarama - Il Colpo Grosso Di Giangi - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> Tamarama - Il Colpo Grosso Di Giangi - Duration: 12:30.


Bembi 44: Mer muss immer mer uffbasse wo mer hie gehe kann. Created by B.S #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Bembi 44: Mer muss immer mer uffbasse wo mer hie gehe kann. Created by B.S #Hessen - Duration: 1:36.


MALDIVES. DAY 1: VELASSARU /// VLOG #80 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> MALDIVES. DAY 1: VELASSARU /// VLOG #80 - Duration: 10:08.


Top Things To Do in La Jolla, California - Sea Lions, Seals, Kayaking - Duration: 10:28.

Good morning! Hi! We're on our way to La Jolla today. Candy lives in San Diego

and La Jolla's only like what, 20 minutes?

Yeah, it's about 20 minutes from where I am.

We're excited to check out all the stuff La Jolla has to offer. We went there one time last year

and just like went to view the sunset which was gorgeous.

So gonna do that again and look at the sea lions and seals because they're my favorite. They're so cute.

They kinda remind me of Kuma, my corgi. Just cause of the way they lay down.

We'll probably see them up close too when we go kayaking.

That's what I wanna do!

Staff: Hey, how's it going guys?

Hey how are you?

I like these neon signs. It's like the new thing.

We're at Parakeet Cafe and I got like a nice healthy breakfast and they got birds all over the wall!

OMG they give you these little cute complimentary pins.

I'm putting mine on my backpack.

It's just so cute and I can't believe that it's like complimentary.

So we're in this little hut kinda place.

Like a look-out point to the water.

and everyone is taking turns to take pictures by the cliff over here because the waves are gorgeous.

Whoa! There it is!

I can't get over how awesome those waves are!

I know, it's so beautiful.

I could literally sit here all day just watching these waves. It's so cool.

That's what everyone's doing too. Just watch the waves all day.

Everybody watching, taking pictures.

That guy's excited.

Yup, mhmm.

We're gonna try to find the Scripps Park.

The Lorax tree.

There it is!

Here it is - the Dr. Seuss tree behind us.

So this was what the inspiration was for Dr. Seuss, right?

Yeah, Lorax. The trees in Lorax, the movie... the inspiration was from these trees that are in La Jolla.

Look at our beautiful view!

I got the Bloody Mary with the black salt and Candy got the.. what?

It's like a Hawaiian version of the Moscow Mule.


OMG I'm just like so happy we have this cool view!

Just got done at Duke's La Jolla.

The view was awesome.

I think we got the best seat in the house.

We really did. We sure did, Candy. We go the best seat in the house.

That's how cool we are. Hahaha.

So, we're at the Legends Gallery. Dr Seuss' art is displayed here and it's for sale too.

Go see this place. It's really cool. You'll see all his cool art and sculptures.

Yeah, stuff that never made it into the children's books so it's more like adult type of art

They have some adult and some children's.

And Tammy thank you for being so helpful and informative. We learned a lot.

Yes, thank you!

There's La Valencia hotel. I like that hotel. I like the lounge area there.


Crystal's like 'I want natural gelato'.

It just sounds so refreshing right now.

Is that the same as organic?

This girl in front of us... I guess she comes here all the time was like, 'OMG you're gonna love it. Try everything!'

So I got the pistachio and mocha and it comes in this cute cup and they give you a lot.

And Candy got strawberry and pumpkin.

Really good.

We're gonna go to Jim's Sea Cave now. It's like a gift shop or something and

then you go through the store and there's like this tunnel or underground

stairs to go underneath to the cave.

Oh this is it. This thing, right?

Oh, here it is. The cave store!

Are you excited about this Candy?

Mhmm. It looks cool.

That's what going underneath that thing!

Followin you, sista.

Goin down!

Oh wow, oh we hear the waves down there. So cool.

It sounds kinda scary...

I know.

We're very close...

Here it is... the cave.

Got done with the cave store going underneath the tunnel.

Yeah, when you come back out, you should definitely explore a little bit around the store.

Because there's like this really cool spot on the cliff.

Is that the cave we went into?

I don't know which cave it is but it's gotta be like one of those caves.

Cause that's where the store is up there, so it's gotta be one of those caves down here.

Going back to the car to drive to our kayak tour.

Candy has to drink some Dramamine because she gets a little sea sick, so just in case.

Yeah I don't want to go out to sea and then come right back because it's happened before.

Look how cool we look! I love these helmets.

Who wants to bet one of our sunglasses is gonna get lost?

Yeah, it might happen but we're gonna go for it.

So it's me and Candy's first time kayaking. We'll see how it goes.

Oh we don't actually wear shoes?

Can we wear our water shoes?

Yeah yeah, that's totally fine. I just don't recommend flip flops or anything.

Cool man

Are you ready for this?

I'm ready!

Let's see if we can go past this.

I know... can we go past those waves?

Alright, so we ended our kayaking journey a little early. Candy here is sea sick.

Yeah, I got a little sea sick, so....

So, we had to turn around but as you can see, the waves are very, very choppy today.

Not good for someone who usually gets seasick.

Yeah, so we went out there about halfway through and I came back.

And they said that we couldn't go into the caves anyway since it was dangerous with these winds.

So gonna head back out now. My shorts are all wet hahaha.

You didn't lose your sunglasses.

I have my sunglasses tho.

We're at the Children's Pool with all the seals behind us. They are the cutest things!

Whoa, are those all surfers out there?

Wow, yes!


Welcome to Windansea!

If you wanna see a bunch of surfers, this is the place to go.

For more infomation >> Top Things To Do in La Jolla, California - Sea Lions, Seals, Kayaking - Duration: 10:28.


Thanksgiving Roast Turkey & Gravy | B(R)OIL LA - Duration: 6:04.

What's cookin' guys welcome back to the channel! My name is Jay and for the next

three weeks we're going to be doing something a little bit special. We're

going to be showing you how to make the perfect holiday feast step-by-step,

starting with a show-stopping turkey breast. If you've been with us before

welcome back but if you're new here and your idea of a holiday feast isn't a

bucket of chicken, think about clicking that subscribe

button for more recipe videos and cooking tips.

My name is Jay and this is B(R)OIL LA

So Thanksgiving's coming up in a couple weeks and you just have to have

a turkey, so to get started on our turkey here in a bowl I have 2 cups of softened

not melted butter and to that I'm gonna add 20 cloves, yes 20 cloves, of minced

garlic, along with 1/4 cup of parsley, 2 tablespoons of chopped thyme, a

tablespoon of chopped sage, a teaspoon of kosher salt, and a tablespoon of black

pepper. We're also going to add the zest of an entire lemon along with the juice

of that lemon as well.

All right so we have an amazing herb butter done now which is actually going to

go underneath the skin of our turkey to make sure the meat stays moist. Now I'm

actually only cooking a turkey breast as opposed to a whole turkey- unless you

have like ten people coming over for dinner I think a turkey breast is fine.

So to prep our turkey breast what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my hand

and I'm going to start breaking down the membrane between the skin and the meat.

You want to break it down until almost your entire hand goes in because this is

where our butter is going to go. You want to do this on both sides. All right so now

that that step is done we're ready to put our butter underneath the skin.

The easiest way to do this is to take a spoonful of your butter and actually

just slide the spoon as far into the breast as you can go and then just scoop

it in, and then once the skin goes back over you can sort of level it out with

your hands. We want to put a good couple of spoonfuls on each side of the breast

and we're going to save a spoonful or two of our butter because that's what

we're gonna season the skin with.

All right so to make this turkey breast just a little bit more special I'm going

to take some prosciutto and I'm going to slide this in between the skin and the

butter. While this is cooking the fat from this will actually melt and cook

into the turkey breast as well- and who doesn't like prosciutto?!

So I ended up getting about two slices of prosciutto per turkey breast half so

four slices total. So now we're done with the inside of our turkey so we're going to

take the rest of our butter and just rub it all over the outside.

Our turkey's ready so I'm going to give it one good drizzle of olive oil and

we're gonna tent it with some aluminum foil- the reason we're doing this is

because we don't want the skin to brown too quickly before then the inside can

cook all the way. And actually I'm going to cook this according to the package

directions so this is about a six pound turkey so it's gonna go in a 325 degree

oven for about 2 hours and 15 minutes. So every 45 minutes what we're going to do is

we're just going to pull the shelf out a bit and we're going to baste the turkey

breast with the melted butter.

All right so it's been a little bit over two hours,

the last 45 minutes of which I actually took the foil off so we can get that

nice browning on the skin. So now we're gonna let this rest for at least 30

minutes I would actually recommend prepping it for 45 to an hour the longer

you let this rest the better it's going to be, the more moist its going to be. All right

so while our turkey rest we're actually going to get started on a quick gravy. So I

took all of the drippings out of the pan from the turkey and I separated the oil

and the rest of the drippings in two different bowls. So in a small saucepan

I'm going to add a tablespoon or two of the oil from our turkey and to that I'm

gonna add a tablespoon of minced shallot and one clove of minced garlic over

medium-low heat. Once this cooks for a couple minutes I'm going to add a

tablespoon of flour and we're going to cook this down for a little bit before adding

the rest of our drippings. Once you get your drippings in the pan

you want to make sure you whisk this very well to make sure that that flour

gets dissolved in the drippings- you don't want any clumps of flour in your


All right so once all the flour's dissolved you're going to notice that this

thickens up pretty well. So at this point we're going to add just a touch of water

and about a quarter cup or so of heavy cream. All right so we're going to cook all

this together till it thickens just a little bit just before it starts

bubbling and then we're gonna turn off the heat.

Hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you liked what you saw

make sure to give it a like and let me know if you have any suggestions for

future episodes in the comments down below. You can click this button to

subscribe to our channel and check out some of our other videos over here my

name is Jay and this is B(R)OIL LA!

For more infomation >> Thanksgiving Roast Turkey & Gravy | B(R)OIL LA - Duration: 6:04.


►বড়দের ভিডিও কি ভাবে মেয়েদের খোলামেলা ছবি আঁকা হয়। Android mobile tips - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> ►বড়দের ভিডিও কি ভাবে মেয়েদের খোলামেলা ছবি আঁকা হয়। Android mobile tips - Duration: 2:00.


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bangladesh news 24

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EVIL GRANNY EATS CHILDREN - ESCAPE FROM grandma's HOUSE MONSTER to GET the game as a cartoon - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> EVIL GRANNY EATS CHILDREN - ESCAPE FROM grandma's HOUSE MONSTER to GET the game as a cartoon - Duration: 7:00.


12 Struggles Only an Outgoing Introvert Would Understand - Duration: 6:44.

12 Struggles Only an Outgoing Introvert Would Understand

How can there be such a thing as an outgoing introvert?

That's absurd, right?

Introversion and extroversion are terms popularized by Carl Jung to describe the different ways

in which people direct their attention.

Introverted people focus their attention inward toward internal stimuli, whereas extroverted

people are more focused on the outer world and its stimuli.

Extroversion and introversion are on opposite ends of a continuum, not separate personality


People can belong right in the middle of this continuum or anywhere along it.

For this reason, you can't simply say that everyone fits into the category of extrovert

or introvert exclusively.

Many people have traits that fall into both the introverted and extroverted side of the


Some people have both characteristics in almost equal measure, so you could have someone who

is 55% introverted and 45% extroverted.

This would make someone an extroverted introvert or an outgoing introvert.

Ambivert is can also be used to describe people who fall in the middle, but the term extroverted

introvert shows where they fall, as in an introvert with strong extroverted


In this video, I'm going to share with you 12 struggles only an outgoing introvert will


If you find this information is helpful to you,

make sure to like this video and subscribe to this channel, so you won't miss any of

our interesting updates in the future!


Making plans with someone to go out and regretting it when the time comes

… Or the other way around…

When you're an outgoing introvert, you might flip flop between introverted moods and extroverted

moods, which can be a nightmare when making plans

because there's simply no guarantee of how you'll feel on the big night.


Needing both time to reflect and someone to talk to about your ideas

As an outgoing introvert, you still spend a lot of time inside your own head, so you

might react poorly to people when they want to engage in some idle chit-chat.

Later, when you want to bounce your reflections off them, you may regret being so abrupt earlier.


People getting confused by your behavior

When people meet you in extroverted mode, it can be a bit of a shock when you turn on


From their point of view, the person who seemed normal and talkative the night before has

suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It's nothing personal, you just can't bring yourself to communicate with anyone

when you go back into introvert mode, and others may not understand that.


Being bad at responding and kicking yourself when it backfires on you

When a text, email, or phone call comes in during downtime, it is almost impossible to


It seems like the words won't form correctly, and anything you say is flat and even sounds


You avoid responding, only to find that the next time you do want to go out, the other

person doesn't contact you or respond.

The other person is completely justified too, and you know it.


Going out and then spending two days alone not talking to anyone

As an outgoing introvert, you can be the life and soul of the party when you want to be.

Partying is something you do more rarely than some others, so you really like to go for


But afterwards, you're so depleted from being in that outgoing state.

Even though you do it very well, it still takes a lot more energy and effort than it

seems to for others.

While they're meeting up again for lunch the next day, you'll spend the rest of the

weekend in hiding.


It's hard to get you out but you have a great time when you go

Your really good friends know how to deal with you.

They let you know that you're going out on a certain day way in advance,

and they remind you every time they see you so that you don't 'forget' or find a

way to be busy that day.

Your friends know that it's a pain in the neck to get you out, but if they use the right

strategy and are persistent enough, the effort will be compensated by how fun

you are when you're out.


Being chatty to be personable but needing cave time afterward

You're not one of these introverts who is like a deer caught in the headlights every

time anyone wants to have a conversation with you.

You're able to meet the demands of talking to people you don't know and networking

in large groups, even if it goes against the grain.

Keeping up this act of being perfectly comfortable when you're in fact very tense really takes

it out of you though, and you have to retreat to recharge afterwards.


Being able to hold conversations in groups but much preferring one-on-one

As an outgoing introvert, you can hold your own in group conversations and you can assert

yourself quite comfortably, especially when the conversations get more

abstract, and where the insight your introverted reflective moments afford you fits nicely.

However, you take real pleasure in the depth of interaction that you can only achieve in

private conversation with a single individual.


Getting angry at yourself for backing out of plans

Being an outgoing introvert, you're aware of the importance of having people to socialize

with when the mood takes you.

Consequently, when you back out of plans, you feel guilty and angry at yourself for

not feeling up to the task.


Having inner battles over your introversion

It's a never-ending battle between your extroverted side (and the pressure from society

to be outgoing) and your introversion.

You can't understand why you can't rely on yourself to be up for social engagements

all the time.


Having very few friends but plenty of acquaintances

Your real friends are a tiny minority of the people you know.

There are only very few people you really feel safe to share your inner world with.


Seeing anyone a few times means you really like them

There are only a few people who can easily get repeat socializing dates with you, anyone

who belongs to that category is someone you really feel an affinity for.

Well, that's the 12 struggles only an outgoing introvert will understand.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

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